Luxor Quest For The Afterlife Setup Log
Luxor Quest For The Afterlife Setup Log
Luxor Quest For The Afterlife Setup Log
starego dysku\download\Big Fish Games - Luxor 4 Quest for the Afterlife + Adnan_Boy
2008 + Precracked\Luxor Quest for the Afterlife.exe
[03/16/2015 17:09:51] Notice Setup engine version: 8.1.1000.0
[03/16/2015 17:09:51] Notice Product: Luxor Quest for the Afterlife, version 1.0
[03/16/2015 17:09:51] Success Language set: Primary = 21, Secondary = 1
[03/16/2015 17:09:51] Skipped Verify archive integrity
[03/16/2015 17:09:51] Skipped Date expiration check
[03/16/2015 17:09:51] Skipped Uses expiration check
[03/16/2015 17:09:51] Success System requirements check
[03/16/2015 17:09:51] Success Include script: _SUF70_Global_Functions.lua
[03/16/2015 17:09:51] Notice Start project event: Global Functions
[03/16/2015 17:09:51] Success Run project event: Global Functions
[03/16/2015 17:09:51] Notice Start project event: On Startup
[03/16/2015 17:09:51] Success Run project event: On Startup
[03/16/2015 17:09:51] Success Display screen: Welcome to Setup
[03/16/2015 17:09:52] Success Display screen: License Agreement
[03/16/2015 17:09:55] Success Display screen: User Information
[03/16/2015 17:09:56] Success Display screen: Select Install Folder
[03/16/2015 17:09:59] Success Display screen: Select Shortcut Folder
[03/16/2015 17:10:00] Success Display screen: Select Install Folder
[03/16/2015 17:10:01] Success Display screen: Select Shortcut Folder
[03/16/2015 17:10:09] Success Display screen: Ready to Install
[03/16/2015 17:10:10] Success Display screen: Select Shortcut Folder
[03/16/2015 17:10:12] Success Display screen: Ready to Install
[03/16/2015 17:10:12] Notice Start project event: On Pre Install
[03/16/2015 17:10:12] Success Run project event: On Pre Install
[03/16/2015 17:10:12] Success Display screen: One Progress Bar (While Installing)
[03/16/2015 17:10:12] Success Free space check on drive: C:\
[03/16/2015 17:10:12] Success Set uninstall data folder: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\Uninstall
[03/16/2015 17:10:12] Success Set uninstall config file name: C:\Program
Files\Luxor Quest for the Afterlife\Uninstall\uninstall.xml
[03/16/2015 17:10:12] Success Uninstall config file not merging
[03/16/2015 17:10:12] Success Create folder: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest for the
[03/16/2015 17:10:12] Success Create folder: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest for the
[03/16/2015 17:10:12] Success Create uninstall data folder: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\Uninstall
[03/16/2015 17:10:12] Success Create uninstall data file: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\Uninstall\uninstall.dat
[03/16/2015 17:10:12] Success Create folder: C:\WINDOWS\Luxor Quest for the
[03/16/2015 17:10:12] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data.npk
[03/16/2015 17:10:31] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data.npk
[03/16/2015 17:10:31] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\fmodex.dll
[03/16/2015 17:10:33] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\fmodex.dll
[03/16/2015 17:10:33] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\Game.txt
[03/16/2015 17:10:33] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\Game.txt
[03/16/2015 17:10:33] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\LUXOR - Quest for the Afterlife.exe
[03/16/2015 17:10:35] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\LUXOR - Quest for the Afterlife.exe
[03/16/2015 17:10:35] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\ReadMe.htm
[03/16/2015 17:10:35] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\ReadMe.htm
[03/16/2015 17:10:35] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\gfx\balls_energy\white\Thumbs.db
[03/16/2015 17:10:35] Success Create folder: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest for the
[03/16/2015 17:10:35] Success Create folder: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest for the
[03/16/2015 17:10:35] Success Create folder: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest for the
[03/16/2015 17:10:35] Success Create folder: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest for the
[03/16/2015 17:10:35] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\gfx\balls_energy\white\Thumbs.db
[03/16/2015 17:10:35] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\gfx\CanopicJar\baboon\Thumbs.db
[03/16/2015 17:10:35] Success Create folder: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest for the
[03/16/2015 17:10:35] Success Create folder: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest for the
[03/16/2015 17:10:35] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\gfx\CanopicJar\baboon\Thumbs.db
[03/16/2015 17:10:35] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\gfx\Hud\Thumbs.db
[03/16/2015 17:10:35] Success Create folder: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest for the
[03/16/2015 17:10:35] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\gfx\Hud\Thumbs.db
[03/16/2015 17:10:35] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\gfx\Hud\powerupDurationIndicators\Thumbs.db
[03/16/2015 17:10:35] Success Create folder: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest for the
[03/16/2015 17:10:35] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\gfx\Hud\powerupDurationIndicators\Thumbs.db
[03/16/2015 17:10:35] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\gfx\pinataPyramids\Thumbs.db
[03/16/2015 17:10:35] Success Create folder: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest for the
[03/16/2015 17:10:35] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\gfx\pinataPyramids\Thumbs.db
[03/16/2015 17:10:35] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\gfx\placeables\Apep\apep_idle_01\Thumbs.db
[03/16/2015 17:10:35] Success Create folder: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest for the
[03/16/2015 17:10:35] Success Create folder: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest for the
[03/16/2015 17:10:35] Success Create folder: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest for the
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\gfx\placeables\Apep\apep_idle_01\Thumbs.db
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\gfx\placeables\Geb\Thumbs.db
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success Create folder: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest for the
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\gfx\placeables\Geb\Thumbs.db
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\gfx\placeables\Sekhmet\Thumbs.db
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success Create folder: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest for the
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\gfx\placeables\Sekhmet\Thumbs.db
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\gfx\placeables\store\Thumbs.db
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success Create folder: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest for the
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\gfx\placeables\store\Thumbs.db
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\gfx\pusher\boss\Thumbs.db
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success Create folder: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest for the
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success Create folder: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest for the
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\gfx\pusher\boss\Thumbs.db
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\gfx\pusher\grunt\Thumbs.db
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success Create folder: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest for the
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\gfx\pusher\grunt\Thumbs.db
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\gfx\treasures\gem01\Thumbs.db
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success Create folder: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest for the
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success Create folder: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest for the
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\gfx\treasures\gem01\Thumbs.db
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\gfx\treasures\scarab01\Thumbs.db
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success Create folder: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest for the
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\gfx\treasures\scarab01\Thumbs.db
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\gfx\UI\Thumbs.db
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success Create folder: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest for the
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\gfx\UI\Thumbs.db
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\gfx\UI\banner\Thumbs.db
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success Create folder: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest for the
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\gfx\UI\banner\Thumbs.db
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\gfx\UI\buttons\Thumbs.db
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success Create folder: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest for the
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\gfx\UI\buttons\Thumbs.db
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\gfx\UI\editor\Thumbs.db
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success Create folder: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest for the
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\gfx\UI\editor\Thumbs.db
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\gfx\UI\instruction\Thumbs.db
