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The Lower Miocene Volcaniclastic Sedimen

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Geodinamica Acta 15 (2002) 141–157


The Lower Miocene volcaniclastic sedimentation in the Sicilian sector

of the Maghrebian Flysch Basin: geodynamic implications
Paola de Capoa a, Angelida Di Staso a, Francesco Guerrera b,*, Vincenzo Perrone b,
Mario Tramontana c, Mohamed Najib Zaghloul d
Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Università di Napoli “Federico II”, Largo San Marcellino 10, 80138 Naples, Italy
Istituto di Geologia, Università di Urbino, Campus Scientifico, Località Crocicchia, 61029 Urbino, Italy
Istituto di Geodinamica e Sedimentologia, Università di Urbino, Campus Scientifico, Località Crocicchia, 61029 Urbino, Italy
Département des Sciences de la terre et d’Océanologie, Université Abdelmalek Essaadi de Tanger, Morocco
Received 5 September 2001; accepted 23 February 2002


Volcaniclastic debris-rich formations, characterising the Troina–Tusa Unit in the Sicilian Maghrebian Chain, are examined. The
Troina–Tusa Unit terrains sedimented in the Maghrebian Flysch Basin, which, from Jurassic to Early Miocene, constituted the southernmost
branch of the Western Tethys, located between Africa and the Mesomediterranean Terrane margins. New field, biostratigraphic and
petrographic data enable a reconstruction of the palaeogeographic and structural evolution of the Flysch Basin immediately before its
deformation. All the studied formations transpired to be Burdigalian in age. The sandstone compositions, showing different source areas
(magmatic arc, recycled orogen and continental block), indicate a provenance for the clastic material from a crystalline basement with an
active volcanic arc, replaced by a remnant volcanic arc, which was rapidly completely eroded. The source area that has been considered
is Sardinia, where Upper Oligocene–Aquitanian calc-alkaline volcanites are widespread, but the sedimentological characteristics and the
Burdigalian age do not fit with this provenance. The Burdigalian calc-alkaline arc should be located on the internal side of the Troina–Tusa
Basin, above the already stacked Peloritanian units. A migration of the volcanic activity, connected with the subduction plain roll-back, can
be envisaged from the Sardinia Block to the Peloritanian Chain, this latter still docked to the Sardinia–Corsica massif. © 2002 Éditions
scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Volcaniclastic sedimentation; Geodynamics; Early Miocene; Maghrebian Flysch Basin; Sicily

1. Geological setting terrains of the Internal Domains and the carbonate and
pelitic ones of the External Domains (Fig. 1). The continu-
The Flysch Basin represents one of the main palaeogeo- ation towards the northeast of the Flysch Basin across the
graphic domains evidenced across the Alpine Chains of the Southern Apennines, where this palaeogeographic realm has
western Mediterranean. In fact, the Flysch Basin-related been named Lucanian Ocean [5,6], has been proposed by
terrains have been recognised in the western sector of the Guerrera et al. [4] and Bonardi et al. [7].
Betic Cordilleras, in the whole Maghrebian Chain, between
the Gibraltar and the Calabria–Peloritani Arcs [1–4]. The The Flysch Basin develops starting from the Jurassic as
tectonic units resulting from the deformation of this basin a result of the opening of the Western Tethys [2,4,8].
are sandwiched between the metamorphic and plutonic According to Guerrera et al. [4], it constitutes the southern-
most branch of this ocean, located between the African
Continental Margin, to the south, and the margin of a
microcontinent (Mesomediterranean Terrane), to the north.
* Corresponding author. The deformation of the Flysch Basin occurs during the
E-mail addresses: decapoa@unina.it (P. de Capoa), distaso@unina.it
(A. Di Staso), f.guerrera@uniurb.it (F. Guerrera), perrone@uniurb.it
Early Miocene, and it is accomplished, with the collision
(V. Perrone), tramontana@uniurb.it (M. Tramontana), between African and European plates, in the Middle Mi-
zaghloul@nirvanet.net (M.N. Zaghloul). ocene.
© 2002 Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 9 8 5 - 3 1 1 1 ( 0 2 ) 0 1 0 8 5 - 9
142 P. de Capoa et al. / Geodinamica Acta 15 (2002) 141–157

Fig. 1. Tectonic scheme of the Betic and Maghrebian Chains and geological sketch map of the Maghrebian Flysch Basin units in the Nebrodi Mts.
(central-northern Sicily). Volcaniclastic formations of the upper part of the Troina–Tusa Unit and location of studied stratigraphic sections are evidenced

The oceanic magmatic substratum is only locally pre- ing a synorogenic flysch fed by the already piled units of the
served in the Calabria–Lucania border area [4,9], Sicily Internal Domains. In the Tellian and Rifian sectors, the
[10], Petite Kabylie [11–15], Grande Kabylie [12] and Rif flysch successions end with silty marls Burdigalian in age.
[10]. The overlying sedimentary succession starts with Late About the whole magmatic crust is subducted, and only
Jurassic–Early Cretaceous lithotypes, which are character- small pieces are stacked in the accretionary wedges of the
istic of oceanic covers, represented by radiolarites, calc- Maghrebian Chain and Southern Apennines.
schists and turbiditic sediments. These latter constitute a During the Langhian, the beginning of the continental
Tithonian–Neocomian marly–calcareous pre-flysch, which collision between the Africa–Adria Margins and the palaeo-
is followed by a thick Hauterivian–Albian arenaceous flysch chain, which is docked against the Iberian–European
and finally by Upper Cretaceous (often carbonate) deposits, block, is documented in the Sicilian sector of the basin.
alternating with minor pelagic sediments. Uniform, mainly Here, siliciclastic (Reitano Flysch Fm.) and calcarenitic
pelitic, successions deposited during the Palaeogene- (Floresta Calcarenites Fm.) deposits suture the Flysch
–Aquitanian (in Sicily particularly); they are characterised Basin-related nappes and the Antisicilide Complex of Og-
by varicoloured clayey facies, within which a calcareous niben [16], respectively. This latter is characterised by
and marly–calcareous turbiditic formation, reaching up to terrains resulting from the Flysch Basin, which override by
hundreds of metres in thickness, is interbedded. means of backthrusting the nappes originated from the
In the Early Miocene, in Sicily, and already from the Late Peloritanian Domain. Similarly, in the Southern Apennines,
Oligocene, in Kabylias and Rif, the onset of the compres- the Lucanian Oceanic nappes are sealed by the Langhian
sive deformation caused a deep modification of the tectonic clastic deposits of the Cilento Group. The available data for
setting, whose main features were almost unmodified since the Tellian Maghrebids should demonstrate a Latest Burdi-
the Late Jurassic. The sedimentation abruptly changes galian age for the oldest unconformable deposits, which lie
starting from the northern margin of the basin, and it is both on the flysch units and on the highest external Tellian
characterised by quartz–feldspar–lithic turbidites, constitut- units. In the Maghrebian Chain, the deformation continues
P. de Capoa et al. / Geodinamica Acta 15 (2002) 141–157 143

