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Fostering Security A Meta Analysis of Attachment in Adopted Children - 2009 - Children and Youth Services Review PDF

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Children and Youth Services Review 31 (2009) 410421

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Children and Youth Services Review

j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. e l s ev i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / c h i l d yo u t h

Fostering security? A meta-analysis of attachment in adopted children

Linda van den Dries, Femmie Juffer , Marinus H. van IJzendoorn, Marian J. Bakermans-Kranenburg
Centre for Child and Family Studies, Leiden University, The Netherlands

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Adopted children are hypothesized to be at risk of insecure attachment relationships because of their
Received 30 May 2008 background of institutional care, maltreatment and neglect. We conducted two series of meta-analyses, one
Received in revised form 8 September 2008 using only observational assessments of attachment and one using both observational and self-report
Accepted 14 September 2008
assessments. Observational assessments showed that children who were adopted before 12 months of age
Available online 24 September 2008
were as securely attached as their non-adopted peers, whereas children adopted after their rst birthday
showed less attachment security than non-adopted children (d = 0.80, CI = 0.491.12). Regarding the overall
Meta-analysis effect for attachment security, adoptees were comparable to foster children. Adopted children showed more
Adoption disorganized attachments compared to their non-adopted peers (trimmed d = 0.36, CI = 0.040.68), but again
Attachment were comparable to foster children (trimmed d = 0.35, CI = 0.020.67). Compared to institutionalized children,
Parentchild relationships adoptees were less often disorganized attached. When self-report measures of attachment were included no
Institutional care difference was found between adoptees and their non-adopted counterparts (trimmed d = 0.12, CI = 0.02
Foster care 0.26, 39 studies, N = 2912 adopted children). Compared to institutionalized children, (early) adoption proves
to be an effective intervention in the domain of attachment.
2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction children from biological families but also with outcomes for foster
Are adopted children less often securely attached to their adoptive Bowlby (1982, p. 371) stated about the nature of attachment
parents than children reared by their biological parents? In a series of relationships: To say of a child that he () has an attachment to
meta-analyses we examined adopted children's attachment relation- someone means that he is strongly disposed to seek proximity to and
ships with their adoptive parents. Previous meta-analyses on the contact with a specic gure and to do so in certain situations, notably
development of adoptees documented catch-up after adoption in various when he is frightened, tired or ill. Although the tendency to form
domains, for example in cognitive development (Van IJzendoorn, Juffer, attachment relationships is innate and universal, individual differ-
& Klein Poelhuis, 2005) and physical growth (Van IJzendoorn, Baker- ences can be observed in the quality of attachment. Based on the
mans-Kranenburg, & Juffer, 2007), but less so for learning problems (Van attachment strategies children use when they face stressful situations,
IJzendoorn et al., 2005) and clinical referrals (Juffer & Van IJzendoorn, their attachment relationships can be classied as secure, insecure
2005). The question to be addressed here is whether adopted children (avoidant or ambivalent) or insecure-disorganized. Secure children
also show catch-up or delays in the domain of attachment relationships seek contact with their attachment gure when they are upset and are
after the transition to their new families. As adopted children's easily comforted. Insecure children, on the other hand, show signs of
characteristics and experiences show some similarities to those of foster avoidance or resistance (Ainsworth, Blehar, Waters, & Wall, 1978).
children, we compared the outcomes for adopted children not only with Disorganized attachment is considered the most insecure type of
attachment, with disorganized children showing a breakdown of a
consistent attachment strategy when dealing with a stressful situation
(Main & Hesse, 1990).
This study was funded by the Netherlands Organization for Scientic Research Developing a secure attachment relationship or close bond with a
(NWO 400-03-208), and additional support was received from VSBfonds, Fonds
parent or primary caregiver has long-term benets for children,
Psychische Gezondheid, and Stichting Kinderpostzegels Nederland to Femmie Juffer
and Marinus van IJzendoorn in cooperation with the Adoptie Driehoek Onderzoeks because of the impact on children's later adaptation, for instance
Centrum [Adoption Triad Research Center] (www.adoptionresearch.nl). Femmie Juffer through the development of emotion regulation (Cassidy & Shaver,
is supported by Wereldkinderen. Marinus van IJzendoorn and Marian Bakermans 1999). Secure infants develop basic trust in their parents and they feel
Kranenburg are supported by the Netherlands Organization for Scientic Research condent about their own ability to inuence the world around them.
(SPINOZA Prize and VIDI grant, respectively).
Corresponding author. Leiden University, Centre for Child and Family Studies, P.O.
This basic trust allows children to function autonomously and with
Box 9555, 2300 RB Leiden, The Netherlands. condence in their (social) problem solving abilities (Sroufe, Egeland,
E-mail address: juffer@fsw.leidenuniv.nl (F. Juffer). Carlson, & Collins, 2005; Weineld, Sroufe, Egeland, & Carlson, 1999).

0190-7409/$ see front matter 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
L. van den Dries et al. / Children and Youth Services Review 31 (2009) 410421 411