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success Create folder: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest for the
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\gfx\UI\instruction\Thumbs.db
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\gfx\UI\listbox\Thumbs.db
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success Create folder: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest for the
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\gfx\UI\listbox\Thumbs.db
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\gfx\UI\loading\Thumbs.db
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success Create folder: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest for the
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\gfx\UI\loading\Thumbs.db
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\gfx\UI\MainMenu\Thumbs.db
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success Create folder: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest for the
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\gfx\UI\MainMenu\Thumbs.db
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\gfx\UI\pyramid_progression\Thumbs.db
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success Create folder: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest for the
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\gfx\UI\pyramid_progression\Thumbs.db
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\gfx\UI\slider\normal\Thumbs.db
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success Create folder: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest for the
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success Create folder: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest for the
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\gfx\UI\slider\normal\Thumbs.db
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\gfx\UI\store\Thumbs.db
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success Create folder: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest for the
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\gfx\UI\store\Thumbs.db
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\gfx\UI\story\Thumbs.db
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success Create folder: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest for the
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\gfx\UI\story\Thumbs.db
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\gfx\UI\TreasureRoom\Thumbs.db
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success Create folder: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest for the
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\gfx\UI\TreasureRoom\Thumbs.db
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\maps\TG_01\Thumbs.db
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success Create folder: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest for the
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success Create folder: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest for the
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\maps\TG_01\Thumbs.db
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\maps\TG_02\Thumbs.db
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success Create folder: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest for the
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\maps\TG_02\Thumbs.db
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\achievement_received.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success Create folder: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest for the
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success Create folder: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest for the
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\achievement_received.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\artifact_piece_placed.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\artifact_piece_placed.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\artifact_piece_recovered.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\artifact_piece_recovered.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\bonus_scarab_collapse.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\bonus_scarab_collapse.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\bonus_scarab_move.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\bonus_scarab_move.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\bonus_unlocked.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\bonus_unlocked.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\bullet_reload.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\bullet_reload.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\bullet_swap.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\bullet_swap.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\button_click.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\button_click.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\button_highlight.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\button_highlight.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\canopic_jar_lock.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\canopic_jar_lock.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\canopic_jar_shot.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\canopic_jar_shot.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\Canopic_Jar_Spawn.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\Canopic_Jar_Spawn.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\catch_coin.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\catch_coin.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\catch_gem.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\catch_gem.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\catch_powerup_color_bomb.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\catch_powerup_color_bomb.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\catch_powerup_color_cloud.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\catch_powerup_color_cloud.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\catch_powerup_color_replacer.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\catch_powerup_color_replacer.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\catch_powerup_fireball.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\catch_powerup_fireball.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\catch_powerup_lightning.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\catch_powerup_lightning.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\catch_powerup_matcher.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\catch_powerup_matcher.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\catch_powerup_net.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\catch_powerup_net.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\catch_powerup_pyramid_gates.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\catch_powerup_pyramid_gates.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\catch_powerup_reverse.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\catch_powerup_reverse.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\catch_powerup_sandstorm.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\catch_powerup_sandstorm.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\catch_powerup_scorpion.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\catch_powerup_scorpion.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\catch_powerup_shot_speed.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\catch_powerup_shot_speed.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\catch_powerup_slow.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\catch_powerup_slow.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\catch_powerup_sort.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\catch_powerup_sort.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\catch_powerup_stop.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\catch_powerup_stop.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\catch_powerup_wild.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\catch_powerup_wild.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\cloudstorm.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\cloudstorm.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\collapse_1.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\collapse_1.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\collapse_2.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\collapse_2.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\collapse_3.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\collapse_3.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\collapse_4.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\collapse_4.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:36] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\collapse_5.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\collapse_5.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\collapse_colorcloud.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\collapse_colorcloud.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\collapse_color_replacer.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\collapse_color_replacer.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\collapse_fireball.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\collapse_fireball.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\collapse_lightningbolt.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\collapse_lightningbolt.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\collapse_scarab.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\collapse_scarab.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\collide_spheres_path.