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Spatial Information in Archaeology - David Clarke PDF

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Spatial Information in Archaeology

Peterhouse, Cambridge

This essay is an attempt to pull together the implications of several

levels of spatial studies outside archaeology and the momentarily
miscellaneous and disconnected archaeological studies involving spatial
analysis, at various scales, on diverse material in several different
archaeological schools or traditions. The main claim will be that the
retrieval of archaeological information from various kinds of spatial
relationship is a central aspect of the international discipline of
archaeology and a major part of the theory of that discipline wherever
it is practised. Certainly, part of this archaeological spatial theory may
be reduced to the existing spatial theories of human behaviour
developed in economics, geography, architecture and ethology-it
would be surprising if it were not so. However, although rightly
emphasizing the significance of this body of theory for the archaeol
ogist, this common ground is but a small part of archaeological spatial
theory which must deal with a more comprehensive range of hominid
behaviour patterns, using data with the special characteristics and
sampling problems of the archaeological record. Within this paradigm,
individual manifestations of archaeological spatial analysis, whether
settlement archaeology, site system analyses, regional studies, territorial
analyses, locational analyses, catchment area studies, distribution
mapping, density studies, within-site and within-structure analyses or
even stratigraphic studies, are all particular forms of spatial studies at
particular scales and in particular contexts (Clarke, 1972a, p. 47).
2 D. L. Clarke

1. Historical introduction

In essence, there is a very evident expanding and convergent interest in

archaeological spatial information in all the contemporary schools of
archaeology, from the Russian to the Australasian. This interest has of
course a respectable antiquity within each tradition, but there have
been marked differences in emphasis and only now is the full
significance and generality of archaeological spatial analysis being
grasped and disconnected studies integrated around this important
theoretical focus. In Europe, archaeology was from the first much
concerned with inferences from spatial distribution and the ties with
geography were strong, if intermittent. In particular, the important
Austro-German school of "anthropo-geographers" (1880-1900) de
veloped the formal mapping of attributes and artefacts in order to
distinguish and explain culture complexes as well as extending this
approach to mapping correlations between prehistoric settlement
patterns and environmental variables; often publishing in the Geo
graphischesZeitung(Gradmann, 1898; Ratzel, 1896; Frobenius, 1898).
Certainly, by the turn of the century the comparative analysis of
archaeological distribution maps had become a standard if intuitive
procedure within European archaeology.
The same movements more or less directly affected British archaeol
ogy where they impinged on an existing tradition which taught that
ancient and historic settlement patterns were conditioned by landscape
and geography (Williams-Freeman, 1881; Guest, 1883; Green, 1967).
These various ideas were combined and developed further by Crawford,
an archaeologist who trained as a geographer at Oxford in 1909, and
also by Fleure, Professor of Geography at Aberystwyth, in a series of
archaeological papers to the Royal Geographical Society and elsewhere
(Crawford, 1912; Fleure, 1921). It was from this background that Fox
later elaborated a technique combining series of archaeological and
environmental distribution maps to cover a region or a country
changing over several millenia, in a remarkable contribution which
was widely followed in the 1930's (Fox, 1922, 1932; Childe, 1934;
Grimes, 1945; Hogg, 1943; Woolridge and Linton, 1933). After an
interval in which "economic" interests dominated British prehistory,
the "spatial" approach reappeared in a revised form ultimately
stemming from the direct stimuli of the Cambridge School of New
Geography (Haggett, 1965; Chorley and Haggett, 1967) and the
neighbouring research centre of the School of Architecture (Martin et
Spatial Information in Archaeology 3

at., 1974) - in one respect as a development in theoretical models in

archaeology (Clarke, 1968, 1972a) and in another as the development
by Vita- Finzi and Higgs (1970) of the "catchment area" concept from
Chisholm (1968).
The American approach to spatial archaeology also shared some
thing of the nineteenth-century tradition of the "anthropo-geog
raphers" but it increasingly emphasized social organization and
settlement pattern rather than artefacts and distribution maps; the
anthropological dimension became stronger and the geographical
aspect diminished. Jeffrey Parsons (1972) suggests that Steward's key
studies on prehistoric regional and community patterns in the North
American Southwest (1937, 1938) are distantly related to the earlier
studies of Morgan (1881) and Mindeleff (1900) on the sociology of
architectural remains and settlement development. Steward's work
certainly stimulated a series of major field researches concerned with
locating and mapping archaeological sites on a regional scale with the
express purpose of studying the adaptation of social and settlement
patterns \vithin an environmental context: notably the lower Mississippi
Valley survey carried out by Phillips et al. between 1940-1947 (1951)
and the more influential Viru Valley survey undertaken by Willey
(1953). Willey's project was so full of innovations that, rather like Fox's
"Archaeology of the Cambridge Region" (1922), it had widespread
repercussions and tended to fix the form of spatial interest in
settlement pattern studies (Parsons, 1972).
The proliferation of archaeological settlement pattern studies In
America culminated with the publication in 1956 of "Prehistoric
Settlement Patterns in the New World" (Willey, 1956) by which point
large numbers of archaeologists in America and elsewhere had slowly
become more fully aware of the significance of settlement pattern and
settlement system analyses (Winters, 1967, 1969). Field projects
multiplied on the regional settlement survey model of the Vim
Valley - Adams' project in the Diyala region of Iraq, 1957 -58, Sanders'
in the Teotihuacan Valley of Mexico, 1960-74 and Willey's Belize
Valley and British Honduras project, 1954-56 (Parsons, 1972). At the
same time, investigations into spatial patterns and social organization
began to move from conventional categorization (Chang, 1958, 1962)
to new analytical approaches and spatial variability in archaeological
data (Binford and Binford, 1966; Wilmsen, 1975; Longacre, 1964;
Hill, 1966; Cowgill, 1967; Wright, 1969). However, in most of these
studies the sociological, economic or ecological objectives remained
4 D. L. Clarke

