X-Curve Is Not An EQ Curve
X-Curve Is Not An EQ Curve
X-Curve Is Not An EQ Curve
By Michael Karagosian
The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the position of the
Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers - SMPTE.
Copyright2013bytheSocietyofMotionPictureandTelevisionEngineers,Inc.(SMPTE). Allrightsreserved.
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A commonly misunderstood tool in cinema loudspeakers require that the measurement
sound is the X-Curve. The very name sug- microphone be placed some distance from
gests it has something to do with equaliza- the speaker system to capture the full fre-
tion of the sound track. In fact, it has nothing quency response, and the loudspeakers are
to do with soundfield equalization. Far from mounted high behind a screen, which itself is
it, X-Curve describes a measurement meth- mounted some distance above the floor. This
od designed to allow the setup of a cinema is not a casual measurement to make when
sound system to match the sound heard by one has a 13m-high screen.
the director in the mixing room.
When placing the microphone further back
To understand X-Curve measurements, its in the room at a more convenient location,
important to understand the challenges of sound absorption, room reflections, and
equalizing cinemas. The most prominent room reverberation come into play. Sound
mechanisms that influence the sound of absorption is not a simple matter, attenuat-
an auditorium are the loudspeaker char- ing frequencies around 10KHz by as much as
acteristics, room reverberation, acoustical 5 dB at 30 m, depending on temperature and
reflections in the room, and the absorption atmospheric conditions. Room reflections
of sound by air. The primary tool by which are generally unwanted and caused by archi-
we attempt to overcome the audible arti- tectural features of the auditorium. In part, it
facts introduced by these mechanisms is is the problem of unwanted reflections that
the equalizer. Unfortunately, even a finely led to the multiple microphone technique
adjustable equalizer is not a match to the commonly used with X-Curve. Notably, nei-
complex acoustical anomalies that can occur. ther reflections nor absorption should be
But some correction is possible, and it is that addressed with equalization. Reflections
which we pursue. should be dealt with using acoustical treat-
ments, while absorption is a factor that the
Good sound begins with good loudspeaker technician must take into account during
systems, but even the finest loudspeaker sys- the measurement. Room reverberation is a
tem will be compromised when placed be- feature of the acoustics of the room, perhaps
hind a perforated cinema screen. Perforated imparting the biggest impact on the rooms
screens introduce diffraction patterns and tone. Reverberation is another factor that
other interference that varies from installa- will influence the sound of the room. Rever-
tion to installation, requiring equalization to beration imparts a frequency characteristic
mitigate. A technique for reducing the im- to the room, but it remains a temporal phe-
pact of room reverberation and reflection in nomenon, which makes it difficult to correct
measurements is to measure in the vicinity using frequency-domain equalization. Nota-
of the loudspeaker, often called near-field bly, the impact of reverberation on surround
measurements. But this technique is not sound will be far less than its impact on the
without problems in the cinema. Multi-way sound of screen speakers.
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