Catalog Ach Old
Catalog Ach Old
Catalog Ach Old
Table of Contents
2 | I 3
1 Application Overview
4 I I 5
1 Application Overview
LVS 105 T - 10 ef
Description Recommended Products
The LVS 105 T - 10 ef is the perfect partner for your
MPC 095 Z | 412422-10, rotary evaporator. It has been optimised for rotary Vacuum and pressure filtration is widely used for Diaphragm or WOB-L piston pumps are generally
MPC 105 T | 412443-10 evaporator application with an ultimate vacuum of 2 sample preparation in chemistry, life science, envi- used for filtration applications as excessive vacuum
mbar and peak flow of 20 l/min, allowing non-vola- ronmental analysis and pharmaceutical QC. Filtrati- (e. g. from a rotary vane pump) causes boiling of the
tiles such as DMF to be evaporated at 30C. It com- on rates are greatly enhanced by creating a differen- liquid being filtered, which is undesirable. For most
MPC 095 Z bines a powerful built in chemical duty diaphragm tial pressure across the filter unit by applying either filtration applications a modest vacuum of 75 to 150
vacuum pump with Ecoflex control principals. Hea- vacuum or pressure. The ultimate differential pressu- mbar absolute, or a positive pressure of 2 to 6 bar
MPC 095 Z rotary evaporator package is an econo-
ting of the pump heads allows a consistent clean re requirements are generally low. When filtering at is required, with free air displacement of 10 to 60 l/
mical option to partner with your rotary evaporator.
vacuum without gas ballasting. The Ecoflex control 100 mbar, 90% of atmospheric pressure is available min depending on the filter size, leak rate, condition
The package includes the MPC 095 Z vacuum pump,
continuously adjusts the pumping speed to match to assist the filtration. Improving the vacuum level to of the filter cake and whether a filtration manifold
DBR-P vacuum regulator with dial gauge and vacu-
the vapour load of the process and allows the pump 50 mbar (95% vacuum) has little appreciable effect is being used to operate multiple filters simultane-
um hose to connect the pump to your rotary eva-
to exhibit single point control which reduces bum- on the differential pressure. ously. For filtration of aqueous solutions a WOB-L
ping and foaming whilst achieving increased evapo- piston pump or standard duty diaphragm pump can
Built from chemical duty components and with an Solid phase extraction (SPE) is a sample preparation
ration rates. be used. For filtration of acidic and basic solutions
ultimate vacuum of 5 mbar the MPC 095 Z is suita- technique which is growing in popularity. SPE gives
or organic solvents use a chemical duty MPC dia-
ble for evaporating most common solvents. The ad- The built in digital vacuum controller allows easy ad- better yields than traditional liquid to liquid methods
phragm pump. For SPE the requirement is similar to
dition of a vacuum regulator allows the vacuum level justment of the desired vacuum level as well as the and the wide range of available stationary phase
vacuum filtration, with a chemical duty diaphragm
to be manually adjusted to control the evaporation option to select common solvents from the built in forms allow for rapid processing and automation.
pump necessary. Pumps with regulator valves can
rate and reduce bumping and foaming. The built in solvent library. be used when the filtration rate needs to be con-
vacuum gauge allows the user to monitor the vacu- An inlet trap protects the pump from ingesting li- trolled or to stop evaoration of particularly volatile
um level of the evaporation process. quids and particles and an exhaust vapour conden- liquids.
ser for optimal solvent recovery.
6 I I 7
1 Application Overview
8 I I 9
1 Application Overview
10 I I 11
1 Application Overview
MP 065 E | 411011
14 I I 15
1 Application Overview 2 OEM Products
Netvac Port and Controller Selection Chart - Netvac Ports with Integral Check Valves
This selection chart indicates the most common Netvac ports. If you do not see what you need, please con-
tact your Welch representative.
Bench-Top Fume Hood
Manual Regulated On/Off Controller Regulated Manual Regulated
Mount (R01)
MP 030 Z | 420301-12
16 I I 17
3 Diaphragm Pumps
Advantages Advantages
analytically pure, oil free vacuum
analytically pure, oil free vacuum
user friendly
user friendly
light weight, rugged design
light weight, rugged design
designed for permanent operation
designed for permanent operation
maintenance-free drive system and proven long dia-
maintenance-free drive system and proven long
phragm life
diaphragm life
minimal operation vibration
minimal operation vibration
significantly improve flow and vacuum performance in
wide vacuum and flow range to match applica-
the application critical range
superior chemical resistance
superior chemical resistance (MPC models)
stabilised process flow
enhanced repeatability
MPC 601 T | 412743
Scope of Delivery
Scope of Delivery Range of Applications MPC 302 Z | 414722 ON/OFF switch and internal protective thermal switch
ON/OFF switch and internal protective thermal rotary evaporators for the motor, mains cable and plug
switch for the motor, mains cable and plug vacuum ovens carry handle
carry handle degassing / desiccation vibration isolating feet
vibration isolating feet vacuum distillation gas ballast valve
MP models come with and exhaust silencer vacuum filtration KF 16 inlet flange / 8mm hose nozzle
MPC models come with a gas ballast valve solid phase extraction (SPE)
gas sampling
vacuum drying
vacuum holding NEW MPC 302 Z
pick and place to similar products of the previous generation. Be-
No matter if for research and development appli-
backing turbomolecular pumps cations or in the analysis field, the latest generati- sides the pumping speed, the ultimate vacuum is
on of Welchs diaphragm pumps are suitable for improved as well to 5 mbar. These significant impro-
Description a wide range of laboratory applications. The new vements directly influence the process flow and the
MPC 302 Z uses a patented pump head design to repeatability. A more stable applied vacuum gives a
Welch diaphragm pumps have been developed spe- standing diaphragm life and market leading cost of
provide significantly improved performance, par- more repeatable application and achieves more reli-
cifically to meet the requirement for oil-free vacuum ownership. Use MP models for standard duty appli-
ticularly in the application critical range. Opti- able results. The effectiveness and quality of chemi-
generation. Their low weight and excellent ergono- cations and MPC models for chemical duty applica-
mised construction of the pump heads allows the cal applications, especially distillation processes are
mics, make Welch diaphragm pumps the first choice tions. The MPC models use PTFE and other fluorina-
MPC 302 Z to reach a 17% higher pumping speed improved.
for most laboratory applications. With ultimate va- ted plastics for the wetted parts to allow aggressive
cuum from 75 to 1 mbar and peak flow rates up to solvent and acid vapours to be pumped. For extra in the application critical vacuum range compared
138 l/min there is a specific model configuration to harsh chemical vapours use X2 versions. Ecoflex
suit almost all applications. Our proven diaphragm versions with variable speed motors are also availa-
technology offers a double benefit to the user out- ble.
Accessories for MPC 302 Z
Accessoires CAT.No.
