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77 Linux Commands and Utilities You'Ll Actually Use

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77 Linux commands and utilities you'll actually use

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Our guide of Linux commands, utilities and tools lists and describes the most essential kernel and shell
commands and provides links to valuable Linux administrator resources.

Editor's Note: For more helpful Linux commands, and examples of when and how to use
them, check out this more recent...
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Linux administrators cannot live by the GUI alone. That's why we've compiled the
most essential Linux commands into this convenient guide. We've designed this guide
specifically for Linux managers and system administrators as a reference library of only the
most useful utilities. By learning how to use a few simple tools, command-line cowards can
become scripting commandos, getting the most out of Linux by executing kernel and shell
commands. Enjoy our guide and be sure to post your own Linux questions or browse Linux
answers in our IT Knowledge Exchange community. 

A way to run a command or a series of Unix commands using a shorter name than those
that are usually associated with such commands.
How to use the alias command in Linux.

Apt-get is a tool to automatically update a Debian machine and to get and install Debian
Hot to manage software on an Ubuntu Server with "aptitude" and "apt-get."
Understanding the Debian archives and apt-get.
Inside the Red Hat and Debian package management differences.

GNU Aspell is a free and open source spell checker designed to replace Ispell. It can either
be used as a library or as an independent spell checker.
How to use Aspell to check spelling.

AWK, Gawk
A programming language tool used to manipulate text. The language of the AWK utility
resembles the shell programming language in many areas, although AWK's syntax is very
much its own.
Learn how to use the AWK utility.

Gawk is the GNU Project's version of the AWK programming language.

A portable, fast, open source program used to compress and decompress files at a high
How to use bzip2 in Linux.
More on how to use the bzip2 compression program.

A Unix/Linux command that can read, modify or concatenate text files. Cat commands are
most commonly used for displaying the contents of a file.
See how to use cat to display the contents of a file in Linux.
An article on what you can do with the cat command.

The cd command changes the current directory in Linux and can toggle between
directories conveniently. Cd is similar to the CD and CHDIR commands in MS-DOS.
See more on how to use the cd command to change directories.

Chmod changes the access mode (permissions) of one or more files. Only the owner of a
file or a privileged user may change the access mode.
See examples of changing the permissions of files using chmod.
Chown changes file or group ownership and has the option to change ownership of all
objects within a directory tree, as well as having the ability to view information on objects
Learn how to change file ownership with chown.

The cmp utility compares two files of any type and writes the results to the standard output.
By default, cmp is silent if the files are the same; if they differ, the byte and line number at
which the first difference occurred is reported.
See examples of using cmp.

Comm compares lines common to file1 and file2.The output is in three columns; from left to
right: lines unique to file1, lines unique to file2 and lines common to both files.
More on comparing lines with comm.
Read a brief tutorial on using comm.

The cp command copies files and directories; copies can be made simultaneous to another
directory if the copy is under a different name.
Find out how to copy Linux files and directories with the cp command.

Cpio copies files into or out of a cpio or tar archive. A tar archive is a file that contains other

ufiles, plus information about them, such as their file name, owner, timestamps and access
permissions. The archive can be another file on the disk, a magnetic tape or a pipe. Cpio
chas three operating modes and is a more efficient alternative to tar.
Learn how to use cpio when moving files in a Unix-to-Linux port.
sSee how to back up files with cpio.
iCRON is a Linux system process that will execute a program at a preset time. To use
nCRON, a user must prepare a text file that describes the program to be executed and the
times at which CRON should execute them. Then the crontab program can be used to load
the text file that describes the CRON jobs into CRON.
Using CRON to execute programs at specific times.

Date sets a system's date and time. This is also a useful way to output/print current
information when working in a script file.
A few more examples of setting date and time with date.
Declare declares variables, gives them attributes or modifies properties of variables.
Examples of declaring variables with declare.

Df displays the amount of disk space available on the file system containing each file name
argument. With no file name, available space on all currently mounted file systems is shown.
More on using df to display the amount of disk space available.

Echo allows a user to repeat, or "echo," a string variable to standard output.
More on using the echo command with shell scripts.

Enable will stop or start printers or classes.
Examples of how to enable LP printers.

Env runs a program in a modified environment or displays the current environment and its
Examples of changing the environment variables using env.

Eval evaluates several arguments, concatenates them into a single command and then
creports on that argument's status.
sMore on concatenating arguments with eval.
Exec replaces the parent process with whatever command is typed. This command treats
iits arguments as the specification of one or more subprocesses to execute.
nMore examples of replacing parent processes with exec.
The exit command terminates a script and can return a value to the parent script.
More on terminating scripts with exit.