Insecurely attached children are at risk for a more problematic 3. Attachment in adopted children
development. For example, insecure attachment, in particular inse-
cure disorganized attachment, has been associated with the develop- In some studies adopted children have been reported to show
ment of externalizing behavior problems (e.g., Lyons-Ruth, reactive attachment disorders (Zeanah, 2000; Zeanah et al., 2004) and
Easterbrooks, & Cibelli, 1997) and subsequent child psychopathology indiscriminate friendly behavior (Chisholm, Carter, Ames, & Morison,
(for a meta-analysis see Van IJzendoorn, Schuengel, & Bakermans- 1995; Tizard & Rees, 1975). More insecure and disorganized attach-
Kranenburg, 1999). ments (Marcovitch et al., 1997) and non-optimal parentchild
relationships (Fletcher, 1995) have been found in adoptees as well.
2. Adoption and the comparison with foster children There are several reasons to expect less attachment security in
adopted children, as these children all experience separation from,
Every year, large numbers of children are placed in adoptive and loss of their birth parents and other caregivers. According to
homes. In 2004 almost 45,000 children were adopted internationally attachment theory, these experiences of loss and separation may
worldwide (Selman, 2006). The number of domestic adoptions is negatively inuence the development of subsequent attachment
difcult to estimate, as not all of these adoptions are ofcially relationships (Bowlby, 1982). In addition, many internationally
registered (Placek, 2007). In the USA, 1.6 million children live with adopted children have been in institutional care and have experienced
adoptive parents (Jones, 2008) and between 2 to 4 percent of the deprivation, neglect and maltreatment. Children living in institutions
families include an adopted child. Annually about 20,000 children are often lack opportunities to develop selective attachment relation-
adopted internationally in the USA (Brooks, Simmel, Wind, & Barth, ships, due to the limited amount and poor quality of contact with their
2005; Nickman et al., 2005) and 50,000 children are domestically caregivers (Gunnar, Bruce, & Grotevant, 2000; Howe, 2005; Palacios &
adopted from the public system, whereas the practice of relinquishing Snchez-Sandoval, 2005; Vorria et al., 2003). The debate about the
an infant for domestic adoption is estimated at about 1% of babies born effects of early deprivation on child development dates back more
to never-married women (Jones, 2008). In Western-European coun- than half a century ago, when the World Health Organization initiated
tries, with the exception of the United Kingdom and Germany, there a study conducted by child psychiatrist John Bowlby. In a now famous
are relatively few domestic adoptions compared to the number of report, Bowlby (1952) concluded that children suffered from the
international adoptions (Selman, 2006), while adoptions from foster effects of institutional care, even when their physical needs (food,
care are rare, again with the United Kingdom as an exception clothes, etc.) were met adequately. The children were deprived of
(Warman & Roberts, 2003). parental care and missed out opportunities to develop stable and
In the USA there were 510,000 children in foster care in 2006 continuous attachment relationships. According to Bowlby, early
(Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System, 2008). deprivation leads to compromised child development and sets the
Because foster children experience comparable disruptions of early stage for various mental health problems in children. As viable
parentchild relationships as adopted children, we also compared the alternatives for institutional care Bowlby (1952, p.109) recommended
outcomes of adopted children with the outcomes of foster children. adoption and foster care, because they provide children with
The background of adopted children shows some similarities with the substitute parents.
background of children placed in foster homes. Both groups have As adoption implies separations, loss, and the development of
experienced separation from their birth parents, and are placed in attachment relationships to new parents, attachment theory (Bowlby,
new families where they are cared for by foster or adoptive parents 1982) provides an appropriate theoretical framework for our study. In
who usually show little (physical) resemblance to them. In addition, addition, adoption also implies risks (e.g., deprivation before place-
many adopted and foster children have experienced unfavorable ment) as well as protection (e.g., receiving nurturing care and
conditions before placement. The majority of internationally adopted stimulation from alternative parent gures) and therefore the
children have experienced neglect and maltreatment in institutional perspective of risk and protective factors is also important. According
care before adoption (Miller, 2005; Tirella et al., 2008). In the same to this theoretical perspective, an accumulation of risk factors leads to
vein, many foster children have been the victim of neglect and/or less optimal child development, whereas protective factors may buffer
repeated abuse before they enter the foster care system, as was the negative effects of the risks, resulting in resilience in children
conrmed in several large scale studies (Chernoff, Combs-Orme, (Rutter, 1990; Werner, 2000).
Risley-Curtiss, & Heisler, 1994; Department for Children, Schools and Recent neurobiological studies of institutional care suggest that
Families, 2008; Lewit, 1993; Takayama, Wolfe, & Coulter, 1998), these high stress environments inuence brain development and
although not all children have experienced the same level of adversity attachment behaviors and may cause persistent cognitive and socio-
before foster placement (e.g., Quinton, Rushton, Dance, & Mayes, emotional delays (Miller, 2005; Rutter, 2005, 2006; Rutter et al.,
1998). Domestic adoptees may even resemble foster children more, as 2004). Studies showing altered patterns of cortisol (Gunnar, Morison,
some domestic adoptees are former foster children (Testa, 2004). Chisholm, & Schuder, 2001), neurocognitive impairment (Chugani et
Nevertheless, there are also several marked differences between al., 2001), and changes in the production of neuropeptides (Fries,
adopted and foster children. One of these differences is the Ziegler, Kurian, Jacoris, & Pollak, 2005) after institutional care point to
permanency of the placement. Whereas the placements of adopted a critical role for early experience in the development of the brain
children are permanent, placements of foster children are often systems underlying basic aspects of human social behavior and stress
temporary. Adopted and foster children may also be placed out of their regulation. According to Gunnar and Kertes (2005) adverse experi-
homes for different reasons. International adoptees are usually placed ences may affect the structure and function of the brain in three
for cultural reasons, extreme poverty or family policy (e.g., the one- general ways. First, severe malnutrition and maltreatment can injure
child policy in China; Johnson, 2004), while foster children for neural tissue; second, a lack of stimulation can affect the basic wiring
example are placed because of caretaker incapacity or absence, child plan of the brain and brain chemistry; and third, morphological and
protective reasons, or parental incarceration (Chernoff et al., 1994; neurochemical adaptations to a non-optimal (institutional) environ-
Hayward & DePanlis, 2007; Lewit, 1993). In addition, whereas ment may produce maladaptive responses to the post-institutional
adoption is a clear-cut situation in which children have been removed environment that limit (later) healthy behavioral and emotional
from their birth parents and, except in open adoption arrangement, development (Gunnar & Kertes, 2005, p. 49).
have no contact with the birth parents, there is a high diversity of Two studies conrmed the disadvantageous effects of institutional
foster care arrangements, many implying contact and visits with the care on attachment, with institutionalized children showing high
biological parent (Leathers, 2003; Sanchirico & Jablonka, 2000). rates of insecure attachment and especially high rates of disorganized
412 L. van den Dries et al. / Children and Youth Services Review 31 (2009) 410421