Digital Vacuum Control Box VCB 521 cv, 1100 - 1 mbar, 90-260V, 50/60Hz
with Schuko, UK and US plug leads
Vacuum Regulator with Dial Gauge for MP/MPC 301 Z, 601 E, 601 T, 901 Z, 1201 E 700458
18 | I 19
3 Diaphragm Pumps
Technical Data - Chemical Duty Diaphragm Pumps Technical Data - Chemical Duty Diaphragm Pumps
Premium selection Chemical Duty Diaphragm Pumps Multi-Stage Direct-Driven Diaphragm Pumps
Parameter MPC 090 E MPC 110 E MPC 095 Z MPC 155 Z MPC 105 T MPC 105 T iQ Two-Stage Direct-Driven Diaphragm Pumps, Three-Stage Direct-Driven Diaphragm Pumps,
Ultimate Pressure <8 mbar Ultimate Pressure <2 mbar
Number of heads/stages 1/1 2/1 2/2 4/2 4/3 4/3
Parameter MPR 030 Z-EC MPC 101 Z MPC 301 Z MPC 302 Z MPC 901 Z MPC 1801 Z MPC 201 T MPC 601 T MPC 1201 T
Free Air Displacement, m/h 1,0 1,0 0,9 1,4 1,2 1,2
Free Air Displacement, l/min 16,7 16,7 15 23 20 20 Number of heads/stages 2/2 2/2 2/2 2/2 4/2 8/2 4/3 4/3 8/3
Free Air Displacement, m/h 0,35 1/1,1 2,3/2,5 2,6/3,1 6,8/7,5 12/13,3 2/2,2 4,5/4,9 8,3/9,1
Ultimate pressure, mbar 100 50 5 5 <2 <2
Hose nozzle Hose nozzle Hose nozzle Hose nozzle Hose nozzle Hose nozzle Free Air Displacement, l/min 5,8 16,7/18 38/41 43/52 113/124 201/221 33/36 75/81 135/151
Intake connection
DN 6 DN 8 DN 8 DN 8 DN 8 DN 8 Ultimate pressure, mbar <5 <8 <8 <5 <8 <8 <2 <2 <2
Hose nozzle Hose nozzle Hose nozzle Hose nozzle Hose nozzle Hose nozzle DN 16 KF with DN 16 KF with DN 16 KF with DN 16 KF with
Exhaust connection Hose nozzle DN Hose nozzle Hose nozzle
DN 6 DN 8 DN 8 DN 8 DN 8 DN 8 Intake connection optional Hose optional Hose optional Hose DN 16 KF optional Hose DN 16 KF
6/8 DN 8 DN 8
Sound level <45 <45 <45 <45 <45 <45 nozzle DN 8 nozzle DN 8 nozzle DN 8 nozzle DN 8
144/198(130) 235/140 235/140 235/145 235/145 235/145 Hose nozzle DN Hose nozzle Hose nozzle Hose nozzle Hose nozzle Hose nozzle Hose nozzle
Dimensions (B/T/H), mm Exhaust connection DN 16 KF DN 16 KF
/244 /277 /277 /327 /327 /327 6/8 DN 8 DN 8 DN 8 DN 8 DN 8 DN 8
Weight, kg 2,7 6,15 6,15 6,5 6,5 6,5 Sound level 38 <44 <44 <44 <44 <44 <45 <44 <44
115/165 195/225 230/265 233/260 230/380 540/300 200/260 230/380 540/300/
Ordering Information Dimensions (B/T/H), mm
/145 /147 /170 /171 /170 /240 /150 /170 240
90...260VAC 412021 412421-02 412422-02 412642 412443-02 412443-17 Weight, kg 2,3 6,5 11,2 11,2 18,3 32,8 10,3 18,3 32,8
Ordering Information
90...260VAC 412122 - - - - - - - -
230V 50/60Hz - 412522 412722 414722 412742 412782 412543 412743 412783
115V 50/60Hz - 412522-01 412722-01 414722-01 412742-01 412782-01 412543-01 412743-01 412783
One-Stage Direct-Driven Diaphragm Pumps, Ultimate pressure <75 mbar 400V 50/60Hz - - 412722-02 414722-02 412742-02 412782-02 - 412743-02 412783-02
Number of heads/stages 2/1 2/1 1/1 1/1 2/1 2/1 4/1 8/1
Free Air Displacement, m/h 0,6 1,8/2 2,3/2,5 2,9/3,5 3,8/4,2 4,2/5,0 8,3/9,1 15,5/17,0
Free Air Displacement, l/min 10 30/33 38/41 48/58 63/70 70/83 138/151 258/283
Ultimate pressure, mbar <60 < 75 < 75 < 40 < 75 < 30 < 75 < 75 Parameter MPC 301 E-X2 MPC 601 E-X2 MPC 1201 E-X2 MPC 2401 E-X2 MPC 301 Z-X2 MPC 901 Z-X2 MPC 1801 Z-X2 MPC 601 T-X2 MPC 1201 T-X2
DN 16 KF DN 16 KF Number of heads/stages 1/1 2/1 4/1 8/1 2/2 4/2 8/2 4/3 8/3
Hose nozzle DN 16 KF with
Hose nozzle Hose nozzle Hose nozzle with optional with optional Free Air Displacement, m/h 2,3/2,5 3,8/4,2 8,3/9,1 15,5/17,0 2,3/2,5 6,8/7,5 12/13,3 4,5/4,9 8,3/9,1
Intake connection DN 8 optional Hose DN 16 KF
DN 6/8 DN 8 DN 8 Hose nozzle Hose nozzle
nozzle DN 8 Free Air Displacement, l/min 38/41 63/70 138/151 258/283 38/41 113/124 201/221 75/81 135/151
DN 8 DN 8
Ultimate pressure, mbar < 75 < 75 < 75 < 75 <8 <8 <8 <2 <2
Hose sleeve A 10 8 Hose sleeve A 10 8 DN 16 KF with DN 16 KF with DN 16 KF with DN 16 KF with DN 16 KF with
Hose nozzle Hose nozzle Hose nozzle Hose nozzle Hose nozzle Hose nozzle
Exhaust connection or optional (enclosed) or optional (enclosed) DN 16 KF Intake connection optional Hose optional Hose DN 16 KF optional Hose optional Hose DN 16 KF optional Hose DN 16 KF
DN 6/8 DN 8 DN 8 DN 8 DN 8 DN8
Exhaust silencer A 10 Exhaust silencer A 10 nozzle DN 8 nozzle DN 8 nozzle DN 8 nozzle DN 8 nozzle DN 8
Hose sleeve
Sound level 42 <44 <45 <45 <44 <44 <44 <44 A 10 8 or
Hose nozzle Hose nozzle Hose nozzle Hose nozzle Hose nozzle
Dimensions (B/T/H), mm 115/165/145 195/225/147 156/260/253 156/260/253 230/265/170 233/260/171 230/380/170 540/300/240 Exhaust connection optional (enc- DN 16 KF DN 16 KF DN 16 KF
losed) Exhaust
Weight, kg 2,3 6,5 8,9 8,9 11,2 11,2 18,3 32,8 silencer A 10
Ordering Information Sound level <45 <44 <44 <44 <44 <44 <44 <44 <44
156/260 230/265 230/380 540/300 230/265 230/380 540/300 230/380 540/300
90...260VAC 412121 - - - - - - - Dimensions (B/T/H), mm
/253 /170 /170 /240 /170 /170 /240 /170 /240
230V 50/60Hz - 412521 412711 414711 412721 414721 412741 412781 Weight, kg 8,9 11,2 18,3 32,8 11,2 18,3 32,8 18,3 32,8
