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08121-2901-01-Final-Report-Phase2 VFD CABLE

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Phase 2 Final Report:

MSDC Electrical System for
Deepwater Subsea Process

Deep Water Electrical Power

Distribution System and Power
November 19, 2013

Rixin Lai
Senior Electrical Engineer
General Electric Global Research
One Research Circle, Niskayuna, NY 12309

This report was prepared by General Electric Global Research as an account of

work sponsored by the Research Partnership to Secure Energy for America, RPSEA.
Neither RPSEA members of RPSEA, the National Energy Technology Laboratory, the
U.S. Department of Energy, nor any person acting on behalf of any of the entities:





GEs overall program objective was to develop a reliable, cost-effective, high density, easy to
install and flexible (modular and scalable) electrical T&D system for long-distance tieback deep
water subsea processing applications and, to design, optimize, test and validate four of the much
required component building blocks for enabling such a system. The proposed electrical system
was based on GEs Modular Stacked Direct Current (MSDC) technology. The program was
divided into two phases. In Phase 1, which was concluded in a previous report, a high-level
trade-off analysis was performed to assess conventional power T&D technologies against the
proposed solution. MSDC showed advantages in terms of fault handling, modularity and
flexibility. In addition to the topology evaluation, components forming building blocks in the
MSDC architecture and their technology readiness level were also identified in Phase 1.
Based on an assessment of the maturity of these building blocks, and in agreement with
RPSEA, further development was undertaken on selected components during Phase 2 which
includes control of MSDC architecture, system protection, thermal management and packaging,
and DC connector. Technologies developed in Phase 2 addressed the advancement of TRLs,
thereby laying down the path for realization of a full-scale prototype for MSDC architecture.
In Phase 2, detailed design, development, and validation tests were carried out for the four
components. Appropriate prototype hardware was built and recommended tests were performed.
The system control and protection for MSDC architecture was implemented in an industrial
control platform currently used in GEs gas turbine and wind turbine products, and verified by
100 kVA lab prototype. A full system simulation platform with detailed converter control and
submarine cable model has been established and confirmed the feasibility of the proposed
architecture. System performance under various fault conditions has been thoroughly
investigated and corresponding protection schemes have been proposed and tested.
For system protection, a bypass circuit has been selected and developed. The proposed circuit
consists of a BOD controlled thyristor and a mechanical switches, and exhibit the superior
performance of several micro second respond to the fault as well as low loss during normal
operation, which has been proved by dedicated experiment setup. For the thermal management, a
passive phase-change cooling approach is selected and validated in this program due to the good
thermal performance and high reliability. The thermal solution selected used pool boiling as the
main mode of heat transfer.
For the system packaging, trade-off studies for pressurized versus pressure compensated
designs have been carried out which points to a hybrid module concept that consists of pressure
sensitive components inside a 1 atm vessel and the rest in a compensated chamber. A
modularized approach is adopted to develop a building block that can be easily manufactured
and offers flexibility during installation and retrieval.
The conceptual design of a 50 kV, 500 A, single-conductor, wet-mate subsea DC connector
has been proposed based on the analysis of DC and transient electric field distribution in the
connector. A combination of stress grading materials and geometric stress grading has been
adopted to control the resistively graded and capacitively graded fields, respectively, such that
under both DC steady state and transient events the stress concentration is minimized.
In the Phase 2 Final Report, the analysis, design, development and testing for each individual
component are presented in details. The TRL status of the proposed subsea power distribution
system is summarized and the further development work is recommended.
Signature and date stamp

ABSTRACT .............................................................................................................................................................. 3

A. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................... 10

A.1 CONVENTIONAL HIGH-VOLTAGE AC (HVAC) SYSTEM .......................................................................................... 11

A.1.1. AC power transmission options to single load application ............................................................... 11
A.1.2. HVAC option for multiple loads ...................................................................................................... 12
A.2 MODERN HVDC SYSTEM .............................................................................................................................. 12
A.3 MSDC T&D SYSTEM AND COMPONENTS TO QUALIFY .......................................................................................... 14
A.4 ORGANIZATION OF THE REPORT ...................................................................................................................... 15
A.5 REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................................... 16

B. MODULAR STACKED DC SYSTEM (MSDC) SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND SIMULATION .......................................... 18

B.1 OVERALL SYSTEM STUDY APPROACH ................................................................................................................. 18

B.1.1. System study approach .................................................................................................................. 18
B.1.2. Failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA) approach......................................................................... 21
B.2 SUBSEA CABLE STUDY ................................................................................................................................... 23
B.2.1. Subsea Cable and Their Elements ................................................................................................... 24
B.2.2. Subsea Cable Modeling .................................................................................................................. 27
B.3 MSDC SYSTEM PARAMETRIC STUDY ................................................................................................................ 30
B.3.1. Transmission Subsea Cable Study ................................................................................................... 32
B.3.2. Transmission Subsea Cable Impact ................................................................................................. 38
B.3.3. Switchyard Current ........................................................................................................................ 42
B.3.4. Interleaving Impact........................................................................................................................ 43
B.3.5. Inductor Distribution ...................................................................................................................... 44
B.4 BYPASS EVENT ANALYSIS DUE TO VARIOUS FAULTS ............................................................................................... 45
B.4.1. Issues ............................................................................................................................................ 45
B.4.2. Multiple Factors Analysis ............................................................................................................... 47
B.4.3. Overvoltage Issue .......................................................................................................................... 57
B.4.4. Measures to Overcome Issues ........................................................................................................ 59
B.5 GROUND FAULT ANALYSIS ............................................................................................................................. 63
B.5.1. Scheme of Grounding System ......................................................................................................... 63
B.5.2. Ground Fault at Receiving-end for High-impedance Grounding System ........................................... 64
B.5.3. Ground Fault at Machine-side for High-impedance Grounding System ............................................ 72
B.5.4. Ground Fault at Sending-end for High-impedance Grounding System ............................................. 75

B.5.5. Ground Fault inside Modules for High-impedance Grounding System ............................................. 77
B.5.6. Ground Fault for Low-impedance grounding system ....................................................................... 78
B.5.7. Ground Fault Detection and Isolation for Low-impedance Grounding System .................................. 81

C. MSDC BYPASS PROTECTION ........................................................................................................................ 85

C.1 LITERATURE AND PATENT REVIEW ................................................................................................................... 87

C.2 DESIGN OF PASSIVE-COMPONENT-BASED BYPASS DEVICE ...................................................................................... 94
C.2.1. Principle of BOD circuit .................................................................................................................. 94
C.2.2. Design of BOD circuit ..................................................................................................................... 96
C.2.3. Bench test of bypass device ............................................................................................................ 98
C.2.4. Other considerations.................................................................................................................... 101
C.3 DESIGN OF HIGH VOLTAGE BYPASS DEVICE ...................................................................................................... 102
C.3.1. Design consideration ................................................................................................................... 102
C.3.2. Simulation Verification................................................................................................................. 106
C.3.3. Experimental Verification ............................................................................................................. 107

D. MSDC SYSTEM DEMONSTRATION ............................................................................................................. 110

D.1 MSDC LAB DEMONSTRATION SYSTEM DESIGN ................................................................................................. 110

D.1.1. Method to scale down system ...................................................................................................... 110
D.1.2. Design of cable emulator ............................................................................................................. 112
D.2 POWER STAGE DESIGN AND COMPONENT SELECTION ......................................................................................... 117
D.2.1. Design criteria and system structure ............................................................................................ 117
D.2.2. Power stage hardware description ............................................................................................... 119
D.2.3. Components selection for converters ............................................................................................ 122
D.2.4. Regenarative motor loads ............................................................................................................ 124
D.3 CONTROL SYSTEM FOR MSDC LAB DEMONSTRATION ........................................................................................ 125
D.3.1. Controller platform configuration................................................................................................. 125
D.3.2. System control algorithm and operation procedure ...................................................................... 129
D.3.3. System protection functions ......................................................................................................... 139
D.3.4. Verification in RTDS ..................................................................................................................... 143
D.4 EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS.............................................................................................................................. 147
D.4.1. Test setup .................................................................................................................................... 147
D.4.2. Tests under normal operation conditions...................................................................................... 148
D.4.3. Tests under transient conditions................................................................................................... 153
D.4.4. Tests under fault conditions ......................................................................................................... 155
D.4.5. Comparison between experimental and simulation results ........................................................... 158

E. THERMAL MANAGEMENT ......................................................................................................................... 160

E.1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................... 160

E.2 APPROACH ........................................................................................................................................... 161
E.2.1. Challenge .................................................................................................................................... 161
E.2.2. Solution ....................................................................................................................................... 162
E.2.3. Pumped Loop............................................................................................................................... 163
E.2.4. Conduction .................................................................................................................................. 164
E.2.5. Heat Pipe..................................................................................................................................... 164
E.2.6. Single-phase ................................................................................................................................ 165
E.2.7. Multiphase (pool boiling) ............................................................................................................. 165
E.3 ANALYSIS .............................................................................................................................................. 167
E.3.1. System model .............................................................................................................................. 167
E.3.2. Results......................................................................................................................................... 174
E.3.3. Discussion.................................................................................................................................... 178
E.4 EXPERIMENTAL TESTS ........................................................................................................................... 179
E.4.1. System setup ............................................................................................................................... 179
E.4.2. Results......................................................................................................................................... 183
E.4.3. Discussion.................................................................................................................................... 189
E.5 REFERENCE .............................................................................................................................................. 190

F. MECHANICAL PACKAGING ......................................................................................................................... 191

F.1 INTRODUCTION AND FIELD SCENARIO ................................................................................................... 191

F.2 PROPOSED PACKAGING APPROACH....................................................................................................... 191
F.2.1. Modular topology and packaging components ............................................................................. 191
F.2.2. Pressure vessel design.................................................................................................................. 193
F.2.3. System layout considerations ....................................................................................................... 197
F.2.4. Installation and operating considerations..................................................................................... 198
F.2.5. Parametric design study............................................................................................................... 200
F.2.6. Subsea switch-hub and bypass mechanism................................................................................... 207
F.3 PRESSURE COMPENSATED DESIGN ........................................................................................................ 210
F.3.1. Design 1: Single large vessel containing all drive components ....................................................... 211
F.3.2. Design 2: Pressure module (1 atm) inside the larger compensated vessel ...................................... 212
F.3.3. Pressure compensated vessel separated from the 1 atm module .................................................. 213
F.3.4. Design 4: Modular separation of input/output stacks along with pressure vessel .......................... 213
F.3.5. Design 1b: Modified option 1 with improved thermal management .............................................. 214

F.4 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS ............................................................................................................. 216

G. SUBSEA DC CONNECTOR STUDY ................................................................................................................ 217

G.1 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................................... 217

G.1.1. Background ................................................................................................................................. 217
G.1.2. Technical Approach...................................................................................................................... 220
G.2 CONCEPTUAL DESIGN ................................................................................................................................. 221
G.2.1. Overview of the connector ........................................................................................................... 221
G.2.2. Design specifications.................................................................................................................... 222
G.2.3. Method of the electrical conceptual design .................................................................................. 224
G.2.4. Overall distribution of thermal and electric fields.......................................................................... 225
G.2.5. Focused Investigation on Termination Chamber ........................................................................... 227
G.2.6. Focused Investigation on Wet-Mate Chamber .............................................................................. 234
G.3 EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION ..................................................................................................................... 240
G.3.1. Solid insulation ............................................................................................................................ 241
G.3.2. Insulating oil ................................................................................................................................ 249
G.4 CONCLUSIONS .......................................................................................................................................... 258
G.4.1. Conclusions of the present study .................................................................................................. 258
G.4.2. Development needs beyond the present study.............................................................................. 259

H. SUMMARY................................................................................................................................................. 260

H.1 PROGRAM ACHIEVEMENT ............................................................................................................................ 260

H.2 FURTHER WORK FOR DEEPWATER DC ELECTRICAL SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT ................................................................ 262

I. APPENDIX .................................................................................................................................................. 263

I.1 TAMU REPORT ........................................................................................................................................ 263

I.2 RPI REPORT ............................................................................................................................................. 263


The demand for energy is growing worldwide due to industrialization and economic
development in many countries on one side and the growth in population on the other side. The
U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) projects that the energy demand will continue to
increase for the period from 2010 to 2040. Projections in the residential/commercial sector are
that the energy demand is about to grow around 30 percent by 2040, in transportation around 40
percent, and the industrial energy demand is also following the same trend.
On the other hand, the harder to recover oil and gas (O&G) reserves and the ever increasing
global demand of oil and gas supply are intensifying the need to deploy technologies for
accessing deep-sea petroleum resources [1]-[2]. Subsea electrification is seen as a key enabler
and an integral part of the processing and control for deepwater oil and gas production. Subsea
processing systems such as pumping, compression and separation require the deployment of
equipment that may include variable frequency drives (VFDs), electric motors, switchgears and
uninterruptible power supplies (UPSs) in close proximity to the loads on the seabed, connected
via dry and wet mate connectors. Their control requires electric actuators and valves for All-
Electric trees and highly reliable power supplies for communication and control at long step-out
distances [3][4]. For such applications, bulk electrical power needs to be effectively delivered
from onshore or offshore platforms where power is generated, to electric loads on the seabed.
The main drivers for the power delivery system are very high reliability and maintainability. In
addition, it is desirable that the system be efficient, low cost, and of high power density.
Electric power can be transmitted and distributed over long distances either by alternating
current (AC) or direct current (DC).
a) Conventional HVAC 50/60 Hz b) Modern HVDC c) Proposed HV-MSDC

Figure 1: Technology candidates for long distance subsea power transmission and distribution

Figure 1 summarizes (T&D) technologies for long distance subsea applications. The next
section of this work will go into more details on what are the advantages and disadvantages of
the potential candidates for T&D systems and address why we have chosen the MSDC T&D

A.1 Conventional High-voltage AC (HVAC) System

HVAC power transmission and distribution (T&D) system is a mature and proven
technology for land-based applications and relatively short offshore tiebacks. The system is
configured differently when single load or multiple loads need to be supplied.

A.1.1. AC power transmission options to single load application

There are currently two AC power transmission options to supply power to a single subsea
load, as shown in Figure 2. For these two AC power transmission options, multiple topside VFDs
and a power umbilical with multiple three-phase submarine power cables are required to supply
more than one subsea load. Another problem with this kind of T&D is the power transmission
with variable frequency, which can increase the risk of electrical resonance and is very
challenging to control.
In Figure 2a, a medium-voltage topside VFD is used to generate a variable frequency
voltage, which is directly connected to a subsea motor through a submarine power cable. This
option has been used in several applications such as in the BP King subsea pump project [4]. The
VFD generates medium voltage (e.g., 9 kV) and supplies all power required in the system,
including the reactive power required by the submarine cable. The transmission distance in [5] is
up to 27 km for a subsea pump of 1 MW at 6.6 kV. The VFD rating can be significantly high for
longer distance; therefore this option is limited to power ratings up to 3 MW and distances
approximately up to 40 km.
In Figure 2b, a medium-voltage (e.g., 6.6 kV) variable frequency voltage is generated by the
VFD and boosted by a step-up topside transformer for transmission (e.g., 12 to 42 kV depending
on the tieback distance) via a submarine cable. On the receiving end of the cable, a subsea
transformer is used to step down the voltage to supply a subsea motor (e.g., 6.6 kV). This system
configuration has already been successfully applied to several field developments, such as the
Lufeng field in Hong Kong and Tordis Field in the North Sea. Supplementary examples and
electrical component ratings are provided in [6]. However, it is limited to shorter distances (i.e.,
tens of km depending on starting torque requirement).

Figure 2: AC power transmission options for single-load applications

A.1.2. HVAC option for multiple loads

When multiple independent loads need to be supplied at a relatively long step out distance,
the cost of power umbilical becomes a limiting factor if topside VFDs are used. One technical
option to deliver power to subsea loads is shown in Figure 3. Such an option is being pursued for
the Ormen Lange field development, where the tieback distance is about 125 km and power
requirement for the subsea loads is approximately 60 MW. Subsea components such as VFD,
UPS, switchgear, and transformers are under qualification and being tested at the Nyhamna pilot
test pit for future deployment [4], [7].

Figure 3: Typical subsea T&D system using conventional AC technology. The cable length from
the switchgear to the input of the VSD corresponds to the distribution distance.

However, due to cable capacitance, in addition to the active power required by the loads,
large amount of reactive power needs to be supplied leading to large and expensive cables with
high current rating and losses. This also leads to more expensive umbilicals with higher cost of
installation and retrieval [4], [8]-[11]. This issue is especially severe for longer step out
distances. For example, to supply approximately 60 MW of active power loads on the seabed
with 125 km step out, it is required to provide 70 MVAr reactive power and 2 MW power loss
under no load condition, and 50 MVAr reactive power and 4 MW power loss under full load
conditions. The transmission distance of the conventional HVAC technology is therefore limited
to about 90 miles for a given cable, with inductive compensation [11]. The transmission distance
of the AC solution can be extended by reducing the AC frequency.

A.2 Modern HVDC System

A better way to overcome cable capacitance and reactive power issues for long distance
power T&D is to use direct current (DC) instead of AC. HVDC is an established technology for
onshore applications. The present voltage-source converter based HVDC technology (HVDC
PLUS, HVDC Light), achieves high DC voltages by connecting a large number (e.g., up to 300
per converter) of specially designed and packaged power semiconductor switches or large
number of power modules in series [12]-[13]. However, the acceptance of HVDC systems with
respect to efficiency, reliability, and controllability will strongly depend on the availability of

HVDC circuit breakers (CBs), making them one of the key enabling technologies [14][17]. The
difficulties in realizing HVDC CBs can be attributed to the demanding requirements on the CBs
in DC systems, which are quite different due to the absence of natural current zero crossings. The
breakers have to fulfill the basic requirements of creating a current zero crossing to interrupt the
current and dissipate the energy stored in the system inductance. Therefore, the converter
substations are bulky with limited flexibility; they are also complex to transport, marinize, install
and retrieve, reducing the system flexibility for future field expansion. Even if these modern
HVDC systems are marinized, assuming a field development scenario described in Chapter B
where loads are assumed to be located 10 km from each other, they will require a subsea
transformer which will supply subsea switchgear and a set of 10 km three-phase subsea cables to
connect to each subsea VFD with an input transformer. All this components will, therefore,
increase the system complexity, number of subsea components, and distribution losses.

Figure 4: Troll A offshore platform. Comparison with the Eifel Tower in Paris.

An example of modern HVDC application is the Troll A offshore platform shown in Figure
4Figure 4. It has a tieback distance of about 70 km and a water depth of about 300 m. The
receiving end inverter station is a voltage source converter based HVDC with a rating of about
88 MW [18]-[19]. The receiving end inverter is not subsea, but it is installed on the platform.
However, for longer tiebacks and deeper water fields where the platform cannot be built, the
HVDC converter station used in Troll A becomes challenging to transport, install and retrieve on
the sea floor, due to its physical dimensions and weight. Moreover, any failure on the receiving
end unit will have an impact on the overall field production. The Troll converter station caters to

a single load (HV motor) and is not directly scalable for connection to multiple loads; hence it
has reduced flexibility for future field expansion.

A.3 MSDC T&D System and Components to Qualify

In order to overcome the issues related to conventional AC and present DC transmission

systems for long distance subsea tiebacks, a set of modular stacked DC (MSDC) architectures is
proposed in [5], [21]-[22]. In contrast to conventional HVDC, the MSDC technology achieves
the required DC transmission voltage by stacking a number of power converter building blocks
in series, both on the sending end and at the receiving end of a DC bipolar cable, as shown in
Figure 1c. From the sending end, the system is controlled to behave as a current source system.
This presents as a huge advantage comparing to the HVDC system which is controlled to behave
as a voltage source, regarding the protection of the system. The protection is not realized with the
breaking the current operation, instead the faulty module is bypassed which makes the protection
much smaller and easier to accomplish. On the other end, each subsea module acts as receiving
end power converter and integrated VFD system. Since each building block is similar to a
conventional drive, the subsea VFDs are smaller and easier to transport, marinize, and retrieve.
Moreover, the modularity of the MSDC architecture renders the system fault-tolerant and
capable of operating in a degraded mode. The architecture is also highly reconfigurable as the
field matures and the loads evolve over time. Therefore, this technology potentially offers a
much lower cost and higher reliability solution.
Figure 5 illustrates a possible view of the subsea field using the MSDC technology.
Compared to AC technology, it is apparent that the number of subsea components is vastly
reduced (no distribution transformer, and no switchgear), potentially reducing the cost and
improving system reliability and availability.

Figure 5: A typical view of the subsea field using the MSDC system.

Phase II of the project started with the design and qualification process that was performed
for four identified components: control of MSDC architecture, system protection, thermal
management and packaging, and DC connector. They were selected based on the results of the

analyses performed in the earlier tasks in Phase I, considering the importance to the system and
the TRL level.

A.4 Organization of the Report

This report includes a description and summary of the following Chapters:

Chapter B presents the detailed simulation analysis for MSDC, which covers modeling
approach, system performance at normal operation and fault scenario, and impact of various
system parameters. The MSDC T&D architecture for a 60 MW, 180 km full-scale system is
described and analyzed as the target field case. The aim of this section is to give a
comprehensive and more insightful investigation of the real system, which may guide the system
development in the future.
Chapter C discusses about the Bypass mechanism, and its analysis, design and experimental
verification. Due to the current source characteristics of the MSDC architecture, a bypass switch
will be needed instead of a circuit breaker to provide bypass current path in the event of a failure
of a component in the system. A hybrid approach is proposed to implement the bypass function,
which consists of a passive triggered thyristor circuit and a mechanical contactor. The hybrid
approach features high reliability and fast response time.
Chapter D presents the development and testing of the lab scale 100kVA MSDC
demonstrator, which emulates a subsea T&D system with 180 km bipolar submarine cable and
four turbo machinery loads at the seabed. The design and implementation of the overall system
control details Results from all of the experiments.
Chapter E includes the thermal management study. An effort to solve the thermal
management challenge of packaging a power converter in a deep sea environment was
undertaken. The selected multiphase cooling approach meets the requirement of reliability,
electrical isolation, and thermal performance by using a pool boiling solution in a sealed pressure
vessel. Various cooling solutions are compared and a phase-change approach is considered to be
attractive. The design and testing of such a cooling system is presented in details. The
performance is verified by experimental results.
Chapter F contains the Mechanical Packaging Study. This Chapter reports on the mechanical
efforts in the marinization of a proposed subsea power system. The overarching goal of this
study was to develop a packaging approach that provides system level fault tolerance and
maximized availability and reliability. The mechanical work involved system level trade-off
studies for pressurized versus pressure compensated designs to finally propose a hybrid module
concept that consists of pressure sensitive components inside a one-atmosphere vessel, and the
rest in a compensated chamber. A modularized approach was adopted to develop a building
block that can be easily manufactured and offers flexibility during installation and retrieval. The
module was designed using ASME Sec VIII pressure vessel code to finalize dimensions.
Analytical modeling and finite element analyses were conducted wherever necessary to validate
the designs. Next, installation and operating considerations are summarized along with overall
system layout options. Furthermore, the bypass mechanism is briefly discussed and a new
switch-hub concept to address cable damage is proposed.
Chapter G covers the Subsea DC Connector Study. Connectors are the critical components
for ensuring reliable electrical power delivery to and within the system. Currently there are

commercially available dry-mate and wet-mate AC connectors, such as the GE Vetco Gray
MECON connectors, while DC connectors with greater than a 12 kV voltage rating are not yet
commercially available. This chapter presents not only the challenges of a DC connector, but
also the technical approach to address those challenges. A conceptual design is proposed. The
DC and transient field distributions have been analyzed for the proposed design based on
experimentally measured materials properties, and the results indicate the feasibility of
controlling the stress levels in the DC connector to be sufficiently lower than the experimentally
measured insulation breakdown strengths within the dimension of an AC connector.
Chapter F summarizes major achievements of the whole program and recommends further
development work for the future.
The Appendix includes the reports from Texas A&M University and Rensselaer Polytechnic
Institute, which focus on the research of alternative circuit topologies for the subsea converter of
the MSDC system.


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[23] Converteam, MV7000 Entering a new dimension for reliability and performance in medium-
voltage AC drives, URL: www.proloc.com.pl/img/Pdf/napedy/MV7000.pdf.
[24] V. Guennegues, B. Gollentz, Meibody-Tabar, F. Rael, S. Leclere, L. A converter topology for high
speed motor drive applications, 13th European conf. on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE ,
Barcelona, Spain, 2009.
[25] B. Gollentz, O. Dirand, High power inverter using press pack IGBT for high speed applications,
IEEE Conf. on Power Electronics and Applications, Sept. 2-5, 2007.
[26] EMTP, EMTP-RV ElectroMagnetic Transients Program users guide, 2007.
[27] GE Energy, Mark Vie Control Product Description, 2003, Salem, VA. Available at http://www.ge-
[28] W. Barker, M. Cronin, Speedronic Mark VI turbine Control System, GER 4193A, GE Power
System publication, Oct. 2000.
[29] RTDS Technologies, Real Time Digital Simulation, 2010.


As oil and gas production goes into the deep sea, more sophisticated equipment such as
submersible pumps and/or compressors of all kinds are placed on the seafloor. It is projected that
more subsea production will be moving towards more remote areas (>100 km) from land. In the
context of such a trend, the delivery of electric power to the remote subsea load centers in a
reliable and efficient manner is critical to the oil and gas industry. GE has proposed the Modular
Stacked DC (MSDC) transmission and distribution electric power system solution for subsea oil
and gas applications, which potentially reduces the system cost and improves its reliability and
efficiency. It is believed to be a remarkable differentiator from competitors products. This
chapter will summarize the research activities surrounding MSDC system simulation under the
RPSEA program,.
In the Phase 1 Final Report there have been many studies on the GE proposed MSDC
system; however, the detailed study and analysis of system operation was not provided. The aim
of this report is to give a comprehensive and more insightful investigation of the system, which
will guide the system development in the future.
In the report, a dc cable study is given; some trade-off analyses are performed. Several case
studies and corresponding solutions are shown in detail as well.

B.1 Overall system study approach

B.1.1. System study approach

In order to perform a well-rounded study of the MSDC system, as shown in Figure 6, a

hierarchical combination of a scaled-down demonstration system and the different simulation
platforms are used. Thanks to its accurate cable modeling capability, especially for the
investigation of cable impact, PSCAD is chosen for the full-scale system simulation study. The
control algorithm and the basic power electronics circuits are designed and simulated in a scaled-
down version system in PLECS simulation platform which provides rich components-level
models and control function blocks. A simplified cable simulator is used in the PLECS. A
scaled-down version hardware demonstration system is built for control and protection
verification. In addition, the hardware demonstration system helps verify the effectiveness of the
simplified cable simulator, which is used to represent the real cable. The cable model in PSCAD,
the cable simulator in PLECS, and the hardware demonstration system will be discussed in the
following sections of this report.

Figure 6: Simulation platforms and hardware demonstration system.

To mimic the electrical performance of cable, a representative model containing full

electrical properties is desired in simulation. The overall cable modeling and demonstration
strategy within this project is shown in Figure 7. A real subsea power cable was chosen first for
the modeling purpose. The key physical construction and properties were extracted and imported
in the PSCAD cable modeling tool. A frequency-dependent cable model in turn was obtained
and used in PSACAD with an accuracy spanning up to tens of kilo Hz.
Given the cable model in PSCAD, a simplified -section cable simulator with lumped
components is designed to match the impedance of cable. The first and second resonant points
are matched due to its importance in control design and transient behaviors. The cable simulator
was implemented in PLECS and constructed in the hardware demonstration system. More
detailed cable modeling procedures will be presented in the next section.

Figure 7: Cable modeling and demonstration strategy.

The electrical behaviors of the scaled-down version hardware demonstration has to represent
real system operation. So, the demonstration system is scaled down by maintaining the same per-
unit value. The base values of two systems are shown in Table 1. For example, if a 1 k (2.5 pu
value) resistor is simulated in PSCAD, a 0.15 k resistor (2.5 pu value) will be implemented in
the hardware demo.

Table 1: Base value of two systems

Hardware demonstration system Full-scale system
Base voltage 2.4kV 160kV
Base current 40A 400A
Base impedance 0.06k 0.4k

The similar approach is applied in the control system by maintaining the same control
bandwidth in two systems so that the developed control can be directly applied to PSCAD
simulation platform.
During the study phase, the PSCAD simulation predicts the electrical performance. Control
and protection are tuned in PLECS accordingly, and the demonstration system verifies the whole
operation. The information collected by different resources helps to optimize and understand the
system. Figure 8 shows an example of comparisons of results from different platforms. This is a
case where four subsea loads are engaged in the system. During the normal operation, the bottom
load is suddenly bypassed (25% power drop) leading to a sudden voltage drop on the receiving
end. Over-current is initiated as revealed in the test waveforms. As seen from the results, both
test and simulation waveforms show the similar behaviors of the sending-end (SE) current (ISE)
and the neighboring load current (IH) in terms of the overshoot percentage and low-frequency
ringing time constant. Although the high-frequency ringing behaviors were not captured by the
demonstration system and PLECS due to the use of the simplified cable simulator, which
matches the cable impedance only up to 300 Hz, the three results closely match each other, and
the major information is captured in the scaled down demonstration system. Therefore, the
control and protection developed in PLECS can be readily used in the real full-scale system.

Figure 8: Example of a MSDC system transient behavior

In summary, the method of combining different simulation platforms and scaled-down

hardware demonstration is effective to flow down the study from system-level to component
level in the system. The following key study goals can be reached given such an approach.
Closely study the T and D cable impact to system operation;
Investigate both steady-state and transient behaviors;
Verify overall system control, protection, and fault ride-through.

B.1.2. Failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA) approach

In order to assist the FMEA study, simulation models based on an example system, as shown
in Figure 9, are established in PSCAD. There are six top-side SE modules and eight loads on the
receiving-ends (RE). Four of them (red color) are compressor loads (10MW rating) and the rest
(blue) are pump loads (2.5MW rating). All power devices switching frequencies are 600 Hz.
The switchyard concept is used in the RE. So, each load is tied to the switchyard by a pair of
distribution cables (10 km). Every switchyard terminal has an isolation bypass switch (red color)
in case of faulty load. Each RE module is equipped with a bypass device as well. In the study,
the number of topside converters is reduced to six for fast simulation speed; however, the results
can be easily applied to any number of the topside converter conditions.

DC choke 180km dc cable 10 km dc cable

DC choke
180km dc cable M

Figure 9: MSDC example for study

The overall strategy for this study is shown in Figure 10. Since the MSDC system involves
numerous electrical and mechanical components, checking each components failure and its
effect is very time-consuming. Moreover, because the current study is under a preliminary
evaluation phase, the system architecture and components designs are not finalized. Therefore,
the typical FMEA analysis of piece-by-piece might not provide the real system reliability and
availability data.
Instead of the bottom-up approach, the FMEA analysis applied here is from a top-down
perspective. The overall system operational behaviors are investigated under different faults. As
shown inFigure 10, we first analyzed the components and characterized them into two basic
groups: module-level components and system-level components. Module-level components, such
as capacitor, inductor, semi-conductor devices, and control units, provide functions required by
SE and RE modules. The typical power electronics module design contains the protection
functions which will react to those module-level components failure. Therefore, the direct
effects of module-level components failure will be the trip/protection function of modules.
Another group of components is named as system-level components, such as connectors, cables,
mechanical breakers, etc. These components failure will have a direct impact on the overall
system operation.
Then, from the system-level perspective, the effects of both groups of components failure
can be characterized into several basic electrical behaviors to the system operation: short-circuit,
open-circuit, and ground fault. For example, the module-level components will trip protection of
RE or SE-end modules. The direct effect to the system is a bypass event, namely a short circuit
of module terminals, by bypass protection reaction. The effect of module-level component
failure will be a short-circuit in this case.
Therefore, the components failure effects can be studied by performing the basic electrical
faults at the location where the component under investigation is located. The system transient
behaviors are then captured by measuring current and voltages. The collected electrical data are

used to evaluate the fault, including severity and detect ability. Meanwhile, the protection strategy is
studied to overcome each failure mode.

Figure 10: FMEA study approach.

The fault will be performed in three sections as labeled in Figure 11. The high-level summary
of the FMEA analysis is shown in Figure 11 as well.

Figure 11: Sections of the MSDC system.

B.2 Subsea Cable study

One of the critical electrical parts in subsea power transmission and distribution system is the
power cable. The subsea power cable imposes a strong impact on the steady-state operation as

well as the transient behaviors of the system. Therefore, a clear understanding of the basics of
subsea power cable will assist us to establish the correct cable model in simulation.
Currently, there are not many subsea cable manufactures. Some of major suppliers are: ABB,
Prysmian, Nexans, Sumitomo, and Fujikura. Some suppliers, such as ABB, provide the off-the-
shelf products. But most of the cable solutions vary with the projects. The subsea cable, also
called submarine cable, looks very similar to underground cable, but structural differences
between subsea and underground cables exist. As of 2012, the longest DC submarine cable
system is a pair of 580 km cables (NorNed), and a number of 200+ km systems are in successful
operation (e.g., Baltic, Swepol, and Bass Link) or under construction (BritNed and SAPEI).
Currently, there are several ongoing offshore wind HVDC systems under development phases in
the North Sea along the German coast that will break new frontiers for subsea cable in terms of
voltage and rating.

B.2.1. Subsea Cable and Their Elements

B.2.1.1. The Conductor

The current-carrying conductors of subsea cables are made of copper or aluminum. Copper is
more favorable in subsea application due to higher current capacity. Additionally, the limited
corrosion resistance of aluminum is sometimes quoted in favor of copper for subsea cables. As
shown in Figure 12, subsea cable conductors are made in various shapes.

Figure 12: Conductor design.

Solid Conductor
The solid conductor consists of a single massive wire. This design is used for cross section
up to about 400mm2. They are not used for cables with resistance of greater than 150kV.

Conductors Stranded from Round Wires
Most conductors for subsea cable are stranded from round wires. Conductors with
compressed round wires are equally useful for ac and dc applications.
Profiled Wire Conductors
For profiled wire conductors, the surface is very smooth, which is extremely useful during
the further production process. Large HVDC subsea cables are most often produced with profiled
wire conductors due to better insultion reliability and their added strength-to-weight ratios.
Hollow Conductors for Oil-Filled Cables
Oil-filled or fluid-filled cables (also called LPOF, low-pressure oil-filled, or SCFF, self-
contained fluid-filled) are filled with low-viscosity oil. They contain a central duct in the
conductor to allow for oil flow in connection with thermal expansion and pressure supply from
the cable terminations.

B.2.1.2. The Insulation System

Polyethylene (PE) is a solid hydrocarbon consisting of long chains of carbon and hydrogen.
PE has a lower dissipation factor and lower dielectric losses than paper insulation. Because of
conductor temperature limitations in PE cables (70 80oC) it has subsequently been replaced by
cross-linked PE (XLPE) which is capable of normal use of up to 90oC and short-circuit
temperatures well above 200oC.
Cross-Linked Polyethylene
Cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) has been used for subsea cables since 1973. The cross-
linking is irreversible and prevents the polymer from melting at elevated temperatures. XLPE is
a first-choice insulation material for subsea cables. If the XLPE layer is extruded right away onto
the conductor, the grooves, ridges, and irregularities of the conductor generate local stress
enhancement and considerably reduce the dielectric strength of the insulation. To avoid this a
layer of semi-conductive XLPE is extruded onto the conductor, resulting in an extremely smooth
dielectric surface.
Extruded HVDC Cables
Standard XLPE is not suitable for HVDC applications because of space charge phenomena in
the insulation. Under the influence of a direct voltage, space charges will accumulate at certain
places in the insulation wall. These accumulations will create unfavorable peaks of the electric
field in the insulation. Today, special XLPE formulations, extruded XLPE cables, have been
developed that can cope with the problem. Extruded HVDC cable systems are now offered for a
320kV operating range. Figure 13 illustrates a typical subsea HVDC power cable with extruded

Figure 13: ABB XLPE subsea dc cable
Mass-impregnated cables are available for up to 500 kV dc. For this voltage, there is no
alternative to the well-proven mass-impregnated cables. Mass-impregnated HVDC cables with
high-viscosity compounds can be used for indefinite route lengths because they are not
dependenton external pressurization from onshore feeding stations. Cables with mass-
impregnated insulation will not leak oil to the environment when they get damaged. This
property is important for subsea cables that are installed in sensitive environments.

Paper-Insulated Oil-Filled Cables

This classical cable design is filled with low-viscosity oil. During operation, the oil is
pressurized. The dielectric strength of paper-oil insulation for AC voltage is depending on the
pressure. Practical considerations show that the maximum length of fluid-filled cables is 30km to
60 km. For the cable with longer length, a sufficient oil flow in the cable cannot be guaranteed.
Only a lower coefficient of thermal expansion of the fluid, or a lower operating temperature can
increase the oil flow.

Gas-Filled Subsea Cables

Gas-filled subsea cables have similar design elements as a standard oil-filled cable. The
insulation is constructed from pre-impregnated paper tapes. The cable will be vacuum-treated
and pressurized with nitrogen from the cable ends after installation. Three gas-filled submarine
cables for an HVDC scheme (one spare cable) were laid under the 40 km wide Cook Strait
between the two islands of New Zealand in 1962.

B.2.1.3. The Water-Blocking Sheath

The dielectric insulation must be protected against undue water ingression to maintain the
dielectric strength. Most HV subsea cables have a metallic sheath to provide protection against
water ingression. Aluminum, lead, copper, and other metals can be used for this purpose in a
variety of shapes. Most metallic sheaths also provide a good protection against the Teredo, a
family of aggressive shipworms.
Modern subsea cables are often lead-covered in extruders with high reliability providing lead
sheaths with narrow thickness tolerances and good alloy stability. The lead sheath is subject to
fatigue processes.

B.2.1.4. Armoring

The most prominent construction element of subsea cables is the armoring, which provides
both tension stability and mechanical protection. Subsea power cable armoring is built from
metal wires wound around the cable with a certain lay length. Round armoring wires have a
diameter of 2 to 8 mm.
In most cases, the armoring is made from mild steel, which is a magnetic material,
concentrates the magnetic field around the conductor, and generates unwanted losses and extra
heat. Some other strategies have been developed to reduce losses, such as using non-magnetic
materials including bronze, brass, copper, or aluminum.

B.2.1.5. Outer Serving

Scratches can deteriorate the anti-corrosion effect of bitumen and zinc layers. To avoid this,
an outer serving protects from corrosion of the cable armoring during loading, laying, and
burying of the subsea cable. Modern subsea power cables have either extruded polymeric outer
servings or servings made from wound yarn layers.

B.2.2. Subsea Cable Modeling

As seen from the previous discussion, subsea cables vary between projects. Different cable
types, structural layers, and materials are factors in the cable selection. Very detailed cable
design and modeling is not feasible at the current stage of the project, especially for electrical
simulations. Only a simplified dc cable is needed as long as the electrical properties are accurate
enough to assess the system operation.
XPLE type dc cable is used as the baseline design, and the key structural layers which impact
the electrical operations are identified and considered in the cable model.

B.2.2.1. Simplified Dc Cable Model

Several key cable elements which impact the electrical performances are identified as
conductor, main insulation layer, sheath layer, armor layer, insulation layer between sheath and
armor, and the outer layer. This simplifies the physical dc cable into a cable model, as shown in
Figure 14. This cable model is also a widely-used one in many other research publications.
When practically laying out dc cables, the sheath and armor layers are tightly connected to
the earth ground to ensure safety and reliability. Otherwise the serving layer will be hazardous to
touch and subject to rapid degradation.

Lead Sheath
XLPE insulation
Copper conductor

Figure 14: Illustration of a simplified dc cable model.

To further simply the cable model, the insulation between sheath and armor and the outer
serving layer can be as same as the main insulation layer: the XLPE in our case.
The main properties of the cable model are shown in Table 2.
Table 2: Cable model properties.
Layers Material type
Conductor Copper
Main insulation XLPE
Sheath Lead
Armor Copper or Steel

B.2.2.2. Cable Modeling in Simulation Tools

There are several prevailing simulation platforms providing the cable model toolboxes. They
share almost the same modeling approach: a frequency-dependent model based on transmission-
line theory. The details about the theory behind the cable model can be found in various
Here we use the PSCAD and EMTP as the simulation platforms to study the cable electrical
properties. For example, we can model a dc cable (frequency-dependent cable model) in EMTP
like in Figure 15 by setting up the layer information and surrounding environment.

Figure 15: FD cable symbol in EMTP.

In Figure 15, there are three conductive layers for one cable, representing the conductor,
sheath, and armor layers. The terminals can be tied to an outside circuit. Normally, the sheath
and armor are tied together to the earth ground. As shown in Figure 16, the grounding options
can be either one-side grounding or two-sides grounding, which will be reinforced later.

Figure 16: Grounding options of subsea cable.

In PSCAD, the cable modeling process is analogous to the EMTP platform. As shown in
Figure 17, a pair of cables can be set up by specifying each layer. It should be noted that the
ground resistivity should be set as 0.2 .m in order to mimic the surrounding seawater

Figure 17: Cable model panel in PSCAD.

The circuit symbol of a completed cable model in PSCAD is shown in Figure 18, in which
A1 and A2 are armor layer terminals, while S1 and S2 are sheath layer terminals.
C1 C1
Cable10 Cable10
S1 A1 C A1 S1
C2 C2
S2 A2 A2 S2
Figure 18: FD cable symbol in EMTP.

B.2.2.3. Simplified DC Cable Parameters

As mentioned above, the options of the off-the-shelf subsea cables are limited. Most subsea
cables are designed and manufactured for specific project needs. Due to limited available
information, a complete design of subsea cable for an MSDC system at the current stage is not
viable, but we can quickly pick up a set of parameters to ensure the simulation to be as close to

the practical operation as possible. XLPE Submarine Cable Systems Users Guide from ABB can
be a good reference.
For a high-performance, high-reliability insulation system, it is recommended to use a well-
defined material combination of XLPE insulation material and semiconducting screen material
recommended by an experienced cable manufacturer.
The conductor radius is picked up as 13mm, equivalent to a 500mm2 cross-sectional area,
which has a current capacity of between 600 and 900 A, enough for an MSDC system (400A).
The insulation layer depth is 15mm for 150 kV insulation strength. This value is based on the
experience of insulation strength: 1mm/10kV.
The sheath layer is made of lead material (resistivity: 2.2x10-7.m). The typical depth is
between 3 and 6 mm; 6.7 mm is chosen in the model.
The Armor layer can be either copper (relative permeability: 1) or steel (relative
permeability: 400). The typical depth is from 2 to 4 mm; 3mm is chosen in the model.

B.2.2.4. Cable Grounding

The grounding conductor is normally attached to the cable termination or splice. The
grounding methods can be one-end, both-end, or located at any accessible points in between.

B.3 MSDC System Parametric Study

The purpose of this study is to find some trade-offs and important characteristics of the
system, which helps to further design and evaluate the system reliability. As mentioned before,
the baseline system model shown in Figure 19 consists of six SE modules and eight RE modules.
The switchyard consists of a mechanical switch and a electronic switch which provides the
bypass function at fault scenario. More details about the bypass protection will be described in
Section C. The switching frequency of each device in the SE module is 600 Hz. So, the
equivalent switching frequency due to interleaving is 7.2 kHz.

Figure 19: MSDC system in PSCAD.

As shown in Figure 20, the compressor load is comprised of three series-connected 10kV
three-level dc-ac drives to build up a terminal voltage up to 30kV. Interleaving is used on three
dc-dc stages. Ac-sides are tied together via transformers, and a 10MW induction machine
represents the compressor.

Figure 20: Compressor load in PSCAD.

Similarly, the pump load is comprised of two series-connected 5 kV dc-ac drives, as shown
in Figure 21.

Figure 21: Pump load in PSCAD.

To speed up the simulation, only one compressor and one pump load are modeled as the way
in Figure 20 and Figure 21. Other individual load is modeled by one drive module with one
It should be noted that the simulation step is sometimes critical to reflectthe genuine results.
The simulation step time is set to 1/10th the minimum time constant in the system to allow for
more accurate results.

B.3.1. Transmission Subsea Cable Study

The impedance of cable is critical to the system operation. Many cable parameters will affect
the impedance, such as cable length, armor material, etc.
Figure 22 shows the terminal impedance of 180 km dc cables under three installation
conditions. The blue plot shows the result of dc cable buried underground, while the green plot is
the one submersed in seawater. Neither cable is grounded. Seawater has a better conductivity
than soil, thereby providing a small paralleled impedance.
The red plot shows the result of subsea cable with the sheath layer grounded. It can be seen
that cable grounding can dramatically damp the cable resonance and shift the resonance to a
higher frequency range.

Figure 22: Terminal cable impedance comparison

Figure 23 shows the terminal impedances of two dc cables. One is buried underground and
the other one is submersed in seawater. In this case both cables are grounded. The results show
that the impedance is not sensitive to the environment if the cable is ideally connected to ground.
As such, it is preferable to ground the subsea dc cable to resist the environmental impact on cable
electrical performances.

Figure 23: Terminal cable impedance comparison.

Figure 24 shows the terminal impedance of two cables with different lengths: 1 km (blue
curve) and 180 km (red curve). The short cable over the inspected frequency range behaves as an

inductor. The total impedance of the longer cable at the high frequency range is even smaller
than the short cable, primarily because of the transmission line effect. Thus, more damping is
provided by the short cable at the high frequency range. Moreover, the impedance of longer
cable at the high frequency acts more like a resistor.

Figure 24: Terminal cable impedance comparison.

Figure 25 shows the terminal impedance comparison of two cables with different armor
materials. The blue plotted line represents cable with copper armor (non-magnetic material),
whereas the red one represents cable equipped with steel armor (magnetic material). It is seen
that the quality factor of the individual resonant point of the cable with steel armor is much
smaller than that of the cable with copper armor. In addition, the resonant points are shifted
slightly depending on the choice of armor. The difference is due to the inducd eddy current in
magnetic armor which results in greater power losses when using magnetic armor.

Figure 25: Terminal cable impedance comparison.

The impedance differences between steel armor and copper armor can be reflected in the
ground impedance as well. Figure 26 shows the measurement of impedance between the
conductor layer and ground (ground impedance) by assuming two-end grounding. Figure 27
shows the results, indicating that the steel armor also renders the additional damping effect. Like
the terminal impedance, the ground impedance at high frequency can be treated as a resistor.

Figure 26: Measurement of cable ground impedance.

Figure 27: Ground cable impedance comparison between steel and copper armor.

The insulation layer depth is also assessed to evaluate its impact to the impedance. Figure 26
and Figure 28 show the impedance measurement setups for cable ground and cable terminal
impedance, respectively. Figure 29 and Figure 30 and show their respective corresponding
results at two different insulation depths: 15mm (Blue plotted line) and 24mm (red plotted line).
Both results show that the impedance value is bigger if the insulation layer is thicker. The
resonant frequency will be shifted to a higher frequency as the insulation layer depth increases.
And the impedances are less like resistors if the insulation layer is thicker.

Figure 28: Measurement of cable terminal impedance.

Figure 29: Ground cable impedance at different insulation layer depths: 15mm (blue) and 24mm

Figure 30: Terminal cable impedance at different insulation layer depths: 15mm (blue) and 24mm

B.3.2. Transmission Subsea Cable Impact

Since both the SE and RE adopt the series of switching converters, many high-frequency
energies exist in the system. Consequently, an understanding of transmission cable impact to
high-frequency energy is needed.

B.3.2.1. High-Frequency Model of Transmission Cable

Let us again measure the impedances of transmission cables to capture the useful
information. If using the early mentioned parameters, the terminal impedance and ground
impedance are respectively shown in Figure 31 and Figure 32. The corresponding measurement
setups are shown in Figure 33 and Figure 34.

Figure 31: Terminal impedance of a pair of cables.

Figure 32: Ground impedance of a pair of cables.

In checking the values at 10 kHz, the results are (60, -2o) for terminal impedance and (15
, -1.4o) for ground impedance. Both results can be fairly treated as the resistive impedances.
Due to the symmetrical layout (two-end grounding), the high-frequency transmission cable
model can be assumed as shown in Figure 33.

Za Za


Figure 33: T-type lumped circuit model of a two-end grounded subsea cable.

The measurement setups in Figure 26and Figure 28 can be represented by using two HF
cable models. The previous impedance results will be the combination of Za and Zb, which can
be solved. In this case, Za and Zb are calculated as 30 and 0 . If we consider a pair of
transmission cables, we then get the HF cable model as shown in Figure 34.

Za Za

Za Za
Figure 34: High-frequency model of a pair of subsea cables.

The HF transmission cable model simply means that the high-frequency energy generated by
SE will not reach the RE due to the shunt bypass. It is true as long as the transmission cable is of
sufficient length. In this particular case, the SE will see a 60 resistive impedance at the high-
frequency range.
A simple conclusion can be drawn: in an MSDC system, due to the interleaving effect, the
high-frequency energy from the SE will not reach the RE. The load impedance of SE converters
at high-frequency can be treated as simple resistors. This will help simplify the design and study
of the system.
Figure 35 shows the current ripple on the RE for different lengths of transmission cables. It
clearly shows that for long transmission cable with an RE converter, the high frequency SE
ripple will not show up on the RE, leaving only the 600 Hz ripple. However, the high-frequency
ripple appears if short transmission cable is used.

Figure 35: RE current ripple for different lengths of transmission cable.

In looking at the SE side in Figure 36, there are the current ripples generated from the RE in
both cases because this ripple frequency (600 Hz) is not very high. It should be noted that both
Figure 35 and Figure 36 are obtained with a total of 320 mH inductors distributed on the RE.

ISE (kA)


11.867 11.8675 11.868 11.8685 11.869 11.8695
Time (sec)
Figure 36: SE current ripple for different lengths of transmission cable.

B.3.2.2. Other Factors

Figure 37 shows the comparison of RE current ripples between copper armor and steel
armor. Figure 38 shows the same comparison on the SE. A total of 320 mH inductors are on the
RE. The results show that the cable with magnetic armor has slightly smaller current ripple.

Figure 37: RE current ripple under different Figure 38: SE current ripple under different
armors. armors.

Figure 39 shows the comparison of the RE current ripple between the grounded steel armor
and the ungrounded steel armor. The sheath layer is grounded for both cases. Figure 40 shows
the same comparison on the the SE. A total of 320 mH inductors are on the RE. The results show
that there is almost no difference in ripple effect, no matter if the armor is grounded, as long as
the sheath layer is grounded.

Figure 39: RE current ripple with and without Figure 40: SE current ripple with and without
armor grounding. armor grounding.

