Errázuriz-Henao Et Al., 2019. Lithos
Errázuriz-Henao Et Al., 2019. Lithos
Errázuriz-Henao Et Al., 2019. Lithos
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Unraveling the sources and processes that produce intermediate continental arc volcanoes is still a challenge for
Received 9 January 2019 geoscientists. To address this problem, here we use comprehensive geochemical and isotopic data from Nevado
Accepted 4 April 2019 del Santa Isabel and Cerro Machín volcanoes in the North Volcanic Province of Colombia, and from oceanic sed-
Available online 09 April 2019
iments sampled outboard the Colombian continental margin. Volcanoes along this province have been influenced
by the subduction of a compositionally contrasting sedimentary column constituted by a carbonate-rich pelagic
layer overlain by a clay-and-apatite-rich hemipelagic unit. The studied volcanoes exhibit the high Mg# (~60) and
Andes calc-alkaline affinities that are typical of continental arcs but display unusually high and contrasting Th(U)/La,
Andesites Nb/Ta and Dy/Yb ratios and isotopic compositions. We argue that the geochemical variations within and
Carbonate subduction among these volcanoes are not controlled by differentiation or crustal contamination of a parental basaltic
magma but formed by melting of different kinds of subducted sedimentary materials detached from the slab
as buoyantly rising diapirs at various depths. This model accounts for the reworking of refractory carbonates
into arc magmatism and suggests that the geochemical diversity of the North Volcanic Province is mainly con-
trolled by the nature of the subduction inputs and their exhumation pathways within the mantle wedge.
© 2019 Published by Elsevier B.V.
1. Introduction convergent margins where the subducted trench sediments differ from
the Global Subducted Sediment (GLOSS), which arguably carries the typ-
Andesite petrogenesis and their relation to convergent margins have ical characteristics of the upper continental crust (Plank, 2013; Plank and
long been a puzzling problem for Earth Scientists (Gill, 1981; Gómez- Langmuir, 1998). This is the case of the Colombian Andean margin,
Tuena et al., 2014a; Taylor, 1967). Most researchers concur that global where carbonate-rich pelagic and hemipelagic sediments are not only
intermediate arc magmas represent mixtures between juvenile being introduced into the mantle wedge in enormous quantities, but
mantle-like components and pre-existent crust-like materials (Gill, also transferred back to the atmosphere by degassing from arc volcanoes
1981; Taylor, 1967). Nonetheless, current petrogenetic models fail to of the Northern Volcanic Zone of the Andes (Aiuppa et al., 2017). Volca-
agree on whether this hybridization process occurs through assimilation noes in this region are thus in a privileged position to investigate the
or mingling in the overriding crust (Annen et al., 2006; Bezard et al., influence of subducted sedimentary carbonate in the source of a thick-
2014; Hildreth and Moorbath, 1988) or in the mantle wedge via the in- crusted continental arc.
corporation of crustal and sedimentary components into the subduction The North Volcanic Province of Colombia (NVP) is mostly consti-
channel (Behn et al., 2011; Gómez-Tuena et al., 2014b; Nielsen and tuted by high-Mg# calc-alkaline intermediate volcanic rocks with char-
Marschall, 2017; Straub et al., 2011). This is a complex problem because acteristics that are typical of continental arcs (Kelemen et al., 2003). And
most of the crustal materials introduced into the mantle wedge, such as yet two of the most studied volcanoes in the region, Nevado del Ruiz
sediments or ablated forearc debris, display very similar compositional and Cerro Machín, display contrasting trace element and isotopic
characteristics to the overriding continental crust (Clift et al., 2009; characteristics that have been attributed to contamination with a pre-
Parolari et al., 2018; Plank and Langmuir, 1998) and therefore the origin existent continental crust (Laeger et al., 2013; Vatin-Pérignon et al.,
and evolution of andesites can be obscured by a variety of processes that 1988). Since both volcanoes have been emplaced on top of the same
combine similar components. Despite these limitations, there are a few local basement and share an almost identical crustal architecture, the
possibility exists that their sources may have been influenced by differ-
⁎ Corresponding author. ent subduction components. To test this hypothesis, in this contribution
E-mail address: (A. Gómez-Tuena). we report whole-rock geochemical data and Pb, Sr, Nd and Hf isotopic
0024-4937/© 2019 Published by Elsevier B.V.
152 C. Errázuriz-Henao et al. / Lithos 336–337 (2019) 151–168
compositions of volcanic rocks from Nevado del Santa Isabel (NSI) and (Poveda et al., 2015; Poveda et al., 2018; Yarce et al., 2014), following
Cerro Machín (CMV) volcanoes, located in the center and south of the a tectonic lineament defined by the right-lateral Palestina fault system
NVP, respectively. To further constrain the subduction inputs, we also (Borrero et al., 2009). Magmas of the NVP intrude and rest on top of Pa-
present new geochemical and isotopic data from sedimentary se- leozoic metapelites metamorphosed at green-schist and amphibolite fa-
quences sampled outboard the North Andean Colombian margin. This cies of the Cajamarca Complex, which comprises the metamorphic core
information, along with geophysical and geological data of the Northern of the Colombian Central Cordillera (Villagómez et al., 2011). The lower
Andes, is used to evaluate the sources and processes involved in magma crustal lithological assemblages in the Andean region are assumed to be
genesis along magmatic arcs, in light of one of the least sampled and similar to a set of high-pressure (10–14 kbar) pyroxenites, granulites
studied volcanic areas on Earth. and hornblendites found as xenoliths in the South Volcanic Province
(SVP) of Colombia (Weber, 1998), which have been recently dated at
2. Geologic setting b5 Ma by Lu-Hf in garnets (Bloch et al., 2017). The origin of these xeno-
liths is not yet fully understood; they have been related to subduction
The North Volcanic Province (NVP) of the Colombian Central Cordil- accretion due to oceanic-arc collision (Weber et al., 2002) or to a recent
lera is a ~65 km long Quaternary volcanic chain that represents the crustal foundering event of a gravitationally unstable lower crust (Bloch
northernmost expression of polygenetic volcanic activity in the Andes et al., 2017). Regardless, these xenoliths are important because they
(Fig. 1a). The currently active volcanoes are related to subduction of have been used as crustal contaminants in petrogenetic studies of Qua-
the Nazca Plate beneath the South American Plate (Gutscher et al., ternary volcanism in the SVP (Marín-Cerón et al., 2010).
1999). The province is essentially constituted by andesitic-dacitic prod- The sedimentary packages sampled offshore the Colombian trench
ucts distributed in a N-S alignment of polygenetic volcanoes named (Fig. 1) are characterized by two lithological and geochemically con-
from north to south as: Cerro Bravo, Nevado del Ruiz, Nevado del trasting lithologies: an Upper Miocene pelagic biogenic carbonate unit
Santa Isabel, Paramillo de Santa Rosa, Paramillo del Quindío, Nevado made of limestone and chalk, which is characterized by high CaCO3
del Tolima and Cerro Machín (Fig. 1b). At the trench, the ca. 12 Ma and lower organic carbon contents (Fig. 2a), and a Plio-Pleistocene
Nazca plate converges at a rate of ~60 mm/year (Lonsdale, 2005; clay-bearing nannofossil-rich hemipelagic ooze unit with higher or-
Syracuse et al., 2010; Syracuse et al., 2016) with a subduction angle ganic carbon (Fig. 2a) (Beiersdorf and Natland, 1983). The upsection de-
that varies from 15° to 25° along strike (Gutscher et al., 1999). North crease in CaCO3 contents outlines the so-called “carbonate crash”, a
of the NVP, seismic reflectors of the Nazca Plate are shifted towards palaeoceanographic event across the western Caribbean and Eastern Pa-
the Eastern Cordillera, forming a flat slab section where polygenetic vol- cific basins attributed to changes in deep water circulation due to the
canic activity is absent (Chiarabba et al., 2016) (Fig. 1a). To the south, closure of the Central American Seaway in the middle-late Miocene
the Nazca Plate plunges with a nearly vertical geometry and the volcanic (Jiang et al., 2007; Lyle et al., 1995).
activity also ceases until ~2°N as the slab dip becomes gentler (Syracuse
et al., 2016). Along the NVP, the subduction dip-direction shifts to the 3. Samples
SE, forming a southward gradual increase in arc front slab-depths
from 120 km at the northernmost volcano (Cerro Bravo) to 160 km The volcanic rocks studied here were collected at Nevado del Santa
below the southernmost volcano (Cerro Machín) (Hayes et al., 2012) Isabel (NSI), a 10 km long succession of andesitic lava flows and
(Fig. 1a). domes with eruptive ages ranging from 0.76-0.64 Ma to 5-3.5 ka
Volcanoes of the NVP are emplaced on top of a ~42–52 km thick con- (Thouret et al., 1990). Rocks from NSI are compositionally similar to
tinental crust that becomes slightly thicker southwards (up to 52) nearby Nevado del Ruiz stratovolcano (Martínez et al., 2014). In order
Fig. 1. Tectonic map of the Northern Volcanic Zone of Colombia and the studied area. (A) North Volcanic Province (NVP) and South Volcanic Province (SVP). Gray-scale lines represent the
slab geometry of the subducted Nazca Plate (Hayes et al., 2012). Triangles represent active volcanoes. DSDP sites located offshore Ecuador/Colombia (Site 504) and Panama/Colombia (Site
84) (inset). (B) Main active volcanoes of the NVP.
