Graham R.C. Soil Mineralogy Trends in California Landscapes 2010
Graham R.C. Soil Mineralogy Trends in California Landscapes 2010
Graham R.C. Soil Mineralogy Trends in California Landscapes 2010
j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. e l s ev i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / g e o d e r m a
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: California's diverse environmental gradients serve as natural experiments for examining controls on soil
Received 17 August 2008 mineral distribution in landscapes. In this paper we use example soilscapes from throughout California to
Received in revised form 12 May 2009 examine how lithology, climate, topography, and duration of pedogenesis interact to produce distinctive
Accepted 18 May 2009
weathering environments and characteristic suites of soil minerals. Seven soil-geomorphic sequences were
Available online 26 June 2009
assembled from the literature to illustrate major soil mineralogical trends: 1) granitic terrain of the Peninsular
Ranges, 2) granitic terrain of the central Sierra Nevada, 3) andesitic terrain of the northern Sierra Nevada,
Mineral weathering 4) uvial terraces on the east side of the Great Valley, 5) marine terraces of the central coast, 6) ultramac
Toposequence terrain of the Klamath Mountains, and 7) an alluvial fan in the Mojave Desert. Results of this analysis show that
Chronosequence kaolin is present in virtually all pedons, irrespective of climate, parent material, age, or topographic position.
Climosequence Kaolin does not form in ultramac soils due to insufcient aluminum. Many secondary clay minerals reect the
Lithosequence state's strong climatic inuence, with palygorskite, smectite, and vermiculite in the dry, hot environments;
hydroxy-interlayered minerals, gibbsite, and short range-ordered minerals in the cool, moist environments.
In arid and semi-arid regions, the distribution of calcite, gypsum, and soluble salts is strongly related to patterns
of eolian dust deposition and water inltration and leaching.
2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
0016-7061/$ see front matter 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
R.C. Graham, A.T. O'Geen / Geoderma 154 (2010) 418437 419
Fig. 1. Physiographic regions of California (map source: U.S. Geological Survey). Locations of the soil mineralogy landscape examples highlighted in this review are indicated:
(1) granitic terrain of the Peninsular Ranges, (2) granitic terrain of the central Sierra Nevada, (3) andesitic terrain of the northern Sierra Nevada, (4) uvial terraces on the east side of
the Great Valley, (5) marine terraces of the central coast, (6) ultramac terrain of the Klamath Mountains, and (7) alluvial fan in the Mojave Desert.
high elevations and to the south, where uplift has been more extensive. stream tends to be positioned off the coast of the Pacic Northwest
Granitic rock comprises about 20% of the state's land area, primarily in extending to northern California, more storms reach the northern part
the Sierra Nevada, but also in the Transverse and Peninsular Ranges of of the state and storm frequency decreases with increasing distance
southern California, and scattered throughout the Mojave Desert, Basin to the south (Minnich, 2007). As a result, mean annual precipitation
and Range, Klamath Mountains, and the central Coast Ranges. Volcanic decreases toward the south (Fig. 3). At any given latitude, rainfall is
deposits are concentrated in the Cascade Range and Modoc Plateau, but relatively high along the coast, increases with elevation in coastal
also are scattered throughout the Mojave Desert, Basin and Range, and, to mountains and then decreases in rain shadows to the east. The highest
a lesser extent, the Sierra Nevada and Coast Ranges. The long mean annual precipitation occurs in the north coastal mountains, which
geosynclinal trough of the Great Valley contains a vast expanse of receive over 2750 mm, mostly as rain. Precipitation increases drama-
Holocene alluvium, but older alluvial terraces remain in places along its tically as the storms pass over the high elevations of the Sierra Nevada.
margins. Alluvium is also abundant in intermontane valleys and basins At lower elevations the precipitation is dominantly rain, whereas several
bounded by faults in southern and eastern regions. High elevations, meters of snow fall annually at the higher elevations. The southeastern
mostly in the Sierra Nevada, were subjected to extensive alpine deserts have particularly low mean annual precipitation, less than
glaciation during the Pleistocene, so glacial deposits are present 50 mm in Death Valley and the Imperial Valley. Limited summer
in those regions and the valleys that lead down from them. precipitation is occasionally delivered to some parts of southern and
California is subject to a variety of climatic conditions originating from southeastern California by monsoonal weather patterns.
marine, topographic, and latitudinal inuences. Generally, precipitation- Mean annual temperatures vary as a result of latitude and position of
bearing storms move down from the north and west from the Pacic the jet stream (Fig. 4). Coastal regions remain cool in summer and mild
Ocean during the winter, associated with extratropical cyclones and in winter due to the exchange of heat between tropical and polar
associated troughs of the jet stream (Minnich, 2007). Since the jet latitudes by the California Current and associated air mass (Miller and
420 R.C. Graham, A.T. O'Geen / Geoderma 154 (2010) 418437
Fig. 2. Generalized geologic map of California. California Department of Conservation, Division of Mines and Geology. Map scale 1:750,000.
Hyslop, 2000). Onshore winds maintain cool conditions in the summer the scale depicted in Fig. 5. Entisols and Aridisols cover most of
in the Coast Ranges within 100 km of the coast. Temperatures increase the desert regions, Basin and Range, and the southern Great Valley.
substantially in the inland valleys (Fig. 4). At mean sea level, January Mollisols are common on the Modoc Plateau, the Coast Ranges, the
temperatures are approximately 5 C warmer in southern California Transverse Ranges, and the Great Valley. Alsols are prevalent in the
compared to northern California. Most coastal valleys and the Great semi-arid, mid- to low-elevation mountains and on alluvial terraces.
Valley have a frost-free season of 225 to 300 days. Temperatures Inceptisols and Entisols are common in mountainous terrain and on
decrease dramatically with increasing elevation. The average frost free Holocene and late Pleistocene alluvial deposits. Ultisols are found in
period is less than 100 days above 1500 m in the Modoc Plateau, Sierra the mid-elevations of the northern Sierra Nevada, Klamath Mountains,
Nevada, and Transverse Ranges (Minnich, 2007). In desert regions, and northern Coast Ranges. Andisols are predominantly in the Cascade
mean air temperatures range from 7 to 11 C in January and 24 to 38 C Range and Modoc Plateau. Vertisols are scattered over much of the
in July (Western Regional Climate Center, accessed 2008). state, but are concentrated in the Great Valley, the Modoc Plateau, the
Nine of the 12 soil orders from the USDA soil taxonomic system Peninsular Ranges, and the southern Coast Ranges. Histosols predomi-
(Soil Survey Staff, 2006) are sufciently abundant to be displayed at nate in the Sacramento Delta region of the Great Valley, but also are
R.C. Graham, A.T. O'Geen / Geoderma 154 (2010) 418437 421
Fig. 3. Distribution of mean annual precipitation in California. USDA-NRCS PRISM dataset mapped at a horizontal resolution of 800 m.
Fig. 4. Distribution of mean annual temperature in California. USDA-NRCS PRISM dataset mapped at a horizontal resolution of 800 m.
422 R.C. Graham, A.T. O'Geen / Geoderma 154 (2010) 418437
Fig. 5. Distribution of soil orders in California. The spatial extent of regions containing Oxisols and Spodosols was small and impossible to depict at this scale. Gelisols have not been
identied in California. USDA-NRCS STATSGO Database. Map scale 1:250,000.
present in localized wet areas of mountain meadows. Spodosols and 3.1. Granitic terrain of the Peninsular Ranges
Oxisols occur in areas too small to show on the map in Fig. 5. Gelisols
apparently have not been found, but may be present on some high The Peninsular Ranges in southwestern California are dominated
elevation north-facing slopes. by tonalite (quartz diorite), a granitic rock of intermediate composi-
tion. While some peaks in these ranges exceed 2700 m, much of the
3. Soil mineralogy landscape relationships landscape has less relief, with rolling uplands and hills interspersed
with alluvial valleys at elevations ranging from 150 to 500 m. The soils
Seven examples of soil mineralogylandscape relationships through- of this region have a xeric moisture regime and thermic temperature
out the state (Fig. 1) are presented here. The sources of the data are regime. This region has been renowned for its agricultural production,
mostly from published work, but in some cases they are based on unpub- particularly citrus and avocados. It is also a heavily populated region
lished reports or dissertations. All sources are cited. We note that some of that continues to experience suburban development.
the studies were done several decades ago using soil morphological Soil mineralogical trends in this region are well represented by a
designations that have been superseded. We have converted those desig- toposequence study in San Diego County (Nettleton et al., 1968, 1970).
