Comparative Study Between Distributed and Collocated Teams in Agile Software Development
Comparative Study Between Distributed and Collocated Teams in Agile Software Development
Comparative Study Between Distributed and Collocated Teams in Agile Software Development
Volume No.04, Special Issue No.01, February 2015 ISSN (Print) 2394-1529, (Online) 2394-1537
Shubhra Dwivedi
Department of Computer Science, IITM , Delhi(India)
The internet world is changing rapidly which has led to the change in the Software Development models. Many
SDLC models have been developed like Waterfall Model, Build and Fix Model, Iterative Enhancement Model,
Rapid Application Development Model, Evolutionary Process Models but no model is able to satisfy the customers
by delivering 100% error free, client satisfactory product. This has led to the development of Agile software
methodologies for software development.
The meaning of the term Agile is: Quick and Well Coordinated in Movement. Mostly widely used Agile
Methodologies are: Extreme Programming, Scrum , Dynamic System Development Method (DSDM), Adaptive
Software Development (ASD).
Software development has now become multi-site, multicultural, globally distributed undertaking. More number of
organizations are distributing their software development process worldwide to achieve higher profits, productivity,
quality and lower cost. This change has profound impact not only on marketing and distribution but also on the way
products are conceived, designed, constructed, tested and delivered to customers.
Out of the 12 principles of Agile Manifesto, one of the main principles is: Collocation of team members.i.e all the
team members working on a project should be at the same location. But today many companies have adopted Agile
Methodology with their teams distributed in various areas.
Collocation of team has positive impact on factors like feedback, performance targets, trust, team identity, conflict
management, goal, fun etc, but it has negative impact on factors such as morale, no privacy, lot of noise.
Distributed teams face problems in terms of time zones and working hours, cultural and language differences,
availability and access to tools, file sharing etc. But these problems can be solved using document management
tools, Use of teleconference, videoconferencing facility, Establish centralized wikis and discussion forums
This research paper will do a comparison between collocated teams and distributed teams and find the advantages
and disadvantages of both and try to find out which one is better.
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International Journal of Science Technology & Management
Volume No.04, Special Issue No.01, February 2015 ISSN (Print) 2394-1529, (Online) 2394-1537
Keywords: Agile manifesto, Agile methodologies, Agile software development, Collocation of teams,
Distributed Software Development
The development of any software for example: Railway Reservation System, Online Banking System etc. is referred
to as Software Development. There are many types of software applications that can be grouped in eight areas:
System Software, Real time software, Embedded Software, Business Software, Personal Computer Software,
Artificial Intelligence Software, Web Based Software, Engineering and Scientific Software.[1,2]
Many steps are involved in the development of any software. Various models have been developed for producing
good quality maintainable software within reasonable time frame and at affordable price. Some of these models are:
Waterfall Model, Build and Fix Model, Iterative Enhancement Model, Rapid Application Development Model,
Evolutionary Process Models etc.[1,2]
Instead of the development of so many software models, we cannot find any software to be 100% error free, 100%
qualitative, 100% customer satisfactory. To overcome all these problems, Agile Software Development came into
Out of the 12 principles introduced in Agile Manifesto, one principle is, The teams should be collocated. That is:
All the members of a team should develop a project by working at the same place. But today we can see through
previous research that Software development has now become multi-site, multicultural, globally distributed
undertaking. More number of organizations are distributing their software development process worldwide to
achieve higher profits, productivity, quality and lower cost. This change has profound impact not only on marketing
and distribution but also on the way products are conceived, designed, constructed, tested and delivered to
Both agile and distributed software developments (GSD) are growing trends as software business requires quicker
quality production at a cheaper price. Distributed development is a fact of life for many agile teams. Most of the
Agile methodologies (e.g. SCRUM) assume that the team is located in a single room. Unfortunately this principle
does not fit in the real scenario where agile teams are also distributed across the globe. Factors like expanding
business to new markets, creating high quality employee pool, reduced costs through outsourcing to regions with
cheaper development overheads are the main driving forces for organizations opting for distributed development.
The purpose of this research project is to make a comparison between both the approaches of Agile Software
Development collocated and distributed and try to analyze which approach is better.
