On Signal Flow Graph Signal Flow Graph
On Signal Flow Graph Signal Flow Graph
On Signal Flow Graph Signal Flow Graph
Signal Flow Graph
Flow of PPT
What is Signal Flow Graph (SFG)?
Definitions of terms used in SFG
Rules for drawing of SFG
Masons Gain formula
SFG from simultaneous eqns
SFG from differential eqns
Solution of a problem by Block diagram reduction
technique and SFG
SFG from a given Transfer function
What is Signal Flow Graph?
SFG is a diagram which represents a set of simultaneous
This method was developed by S.J.Mason. This method
does nt require any reduction technique.
It consists of nodes and these nodes are connected by a
directed line called branches.
Every branch has an arrow which represents the flow of
For complicated systems, when Block Diagram (BD) reduction
method becomes tedious and time consuming then SFG
is a good choice.
Comparison of BD and SFG
block diagram: signal flow graph:
X1 is input node.
Output node/ sink node: Only incoming branches.
X1 X2 X3
Path : It is the traversal of connected branches in the direction
of branch arrows, such that no node is traversed more than once.
Forward path : A path which originates from the input node
and terminates at the output node and along which no node
is traversed more than once.
Forward Path gain : It is the product of branch transmittances
of a forward path.
P 1 = G1 G2 G3 G4, P 2 = G5 G6 G7 G8
Loop : Path that originates and terminates at the same node
and along which no other node is traversed more than once.
Self loop: Path that originates and terminates at the same
Loop gain: it is the product of branch transmittances of a loop.
Non-touching loops: Loops that dont have any common node
or branch.
L 1 = G2 H2 L 2 = H3
L3= G7 H7
Non-touching loops are L1 & L2, L1
& L3, L2 &L3
SFG terms representation
input node (source)
mixed node x4
mixed node
node d
x1 a b path x3
x2 path loop
forward x3
P 1 = 1.1.G1 .G 2 . G3. 1
= G1 G2 G3
P 2 = 1.1.G 2 . G 3 . 1
= G 2 G3
Individual Loops
L 1 = G 1G 2 H 1 L 2 = - G 2G 3 H 2
L 3 = - G 4H 2
L4 =-G1G4
L5 =-G1G2 G3
Construction of SFG from simultaneous
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