Figure 41 shows the comparison of RE current ripple between one-end grounding and two-
end grounding. Figure 42 shows the same comparison on the SE. A total of 320 mH inductors
are on the RE. The results show that the number of grounding points of sheath layer makes
almost no difference in steady-state operations.

Figure 41: RE current ripple: one and two-end Figure 42: SE current ripple: one and two-end
grounding of sheath layer grounding of sheath layer

Some conclusions are summarized here. Due to the transmission-line effect, SE switching
frequency energy is damped dramatically. Transmission cable can be modeled as a resistive
network for high-frequency. The longer cable and the thinner insulation give a more accurate
result. On the distribution side, almost no SE switching information is found. Thus, we can
simply use an ideal voltage source as SE converters when studying the distribution-side.
Transmission cables behave as resistors to SE switching frequency; a resistive-based cable model
can be used to design SE-side inductor.
As long as the sheath layer is tied to earth ground, grounding of armor and the surrounding
environment has little impact on the electrical performance of subsea cables. Magnetic armors
provide more damping effect compared to non-magnetic armors.

B.3.3. Switchyard Current

A high-frequency current ripple poses more loss to MSDC cables and connectors. Also,
current ripple results in a negative effect on the DC connector insulation stability. Thus, a clear
understanding of the factors of RE current ripple is critical.
To clearly understand the switchyard current, IRE, and RE converter current, ICON, shown in
Figure 43, superposition principle is needed. As mentioned before, a SE switching ripple will not
flow to the RE; thus it can be modeled as a current source.

Figure 43: Receiving-side circuit.

As shown in Figure 44, there are three current paths, I1, I2, I3, for RE current generated by
each RE converter. The RE switchyard current and the RE converter current can be calculated by
the following equations:
I RE I1 I 2 (1)
I CON I1 I 2 I 3 (2)

Figure 44: Three current paths in Receiving-end.

B.3.4. Interleaving Impact

Since there are multiple RE converters in series, the immediate question is that at what
current will a ripple be if all RE converters somehow operate at the interleaving mode. Figure 45
(without distribution cable) and Figure 46 (with 10km distribution cable) show IRE under
different distribution cable lengths. RE converters operate at the interleaving mode for both

Figure 45: Receiving-end current comparison Figure 46: Receiving-end current comparison
with and without interleaving. with and without interleaving.
As seen from Figure 45, the switchyard current ripple, IRE, can be reduced dramatically by
using interleaving if there are no distribution cables. According to Figure 46, however, the 10 km
distribution cable reduces the interleaving effect. Longer distribution cable will pose a smaller
interleaving effect. The reason is that interleaving is effective to a particular frequency ripple.
Due to the multiple resonant points which amplify lots of frequency ripples, the interleaving
effective is very small. Therefore, in the future study, we will not need to consider the impact of
synchronization of RE converters onto the current ripple.

B.3.5. Inductor Distribution

As shown in Figure 44, there are capacitors in individual distribution cables. If inductors are
placed onto switchyard, a LCL filter will be formed to provide more attenuation of IRE than
putting the same inductors only at the terminal of the RE-converters. Figure 47 shows the
comparison of IRE for two inductor placement strategies. The black plotted line shows the result
of putting 120 mH and 60 mH directly to the terminals of four compressor loads and pump loads,
respectively. The red line shows the result of putting 90 mH and 40 mH directly to the terminals
of four compressor loads and pump loads, respectively, as well as of putting 200 mH onto the
switchyard. The total inductor values are the same for two cases, but the latter method provides
much more current ripple attenuation effect.
Figure 48 shows the current spike (which will be studied more in the next section) for these
two cases, showing almost the same transient behaviors.

IRE (kA)

IRE (kA)
0.4 0.45


15 15.02 15.04 15.06 15.08 15.1 18.9 18.95 19 19.05 19.1
Time (sec) Time (sec)
Figure 47: IRE comparison at steady-state Figure 48: IRE comparison at load-step transient

Figure 49 shows the comparison of ICON for three inductor placement strategies. The black
line shows the result of putting 120 mH and 60 mH directly to the terminals of four compressor
loads and pump loads, respectively. The red line shows the result of putting 90 mH and 40 mH
directly to the terminals of four compressor loads and pump loads, respectively, as well as of
putting 200 mH onto the switchyard. The blue line shows the result of putting a LCL filter onto
the terminal of eight loads as well as of putting 200 mH onto the switchyard. The LCL for
compressor and pump loads are (40mH, 10F+10, 40 mH) and (20mH, 10F+10, 20 mH),
respectively. The total inductor values are the same for the three cases.
Figure 50 shows the current spike for these three cases, indicating almost the same transient


0.405 0.5
Icon (kA)

Icon (kA)


18.9 18.92 18.94 18.96 18.98 19 18.95 19 19.05 19.1
Time (sec) Time (sec)
Figure 49: IRE comparison at steady-state Figure 50: IRE comparison at load-step transient

B.4 Bypass Event Analysis due to various faults

As mentioned above, any module-level component failure will result in the bypass protection
embedded in each RE module. Due to the switchyard structure, the cable and connector fault,
such as distribution cable open circuit fault, can be also protected by the bypass device.
Therefore, the direct effect of these faults to the system is a bypass event. This bypass event will
bypass at least one load, leading to a sudden voltage drop on the RE.

B.4.1. Issues

As shown before, during the load step transient, current will have a large overshoot, traveling
through all other loads, which potentially trigger the over-current protection in other load
modules. Moreover, the overshoot current generates a large voltage spike due to fast di/dt, which
can trigger the bypass protection devices. All these results will lead to a catastrophic cascading
failure, which impacts the field production.
A PSCAD simulation is used to generate this load-step transient event. As shown in Figure
51, when the sudden shut down of a 10 MW compressor load (the first one) occurs, three
neighboring converter currents (ICON2 to ICON4) are measured. The simulation is based on the
180 km transmission cable and 10 km distribution cables. There are 200 mH inductors on the

180km dc cable ICON1

180km dc cable



Figure 51: The top compressor load shuts down during operation

Figure 52 clearly shows the current spike travel throughout other loads as roughly 27 kV
drops across the system, which corresponds to shedding a compressor load. Figure 53 shows
another simulation result by using large filters: (120mH, 10F+10, 120 mH) for compressors,
(60mH, 10F+10, 40 mH) for pumps, and 200 mH for the switchyard. Larger inductance helps
suppress the current spike, but the effect is not remarkable.
0.55 0.55

0.5 0.5


0.45 0.45

0.4 0.4

0.35 0.35
18.98 19 19.02 19.04 19.06 19.08 19.1 18.98 19 19.02 19.04 19.06 19.08 19.1
Time (sec) Time (sec)
Figure 52: Four receiving-end converter Figure 53: Four receiving-end converter
terminal current: ICON2, ICON3, ICON4 terminal current: ICON2, ICON3, ICON4

It should be emphasized that cable grounding has a big impact on this transient behaviors.
The grounding scheme of cable is shown in Figure 54. The transmission cable is two-end
grounded, and the distribution cable is one-end grounded on the switchyard side.

Figure 54: Grounding scheme of subsea cable in simulation

B.4.2. Multiple Factors Analysis

B.4.2.1. Simulation Results of Distribution Cable Grounding Impact

To assess the grounding impact on this transient behavior, we can decouple the two
contributors: transmission cable and distribution cable.
We first get rid of the whole SE as well as the transmission cable, and replace them by a
current source, as shown in Figure 55. The same transient load step is replicated and the four
currents (ICON1 to ICON4) are captured.




Figure 55: Simulation of load step with only distribution cable

Figure 56 to Figure 58 are the measured transient current under three grounding schemes.
Figure 56 is obtained by grounding both ends of the distribution cables. The switchyard side is
grounded (left-end grounding) in Error! Reference source not found., and the converter side of
istribution cable is grounded (right-end grounding) in Figure 58. These results indicate that the
distribution cable grounding impacts the load-step transient current. Also, left-end grounding
renders a relatively higher damping effect on the current ringing.






1 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04
Time (sec)
Figure 56: Four receiving-end converter terminal current: ICON1, ICON2, ICON3, ICON4 with two-end






1.005 11.01 1.015 1.02

Time (sec)
Figure 57: Four receiving-end converter terminal current: ICON1, ICON2, ICON3, ICON4 with left-end





1 1.005 1.01 1.015 1.02 1.025 1.03

Time (sec)
Figure 58: Four receiving-end converter terminal current: ICON1, ICON2, ICON3, ICON4 with right-end

B.4.2.2. Analysis and Modeling of Distribution Cable Grounding Impact

Insight into this load-step transient behavior needs the understanding of the effects of
distribution cable. The terminal impedance and ground impedance of 10 km cables are
respectively measured, as shown in Figure 59 and Figure 60.

Figure 59: Terminal impedance of a pair of 10km distribution cables.

Figure 60: Ground impedance of a pair of 10km distribution cables.

It can be seen that at lower than 10 kHz the cable impedance can be modeled as a lumped
circuit. The resonant frequency and the very low-frequency impedance can be used to calculate
the shunt capacitor. The series resistor and inductor can be obtained based on the resonant
frequency. If considering the two-end grounding, the distribution cable is a symmetrical lumped
circuit and can be modeled as shown in Figure 61.
As seen from Figure 61, when the first compressor load steps out, the shunt capacitor in the
top-side distribution cable will be discharged, and the energy will flow through all the
distribution cables and return to ground, forming a loop. Due to multiple paths, energy will be
resonant at several frequencies. It shows that the grounding scheme plays a vital role in this
transient period.

Figure 61: Modeling of distribution cable impact to load step.

This explanation can be verified by comparing the lump circuit simulation, as shown in
Figure 62, in PLECS and the results from PSCAD, as shown in Figure 63.

Figure 62: Simulation results in PLECS. Figure 63: Simulation results in PSCAD.

The reason why left-end grounding provides more damping can also be explained. Left-end
grounding requires that the ground current flow through the whole sheath and armor layer,
leading to more damping effect.

B.4.2.3. Simulation Results of Transmission Cable Impact

From the safety standpoint, the left-end (SE side) of the transmission cable must be
grounded. Due to the long step-out, the right-end (switchyard side) is grounded to divide the
ground fault current. Thus, we just consider the condition when transmission cable is grounded
on both-ends. As shown in Figure 64, another PSCAD simulation is established with only the
transmission cable in the system.
180km dc cable

180km dc cable

Figure 64: Simulation of load step with only transmission cable.

Figure 65 shows the current flowing into the load. Three different lengths of transmission
cable are used. Longer cable gives a higher current spike and lower ringing frequency.






1 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05
Time (sec)
Figure 65: Re-side current if only considering transmission cable effect: 180km, 100km, 50km.

A similar approach can be used to model the transmission cable. As shown in

Figure 66, open-circuit terminal impedance is measured; its impedance around the first
resonant frequency is used to get a lumped circuit, as shown in Figure 67.

Figure 66: Open circuit input impedance of transmission cable.

Figure 67: Lumped circuit model of a pair of transmission cable

The PLECS simulation, shown in Figure 68, is used to verify this modeling approach.
Compared with the result in Figure 69, it shows that the major transient can be captured by this
simple model.






0.99 1 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05
Time (sec)
Figure 68: Simulation results of load transient in Figure 69: Simulation results of load transient

B.4.2.4. Simulation Results of Transmission Cable Grounding Impact

As shown in Figure 70, both transmission and distribution cables are included in the

180km dc cable ICON1

180km dc cable



Figure 70: Simulation of load step with both transmission and distribution cables.

The same measurement was conducted by applying different grounding schemes to the
distribution cable. The results are shown in Figure 71 to Figure 73.







1 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05
Time (sec)
Figure 71: Four receiving-end converter terminal current: ICON1, ICON2, ICON3, ICON4 with two-end
grounding of T. and left-end grounding of D. cable.






1 1.02 1.04 1.06 1.08 1.1
Time (sec)
Figure 72: Four receiving-end converter terminal current: ICON1, ICON2, ICON3, ICON4 with two-end
grounding of T. and D. cables.






0.96 0.98 1 1.02 1.04 1.06 1.08 1.1

Time (sec)

Figure 73: Four receiving-end converter terminal current: ICON1, ICON2, ICON3, ICON4 with two-end
grounding of T. and right-end grounding of D. cable.

The results clearly show that the transmission cable generates the low-frequency current
spike, superimposed by the high-frequency ringing contributed by the distribution cable. Still,
left-end grounding of distribution cable gives more damping. The right-end terminal sheath layer
voltage potential will jump but not as high as the insulation breakdown limit.
As discussed before, the transient behavior can be captured and explained by the lumped
circuit cable model. As shown in Figure 74, all cable has been replaced by the lumped circuit in
the PLECS simulation.

Figure 74: Lumped circuit model in PLECS to verify load step transient analysis.

This PLECS simulation result is shown in Figure 75, roughly matching the result obtained by
PSCAD simulation using the detailed cable model.





1 1.02 1.04 1.06 1.08 1.1
Time (sec)
Figure 75: Simulation results of load transient Figure 76: Simulation results of load transient in

This study unveils how the subsea cables play roles in this transient period. In short, the
energy stored in cable capacitors will be poured out onto the system, resulting in the overshoot
current as the system voltage drops due to a load step. Overshoot current will ring around
multiple resonant frequencies, determined by the external inductors, cable inductors, and
grounding schemes. These ringing behaviors vary with the system configuration and operational

B.4.3. Overvoltage Issue

One of the direct effects of this transient current is the overvoltage due to high di/dt across
the inductors. As shown in Figure 77, two neighboring converter terminal voltages during this
load step transient are measured by assuming 10mH inductor inside the module. There is no
inductor on the switchyard.
180km dc cable

180km dc cable


Figure 77: Simulation of load step in order to measure overshoot voltages.

Figure 78 to Figure 80 show the overshoot voltage using different cable grounding schemes
for the distribution cables.





1 1.01
1.02 1.03 1.04
Time (sec)
Figure 78: Two receiving-end converter terminal voltage: VCON2, VCON3 with two-end grounding of T.
and D. cables.





1 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04

Figure 79: Two receiving-end converter terminal voltage: VCON2, VCON3 with two-end grounding of T.
and left-end grounding of D. cable.





1 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04
Time (sec)
Figure 80: Two receiving-end converter terminal voltage: VCON2, VCON3 with two-end grounding of T.
and right-end grounding of D. cable.

Multiple simulations reveal that this overvoltage also depends on the switchyard inductors.
But the minimum overvoltage always occurs when the distribution cables are left-end grounded.
This overvoltage can easily trigger bypass protection or/and other protection devices and pose
more stresses on the operational devices.
It should be noted that if the load step occurs simultaneously on more than one load, the
overshoot current and voltage will be even higher, making riding through this event more

B.4.4. Measures to Overcome Issues

Definitely using a varistor to suppress overshoot voltage can be a solution., But the system
reliability will be very vulnerable with out additional measure. Issues also exist in open-circuit
bypass protection if using a varistor. There are several potential solutions to ride-though the
transient over-current and overvoltage.

B.4.4.1. Left-end Grounding of Distribution Cable

As stated above, left-end grounding of distribution cable helps to effectively minimize the
overshoot voltage and current.

B.4.4.2. Active Damping or Series Compensation

As mentioned above, the overshoot is due to the sudden system voltage drop. Thus, a direct
solution is to force all other RE modules to boost the terminal voltages in order to compensate
this voltage drop. As shown in Figure 81, a damping voltage control loop (blue) is implemented
in additional to the DC-link control loop (red) and the dc-link balance control loop (green). The
damping voltage control loop measures the terminal current and gets rid of its DC portion by
using a high-pass-filter (HPF). If there is over-current, the dter will be generated to boost the
terminal voltage to compensate the current. Thus, it can help reduce the overshoot, as well as
provide additional damping, to eliminate the potential resonant current on the RE.




dph1 dph2 VdcN
dbal - 1/Vdc
Hb VdcP
- + +
+ + Vdc
ddc + -
+ Hv Vdc_ref
+ +

Figure 81: Receiving-end module DC-DC stage control with a damping voltage loop.

As shown in Figure 82, this additional damping control helps reduce the current resonance
quickly, but the overshoot damping is not sufficient to reliably protect the system.




20 20.2 20.4 20.6 20.8 21
Time (sec)
Figure 82: Comparison of receiving-end module terminal current with and without damping
voltage loop.

B.4.4.3. Modified Passive Bypass Module

Figure 83 shows the proposed solution. A bulky capacitor (~100 F) is implemented in series
with a large damping resistor (>1 k). The resistor is paralleled by a low-voltage rated diode.
The diode achieves the tuning of charging and discharging rate. The capacitor can be charged
quickly to limit the overshoot caused by neighboring load branch steps, but discharges slowly in
case of the bypass protection or load-step in its own branch. The proposed solution gives a
reliable performance. An additional benefit is that it can slow down overshoot during the over-
circuit protection.

Figure 83: Modified passive bypass module.

Four inductors are placed around the bypass devices to limit di/dt noises. The inductor values
will be chosen based on system need.
Figure 84 shows a RE-end system configuration by using this modified passive bypass
protection module. The switchyard bypass isolates the distribution cable fault as well as the RE
module fault. The RE module-side bypass isolates the faulty RE module.

Distribution Switchyard Load Modules

Figure 84: Receiving-end system configuration with modified passive bypass protection modules.

The working mechanism can be explained in Figure 85. When the top compressor load steps
out the terminal bypass is triggered for some reason. The energy in transmission cable will flow
through the faulty branch and through the switchyard bulky capacitors and diodes during the
short transient period. All the energy in the distribution cable will be dumped through RE-
module-side bulky capacitors. Due to the large resistor in series with the capacitor, the stored
energy in the bulky capacitors from the faulty branch (top branch) is slowly discharged, resulting
in an almost negligible thermal and overshoot issue.

Figure 85: Transient current flow during the load step.

As seen in Figure 85, most energy stored in cables does not flow through other branches.
Therefore, there will be a very small transient overshoot on other loads.
Figure 86 shows the simulation of the compressor load-step transient result by measuring two
neighboring currents and one terminal voltage. Bypass module shown in Figure 87 is used in the
simulation. Figure 88 and Figure 89 provide a comparison of results and clearly show the
dramatic overshoot reduction due to the use of the modified bypass protection module.
Figure 86: Simulation of a compressor load step. Figure 87: Bypass module.


Current (kA)

Vterm (kV)
0.45 30


0.4 26


0.35 22
18.95 19 19.05 19.1 18.95 19 19.05 19.1 19.15
Time (sec) Time (sec)
Figure 88: Receiving-end module terminal current Figure 89: Receiving-end module terminal voltage
with and without the modified bypass module. with and without the modified bypass module.

Another simulation in Figure 90 shows an even worse load step condition. Three compressor
loads step out to an equivalent of 90 kV system voltage drop in the system. In the typical design,
the induced overvoltage (>20kV) will easily trigger other neighboring loads, leading to a
cascading failure.
However, if the proposed passive bypass protection is implemented, as shown in Figure 91,
the overvoltage and over-current on the fourth compressor load can be minimized within 6kV
and 30A, as shown in Figure 92 and Figure 93, respectively.

Figure 90: Simulation of three compressor load Figure 91: Bypass module.



Voltage (kV)
Current (kA)


0.4 26



0.35 20
18.5 19 19.5 20 20.5 21 18.5 19 19.5 20 20.5 21
Time (sec) Time (sec)
Figure 92: Fourth Receiving-end module Figure 93: Fourth Receiving-end module
terminal current. terminal voltage.

Several solutions can help minimize the overshoot of voltage and current, and ride through
the transient event. Solutions include applying the left-end grounding scheme into the
distribution cables, applying the active damping solution, and applying the modified passive
bypass protection. Among them, the modified bypass protection presents the best and most
reliable performance. An additional benefit by using this bypass protection will be explained
In summary, the load transient issue can be eliminated in the MSDC system.

B.5 Ground Fault Analysis

Ground fault is another type of fault that can significantly impact the system. The effect of a
ground fault depends on locations, system grounding schemes, and other various factors.

B.5.1. Scheme of Grounding System

There are many requirements for a reliable grounding system. A good grounding system
requires an ideal rod conductor and mesh metal structure in deep earth. As such, the grounding
impedance value can be kept small. This grounding system is named as a low-impedance
grounding system. Another way of grounding is to intentionally float the whole system or ground
the system via components with large impedance, such as resistors. This type of grounding
system is called high-impedance grounding. In the subsea environment, a simple grounding
method is to submerse the grounding conductor in seawater. Depending on the conductivity of
seawater and local environment, the grounding impedance may vary dramatically. In the
following study, two extreme grounding cases are chosen, ideal low-impedance grounding and
very high-impedance grounding.
Subsea dc cable Subsea dc cable


Module Module
M Module Module

M Module
Module Module

Module Module Module Module

Module Module Module Module

Module Module
M Module Module

Subsea dc cable Subsea dc cable

Figure 94: High impedance grounding system. Figure 95: Low impedance grounding system.

B.5.2. Ground Fault at Receiving-end for High-impedance Grounding System

B.5.2.1. Transient Current Measurement and Analysis

A ground fault may occur on the transmission cables, distribution cables, wet-mate
connectors, etc. Several simulation cases are presented to show the effects of ground faults. The
worst case, i.e., zero ground fault impedance, is always assumed in the simulations.
As shown in Figure 96, a ground fault occurs on the top RE module connector. Before the
fault, the system ground voltage potential level is determined by the leakage components in the
system, mostly from the transmission cables. Normally, the top transmission cable takes a
positive ground voltage level and the bottom counterpart takes a negative ground voltage level.
The ground fault will shift the system potential level, including the transmission and distribution
cables. Therefore, all the energy stored in transmission and distribution cables will be re-
balanced. As discussed in the previous chapter, a transient current will be initiated to charge or
discharge the cable-to-ground capacitance through the ground-fault point. Due to the differences
of cable locations, the ground fault current route for each cable will be different, depending
highly on the fault location. As shown in Figure 96, the top transmission cable will be discharged
by the top red loop through an inductor in the distribution switchyard and the top distribution
cable. In terms of the bottom transmission cable, it will be charged through a much longer loop,
including all the RE loads and distribution cables as well as the other inductors in the switchyard.

Figure 96: Low impedance grounding system.

Figure 96 shows the measurement current, including the SE current, RE current, and the
three top modules current. The results are shown in Figure 97. Because the cable
charging/discharging loop does not contain the SE, the SE current experiences a very limited
current transient. However, a large transient current ringing is observed in the RE current due to
the very short current loop for the top transmission cable with a relatively small damping
impedance. All of the RE modules experience a current dip because the bottom transmission
cable charging current is opposite to the module current. The bottom cable current transient has a
much smaller overshoot ringing and a much slower time-constant as the loop involves all the
module inductors, which slow down the transient.

Figure 97: Low impedance grounding system.

This example reveals that cable charging/discharging plays a key role during the ground fault
transient. Ground fault location determines the transient waveform as well. Figure 98 shows
another example. The ground fault occurs on the left-side of top transmission cable. In this case,
the top transmission cable will be discharged locally through a very short loop. The bottom
transmission cable will be discharged through all RE modules as well as two inductors on the
distribution switchyard.

Figure 98: Low impedance grounding system.

Figure 99 shows the transient results of current. This time, the RE current is the same as the
other three modules current, simply because all the measurement points are involved in the
bottom transmission discharge loop.

Figure 99: Low impedance grounding system.

These two examples show that transient current is determined by several factors:
The energy stored in the transmission and distribution cables are the energy source for
current transient.
The change of the system potential level before and after the ground fault determines how
much energy will be charged or discharged from the cable. The difference is highly related to
ground fault locations.
The relative position of ground fault to all cables determines the energy
charging/discharging loop; the components, such as resistance and inductance, involved in the
loop determine the transient ringing time constant and overshoot.

B.5.2.2. Transient voltage measurement and analysis

In addition to the transient current during the ground fault, transient voltage can be observed
as well. As shown in Figure 100, the bottom connector of the top RE module has a ground fault.
As both connectors are tied to the adjacent distribution cables, the connectors ground potential
voltage level is clamped by cables. When the ground fault occurs, both distribution cables will be
discharged in order to shift the voltage level. However, two cables will be discharged via
different paths. The top distribution cable is discharged via module inductors to the ground fault
point, while the bottom distribution cable will be discharged locally. Therefore, as shown in
Figure 101, during the transient the top cable voltage drops at a much slower rate than the bottom

Figure 100: Ground fault occurs at the bottom connect of No. 1 RE-end module.

The voltage difference between two connectors at the RE will see a positive voltage spike,
similar to the waveform observed in the bypass event. The measure to deal with this positive
transient voltage spike can be the same as the one discussed in the previous chapter.

Figure 101: Ground voltage of two connectors and terminal voltage of module.

The voltage transient will impact the system differently depending on where the ground fault
occurs. Figure 102 shows another example in which the ground fault occurs on the top connector
of the RE module. The top cable will in turn be discharged very fast in a local loop. The bottom
cable, however, will be discharged via the module inductor which slows down the transient.

Figure 102: Ground fault occurs at the top connector of No. 1 RE-end module.

The top cable will therefore be discharged much faster than the bottom cable, as indicated in
Figure 103 and Figure 104. A negative voltage spike will be observed accordingly across the
terminal of the RE module, which may damage some of the component, such as bypass device.
Moreover, due to the very limited damping impedance in the top cable, a very fast and large
spike voltage ringing is observed. This ringing voltage poses much more insulation stress on the
cable as well as on the top connector. The bottom cable/connect ground voltage also experiences
a sudden voltage polarity reverse during the transient, which imposes more insulation stress and
requires more insulation of cable and connectors.

Figure 103: Ground voltage of two connectors. Figure 104: Terminal voltage of module.

One of the simple solutions to alleviate this problem is to use a free-wheeling diode across
the terminal of the module, as shown in Figure 105. The diode will help clamp both cables
potential voltage during transient, eliminating the negative voltage spike across the terminals.

Figure 105: Ground fault occurs at the top connect of No. 1 RE-end module with a free-wheeling

The diode also helps eliminate the high-frequency ringing spike of the top cable during the
transient period, as noted in Figure 106. However, the bottom cable ground voltage polarity
reverse still exists due to the nature of high-impedance grounding system.

Figure 106: Ground voltage of two connectors with the free-wheeling diode.

The third example, depicted by Figure 107, shows the connector ground potential voltage
level during the transient. Two pairs of voltages are measured, representing the highest and
lowest voltage potential. One pair is measured at the receiving-side of the top and bottom
transmission cables. The other pair is measured at the inlet of top and bottom distribution cables.

Figure 107: Ground voltage measurement in MSDC during ground fault.

Figure 108 and Figure 109 show the results of these two pairs of voltages.

Figure 108: Ground voltage measurement for Figure 109: Ground voltage measurement for
transmission cable. distribution cable.

The figures explicitly show the differences between the positive voltages: the distribution
cable bears a very high-frequency ringing in comparison with the transmission cable terminals.
As mentioned above, the distribution cable will be discharged locally due to the ground fault
location, leading to a high ringing frequency. With the help of the inductor imposed in the loop
for transmission cable discharge, the ringing frequency is much slower as revealed in the figure.
On the other hand, the bottom waveform for two measurement locations look pretty identical to
each other, and the ringing frequency is much lower than the top counterpart. The bottom
transmission cable discharge loop involves all the RE module inductors, which reduce the
ringing frequency dramatically.

Therefore, several conclusions can be drawn from the study:
Ground voltage transient during ground fault depends on the fault locations, system cable
layouts, and other passive components.
Wet-mate connectors have the chance to experience a sudden voltage polarity reverse
during a fault, which imposes more insulation stress.
The terminal of RE modules may see either a positive or negative voltage spike.

B.5.3. Ground Fault at Machine-side for High-impedance Grounding System

According to the above analysis, the RE modules may continue operating during the first
ground fault event if a proper design is applied to ride through a transient event, such as a
voltage and current spike.
A ground fault may occur between the output of the RE module and the machine terminals.
Figure 110 shows a single-phase ground fault at the output of the RE module before the isolation

Figure 110: Single-phase ground fault at the output of receiving-end module.

As shown in Figure 111, when the fault occurs a large AC overshoot current is initiated due
to the non-galvanic isolataion between the transmission line and the converter system. The
energy stored in the transmission cable will be discharged which generates the AC overshoot
current. Because the protection cannot differentiate this fault from other fault types, such as a
terminal short-circuit, the over-current protection is tripped immediately to protect the switching
devices, e.g., IGBT.

Figure 111: Ac output current of the receiving-end module.

This over-current protection shuts down the whole RE module and turns on the dc-side
bypass switch, thereby generating a bypass event on the system. Figure 112 and Figure 113 show
the current measurement point and results. Both top and bottom transmission cables will indicate
shifts the ground potential voltage level. Ground current will be initiated, since the bypass event
itself will also generate a transient current. Both effects will enlarge the overshoot of the
transient current. Due to the top transmission cable discharge, the top module input current and
RE current have the same shape, while the other modules currents have the same shape due to
effects from the bottom cable discharge.

Figure 112: Current measurement when a ground fault occurs on AC-side.

Figure 113: Current measurement when a ground fault occurs on AC-side.

If the ground fault occurs on the output with two or more phases, a short-circuit fault occurs
simultaneously, which trips the over-current protection quickly. This result is shown in Figure

Figure 114: Ground fault at more than one phase output.

If the ground fault occurs on the secondary side of the transformer (depicted in Figure 115),
the effect of the fault is very limited to the system operation, because the transformer provides a
galvanic isolation.

Figure 115: Ground fault occurs on the secondary side of the transformer.

Figure 116 and Figure 117 show the ac three-phase current on the primary side and the three-
phase to ground voltage on the secondary side. As shown in the Figure 116, no transient event is
found on the RE module. The three-phase to ground voltage is rebalanced due to the new
grounding point. There will be a low-frequency common-mode current flowing through the shaft
and bearing of the motor. The current level depends on the impedance between the shaft and

Figure 116: ac-side output current of the Figure 117: Machine side terminal to ground
receiving-end module. voltage.

Several conclusions can be drawn based on the study results.

1. If the ground fault occurs on the ac output of the module before the primary side of
the isolation transformer, an overshoot current is generated that trips the module
protection, which eventually generates a bypass event to the system.
2. If the ground fault occurs on secondary-side of the isolation transformer and machine,
no transient will be observed on the system side.

B.5.4. Ground Fault at Sending-end for High-impedance Grounding System

If the ground fault occurs at the output of the SE module, the effect will be very similar to the
one occurring on the RE. However, if the ground fault occurs on the ac-input of the SE module,
the effect will be much different. The following example discusses this condition. As shown in
Figure 118, a ground fault occurs on one-phase of the input of SE module.

Figure 118: Ground fault occurs on the input side.

There will be three ground loops to conduct current depending on the ON/OFF state of the
front-end diode bridge. In each loop, there is an ac input voltage involved in the loop. The
overall system ground voltage potential will keep fluctuating at 60Hz. Due to this large voltage
variation, a large 60Hz current will flow through the transmission cable equivalent capacitance.
In addition, the sending current will see such a ground current on top of the DC value. However,
the controller does not have the capability to regulate common-mode (CM) related value.
Therefore, the SE current control loop will be totally disturbed.
Figure 119 shows where to measure the voltage transient for this case. As seen in Figure 120,
the average top transmission ground voltage level will shift to zero (top SE module has a ground
fault). But a significant voltage variation appears due to both input ac voltage variation and
controller malfunction. Meanwhile, a large low-frequency ground current is observed.

Figure 119: Measurement points when ground fault occurs on the input of sending-end module.

Figure 120: Top and bottom transmission cable Figure 121: Receiving-end current.
ground voltage potential level.

The simulation result indicates that the system cannot ride through the single-point ground
fault. The faulty SE module has to be bypassed and isolated from the rest of system.

B.5.5. Ground Fault inside Modules for High-impedance Grounding System

The above analyses focus on the ground fault occurring on the system-level components.
Another possible fault location is on the module-level components inside the sending and
receiving end modules. Although the module design provides enough margin for insulation
stress, a ground fault may occur on an aging component under a degraded insulation system
Figure 122 shows that the transmission cable will be discharged or charged via the red
current loop to ground. It shows that the dc-link capacitor is included in the loop. Therefore it
will be charged until the crowbar reacts to protect dc-link over-voltage.
Figure 123 shows that the dc-link voltage will be charged until the engagement of the
crowbar protection.

Figure 122: Transient current loop if ground fault occurs inside modules.

Figure 123: DC-link voltage when ground fault occurs inside module.

As the crowbar protection turns on, the energy stored in the transmission cable will be
charged or discharged until the cable voltage shifts to the new level.

B.5.6. Ground Fault for Low-impedance grounding system

For a low-impedance grounding system as shown in Figure 124, the operation of the SE will
be different. The system will be split into two independent systems with respect to the grounds.
Subsea dc cable


Module Module


Module Module

Module Module

Module Module

Subsea dc cable

Figure 124: System structure of low-impedance grounding system.

As shown in Figure 125, two independent controllers are used to control the SE modules as
two separate current sources. There are two sets of current and voltage measurement systems.
Two voltage sensors measure the voltage between the terminals and ground. Due to the control
functions the equivalent circuit of a SE system can be explicated, as shown in Figure 126. As
indicated, the SE becomes two independent current sources.

ISEU Subsea dc cable ISEU Subsea dc cable

Module VSE_CMP

- +

Module IGR

+ +
- +


ISEL Subsea dc cable ISEL Subsea dc cable

Figure 125: Control of Sending-end modules for Figure 126: Equivalent circuit of sending-
bipolar operation. end.

Due to the grounding scheme and system operation, the top and bottom systems operate
independently. Therefore, the ground fault will only impact half of the total system. For example,
if the ground fault occurs on the top connector as labeled in Figure 127, a short-circuit is
generated on the top RE because there is already a solid grounding point.

Figure 127: Ground fault occurs on the top connector in low-impedance grounding system.

Due to this, all the top loads will lose power in the worst case scenario. However, the bottom
system will continue to operate normally. Figure 128 shows a ground fault occurs at 19s when
the system is operating at rating point. As can be seen, the top transmission cable voltage
potential drops to zero suddenly. It indicates that the low-impedance grounding system cannot
ride through the single-point ground fault. However, during the transient the cables and
connectors will not experience a voltage polarity reverse or overshoot, and they will not require
additional insulation.
The ground fault occurring on the SE will have a similar effect in that up to half of the SE
modules will be shorted.

Figure 128: Top and bottom transmission cable ground voltage level.

Therefore, the ground fault detection and isolation of the faulty part is important to prevent
the system from loss of a vast majority of loads.

B.5.7. Ground Fault Detection and Isolation for Low-impedance Grounding


Due to harsh environment insulation failure or ground fault on cables and connectors is one
of the significant component failure modes in HVDC systems. A fast detection of ground fault,
an accurate positioning of fault location, and a simple way of fault clearing are a must. The
proposed ground fault (GF) detection and isolation system for the bipolar MSDC is shown in
Figure 129, which uses four RE modules as an example. The residual hall-effect current sensors
are implemented in the inlet of the distribution cable and of the VSD module in each load
branch. The GF detector compares the residual common-mode current with the threshold to
determine the occurrence of ground fault. The GF detector is capable of identifying the ground
fault locations directly and controlling the local isolation breaker to isolate the faulty portion
from the whole system as well. The GF detector simultaneously transmits a fault signal to the SE
which then ramps down the output current of the faulty side of the monopole system. Once the
link current drops below a limit, the GF detector opens the isolation breaker and allows the SE to
ramp up the current again. The complete chain of GF detection, positioning, and isolation can be
accomplished autonomously, as shown in the flow chart in Figure 130. The production due to the
ground fault can thereby be minimized within a very short time slot.

GF Detector GF Detector

GF Detector GF Detector

GF Detector detects trips


GF Detector GF Detector
Turn on local bypass
M Report to SE-side
GF Detector GF Detector

SE control ramps down

current on the faulty side

threshold Trip bypass switch

Comp. GF Detector opens isolation
ICM LPF breaker
To SE-side

Open isolation breaker SE control ramps up current to

IRE If RE current ramps down normal operation
Figure 130: Flow chart of the
Figure 129: Proposed GF detection and isolation system for proposed GF detection and
bipolar MSDC system. isolation solution.

The proposed solution is simple but effective. The faulty portion can be detected and isolated
quickly, ensuring the continuous operation of the rest of the system.
A ground fault is replicated in the PSCAD simulation tool with the implementation of the
proposed GF detectors. Only half of the affected system is shown in Figure 131. The ground
fault location occurs on the wet-mate connector between the distribution cable and No. 1 VSD
module. The residual common-mode current of the two adjacent GF detectors are shown in
Figure 132 and Figure 133, respectively. Obviously, the GF detector on the inlet of the
distribution cable is tripped, revealing that the location of the fault is on the distribution cable.




ICM (kA)

GF Detector GF Detector

GF Detector GF Detector 0 5 10 15 20 25
Time (sec)

M Figure 132: Residual common-mode

current from the GF detector on the
M inlet of distribution cable.
GF Detector GF Detector

M 0.04

GF Detector GF Detector

ICM (kA)



Figure 131: Ground fault occurs on the upper-side of the 0.005

MSDC system. 0
0 5 10 15 20 25
Time (sec)

Figure 133: Residual common-mode

current from the GF detector on the
inlet of VSD module.

Figure 134 shows the four VSDs output power (two 11 MW compressor loads and two
2.5MW pump loads) in the top plot. The bottom plot shows the SE and RE link current. The GF
occurs at 12 seconds, and the SE controller decreases the link current to zero right after receiving
the fault signal from the GF detector. The GF detector opens the isolation breaker as soon as the
current drops to the minimum point. Then the link current is controlled back to the normal value.
The rest of the normal VSD modules return back to the normal state after the whole process.

Figure 134: Control of Sending-end modules for bipolar operation.

The basic idea of MSDC is to use the modular approach which stacks up the medium-voltage
power modules on the SE to build the high DC voltage; the RE is built by stacking up multiple
VSD modules in series to supply the subsea motors. In order to stack the loads, the SE has to be
controlled as a current source feeding the load. As such, the total system voltage depends on the
total power consumption. The advantages of MSDC over existing HVDC solutions include high
reliability, availability, and flexibility. One typical MSDC structure is shown in Figure 135.
HV Bypass
Subsea dc cable


Module Module


Module Module

Module Module

Module Module

Subsea dc cable
Figure 135: Modular-stack HVDC system for subsea loads.

The MSDC can be simplified as a circuit in Figure 136 according to the operation principle.

Figure 136: Simplified MSDC circuit.

As seen in Figure 136, all subsea modules are connected in series and the sending end
converter is controlled as a current source. Any open-circuit fault in the system will result in
high-voltage across the open-circuit terminals as well as the disruption of link-current. Both
consequences will lead to the whole system operation shut down and components damage,
greatly affecting the system availability. To tackle this issue, a reliable bypass protection device
is needed, such as shown in Figure 137, to provide a bypass current route in case of a RE module
failure. As such, the MSDC is capable of surviving the open-circuit fault.

Figure 137: Simplified MSDC circuit with bypass devices.

The scope of work includes investigating the state-of-art bypass protection solutions in
industry, identifying the technology gap, and providing our own solution to design a high-
voltage and high-speed bypass device with high reliability for the subsea area.
Several of the key design considerations are:
1. High-voltage rating design: As the RE module terminal voltage is around 30 kV for a 10
MW centrifugal LNG compressor (assuming 400 A link current), the bypass device should be
able to handle up to 40 kV, which obviously requires multiple devices in series. The HV design
has to be flexible, scalable, and reliable.
2. High-speed design: In case of an open-circuit fault, the voltage will jump very quickly, in
the range of s. If the protection devices cannot detect and execute the protection action fast
enough, the over-voltage can destroy the protection devices as well as other components.
Therefore, fast detection and action has to be considered in the design phase.

3. High reliability: In the deepwater area, subsea equipment retrieval and repair are extremely
expensive. It is imperative to design the bypass device with high reliable and long life
components. The protection function should be effective in any case, even if control power is not
In summary, a high-voltage, high-speed and high reliability bypass device is required for
MSDC. This report tends to address some of the bypass device design issues and provides a
design prototype. The basic idea proposed in this program is to use the multiple-series thyristors
as the bypass device due to thyristors high voltage rating, fail-to-short characteristics, and the
strong surge current handling capability. Passive detection and triggering circuit is embedded in
each device for high reliability consideration. The detailed discussion will be presented in this

C.1 Literature and Patent Review

The bypass device or a similar device can be found in several different applications. It is
usually seen in the UPS system in the form of an ac switch to bypass the UPS. It can be also
found as a protection device for large capacitors in SVC or HVDC applications. As shown in
Figure 138, a thyristor bypass is placed in the power system substation switchyard for protection

Figure 138: Power system substation switchyard.

Figure 139 and Figure 140 show the two configurations of the thyristor bypass to protect the
ac capacitor-banks. Though there are many papers looking into the design of such bypass
devices, the fundamental methods are basically the same: anti-parallel thyristor with digital

Figure 139: AC Bypass switch to protect capacitor-banks.

Figure 140: AC Bypass switch to protection capacitor-banks.

The bypass devices and the mechanism to protect against the over-voltage can be found in
some applications using dc equipment. For example, Figure 141 shows a high-voltage bypass
device to protect against over voltage. Thyristors are placed in series for HV, and the detection
and protection is implemented in a digital form. Figure 142 shows the implementation of the
fault detection and triggering circuit based on the micro-controller platform. The thyristors
voltage are measured and fed to CPLD which generates the triggering signal as well as other
status signals. As shown in Figure 143, the thyristors are triggered by a bundle of fibers. In order
to turn on all the thyristors simultaneously, series-connected LEDs are used to generate the turn-
on light.

Figure 141: DC high-voltage Bypass switch to protect against over voltage.

Figure 142: Controller interface. Figure 143: Digital solution to turn-on multiple SCRs.

The hardware can be found in the photo in Figure 144.

Figure 144: DC high-voltage Bypass switch to protect against over voltage.

Bypass devices can be also found as a crowbar to protect dc-link capacitor from over-
voltage, as shown in Figure 145. Still, a thyristor in series with a damping resistor is normally
used for such applications.

Figure 145: DC high-voltage Bypass switch to protect against over voltage.

According to the literature review, for the high voltage bypass with a high surge current
capability and a fast turn-on behavior, a thyristor is one of the best options.

In the MSDC architecture, the typical voltage of each RE module is more than 10 kV, and
can be up to 30 kV. For such high-voltage applications, two or more thyristors in series should
be used. As such, the triggering unit to turn on thyristors at the same time is quite important. As
discussed above, active triggering (US5452196, US2002/0149414 A1) is commonly found for
series-connected thyristors. Prevalent active ways involve control sensing, pulse power supply,
and fiber optics.
As shown in Figure 146, there are literally two types of HV thyristor: electric-trigger-
thyristor (ETT) and light-trigger-thyristor (LTT). There have been many debates about LTT
versus ETT. Although LTT can reduce a number of thyristor-level electronic components,
thereby reducing the complexity, the long-term reliability of the light source may remain as an

Figure 146: DC high-voltage Bypass switch to protect against over voltage.

Figure 147: DC high-voltage Bypass switch to protect against over voltage.

For subsea MSDC system applications, the reliability of bypass device is extremely critical
as a protection circuit. In the high-temperature and high pressure subsea harsh environment,
solely relying on electronics/control to turn on the series-connected thyristors cannot meet the
long life target. Any power supply loss, control unit malfunction, or electronic components
failure can result in a failure to turn on the bypass thyristors. Therefore, using a passive scheme
without any power supply and control to fulfill all the detection and protection function is highly
desired. As the ETT and its associated circuits have been very mature and have more field
operation in high voltage application, ETT device will be chosen for bypass protection. The
typical passive triggering circuit for ETT is chosen as well.
As shown in Figure 148, break-over diode (BOD) based triggering performs well to protect
single thyristors against over-voltage. A BOD utilizes the energy from the snubber capacitor C3
to fire the thyristor when the BOD breaks over. No active device is needed; the system is robust
and reliable. There are several patents available for using such a method to achieve a passive

Figure 148: Passive Triggering using BOD for Thyristor.

US8068324B2, shown in Figure 149, proposed to use a BOD for over-voltage protection, but
it did not consider a series-connected thyristor case.

Figure 149: Patent US8068324B2.

US7199990B2 (Figure 150), US5946178, WO2012/171891A1, and WO 01/06610A1 use
BODs as the emergent turn-on circuit for an ac passive switch in UPS and series-compensation
systems. However, the circuit still uses additional transistors and active components to turn on
thyristors, which is not a highly reliable solution for subsea applications.

Figure 150: Patent US199990B2.

As shown in Figure 151, US4400755 proposed the passive way of using a pulse transformer
with a single primary winding to turn on multiple SCRs; however, the very complex circuit
includes diode rectifier and multi-stage transistors.

Figure 151 Patent US4400755.

WO 2012/171995 (Figure 152) proposes to use a BOD and a pulse transformer to fire two
anti-parallel thyristors in an ac system, which however does not consider the use in high-voltage
dc series connected thyristor applications.

Figure 152: Patent WO 2012/171995.

None of the existing patents successfully addressed a passive triggering based HV fast
bypass device. Putting thyristors embedded with BODs in series can help protect the individual
thyristor against over-voltage, but, due to BOD part-to-part variations, it cannot ensure that all
SCRs are turned on at the same time. Moreover, such a system essentially is a series-tied system.
Any BOD failure will result in overall failure of the bypass system. For example, assume that
each BOD circuit reliability is , N is the number of SCRs, and the total reliability of the system
is RTotal. In equation (3) below RTotal for a series-connected thyristor based on passive triggering
will be significantly smaller than for each individual piece because cannot be greater than 1
and N will be greater than 1..
Rtotal N (3)

C.2 Design of Passive-component-based Bypass Device

The objective is to design a reliable bypass demonstration system in a scaled voltage and
current condition to demonstrate the concept. The design specifications are: 1kV/50 A bypass
circuit with fast detection and triggering behaviors.

C.2.1. Principle of BOD circuit

As discussed above, the BOD is prevalent as a protection means for a thyristor. The basic
structure is shown in Figure 153.

Figure 153: Thyristor with breakover diode.

The basic principle of the BOD is presented as follows. During normal operation, the BOD
acts like a high-resistance load and its current is negligible. When the voltage across the SCR is
higher than the breakover point of the BOD, the impedance of the BOD will drop sharply to a
very small value. Then, a large BOD current is initiated to charge the filter capacitor, C2. The
BOD current is from the discharge of the snubber capacitor, C3. As a result, in this short period,
the SCR voltage can be calculated as follows:
R1 (4)
R1 R3
Where V1 is the voltage across C3. As soon as the voltage of C2 is charged higher than the zenor
diode, D4, clamp voltage level, a current is generated that flows to the gate of the thyristor, which
subsequently turns on the thyristor. Figure 154 clearly shows the whole period of this turn-on

Figure 154: Bypass turn-on behavior.

C.2.2. Design of BOD circuit

The design target is a 1kV/50A bypass device with the turn-on delay time in the range of s.
The list of the design components are:
R3, C3: Snubber capacitor and resistor
R1: current-limit resistor
D1: blocking diode
BOD: breakover diode
R2, C2: low-pass filter
D4: zenor diode
D3: fast protection diode
The design of D1 is to protect the thyristor from potential reversed voltage, as many of the
high voltage thyristors can only block positive voltage. Therefore, D1 is chosen as a 1kV fast
diode. As shown in Figure 155, the BOD chosen is IXBOD1-08, which has an 800V breakover

rating, with a leakage current below 650V of only 20A. The IV curve for this BOD is shown in
Figure 156.

Figure 155: A BOD device.

Figure 156: Bypass I/V curve.

The IBO, the breakover current, is about 15mA, which is used to design R 2. Below 15mA,
SCR should not be turned on. So, even though 15mA flows through R 2, its voltage across R2 has
to be smaller than the zenor diode clamp voltage level. The value of R 2 and C2 are chosen as
400 and 30nF.
The D4 zenor diode further blocks noise and leakage current and is chosen to be a 6V, 5W
Since R3 is much smaller than R1, R1 limits BOD current when it breaks over. R3 is chosen to
be 250, which provides about 3A peak BOD current.
The snubber components C3 and R3 are normally not designed for a BOD circuit. Their
values should incorporate other factors. However, for our application, as the thyristor is solely
for over-voltage protection, C3 must limit the dv/dt during the open-circuit condition.For
example, if limiting the dv/dt to a 40V/s - under 40A system current condition, the C3 will be in
the range of 1 F.
In addition, the design of C3 and R3 should consider where in the system this bypass device is
placed. Figure 157 shows the placement of a bypass device in the MSDC system. There are
inductors between the RE module and bypass device. As such, the inductor and C3 forms a LCL
filter. Therefore, the resonant frequency should be far away from the switching frequency of the
RE module.

Relay control

Figure 157: Bypass device location in system.

The final component values of the bypass device are shown in Table 3.
Table 3: Component values of the bypass device.
R1 250
D1 1kV schottky diode
R2, C2 500, 30nF
R3, C3 5, 3F
D3 50V schottky diode
D4 5.1V, 5W zenor diode

C.2.3. Bench test of bypass device

As shown in Figure 158, a bench test was performed to verify the bypass device performance
before placing it into the system. The involved equipment is a dc power supply, load inductor,
and a IGBT module.
Figure 159 illustrates the test, which emulates the real open-circuit fault condition. The IGBT
is paralleled with the bypass device. In the first step, IGBT is turned on, and the power supple
operates as a current source mode. The current flows through the IGBT. In the second step, the
IGBT is turned off to generate an open-circuit fault. The bypass device will react to the fault.
The bypass voltage and current are monitored.

Figure 158: Bench for bypass test.

Figure 159: Bench test setup.

Figure 160 and Figure 161 show the test results under different dv/dt conditions by tuning the
value of C3. Figure 160 is obtained under 200V/s condition. The detection trigger level is about
810. Due to the delay from the gate driver, the bypass is turned on at 860 V. The interval
between 810 V and 860 V is less than 0.5 s, indicating a fast turn-on behavior.
Figure 161 shows an even faster dv/dt case: 380 V/s. The bypass device is turned on at 910
V. The delay is still less than 0.5s. Notice that the bypass current ringing occurs as the device is
turned on. This ringing is due to the discharge of the IGBT stray capacitance.

Figure 160: Bypass test result.

Figure 161: Bypass test result.

Figure 162 shows the test results with the designed C3. The current under this test condition
is 20A. The dv/dt is about 5 V/s due to the large value of C3. The bypass device is turned on
precisely around 810 V. The bench test results demonstrate a very fast bypass protection

Figure 162: Bypass test results.

