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Design of ORC Power Cycle

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Paper ID: 50, Page 1


Angelo La Seta1* , Jesper Graa Andreasen2 , Leonardo Pierobon2 , Giacomo Persico3 , Fredrik Haglind2
1 Technical University of Denmark, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
2800 Kongens Lyngby, Denmark, and
Politecnico di Milano, Dipartimento di Energia,
20156 Milano, Italy
2 Technical University of Denmark, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
2800 Kongens Lyngby, Denmark
jgan@mek.dtu.dk, lpier@mek.dtu.dk, frh@mek.dtu.dk
3 Politecnico di Milano, Dipartimento di Energia,
20156 Milano, Italy

* Corresponding Author


Organic Rankine cycle power systems have recently emerged as promising solutions for waste heat
recovery in low- and medium-size power plants. Their performance and economic feasibility strongly
depend on the expander. Its design process and efficiency estimation are particularly challenging due
to the peculiar physical properties of the working fluid and the gasdynamic phenomena occurring in
the machine. Unlike steam Rankine and Brayton engines, organic Rankine cycle expanders have to
deal with small enthalpy drops and large expansion ratios. These features yield turbine designs with
few highly-loaded stages in supersonic flow regimes. This paper proposes a design method where the
conventional cycle analysis is combined with calculations of the maximum expander performance using
a validated mean-line design tool. The high computational cost of the turbine optimization is tackled
building a model which gives the optimal preliminary design of the turbine as a function of the cycle
conditions. This allows to estimate the optimal expander performance for each operating condition of
interest. The test case is the preliminary design of an organic Rankine cycle turbogenerator to increase
the overall energy efficiency of an offshore platform. The analysis of the results obtained using a constant
turbine efficiency and the method proposed in this paper indicates a maximum reduction of the expander
performance of 10 % points for pressure ratios between 10 and 35. This work also demonstrates that
this approach can support the plant designer on deciding the optimal size of the organic Rankine cycle
unit when multiple exhaust gas streams are available.


Environmental concerns stress the need for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and pollutants in the
industrial, civil and transport sector. Organic Rankine cycle (ORC) power systems are an efficient and
cost-competitive solution for heat-to-power conversion. These plants are nowadays regarded as a reli-
able technology for biomass and geothermal applications by virtue of the large operational experience.
Current research efforts aim at enlarging their utilization range by progressing to the design of mini-
ORC systems (3-20 kW) for challenging low heat source temperatures (90-150 C) [6]. Concurrently,

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Paper ID: 50, Page 2

ORC units are viable alternatives to steam Rankine cycle plants at high temperatures (300-500 C), in
niche sectors where the advantages of the ORC technology can be entirely exploited [5, 16].
In these applications, the turbine is arguably the most critical component owing to the small volumetric
flow rates and the high expansion ratios [19]. The turbine performance tightly relates to the architec-
ture of the thermodynamic cycle. Its design is of paramount importance for the technical and economic
optimization of the power module. Numerous studies on the maximization of the cycle performance
are available in the literature, see, e.g., [2, 17, 24, 26]. Few works address the feasibility of the turbine
design, typically considered a posteriori or by setting bounds on the cycle parameters. As an example,
Kang [14] selected the evaporation pressure of a 200 kW ORC unit with R245fa as working fluid consid-
ering a maximum expansion ratio of 4.11. Invernizzi et al. [13] employed the volumetric expansion ratio
and the size parameter to identify a suitable working fluid for a bottoming mini-ORC unit. Astolfi et al.
[3] performed a techno-economic optimization of a geothermal ORC power system. The cited authors
estimated the number of turbine stages using information on the maximum volume flow ratio and the
largest enthalpy drop.
The objective of this paper is to quantify how the variation of the expander efficiency influences the op-
timization of the thermodynamic cycle. A steady-state model of the thermodynamic cycle is coupled to
a simulation tool capable of delivering the preliminary design of a single-stage turbine. This integration
is performed optimizing the expander geometry for different boundary conditions of the cycle. A surro-
gate model of the turbine is then built to provide the maximum isentropic efficiency for each boundary
condition. This approach gives a more realistic picture of the energy conversion efficiency of the system,
when changing the key thermodynamic parameters of the cycle. The results are compared with those
obtained assuming a constant isentropic turbine efficiency. This analysis demonstrates the impact of a
proper modeling of the turbine for this class of power systems. The case study is the preliminary design
of an ORC unit used to increase the overall energy efficiency of an offshore platform.
Section 2 presents the case study of this work. Section 3 describes the mean-line simulation tool for
the design and optimization of the turbine. The results are then reported and discussed in Section 4.
Concluding remarks are given in Section 5.


