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2017 01 VEGA3 Preview

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Technical specifications

Software (Standard) SBH EasyProbe/SBH SBU EasyProbe/SBU LMH/XMH/GMH LMU/XMU/GMU

Image Processing / / // //
Analysis & Measurement / / // //
Object Area / / // //
Hardness / / // //
Tolerance / / // // SB EasyProbe/SB LM/XM/GM
Multi Image Calibrator / / // //
Electron Gun Tungsten heated cathode Tungsten heated cathode / optionally LaB6
Switch-Off Timer / / // //
3D Scanning / / // // Resolution
X-Positioner1 / / // // In high-vacuum mode SE 3nm at 30keV 3nm at 30keV / 2nm at 30 keV1
EasySEM / / // // 8nm at 3keV 8nm at 3keV / 5nm at 3 keV1
Live Video / / // // In low vacuum mode BSE, LVSTD3 3.5nm at 30keV 3.5nm at 30keV / 2.5nm at 30 keV1
Histogram / / // //
Easy EDX Integration Software / / // // Chamber vacuum
Chamber High vacuum mode < 9 10-3 Pa2 < 9 10-3 Pa2
Chamber Medium vacuum mode 4
3 150Pa 3 150Pa
Software (Optional) SBH EasyProbe/SBH SBU EasyProbe/SBU LMH/XMH/GMH LMU/XMU/GMU 3 500Pa5 3 500 Pa5 (optionally: 3 2000 Pa5)
Chamber Low vacuum mode
< 9 10-3 Pa2 < 9 10-3 Pa2
Particles Basic / / // // Column vacuum
Particles Advanced1 / / // // < 3 10-5Pa
Gun vacuum for LaB6
Image Snapper1 / / // //
DrawBeam Basic / / // // Magnification continuous from 3 1,000,000 2 1,000,000 (LM), 1 1,000,000 (XM/GM)
DrawBeam Advanced / / // // (for 5 image width in Continual Wide Field/Resolution)
Sample Observer / / // //
Electron optics working modes
System Examiner / / // //
TESCAN TRACE GSR1 / / // // High-vacuum mode Resolution, Depth, Field, Wide Field, Channelling
EasyEDX Integration Software / / // // Low-vacuum mode Resolution, Depth
3D Metrology (MeX) / / // //
Cell Counter / / // // Field of view 7.7mm at WDanalytical 10mm
Coral / / // // 24mm at WD 30mm
SYNOPSYS AvalonTM / / // //
Electron Beam Energy 200eVto 30keV

standard, option, not available, Only possible with optional position readout stage for SB chamber
Probe current 1 pA to 2A

Scanning speed From 20 ns to 10 ms per pixel adjustable in steps or continuously

User-Friendly Software
Scanning features Focus window (shape, size and position continuously adjustable), Dynamic Focus in plane
Multi-user environment localized in tilted or folded plane up to 70 deg, Point & Line Scan, Image rotation, Image shift, Tilt

TESCAN ORSAY HOLDING reserves the right to change the document without notice. 2017.01.20
different languages compensation, 3D Beam defined tilting scanning axis around XY axis, Life Stereoscopic
Imaging, Other scanning shapes available through the optional DrawBeam software
Easy control of the SEM even for
inexperienced users; four levels of
Image size 16,384 16,384 pixels, adjustable separately for live image (in 3 steps) and for stored images
user expertise/rights, including an (11 steps), selectable square or 4:3 or 2:1 rectangle. Unlimited large panorama image size (up
EasySEM mode for quick routine to storage capacity).
Microscope control All microscope functions are controlled by keyboard, mouse and trackball via the program
Image management and report creation VegaTC using Windows platform. Control panel and touchscreen optionally available.
Built-in self-diagnostics for system
readiness checks Automatic procedures In-Flight Beam Tracing beam optimization, Spot Size aBeam Current Continual, WD
(focus) & Stigmator, Contrast & Brightness, Scanning Speed (according to Signal- Noise
Network operations and remote access/
Ratio), Gun Heating, Gun Centering, Column Centering, Vacuum Control, Compensation for
diagnostics kV, Look-Up Table, Auto-diagnostics

Software Tools Remote control Via TCP/IP, open protocol

Modular software architecture enables 1
with LaB6 option, a pressure of < 5 10-4 Pa can be displayed with an optional WRG vacuum gauge (on request) , 3 LVSTD not available for EasyProbe, 4 not

several extensions to be attached. available with LaB6 option, 5 with a low vacuum aperture inserted

Fig. 9: Screenshot showing TESCAN TRACE GSR module.

