Literature Review
Literature Review
Literature Review
Literature Review
R. Amsaveni et. al. (2014) The two wheeler section in India has witnessed one of the most
imposing levels of growth in the automobile industry. The Indian two wheeler market has
undergone significant renovation in recent times and stylish, fuel-efficient, and eco-friendly
two wheelers are gaining popularity. In addition, the markets in Asia, Africa, Middle East,
South America, and even parts of Europe are progressively emerging as new markets for the
Indian two wheelers that indicate their enhanced stature and technological prowess. Vehicles
are identified as means of logistics and conveyance, a dynamic of livelihood, and even an
insignia of wealth and luxury. Women play a significant role in the domestic and social
economic life of the society. The prominent role of women in decision making is due to
increasing literacy, the ability to be assertive, the possession of independent income, and a
more significant role in the family. The present study tries to identify the attributes playing
prominent role in the buying behavior of the working women while purchasing two wheelers.
The main objective of the study is to comprehend the satisfaction level of working women
towards two wheelers and to identify the quandary faced by them. The statistical tools like
simple percentage, chi-square test, ANOVA, factor analysis were applied to realize the
objectives of the study. The results divulge that majority of the respondents were satisfied
with the vehicle they owned; the respondents expected performance, cost effectiveness,
appearance, and re-sale value while purchasing two wheelers. The study also reveals that the
respondents were facing tribulations like frequent breakdown and low mileage. [1]
Khan et. al. (2018) The following observations were found on Customer Satisfaction: 1)
Linearity exists between endogenous and exogenous variables, correlation means (Sig values)
were close to 0.000 2) Std. Adjusted R2 value was 0.100 (must be >50%), hence it was a very
good model. 3) F-test results of Linear-Regression were F=14.247, p=0.000. Hence it was a
good model (not a bad model). At least one exogenous variable was relevant and
contributing, to be a good model. 4) Sig. values were nearer to 0.000 in CSR of the brand
(0.012), and Safety features (0.024) reveals impact exists; whereas Heritage Design (Antique)
preference (0.054), Technology Development (0.262) and Joint Venture Preference (0.611)
reveals no impact. Standard „t‟ value must be above 1.96 and p- value below 0.05. [2]
Dr.T. Priyadharshini et. al. (2021) This study is based to identify the factors that influence
the customer satisfaction on Yamaha two-wheelers bikes in Coimbatore city in the state of
Tamilnadu. The study used 5 years of Yamaha bikes secondary data and main objective is
find out the performance ratios of the company which can be helpful in determining the
growth of the company. The various tools like simple percentage method, ranking analysis
and Likert scale were used for the study. The report affords a brief image of the Yamaha
bikes through the report; attempts have been complete to assess the purpose for customers
satisfaction of Yamaha bikes. The suggestions given in this study will improve the sale of the
product and thus improve their efficiency and production. Finally, Company is performing
well in terms of performance and it is satisfactory. [3]
Thomson et. al. (2020) In a developing country like India, a two wheeler is still a utilitarian
product for majority of the customers. This study was conducted to find out what features
drive customer satisfaction in two wheeler market and whether segment-wise differences
exist in factors driving customer satisfaction. Data have been gathered from two hundred
customers of a popular brand of two- wheeler, using a structured questionnaire from Goa,
India. Factor analysis revealed that three dimensions existed among features namely ease of
use, maintenance and economy. Further regression analysis revealed that for the entire
sample as a whole, economy was the only factor driving satisfaction. To test the moderation
effect of income, sample was divided into low and high income and separate regression
analyses were performed. [4]
Hariharan M et. al. (2021) This research analyses the satisfaction of the customer towards
Yamaha “Fz”. The study was restricted only to Coimbatore. A sample size 50 consumers of
ONLINE surveyed with structured questionnaires. India is one of the largest manufacturers
and producers of two-wheelers in the world. The preference of the consumers clearly
signifies that their importance of family and friends influencing their purchase, the additional
facilities expected, and many. Percentage analysis tools using from is done such as Statistical
analysis. In the beginning of the century, the automobile entered in the transportation market
as a teddy bear for the rich. However, it became gradually more popular among the general
population because it gave travellers the freedom to travel when they wanted to and where
they wanted. Readability of copy is of paramount importance. [5]
Dr. M. Manoher et. al. (2019) This study is based on the market potential of Bajaj Auto Ltd
in Tirunelveli district, Tamilnadu. The researcher has selected Bajaj Auto Ltd. Bajaj Auto Ltd
produced wide range of two wheelers. The researcher has considered three segments of
vehicles namely entry segment, executive segment and the premium segment. One vehicle
has been taken from one segment. Primary data have been collected from 150 respondents in
Tirunelveli district consisting of 50 respondents from each segment. This study makes an
attempt to measure the level of customer satisfaction towards different Bajaj Auto Ltd. The
present study is confined to Bajaj Auto Ltd in Tirunelveli district only. This study would