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\collide_spheres_path.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\collide_spheres_path_energy.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\collide_spheres_path_energy.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\collide_spheres_path_glass.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\collide_spheres_path_glass.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\collide_spheres_path_wood.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\collide_spheres_path_wood.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\collide_spheres_shot.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\collide_spheres_shot.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\collide_spheres_shot_bad.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\collide_spheres_shot_bad.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\collide_spheres_shot_bad_energy.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\collide_spheres_shot_bad_energy.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\collide_spheres_shot_bad_glass.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\collide_spheres_shot_bad_glass.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\collide_spheres_shot_bad_wood.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\collide_spheres_shot_bad_wood.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\collide_spheres_shot_energy.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\collide_spheres_shot_energy.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\collide_spheres_shot_glass.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\collide_spheres_shot_glass.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\collide_spheres_shot_wood.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\collide_spheres_shot_wood.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\dialog_extro.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\dialog_extro.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\dialog_intro.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\dialog_intro.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\door_trans_in.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\door_trans_in.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\door_trans_out.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\door_trans_out.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\firework_explode.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\firework_explode.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\firework_launch.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\firework_launch.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\foul.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\foul.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\fx_footsteps.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\fx_footsteps.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\fx_vortex.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\fx_vortex.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\game_over.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\game_over.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\game_win.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\game_win.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\Golden_Scarab_Shot.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\Golden_Scarab_Shot.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\Golden_Scarab_Spawn.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\Golden_Scarab_Spawn.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\high_score.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\high_score.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\hit_bird.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\hit_bird.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\launch_colorcloud.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\launch_colorcloud.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\launch_color_replacer.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\launch_color_replacer.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\launch_fireball.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\launch_fireball.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\launch_lightning.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\launch_lightning.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\launch_lightning.wav..ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\launch_lightning.wav..ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\launch_sphere.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\launch_sphere.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\launch_wild.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\launch_wild.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\level_complete.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\level_complete.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\level_intro.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\level_intro.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\match_1.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\match_1.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\match_2.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\match_2.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\match_3.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\match_3.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\net_powerup_active.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\net_powerup_active.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\new_achievement.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\new_achievement.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\new_record.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\new_record.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\onslaught_jar_break.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\onslaught_jar_break.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\onslaught_jar_form.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\onslaught_jar_form.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:37] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\pyramid_gates_close.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:38] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\pyramid_gates_close.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:38] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\pyramid_gates_open.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:38] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\pyramid_gates_open.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:38] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\rank_up.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:38] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\rank_up.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:38] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\reflector_bounce.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:38] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\reflector_bounce.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:38] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\reflector_spawn.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:38] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\reflector_spawn.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:38] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\sandstorm.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:38] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\sandstorm.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:38] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\score_tally.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:38] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\score_tally.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:38] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\score_ticker.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:38] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\score_ticker.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:38] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\scorpion_move.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:38] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\scorpion_move.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:38] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\scryer_resonate.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:38] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\scryer_resonate.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:38] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\spawn_coin.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:38] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\spawn_coin.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:38] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\Spawn_Force_Ball.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:38] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\Spawn_Force_Ball.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:38] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\spawn_gem_1.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:38] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\spawn_gem_1.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:38] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\spawn_gem_2.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:38] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\spawn_gem_2.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:38] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\spawn_gem_3.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:38] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\spawn_gem_3.