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Thomas D.


The Special and

General Theory of

Preface 3

1 Classical Relativity 4
1.1 Frames of Reference 4
1.2 The Galilean-Newtonian Relativity Principle 6
1.2.1 Galilean Velocity Addition 6
1.2.2 The Galilean Transformation 7

2 Special Relativity 11
2.1 Einsteins Postulates 11
2.1.1 Einsteins Two Postulates of Special Relativity 12
2.1.2 The Lorentz Transformation 14
2.1.3 Relativistic Addition of Velocities 19
2.1.4 The Michelson-Morley Experiment 23
2.2 Simultaneity 28
2.3 Time Dilation 31
2.3.1 Time Dilation 31
2.3.2 The Twin Paradox 40
2.3.3 Decay of the Muon 40
2.4 Length Contraction 43
2.4.1 Length Contraction 43
2.5 Relativistic Momentum 50
2.6 Relativistic Mass 52
2.7 Relativistic Energy 54
2.8 Relativistic Doppler Effect 60

3. General Relativity 63
3.1 Inertial Mass and Gravitational Mass 63
3.2 The Principles of Equivalence and Covariance 64
3.3 Tests of the General Theory of Relativity 66
3.4 Geometry of Spacetime 67
3.5 Einsteins Curvature of Spacetime 69
3.6 Black Holes 69

4. Problems 73

References 81

Internet Resources 82
It is called annus mirabilis, the year 1905. An unknown clerk in the Bern Patent Office in Switzerland
published a succession of four papers in the prestigious German journal Annalen der Physik, and the world of
physics was changed forever.
During this miraculous year, Albert Einstein revolutionized the field of physics with his special theory of
relativity, which along with the work of other scientists in the emerging field of quantum mechanics, such as
Niels Bohr, Werner Heisenberg, Wolfgang Pauli, and Erwin Schrdinger, laid the foundation for modern
physics. The emergence of this paradigm shift not only brought about new concepts of the universe but also a
counterintuitive view of space and time. Now common sense in scientific investigation was blatantly
violated, as scientists grappled with new questions about reality.
Accustomed to Newtonian deterministic laws, physicists were now faced with an array of observations at
the microscopic level where only probabilities of behavior made sense. Strange things happened with which
Newtonian (classical) physics was no longer equipped to deal, shattering the illusion that after
electromagnetism, optics, and mechanics were understood at the end of the nineteenth century, there was not
much else left for physicists to do but refine their theories and tie up the loose ends. The dual wave-particle
nature of matter, the impossibility of defining both momentum and position of a particle simultaneously, the
superposition of quantum states, and other quantum phenomena soon exposed the inadequacy of classical
physics and called for a radical view.
While quantum mechanics was raising tough questions, Einstein introduced a concept of space and time
that deepened our understanding of the behavior of macrostructures such as the stars, the galaxies, and the
universe. Of the four papers Einstein submitted, one described the ejection of electrons by photons, now
called the photoelectric effect, which helped build the foundation for quantum theory, and which earned him
the Nobel prize for physics in 1921. Another paper determined the sizes of molecules from a study of sugar
molecules in a water solution, and the number of molecules in a given mass of a substance. The next paper
showed how the irregular, zigzagging movements, called Brownian motions, of particles of smoke provide
evidence of the existence of molecules and atoms. But the most important is his paper on special relativity.
This seminal work from a patent clerk who had to hide his outside investigation in his office drawer whenever
he heard footsteps is nothing short of miraculous. Now we know that neither time nor space is absolute, and
that we can only speak of time and space in relation to some frame of reference, and that they differ
depending on the frames of reference.
Special relativity, as its name implies, is only a special case of the general theory of relativity, and deals
with phenomena that occur in inertial reference frames. The general theory investigates behavior in non-
inertial frames. We will examine the theory of relativity in its totality.
The tripartite division of this monograph aims at treating the concept of relativity with the thoroughness
that will satisfy the curious as well as the student of relativity.
To fix the theory firmly in the readers mind, I have included copious examples and problems for practice.
Some students of physics may find them useful.
As this year marks the one hundredth anniversary of the special theory of relativity, a review of the theory
of relativity is a fitting tribute to the genius who dominated science and popular imagination for much of the
twentieth century.

Thomas D. Le
31 December 2005
1. Classical Relativity
1.1 Frame of Reference

Einsteins special theory of relativity introduced in 1905 describes the world as it is. Our conception of space
and time radically changes by this new insight, and we gain a deeper understanding of physical reality as a
result. However, the idea of relativity had existed since Galileos time, albeit as a constricted one that was
adequate enough to account for everyday phenomena within the framework of classical physics. Einsteins
contribution was a paradigm shift, not only in that it extended relativity to a wider range of phenomena as it
refines the theory but also in that it reveals the universe as vastly different from one conceived with the
classical physics paradigm.
The fundamental question of special relativity deals with the differences between the measurements of a
single phenomenon made in two different frames of reference that move with a uniform speed relative to each
other. These measurements are of space and time since all natural phenomena occur within reference frames
that are defined in terms of space and time. Specifically, a phenomenon (or an event) occurs within the three
dimensions of space and one dimension of time, all of which delimit a frame of reference. Although
intuitively we may feel that time is somehow different from space, as we know more about Einsteins theory
of relativity, we will be convinced that space and time are just part of a continuum, part of the fabric of
Let us now begin our inquiry with the frame of reference. While riding in a car traveling at a constant
speed of 60 miles per hour, you throw a ball up in the air. Where does it land? Straight down into your hand
if you do not move. This observation would be identical if you carried out the same experiment standing in
your living room. The law of gravity works the same way in either case. Yet you were in two different
frames of reference, a car moving with uniform speed and a motionless room. There is no experiment you
can think of that shows from the behavior of the tossed ball whether you are in a moving car or in a room at
rest. We call them inertial reference frames because they are either at rest or moving at a constant velocity.
Now think of an observer standing by the roadside while your car was driving past. How did she see the
ball drop? To her the ball did not fall down vertically as you had experienced. She saw it fall forward with
the velocity of the car in a parabolic curve. The parabolic path of the ball is in accordance with the laws of
mechanics. Clearly the ball trajectory differs depending on the frames of reference again, i.e., whether the
observer is moving or stationary. However, the stationary observer is in a different inertial frame than the
passenger in the car. The observers reference frame is the earth. Although the earth revolves around its axis
and orbits the sun, for practical purposes and for the time being, we can regard its acceleration and rotation as
negligible, and the earth as an inertial frame. This shows that motion is not absolute but relative to the
reference frame in which it occurs. There is equivalence of the laws of mechanics (e.g., law of inertia, of
universal gravitation, and so forth) in different inertial frames of reference. And no inertial frame is
preferred by the laws of mechanics over any other inertial frame since they are all equivalent. You could
indifferently say, in the example above, that the car is moving and the earth is at rest, or the car is at rest and
the earth is moving, which is what the passenger in the car perceives anyway.
The ball-throwing experiment leads to the same result whether you are traveling in a train, on a boat, or in
an airplane moving at a constant (non-accelerated) velocity. The laws of mechanics apply equally to the
passenger as well as to the observer fixed on Earth. For example, when a flight attendant in an airplane pours
coffee, it fills the cup in the same way that it does when you pour it in your kitchen. Everything in an airplane
flying at a uniform speed v of 1000 km/h obeys the same laws of mechanics as it does on earth. To an
observer in the stationary reference frame of the earth, a flight attendant who walks toward the front of the
airplane with the uniform speed u of 3 km/h, adds her speed to that of the airplane. Hence, to an observer on
earth, she travels at: u = u + v, or u = 3 km/h + 1000 km/h = 1003 km/h, although in her own reference
frame of the airplane, she walks 3 km/h. In general, if a reference frame S (e.g., the airplane) moves with a
velocity of v with respect to another reference frame S (e.g., the earth), then the velocity u of an object
relative to the frame S is equal to the sum of the two velocities, v and u, the latter being the velocity of the
object in the moving reference frame S. Of course, if the airplane accelerates as at takeoff or flies through a
disturbance, it is no longer an inertial reference frame, and the laws of mechanics do not apply in the same
way as before.
Let us take the example of the airplane (which we call reference frame S) traveling with a uniform (i.e.,
non-accelerated) velocity of 1000 km/h again. All objects in the airplane are traveling with the same velocity
relative to the earth. Yet when a passenger in her seat picks up a book to read, they are both at rest relative to
the airplane. When she lets go of the book, it falls straight down just as it does in her living room, in
accordance with the law of gravity. There is nothing inside the airplane, other than the rumbling of the
engines and the occasional display on the monitor in the seat in front of her, that tells her she is traveling at
1000 km/h. The book she is reading travels with the same velocity as she is, so to her it is stationary. To an
earth-bound observer (which we call reference frame S) the book is not motionless. Who is correct, the
passenger or the observer? Both are correct. The difference in their experience comes from the frames of
reference in which they find themselves. The passenger and her book are at rest with respect to the reference
frame of the plane and are moving at 1000 km/h with respect to the reference frame of the earth. Or you can
even correctly say that the flying airplane is at rest and the earth is moving. Any airplane traveler thinks this
is the case. The classical laws of mechanics, such as the law of universal gravitation, apply equally in both
reference frames. Again, there is no one inertial frame that is better or preferred over any other inertial
Now suppose that you are in a cabin of a ship moving in a straight line with constant speed. If you drop a
book from the ceiling, it falls straight down, in exactly the same way it would in your house. Not only that, it
accelerates at 9.8 m/s2 as it does on shore. Since your reference frame is an inertial frame, according to
Galileo, the uniform movement of the reference frame has no observable effects. Newtons first law of
motion (the law of inertia) and second law (the time rate-of-change of momentum) apply in this case. In fact,
all laws of mechanics apply as well.
These examples and countless others like them show that there is no such thing as absolute motion.
There is motion only relative to a given frame of reference. Galileo and Newton knew this and called it
relativity. (See Section 1.2. below.)
As an illustration, a reference frame S (the unprimed frame) is represented by a set of coordinates {x, y, z,
t}, called Cartesian coordinates, the first three of which are graphically represented by three lines that are
perpendicular to one another, with the observer normally placed at their common origin O, as in Figure 1-1
below, where x, y, and z are spatial dimensions, and t is the time dimension. The time dimension t does not
have a graphical representation. To measure an event (an event occurs in some reference frame) we must
know not only where it occurred but also when it did. Hence a fourth dimension is needed. Likewise, a
reference frame S (the primed frame) is described by the set of coordinates {x, y, z, t}.

vt x

direction of motion

O S P x


x x

z z

Figure 1-1. Frames of reference

Figure 1-1 illustrates two reference frames: The (unprimed) frame S is at rest and the (primed) frame S is in
motion (We normally make S the moving frame.). We can consider S as the inertial frame moving with a
constant velocity v for time t in the x direction, for example, a passenger in a train at O. In the frame S the
passenger at O sits a distance x from the back of the seat just in front of her at P. The train is moving away
from the stationary observer at O (not shown) on the ground in the frame S. The distance x from the ground
observer to the seat in front of the onboard passenger, which is equal to the distance vt + x, will increase as
the train moves away with velocity v. Keep this in mind for the velocity addition discussed in Section 1.2.1
By now, we can see, when speaking of space and time, that everything exists in some frame of reference.
Hence, the most important factor in solving relativity problems is to identify the reference frame.

1.2 The Galilean-Newtonian Relativity Principle

The concept of relative motion was known to Galileo and Newton (sometimes called Galilean or Newtonian
relativity) in the seventeenth century. According to this principle, if the laws of mechanics apply in one
inertial reference frame, they also apply in any other inertial reference frame moving with constant velocity
relative to the first one, so that it is impossible to tell whether an inertial frame is at rest or in motion. In
other words, all inertial frames are equivalent and there is no preferred inertial frame. You can verify this
with your own experience. While sitting in a train ready to leave the station, you observe the train on the next
track moving. For a while you are not sure if your train or the other is pulling out of the station. You can tell
only by looking out the window using the background scene as reference point. The same can be said of an
observer in the other train. Likewise, while looking out the window of a standing airplane with its engines on,
if you see another plane taxiing nearby, you cannot at first tell which plane moves without referring to a fixed
object on the ground.
In classical physics, the Galilean or Newtonian relativity principle holds that all Newtonian laws of
mechanics behave the same way in all inertial frames. This is the basic assumption of classical mechanics.
And it conforms to common sense as we do not expect these laws to differ when we change places. Indeed,
Newtons laws of motion can perfectly account for motions of macrostructures at speeds far less than the
speed of light.
However, the Galilean relativity principle failed to apply to Maxwells theory of electromagnetism, which
had been quite successful in describing electromagnetic phenomena, of which light was believed to be one.
While the electromagnetic equations predicted the speed of light to be c = 3 x 108 m/s, the Galilean
transformations allowed a moving body to exceed the speed of light (See Section 1.2.1). This contradiction
and studies of motions with velocities approaching that of light soon revealed the inadequacies of Newtons
laws and the Galilean relativity principle. The remedy comes from Einsteins special theory of relativity,
which can account for objects moving at any speed from zero up to c, thus making the Galilean relativity
principle a special case.

1.2.1 Galilean Velocity Addition

Common sense tells us that if a moving person throws a ball forward, the speed of the ball is equal to the
persons speed plus the balls speed. This addition of velocity is a natural result observed in our daily
experience, and we never think twice about its consequences for our intuition agrees with the physics of the
phenomenon. Nothing we experience contradicts this observation. We can formalize the observation with an
Suppose a passenger walks at the speed u of 3 m/s toward the front of a train traveling at a constant speed
v of 30 m/s. What is the speed of the passenger as measured by an observer standing on the platform?
Taking the train as the S frame and the observer on the platform as the S frame, we have:

u = u + v = 3 m/s + 30 m/s = 33 m/s

where u is the passengers speed relative to the earth (i.e., the stationary observer), u is the speed of the
passenger as measured in the S frame, and v the speed of the train. This equation represents the Galilean
velocity addition. As far as the train passenger is concerned, he moves only 3m/s.
Now, if the same passenger walks toward the rear of the train with the same speed, he is moving in the
direction opposite to that of the train, or u = 3 m/s. More formally, if the train moves along the x-axis in the
x-direction, then the passenger moves in the x-direction. Substituting this value of u in the formula, we
obtain the passengers speed with respect to the stationary observer in S:

u = u + v = 3 m/s + 30 m/s = 27 m/s.

Again, as far as the train passenger is concerned, he moves only 3 m/s. Though both passenger and observer
observed the same phenomenon, they arrived at different conclusions. Yet they are both right because this
relativity is the nature of the physical world.
Note that our example illustrates everyday speeds, which are far less than the speed of light, or v << c.
And since we never experience any speeds close to c in daily life, we never suspect anything remiss about
classical relativity. The addition of velocity seems to be working correctly.

To see how this velocity addition within the Galilean (classical) relativity does not work at a speed close
to the speed of light, consider a Gedanken (thought) experiment. Instead of a passenger in a train, think of an
astronaut traveling in a spaceship with the speed close to that of light, v = 0.90 c, and he shoots a rocket
forward in the direction of motion of the spaceship at u = 0.15 c with respect to the spaceship. What is the
rockets speed relative to an observer on the earth?
Applying the Galilean velocity addition above, we get:

u = u + v (1)

u = 0.15 c + 0.90 c = 1.05 c.

where c is the speed of light. Since u is greater than the speed of light, either the Galilean velocity addition is
wrong or Maxwells electromagnetic theory is wrong. Maxwells electromagnetic theory predicts that the
speed of light is independent and has a definite value c 3 x 108m/s. However, Maxwells theory, which was
proven correct in numerous experiments conducted under all sorts of conditions, would be contradicted
because then light would propagate at different speeds in different reference frames that moved with respect
to the ether, which was believed at the end of the nineteenth century to be the hypothetical medium in which
light moved. The Michelson-Morley experiment in Section 2.1.4 below shows the absence of the ether as
well as the invariance of c. Besides, as we will see in Section 2.1.1 below, the Galilean velocity addition
violates Einsteins second postulate of the special theory of relativity. Before introducing Einsteins special
theory, which will solve this problem and revolutionize our understanding of space and time, we examine
how the Galilean transformation expresses the relationship between an event as measured in the S frame and
the same event as measured in the S frame.

1.2.2 The Galilean Transformation

The Galilean transformation is a set of relations that allows the measurements of an event obtained in one
inertial frame S with coordinates {x, y, z, t} to be converted into measurements of the same event in another
inertial frame S defined by {x, y, z, t}. These measurements are called the Galilean transformation.

x = x + vt x = x vt (2)

y = y y = y

z = z z = z

t = t t = t

y y direction of motion
vt x

O x O x

Figure 1-2. Typical relativity situation: stationary frame S, frame S moving at v relative to S, event P in S.
After time t, P has moved a total of x = vt + x with respect to S.
Let us see how this transformation came about.
Figure 1-2 shows a typical situation, a frame at rest S, a moving frame S, and an event (object, particle,
spacecraft) P moving in S. We assume that inertial reference frames S and S have their x-axes along the
same line. Let the origin O of frame S move with constant velocity v in the direction of the common x-axis,
i.e., to the right. Suppose for simplicity that at time t = t = 0 the two points of origin coincide, so that at
some later time t, they are separated by the distance measured by the product of the velocity v and the time
elapsed t or vt. An event denoted P moving with frame S could then be described by either the coordinates
of frame S, {x, y, z}, or those of frame S, {x, y, z}. Its x coordinate in the S frame is then:

x = x + vt

and its x coordinate in the S frame is simply the inverse:

x = x vt

The minus sign makes sense because relative to an event P in frame S, which moves rightward, frame S
moves to the left. Given that only the distance along the x-axis changes, and there is no change along the y-
axis or the z-axis, Ps y and z values are unchanged in both frames:

y = y

z = z

And since in classical physics both time and space are considered absolute, clocks in the two inertial frames
show the same time. Hence:

t = t

Note that in the first set of relations, all the values on the left-hand side are unprimed and the values on the
right-hand side are primed. Just the reverse is true in the second set of relations. The equations in the second
set are directly derivable from the first set. These correspondences show the underlying assumptions of
classical mechanics, namely that both time and space, as said above, have universal and absolute values. For
example, the equation t = t implies that time is the same regardless of reference frames. As we saw earlier,
these transformation equations hold true only at velocities much less than the speed of light, v << c.
However, at speeds approaching the speed of light, they fail, as we have seen in Section 1.2.1 above.
To see how the equations of the Galilean transformation (2) are related to the Galilean velocity addition
(1), consider the point P moving in the x-direction with constant velocity v relative to frame S again. Its
velocity u relative to frame S is u = x / t, and its velocity u relative to frame S is u = x / t.
Intuitively, these are related to equation (1), u = u + v, of the Galilean velocity addition.
We could derive the equation (1) from the equation (2). Suppose the particle P is at coordinate x1 or x1 at
time t1, and at coordinate x2 or x2 at time t2. The elapsed time is then t = t2 t1. From Equation (2), we get:

x = x2 x1 = (x2 x1) + v(t2 t1) = x + vt

x / t = x / t + v

u = u + v (1)

As seen above, this last equation of velocity addition poses a serious problem. It allows the speed of light to
be exceeded, contrary to the special theory of relativitys second postulate. The Galilean velocity addition
allows u to be greater than c, if u is very close to c. However, for everyday events where speeds are much
less than c, the Galilean-Newtonian framework works perfectly well.
Now that we have discussed the Galilean principle of relativity and its shortcomings at speeds close to the
speed of light, we will turn to Einsteins theory of relativity and see how it revolutionized our view of space
and time.
As a review, let us apply the equations above to a few examples.
Example 1. A passenger on a train moving at 100 km/h is walking toward the front at a speed of 5 km/h.
What is the speed of the passenger with respect to an observer standing on the ground as the train passes?

Solution. This is a classical velocity addition. The train is the moving frame S whose speed is v = 100 km/h
carrying a passenger whose speed is u = 5 km/h, and the observer is at rest in frame S. Applying the Galilean
velocity addition formula yields the passengers speed relative to the stationary ground observer:

u = u + v

u = 5 km/h + 100 km/h = 105 km/h.

Example 2 A train traveling at 120 km/h carrying a passenger who is walking toward its rear at 4 km/h. To
a stationary observer on the ground, how fast is the passenger moving?

Solution. This example is analogous to Example 1. However, instead of moving in the direction of the train,
the passenger moves in the opposite direction making his speed a negative value. The same velocity addition

u = u + v

u = 4 km/h + 120 km/h = 116 km/h.

Example 3 A ground observer at rest measures the speed of an airline passenger in flight walking toward the
front of the airplane to be 1026 km/h. Knowing the airplanes speed to be 1020 km/h, how fast is the
passenger moving?

Solution. This example is analogous to the other examples above. Applying the velocity addition equation,
we get:

u = u + v

1026 km/h = u + 1020 km/h

u = 1026 km/h 1020 km/h = 6 km/h.

Example 4 Consider the frame S and S at t = t = 0, when O and O coincide (Refer to Figure 1-2). Frame
S moves with the speed v = 45 m/s with respect to the frame S. A particle P in S finally comes to rest at
coordinates x = 30 m, y = 25m, and z = 0. Calculate the position of P with respect to S (x, y, z) at (a) t =
2.0 s, and (b) t = 90.0 s.

Solution. (a) We use the Galilean transformation equation (2) to get the x coordinate at t = 2.0 s:

x = x vt (2)

y = y

z = z

30 m = x 45 m/s x 2 s = x 90 m

x = 30 m + 90 m = 120m.

Since the motion of P is only in the x-direction, its y and z coordinates remain unchanged: y = 25m, and z =

(b) Applying the Galilean transformation again, we get the x coordinate t = 90.0 s:
30 m = x 45 m/s x 90 s = x 405 m

x = 30 m + 405 m = 435 m.

Again, Ps y and z coordinates remain unchanged: y = 25m and z = 0.

2. Special Relativity
2.1 Einsteins Postulates

In a paper of 1905, Einstein introduced an elegant and simple theory to show that time and space are not
absolute, but vary depending on the reference frames. He called it the special theory of relativity because it
applies only to a special set of reference frames called inertial, i.e., frames in which everything is at rest or
moving at a constant, non-accelerated velocity. We will see in Chapter 3 that the special theory is only a
special case of the general theory, which deals with all sorts of motions, including accelerated motions.
The special theory of relativity is based on two simple postulates. Taken separately, the two postulates
that form the foundation of the special theory seem innocuous. The first postulate is a generalization of the
classical relativity principle, merely extending its application to all of physics, including mechanics,
electrodynamics, optics, and thermodynamics. Even the second postulate positing the speed of light as
constant regardless of the motion of any frames of reference, though requiring adjustment of our view of the
physical world, does not tax our credulity excessively. And although the mathematics involved change
accordingly, they are remarkably simple. It is only when applied together that the postulates produce startling
results that revolutionize our understanding of space, time, and the universe.
We will see that instead of being absolute and unchanging, time changes with reference frames. A minute
in your living room does not have the same duration as a minute in a jet plane flying at Mach 1. It is
because a traveling clock runs slower than a stationary one, a phenomenon called time dilation. Not only do
clocks run slower in fast-moving frames of reference, all physical processes also run slower. A persons
heartbeat, metabolism, aging process slow down accordingly. Is this an illusion, or is it the nature of time? It
is not an illusion. One consequence of time dilation is that given appropriately advanced technology
astronauts in the distant future could travel through intergalactic space within their lifetime and come back to
earth younger than the friends they had left behind. This certainly is a mind-boggling and tantalizing prospect
for mankind and fertile ground for science-fiction imaginings in the meantime.
Another consequence is that there is no such thing as absolute simultaneous events. Events that are
perceived as simultaneous in one reference frame are not simultaneous in another. But first, what are
simultaneous events? Einstein gave this definition: If I say, for example, the train arrives here at 7, this
means the coincidence of the small hand of my watch with the number 7 and the arrival of the train are
simultaneous events. (Calle, 2002, p. 460) Then he clarified that such a definition is not satisfactory when
events occurring at widely dispersed places are considered. Let us take a trivial case. How can we say that
an event occurring in Tokyo and another event occurring in New York are simultaneous? Suppose a person
in Tokyo and her friend in New York wanted to light up their Christmas trees at the same time and
communicated via telephone to synchronize their actions. They agreed that at the count of three both would
flip the switch on instantly. And they did. Can we say that these two events were simultaneous? No, because
the telephone conversation had to take time to travel across thousands of miles, and by the time friend B heard
the count of three from friend A, the latters clock had shown a later time and she had already thrown the
switch, even if their clocks had been synchronized. Hence the events cannot be described as simultaneous.
However, this example is a rather weak one for both friends are still considered to be within the same inertial
reference frame of the earth. In our thought, it is possible to visualize them synchronizing their clocks at a
distance and experiencing simultaneous events, especially when higher speeds are involved. The situation is
quite different when they are in different reference frames, e.g., one on Earth and the other traveling in a
spaceship. We will see that in these cases simultaneity is relative.
Yet another consequence of special relativity appears in the contraction of distance, called length
contraction. A moving meter stick is shorter than a meter stick at rest. The 20-cm-diameter plate on which
your friends dinner is served on board a rocket ship flying past your space station shrinks relatively to you. In
this respect, time and space seem to be a continuum so that it makes sense to talk about spacetime as the four
dimensions of the universe, the three spatial dimensions and the fourth dimension, which is time. Time
dilation and length contraction are just manifestations of the same consequence of special relativity: you gain
in time what you lose in space when seen from different reference frames. Yet, in each frame of reference, all
laws of physics hold true because all inertial reference frames are equivalent. For most of us, time is so
different from space that calling it the fourth dimension goes against common sense or intuition. We do not
even measure time in the same way we measure length. Yet time and space impinge on our everyday life in
inextricable ways. Suppose your friend and you have a date to meet on the 10 th floor of the Empire State
Building in New York City at the corner of 34th Street and Fifth Avenue at 3 pm Saturday, September 24,
2005. The event is defined by the three dimensions of space, one vertical and two horizontal, with time
making up the fourth. This event cannot possibly take place except in these four dimensions. This is why we
represent it as a system of four coordinates {z, y, z, t} for mathematical discussion. There is no complete
description of motion without time. In order to gain a complete description, we must specify how a body
changes its position over time. To convince yourself, just walk from your bedroom to the kitchen and see if
the clock shows the same time at the beginning as at the end of your trip. If the clock shows the same time,
you dont need t to describe your motion. But the clock does show a different time, and you are moving both
in space and in time.
Now imagine yourself sitting comfortably in an armchair in your living room reading a book from 8 to 9
one evening. To you nothing in your living room moves. Your position is defined spatially by {z, y, z} and
you may think time has nothing at all to do with your position. In reality you are traveling not only through
space but also through time. The event of your reading takes place in the same space in which the earth is
waltzing around the sun for one hour. You may be at rest with respect to the reference frame of the earth,
but the earth is moving from the reference frame of an observer on an asteroid flying by or from the suns
point of view. Your position at rest actually alters with time because the earth moves at v = 3.0 x 104 m/s.
You are in a different location from where you were a second ago. There is nothing you can do to extricate
time from the spatial dimensions.
However, in our everyday experience, when speeds are much smaller than the speed of light, v << c, the
effects of time dilation and length contraction are too small to be perceptible, in the order of nanoseconds and
nanometers. Even our fastest rockets seem to crawl when compared to light. Someday when human
civilization is capable of designing machines that can accelerate continuously to very high speeds, e.g., speeds
approaching light velocity, all of the predictions of the special theory will be commonplace, just as the
classical laws of inertia and of universal gravitation are commonplace today. But before we got carried away
by the thought of space travel at high velocity, we must realize that in order to accelerate to near c we must
produce infinite energy.

2.1.1 Einsteins Two Postulates of Special Relativity

Building on the achievements of Galileo Galilei and Newton, Einstein grounds his special theory on two
simple postulates. With these principles the conflict between Newtonian mechanics and Maxwells
electromagnetic theory is elegantly resolved.

The first postulate, the principle of relativity, states:

The laws of physics are the same in all inertial frames of reference.

