Hyponatremia Inpatient Management of JCG0342 V3
Hyponatremia Inpatient Management of JCG0342 V3
Hyponatremia Inpatient Management of JCG0342 V3
A Clinical Guideline
For use in: All clinical areas
By: All Health Care Professionals
All adult patients (more than 16 years old) in Norfolk
and Norwich Hospital
Division responsible for document: Medical (NNUH)
Key words: Sodium, hyponatremia
Dr Khin Swe Myint Consultant Endocrinologist
Dr Vidya Srinivas Specialist Registrar,
Name and title of document author:
Dr Sarah Chetcuti, (perioperative management)
Dr Anna Lipp (perioperative management)
Consultant Anaesthetist
Name of document authors Line
Dr Francesca Swords
Job title of authors Line Manager: Chief of division
Dr G Campbell, Dr K Dhatariya, Prof M Sampson, Dr
R Temple, Dr T Wallace, Dr J Turner (NNUH)
Supported by:
Dr J Randall, Consultant in Diabetes and
Endocrinology (JPUH)
Clinical Guidelines Assessment Panel (CGAP)
Assessed and approved by the: If approved by committee or Governance Lead
Chairs Action; tick here
Date of approval: 29/03/2016
Clinical Standards Group and Effectiveness Sub-
Ratified by or reported as approved to:
To be reviewed before:
This document remains current after (29/03/2019
this date but will be under review
To be reviewed by: Dr Khin Swe Myint Consultant Endocrinologist
Reference and / or Trust Docs ID No: JCG0342 - id 9182
Version No: V3
Description of changes: No clinical changes
Compliance links: None
If Yes - does the strategy/policy deviate
from the recommendations of NICE? If so N/a
This guideline has been approved by the Trust's Clinical Guidelines Assessment Panel as an aid to the diagnosis and
management of relevant patients and clinical circumstances. Not every patient or situation fits neatly into a standard
guideline scenario and the guideline must be interpreted and applied in practice in the light of prevailing clinical
circumstances, the diagnostic and treatment options available and the professional judgement, knowledge and expertise
of relevant clinicians. It is advised that the rationale for any departure from relevant guidance should be documented in
the patient's case notes.
The Trust's guidelines are made publicly available as part of the collective endeavour to continuously improve the quality
of healthcare through sharing medical experience and knowledge. The Trust accepts no responsibility for any
misunderstanding or misapplication of this document.
1.Treatment algorithm................................................................................3
4.Broad recommendations........................................................................4
6. Management............................................................................................5
6.1 Euvolaemic hyponatremia........................................................6
6.2 Acute onset (<48 hrs), life threatening hyponatraemia with
fitting or other neurological deficits
6.3 Hypervolaemic hyponatremia..................................................7
6.4 Pre and Perioperative Management of the hyponatremia.....8
6.5 Peri-operative management of hyponatremia (quick
7. Clinical audit standards.......................................................................10
8. Summary of development and consultation process undertaken
before registration and dissemination...............................................10
9. Distribution list/ dissemination method.............................................10
10. References..........................................................................................10
11. Appendices........................................................................................11
Appendix 1: Causes of hyponatremia....................................................11
Appendix 2: Commonly used iv fluids and sodium content................12
Appendix 3: Calculation of rate of infusion*..........................................12
Euvolemic hyponatremia
Hypovolemic Stop interfering ?drugs Hypervolemic
hyponatremia Measure paired serum and urine osmolality hyponatremia
and random urine sodium (if not on ACEI or
Look for Look for
diuretics), 9am cortisol, thyroid function tests,
glucose, lipids, U&E and LFT. Oedema, raised JVP,
History of vomiting, Consider underlying causes as below coarse crackles on lung
diarrhoea, diuretics use
bases, ascites
Tachycarda, skin Urine Na <30 mmol/l, consider
turgor, postural Acute water overload
hypotension, Excessive hypotonic infusion
Post TURP Treat underlying
If none of above, re-consider volume status, pathology
Stop relevant drugs patient likely hypovolaemic Fluid and salt
Fluid replacement with restriction
Urine Na >30 mmol/l
0.9% sodium chloride Chronic water overload (urine osm <100
SIADH if serum osm <275, Urine osm >100
Chronic kidney disease
Exclude adrenal failure, severe hypothyroidism
monitoring investigate cause of SIADH stop offending drugs, arrange CXR and consider
CT head
Daily intake output Fluid restriction (1 litre/ day) may need to restrict to 750 ml/24 h
Fluid status, postural Reassess the serum sodium AND the patients fluid charts AND the patients
BP clinical fluid status at
Patients symptoms o 4 hours if the presenting Na was <120 mmol/L, or
Daily electrolyte o at 12 hours for Na 120-125 mmol/L or
o at 24hours 125-130 Lmmol/Lor sooner if the patient is unwell
Continue to monitor serum Na 2-4 hourly in the unwell patient or those with
neurological sequelae, and at least 12 hourly for other until patient improved
clinically. All other patients 12 hourly until improved clinically
If very slow clinical response, reassess the patient and fluid charts, and repeat
urinary sodium. If hypovolaemia is suspected, a trial of 250ml 0.9% sodium
chloride over 4 hours with a repeat serum and urine sodium thereafter
If no response in 48h (Na+ <125) , refer to renal/endocrine team for consideration
o V2 receptor antagonist (tolvaptan) non formulary DTMM approval would
be required
o demeclocycline 150mg QDS and titrate every 3-4 days
2. Objectives
To optimise and unify management of patients with hyponatremia 130mmol/L
3. Rationale
Hyponatremia (Serum sodium <135 mmol/L) is a common electrolyte disorder
affecting 15- 30% of hospital admissions. It is common in older patients with
multiple co-morbidities.