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:38] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\spawn_new_group.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:38] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\spawn_new_group.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:38] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\spawn_powerup.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:38] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\spawn_powerup.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:38] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\spheres_roll.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:38] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\spheres_roll.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:38] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\spheres_roll_energy.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:38] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\spheres_roll_energy.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:38] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\spheres_roll_glass.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:38] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\spheres_roll_glass.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:38] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\spheres_roll_wood.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:38] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\spheres_roll_wood.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:38] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\stage_complete.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:38] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\stage_complete.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:38] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\sun_spin_open.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:38] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\sun_spin_open.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:38] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\timer_bell.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:38] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\timer_bell.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:38] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\torch_crackling.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:38] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\torch_crackling.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:38] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\torch_light.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:38] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\torch_light.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:38] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\warning.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:38] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\warning.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:38] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\warning_heartbeat.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:38] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx\warning_heartbeat.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:38] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\music\L4_Classic.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:38] Success Create folder: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest for the
[03/16/2015 17:10:39] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\music\L4_Classic.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:39] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\music\L4_Danger.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:39] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\music\L4_Danger.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:39] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\music\L4_MainTheme.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:39] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\music\L4_MainTheme.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:39] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\music\L4_Menu.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:39] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\music\L4_Menu.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:39] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\music\L4_Onslaught.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:39] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\music\L4_Onslaught.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:39] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\music\L4_Puzzle.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:39] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\music\L4_Puzzle.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:39] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\music\L4_River.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:39] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\music\L4_River.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:39] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\music\L4_TugOfWar.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:40] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\music\L4_TugOfWar.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:40] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\music\theme_onslaught.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:40] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\music\theme_onslaught.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:40] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\ui\button_click.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:40] Success Create folder: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest for the
[03/16/2015 17:10:40] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\ui\button_click.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:40] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\ui\button_highlight.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:40] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\ui\button_highlight.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:40] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\ui\dialog_extro.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:40] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\ui\dialog_extro.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:40] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\ui\dialog_intro.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:40] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\ui\dialog_intro.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:40] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\ui\door_trans_in.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:40] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\ui\door_trans_in.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:40] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\ui\door_trans_out.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:40] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\ui\door_trans_out.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:40] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\ui\progress_complete.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:40] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\ui\progress_complete.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:40] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\ui\pyramid_grow.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:40] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\ui\pyramid_grow.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:40] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\ui\sun_spin_open.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:40] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\ui\sun_spin_open.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:40] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\A_CANOPIC_01.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:40] Success Create folder: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest for the
[03/16/2015 17:10:40] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\A_CANOPIC_01.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:40] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\A_CANOPIC_02.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:40] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\A_CANOPIC_02.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:40] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\A_CANOPIC_03.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:40] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\A_CANOPIC_03.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:40] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\A_CHARIOT_01.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:40] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\A_CHARIOT_01.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:40] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\A_CHARIOT_03.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:40] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\A_CHARIOT_03.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:40] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\A_COW_01.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:40] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\A_COW_01.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:40] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\A_COW_03.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:40] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\A_COW_03.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:40] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\A_EYE_01.