2012 - Chess Life 05
2012 - Chess Life 05
2012 - Chess Life 05
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USCF Staff
Executive Director Bill Hall ext. 189 bhall@uschess.org
Chief Operations Officer Patricia K. Smith ext. 133 patsmith@uschess.org
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Director of National Events
Chief Financial Officer Joe Nanna ext. 150 jnanna@uschess.org
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In future support of the work of the U.S. Chess Trust, I want to provide for future
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Whatever the amount of your gift, when you leave a legacy for the future of the
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Please send with your name, address, phone, and email contact
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Main office: Crossville, TN (931) 787-1234 Advertising inquiries: (931) 787-1234, ext. 123 TLAs: All TLAs
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FM Kostya Kavutskiy
Chicago Open
(USAT, p. 26) is a professional The Chicago Open, held over
chess player and a regular Memorial Day weekend from May 24-
contributor for Chess Life Online. 28, features a nine-round Swiss open
section and a $100,000 guaranteed
FM Alex Betaneli (USAT, prize fund. Look for games and
p. 28) is the founder and a updates on CLO and see whos
co-owner of the Wisconsin
running hot as we head into a
Chess Academy. He is
summer of major Grand Prix and
actively involved in teaching
and promoting chess. norm tournaments.
National Champs Wrap
Please visit his site The largest and last of the Spring
www.wichessacademy.com. scholastics, the National Elementary
(K-6) Championship comes to
Harvey Lerman (USAT, p. 30) Nashville from May 11-13. Find CLO
is the editor of floridaCHESS. updates from Shaun Smith of Chess-
In-The-Schools and follow pairings
Ode(ious) to Joy
By Pete Tamburro
Lapsus Muris
By GM Andy Soltis
One Way or the Other
By Bruce Pandolfini
The Big Clash
By GM Lev Alburt
A Master of the Endgame,
Part II
By GM Pal Benko
Zachary Weiner (l) and GM Robert Hess of
Forking with Tebows Knights at the
U.S. Amateur Team East. Story on page 20.
EAST Forking with Tebows Knights
8 FIRST MOVES Tops a Record-Breaking USATE
By Al Lawrence
Its all for the journey and the pursuit of shared glory.
70 CLASSIFIEDS WEST Forfeit By Disconnection Takes 2012 U.S. Amateur Team
By FM Kostya Kavutskiy
On The Cover
By FM Alex Betaneli
IM John Bartholomew, Einar A group of top American players travel to Iceland and encounter blizzards
Jensson (Jensson is an Icelandic both Icelandic and chessic.
player who served as a tour guide
for the American contingent),
FM Keaton Kiewra, GM Yury
42 2011 YEARBOOK
Shulman. Our annual listing of all that is noteworthy in the USCF this past year.
Online-only access to Chess Life or $40 $72 $104
Chess Life for Kids; TLA Newsletter will $17 $30 $42
be mailed to you (Adults: bimonthly; YOUTH (2) $22 $40 $57
However, I think the USCF should also I was just reviewing my August 2011 address, phone number, and a high-
consider the other side of the spectrum Chess Life and in the article about corre-
resolution photo (head-and-shoulders
those players (like me) who started 40 or spondence chess, I noticed there was a
or profile picture required). If we find
50 years ago and continue to play the picture of a postal chess recorder album.
your story intriguing you will be con-
I still have a couple of those that I used
tacted by Al Lawrence who will be
game because we enjoy it so much.
constantly back in the 60s, 70s, 80s
writing this column for us.
As a bonus, chess helps us improve our
concentration and memory as we get and 90s. I now play on a server that has
older. There are a significant number of an analysis board attached. It brought
back some fond memories. Thanks for a
seasoned players out there; we trade
stories, we encourage and support each great article. December, 2011 issue, Kings vs.
other and were excited when one of us Queens: A Battle of the Sexes, On
page 20, the Stopa-Krush game
Dominic A. Cangelosi
wins a class prize over much younger
should be labelled as Kings vs.
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
episode 41, about 19 minutes into the game that they had just played. Of course,
episode, http://www.youtube.com/watch Fischer was much above their level. But
?v=DjmZrg6k4aQ). Pandolfini gave a sim- that didnt matter. Fischer talked to them
ilar explanation to that shown in the as equals. He was interested in the chess
video to the ChessFest audience. He game. Thats what I tell students too. Bruce Pandolfini being presented with his
added that the New York Board of Edu- Students shouldnt think so much about
Chess Educator of the Year plaque by Abby
Kratz, Associate Provost at University of
cation was most impressed by how solving the ratings of players but should instead Texas at Dallas.
opposed scholastic tournaments. Lets realized. That, no matter how you cut it,
Pandolfini say that was cinematic license. Chess is powerful instruction.
answers fans reality is something else. Isnt it? Pan- Via Mongoose Press, John Buky
dolfini said that his most famous female (Chicago, Illinois) asked, Bruce Pan-
questions student was Rachel Crotto, who later dolfini mentioned somewhere that he
became a U.S. womens chess champion. memorized the moves of all the games
I thought fans of Bruce Pandolfini might Via Mongoose Press, Bab Wilders of a Botvinnik match (over a dozen
enjoy asking him questions. I posted (Amersfoort, the Netherlands) asked, games memorized!) by creating a story.