nations to ones that are currently used (Soil Survey Staff, 2006). The toposequence extended from upper slopes (smooth hilltops, upper
R.C. Graham, A.T. O'Geen / Geoderma 154 (2010) 418437 423
Fig. 6. Landscape in Peninsular Ranges granitic terrain (Fig. 1) (photo credit: P. Sternberg).
backslopes) through middle and lower backslopes to footslopes, encom- Fallbrook soils (ne-loamy, mixed, superactive, thermic Typic Haplo-
passing an elevation difference of 18 m across a horizontal distance of xeralfs) are on the middle and lower backslopes, and soils of the Bonsall
about 150 m. A similar landscape is shown in Fig. 6. The soils on the series (ne, smectitic, thermic Natric Palexeralfs) are on the footslopes
footslopes are formed in alluvium of variable thickness, while the upland The Vista and Fallbrook soils formed primarily in tonalite residuum,
soils are formed in residuum or colluvium over residuum. The mean whereas the Bonsall soils formed in pedisediments as well as the under-
annual precipitation at the site is 380 mm, occurring as rain in late fall lying weathered tonalite. The tonalite bedrock underlying the soils has
through early spring. The upper slope soils formed under chaparral weathered such that it is friable and can be crushed by hand and
shrubs while the lower slope soils formed under grassland with scat- excavated with some difculty using a spade. This weathered bedrock
tered California live oaks (Quercus agrifolia). The tonalite underlying has 10 YR hues, as do the soils on the upper slopes. These hues are
the toposequence is composed of 56% andesine (An43), 8% orthoclase, suggestive of goethite (Schwertmann, 1993). Soils on the middle and
9% quartz, 14% biotite, and 13% hornblende. lower backslopes have much redder (5 YR hues) B horizons, while those
Some of the properties of three of the soils along the toposequence on the footslopes have mostly 7.5 YR hues. Although pedogenic Fe
are presented in Table 1. Soils on the upper slopes are in the Vista oxides are not particularly abundant (16 g/kg), presumably there is
series (coarse-loamy, mixed, superactive, thermic Typic Haploxerepts). sufcient hematite to impart the reddish hues via grain coatings in these
Table 1
Properties of soils in a toposequence on granitic terrain in the Peninsular Ranges (Nettleton et al., 1968).
Horizon Depth (cm) Dry color Texturea Sand (%) Silt (%) Clay (%) O.C. (g kg 1) pH (1:1) CEC8.2 (cmol kg 1) Fed (g kg 1) Clay mineralogyb
Upper slopes: Vista series (coarse-loamy, mixed, superactive, thermic Typic Haploxerept)
A1 07.5 10 YR 4/2 COSL 73 17 10 9.6 6.9 17 10 M4 K2 HBt
A2 7.523 10 YR 4/3 COSL 71 18 11 5.6 6.6 19 9 V3 K2 HB1
A3 2348 10 YR 4/3 COSL 70 18 12 3.4 6.8 20 10 V3 K2 HB1
Bw1 4871 10 YR 4/3 COSL 69 19 12 2.8 6.7 19 9 V3 K2 HB1
Bw2 7189 10 YR 5/4 COSL 71 18 11 1.0 6.9 23 11 K3 V2 HB1 Mt
Cr1 89112 10 YR 5/4 ROCK 82 13 5 0.3 7.1 15 7 V4 K2 HBt
Cr2 112155 10 YR 5/3 ROCK 83 12 5 0.3 7.4 16 8 V4 K2 HBt
Middle and lower backslopes: Fallbrook series (ne-loamy, mixed, superactive, thermic Typic Haploxeralf)
A1 05 10 YR 5/3 SL 73 19 8 7.3 6.6 10 8 M4 K2 HBt
A2 515 10 YR 5/3 SL 72 20 8 5.0 6.5 9 7 M4 K2
AB 1530 5 YR 5/3 L 66 21 13 3.0 6.8 11 7 HB4 K2 M1
Bt 3071 5 YR 5/4 SCL 53 18 29 2.6 6.9 19 14 K3 HB2 M2 V1
BC 71119 5 YR 6/4 L 72 13 15 0.7 7.4 19 9 K4 M2 Vt HBt
Cr 119173 2.5 YR 4/4 ROCK 80 11 9 0.2 7.6 17 7 K3 M2 V1 HBt
coarse-textured soils. Maximum clay content increases downslope, mica has formed through a process involving the biocycling of K. Plants
ranging from 12% in the Bw1 horizon of the Vista soil to 38% in the Bt scavenge K from deeper within the soil, incorporate it into their bio-
horizon of the Bonsall soil. Organic carbon content is <10 g kg 1 in the mass, and return it to the soil surface in litter. The K released by litter
A horizons and decreases with depth. Soil pH generally increases with decomposition is then incorporated and xed in the interlayer of
depth and the maximum pH increases downslope, from a high of 7.4 in vermiculite, transforming it back to a mica with a d001 spacing of 1.0 nm.
the Vista soil to a high of 8.3 in the Bonsall soil. The upper and middle This vermiculte-to-mica transformation is common in dryland soils of
slope soils (Vista and Fallbrook) do not contain calcium carbonate or California (Nettleton et al., 1973) and occurred within 41 years in
appreciable exchangeable Na, but the footslope soils (Bonsall) contain a lysimeter soils in southern California (Tice et al., 1996).
few percent calcium carbonate and exchangeable sodium percentages
up to 20 in subsoil horizons (data not shown). The Na on the exchange 3.2. Granitic terrain of the central Sierra Nevada
and the Ca in CaCO3 are derived from the weathering of andesine. These
weathering products are leached from upper slope soils to the Bonsall The Sierra Nevada is the dominant mountain range in California
soils on lower slopes where they are incompletely removed because (Fig. 1). It is 640 km long and 65 to 160 km wide and reaches elevations
the clayey subsoil textures there impede leaching. Amorphous silica exceeding 4250 m. In the central and southern parts of the range,
accumulates in the Bonsall subsoil for the same reasons (data not multiple intrusions of granitic rock dominate the lithology (Norris and
shown). Webb,1990). As a result of active tectonism, the Sierra Nevada as a whole
The initiation of soil formation in this landscape hinges upon a is tilted so that the east-facing scarp is exceptionally steep, whereas
simple mineralogical transformation; that is, the transformation of the west side slopes comparatively gradually toward the Great Valley.
biotite to vermiculite. This transformation involves replacement of The winter storms that deliver the bulk of the precipitation (>75%)
interlayer K with hydrated, exchangeable Mg and the release and generally move in from the west and encounter the Sierra Nevada as
oxidation of octahedrally coordinated Fe. The transformation increases an orographic barrier. As the moisture-laden air rises up the western
the volume of the micaceous grains, since the d001 spacing of biotite is slope, it cools and releases its moisture as rain at the lower elevations
1.0 nm, while that of vermiculite is 1.4 nm. The expansion of biotite and as snow at the higher elevations (Hornbeck, 1983). Thus, the west-
produces many small cracks within the general rock fabric (Frazier and ern slope of the Sierra Nevada presents an elevational transect along
Graham, 2000), increasing its porosity from <1% to between 20 and which temperature decreases and precipitation increases with increas-
35%. This increase in porosity allows water to percolate easily through ing elevation. Changes in vegetation are coincident with the climatic
the rock material (Graham et al., 1997) and it greatly decreases its changes such that the lower elevations support an oak savannah and
structural integrity (Clayton and Arnold, 1972; Jones and Graham, successively higher elevations support characteristic conifer species. The
1993). As a result the bedrock becomes much more susceptible to western slope of the Sierra Nevada contains the key watersheds that
chemical weathering and to physical disruption by burrowing ground provide water to the vast agricultural endeavors of the Great Valley
squirrels. as well as to major metropolitan areas. The forests have also contributed
On the summit and backslope positions (Vista and Fallbrook soils), valuable timber resources.
biotite weathers to vermiculite, hydrobiotite (regularly interstratied Soil mineralogical trends along an elevational transect in the central
biotite/vermiculite), and kaolinite. These weathering reactions pro- Sierra Nevada (Fig. 1) have been documented by Dahlgren et al. (1997).
