An investigatory project submitted by Daniela Marie S. Fernandez of San Jacinto National High School
A. Materials
The investigation will use the following materials
and instruments in the study. Cloth, pot, strainer, color
fixative bath such as salt water or a vinegar bath,
rubber gloves, small saucepan, containers, cups, and
mordant (iron ferrous sulfate).
B. General Procedure
The Gumamela (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Linn.)
will be gathered at Imelda, San Jacinto, Pangasinan.
C. Research Design
This study will employ the Randomized Complete
block Design (RCBD) of the experimental research.
The respondents of the study (15) and the students
from the San Jacinto National High School.
D. Research Instrument
The researcher will formulate a questionnaire in
order to determine the level of Acceptability of
Gumamela (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Linn.) as a colored
fabric dye with 5 classifications, 5 Very Highly
Acceptable (VHA), 4 Highly Acceptable (HA), 3
Moderately Acceptable (MA), 2 Acceptable (A), 1 Not
Acceptable (NA).
Statistical Treatment
This study will use the Average Weighted
Mean as the statistical Tool Applied in treating the
gathered data.