C.2.4. Other considerations

Since the BOD is the key component of the bypass device, its characteristics impacts the
bypass performance significantly. One of the key requirements is the turn-on consistency. The
right-side of Figure 163 is considered to be a good IV curve for a BOD. Before reaching voltage
breakout, VBO, the leakage current is very small and does not trigger the SCR. As the voltage
reaches VBO, the BOD quickly breaks over and initiates a large current to turn on the SCR.
The left-side of Figure 163 is considered to be a bad IV curve for bypass protection purposes.
It shows linear region ramp-up before reaching breakover voltage. The leakage current will ramp
up linearly along with the voltage. It is already in the mA region, which is able to turn on the
SCR, before reaching the VBO. Based on this IV curve, if the SCR experiences different dv/dt, the
BOD will initiate a leakage current under a different di/dt value. Under a fast dv/dt, di/dt will be
larger as well. This high di/dt prior to the SCR gate may turn on the SCR even before reaching
the BOD breakover point, damaging the system. As such, the bypass turn-on voltage level is
dependent on the dv/dt level.

Figure 163: Different BOD I/V curves.

Figure 164 shows the inconsistent turn-on behaviors of using the left-side BOD. The left
figure shows a small dv/dt condition. When the SCR voltage reaches VDRM, the BOD initiates
leakage current by following the IV current upwards. Due to the smaller di/dt, the SCR will take
a while to turn on. The right-hand figure shows a faster dv/dt case. The di/dt is also steeper.
Therefore, the SCR is turned on earlier. Due to this, SCR cannot turn on at a constant value.

Figure 164: Test results of bypass devices for two dv/dt cases.

C.3 Design of High voltage Bypass Device

C.3.1. Design consideration

For high voltage applications, e.g. greater than 10kV, a single SCR does not have such a high
voltage rating. Therefore, multiple SCRs need to be connected in series for such condition.
One solution to achieving a high-voltage bypass is to stack the single bypass devices, as
shown in the schematic in Figure 165.

Figure 165: Stack of bypass devices for high voltage.

However, the major issue associated with this configuration is that the gate trigger signals are
not properly aligned. Some of the devices may be turned on first, resulting in the rest of the
devices experiencing a sudden voltage spike. In addition, reliability may be an issue since the
bypass will fail if any of the BODs fail. Figure 166 and Figure 167 show the results and indicate
these issues.

Figure 166: Bypass turn-on behavior under small Figure 167: Bypass turn-on behavior under large
dv/dt case. dv/dt case.

The intuitive idea is to design a circuit such that all SCRs will be triggered if any of them is
turned on. This circuit ensures that all SCRs will be triggered simultaneously. Figure 168 shows
an example of using two thyristors in series as a high-voltage bypass device. The triggering units
are combined with both BOD and pulse transformers. The pulse transformer is inserted in the
BOD loop. As soon as the BOD breaks over, its current flows through the pulse transformer.
Then a pulse current is injected into another thyristor by the pulse transformer. Therefore, any
BODs breakover can trigger all thyristors at the same time. Even if the self-embedded BOD
fails, the thyristor can still be triggered by other BODs. The anti-paralleled diodes in the bypass
circuit, which are not usually seen in conjunction with thyristors, are in the system solely to
protect thyristors against transient reverse voltage. Transient reverse voltage can occur in the
event of a subsea MSDC system ground fault.

Fast diode

xformer Zenor diode

Figure 168: Two thyristors in series with a passive triggering circuit.

Using Figure 169 as an example, due to balancing of resistors and a snubber circuit, two
thyristors share the voltage equally. Assuming that the top BOD breaks over first, its voltage will
suddenly drop to almost zero. The snubber capacitor will then dump the energy through the BOD


+ +
Vsec Vpri
- -


Figure 169: Single BOD to turn on all thyristors.

The BOD current is determined as shown in equation (5). Since the primary winding voltage
of the pulse transformer (assuming a turn ratio of 1), Vpri, is the same as the gate voltage of the
another thyristor, which is much lower than the breakover voltage level of the BOD, Vscr, Vpri is
also much smaller than Vscr. Therefore, Vpri can be ignored in (5).
vscr v pri vscr
iBOD (5)
R1 R2 R1 R2
According to Figure 169, the induced current on the secondary side of transformer, isec, will
be almost the same as the BOD current, iBOD.
isec iBOD (6)
Therefore, gate current appears on both thyristors and forces them to turn on. Since the gate
energy needed to turn on a thyristor is not big, the stored energy in a single snubber capacitor is
enough to fire all thyristors.
Since any BODs breakover in the system can trigger all thyristors, the reliability can be
dramatically increased and the bypass circuit is suitable for applications like subsea power
systems. Assuming that each BOD triggers circuit reliability is , the total reliability of the
bypass system, Rtotal, is shown in equation (7), where N is the number of thyristors. It can be seen
that the triggering circuit essentially becomes as a parallel-system, though thyristors are tied in
series. The parallel system reliability can be improved dramatically.
Rtotal 1 1

C.3.2. Simulation Verification

The simulation verification is built with the Saber simulation modeling tool, as shown in
Figure 170.

Figure 170: Saber Simulation model to verify proposed circuit.

As shown in Figure 171, which assumes that there are three thyristors in series, only the top
thyristor is embedded with a BOD. The BOD is used to trigger the remaining two thyristors
through the pulse transformer. The pulse transformer is modeled by considering leakage and
magnetizing inductors, as well as resistance. The BOD model is designed as a switch in parallel
with a stray capacitor and leakage resistance. The BOD is triggered at 300V.
In Figure 172 three gate currents are well aligned in phase. The top gate current is directly
tied to the BODs breakover, and the other two gate currents are tied to the pulse transformer.
Three thyristors are turned on simultaneously, even though only the top thyristor is equipped
with the BOD circuit.

Figure 171: Simulation results of BOD circuit.

Figure 172: Simulation results of BOD current and SCR gate current.

The simulation results demonstrate that the bypass circuit is a highly reliable passive circuit.
As long as one BOD functions in the system, all of the thyristors will be turned on.

C.3.3. Experimental Verification

As shown in Figure 173 and Figure 174, the passive-trigger-based bypass circuit is verified
by experimental prototype. Two 1.6 kV thyristors are connected in series. Both SCRs are
equipped with BOD diodes (400V breakover rating) and pulse transformers.
The pulse transformer insulation is rated at 8 kV, representing a practical component for the
high-voltage thyristor triggering need.

Figure 173: Single BOD to turn on all Figure 174: Circuit component in the lab.

As shown in Figure 175 and Figure 176, two tests are conducted under different dv/dt
conditions. When any of the BODs were triggered, both SCRs were turned on with the help of
pulse transformers.

Figure 175: Bypass turn-on behavior under Figure 176: Bypass turn-on behavior under
small dv/dt case. dv/dt = 80V/us case.

In this report, a RE distribution switchyard structure is proposed. The structure helps protect
the system against open-circuit failure anywhere in the distribution system, including cables and
loads. The embedded RCD circuit helps alleviate transient spikes due to load-shedding, and the
anti-parallel diode eliminates reverse over-shoot voltage during the ground-fault period.
A passive triggering based bypass protection device is proposed. Due to the arrangement of
the breakover diode circuit and pulse transformer, the reliability is dramatically improved. The
bypass protection can be triggered under the loss of control power. The bypass protection can be
triggered even some of the BOD circuits do not function in the series-connected thyristors. The
proposed method will result in a change in the overall triggering reliability from a series
reliability model to a parallel reliability model.
In short, the proposed distribution switchyard and the bypass circuit are very suitable for the
subsea DC power system.

In order to perform a well-rounded study of the MSDC system and demonstrate the proposed
benefits, a scaled-down version hardware demonstration system is designed, built and tested to
verify system control and operation methods, as well as fault protection and dynamic behaviors.
In addition, the hardware demonstration system helps verify the effectiveness of the simplified
cable simulator that is used to represent subsea cables. In this chapter, the method to scale down
the full-scaled system to the lab demo system is first introduced. The criteria of component
selection and hardware design for the lab demonstration system is explained in detail. Then the
control method, system operating procedure and protection schemes are included, followed by
the experimental results.

D.1 MSDC Lab Demonstration System Design

The scaled down lab demonstration system must represent the characteristics of the real
system to certain level, so the study on the system control and operation methods can be valid.
The method to scale down the system is presented in this section.

D.1.1. Method to scale down system

A comparison between the full-scaled system and the scaled-down demonstration system is
as shown in Figure 177. In the full-scaled system, there are eight loads in total. In order to assess
the different operational conditions, load combinations, and fault impacts to other loads, four
loads are chosen in the demonstration system on the receiving end (RE). In this case, the top two
loads will bear the positive ground voltage, and the bottom two loads will bear the negative
ground voltage. Therefore, the impact of grounding scheme can be also investigated in the
demonstration system. Due to the use of four loads, four sending end (SE) modules are chosen
accordingly to provide the power.

Figure 177: Full-scall system vs. scaled-down demonstration system.

A 40A current rating is chosen as one-tenth of the full-scale systems current. And to
leverage the popular IGBT modules, a 600V is selected as the DC bus voltage for each module.
Therefore, the maximum output voltage of each SE module is 600V accordingly. Since there are
4 modules on both of the SE and RE, the total maximum transmission voltage is 2.4kV.
The electrical behaviors of the scaled down lab demonstration system has to represent real
system operational situations. The electrical components in the demonstration system are also
scaled down by maintaining the same per-unit value. The base values of two systems are shown
in Table 4.
Table 4: Base value of two systems.
Hardware demonstrator Full-scale system
Base voltage 2.4kV 160kV
Base current 40A 400A
Base impedance 0.06k 0.4k

Between the SE and RE modules is the cable emulator. The detailed cable emulator scale-
down method will be discussed in the following section. Other than the cable emulator, a 10mH
inductor is placed at the input of SE and RE modules to limit the current ripple
In order to have the same dynamic performance, the control system has to be scaled as well.
The control parameters, mostly the PI values, need to be designed based on the same
input/output ratio. For example, in the rated system, if the current loop PI values PIfull, a simple
SE current loop control is shown in Figure 178,

Ierr d vout
PIfull Vdc

Figure 178: Current control of sending-end.

Vdc is the total dc-link voltage of RE. The control first has to be converted to a per unit (pu)
value based number, as shown in Figure 179.

Ierr_pu Vout_pu
PI 1/(Irate*Vrate) Vdc

Figure 179: Pu value based current control loop.

Since the pu value of input/output ratio of controllers has to be the same, the scaled-down PI
value must be:
PI full PI rate
Vdc _ full Vdc _ rate
I rate_ fullVrate_ full I rate_ rateVrate_ rate

Assuming that the total dc-link voltage of RE equals the rated voltage of system, the equation
can be simplified as
PI full PI rate

I rate_ full I rate_ rate
The relationship of the PI values of the two systems can be obtained in the above equation.

D.1.2. Design of cable emulator

For the MSDC system, the transmission and distribution cables are the most expensive and
critical components. And they can impact the system performance significantly. Since real, full
sized cable cannot be installed in the lab, a cable emulator that properly represents the cable
characteristics in the realistic system is desirable.
Based on the voltage and current rating of the benchmark system, 115kV, 600A XLPE cable
from Southwire was chosen for the system analysis. The key cable data is listed in Figure 180.

Figure 180: Data for the XPLE cable used for study.
For the electric systems, the cable can be modeled by its impedance. One classic way to
emulate the impedance of a real cable is to use a series of RLGC blocks (an universal method to
describe the impedance), as shown in Figure 181. It is usually simplified as a PI model or T
model. The parameters for each RLGC block can be found from the manufacturers datasheet.

Figure 181: Cable model based on RLGC block.
There are two main issues related to this model:
1) To achieve a high accuracy, this model requires a large number of RC blocks. However,
the block number is always limited in practice.
2) Due to the non-linear characteristics of the real cable, including those related to the skin
effect and magnetic materials, the parameters of each RLGC block (e.g., the cable
inductance, resistance and capacitance), will change significantly with frequency change.
However, parameters from the datasheet are only accurate for certain frequencies, usually
around 50/60Hz. So if the study is targeting a wide range of frequencies, the RLGC
model based on the parameters from the datasheet will not be sufficiently accurate.
Another cable model that is widely used is the frequency dependent model. This model is
basically a distributed RLC traveling wave model that incorporates the frequency dependence of
all of its electrical and mechanical parameters. The frequency dependent model is the most
numerically accurate and robust time domain cable model available, accepted, verified and used
widely in power system simulations. However, this model is only suitable for software
simulation, since in this model the cable impedance at each frequency point needs to be defined
by a different set of RLGC networks. It is impossible to implement it in the lab.
For this lab setup, the main objective is to verify the main control and protection functions of
this MSDC concept. Since the device switching frequency is very limited, the control bandwidth
is also limited. For this system, if the cable emulator can match the cable impedance up to
500Hz, it is already good enough for this system study.
The previous two models are therefore combined to design the cable emulator that can match
the real cable impedance in the desired frequency range.
To design the cable emulator, the detailed cable parameters obtained from the datasheet are
used as inputs to the cable model in a popular simulation software PSCAD, which is a frequency
dependent cable, as shown in Figure 182. The cable length, cable numbers, distance between

cables, depth in the water, grounding method and electrical characteristics of the ground are also
considered in the model.

Figure 182: Cable model in PSCAD.

With this cable model, the impedance of the real cable can be extracted from PSCAD.
Ideally, the cable resonant frequency can be calculated as:
1 N
f N ( Hz) ; ; N 1,2,3 (10)
length LC 4
, in which L and C are the inductance and capacitance for each per unit length.
For the full system, the transmission cable is 180km. From the datasheet shown in Figure
180, the inductance is about 0.25mH/km and the capacitance is 0.14F/km, so the resonant
frequency is about N*235Hz. To match the frequency up to 500Hz, the cable module needs to
match up to the second resonant point. Thus, a cable model with three sections is selected, as
shown in Figure 183. The parameters of the three sections are not the same, but the symmetry
is kept, because in the real system there is no difference between the cable impedance measured
from the SE or the RE.

Figure 183: Cable emulator for the real system.
The comparison between the measured impedance of the frequency dependent cable model
and the cable emulator are shown in Figure 184. It can be seen that with three PI sections, the
cable emulator can match the cable impedance at up to 500Hz.

Figure 184: Comparison of the cable impedance.

The parameters shown in Figure 183 are for the real system. Based the similar idea of scaling
down the system parameters explained in last section, the parameters of the cable emulator used
in the lab are noted in Figure 185.

Figure 185: Cable emulator for the lab demonstration.
Since the short distribution cable has much less impact on the system, to simplify the system
structure, each is an emulator with only a PI section circuit based on the similar idea.

D.2 Power Stage Design and Component Selection

Modular design approach has been applied to power stages of SE and RE units of MSDC
demonstrator. The power stages are built using modular parts such as phase legs, crowbar, DC
capacitor bank and transducers. The power rating of the components used for the lab
demonstration are selected based on the results from the previous section.

D.2.1. Design criteria and system structure

The MSDC demonstrator is a scaled down system. The nominal DC link current between the
SE and RE is 40A through a cable emulator of subsea transmission line. Each SE unit shall
convert 20kW electric power from AC to DC; while each RE unit converts 20kW electric power
from DC to AC.
To save electrical energy consumed by the lab demonstration from the grid, most of the
energy which is provided by the grid are eventually sent back to the grid. Thus, the grid only
need to provide the energy loss for the lab demonstration setup.
In the following are the design criteria for power stages:
1) Energy should be pumped back to the grid.
2) Modular design shall be applied to power stages of both SE and RE units;
3) Each unit shall operate independently and be isolated from each other withstanding
2.4kV or higher to system ground and 4kV/us voltage spike/pulses;
4) DC terminals of each unit shall have a mechanical DC contactor in parallel to
implement bypass function for convenience of system commissioning;
5) Each unit shall be forced-air cooled by cooling fans powered by single-phase
110VAC utility power;
6) Each unit shall be able to process 20kW electric power;
7) Nominal DC bus operating voltage of power stage is 600V;

8) Voltage rating of power devices shall be 600Vdc minimum, which provides at least
2x operating margin with respect to 600V DC bus voltage;
9) Current rating of power devices shall be continuous 100A which provides at least
2.5x operating margin with respect to 40A DC link current;
10) Each unit is a 2-stage power conversion circuit:
a. AC-DC stage followed by dc-dc stage at SE;
b. DC-DC stage followed by dc-ac stage at RE;
c. DC-DC stage is an H-bridge allowing 4-quadrant power flow;
d. AC-DC stage is a 12-pulse three-phase diode rectifier bridge;
e. DC-AC stage is a three-phase IGBT bidirectional bridge allowing 4-
quadrant motor control;
11) Neutral-point-clamped (NPC) 3-level topology is selected for phase legs, which can
be used to simulate functions of standard medium voltage building blocks in GE
product drives.
12) voltage crowbar circuits shall be used across positive rail, negative rail and neutral
point to dump energy stored in capacitor bank of dc bus under fault conditions;
13) Electrolytic capacitors are selected to form DC bank; bleeding resistors shall be in
parallel to each capacitor to discharge whenever MSDC system and/or power unit is
shut down;
14) Each SE unit is powered by three-phase 480VAC power, isolated from each other;
15) Inputs of SE unit shall be fuse-protected; and fuses be fast-blow style;
16) Pre-charge circuit shall be used to limit charging current of DC capacitor bank in each
SE unit;
17) Input voltages, DC bus voltages, output voltages and currents shall be measured in
each SE unit and be fed back to control interface;
18) Each RE unit drives a three-phase induction motor through an output transformer,
isolated from each other;
19) Inputs of RE unit shall be interfaced with a DC choke at each DC input terminal;
20) Input voltages, DC bus voltages and output voltages shall be measured in each RE
unit and be fed back to control interface; So be input and output currents;

21) IGBT gate drivers and control interface boards of each unit shall be powered by
isolated power supplies from those of other units.

Based on the design criteria, the whole system structure is shown in Figure 186.

Figure 186: System structure of MSDC lab demonstration.

As shown in Figure 186, the MSDC lab demonstration is fed by the 480V grid. Energy from
the AC grid are sent from SE to RE through the cable emulator. The RE modules will use the
energy received from the SE to drive the regenerative motor loads. And these regenerative motor
loads will send the energy back to the grid though the DC drive. Thus, the system is a pump-
back system so that the AC grid only needs to support the system power loss.

D.2.2. Power stage hardware description

Based on the modular design idea, there are only two types of power stages: SE unit and RE
unit. Each SE unit is identical to each other. So is the RE unit. Furthermore, by design they are
built on modular parts to the extent possible, for example, 3-level legs of DC-DC converter and
DC-AC inverters. It can simplify the design of MSDC demonstrator and save prototyping time
by reusing the modular parts and uniform control interface.

D.2.2.1. Sending-end unit

SE unit is basically a 3-level power conversion circuit, which consists of a 12-pulse diode
rectifier, pre-charge circuit, voltage crowbar, DC capacitor bank and an H-bridge of DC-DC
converter. Figure 187 shows a circuit diagram of a SE unit.

M1 R7

+ 1 2

5 6 M3 M4
~ T7

IN1 K1
~ M5


R3 R5
3 C1 C3 C5

F1, 2, 3














~ R4 R6

IN2 ~ C4 C6




K1 R10 T9
F4, 5, 6 3 4 Heatsink

- M8

Heatsink LT1 LT2
Isolated area


T10 T11

AC110 OUT1

Figure 187: Circuit diagram of SE unit.

Typically 3 DC bus rails, namely positive bus, neutral point and negative bus, connect all the
function elements. Between the positive bus and neutral point is a three-phase diode bridge (M1)
rectifying three-phase 230VAC inputs (IN1 as shown in Figure 187) to DC voltage of positive
half of 3-level DC bus. Similarly, a second diode bridge (M2, identical to M1) supplies DC
voltage to the negative half of DC bus. An input transformer with 2 secondary windings is
connected to the power stage; one of which is IN1 and the other is IN2. Fuses F1-F6 are used to
protect M1 and M2 from over current.
Pre-charge circuit is on the positive bus and negative bus by inserting resistors R7 and R8 to
limit the charging current. In parallel to R7 and R8 are 2 sets of normally open (NO) contacts of
relay K1. At the end of charging process of capacitor bank, K1 will be closed by controller and
bypass R7 and R8. The capacitor bank is formed by 6 electrolytic capacitors C1-C6, of which
C1, C3 and C5 are across positive half of dc bus and C2, C4 and C6 across negative half.
Bleeding resistors R1-R6 are in parallel to C1-C6 respectively so that the capacitor can be
discharged naturally whenever the unit is shut down after running.
A voltage crowbar is designed to prevent over voltage happening on the dc bus under fault
conditions; and as a result all power devices connected to the dc bus can survive faulty operation
of the unit. Thyristors (in M5) are used to connect high-energy disc resistors R9 and R10 across
the positive half and negative half of dc bus separately. Once an over-voltage event is detected
within the sending-end unit, controller will fire 2 thyrisotrs in M5 at the same time. And the
capacitor bank will be discharged quickly by R9 and R10. Meanwhile, fuses F1-F6 will blow and
disconnect bridges M1 and M2 from the input transformer. As consequence, no AC voltages will
be supplied to the power stage. It is worth noting that fuses F1-F6 must be properly selected so
that both diode bridges and crowbar thyrisors will not be damaged by this operation. The
thyristors will automatically turn off when the DC bank is fully discharged and discharging
current goes to zero. However, it is possible for the thyristors not to stop conducting until the
sending-end unit is bypassed by either a mechanical switch or a bypass device at its output
terminals; or its DC-DC converter operates in bypass mode, i.e. outputting zero voltage. In this
mode, the crowbar provides a path for the constant output current which is actually the 40A dc
link current of current-source supplied by all active SE units in series.
The DC-DC converter is a 3-level H bridge. Each leg (M3 or M4) of the bridge is built with a
commercial power module which has 4 IGBT switches with anti-parallel diodes and 2 clamping
diodes forming a standard NPC structure. The 3 DC terminals of module (as labeled 1, 2 and 3)
directly connect to the positive bus, neutral point and negative bus respectively and the ac
terminal (4) connects to one of outputs of unit. Because the DC-DC converter can operate in 4
quadrants, the output voltage between OUT1 and OUT2 can be positive or negative, keeping
output current one direction. For the sake of connection convention, define OUT1 as positive
output terminal and OUT2 as negative one. In addition, each module has an integrated NTC
temperature sensor which can be optionally used to monitor thermal condition of power module.
Test points T1, T2 and T3 are to connect voltage transducers to measure the three AC inputs
IN1 with respect to the neutral point to which T8 is tied. T4, T5 and T6 are to measure the AC
inputs IN2. DC bus voltages are measured at T7 and T9. And outputs OUT1 and OUT2 are
measured at T10 and T11. Two isolated current transducers LT1 and LT2 are mounted to
measure output currents of M3 and M4 respectively.
There are 2 pieces of heatsink inside the power stage. M1, M2, M5, R7 and R8 are mounted
on one (M7) and M3, M4 on the other one (M8). Between the 2 pieces are capacitor banks C1-
C6 with bleeding resistors R1-R6. M7 and M8 are screwed to a G10 FR4 electrical insulation
tray as well as other components such as capacitor bank, fuses, pre-charge relay and terminal
blocks, which ensures the floating of entire unit with respect to system ground.
The cooling fan M6 is mounted with isolated non-conductive air duct to M8, into where it
blows air. The forced air flows through capacitor bank and up to M7. Note that the fan M6
should be always turned on. This must be checked before running the system because there is no
air flow detector and interlock in controls for the sake of design simplification.

D.2.2.2. Receiving-end unit

Each RE unit consists of a 3-level DC-DC converter, voltage crowbar, DC capacitor bank
and a three-phase 3-level DC-AC inverter. Besides, 2 DC chocks are placed between inputs and
the DC-DC converter to interface cable simulator of capacitive distribution cables. Figure 188
shows a circuit diagram of a RE unit.

M1 M2 T3 M4 M5 M6


T1 R1 R3



L1 14 3 C1 C3




















R2 R4







C2 C4










Heatsink Heatsink
M7 M8 T8

M9 LT4
T7 C
Isolated area

T6 B



Figure 188: Circuit diagram of RE unit.

Similarly, 3 DC bus rails, namely positive bus, neutral point and negative bus, connect all the
function elements which are five 3-level power modules, crowbar and capacitor bank. Exactly
the same as in the SE unit, 2 power modules M1 and M2 comprise the DC-DC converter.
Furthermore, M4, M5 and M6 comprise the DC-AC NPC inverter. The DC link is formed by C1-
C4 and R1-R4. Crowbar is built with M3 and R5-R6.
Test points T1, T2 are to connect voltage transducers to measure the DC inputs P and N with
respect to the neutral point to which T4 is tied. DC bus voltages are measured at T3 and T5.
Three-phase outputs A, B and C are measured at T6, T7 and T8. Four isolated current
transducers LT1 LT4 are mounted to measure input and output currents of M1 and M4-M6
The cooling fan M9 is mounted with isolated air duct to M8, into where it blows air. The
forced air flows through capacitor bank and up to M7.
Note that all the relative parts of receiving-end unit have same parameters as in SE unit
although they are labeled differently. For example, M3 of RE unit is the same as part of M5 in
SE unit.

D.2.3. Components selection for converters

Components of power stage are selected based on the design criteria as described in D2.1. In
the following is given the detailed description of major components is given in the following

D.2.3.1. Power module

The trench IGBT module by SEMIKRON, SKM 150 MLI066T, is selected as the integrated
3-level power module. 4 IGBT devices are rated with 200A of Ic and 600V of Vces, which meet
the criteria 7-8.

D.2.3.2. IGBT driver

SKHI 23/12 by SEMIKRON is selected as gate driver for IGBT devices. This is a double
driver circuit for medium power IGBTs. It can also work as 2 independent single drivers with
CMOS/TTL compatible input buffers. Features also include isolation due to transformers and
internal isolated power supply, short circuit protection by Vce monitoring as well as supply
under-voltage monitoring.

D.2.3.3. Three-phase diode bridge rectifier

Power bridge rectifier SKD110/08 by SEMIKRON is selected for the diode bridges in
sending-end units. The device is rated with 110A at full conduction and 800V of Vrsm.

D.2.3.4. DC bus capacitors

Electrolytic capacitors for power electronics applications are selected for DC capacitors. Its
capacitance is 3300uF/each and voltage rating is 450Vdc. Long lifetime and low ESL type is

D.2.3.5. Crowbar thyristor module

SEMIPACK thyristor module SKKT 72 by SEMIKRON is selected for crowbar switches.

Below is the datasheet of SKKT 72.

D.2.3.6. Crowbar thyristor driver

Thyristor driver SKHIT 01 is selected for driving crowbar thyristors in SKKT 72. It is a
daughter card soldered on to a crowbar interface board which receives fiber optic firing
command of crowbar from unit controller. 2 SKHIT 01 cards are needed for driving 2 thyristors
in each unit.

D.2.3.7. Heatsink

P16 heatsink by SEMIKRON is selected for cooling power devices. Below is the dimensions
of the cross-section. With cooling fan SKF16B-110-01, its thermal impedance Rthha is 0.05K/W
at length of 170mm.

Figure 189: Dimensions of the heatsink.

D.2.3.8. Current transducer

Current transducer LT 100-S/SP30 by LEM is selected for measuring currents. It is a closed-

loop (compensated) transducer using Hall effect. Its nominal r.m.s.current at primary side is
100A and conversion ratio is 1:1000. It is powered by +15/-15Vdc.

D.2.3.9. Voltage sensing board

Voltage sensing board LV 25-1200 by LEM is selected for measuring voltages with galvanic
isolation between the primary circuit (high voltage) and the secondary circuit connected to
controller interface. The board is based on a closed-loop (compensated) voltage transducer LV25
using Hall effect. Primary resistors are also mounted on a PCB board. Its nominal r.m.s. voltage
at primary side is 1200V and conversion ratio is 1200V:25mA. It is powered by +15/-15Vdc.

D.2.4. Regenarative motor loads

As mentioned above, all of the RE modules and the regenerative loads are identical. Each
regenarative load includes two motors, the induction motor and the DC motor. The picture of one
set of the regenerative motor load is as shown in Figure 190.

Figure 190: Picture of the regenerative motor load.
The induction motor is driven by the DC-ACdc-ac converter in each RE module and converts
electric power to mechanical power. The main parameters of the induction motor are listed as
follows: 30HP, 3-phase, 1770rpm/60Hz, efficiency-92.4%, Power factor-0.86, Class F
The dc motor which shares the same shaft with the induction motor can be controlled by the
dc drive to emulate the characteristics of the pump load. The main parameters of the dc motor are
listed as follows: 30HP, 1750rpm, Armature-500V/51A, field-240V/1A, Class F insulation
Finally the mechanical energy is sent back to the grid by the DC drive. In MSDC lab
demonstration system, the PLX series digital DC drive from Bardac is selected. This DC drive
can be programmed remotely to change the torque characteristics of the DC motor. The detailed
features can be found from http://www.bardac.com/pages/products/dc_plx_features.html.

D.3 Control System for MSDC Lab Demonstration

This section describes the controller platform for the MSDC lab demonstration system and
the implemented control algorithm, as well as the system protection schemes. Both of the
controller hardware and software have been verified with a real time digital simulation system
(RTDS) before being applied to the real power stage for experimental tests.

D.3.1. Controller platform configuration

As explained above, the MSDC lab demonstration has eight modules: four on the SE and
four on the RE. The four SE modules represent all of the converter modules in the on-shore
station. Each RE module represents one subsea module with a pump load.
In the real system all of the converter modules in the on-shore station sit together and are all
controlled by one central controller. Centralized controllers can lead to better system
performance. For example, if all of the converter modules are synchronized and interleaved, the
ripple current in the transmission line can be significantly reduced. Another example is that the
number of switching legs can be optimized based on the output voltage, to minimize system
switching losses.
For the converter modules on the RE, usually located several miles away from each other, it
may not be practical to use a single controller to control more than one subsea module. The
subsea loads are instead operated independently of one anotherwith high level control
The main purpose of building the MSDC lab demonstration system is to simulate control and
operation of a real system. To allow the MSDC lab demonstration system to represent a real
system as closely as possible the controller architecture is designed as shown in Figure 191.
Five controllers are used to control the MSDC lab demonstration system: one for all of the
four SE modules and one for each RE module. There is no communication between the five
controllers; they each work independently.
All five controllers can receive commands and send feedbacks to one PC in the control room;
so the operator can coordinate the operation of all eight modules just like with a real system.

Figure 191: Control system architecture for MSDC lab demonstration system.

For each individual controller, the Mark IV controller system is selected, which is an
industrial control platform currently used in GEs gas-turbine and wind turbine products. The
Mark IV controller system has two parts as shown in Figure 192: the main controller and the
local controller. NATC is the voltage sensing unit. AEGI and HSLA are local controller board
handling the AD sampling and communication with the central controller.

(a) main controller (b) local controller
Figure 192: GE Mark IV controller system.
The main controller, which contains the main control algorithm, is located inside the control
room. The key board in the main controller is called UCCC which performs most of the
calculations. All of the final commands will be sent to the local controller by the communication
board called CSLA that sits with UCCC inside the rack.
The local controller is placed close to the converter hardware. In the local controller all of the
analog signals will first be measured by sensors, then scaled down and processed by different
processing boards, and finally fed into the signal sampling board called NATC. The NATC
board can convert up to 16 analog signals into digital signals by on-board sigma-delta chips.
Then all of these digital signals are passed to the HSLA, the board in the local controller
handling the communication between the central and local controller. The data transmission
between the NATC and HSLA are based on Duplex optical fiber with a SDL industrial standard
communication protocol. After receiving the data, the HSLA card can send the measured results
and other system status information back to the central controller. The communication link
between the central and local controller also uses Duplex optical fiber with the HSSL
communication protocol, developed at GE.
The HSLA not only sends the sampled system feedback signals back to the central controller,
but it also receives the commands from the central controller. Commands include Pulse Width
Modulation (PWM) gating signals and relay control data. Since all of the data are packaged
based on HSSL protocol, the HSLA needs to decode the data package and generate the real
PWM gating pulses and relay control signals, and pass them to the AEGI board. The AEGI board
is the interface board between the local control and gate driver board and system relay control
coil. After AEGI receives the digital control signals from the HSLA, AEGI can use fiber ports
and on-board relay to drive the gate driver board and relay control coil.
Since the HSLA can see the measured voltage and currents before the central controller, and
it can control the PWM gating and relay status, some critical protection functions are built in the
FPGA on the HSLA, which will be explained in more detail below later in this report.

All of the controllers can communicate with the PC in the control room via ethernet cables
to allow the operator to monitor the status of the entire system and send commands to the control
system via Toolbox, software developed at GE to provide programmable user interface.
A rendition of Toolbox is shown in Figure 193.
Key system variables can be monitored, key system parameters can be changed online, and
system operation can be controlled with this software. Toolbox can also record system feedback
in real time and capture system variables at specific moments, such as before and after a system
trip event. The areas for key control parameters, key system variables, and system operation
control buttons are respectively highlighted by red, green and yellow rectangles in Figure 193.

(a) for SE modules.

(b) for RE modules.

Figure 193: Programmed user interface in Toolbox.
A photograph of the control room is shown in Figure 194. The five control racks are located
on the right side. The relay control panel is on the left side. A group of three monitors are
connected to one PC that is running Toolbox. A group of two monitors is connected to one PC to
monitor the status of the system motor loads.

Figure 194: Photo of control room.

D.3.2. System control algorithm and operation procedure

The MSDC system is a current source based system. The main function of the SE converter
station is to keep the transmission line current constant. The RE converter module will get the
power from the transmission line current and use it to drive the motor load. Since the SE and RE
modules can be controlled independently, the operational procedure and the corresponding
control algorithm are introduced separately in this section.

D.3.2.1. SE control algorithm and operation procedure

Because the operation of RE modules needs a stable transmission line current, the SE
modules need to run first. To explain the operation of sending modules, the whole system is
simplified as shown in Figure 195.

Figure 195: Simplified MSDC lab demonstration system for SE.
To start the system, the first step is to pre-charge the capacitors inside the SE modules. The
input relays on the primary side of the transformers in each SE module are all closed. The
capacitors, highlighted in the red rectangle, are slowly charged. The charging current is limited
by the resistor in the pre-charge circuit installed in series with the transformer secondary
winding. Since the pre-charge circuit has been explained in detail in section D.2.2.1, it is not
included in Figure 195.
After the capacitor voltages reach a pre-defined level, the pre-charge resistors are bypassed
by the relays inside the pre-charge circuit to quickly charge the dc bus voltage up to the rated
value. In the MSDC lab demonstration system, the rated value is about 630V. During system
operation, the capacitor voltages are kept close to constant by the ac-dc converters, which act as
passive diode bridges for the lab demonstration system. The real capacitor voltage will drop
when the load level increases. This is because a higher load level means higher current passing
through the transformer, which will in turn cause a higher voltage drop due to the impedance of
the transformer, such as leakage inductance. During the system test, the dc capacitor voltage can
drop to 570V while the system is running at full power.
After the DC capacitors have been charged, the DC-DC converters inside the SE modules
will be controlled to ramp up the transmission line current. During this stage, all of the RE
modules are bypassed, so the SE output voltage is very low, compensating for the voltage drop
across the cable emulator. After the transmission line current reaches the rated level, 40A for the
lab demonstration setup, the RE modules can be enabled and the terminal voltage on the RE will
vary according to the system load level. Accordingly, the SE modules will also adjust the output
terminal voltage to keep the transmission line current constant.
The key control algorithm for the SE is to command and control the transmission line
current, especially when the system is in a transient state and system load level is changing at a
fast rate. The control diagram is shown in Figure 196.

Figure 196: Control diagram for SE modules.
To control the system transmission line current, the link current, ISE, is measured as the
feedback. The current command is compared to ISE and the error is used as the input of the SE
controller. To correct the error, the controller will generate the total output voltage command of
the SE station, VSE. Since four SE modules are used for the lab demonstration system, the voltage
command VSE can be distributed between the four modules. To minimize the output current
ripple, in this lab demonstration setup, VSE is distributed evenly between the four modules and
symmetric interleaving is implemented in the modulator.
A controller with high bandwidth is usually desirable, so that the control system can quickly
respond to reduce the impact of a system transient due to load level variation or for other
reasons. However, due to the limited switching frequency of power electronic devices for such
high voltage- high power applications, the controller bandwidth cannot be very high, and may be
limited to approximately 100Hz. To improve the system dynamic performance, the cable
terminal voltage at the SE is measured and used as a feed-forward signal in the controller. To
avoid the impact of the voltage harmonic switching ripple, the cable terminal voltage is
measured after the output inductors, as shown in the Figure 196.
The controller shown in Figure 196 is mainly based on the classic PI controller. A more
detailed diagram for controller parameter design is shown in Figure 197. Ldc and Rdc are the
inductance and resistance of the output dc inductor. Vcable is the measured voltage at the cable
terminal. The difference between output voltage vout and cable voltage is the voltage across dc
inductor. In the controller, an feedforward loop is added to compensate the cable terminal
voltage. If the feedforward measurement is accurate, the control loop can be simplified as shown
in Figure 198.

d ~vout - ~i
Vdc 1/(sLdc+Rdc)
delay Hfilter

Vcable_fb Vdc
Figure 197: Control loop of dc-dc converter.

d ~vout ~i
Vdc 1/(sLdc+Rdc)

delay Hfilter


Figure 198: Simplified control loop of dc-dc converter.

Therefore, the open-loop gain with the PI controller in the loop will be shown below.

1 1
OL Vdc K p Ki (11)
sLdc Rdc s
This equation can be simplified as

K pVdc Kp 1
OL (12)
Ldc R s
s dc
Then, the design of Kp and Ki in PI is to cancel out the plant pole and simplifiy the system in
to a first order system. And the loop gain can be turned to achieve the desired bandwidth as
shown below, where n is the desired bandwidth of control systm.

K pVdc
K i Rdc

K p Ldc

D.3.2.2. RE control algorithm and operation procedure

After the transmission line current has been established and maintained by the SE modules,
for each RE module, the system can be simplified as shown in Figure 199.

Figure 199: Control diagram for RE modules.

As mentioned above, after the transmission line current is built, all RE modules are bypassed
with mechanical switches. As a result, no current will flow into the RE modules. To operate each
RE module, the first step is to force the transmission line current to flow into the RE module, so
that the RE module can be powered.
To power up a RE module, the bypass mechanical switch needs to be opened. However, an
arc will occur [1] if the voltage across the opening contacts is higher than a minimum voltage
and the corresponding current is higher than a minimum current. For example, a minimum arcing
voltage of around 12V and current as low as 1A were sufficient to generate a short circuit arc in
tests. Therefore, if only a mechanical contact pair is opened directly, an arc will be ignited during
every switching process. This arc will have a longer burning time with higher currents.
In addition, since the mechanical switch opens very slowly compared to the power
electronics devices, the contacts of the mechanical switch will bounce during the operation,
disturbing the system operation. To avoid these issues, before opening the mechanical switch an
additional stable current path needs to be provided and the terminal voltage across the contacts of
the mechanical switch has to be limited.
In the lab demonstration system, one method is proposed and implemented in the system
operation. The additional current path is first created inside the dc-dc converter, as shown in
Figure 200. The additional current short path can be created by turning on one pair of power
electronic devices. With this additional current path, the voltage across the contact of mechanical
switch is limited to the voltage drop across the semiconductor devices, low enough to eliminate
the potential arc. And since the transmission line current can also find a low impedance path, the
system disturbance during the opening operation of mechanical switches is minimized.















Figure 200: Short circuit path inside dc-dc converter.

After the mechanical bypass switch is fully turned off, the DC-DC converter can be
controlled to charge the DC capacitor inside the RE module from 0V to the rated value, which is
600V for the MSDC lab demonstration system. Then the DC-AC converter can be enabled to
drive the motor load which is programmed to emulate the quadratic torque pump load.
When the motor is enabled, the key function of the DC-DC converter is to maintain the DC
capacitor voltage constant. When the motor is running at different speeds, the motor load level
will change. To meet the load power requirements, the dc-dc converter needs to control the input
power of the RE module. Since the system input current is constantly controlled by the sending
modules, the DC-DC converter needs to adjust the input terminal voltage to control the input
power of the RE module. Once the input power equals the power consumed by the motor loads,
the total energy variation in the dc capacitor will drop to zero and the dc capacitor voltage will
For this MSDC lab demonstration system, the three level converter topology is selected to
reduce the system switching loss. As shown in Figure 200 there are two dc capacitors in the dc
link. Controlling the module input voltage can only keep the total voltage of these two capacitors
constant. Additional control is needed to balance the two capacitor voltages.
The diagram of the entire control algorithms for a DC-AC converter is shown in Figure 201.
The two capacitors voltages are measured as feedbacks. Their sum is compared with the dc bus
voltage reference, and the error is used as the input of the controller to regulate the input terminal
voltage, VRE. For the same reason as mentioned above the load level is calculated from the motor
speed and used as the feed forward part of the controller to improve controller performance.
To balance the two capacitors voltages, the voltage difference between the two DC link
capacitors is used as the input for another controller. The output of the second controller is the
difference between the voltage commands for the two legs.
Under normal operating conditions VRE is positive, so each leg will only charge or discharge
one capacitor. If the capacitor voltages are balanced VRE will be distributed evenly between the
two legs. If the top DC capacitor has a higher voltage, the converter will be controlled so that the
bottom capacitor will receive more power than the top DC capacitor, subsequently resulting in a
balanced DC link capacitor system.

Figure 201: Control diagram for DC-DC converter in RE module.

To design the controller, the first stage DC-DC converter can be modeled as controlled
sources, as shown in Figure 202, where R is the equivalent load of second-stage and C is the DC-
link capacitor.

d*vdc d*it

Figure 202: Simplified DC-DC converter.

Due to ideal current source of sending-end
it I RE (14)
The inductor is decoupled by the current source. So, the small-signal model of dc-link
voltage is only a first-order system.
vdc d I RE
sRC 1
v R (15)
dc I RE
d sRC 1
Therefore, the open-loop gain of the control system is shown in Figure 203.

d ~v
IRE R/(sRC+1)

delay Hfilter


Figure 203: Control loop of DC-DC converter at RE.

The open-loop gain is

1 1
OL I RE K p Ki (16)
sRC R s

This equation can be simplified as

K p I RE Kp 1
OL (17)
RC s 1 s
Then, the design of Kp and Ki in PI is to cancel out the plant pole and tune the loop gain to
the desired bandwidth as shown below, where n is the desired bandwidth of control systm.

K p I RE
Ki 1

Kp C

In addition, there is a DC-link capacitor balance loop to ensure the two series-connected DC-
link capacitors to share the same voltage. This is an unique issue in RE module than the SE-end
module as the second-stage three-level NPC converter may generate an unbalanced loading to
the top and bottom capacitors. The balance loop control generates the duty-cylce dbal to
compenstate the total duty-cycle.

d top d dbal
d bot d dbal
The dtop and dbot are the duty-cycle command to regulate the two phase-legs of the DC-DC
stage. The equivalent circuit is shown in Figure 204, assuming the loading effect for top and
bottom capacitors are R1 and R2.




Figure 204: Simplified circuit for studying system unbalance.

The equations can be obtained as below.
vtop (d d bal ) I RE
sR1C 1
vbot (d d bal ) I RE
sR2C 1
It can be further simplified as:

R1 R2 v R1 R2
v 2dbalI RE 2 I RE (21)
( sR1C 1)(sR2C 1) dbal ( sR1C 1)(sR2C 1)
This open-loop transfer-function can be used to design the PI controller. As seen from the
equation, it is a second-order system. Usually, this control bandwidth donest need to be fast. So,
the PI value can be small to ensure the stability of this balancing loop.
The dc-ac converter is operated as a motor drive. Since the control of the motor drive is not
the focus of this program, a simple open-loop Volts per Hertz speed control for an induction
motor is implemented. The Volt per Hertz control method is the most popular to control low
performance drives. This scheme is defined as a Volt per Hertz control because the voltage
applied command is calculated directly from the applied frequency to maintain the air-gap flux
of the machine constant. In steady-state operation the machine air-gap flux is approximately
related to the ratio Vs/fs, where Vs is the amplitude of motor phase voltage and fs is the
synchronous electrical frequency applied to the motor. The control system is illustrated in Figure
205. The characteristic is defined by the base point of the motor. Below the base point the motor
operates at optimum excitation because of the constant Vs/fs. Above this point, the motor
operates under-excited because of the dc bus voltage limit.

Figure 205: Basic control principle for Volts/Hertz speed control.

To avoid inrush current especially during the start-up stage, the motor electrical parameters
are used to set the parameters in the controller.
Other than the converter itself, the motor load also needs to be controlled to emulate the
pump load. In the MSDC lab demonstration system, each RE module is connected to an energy
regenerative load, as shown in Figure 190.
The RE module will drive an induction motor that will send the energy to a dc motor through
the shared shaft. The dc motor will feed the energy back to the grid through the dc drive. To
emulate the pump load, the dc drive is programmed and controlled so that the mechanical torque
of the dc motor, T, is in proportional to the square of motor speed, , as shown in Figure 206.
The dc drive can be controlled remotely from the control room by a dedicated PC.

Figure 206: Remotely control of regenerative motor load.

D.3.3. System protection functions

System protection is the critical part of control to present system damageduring faults. For
the MSDC lab demonstration system, the system faults can be classified into three groups:
current-based faults, voltage-based faults, and other faults.

D.3.3.1. Detection and protection of current based system faults

Current-based system faults mainly consist of over-current and under-current faults.

For this MSDC lab demonstration system, the transmission line current, the input DC current,
and the three-phase output AC currents of each RE module are measured for system protection,
as shown in Figure 207.

Figure 207: Measured currents for system protection.

Over-current can be caused by a system transient, system short-circuit fault, and/or
grounding fault. Over-current can damage the system in two typical ways. If the current in the
semiconductor devices is high enough, the semiconductor devices cannot be turned off and they
will be damaged by an avalanche breakdown. If the current is not high enough to cause an
avalanche breakdown, but is still high enough to generate more heat than what the thermal
management system can handle, the power electronics devices can be damaged by excessively
high temperature. But compared to the first case, the current level in the second case is lower and
it will take more time cause damage.
The devices can be damaged in the range of tens of s if the current is very high, i.e., more
than twice the device rated current. To protect the system from an over-current fault the system
needs to react very fast. Thus, a high current trip value is set in the FPGA on the HSLA board. If
the measured current is higher than that value, the FPGA will trip the system directly before
sending the measured results back to the central controller. In the lab demonstration system, 65A
is used in the FPGA to trip the system due to an over-current fault, 160 percent of the rated
To protect the system from the second type of over-current fault, the system needs to
calculate the i2t value of the measured currents within several ms. The time is relatively long
compared with the time needed for communication between the central and local control. And it
is always easier to do the calculation in the CPU than in FPGA. So a trip level is set in the central
controller for this fault. The central controller will trip the system if the calculated i2t value is
higher than the trip level.
Under-current can be caused by a system open circuit fault and/or the shutdown of the SE
station which are the most critical faults for MSDC system. If there is an open circuit fault in the
system and the system continues running, the SE station will keep increasing its output voltage,
trying to maintain the link current, until reaching its maximum capability. In this case the whole
SE voltage can be applied across the open circuit fault point, which in turn can cause other
damage to the system such as isolation breakdown, especially without the right bypass
mechanism. If the SE station is shut down for any reason, the RE module will also shut down,
since there will be no power source for it. However, there is no fast communication between the
SE and RE controllers. Detecting a system under-current fault is an alternative way for the RE
modules to identify that. And the system should be tripped as soon as the fault is detected.
However, as mentioned above, during a system transient, such as may be caused by the
activation of protection devices for other faults, a local resonance can occur for a short time
period. Such a resonance can lower the measured current, which may trigger the under-current
protection by mistake. To avoid mitakenly tripping the entire system, the current level to trip the
system for under-current fault should be carefully selected.
For the measured currents shown in Figure 207, the under-current protection is only applied
to the dc currents which are the transmission line current on the SE and the input currents for
each RE module.
If the measured SE transmission line current is much less than the current command, the SE
modules will be tripped. In the lab demonstration system 5A is used as the threshold, which is
12.5 percent of the rated line current.

For the measured RE input current, if the measured current is much less than the rating
current, the RE module will be tripped and bypassed. In the lab demonstration system, 10A is
used as the threshold, which is 25 percent of the rated line current.

D.3.3.2. Detection and protection of voltage based system faults

Voltage-based faults mainly are a consequence of over-voltage faults, voltage unbalance

faults, or fast under-voltage faults. The MSDC lab demonstration system measured voltages
which are used for protection, as shown in Figure 208. All of the dc capacitor voltages in both
SE and RE modules are measured.

Figure 208: Measured voltages for system protection.

DC capacitor over-voltage faults can be caused by system transients and/or improper control
parameters. If a DC capacitor voltage is too high, the capacitor itself may be damaged and the
power electronics devices, which are connected in parallel with the capacitor, may also be
damaged. To avoid any potential damage, the protection will take action to limit the DC
capacitor voltage, before it goes too high. In the MSDC lab demonstration system 650V is used
as the trip level for over-voltage protection, which is 50V higher than the nominal DC bus
The crowbar circuit will be fired in parallel with the dc capacitors to protect the dc bus from
an over-voltage fault. The crowbar circuit installed in the RE module is shown in Figure 209.
Basically, the crowbar circuit consists of one thyristor in series with a resistor. The resistor is a
special resistor that can take high current for a short time. If a fault is detected, the Thyristor in
the crowbar is fired and the dc capacitor energy is damped into the series-connected resistor. The
Thyristor will remains on until the DC capacitor energy fully drains even after the gate signal is




Figure 209: Crowbar circuit in MSDC lab demonstration system.

DC capacitor voltage unbalance in one DC link can be caused by a system transient, failure
of a hardware component and/or improper control parameters. If the unbalance between the two
DC capacitors voltage is too high, the module operation can be affected and may cause an over-
voltage and/or over-current fault in the system. To avoid any potential damage the protection
will take action if the voltage difference between the two capacitors is too high. In the MSDC lab
demonstration system, 60V is used as the trip level for voltage unbalance fault, 10 percent of the
nominal DC bus voltage.
A fast capacitor under voltage fault is caused when the capacitor voltage drops very fast. It is
usually caused by a short-circuit, such as from misfiring the crowbar circuit, inside the module.
Since a fast drop in capacitor voltage can indicate a system faulty component and will dump a lot
of energy, thus generating heat excessive in the system, the system must quickly take action for
this type of fault. In the MSDC lab demonstration system, this fault protection function is built
into the FPGA.

