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a better futu



1910 1920 1930 THE WAR YEARS

1921 1930 1954
Extracurricular clubs Auxiliary Bishop of Manila
De La Salle College and activities flourished
transferred to its present site Hernando Antiporda is the
during this decade. La first La Salle alumnus to
on Taft Avenue, Manila. Salles star shone brightly become a member of the
in the sports arena, Philippine hierarchy.
The architectural design of with National Collegiate
St. La Salle Hall was created Athletic Association
by Tomas Mapua. It was 1956
1911 the winning entry in a
(NCAA) championships in Br. Bede Athanasius, the first
The Brothers of the Christian basketball, football, and 1945 Filipino to become a Brother
Schools opened the first La competition sponsored by the track events. The War Years brought
school. of the Christian Schools from
Salle School at 652 Calle shell shock and damage to
the Baguio Novitiate, began
Nozaleda, Paco, Manila with Back then, La Salle also the school, both in terms
During this time, many heads teaching at DLSC
125 students. had a 200-member Glee of ruined buildings and
of state visited it, not the Club, a combo of jazz human carnage. Sixteen
least of which were then- Brothers and 25 civilians
Nine Brothers (five Frenchmen, musicians, a reputed The College of Liberal
three Irish, and one American) Governor-General Leonard oratorical team, and a were massacred one tragic
Wood and Senate President Arts and the College of
formed what would be the cheering squad named February day in 1945.
Manuel Luis Quezon. Commerce underwent their
first community of La Salle in Yell Command. first Philippine Accrediting
the Philippines. They included After World War II, the
Association of Schools,
Brothers Blimond (director), Brothers took the task of
1924 Colleges, and Universities
Louis, Aloysius, Camillus, rebuilding the College
Dr. Paul Monroe and a (PAASCU) formal survey.
Augusto, B. Joseph, C. John, and introducing new
commission of American .
William, and Martin. undergraduate programs.
educators named La Salle
as one of the best private 1947
schools in the Philippine La Salle won its first postwar
Islands after an eight-month basketball trophy in the
cross-country inspection. NCAA.



1970 1980 1990
1994 2002
1960 1971 The City Government of DLSU became the first university in
The University began Manila named DLSU as one the country to earn the highest
Ariston Estrada Sr. was
extending financial of the Ten Outstanding accreditation status from PAASCU
conferred the title Professor
assistance to deserving NGOs of Manila.
Emeritus, the first of such
title given by DLSC. 2005
1981 The University had full The College of Computer Studies
1969 La Salle opened its The University shifted its internet connection. garnered Level III accreditation for
Elections for Student academic calendar from its BS Computer Science program.
Computer Center, the first
Council officers were held the traditional semestral DLSU Professional Schools, It was, at the time, the highest
school in the country to
at La Salle for the first schedule to a year-round Inc. composed of the program accreditation status ever
do so.
time. trimestral calendar. College of Computer bestowed by PAASCU to a higher
1973 Studies, the Graduate education institution.
1961 De La Salle College turned The University Research School of Business, and the
The Golden Jubilee
coeducational, opening Office and the External Information Systems and 2007
Scholarship, given to Research Office were Technology Center became DLSU engineering students and
its doors to 38 female
high school valedictorians established. These the newest member of the faculty designed, built, and raced
students into the Colleges
from La Salle schools, was became the precursors of DLSU System. the countrys first solar car, SINAG.
of Commerce, Engineering,
established. the University Research
and Arts and Science.
Coordinating Office. 1999 2009
The Student Financial DLSU participated in All classrooms were installed
Assistance Program was 1985 the First Lasallian Synod Internet connections, LCD
established to manage and The University Library was wherein members of the projectors, thin client computers,
systematize all scholarship inaugurated Philippine Lasallian Family and hi-tech computers as part of
programs of the institution renewed the Lasallian the Technology-Enabled Learning
1986 Mission. Environment (TELE) Project.
1975 DLSU was officially
The College was accepted in the University The Star Scholars Program,
granted University status Athletic Association of the the most comprehensive DLSU further pursued its advocacy
in recognition of its Philippines. scholarship given by any on renewable energy with the
outstanding academic and university in the country, development of the countrys
professional contributions 1987 was introduced. second solar car, SIKAT. With the
to Philippine private DLSU, along with DLS-Zobel, support of industry partners, SIKAT
education. DLSU-Dasmarias, DLS- made a cross-country tour to raise
Health Sciences Campus, awareness on sustainable energy.
The Student Personnel and DLS-College of Saint
Services (SPS) was Benilde, established the
established. DLSU System.
DLSU is...
AUN founding member
...the only Philippine private university among the founding
members of the ASEAN University Network (AUN). Composed of
leading member universities and institutions in Southeast Asia,
the AUN was established to promote solidarity among members
and to further develop its regional identity by sharing human

ASEAN lead institution for Chemical

Engineering and Biotechnology
...the host institution for Chemical Engineering and the main
facilitating institution for Biotechnology of the Asean University
Network/Southeast Asia Engineering Education Development
Network (AUN/ SEED-Net).

