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White Paper.

ISO 14175:2008.

Gases and gas mixtures for fusion welding and allied processes.
How does this revised standard affect you?
This White Paper will guide you through the main changes.

Author Derrick Hilton, Thomas Ammann

Date August 2009
ISO 14175:2008. 2


The latest version of ISO 14175 has some significant differences in

comparison to the 1997 document and its predecessors EN 439 and
DIN 32526. In an attempt to create a truly international standard, it brings
together concepts from the two most widely used standards covering the
topic the American Welding Society AWS A5.32 and ISO 14175:1997.

The scope of the standard has also been widened to cover laser welding
and cutting assist gases as well as arc braze welding.
ISO 14175:2008. 3

Classification and designation.

The first major change is to specify the gas or gas mixture in terms of its
classification and now additionally its designation.


The classification of a gas or gas mixture is defined as the ISO standard Group N has replaced group F and has been significantly expanded to
number followed by the symbols for the main group and subgroups to cover a much wider range of gas combinations.
which it belongs. These groups and subgroups are based on the typical
chemical behaviour of the gas and are given below: Group Z has replaced gas mixtures that were previously covered by the
addition of letter S to a main and subgroup classification. This ensures
I: Inert gases and inert gas mixtures that the user can easily identify any gas combinations that contain either
M1, M2, M3: Oxidising gas mixtures containing either or both non-standard gases, such as xenon, or gas mixtures containing common
oxygen and carbon dioxide gases but outside the normal compositional ranges covered in Table 1.
C: Highly oxidising gas and highly oxidising mixtures
R: Reducing gas mixtures All these main groups, except for Z, are further divided into subgroups to
N: Low reactive gas or reducing gas mixtures, containing facilitate a more precise differentiation according to the reaction
nitrogen behaviour of the gas mixture. To alleviate concerns that some of the
O: Oxygen previous subgroups covered too wide a range of gas compositions, several
Z: Covers gas mixtures containing components not listed have been further subdivided to more accurately represent products with
or mixtures outside the composition ranges listed in similar welding behaviour.
Table 1
One change that applies across all groups is that the lower limit for any
component has been raised from > 0% to 0.5%. This has been done to
ensure there is no conflict between these ranges and the tolerances
placed on each component.
ISO 14175:2008. 4

Table 1: Classification of process gases for fusion welding and allied processes

Symbol Components in nominal percentage of volume

Main group Subgroup Oxidising Inert Reducing Low reactivity
CO2 O2 Ar He H2 N2
I 1 100
2 100
3 Balance a
0.5 He 95
M1 1 0.5 CO2 5 Balance a
0.5 H2 5
2 0.5 CO2 5 Balancea
3 0.5 O2 3 Balancea
4 0.5 CO2 5 0.5 O2 3 Balancea
M2 0 5 < CO2 15 Balancea
1 15 < CO2 25 Balancea
2 3 < O2 10 Balancea
3 0.5 CO2 5 3 < O2 10 Balancea
4 5 < CO2 15 0.5 O2 3 Balancea
5 5 < CO2 15 3 < O2 10 Balancea
6 15 < CO2 25 0.5 O2 3 Balancea
7 15 < CO2 25 3 < O2 10 Balancea
M3 1 25 < CO2 50 Balancea
2 10 < O2 15 Balancea
3 25 < CO2 50 2 < O2 10 Balancea
4 5 < CO2 25 10 < O2 15 Balancea
5 25 < CO2 50 10 < O2 15 Balancea
C 1 100
2 Balance 0.5 O2 30
R 1 Balancea 0.5 H2 15
2 Balance a
15 < H2 50
N 1 100
2 Balance a
0.5 N2 5
3 Balance a
5 < N2 50
4 Balancea 0.5 H2 10 0.5 N2 5
5 0.5 H2 50 Balance
O 1 100
Z Gas mixtures containing components or mixtures outside the composition ranges listed b
For the purpose of this classification, argon may be substituted partially or completely by helium.
Two gas mixtures with the same Z classification may not be interchangeable.

Table 2 gives a general comparison as to how these new subgroups relate to the previous versions in both EN 439 and ISO 14175:1997.
ISO 14175:2008. 5

Table 2: Differences between 1994 and 2008 version of standard

EN 439:1994 ISO 14175:2008 Difference between standards

Main group Subgroup Main group Subgroup
I 1 I 1 No change
2 2 No change
3 3 Lower limit now 0.5%
M1 1 M1 1 Lower limit now 0.5%
2 2 Lower limit now 0.5%
3 3 Lower limit now 0.5%
4 4 Lower limit now 0.5%
M2 1 M2 0 Old M2.1 now split into two subgroups
2 1
3 2 No change
3 Lower limit now 0.5%
4 4 Old M2.4 now split into four subgroups
M3 1 M3 1 No change
2 2 No change
3 3 Old M3.3 now split into three subgroups
C 1 C 1 No change
2 2 Lower limit now 0.5%
R 1 R 1 Lower limit now 0.5%
2 2 Upper limit now 50%
F 1 N 1 No change
2 New argon + nitrogen mixtures
4 New argon + hydrogen + nitrogen mixtures
2 5 Lower limit now 0.5%
O 1 New group