requests for questions on my Facebook With reference to FIDE policies, does What was the story and could Bruce
page and on my blog for MonRoi. Mongoose Bruce Pandolfini think that rapid chess elaborate in detail how he memorized
Press, the publisher of my forthcoming will mean an end to classical chess? all the moves by the story?
book Thinking with Chess: Teaching Chil- Pandolfini answered: I didnt under- Pandolfini answered: The questioner
dren Ages 5-14, solicited questions through stand FIDE policies years ago. I dont has it wrong. When I was 15, I had
its newsletter. Heres a selection of fans understand them now. Good chess play- Botvinniks book about the Absolute
questions and Pandolfinis answers: ers will want to think about positions Championship of the Soviet Union. I car-
Via Facebook, Stephen Chase (thats what they tell me). You cant play ried the book around with me all
(Amarillo, Texas) asked, There are your best chess at these incredible summer, playing through the games in
many excellent (used) books for all lev- speeds. Therefore, I imagine there will my head. I learned a ton of stuff and
els, using English descriptive notation. always be a place for the more traditional developed my analytic abilities greatly.
At what point/age does Bruce Pandolfini and slower time controls, if that is what But I didnt memorize the games. That
recommend teaching English descriptive you mean by the term classical chess. If possibility never even occurred to me as
notation as a second chess language? you mean something else, well, I may an option. Maybe the next time Im 15 Ill
Pandolfini answered, Descriptive nota- have to change my answer. give it a try. I will say, though, that
tion has its place and virtues. For Via Facebook, Michael Simpson Botvinnik was, in my opinion, the great-
example, saying the problem of the rook- (Austin, Texas) asked, How have the est of chess teachers. He often admitted
pawn is more elegant than (and just as challenges of teaching chess changed his mistakes, which showed the kind of
inclusive as) saying the problem of the in the last thirty years? objectivity needed to perform at Olympian
a- and h-pawns. I wouldn't necessarily Pandolfini answered: Chess teaching levels. Alekhine, on the other hand,
teach descriptive notation without spe- is a much more demanding profession surely, another great teacher, never
cific purpose. But if my students were now. Immediately after the Fischer- admitted any mistakes. I guess hes lik-
interested in it, and the context war- Spassky match it consisted mainly of able, too. Anyway, I liked his play. I
ranted it, I would indeed explain it. I adult education and such. That quickly interviewed Botvinnik once. He spoke
seem to recall Bobby Fischer using shifted to teaching children. Early on, through a translator. But when I asked
descriptive notation for recording, and, most teachers merely sat down with a stu- him a question about Fischer, he imme-
I believe, he also employed it when talk- dent and went over a game, a venture diately shot back a full paragraph in
ing chess, too. He did okay, so maybe which may have its own merit. Now, stu- perfect English. One would have to have
theres something to it. dents are more fully armed because of been an idiot not to realize he was using
Via Mongoose Press, Barrett James their access to computers. They can tap the translator solely as a filter and time-
(Savannah, Georgia) asked, I started into helpful software or explore wonder- gainer to avoid making mistakes and to
coaching a middle school team one ful sites on the Internet. Better-prepared formulate his answers. You have to like
year ago. Their ratings are about 800- and more informed students require more that about him. Although I love Botvin-
1100. Ive had them do some puzzles from their chess teachers. I cant quite nik (well, his chess), Fischer was my
and exercises, but its like pulling keep up with the younger teachers in favorite player. I mean, he was see-able,
teeth. They just want to play each terms of their facility with the new pro- prior to 1968 or so. He often could be
other. Does Bruce Pandolfini have grams and didactic tools. But I might found at New Yorks chess haunts haunt-
any ideas about how to get them inter- offer something else valuable to students ing away. One morning, I let myself into
ested in exercises/puzzles/study? they cant necessarily get from todays the Marshall Chess Club with my key. I
Pandolfini answered: Beat them! While technical wizardry: my sense of humor. I dont have that key any more. Fischer
beating them, constantly remind them remember when computer chess play- was already there, and it seemed as if he
that theyre getting crushed because ing programs first came out. I would had stayed all night, studying games
when you were younger your teacher partner with my student against a com- from the nineteenth century stored on
recommended that you do exercises, puter, getting right inside the students index cards in a special club cabinet.
solve problem-puzzles, and play lots of brain as key decisions were being made. That was several years after Spassky
chess on a regular basis. You took that A virtue of that teaming was that plans had beaten Bobby with a Kings Gambit.
advice and look whats happened. If that and operations could be discussed with- That revealing morning was also subse-
doesnt do the trick, then Id say you out the opponent (the computer) being quent to the publication of Fischers
might consider trying another approach. able to adjust to our comments. If the pamphlet, A Bust to the Kings Gambit.
Via Facebook, Claudia Munoz opponent were a human being sitting Fischer was studying and playing over
(Wichita Falls, Texas) asked, In the across from us at a chessboard, that those cards containing 19th-century
movie Searching For Bobby Fischer, individual (assuming he or she werent gambits. I thought it was strange, but
Bruce Pandolfini was portrayed as a catatonic) would adjust to the remarks, soon thereafter he used some of that
person that opposed scholastic tour- countering or neutralizing them in some very stuff to beat really good players,
naments. Does he really believe that? way, thereby reducing their instructive such as Larry Evans in the 1963-64 U.S.