enable the company to know about the extent of customer satisfaction and decide upon the
change to be made to increase the satisfaction level and thereby maintain its leadership
position in the automobile industry and to beat the competitors. It is found from the opinion
of the consumers that the market potential for Bajaj Auto Ltd is high. This report is useful to
the management of the company to know the satisfaction level of customer and they can take
measures to increase productivity. This report may be useful to the management student for
reading and may be useful in preparing their report on the customer satisfaction. [6]
Vasveliya et. al. (2019) The researcher main purposes to analyzing gap between expected and
actual customer satisfaction regarding Royal Enfield's features and services. That research is
not limited for a Royal Enfield bike but it is a useful for premium bike. For that researcher
framed relevant questions related with for four factors like assurance, tangibility,
responsiveness and problem. factor towards the features and services of customer
satisfaction. The researcher is doing the internship of the 45 days in company and during the
internship this project is being carried out. This study has very essential role for selling and
customer satisfaction. Automobile industry where there are many segments and classified by
size, shape, style and no. of doors. In 2007 manufacturing plant in more than 25 countries
produced 73.2 million passenger cars. And Indian auto industry becomes the 4th largest in the
world with sales increasing 9.5 percent year-on year 1o 4.02 million units in 2017. Through
this industry customer's satisfaction regarding feature and services. [7]
Charles J. Victor et. al. (2016) The automobile sector is a key performer in the global and
Indian economy. The automotive industry. The automotive industry in India is one of the
largest in the world and one of the fastest global. Hence, it is concluded that in order to fulfil
the expectations of the respondents a proper market survey should be concluded to ascertain
their needs and expectations, and accordingly they sould be fulfilled to satisfy the customers
and entice this lot to buy c-segment cars. [8]
Rehman et. al. (2013) Eating food outside has become a trend now-a-days as fast work
schedules of people does not give them enough time to prepare food themselves. Getting
ready to eat food of one‟s choice from an outlet is worth more than wasting time in preparing
food especially in commercial cities and towns in India. Mostly people in India prefer to take
food outside from various outlets like hotels, restaurants, dhabaas, mobile food vendors etc.,
according to their convenience, preference and taste. Increases in expectations and changing
culinary tastes of consumers make the food business dynamic in general. Despite the
increasing interest in the area there is very little research on customer satisfaction in mobile
food vending service in our domestic market. Keeping these conditions in view, this study
tries to explore the current scenario in which mobile food vending has become a flourishing
business and means of earning livelihood for a lot of people as it has been successful in
attracting a large mass of customers. This study analyses some factors which affect customer
satisfaction and the formation of customer reliability towards mobile food vending in Salem
city. The present survey has been done with 100 customers who purchase/eat food from
mobile food vendors at various places in Salem city. It identifies the most relevant
understanding of satisfaction, and determines their influence in choosing mobile food outlets
through judgments of satisfaction and performance. The results show that satisfaction is a
mediate element between the performance and disconfirmation of mobile food selling and has
a positive influence on gaining customer delight. [9]
K. B. Kishan et. al. (2021) It is essential for the royal Enfield to grasp the client preference, to
grasp needs the wants the necessities of the clients the purchasers the shoppers and create
several modifications in step with the client requirements and convey satisfaction to the
customer. This study helps Royal Enfield to grasp the client preference and satisfaction
towards the bike. [10]
N. Kaur. et. al. (2004) The growing concern for the environment, increasing prices of oil and
alarming pollution levels in the country has led the government to urge citizens to adopt eco-
friendly modes of transport particularly Electric Vehicles (EVs) and Plug-in Hybrid Electric
Vehicles. Absence of a robust charging infrastructure and high cost of EVs serves as a major
deterrent to adoption of electric vehicles. This research studies the potential of setting up
Electric Vehicles in India as well as policies and other requirement to push adoption and
promotion of Electric Vehicles. The main purpose of this research is to analyze the effects of
consumer's knowledge about EVs, perceived risk, perceived usefulness, and current financial
incentive policies on consumer's intention to adopt EVs using Technology Acceptance
Model. [11]
Shahare et. al. (2020) Consumer buying behavior is an in-depth study and understanding
consumer decision making process. It studies the factors and traits of individual consumer
such as demographic and behavioral variable and to understand the need, wants and desire of
the consumers. The two wheeler industry in India has shown a steady growth over the past
decade. Any organization needs to know the motives and reasons why the consumer differs in
choice from each other in buying products and services. This research paper aims to identify
various factors that influence the consumer buying behavior of the two wheeler scooters in
Nagpur city (Maharashtra, India). The survey conducted for this study mainly focuses on the
reasons and criteria followed by consumer for buying two-wheeler scooters.
