Why Is Planning Important
Why Is Planning Important
Why Is Planning Important
Jeff Willis has been using computers for nearly 20 years. He is a sales
and marketing manager and hosts a newsletter at
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Robert Frese
Systems Analysis
Dr. Vicki Sauter
UM-St. Louis
December 16, 2003
Space Shuttle disaster, or the 2003 collapse of a large portion of the U.S.
electrical grid. But the author was talking about Information Technology
initiatives. The literature of the IT and IS community is rife with articles and
commentary about project failures. But just how bad is the situation? Do a
large percent of projects really fail or do we only hear the bad news? What
is failure and what is success? And lastly, what can you do to improve your
success quotient? Let’s start by looking at project failure rates and why
projects fail.
There are many writers who tell us why projects fail. For instance,
Field(12) tells us that “projects fail too often because the project scope was
not fully appreciated and/or user needs not fully understood.” Hulme(13)
estimates of the benefits that can be attained from doing the project.” And
Leicht(5) tells us that high user expectations can actually be the cause of
article Hoffman(9) tells us that project managers too often act as “process
cops and report compilers and loose sight of what they’re supposed to be
of life. Too many fail because the average project is like an iceberg –
9/10ths of it lay hidden from view”. All of these writers are correct. But
that cause project success or failure. And none of them provide insight
among the top 25% of technology users, three out of 10 IT projects fail on
fail. Now if you are an extremely optimistic person you might conclude the
good news is that 70% of these projects succeed. But note that King does
not tell us how many of the 70% of the “successful” projects were over
many ways to measure success and failure, but there is no strict dividing
line between the two. Baker(20) concludes, “Like everything else, the
that “the big problem with assessing project success is that it is not
against differing criteria, and invariably becomes one more failure statistic
And so, Lewis(7) tells us that “On average, about 70% of all IT-
related projects fail to meet their objectives.” In this case Lewis includes
not only projects that were abandoned (failed), but also those that were
Lewis does not consider this 70% failure to meet objectives a serious issue,
contends major league coaches are happy with a 30% at-bat success rate
for a player, and Lewis thinks the same standard should apply to IT
projects. There seems to be only one problem with Lewis’ outlook, and that
is that the customer, the bill payer, may not share this sentiment.
There are other reports of project failure rates. A 1997 seminar
paper(3) states that “In 1992 the Unites States General Accounting Office
is a difficult and complex process. Again and again, projects have run into
serious trouble, despite hard work by dedicated staff. They are developed
late, fail to work as planned, and cost millions – even hundreds of millions –
more than expected”. In the same article we are told that research by the
there one cause or are there many causes? If the overall failure rate is
going to remain high, then how can you, the reader, become the exception
to this rule of failure and achieve a much higher success rate for your
Let’s look at the Standish Group’s CHAOS Report(1) and see what it
has to say. For the Standish Group not only published failure and success
rates, but also pointed to indicators for success and failure. Their original
report was done in 1994 and published as THE CHAOS Report. The
budget, with all features and functions as specified. Only 16.2% of projects
were over cost, over time, and/or lacking all of the features and functions
that were originally specified. 52.7% of all studied projects fell into this
were abandoned or cancelled at some point and thus became total losses.
For the purposes of this paper we will use the above three Standish
16.2% of projects were successful by all measures, and that of the 70% of
projects that were not successful, Over 52 percent were partial failures and
31% were complete failures. This should certainly give project managers
rates, are there any significant differentiators found between successful and
failed projects? According to the 1994 Standish CHAOS Report, there are.
1. User Involvement
4. Proper Planning
5. Realistic Expectations
These are the top 5 of 10 listed in the report. The report concludes
that these were the elements that were most often pointed to as major
success? Never. But if these are done well, a project, according to the
buy were over budget, over time, or did not contain all functions and
5. Technical Incompetence
And finally a list of all the top factors found in “Failed” projects
1. Incomplete Requirements
3. Lack of Resources
4. Unrealistic Expectations
7. Lack of Planning
9. Lack of IT management
project managers who are committed to the success of their projects.” The
24 areas of project management and found that 3 of the 24, if done well,
clearly indicated that a project had a high probability of success. The paper
states “it may be inferred that these three variables (Good Planning, Clear
conclude that all of the other areas were then not important to project
success. The paper also tells us “the data suggests that many different
three key areas that, if done well, point to a successful project completion.