attachment (Vorria et al., 2003; Zeanah, Smyke, Koga, Carlson, & the time in the care of a stable and usually nurturing parent, may have had
BEIP Core Group, 2005). Although domestically adopted children not more time to recover from prior adverse experiences. In a similar vein,
always experience institutional care, the neglect and maltreatment Juffer and Van IJzendoorn (2005) meta-analytically found that
they often face in their birth families may also have a detrimental children who had spent more than 12 years in their adoptive family
effect (Kaniuk, Steele, & Hodges, 2004). In particular maltreatment is a showed a larger catch-up in terms of behavior problems than children
documented precursor of disorganized attachment (Carlson, Cicchetti, who had lived in their adoptive homes for a shorter period of time.
Barnett, & Braunwald, 1989; Crittenden & Ainsworth, 1989; George, In addition, continent of origin may be a relevant risk factor to take
1996; Van IJzendoorn et al., 1999), while experiences of parental into account when explaining differences in adaptation. Children who
neglect are reported to be a precursor of insecure (ambivalent) originate from Eastern European countries, for example Romania,
attachments (Egeland & Sroufe, 1981; Finzi, Ram, Har-Even, Shnit, & often have experienced severe deprivation (Castle et al., 1999; Miller,
Weizman, 2001; Youngblade & Belsky, 1990). 2005; Morison, Ames, & Chisholm, 1995; Smyke et al., 2007), and may
Almost all children develop an affective bond with their caregiver, therefore show more problems with attachment than children
even maltreated children (Cicchetti & Barnett, 1991) or children adopted from other continents. Similar results were found in previous
struggling with autism (Rutgers, Van IJzendoorn, Bakermans-Kranen- meta-analytic work: children who experienced more severe depriva-
burg, & Swinkels, 2007). Based on the caregiver's reactions to their tion showed more behavior problems and lower cognitive compe-
signals, children develop expectations (so-called internal working tence than children from less deprived backgrounds (Juffer & Van
models) of how they will be treated by their attachment gures IJzendoorn, 2005; Van IJzendoorn et al., 2005).
(Bowlby, 1982; Bretherton & Munholland, 1999). Children whose Finally, type of placement may be an important risk factor. In some
attachment signals are met by sensitive caregivers develop an internal domains, for example, problem behavior and mental health referrals,
working model of a safe and responsive world. In contrast, children differences have been reported between international and domestic
who are responded to in an insensitive way may picture the world as adoptees (Juffer & Van IJzendoorn, 2005), with international adoptees
an unpredictable place and they may not feel worthy of love. showing fewer behavior problems and mental health referrals.
Children's internal working models are suggested to inuence the However, for other developmental domains, such as self-esteem, no
development of new relationships, by shaping children's expectations differences have been found between international and domestic
and behavior (Bowlby, 1982; Sroufe et al., 2005). But Bowlby also adoptees, or between same-race or transracial adoptees (Juffer & Van
hypothesized that working models can change as a consequence of IJzendoorn, 2007; Van IJzendoorn et al., 2005). With regard to
changing experiences, in particular in the rst ve years of life, and attachment we did not expect to nd differences between the above
that corrective attachment experiences may compensate for early mentioned groups, because early experiences of separation and loss,
adversity (Bowlby, 1988). When transitions to responsive care are and/or neglect and maltreatment are assumed to be present in the
experienced, internal working models and attachment relationships majority of the adopted children.
may change correspondingly (Bowlby, 1973, 1988; Sroufe et al., 2005). Based on the literature presented above, we hypothesized that
Whether this process of accommodation also takes place after the adopted children would show fewer secure and more disorganized
placement of children with (sensitive) adoptive parents is a central attachments compared to children living with their biological parents.
question in the current set of meta-analyses. Research on attachment We expected that these differences would be larger in children who are
in adopted children shows equivocal outcomes. In some studies adopted after their rst birthday than in children adopted in their rst
attachment of adopted children does not differ from the security of year of life. We also hypothesized that children who have lived with their
non-adopted children (e.g., Joseph, 2002) whereas other studies nd new parents for a longer period of time will show a more favorable
fewer secure attachments in adopted children (e.g., O'Connor, Marvin, relationship with the parent. Finally, we expected children who are born
Rutter, Olrick, & Britner, 2003). With the current meta-analysis we in Eastern European countries to show less secure and more dis-
attempted to answer the question whether adopted children show organized attachment than children adopted from other continents.
less attachment security than non-adopted children. We also tested
whether adopted children show more disorganized attachment than 5. Method
non-adopted children.
5.1. Literature search
4. Potential factors inuencing attachment relationships in
adoptive families To identify relevant studies three different search methods were
used. First, we searched for relevant literature in the following
In this meta-analysis the inuence of various moderators has electronic sources: PsycInfo (Psychological Literature), ERIC (Educa-
been investigated, namely, age at placement, duration of placement, tion Resource Information Center), Web of Science and PUBMED (U.S.
continent of origin, domestic or international placement, and trans- National Library of Medicine). Throughout this search we used the
racial or same-race placement. From the perspective of risk and keywords adopt or foster (an asterisk indicates that the search
protective factors some moderators may imply risks (e.g., an older age contained but was not limited to that word or word fragment) in
at placement) or protection (e.g., a longer stay in the adoptive home). combination with the terms attachment, parentchild relationship,
In particular, age at placement may be crucial for the development of a bonding, and related terms such as security, motherchild relationship,
new relationship with the adoptive parent. When children receive Strange Situation and AQS. Second, we searched the reference lists of
warm and sensitive care, they generally develop basic trust in their all collected studies to identify more relevant studies. Third, experts
caregivers during their rst year of life (Bowlby, 1982). Several studies were asked to provide pertinent studies.
indeed found that children who were adopted in the rst months of Studies were included if they reported on the attachment re-
their lives, usually develop normative attachment relationships (e.g., lationship, parentchild relationship or bond between the adopted or
Juffer, Bakermans-Kranenburg, & Van IJzendoorn, 2008), whereas foster children and their adoptive/foster parents (hereafter: adopted
children who were placed at later ages seem to be at greater risk for children and adoptive parents). Both studies using observational
developing unfavorable attachment relationships (Marcovitch et al., assessments and self-report or parent-report measures were included.
1997; Vorria et al., 2006). In order to examine the attachment relationships of the adoptees
The length of time the children have spent in their new family may across their lifespan, no restriction was placed on the age at assess-
also be a signicant moderator. Children who have lived with their ment. In the case of a study with more than one assessment (e.g., Juffer
new parents for a longer period of time, and thus have spent more & Rosenboom, 1997), only the data from the rst valid assessment was
L. van den Dries et al. / Children and Youth Services Review 31 (2009) 410421 413