D.3.3.3. Detection and protection of other faults

Besides protecting the MSDC lab demonstration system from current- or voltage-based
faults, there are other protection schemes.
Sound communication between the central and the local controller is the basis for the
controller system operation. To protect the system from communication failure, its status is
continuously monitored during system operation. If the communication between the central and
the local controller is lost or misbehaves, the system will be tripped.
The status of the crowbar circuit, as shown in Figure 209 above, is also monitored. If either
the dc capacitor cannot be charged or its voltage cannot drop to zero within the designed time,

the crowbar circuit may fail short or open. In the worst case, if the resistor inside the crowbar
takes current for a longer time period than its designed time, it can over-heat and may even catch
fire. Thus, the module with the faulty crowbar inside will be tripped if a fault status is detected
inside that crowbar.
The status of other critical components, including the power for power supply, the relay
status and the emergency stop loop integrity, are all monitored inside the FPGA. The system will
be protected, if any fault is detected.

D.3.3.4. System response to fault

After a fault is detected in the system, the protection system will react based on the type and
location of the fault as follows.
If the fault occurs on the SE, the gate drive signals will be turned off for all SE modules and
the input ac breaker will open to cut the input power source. After the ac breaker is fully opened,
the crowbars inside all SE modules will be fired to fully discharge the capacitor energy.
If the fault occurs on the RE, the gate drive signals for all power electronics devices in the
faulty module will be disabled. At the same time the bypass mechanism that is installed at the
input of the RE module, as shown in Figure 210, will be turned on to isolate the faulty module
from the system. For safety purposes, the crowbar inside that module will also be fired to
dissipate the remaining energy as fast as possible.

Figure 210: Bypass switch installed in the lab demonstration system.

D.3.4. Verification in RTDS

Since the control and protection system for MSDC lab demonstration is complicated, it is
desirable to test all of the controllers before using them to test the real power stage. Most of the
issues related to either the controller hardware or software can be debugged and tested within a
safe environment.
For the MSDC lab demonstration system, the controller is tested via the hardware-in-loop
method with a powerful real-time digital simulation system (RTDS) tool.The RTDS receives the
digital commands which are sent to the gate drive boards in the real system, simulates the power
stage circuit, and sents back the required analog feedback signals to the NATC cards in the
control system. Since the RTDS can simulate the lab demonstration system in real time, the
controller can run normally and does not sense any difference between the real hardware and
In normal software simulation tools, such as PLECS and Saber, only the key control
algorithm can be verified, and these software tools are much slower than the RTDS. Using the
RTDS both the real controller hardware and software can be verified instantaneously.
The basic system configuration of using RTDS to verify the controller for the MSDC lab
demonstration is shown in Figure 211. The system power stage shown in Figure 191 is replaced
by the RTDS system.

Figure 211: Hardware in loop simulation using RTDS.

The physical connection between the RTDS and the MSDC lab demonstration controller is
shown in Figure 212. To operate the system, the power stage circuit is first built into the user
interface of RTDS system RSCAD. Then the circuit is compiled into executable files and
downloaded into the processor cards inside the RTDS via Ethernet cable. For the MSDC lab
demonstration system the power stage circuit is solved every 2s in the two RTDS processor

Figure 212: Hardware configuration using RTDS.
At the same time, the operator can control the controller normally, including sending
commands from the Toolbox user interface and monitoring the system status. Mark-VI controller
will run the controller software and send the final PWM commands and the relay control signals
to the RTDS. As mentioned above, the RTDS will simulate the circuit based on the received
commands and send the analog feedback signals back to the Mark-VI controller.
During the system operation, the system status can be also monitored in RSCAD, similar to
the normal simulation software.
To clarify the explanation, implementation of simulation of the SE in RTDS is used as an
example, shown in Figure 213. The SE modules are modeled in the RTDS. All of the modules
are configured to be driven from the corresponding bits of the digital command word, which is
generated by the digital input card from the real digital commands from the controller. After the
circuit is solved, the measured feedback signals, such as the link current, will be sent back to the
controller from the pre-configured channel of the analog output card. For the RTDS system used
to develop the MSDC lab demonstration system, each digital input card can receive up to 64 bits
of digital commands and each analog output card can output up to 12 channels of analog
feedback signals.

Figure 213: Simulation of SE module with RTDS.
The system feedbacks can be monitored and recorded in the toolbox software. One example
of a Mark IV controller and RTDS simulation result is shown in Figure 214. The transmission
line is built within 20s, and the system output voltage at the SE increases and drops according to
the load levels to maintain the transmission line current. As indicated on the x axis the result is
obtained in the real time.

To 20:5843

Figure 214: Simulation results with RTDS.

D.4 Experimental Results

To verify the system control and operational methods and the system protection scheme as
well as the system dynamic behavior, a series of experiments have been designed and conducted
based on the MSDC lab demonstration system.

D.4.1. Test setup

To better explain the experimental result, the position and definition of the measured voltage
and currents in the MSDC lab demonstration system are marked in Figure 215.

Figure 215: Names of measured waveforms in lab demonstration setup.

As shown in Figure 215, other than the power modules and loads to emulate the real system,
an additional IGBT is installed in the transmission line as a cable open circuit fault emulator. In
normal operation IGBT is turned on. If the IGBT is turned off the link current will be cut to
create the cable open circuit fault. To protect the system, the bypass device is installed at the
input of each RE module and is placed in parallel to the open circuit fault emulator. The feature
is built into the switch hub to protect the system from the distribution cable open circuit fault, as
shown in Figure 216.

Figure 216: Clear cable open circuit fault with switch hub.
As mentioned in other sections, if an open circuit fault occurs in any distribution cable, the
bypass switch inside the switch hub will be turned on to clear the fault. This feature can be
verified and demonstrated in this setup.

D.4.2. Tests under normal operation conditions

Tests under normal operational conditions are designed to verify and demonstrate the basic
operating principle and control functions of MSDC system.
Normal operating tests, including the system start-up test, system full power ramp up test,
system full power ramp down test, and single module ramp up and down test, are completed.
In the system start-up test the SE modules are pre-charged first. The SE modules will build
the transmission line current with a designed slope. In this test 2A/s is used. The test results are
shown in Figure 217.
The transmission line current increases from 0A to the rated level, 40A, within 20s. Since the
RE modules are all bypassed, the SE output voltage is relatively low, only about 100V, which
equals the voltage drop across the all transmission and distribution cable emulators. Note that in
the initial stage, when the current is very low, the SE output voltage is very noisy. This is
because at that moment, the output voltage is very small. To generate such low voltage from the

overall 2.4kV DC bus, the duty cycle of the PWM command sent to each module is very narrow.
To protect the power electronics device from being damaged by partial turn-on and/or turn-off, a
minimal pulse width limitation is built into the controller. Due to this feature, the very narrow
pulse of the calculated PWM command cannot be sent out accurately. This causes the noise
during the very beginning as shown in the test results. The noise will disappear when the output
voltage is reasonably high.

Figure 217: Test results of the system start-up test.

In the system full power ramp up test, the speeds of all four motor loads are ramped up
almost at the same time. Since each load needs to be manually enabled, they are not normally
enabled exactly at the same time. However, the few seconds difference can be negligible
compared with the whole test process. The test results are summarized in Figure 218.
The motor loads are enabled and ramped up together. As the motors speed up, the load level
increases accordingly. To get enough power for the motor load, the terminal voltage of the RE
modules increase. And from the shape of the terminal voltage at RE, the characteristics of the
quadratic loads can be observed clearly.
To maintain the link current, the SE terminal voltage also increases with the system load
level. There is a constant difference between the terminal voltage at SE and RE. This is the
voltage drop across the cable emulators. In other words, this represents the power loss in the
transmission line cable.

Figure 218: Test results of the system full power ramp up test.
The detailed waves when the system reaches steady state are shown in Figure 219. From the
test results the SE terminal voltage is 1.8kV and the RE terminal voltage is 1.7kV. So the overall
power sent from the SE is 76kW and 72kW out of 76kW is delivered to the RE. The power loss
in the transmission line is thus about 4kW. Also, from the current waves of different motor loads
we can tell that the RE modules are controlled independently, since the operation of motors is
not synchronized.

Figure 219: Test results of the system full power test.

The status of the DC motor loads is shown in Figure 220. Since the characteristics of motor
loads are not the same, with a Volt per Hz control algorithm the real motor mechanical speed is
not the same, even though the same speed command is given for all of converters to drive them.
Since the power is a cubic function of speed, the power sent back by each motor load differs and
returns at a different time. But overall, about 51kW is sent back to the grid. In other words 20kW
out of 72kW received by the RE modules is lost in the power converter, output transformer,
induction motor, and dc motor. Considering that the motors used here are of very low power, this
loss is high but is still within the reasonable range. The efficiency of the real system will be
much higher than that of the lab demonstration system.

Figure 220: Status of DC motor loads.

To further demonstrate that different motor loads are controlled independently and can work
at completely different load levels, the four motors loads are controlled to operate at different
speeds as shown in Figure 221. The motor loads are running at different speeds and the current
link is maintained at the rated value.

Figure 221: Test results of the motor loads running at different speeds.
In the real system one basic requirement is that one load can vary while the other loads are
running at constant power. To demonstrate this phenomenon, in the test only one load is ramped
down from high speed to low speed and ramped up back to high speed again. This is summarized
in Figure 222.
As expected, the load change in one module will not impact the operation of other modules
and the link current is always constant.

Figure 222: Test results of one motor load variation.

The last test under normal operating conditions is to ramp down the full system from full
power. The experimental results are shown in Figure 223.
Figure 223: Test results of the system full power ramp down test.
As a dual ramp up process, the motors loads are ramped down and shut down together.Both
the SE and RE terminal voltages are controlled accordingly to match the load level. The shapes
of the terminal voltage curves over time are determined by the quadratic loads characteristics
and the link currents maintain a constant level very well.

D.4.3. Tests under transient conditions

To test the system dynamic performance, two tests are performed under transient conditions.
The first test is to shut down and restart one module. This can occur in the real systemwhen
one motor load needs to stop immediately and re-enable for some reason. During this test, to shut
down the motor load, only the dc-ac converter in the RE motor is turned off; the dc-dc converter
keeps working to maintain constant dc link voltage. In this manner, the dc link capacitor does not
need to be charged and the motor load can be enabled at any time.
The test results are as shown in Figure 224.

Figure 224: Test results of the system one load shut down test.
The motor load in one module is disabled while the other the modules are running at full
power. The motor load side current is reduced to 0 upon shutdown. Because the motor load is
reduced from full load to 0, both the SE and RE terminal voltages immediately drop. After a few
seconds the module is enabled again. During this period the operations of the other motors are
not affected and the link current is maintained constant.
Compared with first test, the second test is more challenging. In the second test all four RE
modules are shut down one after another within a few seconds. The whole system can be shut
down very quickly, which is a meaningful feature for the real system. The test results are shown
in Figure 225.

Figure 225: Test results of the system four loads shut down test.
Similarly to the previous test, the SE and receiving terminal voltages will drop when one load
is removed from the system. Four loads can be shut down at different times without affecting the
operation of other parts of the system, and the current link is always maintained constant.

D.4.4. Tests under fault conditions

One of the key benefits of the MSDC compared with normal HVDC transmission is that a
faulty module can be isolated from the system without breaking dc current. The whole system
should be able to ride through the fault. This feature is also demonstrated in the experiments.
In this test, one module is tripped on purpose by lowering the over-current trip level. The
experimental results right before and after the fault are summarized in Figure 226.
Before the fault occurs, all four RE modules are running at full power. After the fault, the
faulty module is shut down, so that the output ac current is reduced to zero. At the same time the
bypass device of that module is turned on, so the faulty module is bypassed and its input current
is reduced to zero within 1ms.
The bypass operation of the faulty module will cause a very sharp load step change in the
system. A resonance can be observed in the SE and RE terminal voltages. Both the SE current
and the input current of another healthy RE module overshoot by 20 percent. The transient
disappears within about 50ms for this lab demonstration system. Even though there is a transient
caused by the action to clear the fault, the operation of the system is somewhat affected.
Ultimately, the system can ride through the fault without the help of a dc breaker.
After the fault is cleared the system can continue working with reduced power rating as

Figure 226: Test results of the system one module trip test.
Another system test under fault conditions shows how the system rides through the
distribution cable open circuit fault. As shown in Figure 215, one IGBT is connected in series
with the distribution cable emulator to create a distribution cable open circuit fault. When the
fault occurs the bypass mechanism will detect the fault and trigger the bypass device to clear it.
The test results indicate that the voltage across the bypass switch will jump after the fault
happens because the link current will charge the system parasitic capacitor and the capacitor in
the bypass mechanism snubber circuit. After the voltage reaches the limit the BOD inside the
bypass mechanism will turn on to trigger the thyristor and finally bypass the faulty module. After
the link current is redirected into the bypass switch the fault is cleared. The system operation is
not affected by this fault at all.

Figure 227: Test results of the system distribution cable open circuit fault.
The zoom-in waveform of the same test is shown in Figure 228. The voltage across the
bypass devices increases very fast after the cable open circuit fault happens. The voltage reaches
the threshold, 800V in this test, within 30s. Since the fault can be cleared very fast, other parts
of the system will not even sense this fault.

Figure 228: Detailed test results of the system distribution cable open circuit fault.

D.4.5. Comparison between experimental and simulation results

The experimental results from MSDC lab demonstration setup can show the basic principle
of the system control and operation methods. Part of the system protection schemes and system
dynamic behaviors are demonstrated well. However, this is a low power demonstration system,
which can only represent the real MSDC system to a certain level at limited operation conditions.
Some systematic studies such as those evaluating the impact of grounding faults, cannot be
replicated with this system.
As a result the studies based on the simulation software such as PSCAD and PLECS are also
very important and cannot be replaced completely by the lab demonstration tests. To gain
confidence in the simulations, the results from PSCAD and PLECS and the experimental results
from lab demonstration are compared for a single case.
One module is tripped on purpose by lowering the over-current trip level as shown in Figure
226. As explained above, the bypass action of the faulty module leads to a sudden voltage drop
on the RE. Over-current is initiated as revealed in the test waveforms.
The comparison between the simulation results from PSCAD and PLECS and the
experimental results are show in Figure 229. To clarify, only the SE current and the input current
of one RE module are shown and compared. The results suggest that both test and simulation
waveforms show similar behaviors of the SE current (ISE) and the neighboring load current (IH)
in terms of the overshoot percentage and low-frequency ringing time constant. Although the
high-frequency ringing behaviors were not captured by the demonstration and PLECS due to the
use of the simplified cable simulator, which matched the cable impedance only up to 300 Hz, the
three results closely match each other, and the major information is well captured in the scaled-
down demonstration system.

Figure 229: Comparison between simulation results and experimental results.

[1 ] Holm, R.: Electric contacts. 4. Ed. Berlin (u.a.): Springer (1979).


An effort to solve the thermal management challenge of packaging a power converter in a

deep sea environment was undertaken. The selected multiphase solution combines reliability,
electrical isolation, and thermal performance by using a pool boiling solution in a sealed pressure
vessel. Fluorinert (Novec 7000) was chosen for its boiling point and dielectric properties.
A fully parametric thermal network mode enabled evaluation of this multiphase solution for
any field condition. This system modeling tool provided component temperatures and
resistances, as well as pressure vessel geometry and mass charge. An alternate field condition
study indicated that a multiphase solution exists for any likely field condition and provides
estimates for pressure vessel dimensions and fill height.
A novel pool boiling press-pack heat sink was designed. This effort included an experimental
portion that tested a half scale press-pack stack in a laboratory environment.
This report discusses the challenge of thermal management of power converters in a deep sea
environment and details a robust multiphase solution.


In response to a growing push for deep sea oil and gas capability, a large scale electrical
distribution system was proposed by GE and funded by RPSEA. This electrical architecture was
designed to provide scalable power to a subsea factory, including pumps and compressors. Given
the unprecedented working depth of 10,000 feet, subsea high power electrical converter thermal
management solutions were surveyed and modeled. Experiments were also performed to support
the chosen solution and reduce risk in its design and possible implementation.
The targeted depth is 10,000 feet below sea level. Here a pressure greater than 4,000 psi is
exerted by the almost two-mile column of water above. The thermal challenge is to package the
power electronics in such a way that they remain near atmospheric pressure and operate at
reduced junction temperatures for increased reliability. System availability is a major customer
requirement and maintenance is nearly impossible at this depth. Therefore, adequate margin and
redundancy must be built into the original system.
Initial design estimates show that the converter itself will occupy a significant volume. The
4MW converter is approximately 7m tall and a 2m in diameter. The walls of the containment are
roughly 10 cm thick to provide the necessary strength against crushing pressure. The thermal
solution selected used pool boiling as the main mode of heat transfer. The power electronics
were immersed in a pool of dielectric fluid that boiled at low temperature, cooling the parts. The
resulting heated vapor of that liquid condensed on the cold wall of the pressure vessel that is in
contact with seawater. This thermal path has the advantage of moving the waste heat without the
use of a pump that would represent a failure opportunity. Additionally, pool boiling immersion
provides good temperature uniformity.
This thermal solution has been considered in previous work [7]. In this project improvements
were made to pool boiling performance, a different fluid was selected, and any external features
were eliminated to reduce failure opportunities and construction complexity.


E.2.1. Challenge

The design depth for subsea factories is 10,000 feet below sea level. Because commercially
available electronic components are only available rated to 1 atmosphere of pressure, the
components must be protected from the ambient pressure in the sea. The only practical solution
to provide this protection is to package all of the necessary components in a pressure vessel. It is
possible that power electronics could function at high pressure, but the question of reliability has
not yet been answered. Development on a high-pressure package would also be required and
likely take years to complete. Given the need for a 1 atmosphere solution, the system will look
similar to what is shown in Figure 230.

Figure 230: Subsea power converter.

All parts of the subsea factory will be constructed top side and lowered into position. As the
power converter is lowered from the surface to 10,000 feet the pressure outside of the vessel will
grow and the vessel will deflect as a result. Therefore, the inner surface of the pressure vessel
does not represent a good opportunity for simple consistent mechanical attachment.
The power rating of this drive is 4MW. Assuming 1.5 percent inefficiency, 60 kW of loss
must be rejected. Press-pack type parts are often used at this scale and are what is used for design
and evaluation purposes here. Press-pack power electronics are cooled by heat sinks in a
compressed stack. Deionized water is generally used as the coolant and is pumped at high flow
rates through manifolding and several heat sinks to provide a rejection path for waste heat. In
order to reject the waste heat, a final reservoir must accept it. In some cases an evaporative
cooling tower or liquid-to-air heat exchanger may be used as the ultimate heat sink. In the case of
a subsea factory, the ocean is the heat sink and may be favorable when compared to air due to
higher heat capacity and thermal conductivity. Also, deepwater is consistently around 3 C,
cooler than many locations top side.
The design lifetime target for the power converter is 20 years. And availability in the range
of 98 to 100 percent is desired. The challenge then is to move the waste heat from the power
electronics to the ocean in a way that meets the targeted reliability requirements. Simple
marinization of existing thermal solutions would require a pump system that would last 20 years
without maintenance. Redundancy could be used to increase pump system lifetime, but the pump
system would remain a significant source of risk.
An additional design requirement is the need for voltage isolation. In the worst case a ground
fault scenario requires voltage isolation of 100 kV. This is an important requirement to consider
when designing thermal solutions. Land-based systems often employ deionized water in heat
sinks in order to isolate the different potentials in the system. Maintaining a deionizing filtering
system requires regular maintenance.
In summary, the thermal management of a deep sea power electronics requires enhanced
mechanical protection, voltage isolation, and low resistance reliable cooling.

E.2.2. Solution

In order to meet this challenge, several potential solutions were generated and evaluated. The
concepts started with the simple marinization of existing press-pack cooling strategies and grew
to include several novel solutions, most of which are used in adjacent spaces. The largest single
challenge in the thermal path is the reliable transport of thermal energy from the pole face of the
device packaging to the inner wall of the pressure vessel. Table 5 lists several potential cooling
options and which discussed in detail below.

Table 5: Thermal solution comparison.

E.2.3. Pumped Loop

A standard pumped loop system would consist of a pump or pumps, a de-ionizing capability,
a heat exchanger, and fluid lines and fittings to connect all of these components. This strategy
has relatively low risk with regard to thermal performance. The pumped liquid provides an
effective means of thermal energy transport from the pole face to the pressure vessel; the flowing
liquid is very effective at moving heat. However, the mechanical components are high risk with
respect to lifetime and maintenance. Given the inability to maintain or repair the drives once
installed, the pumped loop system would require a lifetime set of pumps and filters. Given the
risk of failure in deionization, fluid connections, and mechanical pumping, the pumped loop
approach was ruled out.
Solutions that do not require mechanical pumps but rely instead on thermally driven
processes are listed in Figure 231.

Figure 231: Proposed thermal solutions.

E.2.4. Conduction

The simplest and most reliable transport of thermal energy is conduction. Conduction cooling
is primarily used in instances with low power dissipation needs. The conduction strategy was
evaluated for this deep sea application and is shown in Figure 232. A large block of copper
connecting the pole face of a device to the inner wall of the pressure vessel acted as the pathway
for heat and was found to be unsuitable due to the poor thermal performance. This pathway was
too restrictive, even with a material as conductive as copper. There is also a drawback to this
strategy; electrical isolation must be added. Aluminum nitride could be used in series with the
copper to provide electrical isolation while maintaining higher thermal conductivities than most
other commonly used isolation materials. However, this is an added thermal resistance in a path
that was already unable to dissipate the necessary heat with the driving potential available.

Figure 232: Conduction solution.

A second complication is the potential displacement of the pressure vessel wall. The power
stack with multiple copper thermal vias would be a rigid body that needs to mate to the inner
wall, a boundary that may shift. Keeping contact may be difficult, and displacement inward may
cause perpendicular loads on the stack. These loads may cause non-uniformity in pole face
pressure, or in extreme cases could buckle the stack. Due to poor thermal performance and
mechanical reliability challenges, the conduction concept was ruled out.

E.2.5. Heat Pipe

Heat pipes offer an attractive upgrade to the simple conducting copper bar via. The heat pipe
strategy was similarly evaluated for this deep sea application, as shown in Figure 233. Heat pipes
can be designed to have a conductance several times higher than copper of the same shape.
Mechanical displacement could also potentially be accommodated by flexibility in the heat pipe
or some section of it. Unfortunately, even with the higher performance available with several
heat pipes in parallel, the thermal resistance between the pole face and the pressure vessel wall
was too high. Given current heat pipe technology, this option was ruled out.

Figure 233: Heat pipe solution

E.2.6. Single-phase

Another thermally driven process that could be used is natural convection. Liquid immersion
in a pool of dielectric liquid resolves the need with adequate clearance for additional electrically
isolating materials. Unfortunately, many of these liquids are poor thermal conductors (e.g.,
transformer oil, mineral oil, etc.). The thermal performance of a natural convection system with
oil is not adequate for the types of heat fluxes typical of power electronics. Therefore, single-
phase natural convection cooling solutions were ruled out.

E.2.7. Multiphase (pool boiling)

Similarly to single-phase liquid, immersion in a dielectric fluid provides electrical isolation

without adding material or a coating in series. Unlike single-phase immersion, the thermal
performance of pool boiling is suitable for power electronics.
The pressure vessel is filled with dielectric liquid; the remainder of the volume is filled with
saturated vapor (Figure 234). The liquid level in the pressure vessel must be high enough to fully
submerge the power electronics. The vapor space provides condensation area where the saturated
vapor is in contact with the vessel wall. The heat generated in the power electronics passes
through the packaging and into the vapor via boiling. The vapor will rise through the liquid to the
free surface. The vapor space will be bounded by a warm pool of liquid from which vapor is
entering, and cold walls where the vapor exits through condensation. The latent heat of the vapor
is rejected into the wall; the heat then conducts through the vessel wall and into the sea by
convection. The entire system behaves as a thermosyphon with distributed heat loads. This

pathway is thermally driven and represents the most effective non-pumped transport of thermal

Figure 234: Multiphase (pool boiling) solution.

3Ms Novec 7000 was specifically sold for pool boiling with power electronics. The boiling
point of Novec 7000 is around 35 C at one atmosphere. The saturation temperature must fall
between sea temperature and desired package temperature.
In addition to providing electrical isolation and eliminating a pump, pool boiling inherently
tends toward better temperature uniformity. This is caused by the increase in boiling
effectiveness with increasing surface temperature. There is a limit to this trend of improving
performance with additional heat. That point is called the critical heat flux and should be
Therefore, thermal performance, electrical isolation, and the absence of both a pump and
regular maintenance are all achieved with the pool boiling concept.


E.3.1. System model

E.3.1.1. System Model Overview

A schematic of the thermal network model for the power converter is shown in Figure 235.
Press-pack power converters are submerged in a saturated dielectric liquid and contained inside a
cylindrical pressure vessel oriented vertically with respect to gravity.

Figure 235: Schematic of system model thermal network.

Heat generated in each junction first moves into adjacent heat sinks through conduction. Two
heat transfer paths are available from the submerged press-pack heat sinks: 1) to the pressure
vessel inner wall through the vapor phase (via boiling and then condensation) and/or 2) to the
pressure vessel inner wall through the liquid phase (via convection/conduction). The amount of
heat transferred through either path is dependent on the relative thermal resistance for each path.
The heat then conducts through the pressure vessel wall and finally into the seawater through
The thermal performance of the Power converter was modeled using a fully parametric,
steady 1D thermal network model with temperature dependent internal and external fluid
properties. The boundary conditions and thermal resistances for the system model are discussed

E.3.1.2. System Model Boundary Conditions

The press-pack junctions are each assumed to have the same heat loss rating to simplify the
analysis. Four junctions per press-pack and five press-packs within the pressure vessel result in a
total heat load 20 times that of a single junction. Conservation of energy implies that an
equivalent amount of heat must be removed through convection into the ambient temperature
seawater outside of the pressure vessel. The volume of saturated liquid inside the pressure vessel
is set by the mass of the fill charge and is assumed to be large enough to fully submerge all the
press-packs inside the pressure vessel.
Seawater Conditions
The bulk seawater conditions (velocity, pressure, and temperature) outside the pressure
vessel vary considerably with field location. In this report the baseline seawater conditions are
taken to be quiescent (no bulk currents that may enhance natural convection) at a pressure of 300
bar and temperature of 3C.
System model performance predictions in alternate field locations may be considered by
assuming the different seawater temperatures and a linearly dependent seawater pressure as a
function of depth
sea sea , (22)
where sea = 1006 kg/m3 is an approximate density for seawater, is the acceleration of gravity,
and is the approximate depth of the pressure vessel. For field locations where there are
significant ocean currents the natural convection correlations in the system model (described
below) must be modified. The quiescent conditions considered in this report provide for worst
case scenario from a thermal performance perspective.
Internal Heat Load
The heat loss within each junction is assumed to be constant and equal to 3 kW. By
symmetry, 1.5 kW of heat is transferred from the junction to each pole face (the metal base plate
of the press-pack device) and from each pole face to the saturated liquid submerging the press-
packs. The total heat load entering the saturated liquid from all 40 junctions is 60 kW.
Mass of Fill Charge
The internal space of the pressure vessel is assumed to be filled with the dielectric liquid
Novec 7000 with no other liquid or vapor impurities present. Once the total vessel inner volume,
, is filled with a targeted mass of dielectric fluid, , and sealed, the density of dielectric
fluid, , and the specific volume, , is fixed for all time, assuming no leaks or

geometry changes in the pressure vessel. After filling, the internal pressure inside the vessel, ,
follows along the tabulated saturation curve and is only a function of the current temperature,
. The saturation curve for Novec 7000 is shown in Figure 236 and indicates saturation
temperature of the 35.2 C for a saturated pressure of 1 atm [6].

Figure 236: Saturation curve for Novec 7000.

In order to calculate the mass of the fill charge, the volume of liquid necessary to submerge
the press-packs and the targeted internal operating temperatures and pressures are required. The
volume of liquid necessary to submerge the press-packs is equal to the empty pressure vessel
volume (up to some given height above the press-packs) minus the liquid-displacing volume of
the press-packs, any additional support structures and connectors, and the cloud of vapor bubbles
rising up through the liquid under steady operating conditions. For a vertically oriented vessel
with an inner diameter of 2.2m and two layers of press-packs staggered to minimize bubble
column interference, the volume of liquid phase necessary to submerge the press-packs is
estimated to be 8m3.
The mass fraction of saturated vapor to the total mass of saturated liquid and vapor is given
by the fluid quality (0.0 = all liquid, 1.0 = all vapor). The current quality of the saturated fluid is
a function of the current temperature and the fixed specific volume of the fluid (as set during the
fill). The mass of the liquid phase at the current temperature may be calculated from the product
of the total mass and one minus the quality. Dividing the calculated mass of liquid phase by the
tabulated density of saturated liquid (with quality equal to 0.0 at the current temperature) results
in the volume of liquid phase at the current temperature. Reversing this calculation allows for the
mass of fill charge to be determined given the volume of liquid phase required.

An important consequence of the fill charge analysis is the recognition that, for a given total
heat load, pressure vessel inner diameter, and series of thermal resistances between the saturated
vapor and the seawater, there is one unique pressure vessel length in which the saturated pressure
inside the vessel is 1 atm. For vessel lengths longer (shorter) than this the effective condenser
area is too large (small) and the saturation pressure is less (more) than the targeted 1 atm during

E.3.1.3. System model thermal resistances

The thermal network model for the Power converter is shown in Figure 237. All junctions
and adjacent heat sinks are assumed to have identical heat loads and fluxes. The thermal
resistances in the network model may be estimated from geometry, material properties, textbook
correlations, and/or experimental subcomponent testing. Individual thermal resistances in the
network, , are related to the total heat, , transferred between any two adjacent temperature
nodes, and , by the following expression:
( )

Estimates for the individual thermal resistances in Figure 237 are described in turn below.
Junction to Pole
The thermal resistance from junction to pole is determined by the internal materials,
geometries, and contact resistances within the package. Typical junction to pole resistance values
are around - = 1.1e-2 K/W. This thermal resistance value is assumed to be the same
between the junction and either pole and was used in the system model.

Figure 237: 1-D thermal network model for power converter.

Due to the assumed symmetry in the network model, the heat generated in each junction (3
kW) is taken to split in half (1.5 kW) and move through each pole face area and each adjacent
half heat sink boiling area before being released into the vapor phase through boiling or into the
liquid phase through convection. Since there are five press-pack assemblies and four junctions
per press-pack stack, the total heat entering the vapor/liquid phases within the pressure vessel is
(5 stacks)(4 junctions/stack)(2 pole faces/junction)(1.5 kW/pole face) = 60 kW.
As described above, the 60 kW heat load from the junctions may enter the pressure vessel
inner surface through the vapor and/or liquid phases. Due to the complex internal geometry
(press-pack configuration, support structures, etc.) correlations for the conduction and
convection heat transfer through the liquid phase are difficult to estimate from the simple
geometry correlations available in the literature and must be developed empirically. Since the
liquid heat transfer path acts to assist the (assumed) primary heat transfer path through the vapor,
it is conservatively assumed that all of the heat entering the liquid through the submerged heat
sinks goes into turning liquid into vapor. The newly generated vapor is advected through
buoyancy forces, and then pressure forces, up to the inner pressure vessel wall where it
condenses and drips or runs back down into the liquid phase to repeat the cycle.
Pole to Saturated Vapor

The thermal resistance between the pole face and the saturated vapor was approximated by
the boiling experiments and approached a value of 3.0e-2 K/W for press-packs in the horizontal
Internal Condensation
A schematic of the filled pressure in the vertical orientation is shown in Figure 235. The
surface area available for condensation is the portion of the pressure vessel inner surface area
that is above the level of the saturated liquid and surrounds the vapor phase. For simplicity, the
1-D network model assumes that the inner vessel walls are free from structural/mechanical
attachments and that the surface area available for condensation is a function of the pressure
vessel dimensions and liquid fill volume in the assumed vertical orientation.
Based on the properties of the dielectric fluid, the internal geometry of the pressure vessel (1
atm section height ~4m, diameter ~2m), and the temperature difference between the saturated
vapor and the inner vessel wall, a couple of parameters can be identified to help characterize the
internal condensation. The thickness of the condensing film, approximately 2e-4m, is quite small
relative to the vessel dimensions, and condensation heat transfer correlations for a vertical flat
wall are expected to be a good approximation [1]. For a liquid film condensing on a vertical flat
wall, an average heat transfer correlation, applicable in both wavy and turbulent regimes, is
given by [3-4]:
[ ( ) ] (24)
Here, is the Prandtl number for the dielectric liquid, is the Reynolds number
characterizing the draining liquid film of height , and is the driving parameter for film
condensation defined by:

( ) ( ) (25)

where is the saturated vapor temperature, is the average inner vessel wall temperature;
is the liquid thermal conductivity; is the liquid dynamic viscosity;
( ) is the augmented latent heat of condensation, which includes the proper
latent heat, , and an additional contribution from the sub-cooling of fresh condensate; is the
gravitational constant; is the liquid kinematic viscosity; is the liquid thermal diffusivity;
and is the liquid specific heat at constant pressure [1]. The condensation correlations assume
that all temperature dependent dielectric liquid properties are evaluated at the film temperature,
( ) . (26)

For a given driving parameter , the Reynolds number may be evaluated from (24), and
related to the Nusselt number for the average heat transfer coefficient over the liquid film of
height ,

( ) (27)

The thermal resistance between the saturated vapor and the inner wall of the cylindrical
pressure vessel of inner diameter is given by


Pressure Vessel Wall

Since the steel pressure vessel wall is a fairly poor thermal conductor ( = 14 W/m-K),
and the thickness of the vessel wall ( = 10 cm) is much smaller than the height (~3 m), the
heat entering the inner vessel wall is mostly conducted normally through the vessel wall
thickness to the outer side. Since little heat is conducted along the height of the vessel local heat
concentrations are not significantly spread out by the vessel wall. In the 1-D network model
the inner and out vessel wall temperatures are assumed to be the averages over their respective
surface areas.
The thermal resistance due to heat conduction through the pressure vessel wall in the 1-D
model is given by the relation:

Here, is the thickness of the pressure vessel wall, is the thermal conductivity of the
steel wall, and is a cross-sectional area scale for the 1-D heat path from the inner to outer sides
of the pressure vessel wall. The cross-sectional area scale is assumed to be the average of the
inner and outer wall surface area surrounding the vapor phase.
External Convection
In this report, the 60 kW total heat load is dissipated through natural convection from the
outer pressure vessel wall into the surrounding seawater that is assumed to be 300 bar, 3 C, and
Based on the properties of seawater, the external geometry of the pressure vessel (height of
vessel 1 atm section ~3m, diameter ~2m), and the temperature difference between the vessel and
seawater, several parameters can be identified to help characterize the external natural
convection [1]. The thermal and flow boundary layer thicknesses near the outer pressure vessel
wall, respectively, approximately 5e-3m and 2e-2m, indicate very thin boundary layers relative
to the vessel dimensions. For this reason, external natural convection correlations for flat plates
are expected to be a good approximation for the vertical cylindrical geometry of the pressure
vessel. The Grashof number, a dimensionless number indicating a transition from laminar to
turbulent boundary layers in natural convection when greater than 1e9 [2], is found to be greater
than 1e9 for length scales larger than about 0.5 m. Therefore, assuming that the thermal and flow
boundary layers begin at the bottom of the 1 atm section of the pressure vessel, over 80 percent
of the pressure vessel surface is expected to be enveloped in a turbulent natural convection
boundary layer.
The height-averaged Nusselt number for external natural convection over a flat vertical wall,
defined as


where is the height-averaged natural convection heat transfer coefficient along the flat wall,
is the height of the flat wall, and is the thermal conductivity of the seawater, may be
estimated from the following correlation valid for all laminar, transition, and turbulent flow

{ } (31)
[ ( ) ]

Here, the Rayleigh number based on the flat wall height,

( )
and Prandtl number, , are dependent on the gravitational acceleration, , the
average wall temperature , the ambient seawater temperature, , and the seawater
properties of expansion coefficient, , thermal diffusivity, , and kinematic viscosity, .
Similar to internal condensation correlations, these correlations assume that all temperature
dependent seawater properties are evaluated at the film temperature, ( ) .
The thermal resistance between the vessel wall of outer diameter, , and the seawater is
given by


E.3.2. Results

The baseline system model was composed of 201 simultaneous equations and unknowns that
were numerically solved using the commercial software package EES [6]. In order to solve the
non-linear system of equations accurate initial guesses were required for the solver to properly
converge. In several cases, particularly in the studies for alternate field conditions, a converged
solution needed to be slowly migrated to another converged solution for a completely different
set of input parameters. For instance, it was not possible to jump from a deep and cold seawater
solution to shallow and warm seawater solution unless several intermediate solutions were found
along the way. The EES software parametric table functionality proved quite useful to migrate
between solutions with vastly different input parameters [6].

E.3.2.1. Baseline System Model Performance

The Power converter performance, as predicted by the baseline 1-D thermal network model,
is summarized in Figure 238. The predicted nodal temperatures are plotted as a function of
location in Figure 238a. A stack-up plot of the estimated thermal resistances is shown in Figure
238b. The thermal resistances in the stack-up plot have each been divided by the factor ,
where is the heat passing though the ith resistor and 60 kW is the total heat load, in
order to more intuitively scale the thermal resistances with nodal temperature changes.


Figure 238: Predicted a) temperatures and b) scaled thermal resistances from baseline thermal
network model.

E.3.2.2. System model sensitivity study

The robustness of the baseline system model thermal performance, as indicated by the
variation in predicted junction temperatures, may be quantified through an input parameter
sensitivity analysis. The EES software used for the solution of the system model equations has
built-in functionality for such a sensitivity analysis if estimates are provided for variations in the
model input parameters [6]. The system model baseline input parameters, and the resulting
variation in predicted junction temperatures assuming a +/-10 percent variation in input
parameters, are listed in Table 6 and plotted in Figure 239.

Table 6: Sensitivity analysis for predicted T_junc based on +/-10% variation in baseline input
parameters. Parameters listed in order from largest to smallest variations in T_junc.

Parameter Value +/- Variation in T_junc [C]

Parameter Description
(Baseline) (Baseline T_junc = 96.7 C)
Q_loss Heat loss per junction 3.0 kW 9.2
D_i Vessel wall inner diameter 2.2 m 8.3
Thermal resistance, pole
R_pole-sat_vap 3.0e-2 C/W 4.5
face to saturated vapor
Vessel length, not
L 3.2 m 3.6
including end cap
Thermal resistance, vessel
R_wall 3.4e-4 C/W 2.1
m_fill Mass of fill charge 1.1e4 kg 2.0
L_w Vessel wall thickness 10 cm 1.9
Vessel outer surface area
A_v_o_enhance 1.0 1.7
enhancement factor
Thermal resistance,
R_junc-pole 11e-3 C/W 1.7
junction to pole face
Vessel inner surface area
A_v_i_enhance 1.0 1.0
enhancement factor
Thermal resistance,
R_convect 1.4e-4 C/W 0.6
external convection
Thermal resistance,
R_condense 5.2e-5 C/W 0.4
internal condensation
T_sea Bulk seawater temperature 3.0 C 0.2
Bulk seawater pressure,
P_sea 300 bar 0.1
depth ~3000m

Figure 239: Pareto chart of predicted junction temperature sensitivity analysis based on +/- 10%
variation in baseline input parameters. (Baseline junction temperature = 96.7 C.

E.3.2.3. Alternate field conditions

The fully parametric and temperature dependent system model enables estimates of thermal
performance in alternate field conditions (seawater velocities, pressures, and temperatures). To
demonstrate the flexibility of the system model without specific field data, the seawater was
assumed to be quiescent (worse case), the seawater pressures are varied to simulate depths
between 100 and 3000m, and the seawater temperatures are varied between 3 and 25 C.
Predictions for the pressure vessel wall thickness, to withstand pressure at depth; length, not
including hemispherical end cap, sized to target 1 atm saturated conditions during operation; and
mass of fill charge are listed in Table 7. For all fictitious field conditions, the total heat load,
inner diameter of the pressure vessel, and internal saturation pressure were assumed to be,
respectively, 60 kW, 2.4 m, and 1 atm. Since the total thermal resistance between the junction
and the saturated vapor (R_junc-pole + R_pole-sat_vap) was taken to be constant, the junction
temperatures for all cases was 96.7 C.

Table 7: System model predictions for alternate field conditions.

Vessel Seawater Vessel Wall Cylinder Mass of Fill Liquid Vol. Ratio
Depth [m] Temperature [C] Thickness [cm] Length [m] Charge [x103 kg] of Fill Charge [-]
3040 3.0 10.2 3.22 11.2 0.44
3040 12.5 10.2 4.26 11.2 0.35
3040 25.0 10.2 8.94 11.4 0.18
1500 3.0 4.74 2.30 11.1 0.77
1500 12.5 4.74 2.94 11.2 0.60

1500 25.0 4.74 5.97 11.3 0.30
100 3.0 0.328 1.43 11.1 0.79
100 12.5 0.328 1.74 11.1 0.70
100 25.0 0.328 3.32 11.2 0.43

E.3.3. Discussion

Despite the many approximations inherent in constructing a 1-D thermal network analysis,
the system model enables the quick identification of thermal performance and design space
trade-offs for any field condition. For deep and cold seawater conditions, the input parameters
that affected the thermal performance most were, in order, total heat load, inner vessel diameter,
thermal resistance between the pole face and the saturated vapor, and the height of the vessel, as
shown in Figure 239.
The junction temperatures are anchored by the fixed internal saturation temperature and set
by the total heat load and the series of thermal resistances between the junction and the saturated
vapor (see Figure 238b). This series of thermal resistances is independent of pressure vessel
geometry and seawater conditions. Based on the pool boiling experiments, the largest thermal
resistance in this series is the thermal resistance between the pole face and the saturated vapor.
While the junction temperatures can always be decreased by lowering the heat load at each
junction, the system model and scaled experimental data indicate that it is critical to maximize
the pool boiling heat transfer efficiency for high heat load applications.
Fixing the internal saturation pressure at 1 atm was motivated by the need for high reliability
operation of power electronics components. The corresponding saturation temperature is set by
the total heat load and the series of thermal resistances between the saturated vapor and seawater.
All of the resistances in this series were dependent on the geometry of the pressure vessel,
especially the inner diameter and height. The pressure vessel inner diameter needs to be large
enough to contain a configuration of five submerged press-pack stacks, all arranged so that they
are minimally affected by the cloud of vapor bubbles rising from their neighbors, but small
enough to limit the weight of the entire pressure vessel (since the larger the inner diameter the
larger the vessel wall thickness). In this report the vessel inner diameter was assumed to be just
large enough to contain the press-pack stacks. For a given total heat load and vessel inner
diameter, noting that the vessel wall thickness scales with the inner wall diameter and the depth
of the pressure vessel, there exists a unique vessel height that will fix the saturation pressure at 1
atm inside the pressure vessel.


Prior to this work, it was unclear if pool boiling with fluorinert would provide adequate
cooling for press-pack parts. These parts are designed to have their waste heat removed from the
pole faces of the device. Pool boiling has the advantage of occurring anywhere on parts where
the temperature exceeds the necessary surface superheat for boiling. A press-pack part is
optimized for targeted heat removal rather than immersion. Thus, it was unclear if the pool
boiling from the pole face surfaces would be effective enough to reduce the thermal resistance to
a similar value as typical water-cooled heat sinks.
The experimental work was carried out at half scale (power was scaled by a quarter to for
consistent heat fluxes) to save cost and was divided into two phases, heat sink evaluations and
stack thermal performance testing. The heat sink evaluation effort used one diode cooled by two
heat sinks and was integral to the heat sink design process. The stack thermal performance
testing provided temperature uniformity information, orientation sensitivity, and thermal

E.4.1. System setup

The fluorinert fluid used was Novec 7000. This material is non-toxic, non-ozone depleting,
but has a high vapor pressure and has a significant global warming potential. The high vapor
pressure of Novec 7000 required a containment vessel. The vessel shown in Figure 240 was
constructed of 0.5-inch Lexan so that visual observations could be made. A removable top was
sealed with a gasket and bolted into position.

Figure 240: Experimental apparatus front view.

Figure 241: Experimental apparatus top view.

Pole face and heat sink temperature data was measured with T-type thermocouples and an
Agilent 34970A data acquisition system. Thermistors were used to measure liquid temperature,
gas/vapor temperature, and coolant inlet and outlet temperatures in the water-cooled condenser
with the same data acquisition hardware. Absolute pressure was measured by a 0 to 30 psia
pressure transducer. Current was measured by the Magna Power power supplies and gathered
through RS-232 communication with LabView software. Voltages were measured across diodes
locally with the Agilent multiplexer.

E.4.1.1. Heat sink evaluation

The heat sink evaluation tests consisted of a single ABB press-pack fast recovery diode, two
heat sinks (anode and cathode sides), copper bus bars, and a clamp to hold the stack in
compression, as shown in Figure 242. A thermocouple epoxied to the outer radius of the pole
face and in some cases another thermocouple fixed to the heat sink itself provided temperature
measurements. To create thermal losses, current was flowed in the forward direction. A voltage
tap on the bus bars provided a local voltage measurement to compute diode power loss.

Figure 242: Heat sink evaluation stack under load.

The energy dissipated in the diode caused vaporization of the liquid. To maintain a fixed
mass and fill height, vapor was condensed on and dripped from a finned tube heat exchanger.
Cold water was pumped through the heat exchanger by an air-cooled chiller. The coolant flow
rate, and inlet and outlet temperatures were measured. The sensible energy rise could then be
calculated and compared to the electrical power to establish steady state.

E.4.1.2. Stack thermal performance

Stack testing was conducted using the same vessel with minor modifications. The only
substantial (non-safety or aesthetic) change to the test was the addition of three more diodes in
series. The four diodes were compressed in a larger stack with five heat sinks and two bus bars,
as shown in Figure 243 and Figure 244. The diodes were again used in a forward conduction
mode, all in series. Voltage taps were made across each diode by contacting the copper heat
sinks that separated the diodes. In addition, thermocouples were epoxied into a channel on each
pole face of the diodes for a total of eight measurement points. These value were used in the
calculation of thermal resistance and to judge temperature uniformity. Testing was conducted
with both the horizontal and vertical stacks.

Figure 243: Four-diode stack in the horizontal position

Figure 244: Four-diode stack in the vertical position.

E.4.2. Results

E.4.2.1. Data reduction

Pool boiling temperatures are classically viewed in terms of super heat as the fluids
saturation temperature varies with pressure. The saturation temperature varies for Novec 7000 in
the range of a degree in either direction with transient variations in barometric pressure.
Therefore, the absolute pressure measurement was used with the manufacturers saturation curve
to calculate saturation temperature. Superheats could then be calculated.
( ) (34)
Power loss calculations for forward conducting diodes with direct current and were simply
the product of current and forward voltage drop.
The thermal resistance was calculated using


E.4.2.2. Heat Sink Evaluation

Single heat sink stacks were investigated with a heat sink on either face of a single press-
pack diode (see Figure 242). The purpose was to measure the boiling performance of heat sink
designs for comparison with other designs and the ultimate downselection to a single shape for
multiple diode stack testing. Heat sink evaluation tests used a single diode with a thermocouple
affixed the outer circumference of the diode pole face as the reference temperature for
comparison. The two heat sinks on either side of the diode comprise one heat sink split in two to
better represent a unit cell from a stack (see Figure 243). The following heat sink design
illustrations depict one symmetrical half of a full heat sink.
The initial heat sink design shown in Figure 245 was taken from the SEPDIS report [7] and
featured long narrow straight holes through a plane of nickel plated copper.

Figure 245: Heat Sink 1 - SEPDIS based design (heated from bottom).
The next iteration of heat sink featured a similar design with enlarged holes to provide a less
restrictive path for vapor to escape the boiling surface (see Figure 246).
Figure 246: Heat Sink 2 Enlarged holes.
The third iteration (Figure 247) featured crisscrossing rectangular channels set 45 degrees
from vertical rather than directly vertical. This shape allowed for more vapor area and the
sharing of that vapor to additional areas, rather than forcing it to flow in the channel in which it
was created. This was thought to help as the pole face is circular and the straight channels of heat
sinks 1 and 2 are all of equal length.

Figure 247: Heat Sink 3 Crisscrossed channels.

The final design that was tested in the single-diode stack tests was a series of square pin fins
that extended from a flat surface to contact the pole face. This allowed even greater movement of
the vapor and more potential boiling area by the pin fin array. The face shown in Figure 248 was
in contact with pole face of the diode.

Figure 248: Heat Sink 4 open face pin fin array (heated from top).

The temperature measurement made during these tests was at the edge of the pole face and
does not provide field or surface information about the heat sink itself. However, it is a
consistent point of reference that provides a qualitative comparison assuming the temperature
fields are similar in shape. Also, the repeatability uncertainty in the thermocouple measurement
(the same thermocouple was left attached to the diode) reduces the quality of the comparison.
Qualitative conclusions were drawn in tandem with visual observations of vapor flow. The
boiling curves in Figure 249 were repeated at least twice. The baseline heat sink performance
appeared improved upon by design 3 and further by 4 as is evident by their lower superheats at a
given power. Interestingly, design 2 was not an improvement over the baseline design 1. This
may be because the conduction across the heat sink was diminished by the reduced cross-
sectional area available. The final design, heat sink 4 was chosen for use in stack thermal
performance testing and was mirrored to create two arrays of pin fins, each touching a pole face
belonging to two neighboring parts of a stack (see Figure 243).

Figure 249: Single device heat sink performance.

E.4.2.3. Stack thermal performance

A set of tests was conducted to evaluate the performance of the selected heat sink in a stack
of four devices. The experiment was kept at the same scale as the single device testing. It was not
known a priori what the sensitivity of the thermal performance of the heat sink was to either the
stack orientation or the proximity of other devices. Three things were investigated as part of the
stack thermal performance testing: 1) stack thermal resistance, 2) stack temperature uniformity
and 3) stack orientation sensitivity. All measured data were collected starting from low power
and increasing it to the maximum point allowable by the chiller used to condense the vapor.
The horizontal orientation was tested first; average results are shown in Figure 250. Boiling
thermal resistance improved with increased heat flux and approached a value close to 0.03 C/W.
Uniformity of pole face temperatures across the eight faces in the stack is good with only a
roughly 3 C spread at any given power level. The trends in power sharing caused by diode
variability are reflected in the pole face temperatures shown in Figure 251.

Figure 250: Pole to saturation boiling resistances in the horizontal stack.

Figure 251: Pole face temperatures under load (per diode), horizontal stack.

The vertical orientation testing was conducted in an identical manner only with the stack in a
vertical orientation, with thermocouple 1 at the bottom and 8 at the top. The thermal resistance
results were higher (Figure 252) and the temperatures were less uniform (Figure 253). Because
large amounts of vapor were created by the boiling process, the vertical stack was enveloped by
vapor increasingly with height. The vertical stack was only tested to a power of 700W per diode,
as opposed to the 1,000W per diode for the horizontal stack. This was because of concern about
critical heat flux.