C. Errázuriz-Henao et al. / Lithos 336–337 (2019) 151–168 153
to further understand the geochemical variations along strike, we also highest bulk carbonate contents and thus anomalously high CaO con-
analyzed newly collected samples from the southernmost composite centrations (up to 45 wt%) (Plank, 2013). The Colombian trench sedi-
volcano, Cerro Machín (CMV), a 0.5–0.09 ka intra-crateric dome struc- ments thus show trace element patterns that differ significantly from
ture with associated plinian deposits located 40 km to the south of NSI the composition of the GLOSS (Plank, 2013). They are more depleted
(Laeger et al., 2013; Piedrahita et al., 2018) and from an adjacent in REE, HFSE and incompatible elements as Cs, Rb, Th and Pb, but
small dome structure (sample MOR-01), which is considered here to show substantial enrichments in Sr, Ba and U contents (Fig. 2b).
be genetically related to CMV based on its composition.
About 300 m of sediments were sampled by drill cores of the Deep 4. Analytical methods
Sea Drilling Program (DSDP) Expedition 59 (Sites 504–505) offshore
Colombia/Ecuador, and by DSDP Expedition 9 (Site 84) offshore Samples from NSI and CMV where initially crushed in a hydraulic
Panama/Colombia (Fig. 1a, inset). The sedimentary columns were previ- press and then sieved to select b5 mm chips. Fresh hand-picked chips
ously analyzed geochemically for a selected number of elements where then ultrasonically washed in deionized water, dried and pow-
(Beiersdorf and Natland, 1983). However, to better characterize the dered in an alumina mill and shatter box for major and trace element
geochemical compositions of the subducted sedimentary sequences, chemical preparations. Hand-picked rock chips of 2–3 mm in size
we re-analyzed representative core samples along both sections were leached and dissolved in acids for isotopic analysis. Sedimentary
(Fig. 2, Table 1). Samples from the upper carbonate-poor units on both core samples were first dried and then powdered by hand on an alu-
DSDP Sites are characterized by their higher U, Th and Rb contents, mina mortar before digestion for trace element and isotopic analysis
which translate to higher U/La, Th/La and Rb/La ratios (Fig. 2a). In con- without leaching.
trast, the lower carbonate-rich units have much higher Sr contents and For major and trace element analysis, about 50 mg of rock powders
an overall depletion in most trace elements when compared to the were digested using high pressure Parr bombs to adequately dissolve
upper units (Fig. 2b). Based on our new analyses of these representative resistant mineral species, followed by open vessel acid dissolution pro-
samples, we calculated the average compositions of the hemipelagic cedures described in Mori et al. (2007). The elemental concentrations
upper units and the carbonate lower units (Table 1). These bulk compo- were determined by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry
sitions were then used to evaluate their potential role in arc magmatism (ICP-MS) using a Thermo iCap-Qc at Laboratorio de Estudios Isotópicos
along the NVP. (LEI) at the Centro de Geociencias (CGeo), UNAM (Table 1: DSDP sedi-
The Colombian sediments are compositionally similar to the Central ments; Appendix A: volcanic rocks). SiO2 concentrations were not di-
American trench sediments sampled at ODP Site 895 (Plank et al., 2002; rectly analyzed and the reported values are estimated by differences
Vervoort et al., 2011), especially in their U, Th and Rb enrichments to the from the total on an anhydrous basis. Reproducibility and accuracy of
top of the sequences (Fig. 2). Yet, the Colombian trench sediments show major and trace element data at CGeo are given by the average concen-
a clear enrichment in organic matter in both the upper and lower units, trations and standard deviations of multiple digestions of different rock
and also higher CaCO3 contents in the upper unit when compared to standards (AGV-2, BHVO-2, BCR-2, JB-2 and internal standard PS-99-25;
those from Central America. Among the global spectrum of subducted Appendix C), and has been reported in several previous publications
sediments, the Colombian sedimentary column displays one of the (Gómez-Tuena et al., 2011; Mori et al., 2007).
Fig. 2. (A) Schematic sedimentary column for DSDP sites 504 and 84 outboard the Colombian margin, locations of selected key samples and their geochemical variability along the se-
quence. Selection of samples based on lithological units along the sedimentary column (Beiersdorf and Natland, 1983; Beiersdorf and Rösch, 1983). Also shown for comparison are the
Central American trench sediments which display a similar stratigraphic distribution along the sequence (Plank et al., 2002; Vervoort et al., 2011). Both Colombian and Central
American sediments display a reduction in CaCO3 concentrations and an enrichment in organic content and incompatible trace elemental abundances to the top of the column.
(B) Multi-element plot normalized to the Bulk Continental Crust (BCC) from Rudnick (1995). We also show the average Global Subducting Sediment (GLOSS II) from Plank (2013) for
comparison. Overall, trench sediments from Colombia are compositionally different to GLOSS II, which shows higher LILE, HFSE and REE concentrations but lower Ba, U and Sr contents.
154 C. Errázuriz-Henao et al. / Lithos 336–337 (2019) 151–168
Table 1
Major, trace element and isotopic compositions from the DSDP sites offshore Colombia and calculated Bulk Upper and Lower Units.
DSDP (site-hole) 69–504 69–504 9–84 9–84 Bulk upper Bulk lower
hemipelagic carbonate
Sample 17H-3 52H-1 4R-4 24R-3
unit unit
Table 1 (continued)
DSDP (site-hole) 69–504 69–504 9–84 9–84 Bulk upper Bulk lower
hemipelagic carbonate
Sample 17H-3 52H-1 4R-4 24R-3
unit unit
Isotopic compositionsc
Sr/86Sr 0.708838 (9) 0.708935 (7) 0.708516 (7) 0.708904 (8) 0.708677 0.708920
Pb/204Pb 18.8448 (8) 18.8504 (8) 18.8877 (8) 18.8331 (8) 18.8663 18.8417
Pb/204Pb 15.6170 (7) 15.6031 (6) 15.6135 (10) 15.6003 (8) 15.6153 15.6017
Pb/204Pb 38.6408 (17) 38.5581 (16) 38.7091 (22) 38.6072 (21) 38.6749 38.5804
Nd/144Nd 0.512589 (9) 0.512647 (8) 0.512764 (7) 0.512686 (9) 0.512677 0.512667
Hf/177Hf 0.282985 (5) 0.283074d (9) 0.283083 (3) 0.283074 (9) 0.282985 0.283074
Major and trace element concentrations were determined by Inductevely Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) using a Thermo iCap-Qc at Centro de Geociencias, UNAM. All
samples were initially digested in high pressure Parr bombs. Reproducibility of trace element data is given by the average concentrations and standard deviations of multiple digestions of
US Geological Survey rock standards AGV-2, BHVO-2, BCR-2 and Geological Survey of Japan JB-2.
Contents obtained from the DSDP initial reports from Shipboard Scientific Party on Leg 69 and 9.
Isotope ratios were measured using a Thermo Neptune Plus multicollector ICP-MS at Centro de Geociencias (CGEO), UNAM. Sample preparations for isotopic analyses were performed
at the clean lab facilities lab facilities of CGEO following chemical procedures described in Gómez-Tuena et al. (2014a, 2014b) and Straub et al. (2015). The values reported in the table are
not age corrected and are taken as initials. 2σ mean errors (n = 80) for individual measurements are multiplied by 106 for Sr, Nd and Hf and by 104 for Pb isotopic ratios.
Hf values from core 69-52H are taken from 84-24R. Chromatography separation for Hf in sample 69-52H was not possible due to initial lack of Hf in sediment sample.