included to guarantee that every adoptee was included only once in a measures in order to see if results converged (see Table 1 for all
meta-analysis. Studies measuring attachment relationships were included studies and measures). One example of such a questionnaire
excluded if: (1) the adopted sample was a clinical sample (e.g., is the Inventory of Parent and Peer Attachment (IPPA; Armsden &
Rosenthal et al., 1975); (2) the relationship between the adoptee and Greenberg, 1987). The IPPA consists of 28 items concerning the
someone else than the caregiver was measured (e.g., Jensen, 2004); behavioral and affective/cognitive dimension of an adolescent's
(3) the information in the study was not sufcient to compute an attachment relationships with their parents (Armsden & Greenberg,
effect size (e.g., Judge, 2004); (4) attachment style was measured (e.g., 1987). The IPPA was used in several studies with adopted children, e.g.,
Borders, Penny, & Portnoy, 2000) or (5) no comparison group was the studies of Fischman (1996) and McGinn (2001).
available (e.g., Brown, 2000; Hodges, Steele, Hillman, Henderson, & For studies using the (adapted) SSP the distribution of (in-)security
Kaniuk, 2005). The presence of a comparison group in the study was in the adopted group was compared to the normative distribution of
not required when studies reported on the distribution of attachment ABC-classications reported in the meta-analysis of Van IJzendoorn,
classication based on the (adapted) Strange Situation Procedure (see Goldberg, Kroonenberg and Frenkl (1992; k = 21, N = 1584). Studies
below), the Attachment Q-sort (Verssimo & Salvaterra, 2006), or reporting on ABCD-classications were compared with the normative
applied instruments for which a comparison group of another study distribution reported in the meta-analysis of Van IJzendoorn et al.
could be used (e.g., Millham, 2003). We excluded studies measuring (1999) for the distributions of (in-)security and (dis-)organization
attachment style (e.g. Borders et al., 2000), since our study focuses on (k = 15, N = 2104). The mean security score of the AQS (M = .32, k = 28,
the attachment relationships of the adoptees with their adoptive N = 2516) from the meta-analysis of Van IJzendoorn et al. (2004) was
parents, instead of on their romantic or intimate attachment relation- used as a comparison for the studies using the AQS. The normative
ships in general. attachment scores presented in these meta-analyses were based on
Attachment relationships can be measured using various instru- large samples and can therefore be seen as more reliable than the
ments. The Strange Situation Procedure (SSP; Ainsworth et al., 1978) is attachment scores of the often small-scale control groups presented in
an observational laboratory procedure used to assess infant attach- the studies themselves.
ment behavior. The SSP consists of eight 3-minute episodes during In our series of meta-analyses we drew on 39 adoption and 11
which two separations from, and reunions with, the parent occur. The foster studies (reported in 39 publications), with 21 studies using the
attachment of the children in the SSP is classied based on the (in-) (adapted) SSP, seven studies using the AQS, six studies using the
secure patterns of attachment behavior and the presence of Parental Bonding Instrument (PBI; Parker, Tupling, & Brown, 1979),
disorganized attachment behavior. Some studies use an adapted SSP, four studies using the IPPA (Armsden & Greenberg, 1987), six studies
with coding systems such as the CassidyMarvin system, the Main using a shortened version of the AQS (Chisholm et al., 1995) and six
Cassidy system, and Crittenden's Preschool Assessment of Attachment studies using other measures, such as the Adult Attachment Interview
(PAA). As the traditional Ainsworth classications can only be used in (AAI; George, Kaplan, & Main, 1985).
children up to 18 months of age, Cassidy and Marvin (1992) developed Of the 11 foster studies, ve studies examined prenatally drugs-
a classication system for preschool-age children. Crittenden (1992) exposed foster children. To examine whether this affected the
did the same with her classication system and Main and Cassidy outcomes of the studies, we used prenatal drug exposure as a
(1988) developed a classications system for kindergarten-age moderator in preliminary analyses. Because no difference was found
children. These approaches use a procedure comparable to the between the two sets of studies, Q(1) = 0.002, p N .05, the studies with
Strange Situation Procedure, namely one or two separations and the prenatally exposed children were included in the meta-analyses
reunions (Solomon & George, 1999). The Attachment Q-Sort (AQS; on foster children.
Waters & Deane, 1985) is another observational measure used to
assess attachment security. The AQS consists of 90 items, each 5.2. Data extraction
describing specic behavioral characteristics of the child with an
emphasis on secure-base behavior. After several hours of observation We conducted several moderator analyses. Given that moderator
an observer sorts all cards into nine piles of 10 cards each, depending analysis is only relevant when the different subsets comprise of more
on how well the description ts the child. By comparing the child's than three studies each (Bakermans-Kranenburg, Van IJzendoorn, &
prole with the behavioral prole of a prototypically secure child, a Juffer, 2003), subsets that consisted of fewer than four studies were
score for attachment security can be derived. The SSP and AQS are not included in the contrast analyses. We coded the following study
widely used and meta-analytically validated observational instru- characteristics: publication outlet, year of publication (b1995, 1995
ments for assessing attachment in infants and toddlers/preschoolers 1999, N2000 or in press) and continent of study (for example, North
(Solomon & George, 1999; Van IJzendoorn, Vereijken, Bakermans- America or Europe). With regard to publication outlet, we tested the
Kranenburg, & Riksen-Walraven, 2004). The CassidyMarvin system, contrast between studies published in refereed journals and non-
the MainCassidy system and Crittenden's PAA all have been found to refereed publications (book, chapter article and presentation). As 13 of
be valid assessment instruments (Moss, Bureau, Cyr, Mongeau, & St- our studies were dissertations, we created a separate group for this
Laurent, 2004; Main & Cassidy, 1988; Teti & Gelfand, 1997), although type of publication.
some questions about the concordance among the systems have been We coded the sample sizes of the adoption and control groups, age
raised as well (Crittenden, Claussen, & Kozlowska, 2007; Solomon & at placement (before or after 12 months of age), age at assessment (0
George, 1999). As part of our meta-analyses, we will therefore test 4 years, 412 years, N12 years), time spent in the new family (0
whether including these measures will affect the results. 1 years, 12 years, 212 years, N12 years), continent of origin (Asia,
As the observational attachment measures have the best creden- North America, Europe, other continents or several continents) and
tials in terms of validation, we were particularly interested in the type of placement (international or domestic, and same-race or
outcomes of studies using the (adapted) SSP or the AQS: in our transracial). We also examined the inuence of age at assessment. As
analyses they constitute the core set of studies. To compare the effect we expected that age at placement would be an important variable for
sizes in this core set of studies on adopted children with studies on potential catch-up or delay, no specic expectations for age at
foster children, a separate set of meta-analyses for foster children was assessment were formulated. For example, children who were
conducted, including again only studies that used the (adapted) SSP or assessed at age 4.5 could have been placed at different ages, e.g.,
the AQS. However, as attachment relationships of adopted children 6 months versus 24 months of age. We expected that the inuence of
have also been assessed using questionnaires or projective measures age at placement would overrule the inuence of age at assessment. In
we repeated the meta-analysis on adopted children using all types of the same vein, we expected that the time spent in the new family
414 L. van den Dries et al. / Children and Youth Services Review 31 (2009) 410421

Table 1
Attachment relationships of adoptees vs. non-adopted comparisons

Source NaNc Age at arrival, m Age at study, y Country of study Measure (informant) Core set (in)secure Core set disorganized
Bartel, 2006a 1239 12 04 USA Shortened version AQS (P) No No
1069 12 04 USA Shortened version AQS (P) No No
Caspers, Yucuis, Troutman, Arndt, 126584 b12 N 18 USA AAI (O) No No
& Langbehn, 2007
Chisholm, 1998b, c 262104 b12 412 Canada SSP, Crittenden (O) Yes Yes
432104 12 412 Canada SSP, Crittenden (O) Yes Yes
Farina, Leifer, & Chasnoff, 2004a 298 12 04 USA Shortened version AQS (P) No No
Feeney, Passmore, & Peterson, 2007 144131 b12 N 18 Australia PBI Care (S) No No
Fischman, 1996 17369 n.r. N 18 USA IPPA (S) No No
Fletcher, 1997 100100 n.r. N 18 USA PBI Care (S) No No
Irhammar & Bengtsson, 2004 40584 12 N 18 Sweden AAI (O) No No
Joseph, 2002 3030 12 N 18 USA IPPA Trust (S) No No
Juffer et al., 2005b, c 782104 b12 04 Netherlands SSP (O) Yes Yes
Juffer & Roosenboom, 1997b 302104 b12 04 Netherlands SSP (O) Yes No
Lis, 2000b 81584 12 04 Poland Separation-Reunion (O) No No
81584 12 04 Poland Separation-Reunion (O) No No
b, c
Marcovitch et al., 1997 442104 12 04 Canada SSP, CassidyMarvin (O) Yes Yes
McGinn, 2001 3030 b12 1218 USA IPPA Attachment (S) No No
Millham, 2003a 168 b12 04 USA Shortened version AQS (P) No No
158 b12 412 USA Shortened version AQS (P) No No
Mller, Gibbs, & Ariely, 2002b 33070 b12 n.r. USA IPPA Attachment (S) No No
O'Connor et al., 2003b, c 432104 b12 412 UK SSP, CassidyMarvin (O) Yes Yes
492104 b12 412 UK SSP, CassidyMarvin (O) Yes Yes
392104 12 412 UK SSP, CassidyMarvin (O) Yes Yes
b, c
Ongari & Tomasi, 2006 62104 b12 04 Italy SSP, CassidyMarvin (O) Yes Yes
Pace, Messina, Zavattini, & 112104 12 412 Italy SSP, MainCassidy (O) Yes No
Santona, 2006b
Paperny, 2004b 34487 b12 n.r. Canada Adult Attachment Projective (S) No No
Passmore et al., 2005 5050 b12 n.r. Australia PBI Care (S) No No
5050 b12 n.r. Australia PBI Care (S) No No
Rosnati & Marta, 1997 88129 n.r. 1218 Italy Communication Scales (S) No No
b, c
Sabbagh, 1995 212104 b12 04 Canada SSP (O) Yes Yes
Singer et al., 1985 interb 191584 b12 04 USA SSP (O) Yes No
271584 b12 04 USA SSP (O) Yes No
Slobodnik, 1997 8686 b12 N 18 USA PBI Care (S) No No
Snider, 1997 6679 b12 N 18 USA PBI Care (S) No No
Tessier et al., 2005 538 n.r. 12 04 Canada Shortened version AQS (P) No No
Tessier, Tarabulsy, & Moss, 2006b, c 642104 b12 04 Canada SSP (O) Yes Yes
Van Londen, Juffer, & 552104 b12 04 Netherlands SSP (O) Yes Yes
Van IJzendoorn, 2007b, c
Verssimo & Salvaterra, 2006b 1062516 b12 04 Portugal AQS (O) Yes No
Vorria et al., 2006b 612516 12 412 Greece AQS (O) Yes No