TOP rank in PAASCU surveys

...the first Philippine university to earn Level 4 accreditationthe highest level granted by the Philippine Accrediting
Association of Schools, Colleges, and Universities (PAASCU).

..granted accreditation by PAASCU in different undergraduate programs - Level 4 accreditation: Civil Engineering,
Electronics and Communications Engineering, and Industrial Engineering; Level 3 re-accreditation: Accountancy, Business
and Economics, Education, Liberal Education, Science, Computer Science, and Engineering (Chemical and Mechanical).

...granted Level 2 re-accreditation by PAASCU in the graduate programs of College of Science, College of Liberal Arts,
and College of Education.

Excellent performance in board exams

...a consistent top performing school in the licensure examinations in Accountancy, Chemical Engineering, Civil
Engineering, Electronics and Communications Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Chemistry, and Education.

CHED Zonal Research Center

...selected by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) as a Zonal Research Center in the National Capital Region.

Centers of Excellence and Development

...recognized by CHED as having Centers of Excellence in the fields of IT Education, Biology, Chemistry, Physics,
Mathematics, and Teacher Education, as well as Centers of Development in Electronics and Communications Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Engineering, and Industrial Engineering.

Innovation lab
...chosen by leading computer company Microsoft Philippines as partner for the establishment of the first-ever
Microsoft Innovation Center in the local academic sector.

Teacher training institution

...identified by the Department of Education (DepEd) as a teacher training institution for public and private school
teachers of English and Mathematics in the elementary and high school levels.

Resource for communities

...committed to serve as a resource in the development of poor communities in the country, through projects like the
Center for Micro-Hydro Technology for Rural Electrification, Operation Big Brother, Tambayani for Gawad Kalinga, St. La
Salle Pre-school, and capacity-building for women, among others.

Pioneer computer school Smart classroom Internet-connected

The University DLSU s smart classroom is the first ever in The first school to be
opened its portal the Philippine academe. In 2000, it already connected to the Internet,
to the information had video conferencing capabilities and DLSU was recognized in
highway when it state-of-the-art equipment for desktop 1996 by PC Computing
established the presentations, with audio-visual players, Magazine as among the
Computer Center in overhead projectors, two-way video worlds universities with
1971, the first in the camera, and 42 computer units hooked to the best websites. It was cited together with
local academic sector to do so. In 1980, the Internet. University of Waterloo (Canada), Harvard
the Center expanded and became the University (USA), University of West Indies,
Planning, Information, and Computer University of Tokyo (Japan), University
Science Center (PICSC). In 1981, the of Limerick (Ireland), University of Cape
PICSC monitored the Computer Science Town (South Africa), University of Sydney
Department which offered the first (Australia), University of Hamburg (Germany),
undergraduate degree in Computer University of Zagred (Croatia), and Helsinki
Science. Four years later, the Computer University of Technology (Finland).
Science Department was formally
declared as the College of Computer

BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING Transformative learning Computer science

With the aim of developing a To improve the way The College of Computer Studies (CCS)
multidisciplinary, collaborative learning teachers teach and students garnered Level 3 accreditation for its BS
environment, DLSU set up in 2003 the learn, DLSU institutionalized Computer Science program in 2005. It was
groundbreaking Biomedical Engineering in 2004 the Transformative at that time the highest
program, offered as a specialization Learning Framework, a program accreditation
under the BS in Manufacturing pioneering initiative that status ever received
Engineering and Management course. promotes student-centered learning. The by a higher education
A young discipline in the local academic transformative paradigm seeks to engage institution from the
scene, Biomedical Engineering aims students in deeper modes of learning and Philippine Accrediting
to develop professionals concerned inquiry, and to enable them to develop their Association of Schools,
with the application of appropriate analytic, critical, and creative thinking skills. Colleges, and Universities.
technology for the efficient delivery
of healthcare services and for the Likewise, the CCS Computer Technology
advancement of methods used for Department became the first Cisco Academy
diagnosis, therapy, and Training Center in the Philippines, which
rehabilitation. meant that the Department would be tasked
to implement quality assurance initiatives in
more than 140 regional and local academies.