Sample preparations for isotopic analyses were performed at the the preferred values published in the GEOREM database (http://
clean lab facilities of CGeo following chromatography ion-exchange el- and are reported in Appendix C.
ement separation using chemical procedures described in Gómez-
Tuena et al. (2014b) and Straub et al. (2015). All samples were first 5. Results
digested using high-pressure bombs. Isotopic ratios were measured
using a Thermo Neptune Plus multi-collector ICP-MS at CGeo (Table 1: 5.1. Petrography
DSDP sediments; Appendix B: volcanic rocks). The measured 87Sr/86Sr
ratios were corrected for mass bias to an 86Sr/88Sr = 0.1194 and ad- The studied rocks from NSI are porphyritic andesites and show a
justed to a NIST SRM 987 standard ratio of 87Sr/86Sr = 0.710230. During mineral assemblage dominated by plagioclase + clinopyroxene +
three separate intervals of analysis, the average measured 87Sr/86Sr orthopyroxene with variable small contents of amphibole, olivine and
for SRM 987 was 0.710288 ± 0.000007 (2σ, n = 8), 0.710318 ± biotite; characteristics also found in other eruptive centers within the
0.000018 (2σ, n = 9) and 0.710300 ± 0.000011 (2σ, n = 5). The mea- NVP (Martínez et al., 2014). Plagioclase is present as a matrix aggregate
sured 143Nd/144Nd ratios were corrected for mass bias to 46Nd/144Nd = in tiny laths displaying a trachytic texture, and as a phenocryst showing
0.72190 and adjusted to a JNdi standard 143Nd/144Nd = 0.512115 disequilibrium features such as sieve textures, mineral overgrowths,
(Tanaka et al., 2000). During three separated intervals of analyses, complex zoning and corroded rims. Orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene
the average measured for 143Nd/144Nd JNdi values were 0.512099 ± are mainly phenocrysts of fine (b1 mm) to medium-grained (up to
0.000004 (2σ, n = 7), 0.512103 ± 0.000005 (2σ, n = 6) and 4 mm) size and are often associated with glomeroporphyritic aggre-
0.512099 ± 0.000019 (2σ, n = 9). The Pb isotopic compositions were gates that also include plagioclase (Fig. 3a), and in some rare cases am-
corrected for mass bias by spiking all samples with SRM 997 Tl solution phibole and biotite. Orthopyroxene tends to show disequilibrium
with a reference 205Tl/203Tl = 2.3871; and adjusted to the NIST SRM- textures such as corroded rims and clinopyroxene or amphibole co-
981 standard values of 206Pb/204Pb = 16.9356, 207Pb/204Pb = 15.4891, ronas. Amphibole is fine to medium-grained and commonly displays
Pb/204Pb = 36.7006 (Todt et al., 1996). The average measured Pb iso- opacitic rims or is completely oxidized by devolatilization. In these
topic compositions of the NIST SRM-981 were 206Pb/204Pb = 16.9318, rocks, and generally along the NVP, olivine is common as xenocrysts,
Pb/204Pb = 15.4852 and 208Pb/204Pb = 36.6805 (2σ = 44, 57, showing rims of clinopyroxene and amphibole. Nonetheless, we report
90 ppm, respectively, n = 8), 206Pb/204Pb = 16.9303, 207Pb/204Pb = olivine-phyric lava flows that contain up to 10% modal, fine to medium-
15.4835 and 208Pb/204Pb = 36.6742 (2σ = 50, 62, 81 ppm, respectively, grained size (up to 3 mm) olivine (Fig. 3b). These phenocrysts do not
n = 6), and 206Pb/204Pb = 16.9313, 207Pb/204Pb = 5.4849 and show disequilibrium textures or dissolution and in some rare cases
Pb/204Pb = 36.6782 (2σ = 28, 31, 41 ppm, respectively, n = 7). were found as glomeroporphyritic aggregates.
The measured 176Hf/177Hf ratios were corrected for mass bias using CMV also produce porphyritic rocks but is distinguished by a miner-
Hf/177Hf = 0.7325 and further adjusted to a 176Hf/177Hf = alogical assemblage made of plagioclase + amphibole + biotite and
0.282160 of the Hf-Spex standard, which has been intercalibrated and minor amounts of quartz, pyroxene and olivine (Fig. 3c–d). Plagioclase
considered identical to the JMC-475 standard (Straub et al., 2015). Dur- is present aggregates in the matrix and as phenocrysts showing com-
ing the course of this study, the average measured value of the Hf-Spex plex zoning and overgrowths, of up to 4 mm. Amphibole and biotite
was 176Hf/177Hf = 0.282150 ± 0.000005 (2σ, n = 22). Reproducibility are present as fine to medium-grained size (Fig. 3c–d) (0.5-2 mm)
and accuracy of the isotopic measurements were verified using U.S. and in some occasions as glomeroporphyritic aggregates (Fig. 3c).
Geological Survey (USGS) standards BCR-2, BHVO-2 and AGV-2, which Among the studied rocks we find no evidence of intense alteration
were prepared and measured using the same procedures as the sam- due to weathering or to hydrothermal fluids, which is evident in the in-
ples. Results on these standards are within analytical uncertainty to tact preservation of the mineralogical phases of the studied rocks.
156 C. Errázuriz-Henao et al. / Lithos 336–337 (2019) 151–168
Fig. 3. Representative thin section photographs for NSI and CMV lava flows and domes. (A) Common glomeroporphyric aggregates of ortho- and clinopyroxene found in andesitic NSI
lavas. Matrix microcrysts consists of plagioclase and pyroxene laths. (B) Olivine phenocrysts commonly found in the most primitive NSI Iavas. (C) Glomeroporphyric aggregates of
amphibole and biotite from CMV lava domes. Matrix microcrysts also exhibit this mineral assemblage (D) Quartz phenocryst, plagioclase and amphibole are the common
mineralogical assemblages in CMV lava dome.
5.2. Major and trace element geochemistry (Fig. 4d). These trace element characteristics are also observed in
rocks from nearby Nevado del Ruiz volcano, indicating that equivalent
The studied volcanic rocks display a narrow range of compositions petrogenetic processes may operate in both volcanoes. In contrast, and
spanning between andesites, trachyandesites and dacites with SiO2 despite its more evolved character, CMV products are characterized by
contents between 58.2 and 66.87 wt% (Fig. 4a). The alkaline elements lower concentrations of highly incompatible trace elements like U
(Na2O + K2O) are variable between eruptive centers, although both (~2) and Th (6–7), and also extend to higher Nb/Ta (~16) and MREE/
NSI and CMV belong to the sub-alkaline series (Macdonald and HREE ratios (Fig. 4d).
Katsura, 1964) (Fig. 4a). In the SiO2 vs. K2O diagram (Peccerillo and
Taylor, 1976), NSI rocks fall in the high-K calc-alkaline field, while 5.3. Isotope geochemistry
CMV rocks display lower K2O contents plotting in the low-K calc-
alkaline field (Fig. 4b). Rocks from NSI are overall similar to Nevado The two volcanoes also display distinct Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf isotopic compo-
del Ruiz in terms of the major elements, albeit they are slightly more sitions (Fig. 6). Overall, rocks from the NSI have a relatively more de-
enriched in K2O. Both NSI and CMV show high and homogeneous pleted character in their Sr, Nd and Hf isotopic compositions when
Mg# (molar Mg# = 100*MgO/[FeO* + MgO]) from 55.2 to 68.3 across compared to CMV (Fig. 6a and d). For the Pb isotopic systems, however,
the SiO2 variability (see Fig. 4c). As it is usually observed in arc rocks from CMV show slightly more radiogenic values in 207Pb/204Pb
magmas (Gill, 1981), NSI and CVM display linear trends in major ele- and 208Pb/204Pb ratios than NSI at nearly equivalent 206Pb/204Pb values
ment diagrams with respect to SiO2 (Fig. 5). Yet, some important dif- (Fig. 6b and c, respectively). Therefore, the two volcanoes plot towards
ferences are observed between NSI and CMV products in terms of different end-member compositions in the 206Pb/204Pb vs. 207Pb/204Pb
their relative major element abundances. Rocks from NSI are less diagram (Fig. 6b, see inset) even if they appear to follow a single mixing
evolved, but they follow an evolutionary trend to higher Al2O3 con- line in the 207Pb/204Pb vs. 208Pb/204Pb variation diagram (not shown). In
tents and lower CaO, TiO2, MgO and Fe2O3 with respect to CMV, Nd-Hf isotopic space (Fig. 6d), CMV has more radiogenic values that plot
whereas the Na2O contents are more or less equivalent in both volca- close to the so-called “terrestrial array” (Vervoort et al., 1999), whereas
noes (Fig. 5). NSI is less radiogenic and displays variable 143Nd/144Nd at almost con-
The trace element patterns of the studied rocks show typical charac- stant 176Hf/177Hf values, following a trend that somehow parallels the
teristics of continental volcanic arc products, such as high ratios of Large so-called “seawater array” (Albarède et al., 1998). For comparison,
Ion Lithophile Elements (LILE) over Heavy Rare Earth Elements (HREE), rocks from the SVP (see Marín-Cerón et al., 2010) are slightly more de-
incompatible element enrichments, negative Nb-Ta anomalies and pos- pleted than the NVP in terms of Sr-Nd (Fig. 6a), have more enriched and
itive spikes in Pb and Sr (Fig. 4c). And yet, the two volcanoes display variable Pb isotopic compositions (Fig. 6b), and do not exhibit a positive
subtle variations in their relative trace element abundances. Rocks correlation on Pb-Sr isotopic space (Fig. 6c). For the Hf isotopic compo-
from NSI are distinguished by their higher U (4–6) and Th (7.5–13) con- sitions, the SVP also displays quite variable isotopic values that are in
centrations, and their lower Nb/Ta (~12) and MREE/HREE ratios general more depleted than the NVP.