This postulate is easy to accept. After all it conforms to our everyday experiences and expectations. For
instance, we would expect the laws of physics (including mechanics, electromagnetism, thermodynamics,
optics) to work similarly in an environment at rest as well as in one moving uniformly. We would not expect
to see coffee flying out of our cup when we fly in an airplane (assuming the plane is not going through a
weather disturbance or accelerating) any more than we would expect to see it do the same in our kitchen.
Also it is impossible to distinguish one inertial reference frame from any other because the laws of physics
apply equally well in any of them. Thus no inertial reference frame, whether at rest or in motion, is preferred
over another. The notion of absolute motion and absolute rest loses all significance. We conclude that
motion is relative.
However, it is the second postulate, called the principle of the constancy of the speed of light, that is
harder to accept.

Light propagates through empty space with a definite speed c independent of the motion of the
source or of the observer.

According to Maxwells electromagnetic equations, the speed of light c derives from the formula:
c = 1 / 0 0
where the constant 0 is the permittivity of vacuum (or free space) and the constant 0 is the permeability
of vacuum, both being used in electric calculations. What is remarkable is that this formula uses electrical
methods to calculate the speed of light instead of a direct measurement.

C2 N s2
1/2 12 ________ 7 _______
c =( 0 0) = [ ( 8.8542 x 10 ) ( 4 x 10 ) ]1/2
2 2
Nm C
= 2.9979 x 108 m/s.

The astounding feat achieved by using electromagnetic methods to establish the speed of light so precisely
leads to the acceptance of light as an electromagnetic wave. This success ranks Maxwells electromagnetic
theory as a great theoretical achievement in physics alongside Newtons laws of motion and Einsteins theory
of relativity. In 1982, using a highly stabilized laser, scientists derived the speed of light from the formula
velocity = wavelength x frequency, v = f as:

c = 299,792,458 1.2 m/s.

For most purposes, we use c = 3.00 x 108 m/s. As scientists are constantly tinkering with light, they are able
to slow it down (Shirber, 2004), stop it, or push it beyond c. But this is another story.
In 1983 the Seventeenth General Conference on Weights and Measures adopted a definition of the meter
based on the above speed of light:

The meter is the length of path traveled by light in vacuum during a time interval of 1/299,792,458
of a second.

Despite all the convincing calculations of the speed of light, the second postulate still runs counter to our
common sense notions. That the speed of light is independent of the motion of its source is not problematic.
In this respect light behaves just as sound does. Once emitted, light and sound become independent of their
source or its motion. Sound speed then depends on the medium in which it propagates. And before the
twentieth century, scientists believed that light would be similarly affected by the hypothetical ether wind,
called the luminiferous ether, in which it traveled. We will see how this hypothesis was shattered by the
Michelson-Morley experiment in Section 2.1.4 below.
Yet, we find it hard to believe that a person traveling toward or away from a light source, or just staying
motionless measures the speed of light in vacuum always to be c = 3.00 x 108 m/s. Our intuition would
require us to add or subtract the speed of the observer depending on whether the observer is moving in the
same direction as the light source or in the opposite direction. Now imagine two spaceships: Ship 1 is at rest
with respect to an outside source of light, Ship 2 is moving with velocity v toward the same outside beacon.
Both ships measure the light from the beacon as well as the light from their own internal sources. Ship 1
measures the speed of internal light as well as that of the beacon as c, as is expected from the first postulate.
What about Ship 2? It measures the speed of the internal light as c (according to the second postulate), but it
must measure the beacons light as having speed c also, not c v; for otherwise, both sources of light would
be used as a motion detector to determine that Ship 2 is moving, in violation of the first postulate. Recall that
according to the first postulate all inertial reference frames are equivalent, i.e., no reference frame is preferred
over any other reference frame.
We conclude that regardless of the speed of an inertial observers motion toward or away from the
source of light, and regardless of the speed of a light sources motion toward or away from the inertial
observer, the speed of light in vacuum is always the constant c.

Example 5. Astronaut A piloting a spaceship traveling eastward with velocity 0.80 c sends a light beam
forward. Some distance away Astronaut B in another spaceship travels westward toward the first spaceship
with velocity 0.85 c. With what speed does Astronaut B see the light beam from Astronaut A pass by?

Solution. The speed of light in free space is always c no matter how fast or slow an inertial observer
(Astronaut B) moves toward or away from it and no matter how fast or slow its source (Astronaut A) moves
toward or away from the inertial observer. This result is also shown mathematically in Example 8 below.
The two postulates at the heart of Einsteins special theory of relativity, though simple in each formulation,
revolutionize our concept of time and space. By giving up the basic assumption of Newtons laws that space
and time are absolute and independent of anything external to them, the special theory reconciles Maxwells
electromagnetism and Newtonian mechanics in a simple way.
In the remaining sections of this chapter, we examine the arguments and experiments that corroborate the
special theory, and discuss its amazing consequences. But first, since we have seen that the Galilean
transformation works only for speeds much less than the speed of light, how do we convert measurements
from one inertial system to measurements in another, one or both of which move at speed close to the speed
of light? This leads to a set of equations, called the Lorentz transformation, which Einstein derived

2.1.2 The Lorentz Transformation

Within the framework of classical physics, where speed is much smaller than the speed of light, v << c, the
Galilean velocity addition and transformation equations are perfectly adequate. However, they will not work
with speeds close to c.
For high speed, the Galilean transformation will be replaced by a new set of transformation equations
called the Lorentz transformation. If we examine the familiar two inertial frame systems, S and S, we can
assume that the new equations will also be linear. Let us assume that the new equations differ from the
Galilean equations by a constant factor and have the forms:

x = (x + vt), y = y, z = z

The constant factor is to be determined; y and z do not change, and t will be derived. Of course, the
converse set will be:

x = (x vt), y = y, z = z

Consider a light beam that leaves the common origin of S and S at time t = t = 0. After a time t it will have
traveled a distance x = ct or x = ct along the x-axis. Substituting these values in the first equations above,
we get:

ct = (ct + vt) = (c + v)t

ct = (ct vt) = (c v)t

t = (c v)t / c

By substituting t in the first equation, we obtain:

ct = (c + v)t = (c + v) (c v) t / c

ct = 2 (c2 v2) t / c

from which we derive , after canceling t:

2 = c / (c2 v2) / c

2 = c2 / (c2 v2)

2 = 1 / (1 v2 / c2)
= 1 / 1 v2 / c2 (3)

Using , we now find the relation between t and t. We substitute x in x:

x = (x vt)= [ (x + vt) vt] = 2 ( x + vt) vt


From known equations above,

ct = (ct + vt)


x = ct or t = x / c

we derive:
ct = (ct + vx / c)

t = (t + vx / c2)
t = 1 / 1 (v2 / c2) (t + vx / c2)

Similarly, we derive t and obtain:

t = 1 / 1 (v2 / c2) (t vx / c2)

The Lorentz transformation equations are then:

x = (x + vt) x = (x vt) (4)

y = y y = y

z = z z = z

t = (t + vx / c2) t = (t vx / c2)

These equations are slightly different from the original transformation proposed by Lorentz to account for the
null result of the Michelson-Morley experiment (Section 2.1.4 below). Einstein (1961, pp. 115-122) arrived
at his Lorentz transformation equations by a totally different derivation. The Lorentz transformation
equations are nothing but the relativistic generalization of the Galilean transformation equations.
As can be surmised, the factor plays a crucial role in relativistic measurements.
= 1 / 1 (v2 / c2) in s (3)

or, since = v / c,
=1/12 in s (3)

The spreadsheet formula for is:

= (1-(v/c)^2)^-(1/2) (5)

Substitute actual values for v and c in the formula (5) to get the result. If v is expressed in terms of c, e.g., 0.95
c, then this v value takes the place of v/c in the formula.

And the spreadsheet formula for the reciprocal 1/ or 1 of is:

1 = (1- (v/c)^2)^(1/2) (6)

Remember that an Excel formula begins with an equal sign. Just substitute the real values for v and c. Table
2-3 below is constructed using this spreadsheet formula.
To simplify the calculations, always try to reduce v to a fraction of c. For example, if v = 3 x 107 m/s,
make it v = 0.10 c. This insures that c2 will not enter into the calculations at all. And the spreadsheet
formulas for and 1 reduce to:

= (1-v^2)^-(1/2) (5a)

1 = (1- v^2)^(1/2) (6a)


in Relativistic Measurements

Since is the factor that affects all relativistic measurements such as relativistic length, time, energy,
mass, and momentum, let us examine in some detail. Its reciprocal 1 is easily derived. Just bear in mind
that >= 1 and 1 <= 1.
(1) In s formulation, v cannot be greater than c, for otherwise the value under the radical sign would be
negative resulting in an imaginary number. However, in the 1960s, some scientists pointed out that there is
nothing in , wherever it may be used, that prevents v being greater than c. They hypothesized the existence
of a fast particle called tachyon (meaning fast), whose speed v > c. If very fast particles existed, their rest
mass m0 would have to be an imaginary number, in the mass formula m = m0 , in order for their mass m to be
real. So far the hypothetical tachyons have not been found. Thus, the speed of light is still the ultimate speed
of the universe.
(2) When v = c, the value under the radical is equal to 0, and is not defined. Therefore, v cannot equal
(3) If v = 0, or v << c, = 1. All objects and events are at rest. Therefore, there are no relativistic effects.
(4) The ratio v / c, also called , controls the value of . If v goes to infinity (an impossibility by the
second postulate), is an imaginary number as the value under the radical is negative. We saw this in (1)
above. If c becomes infinity (which it can never be), = 1, and there are no relativistic effects.
(5) When solving relativistic problems, convert v into a fraction of c to simplify calculations. Thus,
reduces to v in terms of c.
Since the ratio v / c determines the value of , let us examine a few examples of this ratio, and its
reciprocal, all of which occur in relativistic measurements. (Hecht, 1998, p. 964):

Relations between , 1 / , and

__________ __________
=v/c 1 / = 1 (v2 / c2) = 1 / 1 (v2 / c2)
0.000 000 1.000 000 1.000 000
0.100 000 0.994 987 1.005 038
0.200 000 0.979 796 1.020 621
0.300 000 0.953 939 1.048 285
0.400 000 0.916 515 1.091 089
0.500 000 0.866 025 1.154 701
0.600 000 0.800 000 1.250 000
0.700 000 0.714 143 1.400 280
0.800 000 0.600 000 1.666 667
0.900 000 0.435 890 2.294 157
0.990 000 0.141 057 7.088 812
0.999 000 0.044 710 22.366 27
0.999 900 0.014 142 70.712 45
0.999 990 0.004 472 223.607
0.999 999 0.001 414 707.107

1.000 000 0.000 000 division by zero

Table 2-1. Relations between , 1 / , and . These important relations recur wherever relativity
measurements are made, be they relativistic length, time, mass, energy, or momentum.

Since = v / c, the ratio of the speed of a moving object to the speed of light, should never reach 1,
enforces, so to speak, the upper limit for all speeds, which can never be reached except for light. The above
table also shows that at everyday speed, which is very small compared to c, v << c, the Lorentz
transformation reduces to the Galilean transformation because has no effect, being very close to 1. In other
words, the Galilean relativity principle is a special case of the first postulate of the special theory of relativity.
Given that the values and are ubiquitous in relativity problems, let us remember that > 1 and its
reciprocal 1 / < 1 since v in the ratio = v / c is never zero. To avoid to tediousness of calculating when v
is very small, i.e., v << c, it is useful to work out an approximate expression for . We use a binomial
formula to this end.
A binomial formula has this form:

n n(n1) n(n1) (n2)

(a + b)n = an + __
an 1b + __________ an 2b2 + ___________________ an 3b3 + +
1 1 2 1 2 3

n(n1) (n2)(n r + 1)
_______________________________ ____
an rbr + + bn
1 2 3 r

Since the formula for = (1 2) 1/2 is a binomial, we apply the binomial expansion above making a = 1,
b = 2 and n = , retaining only the first two terms, and treating the rest of the terms as negligible:

(1 + b)n 1 + n(an 1b) 1 + n(1 1/2 1)(b) 1 + nb


1 + nb

Substituting the values for n and b in the above relation yields the shortened binomial formula of :

(1 2) 1 + (1/2) ( 2)

1 + 2 / 2 (7)

The spreadsheet formula of relation (7) is:

= 1+(( ^2)/2) (8)

Substitute an actual value for in the formula (8) to get the result. Since = v/c, if v is expressed in terms of
c, e.g., 0.95 c, then this v value takes the place of in the formula.
This approximate value of comes in handy when we need to quickly check our calculation results when
v << c, e.g., up to around v <= 0.6 c.
For v closer to c, v c or 1, the following approximation should be used:

(1 2) = (1 ) (1 + ) 2(1 )

2(1 ) 1/2 (9)

The spreadsheet formula of relation (9) is:

= 2*(1-)^(-1/2) (10)
Substitute an actual value for in the formula 10 to get the result. Since = v/c, if v is expressed in terms
of c, e.g., 0.95 c, then this v value takes the place of in the formula. In other words, if v is expressed as a
fraction of c, then = v.
Given the importance of and its component , let us list a few known speeds and their corresponding
and values in Table 2-2. (Slightly modified from Hecht, 1998, p. 958)

Speeds of objects and their corresponding and values

Object Speed v =v/c = (1 (v2 / c2)) 1/2

(v in terms of c)

Human walking 8 km/h 0.000 000 007 1 000 000 000

100-yard dash (max.) 10.0 m/s 0.000 000 033 1.000 000 000
Commercial automobile (max.) 62 m/s 0.000 000 21 1 000 000 000
Sound 333 m/s 0.000 001 11 1 000 000 000
SR-71 reconnaissance jet 980 m/s 0.000 003 27 1.000 000 000
Moon around Earth 1000 m/s 0.000 003 33 1.000 000 000
Space shuttle 7599 m/s 0.000 025 33 1.000 000 000
Apollo 10 (re-entry) 11.1 km/s 0.000 037 1.000 000 001
Escape speed (Earth) 11.2 km/s 0.000 037 1.000 000 001
Pioneer 10 14.4 km/s 0.000 048 1.000 000 001
Earth around Sun 29.6 km/s 0.000 099 1.000 000 005
Mercury orbital speed 47.9 km/s 0.000 16 1.000 000 013
Helios B solar probe 66.7 km/s 0.000 22 1.000 000 025
Earth-Sun around galaxy 2.1 x 105 m/s 0.000 70 1.000 000 245
Electrons in a TV tube 9 x 107 m/s 0.3 1.05
Muons at CERN 2.996 x 108 m/s 0.999 4 28.87
Electrons at Stanford
Linear Accelerator (SLAC) 2.997 9 x 108 m/s 0.999 991 800 995 246.95

Table 2-2. Speeds of objects and their corresponding and values

Now let us construct a more comprehensive table with up to 15 decimal places, with v as close to c as the
Excel spreadsheet allows. It starts with the speed near that of the space shuttle, the highest speed achieved by
a manned flying machine. Even with the speed of a space shuttle of 17,000 mi/h, 27,358 km/h, or 7.599 km/s
(bolded in the following table), 1. This high speed is only about 1/39,541th the speed of light. As the
speed v of an object gets very close to c, its value increases dramatically (See Table 2-3 below).

Caution: The binomial expansion of is, for practical purposes, fairly reliable only for v << c, e.g., for = v
/ c 0.60 because of the retention of only the first two terms of the expansion. Beyond this value, the
second approximation formula 9 gives results that are remarkably similar to those obtained with the full
formula, as the table below (Table 2-3) clearly shows. When in doubt, use the full formula or its spreadsheet
equivalent. However, if you have a calculator and want only a quick, reasonably acceptable result, use the
binomial formula for v <= 0.60 c and the second approximation for v > 0.60 c. Just bear in mind that even
the calculator will tackle the full formula without undue trouble.

For convenience, a spreadsheet version of the full expression appears in Formula (5), and a spreadsheet
version of its reciprocal 1 is Formula (6) above.
Table 2-3 below lists a number of = v / c values with up to 15 decimal places and their corresponding
values derived by the shortened binomial formula (Formula 7, rows 1-12), the second approximation
(Formula 9, row 13 to end), and the full formula (Formula 3 in the third column). Note that from row 24 to
the end of the table, the second approximation and the full formula yield identical results. This table
represents to best application of the binomial and approximation formulas.

Discrepancies between the shortened binomial expansion of and the formula

=v/c 1 + (v2 / c2) / 2 = (1 (v2 / c2)) 1/2

(v in terms of c) (binomial expansion, for v<< c) (in seconds)
2(1 ) 1/2
(for v c, rows 13 and following)

0.0000200000000000 1.0000000002000000 1.0000000002000000

0.000025330000000 1.0000000003208000 1.0000000003208000
0.0002000000000000 1.0000000200000000 1.0000000200000000
0.0020000000000000 1.0000020000000000 1.0000020000060000
0.0200000000000000 1.0002000000000000 1.0002000600200100
0.1000000000000000 1.0050000000000000 1.0050378152592100
0.2000000000000000 1.0200000000000000 1.0206207261596600
0.3000000000000000 1.0450000000000000 1.0482848367219200
0.3700000000000000 1.0684500000000000 1.0763894728677100
0.4000000000000000 1.0800000000000000 1.0910894511799600
0.5000000000000000 1.1250000000000000 1.1547005383792500
0.6000000000000000 1.1800000000000000 1.2500000000000000
0.7000000000000000 1.2909944487358100 1.4002800840280100
0.8000000000000000 1.5811388300841900 1.6666666666666700
0.9000000000000000 2.2360679774997900 2.2941573387056200
0.9900000000000000 7.0710678118654700 7.0888120500833500
0.9990000000000000 22.3606797749979000 22.3662720421294000
0.9994000000000000 28.8675134594802000 28.8718445610217000
0.9999000000000000 70.7106781186586000 70.7124459519145000
0.9999900000000000 223.6067977504880000 223.6073567696250000
0.9999990000000000 707.1067811763810000 707.1069579492320000
0.9999999000000000 2 236.0679780882700000 2,236.0680339452900000
0.9999999900000000 7 071.0677941002700000 7,071.0678137264200000
0.9999999990000000 22,360.6800911995000000 22,360.6800911995000000
0.9999999997000000 40,824.8273574557000000 40,824.8273574557000000
0.9999999999000000 70,710.6751933411000000 70,710.6751933411000000
0.9999999999900000 223,606.7884993250000000 223,606.7884993250000000
0.9999999999990000 707,114.6025254690000000 707,114.6025254690000000
0.9999999999999000 2,235,720.4112652200000000 2,235,720.4112652200000000
0.9999999999999900 7,073,895.3808826000000000 7,073,895.3808826000000000
0.9999999999999990 22,369,621.3333333000000000 22,369,621.3333333000000000

Table 2-3. Shortened binomial formula and the second approximation of versus full formula for various
= v / c values. The shortened binomial formula 7 gives fairly good approximations of up to the value of =
0.60. From that point on, the second approximation formula 9 takes over and produces remarkably close
values of up to = 0.99999999. Beyond this value, as v further approaches c, the second approximation
gives the same values of as the full formula.

The graph of this table (shown in Figure 2-9, Section 2.3 below) shows how dramatic the rapid rise of is as
v approaches c. Note that = v / c can never reach c, by the second postulate, i.e., v c, so that >= 0 and
< 1, and >= 1and 1 <= 1. In addition, the full formula shows that would be undefined if v = c because of
the division by zero. Note, however, that the truncated binomial formula of would not show this effect of v
= c, which points to another of its undesirable aspects.

2.1.3 Relativistic Addition of Velocities

Using the results obtained in the Lorentz transformation, let us determine relativistic velocity addition.
As seen above, the classical velocity addition, u = u + v, is valid only at very small speeds compared to c.
Consider our familiar pair of inertial reference frames S and S.

u (relative to S) u (relative to S)
v (relative to S) v (relative to S)




(a) (b)

Figure 2-1. Moving event P within moving S with respect to stationary S.

Suppose at time t = t = 0 the origins O and O coincide (Figure 2-1a), and the particle P passes the origin at
speed u = x / t with respect to frame S in the +x direction. The S frame itself moves with constant speed v
relative to the S frame. At a later time, the particle is at x in the S frame, where its speed is u = x / t and at x
in the S frame, where its speed is u = x / t (Figure 2-1b).
Using the Lorentz transformation equation 4, substituting x, canceling , and factorizing t, we get:

x + vt

x 1 (v2 / c2) t(u + v)
u = = =
t t + (vx / c2) t(1 + uv / c2)

1 (v2 / c2)

By canceling t, we obtain the relativistic velocity addition equation:

u + v
u = (11)
1 + uv / c2

where u is the velocity of a moving object relative to the reference frame of a stationary observer, u is the
velocity of the object with respect to its own reference frame, and v is the velocity of moving frame relative
to the stationary frame. The same applies if the observer is also moving along with the object.
The primed counterpart of u has a negative v just like in the Galilean velocity addition:

u v
u = (12)
1 uv / c2

Note that the numerator of the relativistic velocity transformation equation is the same as the numerator of the
Galilean velocity addition. The difference between these transformations resides in the denominator, which is
responsible for making sure that no object can travel at c. And that includes protons, electrons, Starship
Enterprise, or any other machine we can devise in the future. When both u and v are equal to c, the
denominator equals zero. This is why c is the ultimate speed.
Let us now explore the applications of the Lorentz transformation equations and the relativistic velocity
The most important thing to remember when working with relativity problems is to identify the reference
frame under consideration. Special relativity deals only with inertial frames, i.e., frames that are at rest or in
constant motion. There are three entities involved: (1) the stationary frame S (relative to the other), (2) the
moving frame S, and (3) an event, a particle, or an object P moving in S. In applying the velocity addition
formula, keep in mind that u is the velocity of an object in a frame (S) moving with speed v with respect to
the frame (S) in which speed u of P is measured.

Example 6. An astronaut in a spaceship moving away from the earth with a constant speed of 0.9 c fires a
rocket in the direction of travel with a speed of 0.5 c relative to the spaceship. What is the speed of the rocket
as observed by an earthbound observer?

Solution. Let S be the earths reference frame, and S be the reference frame of the spaceship. The spaceship
travels at v = 0.9 c, and the rocket at u = 0.5 c. The question is to determine the speed of the rocket relative
to earth, i.e., frame S. As we cannot apply the Galilean velocity addition, since it would violate the second
postulate, 0.9 c + 0.5 c = 1.4 c, we apply the relativistic velocity transformation:

u = (u + v) / [1 + (uv / c2)] (11)

u = (0.5 c + 0.9 c) / [1 + (0.5 c) (0.9 c) / c2] = 1.4 c / [1 + (0.45 c2 / c2)]

u = 1.4 c / 1.45 = 0.967 c.

Example 7. Two stars A and B move away from Earth in opposite directions with velocity 0.9c and 0.8c
respectively. Find the speed of star B with respect to star A.

Solution. First we make star A the S frame (the frame at rest) with respect to which star Bs speed is going to
be measured. We make Earth the moving frame S in which Earth is at rest while both stars are moving
relative to Earth. However, in frame S star A is at rest, and Earth is moving with velocity v = 0.9 c relative to
star A, and star B is moving at velocity u = 0.8 c relative to Earth. We are to find the speed of star B relative
to star A.
We apply the relativistic velocity addition equation :

u = (u + v) / [1 + (uv / c2)] (11)

u = (0.8 c + 0.9 c) / (1 + (0.8 c)(0.9 c) / c2)

u = 1.7 c / 1.72 = 0.988 c.

Example 8. Show that the relativistic velocity addition equation insures that no moving object can exceed the
speed of light c.

Solution. Imagine an astronaut in a spaceship moving at speed v relative to an observer sends a light beam
forward. The astronaut measures the lights speed as c. The observer measures the speed of the light beam,
and found the result consistent with Einsteins second postulate. Substituting c for u in the relativistic
velocity transformation, we get:

u = (u + v) / [1 + (uv / c2)] (11)

and after multiplying both numerator and denominator by c:

u = (c + v) / [1 + (cv / c2)] = c(c + v) / (c + v) = c.

Example 9. A spaceship travels away from Mars with velocity 0.55 c and fires a lander back at Mars at the
speed of 0.6c relative to the spaceship. What is the speed of the lander as seen from Mars?

Solution. Taking the direction of the spaceship as positive, we apply the relativistic velocity equation. The
spaceship moves at v = 0.550 c and the landers speed u = 0.600 c (negative meaning in the opposite
direction). The landers velocity with respect to Mars is:

u = (u + v) / [1 + (uv / c2)] (11)

u = ( 0.600 c + 0.550 c) / [1 + ( 0.600 c)(0.550 c) / c2]

u = ( 0.050 c) / [1 (0.330 c2 / c2 )] = 0.050 c / 0.670 = 0.074 c.

Example 10. Rocket ship A and rocket ship B approach their space station from the same direction, ship A
with the speed of 0.665 c and ship B with the speed of 0.585 c. What is the speed of ship A with respect to
ship B?

Solution. The first step is to identify the reference frames. Let us choose the space station as the frame at rest
S. Then both rocket ships are in the moving frame S. Rocket ship A has velocity u = 0.665c and rocket ship
B has velocity v = 0.585 c. We apply velocity addition equation (12):

u = (u v) / [1 (uv / c2)] (12)

u = (0.665 c 0.585 c) / [1 (0.665 c) (0.585 c) / c2)]

u = (0.080 c) / [1 (0.389 c2 / c2)] = 0.080 c / 0.611 = 0.131 c.

Example 11. A rocket ship leaves its space station at the speed of 0.4 c, and emits a light pulse back toward
the space station. At what speed does an observer in the space station see the light pulse coming to her?

Solution. The rocket ship is moving in frame S in the +x direction (i.e., away from the space station) at v =
0.4c, and the space station is at rest in frame S. The navigator aboard the rocket ship measures the light pulse
and finds its speed to be u = c, the negative sign designating movement in the x direction (toward the
station). Applying the relativistic velocity transformation, we get:

u = (u + v) / [1 + (uv / c2)] (11)

u = ( c + 0.4 c) / [1 + ( c)(0.4 c) / c2]

u = 0.6 c / (1 0.4) = c.

This is another confirmation of the second postulate. No matter whether the source of light moves away from
or toward the observer, the speed of light remains the constant c.

Example 12. Galaxy A and Galaxy B move away from Mars in opposite directions at a speed of 0.8 c with
respect to Mars. Find the speed at which the galaxies more apart relative to each other.

Solution. Again we have the familiar S and S frames, and the point P, the three objects that require the
addition of velocities. Let Galaxy A moving left be the S frame, Mars the S frame, then Galaxy B moving
right is P. A straight application of the relativistic velocity transformation yields:

u = (u + v) / [1 + (uv / c2)] (11)

u = (0.8 c + 0.8 c) [1 + (0.8 c)( 0.8 c ) / c2]

u = 1.6 c / 1.64 = 0.975 c.

The two galaxies can never separate with a speed equal to or greater than the speed of light. This implies
that communication via light, and gravitational and electromagnetic interactions that propagate at c are always
possible between any two intergalactic bodies because they can never outrun light.