Figure 252: Pole to saturation boiling resistances in the vertical stack.

Figure 253: Pole face temperatures under load (per diode), vertical stack. (Thermocouple 1 on
bottom, thermocouple 8 on top).

E.4.3. Discussion

Several observations can be made from the experimental data. In both orientations, and for
all powers, the two pole faces on either end of the stack had consistently lower temperatures. In
some cases the difference was not large, and it appeared to be greater in the vertical case. This
was likely due to the fact that at either end of the stack was a heat sink that accepted heat only
from one face of a diode and not from two. The stack used five heat sinks (number of diodes plus
one) and only three received heat from both sides. For this reason it is thought that the end pole
faces have lower thermal resistances and therefore lower temperatures. Also, in the vertical
orientation, the bottom pole face did not see vapor from any other heat sinks. And the top heat
sink had a free upward facing surface that was unaffected by the large flow rate of vapor from
the stack.
Unfortunately, power dissipation could not be perfectly controlled in the experiment. When
the temperature data are compared to the power distribution it appears that the wave-like pattern
was likely caused be the superposition of end effects and power inequality in the horizontal
stack. The pattern is still seen in the vertical stack, but an additional trend is mixed in as the
effect of increasing vapor with stack height also increases temperatures. Therefore, the vertical
stack temperature distributions are thought to be the result of the aforementioned end wall and
wave patterns in combination with the chimney effect.
The horizontal stack orientation performed better than the vertical one both in average
thermal resistance at power and in stack temperature uniformity. This is because each heat sink
was sufficiently separated from its neighbor so that it was relatively unaffected by its neighbor.
This was not true for the vertical stack where vapor cascaded vertically, creating a chimney of
vapor enveloping the stack. This vapor interaction reduced the effectiveness of boiling and was a
function of location. Therefore, the vertical stack did not perform as well and was not as
consistent. Depending on modeling results, the orientation could be the difference between
suitable and risky junction temperatures.
Boiling hysteresis has not been thoroughly studied here but was observed. All data discussed
were measured only when increasing the power at each step. However, when the power was
reduced, lower thermal resistances were measured at low powers. This is because the nucleation
site activation grew with increasing power and temperature as the experiment approached fully
developed boiling. When the power in the experiment was reduced, those sites that were
activated at higher power and previously inactive at low power were then still active at low
power, providing more boiling heat transfer and lower thermal resistances than they had during
power buildup. In reality, using only the upward power experimental data provides a
conservative estimate. The benefits of boiling hysteresis can only be realized if the power is
reduced from some higher point. Therefore, it is not assumed that this benefit exists under full
The thermal resistances measured here are sufficiently low to enable immersion cooling of
press-pack power electronics. The horizontal orientation is preferable to the vertical orientation.
Also, it is expected that in the horizontal orientation stacks can be made much longer without
any reduction in performance. This effort has used Novec 7000 as the heat transfer fluid, but it
can be changed as part of system design to tailor the boiling point.

E.5 Reference

[1] A. Bejan, Heat Transfer, Wiley, New York, 1993.

[2] A. Bejan and J.L. Lage, The Prandtl number effect on the transition in natural convection along a
vertical surface, J. Heat Transfer, Vol. 112, 1990, pp. 787-790.
[3] S.L. Chen, F.M. Gerner, and C.L. Tien, General film condensation correlations, Experimental
Heat Transfer, Vol 1, 1987, pp. 93-107.
[4] M.H. Chun and K.T. Kim, Assessment of the new and existing correlations for laminar and
turbulent film condensations on a vertical surface, Int. Comm. Heat Mass Transfer, Vol. 17, 1990, pp.
[5] S.W. Churchill and H.H.S. Chu, Correlating equations for laminar and turbulent free convection
from a vertical plate, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, Vol. 18, 1975, pp. 1323-1329.
[6] S.A. Klein, EES Engineering Equation Solver, V8.156, F-Chart Software, Box 44042, Madison,
WI 53744, www.fchart.com, 2008.
[7] N.A. Solvik, J.O. Gjerde, T. Skullerud, Controlled subsea electric power distribution with
5878f/$File/36-42%20-%20M147.pdf (accessed December 2012)

This chapter reports on mechanical efforts in the marinization of a proposed subsea power
system to power up to 50MW. The overarching goal of this study was to develop a packaging
approach that provides system level fault tolerance and maximized availability and reliability.
The mechanical work involved system level trade-off studies for pressurized versus pressure
compensated designs to finally propose a hybrid module concept that consists of pressure
sensitive components inside a 1 atm vessel and the rest in a compensated chamber. A
modularized approach was adopted to develop a building block that can be easily manufactured
and offers flexibility during installation and retrieval. The module was designed using ASME
Section VIII Pressure Vessel Code to finalize dimensions. Analytical modeling and finite
element analyses were conducted wherever necessary to validate the designs. Next, installation
and operating considerations are summarized, along with overall system layout options.
Furthermore, the bypass mechanism is briefly discussed and a new switch-hub concept is
proposed to address cable damage.


This chapter describes the development of a packaging design for the deep-sea ultra-reliable
power system architecture that was proposed in Phase 1 of the project. The total mechanical shaft
power is 50MW, with a provision to increase up to 100MW. For the investigated field scenario,
it is assumed that power is generated from the shore. The grid can provide the active and reactive
power required by the system. The total load consists of four 10MW compressors and four
2.5MW pump loads. The overall rating of the drive system is 160 kV, 400A to run a 50MW load
scenario. The transmission distance can be more than 100 km and the water depth investigated in
this field scenario is 3000m. Further, the distribution system can span several miles between


This document discusses the mechanical packaging aspects for the subsea drive. A system
level modeling arrangement was also developed in addition to installation and other operating
condition considerations. Shown below in Figure 254 is a schematic of the proposed electrical
drive capable of handling and processing 160 kV and 400A. The drive system considered here
has 160 kV coming in through the cable that is distributed and converted to AC voltage to power
various loads. For example, 30 kV from the supply might be converted to power a compressor.
Similarly, 10 kV is used to power the pump. This power is sufficient to operate eight loads,
namely four compressors and four pumps. Various geometry trade-offs were investigated for
thermal performance while maintaining the structural design requirements.

F.2.1. Modular topology and packaging components

Let us look at the block diagram for the whole system which is a general representation of
the drive circuit. The first attempt at marinization of the drive came up with dimensions required
to package all of its components in a single vessel. That led to a very large pressure vessel, with
a 3.5m diameter. Furthermore, the wall thickness to sustain 300 bar at such a diameter was about
20 cm. In addition to the size, the weight of the vessel would be greater than 100 tonnes, leading
to handling challenges and installation constraints. Figure 254 below shows the drive system that
was considered, where 160 kV comes in through the cable and is distributed and converted to
AC voltage to power various loads. Some of the drive components, but not all, are pressure
sensitive and need to be placed inside a 1 atm chamber. They can be housed inside a
compensated vessel. Inductors and transformers can be in a pressure compensated vessel. The
pressure sensitive components are essentially the converters, which include the power electronics
stack along with dc-dc links and associated control electronics. The thickness was reduced to
approximately 15 cm when the vessel was incorporated with stiffener rings, but it still posed a
challenge, both mechanically and thermally.

Figure 254: Schematic for the proposed DC power distribution architecture.

A modularized approach was adopted wherein the drive is divided into smaller modules that
can be used a building blocks to power respective loads. It was decided to have 10 kV module as
that building block. This modularizing approach has several advantages including standard
manufacturing and fabrication procedures, and installation and retrieval methods. Furthermore, it
provides the scope of adding redundancy to the system with multiple modules and becomes
relatively easy to replace parts. One 10 kV module will be required for the pump and three
modules for the compressor. These configurations will be discussed in more detail in later
sections. These modules effectively function similarly where they take in a 10 kV DC input and
output an AC voltage. The outputs can be transported back to a central hub where further
processing, for example voltage addition can occur before sending to the load.

Figure 255: Block diagram of each 10 kV drive module.

The block diagram shown in Figure 255 has been expanded to illustrate the components and
their connections in some detail. The architecture here is similar to the land-based drive that GE
has developed and should work in this application as well. The key components are connected as
follows: the DC voltage coming in is processed using two delta press-pack power stacks at the
input. These stacks have their own power supply and inductors at their input/output terminals.
The output from this goes through the dc-dc link, essentially a capacitor bank and then the output
from the capacitors is inverted into AC using three inverter stacks that become the three-phase
legs of the AC output. A crowbar is also included for voltage protection and to prevent
overcharging. Both bleed and snubber resistors are included in this design. The controls were not
sized for this design, but it is believed that there is sufficient space in the vessel to include them
in the current design. Right now, approximate dimensions for the components based on the land
drive system were extracted and used to package the geometric model.

F.2.2. Pressure vessel design

The pressure vessel is designed using thick walled equations (Lames equations) that
calculate the axial, radial, and tangential stresses as a function of radius for known inside and
outside pressures. For large ratios of radius and thickness, a simplified set of equations can also
be used.
Here, ri is the inner radius, ro is the outer radius of the cylindrical shell; Pi and Po are the
inner and outer pressures respectively; and z, r, and are the axial, radial and tangential
stresses, respectively, in the shell.
( )
, (37)
( )

( )
, and (38)
( )

. (39)

For this case at inner radius and internal pressure,

( )
and (40)
( )

. (41)
For the case at outer radius,
( )
and (42)
( )

. (43)

For the internal stacking arrangement, model comparison was based on existing dimensions
that may change in the final design. Two different configurations were explored, namely
horizontal and vertical stacking. Since a two-phase cooling mechanism is being implemented,
arrangements were evaluated that were based on efficient packaging but at the same time help
with the heat transfer. The initial proposed design was aimed towards a horizontal arrangement
that was believed to work better for our situation. There is better heat dissipation through the
wall because the roof area is much higher. In a vertical arrangement, there could be too much
heat accumulating and not enough area to escape. In addition, the critical high power
components such as the stacks can be easily immersed into the fluid, whereas in the vertical
arrangement, larger fluid volume may be required. The vertical arrangement will reduce the
available condensing area. Finally, the most important reason for choosing this arrangement is
because we want an unrestricted flow path for the boiling fluid and hopefully a shorter/faster
path to get the wall. However, the RPSEA Working Project Group recommended that a vertically
arranged stack be used for the application since the installation and other related aspects are
established for this configuration. At this time, an approach that does not impose redesigns on
various other stakeholders is the preferred path. Therefore, a vertical configuration was
developed and the discussion henceforth pertains to that design.

Figure 256: Hybrid module with 1 atm and pressure compensated chambers.

Based on the previous study, our final model for the 10 kV module is shown in Figure 256.
The inner diameter is 2.4m. The cylinder has two sections, the pressurized section is about 3.4m
of cylinder length and 1.2m of hemispherical head, and the pressure compensated chamber that
will house the transformer is also 1.2m long. The wall thickness for this module is 10 cm. There
is an insulation gap of 50 mm provided for necessary voltage isolation from the vessel wall for
the components. This gap was obtained using the dielectric breakdown potential for the fluid (in
both liquid and gas states) and is rated for the full 160 kV. The power stacks are shown in blue in
the figure. The inductors are depicted in green and are all sized based on known dimensions
from GEs land-based system. The purple blocks indicate the capacitors in the DC-DC link. The
crowbar and the three stacks are on the back side (not in the diagram) to output the ac voltage.
There is a lid that separates the two chambers with dry-mate connectors for DC in and AC out.
The material recommended and used in this study is Alloy Steel SA-543 Quenched &
Tempered [Ni/Cr/Mo] Class 2. Yield strength for this material is 690 MPa and is used as the
limit for designing the pressure vessel failure, with a safety factor. Other potential materials are
Low carbon steels SA515/A515-70 [C=0.30-0.35; Mn=1.3; P=0.035; S=0.035; Si.=0.13-0.45]
with a yield strength of 260 MPa and A285 Grade C [C=0.28; Mn=0.98; P=0.035; S=0.035;
Si.=0.08-0.45] with a yield strength of 205 MPa.

Figure 257: Hoop stresses in the proposed pressure vessel using FEA.

Based on pure hydrostatic load generated at that depth, the total wall deformation was
roughly 1 mm and the maximum hoop stress ranged from 200 to 270 MPa, as shown in Figure
257, which matched Lames analytical model. A mounting fixture will be used to mount all of
the components. The model shown in Figure 258 below is one concept for now, but detailed
design will be needed once all of the internal components are designed and specified. In this
study the fixture was analyzed for static loads, in particular for weights of components. The
frame was 50 mm thick and produced a 0.25 mm deflection in the fixture (shown in Figure 259).
The fixture may be made thinner and stiffer through more detailed design, but it was not
explored further in this project. The fixture also is isolated from the vessel wall since it will hold
high voltage. The exact internal loading arising from the weights of components depends on their
relative locations inside the vessel, which will be developed in the finalized design. Panels or
meshes in the fixture can also be included to seat components based on final requirements. The
total weight of the vessel itself is calculated to be 32 tonnes. The volume of liquid (Fluorinert,
Novec 7000) required to completely immerse the power stacks was estimated to be 8 m3. The
weight corresponding to this volume is approximately 10 tonnes (density of 1200 kg/m 3).
Assuming that the components and other mechanical parts, such as the separation plate between
the chambers, and flanges are included, the total weight for each module is likely to be
approximately 50 tonnes.

Figure 258: Static loads due to weights on Figure 259: Static deflection in mounting
mounting fixture. fixture.

F.2.3. System layout considerations

Let us now look at the system layout, mainly at cabling, and address some of the potential
faults that can occur during operation. If all of the individual drives and loads are laid out in a
series fashion and the cable is damaged somewhere along its length, all operations downstream
of the cable will be interrupted. There must be a mechanism to fix the open circuit resulting from
this failure that ensures that system operation is minimally affected. To address this issue a
subsea switch-hub is proposed, as shown in Figure 260, which basically is a central hub for load
connections. Power can be distributed to different loads from the switchyard through separate
feeder cables. Consequently, in this configuration if cable gets damaged, only the corresponding
load will be disconnected and the rest of the system will not be affected. This is a conceptual
picture of the overall system layout with high voltage DC coming in to a switchyard. The cables
get routed to each load pair from there, as shown in the figure.

Figure 260: Overall system layout for compressor and pump drives.

F.2.4. Installation and operating considerations

Here a discussion on the installation and operating methods and considerations is provided
for these systems. The overriding goal is that, since we only have one input that gets branched
into different directions, faulty systems should be isolated from the main system to ensure
functionality of the remaining system while faulty systems undergo repair and/or maintenance.

Figure 261: Proposed concepts for compressor drive and pump drive.

Figure 261 is a schematic diagram of the drive configurations for a compressor and pump.
The proposed topology consists of a single module or multiple modules (for a compressor) that
is/are connected to a central hub that processes the voltages and currents from outputs of the
modules to power the load. Two options to achieve this follow.
In one option each module is installed and removed separately. This is relatively easy to
handle and replace. It also gives us an option to have a replacement modules installed quickly to
continue operation while the bad one is being repaired. To ensure functionality of the rest of the
system, the bypass mechanisms will need to be located at the hub to disconnect each module.
Furthermore, to facilitate removal of each module for repair there are wet-mate connectors for
each module connecting to the hub. This may result in three bypass switches for the compressor
drive since it requires three such modules. Consequently, this option will result in a significantly
higher number of wet-mate connectors. Although this option offers less weight and greater
flexibility for retrieval and maintenance, the number of wet-mate connectors quickly add up,
adversely affecting the reliability and availability for the entire system, a critical CTQ.
The second option is to have the entire drive system installed/removed as a unit. This will
mean that system consists of hub with three modules for a compressor and a hub with one
module for the pump. We will need to handle the whole drive as a result which will be a
significantly heavier system to install as a unit. The bypass mechanism should disconnect the
whole load and not each module, which results in only one bypass switch in the hub. Also, this
will require fewer wet-mate connections as there is no need to disconnect individual modules.
Here, the wet-mate connectors between the modules and hub become dry-mate as they can be
installed on land before installation. The total weight to handle can be as high as 200 tonnes for
the compressor drive (assuming that the hub is about the same weight as the module). Another
assumption here is the both DC and AC can be transmitted through one connector, meaning that
the three phases for AC and two conductors for DC (+ & -) can be housed within the same

connector. This design challenge is addressed for DC connectors in another task within the
project report. A summary of trade-offs for both options are summarized in Table 8 below.

Table 8: Summary of wet-mate and dry-mate connectors for both installation options.

Dry-mate Wet-mate Dry-mate Wet-mate

Load #1: install/retrieve each #2: install/retrieve complete

module drive
Comp. Drive (x4) 6 x 4 = 24 6 x 4 = 24 12 x 4 = 48 None

Pump Drive (x4) 2x4=8 2x4=8 4 x 4 = 16 None

Hub In/Out (x8) None 2 x 8 = 16 None 2 x 8 = 16

@ switchyard None 1+8=9 None 1+8=9

TOTAL 32 57 64 25

Wt to handle ~ 50 Tonnes ~ 200 Tonnes

In option 1 each module has a wet-mate connection to the hub. Six connectors per
compressor drive results in a total of 24 wet-mate connectors for four such drives. Similarly, for
the pump drive there will be two connectors per module, adding up to eight connectors for four
drives. Each module will have two internal dry-mate connectors between the pressure and
compensated chambers, a common configuration for both installing options. The total number of
dry-mate connectors is therefore 32 for 16 modules (3 modules each for 4 compressors and 1
module each for 4 pumps). At the hub there will be one wet-mate connector for AC out and one
wet-mate connector for DC in/out to the next drive system for each load. Therefore, there will be
16 wet-mate connectors for the eight loads. Furthermore, at the switchyard there is one additional
wet-mate connector for input and eight wet-mate connectors for outputs to loads, totaling nine.
Therefore, there are a grand total of 32 dry-mate and 57 wet-mate connectors for the drive
system. The weight for each module was estimated to be about 50 tonnes.
In option 2 there are only 25 wet-mate connectors, while the dry-mate connectors double to
64. In this case the total weight to handle can be roughly four times that of each module
(assuming the hub is the same as one of the modules), reaching about 200 tonnes. With any
additional increase in the number of connectors in each module, the effect will be multiplied by
the number of modules, having a significant effect on the overall system weight and reliability.
Although option 1 presents greater flexibility in handling during operation, the number of
wet-mate connectors is significantly higher, severely impacting system reliability. As a result,

Option 2 is recommended for this system, primarily due to fewer wet-mate connectors (potential
leak paths).

F.2.5. Parametric design study

Next, a parametric vessel geometry study was performed to estimate wall thickness as a
function of ocean depth. We assume that the internal pressure in the vessel is 1 bar, whereas the
outside hydrostatic pressure occurs as a function of depth. Based on yield stress, an effective
wall thickness was calculated to sustain the estimated pressure loads and is plotted in Figure 262.
The vessel mass was computed using the dimensions obtained from these estimates and a
contour plot is shown in Figure 263. Based on that and other vessel dimensions, vessel mass was
computed. Analytical pressure vessel equations from Lames Theory were used to better
understand the relationship between various parameters.

Figure 262: Optimal wall thickness as a function Figure 263: Wall thickness versus depth and
of water depth for a 1 atm vessel. corresponding vessel mass in kg for various
water depths.
Vessel wall thickness increases with depth. There is a slight non-linear dependence, but using
thin-walled cylinder equations will give a more linear dependence. The contour plot of wall
thickness versus depth it tied to vessel weight in Figure 259. The contour colors depict vessel
mass expressed in kg. Another analysis was performed to evaluate the effect of internal pressure
on the vehicle design, particularly on wall thickness. It was found that, for a given depth
(external pressure), if the internal pressure is increased the wall thickness will effectively
decrease, although not by much. Slight increases in internal pressure do not affect vessel design
in terms of mass reduction, but they do affect thermal performance because the components must
then be designed for higher pressures, adding weight and size.
With the current vessel design, basic heat transfer characteristics of the vessel using a two-
phase single fluid approach were explored and is described in detailed in the thermal
management section. One observation from that system model for heat transfer was that although
heat reaches the walls easily due to the highly efficient evaporation/condensation mechanism, it
needs to be transferred to seawater effectively in order to continue to dissipate heat and not build
up temperature and/or pressure in the vessel. Some of the critical challenges and questions to this

are the outside water temperature, natural versus forced convection, and heat conduction through
the wall. To improve heat transfer to seawater, wall thickness should be reduced as much as
feasible because it is a significant contributor to overall system thermal resistance. This can be
achieved by reducing the radius, which primarily drives wall thickness. Another way to improve
heat transfer is to increase the condenser area: one can either increase the radius (which leads to
thicker walls) or increase vessel length. These can be achieved by adding stiffener rings to
maintain the structural strength. Another possibility is to increase the condenser area and
number/size of fins to dissipate more heat.
Based on these ideas, a parametric study was conducted using ASME design code to
conceive specific pressure vessel designs that will achieve the required inner wall temperature
that can maintain the two-phase heat transfer loop inside the module. To improve heat transfer
capabilities, the internal diameter of the vessel was varied from 2.2 to 3m. It was previously
noted that increasing radius will increase wall thickness, which ranged from 15 cm to 9 cm for
all these designs. Stiffener rings were used to vary the length as needed from 3.2 to 6m. The
overall effects due to this are that the condenser area can be increased from 13 to 34 m2, which
can significantly improve heat transfer. And the vessel mass was estimated to increase up to a
maximum of 70 tonnes. The calculations were based on ASME Section VIII Division 2 Pressure
Vessel Design Guidelines, The procedure adopted to arrive at the various design configurations
is listed below:
Assuming initial wall thickness & unsupported length
Calculate predicted elastic buckling stresses
Calculate design safety factor
Calculate allowable external pressure
Check/iterate for pressure rating
A detailed description of the model and corresponding design expressions that were used to
arrive at the final dimensions for each configuration are shown below. Although different dome
shapes are possible, a hemispherical dome is proposed in this design study for simplicity.

Part I: Cylindrical shell thickness and
unsupported length estimation
Cylindrical Shell material properties:
Current Material: SA-543
Young's modulus Ey : 191GPa 2.77 10 psi
Min yield strength Sy : 690MPa 1.001 10 psi
Density Rho : 7750
Step 1: Assume initial thickness t & unsupported length L
Design pressure P : 300bar 3 10 Pa
Internal width w i : 0.78m

Half internal length li_half : 0.78m

2 2
Internal radius ri : w i li_half 1.103m

Internal height h i : 3.2m

Wall thickness t : 9cm

Clearance from wall d clearance : 0m

Cylindrical shell inside diameter

Di : 2 ri d clearance 2.206m

Cylindrical shell outside diameter Do : Di 2 t 2.386m

Cylindrical shell outside radius Ro : 1.193m

Stiffener ring isRing : "Yes"

Shell head height Hhead : 1.1m

Number of stiffeners n ring : 1

Unsupported length Lus : hi 2 if isRing = "No" Lus 1.6m
if isRing = "Yes"
n ring 1

Step 2: To calculate predicted elastic buckling stress Fhe

Mx : Mx 4.883
Ro t

0.92 0.94
C h : if 1.5 < Mx 13 Do
Mx 0.579 2 43.559
1.0 if Mx 1.5
t Do
0.55 if Mx 2
Do t
1.058 Do
1.12Mx if 13 < Mx < 2
t C h 0.214

t 9 Fhe 9
Fhe : 1.6 Ch Ey 2.464 10 Pa 3.571 Fhe 2.464 10 Pa
Do Sy

Step 3: To calculate predicted buckling stress Fic

Fic : Sy if 2.439
Fhe Fhe
0.7 Sy if 0.552 < < 2.439
Sy Sy

Fhe if 0.552 Fhe
Sy 3.571

Fic 6.9 10 Pa

Step 4: To calculate the design factor FS
FS : 2.0 if Fic 0.55Sy

2.407 0.741 if 0.55S < F < S
Sy y ic y

1.667 if Fic = Sy Fic

FS 1.667
Step 5: To calculate the allowable external pressure Pa
Fic 8
Fha : 4.139 10 Pa 7
P 3 10 Pa
t 7
P a : 2 Fha 3.122 10 Pa P a 312.237 bar

Step 6: If Pa < P , then increase thickness or reduce unsupported

length Lus.

In order to size the module, we looked at various configuration designs using the ASME
Section VII Pressure Vessel Design Guidelines. Table 9 below summarizes some of the potential
designs that can withstand the design pressure and at the same time package all the components
in the module. These configurations were evaluated with the thermal system model to calculate
the inner wall temperatures, also shown in the Table. Main inputs from here to the thermal model
are the condenser area, which is based on fluid volume, and vessel dimensions. One unique
aspect of our proposed design is that it currently does not require any external heat exchanger
and completely relies on the vessel wall to transfer the heat. This can change as needed, if
additional area is required, for example by adding an external heat exchanger. This study aimed
at predominantly using the vessel for conduction as to eliminate any vessel modifications in
terms of ports and openings, which will invariably cause potential areas for failure due to leaks.

Table 9: Pressure vessel designs for achieving thermal and mechanical requirements.

Vessel parameter #1 #2 #3 #4 #5

Inside Diameter, Di (m) 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.2 3.0

Outside Diameter, Do (m) 2.7 2.64 2.6 2.4 3.3
Allowable Pressure (bar) 460 301 318 312 376
Wall Thickness, T (cm) 15 12 10 9 15
Cylinder Length (m) 3.2 4.0 3.4 4.0 3.2
Head height (m) 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.5
T_wall_inner [degC] 40.9 28.7 30.1 30.8 26.7

One primary aspect to consider for installation at these water depths is the weight of the rope
itself that is used to lower these modules. Significant research is being carried out in this area to
develop materials for ropes that are lighter in mass, but provide the same amount of strength
required to handle such large weights. For example, a 5 cm diameter steel rope can weigh more
than 100 tonnes at 3000m depths. Guidelines that are commonly used at shallow depths for
installation are non-functional at depths greater than 1000m. A combination of guideposts and
remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) are used in deepwater, in addition to a heave compensated
system and guidance control onboard an installation vessel. A pre-welded foundation/platform
(also called a mud mat) becomes the frame for mounting rest of the equipment in a target area.
From a modeling perspective, the designs investigated using the ASME code were analyzed
for the hydrostatic loading, which was verified with finite element analysis (FEA) and analytical
models. Additionally, preliminary dynamic modeling was also carried out to assess impact on the
design when the module is subjected to transient accelerations, particularly during lowering and
installation. For example, the descending speed for the module can be 1 m/s, and during
installation the module can experience a transience, like a sudden change in velocity, which can
reach a force of 2 to 3 g. Furthermore, a landing impact of 2 g can be expected and is a design
specification for current deep-sea equipment. As a result, a load profile was created for this
action, as shown in Figure 264 below, and was modeled using FEA.

Figure 264: Transient acceleration load profile for the dynamic analyses of module.

The observation from these analyses is that the stress state of the vessel itself is not impacted
much by the change in landing velocities because of the heavy wall that is designed for 300 bar.

However, these large, sudden accelerations and decelerations, shown in Figure 265 below are
transmitted to the internal components of the vessel. Therefore, internal fixturing, mountings,
attachments, joints, etc. must be designed to withstand these accelerations. If required, some
extra damping mechanisms may have to be provided.

Figure 265: Transient acceleration effects on the pressure vessel during installation.

Other operating conditions to note are the impact of ocean current and its loading on the
vessel. In addition, if any pressure pulse is generated inside the vessel, its effect should be
studied. These concerns were not explored in detail in this project; however, a point to note with
ocean current is its effect on thermal management. Due to potential forced convection outside the
vessel better heat transfer can be achieved, even though the ambient water temperature at these
depths is fairly constant at 3 to 4 C.
In addition to the dynamic modeling, some key vessel features, such as flanges and sealing
and stiffener rings, were also developed using design criteria. First, a basic design concept for a
flange is presented using the ASME Section VIII design code. An integral-type flange design
with double sealing capability is recommended, as proposed in Figure 266 below. Sealing at this
pressure to especially maintain a difference of 300 bar will be a critical challenge in the final

Figure 266: Flange design for the pressure vessel.

For the final 10 kV hybrid module presented earlier, a stiffener ring was proposed to achieve
the required length and therefore, condensing area. In all of the modeling and simulations, the
stiffener design shown in Figure 267 below was adopted and observed to provide sufficient
strength in the vessel. The dimensions were designed using expressions presented in the ASME

design code. Although other design options are available, a single-sided stiffener was chosen for
this application.

Figure 267: Stiffener design for the pressure vessel module.

There are many ways to support a vessel, but for the module proposed here a cylindrical skirt
was modeled as a preliminary concept. For this design known weights, such as the vessel and
other components weights, were included to estimate its dimensions. The final design will have
to include other dynamic loads (e.g., off axis loads) that may result in moments. The skirt design
is shown in Figure 268 below.

Figure 268: Cylindrical skirt design for supporting the module.

F.2.6. Subsea switch-hub and bypass mechanism

The bypass mechanism is briefly explained here. There are two places where these
mechanisms will be implemented. One location is near the converter, where as soon as a fault is
detected an electronic switch closes, thereby electrically disconnecting the load. There is another
switching mechanism with mechanical disconnects at the switch-hub that will bypass the load at
the hub. In this manner, the load can be retrieved for maintenance and repair.
One potential failure that can happen is due to cable damage. In order to address that
challenge, a switch-hub concept is proposed where the power going into the converters is
independently controlled through switches/disconnects. The idea is shown here in Figure 269,
and, as noted, it consists of four ports that are connected to four different loads. If cable damage
occurs, for example at load 1, we can bypass that load and continue to operate by sending power
to the rest of the loads.

Figure 269: Subsea switch-hub layout and bypass mechanisms.

We have not explored the design of the switch-hub in detail yet, as it is outside the intended
scope of this project. However, to gain preliminary understanding of what would be required, in
particular, its size, commercially available products were evaluated that can be tailored or
redesigned to work in this application. Schneider Electrics high voltage disconnector is rated up
to 36 kV and 1250A, and can be custom redesigned to work in this application. Based on its
specifications the disconnector size is estimated to be 600 cm x 600 cm x 720 cm and weighs
about 25 kg. One such disconnector is required for each load; therefore, the size and weight of
the connector package can be scaled up based on number of loads.
Two options were explored to marinize the proposed switch-hub. Since both are pressure
compensated designs, the wall thickness is not great, and, therefore, the overall weight also is not
so substantial that we cannot to explore installation procedures. The main trade-offs occur with
respect to weight, modularity, and number of connectors. In one design, shown in Figure 270
below, we can house all of the components into a single module, which is the preferred
embodiment. The weights shown here summarize only the vessel weight. We need to include the
weight of the d/c which is 25 kg, the thyristors/electronic switch components, and the cooling
medium, which can be a transformer fluid (for example, Midel 7131 transformer oil is less dense
than water (970 kg/m3) and a has a breakdown voltage of greater than 75 kV). The fluid adds
1.75 to 2 tonnes of weight, which amounts to approximately 5 to 6 tonnes total weight for the
switch-hub. If it is modularized, as shown in Figure 257, a modules weight may be that the
weight of the single configuration . However, as stated previously, the modular system comes
with additional wet-mate connectors between the modules, reducing reliability.

Figure 270: Single subsea switch-hub Figure 271: Modular configuration for switch-
configuration. hub.

Table 10 below summarizes the compared features for both configurations. Although the
modular option has many advantages, the single module version is recommended because it
offers significantly fewer wet-mate connectors that can severely affect the overall reliability of
the system. The weight considerations are similar in both cases, as the internal components can
be all designed for pressure compensated topologies.

Table 10: Comparison between proposed switch-hub concepts.

Modular, multiple Single module
~ 3 Tonnes [750 kg/module] 2.35 Tonnes
Flexibility in arrangement & easier to install Assembled as a whole
+3 WM connectors No extra connectors
Additional weight: Disconnectors (~ 25 kg) + Thyristors + Cooling medium


This section discusses the trade-off study performed on a pressure compensated design
approach for the 50MW deep-sea power distribution system being developed as part of the
RPSEA project. This study was initiated based on the feedback from the working group and our
own desire to explore alternative concepts. The advantages in a pressure compensated system is
primarily that the need for any pressure differential connectors that negatively impact system
reliability is eliminated. Furthermore, wall thickness will be much smaller because the system
does not have to be designed to withstand the full 300 bar pressure anymore. Therefore, module
weights are significantly lowered resulting in easier handling. The disadvantage is that thermal
management becomes extremely critical to the vessel design. The two-phase solution presented
before is not applicable at high pressures, and, therefore, the system relies on natural convection
for dissipating heat. In addition, the modules may require substantial geometry modifications and
surface enhancements to achieve the required cooling. Alternatively, active cooling may also be
required which again impacts the overall system reliability, size, and weight.
The original baseline design developed as part of the marinization concepts for this project is
a 10 kV module and was shown before in Figure 256. In this design, the vessel is divided into
two chambers: one is a pressure compensated chamber with non-pressure sensitive components
like the transformer; the other is the pressurized chamber which is a 1 atm vessel that houses all
the other power electronics components, such as the power stacks, capacitors, IGCTs, etc. The
connectors that pass through these chambers are dry-mate pressure differential in nature. The DC
input to the model and the output to the load are in the pressure compensated side of the module.
Two primary issues raised by the RPSEA Working Project Group were related to concerns
that typically have resulted in reduced reliability of marinized subsea systems.
One issue was with using active cooling, which is currently addressed through the multi-
phase cooling approach adopted in this project. Instead of using pumped cooling, which creates
issues related to reliability concerns of pumps, the proposed approach uses a pool boiling method
that relies on heat transfer using an electrically inert liquid (e.g., Fluorinert). The fluid will boil at
a much lower temperature and transfer heat to the walls of the vessel through evaporation,
followed by condensation, thereby creating a two-phase loop.
The second concern was related to the use of electrical connectors that often become the
primary source of failure. Reasons for this include the complexity in construction and
attachments, underwater assembly, insulation materials, and pressure ratings, among others. The
number of connectors increases with number of vessels that form the part of the distribution. As
a result, larger architectures, like the 50MW distribution system being developed in this project,
have many such connectors. The connectors can be classified as either wet-mateable or dry-
mateable, depending on their assembly location. As expected, wet-mate connectors tend to have
higher failure rates, although they present an advantage of the ease of installation for connecting
multiple smaller modules underwater. Another way to classify them is based on the pressure
difference the connector experiences on its ends. Since these modules are deployed in a deep-sea
environment, some of the components are pressure sensitive and need to be housed inside a
pressure vessel, whereas the non-pressure sensitive components can alternatively be housed
inside a pressure compensated vessel. Because pressure vessels designed for depths approaching
3000m require significantly greater wall thickness, they become extremely heavy and are
therefore a challenge for handling, installation, etc. So it is better to design pressure vessels
optimally only to house the sensitive components and the rest can be inside the thin-walled
vessels. As a result, the connectors that go between these vessels will see differential pressures
on both sides and are therefore sources of failure. As evident from the discussion above,
connectors prove to be a critical part of the system and need to undergo extensive detailed design
and qualification in order to maintain or improve overall system reliability. In this trade-off study
for the pressure compensated design, multiple options are considered and evaluated using
considerations due to size, connectors, heat transfer, etc.

F.3.1. Design 1: Single large vessel containing all drive components

This option assumes that all electrical components required for power conversion and
delivery are not pressure sensitive. Although these components are not available yet, some
groups in the industry are developing components that can withstand higher pressures than 1
atm. These components are still being evaluated in the research and feasibility stage, and it is still
unknown if they will sustain pressures experienced at depths in the range of 10,000 feet. For
simplicity, the transformer has been excluded from the baseline design in this study, and only the
current pressure sensitive components are considered. The first option assumes that all
components are housed in one large vessel, in this case a rectangular box. Thermal management
becomes challenging because the two-phase cooling method will not work at high pressures, and,
therefore, natural convection is required. However, natural convection is almost impossible in
this configuration because of regions that generate excessive heat, limiting the liquid medium to
naturally transfer heat to the wall.

Figure 272: All components inside a single pressure compensated vessel.

This is the simplest configuration for the pressure compensated design. The connectors to the
module, shown in Figure 272 above, do not see pressure differences between inside and outside
the vessel. The inside pressure will be regulated using a pressure compensation device, which is
a well understood technology and is widely implemented in many applications. For instance a
bellows designed to normalize up to 300 bar can be connected to equalize pressure in the vessel.

Since this is just one large vessel, installation, retrieval and repair must be performed on the
entire vessel. The dimensions for this vessel are listed in the summary table. Since all
components are incorporated into a single vessel, only two wet-mate connectors are required -
for input and output from the vessel.

F.3.2. Design 2: Pressure module (1 atm) inside the larger compensated vessel

Next, we reviewed a case in which some components that are not deepwater pressure tolerant
must be housed inside a 1 atm chamber. For this case, we looked at two options - where a small
pressure vessel containing all of the pressure sensitive components can be either inside or outside
a pressure compensated vessel.
In the first option, shown in Figure 273, it is assumed that some components are pressure
sensitive and need to reside within a 1 atm chamber, which is inside the larger, pressure
equalized vessel. For example, in this study we assume that the capacitor bank will be inside a
pressure vessel. One advantage to this configuration is that the pressure vessel will require a
much thinner wall because of its smaller size. Another advantage is that the connections between
the components inside the vessel and outside can be dry-mated. This implies that the entire
vessel assembly is carried out onshore/board before installation. The main in/out wet-mate
connectors are still required to attach the module to the hub and the load. However, an important
issue that has to be considered is the thermal performance of the module. The heat generated in
the smaller pressure vessel has to pass through two layers before dispersing to seawater, which
acts as the heat sink. This is particularly challenging, given that an earlier trade-off study
conducted when assessing various heat transfer techniques resulted in concluding that a two-
phase cooling approach is best suited for this application. However, such a solution is not
feasible at higher pressures which will be experienced in a pressure compensated vessel.
Although heat can be transferred out of the inner pressure vessel using a two-phase approach, it
is impossible to dissipate this heat from the outer vessel to seawater though natural convection.

Figure 273: Pressure vessel (1 atm) inside a pressure compensated vessel.

F.3.3. Pressure compensated vessel separated from the 1 atm module

This configuration, depicted in Figure 270, is explored primarily to address concerns related
to heat transfer in the previous option. It is assumed that the pressure sensitive components
housed inside the pressure vessel will be external to the pressure compensated vessel that
contains all the other components.

Figure 274: Pressure compensated vessel separated from the pressure vessel.
Although this design addresses the thermal management issues, it adds complexity in two
areas. First, additional wet-mate or dry-mate connectors that can handle pressure differential are
required . This is not a desirable method because it violates our initial goal to eliminate pressure
differential wet-mate connectors. Also, electrical connections become a challenge to perform
because the input stacks and output power stacks are connected internally to the DC capacitor
bank, which is located outside the vessel in this design. Therefore, current needs to come into the
DC bank vessel and return to the output stacks before going to the load. This option, too, is a not
a desirable option.

F.3.4. Design 4: Modular separation of input/output stacks along with pressure vessel

In this configuration the input and output stacks are separated into different vessels, as shown
in Figure 275. These vessels do not have to be cylindrical, since they are pressure compensated.
This option was explored to address heat transfer concerns due to natural convection in a larger
vessel, as shown in previous options. Although dissipating heat out to the walls and subsequently
to seawater is easier in this configuration, the number of required connectors is dramatically
increased, particularly if they are assembled subsea. Assembling all of the parts onboard is an
option, but installing all three vessels while attached to one another will pose a challenge when
lowering the drive. Otherwise, the connectors can be all dry-mated. This design option is not
particularly relevant and is therefore disregarded in the final trade-off study.

Figure 275: Modular separation of input, output stacks along with pressure vessel.

F.3.5. Design 1b: Modified option 1 with improved thermal management

After analyzing all of the design options presented above, it was concluded that option 1 is
still a viable concept if its known challenges regarding size, weight, and thermal management are
addressed. It is noted that the overall size and weight of the single large vessel cannot be altered
much, due to the fact that all the drive components are contained within this one vessel.
Therefore, installing and retrieving such large vessels is driven by the handling capacity of the
vessels. For example, the Troll pilot is capable of handling up to 400 tonnes. To address thermal
performance the following design, shown in Figure 276 is presented. In this concept, the single
vessel is compartmentalized into smaller chambers where the generated heat can naturally
transfer to the surrounding walls easier, since they are relatively closer to the components. Gaps
can be provided in between to allow for seawater to come in contact with walls closer to the
components. There are no pressure differential connectors in this design, as in Option 1.
Although the heat transfer is addressed to a major extent, significant challenges exist with
implementing this design. For example, all of the electrical connections between the
components, including the input stacks to the capacitor bank, are generally implemented using
bus bars, which can pose a challenge because they will be longer, given that the components are
further apart. Because of the increased size the added stresses during handling should also be
considered during design of the bus bars. One way to address these issues is to use bus bars in
conjunction with cables that connect the longer distances between the smaller compartments.

Figure 276: Modified version of option 1 with provision for better heat transfer.

A summary of the evaluated designs discussed above is presented in Table 11 below listing
all the design criteria investigated. The baseline design is the proposed hybrid concept discussed
in the beginning.
Table 11: Summary of trade-off analysis of all evaluated designs.


A variety of pressure compensated system design concepts were evaluated that led to
proposing of a hybrid module design for the 50MW subsea drive. The module development and
marinization aspects were designed and the final vessel dimensions were presented. The sizing of
the vessel was driven with system thermal model input to ensure that the inner wall temperature
stayed below 32 C to maintain the thermal path for heat transfer to seawater.
The pressure vessel was designed for a 300 bar hydrostatic load and was validated through
finite element analysis and analytical models. Furthermore, more detailed design of the vessel
with dimensions was carried out using ASME design code.
The installation and operating conditions were briefly explored and their effect on the
system, particularly to packaging, was investigated. Simulations were conducted to evaluate the
design for dynamic loading, based on expected installation conditions occurring in the field.
Furthermore, bypass mechanisms and switch-hub concepts were developed to mitigate fault risks
and improve availability and reliability.


The Subsea DC Connector Study is a task of RPSEA project 08121-2901-01, Ultra-Reliable

Deepwater Electrical Power Distribution System and Power Components. In subsea DC power
systems such as the MSDC system studied in this project, dry-mate and wet-mate DC cable
connectors are critical components for ensuring reliable electrical power delivery to and within
the system. Currently, there are commercially available dry-mate and wet-mate AC connectors,
such as the GE Vetco Gray MECON connectors. DC connectors with greater than 12kV voltage
ratings are not yet available. Because of resistive grading and space charge effects, the electrical
stress control techniques for AC applications are not effective for DC applications. Special
insulation designs and materials formulations have been specifically developed for DC cables
and cable accessories in HVDC transmission and distribution (T&D) systems, and have made
significant progress in recent years. Unlike land-based cable connectors, subsea connectors must
also satisfy the stringent mechanical requirements for long-term deep-sea operations that can
only be fulfilled with special and complicated mechanical structures and installation processes.
Therefore, a fundamental understanding of the feasibility of achieving DC electrical stress
control within the mechanical design of a subsea connector is essential for DC connector
development. This project task is devoted to closing this technology gap in the early
development phase of subsea DC connectors by proposing an electrical conceptual design for a
50kV, single conductor subsea DC connector, leveraging the existing and field-proven
mechanical design of a MECON 36kV, three-conductor AC connector. The DC and transient
field distributions have been analyzed for the proposed design based on experimentally measured
material properties. Results indicate that the stress levels in the DC connector can be sufficiently
lower than the experimentally measured insulation breakdown strengths within the dimensions of
the AC connector. The conceptual design proposed in this study can be used as the starting point
in the next step of the subsea DC connector development, which will focus on fabricating
prototype connectors based on a conceptual design and validating the design by testing under
simulated operational conditions.

G.1 Introduction

G.1.1. Background

Challenges with high voltage, high power subsea cable connectors

Subsea cable connectors form the interfaces between underwater power cables and electrical
power instruments. The high integrity, reliable long-term operation of the connectors under both
normal and fault conditions is critical for ensuring uninterrupted power delivery to the subsea oil
and gas processing equipment. On the one hand, the connector must provide reliable mechanical
connection in a deep sea environment. In order to achieve long-term reliability (typically 25
years) it is essential to prevent water from entering the high voltage system. For dry-mate
connectors the mechanical structure must provide seawater barriers capable of handling large
pressure differences between the two sides of the connection. For wet-mate connectors, special
techniques, such as in-situ flushing processes, are required to remove seawater and provide
reliable electrical insulation. On the other hand, the connector must also be able to adequately

control the electrical stress associated with high voltage cable termination and electrical
connections, and the structures and materials used for electrical stress control must be compatible
with the mechanical design. It is the coexistence of stringent mechanical and electrical
requirements that make the development of the subsea cable connectors especially challenging.

Goose neck
flying lead



Hydraulic stab

Torque tool

Figure 277: MECON Jumper Connection System (left). ROV operated Connection Skid (top right). 36kV/500
Amp Test Dummy under assembly (bottom right).

Thanks to extensive research and development efforts, subsea AC connectors are already
commercially available and have entered field applications. For instance, GE Vetco Gray offers
subsea AC connectors with voltage ratings up to 36kV (wet-mate) and 145kV (dry-mate) (Figure
277 and Figure 278), which have field-proven reliability in subsea power distribution systems.
Since multiple dry-mate and/or wet-mate DC connectors are required in subsea HVDC power
systems, DC connectors are among the critical enabling components of the entire system.
Therefore, development and qualification of highly reliable DC connectors are crucial for
ensuring timely implementation of the HVDC powered subsea processing systems. It is expected
that much of the experience acquired in the MECON AC connector development and
qualification can be leveraged for the DC connectors, including, but not limited to:
The full metal encapsulation of the electrical connecting parts by means of a metal-
sealing technology that guarantees the long-term integrity of the seawater barrier;
The flushing process designed for transition from a highly conductive (saltwater)
state to the highly insulated (oil) state for long-term high voltage operation in deep
sea environments;
Electrical connections based on hydraulically actuated internal pistons for wet-mate
Basic insulating materials (e.g., epoxy, silicone, and oil) with proven reliability and
compatibility during long-term connector operation; and
Dedicated tool skid installation and maintenance, i.e., using ROVs.
There are unique challenges associated with high voltage insulation systems in a DC
connector due to the significant differences between DC and AC electric field distribution. For
instance, for land-based HVDC insulation systems, such as those in HVDC cable accessories and
converter transformers, the design for handling DC electric fields is in general different from that
for AC fields. Considering the HVDC-related challenge in addition to the general challenge for
subsea connectors, the present study focuses on investigating the feasibility of achieving DC
electrical stress control by modifying the high voltage insulation design without significantly
changing the mechanical structure and installation process designed for the AC connectors.

Figure 278: MECON DM 145/700 dry-mate connector.

Challenges with HVDC

It is known that HVDC insulation faces unique challenges that are fundamentally different
from those associated with HVAC insulation (Table 12). In HVAC insulation the electric field
distribution is governed by the dielectric constant of the materials. For typical insulators used in
high voltage systems, the dielectric constant changes only slightly with temperature and electric
field, and it does not differ significantly among different types of materials (typically in the range
between 2 and 5). This means the field distribution in HVAC insulation is stable and well
predictable, and stress concentration due to dielectric constant contrast is not significant. On the
other hand, for HVDC insulation the electric field distribution is governed by the resistivity of
the materials, which could vary by orders of magnitudes under different temperature and electric
field. For instance, when temperature changes from 20 C to 80 C the resistivity of cross-linked
polyethylene (XLPE), the predominant insulation material for extruded power transmission
cables, will decrease by more than two orders of magnitude. Furthermore, the resistivity also
differs significantly among insulating materials. For instance, at room temperature the resistivity
of XLPE can be as high as 1015 to 1016 -m, while for epoxy insulation it is typically between
1013 and 1014 -m, and for oil insulation it is only between 1010 and 1012 -m. Therefore, it is
much more challenging to achieve uniform field distribution under HVDC.

Table 12: Difference between HVAC and HVDC insulation

The effect of space charges poses another challenge for HVDC insulation. Under DC
voltages, and especially with the presence of temperature gradient and interfaces between
different materials, electrical charges migrate and accumulate to form space charges, which can
significantly change the field distribution. The space charge distribution can be further
complicated by the presence of charge traps in the insulation. As a result, the electric field
distribution under DC voltages is in general very different from the Laplacian field (i.e., without
space charges). The charge motion in the insulation is very slow. Hence, during transient events
when the applied voltage changes rapidly, although the AC component of electric field changes
instantaneously, the field generated by the space charge remains almost unchanged for a
relatively long time period after the voltage is stabilized. Thus, during transient events the AC
and DC field components may superimpose and result in a much higher electric field than both
AC and DC steady-state values. Therefore, both the DC steady-state and transient responses
must be considered when designing DC connector stress control systems.

G.1.2. Technical Approach

The objective of the present project task is to investigate the feasibility of achieving adequate
DC stress control in a wet-mate connector whose overall mechanical structure and dimensions
are similar to those of the field-proven MECON AC wet-mate connectors. Wet-mate connectors
are chosen for this study because from the electrical point of view they contain both the cable
termination (also needed for dry-mate) and the wet-mate chamber (for wet-mate only). There are
special challenges associated with the mechanical design of dry-mate connectors, since they need
to handle a large pressure differential between the two sides of the connection. However, with
the existing experience on dry-mate AC connectors, this is not a fundamental risk for the DC
connectors, and, hence, is not addressed in the present study.
The present project task involves two sub-tasks:
1. Conceptual design of a 50 kV wet-mate DC connector
The electrical field distribution under steady-state DC voltages and other possible electrical
conditions (e.g., transient voltages) is numerically calculated. The DC-related materials
properties used as model inputs are based on experimental results. An insulation system

design is proposed, based on the numerical model, to control the DC and transient electric
field levels to within acceptable levels. The acceptable field levels used in the design are
supported by results of materials and interface breakdown tests.
2. Characterization of insulation materials properties related to DC operation
Experimental study has been conducted to determine the materials and interface properties
that are critical for DC operation. The types of materials and interfaces under investigation
include: solid insulation, oil insulation, solid-solid interfaces, and oil-solid interfaces. The
types of experiments include conductivity tests for the insulating and stress grading
materials, and the breakdown strength and partial discharge measurements of the insulating
materials and interfaces. The experimental results are used as model inputs for the conceptual
design, and also as evidence supporting the acceptable field levels used in the design. The
experimental study in this project task focused on the properties of small samples over
relatively short periods of time, which serve the purpose of a conceptual design. Further
testing on full-sized prototypes over a prolonged time and under simulated subsea
environments will be conducted in future steps of the DC connector development.

G.2 Conceptual design

G.2.1. Overview of the connector

Figure 279: Simplified connector model for conceptual design.