C. Errázuriz-Henao et al. / Lithos 336–337 (2019) 151–168 157
Fig. 4. Mayor and trace element variation diagrams of the studied volcanoes. (A) Total alkalis vs. silica diagram (Le Maitre et al., 2002). (B) K2O vs. SiO2 diagram (Peccerillo and Taylor,
1976). (C) Mg# (Mg# = 100*MgO/[FeO* + MgO]) vs. SiO2. Both NSI and CMV show high Mg# throughout the SiO2 variation. The dotted line denotes a typical crystal fractionation
path of an arc basalt from the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt (Gómez-Tuena et al., 2014b). The rapid drop in #Mg is mainly caused by the early crystallization of olivine and pyroxene.
The yellow line denotes a simple mixing model between a hypothetical rhyolite and a basalt. (D) Multi-element plot of the studied rocks normalized to N-MORB (Gale et al., 2013).
Main differences between NSI and CVM are observed in Th and U concentrations, Nb/Ta ratios and the REE patterns. Also shown are data from CMV (Laeger et al., 2013) and Nevado
del Ruiz (Martínez et al., 2014). It is worth noting that although we did not measure SiO2 directly, normalization to 100% for all major elements adequately reproduce the SiO2 values
reported elsewhere in the same eruptive center (CMV) and from compositionally similar nearby volcanoes (NSI and Nevado del Ruiz).
Fig. 6 also shows the isotopic compositions of relevant crustal com- Our aim is to provide a new model for the formation of the NVP
ponents of the Northern Andes in comparison to potential subduction that may help explain the geochemical diversity observed throughout
inputs. On a broad picture, NVP rocks plot between the composition of the studied area, within the geodynamic setting of the Northern
the Nazca Equatorial Pacific Ridge (EPR) (Gale et al., 2013) and a crustal Colombian Andes.
component that could be represented by sediments from the Atlantic or
the Pacific oceans, which themselves display contrasting isotopic com- 6.1. Testing intra-crustal differentiation and contamination processes
positions. The Atlantic sediments are isotopically more enriched than
the Pacific sediments offshore Colombia. On the other hand, the Paleo- To the date, no investigations have taken into account the geochem-
zoic metamorphic basement upon which the NVP is emplaced displays ical variability of the NVP as a whole, but some compelling ideas have
low Nd and Sr isotopic values and a distinct array in the 206Pb/204Pb vs. been put forth to explain the petrogenesis of specific eruptive centers.
Pb/204Pb isotopic space that differs from that of the Quaternary volca- One of the first hypotheses was presented by James and Murcia
noes (Cochrane et al., 2014). The lower crustal xenoliths have similar Sr (1984) for Nevado del Ruiz which proposed an assimilation-fractional
isotopes than the volcanoes, but extend to higher Nd and Pb isotopic crystallization model of a mantle derived melt that incorporated 10%–
compositions than the Paleozoic basement (Weber et al., 2002) 20% of crustal material. Later studies have suggested that the geochem-
(Fig. 6a, b and c). ical variability of Nevado del Ruiz volcano is related to simple crystal
fractionation of an enriched mantle-derived basalt with negligible
6. Discussion crustal contamination (Vatin-Pérignon et al., 1988; Vatin-Pérignon
et al., 1990). In recent years, petrologic models concerning the “adakitic”
In this section, we will evaluate the different hypotheses that have and enriched isotopic nature of CVM (Laeger et al., 2013) have been as-
been put forward to explain the geochemical characteristics of the stud- sociated to intra-crustal melting, mixing and homogenization of lower
ied eruptive centers, incorporating new geochemical data for the volca- crustal lithologies with a mantle-derived basalt, following a Crustal
nic products and the potential subduction components involved. Hot Zones model (Annen et al., 2006).
158 C. Errázuriz-Henao et al. / Lithos 336–337 (2019) 151–168
Fig. 5. Major element variation diagrams with respect to SiO2. NSI rocks show linear trends without any major element inflection. Regression lines along the NSI data indicate that products
of CMV and NSI do not follow the same evolution.
Differentiation processes operating in the overriding crust from a et al., 2013). Nonetheless, if processes like these are pervasive along
common basaltic precursor are recurrently invoked in the literature, the NVP, why is it that volcanoes like NSI and CVM display such con-
and yet the homogeneously high Mg# of calc-alkaline andesites and trasting geochemical characteristics?
dacites cannot be easily explained by crystallization or contamination Because the HREE and High Field Strength Elements (HFSE) are
processes because fractionation of olivine and/or pyroxene, an assem- largely insoluble elements, their relative concentrations in magmatic
blage commonly found in basaltic rocks, will rapidly decrease the rocks are essentially controlled by the presence or absence of certain
Mg#, even at low SiO2 contents (Gómez-Tuena et al., 2014b; Kelemen, mineral species that strongly partition them, such as amphibole, garnet
1995) (see Fig. 4c, dashed line). Direct melting of a basaltic precursor or rutile (Gómez-Tuena et al., 2011; Green, 1995). Therefore, evaluating
would also create derivative liquids with low Mg# that are unlike the distinct features between the two rock groups in terms of their HREE
those observed in NVP andesites (Fig. 4c) (Rapp, 1995; Sen and Dunn, and HFSE ratios may help elucidate the characteristics of their fraction-
1994). Instead, the linear trends displayed by the major elements and ation assemblages (Fig. 7). Rocks from NSI, for example, display low Dy/
the relative constant Mg# at variable SiO2 contents (Figs. 4 and 5), ap- Yb values (Fig. 7a) that have been traditionally attributed to melting in
pear to be consistent with a mixing process between felsic and mafic the presence of amphibole (Davidson et al., 2007), given the stronger
components. Indeed, rocks from CMV have been argued to be formed partitioning of the MREE over the HREE in the amphibole structure
by a mixture between a mantle-derived basaltic precursor and a differ- (Bottazzi et al., 1999). In contrast, rocks from CMV show higher Dy/Yb
entiated silicic melt formed in lower crustal magma reservoirs (Laeger values, probably indicating the presence of residual garnet in the source
C. Errázuriz-Henao et al. / Lithos 336–337 (2019) 151–168 159
Fig. 6. Isotopic systematics of the studied volcanoes and other possible end-members. (A) 87Sr/86Sr vs. 143Nd/144Nd. (B) 206Pb/204Pb vs. 207Pb/204Pb. (C) 208Pb/204Pb vs. 87Sr/86Sr.
(D) 143Nd/144Nd vs. 176Hf/177Hf. Black line denotes the “Terrestrial Array” according to Vervoort et al. (1999), the gray dotted line denotes the “Seawater Array” according to Albarède
et al. (1998). Equatorial Pacific Nodules from van de Flierdt et al. (2004). Also shown in all figures: MORB data from Gale et al. (2013); lower crustal xenoliths from the Northern
Andes (Weber et al., 2002); South Volcanic Province of Colombia from Marín-Cerón et al. (2010); Paleozoic basement of the NVP (Cochrane et al., 2014), Pacific Colombian Sediments
from the DSDP 69 and 84 offshore Colombia (this study; Table 1), Atlantic sediment field from SedDB ( and Lesser Antilles sediments site 144 from Carpentier
et al., 2009. Diamonds for Hemipelagic and Carbonate sediment are mixtures of Atlantic and Pacific sediments (see Discussion).