Expect talks to other interactive programs according to a script and waits for a response,
often from any string that matches a given pattern.
Using expect for responses.

Export converts a file into a different format than the one in which it is currently. Once a file
is exported, it can be accessed by any application that uses its format.
Examples of exporting data from a database with export.

Find searches the directory tree to find particular groups of files that meet specified
conditions, including --name and --type, -exec and --size and --mtime and --user.
Efficiently locate files with find.

for, while
For and while are used to execute or loop items repeatedly as long as certain conditions
are met.
More on looping items with the for command.
More on looping items with the while command.

Free displays the total amount of free and used physical memory and swap space in the
system, as well as the buffers and cache used by the kernel.
Learn how to use the free command to optimize a computer's memory.

See "AWK."
Grep searches files for a given character string or pattern and can replace the string with
oanother. This is one method of searching for files within Linux.
iExamples of searching with grep.
Gzip is the GNU project's open source program used for file compression, compressing
web pages on the server end for decompression in the browser. This is popular for
streaming media compression and can concatenate and compress several streams
Examples of using gzip for compressing files.

Ifconfig is used to configure the kernel-resident network interfaces. It is used at boot time
to set up interfaces. After that, it is usually only needed when debugging or when system
tuning is needed.
Examples of using ifconfig to configure a network.
Using ifconfig to detect Linux network configuration problems.

Ifup configures a network interface/enables a network connection.
More on the ifup command in configuring network interfaces.

Ifdown shuts down a network interface/disables a network connection.
More on shutting down networks with ifdown.

less, more
The less command lets an admin scroll through configuration and error log files, displaying
text files one screen at a time, with backward or forward moving available in files. There is
more mobility within files.
View several different file types with less.

Similar to less, more pages through text one screen at a time, but is more limited in moving
in files.
See a few examples of displaying files with more.

ulocate, slocate
Locate reads one or more databases and writes file names matching certain patterns to
sFinding files/directories efficiently with locate.
oLike locate, slocate, or secure locate, provides a way to index and quickly search for files,
but also securely stores file permissions and ownership so unauthorized users will be
iunable to view such information.
nSee an example of using slocate as a quick, secure way to index files.
Lft is similar to traceroute in determining connection routes, but provides a lot more
information for debugging connections or finding where a box/system is. Lft also displays
route packets and file types.
More on displaying route packets with lft.

The ln command creates a new name for a file through hard linking, allowing multiple users
to share one file.
Examples of hard linking files with ln.
A few more examples of using ln.
The ls command lists files and directories within the current working directory, allowing
admins to see when configuration files were last edited.
The ls command is discussed in this tip.
Examples of listing files and directories with ls.

Short for "manual," man allows a user to format and display the user manual built into Linux
distributions which documents commands and other aspects of the system.
The man command is discussed in this tip.
See how to use the man command.
See examples of formatting man pages.

A visual shell, text-based file manager for Unix systems.
An extensive guide to managing files with mc.

See "less."


cNeat is a GNOME GUI admin tool which allows admins to specify the information needed to
sset up a network card, among other features.
Setting up an NTL Cable Modem using neat.
oWhere neat falls when building a network between Unix and Linux systems.
nNetconfig configures a network, enables network products and displays a series of screens
that ask for configuration information.
Configuring networks using netcfg.

Netstat provides information and statistics about protocols in use and current TCP/IP
network connections. It is a helpful forensic tool in figuring out which processes and
programs are active on a computer and are involved in network communications.
More on checking network statuses with the netstat command.

Nslookup allows a user to enter a host name and find the corresponding IP address. A
reverse of that process to find the host name is also possible.
More from Microsoft on how to find IP addresses with nslookup.

Od is used to dump binary files in octal (or hex/binary) format to standard output.
Examples of dumping files with od.
See examples of od.

Passwd updates a user's authentication tokens (changes their current password).
Some examples of changing passwords with passwd.

Ping allows a user to verify that a particular IP address exists and can accept requests. Ping
can be used to test connectivity and determine response time, as well as to ensure that a
host computer the user is trying to reach is actually operating.
Examples of using ping to verify IP addresses.

uPs reports the statuses of current processes in a system.
Some examples of using the ps command.
The pwd (print working directory) command displays the name of the current working
odirectory. This is a basic Linux command.
iLearn the difference between $ PATH and pwd.
Using pwd to print the current working directory. 

Read is used to read lines of text from standard input and to assign values of each field in
the input line to shell variables for further processing.
Examples of using read.

Red Hat Package Manager (RPM) is a command-line-driven program capable of installing,
uninstalling and managing software packages in Linux.
Managing packages with RPM.
The differences between yum and RPM.
Examples of installing packages with RPM.