The conceptual design of the connector is based on a simplified model (Figure 279). At the
center of the connector is the wet-mate chamber containing a female-style shuttle piston. After
the wet-mate process the chamber is filled with insulating oil. Two cable termination chambers
are connected to the two sides of the wet-mate chamber, which contain stress cones and field
deflectors, which are used for controlling the stress distribution in the region where the various
layers of the cable terminates. There are two pressure control chambers connected to the cable
termination chambers. It is assumed that the steel casing, the various flanges, the outer surface of
cable terminator, and the outer shield of the cable are connected to ground potential, while the
center copper conductor is at high voltage. Regarding the heat transfer analysis, it is assumed

that joule heating in the center conductor and at the electrical contacts acts as the heat source, 1
and heat dissipation occurs through heat exchange with seawater. In this simplified model the
structural details that are not under electrical stress and having little impact on electric field
distribution are neglected. They include, for instance, the various screws and seals at ground
potential, and the detailed structure inside the pressure control chamber. The pressure control
chambers are not under electrical stress, but they may affect the temperature distribution of the
connector, and are included in the model.

G.2.2. Design specifications

The major specifications of the commercially available MECON AC connectors, as well as the
anticipated specifications for the future DC connector products, are listed in Table 13.
Table 13: Specifications of MECON AC connectors and expected specifications of DC connectors.

Operation AC connectors DC connector AC connectors DC connector

Conditions (MECON Wet (Wet-mate) (MECON Dry Mate) (Dry-mate)
Max. water 3 km 3 km 3 km 3 km
Steady-state 15-100 Hz 0 Hz 10-200 Hz 0 Hz
power freq.
External temp. o
-5 to 20 C
-5 to 20 C
-5 to 20 C
-5 to 20 C

Voltage rating 6/10 (12) kV, 50-80 kV 18/30 (36) KV, 76/132 145 kV
Uo/U (Um) 18/30 (36) kV (145) kV
Current rating 500 1800 A 500 A 700 A 700 A

The specification used for the conceptual design is shown in Table 14. The conceptual design
focuses on wet-mate connectors since this will address the challenges with both the solid
insulation in the cable terminator and the solid/oil hybrid insulation in the wet-mate chamber.
The conceptual design assumes a rated voltage of 50 kV (DC). In addition to the rated voltage,
the analysis also includes AC and DC stress distributions under 2 times and 3 times the rated
voltages. This provides an understanding on the behavior of the connector under higher voltages
during qualification or fault conditions. On the other hand, this also allows for a prediction of the
connector design when the rated voltage is moderately increased (e.g., from 50 to 80 kV). A
possible variation of seawater from -5 oC to 20 oC is considered in the connector specification.
Heat is generated in a connector at the center conductor (both from the conductor and the
contacts between conductors). The thermal resistance between the center conductor and the sea is
determined by the thermal properties of the solid and liquid insulation, which may be regarded as
constants as a first approximation. Therefore, the temperature difference between the center

Joule heating also exists in the insulation and the stress grading materials, but calculation shows the heat
generation is negligible comparing to the conductors and contacts.
conductor and the seawater is essentially independent of the seawater temperature. The seawater
temperature in this design is assumed to be 20 oC because this will result in the highest
temperature around the center conductor and can be regarded as the worst case for the insulating
materials. The present study only considers the single conductor design. In actual systems
connectors with more than one conductor in the same casing may be desirable. Increasing the
number of conductors will require adjustment of the connector dimension, but from an electrical
stress control point of view it will not bring about additional fundamental challenges compared
to the single conductor design, assuming each conductor has ground screen.

Table 14: Specifications used for the present conceptual design

Parameter Value
Type of connector wet-mate
Rated voltage 50 kV (DC)
Rated current 500 A
Seawater temperature 20 oC
No. of conductors 1

An overview of the conceptual design of the 50 kV, single-conductor DC connector is shown

in Figure 280, and its dimension is compared to the commercially available MECON 36 kV,
three-phase AC connector (Table 15). It is evident that the dimension of this single conductor 50
kV DC connector is within the dimension of the MECON three-conductor 36 kV AC connector,
which suggests that the mechanical structure of the latter can be adopted for the DC connector.
Moreover, except for the addition of certain stress grading layers, the main insulation materials
of the DC connector are the same as those for the AC connector, and hence the tooling used to
construct the AC connector will be suitable for making the DC connector as well.
The remainder of this chapter describes the details of the conceptual design, as well as a
review of the results of the experimental investigations, that support the conceptual design.

Figure 280: Overview of the conceptual design for the 50 kV, single-conductor DC connector.

Table 15: Comparison between the dimensions of the 50kV DC connector (with 500A on single
conductor) and the commercially available 36kV AC MECON connector (with three conductors,
500A each).

50 kV DC, 500 A, single AC 36 kV, 500A/phase , 3

conductor conductors (MECON 36/500)
Length (m) 2 2
Average Diameter (m) 0.25 0.35

G.2.3. Method of the electrical conceptual design

The objective of the electrical conceptual design is to investigate if it is possible to control

the electrical stress level to within certain acceptable design limits. Therefore, the two major
tasks of the conceptual design are the determination of: electric field distribution for a given
connector design and the maximum field level at each location in the connector.
Determination of electric field distribution
The electric field distribution in the connector is determined by the current continuity
condition. Under electric field the conductive current is
( ) , (44)
the displacement current is
( )
, (45)
and the continuity of current requires
( )
[ ( ) ] . (46)

Here is the electric field, is the temperature, is time, and ( ) is the electrical
conductivity. which is field and temperature dependent, and and are the vacuum
permittivity and the dielectric constant of the material, respectively. The electric field is related
to electric potential. , by
. (47)
The boundary condition is provided by specifying the electrical potentials at the various
interior and exterior conductor surfaces.
The electric field is solved in three steps:
Calculate the current distribution in the center conductor;
Calculate the temperature distribution with heat generation from the center conductor and
Calculate the electric field distribution in the connector based on the given temperature
Once the current distribution is known, the heat generation can be calculated, and the
temperature distribution can be readily solved with the proper heat transfer boundary conditions
at the interface with seawater. The electric field distribution is then determined based on the
temperature- and field-dependent resistivity of the materials once the temperature distribution is
known. For the connector model shown in Figure 279, the above field solving procedure is
implemented numerically by finite element method (FEM) using the COMSOL Multiphysics 4.1
software with the Electrical Currents and Heat Transfer interfaces.
Determination of acceptable field levels
It is important to determine the maximum acceptable field levels at all of the locations in the
connector, and design the connector, so that the field distribution does not exceed these levels, in
order to ensure reliable operation for both normal and fault conditions. Currently there are no
industrial standard or design rules available that specify the design field level for DC connectors.
Therefore, a best estimation of the acceptable field level can only be obtained based on extensive
testing data, not only on materials, but also on the whole connector, as well as life-cycle data
from field-installed connectors. A complete set of these data is not yet available for DC
connectors. For the present conceptual design, the short time breakdown strengths of the various
insulation materials and interfaces in the connectors are experimentally measured considering the
effect of moisture and seawater, and the acceptable field levels are estimated by considering
breakdown strength reduction due to long-term degradation effects, contamination, and possible
defects introduced by manufacturing and installation processes. The design field levels are also
referenced to those used in other HVDC applications, such as HVDC outdoor insulation and the
oil/paper insulation in HVDC converter transformers. A DC connector needs to withstand not
only DC voltage but also transient voltages. Hence, both DC (i.e., resistive-graded) fields and
AC (i.e., capacitive-graded) fields need to be considered. Thus, the acceptable field levels were
selected for AC fields as well.

G.2.4. Overall distribution of thermal and electric fields

The temperature distribution in the connector with 500A of total current flowing in the center
conductor is shown in Figure 281. The seawater is assumed to be at 20C. The conductor
temperature of the incoming cables is assumed to be at 80C, which hardly affects the
temperature distribution in the termination and wet-mate chambers due to the heat transfer in the
pressure control chamber. It is assumed that the electrical contacts between the female-style
shuttle piston and the metal pins (Figure 281b) have 0.15m contact resistance, and it is evident
that the two act as the major heat source in the connector. There are also other contacts in the
connector, such as those between the cable conductor and the copper receptacle in the
termination chamber. However, it is expected that the contacts in the shuttle piston are more
susceptible to aging because of the (possibly multiple) wet-mate process, and, hence, in this
study these are assumed to have high contact resistance. The maximum temperature in the
termination and wet-mate chambers is almost linearly dependent on the contact resistance
(Figure 281c). With a 0.15m contact resistance the maximum temperature is about 71C.


(b) (c)
Figure 281: (a) The temperature distribution in the connector; (b) Heat generation around contact;
(c) maximum temperature in the wet-mate chamber as a function of contact resistance.

Assuming the temperature distribution shown in Figure 281a, the overall electric stress
distribution in the connector under a DC steady-state condition is illustrated in Figure 282. In
general there are two regions that require redesign for DC applications, namely the cable
termination area and the wet-mate chamber. In the cable termination area the conductive layers
outside the cable insulation terminates, which creates a sharp edge at ground potential, and hence
without special optimization the field distribution will be highly non-uniform. Additionally, there
are many solid-to-solid interfaces in the cable termination between the cable, stress cone, and the
epoxy insulation, which under the highly non-uniform field distribution can lead to low
breakdown voltages. On the other hand, in the wet-mate chamber there are large areas of oil-
solid interfaces. Under AC voltages the oil and the epoxy have very similar dielectric constants
and the field distribution is relatively uniform, while under DC voltages the conductivity of oil is
at least more than one order of magnitude higher than that of the solid. Hence, the problem of
field concentration is much more severe. Detailed analysis on the stress control in the cable
termination and wet-mate chambers will be presented in the next two sections.

Figure 282: Overall potential distribution in the connector under DC steady-state. The colored
curves are equi-potential lines.

G.2.5. Focused Investigation on Termination Chamber

The structure of the cable termination is sketched in Figure 283. The semiconductive outer
shield of the cable terminates where it enters the cable termination region, leaving a sharp edge
that can cause significant field enhancement. Therefore, the termination point of the
semiconductive shield is surrounded by a stress cone, which is made of insulating silicone rubber
and embedded with a conductive silicone rubber field deflector. An epoxy insulated copper
receptacle is located on the other side of the cable termination chamber. After assembly, the
cable surrounded by the silicone stress cone meets tightly with the epoxy insulation of the copper
receptacle, and the cable conductor is electrically connected to the copper receptacle through a
specially designed contact.
Stress control under AC and DC voltages
Because the DC connector must withstand both DC and transient voltages, both resistive-
graded and capacitive-graded field distributions need to be considered. A combined use of
geometric stress control and nonlinear stress grading materials is adopted in the design. The
geometric grading is mainly used to control the capacitive-graded field distribution. In this case
the stress control is achieved by optimizing the shape of the field deflectors (Figure 283). The
shapes of the optimized copper and silicone deflectors are respectively shown in Figure 283a and
Figure 283b, and their effect on the AC stress control is illustrated in Figure 284a.

(a) copper receptacle (b) cable & stress cone side

Figure 283: Structure of the cable termination region.

(a) Under 50kV AC (b) Under 50kV DC

Figure 284: Potential distribution in the cable termination area.

(a) Without stress grading layer

(b) With stress grading layer

(c) The line along which the interfacial field is plotted
Figure 285: Interfacial field distribution along the cable insulation surface in the termination
chamber, with varying conductivities in the insulation materials.
The dielectric constants of insulating materials are weak functions of temperature, electric
field, time, aging, etc., and hence the optimized structure with geometric stress control capability
can sufficiently control the AC fields under different situations. The conductivity of the
insulating materials can vary significantly due to aging, contaminations, and/or fluctuations of
temperature and field. Even for an ideal material under constant electric field and temperature,
the conductivity changes with time due to a complicated relaxation process (see the experimental
investigation part of this report). Geometric optimization alone cannot adequately control the DC
stress distribution under all situations. Therefore, in addition to the field deflectors a stress
grading layer is needed at the interface whose field-dependent conductivity is based on
experimentally measured values of an existing stress grading material. The interfacial field
distributions (i.e., field component along the interface) under various conductivity values are
plotted in Figure 285, and the distributions with and without the stress grading layer are
compared. It is evident that the electric field around the XLPE-Epoxy-Silicone junction without
the stress grading layer can vary significantly when the conductivities of the materials vary
(Figure 285a), while the fluctuation of field distribution with the stress grading layer is
significantly reduced (Figure 285b). It can be seen that the stress grading layer at the interface
between cable insulation and the silicone or epoxy insulation causes distortion of the equi-
potential lines so that they distribute uniformly along this interface, which corresponds to a
relatively uniform interfacial field distribution.
In addition to the rated operating voltage (50 kV), the connector can be subjected to higher
voltages during qualification tests or under fault conditions during operation. Therefore, the
electric field distribution along the interface under higher AC and DC voltages has also been
studied (Figure 286). Because the dielectric constant of materials does not vary with electric field
under AC voltages, the field distribution changes linearly with voltage (Figure 286b). On the
other hand, the conductivity of the stress grading layer has a strong dependence on field strength,
and hence under higher DC voltages the stress grading layer has higher conductivities and
therefore a stronger effect on stress distribution, resulting in more uniform field distribution
along the interface (Figure 286a). The maximum interfacial field strength under DC voltages
increases at a lower rate with the applied voltages due to the same effect.
(a) DC voltages (b) AC voltages

Figure 286: Interfacial field distribution along the cable insulation surface under different voltages.

Since the DC stress control relies on the stress grading layer, it is important that this layer
itself does not fail under the design field levels. The breakdown strength of the stress grading
materials has been measured under different conditions and it has been confirmed that the design
field level is indeed significantly lower than the breakdown field of the material (See the
experimental part of this report).
Transient response of the cable termination
The DC connector is subjected to transient voltages in addition to steady-state DC voltages.
The field distribution under transient voltages may be governed by resistive grading, capacitive
grading, or a mixture of the two, depending on the voltage waveform and time. The transient
response may be most easily understood by considering the situation in which a high voltage is
applied on the center conductor of a connector. i.e., by applying a step-up voltage waveform. that
is originally grounded. When the voltage is first applied, the electric field is instantaneously
established between the center conductor and the conductors at ground potential. The electric
field distribution follows capacitive grading within a very short time after the voltage is applied
because the electrical charges have not yet responded to the electric field. Then the charges
change in response to this established electric field and reach a new equilibrium state, in which
the electric field follows resistive grading. The characteristic time of this relaxation process
depends on the structure and dimension of the connector, as well as the conductivity of the
various insulating materials.
In order to analyze the transient response of the connector quantitatively, the electric field
distribution during and after a polarity reversal event has been numerically modeled. The polarity
reversal event is chosen because it represents an extreme case of transient response; hence,
analyzing this case can also provide information regarding the responses under milder conditions
(such as the turn-on and turn-off processes). Moreover, when designing the DC connector it is
desirable that it be capable of use not only for the MSDC system, but also for alternative systems
with more severe polarity reversal events. Therefore, it should be noted that including a
polarity reversal study for the DC connector does not mean that the MSDC system will
generate such polarity reversing waveforms.
The waveform considered in the polarity reversal analysis is shown in Figure 287a. The
connector is assumed to be at +50kV DC steady-state at t=0. The voltage is reversed to -50kV at
t=1msec, and the reversal happens within 1 msec. The voltage is kept at -50kV DC. The transient
response is solved using the COMSOL Multiphysics software, with the backward differentiation
formulas (BDF) based solver for handling the time dependent problem. The simulated interfacial
field distribution along the cable insulation surface is shown in Figure 287b. Here, the direction
of the initial electric field is taken to be the negative direction. It can be seen that initially the
field follows the steady-state DC distribution at +50kV. Just after the polarity is reversed (at
2.5msec), the electric field at most locations changes direction, and the overall field distribution
resembles the capacitive-graded field (compare to Figure 287b). However, it is noticeable that
the peak field strength is about 0.7kV/mm at this moment, which is considerably higher than
both steady-state AC and DC field levels less than 50kV (see Figure 286). On the other hand, the
electric field remains low because the steady-state field levels have been controlled to be very
low, even with the enhancement during polarity reversal (<= 0.7kV/mm). At longer times after
the polarity reversal (Figure 287b, 1-1000sec) the field distribution slowly relaxes to the steady-
state DC field along the opposite direction. In this case the characteristic time is several hundred
seconds. Figure 287c illustrates the overall field distribution in the cable termination region
during and after the polarity reversal process. It is evident that both the initial state and the state
long after polarity reversal resemble the DC steady-state field distribution, while during the
transition process the field distribution shows mixed features of capacitively and resistively
graded fields. Because the termination region has adopted a combined geometric and stress
grading layer based stress control, throughout the whole process the maximum field strength
remains low.

(a) Waveform of polarity reversal

(b) Time-dependent interfacial field distribution along the cable surface during and after polarity

(c) Overall potential distribution in the termination area during and after polarity reversal.
Figure 287: Response of the connector under a polarity reversal event.

Conclusions of cable termination chamber design

The cable termination chamber poses a challenge for DC stress control because of the
existence of significant field concentration, interfaces between different insulators, and multiple
insulating materials with different conductivities. Both the AC and DC fields can be controlled to
within acceptable limits by combining geometric stress control and stress grading layers made of
special nonlinear materials. It has been numerically verified that under higher voltages and
transient voltage waveforms the cable termination can still effectively limit the maximum field
level. The acceptable field levels used in the design are supported by materials-level tests which
are reported in the experimental part of this report.

G.2.6. Focused Investigation on Wet-Mate Chamber

Stress control for DC steady-state

The wet-mate chamber is another part of the connector that requires special attention for
subsea DC applications. Even though the overall insulation thickness in the wet-mate chamber is
considerably larger than in the cable termination, the conductivity contrast between oil and
epoxy (typically about 100:1) is much larger than those between the solid insulation materials in
the cable termination (typically within 10:1). Thus, the challenge with field concentration in the
wet-mate chamber under DC is also significant in spite of its larger overall insulation thickness.
This can be illustrated by the numerical simulation results (Figure 288). The electric field
distribution is relatively uniform because the dielectric constants of the oil (3.2) and the epoxy
(4.2) are very similar under AC field conditions. On the other hand, the electric field is almost
completely expelled from the oil because the conductivity of the oil is about two orders of
magnitude higher than that of the epoxy under DC conditions.

(a) under 50kV DC

(b) under 50kV AC (60 Hz)

Figure 288: Overall potential distribution in the wet-mate chamber.

While the exclusion of an electric field from oil decreases the likelihood of breakdown events
in the oil, it results in field enhancement in other locations in the wet-mate chamber. In fact, high
interfacial field level can be found around the interface between the shuttle piston and the epoxy
insulation for the center conductor, which also includes seals for isolating the oil (Figure 289a).
Depending on whether or not there exists a thin layer of oil at the interface, the field distribution
assumes different shapes (Figure 289b), but for both cases there is a significant field
concentration at the interface, either around the seal-epoxy interface or around the epoxy-oil
interface. It is desirable to suppress the field concentration to avoid initiation of discharges, while
the large difference between the oil and the solid insulation (epoxy, seal) makes this challenging.
Therefore, similar to the cable termination chamber, a stress grading layer is introduced to
control the field distribution along the interface (Figure 289a). With this surface layer the field
distribution along the interface becomes more uniform and no longer exhibits significant the
field concentration (Figure 289b).

(a) Sketch of the structure around the interface

(b) Interfacial field distribution along the interface under different conditions

(c) Overall DC potential distribution without the conductive surface layer

(d) Overall DC potential distribution with the stress grading layer

Figure 289: Stress control for the interface between the shuttle piston and the insulated center

Stress control during polarity reversal

Similar to the analysis of the cable termination chamber, the transient response of the wet-
mate chamber under polarity reversal event (voltage waveform shown in Figure 287a) has also
been simulated. As shown in Figure 290, shortly after the polarity reversal (e.g., at 0.58 msec)
the field distribution contains both resistive-graded and capacitive-graded field components, and
the superimposition of these components results in very high interfacial field along the oil/epoxy
interface in the radial direction. However, the maximum field level along the radial-direction
epoxy/oil interface can be reduced to below 1.5kV/mm by modifying the radius of epoxy, as
shown in Figure 291. On the other hand, the maximum interfacial field strength along the z-
direction interface between the shuttle piston and the center epoxy insulation is controlled to
below 0.5kV/mm under both DC steady-state and transient conditions.

Figure 290: Transient response during and after polarity reversal; center insulation radius is 20

Figure 291: Transient response during and after polarity reversal, with center insulation radius
increased from 20 mm to 30 mm.

Conclusions of wet-mate chamber design

The large contrast between the conductivities of the oil and epoxy insulators can result in
significant field enhancement under DC steady-state, especially along the interface between the
shuttle piston and the epoxy insulation of the center conductor. Because of the conductivity
contrast it is difficult to use geometric optimization alone to effectively control the stress. A
stress grading layer along this interface is employed in the design so that it can force the field to
distribute uniformly along the interface under DC steady-state conditions. On the other hand,
under transient voltage waveforms, such as polarity reversal, the peak electric field along the
oil/epoxy interface in the radial direction can be higher than both DC and AC steady-state field
levels, and can exceed the acceptable field level. This issue is resolved in the design by
increasing the radius of the epoxy insulation for the center conductor to reduce the capacitive
component of the field, thus reducing the maximum field level.

G.3 Experimental Investigation

The experimental study conducted in this project is summarized in Table 16. The
experimental results have been used to support the conceptual design of the connector in two
i) Determination of materials properties as model inputs
The simulation model used in the conceptual design requires materials properties as input.
While certain properties such as dielectric constant and thermal conductivity are readily available
from literature or datasheet, complete information about the DC conductivities of the insulating
materials used for the connector and their dependence on temperature, electric field, and time are
not yet available, yet this information is critical for the determination of DC field distribution.
Therefore, a systematic measurement of DC conductivity has been carried out in the project. The
impact of moisture and salt water on the conductivity of oil has also been studied.

Table 16: Summary of experiments.

Type of experiment Type of materials Location in
DC conductivity of Epoxy (main connector insulation) Cable termination,
solid Silicone rubber (stress cone) wet-mate chamber
Cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE, cable
Conductivity of stress Nonlinear stress grading material Cable termination
grading material
Breakdown test of Epoxy-rubber interface Cable termination
solid interfaces Epoxy-XLPE interface
XLPE-rubber interface
Breakdown test of Nonlinear stress grading material Cable termination
stress grading layer sandwiched between solid insulators
DC conductivity of oil Insulating oil Wet-mate chamber
Breakdown test of oil Insulating oil Wet-mate chamber
and oil/solid Oil-epoxy interface
Impact of seawater on Insulating oil contaminated with moisture Wet-mate chamber
oil conductivity Insulating oil contaminated with seawater
Impact of seawater on Insulating oil contaminated with moisture Wet-mate chamber
oil breakdown Insulating oil contaminated with seawater
Partial discharge in oil Insulating oil Wet-mate chamber
Oil-epoxy interface

ii) Determination of acceptable field levels

The acceptable field level at different locations in the connector must be determined and then
used as targets for the design. These field levels depend on the failure behavior of the various
insulation materials and interfaces. In this project the short time breakdown strength of the solid

and oil insulation, as well as the interfaces, have been measured and the impact of moisture on
oil and oil/solid interfaces have been investigated. It should be noted that unlike the conductivity,
which can be determined precisely using small samples, a valid estimation of the design field
levels can only be obtained based on both short-term and long-term prototype testing data, as
well as field-installed units life-cycle data. While these data are not yet available, the materials
level breakdown test results can be used to provide a first estimation on the acceptable field
levels. The uncertainty due to the geometrical (i.e., small size samples vs. full size connectors)
and temporal (short-term vs. long-term) differences between the materials test results and the
actual behavior of a connector can be accounted for by incorporating in a large safety margin in
the present design. Breakdown strength reduction due to long-term degradation, and possible
contamination, and defects introduced by manufacturing and installation processes are also
considered for setting design stress level.

G.3.1. Solid insulation

G.3.1.1. Conductivity of solid insulation

In order to measure the conductivity of the insulating material, a DC electric field is applied
on a thin sheet of the material, and the leakage current is measured using a small current
measurement system. An overview of the measurement system is shown in Figure 292a. DC high
voltage is generated by a power amplifier (not shown in the figure) that is controlled with a
signal generator. The high voltage cable connects to one electrode in a specially made sample
holder (Figure 292b, c). The other electrode in the sample holder is connected to a preamplifier
that is capable of measuring pico-amp level currents. The amplified signal is read using a
voltmeter and recorded by a Labview program. The sample holder is placed inside an oven so
that the measurement can be performed under various temperatures. Since the current to be
measured is very small, the sample holder is specially designed to minimize noise. The high
voltage, high temperature insulated test cable enters the holder, and inside the holder the
conductor is insulated by a bushing. The high voltage conductor then connects to a spring-loaded
electrode that is in contact with one surface of the test sample. The other side of the sample is in
contact with the signal electrode, which is in turn connected to the input of the preamplifier
through a signal cable. The sample holder also contains a guard electrode that may be used to
eliminate the contribution from surface conduction. The entire sample holder is enclosed by
grounded metal casing to form a Faraday cage and shield the sample from external noises.
During the measurement each voltage level was applied for two minutes, and the conduction
current was measured for up to two minutes before the voltage was increased to the next value.
The samples were not discharged between two voltage steps. However, after completing the
measurement at the maximum electric field the sample was discharged for a sufficiently long
time to allow the dielectric absorption current to return to within the background noise level
before the next set of measurement began. There were five types of epoxies investigated in the
study: Epoxy-1 is similar to the type used in the MECON wet-mate connector and the other four
have different compositions and are used for comparison. The resin precursor were each first
mixed, then degassed and cast into a tow-inch diameter rod for all the epoxy resins,. The rod was
then diced into 300 to 500m thickness slices and polished to improve the surface smoothness.
Then 4cm diameter gold electrodes were deposited on each side of each sample using sputtering
(45mA, 4minutes for each side).

(b) (c)
Figure 292: Experiment set up for solid conductivity measurement.
The measured conductivities of the different epoxy materials are summarized in Figure 293.
The temperature dependence of the logarithm of conductivity indicates that there are two distinct
temperature ranges that are each dependent on temperature. The transition between these two
regions roughly corresponds to the glass transition temperature of the epoxy (around 80 - 100
C). The conductivity shows stronger temperature dependence above the glass transition
temperature. The logarithm of the conductivity also linearly depends on the electric field within
the range of applied field levels (Figure 293b). In the connector design the maximum operating
temperature is chosen to be below the glass transition temperature of the epoxy, and in this
temperature range the measured conductivity can be approximately modeled as
( ), (48)
where is a constant and is independent of temperature and field, is the temperature
coefficient, and is the field coefficient. This formula agrees well with the measured
conductivities, yet it has a simple form and can be readily used as the materials model in
COMSOL FEM simulation.
The fitted and coefficients are summarized in Figure 294. As a comparison the
values for cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE), the predominant insulation material for extruded
HVDC cable, are also included. The different epoxy materials exhibit very similar coefficients
(Figure 294a), and the values are significantly lower than that of XLPE. On the other hand,
epoxy-1, epoxy-2, and epoxy-3 show similar coefficients. For the epoxy-4 and epoxy-5 the
coefficients are very low below the glass transition temperature (about 90 oC) but are
significantly higher above the glass transition temperature (Figure 294b).

(a) (b)
Figure 293: Conductivity of epoxy materials. a) Temperature dependence (Electric field: 5kV/mm);
b) Electric field dependence (Temperature: 80 C). All data taken at 2 minutes after voltage is


Figure 294: The fitted a) (at 5 kV/mm, below glass transition temperature) and b) coefficients
of the epoxy materials and XLPE.

While the FEM model uses conductivity values at 2 minutes as materials property input, it is
known that the DC conductivity of insulating material varies with time, even under constant
temperature and electric field conditions. In order to understand the conductivity variation with
respect to time, measurement must be extended over longer time periods. The conductivity
values four hours after voltage application were compared to those at two minutes after the
voltage was applied. Table 17 provides ratios of 4-hour to 2-minute conductivities for the three
materials at two different temperatures. It is evident that conductivity can change considerably
with time and that the degree of variation depends on factors including material type and
temperature. Figure 291 shows the measured time dependent conductivity for epoxy-1. It is
evident that its conductivity decreases with time, and after about one hour the rates of change
begin to slow. Since the conductivity is no longer a constant, even under constant temperature
and field conditions, rigorously speaking the conductivity equation (48) no longer holds. To fully
incorporate time-dependent conductivity a different, more complex numerical model is needed.
In order to analyze the effect of this variation in the sensitivity study of the conceptual design,
the DC field distribution in the connector has been considered under different conductivity
values. The result indicated that the variation of conductivity in the insulation due to the stress
grading layer does not generate a significant change in field distribution.

Table 17: Ratio between long time (4 hours) and short time (2 minutes) conductivities of solid
insulating materials at 10 kV/mm.

Material ( )
Conductivity ratio:
( )

At 30 C At 60 C

XLPE 9% 38 %

Silicone 57 % 68 %

Epoxy 24 % 20 %

Figure 295: Decay of leakage current in epoxy 1 (60C).

G.3.1.2. Breakdown strength of solid insulation and interfaces

Two types of breakdown tests have been performed in order to investigate the insulation
capability of the solid insulation and solid-solid interfaces. Figure 296a shows the structure of
the test sample used for the first type of breakdown test. Two copper rods were embedded in two
blocks of solid insulators, and the blocks were clamped together so that the rods were
perpendicular to each other. During testing the two rods were connected to high voltage and
ground potential, respectively. The two blocks were constructed of XLPE and epoxy, with rod
radii of 1 mm and rod-to-interface distances of 1 mm on each side of the interface. The tangential
field (i.e., the field component along the interface) at the interface between the blocks is
illustrated in Figure 296b. With this configuration a large interfacial electric field was generated
around the center of the sample. On the other hand, the interface was isolated from the electrodes
by solid insulation. Therefore, this corresponded to the case in which a large peak value of
interfacial field exists locally in the middle of the interface. The test results are summarized in
Table 18. For all types of interfaces tested, with and without stress grading material inserted at
the interface, no breakdown was observed up to 75 kV DC (ramp rate: 500 V/sec). According to
Figure 296b, this corresponds to maximum interfacial breakdown strength greater than 9 kV/mm,
and the average bulk breakdown strength inside the solid of greater than 37.5 kV/mm. These
values are more than 10 times higher than the maximum stress level used in our conceptual

(a) (b)
Figure 296: Sample for solid interface test. (a) Structure of test sample; (b) Electric field
distribution at the interface between XLPE and epoxy, under 75 kV (rod radius: 1 mm; rod-to-
interface distance: 1 mm).

Table 18: Interface breakdown voltage and field with crossed-bar configuration.

Type of interface Breakdown Peak value of Average

voltage interfacial field in
field solid
Epoxy/silicone 75 kV 9 kV/mm 37.5
Epoxy/XLPE 75 kV 9 kV/mm 37.5
Silicone/XLPE 75 kV 9 kV/mm 37.5
The above types, 75 kV 9 kV/mm 37.5
with stress grading kV/mm

In the present conceptual design the stress grading layer plays an important role to control the
DC field distribution along the interface. Due to its nonlinear behavior, when the electric field in
the stress grading layer is too high, large current may be generated which leads to thermal
runaway. Therefore, in addition to the intrinsic breakdown field tested with the cross-rod
samples, it is also important to understand the breakdown voltage of the stress grading layer
when directly placed between two electrodes. Such information can be obtained by measuring
the breakdown strength of samples, as shown in Figure 297a. In these samples a thin layer of
stress grading material is sandwiched between two pieces of solid insulators. The two ends of the
stress grading material are in contact with two conductor sheets, which are connected to high
voltage and ground, respectively. When both pieces of solid insulation are made of rubber, the
stress grading layer and electrodes are tightly clamped, leaving no gap, and the DC breakdown
voltage for a 1cm gap is 30kV. However, when the two pieces of solid insulation are made of
XLPE and epoxy, which are both stiff materials, an oil gap is left around the stress grading layer
and the breakdown strength decreases to 19.5kV for a 1cm gap, possibly due to surface
breakdown along the interface. For both scenarios the breakdown field is about 2kV/mm. On the
other hand, in the conceptual design the steady-state DC field is controlled to be 0.3kV/mm,
indicating a large safety margin in the design.

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 297: Test sample configuration for measuring the breakdown strength of stress grading
layer between two electrodes. (a) Schematic of test sample; (b) Sample before test; (c) Sample
after breakdown.

Table 19: Breakdown voltages of stress grading layer connected between two electrodes.
Distance between electrodes: 1cm.

Interface type Breakdown voltage (1cm gap)

Between epoxy and XLPE 19.5 kV

Between silicone rubber 30 kV

G.3.1.3. Behavior of nonlinear stress grading material

The field-dependent conductivity of the stress grading material has a large impact on the
stress control in the cable termination, and hence it is characterized using a circuit shown in
Figure 298. The equivalent circuit of the sample can be represented by a resistor, Rp, and a
capacitor, Cp, connected in parallel. Under low electric field and high frequency the material is
highly insulating and the capacitive response dominates. Under a high field and low frequency
the conductive response plays a more important role. During the test a high voltage sinusoidal
signal with predefined frequencies is applied to the sample connected in series with sampling
resistors. The values of the sampling resistors can be changed to match with the sample under
different field levels and frequencies. The test is performed under different temperatures. the
values of Rp and Cp can be calculated from the phase and amplitude of the measured voltage
signal on the sampling resistor.

Figure 298: Test circuit for stress grading material characterization (the 100kohm and 25kohm
sampling resistors may be changed for different field levels).

The nonlinear stress grading material is a soft compound. Before testing the compound is cut
and sandwiched between two flat copper disks with 1cm diameters. Force is applied on the disks
to clamp the compound down to about 400m, and the clamped sample with the disk electrodes
is then connected into the test circuit. The typical waveforms observed during the
characterization of the nonlinear stress grading material are shown in Figure 299. It is evident
that for very low frequency (0.2Hz) at a low electric field (0.6kV/mm) the current is nearly
sinusoidal with the same frequency, which indicates a linear response. In addition, the phase of
the current is 90 ahead of voltage, which means the capacitive response dominates over the
resistive response. On the other hand, the current waveform at the higher electric field (1.8
kV/mm) is significantly distorted, indicating a nonlinear response. The current also becomes in-
phase with voltage, which means the resistive response (i.e., the conduction current) of the
sample dominates over the capacitive response. At higher frequencies (10Hz) the currents at both
the low and high electric fields show sinusoidal waveforms and are 90 ahead of the voltage,
meaning that the responses are linear and capacitive. In other words, the strong nonlinearity is
lost at higher frequencies.

Figure 299: Results of nonlinear stress grading material characterization: measured current vs.
applied voltage at different field levels and frequencies.

The measured resistivity of the stress grading material under different electric fields,
frequencies (0.2Hz and 1Hz), and at both room temperature (22C) and elevated temperature
(60C), are shown in Figure 300. It is evident that the resistivity strongly depends on the electric
field, and it decreases rapidly with applied fields up to about 1 to 2 kV/mm, depending on the
frequency and temperature. At very high electric field the resistivity saturates and remains nearly
constant. At higher temperatures the resistivity decreases faster with increasing field level, but it
also saturates at lower field level. In general at a high frequency the field dependence becomes
weaker in general.
Resistivity (ohm-m)


0.2 Hz
0 1 2 3 4
E (kV/mm)
(a) (b)
Figure 300: Resistivity of the stress grading material under different electric fields, frequencies,
and temperatures.

Using the measurement method outlined in Figure 298 the equivalent capacitance, Cp, can be
calculated as well, and the dielectric constant of the stress grading material can be calculated
correspondingly (Figure 301). At low frequency (1Hz) the dielectric constant shows moderate
dependence on the electric field, and when the electric field increases from 0.2 to 2kV/mm the
dielectric constant increases by about 60 percent. As the frequency increases such dependence
becomes much weaker, and at frequencies greater than or equal to 100Hz the dielectric constant
is almost independent of electric field. The results shown in Figure 299 through Figure 301
suggest that the response of the stress grading material is dominated by conductive behavior only
at very low frequencies and high field levels, and the strong nonlinearity to resistivity provides
an efficient way for stress grading. On the other hand, at higher frequencies the response is
mostly capacitive, but the dielectric constant (and hence equivalent capacitance) of the stress
grading material shows very weak field dependence. Therefore, this material does not provide
significant stress grading for high frequency AC fields. The AC field control in the conceptual
design is achieved through geometric grading instead of using stress grading materials.

30 30
22 C 60 C
25 25
Dielectric constant

Dielectric constant

20 20

15 15

10 1Hz 10 1Hz
10Hz 10Hz
100Hz 100Hz
5 1000Hz
10kHz 10kHz
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3
E (kV/mm) E (kV/mm)

Figure 301: Dielectric constant of the stress grading material under different electric fields,
frequencies, and temperatures.

G.3.2. Insulating oil

G.3.2.1. Conductivity of insulating oil

The investigation of insulating oil focused on the type of oil that is already been used for
subsea insulation applications. This type of oil has a high saturation moisture level, meaning the
water predominantly exists as dissolved molecules in the oil up to relatively high moisture level.
Hence, breakdown voltage remains high, even when the oil contains a considerable amount (up
to several hundred ppm) of moisture. All of the data presented in this section were measured
from fresh oil taken from the oil tank without additional baking steps. The moisture level in the
fresh oil is 50ppm according to titration measurement. The oil was degassed under vacuum
before the measurements. The method of applying voltages is similar to that used for solid
insulation measurement, namely each voltage is applied for two minutes and then is increased to
the next value without shorting and discharging the sample.
The conductivity of the insulating oil is measured using a similar electrical system as for the
solid insulation except that oil test cells are used to define the liquid sample thickness (i.e., oil
gap size: 280m). The measured current density of fresh oil at different field levels and
temperatures as functions of time are shown in Figure 302. The current was recorded for up to
130 seconds in this measurement. A significant initial decay of the current can be observed at
each temperature under the lowest applied field. These significant transients were only observed
for the lowest field level. At longer times (> 60sec) the current became much less dependent on
time and in general decayed slowly with time when voltage was applied.

Figure 302: The measured current density of fresh oil at different field levels and temperatures, as
functions of time.

In order to further understand the initial transient, a charge-discharge measurement was

performed and current was recorded. In the charge-discharge measurement the voltage was
applied for 130 seconds and then the sample was shorted for the same amount of time for
discharge before the next voltage was applied (Figure 303a). With this voltage waveform the
initial decay was observed for all field levels (Figure 303b). Moreover, the current density vs.
time curves are almost parallel for the different field levels. The current density for each field
level at 133 sec was subtracted from the measured current density to remove the contribution
from the slower process that was characterized by slow, uniform decay over much longer time in
order to better compare the initial transient (Figure 303c). It is evident that, even though the
electric field was significantly increased from 1.75 to 8.77kV/mm, the initial transient remained
almost the same. On the other hand, the discharging current density was significantly lower than
the charging current density (Figure 303d). The exact mechanism behind the observed current
behavior is not yet clear, but the results suggest that it may have been due to certain charge
conduction processes (for instance, ions in the oil) which self-limit after a short time period and
which are independent of field level. From a connector design point of view this process is
unlikely to affect the behavior of the connector over time, but it is important to consider these
transients when the connector is subjected to a fast changing field.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Figure 303: The charge-discharge measurement. (a) Applied voltage waveform; (b) Measured
current density during each charging cycle; (c) the initial transient; (d) the discharging current.

The dependences of oil conductivity on temperature and field level are summarized in Figure
304. The conductivity increases with temperature, and the logarithm of the current density
depends almost linearly on temperature for temperatures below 80C. On the other hand, under
the same temperature range the current depends on the field level in a more complicated manner.
For field levels below 10 kV/mm, the current density measured at 2 min after field application
actually decreased with field level. This behavior might be related to the nature of charge
transport in the dielectric liquid (for instance, saturation of ion velocity under field).
In order to provide input for the FEM model the measured conductivity was fitted using
equation (48). The fitted coefficients are: ; ; .

Figure 304: Conductivity of fresh oil. a) Temperature dependence; b) Electric field dependence. All
data taken at 2 minutes after voltage is applied.

The variation of oil conductivity over prolonged time has also been investigated and the
results summarized in Table 20. An example of current vs. time raw data is shown in graphical
form in Figure 305. The conductivity of the oil stabilizes faster than solids (Table 17), and,
hence, the difference between the conductivities measured at 2 minutes and at 6 hours is
relatively small. From the connector design point of view, since the overall conductivity of oil is
always much higher than the epoxy, such a small variation in conductivity has little impact on
the field distribution.

Table 20: Comparison between long time (6 hours) and short time (2 min) conductivities of oil.
( )
Temperature Electric field Conductivity Conductivity ratio: ( )
(oC) (kV/mm) @ 6 hrs
(S/m) (%)
30 0.5 2.01E-11 54
1 2.31E-11 92
3 2.95E-11 116
60 0.5 5.53E-11 87
1 6.83E-11 97
3 1.84E-10 95
80 0.5 1.62E-10 83
1 1.66E-10 80
3 1.82E-10 97

Figure 305: Time dependent leakage current in the oil under 3 kV/mm and 60 C.

G.3.2.2. Breakdown strength of oil insulation and interfaces

The dielectric strengths of the oil and oil-epoxy interfaces are measured according to the
ASTM D877 Test Standard. The test cell is an oil cup with two circular electrodes with 1-inch
diameters (Figure 306a). The distance between the two electrodes can be adjusted to produce
different oil thicknesses. The edges of the electrodes are not rounded. For the oil-epoxy interface
measurements, a thin slab of epoxy with flat and parallel surfaces is inserted tightly between the
two electrodes (Figure 306b, c). The edge of the slab can be cut and polished to be vertical or
tilted to produce different interface inclination angles. The ramp rates used in the breakdown
voltage measurements are 133 V/sec, 365 V/sec, and 500 V/sec.

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 306: Test cell for oil dielectric strength measurement.

The DC dielectric strengths of fresh oil (50 ppm moisture level) are summarized in this
section, and the results under different moisture and seawater levels will be presented in the next
section. The breakdown test has been performed on oil gap and oil gap with epoxy insertion (i.e.,
the oil-epoxy interfaces). Two types of epoxy have been studied: epoxy-1 is similar to those used
in the MECON AC connector and the other is the commercial product from Araldite. Both
interfaces that are normal to the electrode and with a 45 tilted angle have been investigated for
each type of epoxy. Each test has been repeated at least once. It is evident that the breakdown
strength of the oil is high and narrowly distributed. On the other hand, in most cases the
breakdown strength of the interface is decreased as compared to pure oil, and the data have wider
distribution. The test results did not show a distinct difference between the breakdown strengths
of the two types of epoxy, between normal interfaces and tilted interfaces.
Figure 307: DC breakdown voltages of a 2.65 mm wide oil gap, with and without epoxy interface,
tested using different ramp rates.

G.3.2.3. Influence of contamination on oil insulation

During the wet-mate process the two halves of the connectors are first exposed to seawater
and then undergo multiple flushing cycles. It is possible that even after the flushing cycles there
is still residue moisture in the dielectric liquid during normal operation, due to, for instance, the
absorption of water into the epoxy under high pressure and subsequent release of the absorbed
moisture into the dielectric liquid. For the HVDC connectors it is important to understand the
impact of moisture on the various electrical properties, so that the flushing method can then be
properly designed to achieve the desirable moisture level. For this purpose, in the present study
various levels of moisture content have been intentionally introduced into the oil, and
conductivity and breakdown strength of the oil have been measured at different moisture content

Figure 308: Experimental method for introducing moisture into the oil.

An experimental protocol has been designed to introduce different levels of moisture into the
oil (Figure 308). The critical requirement for this experiment is that: i.) the moisture content
should be well controlled; and ii.) the moisture should be in the form of dissolved water rather
than free water (e.g., droplets). For this purpose the as-received oil, which contains about 50ppm
of moisture, was first dried at 90C under vacuum for at least 24 hours to remove the residue
moisture. A properly sized container was dried at the same temperature to remove the adsorbed
moisture. Then a predefined amount of oil and distilled water were added into the container; the
amount of distilled water was precisely controlled using a micropipette. The container was then
sealed using a Teflon thread seal to isolate the moisture from the environment. A pre-dispersion
step involving vigorous shaking of the oil/water mixture followed. This step was found to be
important, since it will broke down the large droplets into micro-sized droplets (Figure 308) that
can then be effectively dissolved with the assistance of ultrasound. After the pre-dispersion step
the mixture was treated in a 100-minute ultrasound bath for at least three cycles at 60C. The oil
was then centrifuged at 10,000 rpm for 15 minutes, until no water was observed at the bottom of
the centrifuge tube, indicating full water dissolution into the oil. The moisture levels in fresh oil,
dried oil, and oils with different levels of added water were measured using a Karl-Fischer
titration instrument to verify agreement between their set values and actual values.

Figure 309: DC breakdown strengths of the oil and oil interfaces with different moisture contents.

The DC breakdown strengths of the oil and the oil-epoxy interfaces are shown Figure 309.
The entire experiment was repeated to verify the results. It is evident that the DC breakdown
strength of the pure oil did not vary significantly with moisture content up to 600ppm. On the
other hand, the DC breakdown strength of the interfaces first decreased with moisture level at
lower moisture levels (e.g., up to about 400ppm), but then increased again at the highest
moisture level (600ppm). The breakdown strengths of the same types of samples under AC
voltages have been measured as well (Figure 310). In this case the breakdown strength of the oil
and the interface both decreased slightly with increasing moisture.

Figure 310: AC breakdown strengths of the oil and oil interfaces with different moisture contents.

The DC conduction current of the oil with different moisture contents was also measured,
and the results are summarized in Figure 311. It can be seen that the conductivity of dry oil
increased with applied field, but the conductivity of oil containing moisture was very weakly
dependent on field. In addition, adding moisture did not increase the oil conductivity, and even
decreased the conductivity at higher fields. This result is perhaps because of ion migration under
the influence of electric fields, which may shield the external field and hence reduce the field
level in the middle part of the oil.

Figure 311: DC conductivity of oil with different moisture contents.

The flushing process following the wet-mate operation may leave not only residual moisture
but also salt in the oil. In addition to understand the impact of the salt water on the insulation
capability of the oil and oil-epoxy interface, the breakdown strength and conductivity were
measured with the presence of salt. The samples were prepared following the same procedure as
the samples for the moisture effects study, except that the deionized water was replaced by 3.5
percent salt water. As shown in Figure 312a, the breakdown strength of oil did not change
significantly with the presence of salt. On the other hand, the breakdown strength of oil-epoxy
interfaces declined when the oil contained saltwater, but the values remained higher than 15
kV/mm, which is significantly higher than the acceptable field level for oil-epoxy interfaces used
in the conceptual design. The conductivity of the oil did not show a strong dependence on
saltwater content and was slightly lower than that of the oil with 200ppm of moisture with a
small amount of saltwater contamination (60ppm and 140ppm). The conductivity of oil increased
for higher saltwater contents (300ppm and 485ppm). There are possibly multiple processes
involved in the observed breakdown and conduction behavior. Two possible reasons are noted
The ions contained in the oil were swept away by DC voltages and accumulated near the
electrodes. This could be the reason that the DC breakdown strength of the oil and interfaces did
not dramatically decrease with more conductive ions. Another possible explanation is that
additional mechanisms, such as charge transfer at electrode interfaces, may be responsible for the
conductivity increase for oil with higher saltwater contents. The possible involvement of ion
motions under DC also raises the question of DC conduction and breakdown behavior
dependences on geometry (e.g., a thin oil gap between two solid pieces vs. one solid piece
immersed in oil). These possible relationships should be investigated in subsequent experiments.

(a) (b)
Figure 312: Impact of salt water (3.5 wt%) on oil properties: (a) DC breakdown strength; (b) DC
conductivity (2 min value).

G.3.2.4. Partial discharge

[Note: Partial discharge test is in progress, with most AC tests finished and DC tests ongoing.
The tests will be finished shortly and the results will be presented in the final version of the

G.4 Conclusions

G.4.1. Conclusions of the present study

In the present project task the conceptual design of a 50 kV, 500A, single-conductor, wet-
mate subsea DC connector has been proposed based on the analysis of DC and transient electric
field distribution in the connector. A combination of stress grading materials and geometric
stress grading has been adopted to control the resistively graded and capacitively graded fields,
respectively, such that the stress concentration is minimized under both DC steady-state and
transient events. The conductivities of the solid and oil insulation, as well as the stress grading
material, and their dependences on electric field, temperature, and time, have been
experimentally measured and used as input for the numerical calculation of DC field distribution.
The values of acceptable field levels (i.e., the design targets for field strengths in the connector)
are also supported by the experimental measurements of materials and interface breakdown
strengths. The conclusions of the present study are summarized as follows:
With proper arrangement of stress grading materials and geometric stress control
structures, the analysis indicates that it is feasible to control the electric field to within
design limits for both steady-state DC and transient AC conditions.
The acceptable field levels used in the conceptual design are supported by experimental
The dimension for a single-conductor 50kV DC connector is within that of the three-
conductor 36kV MECON wet-mate AC connector, which suggests that the mechanical
design for the MECON AC connector can be used for the DC connector.
The major structure of the proposed connector can be manufactured with tooling for the
MECON AC connector.

G.4.2. Development needs beyond the present study

The result of the present study is encouraging with regard to the feasibility of developing a
50kV level DC wet-mate connector using similar mechanical design and tooling for the MECON
AC connectors. However, further testing and validation are needed to bridge the technology gap
between the conceptual design and full-size operating DC connectors. The major development
needs beyond the scope of the present study are summarized below:
In order to validate the conceptual design, full-size DC connector prototypes need to be
fabricated and tested. Considering the time and resource needed to fabricate fully
functioning subsea connector, the validation can be performed in two steps: First of all,
full-size model connectors containing the essential electrical designs, but with simplified
mechanical structures, can be fabricated to validate the effectiveness of the DC and
transient stress control mechanisms; Prototypes with the complete mechanical design can
be fabricated to test the full functionality of the connector after the electrical design is
Further development is needed to apply stress grading layers in the DC connector. The
possible impact of manufacturing process variations on the stress control performances
should be experimentally determined. The long-term compatibility between the stress
grading material and other insulating materials (solid and oil) needs to be investigated,
and possible reformulation of the stress grading material should be considered for
improved compatibility and better performance.
A test standard for the DC connectors needs to be established, and the connector
prototype should be tested for an extended time following the standard.
Validation testing under simulated subsea environments is needed to establish the fidelity
of the design. Factors that should be considered include temperature gradient, pressure,
effectiveness of the flushing process, and possible contamination, such as metal particles,
moisture, salt, and/or sea mud.
It is desirable to study the feasibility of including more than one conductor in the DC
connector without increasing the size beyond that of the MECON AC connector in order
to provide more flexibility to different applications.