2.1.4 The Michelson-Morley Experiment

At the end of the nineteenth century a great puzzle left behind by Maxwell remained to be solved. Galilean
relativity predicted that the speed of light would vary depending on the inertial reference frames. Such was
the dominance of Newtonian mechanics that scientists believed that light must travel in some sort of medium
just like sound waves and water waves. They postulated the luminiferous ether, a hypothetical invisible,
massless, thin yet rigid substance that filled space and acted as a medium through which electromagnetic
waves must propagate. Strange substance indeed. Yet, even Maxwell himself believed there was such an
ethereal medium filling space and permeating everything. The earth too must rotate around its axis and
revolve around the sun through the ether. Maxwells equations hold and light travel at speed c only in an
absolute reference frame which is at rest with respect to the ether. This is called the absolute frame. In other
frames of reference the equations gave contradictory results, and needed to be modified to work. This seems
to be at odds with the classical relativity principle, whereby no inertial frame is privileged over any other.
Consider, for example, that a spaceship traveling at 1.0 x 108 m/s turns on a light beacon, and measures its
speed to be 3.0 x 108 m/s. To a stationary observer, the light travels at speed 1.0 x 108 m/s + 3.0 x 108 m/s =
4.0 x 108 m/s. Thus the same electromagnetic effect has different values when measured in different reference
frames. But Maxwells theory does not provide for relative speed. It predicted the speed of light to be c = 3.0
x 108 m/s. It seemed intriguing that Maxwells electromagnetic equations, which worked so successfully and
were corroborated by numerous experiments, should have to be an exception to the Galilean relativity
principle, which applied to Newtonian mechanics but not to Maxwells electromagnetic theory. Clearly this
dilemma called for investigation to reconcile the classical relativity principle and the electromagnetic theory.
In 1879, the year Einstein was born, James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879) wrote a letter before he died in
which he discussed a potential experiment to measure the speed v of the earth as it travels through the ether
wind. Many experiments were conducted using the interferometer, but yielded unconvincing results. None
was as famous as the one performed by the American physicist Albert A. Michelson. (1852-1931) and the
American chemist Edward W. Morley (1838-1923). Born in Strelno, Prussia (now Strzelno, Poland),
Michelson at age 4 immigrated with his parents to America. Rejected by the Naval Academy, he managed to
gain admission through a chance meeting with President Grant, who was impressed with the young man.
After graduation, Michelson stayed at the Academy as an instructor of physics and chemistry. In 1878 he was
thinking about how to measure the speed of light better, but knew he needed more formal training. So in
1880, he took a leave of absence to pursue advanced studies in France and Germany. While in Europe he
came across Maxwells last letter about measuring the speed of the earth through the ether. Past
experimenters had used the interferometer to measure the effects of motion on the transmission of light
through the ether. Although they failed to detect the ether, the limited precision of their instruments made
their findings less than convincing. Michelson designed a new instrument with a precision that would allow
him to settle the question definitively. He hoped to detect the ether wind that carried light waves with his new
and improved interferometer. If the ether existed, so went the reasoning, it would act like any wind or stream,
impeding or aiding the progress of an object moving in it.
Let us take an example to illustrate the problem. We use the analogy of boats traveling on a river. In
Figure 2-2 a boat travels at a fixed speed of c = 5 km/h in the river which flows to the right with a speed of v
= 3 km/h.

B C v B
______ v velocity of river
1 v = c2 v2
c c c+v cv
2 v downstream upstream

2 1 1
C v A A

Figure 2-2. The downstream trip made by Boat 1 at velocity c + v is faster than its upstream trip at c v. On
the cross-stream trip, Boat 2 starts from A heads for C to land at B (triangle 1). On the return trip Boat 2
starts from B heading for C and is carried back by the stream to A (triangle 2).

Let us compare the travel time of two trips: 4 km downstream and back versus crossing the river and back. A
boat (Boat 1) heading downstream travels at velocity c (not the speed of light) augmented by the rivers
velocity v, moving a total of c + v = 5 km/h + 3 km/h.= 8 km/h. The trip downstream takes: 4 km / 8 km/h =
0.5 h. On the way back, the boat traveling upstream makes slower progress equivalent to c v or 2 km/h.
The trip back, therefore, takes 4 km / 2 km/h = 2 h. The total transit time up and down stream takes: 0.5 h + 2
h = 2.5 h.
Now the boat (Boat 2) crosses the river from pier A to pier B. With the river current flowing to the right,
if Boat 2 heads straight across from pier A, it will be dragged downstream and miss pier B. To compensate,
Boat 2 has to head into the current (upstream) at a certain angle so that the combined effect of c and v would
allow it to reach Pier B. This angle depends on c and v. In Figure 2-2 the width of the river AB, the distance
AC traveled by Boat 2, and the distance CB of the effect of the river flow on Boat 2 form the right triangle 1.
Likewise, on the return trip Boat 2 starts from Pier B, heads into the stream for C, and reaches A dragged by
the downstream current (as depicted by triangle 2). Using the Pythagorean theorem, we can derive the length
of any of its side given those of the other two by using the formula c2 = v2 + v2. This geometry shows that by
making the trip as depicted Boat 2 effectively travels v = (c2 v2)1/2 = (25 9)1/2 = 4 km, and takes just 1 h
(because it travels 5 km at 5 km/h) to make the trip across, and 1 h to come back, a total of 2 h.
Hence, in this case, for the same total distance of 8 km, the boat takes less time crossing the river than
going up and down stream. In general, the times for the round trips will differ.
The Michelson-Morley experiment (in fact, many were conducted at various places and times) builds on
the boat trip analogy just described. It uses a precision interferometer represented in schematic form in Figure
2-3. This experiment aimed to measure the ether wind with respect to the earth or equivalently the earths
velocity relative to the ether. We will use the analogy of the boats journey on the river to interpret the result
of the experiment. The ether wind is analogous to the velocity of the river flow; and the two boats going up
and down stream, and across the river and back are analogous to the light beams 1 and 2 on the perpendicular
arms of the interferometer. We would expect that the total travel times of the beams would differ in the same
way as the boats total transit times differed.

Movable mirror M1

Ether wind

l1 Beam 1

Light source Half-silvered mirror

M2 Fixed mirror
Ms Beam 2



Figure 2-3. The Michelson-Morley experiment. In this interferometer, the light beam travels from its
source to the half-silvered mirror (beam splitter) Ms angled at 45, which splits the light beam in two. One
beam continues its path to mirror M2, is reflected back toward Ms, where it is again reflected to the telescope.
The other beam is reflected to mirror M1, where it is sent back through Ms straight to the telescope. The two
beams recombine and form an interference pattern that is observed through the telescope.

At the laboratory of Hermann von Helmholtz in Germany, Michelson invented the interferometer based on a
Maxwell idea proposed in 1875 to measure the earths velocity relative to the ether. According to Maxwell,
as the earth moves through space, the ether permeating space would create a wind. If we measure the velocity
of light in the direction of the earths movement around the sun, i.e., in the direction opposite the ether wind,
like the boat traveling upstream (beam 2), the speed of light with respect to the ether would be equal to the
value measured minus the speed of the ether wind, c v. If we measure the speed of light in the direction of
the ether (beam 2), i.e., downstream, its value would be the measurement obtained plus the speed of the ether,
c + v. And if we measure the speed of light in the direction at right angles with the ether wind (beam 1), the
situation would be analogous to the boat crossing the river. Figure 2-2 above illustrates these scenarios.
In the interferometer experiment, a light beam is sent to a beam splitter, the half-silvered mirror Ms angled
at 45 degrees, which splits it in two: one beam is transmitted to the fixed mirror M2, which reflects it back to
Ms, where it is reflected toward the telescope. The other beam is reflected to the movable mirror M1, which
returns it to Ms, where it is transmitted on to the telescope. Eventually the two beams unite and interfere. As
in the boat analogy, the two equal-length round trips of beam 1 (from Ms to M1 and back to Ms) and beam 2
(from Ms to M2 and back to Ms) should take different amounts of time, which can be detected in the
interference pattern observable with the telescope. In his first attempt, Michelson found no difference in the
speed of light, which to him was an unsuccessful result.
In 1887, Michelson now at Case Western Reserve University tried the experiment again with his colleague
Edward W. Morley, a professor of chemistry. They set up their interferometer on a square slab of stone
floating on mercury to minimize vibrations when the device was rotated in different directions. Different
interference patterns would result from orienting the instrument along the direction of the earths motion or
across it. When the interferometer was rotated 90, the arm along with the light beam that was parallel to the
earths velocity would become perpendicular to it, and the other arm and beam that were perpendicular would
become parallel. Thus a shift in the interference pattern would be expected.
First, let us consider beam 2, which is parallel to the ether wind in Figure 2-3. Using the boat analogy of
Figure 2-2, as beam 2 travels the distance l2 downstream from Ms to M2, its speed is c + v and the time taken
is t = l2 / (c + v). On its return trip from M2 to Ms, its speed is c v, and the time t = l2 / (c v). Thus, beam
2s total time is:

t2 = l2 / (c + v) + l2 / (c v)

t2 = 2l2 / (c2 v2) = 2l2 / c(1 v2 / c2).

Now, let us consider beam 1, which travels across the ether wind, from M s to M1 and back for a total distance
of 2 l1. Using the boat analogy in Figure 2-2, beam 1s motion forms a right triangle of sides c, v, and v.
From the Pythagorean theorem, we get beam 1s speed, v = c2 v2. Beam 1s total time is thus:

________ _________
t1 = 2l1 / c2 v2 = 2l1 / c 1 v2 / c2

Assume that l1 and l2 are equal. Then beam 1lags behind beam 2 by an amount of time:
t = t2 t1 = 2l2 / c (1 v2 / c2) 2l1 / c 1 v2 / c2 (13)
t = 2l / c [1 / (1 v2 / c2) 1 / 1 v2 / c2 ]

This relation can be simplified if we use the binomial expansions, keeping only the first two terms:

1 (v2 / c2) 1 1 + v2 / c2
1 (v2 / c2) 1/2 1 + (v2 / c2)

t = 2l / c [(1 + v2 / c2) (1 + (v2 / c2))] = l v2 / c3.

From this, t = 0 if v = 0 and the two beams will be in phase just as they were at the beginning. If v 0,
the two beams will be out of phase, and v could be determined. However, the earth cannot be stopped nor
can l1 and l2 be independently assumed equal. At this point beam 1 is aligned to the arm l1 and beam 2 is
aligned to the arm l2 of the apparatus, which is parallel to the ether wind.
To detect the difference in phase, Michelson and Morley rotated the interferometer through 90 so that
beam 1 became parallel and beam 2 became perpendicular to the ether wind. In this rotated position, the roles
of the beams were reversed, and the times (designated by primes) would be:
t1 = 2l1 / c (1 v2 / c2) and t2 = 2l2 / c 1 v2 / c2 .

The time difference in the new position, thus becomes:

t = t2 t1 = 2l2 / c 1 v2 / c2 2l1 / c (1 v2 / c2) (14)
t = 2l / c [1 / 1 v2 / c2 1 / (1 v2 / c2)]

With the arms of the interferometer thus rotated, using relations (9) and (10), the fringe pattern will shift by:
_________ _________
t t = 2l2 / c(1 v2 / c2) 2l1 / c 1 v2 / c2 2l2 / c 1 v2 / c2 2l1 / c(1 v2 / c2)
t t = 2 / c (l1 + l2) [1 / (1 v2 / c2) 1 / 1 v2 / c2 ]

Again, if we assume v / c << 1, we can use binomial expansions to get:

t t 2 / c (l1 + l2) [1 + (v2 / c2) 1 (v2 / c2)]

t t (l1 + l2) (v2 / c3) (15)

We take the speed of the earth around the sun (or equivalently the speed of the ether wind) v = 3.0 x 104 m/s
and the speed of light c = 3.0 x 108 m/s. In the early Michelson-Morley experiments, each light beam was
reflected many times by mirrors resulting in an effective length for each arm of about 11 m. Substituting
these values in the relation (15), we obtain the time difference:

t t 22 m (3.0 x 104 m/s)2 / (3.0 x 108 m/s)3 (15)

t t 22 m (3.0 x 1016 m/s)

t t 7.0 x 1016 s.

With the center of the visible light spectrum at wavelength =5.5 x 107m, its frequency would be f = c / :

f = (3.0 x 108 m/s) / (5.5 x 107m)

f 1.8 x 1015s.

f = 5.5 x 1014 Hz.

Thus, light wave crests would pass a point every 1 / (5.5 x 1014 Hz) 1.8 x 1015s. Michelson and Morley
would have found the time difference of 7.0 x 1016 s to cause the interference pattern to shift by less than half
a fringe:

7.0 x 1016 s / 1.8 x 1015 s 0.4 fringe.

Since their apparatus could detect fringe shifts as small as 0.01 fringe, the above shift should have been easily
detected. Yet, they found no significant shift in fringes. They made observations with different orientations
relative to the sun, experimented at different times of day and night, and in different seasons, and at different
elevations. The result was still the same. There was no shift in the fringe pattern. Other experimenters also
found the same negative result. Scientists scrambled to find an explanation. Never before had a null result
of experiments caused so much concern and interest. One explanation proposed that the ether is at rest with
respect to the earth and not to the sun and stars. But then it would mean the earth is somehow preferred
over the sun and stars, contrary to the relativity principle. Another idea was that the ether was pulled along by
the earth and other stars, and therefore had zero speed on their surfaces. But experiments with high-flying
balloons at altitudes where the ether might be detected also found no traces of the ether wind.
The most notable hypothesis was advanced by the Irish physicist G. F. FitzGerald (1851-1901) in 1882.
He proposed that the ether wind compresses all bodies that moved with it at the speed v, including the
interferometer arm, the light beam, a meter stick, or any other object. Hence, this contraction makes it
impossible to independently demonstrate the contraction. This shortening is by a factor exactly equal to the
difference between the speed of light along the ethers direction and the speed of light across it, calculated to
be (1 v2 / c2) 1/2 or, since = v / c, (1 2)1/2, which is the reciprocal of . In 1895 the Dutch physicist
Hendrik A. Lorentz (1853-1928) independently proposed the same contraction in terms of changes in the
electromagnetic forces between the atoms, but without providing empirical evidence. Now known as the
Lorentz-FitzGerald contraction, the ad hoc proposal advanced merely to explain the Michelson-Morley null
results is just a consequence of the special theory of relativity. The contraction, however, is real as we will see
in Section 2.4.1 below. For his works with light, Michelson became the first American to win the Nobel prize
in physics in 1907.
The conclusion drawn from the null results of the Michelson-Morley experiments is that there is no ether
to make a difference in the time of travel of the two light beams along and across the ether. The speed of light
is not in the least affected by the earths motion. A 1979 version of the Michelson-Morley experiment using
very stable lasers to improve the measurement precision by a factor of 4000 still found no traces of the ether

Example 13, In a Michelson-Morley experiment, suppose each of the light beams has length l = 28 m.
Given v = 3.0 x 104 m/s and c = 3.0 x 108 m/s, (a) what is the time difference caused by rotating the arms of
the interferometer through 90? (b) Assuming the wavelength of the light used is = 500 nm, what is the
expected fringe shift?

Solution. (a) Applying the time difference formula (15), we have:

t t (l1 + l2) (v2 / c3) (15)

t t (28 x 2) m (3.0 x 104 m/s)2 / (3.0 x 108 m/s)3

t t 56 m (3.0 x 1016 m/s)

t t 19.0 x 1016 s.

(b) First let us find the frequency of the light used, f = c / :

f = (3.0 x 108 m/s) / (5.0 x 107m)

f 1.7 x 1015 s.

Hence, the fringe shift is the time difference divided by the reciprocal of the frequency of the light beam:

19.0 x 1016 s / 1.7 x 1015 s = 1.1 fringes.

We now know that evidence of the hypothesized ether wind does not exist, and Einsteins theory of relativity
disposes of the concept entirely.

Example 14, (a) If a particle is moving at a speed of 0.2000 c, find the value of = 1 / (1 v2 / c2) 1/2. (b)
Calculate the of a particle moving at a speed of 0.0020 c. (c) Find the of a particle moving at a speed of
0.000978 c (roughly the speed of a commercial jetliner).

Solution. (a) We substitute the particles speed v in the formula:


= 1 / (1 v2 / c2) 1/2

= 1 / [1 (0.2000 c)2 / (c2 )]1/2 = 1 / (1 0.0400) 1/2 = 1 / 0.9798 = 1.021.

(b) We apply the same procedure:

= 1 / (1 v2 / c2) 1/2

= 1 / [1 (0.0020 c)2 / (c2 )]1/2 = 1 / (1 0.0000040) 1/2 = (1 / 0.999996) 1/2 = 1.000002.

(c) The same procedure yields:

= 1 / (1 v2 / c2) 1/2

= 1 / [1 (0.000978 c)2 / (c2 )]1/2 = 1 / (1 0.000000956) 1/2 = (1 / 0.9999990435) 1/2 = 1.000000478.

Or using the approximation of derived by binomial expansion, we get:

1 + 2 / 2 (7)

1 + (0.000978 c2 / c2)2 / 2 = 1 + 0.000000478 = 1.000000478.

If we compare the results of (a) and (c), we can see the effects of speed on relativistic length and everyday
length, in the measurement of which is the only factor that separates them. Recall that in the Galilean
transformation, x = x + vt and in the Lorentz transformation x = (x + vt). At a high speed of 0.20 c, is
fairly significant at 1.021 while at a slower jet plane speed, a of 1.000000478 is so close to 1 that its effect
on length is negligible. Table 2-1 shows that as v gets much closer to c, for example, v = 0.999 999 c,
becomes huge, = 707.107.
The factor is important in relativity measurements. As shown in Table 2-1 above, since = v / c is
never zero (except when the object is at rest) although it is very small in everyday experience, > 1 whereas
its reciprocal is less than 1, 1 / < 1.

2.2 Simultaneity

Basic to Newtonian mechanics is the premise of universal time, which is the same for all observers,
independent by nature of anything external to it. This conforms to our everyday common sense experience.
We are used to believing that an hour is equal to an hour, whether we are in California or on the Moon.
However, we know that Einstein had to abandon the notion of fixed time in his theory of relativity.
According to this theory, measurements of time change depending on reference frames.
Einstein proposed a thought experiment to prove his point. A boxcar traveling to the right at constant
velocity is struck by two bolts of lightning that leave marks on each end of the boxcar and on the ground
(Figure 2-4). The marks on the boxcar are A and B, and the corresponding marks on the ground are A and
B. In the moving boxcar (frame S) an observer O stands halfway between A and B. On the ground the
stationary observer O (frame S) is halfway between A and B.
Suppose the light pulses from the lightning bolts reach the midway ground observer O simultaneously.
(Figure 2-4). The observer O says that she sees the two bolts striking at A and B at the same time, and
concludes that the two events are simultaneous. But with the moving observer O things are different. By the
time the light pulse has reached the observer O, the boxcar has moved a distance to the right toward the front
bolt, carrying the observer O with it, and thus shortening the distance between her and the front light pulse.
The light pulse from B has already passed O while the pulse from A has not yet arrived. And this is because
as the boxcar moves to the right, it gets closer to the lightning bolt at the front and recedes from the one in the
rear. Since the speed of light is constant, light takes less time traveling a shorter distance. The observer O,
therefore, sees the lightning bolt at the front of the car strike first and the lightning bolt at the rear strike next.
Thus to O the two events are not simultaneous.
We conclude that events that are measured to be simultaneous in one frame of reference are not
simultaneous in another frame.




Light pulses




Figure 2-4. (a) To a midway stationary observer O on the ground (frame S), the two lightning bolts appear
to strike simultaneously at points A and B. (b) To the midway observer O in the train moving to the right
(frame S), the lightning bolt at the front of the car strikes first, before the lightning bolt in the back strikes.
The two events A and B are not simultaneous.

This thought experiment shows that events that are simultaneous in one reference frame are not
simultaneous in another reference frame even though both are inertial frames. Hence, just as there is no
such thing as absolute motion or absolute rest, there is no such thing as absolute simultaneity. But there is
relative simultaneity, i.e., relative to reference frames. This is a direct consequence of the second postulate.
Along this same line of investigation, let us take another example. It shows that if two events are
simultaneous for an inertial observer located halfway between them, they may not be simultaneous for all
midway inertial observers regardless of their motion.
In Figure 2-5, a stationary space station is commanded by Commander Achilles while a rocket ship
moving in the opposite direction is under Commander Helen. We will arrange, at the instant that Commander
Achilles and Commander Helen are opposite each other (Figure 2-5a), for two flares to go off at the same
time. Flare A makes a dent mark A on Achilles station and A on Helens rocket ship. Flare B makes a dent
mark B on Achilles station and B on Helens ship.
As a midway observer, Achilles saw the flashes from Flare A and Flare B occur in the same instant.
Hence, he concluded that the two flashes were simultaneous events. To him, the length AB was equal to the
length AB. As he looked out his window, he saw Helens ship sliding off to his stations rear, moving
toward Flare A and away from Flare B while his station was at rest. He thus saw that Helen reached the pulse
from Flare A first before the pulse from Flare B reached her. It was obvious to Achilles that Helen should see
what he saw, i.e., Flare A fired first, and Flare B fired next. The flares did not go off at the same time.
For her part as a midway observer, Helen considered herself being stationary and saw Achilles station
move off to the rear of her ship. Helen observed the flash from Flare A occur first, and Flare B fired second
as the station was moving toward the latter. Thus she espied that the points A and A coincided first before the
points B and B did. To her two events were never simultaneous, and the length AB was not equal to AB.

Achilles space station

A Achilles B

Flare A Flare B

A Helen B

Helens rocket ship


Light pulses

A Achilles B

Flare A Flare B

A Helen B


Figure 2-5. (a) Achilles, a midway observer in his stationary space station, observes that Flares A and B go
off at the same time and AB = AB. But he sees the flash from Flare A reach Helens rocket ship first as it
moves toward the stations rear. (b) As a midway observer, Helen sees Achilles station sliding off toward
her ships rear, and observes that the pulse from Flare A occurs before that from Flare B. To Helen, AB
AB. Both observers are correct by the first postulate of the special theory of relativity.

Neither Achilles nor Helen would agree on lengths, times, or simultaneity. Yet by the first postulate of the
special theory of relativity, they are both correct. There is no preferred reference frame. Is there any way to
reconcile their different observations? No. It is in the nature of things, the way the universe is. It is reality.

Synchronization of Clocks

To determine time and simultaneity between two events, it is necessary to synchronize the clocks. It will not
do to synchronize two clocks in the same location, then have one clock travel while keeping the other clock
stationary. As we will see in the next section, the time dilation effect will make the traveling clock run
slower than the one at rest.
We will follow a procedure proposed by Einstein that uses the speed of light to synchronize all the clocks
within the same frame of reference. A flash bulb is placed midway between two clocks properly spaced in a
reference frame. When the flash is set off, light travels with velocity c to both clocks. By traveling the same
distance in opposite directions light reaches the clocks at the same time. When the light pulses reach the
clocks, an observer at each clock sets it to the same time. The same procedure can be repeated to synchronize
all the clocks within the same reference frame. With this series of synchronized clocks, we can judge the
simultaneity of two events that are widely separated in space. Thus, besides being a constant of nature, light
is inseparably related to time and simultaneity.
Another way to synchronize identical clocks also uses light. We need two observers, each one stationed
at her clock in the same frame S. We could use as many observers as there are clocks to set. For simplicity,
the first observer is at the origin O and the other at a known distance x from O (Figure 2-6).

t=0 t=x/c t = 2x / c

1 2 3

O x

x 2x

Figure 26. Identical clocks are evenly spaced at known distances x from O in stationary frame S. A flash of
light is set off at O. At that instant the observer at O sets her clock 1 to t = 0. When the light pulse reaches
point x, the observer at x sets her clock 2 to t = x / c. Likewise the observer at point 2x sets her clock 3 to t =
2x / c at the pulses arrival.

A flare flashed by observer O at t = 0 travels at light velocity. Observer O sets her clock 1 to t = 0. When the
light pulse arrives at clock 2 at point x, the second observer sets it to t = x / c, this being the time light took to
travel the distance x. A third clock located at 2x is set in the same manner. By using this procedure, identical
clocks in the frame S can be successively set and they are all synchronized. The same process can also be
applied to synchronize identical clocks in a moving frame S. Now suppose we want to set an array of clocks
in a moving frame S to the original clock in frame S. At time t = 0, both frames coincide so that their origins
O and O are superposed. We synchronize the clocks at the origins to that time. When the observer in frame
S sets her clock to time t = 0, her counterpart in frame S sets her clock to t = 0. Then when an event occurs
at x in frame S, the observer in S records the same event at point x and time t = x / c. Now a problem
arises since the time of a clock in S depends not only on time t of a clock in S but also on its position in that
frame. The greater is the distance of this clock from its origin in S, the greater is the discrepancy between t
and t. This is a consequence of the constancy of the speed of light (the second postulate). Time is relative,
and not fixed as Newton would have it. So too is simultaneity relative.
If in everyday life we are not aware of all this relativity, it is because its effects are noticeable only when
the relative speed between reference frames is very large (close to c) or when the frames are separated by vast

2.3 Time Dilation

We have seen that one of the consequences of the special theory of relativity is that simultaneity of events is
relative to the observers frame of reference. Events that occur in the same place and are simultaneous in
one inertial frame are not simultaneous in another. Yet another consequence of the theory is a very
counterintuitive phenomenon of time dilation, time that is not fixed or absolute but runs slow depending on
frames of reference.

2.3.1 Time Dilation

In Newtonian physics time is absolute and exists independently of anything outside it. This corresponds
to our concept of time, which we consider distinct from space and not ordinarily a dimension. Besides, we
do not easily accept the notion of time as being relative because we have never experienced it. But just like
any revolutionary advances in science, the theory of relativity upsets old notions and introduces new
perspectives about the reality. To see what effects this theory has on our measurement of time, we will as
usual consider a thought experiment with a light clock as depicted in Figure 2-7.
Traveling in a spaceship (frame S) moving at high speed v to the right, observer O flashes a light. The
light pulse travels to the mirror fixed on the ships ceiling at a distance d from the ships floor. Observer O
measures the round trip of the light pulse (to the mirror and back to the detector) with an accurate clock,
using the definition of the velocity (Figure 2-7a). Since light travels at c, the round trip takes a time:

t = distance traveled / velocity = 2d / c.

The distance traveled is:

d = ct / 2.


(a) Light pulse sent by moving observer O travels straight up and down covering the distance d twice. Time
traveled to mirror and back: t = 2d / c.

S v

ct/2 d



(b) Stationary observer O in frame S on Earth sees the same light pulse take a diagonal path, not the vertical
distance d, and thus taking a longer time t to complete the round trip.

Figure 2-7. (a) A flash bulb set off in a spaceship traveling at the speed v in frame S is reflected off a mirror
fixed on the ceiling at a distance d to reach a detector by the observer O at the light source. The lights up-
and-down round trip takes time t = 2d / c. (b) To a stationary observer O on earth (frame S), however, the
lights path is a zigzag as shown, i.e., a longer distance than d. Therefore, the round trip time traveled t in
frame S is greater than t in frame S.