(Davidson et al., 2007), because garnet has a higher compatibility of the both stable at those lithospheric pressures (Alonso-Perez et al., 2009;
HREE over the MREE (Johnson, 1994). Moreover, NSI display high Ta/Nb Schmidt and Poli, 2013), indicating that other features, like water con-
ratios (Fig. 7b, inset) that are analog to the modern continental crust tent, exert a stronger control on the residual assemblage rather than
(Green, 1995; Rudnick, 2000) and similar to those observed in experi- pressure alone. Indeed, Zellmer et al. (2012) have argued that dryer
mental studies where amphibole appears as a residual phase (Rapp melts will enhance garnet stability even at relatively shallow crustal
and Watson, 1995). Rocks of CMV show lower Ta/Nb ratios (Fig. 7b, depths (40–30 km). Although no hygrometers have been applied
inset) suggesting that rutile, instead of amphibole, might be the main along the NVP, rocks from CMV show larger modal quantities of biotite
residual phase, given the higher compatibility of Ta over Nb in the rutile and amphibole than NSI, an assemblage that is otherwise consistent
structure in silicate melts (Green, 1995; Rapp et al., 2003). In summary, with the ~7% H2O contents determined using thermo-barometric for-
these contrasting trace element characteristics indicate that an mulations (Laeger et al., 2013). This clearly indicates that CMV could
amphibole-rich residual assemblage may be controlling the trace ele- be even more hydrous than NSI and thus rules out the possibility of an
ment fractionations of NSI products, whereas a rutile-bearing eclogitic important H2O control on garnet vs. amphibole formation below the
high-pressure assemblage appears to be governing the REE and Nb/Ta studied volcanoes.
systematics of CVM. Fig. 7 also shows that other incompatible trace element ratios like
These kinds of geochemical variations, and especially the distinct Th/Nb and Th/La in the studied volcanoes are also decoupled following
REE patterns, have been related to intra-crustal differentiation at differ- different mixing lines. They depart from the compositions of the lower
ent depths (Chiaradia, 2015), but also to subduction-driven mecha- crustal xenoliths or a MORB-like component and extend to distinctly
nisms related to slab melting (Defant and Drummond, 1990) or to enriched end-members with higher Th/Nb and Th/La ratios, and radio-
different mineral assemblages in the mantle source of arc volcanoes genic Pb isotopic compositions. If this decoupling is controlled by differ-
(Alonso-Perez et al., 2009). Recent geophysical studies (Poveda et al., entiation processes at depth (Rudnick, 1995), then the crust would not
2015; Poveda et al., 2018; Yarce et al., 2014) have shown that CMV is in- only need to be compositionally different below the two volcanoes, but
deed emplaced on a slightly thicker crust (~52 km; 15 kbar) than NSI also different from the composition of the local Paleozoic basement
(~45 km; 13 kbar), suggesting that a garnet-rich higher-pressure resid- (Fig. 6b), and even distinct from the lower crustal xenoliths that are
ual assemblage could account for CMV REE systematics. In spite of that, considered to be representative of the deep crust in the region. These
experimental studies have shown that garnet and amphibole could be xenoliths display extremely low Th contents (see Weber et al., 2002)
160 C. Errázuriz-Henao et al. / Lithos 336–337 (2019) 151–168
Fig. 7. Trace element and isotopic diagrams for discriminating crustal contamination (see Discussion). (A) Dy/Yb vs. Th/La. Systematics observed in NSI and CMV products taken from
Davidson et al. (2007). (B) Ta/Nb vs. Th/Nb and Ta vs. Nb/Ta (inset). (C) La/Nb vs. Th/Nb and Th/La values for both NSI and CMV rocks. (B) Th/La vs. 208Pb/204Pb. High Th/La ratios from
the NVP rocks correlate with Pb isotopic enrichments. Also shown: MORB data from Gale et al. (2013) and data from lower crustal xenoliths from Weber et al. (2002).
and thus lower Th/La ratios than those required to explain the high Th/ While it is clear that all the aforementioned components may also
La ratios and the Pb isotopic compositions of the volcanoes (Fig. 7c–d). play a role in the petrogenesis of the Colombian Andes, when viewed
Since the two enriched end-members cannot be controlled by melting in detail, however, none of them can explain the radiogenic end-
of a homogeneous lower crust, and neither can they be formed by crys- member component required by the Pb isotopic mixing array displayed
tal fractionation of a common crustal source (see Plank, 2005), we argue by the volcanoes. When all Eastern Pacific sediments are considered, for
that the compositional differences should be then acquired by different example, no enriched end-member appears to be close to trend or over-
components being fed to the source of these two volcanoes deep in the lap the NVP rocks (Fig. 8a). Furthermore, the isotopically enriched end-
subduction zone. member cannot be explained by forearc subduction erosion, because
NVP and SVP rocks display much higher 207Pb/204Pb values (Fig. 8a)
6.2. The Colombian Pb paradox and the possible contributions from Atlantic than the forearc CLIP-like lithologies of Colombia and Central America
sediments (Kerr et al., 1997). As discussed above, melting or assimilation of the
lower crust would not be able to create an adequate end-member hav-
Before we evaluate the role of the subducted lithologies in the petro- ing both, diverging Th/La ratios and radiogenic Pb isotopes at the same
genesis of the NVP, we will first address the origin of the enigmatic Pb time (Fig. 7d). The studied Pacific sediments offshore Colombia are also
isotopic compositions of the studied volcanic arc products. inadequate because they have similar Pb compositions from the Eastern
South of the study area, in the Northern Andes of Ecuador, the Pb iso- Pacific sediments. Different mantle reservoirs also plot away from the
topic compositions of Quaternary volcanoes have been related to either main trend displayed by the Colombian volcanoes. Consequently, no
crustal contamination with the local basement (Nauret et al., 2018), to mantellic, crustal or subducted material analyzed so far within the
variations in the mantle region due to different metasomatic agents present-day Equatorial-Pacific configuration can be used to explain
(Ancellin et al., 2017) or to pre-subduction mantle heterogeneity the radiogenic Pb isotopic compositions of these North Andean volcanic
(Chiaradia and Fontbote, 2002). Similarly, in the SVP of Colombia, the rocks.
radiogenic Pb isotopic compositions were interpreted by Marín-Cerón Taking this evidence into consideration, we investigated the possi-
et al. (2010) to be acquired by assimilation of the lower crust of the bility that sediments with compositions similar to those currently de-
SVP studied by Weber et al. (2002). In contrast, in the Central posited in the Atlantic basin could have been involved in the
American arc, the Pb isotopic compositions have been explained as con- petrogenesis of the NVP. The Atlantic sediments extend to more
tributions from tectonically eroded forearc lithologies of the accreted enriched Pb and Hf isotope values than those from the Pacific basin,
Caribbean Large Igneous Province (CLIP) (Goss and Kay, 2006). and therefore they can provide an adequate end-member for the mixing
C. Errázuriz-Henao et al. / Lithos 336–337 (2019) 151–168 161
Fig. 8. (A) Pb isotopic compositions of the Caribbean Large Igneous Province (CLIP) and accreted terrains from Central America and Colombia (Kerr et al., 1997), Eastern Pacific sediments
and Atlantic sediments from SedDB (, Costa Rican arc lavas from Goss and Kay (2006), bulk hemipelagic and carbonate sediment from Table 1, South Volcanic
Province (SVP) from Marín-Cerón et al. (2010) and mantle reservoirs from Workman et al. (2004) and references therein. SVP and NVP rocks do not plot towards the CLIP field, the Pacific
sediments or enriched mantle reservoirs, indicating that these components alone cannot explain the NVP isotopic systematics. (B) Middle Miocene Paleo-reconstruction for the Pacific -
Atlantic Junction prior to the closure of the Central American Seaway. Paleo continental margin contours from Pindell and Kennan (2009). Locations of DSDP Sites were constrained using
the current absolute motion of the Nazca Plate (Syracuse et al., 2010). Western Cordillera terrains were already above sea level during the middle Miocene (Villagómez et al., 2011), lim-
iting the continental detrital erosion from the continental domain from Eastern and Central Cordillera. Atlantic and Pacific Oceans had water inter-connection during the middle Miocene
times. This sediment/water exchange between the two oceans could have result in a hybrid trench sediment which was subducted between 7 and 8 Ma.