the dominant archaeological consideration and the role of spatial

information, spatial structure and spatial variability was merely
ancillary; spatial archaeology remained a secondary consideration.
Related developments in the spatial aspects of archaeology are
equally to be found in most of the other schools of archaeology, with
an anthropological and exchange system emphasis where "primitive~'
populations have survived (Chagnon, 1967; Campbell, 1968), and a
geographical, marketing or economic emphasis in "developed" areas
(Skinner, 1964; Stjernquist, 1967). In France, the older geographical
approach has been joined by a swiftly-growing interest in spatial
distributions, especially at the micro-level, exemplified by the work of
Leroi-Gourhan (1972), at the Magdalenian open site of Pincevent, and
similar studies elsewhere. Russian archaeology, with its early Marxist
emphasis on settlement and social structure, pioneered many aspects
of detailed large-scale settlement excavation and regional settlement
pattern study, from Gravettian open sites to complete Medieval
cities - a lead which certainly had direct repercussions in western
European settlement studies (Biddle, 1967). In Oceania, Australasia
and Africa there has also been a particularly stimulating interaction
between local anthropological approaches, American settlement
pattern archaeology and British ecological catchment area studies with
very promising developments (Parsons, 1972,134; Buist, 1964; Green,
1967,1970; Groube, 1967; Shawcross, 1972; Bellwood, 1971; Cassells,
1972; Schrire, 1972; Parkington, 1972).
This expanding interest in archaeological spatial information in all
the contemporary schools of archaeology has become an increasingly
explicit but fragmented common development. Attention has been
strongly focused on only limited aspects developed within each
school- notably distribution analysis, locational analysis, catchment
studies, exchange and marketing systems and regional settlement
pattern projects. These specializations clearly relate to local interests
and local school histories and, in particular, several complementary
developments can be noted in which, for example, integrated settle
ment pattern studies were an early focus in the United States, whereas
an interest in the formal extraction of information from detailed dis
tribution mapping and the full impact of modern geographical
methods first emerged in European studies.
It has, therefore, been as characteristic of this area of archaeological
disciplinary development as any other that important steps in the
retrieval of information from spatial relationships in archaeological
Spatial Information in Archaeology 5

contexts have been dispersed, disaggregated and dissipated: dispersed

regionally and lacking developed cross-cultural comparisons; disaggre
gated by scale and context, severing within-site studies from between
site analyses, Palaeolithic spatial studies from Medieval and catchment
studies from locational analyses; dissipated by slow communication
between schools of archaeology at a general theoretical level and
aggravated by a persistent reluctance to see beyond parochial manifes
tations of problems to their general forms throughout archaeology. In
addition, the analyses of spatial information in archaeology for a long
time tended to remain either inexplicit, intuitive, static and typological,
or at best a secondary aspect of studies devoted to other objectives.
However, it is not argued here that spatial studies in archaeology are
more important than other objectives but merely that it is time that
the major role of archaeological spatial information was recognized
and its common assumptions, elements, theories, models, methods
and problems explicitly investigated and systematized.

2. Past, present and future states

Although every archaeological study, past and present, has some

spatial component, nevertheless the archaeological discovery and
conquest of space has only recently begun on a serious scale. Of course,
spatial archaeology was one of the twin pillars of traditional Montelian
archaeology - the central pillars of the typological method and dis
tribution mapping; the study of things, their classification into
categories and the study, interpretation and explanation of their dis
tributions(Clarke, 1973, pp. 13-14). However, aswith artefact typology
and taxonomy, it can now be seen that the intuitive analysis of spatial
both "by inspection" or "eyeballing" is no longer sufficient nor an end in
itself. It has slo\vly emerged that there is archaeological information in
the spatial relationshzps bet\veen things as well as in things in
Spatial relationships are of course only one kind of relationship for
archaeologists to investigate and the current interest in spatial relation
ships is thus merely part of the current ideological shift from the study
of things (artefacts) to the study of the relationships between things
(variability, covariation, correlation, association, change and process)
(Binford, 1972). It is also part of the wider realization that archaeol
ogists are engaged in information retrieval and that which constitutes
6 D. L. Clarke

archaeological information depends on a set of assumptions combined

with some theories or hypotheses as well as some observations;
archaeological observations are not only theory-laden but they only
provide information at all in so far as they are constrained by
assumptions and led by ideology. The collection and ordering of
information, therefore, presupposes a theoretical frame of reference
whether tacit or explicit - "all knowledge is the result of theory, we buy
information with assumptions" (Coombs, 1964). The clear implications
of this for spatial archaeology are that assumptions are honourable
and necessary and theory is intrinsic and essential, with the reservations
that assumptions and theory must be explicitly brought out, they must
be flexible and not dogmatic and they must be subject to continual
reappraisal against reality. To conceal or deny the role of archaeolo
gical assumptions and theory is merely to remove the possibility of
gaining fresh information as well as to delude ourselves.
So the explicit scrutiny of spatial relationships and the sources of
spatial variability in archaeology, together with their underlying
assumptions and alternative theories, are all part of the current
reformation in archaeology. Every archaeological school has long
realised in its own intuitive and tacit manner the information latent in
archaeological spatial relationships - this much is clear from the
otherwise unwarranted precision of many maps and groundplans going
back into the eighteenth century and the early intuitive manipulations
of distributions or the meticulous three-dimensional location of
artefacts in some early excavations. This mass of unliberated informa
tion, information gathered at a level more refined than the capacity
for explicit analysis at the time, signals the intuitive recognition of the
information hidden in spatial configurations, whilst at the same time
these studies still present us with the valuable possibility of recycling
old observations, maps, plans or reports for the extraction of new
information (see Glastonbury, Clarke, 1972). Perhaps problem focused
research and rescue excavation should bear in mind the possible
capacities of future techniques and make some altars of observations
to unknown technological gods. The choice is, after all, not between the
impossibility of recording everything for unspecified purposes and
recording only observations relating to specific problems but a skilful
gamble somewhere in between, recording as many supplementary
observations as time, money and primary objectives will allow.
To summarize, then, at the present time it is widely realised that
there is archaeological information embedded in spatial relationships
Spatial Information in Archaeology 7