The case study is the power system installed on the Draugen oil and gas offshore platform, located 150
km from Kristiansund, in the Norwegian Sea. Three Siemens SGT-500 gas turbines are installed on the
platform. The electrical power demand on board is 19 MW. Two turbines are kept in operation at all
times, each covering 50 % of the load. The third is kept on stand-by, allowing for maintenance work.
Despite the low energy conversion efficiency, this strategy ensures the necessary reserve power for peak
loads and the safe operation of the engines.
The Siemens SGT-500 gas turbine is fed with natural gas and generates an electric power output of
16.5 MW. The mass flow rate and the temperature of the exhaust gases discharged by the engine are
equal to 91.5 kg s-1 and 625 K [24], respectively. The twin-spool engine employs two coaxial shafts
coupling the low pressure compressor (LPC) with the low pressure turbine (LPT) and the high pressure
compressor (HPC) with the high pressure turbine (HPT). The power turbine (PT) transfers mechani-
cal power through a dedicated shaft to the electric generator (GEN). Recuperating the exhaust thermal
power of the engines with an ORC unit may enhance their energy conversion efficiency. Figure 1 shows
the layout of the power system, where one ORC unit is considered as bottoming unit for one gas turbine.
The relatively low temperature of the exhaust gases enables to transfer the thermal energy directly to
the once-through boiler (OTB), without the need for an intermediate oil loop. The working fluid first
expands in the ORC turbine (TUR), and it is then cooled in the recuperator. In this way, the temperature
of the organic compound at the OTB inlet may be increased by recovering energy from the superheated
vapor exiting the turbine. The ORC fluid is then condensed and compressed to the highest pressure

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Paper ID: 50, Page 3

level through the recuperator, thus closing the cycle. The selected organic compound is cyclopentane.
According to the analysis performed by Pierobon et al. [24], this choice leads to the simultaneous op-
timization of net present value, plant efficiency and volume of the investigated ORC-unit. Moreover,
this organic compound is already adopted for operating ORC systems in this range of temperature, see
Del Turco et al. [10].

11 10

exhaust gases

3 6


recuperator 8

condenser air
2 1 water

Figure 1: Simplified layout of the power system on the Draugen offshore oil and gas platform;
the exhaust gases of one engine feed the organic Rankine cycle module. The two remaining gas
turbines are not shown.


Figure 2: Main geometric blade parameters with relative nomenclature.


3.1 The axial turbine simulation tool - TURAX

The large volume ratios and small enthalpy drops, commonly met in ORC turbines, entail higher volume
flow ratios per stage compared to gas and steam turbines. The main problem is thus to distribute the load
between stator and rotor in the most effective way. As discussed by Macchi [19], it is necessary to find a
compromise between a pure impulse stage and a conventional configuration with a degree of reaction set
to 0.5. The first one implies high Mach number of the relative velocity at the rotor inlet. Conversely, the
latter demands large rotor blade height variations between inlet and outlet. A careful study is, therefore,
necessary to find the optimal solution.
For the purpose of this work, a novel in-house code for turbine preliminary design, called TURAX,
was written in the Matlab language. The simulation tool is the present result of ongoing development

