Lighting Comparison Chart PDF
Lighting Comparison Chart PDF
Lighting Comparison Chart PDF
Energy Efficiency
& Energy Costs
Light Emitting Diodes Incandescent Compact
(LEDs) Light Bulbs Fluorescents
Life Span (average) 50,000 hours 1,200 hours 8,000 hours
LEDs use less power (watts) per unit of light 6 - 8 watts 60 watts 13-15 watts
generated (lumens). LEDs help reduce
greenhouse gas emissions from power plants
and lower electric bills
Light Emitting Diodes
(LEDs) Incandescent Compact
Light Bulbs Fluorescents
On/off Cycling
Switching a CFL on/off quickly, in a Yes - can reduce
No Effect Some
closet for instance, may decrease lifespan drastically
the lifespan of the bulb.
Light Output
Light Emitting Diodes Incandescent Compact
(LEDs) Light Bulbs Fluorescents
Lumens Watts Watts Watts
450 4-5 40 9-13
800 6-8 60 13-15
1,100 9-13 75 18-25
1,600 16-20 100 23-30
2,600 25-28 150 30-55