The time interval t between two events that occur at the same location measured by a single clock, as
in frame S, is called the proper time. Proper means characteristic of or belonging to. The proper time is
usually denoted as t0, which is the notation we use from here on. The proper time is the shortest time
interval measured with a single clock by any observer. We have the proper time formulation:

t0 = 2d / c (16)

from which we derive the distance traveled:

d = ct0 / 2.
In the context of a light clock t0 makes up one tick. Meanwhile the stationary observer O in frame S of the
earth, equipped with an accurate clock, observes the same process and notices that the lights path is not
straight up and down. By the time the light reaches the mirror on the ceiling, the spaceship has moved a
certain distance. As the light is reflected down to reach the detector the spaceship has again moved a
comparable distance, as shown in Figure 2-7b, covering a total distance of vt (from the definition of
velocity). For its part, the light pulse will have traveled, during the same time, a distance of ct. As can be
seen in Figure 2-7b, the distance covered by light to the mirror is the hypotenuse of a right triangle whose
other sides are the distance traveled by the spacecraft and the distance d from the mirror to the detector.
Applying the Pythagorean theorem yields:

(ct / 2)2 = d2 + (vt / 2)2

Since d = ct0 / 2,

(ct / 2)2 = (ct0 / 2)2 + (vt / 2)2

(c2t2 / 4) (v2t2 / 4) = c2t02 / 4

c2t2 v2t2 = c2t02

Solving for t, we get:

t2 (c2 v2) = c2t02

t2 = c2t02 / (c2 v2)

t = ct0 / (c2 v2) 1/2

t = ct0 / c(1 v2 / c2) 1/2

Time dilation formula:

t = t0 / (1 v2 / c2) 1/2 (17)

t = t0 (18)

The spreadsheet formula of time dilation relation (17) is:

t = t0/(1 (v/c)^2) ^(1/2) (19)

Substitute actual values for t0, v, and c in the formula 19 to get the result. If v is expressed in terms of c, e.g.,
0.95 c, then this v value takes the place of v/c in the formula.
The proper time formula is:

t0 = t / (20)

t0 = t (1 v2 / c2) 1/2 (21)

The spreadsheet formula of the proper time relation (21) is:

t0 = t*(1 (v/c)^2) ^(1/2) (22)

Substitute actual values for t, v, and c in the formula 22 to get the result. If v is expressed in terms of c, e.g.,
0.95 c, then this v value takes the place of v/c in the formula.
Hence, the factor in terms of the two time intervals t and t0:

= t / t0 (23)

To find the speed of travel v in terms of t and t0, we start from the above formula:

= t / t0 (23)

(t / t0) 2 = (1 v2 / c2) 1

t2 = (1 v2 / c2) 1 t02

t02 = (1 v2 / c2) t2

t02 / t2 = (1 v2 / c2)

v2 / c2 = 1 t02 / t2

v = (1 t02 / t2) 1/2 c (24)

In the time dilation formula (17) above note that the denominator is the reciprocal of the factor , which recurs
in relativistic measurements. Since and its reciprocal 1 / are ubiquitous in relativistic measurements, we
need to learn to manipulate them with ease. The time dilation formula indicates that the time in the moving
frame S or the proper time t0 is shorter than the time t in the stationary frame S because > 1 (Table 2-1
above). In other words, time runs more slowly in a moving body than in a body at rest by exactly the
factor . This phenomenon is not due to any clocks accuracy; it is simply the nature of time, i.e., time is
relative, a reality that is captured elegantly by the special theory of relativity. We call this slowing down of
time time dilation.
What is the meaning of ? From one perspective, is the factor by which the proper time differs from the
time measured of two events in two different reference frames. Thus, is the ratio = t / t0 of the time
interval between two events occurring in different frames as measured by a clock at rest to the proper time,
i.e., the time interval measured of two events occurring at the same location by an inertial observer using a
single clock. The factor is, in effect, the amount of time t corresponding to every unit of proper time t0.
For instance, if t0 = 1 s, t = s. The factor is speed-sensitive. In Table 2-1, we see that as the speed
ratio = v / c increases, increases. For example, when v = 0.4 c, = 1.09, and when v = 0.5 c, = 1.15.
Time dilation as a concept is not easy to grasp by our common sense because we are so used to thinking
of time as absolute. Yet it has been corroborated by experimental evidence. Let us examine the time dilation
formula in further detail.
If the speed of a moving object v is 0, then both times are equal, t = t0 as expected. In other words,
when nothing moves, there is no time dilation.
If v > 0 but v << c as in everyday experience, then 1, and time dilation has no observable effect, i.e., it
is not measurable by ordinary clocks. Only when v is closer to c as in certain experiments already conducted,
in future intergalactic travels or in particle accelerators does time dilation have the measurable effects spelled
out in formula (17).
Time dilation can be measured by using clocks that are accurate to the nanoseconds.
Experimental confirmation of time dilation was achieved in October 1971 the physicists J. C, Hafele and
R. E. Keating placed four high-precision cesium-beam atomic clocks (accurate to the nanoseconds) on
commercial airplanes flown around the world twice, in opposite directions, and identical clocks at the U.S.
Naval Observatory. They found that after flying around the world at high speed the flying clocks ran slower
than the stationary clock in the lab. From time dilation calculations the eastward clocks were expected to
have lost 40 23 ns in the trip whereas the westward clocks should have gained 275 21 ns. The
experimental results were in remarkable agreement with theory: The eastward clocks lost 59 10 ns and the
westward clocks gained 273 7 ns! Due to the relativistic effects of time dilation atomic clocks that are
moved from one location to another must now be adjusted for these effects. However, in everyday activities,
we have no clocks that are accurate enough to measure time dilation.
Knowing that = (1 v2 / c2) 1/2 (Formula 3), and noting also that = t / t0 (Formula 23) as derived
from the time dilation equation, we work out a few data points that relate and for the graph in Figure 2-8
below, which shows time dilation as a function of speed v, i.e., as a function of :

Time dilation as a function of speed v


=v/c = (1 v2 / c2) 1/2

0.1 1.005037815
0.2 1.020620726
0.3 1.048284837
0.4 1.091089451
0.5 1.154700538
0.6 1.250000000
0.7 1.400280084
0.8 1.666666667
0.9 2.294157339
0.99 7.088812050

= t / t0 4

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Speed = v / c

Figure 2-8. Relationship between and or time dilation as a function of speed.

The data above shows a very gradual rise in the value of = t / t0, starting from a v of 10% of the speed of
light. So far we do not have technology to produce any machine that can move that fast. The time curve ()
hardly changes for speeds v up to 0.2 c (most everyday speeds are well below this), and rises moderately until
v reaches 0.9 c, when = t / t0, more than doubles its value. The last two data points give a hint of the
rapid rise of as = v / c increases in significant decimal places. From this point on, the rise of is dramatic.
Still the curve will never reach 1.0 on the x-axis because c is the unreachable upper limit of all speeds.
The graph in Figure 2-8 can be generalized as as a function of speed v / c. This function recurs in all
relativistic calculations.
In a time dilation problem, three important values are involved: (1) the proper time t0 between two
events occurring at the same physical location moving at (2) a speed v relative to a stationary reference
frame, and (3) the time t (sometimes called stationary time) between these events as measured in the
stationary frame. If any two of these values are known, the third one can be derived in a straightforward
manner from the time dilation equation. The fourth value is a given: the speed of light c.
Let us illustrate time dilation with a few examples.

Example 15, A light clock travels in a spaceship with a speed of 0.600 c relative to a stationary observer on
the earth. How long does it take for the traveling clock to advance by 1 second according to this observer?

Solution. First we determine the proper time t0 , the time elapsed between two events that take place in the
same location. In this case, it is the 1.0 second recorded by the moving light clock in the spaceship. We are
to find the time t as measured by the observer on the earth. Applying the time dilation formula (17), we get:

t = t0 / (1 v2 / c2) 1/2 (17)

t = 1.00 s / [1 (0.600 c)2 / c2] 1/2

t = 1.00 s / (0.640) 1/2 = 1.00 s / 0.800 = 1.25 s.


Example 16, Find the factor by which a clock on the space shuttle traveling at 7599 m/s runs slower than an
identical clock on the earth.

Solution. Recall that is the factor by which t differs from the proper time t0 as indicated in the formula
14, t = t0. We find as follows:

= (1 v2 / c2) 1/2 (3)

= [1 (7599 m/s)2 / (3.00 x 108 m/s)2] 1/2

= 1.000000000320800.

For every second recorded by the clock on the space shuttle, the clock on the earth records
1.000000000320800 seconds. Obviously no ordinary clocks can measure this time. Hence, the time dilation
effect is totally negligible at the shuttle speed, as it is in all speeds we encounter in everyday experience.

Example 17, The starship Encounter travels with the speed of 0.70 c relative to the earth for 15 years
according to the ships clock. To an observer on the earth how many years elapse during the trip?

Solution. We determine that the proper time t0, the time measured by a clock at rest on board the ship, is 15
years. By applying the time dilation formula t = t0 / (1 v2 / c2) 1/2, we find the earth duration to be:

t = t0 / (1 v2 / c2) 1/2 (17)

t = 15 y / [1 (0.702 c)2 / c2]1/2 = 15 y / (1 0.702) 1/2

t = 15 y / 0.511/2 = 21.00 y.

Example 18, Astronaut Daedalus travels with a speed of 0.997 c to Galaxy Minos 20 ly (light-years) away
then turns back to Earth. His son Icarus, age 20 when he left, comes to Starport to greet him. (a) How old
is Daedulus on his return to Earth if he was 45 years old when he set out on his journey? (b) How old is
Icarus when he sees his father again?

Solution. As in all time dilation problems, we first determine two events, and the proper time. The two
events are Daedalus departure from and return to Earth. The proper time is the time Daedalus measures
during his 20-ly voyage. First we find the duration of Daelalus travel from the Icarus point of view.
Knowing that the distance Daelalus traveled is 40 ly (round trip), i.e., a distance covered by light for 40 years
or 40 c (1 y), at the velocity of 0.997 c, the time it took Daelalus as measured from Earth is:

t = d / v

t = 40 c (1 y) / 0.997 c = 39 y

(a) Daedalus, however, took the proper time t0 to make the journey:

t0 = t (1 v2 / c2) 1/2 (21)

t0 = 39 y [1 (0.9972 c)2 / c2] 1/2

t0 = 39 y (0.005991) 1/2 = 3.02 y

From his point of view, Daedalus had traveled only 3.02 years. Therefore, at the end of the journey, he

45 y + 3.02 y = 48.02 years old.

(b) His son Icarus, who stayed back on Earth, is 39 years older:

20 y + 39 y = 59 years old.

Thus the father is younger than the son after 39 years of absence!

Example 19, Captain Valiant embarked at very high speed on an interstellar odyssey that lasted 12 years by
Earths clock. When he came home, he had aged 2 years. What was his average speed?

Solution. We know the two events, his departure and his return. The time measured with respect to Earth is
t = 12 y. But Captain Valiants proper time is only t0 = 2 y. We apply the speed formula:

v = (1 t02 / t2) 1/2 c (24)

v = (1 22 y / 122 y) 1/2 c = 0.986 c.

Example 20, Mycenaen Commander Agamemnons spaceship takes him on a long trip to Galaxy Troy with
velocity of 0.75 c, and brings him back to Earth. When he checks the clock and calendar in his house, he
finds that a period of seven years has elapsed. How long did his trip take?

Solution. Again the two events are his departure and his return. Earth time duration is t = 7 y. We are to
find the proper time t0 by using the proper time formula (21):

t0 = t (1 v2 / c2) 1/2 (21)

t0 = 7 y (1 0.752 c2 / c2) 1/2

t0 = 7 y (1 0.5625) 1/2 = 7 y (0.4375) 1/2 = 4.63 y.

Example 21, A spacecraft reenters Earth at the speed of 15 km/s and takes 30 seconds to land. What is the
time dilation effect on the spacecraft during this time?

Solution. The two events are the spacecrafts reentry and touchdown. The proper time t0 for the spacecraft
is t0 = 30 s. If we know , we can derive the effect t by applying the time dilation formula:

t = t0 / (1 v2 / c2) 1/2 (17)

First we convert v into a fraction of c for ease of handling:

v = 15 km/s / 3 x 106 km/s = 0.00005 c

Applying the time dilation formula yields:

t = 30 s / (1 0.000052 c2 / c2) 1/2

t = 30s / (0.9999999975) 1/2 = 30 s x 1.000 000 001 25 = 30.000 000 38 s.

Even at this unrealistically high speed, the effect of time dilation is so tiny it is undetectable by an ordinary

Example 22, Cosmonaut Svoboda in a spacecraft hurtling toward Galaxy Tranto Mir measures her heartbeat
to be one every 0.90 s while Mission Control on Earth measures her heart to beat once every 1.50 s. How fast
is Svoboda traveling relatively to Earth?

Solution. We find the two events in the beginning and end of one of Cosmonaut Svobodas heartbeat. Since
the heartbeat begins and ends in the same location, her heart, the heartbeat she measured is the proper time
t0. Knowing the time t measured in the earths reference frame (Mission Control), we apply the speed
relation derived from the time dilation formula:

v = (1 t02 / t2) 1/2 c (24)

v = (1 0.902 s / 1.502 s) 1/2 c = 0.80 c.

Example 23, An experiment conducted in a laboratory on Earth takes 300 s to complete. A Martian space
traveler moving with a constant velocity of 0.6 c relative to Earth happens to observe the experiment. How
long does the Martian measure the experiment to last?

Solution. The two events are the beginning and end of the lab experiment. Since both events occur in the
lab, the time measured is the proper time t0 = 300 s. We find the time t measured by the Martian to be:

t = t0 / (1 v2 / c2) 1/2 (17)

t = 300 s / (1 0.62 c2/ c2) 1/2

t = 300 s / (1 0.36 c2/ c2) 1/2 = 300 s / 0.8 = 375 s.

What are the implications of relativistic time dilation?

The concept of time dilation implies that as t goes to infinity, one tick of the clock (or any one unit of time)
takes an infinite amount of time assuming that t0 is one such tick. To put it another way, as v approaches c
the clock gradually grinds to a halt. That is another sense of cs being the upper limit of all speeds.
Another way to look at time dilation is that the proper time t0, the time elapsed between two events that
occur at the same location, e.g., the time traveled by an astronaut, remains small while = (1 v2 / c2) 1/2
increases very rapidly as the speed v approaches, but never reaches, c. The relation t = t0 derived from
the time dilation equation says that the time t elapsed on Earth is equal to the proper time t0 multiplied by
. That is, every second of proper time that an astronaut travels near the speed of light corresponds to
seconds as measured by an earthbound observer. As grows by leaps and bounds even with tiny = v / c
increases, so also do the time dilation effects. Thus, as shown by Table 2-3 in Section 2.1.2 above, if the
astronaut travels with a velocity of 0.9994 c, for every year (second, minute, hour, and so on.) she clocks in
her spaceship, her brother on the earth clocks 28.87 years (seconds, minutes, hours, and so on). And if she
travels at velocity 0.9999 c for a year, her brother will age 70.71 years, an extremely tantalizing consideration
for attempting interstellar travel.
Another example of space travel made possible, but highly implausible, by time dilation. A spaceship that
can accelerate at a constant and comfortable rate of g (acceleration of Earths gravity = 9.80665 m/s2) can take
travelers to Andromeda galaxy 2 million light-years away and back in 59 years. During this time the earth
has aged more than 4 million years. And if the ship travels 78 years with the same acceleration, it can reach a
galaxy 500 million light-years away to find upon return that the earth has become one billion years older.
This is the law of nature. But as with other laws of nature, we do not have the technology or the know-how
yet to take full advantage of them.
One caveat about space travel, however. It takes an enormous amount of energy, in fact, an infinite
amount of energy, in order to build up enough acceleration to reach this near light speed, an engineering feat
that our technology is not capable of achieving within the foreseeable future. To add a little perspective,
NASAs space shuttle, which in 2005 is the fastest manned flying machine available, needs 3 space shuttle
main engines (SSMEs built into the orbiter), which are fueled by the an external tank (ET) of propellant, and
2 reusable solid rocket boosters (SRBs) burning solid propellant to lift it free of Earths gravitational pull for
orbit insertion. The 29,937-kg external tank with its 719,115-kg load of liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen
weighs a total of 749,052 kg. Each of the two 86,137-kg SRBs holds 494,064 kg of rocket propellant,
weighing a total of 580,201 kg. Together the 2 SRBs deliver 71.4% (or 2,993,740 kg) of the total thrust to the
shuttle at liftoff and during first stage ascent. At liftoff the ET receives a total thrust of 3,538,057 kg from the
2 SRBs and 3 SSMEs. Each of the three SSMEs weighs 3,039 kg. Altogether the propulsion system of the
space shuttle weighs 1,918,571 kg. The space shuttle at liftoff weighs about 2,041,166 kg with a maximum
cargo capacity of 28,803 kg. After 8.5 minutes of rocket acceleration, the space shuttle reaches an altitude of
45 km, the exhausted ET is jettisoned and the 2 SRBs also separate, leaving the shuttles 3 main engines the
task of boosting the orbiter from 4,828 km/h to 27,358 km/h in 6 minutes to reach orbit. Without the ET, the
SSMEs do not have much fuel to go far. Thus, it takes the space shuttle a total of 14.5 minutes after launch
and a consumption of 1,707,345 kg of propellant just to carry 28,803 kg of payload into orbit 354 km (220
miles) above Earth. As Table 2-3 shows, even this astounding velocity undergoes a tiny time dilation factor
of 1.0000000003208 since it is only 1/39,541th the speed of light. We are a long way from interstellar travel,
As a continuation of the graph in Figure 2-8, we now take the data from Table 2-3 and start at a very high
speed v (in terms of c), or which amounts to the same thing, = v / c. We graph the times corresponding to v
= 0.9 c to v = 0.999 999 999 999 999 c (15 decimal places), coming as unrealistically close to c as we can get
within the limits of floating point numbers allowed by Excel. Note that the top of the graph shows that if an
astronaut can manage to journey at velocity v = 0.999 999 999 999 999 c, every second she travels through
space is equivalent to 22,369,621 seconds on Earth!

Time Dilation as Speeds Approach c


Time as gamma in seconds




0.9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Speed v / c from 0.9-0.999999999999999 c

Time in seconds

Figure 2-9. Time dilation growing rapidly at very high speeds approaching c.

In calculating time dilation, it is important to identify the two events (e.g., the beginning and end of a journey,
the beginning and end of a light pulse, the beginning and end of a heartbeat, the creation and decay of a
particle, etc.) and the proper time t0, which is the time interval between two events that occur at the same
location for an observer, e.g., in a spaceship. The proper time is the shortest time between these two
events. The time interval t measured by a stationary observer on Earth observing the same two events is not
the proper time because the events occur in two different locations.
A consideration of the time dilation formula t = t0 / (1 v2 / c2) 1/2 shows that the higher the speed v
is, the higher becomes and the greater t becomes. t is greater than t0 by the factor at any speed v >
0. However, in v << c, the time difference between t and t0 is so small it can be detected only by atomic
clocks capable to measuring nanoseconds.
We have seen that time runs slower for a traveling observer. This does not mean that the clock runs
slower; the clock is accurate and functions normally. Instead, it is in the nature of time to slow down (to
dilate) at very high speed compared to time as measured by a stationary observer. Time in an environment
moving with high speed with respect to Earth marches to a different drumbeat than time on Earth. We say,
again, that time is relative, i.e., relative to the reference frame. The obvious question is, What about the
normal physical and biological processes that occur in a human traveling at high speed? The answer is that
every physical process from heartbeat, digestion, metabolism to breathing and aging slows down accordingly,
by exactly the same dilation factor . The upshot is that everything from the ticks of the clock to a humans
life processes proceed as they would normally do on Earth. The traveling astronauts would notice nothing
different in themselves or in their clocks.
To sum up, both the high-velocity space traveler and the earthbound observer live their lives normally in
their respective environments. The effects of time dilation become measurable when the space traveler comes
back to Earth. The traveler ages less than the observer on Earth. Space travel, however, leads to a
dilemma we will consider in the next section.

2.3.2 The Twin Paradox

As illustrated in Example 18 above, if you travel with the speed of 0.997 c, you will make a 40-ly trip to a star
and back in only 3.02 years. Father Daedalus made the 40-ly interstellar trip in 3.02 years while his son
Icarus, who stayed on Earth, aged 39 years during the same trip, making him older than his father on the
latters return, a scenario rife with promises for science fiction writers. This startling possibility is predicted
by the special theory of relativity. To the space travelers their ship is at rest, and the stars and everything else
move past them. To observers outside the spaceship, it is the spaceship that moves, and everything else is at
rest. Whether Daedalus thinks he is at rest and his son moves or vice versa, or whether he thinks he moves
and his son is at rest or vice versa makes no difference in the result. Each side is right in his claims. Each
point of view (or reference frame) is equivalent to the other. And in accordance with the first postulate of
special relativity, each inertial reference frame is treated the same by the laws of physics. There are no
preferred reference systems.
If all reference frames are equivalent, can the space traveler Daedalus claim that it was his son Icarus that
traveled while he was at rest, and therefore should be the one that aged more slowly? Can Icarus claim that his
father aged more slowly because he is the one that traveled? Put differently, if there is complete symmetry
between reference frames, are both claims equally valid? The answer is no because the two reference systems
are not equivalent. Father Daedalus spaceship had to accelerate many times to reach its cruising speed of
0.997 c and had to accelerate again on the return trip. His spaceship is not an inertial system. But Son Icarus
was in an inertial frame, that of the Earth.
If we now substitute two identical twins Tweedledee and Tweedledum for Daedalus and Icarus, the
situation does not change. By the first postulate of the special theory of relativity, Tweedledee the traveler
can claim that he is stationary and it is his brother who travels. So Tweedledum should age more slowly than
Tweedledee. Tweedledum, on his part, will protest that it is his brother Tweedledee that travels and therefore
should age more slowly. In this case, we have a putative paradox known as the Twin Paradox. By the first
postulate each twin can claim that it is his brother who ages more slowly. Yet, both twins simply cannot age
more slowly than each other at the same time.
Again the resolution resides in the definition of the inertial frame. If we remember that only Tweedledee
has to accelerate in his interstellar voyage, the apparent paradox dissolves. This is a clear case involving an
inertial system (Tweedledum) and an accelerating system (Tweedledee). The two systems are not equivalent.
Hence, the first postulate does not apply and there is no paradox. We will see accelerating systems treated by
the general theory in Chapter 3.

2.3.3 Decay of the Muon

Another experimental confirmation of the special theory of relativity involves the behavior of the muon, an
unstable subatomic particle created by cosmic radiation high in the earths atmosphere that travels down to
the earth at a speed approaching the speed of light and has an average life of 2.2 s (2.2 microseconds or
millionths of a second) before it decays.
Consider a muon created at an altitude of 5000 m above Earths surface. If the muon travels down toward
Earth at the speed of 0.995 c, it will decay after traveling only:

d = 0.995 x 3 x 108 m x 2.2 x 10-6 s = 657 m.

Another way to look at this is from the point of view of the muon itself. If an observer could accompany
the muon, she would notice that the muon was at rest and the earth was moving up at the speed of 0.995 c
traveling 657 m before the muon decayed. Since the muon is created somewhere at the top of the atmosphere
and decays somewhere near the bottom of the atmosphere, to the muon this distance is the thickness of the
atmosphere. Large numbers of muons have been detected on the ground because as they travel at near the
speed of light, they age more slowly due to the effect of time dilation in their descent and thus live long
enough to reach the ground.
Time dilation for radioactive particles was first measured in 1941 by Bruno Rossi and D.B. Hall. But the
more notable experiment was conducted in 1963 by the physicists D. H. Frisch and J. H. Smith. In the article
Measurement of Relativistic Time Dilation Using -Mesons published in American Journal of Physics,
May 1963, they described in detail an experiment in which they counted the number of muons near the peak
of Mount Washington, New Hampshire, and the number of muons in their laboratory in Cambridge,
Massachusetts. Because of the muons short life, it was expected that there would be more of them surviving
at higher altitudes than at sea level. Frisch and Smith set their detector to detect muons traveling with speeds
v within the narrow range of 0.995 c and count the number of muons as they came down near the summit of
Mount Washington before their decay. In one experiment run their apparatus found a mean muon life of 2.2
s, and an average arrival rate of 563 muons per hour The muons journey through a vertical distance d of
1907 m from their setup on Mount Washington to their laboratory in Cambridge, measured by a clock at rest
relative to the laboratory, takes a time:

t = d / v = 1907 m / (0.995)(3 x 108 s) = 6.4 x 106 or 6.4 s

According to their calculations, after the time t = 6.4 s has elapsed, only 27 muons per hour would be
expected to survive the trip. However, the detector at Cambridge counted an average hourly survival rate of
408 muons. This rate, according to the experimenters calculations, corresponds to a mean life of t0 = 0.7 s.
To find the velocity with which the muons fell to Earth, given the proper time t0 = 0.7 s, i.e., the mean
life at rest, and the stationary time t = 6.4 s, we use the time dilation findings by applying the speed
formula to obtain:

v = (1 t02 / t2) 1/2 c (24)

v = (1 0.72 s / 6.42 s) 1/2 c = 0.994 c

which is incredibly close to the experimental speed of 0.995 c set for the detectors, thereby confirming time
dilation and the special theory of relativity.
Further particle experiments in 1985 with fast-moving atoms of neon excited by a laser to obtain high-
precision frequency also confirmed time dilation.
Let us take a few more numerical examples to illustrate.

Example 24, If a cosmic ray-produced muons mean life at rest (i.e., traveling with the muon) is 2.2 s, (a)
how far does the muon travel at this speed of decay? (b) what is its mean life when it travels with the speed
of 0.99 c? (c) How far does it travel at this speed before decaying?

Solution. (a) In the muons frame of reference, traveling for 2.2 s, the muon covers a distance dmuon of:

dmuon = 0.99x 3 x 108 m x 2.2 x 10-6 s = 653 m.

From the muons frame, the earths atmosphere is only 653 m thick.

(b) The two events, the birth and decay of the muon, occur in the same location only in a rest
frame. Given the muons mean life at rest is the proper time t0, we use the time dilation formula (17) to find
the time t:

t = t0 / (1 v2 / c2) 1/2 (17)

t = 2.2 s / (1 0.992 c2/ c2) 1/2 = 15.6 s.

(c) According to an observer on Earth, the distance dEarth traveled by the muon during this time

dEarth = t v = (15.6 x 106 s) (0.99) (3 x 108 m/s) = 4632 m.

For the earthbound observer, the muon has traveled 4632 m to arrive close to the ground level.

Example 25, Assuming a muon is created at an altitude of 5500 m and has a mean life at rest of 2.2 s, (a)
what is its mean life when it travels with the speed of 0.95 c? (b) what is the distance it travels to Earth before

Solution. (a) Since the muons mean life at rest is its proper time t0, we use the time dilation formula (17)
to find its mean life when traveling with velocity 0.95 c.

t = t0 / (1 v2 / c2) 1/2 (17)

t = 2.2 s / (1 0.952 c2 / c2) 1/2 = 7.05 s or 7.05 x 106 s.

(b) The distance the muon travels at the speed v = 0.95 x 3 x 108 m/s = 2.85 x 108 m/s:

d = t v

d = 7.05 x 106 s x 2.85 x 108 m/s = 2009 m.

Example 26, What is the mean life of a muon measured in the laboratory frame of reference if its mean life at
rest is 2.20 x 106 s and its speed is 2.00 x 108 m/s relative to the lab?

Solution. The muons mean life at rest is its proper time t0. Applying the time dilation formula yields:

t = t0 / (1 v2 / c2) 1/2 (17)

t = 2.20 x 106 s / [1 (2.00 x 108 m/s)2 / (3.00 x 108 m/s)2]1/2

t = 2.20 x 106 s / [1 (2 /3)2]1/2 = 2.2 x 106 s / [1 (4 / 9)]1/2 = 2.95 x 106 s.

Example 27, A muons average lifetime at rest is found to be 2.5 x 10 6 s, and the time it takes to reach the
laboratory is 6.8 x 106 s. Find (a) the speed with which it traveled, and (b) the distance it traveled.

Solution. (a) Here we have t0 = 2.5 x 106 s and t = 6.8 x 106 s. Applying the speed equation, we obtain:

v = (1 t02 / t2) 1/2 c (24)

v = [1 (2.5 x 106 s )2 / (6.8 x 106 s)2] 1/2 c = 0.93 c.

(b) The distance the muon travels at the speed v = 0.93 c:

d = t v

d = 6.8 x 106 s x 0.93 x 3 x 108 m/s = 1.897 x 103 m = 1897 m.

Example 28, The Conseil europen pour la recherche nuclaire (CERN, European Council for Nuclear
Research), straddling France and Switzerland outside Geneva, is the premier site of particle physics research
center equipped with the worlds largest particle accelerators and detectors. It produced muons accelerated to
high speeds with a mean life 30 times greater than the muons mean lifetime at rest. What is the speed of a
CERN muon?
Solution. The mean life of a muon has been determined to be t0 = 2.2 x 106 s. The CERN muons
mean life is t = 2.2 x 106 s x 30 = 66.0 x 106 s. Applying the speed formula yields:

v = (1 t02 / t2) 1/2 c (24)

v = [1 (2.2 x 106 s )2 / (66.0 x 106 s)2] 1/2 c = 0.9994 c.

Example 29, Produced by cosmic rays, a muon travels 3000 m to Earth with a mean life in its fall of 44 x
106 s. What are its speed v, its , and its proper time?

Solution. (a) Knowing the muons mean life in fall and the distance traveled, we use the distance formula
to derive its velocity:

d = t v

v = d /t

v = 3000 m / 44 x 106 s = 66.18 x 106 m/s or 0.66 c.

(b) The factor is derived from:

= (1 v2 / c2) 1/2 (3)

= (1 0.66 2 c2/ c2) 1/2 = 1.33.

(c) The proper time is derived from:

t0 = t (1 v2 / c2) 1/2 (21)

t0 = 44 x 106 s (1 0.66 2 c2 / c2) 1/2 = 33 x 106 s.

2.4 Length Contraction

Just as time and simultaneity are relative to reference frames, distance or length is also relative to reference
frames, as we will see shortly. If someone tells you that a starship flying at close to the speed of light
(reference frame S) shrinks in length in the direction of motion with respect to an observer on Earth
(reference frame S), what will you think? Not only does the starship shrinks, everything else in it, including
humans, also shrinks as measured in the S frame. And if the starship manages to approach the speed of light,
its length shrinks to zero! You will probably feel very uncomfortable with the notion of a moving objects
shrinking simply by traveling with a speed close to c. Yet, this is what nature is like and the phenomenon
conforms to the special theory of relativity.