Fig. 2. Representative stratigraphic successions of volcaniclastic formations (Arenarie di Poggio Maria, Tufiti di Tusa and Arenarie di Troina) of the upper
interval of the Troina–Tusa Unit.

up to the Pliocene, so originating a thrust and fold belt tion and the stacking of the basin-related terrains into the
involving the Meso–Cenozoic covers of the African Margin. accretionary wedge of the developing Maghrebian Chain.
In this framework, which can be assumed from the
Gibraltar Arc to the Southern Apennines, it is noteworthy
that the stratigraphic successions of some units end with
2. Previous studies
Early Miocene turbiditic deposits, which are characterised
by a high content of mainly andesitic volcaniclastic detritus.
These volcanogenic sediments, which are widespread both Volcaniclastic sediments, named as Tufiti di Tusa, have
in the Betic Cordilleras (Algeciras Flysch [17]), in the been first recognised by Ogniben [16,20] in the Sicilian
Maghrebian Chain (Beni Ider Flysch and Mixed Succes- sector of the Flysch Basin. They are comprised within one
sions in the Rif [18,19]; Tufiti di Tusa Fm. [16,20] in the of the tectonic units of the Sicilide Complex (Troina
Sicilian Maghrebids) and in the Southern Apennines (Tufiti Nappe), and they represent a part of an Eocene formation
di Tusa Fm. [21–23]), testify the presence, within or close to characterised by markedly heteropic facies (Tusa facies of
the basin, of a strongly active, calc-alkaline volcanic arc, the Polizzi Formation). According to this author, the Tusa
penecontemporaneous as regards the sedimentation. More- facies is constituted by thick tuffitic beds, with a volcani-
over, these sediments represent a basic marker for the clastic content exceeding even 90%, which are interbedded
reconstruction of the palaeogeographic and geodynamic with marls and limestones. The latter sometimes show
evolution of the central-western Mediterranean area ([4,24] reverse graded bedding, and they are characterised by a high
and references therein). amount of the larger foraminifera. The author points out the
In this paper, the volcaniclastic debris-rich formations strong similarity of the volcaniclastic terrains of Sicily with
that characterise the Troina–Tusa Unit in the Sicilian sector the Taveyannaz Sandstones of the Helvetico-Delfinese Units
of the Flysch Basin are examined in detail. The terrains of of the Alps. Like the latter, they should represent the result
this unit are sandwiched between the overlying Monte Soro of a synorogenic andesitic volcanism occurring between the
Unit and the underlying Nicosia and Panormide Units (Figs. Mesozoic ophiolitic magmatism and the Quaternary volca-
1 and 2). New field, biostratigraphic and petrographic data nic activity. Strangely, the author does not recognise the
allow us a more detailed reconstruction of the structural and turbiditic origin of the tuffitic and carbonate deposits, and he
palaeogeographic evolution of the Flysch Basin in Sicily, interprets, as the source of the volcaniclastic materials, the
immediately before the onset of the compressive deforma- lavas (limburgites Auct.), characterising some carbonate
144 P. de Capoa et al. / Geodinamica Acta 15 (2002) 141–157

platform units of the Calabria–Lucania border area, arbi- which is made up of the Argille Varicolori Formation, are
trarily considered Eocene in age and andesitic in composi- characterised by the same age and show a considerable
tion. content in volcanogenic fraction (Fig. 2), which justifies our
Ten years later, Wezel and Guerrera [25] and Guerrera interpretation considering them as heteropic formations.
and Wezel [26] reached fully different conclusions. The
volcaniclastic levels, which have an epiclastic origin, con- 3.1. Lascari–Cefalù sector
stitute the most frequent lithologies of an entirely turbiditic
formation, deposited in a deep-sea environment and Late In the coastal area between the valleys of the Rio Imera,
Oligocene–Middle Aquitanian in age, denominated Tufiti di to the west, and the Torrente Carbone, to the east, some
Tusa Formation. The Tufiti di Tusa Fm. conformably over- klippen of the Troina–Tusa Unit terrains (placed above the
lies a formation characterised by varicoloured clayey facies Numidian Flysch, which is related with the external carbon-
(Argille Varicolori Fm.), and it constitutes the most recent ate units of the Panormide Complex) have been mapped for
stratigraphic unit of the succession of a tectonic sheet some time [28,34,35]. These klippen should be formed by
defined as Troina–Tusa Flysch Unit. The authors interpret terrains of the Tufiti di Tusa Fm. and arenaceous bodies
the volcaniclastic deposits according to the plate tectonic considered as belonging to the Reitano Flysch Fm. As
model: the tuffitic formation has been fed by the erosion of regards the relationships between the Reitano Flysch and
a calc-alkaline volcanic arc, located in an internal position the underlying Tufiti di Tusa, according to Lentini et al. [28]
and related to a tectonically active margin in a compressive the Reitano Flysch conformably follows the Tufiti di Tusa,
geodynamic environment. whereas Amodio Morelli et al. [36] consider the boundary
Later, the Tufiti di Tusa Fm. has been mapped in different between these two formations as an angular unconformity,
areas of central-northern Sicily, between the Madonie and and Cassola et al. [34] interpret the same as a tectonic
the Nebrodi Mts. [27–31]. The formation has been recogn- boundary. Finally, de Capoa et al. [35], owing to the
ised also in the Southern Apennines [21,22,32], but petro- volcaniclastic content, ascribe the terrains formerly consid-
graphic analyses have been carried out only in the Calabri- ered as a part of the Reitano Flysch to the Tufiti di Tusa Fm.
a–Lucania border area [23]. A consistent volcaniclastic In all klippen, the revision of field data (Fig. 2, log 1)
content reaching 18–30% and, therefore, markedly lower demonstrates that the terrains already considered as the
than that characterising the Tufiti di Tusa Fm., has been Tufiti di Tusa Fm. are actually constituted by the typical
pointed out by Puglisi [33] in the lower part of arenaceous lithologies characterising the upper part of the Argille
turbiditic formations outcropping near Cerami and Troina Varicolori Fm., as redefined by Carbone et al. [30] and
and later by Cassola et al. [34] near Cefalù. These latter Lentini et al. [31]. Moreover, in the same klippen, the
authors denominate these terrains as External Reitano Fly- deposits formerly attributed to the Reitano Flysch
sch, which has been interpreted as a Lower Oligocene [28,34,36] or to the Tufiti di Tusa Fm. [35] constitute a
formation deposited within small pull-apart basins, which formation, made up only of arenaceous turbidites, that
characterised some external areas of the Sicilian sector of represents the stratigraphic evolution of the underlying
the Flysch Basin during the compressive deformation. Argille Varicolori Fm. Taking into account the lithologic
Guerrera et al. [4] and de Capoa et al. [35] discuss the features, the Arenarie di Poggio Maria, even if rich in
volcaniclastic terrains in the evolutionary context of the volcaniclastic debris, cannot be considered a tuffitic forma-
Sicilian sector of the Flysch Domain: the formations con- tion, because the volcanogenic content does not exceed
taining volcaniclastic detritus, which are Burdigalian in age 30–35%. Therefore, these sediments belong to the field of
and heteropic to each other, constitute the uppermost part of the “impure volcaniclastic arenites” of Zuffa [37,38]; so
the stratigraphic succession of the Troina–Tusa Unit, and they cannot be ascribed to the Tufiti di Tusa Fm., and they
they characterise the development of the foredeep sedimen- may be considered as a heteropic formation of this latter.
tation in the internal areas of the Flysch Domain. The Argille Varicolori Fm. crops out at the base of the
eastern and southern slopes of Le Serre, and it is well
observable along the Cefalù–Gibilmanna road. The same
3. Field data formation is also recognisable within the Rio Campella
Valley, immediately to the north of Lascari and as far as the
The reexamination of a wide chain area across the Imera River to the south and west of this village.
Nebrodi and Madonie Mts. has allowed us to recognise The formation (Fig. 2, log 1) is constituted by regularly
three sectors within which the most recent terrains of the alternated, sometimes laminated, varicoloured marly,
Troina–Tusa Unit are represented by different turbiditic clayey–marly and clayey layers containing beds of white,
formations, characterised by an abundant volcaniclastic yellow and grey–greenish, sometimes silicified, allodapic
content. These formations (Arenarie di Poggio Maria, Tufiti limestones, which often show a turbiditic origin (i.e. the
di Tusa and Arenarie di Troina) differ from each other as presence of the Tb, Tc and Td of the Bouma sequence). In
regards thickness, lithology and sedimentary facies. How- the uppermost part of the succession, thin arenaceous layers
ever, all these formations lie above a common substratum, at first appear, which are followed by abruptly occurring
P. de Capoa et al. / Geodinamica Acta 15 (2002) 141–157 145