She also asked which top girls Pan- value. But by the end of this new type of Chess Championship. I suspect Bobby
dolfini had taught. teaching arrangement, the student would was either onto something or on some-
Pandolfini answered: No, I never have have seen plans proposed, unfolded, and thing. Hey, its just a suspicion.
S E E T O U R N A M E N T L I F E N AT I O N A L S O N PA G E 5 4 F O R C O M P L E T E I N F O R M AT I O N
USCF Affairs May
Current USCF Benefactors
Jeffrey Davidson, CA
William (Bill) Goichberg, NY
Charles (Chuck) D. Unruh, OK
David M. Kochman, NH
Edward Wycoff, CA
Joseph H. Boyle, TX
Martin Dean, VA
Christopher Lewis, VA
Parker G. Montgomery, VT
Harold Terrance, PA
Be a USCF Benefactor! Help promote American chess by becoming a USCF Benefactor Member. Benefactor Membership includes life
membership, a special membership card, recognition on a benefactor page of our USCF website and periodically in Chess Life. The cost
is $3,000, or $1,500 to existing life members. Half the funds collected will go to the USCF Life Member Assets Fund and half to assist
USCF operations. Become a Benefactor on the website, by phone at 800-903-8723, or by mail to USCF, PO Box 3967, Crossville, TN 38557.
Ode(ious?) to Joy
There is a market for enjoyment!
MY THIRD CHESS BOOK WAS The Fireside Book of Chess by Irv- Is this any way to start a book? When I think of Assiac doing
ing Chernev and Fred Reinfeld. I found it in my high school effectively the same thing, to show everything is relative any-
library. What an utter delight: stories, positions, games, puzzles way, in a few short, entertaining examples, its apparent this book
and even cartoons! needed an editor.
Over the years I found other treasures: Reinfelds The Joys I had mixed feelings about the introductions to each chap-
of Chess, Andy Soltis Chess to Enjoy, Assiacs The Pleasures of ter. He would always start with some example that was not in
Chess and many others. When I got into building a library of the realm of chess. Many of them were downright interesting and
rare books, I even dug up H.R. Agnels Chess for Winter Evenings its nice to see an author of such wide-ranging intellectual gifts
and even one tome in Spanish: Ajedrez Brillante Y Anecdotico as Mr. Hesse apparently has.
by Roberto Castao. He seemed, though
Opening books and to feel obligated to do it
instructional books Joy shivers in the corner where she knits for every chapter, and
seemed to have the strained references
flooded the market in
And Conscience always has the rocking chair, started to tear at the
recent years, and the Cheerful as when she tortured into fits fabric of the book.
joy books didnt The first cat that was ever killed by care. Take this passage:
seem to appear with The starting posi-
any frequency. Thank- EDWIN ARLINGTON ROBINSON, U.S. POET tion is also defined by
fully, Mike Fox and a deeper-seated and
Richard James picked complicated concept
up the cause with The Complete Chess Addict and six years later, of symmetry. If in the said position the colours of all the pieces
in 1993, followed up with The Even More Complete Chess Addict. and squares are reversed (a black square becomes a white one
There is a market for enjoyment! and a white piece a black one and vice versa) and one then looks
You can imagine my joy when I was sent Christian Hesses at the result in the mirror, then one can recognize the start-
The Joys of Chess. It was so thick: 432 pages of fun seemed ing position. This is a direct analogy of the so-called
promised to me. CP-invariance which exists in large stretches of our universe.
I quickly browsed it to get the flavor of it. Whom did he choose? The C stands for charge and the P for parity. CP-invariance
Did he pick out some old favorites? Yes! Did he come up with items means that all the physical characteristic of a system do not
Id never seen before? Yes! Yes! Did he have new interesting and change if simultaneously all the elementary particles are
amusing stories about our current masters? Yes! Yes! Yes! After replaced by their antiparticles which are equipped with the
all, how many times do we have to read funny stories about Tar- opposite charge (C) and all the spatial coordinates are mirrored
takower or Nimzowitsch? I was ready to experience joy! (P).
As I started to read it, Robinsons old lines criticizing Puri- Can you feel the joy? Great Christmas gift, huh? At the risk
tanism in New England began to take on meaning (see callout of being labeled anti-intellectual or someone digging up my col-
in page center). The joy of a chess book was being overwhelmed lege transcript for my physics grade, the reader can do without
by an apparent effort of conscience to be thorough beyond rea- this sort of thing, which occurs not infrequently in the book.
son. A plague of didacticism has swept through this book: the If youre willing to surf over the seaweed in this book, there
first chess book on joy killed by care! are waves of joy in this book. It is a wonderful selection. There
Do we really need 40 years worth, year by year, of top five is something for everyone. I will happily use it as a reference work
rankings (with ratings) of our grandmasters. Did we need a the- and as a snow-bound book to keep around the fire, rather
oretical analysis of the value of the pieces to within 116 of a point? than in it. If only it had less care and more joy. .