and there is much scattered individual work on settlement patterns

and settlement archaeology, site systems and activity patterns, catch-
ments and locations, exchange and marketing fields and population
areas and territories. But with honourable exceptions, these projects
still tend to be static, disaggregated studies involved in typologies of
sites, patterns, distribution, as things; we get bits of individual clocks
but no account of working systems and their structural principles. The
only major books available are either confined to restricted archaeolo-
gical aspects (Willey, 1956; Ucko et al., 1972; Chang, 1958) or come
from other disciplines (Haggett, 1965; Chorley and Haggett, 1967;
Abler et al., 1971; Martin and March, 1972). With the exception of
the important and complementary research work by Hodder and
Whallon, spatial analyses in archaeology are still either largely
intuitive or based on an inadequately discussed statistical and spatial
theory and unvoiced underlying assumptions (Hodder, herein and
1974; Whallon, 1973-4). Thus archaeology has accumulated many
scattered individual spatial studies at particular scales, usually with
narrowly limited horizons and employing only single spatial techniques;
in very few studies are the mutually essential within-site and between-
site levels integrated and the many appropriate techniques brought
together in an harmonious analysis (for sketches in this direction see
Moundville and Peebles, 1975; Glastonbury and Clarke, 1972b;
Hammond, 1972).
Spatial archaeology, therefore, needs the elaboration of a common
range of useful elements, assumptions, theory, models, methods and
problems to be tested, reassessed and extended in dynamic and
integrated case studies. Only now is the full significance of archaeolo-
gical spatial analysis being grasped and a common integration of
theory and methods beginning to emerge from slow internal develop-
ment and scattered contacts with territorial ethology, regional ecology,
locational economics, geographical studies, ekistics, architectural
theory and proxemics - the spatial social sciences. Certainly, these
theories and methods represent an ill-assorted ragbag of miscellaneous
and abused bits and pieces but this is to be expected on the boundaries
of archaeological research where the exercise is not the retrospective
description of a completed field of perfected enquiry but rather the
exploration of a difficult uncharted and expanding dimension.
Equipped with a growing amalgam of spatial theory and methods,
integrating small scale and large scale aspects, and appropriately
transformed for the special problems of our data, archaeological
8 D. L. Clarke

spatial exploration can move forward and accurate mapping can

The integration of archaeological spatial theory is, therefore, an
enterprise which has hardly begun in a formal manner. The archaeol
ogist must develop his own models and theories where possible or
adopt and adapt suitable models and theories from the spatial sciences
wherever they may prove appropriate. An early step towards this end
should therefore include some appraisal of the common assumptions,
theories and methods of the spatial techniques in other fields, in order
to see how appropriate or inappropriate they are for archaeological
purposes and how they may be adapted, modified and translated for
archaeological data. Another early requirement must be to seek
clarification about which spatial assumptions, theories and methods
are appropriate at particular levels of study, within-structures, within
sites and between sites, and which have a powerful generality at several
levels or a special restriction to more limited scales and forms of
However, this fresh expansion of archaeological theory is not just
important in itself, for it is interlinked with implications for field tech
niques, analyses and interpretation. These theoretical developments
have, after all, been partly brought about by and inevitably imply a
revision of field techniques and excavation ranging from field research
strategies (Struever, 1968, 1971), to the more general three-dimensional
recording of excavation data (Brown, 1974; Biddle, 1967) and detailed
physical analyses of raw materials and artefacts to trace sources and
movements as well as the increasing use of sophisticated surface and
aerial surveys of all kinds. Spatial information comes not only from
knowing the locational relationship of various items but also from
tracing their relative movements and flow - the dynamic aspect. These
sorts of requirements in turn necessarily focus attention on basic
archaeological assumptions about the deposition and disposition of
items in the archaeological record and in particular on sampling
and simulating their spatial movements and spatial significance at
every scale (Binford, 1972; Clarke, 1972a). This feedback between
theory and practice, practice and theory, is an important reminder
of the interactive nature of disciplinary development in archaeology.
Archaeology needs integrated and dynamic spatial studies because
information comes from the interplay of different fields of observation
and because, in archaeology, systems have no existence except in their
proximity, flow and contact pattern: the restricted flow of activity
Spatial Information in Archaeology 9

within and between structures, sites and resource spaces - the clock
working. This gives us the basis for a rough definition of spatial
archaeology and at once specifies its clear links with behavioural studies
and the analysis of activity patterns. In the section that follows a purely
preliminary and tentative attempt will be made to outline spatial
archaeology, some of its common elements, relationships, theory,
models and methods as well as highlighting the underlying assumptions
and problems in practice.

3. Spatial archaeology

Spatial archaeology might be defined as - the retrieval of information

from archaeological spatial relationships and the study of the spatial
consequences of former hominid activity patterns within and between
features and structures and their articulation within sites, site systems
and their environments: the study of the flow and integration of
activities within and between structures, sites and resource spaces from
the micro to the semi-micro and macro scales of aggregation (Fig. 1).
Spatial archaeology deals, therefore, with human activities at every
scale, the traces and artefacts left by them, the physical infrastructure
which accommodated them, the environments that they impinged
upon and the interaction between all these aspects. Spatial archaeology
deals with a set of elements and relationships
The elements principally involved are raw materials, artefacts,
features, structures, sites, routes, resource spaces and the people who
ordered them. The sites selected for study are not confined to
settlements and include cemeteries, megalithic tombs, caves, shelters,
mines, quarries and centres of resource extraction, indeed any centres
of human activity; spatial archaeology, therefore, englobes but is
not synonymous with settlement archaeology. The technical term
"resource space" is introduced here as a valuable recognition that
one area of space may be a resource in its own right and much used,
whilst another neighbouring space may not have been used or visited
at all- at the micro-level the areas around a fire or cooking range
or in the lee of a house are resource spaces and so are zones of good
agricultural soil, grazing pastures or mineral resources, at a different
An important additional step is the recognition that archaeological
maps, plans or section drawings are all "graphs" and that archaeolo
10 D. L. Clarke

gical elements on maps or plans have all of the qualities which are
more familiarly associated with graphical displays:
Elements on maps have distributions which may be statistically
Elements on maps have qualitative and quantitative values
Elements on maps may have structure (statistical non-randomness
or geometrical regularity)
Elements on maps may have associations or correlations with other
sets of elements within and beyond the system at hand.
The next step is to identify the principal elements at a selected scale
of study and the particular relationships between them. By definition,
we are interested in the spatial structure of the system - the way in
which the elements are located in space and their spatial interaction.
The analysis of the spatial structure of the system of elements is the
stage at which appraisal by a swift intuitive glance must in most cases
be replaced by the surprisingly complex search for distribution shapes,
significant trends and residuals in quantitative and qualitative values,
patterns of association and correlation and locational structure or
geometrical regularity. Having discovered the strength and nature of
any significant distribution patterning, trends, correlation or spatial
structure within the elements in the system, other information from
the system can be brought in to try to model, interpret and explain the
activity patterns involved and their relationship to the dynamics of the
system under study.
Spatial structure at the levels of the site system, the site and the built
structure can then be described as the non-random output of human
choice processes which allocate structural forms, activities and artefacts
to relative loci within sites and within systems of sites and environments.
The aim of this kind of study is the search for and explanation of
spatial regularities and singularities in the form and function of
particular patterns of allocation, in order to gain a fuller understanding
of the adaptive role of particular systems at work and a better
knowledge of the underlying causes of archaeological spatial variability
in general.
The level of resolution of these studies, sometimes called the level of
aggregation, can and should be deliberately varied. Each element in
the system can be considered itself to be a subsystem which contains a
new set of elements (Fig. 1). Each level aggregates the output of the
levels below and above as internal and external inputs and, therefore,
no elements can be understood without investigating the competing
Spatial Information in Archaeology 11

requirements of its individual compound structural units and the

constraints imposed by the wider system of which it is merely a part.
Three main levels or scales of spatial structure in this continuum of
spatial relationships can be arbitrarily defined, each level with its
appropriate scale of assumptions, theory and models. However, as we
have already pointed out, the three levels are not separate and one of
the attractive possibilities of spatial archaeology is that the problem,
theory, models and methods of one level may be found useful at others
within a spatially unified field theory (Echenique, 1971).

