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VOC To CTQ Conversion Sample

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VOC to CTQ Worksheet (Example)

Note: some generic CTQ examples are listed at the end of this document

Project Stretch Goal:

Increase the on-time percentage that UW meets all required sponsor obligations (usually 90 days after project end date) from xx% to yy%.
Decrease the time it takes for sponsored projects to acquire the status of Closed from xxx days to yyy days.

Stakeholder VOC Current CTQs

(ranked) (What they want; Satisfaction (measures that will help better understand stretch goal current or future
ranked) (1=low; 5=high) state)

PI 1)Information is 1 1a) Percentage of awards that are past project end date that have
lost missing information beyond pending expenses and xfers (other op defs
for missing information may be needed here)
2)Lack of 1
communication 1b)Number of interactions/handoffs between RSP, Dept, Div, PI after
with RSP award close date to find missing information as defined in 1a

3)Many unaware 2 1c) The average number of awards per month being simultaneously
of financial handled by an individual staff member (dept, div, RSP acct, etc.)
process Note: maybe better to do by group so people dont think they are being

1d) Number of expedited sponsor closeout reports/week or per division

2a) The number of proactive communication messages RSP gives to a

PI or the PIs dept admin from 60 prior to award end date and award
end date

2b) The percentage of questions resolved in the first call/email made by

the PI or dept admin to RSP

2c) See 1b
2d) Time it takes to determine the status of an award that has met all
sponsor obligations, but not yet flagged as closed in WISPER

3a) Percentage of PIs by division that respond correctly to a simple

poll question. Pretend you have an award that is 60 days from the
project end date and you know that an extension is impossible and the
project must be closed down. What steps should you perform related
to project finances and what groups should be notified? Note: this
question Im sure could be word-smithed

3b) Percentage of dept admins by division that respond correctly to a

simple poll question, Pretend a PI tells you that a project needs to be
closed. What steps should you perform and what groups should be

3c) Time it takes a PI or Dept Admin to find a checklist for award

closeout procedures when requested to find the information.

3d) Number of unique closeout checklists on campus

3e) Number of high-risk audit activities that need to be removed from

project before project is closed by division

Dept Admins 1WISDM not 1

accurate 1a) Number of awards that are 30 days past end date that have
inaccurate WISDM balance (note: need to define what accurate is)
2Receiables not 3
processed/sponsor 1b) Percentage of awards that have WISDM variance from their final
checks not cashed financial report submitted to sponsor of more than $1000 or .5% of
total budget
3No standard for 1
what to do
Generic CTQ examples
Degree of satisfaction with quantities, special
Typical Performance Measures complaint resolution modifications, etc.
Customer expectations vs. Courtesy, knowledge, Accuracy and completeness
company performance - by empathy, responsiveness - by of specifications for orders
survey or interviews survey, response card or Complaint resolution
Company performance vs. interview timeliness and effectiveness
competitors - by survey or Order entry error rate Changes to orders after initial
interviews Order fulfillment placement - controllable and
Complaints Backorder rate uncontrollable
Returns and allowances On-time delivery Timeliness and accuracy of
(incidents as well as costs) Orders shipped complete and price quotations and requests
Lost accounts (retention rate) on time for samples
Order frequency Line items shipped complete Pricing accuracy
Satisfaction with each aspect and on time Response time to inquiries
of goods or services - sales, Actual ship date versus and special requests
technical support, response, requested and promised date Ethics attribute score
quality, value/cost ratio Actual ship date versus Sales Productivity
Customer Service revised request date Time spent on selling versus
Calls not answered in xx Orders cancelled and reason administrative activities
seconds for cancellation Sales to selling cost ratio
Calls on hold longer than xx Market Share Sales process performance
seconds Sales/industry sales ratio Queue/production
Calls transferred to another Sales growth rate versus Engineering and Design
party industry growth rate Design cycle time
Abandon rate - caller gives New accounts Engineering changes after
up Share of key accounts' design completion
Inquiry processing time business Engineering change orders -
Queue time of people waiting by reason
in line Improvements to products
Credit request processing Sales Quality Customer satisfaction with
time Service, responsiveness, product performance
Orders/inquiries not knowledge, empathy - from Reliability - mean time
processed within time limits customer satisfaction survey, between failures
Complaints not resolved on interview Reduction of parts count on
the first call Conformance to company products
Complaints not resolved in guidelines for lead times, Quality problems attributable
24 hours to design
Flexibility Costs of quality - rework, Orders and reports shipped
Number of standard, rejects, warranties, returns by express service
common, and unique parts and allowances, inspection Queue/production time ratio -
Number of different process labor and equipment, how long it takes to process
capabilities complaint processing cost an order, divided by how
Percentage of cross-trained Waste - all forms: scrap, long it would take if there
personnel rejects, under-utilized were no delays between
Production setup/changeover capacity, idle time, process steps (minimum
time downtime, excess production value = 1.0)
Average lot size being Yield - net good product Supplier Performance
produced - smaller is usually produced Quality of vendors - defects
better Processes under statistical by type, returns, delivery
Inventory control with sufficient performance
Service factor - percent of capability Percent of parts from
orders filled Processes "Poka-yoked" or certified vendors
Turns by product and group made foolproof Changes to purchase orders -
Production schedule delays Process capability by reason
due to material shortages Product changes to correct Total number of vendors -
Inventory items above/below design deficiencies lower is generally better,
limits Adherence to schedule - tasks providing quality and cost
Physical inventory variances being performed on time; requirements are satisfied
Slow-moving or obsolete jobs ahead and behind Savings relative to previous
inventory schedule year costs
Excess inventory - anything Changes to purchase and Process capability and
above normal requirements production orders - by reason improvements in capability
Inventory accuracy and error Number of times scheduled Process quality - from
rates ship or complete date vendor's data
Adjustment to inventory changes Cost reduction rate
records Schedule Effectiveness Order cycle time
Maintenance Actual versus scheduled Emergency response time
Downtime due to different complete date by work Compliance with operating
types of equipment failure center, department, or guidelines, such as having a
Unplanned versus planned production cell disaster plan
maintenance Late items as a percent of Documentation conformance
Quality problems due to average daily production - measured on an on-going
equipment failure Schedule changes - basis by audits
Adherence to preventive controlled and uncontrolled Billing accuracy
maintenance schedules Time lost due to schedule Time to resolve complaints,
Waste caused my changes or deviations from get credits for product quality
maintenance tests Quality schedule problems

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