medium to very thick beds of grey–greenish sandstones. varying in thickness from some tens of metres to several
Intercalations of calcareous and marly layers also charac- hundreds of metres (over 600 m in the uppermost sheet).
terise some of the basal metres of the overlying sandstone Frequent redoublings and overturnings of more or less thick
succession, but upwards they disappear. This stratigraphic stratigraphic intervals occur. The Reitano Flysch deposits lie
evolution can be observed in several places between Cefalù unconformably above these tectonic sheets.
and Lascari, and it is particularly well exposed between The Argille Varicolori Fm. is constituted by varicoloured
kilometres 1 and 2 of the Cefalù–Gibilmanna road (Fig. 3a), clays with interbedded fine-grained calcareous turbidite
in the Rio Campella Valley, immediately to the northeast of layers. The formation passes to the overlying tuffitic sedi-
Lascari and to the east of Casale Giunchi. ments through a sharp contact, and its uppermost part is
The overlying arenaceous turbiditic formation exten- affected by slumping.
sively crops out between Cefalù and Lascari, where it On the basis of the lithologic and sedimentologic field
constitutes the reliefs of Le Serre and Poggio Maria and for data, in the Tufiti di Tusa Fm., different turbiditic lithofacies
some kilometres along the coastal cliff extending from Capo are recognisable (Fig. 3d–f). In the Halaesa area (Fig. 2, log
Plaia to Capo Cefalù. 2), the formation is made up of alternating silty–marly,
From a lithologic point of view, this formation, for arenaceous, rarely conglomeratic and carbonate turbidites,
which, in this paper, is informally proposed the denomina- containing a few thin layers of hemipelagic clays that are
tion Arenarie di Poggio Maria Fm., is mainly constituted by recognisable for their typical greyish olive colour. The
medium- to coarse-grained, well cemented, sometimes mi- silty–marly turbidites constitute the most abundant lithofa-
croconglomeratic (clast dimension 3–5 mm), sandstones cies, and they are formed by laminated siltites, usually
(Figs. 2, log 1; 3a–3c). The unit is generally characterised lacking in the basal interval with graded bedding, and which
by grey–greenish (brownish if alterated) medium to thick grade upwards into greyish silty marls. Siltites are charac-
and rarely thin layers and sometimes by very thick beds. terised by a high volcaniclastic content, and they are
From hand sample observation, it is possible to recognise characterised by the presence of fossil traces such as
euhedral feldspar clasts and little lava pebbles, together with Paleodictyon and Granularia. Within some intervals, the
quartz crystals showing magmatic corrosion and fragments marls become lighter and contain a great variety and amount
of plutonic and metamorphic rocks. The turbiditic origin is of ichnofauna, among which the Helminthoidea type pre-
testified by the presence of the Bouma sequence intervals, vails.
among which the Ta is only evident in the most coarse and Arenaceous, typically volcaniclastic, turbidites are more
microconglomeratic strata. Also, the Tb, Tc and Td intervals frequent in the upper part of the succession. They range
are only sometimes observable. The pelitic interval is from greenish to bluish in colour, and the thickness of the
usually missing, and it has rarely been found in the lower layers is varying, from some tens of centimetres to several
and in the upper parts of the formation, whereas clay chips metres (up to 14), but 2–3 m thick beds prevail. These
have frequently been recognised. Also, sedimentary struc- volcaniclastic arenites, which are generally fractured, are
tures at the base of the strata are rare, while load- and water characterised by graded bedding and fine to medium grain
loss-related features are common. The thickest beds seem to size (up to 2.5 mm), are from well to moderately sorted and
be the result of grain flow deposition. The maximum often contain marly, calcareous and siltitic intraclasts, which
outcropping thickness is about 250 m. are concentrated in the upper part of the layers. Palaeocur-
rent marks, indicating a varying direction and sense of
3.2. Castel di Tusa–Mistretta–San Teodoro sector provenance, frequently occur.
The calcareous turbidites are less common in the lower-
This sector represents the area where the Tufiti di Tusa most part of the formation. They are represented by whitish
Fm., as described by Ogniben [16,20], Wezel and Guerrera calcilutite and calcarenite layers showing graded bedding
[25] and Guerrera and Wezel [26], crops out. The outcrops and varying in thickness from 0.4 to 2 m. Graded, parallel
are always of small dimensions, and the widest ones are and convolute bedding, and flute and groove casts testify the
located near the archaeological site of Halaesa (some turbiditic origin of the calcilutites; such an origin is more
kilometres from Castel di Tusa) and near Mistretta and San evident for the calcarenitic lithofacies, which contain
Teodoro. The stratigraphic successions are similar across benthic larger foraminifera and algal fragments and other
the three sites even if, near Halaesa, because of high resedimented neritic fossils; moreover, hemipelagic clays,
thicknesses and well exposed intervals, it is possible to centimetric in thickness, are still less frequent.
better recognise the different lithofacies characterising the The structural framework of the Tufiti di Tusa Fm. near
formation. Mistretta is more complex (Figs. 1; 2, log 3). In fact, in this
In the Halaesa area, the Troina–Tusa Unit tectonically area between the Tufiti di Tusa Fm. and the base of the
lies above the Numidian Flysch of the Panormide Complex, transgressive Reitano Flysch, a lenticular body, nearly
and it is represented both by the Argille Varicolori Fm. and 100 m thick, of highly deformed Argille Varicolori is
by the Tufiti di Tusa Fm. The terrains of the Troina–Tusa interbedded. This body comprises also different lithic blocks
Unit are usually arranged in imbricated tectonic sheets, and beds (calcirudites, calcilutites, calcarenites with graded
146 P. de Capoa et al. / Geodinamica Acta 15 (2002) 141–157