Please note this comparison only applies to the main and subgroups and the gas component ranges may vary and therefore groups with identical names
are not necessarily equivalent.
ISO 14175:2008. 6


In the AWS standard, the gas or gas mixture is identified by symbols for If a gas mixture only contains components which are listed in Table 3
the individual components and their volume as a percentage. The but are not within the concentration ranges specified, it falls into
same system is used in ISO 14175:2008 although not all the symbols Group Z. The symbol for the basic gas is then followed by the single
are the same. components and their contents in decreasing order of percent, for
The main symbols used are:
Ar: Argon Gas mixture with 30% helium, 0.05% oxygen in argon (all components
C: Carbon dioxide are included in ISO 14175, but the oxygen content is outside the
H: Hydrogen ranges listed in Table 3):
N: Nitrogen Classification: ISO 14175 Z
O: Oxygen Designation: ISO 14175 Z ArHeO 30/0.05
He: Helium
If a gas mixture contains components which are not listed in Table 1,
Below are some examples of how the classification and designation the mixture also falls into Group Z. The letter Z is followed by the
system works: symbols for the gas components in decreasing order of percent and the
unlisted component is preceded by a plussign,
Gas mixture with 7% carbon dioxide, 4% oxygen in argon:
Classification: ISO 14175 M25 MISON 18, an argon + 18% carbon dioxide mixture for example:
Designation: ISO 14175 M25 ArCO 7/4 containing 0.03% nitric oxide (chemical symbol NO):
Classification: ISO 14175 Z
Gas mixture with 30% helium in argon: Designation: ISO 14175 Z ArC+NO 18 + 0.03
Classification: ISO 14175 I3
Designation: ISO 14175 I3 ArHe 30

Gas mixture with 5% hydrogen in argon:

Classification: ISO 14175 R1
Designation: ISO 14175 R1 ArH 5

Gas mixture with 7.5% argon, 2.5% carbon dioxide in helium:

Classification: ISO 14175 M12
Designation: ISO 14175 M12 HeArC 7.5/2.5

As mentioned previously, gas mixtures containing non-standard

component gases or gases outside the ranges in Table 1 are classified
as Group Z with their designation.
ISO 14175:2008. 7

Product tolerances.

For the user of any shielding gas, it is important to know that a new
cylinder of a mixture should perform the same as the last and that it is
dependent on the accuracy in which the cylinder is filled.

ISO 14175 lays down exactly what the tolerances for each component
in a mixture should be. For components of greater than 5 %, the
tolerance is 10%. Therefore, for a shielding gas containing 20% CO2,
this gives an allowable range of 18 to 22% CO2.

If the component percentage is between 1% or equal to or less than

5%, the allowable tolerance is 0.5%. So, for a component of 2%, the
filling tolerance would be between 1.5 and 2.5%.

The change between the new standard and the old version is that, for
components below 1%, the tolerance should be agreed between the
supplier and the customer.

Although Linde products all conform to the standard, some of our

shielding gases have tolerances within those specified within the
standard because experience has shown that, for some processes and
materials, there needs to be closer control of the variables.
ISO 14175:2008. 8

The purity of a gas or gas mixture is important in ensuring the quality of

the weld or cut produced with the product. In the new standard, the
purity levels of the M1, M2, M3, C and N main groups have been
improved to suit the requirements of the modern welding engineer.
There has also been added the requirement for the maximum level of
nitrogen in the M1, M2 and M3 groups not to exceed 1000 ppm. This is
because of the susceptibility of some welding consumables to
nitrogen, which can reduce the mechanical strength of the weld metal.

Table 3: Difference in purity levels between 1994 and 2008 version of standard

Main group Purity (min. vol.%) Moisture (max. Ppm)

EN 439:1994 ISO 14175:2008 EN 439:1994 ISO 14175:2008
I 99.99 99.99 40 40
M1 99.70 99.90 40 40
M2 99.70 99.90 80 80
M3 99.70 99.90 120 120
C 99.70 99.80 200 120
R 99.95 99.95 40 40
N 99.50 99.90 40 40
O 99.50 99.50 200 40
Moisture levels have also been reduced in the C and O main groups.