2.4.1 Length Contraction

The shortening of distances must by now be familiar to the reader, given what we have seen in the Lorentz-
FitzGerald contraction as well as in time dilation.
We saw in Section 2.1.4 how scientists were trying to explain the null result of the Michelson-Morley
experiment by positing an ad-hoc factor known as the Lorentz-FitzGerald contraction, which turns out to be
the factor .
Recall Example 18 above, in which an astronaut father, Daedalus, came home younger than his
earthbound son Icarus after a voyage to a star 20 ly away by a measurement made from Earth. Daedalus
covered the distance of 40 ly in just t0 = 3.02 years traveling at the speed of 0.997 c whereas to his son the
same trip took t = 39 years by a clock on Earth. This distance d of 3.02 y x 0.997 c amounts to only 3.01 ly
as compared to the 40 ly measured from the Earths point of view. Clearly, distance has shrunk for the space
traveler. This shortening of distance coupled with the slowing down of time makes space travel a very
attractive proposition. The one major hurdle, aside from financial matters, is the technology of propulsion
powerful enough to reach very high speeds.
Now take Example 24 about the muon produced in the upper atmosphere by cosmic rays. From the
muons reference frame, it travels only 653 m while from the Earths frame, it travels 4632 m at velocity 0.99
c. Clearly, distance contracts for the muon.
When the concept of absolute simultaneity was overturned, it brought down with it the concept of absolute
time as well as that of absolute length or distance. To measure the length of an object, e.g., the length of a
meter stick, we need to see both ends of it at the same time. But since two events that are simultaneous in one
frame of reference S are not necessarily simultaneous in another reference frame S in motion with respect to
the first, we are faced with a measurement problem. The measurements of time and distance in these frames
will differ.
To examine this issue quantitatively, let us consider a thought experiment. A spaceship travels from star
A to star B with a speed v. An observer from Earth measures the distance between the stars as L0 (called the
proper length), and according to this observer, the trip takes the time:

t = L0 / v or v = L0 / t

For their part the spaceship astronauts maintain that they are at rest and the destination star is moving toward
them at the speed v. According to the astronauts the distance in the direction of motion between the stars is L,
and the time it takes them to reach their destination is:

t0 = L / v or v = L / t0

Since observer and astronauts agree that the spacecrafts speed is v in either case, the above relations can be
rewritten to eliminate v:

L / t0 = L0 / t

L = L0 t0 / t

But formula (23) has established the relation between t0 and t as :

= t / t0 (23)

Hence, the formula for relativistic length contraction in the direction of motion is:

L = L0 1 or L = L0 (1 v2 / c2) 1/2 (25)

And the spreadsheet equivalent of the length contraction formula is:

L = L0 * (1 (v^2 / c^2))^(1/2) (26)

Substitute a value for the proper length L0 and the speed v to obtain the contracted length L.

Given a contracted length L and the speed v, we derive the proper length L0 as follows:

L0 = L or L0 = L / (1 v2 / c2) 1/2 (27)

which, when translated into a spreadsheet formula, becomes:

L0 = L / (1 (v^2 / c^2))^( 1/2 ) (28)

If v is expressed in terms of c, use the following formula:

L0 = L / (1 (v^2 ))^( 1/2 ) (29)

Substitute the contracted length L and v in terms of c in the above formula to obtain the proper length.

Solving for the speed v, we get:

L = L0 (1 v2 / c2) 1/2

L2 = L02 (1 v2 / c2)

L2 / L02 = 1 v2 / c2

v2 / c2 = 1 L2 / L02

v2 = (1 L2 / L02 ) c2

v = c (1 L2 / L02 ) 1/2 (30)

or, if we want to find the speed v in terms of c:

v / c = (1 L2 / L02 ) 1/2 (31)

Translating relation (30) into a spreadsheet formula, we get the speed v:

v = c*(1 L^2 / L0^2)^( 1/2) (32)

or the speed v in terms of c:

v = (1 L^2 / L0^2)^( 1/2) (33)

Since the reciprocal of < 1, L < L0. The proper length is greater than the length as measured by the traveling
astronauts by the reciprocal of the factor . This phenomenon is called length contraction.
The distance L0, called the proper length, is the length of an object measured by an observer at rest
with respect to that object. In our example, the proper length is the distance between star A and star B as
measured by an earthbound observer. The distance L is measured by the traveling astronauts. The proper
length L0 is greater than the contracted length L of the same object in motion. And the length contracted is
shorter than the proper length by the factor 1.

Notes: (1) The astronauts travel during the proper time interval t0 but cover the distance L,. not the
proper length L0. On the other hand, the earthbound observer measures the distance between the stars as the
proper length L0, but measures the time the astronauts take to cover this distance as the stationary time t.
Therefore, it should never be assumed that an observer that measures the proper time also measures the
proper length or vice versa.
(2) Length contraction occurs only in the length that is parallel to the direction of motion of the
object. It does not occur in the dimension perpendicular to the direction of motion, i.e., the objects height
remains unchanged, assuming the motion is horizontal.
(3) The factor approaches 1 as the speed v approaches everyday speeds, v << c, and length
contraction becomes unnoticeable. When v = 0, i.e., when the object is at rest, = 1, and there is no length
(4) Given that no object travels faster than light, i.e., v > 0, no object has length zero in any
reference frame. See the graph in Figure 2-11 below.

To the question How long is a meter stick?, the answer is, It depends on whether the stick moves and how
fast it moves, and whether the observer who measures it moves or not and at what speed. Quantitatively,
length measurements depend on the factor , which in turn depends on the speed v of the system. We conclude
that there is no such thing as absolute length (distance or space). Length, like motion, time and
simultaneity, is relative.

Effects of Length Contraction

Length contraction has startling effects. A spaceship that passes you at near the speed of light not only
appears shorter but also shows its rear surface even though you are directly alongside it. This effect, which is
not a relativistic effect, occurs because of the finite speed of light. By the time light from the side of the
spaceship reaches you the spaceship has moved. Light from the rear of the spaceship must have left earlier
than light from the side in order to reach you at the same time. By the same token, if you fly past a building at
nearly the speed of light, you can see both the front and side of a building as you pass it. This effect makes it
wrong for science-fiction writers to represent buildings or people to be skinny and elongated in the vertical
Length contraction allows the muon created by cosmic radiation high up in the atmosphere to reach
ground level in spite of its short life.
Take the example of a triangular spaceship in Figure 2-10 that moves to the right with a speed of v = 0.85
c. Its length x at rest (i.e., its proper length) measures 75 m and its height y at rest is 25 m. At the speed v,
the ships contracted length is given by formula (25):

L = L0 (1 v2 / c2) 1/2 (25)

L = 75 (1 0.852 ) 1/2 = 39.5 m

y = 25 m

x = 75 m

(a) Spaceship at rest.

y = 25 m v = 0.85 c

x = 39.5 m

(b) Spaceship moving with v = 0.85 c.

Figure 2-10. (a) Length contraction occurs only in the direction of motion, affecting the spaceships length x.
(b) Length contraction does not occur in the direction perpendicular to the direction of motion. Therefore, the
ships height y remains unchanged.

Quantitative examples of length contraction follow.

Example 30, A spaceship measuring 90 m on the runway travels at a speed of 0.65 c with respect to an
earthbound observer. How long does the spaceship in flight appear to the same observer?

Solution. Given the proper length L0 and the speed v, we find the contracted length L of the spaceship with:

L = L0 (1 v2 / c2) 1/2 (25)

L = 90 (1 0.652 ) 1/2 = 68.39 m.

Example 31, A spaceship travels past the earth at a speed of 0.75 c relative to an earthbound observer.
How long does a meter stick in the spaceship appear to the same observer?

Solution. Given the proper length L0 and the speed v, we find the contracted length L of the meter stick with:
L = L0 (1 v2 / c2) 1/2 (25)

L = 1 (1 0.752 ) 1/2 = 0.66 m.

Example 32, To an observer on Earth the 100m-long rocket ship measures 55.85 m. How fast does the
rocket ship fly past the observer?

Solution. We have the rocket ships proper length L0 and its contracted length L. Its speed is given by the

v / c = (1 L2 / L02 ) 1/2 (31)

v / c = (1 1002 m / 55.852 m) 1/2 = 0.83 c.

Example 33, If a spaceship as measured by a stationary observer is 37.2 m long as it moves past the
observer at a speed of 0.65 c, how long is it when at rest on the ground?

Solution. Given the contracted length L and the speed v, we find the proper length L0 of the rocket ship with:

L0 = L / (1 v2 / c2) 1/2 (27)

L0 = 32.7 m / (1 0.652 ) 1/2 = 43.0 m.

Example 34, At what speed does a spaceship have to travel past the earth for an earthbound observer to
measure its length to be 150 m if it is 175 m long when at rest?

Solution. Given the contracted length L and the proper length L0 of the spaceship, we derive its speed with:

v / c = (1 L2 / L02 ) 1/2 (31)

v / c = (1 1502 / 1752 ) 1/2 = 0.52 c.

Example 35, A rocket ship hurtles through space at the speed of 0.35 c to an earth observer. (a) Find its .
(b) Find its contracted length L as observed by the earth observer. (c) Find its H, the change in its height in
the direction perpendicular to its motion, as observed by the earth observer. (d) Find its contracted length L
as observed by an onboard astronaut. (e) Calculate the change L in its length in the direction of motion as
observed by the earth observer.

Solution. (a) The contraction factor for speed v = 0.35 c is given by:

= 1 / (1 v2 / c2)1/2 (3)

= 1 / (1 0.352 c2/ c2)1/2 = 1.07.

(b) The rocket ships contracted length L as observed by the earth observer is given by:

L = L0 (1 v2 / c2) 1/2 (25)

L = L0 (1 352 c2/ c2) 1/2 = 0.94 L0.

(c) Since height is perpendicular to the direction of motion, there is no change in the rocket ships

(d) Since the onboard astronaut moves with the rocket ship, there is no change in the ships length
observed by the astronaut.

(e) The change L is measured by comparing L and L0:


L = L L0 (1/ 1) = 0.94 L0 (0.9367 1) L0 = 0.0594 L0.

Example 36, How long does an earthbound observer measure a 150-m-long spaceship to be when it flies
past the observer (a) with a velocity of 0.64 c? (b) with a velocity of 0.001 c?

Solution. Given the proper length L0 of the spaceship and its speed, we derive its the contracted length L:

(a) at speed 0.64 c:

L = L0 (1 v2 / c2) 1/2 (25)

L = 150 m (1 0.642 c2/ c2) 1/2 = 115 m.

(b) at speed 0.001 c:

L = L0 (1 v2 / c2) 1/2 (25)

L = (150 m) (1 0.0012 c2/ c2) 1/2 = 149.9999 m.

Example 37, From an altitude of 550 m a spaceship moves downward toward Earth with a velocity of 0.99
c. What is the altitude of the spaceship as measured by an astronaut in the spaceship?

Solution. Note that the direction of motion is vertically downward, and therefore length contraction occurs.
Given the proper length L0, which is the spaceships altitude, and its speed, we derive the altitude (contracted
length) L as measured by the astronaut:

L = L0 (1 v2 / c2) 1/2 (25)

L = (550 m) (1 0.992 c2/ c2) 1/2 = 77.59 m.

Length Contraction



Length L




0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.99 1 1 1 1 1

Speed v/c

Figure 2-11. Contraction of a meter stick of length L as it moves at speed v / c. As its speed approaches
the speed of light, its length approaches zero. In principle, at v = c, L = 0. However, since nothing moves as
fast as light, v > c, and L > 0. Each of the x coordinates after 0.99 has an additional 9 in the next decimal

Figure 2-11 shows how the length of a moving object (or distance) appears contracted to an observer at rest.
Contraction increases with speed and becomes extreme (approaches zero) at very high speeds. But, given that
no object can travel at the speed of light, no distance or length is reduced to zero. This is another sense in
which c is considered the ultimate speed.
Note that objects only appear contracted from the stationary observers reference frame. From the
reference frame of the moving object, however, nothing in that object contracts. A meter stick on a space ship
traveling at 0.9 c measures 1 meter just as it does when the ship is at rest on the ground. By reason of
symmetry the moving observer finds the stationary stick to be shortened. More importantly, length
contraction is related to time dilation. Recall in Section 2.3.3 the muons journey to Earths surface from its
atmospheric height of 4000-5000 m. From its point of view, the distance it travels is short (we call it
contracted) enough to cover before it decays in nanoseconds. Though the muon thinks it travels only about
600 m in its brief life, it actually arrives near the ground. And the muons reach the ground in large enough
quantity to be detected. Also, to a stationary observer, a diner on a spaceship traveling at a high speed appear
to take more time, e.g., 20 minutes, to finish a meal that is served on a plate whose diameter has shrunk to 15
cm. To the traveling diner, the meal takes only 15 minutes and his plate measures 20 cm in diameter.

Visual Effects of Length Contraction

For some 50 years after the special theory had been proposed, it was thought that length contraction could be
observed or photographed directly. For instance, an astronaut moving at high speed in a spaceship could take
a photograph of another identical ship moving in the opposite direction that shows its shortened length in the
direction of motion. However, there is a difference between observing length contraction and seeing length
contraction. In fact, Roger Penrose in 1958 and James Terrell in 1959, working independently, found that the
Lorentz contraction of distant objects is more of a rotation than a shortening.
The following abstract of the article Invisibility of the Lorentz Contraction by the American physicist
James Terrell, published in the journal Physical Review (116, pp.10411045, 1959), provides an overview:

It is shown that, if the apparent directions of objects are plotted as points on a sphere surrounding the
observer, the Lorentz transformation corresponds to a conformal transformation on the surface of this
sphere. Thus, for sufficiently small subtended solid angle, an object will appearopticallythe same
shape to all observers. A sphere will photograph with precisely the same circular outline whether
stationary or in motion with respect to the camera. An object of less symmetry than a sphere, such as a
meter stick, will appear, when in rapid motion with respect to an observer, to have undergone rotation, not
contraction. The extent of this rotation is given by the aberration angle (theta theta), in which theta is
the angle at which the object is seen by the observer and theta is the angle at which the object would be
seen by another observer at the same point stationary with respect to the object. Observers photographing
the meter stick simultaneously from the same position will obtain precisely the same picture, except for a
change in scale given by the Doppler shift ratio, irrespective of their velocity relative to the meter stick.
Even if methods of measuring distance, such as stereoscopic photography, are used, the Lorentz
contraction will not be visible, although correction for the finite velocity of light will reveal it to be

This effect is known as the Terrell effect. In order to see the relativistic effects of length contraction, we
need to slow down the speed of light c and travel with it. This can be accomplished by computer simulation.
In the article Seeing relativity: Visualising special relativity (1997-1999), Anthony Searle, of the University
of New South Wales, Australia, described the visual effects in videos made from computer simulation of
reduced c scenes. Making light travel 5 m/s, we will see the effects of slow light. First, we observe the
effects on a stationary frame. A streetlamp does not instantly flood the scene with light but emits spherical
balls of light that gradually expand in all directions until they hit a surface and make it visible to us. If we flip
the lamp on and off, we see the lamp turn on first, then parts of the ground and finally the wall even though
the wall is closer to the streetlamp than the ground. This is because light takes less time to reach our eyes via
the ground (the shortest distance) than via the wall (a longer distance). If we now consider a moving frame,
such as a tram moving at 0.866 c, which is gamma = 2, the effects are different. The tram looks distorted, its
colors change, and their intensity also change. Even its shadow slants at an unusual angle. We can study
each effect separately: distortion as angular aberration, color change as the Doppler effect, and brightness as
the headlight effect by eliminating the other effects.
If we study distortion, the tram not only appears shorter but also sheared and slightly bent. Shear is the
effect that results in the trams sides deviating from the perpendicular. First as the tram moves at near-light
speed, it undergoes the Lorentz contraction. Then we see the back side even before we see the front surface,
resulting in the shearing effect. This means light coming from the back, which has a longer distance to
travel to our eye, must have left earlier than light coming from the front. What we are seeing is the image of
the back side at an earlier time. We call this combination of contraction and shear the Terrell effect or the
Penrose-Terrell rotation. This effect occurs with objects that are small and distant. At close quarters,
however, different parts of the tram appear rotated by different amounts, resulting in extreme distortion.
Lines perpendicular to an observers direction of motion will appear curved while lines parallel will appear
contracted. The whole tram (or a cube) will appear rotated. The observers field of view appears compressed
in the forward direction, and expanded in the reverse direction. Also objects behind the observer will be
rotated into sight. Note that the Penrose-Terrell rotation is only an optical effect, for what really rotates is the
image and not the tram. If the object is a sphere, its length contraction is exactly offset by its rotation so that it
retains its shape to an observer.

2.5 Relativistic Momentum

We have seen that in relativistic terms, there is no absolute simultaneity, velocity, time, or length. They are
all relative to the frame of reference in which they are measured. We now examine one of the most important
quantities of mechanics, which is the vector called momentum, and determine whether momentum behaves
in the same way classically and relativistically. In Newtonian mechanics, the linear momentum of an object
equals the product of its mass and velocity, as denoted by:

p = mv (34)

where p is the momentum of an object, m its mass, and v its velocity, expressed in the SI unit kg.m/s2. Note
that this relation does not set the upper limit of the velocity.
A fundamental law in Newtonian mechanics, the conservation of momentum states that when two
objects (e.g., balls, cars, trains, and so on) collide, the total momentum of the system remains constant before
and after the collision, although the momentum of each object may change, provided no external forces come
into play. In other words, momentum is conserved in isolated systems, where the only forces exerted are
internal to the objects, which may range from particles to galaxies or their individual stars. We note that the
notion of collision between objects must be generalized to all kinds of collision whether there is contact
between them or not. For example, a proton and an alpha particle, both of which have positive charge and
repel each other, still obey the law of conservation of (linear) momentum, p = p, whose general
expression is:

m1v1 + m2v2 = m1v1 + m2v2 (35)

where the subscripts refer to the two objects in collision, the unprimed quantities represent the values before
the collision, and the primed quantities the values after the collision. The law holds for collisions of all kinds
of objects, from hard bodies, soft bodies to subatomic particles and galaxies.
Conservation of momentum must be distinguished from conservation of kinetic energy or energy
associated with motion. Whereas momentum is always conserved, kinetic energy (KE = mv2), may or may
not. If energy is conserved as in colliding billiard balls, we have an elastic collision. After the collision the
two bodies move off in different directions. If after the collision, the two bodies stick together, as may
sometimes happen in a train collision, we have a perfectly inelastic collision. Most of the collisions are
inelastic collisions as they are neither elastic nor perfectly inelastic.
Consider a one-dimensional head-on collision of two cars in which they stick together. Such a collision is
perfectly inelastic and their final velocity v is therefore the same: v = v1 = v2, as they now form a system.
From the relation (35) we determine the final velocity in terms of the masses and the initial velocities, i.e.,
using momentum. We get the conservation of momentum in a perfectly inelastic collision as follows:

m1v1 + m2v2 = m1v1 + m2v2 (35)

m1v1 + m2v2 = (m1 + m2) v (36)

Hence, the final velocity v of bodies involved in a perfectly inelastic collision is:

v = (m1v1 + m2v2 ) / (m1 + m2)


v = (m1v1) / (m1 + m2) + (m2v2) / (m1 + m2) (37)

Example 38: After a head-on collision between a full-sized car with a mass 1700 kg and an initial velocity of
9 km/h and a small car with a mass of 850 kg and a speed of 12 km/h moving in the opposite direction, they
stick together. (a) What is the final velocity of the two cars immediately after the collision? (b) What is the
acceleration of each car?

Solution: (a) This is an example of a perfectly inelastic collision, in which the two bodies stick together and
move as one. The final velocity v of the system is:

v = (m1v1) / (m1 + m2) + (m2v2) / (m1 + m2) (37)

Let us first note that the mass of the small car is only half that of the large one. Hence, m1 = 2m2, and

v = (2m2 x 9 km/h) / (2m2 + m2) + (m2 x 12 km/h) / (2m2 + m2)

Eliminating all m2 and the common denominator, and noting that the small car moves in the negative direction
with respect to the big car, we get the final velocity:

v = 2 (9 km/h) 12 km/h = + 6 km/h.

The positive sign indicates that the system is moving in the direction of motion of the big car.

(b) The change in speed for the big car is:

v1 = + 6 km/h 9 km/h = 3 km/h.

And the change in speed for the small car is given by:

v2 = + 6 km/h ( 12 km/h) = + 18 km/h.

Given that acceleration is defined as v / t, and that t is identical for both cars, it is clear that the big car
has acquired an acceleration equal to only one third the acceleration of the small car. Passengers in the small
car, who experience an acceleration three times that of the big car, are subjected to greater forces and greater
potential for injuries.
Consider now a case of elastic collision. If a ball dropped from height h rebounds to the same height h,
that is h = h, we have an elastic collision; in which case both the kinetic energy and the momentum are
conserved. If h h, we have an inelastic collision, in which the momentum is conserved but the kinetic
energy is not. The loss of kinetic energy is converted into other forms, such as thermal energy.
Using an elastic collision between two identical particles (or balls), we can investigate the effect of
relativity on momentum. Imagine two railroad flatcars S and S running toward each other on parallel tracks.
As they approach each other, ball A is thrown with speed v from S toward S perpendicular to its motion. At
the same time an identical ball B is launched with the same speed v from S toward S also perpendicular to its
motion. Having traveled the same distance y, the two balls collide elastically and rebound before being
caught by their respective observers. Ball A with mass m has thus traveled 2y in S frame, and ball B with
identical mass m has traveled 2y in S frame. Since there is no length contraction in the y direction, the
distances traveled by the balls are the same, y = y. Thus symmetry exists between the two frames of
However, if the situation is analyzed from the point of view of one of the moving frames, e.g., S, time
dilation takes effect. As viewed from S, the two events of throwing and catching the ball occur in the same
frame and is measured by the same clock. They occur in the proper time and no time dilation effect emerges.
But in S these two events occur in two different locations, and the time measured in S is related to the proper
time by the time dilation formula, t = t0 / (1 v2 / c2) 1/2. Hence, although the balls travel the same
distance y = y, the times are different, and the y components of their speeds must also be different.
The velocity of A in S is given by:
vA = 2y / t0 = v

whereas the velocity of B in S is:

vB = 2y / t0 (1 v2 / c2) 1/2 = v(1 v2 / c2) 1/2.

Since the velocities of A and B are not the same, their momenta must differ. Yet, conservation of momentum
is so fundamental in classical and relativistic mechanics it must be preserved. After all, by the first postulate
of special relativity all laws of physics are the same in all inertial frames. Consequently, momentum must be
redefined to take into account the effect of relativity. Since the y components of the velocities of A and B
differ by the factor = (1 v2 / c2) 1/2 , we can generalize the relativistic momentum definition as follows:

Relativistic momentum p:

p = mv / (1 v2 / c2) 1/2 or mv (38)

SI unit: kg.m/s

As has been observed in other relativistic effects, the factor indicates that at everyday speed, v << c ( close
to 1), relativistic momentum reduces to classical momentum. Also the momentum p increases as the velocity
v increases, but v never reaches c. As the momentum increases, an ever larger force is needed to accelerate
the particle further. An infinite amount of energy would be required to achieve the speed of light, making it
the upper limit of all speeds.

Example 39: What is the momentum of an electron that travels at 0.9999999997 c in terms of mc?

Solution: We apply the formula for relativistic momentum.

p = mv / (1 v2 / c2) 1/2 (38)

= (m) 0.9999999997 c / (1 0.99999999972 c2/ c2) = 4.08 x 104 mc.

Example 40: What is the momentum of an electron that travels at 0.99 c if its mass is 9.1094 x 10-31 kg?

Solution: We apply the formula for relativistic momentum.

p = mv (38)

= (7.0888) (9.1094 x 10-31 kg ) (0.99 c)

= (7.0888) (9.1094 x 10-31 kg ) (2.9679 x 108 m/s) = 1.9 x 10-21 kg.m/s.

2.6 Relativistic Mass

One of the on-going controversial issues about special relativity is the interpretation of the concept of
relativistic mass. In the relativistic momentum formula above, m is interpreted as the mass of the object as
measured by an observer at rest, i.e., the rest mass, m0. The rest mass is also called invariant mass. Thus,
we can write the momentum equation as:

p = m0v or m0v / (1 v2 / c2) 1/2 (39)

But the momentum formula p = mv is also interpreted to mean that as the velocity v increases, the mass m
increases, i.e., mass is velocity-dependent, as relativistic mass is supposed to be, as shown:

p = m0v / (1 v2 / c2) 1/2

mv = m0v / (1 v2 / c2) 1/2


Dividing both sides by v, we obtain the expression for the relativistic mass:

m = m0 / (1 v2 / c2) 1/2 (40)

The formula (40) implies that relativistic mass is related to rest mass by the factor and increases with the
speed v. This motivates some authors to associate the mass in Newtons momentum p = mv with relativistic
mass, making it a general relation for all masses. It must be noted that at v << c mass increase is
infinitesimally small and therefore imperceptible. Under this interpretation, as the velocity v approaches c,
the (relativistic) mass m tends to infinity, as indicated by relation (40). A constant force applied to the mass
of an object moving with ever-increasing speed produces ever-decreasing acceleration as v c. In other
words, if v = c the denominator in relation (40) becomes zero, and the mass m would be infinite. Also it would
take infinite energy to generate the speed v = c, an impossible feat. This is another reason to consider light as
the ultimate speed.

Example 41: What is the relativistic mass of a ball traveling at 0.70 c if its rest mass is 0.4 kg?

Solution: Applying equation (40), we get:

m = m0 / (1 v2 / c2) 1/2 (40)

= 0.4 kg / (1 0.702 / c2) 1/2 = 0.56 kg.

Many beginning physics textbooks as well as popular books on special relativity, including works by
Stephen Hawking (A brief history of time), Richard Feynman (Lectures on physics), and Brian Greene (The
elegant universe), introduce relativistic mass increase, at least as a heuristic. Michael Fowler (1996), too,
defends relativistic mass increase thus:
Deciding that masses of objects must depend on speed like this (M = m/(1-v2/c2)1/2, addition mine) seems a
heavy price to pay to rescue conservation of momentum! However, it is a prediction that is not difficult to
check by experiment. The first confirmation came in 1908, measuring the mass of fast electrons in a
vacuum tube. In fact, the electrons in a color TV tube are about half a percent heavier than electrons at
rest, and this must be allowed for in calculating the magnetic fields used to guide them to the screen.

Much more dramatically, in modern particle accelerators very powerful electric fields are used to
accelerate electrons, protons and other particles. It is found in practice that these particles become heavier
and heavier as the speed of light is approached, and hence need greater and greater forces for further
acceleration. Consequently, the speed of light is a natural absolute speed limit. Particles are accelerated to
speeds where their mass is thousands of times greater than their mass measured at rest, usually called the
"rest mass." (Fowler, 1996)
Another textbook states that when we consider the motion of a system of particles (such as gas molecules
in a moving container), the total mass of the system must be taken to be the sum of the relativistic masses of
the particles rather than the sum of their rest masses. (Sears, Zemansky, and Young, 1987, p. 807)
Yet, in the next paragraph Sears et al. (1987) admits the pitfalls of using the relativistic mass. For
example, Newtons second law cannot be generalized by its relativistic counterpart as F = mrela, nor can the
relativistic kinetic energy of a particle be generalized as KE = mrelv2. It is thus better to consider the
momentum expression in Equation (39) as a generalized definition of momentum with m construed as the rest
mass, which is a property of the particle on the same par with charge, independent of motion.
An increasing number of textbooks published during 2000-2005 have not relied on the concept of
relativistic mass. The reasons are many. In 1948, Einstein in a letter to Lincoln Barnett wrote:

It is not good to introduce the concept of the mass M = m/(1-v2/c2)1/2 of a body for which no clear
definition can be given. It is better to introduce no other mass than `the rest mass' m. Instead of
introducing M, it is better to mention the expression for the momentum and energy of a body in motion.