4. Levels of resolution of spatial archaeology (Fig. 1)


The micro level is within structures; proxemic and social models are
mainly appropriate (Hall, 1944, 1966; Fast, 1970; Watson, 1972). At
this level of personal and social space, individual and cultural factors
largely dominate economic ones. Locational structure here comprises
the non-random or reiterative allocation of artefacts, resource spaces
and activities to particular relative loci within the built structures. A
structure is any small scale constructed or selected unit which contained
human activities or their consequences; "structures" may therefore
include, for example, natural shelters, rooms, houses, graves, granaries
or shrines (Fig. 2).


The semi-micro level is within sites; social and architectural models

are mainly appropriate (Levi-Strauss, 1953; Sommer, 1969; Douglas,
1972; Alexander, 1964; Martin and March, 1972; March and
Steadman, 1971). At this level of communal space, social and cultural
factors may outweigh most economic factors but economic location
looms larger. Locational structure is again the non-random or re
iterative allocation of artefacts, resource spaces, structures and
activities to particular relative loci within the site. A site is a
geographical locus \vhich contained an articulated set of human
activities or their consequences and often an associated set of structures;
sites may be domestic settlements, ceremonial centres, cemeteries,
industrial complexes or temporary camp locations (Fig. 3).
Macro-level BETWEEN-SITE SYSTEM levels of
SS aggregation

A AA AS AR between-site
S SS SR spatial
R RR structure

see Fig. 4


level .
S \5.

,/"\ '

a' s' r'

/ a'
a'a a's'
spatial \\
r' r'r' structure \

/ see Fig. 3

M jcrO-level;/
o \s'
a s

a aa as ar within-structure
s ss sr spatial
r rr structure

see Fig. 2

FIG. 1. Levels of resolution of archaeological spatial systems. Each level aggregates

the output of the levels below and above as internal and external inputs into that system
level. See Figs. 2, 3, 4 for key to the symbols.
Spatial Information in Archaeology 13

Within structure
Spatial relationships

Artefacts Features Resource spaces

a s

Artefacts a aa as ar

Features s ss sr

Resource r rr

FIG. 2. ~Iatrix of the spatial relationships which must be searched for archaeological
information at the within-structure micro level.


The macro level is between sites; geographic and economic models are
largely relevant at this level (Haggett, 1965; Chisholm, 1968; Chorley
and Haggett, 1967; Clarke, 1972, 705-959; Renfrew, 1974). Because
of the scale involved and the friction effect of time and distance on
energy expenditure, economic "best-return-for-least-effort" factors
largely dominate most social and cultural factors at this level.
Locational structures here comprise the non-random or reiterative
allocation of artefacts, resource spaces, structures and sites to partic
ular relative loci within integrated site systems and across landscapes.

Within site
Spatial relationships

Artefacts Structures Resource spaces

a' s' r'

Artefacts a' a'a' a's' a'r'

Structu res s s's' s'r'

Resource r' r'r'

FIG. 3. \latrix of the spatial relationships which must be searched for archaeological
information at the v.;ithin-site, semi-micro level.
14 D. L. Clarke

A site system is a set of sites at which it is hypothesized that the

interconnection between the sites was greater than the interconnection
between any individual site and sites beyond the system; the flow or
flux between the sites embracing reciprocal movements of people,
commodities, resources, information and energy. Studies at this scale
embrace all large-scale archaeological distributions dispersed across
landscapes as well as the integrated site systems that generated them
(Fig. 4).

Between site
Spatial relationships

Artefacts Sites Resource spaces


Artefacts A AA AS AR

Sites S 5S SR

Resource R RR

FIG. 4. Matrix of spatial relationships which must be searched for archaeological

information at the between-site, macro level.

It will immediately be apparent that these levels of resolution are

arbitrary horizons determined by the scale at which we wish to conflate
related phenomena in a continuum of related phenomena; the levels
and entities are merely summarizing terms-of-convenience and may be
altered at will in particular studies by further subdivision or the choice
of other specific scales and criteria. In the limiting case, the "structure"
converges with the "site" and the "site" with the "site system"; the large
rock shelter moves from the status of a structure to that of a site, the
Minoan palace is a structure at a scale which converges upon the
properties of sites of village or factory calibre, and a large settlement
site may resemble and may even once have been a closely spaced
system of smaller separate sites. The scale of definition and resolution
is a matter of choice for the purposes of the particular study in hand.
It may also be noted that any partition of factors into personal,
social, cultural, economic or geographic is similarly arbitrary, a
modern retrospective separation of aspects of a whole into subsystems
of convenience. It is, therefore, a truism that personal, social, cultural
Spatial Information in Archaeology 15

and economic factors count in spatial patterning and variability at

every level. However, one utility of this truism is the realization that, at
the small scale, the "cost" of being uneconomic is negligibly small and
may therefore be overruled by the factors which we distinguish as
personal, social, cultural or religious factors. At the large scale, the
converse becomes true, although social and cultural factors always
remain present, they may be donlinated by economic and geographic
constraints. A large religious or ceremonial centre with a permanent
population must be sited so that its "cost" is tolerable to the supporting
society, in relation to the expenditure of human energy involving other
sites already in existence, as well as local resources and environment.
However, the tolerable "cost" in energy expenditure is relative to
particular societies and is obviously in part a culturally conditioned
threshold as much as a purely economic one (viz. the cost of the
Pyramids, Stonehenge, Avebury or Teotihuacan).