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:40] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\A_EYE_01.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:40] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\A_EYE_02.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:40] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\A_EYE_02.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:40] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\A_EYE_03.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:40] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\A_EYE_03.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:40] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\A_EYE_04.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:40] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\A_EYE_04.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:40] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\A_EYE_04b.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:40] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\A_EYE_04b.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:40] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\A_EYE_04c.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:41] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\A_EYE_04c.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:41] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\A_EYE_05.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:41] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\A_EYE_05.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:41] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\A_HSTATUE.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:41] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\A_HSTATUE.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:41] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\A_SCARAB.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:41] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\A_SCARAB.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:41] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\A_SPHINX_01.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:41] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\A_SPHINX_01.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:41] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\A_SUN_DISC_01.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:41] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\A_SUN_DISC_01.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:41] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\A_SUN_DISC_02.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:41] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\A_SUN_DISC_02.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:41] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\B_BAB_01.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:41] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\B_BAB_01.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:41] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\B_BAC_01.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:41] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\B_BAC_01.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:41] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\B_BAC_02.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:41] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\B_BAC_02.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:41] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\B_BAR.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:41] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\B_BAR.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:41] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\B_KAS.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:41] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\B_KAS.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:41] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\B_MEM_01.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:41] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\B_MEM_01.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:41] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\B_MEM_02.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:41] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\B_MEM_02.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:41] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\B_MUS_01.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:41] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\B_MUS_01.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:41] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\B_MUS_02.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:41] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\B_MUS_02.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:41] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\B_UGA_01.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:41] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\B_UGA_01.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:41] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\B_UGA_02.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:41] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\B_UGA_02.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:41] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\B_UGA_03.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:41] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\B_UGA_03.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:41] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\B_WP1_01.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:41] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\B_WP1_01.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:41] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\B_WP1_02.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:41] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\B_WP1_02.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:41] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\B_WP2.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:41] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\B_WP2.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:41] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\B_WP3_01.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:41] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\B_WP3_01.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:41] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\B_WP3_02.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:41] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\B_WP3_02.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:41] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\CH_01.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:41] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\CH_01.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:41] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\CH_02.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:41] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\CH_02.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:41] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\CH_03.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:41] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\CH_03.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:41] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\CH_04.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:41] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\CH_04.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:41] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\CH_05.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\CH_05.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\CH_06.alt.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\CH_06.alt.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\CH_06.alt2.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\CH_06.alt2.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\CH_06.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\CH_06.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\CH_06_alt1.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\CH_06_alt1.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\CH_06_alt2.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\CH_06_alt2.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\City_01.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\City_01.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\City_02.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\City_02.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\City_03.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\City_03.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\City_04.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\City_04.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\City_05.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\City_05.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\City_06.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\City_06.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\City_07.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\City_07.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\City_08.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\City_08.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\City_09.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\City_09.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\City_10.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\City_10.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\City_11.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\City_11.