The Joys of Chess, Christian Hesse, New in Chess, 2011, $34.95 from uscfsales.com (B0102NIC)
4 5 August: 8 August:
U.S. Open Weekend Swiss. GPP:6. 5-SS, U.S. Open G/15 Championship.5-SS,G/15.
G/60. $$1,000 guaranteed prizes. $200-100- Quick rated, higher of regular or quick rating.
50, U2200/Unr $160, U1800 $140, U1600 Entry fee $40. Registration 9am-11:30am. Rds:
$120, U1400 $100, U1200 $80, Unr $50. noon, 1:00, 2:00, 3:00, 4:00. 80% of entries
Entry fee $40, Unr free if paying USCF dues. as returned as cash prizes. First 30%, second
On-Site Registration 8:30-9:30am 8/4, Rds: 15%, U2100 12%, U1800 10%, U1500/Unr
Sat 10-1-3:30, Sun 10-1. 8%, U1200 5%.
5 August: 11 August:
U.S. Open Bughouse.G/5. Entry fee $20 per U.S. Open Blitz Championship. WCL GPP: 15.
team. 80% of entry fees in cash prizes. Regis- 7-SS (double round, 14 games), 1 section,
tration ends at 6:30PM, first round begins at G/5.Quick rated, higher of regular or quick rat-
7:00 PM. ing. Entry fee $40, free to Unrated if paying
USCF dues. Registration 9am-11:30am, first
6, 7, 8, 9, 10 August: round begins at noon. $2000 guaranteed prizes!
U.S. Open Quads.G/30. Entry fee $20. Regis- $$400-200-150, Expert $200-100, U2000
tration 9am-11:30am, Rds. 12-1:30-2:30. $50 $200-100, U1800 $180-90, U1600/Unr $140-
to first in each quad. 70, U1400 $100, U1200 $70.
Lapsus Muris
By GM Andy Soltis
So many things have been invented by Alexander Alekhines first-round victory Games like that gave us a new vocab-
accidentfrom potato chips to penicillin, at Nottingham 1936. After 1. e4, his oppo- ulary. If mouse slip is a proper term,
Teflon to corn flakesthat its natural to nent, Salo Flohr, replied 1. ... e6 2. d4 d5 3. whats the verb? The Week In Chess
suspect some chess innovations were Nc3 Bb4. Alekhine intended 4. e5 and (TWIC) offered one when it reported the
also lucky, unintended discoveries. Some then 5. Bd2. But his hand grabbed the next example. Black mismoused, said
certainly looked that way. bishop and played 4. Bd2. In the tourna- TWIC.
ment book Alekhine called it a lapsus
French Defense (C00) manus, a hand slipand the line became Mismoused
GM Jan Timman (FIDE 2655, NED) known as the Lapsus Manus Variation. GM Peter Svidler (FIDE 2672, RUS)
GM Viktor Korchnoi (FIDE 2659, SUI) Today we have more to fear from a lap- GM Nigel Short (FIDE 2683, ENG)
Wijk aan Zee, 2000 sus muris (from the Latin word for mouse). KasparovChess GP 2000
It produces disasters like:
1. e4 e6 2. d3 d5 3. Qe2 Nf6 4. Nf3 Be7 5. g3 -+r+q+-mk
Sicilian Defense,
Lasker-Pelikan Variation (B33)
rsnlwqk+-tr GM Christian Bauer (FIDE 2622, FRA) -zp-+p+-zp
zp-zp-vlpzpp GM Alexander Khalifman (FIDE 2669, RUS) +-+pzP-+-
Petrosian Memorial Internet Tournament,
-+-+psn-+ 2004 n+-wQ-+-sN
+p+p+-+- 1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 5. +-+P+RtR-
-+-+P+-+ Nc3 e5 6. Ndb5 d6 7. Bg5 a6 8. Na3 b5 9. P+-vL-zPPzP
Bxf6 gxf6 10. Nd5 Bg7 11. Bd3 Ne7 12. Nxe7
+-+P+NzP- Qxe7 13. 0-0 f5 14. c4 0-0 15. Qf3 d5! +-+-+-mK-
PzPP+QzP-zP If youre not a Pelikan-watcher, Blacks After 23. Qxd4
tRNvL-mKL+R move looks stunning. But its been in Black tried to plant his rook on the
this variations DNA since 1992. seventh rank but played 23. ... Rc1+??
instead. He tried to resign but his oppo-
After 5. ... b5
This strange last move was a novelty, nent insisted the game should go on with
16. cxd5 fxe4 17. Bxe4 Rb8 18. Rad1
in place of 5. ... b6. GM Loek van Wely, -trl+-trk+ 23. ... Rc2.
commenting on the Internet Chess Club, But taking back a move isnt easy with
joked that Black only wanted to push +-+-wqpvlp some machines. The software used in
the pawn one square but it went too far. p+-+-+-+ this online tournament didnt allow it.
His move was a mouse slip, van Wely Of course, the players could have fudged
said. +p+Pzp-+- the score by following up 23. ... Rc1+??
It turned out well because Black got the -+-+L+-+ with 24. Be1?? Rc8 25. Bd2repeating the
edge after 6. Bg2 dxe4 7. dxe4 b4! 8. a3 Ba6! position, so that Black could play 25. ...