115V 50/60Hz - 412521-01 412711-01 - 412721-01 414721-01 412741-01 412781-01 Ordering Information
400V 50/60Hz - - - - 412721-02 414721-02 412741-02 412781-02
230V 50/60Hz 412711-03 412721-03 412741-03 412781-03 412722-17 412742-07 412782-03 412743-03 412783-03
20 I I 21
3 Diaphragm Pumps
Technical Data - Chemical Duty Diaphragm Pumps Technical Data - Standard Duty Diaphragm Pumps
More Diaphragm Pumps Two-Stage Direct-Driven Diaphragm Pumps, Ultimate Pressure <8 mbar
ATEX Ecoflex Parameter MP 030 Z-EC MP 055 Z MP 101 Z MP 301 Z MP 901 Z MP 1801 Z
MPC 301 Zp, ATEX MPC 601 Tp,
Parameter MPC 301 Z ef MPC 601 T ef MPC 1201 T ef Number of heads/stages 2/2 2/2 2/2 2/2 4/2 8/2
Kat.2 ATEX Kat.2
Free Air Displacement, m/h 0,35 0,5/0,55 1/1,1 2,3/2,5 6,8/7,5 12/13,3
Number of heads/stages 2/2 4/3 2/2 4/3 8/3
Free Air Displacement, l/min 5,8 8/9,1 16,7/18 38/41 113/124 201/221
Free Air Displacement, m/h 2,3 4,5 2,6 4,9 8,3
Ultimate pressure, mbar <5 <5 <8 <8 <8 <8
Free Air Displacement, l/min 38 75 43 75 138
DN 16 KF with DN 16 KF with
Ultimate pressure, mbar <8 <2 <8 <2 <2 Hose nozzle Hose nozzle Hose nozzle
Intake connection optional Hose optional Hose DN 16 KF
DN 16 KF with optional DN 16 KF with optional DN6/8 DN 8 DN 8
Intake connection Hose nozzle DN8 DN 16 KF DN 16 KF nozzle DN 8 nozzle DN 8
Hose nozzle DN 8 Hose nozzle DN 8
Hose nozzle Hose nozzle Hose nozzle Hose nozzle Hose nozzle
Exhaust connection DN 16 KF
Exhaust connection Hose nozzle DN 8 DN 16 KF Hose nozzle DN 8 Hose nozzle DN 8 DN 16 KF DN6/8 DN 8 DN 8 DN 8 DN 8
Sound level <44 <44 <47 <47 <47 Sound level 38 <45 <44 <44 <44 <44
Dimensions (W/D/H), mm 240/300/260 240/425/272 260/310/190 260/390/170 540/262/390 115/165 235/140 195/225 230/265 230/410 540/300
Dimensions (B/T/H), mm
/145 /277 /147 /170 /170 /240
Weight, kg 22,9 29,7 15,5 22,6 34,0
Weight, kg 2,3 6,25 6,5 11,2 18,3 32,8
Ordering Information
Ordering Information
90...260VAC - - - - -
90...260VAC 411122 - - - - -
230V 50/60Hz - - 412922 412943 412983
230V 50/60Hz - 411422 411522 411722 411742 411782
115V 50/60Hz - - 412922-01 412943-01 412983-03
115V 50/60Hz - 411422 411522-01 411722-01 411742-01 411782-01
400V 50/60Hz 4000481-04 4000511-04 - - -
400V 50/60Hz - - - 411722-02 411742-02 411782-02
Free Air Displacement, m/h 0,7 0,7 0,9/1,0 1,8/2 2,3/2,5 3,8/4,2 8,3/9,1 15,5/17,0 Free Air Displacement, l/min 33/36 75/81 135/151 16,7/18 38/41
Free Air Displacement, l/min 11,6 11,6 15/16,6 30/33 38/41 63/70 138/151 258/283 Ultimate pressure, mbar <2 <2 <2 <1 <1
Ultimate pressure, mbar 100 100 < 60 < 75 <75 < 75 < 75 < 75 Hose nozzle DN 16 KF with optional Hose nozzle DN 16 KF with optional
Intake connection DN 16 KF
DN 16 KF with DN 16 KF with DN 8 Hose nozzle DN 8 DN 8 Hose nozzle DN 8
Hose nozzle Hose nozzle Hose nozzle Hose nozzle Hose nozzle
Intake connection optional Hose optional Hose DN 16 KF Hose nozzle Hose nozzle Hose nozzle Hose nozzle
DN 6 DN 6 DN 8 DN 8 DN 8 Exhaust connection DN 16 KF
nozzle DN 8 nozzle DN 8 DN 8 DN 8 DN 8 DN 8
Hose nozzle DN 6, Hose nozzle DN 6, Sound level <45 <44 <44 <45 <44
Hose nozzle Hose nozzle Hose nozzle Hose nozzle Hose nozzle
Exhaust connection w/exhaust silencer w/exhaust silencer DN 16 KF
DN 8 DN 8 DN 8 DN 8 DN 8 200/260 230/380 540/300 200/260 230/380
(removable) (removable) Dimensions (B/T/H), mm
/150 /170 /240 /150 /170
Sound level <45 <45 <45 <44 <45 <44 <44 <44
Weight, kg 10,3 18,3 32,8 10,3 18,3
Dimensions (B/T/H), mm 144/127/196 144/127/196 235/140/277 195/225/147 156/260/253 230/265/170 230/380/170 540/300/240
Ordering Information
Weight, kg 2,3 2,3 6,25 6,5 8,9 11,2 18,3 32,8
90...260VAC - - - - -
Ordering Information
230V 50/60Hz 411543 411743 411783 411544 411744
90...260VAC 411011 411011-01 - - - - - -
115V 50/60Hz 411543-01 411743-01 411783-01 411544-01 411744-01
230V 50/60Hz - - 411421 411521 411711 411721 411741 411781
400V 50/60Hz - 411743-02 411783-02 - 411744-02
115V 50/60Hz - - 411421 411521-01 411711-01 411721-01 411741-01 411781-01
400V 50/60Hz - - - - - 411721-02 411741-02 411781-02
22 I I 23
3 Diaphragm Pumps
700458 Vacuum regulator with dial gauge MP/MPC 301 Z, 601 E, 601 T, 901 Z, 1201 E
700458-01 Vacuum regulator with dial gauge and liquid trap MP/MPC 301 E
700458-02 Vacuum regulator with dial gauge MP/MPC 095 Z, 110 E, MPC 105 T, MPC 155 Z
700459 Vacuum regulator with dial gauge MP/MPC 095 Z, 110 E, MPC 105 T, MPC 155 Z
700459-01 Vacuum regulator with digital gauge and pressure re- MP/MPC 095 Z, 110 E, MPC 105 T, MPC 155 Z
lease valve
700459-02 Digital vacuum gauge MPC 105 T iQ
700460 Inlet separator MP/MPC 095 Z, 110 E, MPC 105 T, MPC 155 Z
700461 Vacuum regulator with dial gauge and inlet separator MP/MPC 095 Z, 110 E, MPC 105 T, MPC 155
700462 Exhaust condenser / solvent recovery unit MPC 095 Z, 110 E, 105 T, 155 Z
Vacuum Hose
Vacuum hose for connection between your vacuum pump and laboratory equipment. Please indicated the
required length in metres.