This study is based on a primary data collected from the questionnaire survey conducted
among 338 two-wheeler users in Nagpur city. The researcher has used percentage analysis for
assessing demographic profile of the respondents, factors while purchasing two-wheelers is
analyzed using Likert’s scaling technique and reasons for buying two-wheeler scooter is
analyzed using Garret ranking method. [12]
Qi et. al. (2012) Many research papers have been published on the effect of customer
satisfaction and customer loyalty on customer profitability which is related to customer
lifetime value (CLV). However, there is limited research on the impact of cross-cultural
factors on the effect of customer satisfaction and customer loyalty on CLV. This study aims
to fill this gap. Focusing on the usage of mobile data services, 846 samples from China and
689 from the US are obtained. Data analysis suggests that customer loyalty is a driver of
CLV, while customer satisfaction is not. This research has important implications for firms
about how to enhance CLV in mobile data services. [13]
Sharma et. al. (2014) This paper presents the consumers behavior’ with reference to
automobile industry (two wheeler) in Tonk city Rajasthan (INDIA). The Group surveyed 100
consumers using semi-structured questionnaires to examine people perception about two
wheelers and assess their behavior and willingness to pay for such products. The study
revealed that all respondents are willing to pay price premium, but the level of acceptability
varied considerably and some factor work behind this behavior show by the consumer.
“Consumer is king” the statement carries profound truth in it. Today the success of any firm
is depending upon the satisfaction of consumer. For satisfying the consumer the firm should
know about the behavior of consumer. The study manly focus on understanding the factors
like demographic, social cultural, price, quality, product attributes etc for buying two
wheelers. A total of 58% of the consumers are willing to pay premium price of bikes.
Comparatively sale of scooters are less. Mostly consumer want bikes and give preference for
buying bikes that have better design, comfort, mileage, fuel efficiency etc. The survey also
suggested that the consumption of two wheelers is increasing; however, product development
and innovations in certification, Processing, labeling and packaging are needed to further
stimulate demand. [14]
Nilashi et. al. (2014) The perception of people and attitude towards e-commerce and B2C
websites significantly affect their intention to make purchase online. The technique for order
preference by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS), one of the multi-criteria decision making
methods, was developed to solve real-world decision problems that has continued to work
satisfactorily across different application areas. This paper presents a model using TOPSIS
and fuzzy logic for detecting the level of customer intentions to purchase against factors
affecting the intention to purchase in business-to-customer (B2C) websites. The paper
extends the work of Schaupp and Belanger (J Electron Commer Res 6(2), 95–111, 2005)
which suggested technology, shopping, and product characteristics as important factors
influencing customer satisfaction and purchase intention. The three main factors and a
comprehensive list of attributes and features of B2C websites are investigated by synthesizing
prior literatures. Furthermore, TOPSIS method is used for ranking the most important
features of attributes and then fuzzy logic for building model to show real levels of the
influencing factors, attributes and features on customer intentions to purchase in B2C
websites based on customer’s perception of B2C websites. Two questionnaires were used in
this paper, the first questionnaire used the TOPSIS method and the second questionnaire used
data gathered from B2C websites. Respondents in this study are 450 online customers with
experience in online shopping from B2C websites. Our model assists as an instrument to
vendors and customers in determining the real-level effects of these factors on purchase
intention in B2C websites. [15]
Joseph Emmanuel Tetteh. et. al. (2021) All economic activities require monetary
transactions, including those occurring online. The Internet is thus an essential medium for
monetary transactions. Because Internet banking is highly profitable, competition among
banks is fierce. However, customer satisfaction is crucial for building a profitable business
model. Satisfied users tend to become loyal customers who adopt banking services that
regularly contribute to bank profits. Therefore, how to provide services that users require is
an important consideration when banks develop service products. Customer perceptions of
good service quality are perceptions that improve customer satisfaction. Although service
quality is important to users when selecting banking services, the effect of perceived service
quality on customer adoption of Internet banking in Taiwan is rarely studied. This study
identified three clusters of Internet banking customers based on customer perceptions of
service quality in order to help banks develop service products. Each cluster was described in
terms of demographics, consumer behaviour, perceived service quality, customer satisfaction,
and customer loyalty. [16]
Mu-Chen Chen et. al. (2021) A destination brand comprises brand elements that lead tourists
to form a brand impression of a destination. Based on a literature review, this study
contributes to a model for exploring tourist destination brand contact experiences. The results