Note. Na: number of adoptees; Nc: number of non-adopted controls; n.r.: data were not reported; Age at arrival, m: Age at arrival in months; Age at study, y: Age at study in years;
(O): Observer Report; (P): Parent Report; (S): Self Report; AQS: Attachment Q-sort; AAI: Adult Attachment Interview; SSP: Strange Situation Procedure; PBI: Parental Bonding
Instrument; IPPA: Inventory of Parent and Peer Attachment.
The children in this study were compared with the comparisons in an other study.
The children were compared with a normative distribution or normative score.
Observational studies used in the secondary analyses.

would overrule the inuence of age at assessment. Number of O'Connor et al., 2003) two effect sizes were derived, one for
placements prior to adoption, social economic status of the adoptive attachment security and one for attachment disorganization.
parents as well as prevalence of pre-adoption adversity could not be
used as moderators, because these variables were often not reported 6. Meta-analytic procedures
in the pertinent studies. Studies were coded as one of the categories of
a moderator when at least 75% of the sample could be grouped into We conducted ve meta-analyses, four for the core set of studies
that category. Studies in which less than 75% of the sample could be with observational measures of attachment and one for the entire set
included in one category of the moderator were coded as mixed. of adoption studies. For the core set we conducted separate meta-
Furthermore, we examined in the samples with domestically adopted analyses for adoptive and foster studies, both for attachment security
children whether more than 75% of the children were reported to have and attachment disorganization. Some study outcomes could be
been adopted from foster care. We concluded that there were no directly inserted into Borenstein, Rothstein, and Cohen's (2000)
studies that met this criterion (for example, only 5 out of the 106 Comprehensive Meta-Analysis (CMA) program. Other outcomes had
children in the study of Verssimo and Salvaterra (2006) and none of to be re-computed or transformed before they could be inserted into
the children in the study of Vorria et al. (2003) were adopted from CMA. For the studies in which the (adapted) SSP was used, we
foster care). employed Wilson Effect Size Calculator (Lipsey & Wilson, 2001) to
For studies that used the (adapted) SSP and provided information compare the distributions of the adoption samples with the normative
about the number of children classied as disorganized (e.g., Dozier, distribution. Eventually for all studies Cohen's d was computed.
Stovall, Albus, & Bates, 2001; Juffer, Bakermans-Kranenburg, & van According to Cohen's criteria, ds of 0.20, 0.50, and 0.80 represent
IJzendoorn, 2005), controlling (e.g., Marcovitch et al., 1997) or small, moderate, and large effect sizes, respectively (Cohen, 1988).
disorganized/controlling and insecure-other/Cannot Classify (e.g., Because we hypothesized that adopted children would show less
L. van den Dries et al. / Children and Youth Services Review 31 (2009) 410421 415

7. Results

First, a secondary analysis was conducted to compare the distribu-

tions of attachment classications of adopted children with the
normative distribution of non-adopted children. Secondly, the out-
comes of the meta-analyses are presented. We start with the analyses
of the adopted children concerning attachment security and attach-
ment disorganization in the core set of studies (based on observational
assessments), after which the comparison with the foster children is
reported. We conclude with a broad-band meta-analytic approach of
all adoption studies, using all types of measurements.

7.1. Secondary analyses

Fig. 1. Percentages of disorganized attachment classications based on the Strange In order to compare the distributions of attachment classications
Situation Procedure. Results are reported for adoptees (k = 11), institutionalized children of adoptees with attachment distributions of normative, non-adopted
(k = 2, Vorria et al., 2003; Zeanah et al., 2005), and normative data (k = 15) from Van children, the combined attachment distribution of the adopted
IJzendoorn et al. (1999). All percentages differ signicantly from each other at p b .01.
sample was calculated. We collected all studies that used the SSP
and reported on the ABCD-classication of adoptees (k = 11 studies).
For an overview of these studies, see Table 1. The distribution of
secure and more disorganized attachment (see Introduction) than the attachment classication in normative samples is 62%, secure 15%
comparison group, the effect sizes of studies presenting outcomes in avoidant, 9% ambivalent, and 15% disorganized (Van IJzendoorn et al.,
this direction were given a positive sign. A negative sign was given to 1999; N = 2,104). The analyses revealed that the adopted children
the outcomes of studies where the adopted children showed more showed a signicantly different distribution, 2 (3, N = 2572) = 106.41,
secure or less disorganized attachment. To examine whether outlying p b .05. Adopted children showed fewer secure attachments, 47%
effects sizes were present, all effect sizes were transformed into secure, and more disorganized attachments, 31% disorganized, than
Fisher's Z which were standardized. The study of Golombok, Cook, non-adopted children (k = 11, n = 468 adopted children). It should be
Bish, and Murray (1995) had an outlying effect size (d = 2.28) which noted, however, that the adoptees compared favorably to children in
exceeded the preset limit of z b 3.29 (Tabachnick & Fidell, 2007). institutional care regarding disorganized attachment and secure
To avoid an excessive inuence this study was not included in the attachment (see Introduction; 73% disorganized and 11% secure, 2
meta-analysis. studies, N = 181; Vorria et al., 2003; Zeanah et al., 2005) (see Fig. 1).
The effect sizes within one subset of a moderator can be homo- Based on these secondary analyses, which suggested that adoptees
geneous or heterogeneous. This homogeneity was tested with the Q were more often disorganized and showed fewer secure attachments
statistic (Lipsey & Wilson, 2001). When the effect sizes were than their non-adopted counterparts, we examined the attachment
homogeneous, the xed effect parameters were used. Random effect relationships of adoptees in more depth in several meta-analyses.
parameters were used when the effect sizes within one subset were
heterogeneous. To test the inuence of moderators, the Q statistic for 7.2. Attachment security and disorganization of adoptees in the core set
between-group differences was calculated (Borenstein et al., 2000). of studies
This statistic indicates signicant differences between the subgroups
of a moderator. When one or more of the subsets were heterogeneous, 7.2.1. Attachment security
random effect models were used. Fixed models were used when all The core set consisted of 17 adoption studies measuring attach-
subsets were homogeneous. When moderators could not be tested ment security using the SSP or the AQS (reported in 13 publications;
due to the small size of the subsets, the overlap of the 85% Condence Table 1). Instead of using the classical SSP (Ainsworth et al., 1978), we
Intervals (CI) of the subsets was examined (Bakermans-Kranenburg also included studies that used the adapted SSP (see Method), such as
et al., 2003; Goldstein & Healy, 1995). This provides a global test the CassidyMarvin system, the MainCassidy system, and Critten-
of the contrasts between combined effects of subsets grouped by den's PAA. Before including these studies in the meta-analyses, we
moderators. tested if including these measurements inuenced the effect size of
A publication bias may arise when non-signicant ndings the total core set. The removal of the study using the MainCassidy
remain unpublished. The results of these possibly missing studies system and the exclusion of the two studies using Crittenden's PAA,
can be estimated using Duval and Tweedie's trim and ll method
(Duval & Tweedie, 2000a,b). In this method a scatter plot (called a
funnel plot) is created in which the effect sizes of the studies are
plotted against the sample size or standard error. If the plot is shaped
like a funnel no publication bias is present. However, due to the
reduced chance for smaller and non-signicant studies to be
published, studies from the bottom left hand corner may be missing
(the le-drawer problem; Mullen, 1989). With the trim and ll
method these missing studies are lled in and an (adjusted) effect
size is calculated. We also examined the stability of the results. In this
jackknife procedure it is analyzed whether the overall effect size
changes signicantly when the combined effect sizes are calculated
after the successive removal of one effect size (Borenstein et al.,
2000). For each meta-analysis we also calculated the number of
studies with a non-signicant result that would be required to bring
the combined effect size of a meta-analysis to a non-signicant level Fig. 2. Risk of insecure attachment for adoptees placed before or after their rst birthday
(fail-safe number; Mullen, 1989). (k = 17).
416 L. van den Dries et al. / Children and Youth Services Review 31 (2009) 410421