828310-3 Red rubber vacuum hose, 10mm ID, 5mm wall thickness
828310-4 Red rubber vacuum hose 8mm ID, 5mm wall thickness
828374 Silicone vacuum hose 6mm ID, 3mm wall thickness
828310-3, 828374
24 I I 25
3 Diaphragm Pumps 4 LVS
112555-04 829923
829901 400592
26 I I 27
analytically pure, oil free vacuum
The LVS systems are available with a range of vacuum control options; unregulated, manually regulated deep 2 mbar ultimate vacuum
and three different electronic control packages are available. Ecoflex vacuum control
built in solvent library
multi-lingual digital display
Unregulated user friendly
When ultimate vacuum is required at all times. heated pump heads to stop vapours condensing inside
of the pump
designed for permanent operation
maintenance-free drive system and proven long dia-
phragm life
LVS 300 Z fully chemically resistant
compact design
Manually regulated inlet separator to protect pump from liquid and particle
A fine control valve is used to regulate the vacuum by acting as a bleed valve. ingestion
Options available with one or two manual regulators. exhaust condenser for optimal solvent recovery
LVS 105 T - 10 ef | 114184
LVS 301 Z
Standard digital control (cv) Scope of delivery
Chemical duty diaphragm pump built inside casing
The standard electronic control package uses a chemically resistant solenoid
valve to control the process vacuum while the pump runs continually. ON/OFF switch and internal protective thermal switch
for the motor, mains cable and plug
The user defined vacuum and hysteresis levels are used to open and close the
Built in digital vacuum controller with ecoflex control
control valve thus maintaining vacuum at the process between the high and software and solvent library
low control points. This is known as two point control.
vibration isolating feet
LVS 310 Z inlet separator
Economic digital control (en) exhaust condenser
Economic control uses the same two point control system, but as cv replaces pump head heating
the control valve with a relay which turns the pump on and off to maintain the 8mm inlet / exhaust hose nozzle
process vacuum between the user defined vacuum and hysteresis levels. This
method greatly reduces power consumption and extends the lifetime of the
Economic control is particularly useful for multi-user vacuum networks where ROdist professional package
the pump is located away from the user. LVS 310 Z en with LVS 105 T - 10 ef | 112033
Ecoflex digital control (ef) The LVS 105 T - 10 ef is the perfect partner for your The Ecoflex control continuously adjusts the pum-
Ecoflex control varies the speed of the pump constantly to maintain the user rotary evaporator, but can also be used for a range ping speed to match the vapour load of the process
defined vacuum level regardless of changes in the process requirements. of other applications such as vacuum ovens, solvent and allows the pump to exhibit single point control
The Ecoflex method exhibits genuine single point (hysteresis-free) control and concentration and multi-user vacuum networks. Its which reduces bumping and foaming whilst achie-
therefore a stable vacuum level. deep 2 mbar ultimate vacuum and high free flow of ving increased evaporation rates. The built in mul-
20 l/min make it ideal for use with both high and low ti-lingual digital vacuum controller allows easy ad-
Single point control results in up to 40% increase in evaporation rates with mi-
boiling point solvents - even allowing non-volatiles justment of the desired vacuum level as well as the
nimal bumping or foaming of precious samples. This is particularly important
such as DMF to be evaporated at 30C. It combines option to select common solvents from the built in
in ultimate rotary evaporation. LVS 310 Z ef
a powerful built in chemical duty diaphragm vacuum solvent library. An inlet trap protects the pump from
pump with Ecoflex control principals. Heating of the ingesting liquids and particles and an exhaust vapour
pump heads allows a consistent clean vacuum wit- condenser is included for optimal solvent recovery.
hout gas ballasting.
28 I I 29
Unregulated Connections
Ultimate Pressure
Air Displacemant
Regulated Connections
Regulated Connections
Number of Controller
Standard Two Point
Number of Manual
1,0 1,0 2,3 2,3 2,3 2,3 2,3 2,3 2,3
Vacuum Control
Vacuum Control
Vacuum Control
Vacuum Control
m/h @ 50Hz
Vacuum Gauge
Ordering Free Air Displacement,
With Digital
16,7 16,7 38 38 38 38 38 38 38
Number of
Economic Information
With LED
With Dial
Ultimate pressure,
m3/h 230V, <8 <8 <8 <8 <8 <8 <8 <8 <8
@50Hz mbar Welch Model 50/60Hz, 1 Ph
Intake/Exhaust Hose
Manual Regulated Hose nozzle Hose nozzle Hose nozzle Hose nozzle Hose nozzle Hose nozzle Hose nozzle Hose nozzle
1.2 2 x LVS 105 T-10 ef 1 x 114184 connection DN8 DN8 DN8 DN8 DN8 DN8 DN8 DN8
Connections DN8
1.0 8 x LVS 101 Z w/ 1 x 115027
Sound level < 44 < 44 < 44 < 44 < 44 < 44 < 44 < 44 < 44
Dimensions (W/D/H), 360/310 360/310 360/310 360/310 360/310 360/310/ 360/310 360/310 360/310
x LVS 110 Z 1 x 115024
mm /445 /445 /395 /445 /445 445 445 /445 /445
2.0 2 x LVS 201 T 1 115037
Weight, kg 11,60 11,70 16,1 16,30 16,30 16,3 17,8 18,1 18,4
x LVS 201 T w/ 1 x 115037-10
Ordering Information
x LVS 210 T 1 x 115034
Controller 230V 50/60Hz 115027 115024 115041 115047 115047-10 115043 115044 115045 115046
2.2 2 x LVS 210 T ef 1 x 115234
2.3 8 LVS 300 Z 1 115041 115V 50/60Hz 115027-01 115024-01 115041-01 115047-01 115047-11 115043-01 115044-01 115045-01 115046-01
x LVS 301 Z 1 115047
x LVS 301 Z w/ 1 x 115047-10 LVS 201 T LVS 601 T LVS 620 T
gauge Final pressure <2 mbar LVS 201 T
LVS 210 T LVS 600 T LVS 601 T
LVS 602 T LVS 610 T LVS 611 T
LVS 1210 T
30 I I 31
4 LVS 5 Oil-Sealed Rotary Vane Pumps
high water vapour tolerance for chemical applications
compact, robust and functional construction
low noise emission
no oil contamination of the chamber by migration or
high pumping speed
free of non ferrous metals
low, ultimate pressures are reached quickly
long service intervals
low energy consumption
designed for permanent operation
rotary vanes made of a special plastic which are not
700183-11 828857-18 828839 620637-01 affected by corrosion or damaged by dirt particles and
have very good sliding properties
P 4 Z | 322002
Glassware Software Connection Kit
CAT. No. Accessories for For connection of PC to digital
controller in LVS systems
700183-08 Exhaust condenser complete all LVS models Scope of Delivery Range of Applications
700183-11 Exhaust condenser complete LVS 105 T - 10 ef Kit includes CD with software and
rotary vane vacuum pump ready-to-use with oil char- vacuum drying
RS232 connection cable
828857-18 Drain all LVS condensor, with hose nozzle ging freeze drying
DN 10, with KS 35 CAT. No. 620637-01
motor protection switch, main power switch, mains vacuum concentration
828839 Receiving flask coated, 500ml cable and plug
Schlenk lines
centering ring and clamping ring for inlet and exhaust
backing turbomolecular pumps
gas ballast valve
carrying handle
special oils available on request
32 I I 33
5 Oil-Sealed Rotary Vane Pumps
Two Stage direct-driven rotary vane pump lab & freeze dryer packages Kit 3, 4 Kit 7, 8 Kit 9, 10
Freeze Dryer Adapter Kits Vacuum Measurements Vacuum Control Packages
All in one kit for connection to Reliable and accurate measuring A cost-effective package for cont-
freeze dryer for a wide range of application rolling vacuum pressure up to 10-3
Adapter kits include 2-way ball val- Vacuum measurement package in- mbar (0.001 torr). Easy to adapt to
ve, hose connector, hinged clam- cludes PIZA 111 cr-gold handheld two-stage rotary vane pumps.