Fig. 3. Features of the Arenarie di Poggio Maria and Tufiti di Tusa Fms. (a) Transition between the Argille Varicolori Fm. and the Arenarie di Poggio Maria
Fm. along the Cefalù–Gibilmanna road. Typical volcaniclastic turbidites of the Arenarie di Poggio Maria Fm.: (b) Poggio Maria area (upper levels); (c) Capo
Cefalù area. Typical volcaniclastic turbidites of the Tufiti di Tusa Fm.: (d) San Teodoro section; (e, f) Halaesa section.

bedding containing spherical quartz grains, arenites), which Monte Pomiere Fm. [39], represents a typical olistostrome,
are related with the carbonate covers of the Peloritanian mechanically lying above the Tufiti di Tusa Fm. It may be
units and the Cretaceous levels of the Monte Soro Flysch interpreted as the stratigraphic base, in the Mistretta area, of
Unit. This deformed succession, which can be related to the the Reitano Flysch Fm. (Figs. 1; 2, log 3).
P. de Capoa et al. / Geodinamica Acta 15 (2002) 141–157 147

In the San Teodoro area, the Tufiti di Tusa Fm., which considered as heteropic of the Tufiti di Tusa Fm. by
conformably follows the Argille Varicolori Fm., crops out to de Capoa et al. [35].
a thickness of about 250 m (Fig. 2, log 4). Even if the The Arenarie di Troina Fm. characterises the reliefs of
thickness is reduced here, the whole lithologic succession Troina and Cerami villages, emerging with their steep
and structural features are quite similar to those described slopes from the gentle landscape related with the underlying
for the Halaesa sector. Occasional slumps are also recogn- Argille Varicolori Fm. (Figs. 1 and 4a). The lower part of the
isable; their thickness does not exceed 6 m and they Arenarie di Troina Fm. crops out also in the Ancipa Lake
comprise marly and arenitic lithofacies. area and in the Serro Scarvi relief, some kilometres south-
All the described features lead to the consideration of the east of Troina, where a minor thrust leads the Argille
sedimentation of the Tufiti di Tusa Fm. as related with Varicolori Fm. to override their overlying arenaceous sedi-
gravitational deep processes, on a rather flat sea bottom, ments.
probably in an abyssal plain, involving a very abundant The Arenarie di Troina Fm. is characterised at the base
amount of volcaniclastic detritus. by a sandy–conglomeratic bed some metres thick that
abruptly conformably overlies the calcareous–marly depos-
3.3. Troina–Cerami sector its, containing some intercalations of sandstone layers,
characterising the uppermost part of the Argille Varicolori
In this area, abundant volcaniclastic debris has been Fm. This latter formation presents the same features already
recognised by Puglisi [33,40] in the basal part of the pointed out for the previously described sectors, being
External Reitano Flysch. This stratigraphic unit has been constituted by sometimes laminated grey marls and clays,
redefined as Arenarie di Troina Fm., and it has been interbedded with marly limestones and sometimes silicified

Fig. 4. Features of the Arenarie di Troina Formation in the Cerami area: (a) the uppermost strata of the Argille Varicolori Fm. and the basal levels of the
Arenarie di Troina Fm. near Mt. Grottelle; (b) the lower member in the south Cerami section; (c) the intermediate member in the south Cerami section; (d)
the upper member in the south Cerami section.
148 P. de Capoa et al. / Geodinamica Acta 15 (2002) 141–157