Table 2
Attachment relationships of foster children vs. non-fostered comparisons

Source NfNc Age at arrival, Age at study, Country of Measure Core set Core set
m y study (informant) (in)secure disorganized
Chew, 1998a 72516 12 04 USA AQS (O) Yes No
242516 12 04 USA AQS (O) Yes No
Cole, 2005 462104 b12 04 USA SSP (O) Yes Yes
Dozier et al., 2001a 502104 b12 04 USA SSP (O) Yes Yes
Lamb et al., 1985 66 b12 04 USA Adapted SSP (O) Yes No
Oosterman, 2007a; Oosterman, & Schuengel, 2007 612516 12 412 Netherlands AQS (O) Yes No
Ponciano, 2002a 492516 b12 04 USA AQS (O) Yes No
272516 12 04 USA AQS (O) Yes No
Rodning et al., 1991a 112104 b12 04 USA SSP (O) Yes Yes
72104 b12 04 USA SSP (O) Yes Yes
Swanson et al., 2000a 122104 b12 04 USA SSP (O) Yes Yes

Note. Nf: number of foster children; Nc: number of non-fostered controls; n.r.: data were not reported; Age at arrival, m: Age at arrival in months; Age at study, y: Age at study in years;
(O): Observer Report; AQS: Attachment Q-sort; SSP: Strange Situation Procedure.
The children were compared with a normative distribution or normative score.

both individually resulted in a (minimal) change of 0.01 for both the Eleven studies reporting on the number of disorganized children were
normal and the adjusted effect size. As sufcient studies using the included (reported in 8 publications, see Table 1).
classical SSP and the CassidyMarvin system were present, we used a A signicant positive effect size for disorganized attachment was
moderator-analysis to test for differences between the effect sizes found, d = 0.46 (CI = 0.140.77, n = 468 adoptees) in a heterogeneous set
of both types of measurements. No signicant differences were found of outcomes. The funnel plot showed some publication bias. With the
(Q(1) = 3.17, p N .05). In the total set of adoption studies a modest but trim-and-ll procedure 2 studies were trimmed and replaced,
signicant effect size was found (d = 0.34, CI = 0.110.57, n = 722 resulting in a signicant adjusted effects of d = 0.36 (CI = 0.040.68).
adoptees) in a heterogeneous set of 17 studies (see Table 3). The This means that more adopted children showed disorganized
funnel plot showed a publication bias. With the trim-and-ll attachment compared to their non-adopted counterparts. No sig-
procedure, ve studies were trimmed and replaced, resulting in a nicant moderators or non-overlapping CIs were found. The fail-safe
non-signicant adjusted effect of d = 0.20 (CI = 0.020.43). This number was k = 42. The point estimate and CIs computed with the
suggests that adopted children are as securely attached to their jackknife procedure remained the same.2
parents as non-adopted controls. The fail-safe number was k = 57. The
jackknife procedure yielded a similar point estimate and the same CIs. 7.3. Comparison with foster children
Because of the heterogeneity of the set of studies, several
moderators were tested. As only two adoption studies in the core Eleven foster studies (reported in 8 publications; Table 2)
set used the AQS, the contrast between AQS and SSP was not tested. measured attachment security using the SSP or the AQS. In this
However, the 85% CIs around the point estimate of both subsets did homogeneous set of 11 studies a non-signicant effect size was found
overlap, suggesting that no differences between the effect sizes of the (d = 0.07, CI = 0.160.30, n = 300 foster children). A publication bias
subsets were present. was indicated in the funnel plot. With the trim-and-ll procedure
The difference between the effect sizes of the children adopted three studies were trimmed and replaced, resulting in a non-
before and after 12 months of age was signicant, Q(1) = 15.68, p b .01 signicant adjusted effects of respectively d = 0.06 (CI = 0.270.15).
(see Fig. 2). Children who were adopted before 12 months of age This means that the foster children are as securely attached to their
showed secure attachments as often as non-adopted children (d = 0.08, foster parents as children reared in their biological family. This
CI = 0.090.25, n = 524 adoptees) in a homogeneous set of 12 studies. converges with the non-signicant overall effect size found for the
However, children adopted after 12 months of age showed signicantly group of adoptees.
less attachment security than non-adopted children in a homogeneous Five studies reported on the number of disorganized foster
set of 5 studies, d = 0.80 (CI = 0.491.12, n = 198 adoptees). Continent of children (reported in 4 publications, see Table 2). For these studies
origin was not a signicant moderator, Q(1) = 0.95, p N .05 when all the an effect size comparable with that of the adopted children was
European children were grouped together. However, when the Eastern found, d = 0.41 (CI = 0.070.74, n = 126 foster children) in a homo-
European adoptees were analyzed separately, continent of origin was a genous set of outcomes. A publication bias was shown in the
signicant moderator, Q(1) =5.73, p b .05. Asian adoptees showed the funnel plot. With the trim-and-ll procedure 2 studies were
same level of attachment security as non-adopted children (d = 0.12, trimmed and replaced, resulting in a signicant adjusted effects of
CI = 0.130.36, n = 227 adoptees) in a homogeneous set of 4 studies, d = 0.35 (CI = 0.020.67). This means that, again comparable with
while Eastern European adoptees showed less attachment security adoptees, the foster children showed more disorganized attach-
than non-adopted children (d = 0.58, CI = 0.290.87, n = 216 adoptees) ment compared to children reared by their biological parents. The
in a homogeneous set of 6 studies. The set of studies with children fail-safe number was rather small, k = 5. The combined effect size
adopted from other European countries or from North America was too computed with the jackknife procedure became non-signicant
small to be included in the analyses. The other moderators, such as when the studies of Dozier et al. (2001) or Cole (2005) were
age at assessment, time in family, same- or transracial placement, removed, with adjusted effect sizes of respectively 0.30 (CI = 0.10
international or domestic placement, publication outlet and year of 0.71) and 0.38 (CI = 0.020.78). The 85% CI intervals for both
publication were not signicant.1 attachment security and disorganization in studies with adoptees
versus foster children did overlap, indicating that adopted children
7.2.2. Attachment disorganization have comparable rates of insecure and disorganized attachment as
We examined whether adopted children were more often foster children.
classied as disorganized in the SSP than their non-adopted controls.