ceed throughout the proles producing pseudomorphic replacements The transect begins at an elevation of about 200 m and extends to
of the original biotite grains. It is the vermiculite in sand-size biotite 2865 m (Fig. 7). With increasing elevation the mean annual precipita-
pseudomorphs that gives such high CEC values to the Cr horizons, tion increases from 330 to 1270 mm. Above an elevation of 1594 m
which have low clay contents. The biotite weathering products enter most of the precipitation falls as snow, while at lower elevations precip-
the clay fraction (Table 1) through physical disruption or dispersion itation is as rain or snow that melts between storms. Soil temperature
of the pseudomorphs. In the Vista soils, which have relatively low clay regimes progress through thermic, mesic, frigid, and cryic with increas-
contents, most of the weathering products remain in the silt- and ing elevation. The soil moisture regime is dominantly xeric, but probably
sand-sized biotite pseudomorphs, again contributing to relatively is udic above about 2100 m. Four distinct vegetation zones occur: oak
high CEC values. Feldspar grains are only slightly weathered and do woodlands (<1008 m), oak/mixed conifer forest (10081580 m), mixed
not have any associated weathering products. Hornblende appears conifer forest (15802626 m), and subalpine mixed-conifer forest (2626
unweathered. 3200 m). While the western slope of the Sierra is dissected by deep river
Somewhat lower on the backslopes, Fallbrook soils are more intensely canyons, the intervening ridges often present relatively subdued terrain.
weathered, sola are thicker, and illuviation has contributed to an argillic Soils in this transect were sampled within these landscapes on knoll-crest
horizon with nearly 30% clay. Weathering intensity is greater on these positions with 9 to 15% slopes to the south. All of the soils sampled are
lower slope positions because of water ow from upslope and increased underlain by bedrock; granodiorite at the higher elevations (1390 m)
water retention in the ner textured soil material. Mineral components and tonalite at the lower elevations.
are the same as in the upslope Vista soils, but kaolin is more abundant in Four of the seven soils that make up the elevational transect will
the clay fraction of the subsoil horizons. In situ weathering of vermiculite be discussed here. The low elevation (198 m) soils are in the Vista
and disaggregation of biotite pseudomorphs contribute to the increased series (coarse-loamy, mixed, superactive, thermic Typic Haploxerepts).
clay, and kaolin, content of the B horizons. They support annual grasses with an open oak woodland (Fig. 7a).
Soils on the footslopes (Bonsall soils) are wet for long periods of Soils of the Musick series (ne-loamy, mixed, semiactive, mesic Ultic
time as moisture accumulates via water ow from upslope. Not only Haploxeralfs) are found at a mid-elevation (1390 m), but below the
do these soils receive soluble weathering products from upslope, but winter snowline. The vegetation here is dominated by ponderosa pine
they are also intensely weathered due to their relatively high moisture (Pinus ponderosa), incense cedar (Calocedrus decurrens), and California
status. The pedogenic environment is rich in silica, sodium, and mag- black oak (Quercus kelloggii). Soils at mid-elevation but above the
nesium, which favors smectite formation. Feldspars weather pseudo- winter snowline (1800 m) are in the Shaver series (coarse-loamy, mixed,
morphically to smectite and, although biotite weathering products are superactive, mesic Humic Dystroxerepts). They support a mixed conifer
the same as in upslope soils, formation of kaolin is generally less favored forest with white r (Abies concolor), sugar pine (Pinus lambertiana),
in these more silica-rich soils. Hornblende weathering contributes to ponderosa pine, and incense cedar (Fig. 7b). At the highest elevation
the formation of smectite and Fe oxides. along the transect (2865), the soils have not been assigned a series name,
Notably, mica is a major component of the clay fraction in the but will be referred to here as Cryepts (sandy-skeletal, mixed Typic
surface horizon of all of the soils in the toposequence (Table 1). This Humicryepts). These soils support relatively open stands of lodgepole
R.C. Graham, A.T. O'Geen / Geoderma 154 (2010) 418437 425
Fig. 7. Granitic terrain in the central Sierra Nevada (Fig. 1) showing (a) annual grasses and open oak woodland at an elevation of about 200 m and (b) mixed conifer forest at about
2200 m with high alpine peaks in the background (photo credit: R. Amundson).
pine (Pinus contorta murrayana) and western white pine (Pinus study, are often several meters thick. These zones of weathered granitic
monticola). bedrock, formed by the same mechanisms described for the tonalite of
Selected properties of the soils are presented in Table 2. At the the Peninsular Ranges, have substantial water-holding capacities and
highest elevation, soils are underlain by hard bedrock, but at all other are critical to the survival of the forest ecosystems in this summer-dry
elevations they are underlain by a zone of friable, weathered bedrock region (Anderson et al., 1995; Hubbert et al., 2001; Rose et al., 2003;
(Cr horizon). The soils and the weathered rock zone are relatively thin Witty et al., 2003).
over hard bedrock at the lowest elevation, but at the mid-elevations Most of the soils in the elevational transect have 10 YR hues, indic-
soils are much thicker and Cr horizons, though not measured in this ative of goethite as the predominant iron oxide, but the Musick soils
426 R.C. Graham, A.T. O'Geen / Geoderma 154 (2010) 418437
Table 2
Properties of soils in an elevational transect on granitic residuum in the central Sierra Nevada (Dahlgren et al., 1997).
Horizon Depth (cm) Dry color Texturea Sand (%) Silt (%) Clay (%) O.C. (g kg 1) pH (1:1) CEC7 (cmol kg 1) Fed (g kg 1) Alo (g kg 1) Clay mineralogyb
198 m elevation: Vista series (coarse-loamy, mixed, superactive, thermic Typic Haploxeralf)
A 014 10 YR 5/4 COSL 79 11 10 27 6.3 12 4 <1 M3 K2
Bw1 1419 10 YR 6/3 LCOS 80 12 8 4 7.4 7 5 <1 nr
Bw2 1934 10 YR 5/3 LCOS 79 13 8 3 7.3 7 5 <1 nr
Bt 3456 10 YR 5/3 COSL 76 14 10 3 7.0 7 5 <1 M3 K2
Crt 5671 ROCK nr
R 71+ ROCK
1390 m elevation: Musick series (ne-loamy, mixed, semiactive, mesic Ultic Haploxeralf)
O 140
AE 029 10 YR 6/3 SL 60 27 15 16 5.6 12 8 1 K3 M2 HIV1
EBt 2938 10 YR 6/4 SL 62 24 16 8 5.8 9 9 <1 nr
Bt1 3854 10 YR 5/8 SCL 64 14 27 3 5.2 9 14 <1 K3 M1 HIV1
Bt2 5469 2.5 YR 5/6 SCL 63 16 25 2 5.1 8 12 <1 nr
BCt1 6996 7.5 YR 6/8 SL 67 18 17 1 5.0 9 10 <1 nr
BCt2 96180 7.5 YR 7/3 SL 76 17 11 1 5.0 8 7 <1 nr
Cr 180+ ROCK
1800 m elevation: Shaver series (coarse-loamy, mixed, superactive, mesic Humic Dystroxerepts)
O 40
A1 04 10 YR 5/3 LS 80 15 5 39 6.2 18 4 6 HIV2 K2 M1 G1
A2 418 10 YR 5/3 LS 79 17 4 16 6.0 11 4 7 nr
A3 1846 10 YR 5/3 LS 83 13 6 8 6.1 10 4 4 nr
A4 4670 10 YR 5/3 LS 80 15 8 6 6.0 9 5 5 K3 HIV3
Bw1 70102 10 YR 6/3 LS 80 15 8 5 5.9 9 4 4 nr
Bw2 102172 10 YR 5/2 LS 83 13 6 1 5.7 5 4 <1 nr
Cr 172+ ROCK 85 12 3 1 5.7 6 4 <1 nr
(mid-elevation, below winter snowline) have hues as red as 2.5 YR, fraction, some of it has weathered to vermiculite that has been
suggesting the additional component of hematite (Schwertmann,1993). hydroxyAl interlayered in the more acid conditions at this elevation.
The Musick soils also have the highest clay contents (27%) and In the soils above the winter snowline (Shaver series and Cryepts),
pedogenic iron (Fed) concentrations (14 g kg 1), both of which occur hydroxy-interlayered vermiculite becomes a dominant component of
in the strongly expressed argillic horizon. The other soils have much the clay fraction, along with kaolin and, in the Cryepts, gibbsite. The
lower clay and Fed concentrations. The Musick soils, then, are the most predominance of Al-rich and Si-depleted secondary minerals attests
intensely weathered and morphologically developed along the eleva- to the strong leaching regime that results from the melting of the
tional transect. This is attributed to an optimal combination of tem- winter snowpack each spring. Leaching intensity was interpreted to
perature and moisture at this elevation, whereas weathering is inhibited be the major factor determining the degree of desilication and mineral
at lower elevations by lack of moisture and at higher elevations by cold weathering along the transect.