whitish and greenish calcilutites. In all the examined sec- coccolith assemblages have been interpreted according to
tions, the appearance, in the uppermost part of the forma- the Neogene nanofossil biostratigraphic zonation proposed
tion, of arenaceous beds, about decimetric in thickness, by Young [43]. The results basically confirmed the datings
indicates the beginning of the siliciclastic sedimentation, of de Capoa et al. [35].
and it confirms a transitional evolution from the Argille For their turbiditic origin, the siliciclastic formations
Varicolori Fm. to the Arenarie di Troina Fm. have not been easy to date, in particular as regards the
The stratigraphic succession of the Arenarie di Troina Arenarie di Poggio Maria Fm., which is lacking in pelitic
Fm., which has been described in detail by Loiacono and levels. On the contrary, the Tufiti di Tusa Fm. and the
Puglisi [41] and Cassola et al. [42], is characterised by three immediately underlying Argille Varicolori Fm. have been
very different lithologic intervals (Fig. 2, logs 5 and 6). The more easily dated because of the abundance of pelitic levels.
formation begins with an interval, reaching up to 100 m in The uppermost 30 m of the Argille Varicolori Fm. have
thickness, constituted by sometimes channelled thick con- been sampled in the Lascari–Cefalù sector in the Rio
glomeratic and arenaceous beds. They are grey in colour, or Campella valley and along the Cefalù–Gibilmanna road.
brownish for alteration, and sometimes they are arranged in The same levels have also been sampled in Halaesa,
amalgamated beds with no internal organisation, within Mistretta and San Teodoro sections, and moreover in the
which less thick and fine-grained sandy layers are interbed- East Troina and South Cerami sections; these latter are
ded. These deposits evolve upwards into thin to medium located along state road 120 and on the southern side of Mt.
thick well layered sandstones, which are sometimes char- Grottelle, respectively (Fig. 2).
acterised by all the intervals of the Bouma sequence (Figs. The coccoliths recognised within the Argille Varicolori
2, logs 5 and 6; 4b). Fm. are shown in Table 1. The stratigraphically significant
This interval is followed by medium- and fine-grained, taxa are rather limited (Discoaster druggii, Umbili-
thin to medium thick sandy and sandy–pelitic turbidite cosphaera rotula, Helicosphaera ampliaperta, H. carteri,
layers and, upwards, by clays and siltites, containing occa- H. gertae), while clearly reworked Cretaceous and Palaeo-
sional arenaceous and calcareous beds and thin hemipelagic genic taxa are markedly prevalent in number of species and
levels (Figs. 2, logs 5 and 6; 4c). The thickness of this abundance of specimens. All the abovesaid markers testify
interval ranges between 100 and about 330 m. At the top, an age not older than Early Miocene (Zone NN2 of Martini
the succession again becomes coarser, and the pelitic–siltitic [44] = Zone CN1c of Okada and Bukry [45]). In particular,
alternation is replaced by an interval up to 110 m thick, D. druggii starts in Zone NN2 and H. ampliaperta in the
constituted by well layered thick sandstones, containing thin upper part of the same Zone NN2, which, according to
pelitic intercalations (Figs. 2, logs 5 and 6; 4d). Young [43], marks the base of the Burdigalian. Conse-
The volcaniclastic fraction is easily recognisable in the quently, the upper layers of the Argille Varicolori Fm. are
hand samples only in the conglomeratic and arenaceous certainly Early Miocene in age and, at least in some areas,
levels of the basal interval, where it reaches an amount of reach the Burdigalian. This age is in agreement with that of
about 30% [33,41]. Upwards, the volcaniclastic fraction the Tufiti di Tusa Fm., whose lower layers show taxa starting
rapidly decreases, and in the uppermost levels, it is limited from Zone NN3 (see below).
to 1–3%. As regards the dinocysts (Table 2), the most important
datum is represented by the presence of Nemathosphaerop-
sis labirinthea, whose FO (first occurrence) is indicated at
4. Biostratigraphy the base of Zone DM1 of Biffi and Manum [46], which
corresponds with the upper part of Zone NN1 of Martini
The biostratigraphic characteristics of the uppermost part [44] = CN1b of Okada and Bukry [45]. Therefore, the age is
of the Argille Varicolori Fm. and the overlying volcaniclas- not older than Aquitanian, and most of the recognised
tic formations have been pointed out by de Capoa et al. [35]. species (Hystrichokolpoma rigaudiae, Paleocystodinium
The study of foraminifera and coccoliths allows the authors golzowense, Selenopemphix nephroides, Spiniferites ramo-
to recognise an Early Miocene age for the uppermost part of sus, Systemathophora placacantha) are compatible with this
the Argille Varicolori Fm. and the overlying siliciclastic age, while other taxa (Deflandrea phosphoritica, Homotri-
formations. Among the latter, it is possible to obtain more blium oceanicum, Hystrichokolpoma cinctum, Pentadinium
detailed data for the Tufiti di Tusa and Arenarie di Troina goniferum), which have a distribution limited to the Eoce-
Fms.; in fact, the first formation is characterised by taxa of ne–Oligocene time span, should be considered as reworked.
Burdigalian age already from the lowermost levels, and the The samples of the pelites interbedded within the arena-
second one evidences a Late Burdigalian age for the ceous volcaniclastic detritus-rich formations have been
uppermost levels. collected in the eastern side of Poggio Maria, starting from
In this paper, we carried out a new and more detailed Rio Campella, along the Cefalù–Gibilmanna road and along
biostratigraphic study also through the utilisation of di- the coast east of Capo Playa (Arenarie di Poggio Maria
nocysts, which have been recognised for the first time Fm.), in the well known Halaesa and San Teodoro sections
within the Maghrebian Flysch Basin-related terrains. The (Tufiti di Tusa Fm.) and, as regards the Arenarie di Troina
P. de Capoa et al. / Geodinamica Acta 15 (2002) 141–157 149

Table 1 Table 3
Argille Varicolori Formation: coccoliths Arenarie di Poggio Maria Formation: coccoliths
Braarudosphaera bigelowi Coccolithus miopelagicus
Bramletteius serraculoides Coccolithus pelagicus
Coccolithus miopelagicus Cyclicargolithus abisectus
Coccolithus miopelagicus >20 µm Cyclicargolithus floridanus
Coccolithus pelagicus Discoaster spp.
Coronocyclus nitescens Ericsonia cava
Cyclicargolithus abisectus Ericsonia fenestrata
Cyclicargolithus floridanus Ericsonia Formosa
Discoaster adamanteus Helicosphaera carteri
Discoaster calculosus Helicosphaera euphratis
Discoaster deflandrei Reticulofenestra perplexa
Discoaster cf. deflandrei Sphenolithus moriformis
Discoaster druggii Sphenolithus sp. A
Discoaster aff. Formosus Triquetrorhabdulus carinatus
Discoaster spp. Triquetrorhabdulus cf. carinatus
Ericsonia cava
Ericsonia obruta Bold type = marker.
Helicosphaera ampliaperta
Helicosphaera carteri
Helicosphaera cf. carteri The coccoliths recognised within the Arenarie di Poggio
Helicosphaera euphratis Maria, Tufiti di Tusa and Arenarie di Troina Fms. are shown
Helicosphaera cf. euphratis in Tables 3, 4 and 7, respectively. In Tables 5 and 6, which
Helicosphaera gertae
Helicosphaera cf. recta are related with the Tufiti di Tusa Fm., foraminifera and
Helicosphaera truempyi dinocysts are also indicated. As already observed for the
Pedinocyclus larvalis Argille Varicolori Fm., reworked taxa prevail both in
Pontosphaera ocellata species and specimen number.
Pontosphaera spp.
Pyrocyclus hermosus The Arenarie di Poggio Maria Fm. furnished very poor
Reticulofenestra daviesi nanofloras, and the most significative taxon (Helicosphaera
Reticulofenestra gartneri carteri) allows us to define an age not older than Aquitanian
Reticulofenestra perplexa
Reticulofenestra sp.
(Zone NN2 of Martini [44] = Zone CN1c of Okada and
Rhabdosphaera pinguis Bukry [45]), but the age of the formation is certainly
Sphenolithus conicus younger, considering that the underlying Argille Varicolori
Sphenolithus cf. conicus Fm. reaches the upper part of Zone NN2.
Sphenolithus moriformis
Sphenolithus sp. A Among the coccoliths from the Tufiti di Tusa Fm.
Sphenolithus spp. (Table 4), the markers are represented by Discoaster drug-
Thoracophaera spp. gii, Umbilicosphaera rotula, Helicosphaera carteri, H.
Triquetrorhabdulus carinatus
Triquetrorhabdulus cf. carinatus
gertae, Triquetrorhabdulus milowii and Sphenolithus
Umbilicosphaera rotula belemnos. In particular, the FO of this latter taxon is
indicated in Zone NN3 of Martini [44] = Zone CN2 of
Bold type = marker. Okada and Bukry [45]; therefore, the age of the Tufiti di
Table 2 Tusa Fm. is not older than Middle Burdigalian. This age is
Argille Varicolori Formation: dinocysts confirmed by the recognised foraminifera (Globigerina
Deflandrea phosphoriticaa
woodi, Globigerinita naparimaensis and Globigerinoides
Homotriblium oceanicuma gr. trilobus), which start as from the Burdigalian (Zones N5
Hystrichokolpoma cinctuma and N6 of Blow [47]; Table 5). As regards the dinocysts
Hystrichokolpoma rigaudiae (Table 6), also in the Tufiti di Tusa Fm., the most represen-
Nemathosphaeropsis labirinthea
Paleocystodinium golzowense
tative taxon is Nemathosphaeropsis labirinthea, whose first
Pentadinium goniferuma occurrence is reported starting from the Aquitanian, Zone
Selenopemphix nephroides DM1 of Biffi and Manum [46] = upper part of the Zone
Spiniferites ramosus NN1 of Martini [44] = Zone CN1b of Okada and Bukry
Systemathophora placacantha
Bold type = marker. In the lower part of the Arenarie di Troina Fm., only an
Reworked taxa. age not older than Early Miocene is definable, owing to the
presence of Helicosphaera carteri, H. gertae and Umbili-
cosphaera rotula. Instead, the middle–upper part of the
Fm., along state road 575 at Troina and near Cerami, formation may be considered Late Burdigalian in age,
between Mt. Grottelle, Timpone Calumeli and the water because of the occurrence of Calcidiscus leptoporus,
reservoir. C. macintyrei and Discoaster variabilis, whose FO is
150 P. de Capoa et al. / Geodinamica Acta 15 (2002) 141–157