Einstein himself was ambivalent about the term relativistic mass, which he almost never used, although in a
paper of 1905 {Does the inertia of a body depend on its energy content?) he stated that the inertia of a body
depended on its energy. This is in accord with what some scientists say when they popularize the topic for
the general public. In Stephen Hawking in A brief history of time, we find, "Because of the equivalence of
energy and mass, the energy which an object has due to its motion will add to its mass." and Richard
Feynman in The character of physical law writes, "The energy associated with motion appears as an extra
mass, so things get heavier when they move." In the 1920s, physicists Pauli, Eddington, and Born freely used
relativistic mass in their textbooks.
Gibbs (1996) probably best summarizes the confusing state of affairs about relativistic mass and rest mass
in the following passage:
There is sometimes confusion surrounding the subject of mass in relativity. This is because there are two
separate uses of the term. Sometimes people say "mass" when they mean "relativistic mass", mr but at
other times they say "mass" when they mean "invariant mass", m0. These two meanings are not the same.
The invariant mass of a particle is independent of its velocity v, whereas relativistic mass increases with
velocity and tends to infinity as the velocity approaches the speed of light c. They can be defined as
mr = E/c2
m0 = sqrt(E2/c4 p2/c2)
where E is energy, p is momentum and c is the speed of light in a vacuum. The velocity dependent
relation between the two is
mr = m0 /sqrt(1 v2/c2)
Of the two, the definition of invariant mass is much preferred over the definition of relativistic mass.
These days, when physicists talk about mass in their research, they always mean invariant mass. The
symbol m for invariant mass is used without the subscript 0. Although the idea of relativistic mass is not
wrong, it often leads to confusion, and is less useful in advanced applications such as quantum field theory
and general relativity. Using the word "mass" unqualified to mean relativistic mass is wrong because the
word on its own will usually be taken to mean invariant mass. For example, when physicists quote a value
for "the mass of the electron" they mean its invariant mass.
By 1950s with the rise of particle physics more and more scientists began to shun the term relativistic mass,
and whenever they referred to mass they meant invariant mass. Certainly it makes no sense to refer to the rest
mass of a photon as zero since photons are never at rest. Photons are simply massless. Although photons
have momentum, which is related to total energy, the concept of relativistic mass has no significance to

2.7 Relativistic Energy

If there is one equation that dominates the twentieth century among physicists and in the minds of the public,
it is the mass-energy equivalence relation E = mc2. Simple as it is, Einsteins formula has far-reaching
consequences. It ushers in the atomic age by showing that a small amount of mass is equivalent to an
enormous amount of energy. The trick is to find the technology to effect the conversion. One peaceful
application of this insight is evident in nuclear power plants, where small amounts of uranium produce by
fission tremendous heat energy that is used to generate electricity using conventional turbines. The sun too
emits vast quantities of energy by burning tiny amounts of its own mass. Conversely, energy has been
converted into electrons and protons in the laboratory.
Two of the most fundamental concepts in physics are conservation of energy and conservation of
momentum. We see these laws of conservation at work in collisions and other chemical and physical
phenomena. We shall see the same laws applied in deriving the relationship between mass and energy.
In what follows Jones and Childers (1993, p. 708) introduce Einsteins famous equation by way of
momentum. Maxwells electromagnetic theory predicts that light exerts pressure when it strikes an object.
This pressure implies that light rays carry momentum, which is proportional to the energy carried by the light
rays. The momentum is expressed by

p = E/c (41)

where E is the energy and c the speed of light.

Imagine, in a thought experiment by Einstein, a closed rectangular box of length L and mass M
suspended by a wire to allow free, frictionless motion. At an instant of time a series of flashbulbs on one end
of the box fires a flash of light, causing the box to recoil by a certain distance x with an equal but opposite
momentum to that of the lights, so that we have:

pbox = Mv = plight = E / c (42)

where v is the velocity of the boxs recoil and E the energy of the light.
The light travels during time t = L / c to reach the opposite end of the box, where it is absorbed while the
box moves a distance x in its recoil. At the end of the lights travel the system returns to its rest state, thus
conserving momentum.
During the movement of the box, its center of mass must stay stationary. For this to be the case there must
be an comparable shift caused by an equivalent mass m associated with the light such that the movement of m
over the distance L is compensated by the movement of the boxs mass M over the distance x, as indicated

mL = Mx (43)

Since the momentum of the box and that of the light are equal, we can solve for the velocity of the box by
using relation (42):

v = E / Mc (44)

Given that the elapsed time t is the time during which the light travels the distance L, we can derive the
distance traveled by the box as follows:

x = vt = (E / M c) (L / c) (45)

Substituting the value of x in equation (43) in equation (45), we get:

mL / M = (E / M c) (L / c)

Eliminating L and M from both sides, we derive the mass-energy equivalence relation as:

E = mc2 (46)

SI unit: J.

In the above Jones and Childers passage the principle of conservation of momentum plays a crucial role.
The mass-energy relation equation says that energy is equal to mass times the speed of light squared. First
it means that energy and mass are equivalent, i.e., they are just two forms of the same thing. Second, since
the speed of light is a huge number, a small amount of mass can produce an enormous amount of energy. We
have seen this in nuclear reactions.

Example 42: If a 1-kg grapefruit could be converted directly into electromagnetic energy, how much energy
is obtained in J and in MeV?

Solution: We note that no object can be completely converted into energy. Applying the relation (46) we
obtain the energy that could theoretically be released even though current technology falls far short of the

E = mc2 (46)

= (1.00 kg) (3.00 x 108 m/s)2 = 9.00 x 1016 J.

or, since 1 MeV = 1.602 x 10-13 J,

E = 9.00 x 1016 J / 1.602 x 10-13 J = 5.6229 MeV.

This is enough energy to run a 1-kW motor for 2.85 million years. Given that 1 kilowatt-hour is equal to
1000 J/s x 60s/min x 60 min/h = 3.60 MJ, we get: E = 9.00 x 1016 J / 3.60 x 108 = 2.5 x 1010 kW/h. Since
there are roughly 24 h/day x 365 day/y = 8760 h/y, this energy, emitted at 1 kW/h, will last 2.5 x 1010 kW/h /
8760 h = 2.85 x 106 years.

Kinetic Energy

Kinetic energy is energy produced by an object in motion. Classically, it is KE = 1/2 mv2, that is the kinetic
energy of an object of mass m moving with speed v. This formula works only where v << c. Hence, just as
Galilean relativity is a special case of special relativity, so is classical kinetic energy a special case of
relativistic kinetic energy. We will now redefine the concept of kinetic energy in order to accommodate
objects moving at slow as well as fast speeds.

Recall the relativistic mass relation:

m = m0 / (1 v2 / c2) 1/2 (40)

By applying the binomial theorem, expanding , we get:

m = m0 (1 + v2/ c2 + 3/8 (v2/ c2)2 + 1)

Multiplying both sides by c2 and keeping only the first two terms of the series because the remaining terms are
too small to make a difference , yields:

mc2 = m0 c2 + m0 v2

Noting that E = mc2, the left-hand term is total energy, the first term of the right-hand side is energy related to
the rest mass, and the second term is its classical KE, we have the total energy equation:

E = m0 c2 + KE (47)

Rearranging the terms, we can say that the kinetic energy of an object is the difference between its total
energy E and its rest energy m0 c2:

KE = mc2 m0 c2 or KE = E m0 c2 (48)

Since m = m0 / (1 v2 / c2) 1/2 ( equation 40), we can also write the kinetic relation as:

KE = m0c2 / (1 v2 / c2) 1/2 m0 c2 (49)

If the object is at rest, its kinetic energy is zero and its total energy becomes its rest energy:

E0 = m0 c2 (50)

And if we use the relativistic mass equation (40), the total energy can be expressed by:

E = m0 c2 / (1 v2 / c2) 1/2 or E = m0 c2 (51)

This and previous formulas imply equivalence of mass and energy. The interconversion between mass and
energy has been amply demonstrated in the laboratory and in nuclear power plants. Electricity is generated in
nuclear plants with energy released when the nuclei of uranium fuel split into two nuclei and one or two
neutrons, which in turn create more fission and more neutrons in a chain reaction. The process results in a
loss of small amounts of uranium mass and a release of immense kinetic energy which turns water into steam
which drives turbines to generate electricity. In a reverse process electromagnetic radiation can be converted
into matter such as electrons in the laboratory. Also in pair-production a photon is converted into an
electron and a positron with kinetic energies released.

Example 43: Find the total energy and kinetic energy in J and in MeV of an electron that moves with a speed
of 0.70 c and whose mass is 9.11 x 10-31 kg.

Solution: Applying equation (51) we calculate the total energy:

E = m0 c2 / (1 v2 / c2) 1/2 (51)

E = (9.11 x 10-31 kg) (3.0 x 108 m/s)2 / (1 0.702 c2 / c2) 1/2

= 8.2 x 10-14 J x 1.4 = 11.48 x 10-14 J.

= 11.48 x 10-14 J / 1.60 x 10-10 J = 0.7175 MeV.

The kinetic energy is equal to the difference between the total energy and the rest energy:

KE = E m0 c2 (48)

= 11.48 x 10-14 J 8.2 x 10-14 J = 3.28 x 10-14 J.

= 3.28 x 10-14 J / 1.60 x 10-10 J = 0.205 MeV.

Energy is often expressed in terms of MeV and mass is expressed in MeV/c 2 (without carrying out the
division) or in kg. Since mass and energy are just two faces of the same coin, the interconversion between
them makes it possible to express them in either unit of measurement. For example,

1 kg 5.609 5 x 1029 MeV

The following table lists the rest mass and rest energy of a number of common particles.

Masses and Rest Energies of Common Particles and Atoms

Particle Mass m (kg) Rest Energy mc2 (MeV)

Photon 0 0
Neutrino 0 0
Electron or positron e 9.109 389 7 x 10-31 0.510 999
Muon 1.883 333 x 10-28 105.658
Pi meson (neutral) 0 2.405 95 x 10-28 134.964
Pi meson (charge) 2.488 05 x 10-28 139.569
Pion (+) 2.416 5 x 10-28 135.56
Atomic mass unit u 1.660 540 x 10-27 931.494
Proton p 1.672 623 x 10-27 938.272
Neutron n 1.674 929 x 10-27 939.565
Deuteron d or 2H 3.343 584 x 10-27 1857.612
Triton 5.007 357 x 10-27 2808.920
Alpha particle or 4He 6.644 72 x 10-27 3727.41
Hydrogen atom 1.673 534 x 10-27 938.783
Deuterium atom 3.344 497 x 10-27 1876.12

Table 2-4. The table of masses and energies shows the correspondence between them: A larger mass
corresponds to a larger rest energy. These values facilitate the calculations of relativistic energy.
In situations where the momentum and energy are known but not the velocity, it is convenient to use a total
energy relation that does not depend on speed. Given E = mc2 and p = mv where m = m0 / (1 v2 / c2) 1/2, we
square both sides of the total energy equation and write the total energy relation in terms of momentum:

E2 = m2c4 = m2c2(c2 + v2 v2)

E2 = m2c2v2 + m2c2(c2 v2)

Substituting m0 / (1 v2 / c2) 1/2 for m in the second term, we obtain:

E2 = p2c2 + m02c4(1 v2/ c2) / (1 v2/ c2)

E2 = m02c4 + p2c2 (52)


E2 = E02 + (pc)2 (53)

The formula (52) says that when the object is at rest, its momentum is zero and the equation becomes the
familiar E = m0c2. And when its total energy is much greater than its rest energy, E >> mc2, the first term is
negligible and can be omitted to yield the high-energy equation:

E = pc (54)

The relation (54) also shows that since the total energy depends solely on momentum, the particle must have
zero mass. Such is the case with photons, neutrinos and gravitons. Of the last two, neutrinos have been
identified experimentally whereas gravitons are hypothesized but not confirmed. Furthermore, equation (52)
shows that total energy varies in direct proportion to momentum. Because of c a small change in momentum
results in an enormous change in total energy.
From relation (53) we can derive a useful formula to find the momentum in terms of total energy and

E2 = E02 + (pc)2 (53)

p = (E2 E02 )1/2 / c (55)

Another useful relation concerns velocity, which can be derived from energy alone. Since E = E0 = E0 /
(1 v2 / c2) 1/2 , we derive velocity in terms of c thus:

E = E0 / (1 v2 / c2) 1/2

Squaring both sides, we get

E2 = E02 / (1 v2 / c2)

1 v2 / c2 = E02 / E2

1 E02 / E2 = v2 / c2

v2 = c2 (1 E02 / E2 )

v = (1 E02 / E2 ) 1/2 c (56)

Example 44: With a mass of 938.27 MeV/c2, a proton has a kinetic energy of 210 MeV. Find the protons
total energy, momentum, and speed.

Solution: Knowing rest mass and kinetic energy we use equation (47) to find the total energy:

E = m0 c2 + KE (47)

E = (938.27 MeV/c2 ) c2 + 210 MeV = 1148.27 MeV.

The momentum may then be calculated from equation (55)

p = (E2 E02 )1/2 / c (55)

p = ( (1148.27 MeV)2 (938.27 MeV)2 )1/2 / c = 661.9 MeV / c.

To find the speed, we use equation (56):

v = (1 E02 / E2 ) 1/2 c (56)

v = (1 (938.27 MeV)2 / (1148.27 MeV)2 ) 1/2 c = 0.576 4 c.

Example 45: A proton has a kinetic energy equal to its rest energy. Find the protons momentum and speed.

Solution: Knowing rest energy (See Table 2-4 above) and kinetic energy are equal we use equation (47) to
find the total energy:

E = m0 c2 + KE (47)

E = 938.27 MeV + 938.27 MeV = 2 x 938.27 MeV.

The momentum is:

p = (E2 E02 )1/2 / c (55)

p = 938.27 MeV (4 1)1/2 / c = 1625 MeV / c.

And the speed is:

v = (1 E02 / E2 ) 1/2 c (56)

v = (1 938.272 MeV / (2 x 938.27)2 MeV) 1/2 c

v = (1 1 / 4) 1/2 c = 0.866 c.

Example 46: If an electron moves with speed 0.8 c, find its total energy, its kinetic energy, and its

Solution: Using Table 2-4, we get m0 c2 = 0.510 999 MeV. To find the total energy, we use equation (51):

E = m0 c2 / (1 v2 / c2) 1/2 (51)

E = 0.511 MeV / (1 0.82 / c2) 1/2 = 0.852 MeV.

Its kinetic energy is given by equation (48):

KE = E m0 c2 (48)

KE = 0.852 MeV 0.511 MeV = 0.341 MeV.

The momentum is then given by equation (55):

p = (E2 E02 )1/2 / c (55)

p = (0.8522 MeV 0.5112 MeV )1/2 / c = 0.681 MeV / c.

We can also obtain the momentum by using the relativistic momentum formula (38).

p = mv (38)

p = mv / (1 v2 / c2) 1/2 (38)

= (0.511 MeV ) ( 0.8 c) / (1 0.82 c2/ c2) = 0.681 MeV / c.

2.8 Relativistic Doppler Effect

Described by the Austrian physicist Christian Doppler (1805-1853) in 1842, the Doppler effect on sound
waves occurs when we hear a high pitch of a fire trucks siren approaching us and a lower pitch as the truck
recedes from us. This is because the sound waves are compressed to a higher frequency (or shorter
wavelength) in front of the truck than they are behind it. The same effect is felt when the wave source is
stationary and the observer is moving toward or away from it, or both source and observer are moving toward
or away from each other. In 1849 the French physicist Armand Hippolyte Louis Fizeau (1819-1896) applied
the shift to light waves. The Doppler effect (also known as Doppler-Fizeau effect) applies to all waves,
sound, electromagnetic waves, even water. It is used in radar to measure the speed of cars and airplanes.
Significant differences exist between the Doppler effect for sound and that for light. First, if an object
approaches an observer at greater than the speed of sound, she will not hear anything until the sonic boom
hits. In contrast, nothing travels faster than light. Then, the Doppler effect for light depends entirely on the
velocity of the emitter relative to that of the receiver. The effect for sound depends on the velocities of both
emitter and receiver relative to air. Finally, the Doppler effect occurs when the object is in the line of sight
only. If the light signal travels along a line perpendicular to the line of sight, we have a transverse Doppler
shift. Suppose a train is traveling along a straight railroad track far away from you. You would not hear any
Doppler shift for the sound. But for light, you would see a frequency decrease equal only to the time dilation
factor, but no effect due to the motion of the train.
In the case of light emission, when the observer moves toward the light source (for example, a star or a
galaxy) or vice versa along the line of sight, the lights frequency intensifies and shifts toward the blue (or
shorter wavelength) end of the spectrum. This is called a blueshift. When the star or galaxy moves away
from the observer, the light emitted shifts toward the lower frequency (longer wavelength) or red end of the
spectrum and we have a redshift. As stated above, there is no Doppler effect if the light is perpendicular to
the line of sight. In this case there is only the time dilation effect but no Doppler effect. Astronomers use the
Doppler effect as an important tool to determine the radial velocities (speeds of the celestial bodies in their
motion parallel to our line of sight) and motions of planets, stars and galaxies. Since most galaxies and stars
are known to be redshifted, the conclusion is that they are moving away from the Earth and hence, that the
universe is expanding.
The equation that expresses the nonrelativistic Doppler shift is simple:

/ 0 = v / c (57)

where = 0 is the difference in wavelength between the known rest wavelength 0 and that
observed , and v the radial velocity. This equation works only if v << c.

Example 47: In a study of the spectrum of the star Vega, a hydrogen line H is observed to have a
wavelength of 656.255 nm. This line has a normal wavelength of 656.285 nm. Find the stars wavelength
shift and radial velocity.

Solution: The stars wavelength shift is:

0 = 656.255 nm 656.285 nm = 0.030 nm.

We derive its radial velocity from equation (57):


/ 0 = v / c

v = ( / 0 ) c = ( 0.030 nm / 656.285 nm) x 3.0 x 108 m/s = 13.7 m/s.

The minus sign indicates that Vega is moving toward us.

At very high velocity, we encounter a more complicated relativistic Doppler shift because of time dilation.
Imagine a laser beam mounted on a spaceship moving at speed v toward an Earth observer. The laser has
frequency f0 in the reference frame in which the ship is at rest. During each time period T of the light beam
the spaceship has traveled the distance vT and the light has covered cT. Due to time dilation, T appears to run
slower to the observer on Earth than to the astronauts in the spaceship, who measure the proper period T0.
The period T0 between emissions is T0 = 1 / f0. As the spaceship approaches the observer, its motion
compresses the wavelength of the light increasing the frequency being observed. Recalling that the period T
= T0, the wavelength is thus:

= cT vT = (c v) T0 / (1 v2 / c2) 1/2

The wave equation gives the frequency f measured by the Earth observer:

f = c /

or , using f0 = 1 / T0:

f = f0 (1 v2 / c2) 1/2 / 1 v / c

Expanding the square root of the numerator and rewriting the denominator, we have:

f = f0 [(1 + v / c) (1 v / c)] 1/2 / [(1 v / c) (1 v / c)] 1/2

Simplifying, we get the frequency of the light approaching the observer:

f = f0 [(1 + v / c) / (1 v / c)] 1/2 (approaching) (58)

In this case, as the source is moving toward the observer, its frequency increases (or equivalently, its
wavelength decreases). If the source and the observer move apart, the speed v becomes negative and the
frequency decreases as shown below.

f = f0 [(1 v / c) / (1 + v / c)] 1/2 (receding) (59)

Again what matters in the relativistic Doppler effect for light is the relative speed of the source and observer.

Example 48: A rocket ship is traveling toward a distant star that emits yellow light at the frequency of 5.0 x
1014 Hz measured in the stars rest frame. If the ships velocity relative to the star is 0.15 c, what frequency
does the rocket ships crew observe for the stars light?

Solution: We apply formula (58):

f = f0 [(1 + v / c) / (1 v / c)] 1/2 (58)

= 5.0 x 1014 Hz [(1 + 0.15 c / c) / (1 0.15 c / c)] 1/2 = 5.82 x 1014 Hz.

Converted to wavelength, the above frequency is:

= c / f

= 3.0 x 108 m/s / 5.82 x 1014 Hz = 516 nm.


This corresponds to green light.

By measuring the Doppler shift of the light of stars and galaxies astronomers have determined that its
frequency decreases as compared with line spectra maintained in the laboratory. That is, it has redshifted to
the longer wavelength end of the spectrum. Thus stars and galaxies are moving away from Earth, and the
universe is expanding. Furthermore, the observed red shift seems proportional to their distance from us, i.e.,
the farther away the celestial objects are, the faster they recede from Earth, in accord with Hubbles Law.
For red shifts larger than a few tenths, the Doppler formula (57) gives the incorrect answer. For example,
a redshift of 3.0 applied to a quasar would indicate that the quasar is moving away at three times of speed of
light in violation of the second postulate of special relativity. Therefore, the redshift expression has to be
modified as follows:

z = / 0 = [(1 + v / c) / (1 v / c)] 1/2 1 (60)

where z is the symbol for the redshift.

As an example, astronomers observed a redshift of 3.2 in the series of hydrogen emissions from a quasar
that were Doppler shifted into the red region of the spectrum. Applying the formula (60), we get:

z = / 0 = [(1 + v / c) / (1 v / c)] 1/2 1 (60)

3.2 = [(1 + v / c) / (1 v / c)] 1/2 1

(1 + v / c) / (1 v / c) = (3.2 + 1)2 = 17.6

(1 + v / c) = (17.6) (1 v / c)

18.6 v / c = 16.6

v / c = 0.89.

Thus a redshift of 3.2 means that the quasar is moving away from Earth at the speed of 0.89 c.
3. General Relativity
We have seen that special relativity applies to laws of physics in inertial or non-accelerating reference frames.
In 1915 Einstein introduced the general theory of relativity to accommodate all reference frames, including
accelerating ones. Basically the general theory of relativity is a theory of gravity. Whereas Newtonian
physics focuses on force, general relativity focuses on motion. Though both approaches yield satisfactory
results at low everyday speeds, relativity alone is adequate to account for the behavior of objects moving at
high speeds and having large gravitational fields. We will first discuss the classical dichotomy inertial mass-
gravitational mass to see how it leads to the principle of equivalence. We will see the principle of covariance,
which together with the equivalence principle lays the foundation of the general theory of relativity. Finally,
we will discuss the various experimental evidences that support the theory and the implications of general
relativity in astronomy and cosmology.

3.1 Inertial Mass and Gravitational Mass

In Newtonian mechanics, a distinction exists between inertial mass that resists acceleration and
gravitational mass that exerts force between objects. Although Newton believed inertial mass and
gravitational mass are the same, he measured them differently. Newtons first law that states that a body at
rest or in motion at a constant velocity in a straight line tends to keep its rest position or its motion unless
acted on by an outside force. This law and the second law below apply to inertial mass.

F = mia (61)

where F is the net force exerted on an inertial mass mi to affect its inertia or motion , and a is acceleration.
But weight is a force of gravity that acts on a body as shown in:

W = mgg (62)

where W is the force exerted by gravity on gravitational mass mg, and g is the acceleration of gravity on Earth
with an average value of g 9.80 m/s2.
Inertial mass mi is defined as a measure of the inertial property of matter. In practice, it is easier to
determine mass, not by observing its interaction with another object of known mass, but by measuring the
force of gravity on the object. We know that when the only force around is gravity all objects regardless of
mass (or weight} fall with the same acceleration g. If we now call g the acceleration of free-falling objects
and W the force of gravity (which is also called weight), then we can derive the second equation (62) from
Newtons second law (equation 61).
From equations (61) and (62), we can write:

a = mg / mi g (63)

If acceleration is constant for a gravitational field, which it is, then the ratio of gravitational to inertial mass is
also constant. And if acceleration is chosen to be equal to the force of gravitation, as it is above, then we can
say that gravitational mass and initial mass are equal. Given this we can also say that inertia and weight are
just two manifestations of the same thing.
We note in passing that the second equation makes clear the fact that weight is not the same as mass.
Mass in one definition is the quantity of matter in a body or more precisely the measure of the inertia of a
body. Mass is also regarded as an inherent property of matter, so that an object may be weightless (where g
= 0) but still has mass. On the moon, where gravity is one-sixth that of the earth, objects weigh one-sixth
their weight on earth even though their mass remains the same. There are a few exceptions: Photons,
neutrinos and gravitons are massless particles.
Newtons insight is to see the same force acting in the fall of an apple to the ground and keeping the moon
orbiting around the earth. This unified view is embodied in the formulation of the law of universal
gravitation that governs the attraction between any two bodies in the universe, from particles to galaxies:

F = G m 1 m 2 / r2 (64)
where F is the force of attraction, G is the constant of proportionality called gravitational constant, which is
equal to 6.672 x 1011N.m2/kg2, m1 is the gravitational mass of the first object, m2 that of the second object,
and r the distance between the centers of gravity of the objects.
Both the apple and the moon are attracted to the center of the earth by the same gravitational force, in this
case a centripetal one. If there were no centripetal force to keep the moon in its nearly circular orbit, it would
follow its straight inertial path into space. From the law of gravitation, we can say first that all bodies in the
universe attract (not repel) all other bodies. Second, the magnitude of the gravitational force is directly
proportional to the gravitational masses of the bodies involved, e.g., if the mass of one body doubles, the
gravitational force doubles. Third, the gravitational force is inversely proportional to the square of the
distance that separates them, e.g., the gravitational force is reduced by half if the distance squared (not the
simple distance) is doubled. Finally, the gravitational constant G is a universal constant that had to be
determined experimentally. Since G is so small the gravitational force between any two objects encountered
in everyday life is tiny. As an example, for two 3000-kg trucks whose centers of gravity are 3 m apart, their
force of mutual attraction is only about 67 N (micronewton or millionth of a newton, a newton being a unit
of force N = 1kg.m/s2).

Gravitational Constant G

Of the four forces of nature, the strong, weak, electromagnetic and gravitational forces, the last one is the
weakest. It is also very difficult to measure. Among the difficulties may be cited the errors inherent in the
measuring apparatus, such as inconstancy of the torsional moment of suspension in torsion balance and
torsion pendulum devices and the inhomogeneities of the masses used in the apparatus. Others include
environmental factors such as the disturbances of the ground, the effects of ambient temperature, the magnetic
and electric influences, the gradients of the gravitational field, and the changes of the surrounding field.
Over the last two hundred years a number of scientists have measured G, among whom the French
physicist Charles de Coulomb (1736-1806), the English physicist Henry Cavendish (1731-1810), who used
the torsion balance, and others up to modern times. Some physics classes even have students conduct
measurements of G as a project. Most textbooks settle on the value of G = 6.67259 x 1011N.m2/kg2
0.00085 recommended by the CODATA (Committee on Data for Science and Technology of the International
Council of Scientific Unions). However, attempts have been made in recent years to refine the measurement
of G, which some scientists think is still incorrect. More modern apparatuses have been used with varying
results so that it is reasonable to expect the controversy to continue.

3.2 The Principles of Equivalence and Covariance

We have seen that the two gravitational and inertial masses have been shown experimentally to be virtually
equal, to within a few parts in 1011: One is the force of mutual gravitational attraction among masses (mg) and
the other the resistance of a single mass to acceleration (mi). With his general theory Einstein showed the
fundamental connection between them, i.e., there is equivalence between them and their effects. We will now
see how Einstein uses this correspondence to set forth the general theory of relativity.
In a thought experiment proposed by Einstein (p. 66) an observer is inside a closed chest the size of a
room suspended in space, which during the next step will be moved upward by an outside force unbeknownst
to the observer. We may modernize the experiment by substituting an elevator or a rocket ship for the chest,
if we wish, but the result will be the same.
Before proceeding further let us understand the concept of gravitational field. It is common knowledge
that two things separated in space cannot interact without some sort of intermediate agent. There is no such
thing as action at a distance. An apple in the tree does not fall to the ground without what we now call gravity.
Just as a magnet attracts iron filings because it is surrounded by a magnetic field, so does the earth attract the
apple and the moon because it is surrounded by a gravitational field. The closer to earth an object is, the
stronger it is affected by the earths gravitational force. Far out in space, the earths gravitational field
diminishes in magnitude. Under the influence of the gravitational field all objects are subjected to the same
acceleration regardless of their mass, material, or physical state. A lump of lead and a feather fall with
exactly the same speed in the same gravitational field in vacuum.
Now in the closed chest mentioned above, there is no gravitational field acting on the system. Suppose
that without the observers knowledge the chest is lifted by an outside force by means of a rope through a
hook fastened to the top of the chest, with an acceleration equal to g = 9.8 m/s2. The acceleration of the chest
moving upward transmits its force to her legs, which press down on the chests floor with an equal force, so
that the net result is that she stands on the chest floor exactly as she would in her living room without
feeling any difference. If the observer drops a rubber ball from her hand, the acceleration of the chest is no
longer transmitted to the ball, and it approaches the floor with accelerated motion. She also notices that the
acceleration of the ball toward the floor is the same if she used a heavy weight. The circumstances just
described illustrate the effect of acceleration created by an external force (rocket firing, angels lifting, or
whatever) on inertial mass. Suppose now that the chest is placed back on earth, again without the observers
knowledge. The earths gravitational force is transmitted to her legs, and she stands on the floor in exactly the
same way she would in her own living room. If she drops the ball, it falls to the ground with the same
accelerated motion as observed above. Here is an example of the effect of a gravitational field on
gravitational mass. In both cases, the observer observes the same behavior of the ball. Hence, inertial mass
and gravitational mass are equal in the sense that they behave in identical ways. Furthermore, acceleration
and gravitational field produce identical effects.
In fact, there are no experiments, mechanical or otherwise, that allow the observer to distinguish
acceleration due to gravitational field from acceleration due to forces of other kinds. This leads us to the
principle of equivalence, which is one of the postulates of the general theory of relativity.