At the lowest elevation (Vista soils), the clay mineralogy consists 3.3. Andesitic terrain of the northern Sierra Nevada
of mica and kaolinite. The mica is mostly biotite inherited from the
parent rock and the kaolinite is derived from plagioclase weathering. Northeastern California is dominated by volcanic terrain, compris-
At somewhat higher elevations (data not shown), some of the mica ing all of the Cascade Range and the Modoc Plateau, and large parts
has transformed to vermiculite and halloysite occurs with kaolinite. of the northern Sierra Nevada (Figs. 1 and 2). An elevational transect
Halloysite has been shown to be the initial weathering product of similar to the central Sierra Nevada transect on granitic terrain has
plagioclase in forest soils with xeric moisture regimes in California been studied in the northern Sierra Nevada on volcanic materials
(Southard and Southard, 1987; Takahashi et al., 1993). The halloysite (Rasmussen et al., 2007) and is discussed here to illustrate mineral-
subsequently dehydrates to exhibit x-ray diffraction behavior diag- ogical trends in volcanic soils of northern California. Soils were inves-
nostic of kaolinite. tigated on pyroclastic mudows of andesitic composition (lahars) at
In the mid-elevation soils (Musick series), kaolin minerals are the elevations ranging from 160 to 2700 m. The mean annual precipitation
most abundant clay mineral group, with predominantly halloysite in here is somewhat higher than in the central Sierra Nevada, ranging
the subsoil and kaolinite in the surface. This trend is consistent with from 460 mm at the lowest elevation to 1520 mm at the highest
the halloysite dehydration mechanism for the formation of kaolinite. elevation. Precipitation is dominantly snow at the sites above 1590 m
Plagioclase sand grains are pseudomorphically replaced by tubular and predominantly rain at the lower sites. The relationships between
halloysite, as described in soils about 170 km to the north by Southard elevation and soil temperature and moisture regimes are similar to
and Southard (1987). While mica is still a component of the clay those in the central Sierra Nevada, as described above, as are the
R.C. Graham, A.T. O'Geen / Geoderma 154 (2010) 418437 427
elevation vegetation relationships. All of the soils in the transect The soils in this transect on andesite are generally redder and contain
were sampled on summit positions with 10 to 15% slopes to the west more clay and pedogenic iron oxides than soils at comparable ele-
or southwest. vations in granitic terrain to the south. It should be noted that, in
Four of the seven soils in the elevational transect will be high- addition to mac mineral weathering, wildres contribute to soil red-
lighted here. At the lowest elevation (160 m), Xerolls (loamy-skeletal, dening through the thermal transformation of goethite to hematite or
mixed, superactive, thermic Ultic Haploxerolls) support oak woodlands maghemite in places where large fuel items (e.g., logs) are thoroughly
dominated by blue oak (Quercus douglasii). At an intermediate elevation combusted on the soil surface (Ulery and Graham, 1993; Goforth et al.,
(1150 m) below the winter snowline, Humults (ne, parasequic, mesic 2005).
Andic Palehumults) have a mixed conifer forest dominated by pon- The clay mineralogy of the low elevation soils (Xerolls) is domi-
derosa pine (Pinus ponderosa). At a mid-elevation (1700 m) just above nated by kaolinite, with a trace of vermiculite. The mid-elevation soils
the winter snowline, the soils are Xerands with white r (Abies concolor) below the winter snowline (Humults) are also dominated by kaolin,
dominating the conifer forest. In the subalpine forest at 2450 m ele- occurring as halloysite in the subsoil and as kaolinite or dehydrated
vation, Cryepts support red r (Abies magnica), Jeffrey pine (Pinus halloysite near the surface. The kaolin at both sites is derived from
jeffreyii), and lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta). the weathering of plagioclase, with halloysite as the initial weathering
The parent material mineralogy, as judged from very ne sand product, which is subsequently dehydrated under warmer, drier con-
fractions and a rock sample, consisted of hornblende, plagioclase ditions (near surface or lower elevation). The Humults also contain
(andesine and albite), a chlorite-like mineral, cristobalite, tridymite, gibbsite, derived from feldspar weathering, and hydroxy-interlayered
and quartz. Volcanic glass is present in relatively small amounts vermiculite. This mineral assemblage, reective of intense desilication,
(<5%) in the soils at elevations <1500 m. In the higher elevation soils, is consistent with soil morphologic indications of intensive weathering
volcanic glass makes up 10 to 30% of the very ne sand fraction. at this elevation. Only soils above the winter snowline (Xerands) con-
Volcanic activity in the Cascade Range and the eastern Sierra Nevada tain an appreciable amount of short range-ordered aluminosilicates
has persisted through the Holocene and may account for the occur- (allophane and imogolite). The abundance of allophane and imogolite
rence of glass in these soils. was identied by selective dissolution analysis (e.g., high Alo levels in
Selected soil properties are presented in Table 3. The low elevation Table 3), lack of distinct XRD peaks from the clay fraction, and char-
soils (Xerolls) are underlain by hard bedrock (R horizon) at a shallow acteristic spheres (allophane) and tubes (imogolite) observed using
depth, have 10 YR and 7.5 YR hues, and clay contents of between 15 transmission electron microscopy. These short range-order minerals
and 20%. Soils above the winter snowline (Xerands and Cryepts) are constitute the bulk of the clay fraction, but are accompanied by traces
moderately deep over weathered bedrock and also have 10 YR and of kaolin (halloysite) and hydroxy-interlayered vermiculite. The high
7.5 YR hues but clay contents are generally 5 to 15%. The mid-elevation elevation Cryepts have relatively low levels of short range-ordered
soils below the winter snowline (Humults) are very deep and red minerals. The clay fraction of these soils is dominated by a hydroxy-
(5 YR hues) with a clayey argillic horizon (43% clay) extending interlayered smectite (HIS) with a lesser amount of kaolin. The HIS
below 200 cm. Dithionite-extractable Fe is also highest in these red- in this soil, and the HIV at the other sites, is likely derived from the
dest soils. Here, as in the elevational transect on granitic rock, the mid- chlorite-like mineral in the parent material. Pyroclastic materials often
elevational soils immediately below the winter snowline are found contain 2:1 layer minerals that are chloritized to some degree due to
to be the most intensely weathered and morphologically developed. hydrothermal alteration (e.g., Glasmann, 1982; Pevear et al., 1982).
Table 3
Properties of soils in an elevational transect on andesite in the northern Sierra Nevada (Rasmussen et al., 2007).
Horizon Depth (cm) Dry color Texturea Sand (%) Silt (%) Clay (%) O.C. (g kg 1) pH (1:1) CEC7 (cmol kg 1) Fed (g kg 1) Alo (g kg 1) Clay mineralogyb
160 m elevation: loamy-skeletal, mixed, superactive, thermic Lithic Ultic Haploxeroll
A1 05 10 YR 5/4 L 43 40 17 36 6.2 30 16 2 nr
A2 514 7.5 YR 5/4 L 43 39 18 20 6.2 24 16 2 nr
Bw1 1425 7.5 YR 5/4 L 47 34 19 12 6.2 22 17 2 K3 Vt
Bw2 2542 7.5 YR 5/4 L 47 34 19 7 6.4 22 16 2 nr
R 42+ ROCK
Even though consistency of soil age, and to some extent parent in the Great Valley. Uplift and base level lowering have preserved
material uniformity (i.e., variation in volcanic ash deposition), cannot portions of these alluvial deposits and their geomorphic surfaces as a
be fully assured, this elevational sequence shows the marked impact series of terraces or alluvial fan remnants. The oldest surfaces are at
of climate on pedogenic mineral formation. The warmest, most moist the highest elevations and the youngest ones are closest to the current
soils in the mid-elevations are the most intensively weathered. The alluvial oodplains. A particularly well-preserved sequence of such
mid-elevation soils above the winter snowline, which also have a terraces is found along the Merced and Tuolumne Rivers (Fig. 1)
substantial amount of volcanic glass, were the only soils dominated by (Marchand and Allwardt, 1981; Harden, 1982). The deposits are pri-
allophanic materials. marily glaciouvial sediments from the granitic terrain of the Sierra
Nevada with minor amounts of metavolcanic and other more mac
3.4. Fluvial terraces on the east side of the Great Valley rocks from the foothills. The soils on these preserved geomorphic
surfaces form a chronosequence spanning a time period of three
Throughout the Quaternary, materials eroded from the Sierra million years. Elevations are less than 200 m and the mean annual
Nevada have been transported westward and deposited as alluvium precipitation is about 300 mm. This precipitation occurs as rain
Fig. 8. Fluvial terrace landscapes in the Great Valley (Fig. 1); (a) mid-Pleistocene surface in the foreground and higher early Pleistocene surfaces on the horizon; (b) view across the
early Pleistocene surface showing mima mounds. Note the swale (vernal pool) in the foreground collects water in the rainy season (photo credits: R. Amundson).