1 2
Tables with data not presented in the article may be requested from the authors. See footnote 1.
L. van den Dries et al. / Children and Youth Services Review 31 (2009) 410421 417

Table 3 we found more disorganized attachments among adopted children in

Meta-analytic resultsa of the core set of studies comparing the security of attachment of the core set of studies. When studies using self-report measures, such
adoptees with non-adopted controls
as questionnaires and interviews, were added to the meta-analysis the
k d Na 95% CI Q Q for p effects were no longer signicant. According to this broad-band meta-
contrast analytic approach adoptees had similar attachment relationships with
Total set 17 0.34 772 0.110.57 33.39 their adoptive parents as their non-adopted counterparts. The broad-
band meta-analysis did not reveal any inuence of age at arrival. These
Sample characteristics
Measurement n.a. results suggest that self-report measures may not be as sensitive as
SSP/adapted SSP 15 0.31 555 0.140.48 14.77 observational measures in revealing a clinically meaningful age effect.
AQSb 2 0.19 167 0.400.78 16.29
Age arrival 15.68 .00 8.1. Attachment disorganization
b 12 months 12 0.08 524 0.090.25 16.90
N 12 months 5 0.80 198 0.491.12 0.81
Age assessment 2.68 .10 As expected, based on the presence of risk factors before the
04 years 10 0.18 450 0.080.45 18.71 adoption, adopted children showed more disorganized attachment
412 yearsc 7 0.55 272 0.290.81 6.90 than non-adopted children. This nding may be explained by the
Time in family 1.06 .59
children's experiences of maltreatment and neglect before their
012 months 6 0.13 220 0.120.38 5.89
1324 months 4 0.53 135 0.160.89 1.60 placement in an adoptive family. The ndings for attachment
2574 months 7 0.34 367 0.020.69 22.92 disorganization were independent of age at placement: Both early
Placement 0.48 .49 and later placed adoptees showed more disorganized attachments.
Domestic 4 0.19 243 0.260.64 16.59 This outcome converges with Dozier and Rutter's (2008) suggestion,
International 11 0.32 462 0.130.50 13.77
that children are particularly vulnerable for caregiving experiences
Not reportedd 1 0.90 11 0.622.43
Mixedd 1 0.73 6 1.683.14 during their rst year of life. Experiences of maltreatment, deprivation
Continent of origin 0.95 .62 and neglect during the infant's rst weeks or months may have long-
Europe 9 0.42 432 0.350.82 7.27 lasting consequences for the development of the organization of
Asia 4 0.12 227 0.130.36 4.34
attachment. Thus, not only adoptees placed after their rst birthday,
North Americab 2 0.37 46 0.261.00 0.42
Not reportedd 2 0.86 17 0.432.14 0.01 but also adoptees who have experienced adverse conditions only
Transracial placement 0.59 .44 during their rst months of life may be more prone to develop
Yes 5 0.15 296 0.090.38 5.27 disorganized attachments. Besides institutionalized children, the best
No 10 0.40 459 0.090.70 26.18 comparison group of biological parentchild dyads may be maltreated
Not reportedd 2 0.86 17 0.432.14 0.01
children whose attachment is assessed around their rst birthday.
Note. Na: Number of adoptees. Researchers studied maltreated children as young as 13 months of age
n.a.: not applicable; p b .05; p b .01; p b .001.
a and found high rates of disorganized attachment: 82% to 93% (Carlson,
For trimmed effect sizes see Results section.
Subsets with fewer than 4 studies were excluded from the contrast. Cicchetti, Barnett, & Braunwald, 1989; Cicchetti, Rogosch, & Toth,
The oldest children in the core set were 7 years of age (placed in the subset 4 2006). The overrepresentation of disorganized attachments in mal-
12 years, see Method). treated children converges with the high rates of disorganized
Excluded from the contrast. attachments in institutionalized children (Vorria et al., 2003; Zeanah
et al., 2005). Contrasting the ndings on disorganized attachment of
7.4. Attachment relationships of adoptees: broad-band approach
maltreated and institutionalized children (73% to 93%) with our meta-
analytic ndings for adopted children (31% disorganized attachment)
In the meta-analysis focusing on all types of measurements, 39
suggests that adopted children show an impressive although
studies (reported in 31 publications, see Table 1) measuring the
incomplete catch-up after their placement (31% vs. 15% in normative
attachment relationship of adoptees were included. The comparison
of the adoptees with the non-adopted controls showed a small but
signicant effect size (d = 0.24, CI = 0.100.37, N = 2912 adoptees) in
8.2. Moderators of attachment security and disorganization
favor of the comparisons, see Table 3. However, the funnel plot
showed a publication bias. With the trim-and-ll procedure eight
Few of the potential moderators appeared to make a signicant
studies were trimmed and replaced, resulting in a non-signicant
difference for attachment security and disorganization. Study char-
adjusted effect of d = 0.12 (CI = 0.020.26). The fail-safe number was
acteristics such as publication outlet, year of publication, and continent
k = 230. The point estimate and CIs computed with the jackknife
of study were not associated with any of the effect sizes. We did nd
procedure remained the same. To account for the heterogeneity of the
that Eastern European children were less often securely attached than
studies in the subset, various moderators were tested. However, no
Asian adoptees. As Eastern European children are suggested to have
signicant moderators were found.3
experienced the most severe deprivation (e.g., Miller, 2005; Rutter et
al., 2004), which may negatively inuence the development of new
8. Discussion
attachment relationships after placement, this outcome was expected.
Unfortunately, we were not able to study the inuence of continent of
Because of the untoward early life experiences that many adopted
origin in combination with the inuence of age at placement and
children endured we expected fewer secure attachments and more
thereby disentangle the inuences of both moderators, as all Asian
attachment disorganization in adopted children compared to non-
children were placed before their rst birthday.
adopted children. Overall, the (trimmed) results of our meta-analyses
Although for example Rosenthal, Groze, Curiel, and Westcott
of a core set of studies with observational attachment measures
(1991) and Singer, Brodzinsky, Ramsay, Steir and Waters (1985)
showed that adopted children were as securely attached as their non-
reported fewer positive parentchild relationships in transracial
adopted counterparts. However, children who were adopted after
adoptees compared to same-race adoptees, we did not replicate
their rst birthday showed signicantly less attachment security than
these results. Attachment ndings were independent of type of
non-adopted children and this effect size was large. As hypothesized,
placement domestic or international and same-race or transracial
placements. However, as Rosenthal et al. (1991) primarily attributed
See footnote 1. the differences to differing characteristics at adoptive placement, and
418 L. van den Dries et al. / Children and Youth Services Review 31 (2009) 410421

