A Study On Consumer Buying Behaviour Towards With Reference To Dharmapuri Questionnaire
A Study On Consumer Buying Behaviour Towards With Reference To Dharmapuri Questionnaire
A Study On Consumer Buying Behaviour Towards With Reference To Dharmapuri Questionnaire
(d) Others
4. Age group.
5. Monthly income:
b) Rs 25,000 to 35,000/-
d) Above 45,000/-
6. What are the different brands of cars you are aware of?
(2) How important were the following attributes before you decide to buy the Maruthi
suzuki car?
a) Price
c) Fuel efficiency
d) Style / looks
f) Durability
g) Brand image
h) Advertising
j) Millage
4) What was your mode of payment while purchasing the Maruthi suzuki car?
5) Are you satisfied with the overall performance of your Maruthi suzuki car?
6) Are you satisfied with the after sales service of Maruthi suzuki car ?
8) Which of the following technical features do you accept from your new Maruthi suzuki car
that does not exist in the old car?
3. Breaks
5. Power Steering
6. Suspension
7. Power window
9) For the possessing customers of Maruthi suzuki cars, do you recommend others to purchase
Maruthi suzuki cars?