Table 4 Table 6
Tufiti di Tusa Formation: coccoliths Tufiti di Tusa Formation: dinocysts
Braarudosphaera bigelowi Deflandrea phosphoriticaa
Coccolithus miopelagicus Hystrichokolpoma rigaudiae
Coccolithus miopelagicus >20 µm Nemathosphaeropsis labirinthea
Coccolithus pelagicus Paleocystodinium golzowense
Coronocyclus nitescens Selenopemphix nephroides
Cyclicargolithus abisectus Spiniferites mirabilis
Cyclicargolithus floridanus Spiniferites ramosus
Discoaster adamanteus Wetzeliella gochtia
Discoaster aff. adamanteus
Discoaster cf. adamanteus Bold type = marker.
Discoaster calculosus a
Reworked taxa.
Discoaster deflandrei
Discoaster cf. deflandrei Table 7
Discoaster druggii Arenarie di Troina Formation: coccoliths
Discoaster spp.
Ericsonia cava Braarudosphaera bigelowi
Ericsonia Formosa Calcidiscus leptoporus
Ericsonia obruta Calcidiscus macintyrei
Helicosphaera carteri Coccolithus miopelagicus
Helicosphaera euphratis Coccolithus miopelagicus >20 µm
Helicosphaera truempyi Coccolithus pelagicus
Helicosphaera sp. Coronocyclus nitescens
Pontosphaera discopora Cyclicargolithus abisectus
Pyrocyclus hermosus Cyclicargolithus floridanus
Reticulofenestra gartneri Discoaster aff. prepentaradiatus
Reticulofenestra perplexa Discoaster variabilis
Sphenolithus belemnos Discoaster spp.
Sphenolithus conicus Ericsonia cava
Sphenolithus moriformis Helicosphaera carteri
Sphenolithus sp. A Helicosphaera euphratis
Thoracophaera spp. Helicosphaera gertae
Triquetrorhabdulus carinatus Pontosphaera sp.
Triquetrorhabdulus cf. carinatus Pyrocyclus hermosus
Triquetrorhabdulus milowii Reticulofenestra gartneri
Triquetrorhabdulus cf. milowii Reticulofenestra perplexa
Umbilicosphaera rotula Sphenolithus moriformis
Thoracophaera sp.
Bold type = marker. Triquetrorhabdulus carinatus
Umbilicosphaera rotula
Table 5
Tufiti di Tusa Formation: foraminifera Bold type = marker.

Globigerina woodi
Globigerina connecta
Globigerinoides gr. trilobus tions (Arenarie di Poggio Maria and Arenarie di Troina) is
Globigerinita naparimaensis Early Miocene in age, but taxa starting from Burdigalian,
Globigerinita baroemoenensis which have been recognised in the Tufiti di Tusa Fm., have
Globoquadrina dehiscens
not been found in these formations. However, we also
Globoquadrina cf. dehiscens
Globorotaloides suteri consider these formations Burdigalian in age, taking into
Catapsydrax unicavus account the age of the underlying Argille Varicolori Fm. and
Catapsydrax dissimilis the difficulty to admit a diachronous onset for the volcani-
clastic sedimentation. As regards the age of the uppermost
Bold type = marker.
part of the volcaniclastic formations, taxa whose first
occurrence is most recent have been recognised in the upper
indicated within Zone NN4 of Martini [44] = Zone CN3 of levels of the Arenarie di Troina Fm.; they indicate an age
Okada and Bukry [45]. not older than Late Burdigalian (Zone NN4 of Martini
In conclusion, coccoliths, foraminifera and dinocysts [44] = Zone CN3 of Okada and Bukry [45]). However, these
testify that the uppermost part of the Argille Varicolori Fm. Upper Burdigalian levels are lacking in volcaniclastic detri-
is constituted by Lower Miocene layers, which, at least in tus. Taking also into account the lack of volcaniclastic
some sections, may be Burdigalian in age, as indicated by debris in the overlying Reitano Flysch sedimentary cycle,
the occurrence of H. ampliaperta, starting from the upper we may conclude that the volcaniclastic sedimentation
part of Zone NN2, and by the Middle Burdigalian age (Zone affected the Sicilian sector of the Maghrebian Flysch Basin
NN3) of the lower part of the overlying Tufiti di Tusa Fm. starting from Burdigalian and probably ended during this
The lower part of other volcaniclastic detritus-rich forma- stage.
P. de Capoa et al. / Geodinamica Acta 15 (2002) 141–157 151

Fig. 5. QFL (quartz–feldspars–lithic fragments) diagram for the studied volcaniclastic formations (a) and QFL diagram showing relations between sandstone
composition and geodynamic setting (b) according to Dickinson and Suczek [48] and Dickinson [49,50]: 1, continental block (1a, basement uplift; 1b,
transitional; 1c, craton interior); 2, recycled orogen; 3, magmatic arc (3a, undissected arc; 3b, transitional arc; 3c, dissected arc). —— Compositional field
of the Arenarie di Poggio Maria Fm. according to Cassola et al. [34]; • new data from this study; . . . compositional field of the Tufiti di Tusa Fm. in the
Southern Apennines according to Critelli et al. [23]; × new data from this study; – – – compositional field of the Arenarie di Troina Fm. according to Cassola
et al. [34]; ■ new data from this study. Arrow: compositional trend of the Arenarie di Troina Fm. according to Cassola et al. [34].

