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Market Access Questionnaire

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EU-INDIA - Just the Facts

Challenges, constraints, opportunities in accessing the Indian Market

The on-the-ground experience by European companies

Instructions to fill in the Questionnaire

The Questionnaire is addressed to two categories of European enterprises:

- Newcomers: European companies approaching the India market for the first time, or being
in the start-up phase of their business operation
- Experienced companies: already present in the market and/or with more mature business
relationships with local counterparts.
It is structured in 5 sections. For the descriptive sections you can extend the space in the page
according to your needs.

(1) Company Profile. In this section we ask you to provide a brief overview of the company
(2) Your cooperation relationship with India. A brief description of the current state of the
art of your business operation in/with India is required. Details about type of cooperation
searched, proposed or established with Indian counterparts are important to identify your
(3) Constraints & Challenges. In this section you will find tables with specific parameters and
indicators where we ask you to thick as appropriate in the corresponding box. For those
sections that you may not have experienced yet, especially in case of newcomers to the
Indian market, please indicate "n.a." = not applicant. We kindly ask you to pay attention to
the sections where more descriptive details from your side are appreciated as these will be of
capital importance to elaborate recommendations.
(4) Opportunities. This section aims to highlight your interests in terms of cooperation
partnerships and assess your needs of customized support services.
(5) Case histories. This is a blank space section entirely devoted to your story and experience
no matter if it is a success case history or a less good experience. Important lessons can be
learnt also from mistakes

For information and clarification please contact:

Ceipiemonte EBTC European Business & Technology Centre

Annalisa Gamba, Paola Telera, Paolo Mascia Ranjithkumar Jambulingam
Tel. +39 011 6700.511 634 639 650 Tel. +91 7022615840
Mail: ebtc@centroestero.org Mail: jambulingam@ebtc.eu
EU-INDIA - Just the Facts
Challenges, constraints, opportunities in accessing the Indian Market
The on-the-ground experience by European companies


Company Data
Company Name
Name of the contact person
Position in the company
Zip code town country

Mail address
Business Data
Nr. of employees Year of establishment .
Turnover 2013:. 2014. 20151
Exports 2013:. 2014. 2015
Imports 2013:. 2014. 2015
Business category
Manufacturer: Supplier Trader Service provider
Exporter Importer Technology provider Other
Sectors of Activity
Automotive Aerospace Railway Building
ICT Energy Health & Pharma Environment
Agro-industry Textile Tourism Services
(please specify)

Description of the activity

Please provide forecast estimates if available

2.1. Does your company have a stable presence in India?

(please clic where appropriate) Yes No
2.2. If the answer is yes, please specify below the following:

What type of presence does your company have Plant

in India? Branch company
Branch Office
Other (please provide details)

In which Indian States/territories is your (please provide detail)

company currently conducting business?
2.3. If the answer is No does your company plan to enter the Indian market in the next
(please provide details below)

Time (please indicate the time planning of operations,

e.g. in nr years ) .
Where (please indicate the Indian States/territories in
which you are planning to develop your business) .
2.4. What type of business operations is your company currently conducting or planning
to develop in or with India?

Import Export Joint venture

Plant set up Production agreement Technology transfer
Know-how transfer Subcontracting Licensing
Other (please provide details)

The World Bank Doing Business report assess the country positioning in the easiness of doing
business according to ten main reference parameters.
On the basis of your practical experience what is your view as to the following parameters?

3.1. Easiness in starting business

Please provide your evaluation to each indicator by ranking from 1 to 5 where 1 is poor and 5 is excellent (thick
the column of the corresponding number)
3.1.1. Indicators 1 2 3 4 5
Nr. of procedures
Time requested in performing operations
Costs incurred
3.1.2. In which operation of starting business have you encountered more difficulties
(please thick where appropriate; more than one answers can be provided)
Company registration procedure
Obtain Certificate of incorporation
Make a company seal and stamp
Obtain PAN Number (Permanent Account Number)
Open a Bank account
Register with Employees Provident Fund Organization
Register VAT on line
Register for medical insurance
Taxation (obtain Tax Account Number)
Inspection Certificates
Other (please provide details)

