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17 II.7 Earthing

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1.1 Earthing of each tower is to be done after the foundation has been casted.

1.2 The earthing connection which was fixed to the stub during concreting of the chimney and
taken out horizontally below the ground level is used for earthing.

1.3 As given at para 8.6.1 of Chapter – 4 of this section, this earthing connection is generally
provided on Leg 1 and additional earthing, if required, is provided on Leg 3 for pipe type
earthing. For counterpoise earthing, the earthing connection is provided on all the four legs.

1.4 The installation of the earthing shall be done in accordance with IS : 5613 – 1989 (Part 3 /
Section 2) for 400 kV lines or IS : 5613 – 1985 (Part 2 / Section 2) for 220 kV and 132 kV


2.1 The pipe type earthing is generally provided outside the base of the tower.

2.2 A typical example of pipe type of earthing is given in Appendix – A.

2.3 A hole of the required diameter and depth is augured in the earth for the earthing pipe.

2.4 The earthing pipe is then put inside the hole.

2.5 A mixture of coke and salt is filled in the hole in which the earthing pipe is provided.

2.6 The earthing strip which was fitted to the stub of the tower leg is then connected to the
earthing pipe.

2.7 The Railway authorities specify that the size of the pipe used for earthing should be of 38
mm diameter. Therefore, for towers on both sides of the Railway crossing, 2 pipes
connected together are to be used for earthing.

2.8 In case of difficult locations, the pipe may be laid horizontally or slanting and within the
tower base or foundation pit.


3.1 Counterpoise earthing consists of four lengths of galvanized steel stranded wires, each
fitted with a lug for connection to the tower leg at one end. Galvanized steel stranded wire
of the size given below is used for this purpose.
a) For 400 kV lines : 7 / 3.66 mm
b) For 220 kV and 132 kV lines : 7 / 3.15 mm

3.2 The wires are connected to each of the legs and taken radially away from the tower and
embedded horizontally below ground level. The depth of burial below ground level and the
length of each wire are normally kept according to the values given in the table below.
However, the length of each wire may be increased if the resistance requirements are not

No. Voltage Level of Line Depth of Burial Length of Each Wire

1. 400 kV 1000 mm 25 metres
2. 220 kV & 132 kV 450 mm 15 metres
126 Construction Manual for Transmission lines

3.3 A typical example of counterpoise type earthing of tower is given in Appendix – B.


4.1 The tower footing resistance of all towers shall be measured in dry weather after their
erection and before the stringing of earthwire. In no case the tower footing resistance shall
exceed 10 ohms. In case the resistance exceeds this value, multiple pipe earthing or
counterpoise earthing shall be adopted in accordance with the relevant procedure given

4.2 The additional earthing shall be done without interfering with the foundation concrete even
though the earth strip / counterpoise lead remains exposed at the tower end.

4.3 The connections in such cases shall be made with the existing lattice member holes on the
leg just above the chimney top.
Earthing 127

128 Construction Manual for Transmission lines


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