SOLAR POWERED CAR world champ soccer robots Wise messaging system

SINAG, the first Philippine solar car, Engineering faculty and To improve access to University-related
was designed and built by students and students led the Philippine information, La Salles Information
faculty of DLSU s College of Engineering. soccer robot team that Technology Center established in 2001
Driven by a team of La Salle students, it captured the gold medal in the DLSU Wireless Information Services
raced across the Australian sub-continent the Millennium Challenge (DLSU WISe), another first in the local
to a stellar finish at the 20th World Solar and the silver medal in academic scene. This allows community
Challenge. In pursuit of solar technology the Benchmark Category members to receive
research, DLSU also developed two more of the Fedaeration of International Robot- announcements, such
solar cars, one of which toured across Soccer Association World Cup 2000 held in as final exam schedules,
the country in 2010 and Central Queensland University, Australia. It UAAP standings, or class
another raced in the was a record first for a Philippine university. suspensions, via text
World Solar Challenge in messaging service.

Asean Benchmarking internet-connected COMPREHENSIVE PROGRAM ON

classrooms FOOD AND HEALTH

In an effort to push its standards to the Every classroom at DLSU provides Internet The University and seven other La Salle
international level, DLSU in 2008 opened access and features LCD projectors, thin schools nationwide in partnership with the
its doors to the ASEAN client computers, and hi-tech speakers. Institut Polytechnique La Salle Beauvais,
University Network-Quality Under the Technology-Enabled Learning France established the De La Salle Food
Assurance (AUN-QA) Environment (TELE) Project started in Institute to provide a comprehensive program
for an assessment of its Academic Year 2009-2010, DLSU has on food and health. Established in 2011,
Chemical Engineering and created a learning environment that supports the Institute will examine
Economics programs. The transformative learning and food and health in its entire
Chemistry, Literature, and Psychology global connection. supply chainfrom the
programs also underwent the assessment production of food and
in 2010, and the Applied Corporate end user consumption to
Management, Physics, and Software logistical requirements and
Technology programs in 2011. environmental impact.
The AUN-QA gave positive feedback and
ratings based on the information provided
in the Universitys self-assessment report,
on-site verification of the documents, Physical empatHic computing
and interviews with selected stakeholders
including faculty, staff, students, alumni
The Center for Empathic Human-Computer Interactions (CEHCI) of the
members, and employers.
College of Computer Studies had a demonstration of the Philippines first
physical empathic computing space in November 2009 on campus. The space
is equipped with a sensor network to identify its current occupant, recognize
his emotions, and respond in an empathic manner via adjustment of ambient
parameters such as temperature, lighting, and background music.
Faculty Quick Facts

* *

Average number
Average number
of faculty
with masters degrees
of faculty per term
per term

Average number
of faculty
* Includes full-time, part-time, and academic
with doctorate degrees
service faculty in AY2010-2012 per term
Source: DLSU Institutional Accreditation
and Assessment Office





Number of full-time faculty members involved in research in AY2011-2012

Source: University Research Coordination Office
On its 100th year, De La Salle University celebrates

100: student excellence in academics, professional board exams

and technological innovation.

100 Eco



Passing rate

Composed of
Passing rate students from
(Top Achievers in the Mechanical,
the Freshman Test Electronics and
100) Launched last Communications,
In the May 2011 year, the program and Manufacturing
Licensure Exam for recognizes high Engineering
Teachers school seniors departments and
In the May 2011 and
May 2012 Certified who performed guided by their
Public Accountant exceptionally faculty mentors,
Board Exam well in the DLSU the team built and
College Admissions designed the DLSU
Test (CAT). The top 100 Eco which
100 examinees of competed in the
the DLSU CAT will Shell Eco Marathon
be automatically Asia 2011 in Kuala
awarded this Lumpur, Malaysia.
Grantees will
received 15%
tuition discount
every term and
other benefits
without service


32 College of
254 133 College of
College Studies College
ECONOMICS of of law
Liberal Engineering

Number of faculty members involved in Internally-Funded

Research projects(IFRP), Externally -Funded Research
Projects (EFP), and Interdisciplinary Research Projects,
AY 2010-2011.

Source: University Research Coordination Office (URCO), Institutional Accreditation and Assessment (IAA) Office.

Number of top examinees of the DLSU CAT who will

receive a 15 per cent discount and other incentives under
the program T.A.F.T. 100 (Top Achievers in the Freshman
Number of outstanding students from public high schools
who can avail of full scholarship and other incentives
the Vaugirard Scholarship.

Number of outstanding students in the Gokongwei

College of Engineering who can avail of full scholarship
and other incentives under the Gokongwei Grants

Average number of students who are accepted to

the Star Scholars program, the Universitys premier
scholarship program, every year.

Types of scholarships available for deserving students

in the University

Source: Office of Admissions and Scholarships



Number of members
per organization

International Association
of Lasallian Universities
ASEAN University


Association of Southeast

205 Asian Institutions of

Higher Learning

International Federation
of Catholic Universities

United Board for Christian
Higher Education in Asia

Alliances here and abroad provide opportunities for academic

exchange and collaborative undertakings.
These are just some of the groups that De La Salle University
is actively engaged in.
Sources: www.aun-sec.org; www.ialu.net; www.fiuc.org; www.seameo.org/asaihl; www.unitedboard.org

The University Library provides access to a rich collection

of e-books to support the various research undertakings of
DLSU faculty and students.

