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Proceedings World Geothermal Congress 2000

Kyushu - Tohoku, Japan, May 28 - June 10, 2000


Ruel T. Malapitan and Alicia N. Reyes
Geothermal Division, Energy Resource Development Bureau
Department of Energy, Energy Center, Merritt Road
Fort Bonifacio, Metro Manila Philippines

Key Words - thermal areas, volcanic belts, structures,

occurrences, reserves and resources 2. GENERAL GEOLOGY

ABSTRACT Rocks found in the island are typical of an island arc. The
disposition of the rock types are generally in accordance to the
Through the years of Philippine experience in geothermal trend of the trenches responsible for the formation of the
exploration, development and production, prospectors and island arc. The lithology consists of intrusive rocks (including
major players in steamfield development have defined three ophiolite complexes) and their corresponding extrusive
(3) major geological environment contributing to the equivalents, metamorphic and sedimentary units.
development of geothermal resources. These are as follows: a)
along volcanic belts; b) along major structures and other The intrusive rocks are divided into two groups: the granitic-
structures, and c) along plutonic occurrences. The most dioritic and the mafic-ultramafic suites (BMG, 1982). The
important among these three environments is along volcanic granitic-dioritic intrusives are predominantly diorite and are
belts for high-temperature producing and potentially associated with metallic mineralization and geothermal
exploitable geothermal fields are found near Quaternary resources. The age ranges from Permian to Tertiary
volcanoes. (Miocene). The mafic-ultramafic suites define ophiolite
complexes occurring as ridges near trenches and troughs
Using available data, geothermal reserve of the country is (maybe as obducted oceanic slabs consequent to the
estimated through volumetric method at 4537MWe. subduction of the oceanic plates i.e. Philippine, Manila,
Cotabato and Sulu Sea).

1. INTRODUCTION The composition of the extrusive igneous rock units varies

from basaltic to dacitic. The age ranges from Carboniferous to
The Philippine has consistently been an important country in Quaternary. The plotted locations of Pliocene to Recent
the world geothermal arena for the past twenty (20) years volcanics outline nine (9) volcanic belts (BMG, 1982) that
considering the high installed geothermal capacity in the parallel the trenches believed responsible for the volcanism.
country. Under the Geothermal Service Contract (GSC)
system there are nine (9) high-temperature geothermal fields Metamorphic rock units found to occur in the country may be
under various stages of development and production (Figure categorized as groups, which are related to structures, and to
1). Six (6) of these fields are under production: Tongonan, igneous intrusions. The metamorphics are dominated by the
Bacman, Palinpinon, and Mindanao are operated by Philippine greenschist facies. Eclogites, contact and cataclastic
National Oil Company-Energy Development Corporation metamorphic units, however, are also found. Their
(PNOC-EDC) while Tiwi and MakBan are operated by distribution shows close affinity to major structures such as
Philippine Geothermal Inc. (PGI) under an interim agreement faults and trenches. The contact metamorphic units consist of
with National Power Corporation (NPC) pending sale of the marbles, skarns and quartzites are localized along the
fields (Table 1). Northern Negros, Mt. Labo and Mt. Cabalian peripheries of plutons. Cataclastic units consist of cataclasites
geothermal service contract areas are still under development and mylonites which are localized within fault zones. The
by PNOC-EDC. These three (3) fields are scheduled to greenschists are disposed adjacent to the trenches and may
produce in the next ten (10) years. represent the base of obducted oceanic slabs in the form of
ophiolite complexes.
Previous workers such as the Philippine Institute of
Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS) (Aguila, et.al, Sedimentary rock sequences fill up depositional basins and
1987), PNOC-Energy Development Corporation (PNOC- valleys consequent to the tectonic and erosional processes
EDC) and the then Bureau of Energy Development acting in the island.
(BED)(ElectroConsult, 1979) have identified several prospects
including the current service contract areas. The Department
of Energy (DOE) currently re-assessed the country’s 3. STRUCTURAL FRAMEWORK OF THE
geothermal resources and identified several other new ARCHIPELAGO
prospects in the course of the inventory.
The shape of the Philippine archipelago is controlled by the
In this paper, the authors aim to supplement the information subduction zones bounding the island’s extremities (Figure 2).
generated through the years of geothermal activities on the The northern trend of the Northern Luzon mainland is
aspect of geological environment, new area for exploration influenced by the orientation of the East Luzon Trench in the
and current geothermal resources estimate. east and the Manila Trench in the west. The northwest
orientation of the islands south of Northern Luzon extending
to Mindanao is very well defined by the attitude of the