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Paper ID: 50, Page 4

at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, which began with a
Masters Thesis work in 2013 [11]. For a given set of design parameters and boundary conditions, i.e.,
mass flow rate, inlet temperature, rotational speed and total pressure ratio, the simulation tool produces
a preliminary design of a single- or multi-stage machine (see Figure 2 for the blade nomenclature)
and an estimation of the total-to-total efficiency. Similarly to other preliminary design codes available
in the literature, such as zTurbo [25], TURAX is based on one-dimensional approximation supported
by proper correlations for the estimation of the losses and flow angles. The tool is combined with an
external evolutionary algorithm to determine the optimal preliminary design.
The architecture of the code consists of three main parts:
1. Evaluation of the total inlet and total isentropic outlet thermodynamic states and of the total isen-
tropic enthalpy drop. All these values remain constant during the design process.
2. Calculation of the set of first guess values for fluid angles, velocities and thermodynamic proper-
3. Iterative loop. Based on the first guess values, an iterative cycle runs until convergence is reached.
The following steps are included in the iteration:
(a) Calculation of the nozzle blade opening with the Deich formula [9]. If the flow is supersonic,
this step allows to account for converging-diverging shapes of nozzle blades.
(b) Evaluation of the blade and fluid angles. The blade angles 2 and 3 are obtained using the
input parameters (o/s)n and (o/s)r . The quantity o/s is the outlet section-to-nozzle pitch
ratio. The subscripts n and r refer to the nozzle and the rotor. For a subsonic case, the
fluid angles are calculated with the equation proposed by Ainley and Mathieson [1]. The
Vavra correlation is used for supersonic cases [29].
(c) Updating of the fluid velocities with the calculated fluid angles and estimation of the ther-
modynamic properties and Mach numbers.
(d) Calculation of the turbine geometry, e.g., flare angles, blade height, by means of the conti-
nuity equation.
(e) Estimation of the turbine losses using the correlation proposed by Craig and Cox [7].
(f) Calculation of the total-to-total turbine efficiency. Check the difference with respect to the
previous iteration and return to step 3a until the relative deviation is smaller than 10-4 .
The code is integrated with the optimization toolbox available in the Matlab language [28] to obtain
the turbine layout which maximizes the total-to-total isentropic efficiency. The controlled elitist genetic
algorithm, implemented as reported in Goldberg [12], is selected to find the optimal designs. Com-
pared to gradient-based methods, a genetic algorithm is less prone to end its search in local minima of
the problem and usually allows to converge towards global optima. This typically comes at the cost
of an increased computational effort, due to the large number of the objective function evaluations [8].
Computational fluid dynamics tools tackle this issue by resorting to self-learning metamodels of the
response surface [23]. However, in the present case the computational burden of a single evaluation is
comparatively small, and it does not justify the use of metamodels. The genetic algorithm parameters
are specified as follows: population size 900, generation size 200, crossover fraction 0.8, and migra-
tion fraction 0.2. These numerical values are selected to ensure the repeatability of the solution when
different simulations are performed.
The vector of optimizing variables at hand reads
X = [, on , or , cn , cr , (o/s)n , (o/s)r , N] , (1)
where is the stage work coefficient, and N is the rotational speed of the machine, if considered among
the optimization variable. The geometric variables o and c are the blade throat opening and the axial

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Paper ID: 50, Page 5

chord. Note that the possible choice of seeking for a turbine geometry optimized for a certain rotational
speed implies the insertion of a gearbox. The initialization of the optimizer requires to set the upper
and lower bounds limiting the optimization variables. The Reynolds number for the blade opening, the
ratio of the rotor height at the inlet to the nozzle height at the outlet as well as the Mach number for
the converging/diverging nozzles are input parameters equal to 105 , 1.1 and 1.4, respectively. The axial
velocity component is assumed constant throughout the stage. Additional constraints on the geometry
and thermodynamic variables are necessary to provide acceptable solutions from physical and techno-
logical perspectives. These conditions, established by Macchi and Perdichizzi [20], are accordingly
implemented as non-linear constraints. Table 1 lists the upper and lower bounds imposed on the depen-
dent and independent variables.
The simulation tool is fully integrated with the freely-available high-accuracy property library for the
estimation of the thermophysical properties of fluids developed by Bell et al. [4]. The fluid database
uses Helmholtz-free-energy-based equations of state, provided in a temperature-density-explicit form,
as source of thermodynamic data for many relevant working fluids [27]. The described fluid library
offers two distinct interpolation methods: a) Tabular Taylor Series Expansion (TTSE) as outlined by
Miyagawa and Hill [21] and Watanabe and Dooley [30], and b) bicubic interpolation reported in the
work of Keys [15]. Bell et al. [4] provides a detailed description of these methods and of the benefits
in terms of computational cost. The TTSE method is selected for the turbine optimization and the cycle
calculations reported in this work.