from applying Kano's model and the importance–satisfaction model to a specific hot spring
destination indicate that four types of contact elements can be identified as having different
quality attributes. The contact elements related to staff's service efficiency, attitude and
willingness of serving customers are identified as the critical brand contact elements for the
tourist destination. [17]
KUMAR et. al. (2020) The study aims to assess the impact of test drive marketing on the
buying behavior of customers, with special reference to two wheelers in Coimbatore city. The
global market for two wheelers has shown a tremendous growth over the past decade. With
an annual sale of 4.3 million units, the Indian two wheeler market is the second largest in the
world, after China (annual sales of 10 million). Today the market is more customer oriented
in the sense that, all the business operations revolve around satisfying the customer’s needs
through effective services. The demographic profile of the respondents is also analyzed. The
sample size of the study is 90. Random sampling technique is used to collect data. Percentage
analysis, Garrett ranking technique and Likert`s scaling technique are used for analysing the
data. [18]
Dijkhuizen et. al. (2018) This two-wave longitudinal study among 121 entrepreneurs in The
Netherlands investigated bi-directional relationships between entrepreneurs’ well-being and
performance. Results of Smart PLS analyses showed positive well-being at Time 1 (work
engagement; life satisfaction; and job satisfaction) predicted subjective entrepreneurial
success 2 years later, both as indicated by entrepreneurs’ reports of achieved financial success
(including personal income security and wealth, business turn-over, sales and profit growth),
as well as perceptions of achieved personal success (personal fulfilment, community impact
and employee relations). No relations were found with objective indicators of business
performance (profit; turnover; and number of employees) over time. The expected recursive
relationship between performance and well-being was only found in the short term; a better
objective financial situation immediately preceding the second measurement moment,
predicted better well-being at T2. These results are both in line with a well-being–
performance (gain) cycle, and the happiness set-point thesis that predicts resilience in the face
of events. This paper contributes to the literature by emphasizing the importance of
entrepreneurs’ well-being as a key factor in long-term subjective financial and personal
entrepreneurial success. The practical implication is that entrepreneurs should maintain and
improve their own well-being to achieve positive long term business outcomes. [19]
Weisheng Chiu et. al. (2014) The concept of work engagement and its impact on marketing
performance continues to draw the attention of research scholars and business professionals
in developed countries. As less research work has been carried out in this area in Asia, this
study reports several job resources, such as employee autonomy, employee advancement,
employee role clarity, and organizational support as triggering factors of employee work
engagement in Indian service setting. Additionally, using path analysis, the study establishes
not only direct but also significant indirect relationships between various job resources and
customer satisfaction. These indirect relationships are well connected by several dimensions
of work engagement as intermediating variables, thus further highlighting the relevance of
work engagement for service marketing practitioners. [20]
Faisal et. al. (2014) The originality of this study lies in the fact that it is a pioneering study in
the Indian context which brings out the attitudinal differences between Muslims and non-
Muslims with respect to Islamic banking. Further, the classification of attitude of Indian
customers into factors like awareness, ideology, implementation, features and institutions
adds to the originality of the study. Both these aspects of this study add value to the existing
literature in the field of Islamic banking. [21]
Sunil Luthra et. al. (2016) With increase in environmental concerns during the past few years,
green supply chain management (GSCM) has become a popular topic in modern business
management. A situation-actors-process (SAP)-learning-action-performance (LAP) model
has been applied to understand and analyse the concept of implementation of GSCM
practices. The paper analyses a case study of ABC Ltd., a leading auto ancillary company in
India, to throw light on the status of implementation of GSCM practices. Actors are the
participants, influencing the situation to evolve different business processes. Based on SAP,
various learning issues have been analysed which lead to suitable action followed by impact
on the performance of the green supply chain of the organisation. A SAP-LAP model has
been applied to understand and analyse the concept of implementation of GSCM. GSCM
practices will help organisations to achieve economic and social performances in the supply
chain. This paper may help GSCM practitioners or managers to focus their future efforts in
implementation of GSCM. [22]
Abid Haleem et. al. (2021) Adopting green practices in supply chains contributes towards
protecting the environment. For the successful adoption of environmentally sustainable
supply chain management (ESSCM), the dimensions related to technology, strategy, policy
and so forth, termed as hard dimensions in the scholarly literature, play a significant role.