Malapitan, R.T. and Reyes, A.N.

Philippine Trench on the east. The skews on the western side in Philippine geothermal areas which generally provide the
of the Visayas and Mindanao region are due to the differing major source of permeability in the wells (Reyes, 1990).
trends of the Negros, Sulu and Cotabato trenches. The
development of these trenches was attributed to the collision Through the years of Philippine geothermal energy
of the Philippine archipelagic landmass with the Eurasian plate exploration, development and production has classified the
in the west and the oceanic Philippine Sea Plate. The trenches present systems to be related to volcanism, plutonism and
are located where the dense oceanic basins – the South China tectonism (Figure 2). In this report, the regional distribution of
Sea, Sulu Sea and Celebes Sea basins in the west and the Philippine thermal areas have been adopted and modified from
Philippine Sea in the east – are subducting underneath the Troncales (1979).
archipelago as a consequence of inter-plate collisions.
4.1 Along Volcanic Belts
Consequent to movements in these trenches, a major fracture
running 1,300 km. along the length of the archipelago is These refer to regions of active volcanism where geothermal
developed as a response to the oblique compressional forces of activities are dominantly confined along foothills or the base of
the subduction at the trenches (David, 1996). The fracture is a younger Quaternary volcanoes. Along these volcanic centers
left-lateral transcurrent fault called the Philippine Fault. The there are deep tectonic fissures responsible for the trapping of
same mechanism holds for the development of the Mindanao magma reservoir and ascent of high-temperature magma fluid.
fault in response to the compressive forces of subduction along
the Cotabato Trench. Geothermal manifestations more commonly occur in andesite-
dacite volcanic terrains compared to basaltic ones because a
It is interesting to note that thrust faults mapped in the country higher rate of heat flow into the country rocks is attained with
are situated mostly along the archipelago’s western and eastern increased viscosity of the intruding magma. Also because
extremities. The thrust fault locations coincide very well with basalts rarely make shallow magma chambers. Moreover, the
the occurrences of ultramafic/ophiolite sequences which are progressive concentration of volatiles in the liquid phase of
evidences of obducted oceanic slabs in a collision/subduction andesite-dacite magma at its outer shell could cause an
zone. Therefore, these thrust faults and ophiolitic zones are explosive discharge of gases accompanied by successive
also due to the above-discussed tectonism. episodes of rock fracturing necessary in the formation of
secondary permeability.
In effect, these fractures/faults provide good conduits for
geothermal fluid ascent to the surface facilitating formation of 4.1.1 Santa Ana Volcanic Belt - Luzon Central Cordillera
several hot springs in the country, the heat emanating from the Belt - Central Luzon Belt - Cuyo Belt (Vasquez, N.C.
different volcanic centers and young plutonic occurrences et.al. 1997)
spread widely in the country.
The Manila Trench located west of Luzon with several
Consistent with the structural trend, fold patterns also follow associated onshore and offshore volcanic belts bound this belt.
the orientation of the compressional forces brought about by The Santa Ana Belt originated in Batanes Group of Islands
the plate collisions along the trenches. The fold pattern is terminating at the northernmost tip of the Central Cordillera.
dominantly trending N-S in Northern Luzon and Southern From the central northern Luzon, the belt passes through the
Mindanao, NW-SE in Southern Luzon to Northern Visayas, central portion of the Northern Luzon Cordillera (Luzon
and NE-SW in Central Visayas to Western Mindanao. Central Cordillera), and swings westerly traversing western
Luzon Island and then abruptly terminated by the Tablas
Lineament in the south to include Marinduque Island (Luzon
4. Distribution of geothermal resources Central Belt).