Table 1: Lower and upper bounds for the variables involved in the optimization of the turbine
geometry. Additional constraints are also reported.

Variable Lower bound Upper bound

Stage work coefficient [-] 2 6
Blade throat opening o [mm] 2 100
Axial chord c [mm] 10 100
Outlet section-to-nozzle pitch o/s [-] 0.225 0.7
Rotational speed (if optimized) [rpm] 2000 12000
Additional constraints
Relative Mach number at the rotor inlet [-] 0 0.8
Relative Mach number at the rotor outlet [-] 0 1.4
Number of blades (both for nozzle and rotor) [-] 10 100
Flare angles [ ] -25 25
Blade height to mean diameter ratio [-] 0.001 0.25
Axial chord to mean diameter ratio [-] 0 0.2

3.2 Model assessment

The software was verified using a similar code developed at the Politecnico di Milano [18]. Similarly
to TURAX, this software can produce the optimal design of multiple stage axial-flow turbines. The code
employs the same methods to estimate the fluid angles and the cascade losses. The test case for the
comparison is the preliminary design of a single-stage axial machine for gas turbine applications. The
expander rotates at 10 000 rpm with a mass flow rate of 10 kg s-1 , a total turbine inlet temperature of
1123 K and an expansion ratio of 2. The comparison gives a relative error in isentropic efficiency lower
than 0.2 %. Lower deviations are observed for most of the relevant geometric and flow variables. The
relative error in the absolute fluid angle at rotor outlet is 0.5 %. This fluid angle is the highly sensible to
the variations of the thermodynamic parameters. Given the relative errors reported above, the simulation
tool is deemed reliable for preliminary design calculations.

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3.3 Thermodynamic cycle calculation

The computation of the thermodynamic states is accomplished by applying the energy and mass balance
equation to each plant constituent. This procedure yields the computation of the thermodynamic states at
the inlet and outlet of each system component. Figure 3 illustrates the T s diagram for an ORC module
with a turbine inlet pressure of 3 MPa, see Section 4. The nodes where the working fluid is in saturated
conditions, i.e., 4, 5 and 9 in Figure 3, are not reported in the plant layout (Figure 1). The evaporation
and condensation start inside the once-through boiler and the shell-and-tube condenser, respectively. A
constant pressure specific heat capacity of 1100 J kg1 K1 is used for the energy balance calculations
involving the exhaust gases. Note that this work considers only subcritical cycle configurations.
The condensing pressure is equal to 0.1 MPa to prevent air leakages into the engine. The pinch-point
temperature differences of the once-through boiler and internal recuperator are fixed to 10 and 15 K,
respectively. The pump isentropic efficiency and the electrical efficiency of the generator are equal to
0.8 and 0.98 [24]. Additional assumptions are the following: no pressure loss in piping or heat transfer
equipment, adiabatic system, steady-state condition and homogeneous flow in terms of thermodynamic
properties. Note that the turbine inlet temperature is kept at 513.15 K to ensure the chemical stability of
the working fluid. The reader is referred to Pasetti et al. [22] for an in-depth analysis of the cyclopentane
decomposition at high temperatures. A gearbox efficiency of 0.96 is used when the rotational speed is
included in the turbine optimization.

550 6 3 MPa

4 5 0.1 MPa
Temperature [K]

450 7

12 8
300 9

0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2

Specific entropy [kJ kg-1 K-1 ]

Figure 3: Saturation curve of cyclopentane in a T s diagram, showing the thermodynamic cycle

state points of the organic Rankine cycle system.