5. Petrography et al. [23] for the Tufiti di Tusa Fm. outcropping in the
Southern Apennines, in the Calabria–Lucania border area
Petrographic data from six samples of the Arenarie di (Fig. 5a). The petrographic study of 12 samples from the
Poggio Maria Fm. have already been shown by Cassola et Halaesa and San Teodoro sections points out a main
al. [34]. These samples straddle the boundary between volcano–arenitic composition associated with a subordinate
feldspathic litharenites and lithic arkoses (Fig. 5a), with litho-feldspathic composition (Fig. 5a). The study confirms
volcanic lithic fragments comprised between 16.8 and the epiclastic nature of the volcanic clasts, which constitute
21.3 vol.% and plagioclases of volcanic origin between 14.4 up to 80–85% of detritic grains and are represented by
and 19.7 vol.%; quartz grains and subordinate feldspars and porphyritic rock fragments, glass shards, and mono- and
lithic fragments deriving from acid plutonites and middle- polymineralic grains (Fig. 6c, d). The rock fragments, which
to high-grade metamorphic rocks are also present. have andesitic and subordinately dacitic composition, show
New petrographic analyses from 10 samples (Fig. 5a) porphyritic to sub-aphyric textures, characterised by
generally agree with the data of Cassola et al. [34]. The plagioclases and mafic minerals in a micro- and
Arenarie di Poggio Maria Fm. is characterised by prevail- cryptocrystalline groundmass. Among the volcanic miner-
ing quartz–feldspathic fragments deriving from plutonites als, it is possible to recognise euhedral zoned plagioclases
and by middle- to high-grade metamorphic rocks, together with andesitic composition (An42–43), green hornblende,
with an abundant volcaniclastic fraction, made up of volca- augitic clinopyroxene and small amounts of biotite, magne-
nic glass, andesitic to dacitic lava fragments and crystals of tite, titano-magnetite and resorbed quartz (Fig. 6c, d). To-
volcanic origin (andesitic lava-derived minerals) (Fig. 6a, gether with the volcano-derived fraction, detrital grains
b). It is noteworthy that the petrographic composition of the from metamorphic and plutonic rocks can be also observed.
Arenarie di Poggio Maria Fm. sandstones does not present They are represented by quartz–feldspathic grains derived
significant variations across the whole stratigraphic succes- from high-grade metamorphic rocks (micaschists,
sion. amphibole and garnet gneisses, augen gneisses) and acid
On the basis of the diagrams of Dickinson and Suczek plutonic ones (granitoids), as well as rare clasts from low-
[48] and Dickinson [49,50], the debris constituting the grade metamorphic rocks (phyllites, metarenites and quartz-
Arenarie di Poggio Maria Fm. can be related with dissected ites). Many heavy minerals (garnet, zircon, apatite,
arcs and recycled orogens (Fig. 5b). anathase, rutile, brookite, magnetite, titanite, clinozoisite,
Petrographic studies on the Tufiti di Tusa Fm. sandstones tourmaline, epidote) are recognisable. Sedimentary rock
have never been carried out up to now in Sicily, and the only fragments are rare, and they are represented by limestones,
available data for comparison are those reported by Critelli shales and sandstones. Among the bioclasts, large foramini-
152 P. de Capoa et al. / Geodinamica Acta 15 (2002) 141–157

Fig. 6. Photomicrographs (cross-polarised light; 15×) of main framework grains and interstitial components from the volcaniclastic formations of the
Troina–Tusa Unit: (a, b) Arenarie di Poggio Maria Fm.; (c, d) Tufiti di Tusa Fm.; (e, f) Arenarie di Troina Fm. An abundant volcaniclastic fraction
(plagioclases, andesitic rock fragments, pyroxenes, volcanic glass, etc.) is recognisable in all photos.

fer, mollusc and algal remnants are present. The interstitial The petrographic features of the Tufiti di Tusa Fm. are
component is mainly represented by a non-carbonate generally homogeneous along the whole stratigraphic suc-
pseudo-matrix [51] made up of clay minerals resulting from cession, and they are very similar to those recognised by
diagenetic alteration of volcanic silicates and glass. Critelli et al. [23] in the Tufiti di Tusa Fm. of the Southern
P. de Capoa et al. / Geodinamica Acta 15 (2002) 141–157 153