438,058 number of documents

from over 4,000 titles of multidisciplinary books,
currently hosted by ebrary


number of titles of
encyclopedia and
specialized reference
sources provided by
Gale Virtual Reference

4,090 Library

number of titles of published

books on business, economics,
life sciences, computer science,
chemistry, materials science,
humanities, social science, law,
mathematics and statistics
provided by the Springer 2011
e-book Collection, available
both on and off-campus 38
number of
titles e-books in

number of selected
computer science
published by
Elsevier and hosted
titles of graduate by Science Direct
theses conducted
all over the world
about the Philippines
and its people,
available on-campus
at the Filipiniana
Thesis Section

number of e-book titles
in the University Library
collection, both on and
off campus

the earliest year covered by the e-SCRA,

an online version of the Supreme Court
Reports Annotated (SCRA) with complete
court decisions from 1901 to the
present. The collection is available at
the University Library, AGH Law Library,
and Makati Extension Campus Library.

Source: DLSU University Library

Henry Sy, Sr.
Built on the concept of a habitable tree, the DLSU Henry Sy, Sr. Hall
commemorates the Universitys centenary and illustrates its growing role in
Philippine education as well as its commitment to environmental responsibility.

Designed by the renowned architectural firm Leandro V. Locsin Partners,

Architects, the Henry Sy, Sr. Hall boasts of a green roof, solar panels, a
rainwater collection system, and a water re-use system. It has pocket gardens
and open areas that support creativity and engage learners to generate new ideas.

The Hall has 14 floors of eco-friendly learning spaces and function areas where
the academic community can gather for relaxation, interaction with one another, and
official university activities. Interior areas of the building are named after various
parts of a life-giving and nurturing tree.

It will also be the first academic structure to be rated upon completion

with the Philippines own BERDE Standard, a measure of how
environment-friendly a structure is.

The DLSU Centennial Hall is named in

honor of its first donor, Henry Sy, Sr., whose
generosity jump-started its construction.


Learning Commons
A central hub for learning, research, creativity and community

Academic Services Hub The Grove

Centralized office for admissions, scholarships, registrar, and Roof deck and multi-purpose area
finance transactions
The Meadow or Multipurpose rooms and discussion hubs
Democratic Space
Open area at the ground floor where Lasallians
can commune and hold activities
The outdoor reading areas
La Racine
Lobby of the Hall
The indoor gardens
Lobby of the Learning Commons
Intersecting paths like the Signum Fidei or
Star of Faith that symbolizes the association
of La Salle Brothers
large function rooms
A l u m n i
on their
xperience e

The University was

one of the first in the
country to really push
entrepreneurship and
come up with a curriculum
that encourages
innovation, risk-taking,
creativity - all that
we associate with I apply business principles
entrepreneurs. La Salle in public service, having
has contributed to a mind- brought the businessman
set thats very much in me. I like to reduce
of this generation, one complexity. I have always
thats not afraid to grasp been loyal and committed
opportunities but at the to the institution I serve,
If life means having a good same time is quick to give whether government or
time, money, fame, power, back to society. public service. I am very
security - then you dont grateful to the education
need principles; all you need that I got in La Salle.
are techniques. On the other
hand, if happiness counts Jose T. Pardo
more than a good time,
Chairman of the Board, Philippine Savings
Bank and Former Secretary of F inance

respect more than fame, and Trade & F inance

right more than power, and

GS 1952, HS 1956, BSC 1960

peace of soul more than

security; if death doesnt
end life but transforms it,
then you must be true to
yourself and to God...

Jose W. Diokno
F ilipino nationalist, former
Philippine Senator, and former
Eduardo Cojuangco Jr.
Secretary of Justice
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
GS 1923, HS 1937 (valedictorian), San Miguel Corporation and Ginebra San
and BSC 1940 (summa cum laude) Miguel, Inc.
HS 1952


As businessmen, we are
judged by our actions. The
Lasallian values helped
me by molding my business
principles, to make a profit
without trampling on the
hearts of the people I deal (I am) blessed to have been
with. It also reinforced educated a Lasallian and
my belief that yes, the having St. John Baptist de
Filipino can! La Salle as an inspiration
and model. Like him, I wish
to use my talents and gifts
to serve the poor. Like him,
I wish to teach minds, touch
hearts, and help transform
Elvira Lopez Bautista
President, Knowledge Channel Foundation, Inc.
AB Psychology 1981

The values that I have

learned as a Lasallian are
values which are helping
me in my present job as
President and CEO of
the Development Bank
of the Philippines. These
are the values of honesty
Jose Concepcion III
President and Chief Executive Officer
and service, two traits
of RFM Corporation which are lacking in the
BS Business Management 1981
Philippines at the present
time. With these two
values we should be able
to propel the country into a
more advanced economy.