R.C. Graham, A.T. O'Geen / Geoderma 154 (2010) 418437 429
between October and May. The soils have a xeric moisture regime and (White et al., 1996). The iron oxides produced by the weathering of
a thermic temperature regime. The native ecosystems are grasslands these minerals are responsible for the soil colors. The 10 YR hues of the
with scattered oaks on the Holocene and late Pleistocene surfaces Haploxeralfs indicate goethite, which likely predominates throughout
(Arkley, 1962). Most of the younger surfaces are valuable for cultivated the chronosequence even as hematite becomes the main pigmenting
crops, vineyards, and orchards. The older landscapes are grasslands used agent and produces redder hues in the ne-loamy Haploxeralf and
for cattle grazing (Fig. 8a). Slope gradients are nearly level (05%). the Palexeralf. Plagioclase weathers more quickly to kaolinite than
Three of the soils from the chronosequence are discussed here to does K-feldspar, but in the oldest soils (Palexeralfs) K-feldspar has
illustrate soil mineralogical trends on landscape positions of different contributed substantially to kaolinite production (White et al., 1996).
ages in the Great Valley. The soil on a 40 ka geomorphic surface is Plagioclase is essentially depleted in the ne-loamy Haploxeralfs
a coarse-loamy, mixed, active, thermic Typic Haploxeralf, the one on (600 ka), while signicant K-feldspar persists in the 3,000 ka Palexeralfs.
a 600 ka surface is a ne-loamy, mixed, semiactive, thermic Mollic Morphologic development, specically the formation of clay-rich
Haploxeralf, and the soil on a 3000 ka surface is a ne, kaolinitic, semi- argillic horizons and duripans, changes the hydrologic behavior of
active, thermic Ultic Palexeralf. All indications of soil morphological the soils as they age (White et al., 2005). Soil solutions in the younger
development increase with age, including clay concentrations, subsoil soils become seasonally concentrated by high evapotransporational
redness, and dithionite-extractable iron (Table 4). Both Haploxeralfs ux and are occasionally ushed during high precipitation events. In
have pH values near neutral, but the pH of the Palexeralf ranges between contrast, the clayey argillic horizons and duripans in the older soils
4.0 and 4.9 (Harden, 1987, 1988). Some soils on the 3000 ka surface isolate the deeper zones from major changes in water content, inhib-
have silica-cemented duripans (Marchand and Allwardt, 1981). iting both leaching and evaporative concentration. As a result, mineral
The parent materials of the soils are arkosic sands and gravels weathering in the deeper horizons of the oldest soils is controlled
derived from the granitic terrain of the central Sierra Nevada. As such, more directly by thermodynamic solubility relationships. Because it is
they are dominated by quartz, sodium-rich plagioclase (~An0.32), and protected from leaching, this subsoil environment attains concentra-
K-feldspar, with lesser amounts of hornblende (510%), biotite (~5%), tions of silica and base cations that favor smectite formation.
and other heavy minerals (Marchand and Allwardt, 1981; Harden, Surface water hydrology is also affected by the clayey argillic hori-
1987; White et al., 1996). The inuence of the parent material on zons and duripans in the soils of the older terraces. These landscapes
the soil clay mineralogy is apparent throughout the chronosequence. often have a distinctive microtopography consisting of mima mounds
Mica (biotite) and its weathering products (vermiculite, interstrati- with intervening swales (Fig. 8b). Due to the low-permeability of the
ed mica/vermiculite) are major components in the coarse-loamy argillic horizons and duripans, the swales collect water during the
Haploxeralfs (40 ka), but decrease in relative abundance in the older rainy season and are known as vernal pools (Rains et al., 2006; O'Geen
soils (Table 4). Kaolinite, a weathering product of feldspars, increases et al., 2008). Soils in the swales are smectite-rich Alsols and Vertisols.
in relative abundance with soil age, becoming particularly abundant in Pore waters in the Haploxeralfs are generally undersaturated with
the Palexeralf. Smectite is not present in the coarse-loamy Haploxeralf respect to opal-A, except for periods of time, usually in the summer,
and is a minor component in the ne-loamy Haploxeralf, but in the when solute Si reaches opal-A saturation within and immediately
lower part of the Palexeralf it is very abundant. All of the clay fractions below the argillic horizons. During the winter months, silica cemen-
contain very small amounts of quartz and feldspar. tation appears to dissipate, apparently because the soil solution is then
Hornblende and biotite are the only signicant sources of Fe and undersaturated with respect to opal-A and it dissolves. Some amor-
are the most readily weathered components of the parent material phous silica persists through the seasonal precipitation/dissolution
Table 4
Properties of soils on uvial terraces in the Great Valley (Harden, 1987).
Horizon Depth (cm) Dry color Texturea Sand (%) Silt (%) Clay (%) O.C. (g kg 1) pH (1:1) CEC7 (cmol kg 1) Fed (g kg 1) Clay mineralogyb
40 ka terrace: coarse-loamy, mixed, active, thermic Typic Haploxeralf
A1 015 10 YR 5/3 LFS nr nr nr nr nr nr nr nr
A2 1581 10 YR 6/3 LS 80 14 6 2 6.5 3 3 M4 K3 Q2 F1
2Bt1 81102 10 YR 5/4 LS 87 2 11 2 6.9 4 4 nr
3Bt2 102170 10 YR 5/6 SL 79 4 17 1 6.7 8 5 K3 V3 M2 HIV1 M/V1 Q1 F1
4BC 170201 10 YR 6/6 LS 86 8 6 4 7.0 6 4 nr
5C 201231 10 YR 6/4 S 91 6 3 4 7.3 4 4 V3 K2 M/V1 M1 Q1 F1
cycles, leading to the less soluble opal-CT that cements duripans in Several soil properties presented in Table 5 show progressive
some of the 3,000 ka soils (White et al., 2005). Amorphous silica has changes expected in such a chronosequence. The maximum redness
been shown to progressively accumulate with age in similar soils in increases from 10 YR hues in the Typic Argixerolls to 5 YR in the Ultic
southern California (Kendrick and Graham, 2004). Argixerolls and 10 R in the Haploxerults. Maximum clay contents
increase from 17 to 48 to 56% in the same sequence. Minimum soil
3.5. Marine terraces of the central coast pH values change from near neutral in the youngest soil to 4.8 in the
oldest. Dithionite-extractable Fe concentrations increase from <10 g kg 1
Along much of coastal California, previous shorelines are marked by in the youngest soil to >40 g kg 1 in the oldest.
marine terraces (e.g., Merritts et al., 1991; Moody and Graham, 1995; Clay fraction components are relatively consistent throughout the
Muhs et al., 2007). These terraces are wave-cut platforms that have chronosequence (Pinney et al., 2002). Kaolinite is the predominant
been raised above sea level either by a lowering of sea level or tectonic phyllosilicate, followed by interstratied chlorite/vermiculite. Mica
uplift of the land. The platforms are cut into bedrock and subsequently and gibbsite are minor components. Quartz and minor amounts of
covered by various beach and near-shore sediments and eolian depo- feldspar and Fe-rich dioctahedral smectite are inherited from the parent
sits. Soils that develop on these marine terraces have been the subject material (White et al., 2008). While the major clay fraction components
of chronosequence studies because each terrace in a suite of marine are relatively constant, certainly their total amounts, as reected by the
terraces marks a discrete period of time at which soil formation began, increase in clay content, change considerably. Kaolinite production is the
the highest terraces being the oldest. The coastal climate of California result of the weathering of smectite and feldspars (White et al., 2008),
has remained nearly constant since the late Pleistocene, with only such that the oldest soils are appreciably depleted of smectite and the
somewhat cooler, wetter conditions during glacial periods (Johnson, calcic phases of plagioclase. Presumably, the chlorite/vermiculite is a
1977). Thus, climate change has not been a signicant confounding weathering product of chlorite in the initial deposits.