5. The matrix of spatial relationships

Spatial archaeology is especially concerned with the information latent

within the spatial relationships between elements - the spatial
structure. A large range of classes of archaeological elements is
potentially involved and there exists, therefore, a vast number of
possible mutual spatial relationships to explore for information; so vast
that the archaeologist is often unaware of all but a few. The aim of
spatial archaeology is to make the archaeologist aware of the vast
matrix of spatial relationships and the many kinds of information
which it contains for recovery by the proper methods. In real studies,
this vast matrix of potential information-niches is only partially filled
for recovery - the particular archaeological situation may preserve
few artefacts, no structures and sparse external information. But this
dilemma only emphasizes more clearly the need for the systematic
extraction of \\That information there is and the greater priority that
ought to be given to situations and sites which are known to be more
richly endo\\Ted in this sense; if we are seeking more and new
information \ve should not squander our limited resources on sites with
little or only redundant information to yield, with certain exceptions.
It is impossible to illustrate the potential scale of the matrix of
archaeological spatial relationships because the number of classes or
elements is infinitely variable within alternative classifications, but
using the arbitrary elements that we have already distinguished, we can
16 D. L. Clarke

at least sketch its outline (Figs 1, 2, 3, 4). At each of our three

arbitrary levels of resolution, the need to search for information in the
spatial structure, the non-random reiterative or geometric spatial
relationships has to be indicated.
(a) At the within-structure level Spatial relationships between
artefacts and other artefacts (aa), artefacts and features (as),
artefacts and resource spaces (ar), features and features (ss) and
resource spaces and other resource spaces (rr) (Fig. 2).
(b) At the within-site level Spatial relationships between artefacts
and other artefacts (a' a / ), structures and structures (s's'), structures
and resource spaces (s'r') and resource spaces and other resource
spaces (r'r') (Fig. 3).
(c) At the between level Spatial relationships between artefacts
and other artefacts over landscapes (AA), artefacts and sites (AS),
artefacts and resource spaces (AR), sites and other sites (SS), sites
and resource spaces (SR) and resource spaces and other resource
spaces (RR) (Fig. 4).
This arbitrarily simplified and terse matrix identifies six sets of
different spatial relationships for examination and search at each of
three levels, outlining eighteen coarse information niches which are
potentially rich in archaeological information in any area with sites,
structures and artefacts (Fig. 1). All of the existing studies in spatial
archaeology can be identified as sitting within some of these individual
niches - activity pattern analysis (aa, as, ar), structural module
analysis (a's', s's'), locational analysis (SS), market and exchange
analysis (AR), catchment area analysis (SR), etc. The point is that
existing studies tend, with exceptions, to explore only one or two such
information niches ignoring the others which are not only present but
essentially and reciprocally interrelated.
However, the position has already been taken here that the
archaeological information within our spatial matrix is not simply a
collection of raw observations but rather a selection of observations
which will only yield information when arranged in terms of a
theoretical background, given certain assumptions (Coombs, 1964).
What, then, are the theories in terms of which the archaeologist
tackles his spatial analyses? Well, most spatial archaeology rests either
upon unstated but implicit archaeological spatial theory, as in the case
of the great studies by Fox (1922, 1932) and Willey (1953), or upon
theory borrowed from the spatial sciences (Clarke, 1968, 1972a; Vita
Finzi and Higgs, 1970). The contemporary dilemma for the archaeol
Spatial Information in Archaeology 17

ogist is the choice between an archaeologically appropriate but

inexplicit theoretical foundation for his analyses, or an explicit theory
derived from another field, based on assumptions that mayor may not
be reasonable for the archaeological context. However, the solution is
in the archaeologists hands and the gap between the individual
theories of the spatial social sciences is not so great that particles of
common or potentially common theory and dependent common
models and methods are not already visible, however unsatisfactory
they may be. Let us look briefly at some of the main theoretical
approaches to spatial problems, noting in particular the archaeolo
gical acceptability of their assumptions and their ideological and
metaphysical background. In this way, we can hope to see the way in
which ideological and metaphysical assumptions directly affect our
theories, explicit or implicit, and thence filter through to our common
models and techniques, finally colouring the information we draw
from our observations.

6. Common spatial theories

A theory, in this sense, may be defined as a system of thought which

through logical, verbal or mathematical contents supplies an explana
tion of archaeological spatial forms, variability and distributions
how they arise and function, their basic structure and how they
develop in processes of growth and change. I t is usual to distinguish
between "complete" and "incomplete" theories. Complete theories are
those formal and comprehensive networks of defined terms or theorems
which may be derived from a complete set of primitive and axiomatic
sentences by deduction and tested against reality (e.g. Euclidean
geometry). However, most theories in the social and behavioural
sciences belong to the group of incomplete theoretical networks and
they are often only "quasi-deductive" or "non-formal" theories.
Archaeological theory in general, and spatial archaeological theory in
particular, is in the main only quasi-deductive and largely non
formal. The theories are quasi-deductive in the sense that there
are difficulties, some of them intrinsic, in establishing precise
primitive terms in the initial stages of theory formation and thus a
consequent weakness in the deduction process. The same theories are
also non -formal since there are often difficulties in testing the
theory and its models empirically because of vagueness and ambiguity,
limited data, limited capacities for controlled experiment, severe
18 D. L. Clarke

sampling problems and a general lack of suitable evaluation techniques

(Harvey, 1969, pp. 96-99; Riquezes, 1972, p. 83). However, this state
of affairs makes it the more important for archaeology to move as far
as possi ble in reforming its theories towards as complete, formal and
deductive a form as may be possible, together with appropriate
modelling and experimental testing in order that we may be clearer
about the size and nature of any archaeological residue, if any, which
cannot be treated in this way.
So archaeological spatial theory is represented by some loose,
informal general theories, ultimately extended from anthropology,
economics, biology or statistical mechanics, and by an incomplete
series of localized and fragmentary sub theories and their dependent
models, mainly derived from the spatial sciences and social sciences.
The explicit sub theories are firmly linked to the general theories but
the entire network is invisibly completed by important areas of yet
unspecified archaeological subtheory, implicit in what many archaeol
ogists do.
Four general theories underlie most of the detailed spatial
archaeological studies that have attempt~d to move beyond description
to the explanation of the relationships which occur in archaeology.
These theories are not mutually exclusive alternatives but related and
intersecting approaches whose differences arise from differing under
lying assumptions and often a preoccupation with a particular scale of
study. The four theories may be loosely labelled as follows.
1. Anthropological spatial theory.
2. Economic spatial theory.
3. Social physics theory.
4. Statistical mechanics theory.
Anthropological spatial theory has long been the traditional back
ground for archaeological speculations and it has taken many changing
forms over the years - from the direct equation of archaeological
spatial relationships with social, tribal and ethnic ties to the more
recent structural and behavioural approach (Levi-Strauss, 1973;
Binford, 1972). The essence of the more recent versions of this theory
rest on the proposition that archaeological remains are spatially
patterned as the result of the patterned behaviour of the members of an
extinct society, thus the spatial structure is potentially informative
about the way the society organized itself. The deep structure of social
grammar is believed to generate different spatial surface manifestations
and spatial moieties; eleIIlents of social structure are present in spatial
Spatial Information in Archaeology 19