However, the independent influence of these dimensions on ESSCM has not been previously
studied. Therefore, the present study aims to fill this gap and to evaluate the effectiveness of
these dimensions. To do this, the most significant dimensions are identified through a
thorough literature review and experts' inputs. To determine their priority and cause–effect
relationship, a hybrid approach of best–worst method (BWM) and decision-making trial and
evaluation laboratory (DEMATEL) is used. The analysis indicates that ‘total quality
management’ and ‘technologies for cleaner production’ are the most important causal
dimensions, and it provides several insights to the decision makers to formulate robust
business strategies to the adoption of ESSCM. [23]
Vidyadhar V Gedam et. al. (2021) Because of increased carbon emissions, environmental
protection initiatives have gained significant attention at global level. One of the major
initiatives taken by the industrial sector to minimize the negative environmental effect of the
value chain activities is Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM). In industry, soft (human
resource-related) dimensions influence the implementation of GSCM process greatly. In the
literature, relatively less discussion is provided on assessing the significance of soft
dimensions in efficient GSCM acceptance in industry. The present work is an attempt to
construct a structural framework for assessing the significance of the soft dimensions in
adopting GSCM concepts by taking a case of automotive company in India. A hybrid
approach of Best Worst Method (BWM) and Decision-Making Trial and Evaluation
Laboratory (DEMATEL) approach is employed in this work. BWM is used to prioritize the
GSCM oriented soft dimensions, and DEMATEL is employed to extract interrelationships
among them. The result shows that ‘Top management commitment’, ‘Employee
involvement’, ‘Organizational culture’ and ‘Teamwork’ are the highly prioritized causal soft
dimensions in efficient GSCM adoption. This research work would help industry managers
and practitioners to decide where to concentrate for GSCM concepts in context of soft
dimensions for sustainable business development.Green Supply Chain Managementsoft
dimensions [24]
Albert Albers et. al. (2018) PGE – Product Generation Engineering describes that new
products are developed based on reference products by three types of variation: carryover
variation, embodiment variation and principle variation, where the two latter ones together
form the share of new development. Existing approaches relate development risks to the
share of new development and the organizational origin of the used reference products.
However, several observations suggest that the level of the system structure, which is
affected by the new development activities, is also an influencing factor. The contribution at
hand aims at a more detailed investigation of this influence. For this purpose a case study is
used, covering the first two generations of the dual mass flywheel. Based on this case study
an existing approach for the estimation of development risk in PGE is extended to depict the
system level, which is subject to new development activities, as an influencing factor. The
extended framework is then applied on the development of the system of objectives for a new
product generation of an automotive OEM. The framework is capable of displaying the
development risks that had been encountered in the development of the first two DMF
generations. However, further evaluation using more examples, stays necessary. The
framework can serve as a basis for the early derivation of measures which have to be taken as
next steps for the handling of identified risks. [25]
Borishade et. al. (2017) Sequel to the emergence of the service economy, marketing, which
was known for only physical goods has now widened its scope to cover all areas of services.