3.2. Dealing with construction permits

Please provide your evaluation to each indicator by ranking from 1 to 5 where 1 is poor and 5 is excellent (thick
the column of the corresponding number)
3.2.1. Indicators 1 2 3 4 5
Nr. of procedures
Time requested in performing operations
Costs incurred
3.2.2. In which operation of dealing with construction permits have you encountered
more difficulties
(please thick where appropriate; more than one answers can be provided)
Obtain certificate for land use
Obtain Building permit
Obtain proof of ownership
Obtain approvals for water and sewage plans
Obtain Certificate from Electricity department
Obtain certificate from Fire department
Inspections by relevant authorized bodies (for electricity, water, sewage, fire)
Obtain completion/occupancy permit
Other (please specify below
3.3. Getting electricity
Please provide your evaluation to each indicator by ranking from 1 to 5 where 1 is poor and 5 is excellent (thick
the column of the corresponding number)
3.2.1. Indicators 1 2 3 4 5
Nr. of procedures
Time requested in performing operations
Costs incurred
3.2.2. In which operation concerning electricity issues have you encountered more
(please thick where appropriate; more than one answers can be provided)
Submit application to the competent utility body and await site inspection
Receive external site inspection and await estimate
Await completion of external works by electrical contractor
Receive internal wiring inspection
Receive external connection, meter installation and electricity flow
Electricity shortages
Other (please specify below)

3.4. Registering Property

Please provide your evaluation to each indicator by ranking from 1 to 5 where 1 is poor and 5 is excellent (thick
the column of the corresponding number)
3.4.1. Indicators 1 2 3 4 5
Nr. of procedures
Time requested in performing operations
Costs incurred
3.4.2. In which operation of registering property have you encountered more difficulties
(please thick where appropriate; more than one answers can be provided)
Conduct Title search at the competent office
Ensure that property is clear of all local tax dues
Conduct charges search at the competent office
Prepare the final sale deed with the purchasers lawyer and pay the stamp duty on the
final sae deed through the designated bank
Execute the final sale deed and submit documents to the competent Office
Apply to the competent Office for mutation of the title of the property
Other (please specify)
3.5. Access to finance
Please provide your evaluation to each indicator by ranking from 1 to 5 where 1 is poor and 5 is excellent (thick
the column of the corresponding number)
3.5.1. Indicators 1 2 3 4 5
Existence of financial supporting measures for your business
Access to financial institutions, investors, financiers
3.5.2. What are the main challenges you faced in access to finance operations?
(please thick where appropriate; more than one answers can be provided)
Access to credit information on your Indian counterpart
(more detailed comments are appreciated)

Getting information on supporting measures and/or incentives, if any, for your

(more detailed comments are appreciated)

Access local institutions responsible for managing supporting measures/incentives if any

(more detailed comments are appreciated)

Identify potential investors/financiers for your operation (industrial investors, corporate

ventures, venture capitalists, investment funds)
(more detailed comments are appreciated)

Access to investors/financiers
(more detailed comments are appreciated)

Dealing with banks

(more detailed comments are appreciated)

Other (please specify)

3.6. Making investment and protection of the foreign investor

Please provide your evaluation to each indicator by ranking from 1 to 5 where 1 is poor and 5 is excellent (thick
the column of the corresponding number)
3.6.1. Indicators 1 2 3 4 5
Level of protection of foreign investors
3.6.2. Are there specific areas where your company has experienced difficulty in
establishing or maintaining an investment in India?
(please thick where appropriate; more than one answers can be provided)
Formal restrictions on foreign equity participation in particular sectors
(please provide descriptive details on sectors and restrictions if any)

Limitation on the movement of personnel

(more detailed comments are appreciated)
Residency requirements for members of boards/senior management
(more detailed comments are appreciated)

Difficulties in transferring funds to and from your investment

(more detailed comments are appreciated)

Non transparent ownership and control conditions

(more detailed comments are appreciated)

Variances in tax and social contributions

(more detailed comments are appreciated)

Import controls
(more detailed comments are appreciated)

Lack of regulatory transparency

(more detailed comments are appreciated)

Difficulty in concluding an investment

(more detailed comments are appreciated)

Other difficulties
(more detailed comments are appreciated)

3.6.3. While operating in India were your company ever asked to maintain Yes No
minimal level of representation of Indian nationals in senior management
positions or on Board of Directors?
If the answer is yes, please describe the situation and how did you manage it