structure, especially at the micro level. In practice, this approach has

concentrated upon the functional interpretation of spatial clusterings
of artefacts and the social interpretation of spatial patterning amongst
ceramic attributes (Longacre, 1968; Speth and Johnson, 1974).
The first step is usually to define the spatial patterning of the
archaeological remains by quantitative methods and then to offer
testable hypotheses based on anthropological or mathematical analogy
as to the organization of the society and the associated patterns of
individual and group behaviour behind the spatial patterning
Economic spatial theory is perhaps the most common theoretical
approach to spatial problems, especially at the macro scale. This
theory makes the assumption that over a span' of time and experience,
people move to choices and solutions which minimize costs and
maximize profits; originally conceived in economic and monetary
terms, the theory is now seen as a special case of the general ecological
theory of resource exploitation and usually interpreted in terms of
choices which minimize energy and information expenditure and
maximize energy and information returns. The theory underlies many
geographic subtheories, notably the "least cost" location theories of
Von Thiinen, Weber, Christaller and Chisholm and archaeological
extensions of these, e.g. the catchment area and territory approach of
Vita-Finzi and Higgs (1970). The underlying theory has been criticized
as too ideal in its disregard for non -economic factors and the fact that
"cost" is at least in part a culturally conditioned and relative threshold,
as noted earlier.
Social physics theory goes back to nineteenth -century speculations
that although individual human actions may be unpredictable, never
theless the resultant of the actions of large numbers of individuals may
form predictable empirical regularities which the researcher may
utilize. Here the analogy is being drawn between the behaviour of
large numbers of human beings and large numbers of physical
particles, \\ith successful early physical laws, such as the Gas Laws,
providing the stimulus. In its spatial form the researcher does not ask
why archaeological spatial patterns occur but merely observes them
and tries to find some empirical regularity in the process which will
enable him to simulate their occurrence (Echenique, 1971). In trying to
describe these empirical regularities, physical and electrical analogies
have proved very helpful in formulating models, as in the case of the
"gravity models" for predicting the interaction between places and
20 D. L. Clarke

populations - an analogy based on Newton's theory of gravity which

had already been developed in the nineteenth century and appearing
in several archaeological studies (Hodder, 1974; Tobler and Wineburg,
1971; Clarke, 1972a, p. 49). While the social physics approach has
produced surprisingly good results for the simulation of spatial
phenomena, it has been conceptually unsatisfactory because of its
essentially descriptive flavour (Harvey, 1969. p. 110).
Statistical mechanics theory, in its spatial context, represents an
interesting elaboration of the missing statistical and stochastic back
ground behind the social physics approach and the analogy between
the behaviour of large numbers of people and particles. This statistical
theory of spatial distributions is largely the work of Wilson (1967,
1971) extended by subsequent development; the theory represents a
limited but significant breakthrough by linking the social physics
approach with the logic of statistical inference and the Likelihood Law
(Hacking, 1965). In its original form, the theory was expressed using
the intermediate concepts of statistical mechanics, thermodynamics
and information theory but it may now be reduced to more funda
mental Likelihood terms.
The basis of this statistical theory is that the most probable state of
any system at a given time is the one which satisfies the known
constraints and which maximizes its entropy, where maximum entropy
is achieved by that state which can be arrived at in the maximum
number of ways. The advantage of Wilson's approach is that the
system can successfully be described as a whole without having to
know or describe the detailed behaviour of individuals. This follows
the pattern of the statistical solution to the mechanics of gases which
the Newtonian approach, attempting to sum the coordinates and
velocities of each particle, found insoluble. Statistical theory gives the
probable state of the gas by simpler means: by maximizing its entropy
where the concept of entropy may be given as the expected log
probability of the states of a thermodynamic system. In the case of
human spatial behaviour, it is similarly impractical to determine all
the factors which governed individual decisions and dispositions,
especially prehistoric ones, but it is possible, by means of this theory, to
describe an overall system of spatial structure and to explain why
particular equation models should be applicable to spatial structures
for which certain assumptions are valid (Martin and March, 1972, pp.
175-218; Echenique, 1971).
In the practical approaches to particular spatial problems, the
Spatial Information in Archaeology 21

informal general theories which we have just outlined are usually

expressed in the form of a subtheory restricted to a limited class of
phenomena. There are many of these scattered subtheories and their
dependent models, but the most important are the macro-location
subtheories of Von Thunen, Weber and Christaller and their within
site applications to site spatial structure (Haggett, 1965); all of these
have now been applied in archaeological situations. It will be noted
that many of these subtheories originated in nineteenth-century
economics before their later elaboration in geography and sub
sequently in architecture, anthropology and archaeology, cascading
from the senior social science down to those with less developed
theoretical underpinnings. In the same way, the classical pattern of
development can be observed, in which descriptive models based on
broad analogies and empirical regularities may be upgraded to
mathematical models of deterministic form but with deeper powers of
explanation, eventually themselves being replaced by more com
prehensive statistical and stochastic theoretical models (social physics
models, gravity models, Wilson's statistical models). However, from
the narrow archaeological point of view the current application of
models and su btheories from this limited background has certain
inherent dangers and drawbacks, especially at the micro-level of
within -site studies.


In his major work Der zsolz"erte Staat in 1826, the economist Von
Thunen developed a model recognizing the relationships between the
spatial distribution of activities and landuse around a centre and the
law of diminishing returns with distance. The underlying theory of this
model states that concentric zones of landuse and activity pattern tend
to develop around "isolated" site centres. Although originally
expressed in monetary terms the theory is most powerfully developed
in terms of time and energy input and maximizing the returns for least
effort, given the friction effect of distance. The concentric zones of
landuse and activity pattern may then be directly derived from the
competing rate of increase in energy expenditure for particular
activities vvith increasing distance from the centre: the less intensive
the landuse, the further away from the centre.
22 D. L. Clarke

Von Thiinen's basically descriptive and limited model was extended

into a normative theory by Losch and Chisholm (1968) and developed
for archaeological use by Vita-Finzi and Higgs (1970) as the catchment
area approach to agrarian and hunter-fisher-gatherer sites. At the
same time the theory has been successfully applied to concentric zone
patterns at the within-site level in archaeology and geography and
even at the micro level the concept of interacting concentric activity
zones around artefacts (artefact association spheres) and structures
(structural catchment areas) also has clear potential (Raper, this
volume; Hammond, 1972). It is important to recollect that von
Thiinen specifically considered the case of the idealized, z'solated
agrarian site and therefore made important assumptions about:
1. The site considered in isolation from its network with no resources
coming in and no produce going out to other sites or markets
2. Uniformity of surrounding land and one main means of transport
3. Rational (i.e. modern economic) behaviour to maximize returns
from the application of minimum efforts (economic spatial theory).
These assumptions make it clear that the sub theory is very useful but
unsatisfactory when extended beyond its simple limits. In archaeology
its weaknesses are fairly apparent when foodstuffs and commodities
appear to have moved between sites in significant quantities certainly
from the beginning of the neolithic and in hunter-fisher-gatherer
contexts there is a clear need for more appropriate special expressions
of the subtheory.