factor in these chronosequences. In contrast, kaolinite is a minor component in the soils of a marine
A well-characterized marine terrace chronosequence is found on terrace chronosequence on San Clemente Island, 550 km to the south-
the central coast at Santa Cruz (Figs. 1 and 9). The mean annual east of Santa Cruz. In those soils, mica and smectite are the dominant
precipitation ranges from about 800 to 880 mm, increasing with clay minerals (Muhs, 1982). The soils are formed in eolian material,
elevation. The soils have a xeric moisture regime and a mesic moisture which includes mica, that is blown from the Mojave Desert and
regime. The terrace surfaces slope slightly (<5%) toward the sea and southwestern California (Muhs et al., 2007). As the soils weather, the
have grassland vegetation. Soils from three of the terraces are dis- mica is transformed to smectite.
cussed here. At an elevation of 14 m, soils are coarse-loamy, mixed, The prominent colors of the subsoils in the Santa Cruz chronose-
active, mesic Typic Argixerolls and are about 65 ka. The marine terrace quence are due to Fe oxides that form coatings on the silicate grains.
at 116 m is about 137 ka and its soils are ne-loamy, mixed, semiactive, So even though the Fe oxides are present in relatively small amounts
mesic Ultic Argixerolls. The oldest terrace (about 226 ka) is at 159 m (<5%), their presence is highly visible. The change in soil redness with
and has ne, mixed, semiactive, mesic Typic Haploxerults (Pinney age suggests changes in Fe oxide mineralogy. As the 10 YR hues
et al., 2002; Aniku and Singer, 1990; White et al., 2008). The sediments indicate, goethite is the only Fe oxide mineral in the Typic Argixerolls
from which the soils are derived contain primarily quartz, plagioclase (65 ka). A small amount of hematite is present in the older soils, but,
(An25An33), and K-feldspars (White et al., 2008). There are lesser since hematite is such a strong pigmenting agent (Schwertmann,
amounts of biotite and hornblende. 1993), it is sufcient to redden the soils even though goethite is still
Fig. 9. Oblique aerial view of the Santa Cruz marine terraces (Fig. 1) (photo credit: copyright (C) 20022009 Kenneth & Gabrielle Adelman, California Coastal Records Project, <http://>
R.C. Graham, A.T. O'Geen / Geoderma 154 (2010) 418437 431
Table 5
Properties of soils on marine terraces of the central coast (Pinney et al., 2002).
Horizon Depth (cm) Dry color Texturea Sand (%) Silt (%) Clay (%) O.C. (g kg 1) pH (1:1) CEC8.2 (cmol kg 1) Fed (g kg 1) Clay mineralogyb
65 ka terrace: coarse-loamy, mixed, active, mesic Typic Argixeroll
A 029 10 YR 4/2 SL 69 22 9 11 6.8 5 5 nr
E 2950 10 YR 5/2 SL 70 20 10 3 7.2 5 4 K3 C/V2 Q2 M1 G1 Sm1 F1
BE 5090 10 YR 6/3 SL 68 17 15 1 7.3 7 5 nr
Bt1 90106 10 YR6/3, 7.5 YR 6/6 SL 67 16 17 2 7.4 10 5 K3 C/V2 Q2 M1 G1 Sm1 F1
Bt2 106170 2.5 Y 6/4 LS 84 3 13 <1 7.4 13 7 nr
C1 170200 5 Y 7/2 S 96 2 2 <1 7.3 5 6 K1 M1 C/V1 G1 Sm1 Q1 F1
the predominant Fe oxide (Aniku and Singer, 1990). Another Fe oxide sent a geochemical extreme that has a dramatic impact on secondary
phase that increases with age in these soils is maghemite. This pedo- mineral formation and on ecosystem composition and productivity.
genic ferromagnetic mineral is largely concentrated in nodules asso- While much of the Klamath Mountains is underlain by non-ultramac
ciated with the argillic horizons of the two older soils (Fine et al., 1992; lithology, such as granitic and metasedimentary rocks, and is densely
Singer et al., 1995). These nodules contain up to half of the total Fe in forested, the ultramac areas typically have sparse and relatively
those horizons (White et al., 2008). Maghemite has a reddish brown stunted trees. This characteristic of low biomass and low productivity,
color (2.5 YR5 YR hues) (Schwertmann, 1993), so in a nely divided together with the occurrence of endemic species, is referred to as the
form it would contribute to soil reddening. Maghemite is formed by serpentine syndrome (Alexander et al., 2007). Landslides are common
heating goethite under slightly reducing conditions, as under large in the Klamath serpentinite areas because of the steep slopes, high
fuels in wildres, or by oxidation of magnetite (Bigham et al., 2002). rainfall, and structural instability imparted by serpentine and smectite.
The latter is the more likely origin in the Santa Cruz soils, where Smectite, a common weathering product of serpentine minerals,
magnetite is present in all of the soils, but is depleted by weathering at expands when wet, thereby reducing the shear strength of the materials
shallower depths and with increasing age (Fine et al., 1992). in which it is found. Large, stabilized rotational slumps are common
In marine terraces 210 km to the southeast, opaline silica is an landscape features in this region.
important soil component. Along with Fe oxides and clay, opal-A plugs The relationships of soil mineralogy and geomorphic position were
the matrix pores in the deeper regolith (2050 m) so that water ow studied in an area of serpentinized peridotite encompassing a sta-
is diverted to fractures and channels, which then become depleted of bilized landslide bench and surrounding slopes (Figs. 1 and 10) (Lee
Fe oxides (Moody and Graham, 1994). Opaline silica also concentrates et al., 2003, 2004). The study site is within the Trinity ophiolite
at and near the scarps of terrace edges (Moody and Graham, 1997). complex, the largest ultramac body in the Klamath Mountains. The
Water ows laterally through soils toward drainages that dissect the elevation of the site is about 1200 m and the mean annual precipitation
terrace surface. Evaporation from the terrace scarps concentrates the is 1000 mm, falling as rain and snow almost entirely between October
soil solution such that it is supersaturated with respect to opaline and May. Several small springs and ephemeral creeks from the head-
silica. Silica precipitates at the scarp surface and several meters back wall scarp deliver water to the landslide bench where it is ponded
into the soil, cementing the soil material in such a way that blockfall is behind the landslide bulge to form a seasonally wet meadow. The
the predominant form of erosion along the terrace edges. Sources of vegetation in the meadow consists of grasses, sedges, rushes, and forbs.
silica in these materials include the weathering of feldspars and chert. The surrounding slopes support open stands of Jeffrey pine (Pinus
jeffreyii) and incense cedar (Calocedrus decurrens) with a scattered
3.6. Ultramac terrain of the Klamath Mountains understory of buckbrush (Ceanothus cuneatus) and California fescue
(Festuca californica). Slopes range from >30% on the scarp to 10% on
The largest area of ultramac terrain in North America is in the the landside bench.
Klamath Mountains, a steep, rugged region with relatively high rainfall Two soils from a toposequence across the ultramac landslide terrain
(Lee et al., 2004). The ultramac rocks there consist of peridotites and are used here as an example to illustrate weathering and secondary
serpentinites in several ophiolite belts that roughly parallel the con- mineral formation (Table 6). The soils on the backslope of a ridge
tinental margin. The minerals that make up the rocks contain abundant anking the wet meadow are Argixerolls (clayey-skeletal, magnesic,
Mg and Fe, but very low levels of Ca and Al, and virtually no K. Soils mesic Aquic Argixerolls). Soils on the toeslope within the wet meadow
derived from these ultramac rocks are of interest because they repre- itself are Endoaquolls (ne, magnesic, mesic Cumulic Endoaquolls).
432 R.C. Graham, A.T. O'Geen / Geoderma 154 (2010) 418437
Fig. 10. Ultramac terrain in the Klamath Mountains (Fig. 1) showing open Jeffrey pine incense cedar forest on slopes surrounding a wet meadow (photo credit: B. Lee).