Apennines. However, a major lithologic variability charac- These formations testify the evolution of the Maghrebian
terises the Tufiti di Tusa Fm. of the Southern Apennines, Flysch Basin to a foredeep, which is characterised by a high
where Critelli et al. [23] pointed out four different petrofa- volcaniclastic supply, which is probably restricted to the
cies, probably related to a more complex physiography of Burdigalian. The foredeep was located close to an active
the basin and its palaeotectonic evolution. calc-alkaline volcanic arc, which provided abundant volca-
According to the diagrams of Dickinson and Suczek [48] niclastic material. The proximity of the arc to the sedimen-
and Dickinson [49,50], the composition of the Tufiti di Tusa tary basin is demonstrated by: (a) high amount of volcani-
Fm. plots in the undissected and transitional arc fields (Fig. clastic debris both vertically (over 600 m in thickness, with
5b). very thick turbiditic—up to 14 m—beds) and laterally; (b)
The petrographic features of the Arenarie di Troina Fm. widespread presence of fresh volcanogenic material indicat-
have been well described by Puglisi [33] and Loiacono and ing a high rate of erosion and burial; (c) sandy grain size of
Puglisi [41]. The most interesting datum is that the petro- sediments. However, we cannot exclude, for a part of the
graphic composition of the sandstones, in this latter forma- finest volcanogenic sediments, an origin from areas located
tion, presents highly different characteristics for each of its far from the basin.
three members. In the succession, in fact, a markedly sharp Besides, the volcaniclastic debris have mainly an epiclas-
trend can be identified from feldspathic litharenites, which tic and not a pyroclastic origin, and it is linked to a rapid
are rich in volcaniclastic fraction, at the bottom, to arkose sub-aerial erosion and reworking of lavas and pyroclastics.
almost lacking in volcanic grains, in the upper portion (Fig. In conclusion, the volcanic sandstones indicate a sedi-
5a). Within the basal conglomeratic–arenaceous member, mentation which is penecontemporaneous to the develop-
the volcaniclastic fraction constitutes between 22% and ment of the calc-alkaline arc. This is probably located above
30% of the rock, and andesitic fragments exceed 50% of the a complex substratum, made up of pre-Alpine metamorphic
lithic ones. In the intermediate member, the volcaniclastic and plutonic complexes covered by Meso–Cenozoic car-
fraction is about 9–18%, and the andesites constitute be- bonates, as the abundant siliciclastic and sedimentary debris
tween 28% and 40% of the rock fragments. Finally, in the mixed together with the volcanogenic one indicate. In
upper member, the volcaniclastic fraction lowers to values Sicily, the abovesaid rocks may be observed in the Pelori-
comprised between 1% and 3%, and the andesites represent tanian units.
less than 10% of the rock fragments. We analysed 10 thin
The arenaceous formations, even if they are all turbiditic
sections of samples of the Arenarie di Troina Fm. (Fig. 6e,
ones, are characterised by successions which are different in
f), and our results (Fig. 5a) are similar to those of Puglisi
lithology, facies and thickness; however, they show the
[33] and Loiacono and Puglisi [41].
following common features: the same substratum, which is
According to the diagrams of Dickinson and Suczek [48] represented by the lithotypes of the Argille Varicolori Fm.,
and Dickinson [49,50], the Arenarie di Troina Fm. shows a a Burdigalian age, an abundant volcaniclastic content, more
trend from dissected arcs to recycled orogens to basement or less abundant non-volcaniclastic debris, represented by
uplift fields (Fig. 5b). clasts from medium- to high-grade metamorphites and
All these data can be explained by the presence of a acidic plutonites and, except for the Arenarie di Troina Fm.,
volcanic arc located above an orogenic belt made up of the lack of any vertical evolution of the petrographic
plutonic and metamorphic rocks. This volcanic arc was characteristics and turbidite facies. It is to be noted that the
quickly eroded and completely dismantled; at this moment, petrographic characters of the studied formations, which are
the volcaniclastic supply ended, and the basin was filled rich in volcaniclastic debris, are markedly different with
only by plutonic and metamorphic clasts. This evolution is respect to those of other coeval turbiditic formations out-
well recorded in the Arenarie di Troina basin, located in a cropping across the region (such as the Stilo–Capo
more external position; its sandstones show a composition d’Orlando Formation), which lack in debris having a
which agree well with the general trend of provenances volcanic origin and show a metamorphic debris mainly
from plutonic–volcanic arcs in the circum-Pacific tren- deriving from low-grade metamorphics.
ch–arc systems [49,50,53].
In agreement with Dickinson et al. [52] and Dickinson
[49,50], the sandstone composition points out an evolution,
from undissected to dissected volcanic arcs, for the source
6. Results and discussion area of the clastic supply. In the Arenarie di Troina Fm.,
however, it is possible to observe the successive passage
In the Sicilian sector of the Maghrebian Flysch Basin, from a magmatic arc to a recycled orogen and finally to a
some turbiditic formations (Arenarie di Poggio Maria, Tufiti continental block (basement uplift). This evolution is admis-
di Tusa and Arenarie di Troina), which characterise the sible considering, as the source area for the clastic material,
uppermost part of the stratigraphic succession of the Troina- some crystalline basements that have an active volcanic arc
–Tusa Unit and contain more or less abundant volcaniclastic above, later replaced by a rapidly eroded remnant arc. Later,
debris, have been dated as Early Miocene in age. this arc becomes completely demolished, as is testified by
154 P. de Capoa et al. / Geodinamica Acta 15 (2002) 141–157

the lack of volcaniclastic material within the unconformable and time, of available volcanic materials. Dams or channel
deposits of the overlying sedimentary cycle. This cycle, systems are responsible for the amount of sediments in
represented by the Reitano Flysch Fm., lies unconformably different areas. This allows us to explain the abundance of
above all the stacked units of the Flysch Basin. A similar epiclastic volcanic material within the Tufiti di Tusa Fm.,
evolution has been pointed out for the Southern Apennines which is characterised by a high sedimentation rate indicat-
by Critelli et al. [53] and Critelli [54]. ing depocentral areas, and the almost complete lack of
The differences in amounts of volcaniclastic material, epiclastic volcanic material in the basin of the coeval
thickness and facies observed for the studied formations Stilo–Capo d’Orlando Fm. In this latter formation, located
may be explained only supposing an extremely complex above the already stacked Peloritanian nappes in a more
palaeogeography. One has to admit the presence of deposi- internal position, the volcanic activity is testified by a
tional basins with a complex physiographic setting and limited amount of volcaniclastic debris [55], and by fine-
source areas characterised by a varying amount, in space grained pyroclastic materials (silexites [56]).

Fig. 7. Schematic palaeogeographic and palaeotectonic evolution of the central Mediterranean Region from Aquitanian (22 Ma) to Langhian (15 Ma).
Primary volcanic source areas are also indicated (after Bonardi et al. [6] modified).
P. de Capoa et al. / Geodinamica Acta 15 (2002) 141–157 155

Sardinia, where calc-alkaline volcanics, ranging in age Basin and the continental collision between the Europe–Ibe-
from Late Oligocene to Langhian, are widespread [57–59], ria and Africa–Adria plates.
has been often invoked as the volcanic source area, but the
epiclastic character recognised in the thick and coarse-
grained volcanogenic deposits cannot fit with this prov- Acknowledgements
enance. Besides, the Sardinian calc-alkaline volcanism is
characterised mainly by ignimbritic deposits, whereas the This study was supported by the following grants:
studied volcaniclastic terrains have been prevailingly fed by MURST–Urbino University Cofin/1997 (resp. V. Perrone)
andesite-derived clasts. According to Dewey et al. [60], the and “Scientific Research”—Urbino University (resp. F.
Tufiti di Tusa Basin is a part of a foredeep located close to Guerrera). The authors are highly grateful to Professor
the Sardinian Block, but it is separated from this latter by Michel Durand Delga for his useful revision and to an
Calabrian crystalline terrains; the authors suggest a kine- anonymous referee for suggestions.
matic model in which active volcanoes are connected with
transform-related tectonics.
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