In his economic text Uber den Standort der Industrz"en (1909), Alfred
Weber put forward a model in part complementary to that of von
Thiinen. Instead of considering the pattern of landuse around an
isolated site, Weber considered the location of a site in terms of its
outward connections and the movement of resources. The central
propositions of Weber's theory, further developed by Isard, was that
sites would be selected so as to minimize unnecessary movement; sites
represent minimum-energy least-cost locations. The location of a
site will, therefore, depend on the distance to and from external
resources, the weight of the material to be moved, and the effort or
competitive cost of all movements (see Foley, this volume).
Weber's subtheory of optimum site location clearly rests upon the
Spatial Information in Archaeology 23

acceptance of the underlying economic spatial theory combined with

some particular assumptions.
1. The sites mainly in mind were modern industrial sites at which
methods of "rational" economic planning might be assumed.
2. The sites are considered purely in terms of their outward
locational constraints, ignoring internal factors.
3. Weber took the limiting cases of stable, unchanging resources,
sources, transport and technology. Isard has pointed out that
transport costs are convex and increase with distance (Haggett,
1965, pp. 142-152).
Weber's subtheory has a number of theoretical and practical
drawbacks but still provides a useful starting point. The sub theory has
largely been ignored in explicit archaeological discussions although its
ideology clearly underlies many archaeological discussions of "optimal
site locations". vVith modifications the technique could be applied to
hunter-fisher-gatherer site locations in relation to resources but an
obvious and better fitted case vvould be its use to explain the pattern of
locational development of the major European Bronze and Iron Age
workshop traditions in relation to their metal or clay sources, markets
and distribution areas-a changing situation which Weberian analysis
fits quite closely and upon which it throws many insights. The
technique can also be applied to "optimum locations" of structures at
the within-site semi-micro level of aggregation where it clashes
interestingly with social models derived from anthropological spatial
theory, the Garin-Lowry activity location rrlodel from social physics
and the stochastic models derived from statistical spatial theory
(Echenique, 1971, pp. 279, 293, 306; Clarke, 1972a, p. 48). Once again
the weaknesses of the underlying assumptions for archaeological cases
are readily apparent but may be met by the development of more
appropriate archaeological and anthropological developments of the


Walter Christaller, a German geographer was the first to success-

fully model the relationships between the area served by sites, the
sites' functions and the network of sites, moving from the isolated
site level of von Thlinen, through the sites and resources level of
Weber to the level of aggregation of site systems as a whole. Christaller
24 D. L. Clarke

started by considering a network of sites packed in an undifferentiated

landscape and introduced the notion of a hierarchy of sites in which
some sites provide resources or services for others; clearly referring to
relatively sophisticated communities. Assuming static sites and
circulating resources, Christaller employed an analysis of demand to
determine the "range" of goods, resources and services in terms of
distance distributions from sites, in order to define an optimal
least-cost organizational structure of sites within the network. From
these assumptions and this analysis, Christaller showed that the sites in
the network are likely to adopt a hexagonal territorial tessellation of
space which may be varied by changing the orientation of the
hexagonal net, the size of each territory and thus the number and
variety of sites served by each central site; he also showed that some
solutions were much more likely to occur in reality than certain others
(Haggett, 1965, pp. 118-125).
In 1941, Losch exploited the problem of site location within a wider
scope and produced a synthesis of Christaller's central place hierarchies, .
industrial location networks and the distribution structure of service
areas. The basic features of this developed model are listed.
1. Concentration of sites into sectors separated by less dense sectors.
2. Sites increase in size with distance from central large sites.
3. Small settlements are located about halfway between larger ones.
The subtheory has been further strengthened by ~ater workers and
there has been some convergence of marketing "spheres of influence"
work with movement studies to develop areas of subtheory on general
patterns of element dispersal in diffusion, exchange, trade, marketing
and migration situations, with the emphasis on the pattern dynamics
rather than upon individual locations (Haggett, 1965).
Central place models have been very widely developed in
archaeology, especially in urban contexts with sophisticated
economies, for example in Hodder's (1974) work on Romano-British
towns and Johnson's (Ucko et ai., 1972) study of early dynastic
Mesopotamian settlement patterns in Iraq. Whether the assumptions
about site hierarchies may be wilfully extended backward with tombs,
temples and camps beyond the urban threshold and quite how the
central place model can be reorganised to cope with less "optimising"
societies has yet to be explicitly worked out. As with the preceding
subtheories, central place models may also be used at the within-site
level and certainly Losch's sector model has interesting settlement
applications, notably in urban sector development (Hoyt, 1939).
Spatial Information in Archaeology 25


The sub theories which have tried to cope with the spatial structure of
elements within sites have a much more miscellaneous background. At
each stage it has been noted that the macro-location models of von
Thunen, Weber and Christaller can have a micro application at the
within-site level but with only moderate success, and that mainly at the
largest micro scale possible with the greatest economic constraints-
in urban sites. Architectural models too have concentrated on urban
sites with the same large scale and economic qualities, either using the
Lowry within place location model or statistical and stochastic models
(Echenique, 1971, pp. 279,293,306). Anthropological models of site
spatial structure ought to provide a major contribution for non-urban
sites at this scale, dominated by social and proxemic factors but, alas
with the anthropological neglect of explicit spatial theory, we are only
provided with the retrospective analyses of particular sites (Douglas,
1972). Indeed, it seems probable that an awakening interest in the
general importance of spatial patterning as opposed to kinship calculi
may first reach anthropology from the trials and errors of the
archaeologists in this area. In the meantime, the archaeologist is
driven back to argument from selected ethnographic spatial analogies
to support his archaeological inferences in the absence of the necessary
general spatial theory in anthropology, or to developments of the most
appropriate economic, geographic or architectural spatial models.
The Lowry within-site location model, for example, starts with the
tasks which have to be performed to maintain the site and shows the
relationships by which the correlated quantity of adult workers
themselves generate a number of dependents (families, children, old
people, domesticates) who in turn generate an additional number of
service tasks and workers. Potentially, the new service and main-
tenance employment may generate more residents who in turn
demand more services and so on. The iterative structure, however,
approaches a state of equilibrium for a given input of adult worker-
residents in a given environment. Garin improved this structure by
explicitly representing the relationships within the site as flows thereby
taking into account the between structure traffic. The Garin -Lowry
model sho\vs that the relationship between primary tasks and residents
is the collective distribution of the journeys to the service areas. These
models have been largely developed for architectural studies in urban
contexts but once again they illustrate the general shape that
26 D. L. Clarke