As a result of the frantic efforts made by service marketers to ensure that services are not
merely delivered, but experienced by the consumers, the world economy has witnessed a
metamorphosis from a service economy to an experience economy. The healthcare sector is
following suit. It is on this premise that this study examined customer experience
management and loyalty in the healthcare sector using private hospitals in Lagos State,
Nigeria. The primary objectives of this study were to determine the roles of functional,
mechanic and humanic clues as well as how customer experience relates to customer
satisfaction. The secondary objective was to assess the moderating impact of buyers’
psychological characteristics in the relationship between customer experience management
and loyalty. In order to achieve these objectives, five hypotheses were formulated from the
research questions raised to guide the study. The study employed survey research design and
the data were generated via the combination of structured and unstructured questionnaire. A
total of 489 copies of the questionnaire (365 for customers and 124 for healthcare service
providers) were retrieved from the selected four private hospitals in Lagos State. Multi-stage
sampling techniques were employed in the study. Using the Categorical Regression
CATREG analysis, the study found that functional clues have positive influence on repeat
purchase actions of customers. Mechanic clues have positive effect on brand insistence, while
humanic clues have significant positive effect on switching restraint. Perfect positive
relationships exist between customer experience and customer satisfaction and lastly buyers’
psychological characteristics moderate the relationship between customer experience and
customer loyalty. Based on these findings, the study recommended, among other things, that
health care managers must concentrate on understanding their patients’ needs, desires,
cultural attitudes and then design tailored, reliable products, services that will enable them to
satisfy those needs and wants. Healthcare managers must ensure that the environment of the
healthcare organization is conducive for the patients always; and finally, healthcare managers
should have a good grasp of consumer behaviour, so as to help them know their customers,
their perceptions, motivations, learning and beliefs/attitudes and how all these will influence
their buying behavior. [26]
Latif et. al. (2018) Universities are an important member of the society that are trusted with
shaping future, nurturing individuals, fostering ethics, and making people more responsible
towards both the corporations they work for and the society they live in. Researches that
explicitly focus on measurement of social responsibility of universities are scarce. The
research intends to develop and validate a measurement scale for university social
responsibility (USR) by capturing the key determinants that best define the social
responsibility of a university. Using systematic scale development process, the study
involved both literature and focus group discussions to generate the require items. 383
respondents filled the questionnaires out of which 329 were usable. The study found that
USR has seven dimensions namely: operational responsibilities, research/development
responsibilities, stakeholder responsibilities, and legal responsibilities. These four
responsibilities were categorized as survival level responsibilities. Intermediate responsibility
included ethical responsibility while voluntary responsibilities included philanthropic and
community engagement. The scale developed in the study will help to specifically look for
the presence of social responsibility in universities/higher education institutions. Hence it can
be important to study how well universities respond to needs of the society. There is a
significant lack of research into development of a reliable and valid scale of USR. This study
clearly highlights the factors that make up USR and provides a detailed scale to measure of
social responsibility performance by higher education institutions. [27]
Rabindra Jena et. al. (2013) Today, climate change due to global warming is a significant
concern to all of us. India's rate of greenhouse gas emissions is increasing day by day, placing
India in the top ten emitters in the world. Air pollution is one of the significant contributors to
the greenhouse effect. Transportation contributes about 10% of the air pollution in India. The
Indian government is taking steps to reduce air pollution by encouraging the use of electric
vehicles. But, success depends on consumer's sentiment, perception and understanding
towards Electric Vehicles (EV). This case study tried to capture the feeling, attitude, and
emotions of Indian consumers' towards electric vehicles. The main objective of this study
was to extract opinions valuable to prospective buyers (to know what is best for them),
marketers (for determining what features should be advertised) and manufacturers (for
deciding what features should be improved) using Deep Learning techniques (e.g Doc2Vec
Algorithm, Recurrent Neural Network (RNN), Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)). Due
to the very nature of social media data, big data platform was chosen to analyze the sentiment
towards EV. Deep Learning based techniques were preferred over traditional machine
learning algorithms (Support Vector Machine, Logistic regression and Decision tree, etc.) due
to its superior text mining capabilities. Two years data (2016 to 2018) were collected from
different social media platform for this case study. The results showed the efficiency of deep
learning algorithms and found CNN yield better results in-compare to others. The proposed
optimal model will help consumers, designers and manufacturers in their decision-making
capabilities to choose, design and manufacture EV. [28]
Peiqin Zhang et. al. (2016) This study investigates how the functional capabilities of
information systems, such as workforce management, innovation, and monitoring, affect the
creation of customer value that leads to organizational performance. A cross-sectional field
study (i.e., survey questionnaire) was conducted with 104 small- and medium-sized
enterprises in the service industry in Malaysia. Results from the study suggest that
information systems functional capabilities do influence the creation of customer value and
ultimately organizational performance. [29]
Wu T. et. al. (2017) This paper studies the antecedents of active usage of mobile instant
messaging (MIM) applications based on an attachment theory perspective. It proposes MIM
identification; self-congruence, design aesthetics, interactivity, mobility and feedback can be
the factors that influence active usage of MIM from a user-device attachment perspective. It
also explores two working mechanisms of these factors: emotional attachment and functional
dependence. By using a survey method, 294 valid responses were collected from Chinese
active smartphone users and were analyzed using structural equation modelling. The results
of the analysis indicate that MIM identification, self-congruence and design aesthetics
influence emotional attachment significantly, and mobility and design aesthetics influence
functional dependence significantly. Besides, interactivity and feedback do not have any
significant impact on functional dependence. Implications for theory and practice are
discussed. [30]
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