The Philippine archipelago is a complex assemblage of island This belt consists of a heavy concentration of active and
arcs, which has been accreting between the two opposing inactive volcanoes hosting geothermal resources. In the north
major tectonic plates - the Eurasian and the Philippine Sea are the offshore and on-shore geothermal prospects of
Plates (Divis, 1980;Sussman, et.al, 1993). Collision Camiguin de Babuyanes and Mt. Cagua, respectively, in the
boundaries of these tectonic plates with the Philippine province of Cagayan. At the Luzon Central Cordillera Belt, it
archipelago are defined by subduction zones, to wit: the follows the axis of the Luzon Northern Cordillera and it swings
Manila, Negros, and Cotabato Trenches on the west, and the eastward to include the Pliocene-Pleistocene volcanic centers
Philippine Trench on the east. The opposing subduction zones in the Caraballo Mountains. Geothermal prospects in this belt
have generated a discontinuous belt of Pliocene to Quaternary includes; Batong-Buhay, Kalinga; Bontoc-Sadanga in Mt.
Volcanoes which extends the length of Philippines, from Province; Tinoc, Ifugao; Daklan, Acupan, Buguias and Asin,
northern Luzon to southern Mindanao (Karig, 1983). An all in Benguet of the Luzon Central Cordillera and several
active, left-lateral, strike-slip fault called the Philippine Fault, thermal springs in the provinces of Aurora, Nueva Ecija,
extending more than 1,300 km. long, also occurs between Nueva Vizcaya and Nueva Vizcaya in the Caraballo and Sierra
subduction zones (David, 1996). Most of the known high Madre Mountain Ranges.
temperature (>240oC) geothermal systems in the Philippines
are associated with Quaternary to Recent volcanism and dense At the western swing of the belt to the west of Luzon, the belts
fracturing related to the Philippine Fault or its subsidiary consist of heavy concentrations of volcanic centers marking
faults. This explains the presence of so many large (>100 the eastern foothills of Zambales down to Marinduque Range
MWe) fracture-dominated geothermal systems in the country. until it terminated abruptly by the Tablas Lineament in the
Steeply dipping normal faults are the most common structures south. It covers the extensive volcanic region of Southern
Tagalog including Taal Volcano and the highly productive

Malapitan, R.T. and Reyes, A.N.

Makiling-Banahaw geothermal field. Elsewhere to the north systems. There are three (3) identified quaternary volcanoes
are a number of hot geothermal prospects in this belt. and a few plug domes along the Pacific Cordillera, a mountain
However, none has yet been developed due to poor belt along the eastern coast of the island. This mountain belt is
permeability, and in some cases, e.g. Mt. Pinatubo, the composed of Tertiary volcanic and plutonic rocks.
presence of pervasive acidic and magmatic fluids. The belt
may also be extended further across the channel linking the These areas show no obvious relationship with the trenches.
Manila and Negros trenches to include Pliocene centers in The Mindanao Central Cordillera Belt can, however be related
Cuyo Island Group. to a possible suture trench along the Agusan-Davao Trough. It
Aside from the above-mentioned prospects, the following are is also interesting to note the unique occurrences of flood
also located within: Manleluag, Mangatarem, Balungao and basalt in the Lanao Highlands in contrast with strato-volcanic
Rosales in Pangasinan; Lemery, Nasugbu, San Juan, Mabini in structures prevalent in other volcanic belts.
Batangas; Talim Island and Jala-Jala in Rizal; Mt. Banahaw
and Alabat in Quezon; Buenavista in Marinduque; Puerto Prospects found in this belt include Mambajao, Camiguin;
Galera, Buloc-Buloc, Naujan, and Montelago in Oriental Balingasag, Misamis Oriental; Mts. Kitanglad-Kalatungan,
Mindoro; Islands of Banton, Simara and Tablas (Odiongan Bukidnon; Datu Odin Sinsuat and Tuayan-Maganoy,
and Sta. Maria) in Romblon. Maguindanao; Mts.Parker-Matutum, South Cotabato; and
Digos and Balut Island, Davao del Sur.
4.1.2 Bicol Belt - Mindanao Central Cordillera