Good Planning
initial planning is not enough. Projects often take wrong turns, or initial
solutions prove unfounded. The project manager who does not prepare to
re-plan, or has not considered and planned fall-back positions when initial
plans fail, will often find that the project first stalls, and then fails. We must
their roles and duties in the project. They must understand how
expectations vs. achievements will be measured and graded. It is left to
Schedule Control
control will also give the first hint that initial planning may not be going
The same paper finds two attributes that appeared equally for
projects used consultants, and the same was true for well-qualified
portend project success. Obviously there are many other variables that
Lastly this same study listed four things that foreshadowed a failed
project success and others that might indicate project failure. But there is
one thing primarily that you must recognize in all of these lists. There are
no stock answers, and there is no one list that will guarantee success. IT
difficult to plan with complete certainty something that has never before
been done. Every single factor in all of these lists is important and must be
considered for each project. The most difficult part may be prioritizing the
factors. Which are most important? Which must be done first? Hopefully
the lists will help you answer these questions. But in each case you must
who had recently retired from Monsanto Chemical Company. His career
the following story: “In 1933 when I was brand new to Monsanto, my boss
told me that the biggest problem at Monsanto was (the lack of)
communication. And 40 years later when I retired, the biggest problem at
company. Sure, a company may still succeed, but without good internal
and external communication I submit that the cost of success will be much
each other than many of the user and technology groups that ‘work
that some years ago he was hired as a developer for a large bond-
processing bank. He was told on his third day that the development team
seems that relations between the two groups had become so bad that
groups. This may seem like an extreme example, but this happens in
to pinpoint. You know something is wrong, but it’s difficult to tell exactly
what it is or to pinpoint the root cause of the problem. This often makes the
problem intractable.
communications are kept honest and open between customer and vendor.
Wixom(4) argues that User Participation and Team Skills are two of
failure, and that these two are essentially communication skills. “User
Participation occurs when users are assigned project roles and tasks,
which lead to a better communication of their needs, and help ensure that
system and can directly affect its success or failure. Team skills include
know that communicates effectively? Watch them and determine why their
communicating, and make every effort to avoid their bad habits. There is
one last point that involves communication and how it must be used to put
user expectations into perspective. Hayes(11) provides additional insight
to fail, but not IT projects. He also tells us that we must convince managers
that system development today is a gamble, but one the may have a big
payoff. Hayes tells us that we must “market” our efforts and manage user
expectations. If the user understands that there is risk, then “you’ll have a
better chance of delivering what the users expect.” And if you want
into learning dysfunction and its association with project success or failure.
Here are a few things that should never happen to you but probably will at
one point or another. If you ever hear yourself tell a client “No, you’re
wrong, that was never part of the scope! It’s clearly a scope
expansion!”(21), then you have violated one of the cardinal rules about
controlling scope expansion. If you find yourself talking more than listening,
then “stop talking”(22) “because the outcome of having your view prevail”
may not ultimately be wise. Two or three heads are often better than one,
so listen to the others – you might learn something. “If a project manager
project. And lastly there is this favorite quote, “The Lone Ranger had
Tonto, Yogi Bear had Boo-Boo, so why do some PMs run without adequate
help”?(25) Think about this next time you don’t want to share the load,
success factors. Jiang’s conclusion at the end of this study was that “the
establishing policies and procedures.” Here is the list that I will call Jiang’s
for the project that has been conveyed to all concerned parties.
4. Competent project team members. The importance of selecting
input from all potential clients of the project. The project team
members understand the needs of those who will use the systems.
been done to best determine how to sell the project to the clients.
rate for projects has actually increased since the original Standish CHAOS
people using the Standish “Recipe for Success” that was established in
1998. Johnson tells us that the overall project success rate has increased
from 16% in 1994 to 28% in 2000. What then are the top 5 factors that
top 5 are:
1) Executive Support: This is now the No. 1 factor in project failure. Lack of
No. 1 reason for project failures. Although it is now No. 2, its importance
has not decreased. Johnson feels that project professionals better handle
5) Minimized Scope: Do not allow your scope to grow. Johnson claims that
There are many things that lead to project success and many that lead to
failure. Jiang’s list of 13 is a good list to use as a starting point for your
projects. But like any of the lists, it is not enough in and of itself. Good project
continuous study and learning. For those who cannot devote themselves to
(1) THE CHAOS Report (1994), The Standish Group,
Viewed Nov 17, 2003
(3) Kirksey, Kirk A, (1990). “Storm Warning: Danger Signs During Software
Implementation”, Health Management Technology, 11, 6; pg 35
(6) Anil, Iyer and Thomasson, David (1991). “An Empirical Investigation of
the Use of Content Analysis to Define the Variables Most Prevalent in
Project Successes and Failures”, Proceedings of the 1991 PMI Annual
Seminar/Symposium, Sept 27 – October 2, 1991
(8) Levine, Mordy (1994). “Why Technology Uses and Developers don’t get
along”, Wall Street and Technology, Dec 1994, vol. 12, 7: pg. 56
(12) Field, Tom. (1997). “When bad things happen to good projects”, CIO
magazine, Oct 15, 1997, Vol. 11, 2; pg. 54, 6 pgs.
(15) Hoffman, Thomas. 2003. “Corporate Execs Try New Ways to Align IT
with Business Units.” Computerworld. October 27, 2003
(18) O’Brochta, Michael. (2002). “Project Success – What Are the Criteria
and Whose Opinion Counts?”, Proceedings of the Project Management
Institute Annual Seminars & Symposiums, October 3 – 10, 2002, San
Antonio, TX.
(19) Jiang, James J. Gary Klein, and Joseph Balloun (1996). “Ranking of
System Implementation Success Factors”, Project Management Journal,
December 1996, pp 49 – 53.
(20) Baker, Bud. (1997). Great Expectations: Turning Failure into Success
– and Visa Versa. PM Network, May 1997, pp. 25 – 28.