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International Journal of Science Technology & Management
Volume No.04, Special Issue No.01, February 2015 ISSN (Print) 2394-1529, (Online) 2394-1537
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 gives a brief background and summarizes related
work. Section 3 discusses the research methodology and explains different steps of conducting this systematic
review. The results of the study are presented in Section 4, and discussion and observations around them are
provided in Section 5. Finally, conclusions and future research directions are presented in Section 6.
In February 2001, 17 software developers met at the Snowbird, Utah resort, to discuss lightweight development
methods. They published the Manifesto for Agile Software Development to define the approach now known as agile
software development. It provides us with the better ways of developing the software.
The way a team works together is much more important than any other process. While a new process can only
improve productivity by a fraction, however if a team works effectively as a cohesive unit, it can improve
productivity by several times. The key features of agile software development are:
1. If a programmer is very brilliant and is working in an ego rich environment, he cant do the task as much as
ordinary programmers working cooperatively as a self disciplined and self organizing team.
2. Customer, one who funds the software development is a valuable and essential team member. Customer is
involved in the scope decisions throughout the project. Whereas in traditional approach, developers decide
everything about the scope of the project.
3. Agile does not give much importance to documentation, as a document can have plenty of information, but
real knowledge is hard to put on paper. The system will get build, but it wont solve the problem like one
guided by an expert on daily basis.
4. The biggest problem with software development is changing requirements. Agile processes accept the
reality of change versus the hunt for complete, rigid specifications.
5. To improve the optimal working structure, team structure improvement is one method employed to
improve software development. An approach known as radical collocation has been devised, whereby
team members are located in the same room known as the team room for the duration of the project.
Agile software focuses on the below underlined approach rather than the approach followed in previous models:
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International Journal of Science Technology & Management
Volume No.04, Special Issue No.01, February 2015 ISSN (Print) 2394-1529, (Online) 2394-1537
The meaning of the term Agile is: Quick and Well Coordinated in Movement. The processes we describe as Agile
are environments for a team to learn how to be Agile.
According to Highsmith and Cockburn, what is new about agile methods is not the practices they use, but their
recognition of people as the primary drivers of project success, coupled with an intense focus on effectiveness and
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International Journal of Science Technology & Management
Volume No.04, Special Issue No.01, February 2015 ISSN (Print) 2394-1529, (Online) 2394-1537
They are the procedures, business rules, processes and techniques that developers use to develop software [Roberts,
T. et al 1998]. Agile software development methodologies are characterized by iterative development, constant code
integration and production of demonstration modules and prototypes. [Roberts, T. et al 1998]
Agile Modeling
Agile Unified Process (AUP)
Crystal Clear
Crystal Methods
Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM)
Extreme Programming (XP)
Feature Driven Development (FDD)
Kanban (development)
Lean software development
Velocity tracking
According to a research paper, Successful implementation of Agile Software Development Methodology, most
widely used methodologies are: Extreme Programming, Scrum , Dynamic System Development Method (DSDM),
Adaptive Software Development (ASD).
1. Training
2. Management involvement
3. Access to external resources
4. Corporate Size
Factors that did not impact the Software Development Methodology are:
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International Journal of Science Technology & Management
Volume No.04, Special Issue No.01, February 2015 ISSN (Print) 2394-1529, (Online) 2394-1537
Collocation is defined as the physical proximity of the various individuals, teams, functional areas, and
organizational subunits involved in the development of a particular product or process (Rafii, 1995), p.78).
In order to further improve productivity and collaboration, agile teams are known to collocate their team members in
a single room known as a team room.
Radical collocation is a strategy that involves putting an entire project team in one room for the duration of the
project (Teasley, Covi, Krishnan and Olson, 2000, p.339).
This strategy was developed in response to communication difficulties, such as the time wasted on communication
in distributed environments and the regular communication breakdowns that occur on projects. (Teasley et al, 2000).
The concept of war room came into existence in World War II during which major leaders had special rooms
outfitted with key maps and other information as well as the key figures at hand wherein they would meet and
discuss their strategies (Teasley et al, 2000, p. 671).
Software development has now become multi-site, multicultural, globally distributed undertaking. More number of
organizations are distributing their software development process worldwide to achieve higher profits, productivity,
quality and lower cost. This change has profound impact not only on marketing and distribution but also on the way
products are conceived, designed, constructed, tested and delivered to customers.
There are four different ways to distribute software development. Distribution can be defined by its geographical
location and by the control and ownership structure of the project. The control structure can be defined by 2
dimensions: outsourcing means that the company buys the software from some external company and insourcing
means that the company provides the services itself through some internal projects.