Fast and Easy Way to Results

The intuitive EasySEMTM touch screen control interface enables rapid
sample examination within minutes. A high level of system automation
and self-diagnostics, running in the background, ensure valuable results
even for inexperienced users. Optional fully integrated EasyEDX micro-
analysis brings quantitative elemental analysis results directly into the
live SEM image with only one touch. Point and area analysis as well as TESCAN ORSAY HOLDING, a.s.
quantitative line profile and array mapping (up to 1024 points) functions Libuina t. 21, 623 00 Brno - Kohoutovice / Czech Republic
(phone) +420 530 353 411 / (email) sales@tescan.cz / marketing@tescan.cz www.tescan.com
are available.
VEGA3 Configurations Technical specifications
Analytical Potential VEGA3 SB SB Chamber LM Chamber XM Chamber GM Chamber
1 2 160mm 230mm 290mm (w) 340mm (d) 340mm (w) 315mm (d)
The SB chamber is equipped with Ahigh vacuum model of SEM with Internal size
a 3-axis motorized stage, all other 3-axis motorized stage for investi- Door 120mm (width) 148mm (width) 290mm (w) 322mm (h) 340mm (w) 320mm (h)
VEGA chambers (LM, XM and GM) gation of small conductive samples. Number of ports 10 11+ 12+ 20+
provide superior specimen han- Chamber Mechanical by means Pneumatic or optionally Pneumatic or optionally Integrated active vibration
and Column of rubber elements Mechanic (rubber elements Integrated active vibration isolation
dling using a5-axis fully motorized VEGA3 SB EasyProbe - not available for LaB6
Suspension isolation
compucentric stage and ideal ge- The EasyProbe is afavorable pack- option) Integrated active
ometry for EDX and EBSD. age of a scanning electron micro- vibration isolation
First-class YAG scintillator-based scope fully integrated with aselect- Specimen stage Specimen stage Specimen stage Specimen stage
detector. ed EDX microanalyser. EasyProbe is in SB Chamber in LM Chamber in XM Chamber in GM Chamber
Selection of optional detectors and available in both high vacuum and Type eucentric 3-axis motor. compucentric compucentric compucentric
accessories. variable pressure variant. The sys- 100 m 10 m
Movements without /with position X = 80mm X = 130mm X = 130mm
Full operating vacuum can be tem is delivered with atouch screen. Fig. 1: Au-coated wood sample imaged at 20 keV Fig. 2: Pharmaceutical sample imaged at 10 keV
readout* Y = 60mm Y = 130mm Y = 130mm
X = 45 / 35 mm - mot. Z= 47mm Z= 100mm Z= 100mm
reached within a few minutes with
Y = 45/ 35 mm - mot. Rotation: 360 cont. Rotation: 360 cont. Rotation: 360 cont.
3 4
powerful turbomolecular and rotary VEGA3 LMH / XMH / GMH Z= 27/ 27 mm - man. Tilt: -80 to +80 Tilt: -30 to +90 Tilt: -80 to +90
fore vakuum pumps. The large / extra-large / giant- Z = 6/ 6 mm - man.
Investigation of non-conductive chamber models operate at high Rotation: 360
samples in the variable pressure vacuum for the investigation of Tilt: -90 to +90 - man.
Max.Specimen 36 / 34 mm 54 mm (with rotation stage) 106 mm (with rotation stage) 106 mm (with rotation stage)
mode (UniVac) version. conductive samples with extraordi-
height 81 mm (without rotation stage) 147 mm (without rotation stage) 147 mm (without rotation stage)
Several chamber suspension type nary imaging quality.
*Not available for SB EasyProbe options
options ensure effective reduction SBH EasyProbe/ SBU EasyProbe/ LMH/ LMU/
of ambient vibrations in the labo- VEGA3 SBU / LMU / XMU / GMU Detectors* SBH SBU XMH/GMH XMU/GMU
ratory.Unique integrated active vi- The variable-pressure SEMs sup- SE detector / / // //
bration isolation for analytical GM plement all the advantages of the Fixed BSE / / // //