The principle of equivalence:

Experiments performed in an inertial frame containing a gravitational field and experiments

performed in a uniformly accelerating frame yield identical results.

The other postulate is known as the principle of covariance, which states:

All physical laws can be formulated to be valid for any observer in any spacetime reference frame
whether accelerated or not.

This principle calls for the formulation of relativity equations in any system of spacetime coordinates. There
is still ongoing controversy over the covariance principle, and over the consistency of covariance and
equivalence, but this is beyond the scope of this work. Suffice it say that the two principles of equivalence
and of covariance form the foundation of general relativity.
As a theory of gravitation the general theory of relativity does away with the notion of mass-dependent
force, which Newtonian physics relies on to explain gravitation. Instead, relativity focuses on motion and
makes use of the concept of spacetime and the geometry of space. With this new perspective gravitation is
nothing but a consequence of the spacetime curvature. We will next look at the test of the general theory of

The Curvature of Spacetime

Before going further, let us briefly familiarize ourselves with spacetime curvature, which is one of the
startling insights of general relativity. According to this theory, we live in a world with four dimensions,
three space dimensions and one time dimension, in one continuum, unlike the Newtonian world, where space
and time are two separate entities. We will treat this subject in more detail later, but for now a preliminary
introduction is needed to aid in comprehending the evidence presented below.
Einstein maintains that gravity is just a consequence of the curvature of spacetime. In other words, it is
the geometry of space that dictates the behavior of objects. Space is not flat but curved around celestial
bodies. Almost all bodies warp the space around them by virtue of their mass. The more mass a body has,
the more distortion of surrounding space it produces. Imagine a piece of fabric that is held up and kept taut
by hooks attached to all its corners. If we place a bowling ball on the fabric, it will roll to the center and make
a depression where it rests. The surface of the fabric around the bowling ball is curved inward like a funnel.
If we roll a marble on the fabric toward the bowling ball, it will first follow a straight path when still far from
the ball, then starts to dip when it gets closer to the ball. The marble merely follows the curvature of the
fabric around the bowling ball. Like the bowling ball the sun warps the space around it and any light that
comes near it will behave in the same way as the marble does in the vicinity of the ball. The light naturally
follows a geodesic, the shortest distance between two points, through space. Far away from any mass, light
propagates in a straight line just like in Euclidean (flat) space. But when it reaches the curved space around a
massive body such as the sun, a star or a galaxy, it takes the curved path, i.e., it bends.
3.3 Tests of the General Theory of Relativity

The first test is the bending of light. General relativity predicts that light bends in the vicinity of a body with
a large mass because of the curvature of spacetime it produces. Let us take a thought experiment in which an
observer is inside an elevator at rest in the gravitational field of the earth. She shines a light horizontally and
it strikes the opposite wall at the same level to her naked eye. The bending effect is imperceptible because it
is too small. Yet in an analogous situation when she tosses a ball it follows a curved path. Suppose now that
without her knowledge the elevator starts moving with acceleration equal to g. As before if she sends a light
beam across the elevator, she will see a straight beam with her own unaided eyes. By the principle of
equivalence between gravitational field and acceleration, we should get the same experimental result. Hence,
if the elevators width is 3 m, the light traverses it in 10 8 s. During this time the elevator would have moved
up 5 x 1016 m to meet the light, and the light beam should hit the wall below the horizontal by the same
distance. In either case, the deflection of light is imperceptible. We need a larger scale and a stronger mass to
augment the bending and make it measurable.
To that effect we use the sun for its great mass and the space warp it creates around it. Consider a ray of
light from a distant star. As it approaches the sun, the curvature of space near its surface deflects the light ray
from its straight-line path toward Earth (Figure 3-1). It is as if the sun acts as a gravitational lens that refracts
light. An earth observer sees the star as if it is in the line of sight. Actually, she merely sees the refraction of
the star. The light deflection is predicted to be small, however, only 1.75 arc-seconds (1 arc-second = 1/3600
of a degree) because the Suns gravity is weak by relativistic standards.

Actual position of star Apparent position of star

True line of sight

Sun Light ray bent


Figure 3-1. Light Deflection Due to Gravitational Field of the Sun

The light rays from the star are deflected from their straight-line paths by the Sun. Since the Suns gravity is
weak, the deflection is only 1.75 arc-seconds. The figure is exaggerated to show light bending.

To confirm the prediction of general relativity, scientists first took photographs of the stars near the sun when
it was in total eclipse by the moon to avoid its blinding light. Six months later, when the sun was on the other
side of the earth, scientists took photographs of the same stars again. They then compared the positions of the
stars in the photographs. In an expedition to Africa in 1919 during a total solar eclipse the English
astronomer Sir Arthur Eddington (1882-1944) confirmed the above results. The deflections measured less
than 2 arc sec in agreement with theoretical predictions. This success leads to an entirely new view of the
structure of spacetime. In contrast, Newtonian mechanics cannot predict light deflection because light has no
mass and its calculations of gravitational force depend on mass. In other tests with radio waves, astronomers
using interferometry accurately measure the deflection of radio waves to within 10 percent of the value
predicted by the theory. In cases where a huge mass such as a galaxy act as a gravitational lens between the
earth and the distant star, it bends the lights path so as to make it visible to an earth observer. If the mass has
circular symmetry, the gravitational lens effect creates a ring of light. An example of this is Einsteins Ring, a
double-lobed radio galaxy formed by a lensing galaxy along the line of sight. If the mass has irregular shape,
the light is broken into patches, such as in quasar G2237+0305, called Einsteins Cross, which has four
patches around a central glow. In general, since the curvature called for by general relativity is so slight in
the solar system, Newtonian mechanics yields just as good results as Einsteins theory.
Another test of which general relativity has given an explanatory account is the puzzling excess
precession of the planet Mercurys orbit. For half a century astronomers have known that the major axis
of Mercurys orbit shifts around the plane of orbit (a rotation called precession), and its perihelion (the point
of closest approach to the Sun) advances nearly 500 arc sec a century. The precession of Mercurys orbit
measures 5600 seconds of arc per century. Newtonian equations are able to predict the precessions of all
planets in the solar system except Mercury. Even after all the effects of other planets, the fact that Earth is not
an inertial frame, and the suns slight deformation due to its rotation have been accounted for, Newtons
equations predict a precession of 5557 arc sec per century, a discrepancy between observation and prediction
of 43 arc sec per century. If special relativity considerations, such as mass change and time dilations, are
taken into account, the discrepancy is 21 seconds of arc per century. When general relativity is applied, the
predicted motion due to curvature of spacetime yields the additional 43 arc sec per century, in line with
observations to within a few percent. This is a triumph of general relativity over Newtonian mechanics.
A third test may be called gravitational redshift, not to be confused with the Doppler shift. General
relativity predicts that clocks run slower in stronger gravitational fields than in weaker ones. Thus a clock in
the basement runs slight slower than one in the attic. Consider an experiment in which a clock placed on the
floor of an elevator rising from the ground. The clock emits a light pulse toward a mirror at the top of the
elevator. As the elevator accelerates the mirror recedes, but eventually the light pulse reaches the mirror,
where it is reflected back. On the trip up the distance covered is much greater than the height of the elevator
because it has to catch up to the receding mirror. On the trip down the distance covered is shorter because the
floor of the elevator accelerates upward to meet it. Calculations show that the total distance traveled by the
light pulse is greater than twice the height of the elevator, which is the distance that would be covered by a
clock at rest. Since the speed of light is constant, it follows that the time taken for the round trip is longer in
an accelerated reference frame than in a frame at rest. By the equivalence principle, we can say that time runs
slower in the presence of a gravitational field. And this is in addition to the time dilation effect. Light from a
very compact star with a strong gravitational field has a higher frequency (i.e., shorter wavelength) than light
coming from deep space. Thus light leaving a star with strong gravity shifts to the red (low frequency) end of
the spectrum. Suppose an observer sends a light beam from a curved region of space near a massive object to
another observer located in a region far away from a massive object. The distant observer will measure a
lower frequency or longer wavelength for the light than the sender. We call this change of wavelength
gravitational redshift. Since light has oscillations that can be used as clocks, general relativitys predictions
agree with observations.
Finally, the existence of double quasars provides further confirmation of gravitational lensing predicted
above. Quasars, quasi stellar radio sources, are very old, starlike objects with huge redshifts and strong radio
emission, born when the universe was very young. They are some 14 billion light-years away and are
receding fast. Hence, their light takes billions of years to reach us and gives us a glimpse into the early days
of the universe. In 1979 astronomers Dennis Walsh, Robert Carswell, and Ray Weymann found to their
surprise two quasars, called 0957+561A and 0957+561B, which are only 6 arc sec apart. Since quasars are
rarely close together, they studied their emission line redshifts and found them virtually identical. They
concluded that the double image came from the same source, for which an intervening, probably elliptical,
galaxy acts as a gravitational lens. By 1990 nearly two dozens double quasars had been reported, of which six
cases were convincing. Every new discovery of double quasars provides additional confirmation of general
All the above tests cannot be considered absolute proof of the general theory of relativity since they may
be explained by other theories as well. But the validity of the principle of equivalence and the success of
general relativity, whose predictions are consistent with observations, make the theory the most remarkable
achievement in twentieth-century physics.

3.4 Geometry of Spacetime

As a theory of gravitation, the general theory of relativity describes gravity in terms of the geometry of
spacetime. We will first examine all the possible geometries the universe can have, then discuss the basic
premise of general relativity that gravity curves the fabric of spacetime. Since it is generally hard for us to
visualize three-dimensional curved space, in what follows we will use examples of two-dimensional objects to
illustrate their properties.
Flat or Euclidean Geometry Zero Curvature

Euclidean geometry is familiar to us as it is taught in school. We have learned that two extended parallel lines
will never meet, that the angles of a triangle total 180, and that the circumference of a circle is equal to 2r.
In this flat geometry there are two dimensions. Because parallel lines stretched to infinity stay apart, we call
it open geometry. Space has infinite area, no boundary, no edge, and hence, no center, .as a center can only
be determined from boundaries. Light travels in a straight line forever and never returns. In a flat universe,
there is zero curvature, i.e., space is flat. Also a flat universe contains an infinite number of galaxies and
hence, infinite mass. Although it is hard to imagine an infinite flat space getting larger, expansion at least of
some parts is possible. Just imagine a sheet of rubber that can be stretched indefinitely. The geodesic, the
shortest distance between two points, is a straight line. A traveler heading out in this space will never return
to the point of departure.

Spherical Geometry Positive Curvature

For discussion, imagine an Earth without any geological features. The surface of the Earth (or a ball) is a good
example of the spherical geometry or closed geometry, which has positive curvature. This type of
geometry is closed since parallel lines meet. While the Earth is a three-dimensional object, its surface is two-
dimensional. Space in this geometry is two-dimensional, and there is neither boundary nor center. There is
nowhere on the Earth its two-dimensional inhabitants can call the edge. Everywhere on the Earth is a two-
dimensional surface. And the area is finite. Parallel lines if extended will eventually intersect. To satisfy
yourself of this, just imagine you and your friend leaving the Equator for the North Pole, each following a line
of longitude perpendicular to the Equator. Because of the curvature of the Earth you and your friend will end
up meeting at the North Pole while thinking all along that you have been taking parallel paths. In this
geometry, space can expand just like a balloon around its center, which is not reachable to two-dimensional
inhabitants because it requires a third dimension, which is not available. The number of galaxies is finite; so
is the total mass. As the ball expands all points on its surface get farther apart. There are no straight lines.
The geodesic is not a straight line but an arc of a circle. Light travels along a geodesic, not along a straight
line. A triangle can be drawn from three geodesics and its angles sum to more than 180. The circumference
of a small circle is still equal to 2r, but as the circles get larger, its circumference will fall short of 2r by an
increasing amount. Eventually, the circumference gets very small for a circle with a radius reaching halfway
across the universe!
If this space is vast compared to its inhabitants, such as people on the Earth, its curvature is not easy to
discern. However, through measuring instruments it is possible for them to describe this kind of universe
with accuracy.

Hyperbolic Geometry Negative Curvature

This geometry is best exemplified by the saddle. In hyperbolic geometry parallel lines diverge and hence
never meet. For this reason it is called open geometry. The entire two-dimensional negatively curved space
cannot be drawn, but we can approximate it by using the middle of the saddle-shape surface. The angles of a
triangle on this surface total less than 180. The circumference of a circle is always greater than 2r though in
small circles the difference is difficult to see. Like flat space, hyperbolic, negatively curved space has infinite
area that extends in all directions. The number of galaxies is infinite and so is mass. It also has no boundaries
and no center. Last, it can be expanded indefinitely by stretching its two-dimensional surface. When
expanded this universe pushes its two-dimensional galaxies farther away from one another.

The Future of the Universe

At the present time it is not known which of the three possible geometries the universe has. Yet the future of
the universe crucially depends on the type of geometry and the density of the universe.
General relativistic models use the same three models above for our three-dimensional universe although
it is impossible to visualize a universe made of space that has positive, zero, or negative curvature. If the
space is curved, we need an extra dimension for it to curve into. However, we do not need to imagine what a
four-dimensional curved universe looks like. We can still understand its properties by extrapolating from the
two-dimensional models described above.
According to a basic premise of general relativity, matter determines the spacetime curvature. Hence,
the curvature of space and density of matter are interconnected. The term matter here refers to all sorts
of matter and energy in the universe, visible as well as invisible. Since it is impossible to determine the
curvature of space geometrically, scientists focus on determining the density of matter in the universe. If the
average density of matter is large, the universe has positive spatial curvature; and if the density is small, the
curvature is negative. When the average density of matter is exactly equal to the critical density,
symbolized by c,, the curvature of the universe is zero. Note that the critical density is very small, c, = 1026
kg/m2 or about 10 hydrogen atoms per cubic meter. For convenience, a parameter called Omega, , has been
designed to express the ratio of the average density of matter in the universe to the critical density, o = /
c,. The subscript o refers to present ratio. If the density of matter is less than the critical density, < c,,
then o < 1. This means the universe is infinite with negative curvature and it will expand forever. If the
average density is greater than the critical density, > c,, then o > 1, and the universe is finite and has
positive curvature, and it will eventually contract. If the average density is equal to the critical density, =
c,, then o = 1, the universe is infinite and flat, and it will also expand forever.
Of these three scenarios, which one is the most likely to be followed by the universe? We know that at the
present time the universe is expanding. The question is whether the expansion will continue forever or
whether it will eventually stop and the universe will begin to contract. Here an analogy with a tossed ball will
shed light. Imagine Superman throwing a ball in the air. If the tossing force is small, at first the ball rises
with appropriate acceleration against gravity, which tends to slow it. Then at some point the ball reaches its
highest point, and finally it falls back down to the Earth. If the ball is thrown much more energetically, it
gains tremendous speed, keeps rising forever, and never returns to Earth. The ball has reached its escape
velocity. The crucial factors that determine whether the ball will return are its speed and gravity.
For the universe these two factors are the Hubbles constant, which describes the expansion of the
universe, and the average density of matter, which characterizes the self-gravitation and curvature of the
universe. The universe faces two alternatives. If the Hubbles constant is small and the average density is
large, expansion will proceed slowly until it reaches its maximum, then the universe will stop expanding and
start collapsing. This is sometimes referred to as the Big Crunch (a Big Bang in reverse), in which the
universe ends in a great conflagration. Alternatively, if the Hubbles constant is large and the average density
is small, the universe keeps expanding forever until all stars and galaxies have burned up all their fuel and die.
We have the Big Chill. The universe will meet its fate in fire or in ice.

3. 5 Einsteins Curvature of Spacetime

The basic postulate of the general theory of relativity is that matter determines the curvature of spacetime.
This means every object curves or warps the spacetime fabric around it. For a larger object the warp is more
pronounced than for a smaller object. And this curving of space determines the path of any object that comes
near it. Einstein does not need the gravitational force to explain the attraction that bodies exert on one
another. Since all bodies follow their natural motion, spacetime curvature makes sure they follow the
appropriate paths.
As an analogy of spacetime curvature, imagine a sheet of rubber stretched horizontally in mid-air. Now
imagine that you place a heavy ball in the middle of the rubber sheet. It pulls the sheet down and creates a
curvature in the rubber sheet. If you roll a marble on the rubber sheet from the edge, it first follows a straight
path, then as it approaches the ball it moves along a curved path created in the rubber sheet by the ball.
Newtonian mechanics explains this phenomenon as the effect of gravitational force exerted by the ball on the
marble. In Einsteins theory, there is no force affecting the path of the marble. It simply follows the curvature
of spacetime around the ball. Light too follows the spacetime curvature so that in the vicinity of a massive
body light is deflected, as we have seen in light bending and gravitational lensing,
Matter not only creates a curvature in the spacetime fabric, it also slows time, as we saw in gravitational
shift above.
In this and other phenomena, general relativity has provided an explanation that is both simple and

3.6 Black Holes

After a period of excitement, the general theory of relativity lost its popularity. By the late 1950s general
relativity had become a dull, unproductive subject, too hard to learn and comprehend. But by the 1970s it
underwent a revival and commanded renewed interest, especially in astrophysics, cosmology, and elementary
particle physics. Now general relativity is front and center in the study of black holes, quasars, and in other
astronomical research. We conclude this work with a brief look at the black holes.

The Formation of a Black Hole

Many stars in the Milky Way and other galaxies will die. If the stars mass is greater than 3 solar masses, it
cannot become a neutron star or a white dwarf. As the star is dying, its matter burning out of control creates
such intense inward pressure on all sides that it overcomes outward forces and shrink rapidly. As the sphere
becomes compressed to tremendous densities, gravity on the surface increases greatly. The distortions of the
spacetime fabric become more and more severe as predicted by general relativity. As the star continues
contracting, light from its surface gradually bends inward and wraps around the star. Photons on its surface
no longer leave the stars surface, trapped by the intense gravitational field. The escape velocity of light on its
surface equals the speed of light with the result that no light escapes. The star becomes dark. At this point
the space around the now diminutive star becomes so curved that it rips a hole in the fabric of the universe.
The region of space around the hole looks like a funnel. The dying star is dead in this hole, invisible; it has
now become a black hole.
A black hole is a region of spacetime from which nothing, including light, escapes.

The Structure of the Black Hole

If we approach a black hole, we first reach a region that is flat because of the weak gravitational field there.
Near the hole gravity is strong, and the space curvature is pronounced. As we come closer, immediately
surrounding the black hole is a sphere called event horizon, where the escape speed is equal to the speed of
light. It is also known as the surface of the black hole.

Event horizon



Figure 3-2. The Structure of a Black Hole

A non-rotating black hole has a singularity at its center and the event horizon surrounding it. The distance
between the singularity and the event horizon is the Schwarzschild radius (RSch). Inside the event horizon the
escape velocity exceeds the speed of light so that nothing in it can escape.

Once the dying star falls into the event horizon it disappears completely.
A non-rotating black hole has a simple structure, (1) the event horizon, which is its surface and (2) the
singularity in its center. Once a dying star has imploded inside the event horizon, no force in the universe can
prevent it shrinking to a point. At this stage the star has infinite density and is called a singularity.
The distance from the singularity to the event horizon is the Schwarzschild radius (RSch), after the
German astronomer Karl Schwarzschild (1873-1916), who first solved Einsteins general relativity equations.
The formula for this radius is:

RSch = GM / c2 (65)
where G is the gravitational constant, M is the mass of the black hole. The solar mass of any object gives
its Schwarzschild radius directly: The radius is 3 km for each solar mass. A black hole of 10 solar masses
has a radius of 30 km.
Since gravity curves space and slows time, if an astronaut falls toward a black hole, where gravity is
strong, time begins to slow down until it stops clicking in the event horizon. But the astronaut accelerates
with great speed and is stretched to a thin wire by great forces. Yet to her, time ticks normally as she
continues falling. The reason for the difference is that the curvature of spacetime causes time to tick more
slowly for the astronaut than for an outside observer. From the astronauts point of view she crosses the event
horizon and accelerates quickly toward the singularity without noticing anything special. To the outside
observer, however, she continues to slow down and finally hovers over the event horizon forever. That is not
exactly correct since the light the astronaut emits becomes ever more gravitationally redshifted until she
completely disappears from the observers view.
The remarkable thing is that observer and astronaut could not agree on whether the astronaut ever crosses
the event horizon.
4. Problems
4.1 Frames of Reference

4.1.1 Two airplanes A and B are flying side by side at the same altitude. Plane A is overtaking plane B at
6 km/h. A passenger in plane A is walking toward the front at 2 km/h while a flight attendant is
walking toward the rear at 3 km/h. To an observer in plane B what are the speeds of the passenger
and the attendant?
4.1.2 Leaving directly from the bank with the speed of 3 km/h, a boat crosses a river flowing at 4 km/h. If
a passenger walks diagonally toward the boats stern with a speed of 1.39 m/s, his path forming an
angle of 53.1 toward the upstream direction from the length of the boat, what is his speed with
respect to the riverbank?
4.1.3 A train passenger is running 10 km/h down the aisle against the trains velocity of 10 km/h as it
moves past the station. Find (a) the passengers speed relative to the station; (b) the passengers
speed relative to the station if he runs in the opposite direction.

4.2 Relativistic Velocity Addition

4.2.1 Two galaxies are traveling away from the earth in opposite directions, both with speed v = 0.85 c.
What would an observer from one galaxy measure for the speed of the other galaxy?
4.2.2 A spaceship approaching Venus at a speed of 0.82 c launches a probe toward the planet at a speed of
0.70 c relative to the spaceship. What is the speed of the probe as measured by an observer on
4.2.3 A spaceship approaching the Moon at 0.5 c sends a light signal to an observer stationed in a lunar
station. (a) What is the speed of the light signal as measured by the spaceships pilot? (b) How fast
does the light signal travel relative to the lunar observer?
4.2.4 Two spaceships leave the earth in opposite directions with the same speed of 0.50 c with respect to
the earth. (a) What is the velocity of ship 1 relative to ship 2? (b) What is the velocity of ship 2
relative to ship 1?
4.2.5 A spaceship travels with the speed of 0.712 c relative to the earth A probe launched from the
spaceship travels at 0.823 c with respect to the spaceship. What is the speed of the probe with respect
to the spaceship if it is fired (a) in the direction of travel of the spaceship? (b) in the opposite
4.2.6 The captain of a space station sees his rocket ship Alpha approaching with the velocity of 0.549c. He
sends out rocket ship Beta with velocity of 0.612 c to meet Alpha. What is the velocity of the Alpha
relative to the Beta.
4.2.7 Two asteroids head toward Venus. Asteroid Centaur approaches Venus with the speed of 0.679 c
and Asteroid Anteus approaches Venus with the speed of 0.772 c. What is the speed of Centaur with
respect to Anteus?
4.2.8 Starship Enterprise and Rocket Ship Intrepid are moving away from the Magnum Space Station with
speeds of 0.783 c and 0.698 c respectively. What is the speed of the Enterprise relative to the
4.2.9 A proton moves to the left with a speed 0.789 c with respect to the laboratory frame. An electron
moves to the right with a speed of 0.903 c relative to the proton. What is the speed of the electron
with respect to the laboratory frame?
4.2.10 Space shuttle Valiant moves to the right with a speed of 0.55 c with respect to the International
Space Station. Space shuttle Endurance leaves the International Space Station and heads left at a
speed of 0.445 c. Find the speed of the Valiant relative to the Endurance.
4.2.11 For very fast speeds (but still much smaller than c), for example those achieved by a space shuttle,
show that the relativistic velocity addition is reduced to the classical velocity addition formula.
4.2.12 Rocket ship Gamma leaves its Starbase Alpha with a speed of 0.65 c when it is pursued by a hostile
Rocket ship named Hunter traveling with a speed of 0.72c relative to Starbase Alpha. The Hunter
launches a missile toward Gamma with a relative speed of 0.34 c. How fast does the captain of
Gamma see the missile approaching him?
4.2.13 Two electrons A and B have respective speeds of 0.80 c and .0.90 c. Find their relative speeds (1) if
they are moving in the same direction, (2) if they are moving in opposite directions.
4.2.14 Spaceship A is flying past the earth with a speed of 0.76 c relative to the earth (moving to the
right). Spaceship B is approaching the earth with a speed of 0.67 c. relative to the earth (moving
left). Find the speed of ship B relative to ship A.
4.2.15 Show that if a photon traveling with velocity c in frame S and frame S is traveling with velocity c
relative to the frame S, the velocity of the photon with respect to S is c.
4.2.16 A spaceship moves to the right at 0.65 c and a rocket ship moves to the left toward the spaceship at
the speed of 0.74 c as measured by an Earth observer. What is the rocket ships speed relative to the
4.2.17 A spaceship moves away from planet Jupiter at a speed of 0.875 c and shoots a probe back toward
Jupiter at the speed of 0.798 c relative to the ship. Find the speed of the probe relative to Jupiter.
4.2.18 Boat 1 crosses a stream directly at a distance L and returns to its destination in t1 time. Boat 2 goes
upstream a distance L and downstream for the same distance taking a time t2. Compare t1 and t2.
4.2.19 A spaceship while moving away from Mars with a velocity of 0.80 c fires a rocket in the direction of
the spaceships motion, which reaches a velocity of 0.70 c relative to the spaceship. What is the
rockets speed relative to Mars?
4.2.20 A rocket ship travels to a star 15 x 10 18 m/s away with a speed of 1.275 x 10 8 m/s as measured by an
observer at the launch site. How long will the trip take according to an onboard clock?
4.2.21 Two galaxies are traveling away from the earth in opposite directions with the same speed of 0.85 c.
What would the speed of each galaxy be as measured by an observer in the other?
4.2.22 If a quasar moving away from Earth with speed of 0.75 c ejects matter toward Earth with a speed of
0.45 c, what is the speed of the ejected material as measured from Earth?
4.2.23 In a laboratory experiment an electron moving at 0.8995 c collides with a positron traveling at
0.9895 c. At what speed do the particles approach each other?
4.2.24 A spaceship is traveling towards a point on Earth when a laser beam from the same point fires
toward the ship. At what speed does the laser beam travel as measured by an engineer aboard the
ship who receives it? Resolve the problem classically.
4.2.25 Two light pulses are sent out in opposite directions. What is the speed of either one with respect to
the other? Resolve the problem classically.
4.2.26 An earthbound observer finds that two spaceships traveling at the speed of 0.825 c are moving in
opposite directions, one toward Earth, the other away from Earth. What is the speed of one
spaceship with respect to the other?
4.2.27 Two spaceships are racing toward Earth. Ship A in the lead moves at 0.89 c and separates from ship
B at 0.54 c. (a) With respect to Earth what is ship Bs speed? (b) Calculate the relative speed
between the two ships if ship A increases its speed by 5%.
4.2.28 Asteroid A and asteroid B are receding from Earth with speeds relative to Earth of 2 x 108 m/s and
2.5 x 108 m/s, respectively. What is their speed relative to each other?
4.2.29 A probe is launched in the direction of motion of its spaceship with a speed of 1 x 10 8 m/s. If the
spaceships speed relative to Earth is 5 x 108 m/s, what is the probes speed relative to Earth?
4.2.30 Two particles fly in opposite directions, each with the speed of 0.77 c. Find the relative speed of the

4.3 Lorentz Transformation and Simultaneity

4.3.1 At time t = t = 0, the origins of frame S and S overlap. S moves at v = 1.2 x 108 m/s with respect to
S. A particle in S comes to a rest at coordinates x = 35m, y = 40m, and z = 0. What are its
coordinates in frame S at (a) t =3.5 s? (a) t =45.5 s?
4.3.2 Suppose two inertial systems S and S have the same x-axis and parallel y-axes. Frame S moves
with a speed of 0.65 c relative to S in the +x-direction. A rocket in S moves with a speed of 0.2 c in
the +y-direction. (a) What does an observer in S calculate the speed of the rocket to be? (b) What is
the direction of the rocket as seen by that observer?
4.3.3 Show that at everyday velocity, v << c, the Lorentz transformation reduces to the Galilean
4.3.4 A rocket ship moving away from Earth with a speed of 0.824 c fires a probe in the direction of its
motion with the speed of 0.56 c relative to the ship. What is the probes speed with respect to Earth?
4.3.5 Show that (a) the Lorentz transformation reduces to the Galilean transformation if v = 0. (b) the
Lorentz transformations predict length contraction of a moving object.
4.3.6 At the beginning of a spaceships interstellar voyage to a star 100 ly away, x = x = 0 m and t = t
= 0 s. Its speed as measured by observers at its station is 0.500 c. Find (a) the distance x and the time
t as measured by home stations astronauts when the spaceship arrives at the star, and (b) the
spaceships x and t at its destination as measured by onboard astronauts.
4.3.7 Two lights are turned on simultaneously at the moment fast-moving Observer 1 is passing stationary
Observer 2. (a) Do these lights appear to flash simultaneously for either observer or both observers?
(b) Adduce evidence to support your answer from a Lorentz transformation expression.
4.3.8 A stationary observer sees two fireworks explode one 5.00 seconds after the other. What does an
observer moving at a speed of 0.55 c past the fireworks measure the time interval between the two
explosions to be?
4.3.9 Moving past Earth at velocity 2.5 x 108 m/s a spaceship beams laser signals to Earth every 12
seconds according to an onboard clock. What does a clock on Earth record this time interval to be?
4.3.10 At the common origin of two frames S and S a light pulse is emitted at time t = 0. At time t its
distance from the origin is x2 = c2t2. By using the Lorentz transformation, show that the motion is
exactly the same in both frame S and S, i.e., that the distance in frame S is x2 = c2t2.