relationships (Fig. 8). Is it possible that sediments coming from so dis- layers of the upper sections would not be able to register any potential
tant sources could have been mixed together in the past before being contribution from Atlantic sediments because the Panama Isthmus
subducted along the Colombian trench? was already established by that time. For these reasons, and in order
Several lines of evidence - from paleographic reconstructions to satisfy the Nd-Hf-Sr and Pb-Pb (Figs. 6 and 8) isotopic mixing rela-
(Pindell and Kennan, 2009) to biological and genetic similarities tionships displayed by the studied volcanoes, we modulated the trace
among equatorial Atlantic and Pacific faunas (Bacon et al., 2015) and element and isotopic compositions of the two main lithologies sampled
even paleoclimate records (Molnar, 2008) - suggest that prior to the at the DSDP Sites, assuming small contributions from an Atlantic sedi-
closure of the Central American seaway and the formation of the ment. This results in a hemipelagic and carbonate Colombian trench
Panama Isthmus, in the Late Miocene, the Atlantic and Pacific basins sediment (Table 1) hybridized with about 12% contribution from an At-
shared a common oceanographic past. Numerical models have also lantic sediment (Table 2). We assume that the Atlantic sedimentary
predicted a westward incursion of surface Atlantic waters into the contribution is compositionally similar to the bulk composition of
Pacific prior to the formation of the Panama Isthmus (Nof and Van DSDP Site 144 from the Lesser Antilles (Carpentier et al., 2009). These
Gorder, 2003). Based on this evidence, Fig. 8b shows a possible paleo- sediments represent the erosional products of the Eastern Cordillera of
graphic and tectonic reconstruction for the Equatorial Americas during Colombia transported by the Orinoco River, and thus provide a good
the Middle Miocene. At that time, sediments derived from the Western proxy of the eroded lithologies in the paleo-Magdalena watershed
Cordillera of Colombia, which is constituted by CLIP accreted terranes, (Fig. 8b). The compositions of the hybrid bulk sediments do not greatly
were already draining to the Pacific basin (Villagómez et al., 2011), differ from the originals in most trace element abundances or Sr iso-
and thus blocking detritus coming from the continental interior to topes because the Colombian Pacific sediments are already highly
reach the Pacific. However, and even though most riverine basins enriched when compared to the Atlantic sediments (see Figs. 9
washing the continental interior were draining to the Atlantic as they and 10). Nonetheless, the Pb and Hf abundances and their isotopic ratios
do today, the paleo-Magdalena river had westward depocenters deliv- will be more strongly affected by the terrigenous contributions from the
ering continental detritus close to the paleo-Pacific trench (Villamil, Atlantic sediments because the carbonate-rich Pacific sediments have
1999). All of this evidence suggests that the interconnection of Atlantic lower Pb and Hf contents.
and Pacific waters and sediments prior to the closure of the Central
American seaway could have resulted in a hybrid trench sediment 6.4. Elemental transport from sediments to arc rocks
with particular features akin to both sources.
Geochemical studies of global arcs have demonstrated a strong con-
6.3. The reconstructed sediment component nectivity between subduction inputs and volcanic outputs (Plank and
Langmuir, 1993). It has been shown that arc rocks mostly inherit their
Considering the current subduction rates of 60 mm/year along the high LILE/HFSE ratios and their radiogenic isotopic features from the
Colombian margin (Syracuse et al., 2010), we estimate that it would subducted trench sediments or eroded forearc debris (Elliott et al.,
take between 5 and 7 My for a subducted sediment to be transported in- 1997; Parolari et al., 2018; Patino et al., 2000; Plank et al., 2002;
board to the longitude of the NVP. Thus, the sedimentary components Straub et al., 2015). Nonetheless, the studied volcanoes have different
potentially contributing to the arc volcanoes were probably subducted trace element contents and isotopic compositions, and thus, follow di-
in the latest Miocene. Because DSDP Sites 69 and 9 outboard Colombia verging trends in several element ratio mixing plots indicating that
would have been located ~500 km to the west of its present location more than two components must be involved (Fig. 9). If, as shown
at that age, the Miocene age sediments at the base of the columns are above, these features are not controlled by contamination with the
not recording any significant detrital contribution coming from the con- overriding crust, they may be governed instead by the participation of
tinental margin. Likewise, the youngest post-Pliocene sedimentary different kinds of sediments entering the subduction channel.
162 C. Errázuriz-Henao et al. / Lithos 336–337 (2019) 151–168
Table 2 from NSI have higher Th/La ratios than the global range of analyzed oce-
End-member compositions and partition coefficients used in the models. anic sediments (Vervoort et al., 2011). Because incorporating these sed-
AOCa Bulk AOC Hemi. Bulk Carb. Bulk iments in bulk will not explain the high Th/La of these arc rocks, we
Db meltc Sedd De Sedf Dg conclude that, at least for the Colombian case, the Th/La ratio must be
Rb 2.1 0.05 22 33 0.65 17 0.23 significantly fractionated during sediment melting at subarc depths.
Ba 23 0.03 298 3862 1.50 2879 0.54 Trench sediments provide a good geochemical proxy of the input pa-
Th 0.290 0.04 3.17 2.85 0.28 1.59 0.23 rameters in subduction zones, but what is sampled outboard trenches
U 0.100 0.05 1.00 12.8 0.56 3.43 0.70
may have little resemblance to what is contributed to arc volcanoes be-
La 4.47 0.22 17.4 15.8 2.31 11.5 1.08
Sr 320 0.19 1362 527 1.31 1014 1.42 cause of the metamorphic transformations affecting the subducting slab
Pb 0.460 0.14 2.97 8.09 0.32 4.67 0.12 at different P-T gradients (Bebout, 2013; Gómez-Tuena et al., 2011). The
Nd 9.36 0.69 13.2 14.5 2.34 8.86 0.74 residual mineral assemblages at the onset of sediment melting are in
Sm 3.78 0.67 5.51 3.15 3.94 1.74 2.47 turn difficult to predict, but they should be mainly controlled by the ini-
Hf 1.38 0.69 2.00 1.92 0.82 0.902 0.39
Sr/86Sr 0.703200 0.703200 0.708677 0.708861
tial bulk compositions and the metamorphic pathways along the sub-
Pb/204Pb 18.5728 18.5728 18.9730 19.0403 duction channel (Spandler and Pirard, 2013; Woodland et al., 2018;
Pb/204Pb 15.5225 15.5225 15.6404 15.6547 Xiao et al., 2013). Because the two sedimentary units sampled outboard
Pb/204Pb 38.0844 38.0844 38.7668 38.8076 Colombia differ significantly in the modal abundance of carbonate ver-
Nd/144Nd 0.513103 0.513103 0.512554 0.512469
sus clay and apatite (see Beiersdorf and Rösch, 1983), their metamor-
Hf/177Hf 0.283120 0.283188 0.282884 0.282742
phic and residual mineral assemblages upon melting are also expected
MORB (AOC) composition from an average Eastern Pacific Rise from Gale et al. (2013) to differ. High-pressure melting experiments of carbonate-rich sedi-
between 10° and 0° N, considering Sr enrichment for sea water alteration.
Bulk D partition coefficients of intermediate composition melts in equilibrium with an
ments produce granitic liquids in equilibrium with carbonate phases,
amphibolitic assablage (50% amph, 35% pxn, 15% grt). Individual Kd's values from pyroxene and garnet, but show no significant fraction of residual mica
Rollinson (1993, and references therein), Hart and Dunn (1993) and Geochemical Earth or apatite at temperatures N1000 °C (Skora et al., 2015; Tsuno et al.,
Reference Model (GERM) ( 2012). In contrast, apatite and mica (biotite or phengite) can both re-
Composition of AOC melt assuming 5% of batch melting.
d main stable during melting of carbonate-poor sediments, even at high
Hemipelagic composition base on the mean upper composite section from DSDP Site
504 and 84 outboard Colombia (Table 1) with a 12% Atlantic sediment added from bulk P-T conditions (Johnson and Plank, 2000; Skora et al., 2015). In accor-
DSDP site 144 from the Lesser Antilles (Carpentier et al., 2009). dance to this, we estimate that carbonates and Ca-rich garnets would
Bulk D partition coefficients for andesitic/dacitic liquids for sediment melting con- be more abundant during melting of the meta-sediments from the
sidering a mineralogical assamblage base on modal abundances from the sedimentary col- lower carbonate-rich unit, whereas mica and phosphates would be
umn from site 504 (Leg 69) (Beiersdorf and Rösch, 1983) and experimental melting of
carbonate lithologies (Skora et al., 2015): 18% carbonate, 40% pxn, 15% apt, 12% grt, 15%
the likely residual phases during melting of the upper hemipelagic
bt. Individual Kd's values for carbonate from Skora et al. (2015), apatite from Prowatke clay-rich unit (see Table 2).