3.7. Paying Taxes

Please provide your evaluation to each indicator by ranking from 1 to 5 where 1 is poor and 5 is excellent (thick
the column of the corresponding number)
3.7.1. Indicators 1 2 3 4 5
Nr. of payments per year
Time requested in performing operations
Costs incurred
3.7.2. In which operation of taxation have you encountered more difficulties
(please thick where appropriate; more than one answers can be provided)
Corporate Income tax
Social security Contributions
Dividend Tax
Property Tax
Employees State Insurance contribution
Central Sales Tax
Other taxes (please specify)
3.8. Technical Trade Barriers
Please provide your evaluation to each indicator by ranking from 1 to 5 where 1 is poor and 5 is excellent (thick
the column of the corresponding number)
3.8.1. Indicators 1 2 3 4 5
Nr. of procedures/documents required to export
Nr. of procedures/documents required to import
Time to export
Time to import
Costs incurred to export
Costs incurred to import
3.8.2. Which are the main Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) that you have encountered
when exporting to or conducting business in/with India?
(please thick where appropriate; more than one answers can be provided)
Technical requirements established by standards, regulations or conformity assessment
procedures (e.g. inspection, testing or certification, labelling requirements, mandatory requirements
related to product characteristics or performance)

Government measures designed to achieve non-trade related objectives such as the

protection of human health and safety, the environment, the protection of the consumers
against deceptive practice
Please provide as much detail as possible including specific products, rules or regulations
and any other related subjects

3.8.3. If you have encountered TBTs when exporting or doing business in India, do
you consider these barriers to be the result of specific rules and regulations, or are
they symptomatic of a wider problem?
Some issues that can be symptomatic of systemic challenges are listed below
(please thick where appropriate; more than one answers can be provided)
Lack of transparency in the rule making process of the surveillance/enforcement of
existing rules
Unique, duplicative or overly burdensome testing, certification, inspection requirements
Requirements (performance, testing or otherwise) that are not based on international
standards, deviate from them or are unique
Requirements that are unnecessarily trade restrictive
(please specify)

Lack of recognition of conformity assessment results conducted by European bodies and

the need to duplicate conformity assessment procedures with Indian based bodies
Other issues (please specify)

3.8.4. If you have encountered Technical Trade Barriers when exporting to or doing
business with India , please explain how they impact your ability to access the Indian
market and compete with local suppliers
3.8.5. Please provide comments, suggestions and recommendations on possible solutions
to Technical Trade Barriers and facilitate trade

3.9. Tariff and Non-Tariff barriers

3.9.1. Please provide detail about tariff and non-tariff barriers or any other issues
with regard to trade in goods/services that you have encountered when exporting
or conducting business in India
(please thick where appropriate; more than one answers can be provided)
Customs duties
Differential Taxation for imported and domestic products
Different taxation rates and exemption rules across State/Territories
Lack of transparency
Undue administrative and customs delays and procedures including lack of uniform
administration between Indian States and/or territories
Complex documentation, information and permit requirements including excessive
import or registration fees as well as requirements that differ among Indian States or
Difficulties in temporarily importing professional equipment, materials and equipment
for trade fairs, samples or other items that will be re-exported
Difficulty in importing samples, equipments, materials that will not be re-exported
Difficulties in accessing distribution channels
Issues regarding geographic indications, trademarks, copyright, patents or other areas of
IP Intellectual property
Impediment to entry India: difficulties in getting entry visa and/or work permits
Other issues (please specify)

3.9.2. Please provide as much detail as possible on the challenges faced by your
company as to the above mentioned issues and any recommendations/suggestions to
improve the situation

