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Review of Literature

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Review of Literature

Akhila, Ali Ashan and Thayyullathi in their study of “A study on

customersatisfaction Towards Maruti Suzuki in Coimbatore” found that
majority 31 percent of the respondents were using SUV type cars, and
also concluded that the Maruti Suzuki cars are the best and fast moving
brands. “Marketing Strategies of Maruti Suzuki limited”found that
majority of respondents was more satisfied with the fuel efficiency,
maintenance cost, and after sales service and conclude that continuously
providing good attributes and also should introduced less price
car.Gauhan Fatma and Ela Kumari(2013Shinde Govind P. & Dubey
Manisha (2011) the study has been conducted consideringthe segments
such as passenger vehicle, commercial vehicle, utility vehicle. two and
three wheeler vehicle of key players performance and also analyze
SWOT analysis and key factors influencing growth of automobile
industrySharma Nishi (2011) studied the financial performance of
passenger and commercial vehicle segment of the automobile industry in
the terms of four financial parameter namelyliquidity, profitability,
leverage and managerial efficiency analysis for the period of decade
from 2001-02 to 2010-11. The study concludes that profitability and
managerial efficiency of Tata motors as well as Mahindra & Mahindra
ltd are satisfactory but their liquidity position is not satisfactory: The
liquidity position of commercial vehicle is much better than passenger
Nitin Joshi, D. P. Mishra (2011) The am of this study is to understand
the behaviour of the customer in the State of Maharashtra which it one
of the most developed states of India The study was camied out ta
understand the customer awareness on environment friendly cr (EFC).
The objective of the study is to understand the awareness levels and
create awareness of the EFC so that the efforts of the manufacturing the
grim car will be achieved SPSS version 170 har been used for analysis
of the data Five hundred respondents have been asked to fill in a
The study he bem dane keeping in mind age group med the gengraphical
area of the respondents With reference to the age group, it is abserved
that there is no significant difference in the awae enen levelr hut with
reference to the geograplıy, it is abserved that there is significant
difference in the awareness levels with reference to the EFC
U.Thiripurasundari (2011) Brand Equity in the added value Indowed by
the brand to the Product Although the idea of unng a name or a symbol
to enhance a product's value has been known to marketers for a long
time, brand equity has gained a renewed interest in recent years The
objectives of the study were to mulyre the importance of vious factors
like brund knowledge, brand preference, brand loyalty. brand application
etc in car market inbrand Pondicherry The primary data were callested
fram three hundred car owner through an interview schedule From the
five factor,brand application factor has been rated as the most importait
factor in car industry This study shows that it is posable to ascertain
where a company should focus its improvement efforts in order to make
it payoff

Prof. Pallawi B. Sangode (2011) Thus research paper is based on the

findings of comparative study of service quality of Maruti Suruka and
Hyundai Showrooms in Nagpur Service quality ir a fundamental aspect
of service provision, nd thit is specially the case with motor veliden
where substantial profits are generated in the servicing of valves The
study was conducted unng a convenience sample of forty respondents
who were owners of Maruti and Hyunda cart The questionare was a sdf-
completion questionnaire consisting of 26 questions
Vavra, T.G. (1997) in his book suggests specific programmes to improve
the measurement of customer satisfaction in an organization. The author
describes five critical skills required for this taskviz. sampling /customer
participant selection, questionnaire design, interviewing /survey
administration, data analysis, and quality function deployment-building
action plans. -6

Peyton, R.M. (2003) in their working paper submitted at the Allied

Academies International Conference presented a comprehensive review
of the literature on various Customer Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction
(CS/D) theories proposed. The literatures are specifically prior to the
1990s. This review focuses on the major components of the decision
making process, also addresses the measurement-related issues relevant
to this body of literature.

Singh and Srivatava (2013) study showed various factors afecting

customer satisfaction towards Maruti Suzuki. Measuring customer
satisfaction provides an indication of how successful the organization is
at providing products or services to the marketplace. It conducted that
satisfaction levels for pricing attributes (such as Car price, discounts and
service charges) are generally lower than product relatedattributes.

Parthian and Rajendran (2014) study was carried on customer preference

toward Maruti Suzuki. This study was to understand the mind of
customers whether they was eager and satisfied to handle. Even though
most of the customers were satisfied with present model and service,
few customers were not satisfied about the facilities provided by the car.
If the Maruti car service providers give enough attention regarding this,
they can ensure a large level of customer preference

Bose (2002) noted that CRM was invented because the customers differ
in their preferences and purchasing habits. If all customers were alike,
there will be little need for CRM. As a result, understanding customer
drivers and customer profitability. firms can better tailor their atterings
to maximize the overall value of their customer portfolio (Chen and
PopovichThe attention CRM is currently receiving across businesses is
due to the fact that the marketing environment of today is highly
saturated and more competitive.

Abhijeet Singh and Brijesh Kumar (2011) Hero Honda Motors Lad, is
running a program called Good life Passport to Relationship Reward,
with an objective to create an innovative environment for interaction
between Hero Honda and its customers. Members of this program are
given a magnetic card in which all information is stored and this card is
swiped when using any service at a showroom or workshop and it works
like a loyalty benefit card.

Dr anitha (2013) In this study the researcher objective was to identify

the product strategy and brand building strategies of hundai in this study
the researcher has used primary source method of data collection the
data was collected on the basis of personal interview using the structured
questionnaire the analysis data was done by using descriptive analysis
the finding the study was that the respondents were of the opinion that
hundai is benefiting the customers with global standards hut not with all

Arvind Mallik D.M and Aqib Javeed Khan, 2018) Hyundai, Brand
Positioning. Consumer Behavior, Automobile, Promotional Activities
To sustain in this competitive environment, we need to differentiate our
products from the competitors for doing thatwe have to understand the
customer very well. This project is based on the survey, which will be
done in Shimoga city. We will take almost all aspects & suggestions
from customers, which arerelated to branding and brand positioning. The
market survey report will help the entire organizationby making them to
realize the importance and impact of brand positioning. The data will be
collected by the help of questionnaire. This gives us an opportunity to
apply our classroom learning to apply for real life situation.


this study the research objective was To focus on historical growth of
Hyundai Motors India Limited To evaluate the performance of Hyundal
Motors India Limited with respect to Export Sales. Profection. Profit
after tax. With a prime objective to fulfill the needs of diversified
customers, the company has been continuously offering variety of its
brand with innovative features to Indian customers. Since inception,
Hyundai Motors India Limited has dominated the automobile market
with the reputation of being the fastest growing automobile manufa to
apply for real life situation. cturer in India. Presently, Hyundai Motor is
considered as the largest exporter of automobiles to European countries.
The object of this paper is to evaluate the performance of Hyundai
Motors India Limited with respect to Domestie Sales, Export, Profit
after tax,Production

Dr. Anitha Thinmalah 2013). In this study the research To identify the
product strategies and brand building strategies of Hyundai automobile
companies. The data for this research has been collected through the
personal interview method by using the structured questionnaire. The
various managers of the Hyundai Company were contacted and the
required information for this research was collected. it should create
primary demand for the product, in growth stage it has to retain the
market share and likewise different strategies have to be framed during
the maturity and decline stage.

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