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Binary Tools

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The document describes over 40 tools that can be used for binary analysis, reverse engineering, and manipulating binary files.

Some of the binary analysis tools described include angr, barf, binaryninja-python, binflow, and triton.

Some of the reverse engineering tools described include androguard, eresi, haystack, loadlibrary, and saruman.

Binary tools https://blackarch.org/binary.


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Penetration Testing Distribution

Binary The list

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Packages that operate on binary les in some form.

Tool count: 41 ()

BlackArch binary

Name Version Description Homepage

Reverse engineering,
Malware and goodware https://github.com/androguard/androguard
androguard 905.9823efd
analysis of Android (https://github.com/androguard/androguard)
applications and more.

1 of 4 6/9/17, 7:05 PM
Binary tools https://blackarch.org/binary.html

Name Version Description Homepage

The next-generation binary
angr 3880.d9017de5 analysis platform from UC
Santa Barbara's Seclab.
A multiplatform open
source Binary Analysis and https://github.com/programa-stic/barf-project
barf 601.056bd45
Reverse engineering (https://github.com/programa-stic/barf-project)
binaryninja- Binary Ninja prototype
13.83f59f7 (https://github.com/Vector35/binaryninja-
python written in Python.
A static analysis tool for https://bitbucket.org/mihaila/bindead
bindead 4504.67019b97b
binaries (https://bitbucket.org/mihaila/bindead)
A comparison tool for
binary files, that assists
vulnerability researchers
bindiff 4.2.0 and engineers to quickly
find differences and
similarities in disassembled
POSIX function tracing.
binflow 4.c4140d7 Much better and faster than
Binary and Directory tree
comparison tool using the https://github.com/bmaia/binwally
binwally 4.0aabd8b
Fuzzy Hashing concept (https://github.com/bmaia/binwally)
A display-oriented editor for
bvi 1.4.0 binary files operate like "vi"
bytecode- A Java 8/Android APK https://github.com/Konloch/bytecode-viewer
viewer Reverse Engineering Suite. (https://github.com/Konloch/bytecode-viewer)
A tool for enumerating the https://github.com/EgeBalci/Cminer/
cminer 23.1cf52f9
code caves in PE files. (https://github.com/EgeBalci/Cminer/)
detect- A program for determining https://github.com/horsicq/Detect-It-Easy
it-easy types of files. (https://github.com/horsicq/Detect-It-Easy)
This code dissects the
internal data structures in
dissector 1 ELF files. It supports x86
and x86_64 archs and runs
under Linux.
Analysis PE file or https://github.com/dungtv543/Dutas
dutas 10.37fa3ab
Shellcode. (https://github.com/dungtv543/Dutas)
Extended core file https://github.com/elfmaster/ecfs
ecfs 294.aad6193
snapshot format. (https://github.com/elfmaster/ecfs)
Collection of ELF utilities /software/elfkickers.html
elfkickers 3.1
(includes sstrip) (http://www.muppetlabs.com/~breadbox
Cross Platform ELF https://github.com/jacob-baines/elfparser
elfparser 7.39d21ca
analysis. (https://github.com/jacob-baines/elfparser)
The ERESI Reverse
eresi 1267.d0facbfd Engineering Software

2 of 4 6/9/17, 7:05 PM
Binary tools https://blackarch.org/binary.html

Name Version Description Homepage

A tool to detect anomalies
exescan 1.ad993e3 in PE (Portable Executable)
Looks for all export and
import names that contain
expimp- https://github.com/tr3w/ExpImp-Lookup
4.79a96c7 a specified string in all
lookup (https://github.com/tr3w/ExpImp-Lookup)
Portable Executable in a
directory tree.
A Python framework for
finding C structures from
haystack 1759.df8b7ca process memory - heap
analysis - Memory
structures forensics.
A special payload
hercules- https://github.com/EgeBalci/HERCULES
219.31f23e2 generator that can bypass
payload (https://github.com/EgeBalci/HERCULES)
all antivirus software.
Converts Motorola and Intel http://hex2bin.sourceforge.net/
hex2bin 2.5
hex files to binary. (http://hex2bin.sourceforge.net/)
Small tool to package
imagejs 51.dc70622 javascript into a valid image
Porting Windows Dynamic https://github.com/taviso/loadlibrary
loadlibrary 15.ca6dce8
Link Libraries to Linux. (https://github.com/taviso/loadlibrary)
Analyze OLE files
(Compound File Binary
Format). These files
oledump 0.0.27 /oledump-py/ (http://blog.didierstevens.com
contain streams of data.
This tool allows you to
analyze these streams.
Tools to analyze Microsoft http://www.decalage.info/python/oletools
oletools 0.50
OLE2 files. (http://www.decalage.info/python/oletools)
Script which uses a PEiD
database to identify which http://handlers.sans.org/jclausing/
packerid 1.4
packer (if any) is being (http://handlers.sans.org/jclausing/)
used by a binary.
Powerful binary patching https://github.com/lunixbochs/patchkit
patchkit 32.9f6b064
from Python. (https://github.com/lunixbochs/patchkit)
Colourful visualization tool https://github.com/FireyFly/pixd
pixd 5.85c1cb6
for binary files. (https://github.com/FireyFly/pixd)
A payload stager using https://github.com/z0noxz/powerstager
powerstager 11.abcfbaf
PowerShell. (https://github.com/z0noxz/powerstager)
Provides a command line
interface and a C library to
proctal 248.dfd6697 manipulate the address
space of a running program
on Linux.
ELF anti-forensics exec, for
injecting full dynamic
saruman 1.1a8e77d executables into process
image (With thread

3 of 4 6/9/17, 7:05 PM
Binary tools https://blackarch.org/binary.html

Name Version Description Homepage

A Java Bytecode Analysis
soot 2.5.0 and Transformation
A collection of SWF
swftools 0.9.2 manipulation and creation
A Dynamic Binary Analysis https://github.com/JonathanSalwan/Triton
triton 1904.5d876f6f
(DBA) framework. (https://github.com/JonathanSalwan/Triton)
Ultimate executable http://upx.sourceforge.net/
upx 3.94
compressor. (http://upx.sourceforge.net/)
A tool to help find memory-
valgrind 3.12.0 management problems in http://valgrind.org/ (http://valgrind.org/)
New open source tool for https://codisec.com/veles/ (https://codisec.com
veles 2017.5.0
binary data analysis. /veles/)
The Witchcraft Compiler https://github.com/endrazine/wcc
wcc 27.1a7a00c
Collection. (https://github.com/endrazine/wcc)
A free hex editor / disk
wxhexeditor 597.bb951eb editor for Linux, Windows
and MacOSX.

(https://github.com/BlackArch) (https://twitter.com/blackarchlinux) (irc://irc.freenode.net

/blackarch) (https://blackarch.org/blog.html) (https://blackarch.org/rss.xml)

BlackArch Linux 2013-2017

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