The Argixerolls are formed in 100-cm-thick colluvium which overlies Within the Klamath Mountains, and ultramac terrain elsewhere
>60 cm of soft, weathered bedrock (Cr1 and Cr2 horizons). The brown in the state, a mix of yellow-brown and reddish colors can be observed
colors are suggestive of goethite, the common Fe oxide produced from in the landscape. The cause of this color variation is related to the
serpentinite weathering. Clay content increases from about 30% in the mineralogical source of Fe (Alexander, 2004). While serpentinite and
A horizon to a maximum of 40% in the Bt3 horizon, then drops sharply peridotite may contain roughly the same amount of Fe, the Fe in
to 6% in the Cr horizon. The pH increases with depth, from 6.3 in the peridotite is contained within easily weathered minerals, such as
A horizon to 7.8 in the Cr2. The Endoaquolls have formed in deep olivine, whereas in serpentinite Fe is mostly in magnetite, which is
landslide colluvium. Low chroma colors are produced by predominating very resistant to weathering. Thus, in peridotite-derived soils the Fe is
reducing conditions and relatively high organic matter contents (35 released rapidly and abundantly, favoring the formation of hematite
121 g kg 1 organic C). Clay content is high (4558%) throughout and (Bigham et al., 2002) which imparts red coloration. In serpentinite-
pH is between 6 and 7. Dithionite-extractable Fe is higher in the more derived soils, the recalcitrant magnetite is minimally weathered and
oxidizing environment of the upslope Argixerolls than in the Endoa- only low levels of Fe are released from serpentine weathering, a
quolls. In both soils, Mn oxide content (Mnd) increases upward in the situation that favors goethite formation and corresponding yellow-
soil, reecting the more oxidizing environment near the surface. brown colors.
Table 6
Properties of soils in a toposequence on serpentinized peridotite in the Klamath Mountains (Lee et al., 2003).
Horizon Depth (cm) Dry color Texturea Sand (%) Silt (%) Clay (%) O.C. (g kg 1) pH (1:1) CEC7.0 (cmol kg 1) Fed (g kg 1) Mnd (g kg 1) Clay mineralogyb
Backslope/forest: clayey-skeletal, magnesic, mesic Aquic Argixeroll
O 20
A 06 1 Y 4/2 CL 35 36 29 65 6.3 42 21 0.9 Sp3 C3 SmL3 T2 A1
Bt1 624 1 Y 4/2 CL 35 33 32 46 6.2 39 21 0.8 nr
Bt2 2443 1 Y 5/2 CL 32 31 37 24 6.4 39 24 0.6 SmL4 C2 Sp3 T1 A1
Bt3 4369 2 Y 5/3 CL 31 29 40 12 6.7 48 22 0.4 nr
BC 69100 5 Y 5/3 SCL 50 26 24 3 7.2 56 14 0.3 SmH,L4 T1 Sp1 C1
Cr1 100134 3 Y 5/2 ROCK 64 30 6 2 7.7 50 2 0.1 nr
Cr2 134161 8 Y 6/2 ROCK 61 32 7 2 7.8 46 2 <0.1 SmH,L V C C/V
In the study by Lee et al. (2003), serpentine and Fe-rich chlorite the fan, and the ner material is transported farther into the valley.
are the two main primary minerals in the parent material, but talc, Transport is by stream ow, debris ow, and mud ow processes.
amphibole, and quartz are minor and variable components as well. Soils along a 7.5-km-long alluvial fan in the western Mojave Desert
Chlorite, serpentine, talc, and amphibole persist into the clay fraction (Figs. 1 and 11) were studied by Strathouse (1982) and three of them
in these soils. Smectite is the dominant secondary mineral, but it is are used here to illustrate soil mineralogical trends for the region
not a single phase. A high-charge smectite forms through the trans- (Table 7). The elevation of the fan ranges from 838 to 914 m. The area
formation of chlorite. The chlorite weathers via loss of the interlayer has cool winters and hot, dry summers. Mean annual precipitation
hydroxide sheet, yielding both regularly and randomly interstratied is about 220 mm, most of which falls as rain in the winter, though
chlorite/vermiculite and, with complete loss of the interlayer sheet, scattered thunderstorms do occur in the summer. The soil moisture
vermiculite. The chlorite-derived vermiculite further alters to high- regime is aridic and the temperature regime is thermic. Vegetation
charge smectite in the lower horizons of the Argixeroll. On the other includes creosote bush (Larrea tridentata), hop-sage (Grayia spinosa),
hand, most of the smectite in these soils is a low-charge, poorly burro-weed (Ambrosia dumosa), Joshua tree (Yucca brevifolia), and, on
ordered, Mg-rich, dioctahedral phase interpreted to have precipitated the lower parts of the fan, shadscale (Attriplex canescens). The alluvial
from the abundant Mg and silica released into solution by serpentine fan contains a mix of lithologies including granite, quartzite, marble,
weathering. A stability diagram plotted with soil solution concentra- and basalt.
tions indicates that Mg-rich montmorillonite is stable in these soils. Calcic Petrocalcids (sandy-skeletal, mixed, thermic, Calcic Petrocal-
The occurrence of clayey, smectite-rich soils in lower slope posi- cids) are found on the upper part of the fan (Table 7). These soils contain
tions is typical of serpentinitic landscapes (Istok and Harward, 1982), 25 to 37% rock fragments and mostly 5% clay. The pH is 8.7 to 8.9,
because the main products of serpentine dissolution, Mg and silicic reective of sodium carbonate presence. Exchangeable Na percentage
acid, are water soluble and are transported downslope where they (ESP) is mostly 3 to 7 dS m 1 and salinity, as indicated by EC, is also
concentrate to create conditions favorable for smectite precipitation. low (1 dS m 1). There is a petrocalcic horizon, with its upper surface
Other studies have found the smectite to be saponite (trioctahedral at the 79 cm depth, in which clay content (14%) is somewhat higher than
with Mg in the octahedral sheet) (Wildman et al., 1968; Senkayi, in the horizons above. This is also true for ESP (18%) and CaCO3 (38%).
1977), but at this site the neoformed smectite was dioctahedral. Soils on the middle part of the fan are Xeralc Petrocalcids (loamy,
Apparently, there was sufcient Al in the system to allow formation mixed, thermic, superactive, shallow Xeralc Petrocalcids). They contain
of montmorillonite. <1% rock fragments and have clay contents that range from 6% in the
Some soils in ultramac terrain support vegetation that is incon- A horizons to a maximum of 16% in the argillic (Btk) horizon. The pH is
sistent with the serpentine syndrome. Laboratory analyses show that 8.4 throughout, and is nearly one unit higher in the petrocalcic and
these soils have atypically high exchangeable Ca:Mg ratios and contain underlying horizon, suggestive of Na carbonates. The ESP is 4 above
Ca-rich primary minerals. Soils such as these have at least some con- the petrocalcic, but is 36 in the petrocalcic and 78 in the underlying
tribution from a non-ultramac source, such as colluvium (Lee et al., horizon. The EC is 1 dS m 1, except in the horizon below the
2001) or lithologic inclusions McGahan et al., 2008). petrocalcic, which has an EC of 5 dS m 1. The CaCO3 content of the
petrocalcic horizon is 42%, whereas in the other horizons it is 15%.
3.7. Alluvial fan in the Mojave Desert Natrargids (ne, smectitic, thermic Xeric Natrargids) are found on the
lower, distal part of the fan. For the most part, they contain <10% rock
Alluvial fans are characteristic geomorphic features in the Mojave fragments. Clay content increases from 4% in the uppermost horizon to
Desert, and in deserts around the world. A fan forms at the mouth of a maximum of 50% in the natric (Btn) horizon. The pH ranges within
an intermittent stream channel where it emerges from a mountain values indicative of CaCO3. The ESP is mostly within the range of 30 to
canyon into a valley. The materials in an alluvial fan are a mix of the 45, but is much lower in the surface horizons. The CaCO3 content is
lithologies present in the watershed. Sediments in the alluvial fan are relatively low except in the Btkn horizons (2629%). The surface A
sorted by particle-size as a function of distance from the mountain horizons of the soils contain vesicular pores, a common feature of desert
front. The coarsest (heaviest) material is deposited rst, at the apex of soils. These vesicular horizons reduce inltration and leaching so that
Fig. 11. Alluvial fan landscape in the Mojave Desert (Fig. 1). Note desert pavement in the foreground (photo credit: A. Ohtomi).
434 R.C. Graham, A.T. O'Geen / Geoderma 154 (2010) 418437
Table 7
Properties of soils along an alluvial fan transect in the western Mojave Desert (Strathouse, 1982).