Francisco del Rosario

President and Chief Executive Officer,
Development Bank of the Philippines
BSC Major in Accounting and AB Major in
Economics 1970

Source: THE FUTURE BEGINS HERE, DLSU Centennial Coffee Table Book
L a sal l i an St ewa

Jose T. Pardo
Former Secretary of Finance and Trade
& Finance of the Philippines and Chairman
of the Board, Philippine Savings Bank

Jose Isidro Camacho,

Former Finance Secretary of the
Philippines, Managing Director & Vice
Chairman of Credit Suisse Asia Pacific,
and Chairman of the Board SunLife of
Canada (Philippines, Inc.)

Ramon del Rosario Jr. AFSC,

Former Secretary of Finance and President &

Central Bank


rds o f Fi n ance

Roberto de Ocampo,
Former Secretary of Finance

Alberto Romulo,
Former Secretary of Finance, Foreign
Affairs, Budget and Management,
Executive Secretary, and Senator

Cesar Purisima,
Secretary of Finance, Independent Director, Energy
Development Corporation, Chairman of Executive Committee
of Ciba Capital, and Chairman & Managing Partner
of SGV & Co.

Jose Cuisia, Jr., Rafael Buenaventura,

Former Governor of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas, 1982 TOYM Former Governor of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas
awardee for Domestic Banking, former CEO, Philamlife and Philippine Country Officer of Citibank Philippines
and current Philippine Ambassador to the United States

Source: THE FUTURE BEGINS HERE, DLSU Centennial Coffee Table Book
The alumni are testimonies of a universitys excellence. DLSU is home to luminaries in business, public service,
education, the arts, and sciences who have made both Institution and the Philippines proud.

Among our esteemed alumni are:

Kathrine Benitez- Martinez,

Portfolio director, carbonated soft drinks (CSD) brands
Gerardo Ablaza, Coca-Cola Co. Philippines
President, Maynilad Water Services, Inc.
and former President & CEO of Globe Telecom Francisco Bernardo III,
Chairman JAD Group of Companies,
Ten Outstanding Young Men Awardee (TOYM)
for Entrepreneurship, and Ten Outstanding Persons
Luis Aboitiz, of the World for Excellence in Entrepreneurship

Joseph Bernardo,
Chairman Emeritus of the board of Aboitiz & Co.

Diana Lyn Agustin, Entrepreneur, Philippine Ambassador to Spain

Corazon Bitong,
Entrepreneur and owner of Bayo

Rafael Alunan III, Entrepreneur and owner of Bayo

George Blaylock,
President of Maynilad Water Services, Inc.,
former Secretary of the Interior and Local Government,
and former Secretary of Tourism President and General Manager,
Diamond Auto Group
Rolando Andaya,
Camarines Sur representative and former Department Martin Bonoan,
of Budget and Management Secretary Former President of Philippine Airlines,
Executive Vice President of the Economic Development
Senen Bacani, Foundation, and Chief Operations Officer
of CPJ Corporation
Former Secretary of Agriculture,
2006 Ernst and Young Entrepreneur of the Year

Kurt Bachman,
Collegiate basketball star player and businessman Hernani Braganza,
Mayor of the City of Alaminos,
Michael Barredo, former Agrarian Reform Secretary,
former Representative of the First District
President, Philippine Sports Association
of Pangasinan
for the Differently Abled

Rene Buenaventura,
Vice Chairman of Equicom Savings Company
and former President & CEO, Equitable-PCI Bank

Jorge Buenaventura,
Project Director, One Million Trees and Beyond
Cirilo Bautista,
Palanca Literary Hall of Fame Awardee, Eric Buhain,
National Centennial Literary Competition Multiple SEA Games gold medalist
Grand Prize Winner, and DLSU University Fellow and and former Philippine Sports Commissioner
Professor Emeritus
Jorge Camara,
Edgardo Bautista, Humanitarian and recipient of three Presidential awards
Founder and President, Mirant Philippines Foundation
Macmac Cardona,
Ronald Baytan, Professional basketball player
Poet and professor


Jayvee Casio, David Consunji,

Professional basketball player Founder of DM Consunji, Inc.,
former Secretary of Public Works,
Manny Castaeda, Transportation and Communications;
Production designer
Mike Cortez,
Alan Peter Cayetano, Professional basketball player
Philippine Senator
David Coyukiat,
Behn Cervantes, Insurance executive
Actor, director, writer, and cultural activist
Efren Cruz,
Former Metro Manila Governor