9. Qd2 Nc6. Since then 5. ... b5 has become sN-+-+Q+- Rc2!. Instead, the game was restarted
perfectly respectable. PzP-+-zPPzP from move one and the players repeated
The joke was there was no mouse. This all their moves to reach the diagram.
was played in an over-the-board tourna- +-+R+RmK- What happens if the slip isnt discov-
ment. But even back in 2000, fans ered immediately? That can happen when
understood the humor of making a mis- the person playing the game isnt the one
After 18. Rad1
take the new way, with that annoying, evil Black is ready to take the initiative with inputting moves.
mouse. 18. ... Rb6 followed by ... Rh6/... f7-f5. But The problem arose in 1995 when Garry
Before thenbefore we needed to click when Black, a former FIDE world cham- Kasparov played a two-game exhibition
our moves onto a computer screenacci- pion, tried to nudge his cyber-rook to b6 with a Fritz program in London. His game
dents at the board were blamed on a slip it only got half-way there. The game ended as Black began 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Nc3 Bb4
of the hand. A celebrated example was with 18. ... Rb7?? 19. d6, Black resigned. 4. Qc2 0-0 5. a3 Bxc3+ 6. Qxc3 b6 7. Bg5.
the stunning 17. ... Ne4!. He went on to win The rules became a focus of attention
rsnlwq-trk+ the endgame after 18. Qxg7+ Kxg7 19. Bxd8 in the opening USCL round in 2009 in the
zp-zpp+pzpp decisive game of the Boston Blitz-Queens
Rxc4. But for some reason, no one calls 7. Pioneers match, with Boston leading 2-1.
Rfxd8 20. fxe4 dxc4 21. bxc4 Rxd1+ 22. Kxd1
By Bruce Pandolfini
In chess, the law of unintended consequences often rears its ugly head.
Many times one must choose between the article, exposing Whites next move
capturing toward the center or away from only after trying to guess it. If you guess
9. Ng3 Par Score 6
Whites h-pawn is now secure and his
it. Capturing toward the center might correctly, give yourself the par score. queen is ready to join the fight.
give one greater attacking chances, espe- Sometimes points are also rewarded for
cially in the middle and along any open second-best moves, and there may be 9. Nd7
files created by the capture (say, an open bonus pointsor deductionsfor other
g-file). But that transaction also may moves and variations. Note that ** means
10. Qh5 Par Score 7
entail accepting certain weaknesses, such that the note to Blacks move is over and Already Fuderer has worked his queen
as an isolated pawn (say, one on the h- Whites move is in the next line.** into an attacking position. With his next
file). Now capturing away from the center move Donner looks to counter in the center.
may indeed avoid the latter problem, but
5. Nxf6+ Par Score 5
that doesnt mean there arent potential Accept only 4 points part credit for 5.
10. c5
weaknesses ready to come out when faced Nc5 or 5. Ng3. The trade on f6 seems the Black is looking to exchange the c-pawn
best way to maintain the initiative. Deduct for the d-pawn, clearing some squares for
with an aggressive adversary. That surely
1 point for the dubious gambit 5. Bd3 his pieces (c5 and e5).**
was the case in the game Andrija Fuderer
versus Jan Hein Donner (Black) from Qxd4.
Beverwijk in 1952. Whites sharp attack
11. Bd3 Par Score 7
Accept 2 points part credit for 11. dxc5
soon forced Black into incurring the very
5. exf6
A case in point: Black could have played Qxc5, playing into Blacks hands after
type of weaknesses capturing away from 12. Qe2 Ne5 or 12. Qxc5 trading queens.
5. ... gxf6, accepting an isolated h-pawn
the center was designed to avoid and off- A queen trade will kill off any attack on
in favor of greater dynamism. The capture
set. The first few moves were: with the e-pawn is an indication that Don- the black king. The text threatens mate
ner wants to play solidly against Fuderer, in one and forces a weakening of the
even though it gives White a queenside kingside pawn structure.
Caro-Kann Defense (B15) majority, which here is tantamount to
being a pawn up.**
Andrija Fuderer 11. g6
J. H. Donner So Black must create weaknesses after
Beverwijk, 1952 6. Bc4 Par Score 6 all. Of course not 11. ... cxd4??, allowing
Take full credit for 6. Nf3 or 6. c3. 12. Qxh7 mate (1 bonus point). Neither
does 11. ... h6 work because of 12. Bxh6!
(1 bonus point). Here are the variations:
1. e4 c6 2. Nc3 d5 3. d4 dxe4 4. Nxe4 Nf6
6. Bd6
rsnlwqkvl-tr Black also has choices. Here he could 12. ... gxh6 13. Qxh6 f5 14. Bxf5 (a) 14.
have played 6. ... Be6 or 6. ... Qe7+.** ... Nf6 15. Qg5+ Kh8 16. Qxf6+ Kg8 17.
zpp+-zppzpp Qg5+ Kh8 18. Qh6+ Kg8 19. Qh7 mate;
-+p+-sn-+ 7. Ne2 Par Score 6 or (b) 14. ... Re8 15. Bh7+ Kh8 16. Bg6+
White prepares for kingside castling. Kg8 17. Qh7+ Kf8 18. Qxf7 mate.**
12. Qh6 Par Score 5
-+-zPN+-+ 7. 0-0
Here 7. ... Qc7 is reckoned more accu- White saves the queen and indirectly
+-+-+-+- rate, preventing 8. 0-0 due to 8. ... defends the d4-pawn. On 12. ... cxd4
PzPP+-zPPzP Bxh2+.** comes 13. Nh5 (2 bonus points). If 13. ...
gxh5 (else 14. Qg7 mate), then 14. Qxh7
tR-vLQmKLsNR 8. 0-0 Par Score 6 mate. Note also that 13. ... Bxh2+ 14.