4.4 Michelson-Morley Experiment

4.4.1 Starting from the same airport two airplanes fly for 400 km at the same airspeed of 300 m/s, one
heading east for Pittsburgh, the other heading north for Detroit. The wind blows at 50 km/h in the
easterly direction. Find: (a) the time of flight to each city, (b) the time of the return trip, and (c) the
difference of the total flight times between to two airplanes. Hint: Use the boat analogy in Figure 2-
4.4.2 In the Michelson-Morley experiment, beam 1 travels across the ether wind and makes the round trip
in time t1 = 2 l / c (1 / (1 v2 / c2) 1/2 ) while beam 2 travels with and against the ether wind making
the round trip in time t2 = 2 l / c [1 / (1 v2 / c2)]. Suppose the Ms - M2 arm shrinks as suggested by
the Lorentz-FitzGerald contraction. Show that t = t2 t1 = 0.
4.4.3 In one run of the Michelson-Morley experiment, the perpendicular arms of the apparatus have length
L = 25 m. Given v = 3 x 104 m/s, calculate (a) the time difference caused by the rotation of the
interferometer, and (b) the expected fringe shift, if the light beam used has a wavelength of 540 nm.
4.4.4 Find the associated with a particle moving at the speed of (a) 0.005 c; (b) 0.15 c, (c) 0.00005 c, and
(d) 0.6675 c.

4.5 Time Dilation

4.5.1 Captain Aurore of Spaceship Longtrek embarks on a round-trip voyage to a faraway Galaxy Tresloin
situated 15.5 ly from Earth traveling with a velocity of 0.75 c. When he comes back to Earth how
old is Captain Aurore if he left at age 27?
Hint: Use v = d / t.
4.5.2 Commander Desbois left his 8-year-old daughter on a journey to star Diana traveling with a velocity
of 0.85 c. The round trip took him 6.84 years as measured from Earth. How old is his daughter
when he comes home?
4.5.3 Captain Agamemnon took a 25-year round trip to Nebula Troy and turned back. When he came
home, his wife Clytemnestra found him to be 7 years older. What was the average speed of his
spaceship during the trip?
4.5.4 Hurtling at velocity 0.7885 c toward star Labas far away, spaceship Intrepid reaches its destination
and heads back to Earth. On his return, Captain Achilles wife found him 8 years older than when he
had left. How many years did Captain Achilles round trip last from his wifes point of view?
4.5.5 Expedition Leader Hercules spent 17 years of his starship life in search of the Heavenly Golden
Fleece. On his return to Earth, 2000 years had passed judging by the historical records kept at the
Library of World Congress. What was the average velocity of his voyage?
4.5.6 In the parallel universe PU2 all the physical constants are different from the physical constants of our
universe. Suppose a physicist in PU2 standing on the platform clocks a passing train as traveling
with the speed of 200 km/s. His colleague on the train finds the elapsed time of a flash of light from
the trains floor to its mirrored ceiling and back to be 65 s while he recorded the same two events as
lasting 59 s. What is the speed of light in PU2?
Hint: What was anomalous about this scenario?
4.5.7 In the parallel universe PU3 all the physical constants are different from the physical constants of
our universe. Suppose a physicist in PU3 standing on the platform clocks a passing train as traveling
with the speed of 2000 km/s. His colleague on the train finds the elapsed time of a flash of light
from the trains floor to its mirrored ceiling and back to be 75 s while he recorded the same two
events as lasting 89 s. What is the speed of light in PU3?
4.5.8 A cosmonauts trip to a distant star takes 11.783 years traveling with a speed of 0.992 c relative to
Earth. How many years does the cosmonaut age during this trip?
4.5.9 An astronaut spends 20 minutes eating lunch by his spaceships time. Assuming the astronaut is
traveling at 0.887 c relative to Earth, (a) how long does the astronauts lunch last from Earths
reference frame? (b) how far does the spaceship travel during this time from Earths point of view?
4.5.10 How much have you aged flying the distance of 8,500 km from Houston to Paris in a jet airliner
traveling with the speed of 1000 km/h compared to when you left Houston?
4.5.11 Planning a trip to Andromeda galaxy 2 million ly away, you figure it will take 34 years by a clock on
the spaceship. How fast will the spaceship have to travel on average to complete the planned trip?
4.5.12 On a round trip to a galaxy 30 ly away 42-year-old Astronaut Jouvence travels with a speed of 0.99
c. His son Hippolyte was 19 when he left. (a) How old is Jouvence on his return to Earth? (b)
How old is his son Hippolyte when he sees his father again?
4.5.13 Mission Control on Earth measures Astronaut Irinas heartbeat to be 80 beats per minute. She is
traveling with a velocity of 0.65 c relative to Earth. What does she measure her heart rate to be?
4.5.14 A jet plane flying with a constant velocity of 330 m/s requires 3 h by the onboard clock to reach its
destination. What is the duration of the trip by the clocks on the ground?
4.5.15 The lifetime of a neutron as measured on Earth is 6.42 x 10 2 s. What is the lifetime of the neutron as
measured by a clock on a spaceship flying past at a velocity of 2 x 108 m/s?
4.5.16 As spaceship Intrepid cruises at a constant speed of 0.894 c past planet Diana, its captain Goddard
observes that the Diana clock and his own clock both read 2:00 p.m. At 3:30 p.m. by his clock,
Captain Goddards ship passes by planet Athena. If the Diana and Athena clocks are synchronized
with each other, what time do Athenas clocks show when spaceship Intrepid passes by?
4.5.17 Captain Hubble wants to make a trip to a star 35 ly away. How fast does he have to travel to make
the trip in only 8 years?
4.5.18 What is the mean life of a muon falling down with a speed of 0.9999 c relative to Earth if its mean
life at rest is 2.2 s?
4.5.19 The unstable muon decays in 2.3 s at rest. (a) Find the muons mean life in a laboratory if it travels
with a speed of 0.99 c with respect to the lab. (b) How far has the muon particle traveled during its
lifetime as measured in the lab?
4.5.20 A certain particle, which decays after 16 s, has traveled at distance of 5500 m. What is its mean
velocity during is lifetime?
4.5.21 After a 40-year intergalactic voyage, as measured by his younger brother on Earth, Captain Hawking
came home to find he is 5 years older than when he left, and his younger brother twice as old as he
is. Find (a) the average speed he achieved during his journey. (b) his brothers age on his departure
and his age after the voyage if their total age at reunion is 75 years.
4.5.22 Given a + mesons mean life of 2.5 x 108 s, if it travels with a velocity of 0.993 c, (a) what is the
distance it covers before decay? (b) Suppose there were no time dilation effects, what would this
distance be?
4.5.23 The average life of a neutron, as measured on Earth, is 6.45 x 102 s. What is the mean life of this
neutron if measured by an observer on a spaceship traveling past with a speed of 2.5 x 108 m/s?
4.5.24 -mesons, subatomic particles produced in particle physics experiments and in cosmic radiation,
have a lifetime of 0.84 x 10-16 s in low-energy debris of a particle physics experiment and a mean
lifetime of 1.4 x 10-16 s as cosmic rays hitting our atmosphere. (a) Give a reason for the discrepancy
in these lifetimes. (b) Calculate the and v of each type of meson.
4.5.25 If an object moves at a speed v = 1 / 4 c as measured by a stationary observer, find its .
4.5.26 What is the speed of a muon, which has a mean life at rest of 2.2 s, if its mean life in motion is 5.9
4.5.27 An onboard atomic clock records 42 hours on the around-the-world trip made by a jet plane flying at
the speed of 1000 km/h. What is the difference between this time and the time measured by an
identical and synchronized atomic clock in the laboratory on Earth?
4.5.28 If a space-faring astronaut wants to come back to Earth only 5 years older by her clock than when
she left, at what speed must she travel on a 30-ly round trip?
4.5.29 How far does a particle travel after reaching its destination in 87.2 s from its rest position where
it decays in 4 s? What is its speed of travel?
4.5.30 A jet airplane flying with a speed of 500 m/s carries an atomic clock, which measures a time interval
of 3500 s. What does an identical clock in a laboratory on the ground measure the same interval to

4.6 Length Contraction

4.6.1 The distance between two planets is measured by an Earth observer to be 987,000 km. If a
spacecraft takes 2 seconds by the clocks on the ship to fly with a uniform velocity from one planet to
the other, what is its average speed?
4.6.2 What is the Lorentz contraction of a car traveling at 150 km/h?
4.6.3 As a 150-meter-long rocket moves away from Earth at a constant velocity, a light pulse is beamed to
its nose and tail, and is reflected back to Earth. The reflected signal from the tail reaches a detector
on Earth 250 s after emission, and the signal reflected from the nose follows 1.5 x 10 6 s later. Find
the distance between the rocket and the earth and the rockets velocity relative to Earth.
4.6.4 Moving past a meter stick at a speed of 0.55 c, an observer measures its length. What length does
the observer measure the meter stick to be?
4.6.5 Calculate the length of a meter stick that moves along its length with a speed of 2.89 x 108 m/s?
4.6.6 A rocket ship moves at the speed of 0.45 c to an earth observer. (a) Find its . (b) Find its contracted
length L as observed by the earth observer. (c) Find the L, the change in the ships length in the
direction of motion as observed by the same observer. (d) Find its H, the change in its height in
the direction perpendicular to its motion, as observed by the earth observer. (e) Find its contracted
length L as observed by an onboard astronaut.
4.6.7 The space shuttle is 37.23 m on the runway. As it hurtles at 27,358 km/h into space, how long does
it appear to an observer on Earth?
4.6.8 A meter stick on a spaceship measures 0.75 m. How fast does the spaceship travel relative to an
Earth observer?
4.6.9 Captain Highspeed travels by you in a 25-m-long spaceship at a very high speed. You are traveling
in a spaceship that measures 20 meters on the ground. From your point of view, (a) how long is
Captain Highspeeds spaceship, (b) how long is your ship in flight, and (c) how fast is Captain
Highspeeds spaceship?
4.6.10 A 3-m-long car travels at a speed of 120 mi/h. What is the decrease in the cars length as measured
by a stationary observer?
4.6.11 How fast must a rocket ship travel so that its length shrinks by two-thirds to an observer at rest on
the earth?
4.6.12 How long is a spaceship at rest if an observer on the earth measures its length to be 95 m as it flies
by the observer at the speed of 0.75 c?
4.6.13 To make a trip to a star 45 ly away, how fast would an astronaut have to travel to make the trip in 4
4.6.14 To make a trip to a star 50 ly away, how fast would an astronaut have to travel so that the distance
would be only 15 ly?
4.6.15 Sitting in your Batmobile you see your friend pass you in her 8-m-long Batmobile at a speed of 0.12
c. Your friend says she measures your car to be 8.5 m long. What do you measure for the lengths
of the two cars?
4.6.16 At what speed would an astronaut have to travel to reach the closest star Alpha Centauri 4.0 ly from
Earth in only 2.5 years as measured by a clock in the spaceship? At that speed how far did the
astronaut travel in his reference frame? What would an earthbound observer measure for the time the
astronaut spent to reach the star?
4.6.17 A spaceship 30 m in height and 200 m in length travels past an observer on Earth at a speed of 0.875
c. (a) What does the observer measure for the height and length of the spaceship? (b) If the
observer measures an experiment on the earth to last for 25 seconds on her watch, how much time
did she find the same experiment to last as measured by the spaceships clock? (c) How fast did the
observer appear to be moving according to the astronaut? (d) How many seconds did the astronaut
see elapse on the observers clock when 25 seconds passed on hers?
4.6.18 In a laboratory experiment an electron travels 4 cm in 0.25 ns. (a) What is the electrons speed? (b)
In the reference frame of the electron, what was the distance the lab traveled?
4.6.19 Your spaceship and your friends spaceship are traveling toward a galaxy. Your speed is 0.75 c
relative to your friends. Your friend measures the lengths of both spaceships and finds them to be
the same. (a) If you measure the length of your friends ship, do you find your ship longer or shorter
than her ships length? Explain. (b) Calculate the ratio of the length of your ship to the length of
your friends.
4.6.20 Captain Kirk and Captain Cousteau travel through space in identical spaceships. After making
measurements Captain Kirk finds his ship 8/7th times as long as of Captain Cousteaus ship. (a)
From Captain Cousteaus point of view, how long is Captain Kirks ship if the ships at rest is 120m?
(b) What is Captain Kirks speed relative to Captain Cousteaus?
4.6.21 On a trip to a star an astronaut moving with the speed of 0.8 c relative to Earth finds the distance
covered from her reference frame to be 7 ly from Earth. On the return trip, the astronaut travels at a
speed of 0.97 c relative to Earth. What is the distance in light-years the astronaut traveled on the
return trip as measured by the astronaut?
4.6.22 A laboratory tube in which protons move at a mean speed of 0.5 c measures 70 m long. In the
protons reference frame, how long does the tube measure?
4.6.23 A rectangular spaceship 25 m high and 140 m long is traveling parallel to its length. What is the
speed of the ship when an earth observer finds the ship to be a square?
4.6.24 The height and length of a triangular spaceship measure 30 m and 100 m respectively. At what
speed must it travel in a direction parallel to its length for its length-to-height ratio to be 5/3?
4.6.25 An astronaut traveling to a star 8 ly away with a speed such that the gamma factor is = 7/6. What is
the distance from Earth to the star as measured by an earthbound instrument?
4.6.26 If a 50-m-long rocket flying past a stationary observer appears to measure only half its original
length, what is its speed?
4.6.27 How fast does a sports car have to travel in order for a stationary observer to find its length to be
shortened by 10% compared to its length at rest?
4.6.28 An electron travels a straight distance of 15 m as measured in its own frame of reference. An
experimenter finds the electrons speed in the particle accelerator to be 0.999999 c. What is the
distance traveled by the electron as measured by the experimenter?
4.6.29 A supersonic jet plane measuring 100 m in length on the runway flies at the speed of 3000 km/h. (a)
What is the difference in the lengths of the jet plane when it is at rest and when it is flying as
observed by an air traffic controller? (b) How fast does the plane have to travel for this difference to
4.6.30 Event A and event B occur in frame S at the same point. Event B occurs 3 s after event A. In frame
S moving relative to S event B occurs 5 s after event A. What is the distance between the positions
of the two events as measured in frame S?

4.7 Relativistic Momentum

4.7.1 Calculate the momentum of a proton moving with the speed of (a).0.10 c, (b) 0.67 c, (c) 0.75 c, and
(d) 0.95 c. Calculate the momentum of an electron moving with the same speeds.
4.7.2 If an electrons relativistic momentum is 95% larger than its classical momentum, (a) what is its
speed? (b) If the particle were a proton, what would be the protons speed?
4.7.3 To achieve the same momentum as an electron moving at a speed of 0.95 c, at what speed must the
proton move?
4.7.4 At what speed must an object travel so that its relativistic momentum is five times greater than its
classical momentum?
4.7.5 A rocket ship with a mass of 5 x 10 8-kg moves away from Mars with a speed of 0.75 c. What are its
classical momentum and its relativistic momentum?
4.7.6 Find the relativistic momentum of a proton with a mass of 1.673 x 10-27 kg moving at speed of 2/3 c.
4.7.7 A neutron moves with speed v = 0.75 c and has a mass of 1.675 x 10-27 kg. Determine its relativistic
4.7.8 If an electron has a momentum 85% larger than its classical momentum, how fast is it moving?
4.7.9 If a proton has 1836 times the mass of an electron, calculate the speed at which the electron will have
the same relativistic momentum as the proton moving at 0.020 c.
4.7.10 Calculate the speed of an object whose relativistic momentum is five times greater than its classical
4.7.11 Calculate the speed at which a proton has a momentum equal to that of an electron moving at
speed of 0.75 c.
4.7.12 By how much is classical momentum in error vis--vis relativistic momentum if an electron with
mass 9.11 x 10-31 moves at speed of (a) 0.1 c, (b) 0.45 c, (c) 0.91 c?
4.7.13 What is the ratio of relativistic momentum to classical momentum for a muon traveling at 0.95 c?
4.7.14 What is the speed in terms of c of a muon such that its relativistic momentum is 25% greater than its
nonrelativistic momentum?
4.7.15 For an alpha particle with mass of 6.644 x 10-27 kg to have the same momentum as a neutron with
mass of 1.674 x 10-27 kg traveling at speed of v = 0.92 c, how fast must the alpha particle travel?
4.7.16 How fast must a particle travel for its mass to be five times its rest mass?
4.7.17 A neutron with mass 1.674 x 10-27 kg has a momentum 2.8 x 10-19 kg.m/s. What is its speed?
4.7.18 At what speed does the momentum of an alpha particle becomes three times as great as its classical
4.7.19 Calculate the classical and relativistic momenta of a 3.4-kg mass moving at 0.89 c.
4.7.20 An electron with a mass of 9.11 x 10-31 kg moves with speed v = 0.77 c. Find its classical and
relativistic momenta.

4.8 Relativistic Mass

4.8.1 How much does a jet airliner increase in mass if it flies at 1000 km/h?
4.8.2 If an electron moves with a speed of 0.50 c, what is its relativistic mass?
4.8.3 A moving particle doubles its mass with respect to its rest mass. How fast does the particle move?
4.8.4 To have a relativistic mass of 0.5 kg, how fast must a 0.20-kg baseball be thrown?
4.8.5 After a collision with an asteroid at rest a rocket with a mass of 6.7 x 10 7 kg traveling at a speed of
0.6 c remains embedded in the asteroid. Calculate the asteroids mass if the rocket-asteroid system
has the speed of 0.45 c.
4.8.6 What is the mass of a proton moving at 0.65 c?
4.8.7 What would be the percent increase in mass of a 4.5 x 106 kg space robot traveling at 40000 km/h?
4.8.8 How fast must an object move in order for its mass to be 2 percent greater than its rest mass?
4.8.9 What is the mass of a proton that is traveling at v = 0.92 c?
4.8.10 At what speed must a 0.20-kg baseball be thrown to have a mass of 0.5 kg?
4.8.11 How much mass is converted to energy per hour in a nuclear reactor that produces 15 x 10 10 W of
4.8.12 How much mass does the sun burn every second to radiate energy at the rate of 3.92 x 10 26 W?
Assuming a mass of 1.99 x 1030 how long will the sun continue to radiate energy before all its mass
is totally consumed?
4.8.13 What is the mass while in flight of a 0.5-kg ball thrown at v = 0.65 c?
4.8.14 Accelerated to 0.93 c along a straight path in an accelerator, an electron has an increased mass 10000
times its rest mass when it reaches its final speed. What is the electrons final speed?
4.8.15 At what speed will the mass of an electron be 0.825 MeV?
4.8.16 At what speed will the mass of an object be six times its rest mass?
4.8.17 If all the mass of an object is converted into energy and the energy observed is 9.123 x 1016 J, what is
the objects mass?
4.8.18 An energy of 60 MeV is generated with all the mass of a certain particle. What was its mass?
4.8.19 How much energy in J and MeV can a 5-g coin produce assuming all its mass is used up in the
4.8.20 A future rocket ship is capable of converting chickens into energy. Assuming it carries 100 3-kg
chickens on board, how much energy in J and MeV can the chickens generate?

4.9 Relativistic Energy

4.9.1 Suppose an electrons kinetic energy is 2% larger than the value that would be measured had the
relativistic effects not existed. What is the electrons speed?
4.9.2 An electron of mass 9.55 x 10-31 kg has a speed of 0.895 c. Calculate: (a) the electrons total
relativistic energy in Joules and MeV. (b) its total relativistic kinetic energy in Joules and MeV. (c)
its relativistic momentum. (d) its classical kinetic energy and momentum.
4.9.3 Calculate the ratio of relativistic kinetic energy to classical kinetic energy of a particle traveling at
velocity = 0.85 c.
4.9.4 At what speed does a traveling particles rest energy equal its relativistic kinetic energy?
4.9.5 Suppose you could convert all the mass of 3-g penny into energy. What is the energy produced in J
and in MeV?
4.9.6 Assuming you want to produce a total energy of 2000 MeV from a proton. Find its speed,
momentum, and kinetic energy.
4.9.7 A neutral pion at rest decays into two oppositely directed gamma-ray photons. Find the energy and
momentum of the photons.
4.9.8 Calculate the rest energy of an electron whose mass is 7 times its rest mass.
4.9.9 Find the rest energy of a neutron in J and in MeV.
4.9.10 What is the speed and momentum of a proton whose kinetic energy is 2/3 its rest energy?
4.9.11 A nuclear reactor produces an output of 1.25 x 103 MW of power a year. What is the change in mass
in its reactor fuel, assuming that all the energy released by fission is converted to electricity? (In
reality, only a small fraction of the energy is converted )
4.9.12 An object is traveling at a speed such that = 0.60 and = 1.2. Find its total energy if its mass is
1.5 x 10-2 g.
4.9.13 Find the total energy, the momentum, and the speed of an electron with a rest energy of 0.511 MeV
and a = 1.75.
4.9.14 Calculate the total energy, the rest energy, the kinetic energy, and the momentum of a particle with a
mass of 1.5 x 10-6 kg traveling with speed of 0.35 c.
4.9.15 Suppose the total energy needed is 12 x 1020 J. How much mass annihilation would occur in nuclear
reaction to supply that energy?
4.9.16 If an electrons kinetic energy is four times its rest energy, find (a) its total energy in MeV and in J,
(b) its speed in terms of c.
4.9.17 Find an electrons total energy MeV and in J, its kinetic energy MeV and in J, and its momentum if it
moves with speed 0.75 c.
4.9.18 A proton has a kinetic energy equal to 2/3 its rest energy. Find the protons momentum and speed.
4.9.19 Calculate the kinetic energy and momentum of a neutron with a mass of 1.675 x 10-27 kg traveling 10
x 107 m/s.
4.9.20 If a spaceship with a mass of 5.2 x 107 kg has a relativistic kinetic energy of 4.3 x 10 7 J, find its

4.10 Relativistic Doppler Effect

4.10.1 A green light from a star has a frequency 5.5 x 10 14 Hz measured in its rest frame. What frequency
does Captain Eteocles observe for the star if his spaceship travels toward the star with the speed of
0.20 c?
4.10.2 A certain star has a measured wavelength of 486.112 nm. According to the records in the laboratory
this star has a wavelength of 486.133 nm. Is the star moving toward or away from us? What is its
4.10.3 If a quasar has a redshift of 0.16, what is its radial velocity? What is its distance?
4.10.4 An astronomer studying the red light of hydrogen emitted from a star measures its wavelength to be
longer than the wavelength of 658 nm measured in the laboratory. Is the star moving toward or away
from Earth? Suppose the stars speed is 30000 km/s, what does the astronomer measure for the
wavelength of the light?
4.10.5 On board a spaceship moving at 0.3 c toward Polynices Star radio signals from the star are received
at a frequency of 106 MHz. On what frequency are the radio signals received on the star?
4.10.6 If a certain galaxy which emits an orange light with a frequency of 5.100 x 10 14 Hz is receding from
Earth with speed 3100 km/h, what is the lights frequency as observed by an earthbound observer?
4.10.7 Two spaceships are approaching each other head-on. The distance between them is diminishing at
the rate of 950 km/s. Ship 1 sends a laser beam toward Ship 2. What was the wavelength of the
laser at transmission if it has a wavelength of 635 nm when received by Ship 2?
4.10.8 What is the frequency of a light signal sent by Space Station Creon to the approaching supply ship
Antigone traveling at 0.3 c when the signal received has a wavelength of 645 nm?
4.10.9 Find the wavelength of a light signal with an observed frequency of 5.95 x 1014 Hz if the source is
moving away at the speed of 0.25 c.
4.10.10 A star is observed to have a redshift of 0.35. How fast is it moving? What is its distance at the
time of observation?
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Einstein, Albert, (1961). Relativity: The special and the general theory. New York: Wings Books.

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Kaufmann III, William J. (1994). Universe (4th ed.). New York: W. H. Freeman and Company.

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Walker, James S. (2002). Physics. (Volume II). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

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Internet Resources
Drake, S.P. (2005). The equivalence principle as a stepping stone from special to general relativity: a Socratic
dialog. Retrieved September 14, 2005 from http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/gr-qc/pdf/0501/0501034.pdf.

Flanagan, E.E. & Scott, H. (2005). The basics of gravitational wave theory. Retrieved September 4, 2005.
from http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/gr-qc/pdf/0501/0501041.pdf.

Fowler, Michael. (1996). Conserving momentum: The relativistic mass increase. Retrieved October 14, 2005
from http://galileoandeinstein.physics.virginia.edu/lectures/mass_increase.html.

Gibbs, Philip. (1996). Does mass change with velocity? Retrieved October 14, 2005 from

Lemmerza, C, Maclas, A & Muller, H. (2005). Lorenz invariance violation and charge (non-) conservation:
A theoretical frame for extensions of the Maxwell equations. Retrieved September 4, 2005 from

Oas, Gary. (2005). On the abuse and use of relativistic mass. Retrieved October 14, 2005 from

Reynaud, Serge. (2005). Testing the Newton law at long distances. Retrieved September 4, 2005 from

Searle, Anthony. (1997-1999). Seeing Relativity: Visualizing Special Relativity. Retrieved September 4,
2005 from http://www.anu.edu.au/Physics/Searle/Commentary.html.

Shirber, Michael. (2004, November). Light Packets Slow to Jet Speed. Retrieved August 20, 2005 from

Terrell, James. (1959). Invisibility of the Lorentz Contraction. Physical Review 116, 10411045. Abstract
retrieved August 20, 2005 from http://prola.aps.org/abstract/PR/v116/i4/p1041_1.

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