It covers the eastern margin of the Philippines running parallel 4.2 Along Major Structures and other structures (Datuin
to the Philippine Trench on the eastern coasts of Luzon & Troncales, 1986; Malapitan & Reyes, 1997)
covering the entire Bicol Peninsula, Samar, Leyte and thence
through the western foothills of Diwata Range. This belt A number of potential geothermal fields are concentrated along
defines several major onshore volcanic belts which host the the easterly convex volcanic front where it traverses the
biggest geothermal developments in Philippines - The Tiwi eastern block of the Philippines Master Fault. This continuos
and BacMan Fields in Southern Luzon and a number of fields transcurrent movement in the master fault generated intense
in Leyte, including Tongonan. volcanic activity in the Late Tertiary and throughout the
Quaternary. This activity could have induced the extensive
Other geothermal prospects found along this belt include Mts. crustal fracturing and high heat flow required for the
Labo, Caayunan, Isarog and Bulusan in Bicol peninsula; development of the geothermal resources in this region.
Biliran, Alto Peak, Mahanagdong, Anonang, Bato Lunas, Mt.
Cabalian, in Leyte; Mainit and Placer in Surigao del Norte; and Based on concepts of tectonics, however, there is strong
Manat Amacan in North Davao. affinity between volcanism and tectonism as volcanic chains
form due to melting of the crust at the base of subduction
4.1.3 Negros Belt - Sulu Belt zones. This explains why the distribution/clustering of
significant geothermal areas follows the trend/route of the
The Negros trench to the west of Negros Island defines a Philippine Fault and parallels the trenches responsible in the
volcanic belt which ranges from mature and dissected volcanic configuration of the Philippine islands.
complex of Cuernos de Negros in Southern Negros, where the
Palinpinon Field in the south is located and Mt. Canlaon in the It is evident that continued activity along the Philippine Fault
north is undergoing development activities. This relatively system has exerted considerable shattering of host rocks which
short volcanic arc extends to northwest Mindanao. The arc is induced voluminous quaternary andesitic volcanism and
probably related to eastward subduction of the South China helped in the development of secondary permeability - a
Sea Plate along the Negros Trench (Sussman, et. al. 1993). requirement for the existence of geothermal field. In 1979,
ElectroConsult of Italy suggested that other dormant volcanoes
The arc lies parallel to major trenches: the Negros, Sulu Sea in solfataric stage of unknown affinity occur in Mindanao and
and Cotabato Trenches. This indicates a causative relationship Jolo islands, these dormant and active volcanic chains are
between magmatic activities along the belts with tectonic largely controlled by the horsetailing of the N-NW trending
activities along the trench. Philippine Fault and its subsidiary.

Geothermal fields along these belts include Mambucal and Some of identified prospects related to these zones include
Mandalagan-Silay in Negros Occidental; Mts. Malindang- Rosario, Northern Samar; Calbayog, Samar; San Nemesio,
Ampiro in Misamis Occidental, and Lakewood in Zamboanga Catmon, and Asturias, Cebu; Hamtik and Anini-y, Antique;
del Sur. Santiago, Agusan Del Norte; Rosario, Bunawan, San
Francisco, Prosperidad, Sibagat in Agusan Del Sur; Sapad-
4.1.4 Central Mindanao Belt - Cotabato Belt Salvador, Lanao Del Norte; Tagburos-Iwahig, Narra-Labog,
Española in Palawan, and; Leon Postigo, Zamboanga Del
In Mindanao, there are several trench and subduction zone Norte.
systems. The most significant of these is an extension of the
Sangihe volcanic arc from Indonesia northward into Central
Mindanao. Volcanic activity on this arc has given rise to the 4.3 Along Plutonic Occurrences
Mt. Apo volcanic complex where PNOC-EDC is developing
the Mindanao Geothermal Field. This volcanic arc occurs in Intra-Miocene quartz diorite bodies commonly occur in all
Southeast and Central Mindanao. This area is the parts of the country either as large-to-medium sized batholiths
northernmost collision zone between two facing island arc or as stock forms. The majority of these diorite plutons could