3.10. Enforcing contracts

Please provide your evaluation to each indicator by ranking from 1 to 5 where 1 is poor and 5 is excellent (thick
the column of the corresponding number)
3.10.1. Indicators 1 2 3 4 5
Time for procedures
Costs incurred
Quality of judicial processes
3.10.2. In which operations of enforcing contracts have you faced more difficulties?
(please thick where appropriate; more than one answers can be provided)
Filing and service
Trial and judgement
Enforcement of judgement
Attorney fees
Lawyers fees
Court fees
Enforcement fees
Court structure and proceedings
Case management
Court automation
Alternative dispute resolution
3.11. Payments
Please provide your evaluation to each indicator by ranking from 1 to 5 where 1 is poor and 5 is excellent (thick
the column of the corresponding number)
3.11.1. Indicators 1 2 3 4 5
Time for payment procedures
On line payments
Costs of transactions
3.11.2. In which operations of making and/or receiving payments have you faced more
(please thick where appropriate; more than one answers can be provided)
Relationship with banks and financial institutions
Tools to ensure credit
On line payments
Preparing documents (please specify)
Adequacy of legal framework to allow a creditor to start an insolvency procedure vis--
vis a debtor (more detailed comments are appreciated)
Support available to a creditor to file for insolvency of a debtor (more detailed comments are
3.12. Negotiation & Cross-cultural issues
3.12.1. In negotiating with an Indian counterpart, which phase of the negotiation
was more crucial on the basis of your experience?
(please thick where appropriate; more than one answers can be provided)
Preparation and planning
Definition of ground rules
Clarification and justification
Bargaining and problem solving
Closure and implementation
Other (please specifiy)
3.12.2. Please provide details about the options marked above
3.12.3. On the basis of your experience, how do you evaluate the following cross
cultural aspects in negotiating with an Indian counterpart?
(please thick those you found more crucial and give details explaining your view)
Negotiating Goal: what was the first and foremost objective? Signing a contract or
reaching a relationships between the parties?(please describe your experience)

Negotiating attitude: win-lose or win-win? (please describe your experience)

Personal style: formal or informal? (please describe your experience)

Communication: direct or indirect? (please describe your experience)

Sensitivity to time : high or low? (please describe your experience)

Emotionalism : high or low? (please describe your experience)

Form of agreement: general or specific? (please describe your experience)

Building an agreement: bottom up or top down approach? (please describe your experience)

Team organization: one leader or group consensus? (please describe your experience)

Risk taking: high or low? (please describe your experience)


4.1. Partnership

In starting or conducting your business in/with India a very important component is

Partnership creation. Your experience is of capital important to understand the most crucial
aspects in partnership definition. We kindly ask you to answer to the questions below

4.1.1.What type of Indian counterpart have you searched? (please thick where
Business Partner for joint venture
Business Partner for production agreement
Business partner for technology transfer agreement
Business partner for know-how transfer agreement
Main contractor
Business developer
Technology partner
Institutional partner
4.1.2. What are the challenges that you have faced in looking for and identifying
the appropriate partner?
(please describe your experience)

4.1.3. What are the main opportunities that you have encountered in looking for
and identifying the appropriate partner?
(please describe your experience)
4.2. Business Support Services

A number of advisory and customised assistance services are available in Europe and India to
support companies, more specifically SMEs in their market access and business development
operations provided by local and international Business Support Organizations. If you had
used any of them, we kindly ask you to answer to the questions below. Your experience is of
capital importance to better understand the needs of SMEs and act accordingly to improve and
upgrade the service offer.
4.2.1.What type of business support service have you used? (please thick where
appropriate. In case you did not use any of the services mentioned below, indicate n.a.)
Partner search for business to business cooperation
Partner search for innovation to business or research to business cooperation
Investment advisory support
Investment financial support
Contacts with local institutions
Business acceleration and incubation services
Technology Transfer advisory support
Information on tenders & Grants
Market/sector intelligence services (information on specific market trends, sector
analyses, studies)
IPR advisory support
Advice on legal issues
Advice on fiscal issues
Advice on customs procedures
Advice on standards and certification issues
Other support services (please specify)

4.2.2.What type of business support organizations did you address? (please thick
where appropriate. In case you did not use any of the services mentioned below, indicate n.a.)
Local Business Support Organizations (Chambers of Commerce, Development Agencies,
Entrepreneurs Associations, Professional Bodies, others. More details are appreciated)
EU Based Business Support Organizations (Business Centres, Bi-lateral Chambers, EU
institutions/organizations, others. More details are appreciated)
International Business Support Organizations (please specify)
Consulting firms
Technology Innovation Hubs
Research centres
Others (please specify)
4.2.3.What is your experience as to the service/assistance received?

4.2.4. What are your suggestions for improvement?


5.1. Would you like to tell us a good practice case or a non-good practice case
that you have experiences in starting or conducting your business
operation in India? Please describe you case-history below

5.2. The results of the questionnaire will be elaborated to work out a report and
draw recommendations. Can we include your case-history described above
in the testimonials sections?

We thank you for the time you have devoted to the questionnaire.

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