Edgar Chua, Ernest Cu,

Country Chairman of Pilipinas Shell Petroleum Corp.
CEO, GLobe Telecom

Juan Chua, Virginia Culla,

President of Nexus Technologies,
Vice President, Mizuho Corporate Bank, Ltd. Manila Branch
Jupiter Systems, WSI, EduPro

William Tiu Chua, Paul Cuyegkeng,

Former President, DOLE Asia
human rights advocate and Legal Counsel,

Celso Dayrit,
Citizens Action Against Crime and Foundation
for World Wide People Power, Inc.
Former Philippine Olympic Committee Chairman
Jose Cojuangco, Jr.,
Philippine Olympic Committee President Alfonso de Lange,
Former Assistant to the General Manager,
US Shipping Board

Leila de Lima,
Jose Ma. Concepcion, Jr.,
Secretary, Department of Justice

Former Chairman of RFM Corporation,

former Philippine Secretary of Trade and Industry,
and NAMFREL Founding Chairman

Raul Thomas Concepcion, Geronimo Berenguer de Los Reyes Jr.,

CEO of Carrier Corporation Lead developer of Gateway Business Park in Cavite
Rodrigo de Los Reyes, Jaime Endaya,
Former Manager, PhilAm Life and former Chairman & CEO Country PR manager and leader of
of Far East Bank and Trust Company external relations of P&G Philippines

Miguel Castro Enriquez,

SVP for Radio Operations of GMA Network,
Jose de Venecia, President , RGMA Network, Inc.,
and television newscaster
Former five-time Speaker of the Philippine House

Ariston Estrada Sr.,

of Representatives

Lisa del Rosario, First lay teacher of La Salle Francis Estrada,

former President, Asian Institute of Management
SEA Games gold medalist for bowling

Monsour del Rosario, Ben Eusebio,

Lasallian Institute for Environment (LIFE) Executive Director
Philippine athlete for taekwondo

Marjorie Evasco,
National Book awardee, Metrobank Outstanding Teacher

Ramon del Rosario Sr., Florentino Feliciano,

Co-founder Philippine Investment Supreme Court Associate Justice
Management Consultants (PHINMA)
and Ten Outstanding Filipinos (TOFIL)
awardee in the field of business
Jose Y. Feria,
Supreme Court Associate Justice

Br. Edmundo Fernandez FSC,

Raymund del Val, Head of the Lasallian East Asia District
Director, Mustard Seeds Corporation and former President, and visual artist
Hewlett- Packard Philippines
Stephen Fernandez,
Roberto Deluria, Olympic medalist
President and CEO, Tridel Technologies, Inc.
Ceferino Follosco,
Anton Diaz, Former Secretary, Deparment of Science and Technology
Founder and digital publisher of Our Awesome Planet
Maurice Gallaga,
Lydia Echauz, Multi-awarded movie director
Former Dean, DLSU Graduate School of Business
and President of Far Eastern University
Rhandee Garlitos,
Valentin Eduque,
Childrens literature writer

National Basketball Hall of Fame

and Lifetime Achievement awardee
Peter Garrucho,
Former Secretary, Department of Tourism

Michael Elbinias,
and Department of Trade and Industry

Associate Justice of the Court of Appeals

John Gokongwei, Jr.,

Lim Eng Beng,
Chairman Emeritus
of JG Summit Holdings, Inc.
Former professional
basketball player


Edgardo Gomez, Steve Hontiveros,

Marine biologist and world authority on coral reef ecology Philippine Olympic Committee Secretary-General
and restoration

John Paul Gomez,

International Chess Grand Master

Br. Andrew Gonzalez FSC,

Linguist, social scientist, NAST Academician,
and former Secretary of Education Raymund Isaac,
Fashion photographer
Antonio Gonzalez,
Former Secretary, Department of Tourism Mark Joseph,
Philippine Olympic Committee Deputy Secretary-General
Delfin Gonzalez,
CFO/EVP of Ayalas Globe Telecom and first recipient Phillip Ella Juico,
of FINEXs CFO of the Year Former Agrarian Reform Secretary
and Philippine Sports Commission Chairman
Eugene Gonzalez,
Chef, entrepreneur, and founder of Center Ernesto Kahn,
for Asian Culinary Studies Former President & CEO, San Miguel Corporation
and Coca-Cola Bottlers Philippines
Vicente Groyon III,
Fictionist, National Book Award and Palanca winner, Edwin Lacierda,
and DLSU faculty member Political analyst and Presidential Spokesman

Yeng Guiao, Bitay Lacson,

Former professional basketball coach Former Governor of Negros Occidental
and 1986 TOYM Awardee for Community Service
Serafin Guingona,
Court of Appeals Associate Justice Jose Florencio Lapea, Jr.,
Pediatric Otorhinolaryngologist-Head, Neck

