oeIMT-2050 4WD agregatiran sa_orudima i prikjuénim ma8inama sluze za sve vrste
radovau poljoprivredi i transportu. Odlikuju se lakim rukovaniem, a visok stepen unifikacije pod-
sklopova i delova omoguéava brzo | efikasno servisiranje. Traktor su. opremijeni savremenom
kabinom novog dizajna koja ispunjava sve zahteve konfornog rukovanja traktorom.
IMT-2050 4WD aggregated with attaching machines and implements, they are used
for all kinds of work ih agriculture and transport. They are known as easily operated machines
and their high degree of unification of subassemblies and parts enables fast and efficient
servicing. Tractors are equiped with modern cab which meets all the requirements of the
comfortable operating
Vodom Nader, dz a laeiaan | Soden
Pekin ddoxrim ubragavanjom ee are oN 19,3
Motortip | 11030- 33 Water cooled, direc! jection
Engine pe sdsel -
Radnazapromine | jig9 Fron poe
ae it 33 Prout
Nominaina snaga Zadn =
Nominal power | KW 36.9 Rear sag2e
Snagamotora | (97/68/20) a
Engine power | Nominal br. 4 rors 1300-1900
obriaja ae 2200 eras ee mm
Nominal speed Zac 1300-1900
Yes | Hod Roar
‘81 stopeniprenosa pod [es
Monje ees Fanrars | Reverse Paine 3230
Tranmision Lenght
pape erm at |r| Sine aes
Gabattne dimerzije
Spoinica | Dvostepena Greretdimensons” [Visa (7™ [9
Ghtch Dual ficton disc ype Hoignt
‘Ozlebieno = Min. 350)
ritueno | Sind uo od ta 200
PTO.Shat | Boj obriaja sin 5401 1000 oe
Speed rum Meduosnorastsane =o
Koénice Diskosne, potopjene u uly
Bratos Dise ype, Wet ol saree brakes Renan fee 60
previ | ost
cae stati! Masatraktora
meter — | cle eS ta | 2780
Beograd, “u restrukturiranju”
11070 Novi Beograd, Zemunska 26
Telefon: +381 11 2151-114 IMT
4381 11 2154-677
Fax: +384 11 2154 575 ee
e-mail:, O'