Figures 4 and 5 show the results for the turbine optimization at constant rotational speed (3000 rpm)
and for the case where the rotational speed is optimized. The plots relate the total-to-total efficiency to
the mass flow rate of the working fluid and the pressure ratio e = p06 /p07 . Each point in the figures
represents a different optimal geometry obtained with a dedicated optimization. The efficiency curves
initially increase, and, subsequently, flatten out. The results are in line with the trends reported by
Macchi and Perdichizzi [20] for complex and monoatomic gases. As regarding the expender geometry,
higher mass flow rates entail larger turbine sizes for the same pressure ratio. This results in wider blade
channels and reduced relative influence of primary and secondary losses. Figure 6 shows an example
of optimal geometry with relative velocity triangles. Removing the constraint on the rotational speed
is extremely beneficial for the expander design. Figure 7 reports the optimal values obtained for this

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Paper ID: 50, Page 7



Isentropic efficiency 0.75


0.65 e = 10
e = 20
0.6 e = 30
e = 35
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Mass flow rate [kg s1 ]

Figure 4: Surrogate turbine model at fixed rotational speed. Total-to-total isentropic efficiency
versus mass flow rate at different turbine pressure ratios.


Isentropic efficiency



0.7 e = 10
e = 20
0.65 e = 30
e = 35
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Mass flow rate [kg s1 ]

Figure 5: Surrogate turbine model at the optimal rotational speeds. Total-to-total isentropic effi-
ciency versus mass flow rate at different turbine pressure ratios.

optimization variable. The highest gain in the turbine efficiency occurs at mass flow rates lower than
80 kg s-1 . In this region, increasing the rotational speed allows for higher blade heights. Conversely,
operating at constant rotational speed leads to an increment of the cascade losses for decreasing mass
flow rates.
Figure 4 reports a maximum in efficiency around 120 kg s-1 , while lower values are obtained for
higher mass flow rates. This is caused by the increment of the profile losses in the nozzle. The rotor
flare angle reaches the upper bound at around 120 kg s-1 . At higher mass flow rates, the expansion
across the stator and the axial velocity components increase. This results in higher losses and lower

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Paper ID: 50, Page 8


Optimal rotational speed [rpm]

1.2 e = 10
e = 20
1 e = 30
e = 35

C2 W3 0.6
W2 C3
0 50 100 150 200
Mass flow rate [kg s1 ]

Figure 6: The turbine section channel and rela- Figure 7: Optimal rotational speed versus mass
tive velocity triangles at e = 20 and 38 kg s1 . flow rate at different turbine pressure ratios for
The degree of reaction is 0.35. the second surrogate model.

Isentropic efficiency

Power [MW]


4.5 0.7

4 0.65

10 15 20 25 30 35 10 15 20 25 30 35
Pressure ratio Pressure ratio
(a) (b)
TURAX t = 0.8 t = 0.75 t = 0.7 TURAX-N

Figure 8: Single exhaust gas configuration. 8(a) Net power output versus pressure ratio and 8(b)
Total-to-total turbine isentropic efficiency versus pressure ratio.

Figure 8a compares the ORC net power output at constant isentropic efficiency with that calculated
using the turbine surrogate models. Given the assumptions reported in the previous section, the ratio
e is the only variable affecting the power output. The circulating mass flow rate varies between 45
and 50 kg s-1 for the reported range of e . The constant isentropic efficiency curves differ significantly
compared to the trends observed with the surrogate models. This is owed to the progressive decrement
of the expander performance at increasing pressure ratios, see Figure 8b. The computed isentropic
efficiency decreases from 0.78 to 0.68 for the case with fixed rotational speed. The curve intersects
the horizontal lines of constant efficiency. The intersections correspond to the values of pressure ratio
for which the total-to-total efficiency coincides with the constant value. Accounting for the variability
of the expander performance yields to a maximum difference in power output of 900 kW, compared to
the results obtained assuming a fixed turbine efficiency of 80 %. This corresponds to a relative power
decrement of 15 %.

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Paper ID: 50, Page 9


Isentropic efficiency
Power [MW]


8 0.65

7 0.6
10 15 20 25 30 35 10 15 20 25 30 35
Pressure ratio Pressure ratio
(a) (b)
TURAX t = 0.8 t = 0.75 t = 0.7 TURAX-N

Figure 9: Multiple exhaust gas configuration. 9(a) Net power output versus pressure ratio and
9(b) Total-to-total turbine isentropic efficiency versus pressure ratio.