Geographical location is defined by dimensions: onshore, which means that all companys development work takes
place in the same country where the headquarters and other operations are located and offshore which means that
part of the development happens abroad. Onshore distribution is called distribution software development or DSD
and offshore distribution is called global software development, GSD.
Both agile and distributed software developments (GSD) are growing trends as software business requires quicker
quality production at a cheaper price. Distributed development is a fact of life for many agile teams. Most of the
Agile methodologies (e.g. SCRUM) assume that the team is located in a single room. Unfortunately this principle
does not fit in the real scenario where agile teams are also distributed across the globe. Factors like expanding
business to new markets, creating high quality employee pool, reduced costs through outsourcing to regions with
cheaper development overheads are the main driving forces for organizations opting for distributed development.
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International Journal of Science Technology & Management
Volume No.04, Special Issue No.01, February 2015 ISSN (Print) 2394-1529, (Online) 2394-1537
According to a Research paper SACJ, No.47, December 2010 Collocation impact on team effectiveness, it can
be seen that collocation has the positive impact on the following factors:
1. Feedback
2. Performance Targets
3. Trust/Mutual Accountability
4. Team Identity
5. Conflict Management
6. Goal
7. Commitment
8. Resources and Morale
9. Improve in communication and knowledge transfer
10. Fun
However team members have also reported a negative impact of collocation. These are:
1. Roles are less emphasized and sometimes team members are required to do a job that is not part of their job
2. Morale of the whole group is often influenced by individuals. If one team member is feeling down, the
whole team is more likely to feel down as well.
3. There is no privacy and there is increased frequency of interruptions.
4. There is a lot of noise and at times reduce the level of concentration.
According to a journal Distributed Agile Software Development, Journal of Computer Science and Engineering,
Volume 1, Issue 1, May 2010
Distribution of software development is becoming more and more common in order to save production cost and
reduce the time to market. Large geographical distance, different time zones and cultural differences in distributed
software development (DSD) leads to weak communication which adversely affects the project. Using agile
practices for distributed development is also gaining momentum in various organizations to increase the quality and
performance of the project.
According to the White Paper of Mindtree, Distributed agile and offshoring antagonism or symbiosis?
Mindtree has proven experience of over 10 years in agile methodologies. They have executed software development,
maintenance and testing projects using agile methodologies with distributed teams as well as collocated offshore
teams. There experience includes:
50,00,000+ man hours of experience in agile projects
1000+ agile team members
100+ ongoing agile projects
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International Journal of Science Technology & Management
Volume No.04, Special Issue No.01, February 2015 ISSN (Print) 2394-1529, (Online) 2394-1537
Their experience in executing projects in onsite-offshore models enables them to apply agile principles and best
practices in distributed teams. In order to make this work at an organizational level, they have created subject matter
experts and agile coaches. They also facilitate training programs on distributed agile to build agile capabilities in
their organization. These are the crucial steps they have adopted to make it work. They promote agile through
Mindtree Agile Council and Agile Community. Mindtree Agile Council, a team of agile experts, focuses on
nurturing agile capabilities at Mindtree and facilitating competency building programs. Agile Community at
Mindtree is a knowledge management community that provides a common platform for all practitioners and
promotes knowledge sharing. In addition to these they contribute to external conferences and online media by
sharing their success stories, presenting white papers and participating in discussions.
According to White paper, Distributed Agile Pointless or Possible by SQS.COM, Most common challenges
faced by the Distributed Development Teams are:
Time zones and working hours
Cultural and language differences
Availability and access to tools
File sharing
Team dynamics
Telephone dynamics
Collocated teams according to them have the highest rate of success as the members of the team communicate face
to face. They benefit from communication fidelity the degree of accuracy between the meaning intended and the
meaning interpreted (Petersen,2007):
55% of the meaning is conveyed by physical body language,
38% is conveyed by culture-specific voice tonality, and
Only 7% of the meaning is conveyed by words.
Much of the focus around communication and working side by side is about building trust.
