Acute Respiratory Failure Due To Pneumocystis Pneumonia: Outcome and Prognostic Factors
Acute Respiratory Failure Due To Pneumocystis Pneumonia: Outcome and Prognostic Factors
Acute Respiratory Failure Due To Pneumocystis Pneumonia: Outcome and Prognostic Factors
Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine,
Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University, Bangkok 10400, Thailand
Received 3 August 2007; received in revised form 17 December 2007; accepted 26 March 2008
Corresponding Editor: N. Kumarasamy, Chennai, India
Acute respiratory failure; Objectives: To examine the outcome and prognostic factors of in-hospital mortality in patients
Pneumocystis pneumonia; with acute respiratory failure (ARF) caused by Pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP) admitted to a
Prognostic factors; medical intensive care unit.
Immunosuppression; Methods: A retrospective review was conducted of all patients with ARF from PCP in Ramathibodi
Positive end-expiratory Hospital between 2000 and 2006. Patient characteristics, clinical presentation, and laboratory,
pressure; radiological and microbiological findings, as well as therapy and clinical course were included in
Mortality the analysis of prognostic factors of death.
Results: A total of 14 HIV-infected and 30 otherwise immunosuppressed patients were identified.
The overall mortality rate was 63.6%. Logistic regression analysis demonstrated that APACHE II
score on day 1 and level of PEEP used on day 3 of respiratory failure were associated with higher
hospital mortality. In a comparison between the HIV group and the non-HIV group, the early
mortality rate was significantly higher in the HIV group, but late hospital mortality was not
different between the two groups. Using a univariate logistic regression model, four parameters
were found to be significantly associated with death in the HIV group: sex, APACHE II score on day
1, CMV co-infection, and level of PEEP on day 3 of ARF. In the non-HIV group, corticosteroid use
prior to diagnosis of PCP and level of PEEP on day 3 of ARF were found to be the significant
Conclusion: The mortality rate in patients with ARF caused by PCP was high. Various variable
factors were related to a poor prognosis. For improved survival, multimodality treatments are
needed to reduce these risk factors.
# 2008 International Society for Infectious Diseases. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1201-9712/$36.00 # 2008 International Society for Infectious Diseases. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
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60 V. Boonsarngsuk et al.
antiretroviral therapy (HAART), the prescription of prophy- predicted body weight and optimal positive end-expiratory
lactic agents to persons at high clinical risk,3 and the avail- pressure (PEEP) by lung mechanics as described by Suter
ability of more sensitive immunofluorescence methods of P. et al.13 With this technique, the PEEP was increased sequen-
jirovecii detection,4 the overall incidence of PCP cases and tially with a consistent tidal volume, and the static compli-
survival following PCP in AIDS patients has generally ance was measured at each interval. Optimal PEEP, defined as
improved.5 In spite of this, the high mortality of patients the level of PEEP corresponding to maximal compliance, was
requiring mechanical ventilation (MV) has remained chosen. The level of optimal PEEP was titrated once daily and
unchanged, ranging from 50% to 60%.6 recorded for three consecutive days. A plateau pressure of
In contrast to AIDS-related cases, cases of PCP in patients 3035 cmH2O was allowed.
with other predisposing immunodeficiency states, such as
organ transplant recipients, patients with hematologic and Statistical analysis
solid tumors receiving chemotherapeutic agents, and persons
with chronic inflammatory diseases requiring prolonged use All values were expressed as the mean standard deviation
of corticosteroids, may be increasing,7 and the associated (SD) for continuous variables and percent for categorical
mortality may be >50%.7,8 However, the previous literature variables. To determine the association of independent vari-
on both HIV- and non-HIV-related PCP has indicated that the ables with hospital mortality, continuous variables were
mortality of patients with acute respiratory failure (ARF) compared using the Students two-tailed t-test or nonpara-
requiring MV does not differ widely and ranges between metric MannWhitney U-test, in case of distribution not
40% and 60%, despite the use of new aggressive supportive being normal. The Chi-square test or the Fishers exact test,
interventions and monitoring.6,912 in case of low expected frequencies, was used for compar-
In order to examine the outcome and prognostic factors of isons of categorical variables. Variables identified as signifi-
in-hospital mortality in patients with ARF requiring MV cant in the univariate analysis were assessed as predictors of
caused by PCP at our institution, we retrospectively collected mortality using logistic regression analysis. Then, subgroup