3rd Generation of VEGA SEMs

chamber delivered as standard. high vacuum models with an ex- 50 m 10 m Retractable BSE Detector1 / / // //
3D measurements on a recon- tended facility for low vacuum op- Fig. 3: Carbon nanotubes imaged at 5 keV Fig. 4: Particles in a filter imaged at 5 keV Retractable Dual Scintillator BSE Detector1 / / // //
structed surface by using the 3D erations, enabling the investigation Retractable 4-Quadrant BSE Detector1 / / // //
5 6
VEGA3 is a versatile thermionic emission SEM system intended for both high- and metrology software. of non-conductive specimens in Low Vacuum Secondary Electron TESCAN Detector (LVSTD)2 / / // //
low-vacuum operations designed with respect to a wide range of SEM applica- their natural uncoated state. STEM Detector / / // //
tions and needs in todays research and industry. VEGA3 provides users with the Rapid Maintenance HADF R-STEM Detector (motor.) / / // //
advantages of the latest technology, such as new improved high-performance Keeping the microscope in peak About VEGA3 XM and GM CL Detector1,3 / / // //
electronics for faster image acquisition, an ultra-fast scanning system with com- condition is now easy and requires configurations Rainbow CL Detector1,3 / / // //
pensation for static and dynamic image aberrations or scripting for user-defined a minimum of microscope down- The XM and GM configurations ex- Al-coated BSE Detector1 / / // //
applications, all while maintaining the best price to performance ratio. time. Every detail has been care- tend their analytical capabilities, BSE/CL Detector / / // //
fully designed to maximize micro- providing the ability to perform fine EBIC / / // //
High Resolution Imaging with of working and displaying modes, scope performance and minimize sample surface observations even EasyEDX4 / / // //
LaB6 Emitter for instance with enhanced field of operators efforts. with extra-large specimens. In to- EDX4 / / // //
TESCAN offers LaB6 (lanthanum view or depth of focus, etc. days microscopy there are many WDX4, 5 / / // //
hexaboride) electron source as an State-of-art design of the scan- Automated Procedures applications where breaking off 2 mm 10 m EBSD 4
/ / // //
Fig. 5: Ti dental implant imaged at 20 keV in the Fig. 6: Ti dental implant imaged at 20 keV in the
option. The LaB6 provides high- ning coils and electronics enables Filament heating and alignment of a small piece of the sample is not WIDE FIELD mode RESOLUTION mode, with the BSE detector for
Motorised mechanics as an option for LM/XM chambers and standard for GM/AMU chambers. 2Up to 500 Pa, and, in addition for LM/XM/GM chambers: up to 1000Pa
material contrast (N2 conditions) / up to 1000 Pa (water vapour/N2 conditions). 3Compact version available specially designed for simultaneous CL and BSE detection. 4Fully integrated third
er current density at lower cath- an ultra-fast imaging rate down to the gun for optimal beam perfor- possible or highly inconvenient. Par-
7 8 party products. 5Integrated active vibration isolation necessary.
ode temperatures compared to 20ns/pixel with minimized dynam- mance is performed automatically ticularly in situations where further
SBH EasyProbe/ SBU EasyProbe/ LMH/ LMU/
tungsten emitters. It offers greater ic distortion effects. with just one click. There are many analysis of the sample is needed. Accessories* SBH SBU XMH/GMH XMU/GMU
brightness, a reasonably improved Real time In-Flight Beam Tracing other procedures which reduce the That is the case in forensic applica- pA Meter / / // //
resolution over the whole range of for high precision real-time compu- time for tuning-up the microscope, tions where the samples are usually Touch Alarm / / // //
accelerating voltages and alonger tation of optical parameters. including automated manipulator valuable pieces of evidence. Be- IR TV Camera / / // //
cathode lifetime. The LaB6 emitter Column design without any me- navigation and automated analy- sides the ability to investigate the Peltier Cooling Stage / / // //
is the right choice for applications chanical centering elements en- ses. The SharkSEM remote control sample surface with extra-large Water Vapor Inlet / / // //
where large beam currents and im- ables fully automated column set- interface enables access to most of specimens, the GM chamber ex- Beam Blanker for SEM column / / // //
proved resolution are required. up and alignment. the microscope features, including tends the features of VEGA3 SEMs Load Lock** / / // //
Unique live stereoscopic imaging microscope vacuum control, op- with great analytical potential. A Control Panel / / // //
Modern Optics using advanced 3D Beam Tech- tics control, stage control, image Large number of ports enables all Optical Stage Navigation / / // //
Aunique four-lens Wide Field Optics nology opens up the micro and na- acquisition, etc. The compact Py- detectors and techniques (SE, BSE, Nanomanipulators / / // //
design with a proprietary Interme- no-world for an amazing 3D experi- thon scripting library offers all these LVSTD, EDX, EBSD). 10 m 20 m
standard, option, not available,
Fig. 7: Uncoated particles of a softener on filter Fig. 8: Uncoated PLGA polymer fibers imaged at
diate Lens (IML) offering a variety ence and 3D navigation. features. paper imaged at 5 keV 10keV in low vacuum mode *Possible combinations of optional detectors and other accessories must be discussed with TESCAN
**Manual and motorised options available

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