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\City_12.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\City_12.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\City_13.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\City_13.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\City_14.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\City_14.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\City_15.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\City_15.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\City_16.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\City_16.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\City_17.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\City_17.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\City_18.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\City_18.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\CM_01.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\CM_01.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\CM_01b.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\CM_01b.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\CM_01c.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\CM_01c.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\CM_01d.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\CM_01d.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\CM_02.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\CM_02.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\CM_03.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\CM_03.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\CM_03b.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\CM_03b.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\CM_03c.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\CM_03c.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\DISC_01_01.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\DISC_01_01.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\DISC_01_02.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\DISC_01_02.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\DISC_01_03.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\DISC_01_03.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\DISC_01_04.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\DISC_01_04.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\DISC_01_05.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\DISC_01_05.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\DISC_01_06.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\DISC_01_06.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\DISC_02_01.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\DISC_02_01.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\DISC_02_02.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\DISC_02_02.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\DISC_02_03.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\DISC_02_03.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\DISC_03_01.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\DISC_03_01.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\DISC_03_02.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\DISC_03_02.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\DISC_03_03.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\DISC_03_03.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\DISC_03_04.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\DISC_03_04.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\FB_01.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\FB_01.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\FB_02.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\FB_02.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\FB_03.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\FB_03.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\FB_04.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\FB_04.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\FB_05.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\FB_05.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\FB_06.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\FB_06.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:42] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\FB_07.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:43] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\FB_07.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:43] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\FB_08.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:43] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\FB_08.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:43] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\FREEPLAY_01.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:43] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\FREEPLAY_01.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:43] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\MODE_BATTLE_01.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:43] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\MODE_BATTLE_01.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:43] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\MODE_BATTLE_02.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:43] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\MODE_BATTLE_02.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:43] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\MODE_BATTLE_03.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:43] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\MODE_BATTLE_03.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:43] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\MODE_BATTLE_04.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:43] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\MODE_BATTLE_04.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:43] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\MODE_BONUS.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:43] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\MODE_BONUS.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:43] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\MODE_CLASSIC_01.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:43] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\MODE_CLASSIC_01.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:43] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\MODE_CLASSIC_02.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:43] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\MODE_CLASSIC_02.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:43] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\MODE_CLASSIC_03.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:43] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\MODE_CLASSIC_03.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:43] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\MODE_CLASSIC_04.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:43] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\MODE_CLASSIC_04.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:43] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\MODE_ONSLAUGHT.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:43] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\MODE_ONSLAUGHT.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:43] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\MODE_PUZZLE.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:43] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\MODE_PUZZLE.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:43] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\MODE_RIVER.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:43] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\MODE_RIVER.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:43] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\NEF_01.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:43] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\NEF_01.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:43] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\NEF_02.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:43] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\NEF_02.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:43] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\NEF_03.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:43] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\NEF_03.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:43] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\NEF_04.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:43] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\NEF_04.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:43] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\NEF_05.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:43] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\NEF_05.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:43] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\NEF_07.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:43] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\NEF_07.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:43] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\NEF_08.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:43] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\NEF_08.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:43] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\NEF_UNLOCKED.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:43] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\NEF_UNLOCKED.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:43] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\NEW_RECORD_01.