Your starting position White now sets his eyes on a possible Kh1 changes nothing.
kingside assault.
Now make sure you have the above 12. Re8
position set up on your chessboard. As 8. Qc7 If 12. ... Bxg3, to eliminate the danger-
you play through the remaining moves in The threat is obvious; White has an ous knight, then 13. fxg3! cxd4 14. Bd2
this game, use a piece of paper to cover easy answer.** and its hard for Black to unravel. On 14.
... f5, to release the knight, then 15. Rxf5! The only move!**
gxf5 16. Bxf5 produces a mating attack.
19. Kd8
Blacks eleventh turn. The move played pawn, which Fuderer intends to take r+lmkQ+-+
clears the f8-square for the dark-square shortly. The try 16. Bf5+ (2 points part
bishop to come back and defend the credit) does not yet spoil anything because zppwq-+-+-
king.** after 16. ... Kg8, White can repeat, 17. -+-vl-zpLvL
Bh7+ Kh8 and then find the best discovery.
13. dxc5 Par Score 6 +-sn-+-+p
White decides not to drop the d-pawn
16. Kg8
for nothing, while also diverting a poten- Again, the only move! Its fun to say it.**
tial defender.
17. Qh7+ Par Score 6
13. Nxc5? Accept only 2 points part credit if you
This was a big blind spot on Donners chickened out and took the draw by per- tR-+-+RmK-
part. He must first interpose 13. ... Bf8, petual check with 17. Bh7+ Kh8 18. Bg6+ After 20. Qxe8 mate
and only then take the c5-pawn.** etc. The text pursues the attack, vacating
h6 for the queen bishop to participate. For the record, Donner had resigned
at move 17. So, he did have another
14. Nh5! Par Score 8
White menaces 15. Qg7 mate, while
also attacking the f6-pawn, which Black
Im enjoying this: the only move!**
Kf8 move. .
left unguarded with his last move. 18. Bh6+ Par Score 6
14. gxh5 Total your score to deter-
He might as well take the knight, weak-
18. Ke7 mine your approximate
Okay, I wont say it.**
nesses and all. Its too late for 14. ... Bf8
rating below:
because of 15. Nxf6+ Kh8 16. Qxh7 mate 19. Qxf7+ Par Score 6 Total Score Approx. Rating
Accept only 3 points part credit for 19.
(1 bonus point).** 95+ 2400+
amaraderie is a main ingredient in nents, knowing they were also fighting for of four teams with four and a half points.
The ninety-niners
Forking scored first, on board four,
when Peter Hess, the grandmasters
younger brother by a year, who finished
onshipthe largest tournament in with a team-best score of 512, defeated
America. There isnt a penny of prize Among the competitors were eight Shaoxiang Wang. Then the match evened
money. Its all for the journey and the pur- grandmasters and two woman grand- when Caro-Cains third-board Andrew
suit of shared gloryand the plaques to masters. But teams must come in with an Ryba converted a tricky minor-piece-and-
commemorate the achievement. Maybe average rating below 2200. For a few, pawn ending against an impatient Shawn
thats why setbacks that can stunt that leads to carefully calculated teams Swindell. On second board, Forkings
turnout at other events dont hobble The that give them a guaranteed moment of captain, Zach Weiner, eventually drew fel-
Team. glory at the top of the very long pairing low master Arthur Shen of Caro-Cain in
This year, even a still-stumbling economy chart. There were five 2199 teams: A another difficult endgame. With the match
and soaring gas prices couldnt stop the Sudden Epiphany, led by Aaron Kahn score tied, it was all on the shoulders
chess crews from coming and coming (Michigan); Browning Brownies, with hunched over board one. The other three
and coming. When the deadline for entries GM Mikheil Kekelidze (New York) on first teams with 4 points had failed to win.
had ended on Saturday morning, February board; Cambridge Springers, with FM Goletiani had draw odds to make her team
18th, 294 four-player teams (some with a William Kelleher (Massachusetts) on first the champs. But if Hess, as White, man-
fifth member as alternates) were set to board and his wife Vesna Dimitrijevic, a aged a full-point, his team won the title.