The solutions suggested for the problems of Distributed teams are:
Establish a synchronization and communication plan
Use interactive communication software with a voice layer to assist in keeping all parties across distributed
teams engaged
Use of teleconference, videoconferencing facility
Shared drive
Document management tools
Establish centralized wikis and discussion forums
Develop a common low level vocabulary where you understand each other and develop from there
Onsite coordinator
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International Journal of Science Technology & Management
Volume No.04, Special Issue No.01, February 2015 ISSN (Print) 2394-1529, (Online) 2394-1537
According to a research paper, Successful implementation of Agile Software Development Methodology, Non-
collocated (Distributed) teams use software tools such as instant messaging(IM) or e-mail to compensate for the lack
of casual interactions associated with collocation[Brush ,A.J., & Borning, A.2003 and Teasley, S.D., & Covi,
L.A.2003].A growing number of industries including financial services, technology, and telecommunications
business integrate IM as a part of their standard business operating procedures [Isaacs, A. et al 2002, King, J. 2004
and King, J. et al 2003]. Geographically distributed teams use IM and collaboration software to facilitate
communication between members and customers and minimize miscommunication [Herring, C. 2001].Collaborative
software may support synchronous or asynchronous communications.
Baheti et al [Baheti, P. et al 2002] investigated the effect of providing distributed XP development teams with
videoconferencing technology. These researchers assigned programming projects to 37 groups of university
students. To provide valid results, a control group of 24 of the teams were collocated and 13 were geographically
distributed. The distributed teams were given a videoconferencing tool with multiple cameras and wall-sized image
projections. The videoconferencing tool assisted the distributed teams to be as productive as collocated teams and
produce code that had the same amount of errors as the code produced by the collocated teams [Baheti, P. et al
According to the primary research done by me by getting an Online Survey filled from a Software Company in
Noida working under Agile Methodology, I could find the following points:
Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Disagree Agree
Disagree nor
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International Journal of Science Technology & Management
Volume No.04, Special Issue No.01, February 2015 ISSN (Print) 2394-1529, (Online) 2394-1537
Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Disagree Agree
Disagree nor
Is the team coordination same as 3 0 7 9 2
in collocated teams?
Does different time zones and 2 0 8 7 4
working hours has any impact on
quality of software?
Does cultural differences and 1 1 6 10 3
language a difference has any
impact on quality of software?
Is any problem faced in access to 0 1 8 4 5
tools and file sharing?
Colocated environment 9
Distributed environment 2
Both collocated and distributed 6
Neither collocated nor distributed 1
Depends upon situtation 3
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International Journal of Science Technology & Management
Volume No.04, Special Issue No.01, February 2015 ISSN (Print) 2394-1529, (Online) 2394-1537
TABLE 3: Which approach is better - team working in a collocated environment or team working
in a distributed environment?
This research was done for a company using SCRUM methodology of Agile Software Development and the number
of respondents who gave response were 21. Most of them have agreed that collocated environment is better , but
some of them have also said that it depends upon project and situtation which approach is better. In further papers, a
detailed analysis of all the different methodologies using in Agile software development can be made which will
give a clear picture of which approach is better working in collocated teams or working in distributed teams.
[1] K K Aggarwal, Yogesh Singh, Software Engineering, New Age International, 01-Jan-2005 , Pg 2 - 32
[2] Pankaj Jalote, An Integrated Approach to Software Engineering , Third Edition , Pg 2 - 69
[3] James Shore , The Art of Agile Development, Pg 3 -39
[4] Jim Highsmith , Agile Project Management : Creating Innovative Products , Pg 27 - 100
[5] Mike Cohn , Succeeding with Agile: Software Development using SCRUM , Pg 4-63
[6] Mike Cohn , Agile Estimating and Planning , Pg 1-67
[7] Jim Highsmith , Lyssa Adkins , Mike Cohn, Coaching Agile Teams: A Companion For ScrumMasters, Agile
Coaches, And Project Managers In Transition, Pg 3-72
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International Journal of Science Technology & Management
Volume No.04, Special Issue No.01, February 2015 ISSN (Print) 2394-1529, (Online) 2394-1537
[8] Humphrey, A Discipline for Software Engineering , Pearson Publication, First Edition 2008
Web Reference
Biographical Notes
Mrs. Shubhra Dwivedi is working as an Assistant Professor in Computer Science Department in IITM, Janak Puri ,
affiliated to Indraprastha University , Delhi from last 5.5 years and pursuing PHD in Computer Science from JIMS
(Jaipur). She has total 9 years of experience in teaching and corporate.
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