Singer et al.'s (1985) study was based on a small sample size (n = 19 Foster care arrangements may differ in the USA and Europe (for
transracially adopted infants), the results of the meta-analysis are not example offering adoption from foster care or not; Jones, 2008;
unexpected. The fact that parents and children do not share the same Warman & Roberts, 2003). One of the limitations of our meta-analyses
race or the same country of origin may not be essential for the is that only one of the foster care studies was conducted outside of the
development of new attachment relationships. The (changed) envir- USA (Oosterman, 2007). With the jackknife procedure (see Method)
onment provided by the parents is probably of more signicance. In the meta-analytic outcomes were similar when this specic foster
the same vein, similarities between same-race and transracial care study was removed from the analyses.
adoptees have been found in a meta-analysis on self-esteem (Juffer Because a relatively limited number of studies were available for
& Van IJzendoorn, 2007). our meta-analysis, we could only examine broad categories for
Age at assessment and time in the family were not signicant example, continents of origin instead of separate countries and
moderators either. We had hypothesized that children would need within the broad categories contrasting study outcomes may remain
some time before they could prot from the new family environment. hidden until more primary studies become available. A risk factor like
However, as all but one of the studies examining children who had deprivation or pre-placement adversity is an important predictor of
lived in their adoptive family for less than a year reported on children child development. Unfortunately, this moderator could not be
who had lived with their new family for at least eight months, these included in the meta-analyses since in many studies insufcient
results are not that surprising. Eight months may be sufcient time to information about the care background of the children was reported.
develop a secure attachment relationship with the new parents. Moreover, important details of the children's caregiving history could
Moreover, with the exception of one study, all studies examining not be taken into account because they were unknown in many
children who had lived in their adoptive family for less than a year studies (e.g., number of placements). Similarly, we could not include
reported on early placed children, who are expected to develop secure adoptive parents' sensitivity or parenting behavior, or their attach-
attachment relationships as often as non-adopted children. In the ment representation.
same vein, Stovall-McClough and Dozier (2004) reported that early In our meta-analyses we have compared children adopted before
placed foster children already began to show secure attachment and after one year of age. It would be interesting to distinguish more
behaviors within the rst two months of their placement. subgroups, for example children adopted between one and two years
As expected, age at placement was a signicant moderator for of age, and children adopted after two years of age. Unfortunately, the
attachment security in adoptees, with early placed adoptees showing set of observational studies including children adopted after their rst
secure attachments as often as non-adopted children. Children who birthday was too small to conduct this analysis.
are placed before their rst birthday may have experienced depriva-
tion for shorter periods of time than later placed adoptees, resulting in 8.5. Clinical implications
a more normative development of attachment relationships (Bowlby,
1982). Alternatively, it may be easier for early placed children to Interventions in adoptive families may be needed to support
become securely attached because they are placed with new parents parents' sensitivity and enhance adopted children's attachment
and receive sensitive care in a stage when attachment is still security (Juffer et al., 2008). A meta-analysis of intervention studies
developing (Ainsworth et al., 1978; Bowlby, 1982). It may be easier showed that interventions that successfully increase parental sensi-
to prevent insecure attachment than to change insecure attachment. tivity are also successful in enhancing attachment security. Further-
more, a doseresponse relation was revealed: interventions with
8.3. Comparison with foster children larger effects on sensitivity resulted in larger effects on attachment
security (Bakermans-Kranenburg et al., 2003). An intervention aimed
To compare adoptees with foster children we conducted additional at promoting adoptive parents' sensitivity not only resulted in
meta-analyses for foster children's attachment security and disorga- increased maternal sensitivity but also in a reduced number of
nization. The effect sizes for attachment security of the adopted and disorganized attachments (Juffer et al., 2005). However, the children
foster children were comparable, as were the effect sizes for in this study were placed at a very early age (M = 10 weeks) and we do
attachment disorganization (adoptees, d = 0.36; foster children, not know whether these ndings can be generalized to (somewhat)
d = 0.35). As mentioned above, the high rate of disorganized attach- older placed children. Comparably, Stovall and Dozier (2000), using
ment of the adopted children may be explained by the inuence of the detailed diaries to study the development of attachment in foster
adverse circumstances these children experienced before their children, concluded that foster parents of late placed foster children
placement. The same might be true for the foster children, as many not only need to be sensitive to promote secure attachments, but also
of them have also experienced maltreatment and/or neglect before need to provide therapeutic caregiving by challenging the foster
placement (e.g., Chernoff et al., 1994). children's alienating behavior. Promising intervention studies in foster
families targeting children's attachment behavior as well as their
8.4. Limitations biobehavioral stress regulation point to positive effects on attachment
security and neurobiological adaptation (Dozier, 2003; Dozier, Albus,
Although publication bias was present in all sets of studies, most Fisher, & Sepulveda, 2002; Dozier, Higley, Albus, & Nutter, 2002;
effect sizes remained signicant after correction for such a bias Fisher, Gunnar, Dozier, Bruce, & Pears, 2006). Further research on the
through the trim-and-ll procedure. The effect size for the total set of inuence of parenting behavior on children's attachment behavior
studies on attachment relationships was small before trimming after the adoptive placement may reveal new insights into how
(d = 0.24), and lost its signicance after trimming. Similarly, in the adopted children become securely attached. In addition, intervention
core set, the effect size for attachment security in the adoptive group studies with adoptive families may show how insecure attachment
was not signicant after trimming. The fact that studies had to be strategies can be changed, how long this process usually takes and
trimmed and lled may point to a le-drawer problem (Mullen, 1989), which behavioral and neurobiological mechanisms can be held
suggesting that non-signicant results in this eld are not published responsible for recovery.
as much as signicant outcomes. Rosenthal (1991, p. 106) suggested
that a fail-safe number of 5k + 10 (k = number of studies included) is a 9. Conclusion
general criterion for robustness. This criterion was not achieved for
any of the sets, suggesting that the outcomes of our meta-analyses In conclusion, this meta-analysis suggests that adopted children
must be interpreted with some caution. can overcome early adversity and risks and form secure attachments
L. van den Dries et al. / Children and Youth Services Review 31 (2009) 410421 419

as often as their normative counterparts. The same was true of foster Chugani, H. T., Behen, M. E., Muzik, O., Juhasz, C., Nagy, F., & Chugani, D. C. (2001). Local
brain functional activity following early deprivation: A study of postinstitutiona-
children. These outcomes lend support to Bowlby's (1952, 1988)
lized Romanian orphans. Neuroimage, 14, 12901301.
hypothesis that corrective attachment experiences may enhance Cicchetti, D., & Barnett, D. (1991). Attachment organization in maltreated preschoolers.
attachment security. But this catch-up is not without limits: Children Development and Psychopathology, 3, 397411.
Cicchetti, D., Rogosch, F. A., & Toth, S. (2006). Fostering secure attachment in infants in
who are adopted after their rst birthday are less capable of
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