Overall hyponatraemia is associated with increased morbidity and mortality
(Odds ratio of death 1.47 during admission, 1.38 at 1 year and 1.25 at 5 years)
as well as increased length of hospital stay irrespective of the cause of
admission. It is also an important cause of delayed discharge.
Inappropriately rapid correction of hyponatraemia can cause osmotic
demyelination which can result in permanent neurological deficits and even
4. Broad recommendations
Assessment of volume status and establishing the cause and duration of
hyponatremia are essential to guide emergency management.
In patients with asymptomatic, chronic mild hyponatremia 125-135mmol/L no
further investigation or treatment may be required. These patients do not
usually require admission and should be referred back to their GP +/- consider
endocrine/renal referral.
These guidelines refer to patients with symptoms and a serum sodium
<130mmol/L, or asymptomatic patients with marked hyponatremia <125mmol/L.
Patients with severe hyponatremia <120mmol/L, those with rapid onset
hyponatreamia and those with neurological impairment are at very high risk,
and should be considered for HDU admission.
Rehydration should be the mainstay of people with hypovolaemia and
Fluid restriction should be the main stay of treatment for all other causes of
The rate of correction of hyponatremia should generally be a rise of 6-
9mmol/L/24 hours but never exceed 12mmol/L/24 hours due to the risk of
sudden osmotic shift and demyelination.
5. Assessment
5.1. History
Recent surgery makes dehydration more likely, but recent use of IV fluids makes
iatrogenic hypervolaemia more likely.
Diuretics, ACE inhibitors make renal sodium loss likely. These drugs should be
stopped in most cases of hyponatremia. Carbamezapine and multiple other drugs
(section 11. appendix 1) increase the possibility of SIADH and should also be stopped
in most cases.
Gradual onset lethargy and mild confusion in a patient who has been drinking well and
has no obvious cause of fluid loss make SIADH more likely.
Postoperative patients
Diuretic use
Alcohol excess
Malnourished patients
psychogenic polydipsic patients
Older patients or those with multiple comorbidities and multiple medications
Burns patients
5.2. Examination
6. Management
Patients with a history strongly suggestive of dehydration with supportive clinical signs
should receive fluid resuscitation with 0.9% sodium chloride (normal saline). The
amount and rate of normal saline depends on haemodynamic status and degree of
Where the clinical assessment is unclear, and the patient is not taking interfering drugs
Repeat assessment of serum sodium and potassium will be necessary within 4 hours
where large volumes of fluids have been administered, or 12-24 hourly in other cases
and in case of development of hypokalaemia.
Stop interfering drugs in most cases e.g. diuretics, ACE inhibitors and proton
pump inhibitors. Consider stopping other drugs that may be associated with
SIADH though this is often not appropriate or possible e.g. anti-epileptics (see
appendix 1 for list of drugs implicated in hyponatremia).
If the patient is not taking diuretics (or ACE inhibitors), send a urine sodium.
Levels <30ml/l suggest that the patient is in fact hypovolaemic. Reassess the
patient, and consider whether they in fact require fluid replacement.
Reassess the serum sodium AND the patients fluid charts AND the
patients clinical fluid status at 4 hours if the presenting sodium level was
<120mmol/L, or at 12 hours for levels 120-125 or at 24hours 125-130 or sooner
if the patient is unwell.