analogous anthropological models might take and identify some of the

positive and negative analogies between these different situations
(Echenique, 1971, pp. 278-9).
The remaining within-site spatial structure sub theories represent
micro-location extensions of the von Thiinen, Weber and Christaller
theories to underpin othervvise purely descriptive models. The con-
centric zone model put forward by Burgess in 1927 suggests that a site
will dt:;velop a series of concentric zones of residence type, up to five in
a large urban site, and each zone will migrate outwards into the
terri tory of the next in a radial expansion through time (Haggett,
1965, p. 178). The main features of the Burgess models are based on
von Thiinen's theory of radial solutions to competing land use and
costs; the model assumes an expanding population and that
accessibility declines with equal regularity in a radial manner. Never-
theless, the Burgess model or an analogous concentric zone model
approaches the archaeological structure at sites as diverse as the
l\1ayan ceremonial centre at Lubantuun and the Graeco-Roman city
of Pompeii (Hammond, 1972; Raper, this volume).
Alternatively, Hoyt put forward a "sector model" in 1939 which
suggested that internal site structure tends to organize itself in wedges
of different usage radiating from the centre with the main routes
(Haggett, 1965, p. 178). The model is largely descriptive but appears
to rest on the micro-application of Losch's sector development of
Christaller's central place theory (Haggett, 1965, p. 123); the
approach improves on the concentric model by considering the
direction of locations from the centre as well as the distance.
A more elaborate "multiple nucleus" model was put forward by
McKenzie (1933) and developed by Harris and Ullmann (1945). This
in effect constitutes a multiple Burgess approach with a number of
competing growth centres within the individual site, with the con-
sequent interference of their radial repercussions. These inlying
centres may have begun as neighbouring small sites. When the areas in
between later become occupied with intensive settlement, then the
whole unit is restructured in order to function as a higher order site; an
interesting possibility for the agglomerated temple mounds of many
Meso-American centres and historically documented for a number of
early urban centres elsewhere (e.g. Rome). However, the multiple
"ward" or "tribal" centres can also arise or elaborate after the initial
growth by virtue of the many locational forces which cluster some
functions but scatter others (Haggett, 1965, p. 180).
Spatial Information in Archaeologv 27

The four alternative within site spatial structure models (Lowry,

Concentric Zone, Sector, Multiple Nucleii) and their underlying
theory are not mutually exclusive; they select different aspects to
model, at different scales, making different but related theoretical
assumptions. In Raper's study of Pompeii, for example, the concentric
zone and radial expansion model fits quite well for the town as a
\vhole, but at the level of individual building blocks a multiple nucleii
pattern accounts for many of the residuals (this volume, Chapter 5).

The archaeological drawback with most of the spatial models drawn

from the "economic" background, even at the macro-level, is that they
are largely based on spatial theory generalized from consciously
optimizing, post-industrial revolution European and American case
studies; most of these are large scale settlement systems with urban
components. These models and theories, therefore, make assumptions
that rarely fit the archaeological situations very closely, although they
still remain useful tools, pointing to the kinds of model and theory
\vhich must replace them and at the same time suggesting important
information by the very deviations of the archaeological cases from the
"economic" ideals. Nevertheless, there clearly is and has been a far
\vider variety of archaeological and anthropological spatial patterning
than these models and theories comprehend, of which not the least
important and most intractable are those traces of extinct systems
\vhich became maladaptive and nowhere survived into the recent
ethnographic or geographic sample.
The theory and models that should be most useful to the archaeol-
ogist, especially at the within -site level, are those to be developed from
anthropological spatial theory. However, as we have seen, anthropolo-
gical spatial theory has been even more neglected than archaeological
spatial studies. There are many scattered, individual studies and
insights but the determination with which anthropologists have
resolutely mapped all the variability of their data onto the arbitrarily
selected dimension of kinship relations has reduced spatial patterns of
individual and group behaviour to the level of mere dependent
variables, rather than the complex resultant of interaction between
spatial, kinship and many other relationships. After all, distance is
equally likely to affect economic and blood relationships and vice
versa. v\'hen general anthropological spatial theory is contrasted with
the limited but explicit theories of the economic, social physics or
statistical approaches no comparably explicit models, mathematical or
28 D. L. Clarke

empirical, are found but only vague generalizations and inexplicit

insights. Indeed hopefully, it is likely that the incompetent and naive
attempts of the archaeologists to model "primitive" human spatial
behaviour will be a primary stimulus towards creating a greater interest
in theories of anthropological spatial variability, as well as making a
direct contribution to the elaboration of that theory.
In conclusion, archaeologists may make considerable use of existing
spatial theories, sub theories and models derived from ethology,
sociology, architecture, geography, economics and anthropology. But
in the end, archaeology must develop its own related range of spatial
theory, capable of simulating extinct situations, suitable for dealing
with the difficult but not impossible spatial characteristics of
archaeological samples and, in its various branches, able to embrace
non-settlement site data from linear, sectored, spiral, multiple nucleii
cemetery spatial patterns to three-dimensional stratigraphic spatial
clusters. We are certainly only just beginning to explore the possibilities
of archaeological spatial theory at a sufficient level of generality to
make it cross-cultural, cross-time and cross-specialization to the degree
necessary for a respectable international set of disciplinary theory.
New developments in methodology, from computer pattern
recognition procedures to the source analysis of raw materials, now
provide us with new kinds of information on spatial relationships,
movements and connectivity, whilst even old observations may with
care be pressed to new purposes. The interdependence of theory and
method, method and practice is constantly ensuring that 'new
possibilities in spatial archaeology are continuously developing for
widespread use, but the archaeologist needs to be able to perceive the
wider field to which particular spatial examples may relate, as well as a
capacity to integrate amend and systematize these developments
within an explicit body of spatial archaeological theory.

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