The conceptual design proposed in the present project can be used as a starting point in the
next step of investigation.


H.1 Program Achievement

The growing worldwide demand for oil and gas, along with the depletion of existing fields, is
driving the industry towards new and innovative ways to improve and increase hydrocarbon
extraction and production. Subsea processing systems are seen to have the potential to play a
vital role in future offshore oil and gas activities. Such systems have the ability to increase
recovery and accelerate production, help industry expand into new and more hostile
environments, reduce costs and improve HSE.
Critical to releasing this potential is the ability to provide a reliable, robust, and cost-efficient
power system. Great strides have been made over the past few years to develop AC subsea
power systems. Although the AC systems will be further commercialized and optimized, there
are some inherent limitations with regard to application areas, modularization, and cost. As a
result a subsea power system based on the Modular Stacked Direct Current (MSDC) concept is
developed through the RPSEA program that will add value to the industry.
MSDC is a novel technology in which the MSDC converters are connected in series and
serve as DC-to-AC converters with variable frequency output. Each converter consists of one or
more MSDC modules with a standardized power rating, and the number of modules is
determined by power and redundancy requirements. MSDC integrates the transmission and
distribution function with the load side variable speed drives (VSDs); therefore, it simplifies
system architecture and reduces the number of subsea components. Compared to conventional
AC transmission and distribution (T&D) and DC point-to-point solutions, the potential benefits
of this architecture include: a reduced number of subsea components, higher flexibility, and cost-
effective access to widely distributed deepwater reserves. In addition, due to current source
characteristics of the MSDC architecture, the system renders better fault handling capability
while avoiding the need for high power DC circuit breakers, which introduce additional technical
With this project the MSDC concept has been substantiated by thorough analysis, simulation,
and testing, advancing the TRL levels of key components of the system. The key achievements
of the program are summarized as follows:
System control and protection of MSDC architecture
The system control and protection algorithm for both SE and RE of the MSDC
architecture has been developed, A full system simulation platform with detailed converter
control and submarine cable model has been established with PSCAD to verify the feasibility of
the proposed architecture. System performance under various fault conditions has been
thoroughly investigated and corresponding protection schemes have been proposed and verified.
A bypass circuit has been proposed and developed to protect the MSDC system. The main
function of the circuit is to provide an alternative current path when failures occur to the
components in the system, so that the remainder of the system can continue to safely operate
without interruption. The proposed circuit consists of a BOD controlled thyristor and a

mechanical switch. It can detect and isolate the faulty component in micro-seconds and at the
same time induce very low power loss during normal operation. The performance of the
proposed circuit has been verified by a dedicated experiment setup.
In order to validate the control and protection of the MSDC system, a 100kVA lab prototype
system has been built and tested, which includes four sending converters and four RE converters
to drive induction machines. A cable emulator with an RLC network is used in the system to
simulate the cable effects. A bypass circuit is also installed in the demonstration unit in order to
represent full system operation. A control algorithm is implemented in an industrial control
platform currently used in GEs gas turbine and wind turbine products. The performance of the
MSDC, including transient and fault operation, has been fully verified in the demonstration unit
and the concept is validated. The TRL level of control and protection of the MSDC was
advanced from 1 to 2.
Thermal Management and Packaging
A passive phase-change cooling approach was selected and validated in this project based on
thermal performance and high reliability. The selected thermal solution used pool boiling as the
main mode of heat transfer. The power electronics were immersed in a pool of dielectric fluid
that boiled at low temperature to cool the parts. The resulting heated vapor of that liquid
condensed on the cold walls of the pressure vessel that was in contact with seawater. This
thermal path has the advantage of moving the waste heat without the use of a pump that would
represent a failure opportunity. Additionally, pool boiling immersion provides good temperature
uniformity. A mathematical model was established to analyze and design such a cooling system.
The impact of the heat sink structure on the thermal performance was studied, culminating in an
optimized heat sink design for the pool boiling approach. An experimental setup with a sealed
tank and a condenser was built to emulate the inner condition of a subsea vessel. A power
converter stack with a press-pack diode and the proposed heat sink was constructed and
immersed in the coolant contained in the tank. The measurement resulted in low thermal
impedance between the semiconductor device and the coolant junction. The temperature
distribution across the stack was also uniform. The performance of the selected cooling approach
and the proposed heat sink was validated.
Trade-off studies for pressurized versus pressure compensated designs were carried out for
the system packaging and pointed to a hybrid module concept that consists of pressure sensitive
components inside a 1 atm vessel and the other, non-pressure sensitive components inside a
compensated chamber. A modularized approach was adopted to develop a building block that
can be easily manufactured and offer flexibility during installation and retrieval. The module is
designed using ASME Section VIII Pressure Vessel Code to finalize dimensions. Analytical
modeling and finite element analyses were conducted to validate the designs. Installation and
operating considerations were summarized, along with overall system layout options.
Furthermore, the bypass mechanism was briefly discussed and a new switch-hub concept was
proposed to address cable damage. The thermal management and packaging TRL level was
advanced to 2. Although an active cooling approach with a one-atmosphere vessel design has a
higher TRL level and has been implemented in pilot projects (e.g., Ormen Lange), the passive
cooling approach with the hybrid packaging arrangement offers higher reliability and lighter
vessel weight, which will benefit industry in the long run. The achievements from this project

have set a solid base for further development for these advanced thermal management and
packaging concepts.
Subsea DC Connector
The DC connector is one of the most critical components to enable an underwater high
voltage - high power electrical system. A subsea DC connector is not yet commercially
available; the research and development of this component is very essential for the subsea
processing industry. In this project the conceptual design of a 50kV, 500A, single-conductor,
wet-mate subsea DC connector has been proposed based on the analysis of DC and transient
electric field distributions in the connector. A combination of stress grading materials and
geometric stress grading has been adopted to control the resistively graded and capacitively
graded fields, respectively, such that under both DC steady-state and transient events stress
concentration is minimized. The conductivities of the solid and oil insulation, as well as the
stress grading material, and their dependences on electric field, temperature, and time, have been
experimentally measured and used as input for the numerical calculation of DC field distribution.
The values of acceptable field levels (i.e., the design targets for field strengths in the connector)
are also supported by experimental measurements of materials and interface breakdown
strengths. With the work undertaken in the project, the TRL level of the subsea DC connector
has been advanced from 0 to 2.

H.2 Further work for deepwater DC electrical system development

The subsea power system project supported by RPSEA has validated the MSDC concept
through lab scale experiments. The next step is to build a prototype with a relevant target power
rating (in the MW range) and perform qualification testing. Packaging is the key For this power
converter. The stack design and packaging arrangement must meet the cooling and HVDC
insulation requirement and also be as compact as possible, in order to reduce the size and weight
of the vessel. A full-size prototype for the subsea DC connector must be fabricated and tested to
further validate its conceptual design. The standards for subsea DC equipment should also be
developed and a life-cycle model of the DC connector established. In order to deploy the full
subsea electrical system, other electrical equipment, such as switch-hub, auxiliary power supply,
and subsea control and communication, also requires development and qualification.
Beyond the topics covered by this project, advanced vessel design (material, structure, etc.)
and pressure tolerant component development are research areas that can benefit deepwater
electrical systems.


I.1 TAMU report

See separate file.

I.2 RPI report

See separate file.

Appendix I: Report from Texas A&M University



Prepared by: Prof. Hamid A. Toliyat and Hamidreza Keyhani


A. INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................... 4
B.1 The proposed topology....................................................................................... 5
B.2 Principle of operation ......................................................................................... 5
B.2.1 Mode 1 ............................................................................................................ 6
B.2.2 Mode 2 ............................................................................................................ 6
B.2.3 Mode 3 ............................................................................................................ 7
B.2.4 Mode 4 ............................................................................................................ 9
B.2.5 Mode 5 ............................................................................................................ 9
B.2.6 Mode 6 ............................................................................................................ 9
B.2.7 Modes 7-12 ..................................................................................................... 9
B.3 Analysis of the converter .................................................................................. 10
B.4 The converter design and simulation ............................................................... 16
B.4.1 First design scheme: three of HFAC-link converters in parallel feed the 10MW
compressor. ............................................................................................................ 17
B.4.2 Second design scheme: two of HFAC-link converters in parallel feed the
10MW compressor. ................................................................................................. 20
B.5 Experimental verification .................................................................................. 25
CONVERTER ................................................................................................................. 31
C.1 The proposed topology .................................................................................... 31
C.2 Principle of operation ....................................................................................... 32
C.2.1 Mode 1 .......................................................................................................... 34
C.2.2 Mode 2 .......................................................................................................... 34
C.2.3 Mode 3 .......................................................................................................... 34
C.2.4 Mode 4 .......................................................................................................... 34
C.2.5 Mode 5 .......................................................................................................... 35
C.2.6 Mode 6 .......................................................................................................... 35
C.3 Analysis of the converter .................................................................................. 36

C.4 Experimental results ........................................................................................ 38
CONVERTER ................................................................................................................. 40
D.1 The proposed topology .................................................................................... 40
D.2 Principle of operation ....................................................................................... 41
D.2.1 Mode 1 .......................................................................................................... 42
D.2.2 Mode 2 .......................................................................................................... 43
D.2.3 Mode 3 .......................................................................................................... 44
D.2.4 Mode 4 .......................................................................................................... 44
D.2.5 Mode 5 .......................................................................................................... 44
D.2.6 Mode 6 .......................................................................................................... 45
D.3 Analysis of the converter .................................................................................. 45
D.4 Simulation results ............................................................................................. 50
D.5 Experimental results ........................................................................................ 51
E.1 Case I: An input-side switch or load-side switch remains open ........................ 54
E.2 Case II: An input-side switch remains closed ................................................... 57
E.3 Case III: A load-side switch remains closed ..................................................... 58
F. SUMMARY ................................................................................................................. 60

This document proposes an alternative to the subsea section of the modular stacked dc (MSDC)-based
transmission and distribution system, introduced by GE Global Research. In the proposed solution, the dc-
ac converters and the three-phase line-frequency isolation transformers are replaced by the developed soft-
switched high-frequency-link power converters. This type of converter has the advantage of soft switching
at both turn-on and turn-off of the converters power switches, which leads to a higher conversion
efficiency, as well as lower EMI generation. In addition, a single high-frequency transformer is employed
for galvanic isolation, which is much smaller than the conventional three-phase line-frequency isolation
transformer. Furthermore, the proposed topology has a fault-tolerant ability, which allows the converter to
operate even with one or several faults in its power switches with modified operating modes (known as
Type I and II reduced-switch operating algorithm).

In this study, the proposed soft-switched high-frequency-link power converter is explained in detail
and the comprehensive analysis of the converter is included to reveal its functioning behavior at different
operating points. Then, two schemes are given to employ this converter for the MSDC-based transmission
and distribution system. To verify the effectiveness of the introduced topology, several simulation and
experimental results at different operating points are also given. The type-I and type-II reduced-switch
power converters are also introduced. Finally, it is shown that these reduced-switch schemes can be
employed in case of one or several switch faults in the original converter to feed the load with a reduced
output power.


B.1 The proposed topology

The isolated parallel-resonant three-phase ac-ac converter with a high-frequency-ac (HFAC) link and
soft-switching operation is shown in Figure 1. The galvanic isolation is obtained by means of the single-
phase HF transformer, T1. The magnetizing inductance of the transformer, LM, and capacitors, C1 and C2,
form the HFAC link. In order to reach an appropriate inductance value, the transformer may need an air
gap. The link capacitors are ac capacitors with small capacitance values. As the figure shows, the
converters switches are bidirectional at the load side, e.g., two reverse-conducting switches in anti-series
or two reverse-blocking switches in anti-parallel. At the input side the converters switches need to have
reverse-blocking capability, e.g., an IGBT or MOSFET in series with a diode. There are small low-pass
filters at the front and load ends of the converter to suppress switching-frequency harmonics. In general,
power transfer from the input to the output is accomplished via the link inductance, LM, which is charged
from the input voltage, and then discharged to the output phases with a precisely controllable current
technique. The link capacitors, C1 and C2, produce partial resonance to obtain the soft switching
characteristic, as will be shown later. These capacitors are placed on both sides of the transformer to also
provide paths for the currents of the primary and secondary leakage inductances when the input and output
switches are turned off, and subsequently avoid voltage spikes.

LP 1:n LS
iin ii ia-o ia-out
RP + iL RS a

AC Out
C1 C2 ib-o ib-out
vin vL LM b
ic-o ic-out

Figure 1 The proposed soft-switched HFAC-link dc-ac converter.

B.2 Principle of operation

The proposed HFAC-link topology is primarily a current-source inverter, and, consequently, the
reference currents of the output phases are needed for the proper operation. As will be shown later, the
reference current of the input is also required in the converters control scheme. The input reference
current can be simply given by

where Vin is the input dc voltage, Pout is the output active power of the converter, and Ploss is its estimated
power loss. The converters operation is not highly sensitive to the precise value of the power loss because
it is normally much smaller than the output power. However, to reach an accurate estimate of the
converters power loss, both the input and output active powers can be measured frequently.
The basic operation of the proposed topology consists of 12 modes of operation in each link cycle.
Typical operating modes and a link cycle of the proposed topology are shown in Figures 2 and 3. In
general, the link inductance is charged from the input in one mode and discharged to the output phases in
two modes. There are resonant modes between theses active charging and discharging modes to achieve
soft switching. The converter modes of operation are explained in detail as follows by ignoring the effects
of the transformers parasitic elements. Their effect will be shown later.

B.2.1 Mode 1

Two proper input-side switches are turned on to connect the link to the input voltage. As a result, the
link inductance charges in the positive direction. This mode continues until the average input current meets
its reference value. Next, the switches are turned off.
Note that the link capacitors cause the link voltage, vL(t), to drop slowly while the mode-1 switches are
turned off, and the switch voltages subsequently increase slowly. As a result, the mode-1 switches are
turned off at almost zero voltage. This soft switching operation happens at the turn-off of all the
converters switches.

B.2.2 Mode 2

The link inductance and capacitance are permitted to resonate again until the link voltage is equal to
the reflected voltage of the selected output phase pair, as will be discussed later. During this mode, the link
current, iL(t), reaches its peak value, iLP, which can be estimated according to the energy of the link
inductance and capacitance at the end of mode 1 as follows:

where vx is the link voltage during mode x and iEx is the link current value at the end of mode x
in the operation. Cp is the total link capacitance seen from the primary side of the transformer and is equal
to by considering that n is the transformer output-input turns ratio.
Two output phase pairs should be selected for modes 3 and 5. The two-phase pairs that have the lowest
and second-lowest reference current difference at the instant are chosen for this purpose. Among these two
phase pairs, the one with lower voltage is chosen for mode 3 and the other for mode 5. In this way, the link

voltages in modes 1, 3, and 5 are in descending order, and, as a result, the resonant intervals between these
modes are in the shortest possible case.

Figure 2 Typical waveforms of the proposed HFAC-link dc-ac converter.

B.2.3 Mode 3

Two proper load-side switches are turned on at zero voltage to discharge the link inductance to the
selected output phase pair for this mode. These switches remain on until the average output current of one
of the connected phases meets its reference value. Then, the switches are turned off.

+ iL a

AC Out
C1 C2

DC in
vL LM b

(a) Mode 1

+ iL a

AC Out
C1 C2
DC in

vL LM b

(b) Even-
numbered modes

+ iL a

AC Out
C1 C2
DC in

vL LM b

(c) Mode 3

+ iL a
AC Out

C1 C2
DC in

vL LM b

(d) Mode 4

Figure 3 Typical modes of operation of the proposed HFAC-link dc-ac converter.

Since the link voltage is equal to the selected input phase pair at the beginning of mode 3, the turn-on
of the mode-3 switches occurs at zero voltage. The zero voltage switching happens at the turn-on of all the
converters switches.

B.2.4 Mode 4

The link inductance resonates with the link capacitance until the link voltage is equal to the reflected
voltage of the mode-5 phase pair.

B.2.5 Mode 5

The two related switches of the chosen output phase pair for this mode are turned on to discharge the
link inductance to these two phases. The switches are turned off after the link current reaches a small
value, which will be discussed later. Considering the input-output power balance, the average currents of
both connected phases meet their reference values at the end of this mode.

B.2.6 Mode 6

The link inductance and capacitance start to resonate. This partial resonance is allowed to run until the
link voltage is equal to the input voltage, which then permits the power converter to go to mode 7 with
zero voltage switching. In order to ensure this process happens correctly, a certain amount of current
should be left in the link inductance at the end of mode 5 so that the link voltage goes lower than the
negative of the input voltage during mode 6. Therefore, the link current at the end of mode 5 should be as

( )

where vLP is the link peak voltage and is selected 10 to 15 percent more than the input voltage. In order to
put this process into practice, the link current and voltage are measured consecutively. As soon as the link
current reaches (3), the power switches are turned off and the inverter goes to mode 6.

B.2.7 Modes 7 through 12

These modes are similar to modes 1 through 6 with the link charges and discharges in the negative
direction. As a result, the link inductance carries an ac current with a zero average value. Furthermore, as
the link charges through the input and discharges to the output twice in each link period, the ripple
frequency of the input and output currents is twice the converters link frequency, which in turn makes the
input and output filters small.
The reverse power flow from the output to the input is completely possible in this converter by
exchanging the output and input modes. In the reverse power direction, the link is charged from the output
in mode 1 and 3 and discharged to the input in mode 5 and so on. As a result, the input-side switches
should be replaced by bidirectional switches.

In the actual digital control implementation of the proposed resonant converter, there might be a delay
in the turning on of the switches at the exact times stated above due to the discrete sampling and required
processing time. In order to avoid this delay, the converters switches can be turned on ahead of time in
one direction while they are in the off-state voltages, and, consequently, the switches start conducting
when they become forward biased with zero voltage switching. For instance, mode-1 switches can be
turned on in the forward direction when the link voltage reaches its positive peak value, and mode-3
switches are turned on when the mode-1 switches are turned off.

B.3 Analysis of the converter

In this section, the analysis of the proposed resonant HFAC-link inverter is presented. The link voltage
peaks to vLP in mode 12 and then is equal to v1 at the end of this mode. Therefore, the average of the link
current at the end of mode 16 can be given by,

( )

Note that the parameters with capital letters are used to represent the average of the corresponding
parameters that use lower case letters. Taking into consideration that the reference current of the input is
equal to the average link current in mode 1, the average duration of mode 1, T1, and IE1 can be expressed
from the following:

( ) and

where Ix is expressed as the average of the link current during mode x and Tave is the average period
of the link cycle. I1 is equal to the reference current of the input, and, as mentioned before, V1, the link
voltage in mode 1, is equal to the input voltage.
As mentioned in the switching algorithm of the proposed inverter, the second-lowest and lowest
instantaneous grid line-to-line voltages are connected to the HFAC link during modes 3 and 5 at the unity
power factor operation. However, these voltages change slightly during the course of an ac cycle. If the
ordering of the line and phase voltages of a three-phase system is considered, this arrangement changes
periodically every /6 rad. Therefore, the first /6 rad is considered for the proposed inverter analysis.

Phase pair ba has the second-lowest output voltage in this interval and is connected to the link in mode 3
by considering the unity power factor. Thus, the average of the link voltage in mode 3 can be given by,

( )
( )

As phase b is connected to the link in mode 5, the link average current in mode 3 is equal to the
average reflected current of phase a in this interval as follows:

( )
( ) ,

where IPo is the output phase rms current. Similarly, phase pair bc has the lowest output voltage, which is
applied to the converters link in mode 5. Therefore, the average of the link voltage and current in mode 5
can be expressed by

( ) and

( )
( )

By having the average link voltages and currents of modes 3 and 5 stated above, the average durations
of modes 3 and 5 can be similarly given by

( ) and

( ) ,

where IE4 and IE5 can be given by


( )

The average time lengths of modes 2 and 6 are given by

[ ( ) ( )]

[ ( ) ( )],

where ILP can be found by substituting (6) in (2). The duration of the short modes 2 and 4 can be found in a
similar way. Modes 7 through 12 are similar to modes 1 through 6 with a negative direction, and,
therefore, their average durations are the same. The sum of the time intervals of all operating modes is
equal to the link period, Tave, which results in a set of implicit equations that must be solved

Average link frequency, f (kHz)






Link peak current, ILP (A)





100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Link Inductance, LM (H)

Figure 4 Average link frequency and link peak current versus link inductance for different total
link capacitance, Vin=300V, VLo=208V, Pout=1kW, and n=1.0.

Figure 4 shows the average link frequency and link peak current versus LM for the different values of
Cp at the given operating point. As the figure shows, the link inductance has a considerable effect on the
link frequency, and the decrease of the link inductance increases the resulting link frequency. The reason
for this is that the decrease of the link inductance reduces the durations of the charging and discharging
modes (see (5), (11), and (12)), as well as the resonating modes (see (15) and (16)). In addition, the link

peak current increases by the reduction of the link inductance, which can be verified by considering (2).
On the other hand, the change of the link capacitance mainly affects the resonant mode durations
according to (15) and (16), which results in a mild change of the link frequency. The dependency of the
link peak current on the link capacitance can also be verified by observing (2).
The graph of the link frequency and peak current versus the link components for a given operating
point (Figure 4) can be used to design the proposed inverter for a desirable working condition. Note that
the conduction loss of the switches and the inductor power loss depend on the link peak current; in order to
decrease these losses, the link peak current should be reduced. The link frequency is also another important
parameter determining the size of passive components, and, therefore, it is desirable to increase the link
frequency as much as possible. However, the link frequency should be much smaller than the sampling
frequency of the inverters digital controller in order to get enough samples in each link cycle to
effectively control the converter. As shown later in the experimental results section, the sampling time of
the digital controller was 3sec. As a result, LM and Cp were selected as 450H and 200nF, respectively, to
set the link frequency at about 7kHz for the given operating point. It should be noted that the digital
controllers speed is the only main limiting factor of the converters link frequency, and by using a faster
digital controller, the link frequency can be increased accordingly.
Figure 5 shows the average of the link frequency and link peak current versus the output power, Pout,
for different input voltages. According to the figure, the link frequency depends on the output power, and
the link frequency increases as the output power drops. The reason for this behavior is that the input and
output reference currents are subsequently reduced following a decrease in output power, . As a result, the
time-lengths of odd-numbered modes decline by considering (5), (11), and (12). On the other hand, the
link peak current drops by the reduction of iE1 as a result of output power drop in (2). Figure 5 also shows
how the link frequency and peak current change by the variations of the input voltages. Although the
increment of the input voltage at any given power increases the link frequency slightly, the change in the
link peak current depends on the output power and input voltage at the operating point of the converter.
The link frequency and link peak current of the proposed inverter, at a very small output power, can be
given by

| and

Because the operating frequency of the transformer T1 in the proposed scheme is the same as the link
frequency, it yields a much smaller transformer compared to the conventional line-frequency transformers.

In order to evaluate the impact of the frequency on the size of the transformer, the following formula can
be used:

, (19)

where Wa is the core window area, Ae is core cross-sectional area, Pout is the output power, Jw is the wire
current density, Bm is the maximum flux density, f is the operating frequency, and K is a constant. Eq. (19)
clearly shows that as the frequency is increased, the required window area and core area product is
decreased. In other words, the size of the transformer can be decreased dramatically by increasing the
operating frequency of the transformer.
Although the converter can work properly in step-up and step-down operations with a 1:1 transformer,
the turns ratio of the HF transformer can be selected optimally as follows:


In this way, V5 becomes equal to V7, and the duration of modes 6 and 12, which do not transfer any
power, can be minimized by the proper selection of VLP. In addition, link voltage and current waveforms
become symmetrical.

16 Vin=200V
Average link frequency, f (kHz)

14 Vin=400V





Link peak current, ILP (A)





0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00
Output power (kW)

Figure 5 Average link frequency and link peak current versus output power for different input
voltage, LM=450H, Cs=200nF, VLo=208V, and n=1.0.

Figure 6 GEs Benchmark Modular Stacked dc (MSDC)-Based Transmission and Distribution



Figure 7 The receiving-end section of the GEs Benchmark MSDC-Based System. (a) compressor,
(b) pump.

B.4 The converter design and simulation

Figure 6 shows the GEs proposed Benchmark Modular Stacked dc (MSDC)-Based Transmission and
Distribution System. In this scheme, the transmission line current is fixed to 400Adc to run four 10MW
compressor and four 2.5MW pumps. As Figure 7(a) illustrates, the receiving-end section for each
compressor is composed of three dc-dc and dc-ac converters and a line-frequency isolation transformer.
Similar design with two dc-dc and dc-ac converters is used for the pumps as shown in Figure 7(b). The dc-
ac converters and the line-frequency isolation transformers can be substituted by the proposed isolated
soft-switched HFAC-link power converter. This scenario has the advantages of high power density due to
the use of small-sized high-frequency transformer for galvanic isolation, as well as high conversion
efficiency, as a result of soft switching. Based on the proposed converter, two design schemes are
proposed to drive compressors as follows. Similar schemes can be used for the pumps.

B.4.1 First design scheme: three of HFAC-link converters in parallel feed the 10MW

In this scheme, three of the introduced isolated HFAC-link inverters work in parallel to run the 10MW
compressor, as Figure 8 shows. There are dc/dc stages at the front-end of these converters to convert 400A
into 10.8kV, similar to the GE system. Since the proposed dc-ac converters are isolated using high-
frequency transformers, there is no need of the bulky line-frequency transformer for galvanic isolation.
Figure 9 shows the simulation scheme of one of the three parallel converters, which included the front-end
dc-dc converter. Figures 10, 11, and 12 show the simulation results of this scheme running the 10MW
compressor with the parameters shown in Table I. In Figure 10, the input voltage, positive and negative
output voltages, and output current of the front-end dc-dc converters are shown. As the simulation shows,
the dc-dc output voltages are 5.4kV, and the output current is about 310Adc. The link voltage and current
of the main converter is shown in Figure 11. These waveforms are completely ac with a frequency of
3kHz. The output voltage and current of one of the converters feeding the compressor is shown in Figure
12, which verifies the proposed converter operation.

Figure 8 Three of HFAC-link converters in parallel feed the 10MW compressor.

Table I : The electrical parameters of the compressor load.

Figure 9 Soft-switched HF-link Converter with Front-end dc/dc Stage (three in parallel to feed the
10MW compressor).

Figure 10 Simulation results of the dc-dc converter section. (a) input voltage, (b), (c) output
voltages, and (d) output current.

Figure 11 Simulation results. (a) link current, (b) link voltage.

Figure 12 The output voltage and current of phase a of the converter.

The design results of this proposed scheme with three converters are shown in Table II. In this
configuration, twelve of 4500V, 150A IGBTs are required for the dc-dc converter. A total of 144 of
6500V, 300A IGBTs are required for the main converter.

Table II : Design results of the first proposed scheme.

Element Section Number Working parameters Notes

Vpeak (V) 5400 Each switch can be
6 realized by 2 IGBTs
Converter Iave (A) 89 4500V,150A in series
HF-link Vpeak (V) 11500
Switch 12
Converter Iave (A) 156 Each switch can be
realized by 3 IGBTs
HF-link Vpeak (V) 14400 6500V,300A in series
Converter Iave (A) 141
dc/dc Vpeak (V) 5400
Converter Iave (A) 310
Diode HF-link Vpeak (V) 600
Converter Iave (A) 156
capacitance (uF) 1000
dc/dc For about 150VP-P
6 Vdc (V) 5400
Converter ripple on 10.8KV
frequency (kHz) 1.2
capacitance (uF) 0.9
dc/ac 3 Vrms (V) 9667 ac capacitor
frequency (kHz) 3
HF-link inductance (uH) 400
Inductor dc/ac 3 ac inductor
Converter Irms (A) 1011
Vin-rms (V) 9667
HF-link power (MW) 3.34
dc/ac 3
Transformer turn ratio 1
frequency (kHz) 3

B.4.2 Second design scheme: two of HFAC-link converters in parallel feed the 10MW

Figure 13 shows the second proposed scheme in which two of the introduced soft-switched HFAC-link
converters drive the 10MW compressor. The dc/dc converters in this solution should convert constant
400A to constant 10.8kV with 550A output current capability (current boosting). This is needed to provide

sufficient power to each of the main converters that are handling 5MW. To have this capability, a two-
level Cuk converter is employed, as shown in Fig 14. Although two inductors have been introduced in this
circuit, the output capacitor values are lower than before. The simulation outline of this scheme is shown
in Figure 15. Figure 16 shows the simulation results of this dc-dc converter employed in the proposed
scheme with the output voltage and current of 10.8kV and 550A. The link and output voltages and currents
are similar to the previous scheme.

Figure 13 Two of HFAC-link converters in parallel feed the 10MW compressor.

Figure 14 3 HFAC-link converters in parallel feed the 10MW compressor.

Figure 15 Soft-switched HF-link Converter with Front-end dc/dc Stage (two in parallel to feed the
10MW compressor).

Figure 16 Simulation results of the dc-dc converter section. (a) input voltage, (b) capacitor
voltages, (c) inductor currents, and (d) output voltage.

Table III shows the design results in this proposed scheme. In this case, 12 6500V,650A IGBTs are
required for the dc-dc converter, and 96 6500V, 400A IGBTs are needed for the main converters. Note that

it is impossible to drive the compressor with one of the HFAC-link converters; the simulation results
showed that 19.5kV, 650A IGBTs are required, which cannot be practically realized.
Table III : Design results of the second proposed scheme.

Element Section Number Working parameters Notes

Vpeak (V) 12500 Each switch can be
4 realized by 3 IGBTs
Converter Iave (A) 400 6500V,650A in series
HF-link Vpeak (V) 11500
Switch Converter Iave (A) 234 Each switch can be
realized by 3 IGBTs
HF-link Vpeak (V) 14400 6500V,400A in series
Converter Iave (A) 211.5
dc/dc Vpeak (V) 11800
Converter Iave (A) 465
Diode HF-link Vpeak (V) 600
Converter Iave (A) 234
dc/dc capacitance (uF) 100
Converter Vdc (V) 11800

dc/dc capacitance (uF) 200 For about 400VP-P

Capacitor 4
Converter Vdc (V) 5400 ripple on 10.8KV
HF-link capacitance (uF) 1.35
dc/ac 2 ac capacitor
Converter Vrms (V) 9667

dc/dc inductance (mH) 7

4 dc indictor
Converter Irms (A) 470
HF-link inductance (uH) 267
dc/ac 2 ac inductor
Converter Irms (A) 1516.5
Vin-rms (V) 9667
HF-link power (MW) 5.01
dc/ac 2
Transformer turn ratio 1
frequency (KHz) 3

B.5 Experimental verification

A 1kW/1.25 kVA prototype of the proposed converter topology was built to verify its operational
principle, advantages, and performance. Figure 17 shows the designed prototype. This setup includes four
boards: input-side board (bottom left board), load-side board (bottom right board), HFAC-link board
(middle board), and control board (top board). The input-side and load-side boards are similar; in the
input-side board two legs are populated with the dc filters, while three legs are assembled with ac filters in
the load-side board.

The control board employs a TMS320F28335 Delfino DSC to control the converter. It receives the
required converter currents and voltages and controls the converter IGBTs based on the operating
algorithm explained before. The sample time of the digital control was minimized as low as possible to
achieve better control performance, which resulted in the sample time of 1sec. The minimum sample time
achieved for the digital control was 2.6sec, including the ADC conversion time and the required
processing time.

Figure 17 The experimental prototype of the introduced converter.

Table IV shows the model parameters of the designed high-frequency transformer of this prototype.
There are several issues to be carefully considered when designing the transformer as shown in Table V.
Because the HF transformer has a considerable airgap length with a high-frequency ac current, the airgap
fringing field can cause huge eddy current losses in adjacent coil conductors, as shown in Figure 18. The
immediate vicinity of the gap was prevented from winding and multi-stranded wires were employed in
order to avoid this issue.

Table IV : The parameters of the designed HF transformer.
Parameter Value
Core shape PM 74/59
Core material N27 from EPCOS
Airgap length 3.8mm
Output-input turns ratio 1.0
Magnetizing inductance 430H
Primary leakage inductance 1.85H
Secondary leakage inductance 1.85H
Primary winding resistance 53m
Secondary winding resistance 53m
Primary-secondary stray capacitance 784pF

Table V : Design of the high-frequency air-gapped transformer with an ac current.

Core hysteresis and eddy Use high-frequency materials, such as Ferrite, Amorphous, and
current losses Nanocrystalline
Copper loss Use of appropriate wire gauges
Skin effect Use multiple thin wire strands
Proximity effect Apply the interleaved winding
Use multiple thin wire strands
Leakage inductance Apply the interleaved winding
Use of pot-shaped cores
Stray capacitance Use thicker insulator between windings
Winding loss due to the fringing Use multiple thin wire strands
fields of the air-gap Avoid the area close to the air gap
Distribute the air gap (makes EMI if there is air gap in the outer
bars of the core)

Figure 18 FEA Analysis of the HF Transformer.
In the first test, the designed prototype was run with input voltage of 300V to provide 1kW at 208V
3PH/60Hz. The total link capacitance was 200nF. The experimental results are shown in Figures 19 and
20, including the link voltage and link current, and the converters input and output currents. The average
link frequency and link peak current at these test conditions were about 8.88kHz and 18.5A, respectively,
which are very close to the results of the analysis and simulation sections. The small differences are mainly
due to the non-linearity and power loss of the components. The thermal photography of the working
prototype converter at nominal operating conditions for 30 minutes showed the transformer temperature
below 60C and the temperature of the switches heat sinks at about 40C. The thermal pictures of the
high-frequency transformer and load-side board are shown in Figures 21 and 22.

Figure 19 Experimental results. Top: link voltage (200V/div), bottom: link current (20A/div) vs.
time (40S/div).

Figure 20 Experimental results. Top: input current (2A/div), bottom: link current (5A/div) vs. time

Figure 21 Thermal picture of the high-frequency transformer of the prototype converter at full

Figure 22 Thermal picture of the load-side board of the designed prototype converter at full load.
To verify the converter operation in the step-up case, another experimental test was run. Figures 23
and 24 show the experimental results with the input voltage of 200V at the same load conditions. As the
figures show, the link voltage in mode 1 is dropped, while its duration has increased to draw the same

amount of power from the input. As a result the input current has increased. The link frequency in this test
condition was measured as 6.53kHz.

Figure 23 Experimental results with 200V input. Top: link voltage (200V/div), bottom: link current
(20A/div) vs. time (40S/div).

Figure 24 Experimental results with 200V input. Top: input current (2A/div), bottom: link current
(5A/div) vs. time (5mS/div).
The proposed converter can also work properly with reduced output power. Figures 25 and 26 display
the operation of the converter at the output load of 430 W while the output voltage is 208V/60Hz, similar
to before. Note that in this case the duration of the active odd-numbered modes has decreased to meet the
reduced input and output power. As a result the link frequency has increased to 10.4kHz in this test.

Figure 25 Experimental results with 200V input. Top: link voltage (200V/div), bottom: link current
(20A/div) vs. time (30S/div).

Figure 26 Experimental results with 200V input. Top: input current (1A/div), bottom: link current
(2A/div) vs. time (5mS/div).


C.1 The proposed topology

A reduced-switch configuration of the original converter is shown In this section. As discussed in

Chapter E, this converter can be used as an alternative to the original converter when one or several
power switches is/are broken. Figure 27(a) shows the proposed type-I reduced-switch inverter with an HF
link and soft-switching operation. The inductor, L, and small parallel capacitor, C, form the resonant HF
link. Power transfer is accomplished via L, which is charged from the input voltage and discharged to the
grid phases. The link capacitor creates zero-voltage switching for the power switches as explained later.
The converters seven switches need to have the reverse-blocking capability, e.g., an IGBT and diode in
series. Figure 27(b) reveals the isolated version of the topology, in which the link inductor is replaced with
an HF air-gapped transformer and the link capacitor is split between both sides of the transformer. In this
case, the transformers magnetizing inductance is used as the link inductance. The link capacitors also
behave as passive snubbers to avoid voltage spikes due to the transformers leakage inductances.
The proposed converter is a current-source converter, and, consequently, the reference currents for the
output phases are needed for the proper operation. Similar to the original converter, the input reference
current is also required in the control scheme, which can be given by

where Vin is the input dc voltage, P out is the output power of the converter, and P loss is its estimated power
iP.V. iPV iL ia-o ia-out
AC out

+ ib-o ib-out
vin L vL b
C ic-o ic-out

iP.V. iPV 1:n

C1 C2
ia-o ia-out
AC out

ib-o ib-out
vin b
T1 ic-o ic-out


Figure 27 The proposed type-I reduced-switched HF-link inverter. (a) The non-isolated topology,
and (b) the isolated topology.

C.2 Principle of operation

The operation of the introduced soft-switching HFAC-link converter topology consists of six modes of
operation in each link cycle. Briefly, in forward power direction, the link inductor charges through the
input in mode 1, and then it discharges to the output in modes 3 and 5. The even-numbered modes are for
partial resonance of the link inductor with its parallel capacitor to achieve zero-voltage switching. A
typical link cycle of the proposed topology is shown in Figure 28, and its operating modes are shown in
Figure 29. The modes of operation of the unidirectional converter are explained in detail, as follows.

Figure 28 Typical waveforms of the proposed converter. (a) link voltage, (b) link current, (c) input
current, d) output currents.

iL a

vin L vL b

(a) Mode 1

iL a

vin L vL b

(b) Even-numbered modes

iL a
vin L vL b

(c) Mode 3

iL a

vin L vL b

(d) Mode 5
Figure 29 Typical operating mode of the proposed reduced-switch HFAC-link resonant converter.

C.2.1 Mode 1

The input-side switch of the converter is turned on to connect the HFAC-link to the input dc voltage.
As a result, L starts to charge in the positive direction. This mode is allowed to continue until the average
input current meets its reference value. Subsequently, the switch is turned off.
In the turn-off process of the mode-1 switch, due to the existence of C, the voltage of the switch goes
up slowly while its current is quickly reduced. As a result, the switch turns off at almost zero voltage. This
soft switching operation happens at the turn-off of all the converters switches in all operating modes.

C.2.2 Mode 2

The link inductor and capacitor start to resonate. This resonance continues until the link voltage is
equal to the voltage of the selected output phase pair, which will be discussed later. During this mode, the
link current, iL(t), reaches its positive peak values, iLP+, as follows:

( ) ,

where t1 is the time at the end of mode 1 and vin is the input voltage.
Two output phase pairs should be selected for discharge modes 3 and 5. One of them is the phase pair
having the highest current difference at that instant of time, and the other one is the phase pair with the
second highest current difference. Among these two phase pairs, the one with lower line-to-line voltage is
chosen for mode 3 and the other for mode 5. This method is mainly due to minimizing the resonant time.

C.2.3 Mode 3

Two proper grid-side switches are turned on to connect the HF link to a selected phase pair. As a
result, the link inductor starts to discharge to that phase pair. This mode runs until the average current of
one of the connected phases equals its reference value. After that, the switches are turned off.
The link voltage is equal to the selected output phase pair at the beginning of mode 3. Thus, the turn-
on of the switches occurs at zero voltage. The zero voltage turn-on happens at the beginning of all the odd-
numbered modes.

C.2.4 Mode 4

The link inductor is allowed to resonate with its parallel capacitor until the link voltage becomes equal
to the voltage of the selected phase pair of mode 5.

C.2.5 Mode 5

Two grid-side switches are turned on to connect the inverters HF link to a grid phase pair with the
lowest instantaneous voltage. In this way, the link voltages in modes 1, 3, and 5 are in descending order; as
a result, the resonant intervals between these modes are in the shortest possible case. This mode ends, and
the switches are turned off after the link current reaches a small value, which will be described later.

C.2.6 Mode 6

The HFAC-link components resonate together. This partial resonance runs until the link voltage
becomes equal to the input voltage, and thus, the converter goes to mode 1 with zero-voltage switching.
For this procedure to occur properly, the link voltage should go higher than the input voltage during this
mode, which may require that a small amount of current be left in the link inductor at the end of mode 5
according to the following:

(( ) ( )) | ( )|
( ) { ,
| ( )|

where t5 is time at the end of mode 5, and k can be chosen as 1.1 to 1.15. Eq. (23) ensures the link peak
voltage, vLP, is equal or higher than . In the case that | ( )| is lower than , there should be a
limited current in the link inductance at the end of mode 5 so that the vLP is equal to . However, when
| ( )| is more than , there is no need to leave any current in the link inductance at the end of mode
5, and the link voltage naturally peaks at | ( )| during mode 6. The link current reaches its negative
peak value, iLP, during mode 6, which can be given by

The operating modes of the isolated resonant topologies in Figure 27(b) are similar to the non-isolated
converter. These isolated converters have the advantage of providing galvanic isolation by using a small
single-phase high-frequency transformer, rather than a bulky 60Hz transformer. Although these converters
have the ability to perform step-up and step-down operations with a 1:1 transformer, the transformer turns
ratio can be selected as follows for optimal design of the converter:

C.3 Analysis of the converter

The link voltage peaks at vLP during mode 6 and is equal to vin at the end of this mode. Hence, the
average of the link current at the end of mode 6 can be written as follows:

( ),

where IEx is defined as the average of the link current at the end of mode x. The parameters with
capital letters are used to represent the average of the corresponding parameters that use lower case letters.
By finding the average of the link current in mode 1 and then equating it with I*in, the average duration of
mode 1, T1, can be given by

( ) ,

where T is the average period of the link cycle. Since the arrangement of the line and phase voltages of a
three phase system changes periodically every /6 rad, the first /6 rad will be considered for the analysis.
In this interval, phase pair ba has the second-lowest output voltage and is selected for mode 3. Thus, the
average of the link voltage and current in mode 3 is given by

( )
( ) and

( )
( ) ,

where VLo is the output line rms voltage, and IPo is the output phase rms current. Similarly, phase pair bc
has the lowest instantaneous voltage and is selected for the mode 5. Hence, the link average voltage and
current in mode 5 can be given in a similar way:

( ) and

( )
( )

In addition, using the same method for finding T1, the average time-length of modes 3 and 5 can be

( ) and

( ) ,

where IE3 and IE5, the link current at the end of mode 3 and 5, respectively, can be calculated by,


( )

The lengths of mode 4 and mode 8 can be obtained as follows:

[ ( ) ( )] and

[ ( ) ( )]

The duration of the short modes 2 and 4 can be found in a similar way. Finally, the sum of the time
intervals of all the modes is equal to the average link period, T, which results in a set of implicit equations
to be solved simultaneously.
Figure 30 shows the average of the link frequency, link positive peak current, and the absolute value of
the link negative peak current versus the link capacitance for various values of the link inductance. This
graph can be used to design the proposed inverter for a desirable working condition. Note that the
conduction loss of the switches and the inductor power loss depend on the link peak current; in order to
decrease these losses, the link peak current should be reduced. The link frequency is also another important
parameter determining the size of passive components, and, therefore, it is desirable to increase the link
frequency as much as possible.

19 L=300uH
link frequency, f (kHz)






Link peak currents (A)

ILP+ @ L=300uH
ILP+ @ L=450uH
ILP+ @ L=600uH
|ILP-| @ L=300uH
|ILP-| @ L=450uH
10 |ILP-| @ L=600uH

50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Link capacitor, C (nF)

Figure 30 Link frequency, and link positive and negative peak currents versus C for Vin=300V,
VLo=208V, and Pout=750W.

C.4 Experimental results

A converter prototype discussed in the previous section was programmed to run in the type-I reduced
switch mode of operation. The link components were 450H and 200nF. The analysis showed that a
maximum power of 750W can be yielded from the converter prototype working in Type-I mode of
operation. The designed prototype was run with an input voltage of 300V to provide 750W at 208V
3PH/60Hz. Figures 31 and 32 show the experimental results, including link voltage and current, as well as
the input and output currents. The link frequency was 11.0kHz, which is very close to the analysis results
given above.

Figure 31 Experimental results. Top: link voltage (200V/div), bottom: link current (20A/div) vs.
time (25 S/div)

Figure 32 Experimental results. Top: input current (1A/div), bottom: output current of phase a
(2A/div) vs. time (5mS/div)


D.1 The proposed topology

Figure 33(a) shows the proposed type-II reduced-switch resonant dc-ac converter with a HFAC link
and soft-switching operation. The HFAC link is composed of the inductor, L, and parallel capacitor, C.
The link capacitor, C, is a considerably small capacitor with an ac voltage operation; therefore, highly-
reliable ac capacitors can be used for it. The link inductor also carries an ac current, so it is smaller and
more efficient than dc-current inductors due to full use of the magnetic core in both positive and negative
directions. In general, power transfer from input to output is accomplished via the link inductor, which is
charged from the input voltage, and then discharged to the output phases with a precisely controllable
current technique. The link capacitor produces partial resonance to realize the soft switching condition for
the power devices, as will be shown later. The small filters at the input side and load side of the converter
suppress switching-frequency harmonics.

iin ii ia-o ia-out

iL a

AC Out
ib-o ib-out
vin L vL b
C ic-o ic-out


iin ii ia-o ia-out

iL a
AC Out

ib-o ib-out
vin L vL b
C ic-o ic-out

iin iP LP 1:n LS iS
RP + iL RS
C1 C2
vL LM ia-o ia-out
AC Out

ib-o ib-out
ic-o ic-out


Figure 33 The proposed type-II parallel resonant HFAC-link dc-ac converters. (a) the basic
unidirectional topology, (b) the bidirectional topology, and (c) the isolated unidirectional topology.

As shown in Figure 33(a), the converters switches need to have a reverse blocking capability, e.g., an
IGBT or MOSFET in series with a diode. Bidirectional power flow can be provided by replacing the
converters switches with bidirectional switches. Figure 33(b) presents a more effective topology for the
bidirectional operation. The four input-side switches in this topology can create a forward path to charge
the link from the input as well as a reverse path to charge the input from the link. Galvanic isolation can be
provided by replacing the link inductor with a small single-phase high-frequency transformer, as shown in
Figure 33(c). Since the operating frequency of the transformer, T1, is the same as the switching frequency,
it yields a much smaller transformer compared to line-frequency three-phase transformers. In order to have
an appropriate link inductance value, the transformer may need to have an air gap. Instead of one link
capacitor, two smaller capacitors, C1 and C 2, are placed on both sides of T 1 in this topology. These
capacitors provide paths for the currents of the primary and secondary leakage inductances when the input
or output switches are turned off in order to avoid voltage spikes. The bidirectional isolated topology can
also be made by employing a high-frequency transformer in the Figure 33(b) topology in a similar way.

D.2 Principle of operation

The proposed topologies are primarily current-source inverters, and, consequently, the reference
currents of the output phases are needed for the proper operation. As shown later, the reference current of
the input is also required in the converter control scheme. The input reference current can be simply given

where Vin is the input dc voltage, Pout is the output active power of the converter, and P loss is its estimated
power loss. Since Ploss is normally much smaller than the P out, the converter operation is not highly
sensitive to the exact value of the P loss.
The operation of the introduced soft-switching HFAC-link converter topology consists of six modes of
operation in each link cycle. Briefly, in the forward power direction the link inductance charges through
the input in mode 1, and then it discharges to the output phases in modes 3 and 5. The even-numbered
modes are for partial resonance of the link inductance with its parallel capacitance to achieve zero-voltage
switching. A typical link cycle of the isolated unidirectional topology is shown in Figure 34, and its
operating modes are shown in Figure 35. The modes of operation of this converter are explained in detail
as follows. The transformers parasitics elements, primary and secondary leakage inductances and
resistances, are not considered now, and their effect will be shown later.

Figure 34 Typical waveforms of the proposed resonant converter. (a) link voltage, (b) link current,
(c) input current, and (d-f) output currents.

D.2.1 Mode 1

The input-side switch of the converter is turned on to connect the input dc voltage to the HFAC-link.
As a result, the link inductance, LM, starts to charge in the positive direction. This mode is allowed to
continue until the average input current meets its reference value, Ii,ref. Subsequently, the switch is turned

+ iL
C1 C2

vin b

(a) Mode 1
+ iL
C1 C2

vin b

(b) Mode 2, 4, and 6

+ iL
C1 C2

vin b

(c) Mode 3
+ iL
C1 C2

vin b

(d) Mode 5

Figure 35 Typical operating modes of the proposed isolated resonant converter.

In the turn-off process of the input-side switch, due to the existence of the link capacitance, the voltage
of the switch goes up slowly. As a result, the switch turns off at almost zero voltage. This soft switching
operation similarly occurs at the turn-off of the other converters switches.

D.2.2 Mode 2

The link inductance starts to resonate with C 1 and C2. This resonance is continued until the link
voltage, vL(t), becomes equal to the reflected voltage of the selected output phase pair in the up-going
direction. The proper selection of the output phase pairs will be discussed later. During this mode, the link

voltage reaches its negative peak value, VLP, which can be found according to the energy of the link at the
end of mode 1 as follows:

( ),

where t1 is the time at the end of mode 1, and n is the transformer turns ratio. In mode 2 the link current,
iL(t), also reaches its positive and negative peak values, ILP+ and ILP, which can be expressed by

( )

Two output phase pairs should be selected for discharge modes 3 and 5. The two phase pairs that have
the highest and second-highest current difference at the instant are chosen for this purpose. Among these
two phase pairs, the one with lower voltage is chosen for mode 3 and the other for mode 5. In this way, the
link voltages in modes 3 and 5 are in the ascending order, and, therefore, the link voltage will reach these
phase-pair voltages in the proper order as it is going up.

D.2.3 Mode 3

Two proper load-side switches are turned on to discharge the link inductance to the chosen phase pair
for mode 3, discussed before. This mode runs until the average current of one of the connected output
phases meets its reference value. After that, this mode ends and the switches are turned off.
Note that the link voltage is equal to the reflected voltage of the selected phase pair at the beginning of
mode 3. As a result, the turn-on of the mode-3 switches occurs at zero voltage. The zero voltage switching
happens at the turn-on of the other converters switches in the same way.

D.2.4 Mode 4

The link inductance and capacitance are allowed to resonate again until the link voltage becomes equal
to the reflected voltage of the mode-5 phase pair.

D.2.5 Mode 5

The link inductance is discharged to the selected mode-5 phase pair by turning on two appropriate
load-side switches. Once the link current reaches a small value, which will be discussed later, this mode

ends and the switches are turned off. Considering the input-output power balance, the average currents of
both connected phases meet their reference values at the end of this mode.