ping ring, centering ring, AKD oil gauge with stand, T-connection, Vacuum control package includes
mist seperator and 1.5m vacuum hinged clampong rings and cente- MRV 100 gauge with PIZA 111 cr-
hose ring rings gold vacuum sensor, T-connection,
solenoid valve, hinged clamping
rings and centering rings
bench top with Dewar vessel, 77l/
min, 2x10-3 mbar, 230V, 50/60Hz, 1
Ph with Schuko, UK and US plug
CAT. No. 110009
P 4 Z SL package | 330041
Kit 3 | DN 16 | Cat. No. 330031 Kit 7 | DN 16 | Cat. No. 330051 Kit 9 | DN 16 | Cat. No. 330053
Kit 4 | DN 25 | Cat. No. 330032 Kit 8 | DN 25 | Cat. No. 330052 Kit 10 | DN 25 | Cat. No. 330054
P 6 Z FD package P 8 Z FD package P 12 Z FD package
with oil mist filter AKD, 2-way ball with oil mist filter AKD, 2-way ball with oil mist filter AKD, 2-way ball
valve, hose adapter, PVC vacuum valve, hose adapter, PVC vacuum valve, hose adapter, PVC vacuum
hose (1.5m), oil drain kit, 1 Liter spa- hose (1.5m), oil drain kit, 1 Liter spa- hose (1.5m), oil drain kit , 1 Liter Kit 11, 12 Kit 13, 14
re oil re oil spare oil
Vacuum Pump Protection Chemical Trap Packages
CAT. No. 330036 CAT. No. 330037 CAT. No. 330038
Protect your rotary vane pump Protect your rotary vane pump Pro-
from harmful vapours by trap- tect your rotary vane pump from
ping them in Dewar vessels chemical vapours using acid neut-
P 4 Z VC package P 6 Z SL package P 4 Z SL package Vacuum pump protection packa- ralisation trap
ge includes AKS inlet separator, Chemical trap package includes
with oil mist filter AKD, inlet Sepa- with PIZA 111 cr-gold, 2-way ball with PIZA 111 cr-gold , 2-way ball 2 Dewar vessels, connectors and
rator, hose adapter, vacuum hose valve, oil mist filter OME 10/16, T- valve, oil mist filter OME 10/16, T- acid neutralisation trap, elbow con-
flexible steel hose nection, hinged clamping ring and
rubber red DN10 (3m), 1 Liter spare piece, hose adapter and rubber va- piece, hose adapter and rubber va-
oil and oil drain kit cuum hose (3m), oil drain kit cuum hose (3m), oil drain kit centering rings
CAT. No. 330039 CAT. No. 330040 CAT. No. 330041 Kit 11 | DN 16 | Cat. No. 330055 Kit 13 | DN 16 | Cat. No. 330057
Kit 12 | DN 25 | Cat. No. 330056 Kit 14 | DN 25 | Cat. No. 330058
* FD - Freeze Dryer, VC- Vacuum Concentrator, SL - Schlenk Line
Kit 15 Kit 16
Vacuum Oven Kit Hose Kit with Hose Adapter
For easy connection of rotary vane Hose kit for connection of rotary
pump to vacuum oven vane pump to various apparatus
Vacuum oven kit includes 2.5m va- Hose kit includes 8mm ID and
cuum hose, hose connectors, hose 20mm ID vacuum hose (1.5m
clamps, oil mist filter, 1 litre Labovac length each), hose connectors and
10 oil, hinged clamping rings and hose clamps
centering rings
Kit 15 | DN 16 | Cat. No. 330059 Kit 16 | DN 16 | Cat. No. 330060
34 I I 35
5 Oil-Sealed Rotary Vane Pumps
Chemvac RVP-Trolley
RVP-Trolley Advantages
The mobile laboratory rotary vane pump system has trolley mounted for portability
been specifically designed for use in chemistry labo- Dewar vessels to protect pump from chemical vapours
ratories. Its construction has intentionally been kept AKD oil mist separator to capture any oil mist
simple, compact and clearly arranged.
The upstream cold traps enable even larger quanti- Scope of Delivery:
ties of condensable vapours to be pumped without rotary vane vacuum pump ready-to-use with oil char-
any additional pump load. A PIZA 111 cr-gold Multi- ging and mounted on the trolley
Range Vacuum Gauge for measuring the pressure motor protection switch, main power switch, mains
can be easily attached to the to the stand rod. cable and plug
gas ballast valve
oil mist separator
two Dewar vessels
PIZA 111 cr-gold handheld gauge (selected models)
connectors, flanges and flexible steel hose
6 Z-101 | 109030 12 Z-301 | 109031
23 Z-301 | 109032 Types
Description CAT.-No.
Chemvac Advantages
The combination of a diaphragm pump with a rotary corrosion optimised combination system P 4 Z - trolley with Dewar vessel, 77l/min, 2x10-3
vane pump was developed to take advantage of the minimal oil contamination mbar, 230V, 50/60Hz, 1 Ph with Schuko, UK and US 110008
strong points of each type of pump. The two stage extended oil life plug leads
chemical duty diaphragm pump can withstand cor- high chemical resistance
rosive gasses and remove the resulting condensate Labovac 14 oil for pumping solvent vapours P 4 Z - trolley system with Dewar vessel and vacuum
prior to its absorption in the two stage rotary vane gauge PIZA 111 cr-gold, 77l/min, 2x10-3 mbar, 230V, 110008-01
pump oil by constantly distilling the oil during ope- 50/60Hz, 1 Ph with Schuko, UK and US plug leads
ration. The rotary vane pump provides a much lower
ultimate vacuum and will have a long life with the Trolley system with Dewar vessel and vacuum gauge
pump oil being free of contaminates. PIZA 111 cr-gold for various rotary vane pump sizes 110008-02
(use your own or choose one from our range)
Scope of Delivery: Trolley system with Dewar vessel for various rotary
rotary vane & diaphragm combination vacuum pump vane pump sizes (use your own or choose one from 110008-03
ready-to-use with oil charging our range)
motor protection switch, main power switch, mains
cable and plug *Trolley Systems are equipped with the new advanced chemical
centering ring and clamping ring for inlet and exhaust
resistant vacuum gauge PIZA 111 cr-gold
Rotary Vane Pump System, mobile
safety valve
oil mist separator
dial vacuum gauge for oil box
solvent trap
Kit 6, Freeze Dryer & Vacuum Concentrator Adapter kit for Chemvac, DN 25 KF 330045
36 I I 37
5 Oil-Sealed Rotary Vane Pumps
Parameter Unit
Unit PK 2DC P 4Z P 6Z P 8Z P 12Z P 17Z P 23Z P 40Z P 65Z
Pumping speed 50/60 Hz m3/h 1,8 / 2,2 4,6 / 5,5 5,8 / 7,0 7,2 / 8,6 11,0 / 13,2 16,0 / 19,2 21,0 / 25,2 38 / 45,6 60 / 72
to DIN 28426 part 1 (pneurop) l/min 30 / 36 77 / 92 97 / 116 120 / 144 183 / 220 267 / 320 350 / 420 633 / 760 1000/1200
Ultimate pressure @ 50 Hz
- without gas ballast total mbar 1 x 10-2 2 x 10-3 2 x 10-3 2 x 10-3 2 x 10-3 2 x 10-3 2 x 10-3 4 x 10-4 4 x 10-4
- with gas ballast total 0,5 1 x 10-2 1 x 10-2 1 x 10-2 3 x 10-3 3 x 10-3 3 x 10-3 1 x 10-2 1 x 10-2
IN connection DN 16 KF DN 16 KF DN 16 KF DN 25 KF DN 25 KF DN 25 KF DN 25 KF DN 40 KF DN 40 KF
EX connection - DN 16 KF DN 16 KF DN 16 KF DN 25 KF DN 25 KF DN 25 KF DN 25 KF DN 25 KF DN 40 KF
Sound level dB (A) < 40 < 48 < 48 < 48 < 50 < 50 < 50 < 52 < 56
Oil filling ml 250 530 550 600 1000 800 820 1800 5500
Frequency Hz 50/60 50/60 50/60 50/60 50/60 50/60 50/60 50/60 50/60
Dimensions (W/D/H) mm 330 / 165 415 / 150 / 430 / 150 / 445 / 150 / 540 / 170 / 540 / 170 / 540 / 170 / 565 / 205 738 / 280
/ 170 260 260 260 / 296 / 423
235 235 235
Weight kg 8,0 17,5 19,5 21,5 35,0 37,0 38,0 39,0 83,0
Ordering information
230V 322001 - - - - - - - -
115V 322001-03 - - - - - - - -
Seal kit 302011 302081 302081 302081 302082 302082 302082 340006 340008
Service kit - 302012-1 302075 302076 302077 302079 302080 302080 340007 340009
Separator AKD (pressure side) - 320015 320015 320017 320017 320017 320017 - -
Separator AKS (suction side) - 320016 320016 320018 320018 320018 320018 - -
Oil mist filter OME (pressure) 700010 700010 700010 700011 700011 700011 700011 700013 700009
Freeze Dryer Adapter Kit - 330044 330031 330031 330032 330032 330032 330032 - -
Chemvac pumps
38 I I 39
5 Oil-Sealed Rotary Vane Pumps
Accessories Oil
40 I I 41
6 Additional Information
42 | I 43
6 Additional Information
6 Z-101 .................................................................................................................... 36 LVS 301 Z w/gauge ................................................................................... 30, 31 MPC 301 E .......................................................................................... 7, 20, 21, 25 P 12 Z FD package ............................................................................................ 34
12 Z - 301 .................................................................................................................. 36 LVS 302 Z ...................................................................................................... 30, 31 MPC 301 E-X2 ....................................................................................................... 21 P 17 Z ............................................................................................................... 38, 39
23 Z - 301 ................................................................................................................. 36 LVS 310 Z ........................................................................................... 5, 28, 30, 31 MPC 301 V ............................................................................................................ 24 P 23 Z .............................................................................................................. 38, 39
Accessories .................................................................... 19, 25, 26, 32, 38, 40 LVS 310 Z ef .......................................................................................... 28, 30, 31 MPC 301 Z ...................................................... 4, 5, 6, 11, 12, 19, 21, 22, 24, 25 P 23 Z - 301 .......................................................................................................... 38
Advanced Vacuum Oven Kit ....................................................................... 26 LVS 310 Z en ................................................................................................ 28, 30 MPC 301 Z ef ....................................................................................................... 22 P 40 Z ............................................................................................................. 38, 39
Aspiration .......................................................................................................... 4, 8 LVS 311 Z ......................................................................................................... 30, 31 MPC 301 Zp, ATEX ............................................................................................ 22 P 65 Z ............................................................................................................. 38, 39
biovac 106 ............................................................................................................... 8 LVS 320 Z ...................................................................................................... 30, 31 MPC 301 Z-X2 ....................................................................................................... 21 PK 2 DC ......................................................................................................... 38, 39
Chemical Duty Diaphragm Pumps ............................................. 20, 21, 22 LVS 600 T ...................................................................................................... 30, 31 MPC 302 E ........................................................................................................... 20 PVC Cord-Reinforced Flexible Vacuum Hose .................................... 40
Chemical Trap Packages ............................................................................... 35 LVS 601 T ................................................................................................ 18, 30, 31 MPC 302 Z .................................................................................... 4, 5, 19, 21, 24 Repair/Warranty guideline ........................................................................... 43
ChemStar Dry ........................................................................................... 4, 9, 10 LVS 601 T / 610 T / en / ef ............................................................................ 16 MPC 601 E .......................................................................................... 7, 20, 21, 24 Replacement element .................................................................................. 40
Chemvac ................................................................................................... 9, 10, 36 LVS 601 T w/gauge ................................................................................... 30, 31 MPC 601 E-X2 ....................................................................................................... 21 ROdist professional package ................................................................. 5, 29
Condenser SS, water cooling ...................................................................... 40 LVS 602 T ...................................................................................................... 30, 31 MPC 601 T ......................................................................... 4, 5, 11, 18, 21, 22, 24 Rotary Evaporation ............................................................................................ 5