Raissa Hechanova-Posadas,
and Craniofacial Plastic Surgeon of the University
of Melbourne-Royal Childrens Hospital
Former Managing Director, Citibank Philippines
Jose Laurel V,
Former Governor of Batangas

Kim Henares,
Internal Revenue Commissioner
Salvador Laurel,
Former Vice President and
former Senator of the Philippines
Oscar Hilado,
Former PHINMA Chairman & CEO
and President of PHINMA subsidiaries
Carlos Ledesma,
Isidro Hildawa, President, Negros Navigation Company
Former Director for Visual, Literary, and Media Arts,
Cultural Center of the Philippines
RJ Ledesma,
Writer, humorist, and TV host

Rico Hizon, Edward Lee,

The first and only Filipino news anchor Chairman of CitisecOnline and
for two of the most prestigious global news former Governor of Philippine Stock Exchange
organizations CNBC Asia and BBC World
and 2006 TOYM awardee in
International Journalism
Michel Lhuillier,
Entrepreneur and owner of M. Lhuillier Group
and Community Service
of Companies
Philippe Lhuillier, Lee Briones Meilley,
Entrepreneur, owner of Cebuana Lhuillier pawnshops Cinematographer
and Philippine Ambassador to Italy

Albert Lim,
Former Secretary of Tourism
Angel Narciso,
Paul Stephen Lim, President, Information Imagina,
Playwright Incorporated

Jun Limpot,
Former professional basketball player

Alfredo Litiatco, Rafael Nepomuceno,

Poet, essayist, and short story writer Champion bowler with four world cup titles,
recipient of three Guinness Book of World
Records and International Olympic Committee
Presidents Trophy, World FIQ Bowling Athlete
of the Millennium and Philippine Senate and
Congress Greatest Filipino Athlete
Leandro V. Locsin,
National Artist for Architecture

Shirley Lua,
Poet and DLSU faculty member

Guillermo Luchangco,
CEO and Chairman, ICCP Group,
owner of World Trade Center Manila
Antonio Oposa, Jr.,
Environmental lawyer and crusader,
DLSU College of Law Board of Advisers member,
and the first Asian to serve as a member of the Board of Trustees
of the Center for International Environmental Law

Br. Armin Luistro FSC, Francisco Ortigas, Jr.,

Former DLSU President and
member of the Philippine Reparations Mission to Japan,
Secretary of Education
former Director of the Philippine National Bank, and member
of the Philippine Delegation to the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization

Sergio Osmea III,

Former Senator of the Philippines

Cayetano Paderanga,
Ramon Magsaysay, Jr., Former National Economic and
Philippine Senator Development Authority Director

Cesar Adib Majul, Francis Pangilinan,

Philippines foremost Muslim scholar
Philippine Senator

Placido Mapa Jr.,

Former National Economic and Development Authority Chief and
former President of Philippine National Bank

Joseph McMicking,
Father of industrial life insurance in the Philippines and lead Steven Paradies,
developer of the Makati business district SVP/CFO, Aboitiz Equity Ventures, Inc.


Renren Ritualo,
Entrepreneur and professional basketball player

Jesse Robredo,
Vicente Paterno, Ramon Magsaysay awardee for government service
Former Philippine Senator
Mikee Romero,
Chairmand & CEO, Harbour Centre Port Holdings Group

Perry Ronquillo,
Leopoldo Prieto, Professional basketball coach
First commissioner of the Philippine Basketball Association
and former head coach of the Philippine National Basketball Team Ernesto Rufino, Sr. AFSC,
Businessman, Silver Star recipient, Knight of Malta,
Paolo Prieto, member of the Order of St. Gregory the Great
President and CEO, Inquirer.Net
Jose Lito Sandejas,
Derick Pumaren, President & Director, First Manila Management Corporation
Former professional basketball coach and President & Chairman of Erectors, Inc.

Dindo Pumaren, Josefina Sayoc-Carballo,

Former DLSU Mens basketball coach Vice President, Citibank, N.A.

Franz Pumaren, Tara Sering,

Former DLSU Mens basketball coach Fictionist

Jose Quintos IV, John Silva,

President & CEO, Prople, Inc. Writer and arts museum consultant
and former IBM Philippines General Manager
Rogelio Singson,
Carlos Quirino, Public Works Secretary
Historian, pioneer in the field of historical literature,
and former Director of the National Library Robert John Sobrepea,
CEO of Fil-Estate Management, Inc.

