Webquest Project Film Presentation Rubric Group Name
Webquest Project Film Presentation Rubric Group Name
Webquest Project Film Presentation Rubric Group Name
Group Name:
Explanation of Uses relevant, well-chosen Uses appropriate descriptions, Uses some descriptions, facts, Lacks to description, facts, details,
Ideas and descriptions, accurate facts, rich facts, details, and examples to details, and examples to support and examples to the script.
Information details, and examples to support the support the script. the script.
Content The content includes a clear Information for the content is The content does not present a Content lacks a central theme,
and statement of purpose or theme and presented as a connected theme clearly stated theme, is vague, clear point of view and logical
Organization is creative, compelling, and clearly with accurate, logical detail, and and some of the supporting sequence of information. Much of
written. A rich variety of supporting information that information does not seem to fit the supporting information is
supporting information in the video contributes to understanding the the main idea or appears as a irrelevant to the overall message.
contributes to the understanding of main idea. disconnected series of The viewer is unsure what the
the projects. information. message is because there is little
Eyes, Body, Keeps eye contact with the Keeps eye contact with the Keeps some eye contact with Does not keep eye contact with the
and Voice audience all of the time and only audience most of the time. Uses the audience. Uses gestures and audience. There is little gestures
glances at notes or slides. Uses gestures and movements, and movements. Dresses and movements. Clothing attire is
accordingly. Does not maintain not appropriate. Voice can be
natural gestures and movements, looks poised and comfortable.
a loud voice, and there is little barely heard, and there is no
and looks poised and confident. Dresses well for the occasion. change to tone to maintain change in tone.
Dresses appropriately for the Speaks loudly with some interest.
occasion. Speaks clearly and loudly changes to tone to maintain
with changes to tone to maintain interest.
Teamwork The group works extremely well The group works well with one Some members of the group Only one or two members of the
with one another to brainstorm, another to brainstorm, create the works with one another in one group works in one or more areas
create the script, produce the film, script, produce the film, and or more areas to brainstorm, to brainstorm, create the script,
and finish the reflection. Each finishes the reflection. Each create the script, produce the produce the film, and partially
member fulfills their responsibility member fulfills their film, and finishes the reflection. writes the reflection. Members
confidently, and strengthens each responsibility, and helps one Members help each other to lack in helping one another.
team member. another. complete their part.