Horizon Depth (cm) Dry color Texturea Sand (%) Silt (%) Clay (%) O.C. (g kg 1) pH (1:1) CEC8.2 (cmol kg 1) ESP EC (dSm 1) CaCO3 (%) Clay mineralogyb
Upper fan: sandy-skeletal, mixed, thermic Calcic Petrocalcid
Avk 010 10 YR 6/4 COSL 73 22 5 1.3 8.7 6 3 <1 16 Q4 Sm3 K2 C1 M1
Bk1 1051 10 YR 6/4 COS 91 6 3 0.3 8.9 3 7 <1 22 Q3 Sm3 K2 M1 P1 C1
Bk2 5179 10 YR 6/4 COS 91 5 4 0.8 8.8 3 6 <1 21 Q3 Sm3 P2 K2 M2 C1
Bkkm 79147 10 YR 8/1 COSL 64 22 14 0.8 8.9 6 18 1 38 P4 Q3 Sm2 K2 C1 M1
salts tend to accumulate in the underlying subsoils (Young et al., 2004; All of the soils along the alluvial fan transect contain CaCO3 in the
Wood et al., 2005; Graham et al., 2008). The dominant hue for soils along form of calcite (Table 7). Calcite is present in most soils in the Mojave
the transect is 10 YR, with only the Btkn and Btn horizons being Desert and it becomes more abundant with soil age (Harden et al.,
appreciably redder. The high concentration of nely divided CaCO3 in 1991). Much of this calcite is deposited as dust (Reheis and Kihl, 1995),
the petrocalcic horizons makes them white. but it is also derived in situ from carbonate rock detritus (e.g., lime-
Dust deposition is a ubiquitous process in the Mojave Desert, stone, marble) if it is present. The dust is translocated into the soil
delivering on the order of 2 to 20 g m 2 of sediment annually (Reheis, (Anderson et al., 2002), where the calcite is dissolved and then
2006). The dust originates from playas and active uvial channels. The
mineralogy of the dust varies with the source, but its clay fraction is
consistently dominated by smectite and mica, with variable amounts
of quartz, and lesser amounts of kaolinite and chlorite (Reheis and
Kihl, 1995). This same suite of minerals occurs in the clay fraction of
the soils on the alluvial fan highlighted here (Table 7). Some portion of
these minerals has been inherited from the alluvium or, in the case of
kaolin and smectite, derived by weathering in situ. Feldspars, biotite,
and hornblende in rocks and sand grains extracted from the soils were
partially altered to clay minerals. On the other hand, dust has certainly
contributed signicantly, at least on the upper fan where a desert
pavement (Fig. 11) acts to trap dust (McFadden et al., 1987; Anderson
et al., 2002). At a site 180 km to the east, soils developed on alluvial
fans of various lithologies and ranging in age from 4 to 200 ka, had
relatively uniform clay mineralogies and little evidence of primary
mineral weathering (Deng and McDonald, 2007). The uniform clay
mineralogy across age and lithology was interpreted to indicate that
weathering of the alluvium contributed relatively little to soil clay
mineralogy compared to eolian dust inputs, which with time are trans-
located into subsoils.
In the study by Strathouse (1982) highlighted here, x-ray diffrac-
tion patterns of the clay fraction of some of the horizons contained
a 1.08-nm peak, which was especially intense in the petrocalcic
horizons. This peak was originally identied as a partially altered mica, Fig. 12. The occurrence of major pedogenic clay minerals in California subsoils in relation to
but is reinterpreted here as palygorskite (Table 7). Palygorskite was mean annual temperature and precipitation. Kaolin minerals are not included, but they
occur (and often dominate) at all sites, except in ultramac terrain. Study sites are
not widely recognized as a pedogenic mineral at the time of the study
indicated by numbers as in Fig. 1: (1) granitic terrain of the Peninsular Ranges, (2) granitic
(Zelazny and Calhoun, 1977), but is now understood to commonly terrain of the central Sierra Nevada, (3) andesitic terrain of the northern Sierra Nevada,
form in or immediately under petrocalcic horizons, including those in (4) uvial terraces on the east side of the Great Valley, (5) marine terraces of the central
the Mojave and adjacent desert regions (McFadden, 1982; Graham and coast, (6) ultramac terrain of the Klamath Mountains, (7) alluvial fan in the Mojave
Franco-Vizcano, 1992; Reheis et al., 1992; Brock and Buck, 2007; Deng Desert. Mineral abbreviations: C/V = interstratied chlorite/vermiculite, G = gibbsite,
HIS = hydroxy-interlayered smectite, HIV = hydroxy-interlayered vermiculite, NA = not
and McDonald, 2007). The high pH values and high Mg and Si activities applicable (kaolin was the only pedogenic clay mineral), P = palygorskite, Sm = smectite,
in the localized petrocalcic environment are conducive to palygorskite SROM = short range-ordered minerals, V = vermiculite. Hyphen between letters indicates
neoformation (Singer, 2002). local variation due to topography or age.
R.C. Graham, A.T. O'Geen / Geoderma 154 (2010) 418437 435
Table 8
Origin of soil clay minerals in representative California landscapes.a
Peninsular R. Sierra Nevada Great Valley Central Coast Klamath Mts. Mojave Desert
Granitic Granitic Andesite Fluvial terraces Marine terraces Serpentinite Alluvial fan
Initial material M M C M, C Sm, M, C Sp, C, T M, C
Eolian Sm, K, C, M
Transformed M HB, V V M M HIV C V, HIV, HIS M V, HIV C C/V C SmH C V, C/V M Sm
Neoformed K, Sm K, G K, G, SROM K, Sm K, G SmL P, Sm, K
C = chlorite, C/V = interstratied chlorite/vermiculite, G = gibbsite, HB = hydrobiotite, HIS = hydroxy-interlayered smectite, HIV = hydroxy-interlayered vermiculite, K = kaolin,
M = mica, P = palygorskite, Sm = smectite, SmH = high-charge smectite, SmL = low-charge smectite, Sp = serpentine, SROM = short range-ordered minerals, T = talc, V =
reprecipitated at a depth that reects the depth of leaching (McFadden tribute clay minerals to all of the pedogenic settings examined in this
and Tinsley, 1985). Both the stable isotope composition and crystal review (Table 8). Mica, particularly biotite, and chlorite are commonly
morphology of pedogenic calcite vary with elevation on an alluvial fan inherited clay minerals. They are readily transformed to vermiculite,
and associated stream terraces 250 km northeast of the site addressed smectite, hydroxy-interlayered minerals, or interstratied minerals.
here (Amundson et al., 1989; Chadwick et al., 1989). Kaolinite, halloysite, gibbsite, short range-ordered minerals, smectite,
Opaline silica is a common component of carbonate-rich horizons in and palygorskite are neoformed in various soil environments.
the Mojave (e.g., Boettinger and Southard, 1991; Eghbal and Southard, Iron oxides in California soils have been less studied, but several
1993), often to the point where it is the primary cementing agent. Such trends are apparent. Goethite is the most common and abundant
horizons are a kind of duripan (Soil Survey Staff, 1999) that cannot be pedogenic Fe oxide, imparting yellow brown colors. Those colors can
visually distinguished from a petrocalcic horizon (cemented by CaCO3). be over-ridden by the strong red-pigmenting characteristic of hematite,
The soluble salt content increases down the fan (Table 7) and which is evident in soils that are highly weathered due to age or a
gypsum (data not presented) was found only in the lowest part of favorable weathering environment. The presence of easily weathered
the fan, in the Natrargid. Soluble salts and gypsum are also widely Fe-bearing minerals promotes the formation of hematite. Maghemite
delivered to Mojave landscapes in dust (Reheis and Kihl, 1995), then forms via oxidation of magnetite, but both it and hematite are also
dissolved and redistributed into soils with inltrating water and to produced by thermal transformation of goethite during forest res.
lower landscape positions with runoff water. The landscape distribu- Calcite and opal-A occur in semi-arid and arid regions, whereas
tion of soluble salts also depends on the direction of prevailing winds gypsum and the more soluble salts are found in the most arid land-
relative to the sources, which are playa surfaces (Hirmas, 2008). The scapes. The landscape distribution of these minerals is often strongly
depth distribution of salts, including chlorides, sulfates, and nitrates, related to patterns of eolian dust deposition and water inltration and
depends on the degree of leaching that the soil experiences. Soils with leaching.
minimal leaching, such as those mantled by desert pavement, have
salts near the surface (Wood et al., 2005; Graham et al., 2008). Soils Acknowledgements
with high water tables, such as wet playas, have evaporite desposits
on the surface and contribute salts to the eolian dust load (Reheis, The authors are grateful to Craig Rasmussen, Marjorie Schulz, and
2006). Jennifer Harden for providing additional information relative to their
work on California soils. We also thank Judy Turk for preparing Fig. 1
4. Synthesis and conclusions and assisting with Fig. 12. Two anonymous reviewers provided com-
ments that substantially improved the manuscript.
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