Malapitan, R.T. and Reyes, A.N.

have multiple stages of intrusions as evidenced by the nesting resources are unverified suspected thermal areas. There are
and clustering of diorite stocks and widespread distribution of about thirty-five (35) prospects categorized as hypothetical
their effusive Plio-Quaternary volcanic equivalents. geothermal resources and these are the same areas that DOE
needs to cover/promote for further exploration. For DOE to be
The distribution of Neogene dioritic/granitic intrusives is able to at least conduct geophysical surveys in these areas
confined to the main Philippine Arc. On the basis of proximity would mean reduced risks for probable investors in
and similarity in trend, Balce (1976) divided the intrusives into geothermal development. Speculative geothermal resources
the following belts: Luzon Central Cordillera, Marinduque, normally are suspected within areas closed for mining i.e.
Tablas, Eastern Mindanao, Mindanao Central Cordillera, national parks, protected areas, and in areas situated within
Cotabato, Zamboanga and Eastern Bohol. The Neogene tribal domains where modernization and development are not
dioritic/granitic intrusives are confined mainly in Central welcome.
Cordillera. The belt defined by those intrusives in Central
Cordillera can be extended to cover the occasional occurrence
of Neogene quartz diorite in Southern Sierra Madre. 6. CONCLUDING REMARKS