Rsync syncs data from one disk or file to another across a network connection. Rsync is
similar to rcp, but has more options.
A tip on backing up data with rsync.
How to use rsync to back up a directory in Linux.

The GNU screen utility is a terminal multiplexor in which a user can use a single terminal
window to run multiple terminal applications or windows.
A tutorial on running multiple windows and other uses of screen.
A tip on the uses of screen.

Sdiff finds differences between two files by producing a side-by-side listing indicating lines
that are dissimilar. Sdiff then merges the files and outputs results to the outfile.
An example of contrasting files with sdiff.

Sed is a stream editor that is used to filter text in a pipeline, distinguishing it from other
ueditors. Sed takes text input, performs operations on it and outputs the modified text. Sed
is typically used to extract part of a file using pattern matching or to substitute multiple
coccurrences of a string within a file.
sMore on extracting and replacing parts of a file with sed.
Several more examples of using sed for filtering.
iShutdown is a command that turns off the computer and that can be combined with
nvariables such as -h, for halt after shutdown, or -r, for reboot after shutdown.
Shut down or halt a computer with shutdown.

See "locate."

Snort is an open source network intrusion detection system and packet sniffer that
monitors network traffic, looking at each packet to detect dangerous payloads or
suspicious anomalies. Snort is based on libpcap.
Stopping hackers with Snort.
More on using Snort.
Used to sort lines of text alphabetically or numerically according to fields; multiple sort keys
can also be used.
Examples of sorting through lines of text with the sort command.

Sudo allows a system admin to give certain users the ability to run some (or all) commands
at the root level and logs all commands and arguments.
A tutorial on giving permissions to users with the sudo command.

SSH is a command interface used for securely gaining access to a remote computer and is
used by network admins to control servers remotely.
A comprehensive tutorial on secure access to remote computers with SSH.

The tar program provides the ability to create archives from a number of specified files or
to extract files from such an archive.
Examples of creating archives with tar.

TOP is a set of protocols for networks that performs distributed information processing in
uoffices and displays the tasks on the system that take up the most memory. TOP can sort
tasks by CPU usage, memory usage and runtime.
cMonitoring system processes with TOP.
oTr is used to translate or delete characters from a text stream. Tr writes to standard output,
but does not accept file names as arguments -- it only accepts inputs from standard input.
iExamples of translating characters with tr.
Traceroute determines and records a route through the internet between two computers
and is useful for troubleshooting network/router issues. If the domain does not work or is
not available, an IP can be tracerouted.
A tutorial on using traceroute to determine network issues.

Uname displays the name of the current operating system and can print information about
the system.
Examples of viewing information on the current operating system with uname.

Uniq compares adjacent lines in a file and removes/reports any duplicate lines.
Removing duplicate lines with the uniq command.
A tip on removing redundant lines with uniq.

Vi is a text editor that allows a user to control the system by solely using the keyboard
instead of a combination of mouse selections and keystrokes.
An entire guide to using vi to easily control a system with the keyboard.

Vmstat is used to get a snapshot of everything in a system and to report information on
such items as processes, memory, paging and CPU activity. This is a good method for
admins to use to determine where issues/slowdown in a system may be occurring.
How to keep an eye on Linux performance with vmstat and other commands.
Examples of viewing system memory usage with vmstat.


cWc counts the number of words, lines and characters in text files and produces a count for
smultiple files if several files are selected.
More examples of displaying word counts with wc.
Wget is a network utility that retrieves files from the web that support http, https and ftp
nprotocols. Wget works non-interactively in the background while a user is logged off. This
can create local versions of remote websites, re-creating directories of original sites.
Examples of creating mirror images of sites with wget.

See "for."

Whoami prints or writes the user/login name associated with the current user ID to the
standard output.
Examples of determining which login name is used with whoami.
Xargs reads, builds and executes arguments from standard input; blank lines in the input
are ignored.
Examples of running commands from input with xargs.

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Linux commands for new server admins

Six top Linux networking commands

Two Linux and Unix commands you need, but may not know
sThink you know your Linux commands? Take this quiz
oThis was last published in May 2010
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2 Linux distributions ranked for speed, security, support, performance: Whirlwind

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2 Repairing SUSE Linux Enterprise Server using a Rescue CD

2 When to use Unix or Linux, part 2: Applications and support

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bmahapatra — 10 Jun 2012   3:13 PM

superb..the best part is that there is also how to use it. i love it.


Lingam8418 — 6 Feb 2016   10:56 AM

Good and very useful for beginners and please update all commands like this. Thank you.


mcorum — 8 Feb 2016   5:48 PM

Many people don’t realize that a lot of these are also useful Mac commands as well.


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