Enrique Razon Jr.,

President & Chairman, International
Container Terminal Services, Inc. and Hans Sy,
International Container President, SM Prime Holdings, Inc.,
Terminal Holdings, Inc. First Executive Vice President
of SM Investments Corporation (SMIC), and
Director & Vice Chairman
Ralph Recto, of China Banking Corporation
Philippine Senator

Andres Reyes,
Court of Appeals Presiding Justice

Cid Reyes,
Art critic, artist, and advertising executive
Harley Sy,
President, SMIC, Director,
China Banking Corporation,
and Treasurer of SM Land, Inc.
Jose Javier Reyes,
Award-winning film writer and
Joseph Uichico,
Henry Sy Jr., Professional basketball coach

Ricardo Ungria,
Vice Chairman, SMIC, SM Development
Corporation, and Highlands Prime, Inc.,
Vice Chairman and President of SM Land, Poet, artist, and NCCA Commissioner for Arts
Inc., and Chairman of Pico de Loro Beach
and Country Club, Inc. Marcus Valda,
Multiple SEA Games gold medalist for wrestling

Antonio Valdes,

Herbert Sy, Carlos Valdes,

Head, SM Groups supermarket operations, Former Ambassador of the Philippines to Italy,
President, Super Value, Inc., the Vatican, and Japan
and Director of several SM subsidiaries
Ramon Valera,
Cesare Syjuco, National Artist for Fashion Design
Award-winning contemporary multi-media artist
Luis Raymund Villafuerte Jr.,
Josette Talamera-Biyo, TOYM awardee for Entrepreneurship
Intel Foundation Excellence awardee,
Metrobank Outstanding Teacher

Lorenzo Tan,
Jesus Antonio Villamor,
President & CEO, Rizal Commercial Banking Corporation

Nestor Tan, First Filipino hero of WWII and

Distinguished Service Cross and
President & CEO, Banco de Oro
Oak Leaf Cluster recipient

Raymond Girard Tan,

National Research Council of the Philippines Lifetime Achiever
for 2007 and DLSU faculty member
Pia Banico-Villanueva,
Neurologist, Makati Medical Center

Ty Tang, Geronimo Velasco,

Former collegiate basketball player
Former Secretary of Energy and CEO of Republic Glass

Bernardo Villegas,
Economist, TOYM Awardee, former DLSU Economics Department Chair and
Director of Graduate School of Business, and co-founder and SVP of Center
Gilbert Teodoro, for Research and Communication
Former Secretary, Department of
National Defense Ramon Villegas,

Deogracias Vistan,
Freddie Tinga, Former President, Landbank of the Philippines
Taguig City mayor and Solidbank Corporation

Benigno Toda Sr., Artemio Vergel de Dios,

Former President of Philippine Airlines Realtor, founder of JCI Philippines/Asia (Philippine Jaycees)
and JCI-Manila (Manila Jaycees), and former Commercial Attache
Roland Tolentino, to Bern, Paris and Hamburg
Essayist and Dean, UP Diliman College of Mass Communication

Gerardo Torres,
Fictionist and DLSU faculty member Martin Villarama,
Philippine Supreme Court Magistrate,
Tereso Tullao, Jr., former Senior Member of the Court of
Economist, Metrobank Outstanding Teacher, Appeals and recipient of Ulirang Ama Award
and DLSU Economics Professor for Law


Victor Villavicencio,
CEO of Triple V Corporation, Kamayan, Saisaki
and Dads Chain of Restaurants
George Yu,
Walter Wassmer, Chair, CATS Motors, Vice Chair,
Senior Executive Vice President, Banco de Oro Sterling Bank Asia, and GSIS Trustee

Jason Webb,
Former professional basketball player and
Councilor, City of Paraaque

Ambassador Alfonso Yuchengco,

President, Malayan Group of Companies,
George Yang, Chairman of the Board, Rizal Commercial
Chairman and founder, Baking Corporation, and Philippine permanent
McDonalds Philippines representative to the United Nations

Robert Yupangco,
CEO-President Yamaha

Johnston Yuteekiong,
Catherine Yap-Yang, Vice President of Youngs Marketing

Ronaldo Zamora,
Broadcast journalist, Bloomberg
Television Network, Japan
Minority Leader in the Philippine House of Representatives,
former Executive Secretary and Bar topnotcher

Rafael Zulueta da Costa,

Joseph Yeo, 1940 Commonwealth Literary Award for Poetry
Professional basketball player

Francis Ynfante,
Multi-awarded director;


Office of Admissions and Scholarships
De La Salle University
2401 Taft Avenue, 1004 Manila
Tel. Nos.: (632)5234230 (Direct) or (632)5244611 Ext. 166
Office Hours: Monday - Friday: 8:00 a.m.-12 noon; 1:30 p.m.-5:00 p.m.
Saturday: 8:00 a.m.-12 noon only
Email: admissions@dlsu.edu.ph
Website: www.dlsu.edu.ph

DLSU Facts and Figures is produced
by the Office for Strategic Communications
of De La Salle University


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