data for PCP patients requiring MV and admitted to a medical analysis in both the HIV group and non-HIV-related PCP group
intensive care unit (ICU) between 2000 and 2006. Clinical, was performed to find the prognostic factors associated with
laboratory, and radiologic features, as well as mechanical hospital mortality in the same manner. In-hospital survival
ventilation parameters were examined as prognostic factors was assessed by KaplanMeier methods, and differences
of patient outcome. between the HIV group and the non-HIV-related PCP group
were assessed by the log-rank test. All statistical tests were
Materials and methods two-sided, and p < 0.05 was considered statistically signifi-
cant. All data were analyzed with a statistical software
Subjects package (SPSS, version 11.5 for Windows; SPSS Inc., Chicago,
We performed a retrospective analysis on all consecutive
patients 15 years of age with a microbiologically confirmed Results
diagnosis of PCP, who were admitted to the medical ICU of
Ramathibodi Hospital, a tertiary university referral hospital Demographic features
in Bangkok, Thailand, and required treatment for ARF with
MV between January 1, 2000 and November 30, 2006. All A total of 44 confirmed cases of PCP in adult patients who
cases of PCP included in the study had cytologic documenta- developed ARF and required treatment with MV were identi-
tion of the organisms by immunofluorescence or Giemsa fied during the period between January 1, 2000 and November
staining in specimens of bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid 30, 2006. PCP was diagnosed by BAL in 41 out of 44 patients,
or transbronchial biopsy (TBBX) specimens. Cases of pre- while 13 cases were diagnosed by TBBX. Fourteen cases were
sumptive diagnosis of PCP were not included. The study HIV-seropositive and 30 cases had other conditions associated
protocol was approved by the Ethics Committee on Human with immunosuppression. Of these 44 patients, 27 were
Experimentation of Ramathibodi Hospital, Faculty of Medi- female. The mean age of the patients was 46.3 years. The
cine, Mahidol University. mean APACHE II score on day 1 was 22.3 (Table 1). The mean ICU
and hospital LOS were 18 days and 25 days, respectively.
Data collection
Immunosuppressive conditions
Clinical data abstracted included the following: general
demographic information, HIV status, underlying immuno- In the HIV group, seven (50%) were female and the mean age
suppressive condition, including medications and PCP pro- was 35.2 years. Of the 14 patients, 10 had been tested for
phylaxis, laboratory analysis, radiology, microbiology, CD4 count and the mean result was 53.1 cells/ml. Only one
APACHE (acute physiology and chronic health evaluation) II case had received trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (TMP/
score on the day of ARF, mechanical ventilation parameters, SMZ) prophylaxis.
antibiotic and steroid therapy, and hospital and ICU length of In the non-HIV group, 20 (66.7%) were female and the
stay (LOS), as well as overall hospital mortality. mean age was 51.5 years. The underlying diseases of the
In our ICU, to ventilate any patient who developed acute conditions associated with immunosuppression are presented
respiratory failure with diffuse bilateral lung diseases, we in Table 1. Eight patients had received systemic corticoster-
routinely used a tidal volume of 810 ml per kilogram of oids only. Two patients were treated with cytotoxic che-
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Acute respiratory failure due to Pneumocystis pneumonia 61
Table 1 Clinical characteristics of 44 patients with Pneumocystis pneumonia-related acute respiratory failure
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Acute respiratory failure due to Pneumocystis pneumonia 63
Table 3 Univariate analysis for independent factors associated with hospital mortality; subgroup analysis for HIV and non-HIV
Table 4 Multivariate analysis of independent factors associated with hospital mortality in non-HIV patients
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64 V. Boonsarngsuk et al.
PCP. In agreement with our series, Forrest et al.11,16 and development of P. jirovecii including CD4+ lymphocyte deple-
Benson et al.21 also found that APACHE II could predict the tion and immune dysfunction.9
mortality in patients with HIV-related PCP and respiratory The subsequent development of pneumothorax was asso-
failure. In contrast, in our patients, APACHE II score on day 1 ciated with mortality in univariate analysis; however, it was
was not found to be a significant variable associated with not found to be a significant factor when using multivariate
hospital outcome in non-HIV PCP. To the best of our knowl- analysis. Development of pneumothorax complicating PCP is
edge, there has been no report demonstrating APACHE II thought to represent a poor prognosis.15,24,34 In a study by
score to predict the mortality in non-HIV PCP. In a study by Festic et al.,15 all of their non-HIV-related PCP and ARF
Torres et al.,22 by using univariate analysis, high APACHE II patients who developed pneumothorax died, compared to
score was found to be one of the predictors of death. How- a 90% mortality rate in our patients.