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:43] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\NEW_RECORD_01.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:43] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\NEW_RECORD_02.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:43] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\NEW_RECORD_02.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:43] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\NEW_RECORD_03.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:43] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\NEW_RECORD_03.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:43] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\OC_01.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:43] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\OC_01.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:43] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\OC_02.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:43] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\OC_02.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:43] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\OC_03.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:43] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\OC_03.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:43] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\OC_04.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:43] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\OC_04.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:43] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\OC_05.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:43] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\OC_05.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:43] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\OC_06.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:43] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\OC_06.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:43] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\OC_07.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:43] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\OC_07.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:43] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\OC_08.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:43] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\OC_08.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:43] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\OC_09.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:43] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\OC_09.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:43] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\OC_10.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:43] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\OC_10.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:43] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\OC_11.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:43] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\OC_11.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:43] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\OC_12.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:43] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\OC_12.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:43] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\OC_13.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:44] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\OC_13.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:44] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\OC_14.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:44] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\OC_14.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:44] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\outtake.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:44] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\outtake.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:44] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\RANK_01.alt.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:44] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\RANK_01.alt.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:44] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\RANK_01.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:44] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\RANK_01.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:44] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\RANK_01b.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:44] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\RANK_01b.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:44] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\RANK_01c.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:44] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\RANK_01c.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:44] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\RANK_01_alt.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:44] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\RANK_01_alt.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:44] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\STORE_TUT.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:44] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\STORE_TUT.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:44] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\ST_01.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:44] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\ST_01.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:44] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\ST_02.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:44] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\ST_02.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:44] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\ST_03.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:44] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\ST_03.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:44] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\Supy.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:44] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\Supy.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:44] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\TIP_01.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:44] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\TIP_01.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:44] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\TIP_02.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:44] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\TIP_02.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:44] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\TIP_03.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:44] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\TIP_03.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:44] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\TIP_04.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:44] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\TIP_04.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:44] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\TIP_05.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:44] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\TIP_05.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:44] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\TIP_06.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:44] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\TIP_06.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:44] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\TIP_07.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:44] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo\TIP_07.ogg
[03/16/2015 17:10:44] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\pics\60x40.jpg
[03/16/2015 17:10:44] Success Create folder: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest for the
[03/16/2015 17:10:44] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\pics\60x40.jpg
[03/16/2015 17:10:44] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\pics\80x80.jpg
[03/16/2015 17:10:44] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\pics\80x80.jpg
[03/16/2015 17:10:44] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\pics\feature.jpg
[03/16/2015 17:10:44] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\pics\feature.jpg
[03/16/2015 17:10:44] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\pics\Game.txt
[03/16/2015 17:10:44] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\pics\Game.txt
[03/16/2015 17:10:44] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\pics\Thumbs.db
[03/16/2015 17:10:44] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\pics\Thumbs.db
[03/16/2015 17:10:44] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\splash\splash01.png
[03/16/2015 17:10:44] Success Create folder: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest for the
[03/16/2015 17:10:44] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\splash\splash01.png
[03/16/2015 17:10:44] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\splash\splash02.PNG
[03/16/2015 17:10:44] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\splash\splash02.PNG
[03/16/2015 17:10:44] Success Install archive file: C:\Program Files\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife\splash\Thumbs.db
[03/16/2015 17:10:44] Success File added to uninstall list: C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\splash\Thumbs.db
[03/16/2015 17:10:44] Success Create folder: C:\Documents and Settings\All