Continue to monitor sodium 2-4 hourly in the unwell patient or those with
neurological sequelae, and at least 12 hourly in all other patients until they are
obviously improving.
If the clinical response is very slow, reassess the patient and their fluid
charts, and repeat urinary sodium. If there is any possibility that the patient is
in fact hypovolemic, a trial of 250ml 0.9% sodium chloride solution over 4 hours
with a repeat serum and urine sodium may be helpful. A rise in serum sodium
indicates that this treatment should continue. A fall in serum sodium and a rise
in urine sodium indicates that the patient is retaining the free water and does
indeed have SIADH. Continue fluid restriction in this case. If unsuccessful,
demeclocycline at a dose of 150mg qds can be tried. Renal function should be
monitored and it is suggested to wait 3-4 days before dose changes. Refer to
specialist (renal/ endocrine) for consideration of selective vasopressin receptor
antagonist, Tolvaptan (Non formulary drug), in severe cases who do not
respond (Na+ <125 mmol/L) after 48 hours.
6.2 Acute onset (<48 hrs), life threatening hyponatraemia with fitting or other
neurological deficits
Higher concentrations and volumes are occasionally used by specialists under near
continuous monitoring but are associated with an increased risk of permanent
neurological damage and death.
Patients with clear signs of fluid overload for example raised JVP, peripheral oedema
and pulmonary oedema will have hypervolaemic hyponatremia. In these cases, the
underlying disease e.g. congestive cardiac failure or nephrotic syndrome must be
identified and treated.
Salt and water restriction, and serum sodium monitoring should also be implemented
as for euvolaemic hyponatremia as above.
With sodium levels between: 130,135 mmol/L: surgery generally proceed with
surgery safely.
125-129 mmol/L: Try and identify if the patient is symptomatic from the
hyponatremia and whether the hyponatremia is of recent onset. It is the speed
of onset of the hyponatremia which usually determines the likelihood of
symptoms, with clinical sequelae more likely if the fall in plasma sodium
concentration is rapid. Use WebICE or contact the GP who may be able to help
with this. If symptomatic and/or onset of hyponatremia is acute, then such
patients should be referred to the anaesthetist in pre-operative assessment
Sodium level less than 125 mmol/L: such patients should be seen by an
anaesthetist in pre-operative assessment. All patients with sodium levels of
less than 125 mmol/L should be referred to the Endocrinology/renal team. One
should be cautious when considering stopping suspected responsible
medications and this should be undertaken by senior clinicians with follow-up
arranged. Discuss with the consultant surgeon and anaesthetist whether
surgery should be postponed.
Yes No
Refer to anaesthetist in
pre-operative assessment Is the hyponatremia acute? * Check thyroid function and
9am cortisol. If normal,
Plus proceed with surgery
Assess as Box 1
*Refer to WebICE for previous blood results or contact GP for old result
10. References
Current prescriptions for the correction of hyponatraemia and hypernatremia: are they
too simple? Barsoum NR, Levine BS. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2002 Jul;17(7):1176-
Hyponatremia in adults, Feb 2010, Guidelines and audit implementation network
(GAIN) http://www.gain-ni.org/images/Uploads/Guidelines/Hyponatraemia_guideline.pdf
Hyponatremia treatment guidelines 2007: expert panel recommendations. Verbalis JG,
Goldsmith SR, Greenberg A, Schrier RW, Sterns RH. Am J Med. 2007 Nov;120(11 Suppl
Tolvaptan, a selective oral vasopressin V2-receptor antagonist, for
hyponatremia.Schrier RW, Gross P, Gheorghiade M, Berl T, Verbalis JG, Czerwiec
FS, Orlandi C;, N Engl J Med. 2006 Nov 16;355(20):2099-112.
Mechanisms, risks, and new treatment options for hyponatremia. Ghali JK. Cardiology.
Hyponatraemia. CJ Thompson, RK Crowley. J R Coll Physicians Edinb 2009; 39:1547
11. Appendices
Appendix 1: Causes of hyponatremia
Small cell lung cancer
Primary polydipsia
5% glucose 0 mmol/L
*Please use the attached excel sheet for quick calculation Sodium correction _Excel
sheet.xls. This allows calculation of how much fluid will be required to correct total
body sodium losses. It does not take into account ongoing losses or new requirements
e.g. if the patient is still vomiting, they will also require approximately the same
amount of 0.9% sodium chloride solution to replace the sodium in the fluid they have