and Klemme (2006), pyroxene and biotite from Geochemical Earth Reference Model Fig. 9 shows how elemental ratios can be fractionated during partial
(GERM) ( melting of the different subducted sediments, even up to relatively high
Carbonate composition base on the mean lower section from DSDP Site 504 and 84
melt fractions (~30%). A strong fractionation of the Th/La and Sm/La ra-
outboard Colombia (Table 1) with a 12% Atlantic sediment added from DSDP site 144 from
the Lesser Antilles (Carpentier et al., 2009). tios is predicted by existence of residual apatite, which has a strong
Bulk D partition coefficients for andesitic/dacitic liquids for sediment melting con- partitioning of La over Th, but also of Sm over La (KdTh bb KdLa
sidering a mineralogical assamblage base on modal abundances from the sedimentary col- bb KdSm; Prowatke and Klemme, 2006). Apatite is originally present in
umn from site 504 (Leg 69) (Beiersdorf and Rösch, 1983) and experimental melting of the upper hemipelagic sediments with up to ~15% modal abundance in
carbonate lithologies (Skora et al., 2015): 40% carbonate, 30% pxn, 25% grt, 5% bt. Individ-
ual Kd's values for carbonate from Skora et al. (2015), pyroxene and biotite from Geo-
some layers (Beiersdorf and Rösch, 1983). Recent experimental studies
chemical Earth Reference Model (GERM) ( have also demonstrated the compatibility of La over Th during carbonate
melting (Skora et al., 2015), indicating that the overall higher Th/La ra-
tios observed in the Colombian volcanoes may also be influenced by re-
Elements like U and Th are key in evaluating the budget transport sidual carbonates, which are abundant throughout the sedimentary
from slab to arc (Elliott et al., 1997; Hawkesworth et al., 1997; Kelley column. This evidence supports the idea that melting of carbonate-rich
et al., 2005). Thorium is an incompatible and insoluble element that ex- trench sediments would transfer higher Th/La ratios to the Colombian
hibits different concentrations in both sedimentary packages from the and possibly to the Central American arc (see Plank, 2005).
Eastern Pacific (See Plank et al., 2002 and this study). Since the Th con- The presence of residual mica like biotite or phengite has commonly
tents of MORB and the mantle wedge are extremely low, the Th budget been invoked to govern the fractionation of LILE/REE ratios like Rb/La
in arc products will be mainly controlled by the subducted sediments and Ba/La (Hermann and Rubatto, 2009; Johnson and Plank, 2000).
(Plank and Langmuir, 1998). Elements like U, Rb and Ba are also incom- The expected variable modal abundance of mica can therefore produce
patible and depleted in mantle rocks when compared to the Colombian diverging melting pathways than can account for the variable LILE/REE
trench sediments (Gale et al., 2013; Workman and Hart, 2005), but they trends in the volcanoes (Fig. 9c and d). The variability of these ratios in
are also fluid-mobile elements that are heterogeneously distributed in arc rocks, however, has also been related to the participation of slab
marine sediments (see Fig. 2), and therefore, their variations in arc fluids, given the preferentially solubility of Ba and Rb over La (Class
products may also be strongly governed by the sedimentary input et al., 2000; Elliott et al., 1997). Nonetheless, and even though fluids
(Plank, 2013; Plank and Langmuir, 1998). are a ubiquitous phase during subduction (Schmidt and Poli, 2013),
A good way of testing if the subducted sediments play a role in arc melt-controlled ratios (Th/La or Sm/La) positively correlate with Rb/La
magmatism is the Sm/La vs. Th/La mixing diagram (Fig. 9a). Arc rocks (Fig. 9c) and Ba/La ratios (not shown) in both NSI and CMV volcanoes,
usually display simple mixing linear relationships between the mantle suggesting that the observed differences might in turn be inherited
wedge and their local trench sediments in this diagram, suggesting from the incorporation of different sediment melts (see Kelemen
that the Th/La ratios of arc products are inherited from the trench sedi- et al., 2004). The modeled fractionation trends, although mainly con-
ments (see Plank, 2005). Interestingly, volcanoes from the NVP also dis- trolled by the abundance of mica, also depend on the initial ratios in
play linear mixing trends in this diagram, but they extend to higher Th/ both bulk sediments. In Fig. 9d, for example, the divergent trends do
La ratios than the Colombian trench sediments or their reconstructed not seem to be controlled by the Ba/La ratio, as both volcanic rocks
hybrids (Fig. 9a). The Th/La ratios of hemipelagic (0.16) and carbonate and both bulk sediments display similar values, but instead by the
(0.01) trench sediments differ by a factor of 10, but they are still much strong differences in the U/La ratios in the sedimentary units and their
lower than those of the volcanic products (up to 0.62). In fact, rocks modeled fractionations upon melting.
C. Errázuriz-Henao et al. / Lithos 336–337 (2019) 151–168 163
Fig. 9. (A) Sm/La vs. Th/La. NSI rocks display higher Th/La values than those found in the global spectrum of trench sediments (Vervoort et al., 2011) and the Upper Continental Crust (UCC)
and Lower Continental Crust (LCC) averages from Rudnick and Fountain (1995). (B, C, D) Geochemical modelling for sediment melting (see Discussion). Sediment melting considering up
to 30% of partial melting from bulk hemipelagic and bulk carbonate sediments (see Table 2). AOC melt considering 5% of partial melting of average EPR MORB from Gale et al. (2013).
Gradient orange line denotes mixing between AOC melt and hemipelagic sediment partial melt (30% F). Blue gradient line denotes mixing between AOC and carbonate sediment melt
mixing for 30% sediment partial melting. Mineralogical constraints for AOC and sediment melting and partition coefficients used for modelling can be found in Table 2. The trace
element systematics shows a striking similarity between the different sedimentary packages and the arc volcanoes. Divergent trend lines from NSI and CMV can be explained by
mixing between the two contrasting subducted materials. Also shown, non-hybridized Colombian sediment (triangles) from Table 1.
The elemental and residual assemblages predicted for the different or AOC component (Fig. 10). Firstly, the isotopic variability of the stud-
sedimentary packages produce unique end-member compositions ied volcanoes allows to differentiate the role of the subducted oceanic
that can satisfy the mixing relationships displayed by the studied volca- plate and constrain the nature of the depleted component. The volcanic
noes when mixed with a depleted MORB-like Altered Oceanic Crust rocks display tight linear correlations in 208Pb/204Pb vs. Sr/Pb (Fig. 10a)
(AOC) melt component (Fig. 9) (see Discussion below). The high Th ratios that depart from the compositions of the sediment melts and ex-
and U contents and the high Th(U)/La ratios observed in NSI appear to tend towards an isotopically depleted end-member with a higher Sr/Pb
be governed by the incorporation of melts coming from the hemipelagic ratio than the mantle or the Nazca plate MORB (see Fig. 10a). Since Pb is
apatite/clay-rich sedimentary unit (Fig. 9). On the contrary, rocks from considered to be more soluble than Sr during dehydration of an AOC,
CMV appear to be inheriting the low Th and U contents from the and both elements behave similarly incompatible during MORB melting
lower carbonate-rich sedimentary unit, and their compositions are at high pressures (Kessel et al., 2005), we suggest that the depleted
thus consistent with the incorporation of a carbonate-rich melt with component is incorporated in the form of a melt coming from the
higher Ba/La but lower Th/La and U/La ratios. The geochemical mimicry subducted AOC. The participation of an AOC melt is also supported by
between the sedimentary units and the studied arc volcanoes let us to the Sr-Nd isotopic correlation (see Fig. 10d) in which the more depleted
conclude that the compositional variability observed in the NVP rocks samples appear to plot towards the radiogenic Sr values that are typical
could be inherited directly from the subducted sedimentary compo- of this component.
nents undergoing partial melting at subarc depths. The subtle but discernible decoupling of the Nd-Hf isotopes towards
the “seawater array” strongly suggests that marine pelagic sediments
6.5. Isotopic constrains in the sedimentary incorporation like the ones sampled outboard Colombia should be involved in the pet-
rogenesis (Fig. 10b). And yet, Pacific sediments display Hf and Pb iso-
Now that there is a hypothesis for the compositional variability of tope compositions that are inadequate mixing end-members for the
the studied samples, we will test if the contrasting isotopic composi- studied volcanoes. As mentioned before, we suggest that the
tions of the studied volcanoes can be explained by the incorporation Colombian trench sediments had a small contribution from an
of different sedimentary packages that mix with a depleted MORB-like Atlantic-like sedimentary source that shifted the Hf and Pb isotopic
164 C. Errázuriz-Henao et al. / Lithos 336–337 (2019) 151–168
Fig. 10. Isotopic and trace element systematics of rocks from the studied area. (A) Sr/Pb vs. 208Pb/204Pb. NVP rocks plots towards an AOC melt component with higher Sr/Pb ratios than
MORB. (B, C) Nd-Hf and Pb-Pb mixing between an AOC melt component and the different subducted sedimentary packages. Mixing lines account for the observed isotopic
composition for the studied rocks. (D) Sr-Nd isotopic composition and mixing between AOC and the sedimentary packages. Hyperbolic mixing lines considering up to 75% Sr loss
during decarbonation. Mixing lines with original Sr contents in the sediments are also shown.