The Miocene diorites in Marinduque and Batangas comprise The collision of Philippine Plate and Eurasian Plates have
the NW-SE Marinduque Belt. Immediately south is the N-S given rise to deep trenches, faults, volcanoes, plutons and
trending Tablas Belt which runs from Antique Range and if similar geological and structural features common in an island
extended further north from Tablas, would connect with the arc system. These features are essential components in the
Marinduque Belt. development of geothermal resources nationwide. Producing
geothermal fields in the Philippines are mostly located or
The Neogene dioritic/granitic intrusive masses in the Paracale seated in major volcanic centers or belts (i.e. MakBan at
District, Camarines Norte and Samar are considered to be Central Luzon Volcanic Belt, and BacMan, Tiwi and
contagious with the Eastern Mindanao Belt. After the Tongonan along the Bicol-Mindanao Central Cordillera
widespread Neogene diorites in Surigao and Davao, the Volcanic Belt). A.G. Reyes (1990) shares this observation
Mindanao Central Cordillera is widely intruded by Neogene stating geothermal systems in the Philippines are associated
diorite; the diorites are generally aligned along the axes of the with Quaternary to Recent volcanism with dense faulting.
Cordillera forming the Mindanao Central Cordillera Belt. This
belt is roughly parallel to the eastern Mindanao and the An inventory/study of these geothermal resources resulted to
Cotabato Belts. The trend is NW-Se until it reaches Misamis estimates of 4537MW of geothermal potential ready for direct
Oriental where it bends to NE-SW to include the Neogene and indirect utilization. And still, more prospects await
diorite masses in the area. The NE-SW trend of Zamboanga detailed study.
and Bohol Belts are in contrast to the NW-SE trends of the
other Neogene diorite belts in Visayas and Mindanao.
Geothermal prospects related to Paleogene diorite/granitic
intrusives include Dipaculao and Casiguran in Aurora, and; The authors wish to express its deepest gratitude to Mr.
Maayon, Capiz. Geothermal prospects related to Neogene Vicente M. Karunungan, Officer-in-Charge of the Geothermal
diorite/granitic intrusives include Boliney-Salapaddan, Pilar- Division, Philippine Department of Energy for the
Danglas and Tubo-Bucloc in Abra; Acupan, Daklan, Tublay encouragement in writing this report. Appreciation also goes
and Buguias in Benguet; Agoo, La Union; Cabarroguis, to the personnel of the same division for the support during the
Quirino; Naga-Carcar, Cebu; San Miguel, Surigao Del Sur. writing of this report as well as to the personnel of General
Information Services Division (GISD), Cartography Section
headed by Mr. Romy Añano for painstakingly drafted the maps
5. GEOTHERMAL RESERVES AND RESOURCES and figures. And to the Almighty God for the wisdom and
knowledge imparted to the authors.
The DOE has calculated some 2,047 MW of proven reserves,
590 MW of probable reserves and 1,900 MW of possible REFERENCES
reserves (Table 2). The reserves were classified based on the
depth of study of the area and the economic and technical Aguila, L.G, et. al., 1987: Geothermal Potential of Philippine
viability of the prospects. The proven reserves were Hot Springs; Philippine Institute of Volcanology and
calculated to be economically recoverable with the present Seismology.
available technology and economic conditions. They were
identified by delineation/development drilling and integrated Balce, G.R. 1976: Tectonic Frame work of the Philippine
geoscientific surveys. The possible reserves were estimated Archipelago. MS Thesis.
based on data gathered from integrated geoscientific surveys
consisting of geophysical, geological and geochemical Datuin, R.T. and Troncales A.C.: 1986:Philippine Geothermal
surveys. The classification of the possible reserves may Resources: General Geological Setting and Development:
improve should drilling be conducted in the areas for in-depth Geothermics, Vol.15. No. 5/6, pp.613-622, 1986. Printed in
exploration and assessment. Great Britain.
The remaining geothermal resources were classified as David, S.S.:1996: Guide for Field Excursion on the Northern
hypothetical and speculative resources. The hypothetical Luzon Segment of the Philippine Fault and its Implication on
resources were geothermal prospects subjected to geological the Geodynamics of Luzon Central Cordillera, August
and geochemical surveys while speculative geothermal 29,1996. Baguio City.

Malapitan, R.T. and Reyes, A.N.

Divis, A.F., 1980: The petrology and tectonics of recent

volcanism in the Central Philippine Islands. In The tectonics
and Geologic Evolution of Southeast Asian Seas and Islands, GEOTHERMAL SERVICE CONTRACT AREAS

Part 2 (edited by Hayes, D.E.) Am. Geophys. Union Monogr.

27,pp.157-172. LEGEND
Producing Fields
Under Development

ElectroConsult (1979): RP-Italian Technical Cooperation

Program-Stage I: Regional Inventory of Philippines
Geothermal Areas: Preliminary Assessment of Geothermal MT. LABO, CAMARINES NORTE/SUR

Areas. BED-Electroconsult Report.


Geology and Mineral Resources of the Philippines: 1982: TIWI-ALBAY (NPC-PGI)

Volume 1. Bureau of Mines and Geosciences, Manila,


Karig, D. 1983: Temporal relationship between back arc

formation and arc volcanism, with special reference to the
Philippine Sea. In the tectonic and Geologic Evolution of NORTHERN NEGROS, NEGROS OCC.

Southeast Asian Seas and Islands, Part 2 (Edited by Hayes, PALINPINON, NEGROS OR.

D.E.). Am.Geophys. Union Monogr, 27, pp.318-325. (DOE-PNOC-EDC)

Malapitan, R.T. and Reyes, A.N. (1997): Geothermal

Resources of the Philippines: Department of Energy, internal

Reyes, A.G. (1990): Petrology of Philippine geothermal

systems and the application of alteration mineralogy to their
assessment. J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res. 43. 279-309. MT. APO, NORTH COTABATAO/ DAVAO(DOE-



Sussman, D., Javellana, S.P. & Benavidez, P.J.: 1993:

Geothermal Energy Development in the Philippines:An GEOSCIENCE MAP#5/SERVICE CONTRACT.PPT

Update: June 2, 1999

Overview:Geothermics, Vol. 22. No. 5/6, pp.353-367, 1993.