Condensor ............................................................................................................ 40 LVS 610 T ............................................................................................ 5, 15, 30, 31 MPC 601 T ef ....................................................................................................... 22 Rotary Evaporator Kit ............................................................................. 26, 32
Configurations netvac ..................................................................................... 16 LVS 610 T ef ....................................................................................... 5, 15, 30, 31 MPC 601 Tp, ATEX ............................................................................................ 22 Rotary Vane Pump ....................................................................................... 9, 10
Connection Kits ......................................................................................... 26, 35 LVS 610 T en ........................................................................................................ 30 MPC 601 T-X2 ...................................................................................................... 21 RVP-Trolley .......................................................................................................... 37
Customized Solution ........................................................................................ 16 LVS 611 T ......................................................................................................... 30, 31 MPC 602 E ............................................................................................... 7, 20, 24 Schlenkline / Highlight ChemStar Dry .................................................... 10
Diaphragm Pumps ..................................................................................... 18-21 LVS 620 T ...................................................................................................... 30, 31 MPC 901 Z ...................................................................................................... 21, 24 Scrollvac .................................................................................................................. 9
Exhaust silencers .............................................................................................. 24 LVS 1210 T ...................................................................................................... 30, 31 MPC 901 Z-X2 ...................................................................................................... 21 Software Connection Kit .............................................................................. 32
Filtration / SPE ..................................................................................................... 7 LVS 1210 T ef ................................................................................................ 30, 31 MPC 1201 E ............................................................................................. 20, 21, 24 Solvent Table ...................................................................................................... 42
Fine Vacuum Adsorption Trap ................................................................... 40 MP 030 Z ........................................................................................................ 17, 23 MPC 1201 E-X2 ..................................................................................................... 21 TKC-M60 ................................................................................................................. 9
Freeze Dryer Adapter Kits ........................................................................... 35 MP 030 Z-EC ...................................................................................................... 23 MPC 1201 T ............................................................................................................ 21 Trolley system ..................................................................................................... 37
Freeze Dryer & Vacuum Concentrator Adapter kit MP 055 Z ....................................................................................................... 23, 26 MPC 1201 T ef ....................................................................................................... 21 Univac - MPKC 2403 T .............................................................................. 15, 16
for Chemvac ....................................................................................................... 36 MP 065 ................................................................................................................... 26 MPC 1201 T-X2 ...................................................................................................... 21 Univac - MPKC 3603 Z .................................................................................... 16
Gauges ................................................................................................................... 25 MP 065 E ................................................................................................. 13, 22, 26 MPC 1801 Z ............................................................................................................ 21 Univac MPKC Systems ..................................................................................... 15
Gel Dryer ................................................................................................................ 12 MP 101 V .................................................................................................. 23, 24, 26 MPC 1801 Z-X2 ..................................................................................................... 21 Vacuum Control Packages ........................................................................... 35
Glassware ...................................................................................................... 25, 32 MP 101 Z .................................................................................................. 23, 24, 26 MPC 2401 E ................................................................................................... 20, 21 Vacuum Filtration and Desiccation Kit ................................................... 26
Glove Box ............................................................................................................... 12 MP 105 E ......................................................................................................... 22, 26 MPC 2401 E-X2 .................................................................................................... 21 Vacuum Hose ...................................................................................... 25, 32, 40
handvac ................................................................................................................... 8 MP 201 E ................................................................................................................ 22 MPR 030 Z-EC ..................................................................................................... 21 Vacuum Measurements Packages ............................................................ 35
HBP ............................................................................................................................ 6 MP 201 T ................................................................................................. 23, 24, 26 MPR 060 E-EC ................................................................................................... 20 Vacuum Network .................................................................................. 14, 15, 16
HBP 101 ..................................................................................................................... 6 MP 301 E ......................................................................................................... 22, 26 OEM Products ..................................................................................................... 17 Vacuum Oven .................................................................................... 4, 11, 26, 35
Hose Connector Adapter .............................................................................. 40 MP 301 V ..................................................................................................23, 24, 26 Oil Drain/Change Starter Kit for One and Vacuum Oven Kit ...................................................................................... 26, 35
Hose Kit with Hose Adapter ........................................................................ 35 MP 301 Z ................................................................................................. 23, 24, 26 Two-stage Rotary Vane Pumps ................................................................. 40 Vacuum Pump Protection Package ......................................................... 35
LVS ................................................................................................................... 2732 MP 601 E ................................................................................................. 22, 24, 26 Oil Mist Filter ....................................................................................................... 40 Vacuum Regulators ......................................................................................... 25
Labovac 10 ................................................................................................... 35, 41 MP 601 T ................................................................................................. 23, 24, 26 Oil Mist Separator ............................................................................................. 40 Vacuum Regulators, Gauges and Glassware ....................................... 25
Labovac 11 ............................................................................................................. 41 MP 901 Z ........................................................................................................ 23, 24 Oil-Sealed Rotary Vane Pumps .......................................................... 3339 Water Valve ......................................................................................................... 32
Labovac 12S ......................................................................................................... 41 MP 1201 E ............................................................................................... 22, 26, 24 Other Accessories ............................................................................................ 26
Labovac 13 ............................................................................................................ 41 MP 1201 T ............................................................................................................... 23 P 4 Z .......................................................................................... 33, 34, 37, 38, 39
Labovac 14 .................................................................................................... 36, 41 MP 1801 Z .............................................................................................................. 23 P 4 Z SL package .............................................................................................. 34
LVS 101 Z w/gauge .................................................................................... 30, 31 MP 2401 E ............................................................................................................. 22 P 4 Z - trolley ...................................................................................................... 37
LVS 105 T - 10 ef ................................................................ 4, 6, 29, 30, 31, 32 MPC 090 E .................................................................................. 4, 7, 20, 24, 26 P 4 Z VC package ............................................................................................. 34
LVS 110 Z ........................................................................................................ 30, 31 MPC 095 Z .................................................................................. 6, 11, 20, 24, 25 P 6 Z ................................................................................................................ 38, 39
LVS 201 T ....................................................................................................... 30, 31 MPC 101 Z ............................................................................................. 5, 11, 21, 24 P 6 Z - 101 ........................................................................................................ 4, 38