Figure 8b demonstrates that the optimization of the rotational speed increases averagely the expander
efficiency of 8 %-points. The power curve is labeled as TURAX-N in Figures 8a and 8b. The improve-
ment in power output is around 400 kW, corresponding to a relative increment of 7.4 %. This gain relates
to the fact that the ORC unit operates in the range of mass flow rates where the expander efficiency is
maximized. The highest power output occurs at the maximum available pressure ratio with just one
stage, i.e., 35. Here the volumetric flow ratio reaches 43.5, a value close to the upper limit suggested
by Macchi [19]. Further increments in the power output could be achieved by increasing the number
of stages or adopting supercritical configurations. However, a larger number of stages implies higher
investment costs. Moreover, the power curve in Figure 8b, obtained using the surrogate model, shows
a progressively flattening trend for high values of pressure ratio. It is expected that the small power
increments do not justify the technological (and economic) effort to operate at higher pressures. A com-
plete techno-economic optimization should be carried out, in order to draw quantitative conclusions.
However, such analysis is beyond the scopes of the current paper.
Figure 4 shows that the total-to-total isentropic efficiency of the turbine peaks at 120 kg s-1 . This value
is around three times the mass flow rate of the ORC unit fed by the exhaust gases of one gas turbine.
Given that on the Draugen platform two engines operate at the same time, the opportunity of harvesting
the heat from both energy sources with one ORC unit arises. This investigation assumes perfect mixing
of the two exhaust gases. The engines are also equally sharing the load. As reported in Figure 9a, the
trend of power versus pressure ratio is similar to that presented in the previous test. However, the power
output obtained with the surrogate model is proportionally larger, being the values of turbine efficiency
around 10 % higher. The integration of the ORC unit with one engine produces a net power of 5.3 MW.
Conversely, the use of the exhaust heat of two gas turbines gives a total output of 11.1 MW. Therefore,
the latter plant configuration offers a relative power increment of 5 %, compared to the implementation
of two separate ORC turbogenerators. As shown in Figure 9b, the use of one ORC unit for two engines
reduces the benefit of optimizing the rotational speed of the turbine. The increment in efficiency is
smaller compared to the case of two separate ORC power systems. Moreover, Figure 9a shows that the
mechanical losses of the gearbox partially overshadow the gain in turbine efficiency.

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Paper ID: 50, Page 10


This paper documents the development of a simulation tool for the preliminary design of axial turbines.
The model is integrated with a freely-available high-accuracy property library. This integration gives the
possibility to minimize the computational time using advanced interpolation methods. The simulation
tool is combined with the thermodynamic model of the ORC process in the form of a surrogate model
giving the optimal turbine geometry at different boundary conditions. The method is applied to design
an ORC power system for offshore applications.
The results obtained computing the expander performance using the surrogate model are compared with
those assuming constant turbine isentropic efficiency. The power curves present different trends with a
maximum relative discrepancy of 15 % in power output. The curve flattens at high turbine expansion
ratios, if the expander design is taken into account. This trend arises doubts as to the benefit of increasing
the design-point pressure ratio. The optimization of the rotational speed of the turbine improves the
expander performance of 8 %-points, with a correspondent relative increment in power of 7.4 %. The
power outputs of a single ORC turbogenerator recuperating the exhaust heat from two gas turbines are
compared to the ones of one unit for each engine. The superior performance of larger scale expanders
enables to achieve a 5 % improvement of power output using a single ORC power system. This latter
configuration makes the implementation of a gearbox less attractive. The increased mechanical losses
partially overshadow of the higher turbine isentropic efficiency.

NOMENCLATURE LPT low pressure turbine

ORC organic Rankine cycle
C absolute fluid velocity [m s-1 ]
OTB once-through boiler
N rotational speed [rpm]
PT power turbine
U peripheral velocity [m s-1 ]
TUR organic Rankine cycle expander
W relative fluid velocity [m s-1 ]
Greek letters
X array of the optimizing variables
is,t turbine isentropic efficiency
c axial chord [m]
o blade throat opening [m] e pressure ratio

p pressure [Pa] stage loading coefficient

s blade pitch [m] blade angle [ ]

Abbreviations and acronyms Subscripts

CC combustion chamber 2 rotor inlet

GEN electric generator 3 rotor outlet

HPC high pressure compressor m referred to average diameter

HPT high pressure turbine n nozzle
LPC low pressure compressor r rotor


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3RD International Seminar on ORC Power Systems, October 12-14, 2015, Brussels, Belgium

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