D01 Deoiler Cyclones Rev 11-12
D01 Deoiler Cyclones Rev 11-12
D01 Deoiler Cyclones Rev 11-12
Deoiling D.01
Compact design,
Proven technology,
Cyclone Liner Installation into 36/ 900 mm. Vessel
Process Groups Cyclonixx range of Deoiler Cyclones are used to
recover liquid hydrocarbons from oily-water streams. These Cyclones
are mostly installed in pressure vessels in a cluster, with the required
number (1-400) of Cyclones Liners to match the water flow rate.
The photo at right shows how the Deoiler Cyclone Liners are installed
into the vessel by hand. Liners can be removed for inspection, or
Process Group Pty Ltd
replaced with Liner Blanks by using simple hand tools. 5 Hobbs Court, Rowville, (Melbourne), VIC 3178, Australia.
Phone: +61 3 9212 7100 Fax: +61 3 9212 7199
Liner Blanks are used where water rates vary over time, and the E-mail: sales@processgroup.com.au Web: www.processgroup.com.au
number of Deoiler Cyclone Liners needs to be varied accordingly.
Additionally, vessels can be built with internal partitions or zones to Process Group Pte Ltd
allow a wide range of flow rates to be handled. 298 Tiong Bahru Road,#12-02/03 Central Plaza, Singapore 168730
Phone: +65 6276 8349 Fax: +65 6274 2005
E-mail: sales@processgroup.com.sg Web: www.processgroup.com.sg
Middle East
Operating Principles Process Group International Ltd
P.O. Box 46153, Abu Dhabi, UAE.
Deoiler cyclones are driven by inlet water pressure and utilise a Phone: +971 2 5500 899 Fax: +971 2 5500898
pressure drop across the Cyclone to provide the energy or driving E-mail: sales@processgroupintl.com Web: www.processgroupintl.com
force to cause oil-water separation.
Represented by:
Rev 11/2012
Cyclonixx is a registered trademark of Process Group Pty Ltd.
Deoiling D.01
System Pressure
If there is adequate system pressure available (>75 psig), this
is used to drive Deoiler Cyclones to maximise oil recovery
and throughput. The preferred site to locate Cyclones in a
process is on the water outlet line from the Separator or Water
water inlet Knock-out Vessel, upstream of the Level Control Valves. This
generally provides the highest Deoiler Cyclone capacity with
minimal oil droplet shearing.
Pumped Systems
If the system pressure available is too low (typically <75
psig), a pump will need to be installed to raise the inlet
Each Cyclonixx Deoiler Cyclone Liner includes a tangential pressure to the Deoiler Cyclone.
Inlet Section where the water enters, and is forced to spin When a pump is installed, the pump type and size will need
rapidly, generating high centrifugal forces. These forces, to be carefully selected to minimise oil droplet shear.
combined with the tapering shape of the internal profile, However, Process Group has many years experience at
accelerate the spinning. This effectively forces the water designing pump-fed Deoiler Cyclones, and can readily
away from the centre axis to the outer walls, and forces the provide a solution while meeting discharge targets.
lower density oil to the central core that forms along the axis A benefit of pump-fed systems is that very high turn-down
of the Deoiler Cyclone. rates are achievable, as water is recycled to maintain pump
The water spirals down the tapered section of the Cyclone flowrates. This ensures that high oil-removal is maintained
and exits via the clean Water Outlet nozzle. The central oil regardless of the water throughput.
core is forced in the reverse direction by back-pressure on
the Water Outlet, and exits via a small orifice as the Oil Oil Droplet Size /Distribution
Reject Outlet. The Oil Reject stream flow is largely controlled The Oil droplet size range has a major impact on the Deoiler
by this orifice size, but can also be regulated by an outlet Cyclones performance, and it is important to maintain as little
control valve, and is typically set to allow a flow at 2-4% of shearing of oil droplets as possible prior to the Cyclone.
the inlet flow.
The gravitational forces generated within each Cyclonixx Deoiler Unit Sizing
Deoiler Cyclone Liner are very high, and therefore these Process Group manufactures a number of Deoiler Cyclone
Deoiler Cyclones can be installed vertically, horizontally or types as Spare Parts for most common brands of Deoiler
on moving structures (eg: FPSOs). Cyclones.