LVS 201 T w/gauge ................................................................................... 30, 31 MPC 105 T .............................................................................. 5, 6, 17, 20, 24, 25 P 6 Z FD package ............................................................................................. 34
LVS 210 T ...................................................................................... 5, 15, 27,30, 31 MPC 105 T iQ .......................................................................................... 5, 20, 25 P 6 Z SL package .............................................................................................. 34
LVS 210 T ef ............................................................................... 5, 15, 27, 30, 31 MPC 110 E ................................................................................................. 5, 20, 24 P 8 Z ................................................................................................................ 38, 39
LVS 300 Z ............................................................................................. 28, 30, 31 MPC 155 Z .............................................................................................. 20, 24, 25 P 8 Z FD package ............................................................................................. 34
LVS 301 Z .................................................................................... 5, 16, 28, 30, 31 MPC 201 E ............................................................................................................ 20 P 12 Z ............................................................................................................... 38, 39
LVS 301 Z / 310 Z / en / ef ............................................................................ 16 MPC 201 T ............................................................................................ 4, 5, 21, 24 P 12 Z - 301 ........................................................................................................... 38
44 I I 45
6 Additional Information
2070C-02 ............................................................. 10 115057-01 ................................................................ 31 330044 .......................................................... 36, 38 411743-01 ............................................................... 23 412743-01 ............................................................... 21 701712-02 ............................................................. 40
109030 ........................................... 26, 35, 36, 38 115057-10 ........................................................ 30, 31 330045 .................................................................. 36 411743-02 .............................................................. 23 412743-02 .............................................................. 21 705179 ................................................................... 40
109031 ............................................................ 36, 38 115057-11 .................................................................. 31 330051 ................................................................... 35 411744 ..................................................................... 23 412743-03 .............................................................. 21 705180 .................................................................. 40
109032 ........................................................... 36, 38 115064 .............................................................. 30, 31 330052 .................................................................. 35 411744-01 ............................................................... 23 412781 ............................................................... 20, 21 705181 .................................................................... 40
110008 ................................................................... 37 115064-01 ............................................................... 31 330053 .................................................................. 35 411744-02 .............................................................. 23 412781-01 ............................................................... 20 705182 ................................................................... 40
110008-01 ............................................................. 37 115234 ................................................. 15, 27, 30, 31 330054 .................................................................. 35 411781 ...................................................................... 22 412781-02 .............................................................. 20
710052 ................................................................... 40
110008-02 ............................................................ 37 115234-01 ................................................................ 31 330055 .................................................................. 35 411781-01 ................................................................ 22 412781-03 ............................................................... 21
710053 .................................................................. 40
110008-03 ............................................................ 37 115244 .............................................................. 30, 31 330056 .................................................................. 35 411781-02 ............................................................... 22 412782 ..................................................................... 21
710058 .................................................................. 40
112033 ............................................................... 5, 29 115244-01 ................................................................ 31 330057 .................................................................. 35 411782 ..................................................................... 23 412782-01 ............................................................... 21
710059 .................................................................. 40
112036 ....................................................................... 6 115248-02 ............................................................. 30 330058 .................................................................. 35 411782-01 ............................................................... 23 412782-02 .............................................................. 21
112037 .................................................................. 4, 8 710209 .................................................................. 40
115254 ........................................................ 15, 30, 31 330059 .................................................................. 35 411782-02 .............................................................. 23 412782-03 .............................................................. 21
112223 ...................................................................... 15 115254-01 ................................................................ 31 330060 .................................................................. 35 411783 ..................................................................... 23 412783 ..................................................................... 21 800119 ..................................................................... 41
112555-04 ............................................................. 26 115258-02 ............................................................. 30 340003 ................................................................. 40 411783-01 ............................................................... 23 412783-02 .............................................................. 21 800120 .................................................................... 41
112575 .............................................................. 26, 32 115264 .............................................................. 30, 31 340006 ................................................................. 38 411783-02 .............................................................. 23 412783-03 .............................................................. 21 800122 .................................................................... 41
112580 ....................................................................... 8 302011 .................................................................... 38 340007 .................................................................. 38 412021 ..................................................... 4, 7, 13, 20 412922 .................................................................... 22 800123 .................................................................... 41
114184 ..................................................... 4, 6, 29, 31 302012-1 ................................................................ 38 340008 ................................................................. 38 412121 ...................................................................... 20 412922-01 .............................................................. 22 800124 .................................................................... 41
115024 .............................................................. 30, 31 302075 .................................................................. 38 340009 ................................................................. 38 412122 ....................................................................... 21 412943 .................................................................... 22 800125 .................................................................... 41
115024-01 ................................................................ 31 302076 .................................................................. 38 400596 ................................................................. 26 412421-02 ............................................................. 20 412943-01 ............................................................. 22 800126 .................................................................... 41
115027 .............................................................. 30, 31 302077 .................................................................. 38 400941 ................................................................... 26 412422-02 ...................................................... 13, 20 412983 .................................................................... 22 800127 .................................................................... 41
115027-01 ................................................................ 31 302079 .................................................................. 38 400942 .................................................................. 26 412422-10 ................................................................ 6 412983-03 ............................................................ 22
800128 .................................................................... 41
115034 .............................................................. 30, 31 302080 ................................................................. 38 404005 ................................................................. 26 412443-02 ............................................................ 20 414711 ...................................................................... 20
800129 .................................................................... 41
115034-01 ............................................................... 31 302081 ................................................................... 38 404006 ................................................................. 26 412443-04 ............................................................. 17 414721 ..................................................................... 20
800130 ................................................................... 41
115037 .............................................................. 30, 31 302082 .................................................................. 38 404008 ................................................................. 26 412443-10 ................................................................ 6 414721-01 ............................................................... 20
800131 ..................................................................... 41
115037-01 ................................................................ 31 320015 ........................................................... 38, 40 411011 ................................................................. 13, 22 412443-17 .............................................................. 20 414721-02 .............................................................. 20