compete, an all-time record. Only FIDEs former U.S. Womens Championship com- Goletiani is a many-time champion,
biennial international Olympiads are in petitor, as an alternate; Houdini Performs winning titles as she matured: the world
the same league, although the most recent a Magic Trick, spearheaded by Justin championships for girls under-14, under-
Olympiad brought together a lesser total of Sarkar (New York); and Overrated, led 16, and under -18. She was a world
264 teams, counting both the open and by Vadim Martirosov (Massachusetts). womens championship candidate in 2000
womens sections. But none of them finished in the top five. and won the U.S. Womens Championship
At opening ceremonies, long-time The pregame math doesnt stop at the in 2005. Hess is a Yale freshman who
USATE organizer E. Steven Doyle, a past top. Since there are team prizes every has already put together a top-tier chess
president of USCF, could announce to hundred points, any squad whose average rsum. He was a member of the USAs
the packed main ballroom of the Parsip- ends with 99 had put at least some of its 2009 silver-medal World Team squad,
pany, New Jersey Hilton, Its the all-time hopes in arithmetic and the rating system. played on the 2010 U.S. Olympiad team
record for the U.S. Team, the biggest and heads for his third U.S. Champi-
tournament in the U.S., and the biggest The finale onship in May. So neither player is a
team tournament in the world. So for a Monday afternoon, after three long days stranger to big games.
moment we were all one, huge, record-set- and more than three thousand battle-end-
ting team. ing handshakes, first place was about to
And a bit of that feeling actually never come down to a single game. WGM Rusu- Sicilian Defense [B22]
went away. Of course, when the clocks dan Goletianis Caro Cains Defense: 999 GM Robert Hess (2727), Forking with
were started, we rooted and fought for our Plans sat down, behind the ropes, on Tebows Knights Won't Lead to Mating
own. Games still ended with 50% regret, board one with the only perfect, 5-0 score. WGM Rusudan Goletiani (2337), Caro
but, winner or loser, its difficult not to feel They faced GM Robert Hess Forking with Cains Defense: 999 Plans
a bit of extra empathy for your oppo- Tebows Knights Wont Lead to Mating, one U.S. Amateur Team East (6)
1. e4 c5 2. c3 Nf6 3. e5 Nd5 4. Nf3 e6 5. d4 read off the list, it was clear that democ-
cxd4 6. cxd4 d6 7. Bc4 Nb6 8. Bd3 Bd7 9. 0-0 -+-+-+-+ racy favored the politically inspired Team
Bc6 10. Nc3 N8d7 11. Bf4 dxe5 12. dxe5 Nc5 +-+k+pzp- Romney: We Play Both Sides of the Board.
13. Bb5 Bxb5 14. Nxb5 Nd5 15. Bg5 Qd7 16. Another favorite ingredient of the
Na3 h6 17. Bh4 Be7 18. Nc4 0-0 19. Bxe7 -zp-zPp+-zp USATEs annual shtick is best gimmick
Qxe7 20. Qd4 Rfd8 21. Nd6 b6 22. Nd2 Nc7
+N+-+-+- (normally a team costume or perform-
23. N2c4 Nb5 24. Qe3 Nxd6 25. exd6 Qg5 26. ance) competition. This years honors
f4 Qd5 27. Rac1 Qe4 28. Qd2 -zP-+-zP-+ went to the T-shirted uniforms of Occupy
zP-+n+K+- d4, with an honorable mention to The
r+-tr-+k+ Brady Gambit: Welker Drops a Piece.
zp-+-+pzp- -+-+-+PzP
-zp-zPp+-zp Special prizes, events, and upsets
As always, best-on-board awards are
After 45. b4
sought-after badges of honor at The Team.
-+N+qzP-+ Nc4 Nc8
Here are this years stars. All scored a per-
+-+-+-+- Allowing the exchange of knights at fect 6-0:
any point is suicide for Black because
PzP-wQ-+PzP White will force a passer on the queenside Board 1: Alejandro Ramirez (2667)
+-tR-+RmK- and use it as a diversion while his king of We Occupy the 7th Rank
penetrates and feasts on black pawns. Board 2: Giorgi Bakhtadze (2458)
of Browning Brownies
After 28. Qd2
11. a5, preventing b3-b4 would give 26. Bd5 Kf7 27. Nd2 Rad8 28. Bb3 ings. There were just too many examples
White fewer opportunities. would be better, but I was so tired of hav- that could have been held but werent,
ing the knight on b1 that my goal in time even by very strong players. Take this
12. b4 e5 13. Nh4 trouble was to get all my pieces out! endgame, a contest that also illustrates the
White wants to get some play on light magnifying effect of team chess. The
squares, and possibly play f2-f4, if Black other games are finished, the score is 1-
26. ... Rad8 27. Bxc6
plays Be6. More standard would be 13. It looks bad to trade such a good 2. A draw wins the match for Blacks
d3, followed by Nbd2. bishop, but White wants to get play on the team. So its as if this one ending is really
e-file and stop the c6-knight from going four games! As a member of the Rustlers,
13. ... Be6 14. d3 Qc8 15. f4 Bg4 to e5. I watched this one with special interest.
Horrible is 15. exf4? 16. Rxe6 Qxe6
17. Bd5.
27. ... bxc6 28. Rae1 Kf7 29. Nc4 Rg8+ 30.