As product quality is important within Linde, many gases and gas

mixtures exceed these purity levels. If, however, even higher quality
standards are required, these can be arranged between Linde and our
ISO 14175:2008. 9


Every cylinder must be marked with the following information: In most countries, this information is supplied on a label attached
to the shoulder of the cylinder.
Name of the manufacturer or supplier
Trade name
Classification and designation of the cylinder contents
Health and safety information in accordance with local, national
or regional standards and regulations as required

Global Linde Product Range

Linde product name Designation in Designation in Ar He CO2 O2 H2 N2 NO

accordance with accordance with vol. % vol. % vol. % vol. % vol. % vol. % vol. %
EN 439 ISO 14175:2008

Argon (Ar) I1 I1 100

S I1 + 0.03NO Z Ar+NO 0.03 99.97 0.03
Carbon dioxide (CO2) C1 C1 100
M14 M14 ArCO 5/2 93 5 2
M24 M24 ArCO 12/2 86 12 2
M21 M20 ArC 10 90 10
M21 M21 ArC 18 82 18
CORGON 25 M21 M21 ArC 25 75 25
S M21 + 0.03NO Z ArC+NO 8/0.03 91.97 8 0.03
MISON 18 S M21 + 0.03NO Z ArC+NO 18/0.03 81.97 18 0.03
M21(1) M20 ArHeC 30/10 60 30 10
CORGON 10 He 30
CRONIGON 2 M12 M12 ArC 2.5 98 2.5
S M12 + 0.03NO Z ArC+NO 2/0.03 97.97 2 0.03
M13 M13 ArO 2 98 2
CRONIGON 2 He 38 M12(1) M12 ArHeC 38/2 60 38 2
M12(1) M12 HeArC 43/2 43 55 2
S M12(1) + 0.03NO Z ArHeC+NO 30/2/0.03 67.97 30 2 0.03
R1 R1 ArH 2 98 2
R1 R1 ArH 5 95 5
S I1 + 2.5N2 N2 ArN 2.5 97.5 2.5
I3 I3 ArHe 30 70 30
I3 I3 ArHe 50 50 50
I3 I3 HeAr 30 30 70
S I3 + 0.03NO Z ArHe+NO 30/0.03 69.97 30 0.03
S I3 + 0.03NO Z ArHe+NO 50/0.03 49.97 50 0.03
R1 R1 ArH 10 90 10
R2 R2 ArH 35 65 35
F2 N5 NH 5 95 5
F2 N5 NH 10 90 10
ISO 14175:2008. 10

Global BOC product range

Linde product name Designation in Designation in accordance Ar He CO2 O2 H2 N2 NO

accordance with with ISO 14175:2008 vol. % vol. % vol. % vol. % vol. % vol. % vol. %
EN 439

Pureshield Argon I1 I1 100

MISON Ar S I1 + 0.03NO Z Ar+NO 0.03 99.97 0.03
Carbon dioxide (CO2) C1 C1 100
Argoshield Light M14 M14 ArCO 5/2 93 5 2
Argoshield Universal M24 M24 ArCO 12/2 86 12 2
Argoshield MCW M21 M20 ArC 10 90 10
Argoshield 18 M21 M21 ArC 18 82 18
Argoshield FCW M21 M21 ArC 25 75 25
MISON 8 S M21 + 0.03NO Z ArC+NO 8/0.03 91.97 8 0.03
MISON 18 S M21 + 0.03NO Z ArC+NO 18/0.03 81.97 18 0.03
Argoshield Pro M21(1) M20 ArHeC 30/10 60 30 10
Stainshield MIG M12 M12 ArC 2.5 98 2.5
MISON 2 S M12 + 0.03NO Z ArC+NO 2/0.03 97.97 2 0.03
Specshield S 2 M13 M13 ArO 2 98 2
Stainshield Heavy M12(1) M12 ArHeC 38/2 60 38 2
Stainshield Universal M12(1) M12 HeArC 43/2 43 55 2
MISON 2 He S M12(1) + 0.03NO Z ArHeC+NO 30/2/0.03 67.97 30 2 0.03
Stainshield TIG R1 R1 ArH 2 98 2
Stainshield TIG Plus R1 R1 ArH 5 95 5
Stainshield Duplex S I1 + 2.5N2 N2 ArN 2.5 97.5 2.5
Alushield Light I3 I3 ArHe 30 70 30
Alushield Universal I3 I3 ArHe 50 50 50
Alushield Heavy I3 I3 HeAr 30 30 70
MISON He 30 S I3 + 0.03NO Z ArHe+NO 30/0.03 69.97 30 0.03
MISON He 50 S I3 + 0.03NO Z ArHe+NO 50/0.03 49.97 50 0.03
Specshield H10 R1 R1 ArH 10 90 10
Specshield H35 R2 R2 ArH 35 65 35
Specshield N95H5 F2 N5 NH 5 95 5
Specshield N90H10 F2 N5 NH 10 90 10

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