800132 .................................................................... 41
115037-10 ........................................................ 30, 31 320016 ........................................................... 38, 40 411011-01 ................................................................. 22 412521 ..................................................................... 20 414722 ................................................... 4, 13, 19, 21
115037-11 .................................................................. 31 800133 .................................................................... 41
320017 ........................................................... 38, 40 411122 ...................................................................... 23 412521-01 ............................................................... 20 414722-01 ............................................................... 21
115041 ............................................................... 30, 31 320018 ........................................................... 38, 40 411421 ...................................................................... 22 412522 ..................................................................... 21 414722-02 .............................................................. 21 800134 ................................................................... 41
115041-01 ................................................................. 31 322001 ................................................................... 38 411422 ............................................................... 13, 23 412522-01 ............................................................... 21 420301-11 ................................................................ 17 800135 ............................................................ 36, 41
115043 .............................................................. 30, 31 322001-03 ............................................................ 38 411521 ....................................................................... 22 412543 ................................................................ 4, 21 420301-12 ............................................................... 17 800136 .................................................................... 41
115043-01 ............................................................... 31 322002 ........................................................... 33, 38 411521-01 ................................................................ 22 412543-01 ............................................................... 21 600053 ............................................................. 4, 16 800137 .................................................................... 41
115044 ............................................................. 30, 31 322002-01 ............................................................ 38 411522 ..................................................................... 23 412642 .................................................................... 20 620637-01 ............................................................ 32 800138 .................................................................... 41
115044-01 ............................................................... 31 322003 .................................................................. 38 411522-01 ............................................................... 23 412711 .......................................................... 13, 20, 21 700009 ................................................................. 38 800160 .......................................................... 36, 40
115045 .............................................................. 30, 31 322003-01 ............................................................ 38 411543 ..................................................................... 23 412711-01 ................................................................ 20 700010 .......................................................... 38, 40 825261 .................................................................... 26
115045-01 ............................................................... 31 322004 .................................................................. 38 411543-01 ............................................................... 23 412711-03 ................................................................ 21 700011 ............................................................ 38, 40 828310-3 ............................................................... 25
115046 .............................................................. 30, 31 322004-01 ........................................................... 38 411544 ..................................................................... 23 412721 ......................................................... 13, 20, 21 700013 ................................................................... 38
828310-4 ....................................................... 25, 32
115046-01 ............................................................... 31 322005 .................................................................. 38 411544-01 ............................................................... 23 412721-01 ............................................................... 20 700066 ................................................................. 40
828374 ................................................................... 25
115047 .............................................................. 30, 31 322005-01 ............................................................ 38 411711 ........................................................................ 22 412721-02 .............................................................. 20 700183-08 ............................................................ 32
828839 .................................................................. 32
115047-01 ................................................................ 31 322006 .................................................................. 38 411711-01 .................................................................. 22 412721-03 ............................................................... 21 700183-11 ............................................................... 32
828857-18 ............................................................. 32
115047-10 ........................................................ 30, 31 322006-01 ............................................................ 38 411721 ....................................................................... 22 412722 ................................................................ 4, 21 700261 ................................................................... 40
115047-11 ................................................................. 31 829901 ................................................................... 26
322007 .................................................................. 38 411721-01 ................................................................ 22 412722-01 ............................................................... 21 700300-02 .................................................. 32, 34
115051 ............................................................... 30, 31 829923 .................................................................. 26
322007-01 ............................................................ 38 411721-02 ............................................................... 22 412722-02 .............................................................. 21 700458 .................................................................. 25
115051-01 ................................................................. 31 322008 .................................................................. 38 411722 ..................................................................... 23 412722-17 ................................................................ 21 700458-01 ............................................................ 25 1141845 ................................................................... 30
115053 .............................................................. 30, 31 322009 .................................................................. 38 411722-01 ............................................................... 23 412741 ............................................................... 20, 21 700458-02 ........................................................... 25 4000481-04 ........................................................ 22
115053-01 ............................................................... 31 330031 ............................................................ 35, 38 411722-02 .............................................................. 23 412741-01 ............................................................... 20 700459 .................................................................. 25 4000511-04 ......................................................... 22
115054 .............................................................. 30, 31 330032 ........................................................... 35, 38 411741 ....................................................................... 22 412741-02 .............................................................. 20 700459-01 ............................................................ 25
115054-01 ............................................................... 31 330036 .................................................................. 34 411741-01 ................................................................ 22 412741-03 ............................................................... 21 700459-02 .......................................................... 25
115055 .............................................................. 30, 31 330037 .................................................................. 34 411741-02 ............................................................... 22 412742 ...................................................................... 21 700460 ................................................................. 25
115055-01 ................................................................ 31 330038 .................................................................. 34 411742 ...................................................................... 23 412742-01 ............................................................... 21 700461 ................................................................... 25
115056 .............................................................. 30, 31 330039 .................................................................. 34 411742-01 ............................................................... 23 412742-02 .............................................................. 21 700462 .................................................................. 25
115056-01 ............................................................... 31 330040 .................................................................. 34 411742-02 .............................................................. 23 412742-07 .............................................................. 21 701702 ................................................................... 40
115057 .............................................................. 30, 31 330041 ................................................................... 34 411743 ..................................................................... 23 412743 .......................................................... 4, 18, 21 701704 .................................................................. 40
46 I I 47
Worldwide Sales & Service Offices
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The Information presented in this material is based on technical data and test results of nominal units. lt is believed to be accurate and reliable and is
offered as an aid to help in the selection of Welch products. lt is the responsibility of the user to determine the suitability of the product for the intended
use and the user assumes all risk and liability in connection there with. Welch does not warrant, guarantee or assume any obligation or liability in connec-
tion with this Information.
Models presented in this catalog are representative of the product family. Photos of products pitctured in this catalog do not necessarily represent a
specific model number. To obtain further information for custom options, contact your local Welch office.
Printed in Germany
Gardner Denver Thomas GmbH. All rights reserved.