Pergamon Press LTD CNR, Great Britain.

Troncales, A.C. (1979): Regional Geologic Setting of Figure 1: Philippine Geothermal Service Contract Areas
Philippine Geothermal Areas. Geo-Energy Conference
sponsored by the Philippine Geological Society, 1979.
Table 1: Producing Geothermal Fields of the Philippines
Vasquez, N.C., Javellana, S.P. & Ferrer, H.P.; 1997: Present
and Future Geothermal Development in the Philippines. Field Operator Installed Status
PNOC-EDC. Internal report. Capacity
1. MakBan, PGI/NPC 425.73 Producing
2. Tiwi, Albay PGI/NPC 330 Producing
3. Bacman PNOC- 151.50 Producing
4. Palinpinon PNOC- 194 Producing
5. Tongonan PNOC- 707.75 Producing
6. Mindanao PNOC- 100.25 Producing
7. Mt. Labo PNOC-EDC Under
8. Northern PNOC-EDC Under
Negros Development
9. Mt. Cabalian PNOC-EDC Under

Malapitan, R.T. and Reyes, A.N.

Acupan-Itogon 10.00
Buguias-Tinoc, Benguet/Ifugao 190.00
Daklan, Benguet 30.00
Batong-Buhay, Kalinga 200.00
Del Gallego (Mt. Labo) 65.00
Mabini, Batangas 40.00
Mainit-Sadanga, Mt. Province 120.00
POSSIBLE Montelago, Oriental Mindoro 40.00
RESERVES Mt. Bulusan, Sorsogon 150.00
Mt. Cagua, Cagayan 135.000
(Total Mwe)
Mt. Isarog, Camarines Sur 60.00
Mt. Natib, Bataan 185.00
Biliran, Leyte 15.00
Anonang, Leyte 15.00
Mahagnao, Leyte 40.00
Mt. Cabalian (Anahawan), Leyte 40.00
Bato-Lunas, Leyte 65.00
Mambucal, Negros Occidental 50.00
Mts. Mandalagan-Silay, Negros 120.00
Mt. Malindang, Misamis Occ. 40.00
Lakewood , Zamboanga Del 115.00
Mainit, Surigao Del Norte 55.0
Manat-Amacan, Davao Del 30.00
Mt. Apo, Davao North Cotabato 30.00
Mts. Matutum-Parker, South 60.00

Figure 2: Structural Frameworks of the Philippines

Table 2: Summary of Philippine Geothermal Reserves

Bacman, Albay Sorsogon 202.90
PROVEN Del Gallego (Mt. Labo) 10.90
RESERVES Bulalo, Laguna 367.42
Maibarara 30.00
(Total Mwe) Tiwi, Albay 284.40
2047.02 Tongonan, Leyte 807.90
Mambucal 8.00
Palinpinon 234.00
Mt. Apo, Davao/N. Cotabato 101.50
Acupan-Itogon 10.00
Daklan, Benguet 30.00
Bacman, Albay/Sorsogon 60.00
Del Gallego (Mt. Labo) 65.00
Mt. Cagua, Cagayan 25.00
PROBABLE Mt. Natib, Bataan 15.00
RESERVES Biliran, Leyte 25.00
Alto Peak, Leyte 60.00
(Total Mwe) Mahagnao, Leyte 30.00
590.00 Mt. Cabalian (Anahawan), Leyte 20.00
Mambucal, Northern Occidental 50.00
Baslay-Dauin, Negros Oriental 30.00
Lagunao, Negros Oriental 60.00
Manat-Amacan, Davao del 60.00
Mt. Apo, Davao/North Cotabato 50.00


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