D.2.6 Mode 6

The link reactive components start to resonate again. This partial resonance is maintained until the link
voltage is equal to the input voltage in the down-going direction, which then permits the converter to go to
mode 1 with zero voltage switching. In order to make this process occur properly, a small amount of
current should be left in the link inductance at the end of mode 5, so that the link voltage rises up to a
certain amount higher than the input voltage. Therefore, the link current at the end of mode 5, ( )
should be as follows:

( ) ( ( )),

where t5 is time at the end of mode 5; and VLP+ is the pre-determined link peak voltage, which can be selected
10 to 15 percent higher than the input voltage. It should be noted that the mode-5 voltage is higher than the
input voltage in the step-up operation of the converter, and, consequently, the link voltage can softly
decrease during mode 6 to reach the input voltage. As a result iL(t5) can be selected as zero in the boost
The reverse power flow from the output to the input is possible by using the topology of Figure 33(b).
The operation of the forward power transfer of this topology is the same as Figure 33(a), as discussed
before. The link inductance in the reverse power direction is first charged from the output phases in the
negative direction in two modes. Then the link is allowed to resonate to change its current direction.
Finally, the link inductance is discharged to the input by properly turning on the converters input-side

D.3 Analysis of the converter

Because the arrangement of the line and phase voltages of a three phase system changes every /6
rad/s, the first /6 rad/s will be considered for the analysis of the introduced isolated converter. By
assuming a unity load power factor, phase pair AB has the second-highest current difference in this
interval, and, according to the converter operation, it is selected for mode 3. Thus, the link average voltage
in mode 3 is given by

( )
( ) ,

where VLo is the output line-to-line rms voltage. The absolute value of the phase-A current is lower than
the absolute value of the Phase-B current in the assumed interval. Therefore, the link average current in
mode 3 can be given as follows:

( )
( ) ,

where IPo is the output phase rms current. Similarly, phase pair CB has the highest current difference in
that interval and is selected for discharge mode 5. Hence, the link average voltage in mode 5 is given by

( )

Subsequently, the link average current in mode 5 can be obtained from the following:

( )
( )

The link voltage peaks to VLP+ in mode 6 and then equals Vin at the end of mode 6, so the link current
at the end of mode 6 can be given by,

( )

By considering that the input reference current is equal to the average link current in mode 1, the
mode-1 duration and the link current at the end of mode 1 can be obtained respectively from the following:

( ) and

where T is the average period of the link cycle. A similar analysis gives the average length of mode 3 and
5 as follows:

( ) and

( ) ,

where I3 and I5 are the link current at the end of mode 3 and 5, respectively, and can be calculated by


( )

Equation (14) is derived by neglecting the link current change in the short mode 4. The average time-
lengths of mode 2 and mode 6 can be obtained as follows:

( )[ ( ) ( )] and

( )[ ( ) ( )]

As mentioned before, VLP+ is a pre-determined value, and VLP can be calculated by substituting (11)
in (2). The duration of the short mode 4 can be found in a similar way. Finally, the sum of the time
intervals of all the operating modes is equal to the average link period as follows:

The resulting implicit equation can be solved to find T and the other main parameters of the converter.
Figure 36 shows the average link frequency, link negative peak voltage, and link peak current versus the
total link capacitance, C1+n2C2, for various values of the link inductance. The reduction of the total link
capacitance mainly decreases the mode-2 duration. As a result, the link voltage should peak at the lower
negative value in this mode to have zero average voltage in accordance with the inductor volt-second
balance principle. On the other hand, the increment of the total link capacitance increases the duration of
mode 2, in which there is no power transfer. Consequently, the link current should peak at a higher value at
the end of mode 1 in order to meet the input average reference current. In addition, the link frequency
modifies due to the change in the link capacitance value and mode-2 duration. As Figure 36 shows, the
increase of the link inductance decreases the link frequency, link peak current, and link negative peak
voltage, meaning that the link inductance increase reduces the conduction power losses of the switches but
increases their voltage stresses. As mentioned before, the link capacitance value has the opposite effect in

these parameters. Therefore, the optimal value of the link inductance and capacitance can be selected from
this figure to reach the desirable voltage and current ratings of the switches and the proper link frequency.
The variation of the link frequency, link negative peak voltage, and link peak current by changing the
output active power and input voltage are shown in Figure 37. As the figure depicts, the absolute value of
the link negative peak voltage and the link peak current depend on the output power, and they both
decrease almost linearly as the output power reduces. Alternatively, the link frequency increases slowly
and almost linearly with the decreased output power. Note that these three major converter parameters are
only dependent on the active power amount of the output power irrespective of the output reactive or
apparent power.

Average link frequency, f (kHz)

16 LM=450uH



32 -500
Link negative peak voltage, VLP- (V)

29 -700
Link peak current, ILP (A)

26 -900

23 -1100

20 ILP @ LM=600uH -1300

ILP @ LM=450uH
ILP @ LM=300uH
17 VLP- @ LM=600uH -1500
VLP- @ LM=450uH
VLP- @ LM=300uH
14 -1700
50 200 350 500 650 800
Total link capacitance, C (nF)

Figure 36 Average link frequency, link negative peak voltage, and link peak current versus total
link capacitance for various values of the link inductance, Vin=300V, VLo=208V, n=1, Pout=750W.



Average link frequency, f (kHz)

11 Vin=300V


25 ILP @ Vin=400V -350
ILP @ Vin=300V
ILP @ Vin=200V

Link negative peak voltage, VLP- (V)

VLP- @ Vin=400V
22 VLP- @ Vin=300V -450
link peak current, ILP (A)

VLP- @ Vin=200V

19 -550

16 -650

13 -750

10 -850
0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80
Output acive power (kW)

Figure 37 Average link frequency, link negative peak voltage, and link peak current versus output
power for various values of the input voltage, VLo=208V, n=1, LM= 450H, and Ct=400nF.

The link frequency, link negative peak voltage, and link peak current of the proposed isolated
converter at a very small amount of the output power can be given by

| ,
( )

| , and

The peak forward voltage and peak reverse voltage of the input-side switches of the isolated
bidirectional topology can be expressed as follows:



The peak forward voltage and peak reverse voltage of the output-side switches of that converter can be
given by


D.4 Simulation results

Computer simulation was used to test the introduced parallel resonant topology of Figure 33(c). The
transformer model parameters of Table IV were employed in the simulation with the magnetizing
inductance of 450F and turns ratio of 1. The link capacitors, C 1 and C2, were both chosen as 200nF to
have the total capacitance of 400nF. Figure 38 shows the simulation results of the link voltage and current
with the input voltage of 200V, and Figure 39 depicts the results with the input voltage of 400V. The load
voltage and power at these two tests were 208V/60Hz and 1kVA at 0.75PF lagging. The small oscillations
in the link voltage at the beginning of the operating modes are due to the stored energy in the transformer
leakage inductances, which are damped by the link capacitors and dissipated in the transformer winding
resistances. The simulation showed the average link frequency, link peak current, and link negative peak
voltage as 7.56kHz, 23.1A, and 773.7V for the step-up test and 9.24kHz, 23.2A, 778.2V for the step-
down test. These results are compatible with the outcomes of the theoretical analysis, as shown in Figure
37, with the consideration that the output active power in both tests was 750W.
500 40

250 20
Link voltage, vL (V)

Link current, iL (A)

0 0

-250 -20

-500 -40
-750 -60

-1000 -80
0 50 100 150 200 250
Time (S)
Figure 38 Simulation results of the proposed converter at 1kV including link voltage and link
current at step-up case.

500 40

250 20

Link voltage, vL (V)

Link current, iL (A)

0 0

-250 -20

-500 -40
-750 -60

-1000 -80
0 50 100 150 200 250
Time (S)

Figure 39 Simulation results of the proposed converter at 1kV including link voltage and link
current at the step-down case.

D.5 Experimental results

A developed prototype of the proposed isolated topology was employed to verify type-II performance.
DSP was programmed to run the converter in the proposed type-II mode of operation. Both link capacitors
were selected as 200nF, similar to the previous section. The designed converter prototype was run in the
same step-up and step-down conditions as the simulation section. Figure 40 shows the resulting link
voltage and current in the step-up case with the input voltage of 200V, and Figure 41 depicts these
parameters in the step-down case with the input voltage of 400V. As the figures show, these experimental
results are very close to the results of the analysis and simulation sections. The small differences are
mainly due to the non-linearity and power loss of the components. Figure 42 displays the input current and
output current of phase A in the step-up case.

Figure 40 Experimental results in the step-up case. Top: transformer primary voltage (400V/div),
middle: link input current (20A/div), and bottom: link output current (20A/div) versus time

Figure 41 Experimental results in the step-down case. Top: transformer primary voltage
(400V/div), middle: link input current (20A/div), and bottom: link output current (20A/div) versus
time (40S/div).

Figure 42 Experimental results in the step-up case. Top: Input Current (2A/div), and bottom:
Output current of phase A (2A/div) versus time (5mS/div).

The original soft-switched HF-link converter presented in Chapter B is shown again in Figures 43 and
44. The bidirectional switches of the converter in Figure 43 are realized by the conventional reverse-
conducting (RC) switches, e.g., conventional IGBTs. As mentioned before, two RC switches in anti-series
make a bidirectional switch. It is also possible to realize the bidirectional switches using the newly
available reverse-blocking (RB) switches, as shown in Figure 44. Although the soft-switched HF-link
converter in any form of the switch realization has the advantages of high conversion efficiency and the
exclusion of the short-life electrolytic capacitors in the main link, it has a higher switch count compared to
the conventional pulse-width-modulated (PWM) voltage-source converters. Therefore, the chance of a
power switch fault is higher in this converter. The possible faults in the power switches of the introduced
converter are considered in this chapter, and alternative solutions are given to survive the load with one or
several faulty switches. In order to do that, the possible switch faults of the HF-link converter are
categorized as follows:
I. An input-side switch or load-side switch remains open.
II. An input-side switch remains closed.
III. A load-side switch remains closed.
Each of these cases is investigated separately in the following sections, and possible solutions to run
the converter during these faulty cases are investigated. Note that it is impossible to run the converter in all
possible switch faults; for example, if all the switches of an input-side leg break to open-circuit, it is
impossible to continue running the converter in any way, since there is no path to charge the link from the
input. However, it is possible to run the converter and survive the load if just one of the switches of an
input-side leg breaks (either to open-circuit or short-circuit). The faulty status of all the converters power
switches should be sent to the main controller of the converter in order to do that. The controller monitors
the status of the power switches and may modify the operating algorithm in case of a faulty condition to
effectively run the converter, as described in the following sections. The faulty status of the power
switches can be revealed by having extra circuitry near each power switch to monitor its gate-emitter and
collector-emitter voltages, and it returns error signals in case that the power switch remains consistently to
open or closed. The soft-switched HF-link converter with RC-switches is considered in the following
analysis; the same concept can also be employed with the converter with the RB-switches.

S13 S15 S17

S2 D4
D1 S3
LP 1:n LS S18
iin ii S14 S16 ia-o ia-out
RP + iL RS a

AC Out
C1 C2 ib-o ib-out
vin vL LM b
ic-o ic-out
S19 S21 S23
D8 S10
S7 D9

S20 S22 S24

Figure 43 The original soft-switched HF-link dc-ac converter, realized by the conventional
reverse-conducting switches.

S13 S15 S17 S18

S2 S3 T1
LP 1:n LS S14 S16
iin ii ia-o ia-out
RP + iL RS a

AC Out
C1 C2 ib-o ib-out
vin vL LM b
ic-o ic-out
S19 S21 S23

S7 S10
S20 S22 S24

Figure 44 The original soft-switched HF-link dc-ac converter, realized by the reverse-blocking

E.1 Case I: An input-side switch or load-side switch remains open

This faulty case is sub-categorized into four possible cases according to the formation of the faults in
the input-side and load-side switches. Figure 45 shows the first possible case and is considered as case I.A.
If any or several of the dashed-line switches and diodes (S3, D4, S7, D8, S13, S15, S17, S19, S21, and S23) break
to open-circuit, the resulting converter is similar to the type-I reduced-switch topology discussed in
Chapter C. Note that switches S2 and S10 in Figure 45 should be turned on and off together to behave as the
single input-side switch of Figure 27. As a result, the faulty converter of Figure 45 can work with the type-
I reduced-switch algorithm, explained in Chapter C, to feed the load. Since the switch utilization of the
type-I reduced-switch operating mode is low due to the long resonant mode 8, it yields higher link peak
current than the original converter at the same power level. Therefore, the maximum power of the
converter with the type-I reduced-switch algorithm is lower than the original algorithm and depends on the
link inductor and capacitor values. Comparing the analysis results of the prototype converter with the
original algorithm (Figure 4) and the type-I operating algorithm (Figure 30) reveals that the prototype

converter can provide about 750W output power with the type-I operating algorithm, compared to 1kW
power with the original algorithm.

S13 S15 S17

S2 D4
D1 S3
LP 1:n LS S18
iin ii S14 S16 ia-o ia-out
RP + iL RS a

AC Out
C1 C2 ib-o ib-out
vin vL LM b
ic-o ic-out
S19 S21 S23
D8 S10
S7 D9

S20 S22 S24

Figure 45 case I.A: An input-side switch or load-side switch remains open

S13 S15 S17

S2 D4
D1 S3
LP 1:n LS S18
iin ii S14 S16 ia-o ia-out
RP + iL RS a

AC Out
C1 C2 ib-o ib-out
vin vL LM b
ic-o ic-out
S19 S21 S23
D8 S10
S7 D9

S20 S22 S24

Figure 46 case I.C: An input-side switch or load-side switch remains open

The second possible faulty case is that the dashed-line devices in the converter shown in Figure 45 are
functioning properly, but any or several of the solid-line switches and diodes (D1, S2, D9, S10, S14, S16, S18,
S20, S22, and S24) break to open-circuit. This case is considered as I.B, and the resulting converter is similar
to the type-I reduced-switch topology discussed in Chapter C in the negative direction. The link inductance
in this scheme is charged through the input in the negative direction and is subsequently discharged to the
output. The performance and operating behavior of the converter with type-I reduced-switch algorithm in

the negative direction is the same as the one in the positive direction, explained in Chapter C, and all the
analysis results can be directly applied.
Faulty case I.C occurs when any or several of the dashed-line diodes and switches shown in Figure 46
(S3, D4, S7, D8, S14, S16, S18, S20, S22, and S24) break to open-circuit. Note that this case is different from
Case I.A, since the formation of faulty output-side switches is dissimilar. The converter with the faulty
dashed-line switches shown in Figure 46 is similar to the type-II reduced-switch resonant converter,
explained in Chapter D. Note that switches S2 and S10 in Figure 46 should be turned on and off together in
order to behave as the single input-side switch of type-II converter. Therefore, the faulty converter of
Figure 46 can work with the type-II reduced-switch algorithm, explained in Chapter D, to feed the load.
Similar to the type-I converter, the switch utilization is lower than the original converter, and, as a result,
the power capacity of the converter running with type I or II is lower than the one running with the original
operating algorithm. The type-II operating algorithm also has another problem: it yields higher voltage
stress on the power switches, as explained in Chapter D. As a result, the output power may be required to
decline even lower to limit the voltage stress on the power switches, as shown in Figure 37.
The final possible scenario in case I is when all the dashed-line switches of the converter shown in
Figure 46 are working correctly, but one or several solid-line power switches (D1, S2, D9, S10, S13, S15, S17,
S19, S21, S23) break to open-circuit. This scenario is considered as Case I.D, and the resulting faulty
converter can work in the type-II reduced-switch algorithm in the negative direction. In this case, the link
inductance charges through the input in the negative direction, and it discharges to the output after a
resonant mode. Table VI summarizes all of the possible switch fault scenarios in Case I.
It should be noted that the type-I of operation is always preferred to type-II operation. The reason is
that the type-II operation causes higher voltage stress on the switches. Therefore, the type-I reduced-switch
mode should be selected when either type I or II can be employed,. For example, if switches S3 and S7
break to open-circuit, the faulty case can be considered as either case I.A or case I.C. Based on Table VI,
Case I.A works in the type-I algorithm while Case I.C operates in the type-II mode of operation.
Therefore, Case I.A and the subsequent type-I algorithm should be selected for the converters operation
during this fault.
Table VI : Summary of the switch faults states in Case I.

One or several of these devices break to open-circuit:
S3, D4, S7, D8, S13, S15, S17, S19, S21, S23 Type-I reduced-switch algorithm
(dashed-line devices in Figure 45)
One or several of these devices break to open-circuit:
Case Type-I reduced-switch algorithm in
D1, S2, D9, S10, S14, S16, S18, S20, S22, S24 I.B the negative direction
(solid-line devices in Figure 45)

One or several of these devices break to open-circuit:
S3, D4, S7, D8, S14, S16, S18, S20, S22, S24 Type-II reduced-switch algorithm
( dashed-line devices in Figure 46)
One or several of these devices break to open-circuit:
Case Type-II reduced-switch algorithm in
D1, S2, D9, S10, S13, S15, S17, S19, S21, S23 I.D the negative direction
( solid-line devices in Figure 46)

E.2 Case II: An input-side switch remains closed

The short-circuit faults of the input-side power switches are considered In Case II. Based on the
formation of the switch fault, this case is sub-categorized into two states. Figure 47 shows Case II.A in
which either or both D9 and S10 break to short-circuit. In this scenario switch S 2 is considered as the only
input-side switch, which can charge the link inductance in the positive direction. Switches S 3 and S7 should
not be turned on because they will short the input voltage or the link. The converter with only one working
switch, S2, is similar to the type-I reduced-switch resonant converter, presented in Chapter C. As a result,
the type-I operating algorithm can be employed during this fault to effectively run the converter. Note that
power switches S13, S15, S17, S19, S21, and S23 are not required for the type-I operating mode, and they
should remain off.

S13 S15 S17

S2 D4
D1 S3
LP 1:n LS S18
iin ii S14 S16 ia-o ia-out
RP + iL RS a

AC Out
C1 C2 ib-o ib-out
vin vL LM b
ic-o ic-out
S19 S21 S23
D8 S10
S7 D9

S20 S22 S24

Figure 47 case II.A: An input-side switch remains closed

If one or both D1 and/or S2 break to short-circuit, the similar scheme II.A can be used to run the
converter with the type-I operating algorithm. In this case, switch S 10 is used as the only input-side switch
to charge the link inductance in the positive direction, and output-side switches transfer this energy to the
output. Similarly, devices S13, S15, S17, S19, S21, and S23 are not required for the type-I operating mode, and
they should remain off.

Table VII : Summary of the switch faults states in Case II.


One or both of these devices break to short-circuit :
Case II.A Type-I reduced-switch algorithm
D1, S2
One or both of these devices break to short-circuit:
Case II.A Type-I reduced-switch algorithm
D9, S10
One or both of these devices break t short-circuit: Type-I reduced-switch algorithm
Case II.B
S 3 , D4 in the negative direction
One or both of these devices break to short-circuit: Type-I reduced-switch algorithm
Case II.B
S 7 , D8 in the negative direction

If one or both S3 and/or D4 break to short-circuit, the faulty case is considered as Case II.B. Similar to
the above discussed cases, the converter can work with the input-side switch S7 to charge the link
inductance in the negative direction. As a result, the faulty converter can work effectively in the type-I
reduced-switch algorithm in the negative direction and feed the load at a reduced output power. Any break
to short-circuit of the devices S7 and D8 can also be managed in this scenario. Table VII summarizes the
faulty states considered in Case II.

E.3 Case III: A load-side switch remains closed

In case one of the load-side switches gets shorted, there is no general solution. However, there is a
solution for high-power applications in which each power switch of the proposed converter is realized by
two or three IGBTs in series. In this case the circuit of Figure 48 can be considered in which each power
switch of the converter is made by three IGBTs in series, and one of the IGBTs of switch S17 has broken to
short circuit. Since the other two IGBTs of S 17 are working properly, it is still possible to effectively run
the converter. However, the voltage stress on switch S 17 should be decreased so that these two IGBTs will
not experience over-voltage stress. Note that the peak forward voltage and peak reverse voltage of the
input-side switches of the original isolated HF-link topology can be expressed as follows:

where Vin is the input voltage and VLP is the link peak voltage. The peak forward voltage and peak reverse
voltage of the output-side switches of that converter can be given by

where VLo is output line rms voltage. Since one of the three IGBTs of switch S 17 is broken to short circuit,

the peak forward voltage of S17 should be reduced by 67 percent. As a result, should also

decrease by 67 percent. The link peak voltage is selected at least 10 to 15 percent higher than the input
voltage and should at least be equal to the output peak line-to-line voltage ( ). Therefore, the output
line rms voltage should be reduced in order to decrease the peak forward voltage of switch S17. By
decreasing the output voltage, the output power is decreased, but the converter can still work to survive the
load under this faulty condition until the broken switch is replaced

S13 S15 S17

S2 D4
D1 S3
LP 1:n LS S18
iin ii S14 S16 ia-o ia-out
RP + iL RS a

AC Out
C1 C2 ib-o ib-out
vin vL LM b
ic-o ic-out
S19 S21 S23
D8 S10
S7 D9

S20 S22 S24

Figure 48 case III: A load-side switch remains closed


In this work an isolated soft-switched dc-ac converter was proposed for subsea applications. The
converter provides galvanic isolation by utilizing a single high-frequency transformer. As This transformer
is much smaller in weight and volume than conventional three-phase line-frequency transformers used for
galvanic isolation because it works at a high frequency. The magnetizing inductance of the HF transformer
and two small ac capacitors make the high-frequency ac link. The proposed converter is expected to have a
high reliability and long lifetime owing to the soft switching operation and exclusion of the short-life
electrolytic capacitors in the main link. Furthermore, the converter can perform step-up and step-down
operations in forward and reverse directions, and the highest output voltage is not bounded to the dc-bus
voltage value. The converter analysis results showed the detailed behavior of the studied topology, and the
simulation and experimental results revealed the effectiveness of the proposed topology.

The proposed topology also has the fault-tolerant ability, which allows the converter to properly
operate, even with one or several faults in its power switches. The two modified HF-link concept was also
introduced in this document based on the original soft-switched HF-link converter and are known as type-I
and type-II reduced-switch converters. It was shown that these two reduced-switch power topologies can
be considered as redundant states of the original converter and can be employed if one or several switches
fault in the original converter.

Appendix II: Report from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute



Prepared by: Prof. Leila Parsa and Ali Mohammadpour


A. INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................... 4
B.1 MSDC receiving-end power conversion system ................................................. 5
B.2 High-frequency isolated topology selection ........................................................ 7
B.3 Proposed subsea power conversion system ...................................................... 8
B.4 Simulation of benchmark subsea field .............................................................. 10
C.1 Motivation......................................................................................................... 15
C.2 Steady state operation ..................................................................................... 15
C.3 Small-signal modeling and control ................................................................... 19
C.4 Fault-tolerant operation .................................................................................... 21
C.5 Scaled-down prototype and experimental results ............................................ 22
D. SUMMARY ................................................................................................................. 30

This document describes a high-frequency isolated DC-DC power converter architecture for ultra-
reliable subsea electrical power distribution system. For the proposed field scenario, high voltage direct
current (HVDC) power with an inductive DC link is assumed to be available at the input of receiving-end
power distribution system. All the selected electrical loads are operated by variable frequency drives
(VFD). Mechanical loads consist of compressors and pumps for subsea oil and gas processes. The total
mechanical shaft power is 50 MW, with provisions to increase up to 100 MW. Digital simulation results
are presented to verify operation of the proposed power conversion system. Furthermore, a scaled-down
laboratory prototype of isolated DC-DC converter is built and tested to verify proposed power conversion


B.1 MSDC receiving-end power conversion system

There is increasing industry need to deliver power more efficiently with lower cost, higher reliability,
and higher power density to subsea loads. This need is driven by electrification trends in oil and gas
industry that demand power converters to drive pumps and compressors, and supply subsea control and
communication electronics, electric pipeline heating, and other subsea equipment. The power transmission
and distribution level considered in this work is up to 100 MW in some cases with water depths up to 3
km. Several electric loads are normally distributed at subsea locations over short or long distances, and
newly discovered oil and gas reserves with electric loads need to be tied back to already established power
distribution infrastructure.
For subsea oil and gas fields where bulk power is transmitted over long distances, AC transmission
provides a technical challenge. The challenge becomes more severe for high power loads distributed over
long distances. Capacitance of submarine ac cable causes charging current to flow along the length of the
cable. Because the cable must carry this current as well as the useful load current, this physical limitation
reduces the load-carrying capability of the cable. Because the capacitance is distributed along the entire
length of the cable, longer distances result in higher capacitance and higher charging current. As the cable
system design voltage is increased to account for line loss and voltage drop, the charging current must also

Figure 1 Schematic view of the MSDC power T&D System

DC transmission can be achieved more efficiently over longer distances than AC transmission. Medium
voltage (MV) or HVDC transmission typically requires power electronic converters that are capable of
converting between HVAC and HVDC. Continuous progress in high-voltage, high-power, fully-controlled
semiconductor devices, like insulated gate bipolar transistors (IGBT) and insulated gate commutated
thyristors (IGCT), have enabled power electronics technology to penetrate in power T&D systems. Each
switch of the converter in conventional converter topologies is designed to handle voltages that may range
from tens to hundreds of kilovolts, depending upon the application. Such switches are typically arranged
with series connections of several semiconductor devices, such as IGBTs and thyristors. Because of the
size and the high number of components involved, conventional HVDC terminals are not well suited for
subsea applications.
System architectures to distribute power effectively to subsea loads will affect all system aspects,
including efficiency, power density, reliability, and cost. There is a need to address power delivery system
architectures based on the DC transmission bus to supply multiple electric loads. High
reliability/maintainability and high power density are the most important objectives for a subsea power
delivery system. A high-frequency isolated modular design can help to increase both
reliability/maintainability and power density in a subsea power delivery system. A promising architecture
for subsea power T&D, modular stacked direct current (MSDC) is presented in [1] - [3]. The system is
composed of a cascade connection of modular three-level converters symmetrically in the sending-end and
receiving-end of the T&D system. The transmission cable current is regulated to follow command value
that is determined based on the subsea load power. The system is well-suited for subsea fields considering
its robustness, fault-tolerance, and modularity. However, bulky low-frequency transformers that might
typically be used for subsea loads result in increased volume and mass of the power system, as well as
reduced reliability/maintainability. The objective of this work is to analyze solutions for high-frequency
isolation of the MSDC-based system. Switching frequency is limited by several factors, including
switching losses, electromagnetic compatibility/electromagnetic interference (EMC/EMI), and high-
frequency isolations.
A schematic view of the MSDC-based power T&D system is illustrated in Figure 1. The transmission
and distribution system is composed of two power conversion systems, an onshore power conversion
system and a subsea power conversion system, which are connected by transmission line cable. The
onshore power conversion system consists of 12-pulse passive rectifiers connected to three-level DC-DC
converters. Transmission cable current in the MSDC-based T&D system is controlled to follow a
command value, and it is almost constant for all loading conditions. The subsea converter modules are
similar to the onshore power conversion modules, i.e., back-to-back connection of a three-level DC-DC

converter and three-level DC-AC converter. Low-frequency transformers, usually 60 Hz, are used at the
output of DC-AC converters in order to isolate individual motors and loads from the transmission line.
These bulky and heavy transformers decrease the power density of the subsea power conversion system.
Additionally, their installation and maintenance are difficult to achieve in ultra-deepwater subsea fields.
The motivation of this work is to replace low-frequency isolation in subsea fields with high-frequency
isolation. In next three subsections, alternatives to achieve high frequency isolation are investigated, a
proposed approach for high frequency isolation is described, and digital simulation results of the proposed
subsea power conversion system will be analyzed.

B.2 High-frequency isolated topology selection

Three different approaches for high-frequency isolation in the receiving-end of the MSDC power
system are reviewed.
The first approach adds a new power conversion stage between the three-level boost converter and
three-level NPC inverters, as shown in Figure 2. With this design well-known voltage-fed isolated full-
bridge DC-DC converters, like a series resonant converter or dual active bridge, can be used to achieve
high frequency isolation. However, an additional power conversion stage increases cost and complexity of
the system and decreases power conversion efficiency.
The second approach is to use a matrix converter method to directly convert input DC power to three-
phase AC voltage to run motors. This technique has the advantage of a lower component count and simple
single-stage power conversion. However, the link resonant frequency and switching frequency are limited
to a few kilohertz, and, therefore, the isolation transformer size and weight will still be large. Switch high
voltage spikes and control complexity are two other factors that limit practical application of this method.
A third approach is proposed here, based on replacing DC-DC conversion of the MSDC system with a
high frequency isolated converter. The selection of a high frequency isolated current-fed topology that
offers high efficiency for high power application is limited. One solution uses an active-clamp full-bridge
isolated DC-DC converter. However, soft-switching is not possible for all converter switches, and,
therefore, switching frequency is limited. The proposed current-fed isolated DC-DC converter is presented
in next subsection.

Figure 2 Schematic view of high-frequency isolated power conversion based on
voltage-fed SRC converter

B.3 Proposed subsea power conversion system

The proposed high frequency isolation conversion is based on replacing three-level DC-DC converters
with isolated two-level DC-DC converters that are connected in series on the input side and are parallel at
the output side. Figure 3 is a simplified block diagram illustrating the proposed subsea power conversion
system. Transmission line current provides input to the power conversion system that is assumed to be
nearly constant. A three-level inverter is used at the output of the power conversion system to offer speed
and torque control for AC motors. Input ports of the converter modules are connected in series. The
number of series-connected modules is determined by transmission voltage and current rating. Outputs of
the modular converters are connected in a parallel-series configuration to provide a three-level DC link for
three-level inverters. The required number of modules connected in parallel or series is based on the
voltage and current ratings of the transmission line and AC load. Interleaving is used for parallel-
connected converters to reduce current and voltage ripple at the intermediate DC link. The input stage
modules are current-fed, zero-current-switching, full-bridge pulse width modulation (PWM) boost
converters with switching frequency in the range of tens of kilohertz. In practice, switching frequency is
limited by switching loss and EMC/EMI. Phase shift between two adjacent switches of the two legs for
isolated boost converter is controlled to regulate the output voltage. Furthermore, primary switches need to
have a reverse voltage blocking capability. Galvanic isolation of the DC-DC converters at the input stage
of subsea power conversion system creates flexibility in design and interconnection of the output stage.

Figure 4 shows an alternative design in which a modular phase approach is used for the motor drive. The
modular phase design results in higher reliability and fault-tolerance.

Figure 3 Schematic view of the proposed power conversion system with single-phase inverters

Figure 4 Schematic view of the proposed power conversion system with three-phase inverter

B.4 Simulation of benchmark subsea field

In order to demonstrate the operation of the proposed power distribution system, simulation results of
a 50MW subsea field scenario are presented in this section. The field is comprised of eight load modules
including four compressor loads rated at 6.6kV, 10MW each and four pump loads rated at 3.3kV, 2.5MW
each. The simulation model of the field is implemented in PLECS, as shown in Figure 5. The input current
to the energy conversion system is 400A. It is assumed that the DC-link voltage inside the subsea
converter module is constant such that the DC-DC converter and 3-level DC-AC converter can be
independently controlled. A current source load connected in parallel to the DC-link models full-scale
motor drive to reduce the overall simulation model complexity. The value of the current source changes in
cubic fashion to emulate a compressor load whose output power is proportional to cube of the speed.
Therefore, 10MW compressor loads are modeled as 1200A, 10.8kV DC loads; and 2.5MW pump loads are
modeled as 600A, 5.4kV DC loads. For compressor load modules, eight converters are used in two groups
of four interleaved sub-modules to provide two DC links for the three-level inverters. Two converters are
interleaved for each DC output voltage for pump loads. Each group of interleaved converters is controlled
by a single proportional-integral (PI) controller to regulate the output voltage. Switching frequency is
selected to be 20kHz.

Figure 5 Subsea field model implemented in PLECS

Simulation results for the subsea power distribution system are shown for start-up and transient load
change in Figure 6. For simplicity, results are presented for load modules 1 and 2 of both compressors and

pumps. Figure 6(a) shows that load current for compressor 1 and compressor 2 increases from no-load
operation to full-load operation and then decreases to half-load operation. Output voltages, shown in
Figure 6(b), follow a 5400V reference value with acceptable transient performance. It should be noted that
output voltage is only shown for one group of interleaved converters. However, two groups of interleaved
converters are similar, and their output voltage is the same as well. Load current for pumps 1 and 2areis
shown in Figure 6(c). Output current of interleaved converters for pump 1 are also shown in Figure 6(d).
Apparently, the average value of this current is equal to the load current. Output voltages, shown in Figure
6(e), have consistent dynamic performance. Output current waveforms for four interleaved converters of a
compressor load module are shown in Figure 7. Four converters share the 1200A load equally with a duty
ratio of 0.75, as shown in Figure 7(a) to Figure 7(d). Each converter supplies 300 A average output current
with 400A input current, and there is no ripple in the resulting total output current (Figure 7(e)).

Figure 6 Simulation results of the proposed subsea energy conversion system with equivalent
model for drives, (a) load current of compressor 1 and compressor 3, (b) DC link voltages of
compressor 1 and compressor 3, (c) load current of pump 1 and pump 3, (d) Output current of
pump 1 DC-DC module, (e) DC link voltages of pump 1 and pump 3

Figure 7 Output currents of compressor 1 paralleled DC-DC modules, (a) output current of the
first sub-module, (b) output current of the second sub-module, (c), output current of the third sub-
module, (d) output current of the fourth sub-module, (e) total output current

A detailed simulation of a compressor load module is executed in addition to simplified simulations

with equivalent current source drive models, (Figure 8). A three-level NPC inverter is used to control an
induction machine speed and torque with a field-oriented-control method. Specifications for the induction
machine are presented in Table 1. Motor torque is assumed to be proportional to the square of the speed.
Simulation results are depicted in Figure 9 for machine startup and a step load decrease in load torque. DC
link voltages are shown in Figure 9(a) and Figure 9(b). It can be seen that while the average voltage is
controlled to be 5400 V, voltage ripple is proportional to load current. A three-phase voltage and current
envelope of motor are displayed in Figure 9(c) and Figure 9(d), respectively. Reference speed and load
speed for motor startup are shown in Figure 9(e). It can be seen that actual speed closely follows reference
speed with acceptable transient performance. Finally, load torque and electromechanical torque of the
motor are depicted in Figure 9(f). There is an increase in motor speed for a step decrease in load torque at
t=28s. However, motor speed settles down to the reference speed within four seconds after load change.

Table 1: Specifications of induction machine for compressor load energy
conversion module

Parameter Value Parameter Value

Nominal Power

Nominal voltage

Nominal speed

Pole pairs

Power factor

Figure 8 Detailed model of a compressor load implemented in PLECS

Figure 9 Simulation results of compressor load module energy conversion system with detailed
model of the drive, (a) DC link voltage 1, (b) DC link voltages 2, (c) three-phase motor voltage (d)
three-phase motor current, (e) reference and actual speed of the motor, (f) load torque and actual
torque of the motor
Simulation results confirm the validity of the proposed power conversion architecture for subsea
applications. In order to provide a more realistic investigation of the proposed system, a scaled-down
laboratory prototype of a multi-phase isolated soft-switching DC-DC converter is implemented and

experimental tests are carried out. The next section focuses on experimental prototyping and testing

C.1 Motivation

A high-frequency isolated power conversion system was introduced in Chapter B for the receiving-end
of MSDC power distribution system. As mentioned, the modular DC-DC converter is of critical
importance in the system. Simplified simulation results confirm the advantage of the proposed conversion
system. However, detailed design, analysis, and experimental test results are necessary to verify the DC-
DC power converter. This section focuses on the multi-phase DC-DC converter. Detailed analysis, small-
signal modeling, and fault-tolerant operation of a three-phase version of DC-DC converter are presented. A
scaled-down laboratory prototype is implemented and experimental tests results are presented.

C.2 Steady state operation

Figure 10 is a schematic view of a three-phase version of the proposed DC-DC power converter for
one of the dc links for the power distribution system. The basic power electronics building block is a
current-fed, full-bridge zero current switching (ZCS), phase-shift, PWM converter. Primary switches need
to have a reverse voltage blocking capability. This converter is a dual version of the well-known voltage-
fed, zero-voltage-switching (ZVS), phase-shift, PWM DC-DC converter. The current-fed converter offers
ZCS for all primary IGBTs and ZVS for secondary diodes.

Figure 10 Interleaved three-phase ZCS DC-DC converter

Steady-state waveforms for a one-phase module are illustrated in Figure 11. Gate signals for upper leg
switches, i.e., and , are complementary with a small overlapping time to ensure soft-switching. This
holds true for lower leg switches, too. However, gate signals for lower leg switches are phase-shifted,
compared to upper switches, and control the converter power flow.

Figure 11 Waveforms of one module of the proposed converter

Here, converter analysis is executed considering its application in the proposed energy conversion
system. It will be shown that converter can be approximately modeled as full-bridge hard-switching boost
converter of previous section. LC resonant circuit is characterized by its resonant frequency and
characteristic impedance ,

, (1)

where and are resonant inductor and resonant capacitor, respectively. Normalized input current, , is
defined as

, (2)

where is input current and is output voltage. Interval by interval analysis can be used to calculate the
length of each interval in terms of already defined parameters. The length of first, second, third, and fourth
subintervals normalized with respect to half of the switching period are found to be respectively.
The duration of the last sub-interval is easily found by considering the fact that the sum of the all sub-
intervals is equal to the switching period of the converter. Duration of sub-intervals for a given converter
specification is constant and small compared to the duration of one switching cycle. The duration of a sub-
interval is the control parameter used to regulate converter output voltage. From Figure 11, the ZCS boost
converter operation is basically dominated by the second and last sub-intervals that are equivalent to on
state and off state of a basic boost converter. This simplification ignores the first sub-interval that current
linearly decreases from input current to zero. However, this is a reasonable assumption due to very small
length of the first sub-interval. Therefore, the ZCS boost converter can be analyzed similar to hard-
switching boost converter with a first-order model in which the dynamics of the input inductor are
neglected due to controlled input current. Interleaving is used for parallel-connected converters to reduce
current and voltage ripple at the intermediate DC link.
Table 2 summarizes all steady-state operation equations of the converter. Conducting devices are
given during each interval. Equations are presented for leakage inductor current and resonant capacitor
voltage. Lengths of the first, third, and fourth intervals are given as a function of normalized input current.
The other two intervals are specified by phase shift (equivalent duty cycle) and switching frequency of the

Table 2: Summary of equations describing steady state operation of the converter

Mode Conducting devices ( ) ( )

I: [ ] , , , , ( )

[ ] ,

[ ] , , ( ( )) ( ( )) ( )

[ ] , ( ) ( ( )) ( )

[ ] , , ,

Figure 12 shows one module of interleaved converter and its basic boost equivalent. Investigation of
this model and converter waveforms suggests the following formula for equivalent basic boost duty cycle ,

( )
, (3)


. (4)



Figure 12 (a) Phase-shift full-bridge ZCS converter and (b) basic boost equivalent

The output current waveform is almost the square-wave if the small overlap duration is not considered.
The duty cycle of the square waveform is controlled by adjusting the phase shift value between the upper
and lower leg switches gate signals. In other words, the converter can be simplified as a basic boost
converter in which the value of the phase-shift is equal to the equivalent duty cycle.
Figure 13 shows waveforms of all three modules and total output currents of the interleaved converter.
Total output DC current of the interleaved converter tends to be constant because of the converter modules
phase shift of gate signals. Output current ripple will depend on the equivalent duty cycle of the converter
modules and the number of modules. For the proposed three-phase converter, equivalent duty cycle of
two-thirds ( ) would give ripple-free output torque. In practice, this is a small ripple effect on the soft-
switched current commutation of the lower leg switches.

Figure 13 Waveforms of interleaved converter operation

C.3 Small-signal modeling and control

The equivalent boost circuit model proposed in the last subsection can be used to develop a small-
signal model of the converter. Figure 14 shows large-signal model of the three-phase interleaved converter.
Using Kirchhoffs voltage law (KVL) and Kirchhoffs current law (KCL) at the input port and output port
of the model, respectively, results in the following equations:

( ) and (5)

( ) . (6)

The control to output transfer function can be found by linear perturbation of the equations above and
a Laplace transform:

( )[ ]
( ) ( )
( ) . (7)
( ) ( ) ( )
( ) ( )

This transfer function can be presented as a standard second-order system:

( )
( ) , (8)
( )

where parameters are defined as

, (9)

, (10)

( ) , and (11)

( )
. (12)

This model can be used to design PI compensators for output voltage regulation. A simplified control
block diagram for the purpose of compensator design is depicted in Figure 15. A bode diagram of the
control-to-output transfer function is shown in Figure 16. In order to investigate the validity of the
proposed model, the PLECS analysis tool is used to plot the control-to-output bode diagram for the
switching circuit (Figure 17). Comparison of these two plots shows that the proposed linear model closely
follows the switching circuit model and can therefore be used for small-signal analysis and controller

Figure 14 Large-signal model of interleaved three-phase converter

Figure 15 Closed-loop control block diagram for three-phase converter

Figure 16 Bode diagram of control to output (phase shift to output voltage) transfer function

Figure 17 Bode diagram of control to output (phase shift to output voltage) obtained
from PLECS analysis tool on switching circuit

C.4 Fault-tolerant operation

Reliability and fault-tolerance are essential for subsea power system. The proposed modular design is
basically well-suited for high reliability, but proper fault detection and diagnosis techniques are required in
order to take advantage of the system modular design. Figure 18 shows the interleaved three-phase
converter with additional bypass switches, at the input of each full-bridge module. Once
a fault is detected in one module, its corresponding bypass switch will close and the faulty bridge will be

Figure 18 Interleaved three-phase ZCS DC-DC converter
For fault detection and diagnosis it is assumed that the converter is operating in CCM (continuous
conduction mode) and the input converter is almost constant. Under normal operations the bridge switches
current waveforms are square wave pulses with 50 percent duty (similar to the gate pulse of the
corresponding switch). Fault detection is carried out by sensing the full-bridge switches currents with a
sampling frequency well above switching frequency and estimating the current pulse duty ratio. If any
open-circuit or short-circuit fault occurs in a converter module, the current pulse duty ratio will change
from 50 percent, a fault flag corresponding to the fault module will be set, and the corresponding bypass
switch will close at the start of the next fault detection period. Figure 19 shows the converter control
architecture that is implemented on the TMS320F28335 micro-controller.

Figure 19 Control implementation on TMS320F28335 microcontroller

C.5 Scaled-down prototype and experimental results

A scaled-down laboratory prototype of the proposed three-phase converter is implemented and
experimental tests are carried out to verify the design. Table 3 shows the specifications for the prototype.
Switching frequency is selected to be 20 kHz. Converter output voltage and power are selected to be 150V

and 3kW, respectively. The nominal input voltage of a truly scaled-down converter would be 300V with
the given load specification.

Table 3: Laboratory prototype specification

Item Value

Switching frequency

Transformer turns ratio

Nominal load power

Nominal input voltage

Nominal output voltage

Table 4 shows selected components for prototype implementation. High-speed IGBTs are used in a
series connection with Silicon Carbide Schottkey diodes for primary bridge switches to provide required
reverse blocking capability. The same Schottkey diodes are used for secondary bridges. Two 100nF
ceramic capacitors are used for resonant capacitors connected in parallel with the transformer secondary.
The converter output contains two 470uF electrolyte capacitors. Converter control is built on the Texas
Instruments TMS320F28335 micro-controller. PWM gate signals are generated using the micro-controller
and are connected to IGBT gates through open-collector buffers and an HCPL-3120 Optocoupler. Output
voltages and switch currents are sensed using LEM LV-20 and ACS712ELCTR-20A-T Hall Effect
sensors, respectively. The transformer leakage inductance acts as a required resonant inductor to achieve

Table 4: Selected components of laboratory prototype

Component Part no / Description

IXGP30N120B3, High-Speed Low-Vsat PT IGBT 1200V 30A with series connected

Primary switches
C4D15120A-ND, Silicon Carbide Schottkey Diode 1200V 20A

Secondary diodes C4D15120A-ND, Silicon Carbide Schottkey Diode 1200V 20A

AC capacitors SMD ceramic capacitors

DC capacitors Aluminum electrolyte capacitors

Input DC inductor with Toroidal Ferrite core and 108 turns of AWG 12 wire

Microcontroller Texas Instruments TMS320F28335 DSP

IGBT Driver HCPL-3120, Avago Technologies 2.5 A Optocoupler IGBT driver

Voltage sensor LEM LV-20 hall effect sensor

Current sensor ACS712ELCTR-20A-T

Figure 20 shows a two-dimensional view of single-phase transformers used in each phase. Two sets of
shell-type Metglas C-cores with high permeability amorphous alloy and saturation flux density of 1.56T
are used as the transformer core. Five parallel branches with 44 turns of MWS 60/36 SPNSN155 Litz wire
are used for both primary and secondary of transformer. Fish paper and Kapton tape are used for core to
winding insulation and primary to secondary wire insulation.

Figure 20 Transformer 2-D view

Table 5 shows the transformer leakage inductance and magnetizing inductance measured by the
impedance meter for the three transformers. It can be seen that while the maximum leakage inductance is
about 9H, the minimum magnetizing inductance is about 2mH. The input DC inductor is comprised of a
C0-58907A2 high flux Toroidal Ferrite core and 108 turns of MWS HPN 155 AWG 12 wires for winding.
The LCR measurement shows 1.08mH inductance and 48m of resistance.

Table 5: Scaled-down laboratory prototype components

Transformer Leakage inductance ( ) Magnetizing inductance ( )

#1 9.01 2.42

#2 8.86 2.47

#3 8.82 1.98

Figure 21 depicts the implemented converter that is composed of three stacked boards, three single-
phase transformers, and a digital control mounted on top of the power boards.

Figure 21 Prototype of three-Phase ZCS DC-DC converter

Experimental test results are displayed in Figure 22 to Figure 31. Gate signal waveforms for phase 1
are shown in Figure 22(a). It can be seen that gate signals of upper leg switches are complimentary and
gate switches of the lower leg are phase-shifted with respect to upper leg. Gate signal waveforms for
switch A of each phase are shown in Figure 22(b). The phase shift between the three-phase gate signals is
adjusted to ensure ripple-free output current.

(a) (b)

Figure 22 Gate signals of the converter

Figure 23 shows waveforms of one of the single-phase transformers. The primary voltage is equal to
zero on two occasions over each switching cycle: first during the overlap time of the upper leg switches
and the second time during the overlap time of the lower leg switches. Oscillations of the primary voltage
after the overlap interval are important because they also represent voltage stress of the primary full-bridge
switches. The peak of the AC voltage at transformer primary (peak of the voltage stress of the primary
switch) is just slightly higher than output DC voltage. The voltage waveform at the transformer secondary
is has a smoother trapezoidal shape. Transformer current has a zero state in addition to positive and
negative input currents. Zero current of a transformer occurs during its input boost inductor charge period,
when both switches of one leg are closed. Peak transformer current and voltage are limited to converter
input current and output voltage, respectively.

Figure 23 Transformer waveforms for one module of the three-phase converter, from top to
bottom: secondary voltage, primary voltage, and primary current
Figure 24 shows converter waveforms of transformer primary current and secondary voltage for two
phases. It can be seen that the waveforms are 120-degree phase shifted, similar to a three-phase balanced
Converter input DC current and output voltage are shown in Figure 25. The DC value of input current
is 11.7A, and DC value of output voltage is 150V.

Figure 24 Primary current (AC inductor current) and secondary voltage (AC capacitor voltage) of
two phases of the three-phase converter

Figure 25 Input current and output voltage of the three-phase converter
Figure 26 shows zero current switching of primary switches for a upper leg switch and a lower leg
switch. The transformer primary current, , and primary voltage, , are shown together with IGBT gate
signals. The ZCS of is depicted in Figure 26(a). During the transition, is on and is
turned on in advance of the turn off. Therefore, primary current goes linearly from a positive input
current value to zero, making ZCS possible. Figure 26(b) shows the ZCS operation of the upper switch leg
where has a soft turn off. In this case is turned on and the inductor current increases from zero to
the input current values through a second-order resonant behavior.

(a) (b)

Figure 26 Zero current switching of primary switches, (a) Turn off of , (b) Turn off of
Figure 27 is a converter power loss analysis while operating with 10A input current. Measured
efficiency is about 90 percent. It can be seen from the power loss chart that losses are dominated by
primary full-bridge conduction losses. This is due to high on voltages of the primary switches, as well as
the series connection of the IGBT and diode. Reverse-blocking IGBTs can be used to reduce voltage drop
and increase converter efficiency.

Power Loss Analysis



Primary Bridge Conduction Secondary Bridge Conduction

Transformer & Inductor Switching Loss

Figure 27 Power loss analysis of the converter

Figure 28 shows results of dynamic responses of the converter for a load change from 10 to 20 and
vice versa. The reference value of output voltage is 100V. It can be seen that output voltage follows its
reference value in spite of large changes in load current with a fast dynamic response.

(a) (b)

Figure 28 Dynamic response of input current and output voltage of the three-phase converter for
load change (a) from to and (b) (a) from to

Test results for analysis of fault tolerance in the converter are displayed in Figure 29 to Figure 31. It is
assumed that open-circuit faults occur in one phase of the converter and proposed fault-tolerant control is
utilized to bypass the faulty phase and continue converter operation using healthy phases of the converter.
Figure 29 shows a fault-tolerant operation under an open-circuit of switch . The gate signal of ,
input current, , and output voltage, , are shown. It can be seen that after a fault there is a sudden

increase in both input current and output voltage; however, at steady-state both of them are equal to their
healthy values.
In order to avoid a large current increase at a fault, a feed-forward approach can be used to provide the
system with a fast and smooth transient response, as shown in Figure 30. In this case there is no increase in
the input current. This is achieved by properly controlling the equivalent duty cycle of healthy full-bridge
Figure 31 shows the gate signal, input current, and transformer secondary (resonant capacitor)
voltages. Fault protection is activated within two switching cycles. The faulty transformer voltage
gradually declines to zero and the healthy converter module continues to supply power to the load.

Figure 29 Input current, output voltage and gate signal during a fault transient

Figure 30 Input current, output voltage and gate signal during a fault transient

Figure 31 Input current, transformer secondary voltage and gate signal during a fault transient


A multi-phase current-fed DC-DC converter was proposed for a receiving-end power conversion
system in a subsea power distribution system. Advantages of the proposed design for the MSDC power
system are reviewed here:

Power density The switching frequency of the proposed DC-DC converter is 20 kHz. This
frequency results in a significant reduction in weight and volume of the subsea power system
compared to low-frequency transformers in a conventional MSDC power system.
Reliability Modular design of the converter and galvanic isolation of individual modules,
along with a fast fault detection approach, offers a reliable system with minimal maintenance.
Efficiency A zero current switching of primary switches and zero voltage switching of
secondary diodes significantly decreases power losses of the converter.


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