compositions while leaving the Nd and Sr isotopes almost unchanged A possible solution to this problem could be related to the soluble
(Fig. 10). By using these hybridized sediments in Nd-Hf-Pb isotopic behavior of Sr during decarbonation, a process that is expected to
space (Fig. 10b and c), and in accordance with the trace-element con- occur during subduction of sedimentary carbonates (Kerrick and
straints discussed above, the isotopic compositions of NSI can be Connelly, 2001; Poli, 2015). Decarbonation occurs when CO2 rich fluids
reproduced by the incorporation of the hemipelagic sediment, whereas are released from the subducted materials along the subduction path-
CMV seems governed by the carbonate-rich sedimentary layer. way. These liberated fluids could also carry other mobile species like
An interesting situation arises, however, when the Sr-Nd isotopic Sr, which is a major constituent of the carbonate phase. Interestingly,
systems are more carefully observed (Fig. 10d). Nielsen and Marschall decarbonation does not appear to mobilize other fluid-mobile elements
(2017) recently suggested that, on a global scale, the Sr-Nd isotopic var- like Pb, because it is probably hosted in less-soluble detrital minerals
iations displayed by arc rocks can be explained by mixing a mantle pe- like zircon or apatite. Since the Nd-Pb-Hf isotopic composition of the
ridotite with MORB-like isotopes with their corresponding trench volcanic rocks can be successfully reproduced by the mixing models,
sediments. Nonetheless, this is only true when the sedimentary compo- and only Sr appears offset, we suggest that up to ~75% of the initial Sr
nent has lower Sr/Nd ratios than the isotopically depleted MORB-like was lost from the sediments by decarbonation before reaching the melt-
component. For example, while the Sr/Nd ratio of a typical mantle peri- ing region below the volcanoes. It is important to note, however, that
dotite is around 13 (Workman and Hart, 2005) and ~11 for a normal volcanoes from the North Andean Zone, and especially Nevado del
MORB (Gale et al., 2013), the Sr/Nd ratios of the hemipelagic and car- Ruiz volcano, releases some of the highest quantities of magmatic CO2
bonate units outboard Colombia are ~50 and ~112, respectively. These in the world (Aiuppa et al., 2017), suggesting that not all subducted car-
values are too high for constructing any satisfactory hyperbolic mixing bonate is lost during decarbonation and that an important portion is
curve for the studied volcanoes (see Fig. 10d). The sedimentary Sr/Nd being transferred back to the atmosphere by the erupting volcanoes.
ratio cannot be significantly modified by melting because Sr and Nd
have similar compatibility during melting of carbonate-rich sediments 6.6. Insights into the origin of the NVP
(Skora et al., 2015). Another possibility would be to increase the Sr/Nd
ratio of the depleted component by invoking fluids or melts from the The geochemical evidence discussed above indicates that the source
subducted AOC, but not even a low extent partial melt (5%) of a Sr- regions of the studied volcanoes are not only different in terms of their
rich AOC appears sufficient to reproduce the hyperbolic mixing trend isotopic and trace element compositions, but that the P-T conditions
of the Colombian volcanoes. under which melting occurred must also differ (Fig. 7). The stability of
C. Errázuriz-Henao et al. / Lithos 336–337 (2019) 151–168 165
amphibole in subducted lithologies is limited to 70–90 km deep (Allen enter to the hot corner of the overlying mantle wedge (Kelemen and
and Boettcher, 1983; Davies and Stevenson, 1992), and amphibole is Manning, 2015). We suggest that the differences in slab depth below
therefore unstable at the projected slab depth of 140–160 km below the volcanoes, and the fact that the lower carbonate-rich layer might
the volcanoes. At those depths, a nearly anhydrous eclogite would be be the last to be detached from slab, had a direct influence in the sedi-
the most likely metamorphic facies in any kind of subducted lithology mentary components being incorporated into each volcano (see Fig. 11).
(Poli and Schmidt, 2002). While rocks from CMV do indeed have the
fractionated REE patterns and Nb/Ta ratios that signal melting of deep 6.7. North Andean xenoliths as evidence from subduction mélanges?
eclogites, inferring an “adakitic” origin related to melting of a subducted
MORB (Defant and Drummond, 1990) is not supported because of their The isotopic similarities between the lower crustal and mantle xeno-
enriched isotopic compositions. The REE and Nb/Ta ratios of NSI point to liths from the SVP (Weber, 1998; Weber et al., 2002) and the arc rocks of
the presence of residual amphibole instead, even if the crustal and slab the Northern Colombian Andes might indeed indicate a co-genetic ori-
parameters are not significantly different from those of CMV. Conse- gin, albeit not one related to crustal contamination of the ascending
quently, a possible scenario to explain the pressure dependent mineral- magmas as previously considered (Marín-Cerón et al., 2010). Recent
ogical residual assemblage for both NSI and CVM might be related to studies on some mantle clinopyroxenite xenoliths, showing the petro-
pressure-dependent fractionations occurring in the mantle domain logic signatures of reaction between peridotite and silicic melts or fluids,
and not directly at the slab surface. have established equilibration pressures of up to ~150 km depth using
Recent studies have shown that subducted crustal lithologies like garnet and pyroxene thermobarometry with average errors of no
sediments and eroded forearc debris behave buoyantly in the subduc- more than 0.1 GPa (~3.6 km) (Bloch et al., 2017; Weber et al., 2002).
tion channel, even if buried to ultra-high-pressure conditions (Behn These studies have also shown that the age of some clinopyroxenites
et al., 2011; Hacker et al., 2011). Numerical simulations have also can be as young as 5 Ma, thus disregarding the possibility that these xe-
shown that subduction mélanges —constituted by heterogeneous mix- noliths represent relicts of an ancient lower crust below the Colombian
ture of subducted lithologies in a schistose matrix of hydrous minerals Central Cordillera (Bloch et al., 2017). More importantly, however, is
— can be diapirically exhumed into the mantle wedge where they can that their isotopic compositions, and especially their radiogenic Pb,
undergo extensive melting (Castro et al., 2013; Gerya, 2011). It has must then represent deep mantle features, the origin of which could
been recently proposed that mélanges like these can generate high- be intimately linked to the slab-derived metasomatic agents involved
Mg# andesites upon partial melting directly in the mantle wedge with- in the petrogenesis of arc magmas. Interestingly, some of these xeno-
out the intervention of parental basalts (Gómez-Tuena et al., 2016; liths are carbonated-bearing pyroxenites and peridotites that exhibit
Gómez-Tuena et al., 2018; Parolari et al., 2018). In the light of this, we Ca-rich phases such as aragonite, dolomite and Mg-calcite (Ferri et al.,
suggest that the origin of the NVP andesites might be governed by melt- 2017; Weber, 1998), indeed arguing for important deep carbon fluxes
ing of sediment-rich diapirs that detached from the subducted slab and into the North Andean mantle related to the unique sedimentary car-
were incorporated in the mantle wedge at different depths (Fig. 11). An- bonated sequences at the trench.
desitic magmas of NSI could be formed by melting of a slab diapir that The xenoliths may very well be fragments of a foundering litho-
contained a higher proportion hemipelagic sediments at pressures sphere (Bloch et al., 2017), but it is also possible that they could repre-
below the stability of amphibole (Ionov and Hofmann, 1995). Con- sent the unmolten dense remnants of the rising diapirs that gave birth
versely, the diapir that formed CMV had a larger proportion of carbonate to the arc volcanoes. In this case, melts derived from slab diapirs
and melted at a greater depth, thus enhancing the stability of garnet and might migrate upwards to feed shallow magmatic reservoirs and even-
rutile in the residue. The specific pathway followed by subducted mate- tually erupt, while residual mélange lithologies would likely
rials within the mantle wedge can therefore enhance the reworking of “relaminate” at the base of the lithosphere (Kelemen and Behn, 2016)
refractory carbonate lithologies, as these sedimentary components forming the currently unstable crustal roots of the Colombian Northern
Fig. 11. Schematic diagram for the formation of NVP rocks. Sedimentary packages are introduced to the mantle in the form of buoyant diapirs that undergo melting at different depths. Melt
fractionation for NSI occurs under the amphibole stability field, while the CVM is formed by garnet and rutile fractionation at deeper conditions. Stability fields according to Davies and
Stevenson (1992) and Allen and Boettcher (1983). Pressure calculations for mantle and crustal xenoliths are also shown (Bloch et al., 2017; Weber et al., 2002). Cartoon model
modified from Nielsen and Marschall (2017).
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