Users\Menu Start\Programy\Luxor Quest for the Afterlife\
[03/16/2015 17:10:44] Success Create shortcut: C:\Documents and Settings\All
Users\Pulpit\Luxor Quest for the Afterlife.lnk
[03/16/2015 17:10:44] Success Shortcut added to uninstall list: C:\Documents and
Settings\All Users\Pulpit\Luxor Quest for the Afterlife.lnk
[03/16/2015 17:10:44] Success Create shortcut: C:\Documents and Settings\All
Users\Menu Start\Programy\Luxor Quest for the Afterlife\Luxor Quest for the
[03/16/2015 17:10:44] Success Shortcut added to uninstall list: C:\Documents and
Settings\All Users\Menu Start\Programy\Luxor Quest for the Afterlife\Luxor Quest
for the Afterlife.lnk
[03/16/2015 17:10:44] Success Copy uninstall image file:
C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\USTAWI~1\Temp\_ir_sf_temp_0\IRIMG1.JPG->C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\Uninstall\IRIMG1.JPG
[03/16/2015 17:10:44] Success Support file added to uninstall list: C:\Program
Files\Luxor Quest for the Afterlife\Uninstall\IRIMG1.JPG
[03/16/2015 17:10:45] Success Copy uninstall image file:
C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\USTAWI~1\Temp\_ir_sf_temp_0\IRIMG2.JPG->C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\Uninstall\IRIMG2.JPG
[03/16/2015 17:10:45] Success Support file added to uninstall list: C:\Program
Files\Luxor Quest for the Afterlife\Uninstall\IRIMG2.JPG
[03/16/2015 17:10:45] Success Copy uninstall image file:
C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\USTAWI~1\Temp\_ir_sf_temp_0\IRIMG3.JPG->C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\Uninstall\IRIMG3.JPG
[03/16/2015 17:10:45] Success Support file added to uninstall list: C:\Program
Files\Luxor Quest for the Afterlife\Uninstall\IRIMG3.JPG
[03/16/2015 17:10:45] Success Registry key added to uninstall list:
SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Luxor Quest for the
[03/16/2015 17:10:45] Success Uninstall CP entry: DisplayName = Luxor Quest for the
[03/16/2015 17:10:45] Success Uninstall CP entry: UninstallString =
"C:\WINDOWS\Luxor Quest for the Afterlife\uninstall.exe" "/U:C:\Program Files\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\Uninstall\uninstall.xml"
[03/16/2015 17:10:45] Success Uninstall CP entry: Publisher = Adnan_Boy 2008
[03/16/2015 17:10:45] Success Uninstall CP entry: URLInfoAbout =
[03/16/2015 17:10:45] Success Uninstall CP entry: HelpLink =
[03/16/2015 17:10:45] Success Uninstall CP entry: Contact = Adnan_Boy 2008 Support
[03/16/2015 17:10:45] Success Uninstall CP entry: DisplayVersion = 1.0
[03/16/2015 17:10:45] Success Uninstall CP entry: DisplayIcon = "C:\WINDOWS\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife\uninstall.exe"
[03/16/2015 17:10:45] Success Create uninstall shortcut: C:\Documents and
Settings\All Users\Menu Start\Programy\Luxor Quest for the Afterlife\Uninstall
Luxor Quest for the Afterlife.lnk
[03/16/2015 17:10:45] Success Shortcut added to uninstall list: C:\Documents and
Settings\All Users\Menu Start\Programy\Luxor Quest for the Afterlife\Uninstall
Luxor Quest for the Afterlife.lnk
[03/16/2015 17:10:45] Success Folder added to uninstall list: C:\Program
Files\Luxor Quest for the Afterlife
[03/16/2015 17:10:45] Success Folder added to uninstall list: C:\Program
Files\Luxor Quest for the Afterlife\Uninstall
[03/16/2015 17:10:45] Success Folder added to uninstall list: C:\WINDOWS\Luxor
Quest for the Afterlife
[03/16/2015 17:10:45] Success Folder added to uninstall list: C:\Program
Files\Luxor Quest for the Afterlife\data
[03/16/2015 17:10:45] Success Folder added to uninstall list: C:\Program
Files\Luxor Quest for the Afterlife\data\gfx
[03/16/2015 17:10:45] Success Folder added to uninstall list: C:\Program
Files\Luxor Quest for the Afterlife\data\gfx\balls_energy
[03/16/2015 17:10:45] Success Folder added to uninstall list: C:\Program
Files\Luxor Quest for the Afterlife\data\gfx\balls_energy\white
[03/16/2015 17:10:45] Success Folder added to uninstall list: C:\Program
Files\Luxor Quest for the Afterlife\data\gfx\CanopicJar
[03/16/2015 17:10:45] Success Folder added to uninstall list: C:\Program
Files\Luxor Quest for the Afterlife\data\gfx\CanopicJar\baboon
[03/16/2015 17:10:45] Success Folder added to uninstall list: C:\Program
Files\Luxor Quest for the Afterlife\data\gfx\Hud
[03/16/2015 17:10:45] Success Folder added to uninstall list: C:\Program
Files\Luxor Quest for the Afterlife\data\gfx\Hud\powerupDurationIndicators
[03/16/2015 17:10:45] Success Folder added to uninstall list: C:\Program
Files\Luxor Quest for the Afterlife\data\gfx\pinataPyramids
[03/16/2015 17:10:45] Success Folder added to uninstall list: C:\Program
Files\Luxor Quest for the Afterlife\data\gfx\placeables
[03/16/2015 17:10:45] Success Folder added to uninstall list: C:\Program
Files\Luxor Quest for the Afterlife\data\gfx\placeables\Apep
[03/16/2015 17:10:45] Success Folder added to uninstall list: C:\Program
Files\Luxor Quest for the Afterlife\data\gfx\placeables\Apep\apep_idle_01
[03/16/2015 17:10:45] Success Folder added to uninstall list: C:\Program
Files\Luxor Quest for the Afterlife\data\gfx\placeables\Geb
[03/16/2015 17:10:45] Success Folder added to uninstall list: C:\Program
Files\Luxor Quest for the Afterlife\data\gfx\placeables\Sekhmet
[03/16/2015 17:10:45] Success Folder added to uninstall list: C:\Program
Files\Luxor Quest for the Afterlife\data\gfx\placeables\store
[03/16/2015 17:10:45] Success Folder added to uninstall list: C:\Program
Files\Luxor Quest for the Afterlife\data\gfx\pusher
[03/16/2015 17:10:45] Success Folder added to uninstall list: C:\Program
Files\Luxor Quest for the Afterlife\data\gfx\pusher\boss
[03/16/2015 17:10:45] Success Folder added to uninstall list: C:\Program
Files\Luxor Quest for the Afterlife\data\gfx\pusher\grunt
[03/16/2015 17:10:45] Success Folder added to uninstall list: C:\Program
Files\Luxor Quest for the Afterlife\data\gfx\treasures
[03/16/2015 17:10:45] Success Folder added to uninstall list: C:\Program
Files\Luxor Quest for the Afterlife\data\gfx\treasures\gem01
[03/16/2015 17:10:45] Success Folder added to uninstall list: C:\Program
Files\Luxor Quest for the Afterlife\data\gfx\treasures\scarab01
[03/16/2015 17:10:45] Success Folder added to uninstall list: C:\Program
Files\Luxor Quest for the Afterlife\data\gfx\UI
[03/16/2015 17:10:45] Success Folder added to uninstall list: C:\Program
Files\Luxor Quest for the Afterlife\data\gfx\UI\banner
[03/16/2015 17:10:45] Success Folder added to uninstall list: C:\Program
Files\Luxor Quest for the Afterlife\data\gfx\UI\buttons
[03/16/2015 17:10:45] Success Folder added to uninstall list: C:\Program
Files\Luxor Quest for the Afterlife\data\gfx\UI\editor
[03/16/2015 17:10:45] Success Folder added to uninstall list: C:\Program
Files\Luxor Quest for the Afterlife\data\gfx\UI\instruction
[03/16/2015 17:10:45] Success Folder added to uninstall list: C:\Program
Files\Luxor Quest for the Afterlife\data\gfx\UI\listbox
[03/16/2015 17:10:45] Success Folder added to uninstall list: C:\Program
Files\Luxor Quest for the Afterlife\data\gfx\UI\loading
[03/16/2015 17:10:45] Success Folder added to uninstall list: C:\Program
Files\Luxor Quest for the Afterlife\data\gfx\UI\MainMenu
[03/16/2015 17:10:45] Success Folder added to uninstall list: C:\Program
Files\Luxor Quest for the Afterlife\data\gfx\UI\pyramid_progression
[03/16/2015 17:10:45] Success Folder added to uninstall list: C:\Program
Files\Luxor Quest for the Afterlife\data\gfx\UI\slider
[03/16/2015 17:10:45] Success Folder added to uninstall list: C:\Program
Files\Luxor Quest for the Afterlife\data\gfx\UI\slider\normal
[03/16/2015 17:10:45] Success Folder added to uninstall list: C:\Program
Files\Luxor Quest for the Afterlife\data\gfx\UI\store
[03/16/2015 17:10:45] Success Folder added to uninstall list: C:\Program
Files\Luxor Quest for the Afterlife\data\gfx\UI\story
[03/16/2015 17:10:45] Success Folder added to uninstall list: C:\Program
Files\Luxor Quest for the Afterlife\data\gfx\UI\TreasureRoom
[03/16/2015 17:10:45] Success Folder added to uninstall list: C:\Program
Files\Luxor Quest for the Afterlife\data\maps
[03/16/2015 17:10:45] Success Folder added to uninstall list: C:\Program
Files\Luxor Quest for the Afterlife\data\maps\TG_01
[03/16/2015 17:10:45] Success Folder added to uninstall list: C:\Program
Files\Luxor Quest for the Afterlife\data\maps\TG_02
[03/16/2015 17:10:45] Success Folder added to uninstall list: C:\Program
Files\Luxor Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound
[03/16/2015 17:10:45] Success Folder added to uninstall list: C:\Program
Files\Luxor Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\fx
[03/16/2015 17:10:45] Success Folder added to uninstall list: C:\Program
Files\Luxor Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\music
[03/16/2015 17:10:45] Success Folder added to uninstall list: C:\Program
Files\Luxor Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\ui
[03/16/2015 17:10:45] Success Folder added to uninstall list: C:\Program
Files\Luxor Quest for the Afterlife\data\sound\vo
[03/16/2015 17:10:45] Success Folder added to uninstall list: C:\Program
Files\Luxor Quest for the Afterlife\pics
[03/16/2015 17:10:45] Success Folder added to uninstall list: C:\Program
Files\Luxor Quest for the Afterlife\splash
[03/16/2015 17:10:45] Success Folder added to uninstall list: C:\Documents and
Settings\All Users\Menu Start\Programy\Luxor Quest for the Afterlife
[03/16/2015 17:10:45] Notice Start project event: On Post Install
[03/16/2015 17:10:45] Success Run project event: On Post Install
[03/16/2015 17:10:45] Success Display screen: Finished Install
[03/16/2015 17:10:47] Notice Start project event: On Shutdown
[03/16/2015 17:10:47] Success Run project event: On Shutdown
[03/16/2015 17:10:48] Success Delete image file:
[03/16/2015 17:10:48] Success Delete image file:
[03/16/2015 17:10:48] Success Delete image file:
[03/16/2015 17:10:48] Notice Exit setup process (Return code: 0)