ever, using multivariate analysis, it could not be identified as Because of the high mortality in patients with ARF requir-
an independent predictor of death. The updated APACHE III ing MV caused by PCP and the fact that it is not possible to
was designed to estimate the probability of in-hospital mor- distinguish which of these patients will or will not survive to
tality for adult ICU patients,23 and the findings of Festic hospital discharge based on information routinely available
et al.15 showed that APACHE III scores were predictive of before ICU admission, we agree with the use of anti-PCP
mortality among non-HIV patients with PCP. prophylaxis in both the HIV- and non-HIV patients who are at
The level of PEEP applied as a predictor of hospital out- high risk of developing PCP. Although the clinical significance
come has been reported by others.2426 Furthermore, Peruzzi of prophylaxis for PCP remains controversial in non-HIV
et al.25 found that the level of PEEP required begins to patients, some authors have suggested that immunosuppres-
decrease after approximately 72 hours of ICU care in the sion induced by chemotherapy or radiotherapy, or patients
survivor group, whereas the non-survivor group demon- with inflammatory diseases receiving glucocorticosteroids
strated the need for continued escalation of support. In 20 mg/day or more for 4 weeks or more should receive
the earliest stage of disease course, the histology in the lung prophylaxis.32,35,36 Furthermore, strongyloidiasis and CMV
shows only intra-alveolar exudates and minimal inflamma- disease should be considered as co-infections in these
tion. Progression to the chronic, organizing phase of diffuse patients, and aggressive work-up may be required in cases
alveolar damage is common, and evidence of interstitial and who are not improving despite maximal therapy. Protective
intraluminal fibrosis are present. In the late stage, extensive lung ventilation strategies in mechanical ventilated patients
septal thickening with fibrosis is found with much less alveo- should be used to prevent pneumothorax and other ventila-
lar exudates.19,27 This results in recruitable and non-recrui- tor-associated lung injury.37
table units under PEEP application. With the technique to There are several limitations to this study. The number of
determine the optimal PEEP as described by Suter,13 the patients studied is relatively small. Presently, with the use of
higher the level of PEEP achieved, the more the alveolar HAART, the prescription of prophylactic agents to persons at
process is represented and, on the other hand, the lower the high clinical risk, and empirical treatment for patients with
level of PEEP achieved, the more the restrictive process is clinically suspected PCP, the overall incidence of PCP cases
represented. So, in our patients, the higher level of PEEP with ARF is reduced, especially in AIDS patients. Further-
applied on day 3 may represent the ongoing disease process more, only microbiologically confirmed cases were eligible.
despite standard treatment, which resulted in fatal out- Although, in our study, we evaluated the role of many prog-
come, whereas the lower level of PEEP applied on day 3 nostic variables, only three prognostic factors were proved to
may represent change to a chronic process. be significantly associated with death in univariate analysis
In HIV-related PCP with ARF, the identifiable different and included in the logistic model. Nevertheless, the main
variables between the survivors and non-survivors other prognostic factors identified in this study are statistically
than APACHE II score on day 1 and level of PEEP applied on significant, correlate with findings of previous investiga-
day 3 were sex and CMV co-infection. Various studies have tions,11,16,21,2426 and are clinically plausible. Pooling of data
confirmed that patients with concomitant CMV infections from several centers could add statistical power to an ana-
have a higher mortality rate as compared with patients lysis of prognostic markers of poor outcome.
with PCP alone;2830 however, these studies were con- Another limitation is related to the retrospective nature
ducted after the introduction of adjunctive corticosteroid of this review. It remains possible that some important
treatment in patients with severe PCP. Jensen et al.30 variables may not have been recorded. However, we believe
showed that CMV-positive patients treated with adjunctive this to be unlikely, since the data set analyzed for each
corticosteroids have a worse vital prognosis than CMV- significant prognostic factor was nearly complete (100% data
positive patients without corticosteroid treatment. Corti- availability for gender, level of PEEP, history of prior use of
costeroid therapy may result in a more rapid development corticosteroid, duration of symptoms before treatment, and
of CMV disease in HIV-infected patients and thus the the subsequent development of pneumothorax and 91% data
clinical importance of concomitant CMV infection in PCP availability for APACHE II scores).
has changed.31 Finally, our ventilator management was perhaps not the
For those who developed ARF in the non-HIV-related PCP best and was open to debate. Even though optimal PEEP was
group, the level of PEEP on day 3 as well as history of prior use applied, the low tidal volume strategy was not used. The
of corticosteroid were associated with hospital mortality. Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Network demonstrated
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oids as a risk of death in these patients,32,33 and a resultant per kilogram of predicted body weight) than is traditionally
high mortality rate.6,14,17 Several mechanisms have been used (12 ml per kilogram of predicted body weight) results in
postulated to explain the role of steroids in promoting the decreased mortality.38 However, when plateau pressure was
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