Kh1 Rd5 Richard Bauer (2226), Rustlers
16. Qd2 Thomas Riccardi (2220), Tebows
67. Ke7
-zp-zp-+p+ 3. Go Ahead, Mate My Day 2164 5
4. Three and a Half Masters 2198 5
Now Black again has only one move to
+-zpP+-+- 5. Caro-Cain Defense: 999 Plans 2171 5
draw. P+P+-zPP+ BEST NAME
67. ... Kh7 +-+-+K+- Team Romney: We Play Both Sides of the Board
This isnt it! Its 67. Kg5! that holds. -+R+-+-+
Then, after 68. Nd5 Kf5 doesnt achieve
Black can of course simply capture the After 34. Rc2 BOARD 1
knight70. Kxd5 71. Kg8 Ke6 72. Well, it was tempting, but taking the en
1. Alejandro Ramirez, We Occupy the
Kg7 Nf7. prise pawn loses to a rook-invasion by
7th Rank, 2668 (6)
After the game move, White has only White. Blacks one winning move was 34.
2. Denys Kon Shmelov, The Shmelov Sox,
one winning continuation, but it isnt Ne6!!, when 35. Kg3 (35. dxe6 Bc6+
2514 (6)
hard to find. wins material on h1) 35. Nd4, leave
3. Mikhail Zlotnikov, 4NCS, 2340 (6)
Black clearly dominating.
4. Joel Benjamin, Benjamin Family Values,
68. Kf8! Kh6 69. Kg8 Kg5 70. Nd5 Ng6 71. f7 2625 (6)
Kh6 72. Nf4! Ne7+ 73. Kh8! 35. Rch2 Kf8 36. Rh7 Bc2 37. R1h6 5. Dean Ippolito, Occupy Parsippany
37. Kf2 was even better.
We Aint Leaving, 2531 (6)
+-+-snP+- 37. ... Be4+ 38. Kg3 Nxd5 39. cxd5 Bxd5(?)
40. Rxg6 Rd8 41. Rh8+, Black resigned. 1. Giorgi Bakhtadze, Browning Brownies,
-+-+-+-mk 42. Rxd8 Kxd8 43. Rxd6+ will win the
2458 (6)
2. Jared Defibaugh, Houston We Have
+-+-+-+- A Problem, 2325 (6)
-+-+-sN-+ BOARD 3
+-+-+-+- Fortune favors the braveand good 1. Maraj Daftani, Tuesday Night Chess Club,
-+-+-+-+ moves 2204 (6)
In the third round, two experts on table
+-+-+-+- three, board three demonstrate that for-
tune favors the braveif he continues to
1. Aaron O. Schein, Aaron O, Three and
find good moves. Against a Caro-Kann,
After 73. Kh8 a Half Masters, 2012 (6)
Nicholas Ryba of 99 Problems But a
2. William R. Trueman, Newark Dealaware,
Mate Solution, sacked a knight on e6 on
73. ... Ng8!T 1698 (6)
Thats a team exclamation mark, move 11 against Patrick Chi of Go Ahead,
3. Kevin Yu Yan, Chess Dragons, 1445 (6)
because this is a real for-the-team try. Mate My Day, who went on to finish
USATE veterans have seen every kind of third. Although Rybas idea didnt force a
miracle-save when the blood is pump- win, he had enough play to keep the
1. Dmitriy Volkov, ICA 1, Unrated (512)
ing. Now a hasty 74. f7xg8=Q gives game in question if he found the forced UPSET PRIZES
stalemate and loses the match. But move here: Rd Diff
almost everything else wins. 1 867 Boris Kosikov,
Nicholas Ryba (2189), 99 Problems But L.I. Chess Mates 3
74. f8=Q+, Black resigned. 2 1314 Efth Papageorgiou,
a Mate Solution
Patrick Chi (2160), Go Ahead, Mate My Cruz Control
Day 3 772 Thomas Forney,
Its just not easy to beat a GM U.S. Amateur Team East (3) Angry Poking Badgers
In this round one game on table five, 4 922 Andrew Ma, WWP C
board one, Joel Salman of Chessaholics r+-+-vl-+ 5 930 Timothy Pollio,
plays an inspired game as Black and is Arabian Knights Attack
winning on move 34. But, unfortunately zppmkn+Qzpr 6 783 Elliot Breslav,
for him, he needed to make at least one -+p+psn-zp Like a Rolling Pawn
more exclam to finish off a powerful
grandmaster like Mikheil Kekelidze of wq-+-+-+- RATING PRIZES
Browning Brownies.
2000 to 2099: Black Katz (412)
-+-+-+-zP 1900 to 1999: Asian Invasion (412)
Mikheil Kekelidze (2593), Browning +-zP-vL-sN- 1800 to 1899: Other Team (4)
1700 to 1799: Newark Delaware (4)
Joel Salman (2203), Chessaholics
PzP-+-zPP+ 1600 to 1699: Fab 4 (312)
U.S. Amateur Team East (1) +-mKR+-+R 1500 to 1599: Chess Dragons (312)
1400 to 1499: 64 Squares 1 (312)
After 17. Kc7
1300 to 1399: Arabian Knights Attack (312)
(see diagram top of next column) 1200 to 1299: Chessaholics #4 (312)
continued on page 29 1000 to 1199: L.I. Chess Mates 2 (212)
34. ... Bxa4? Under 1000: St. Joe HS A (3)
of 40 teams, with 23 more scholastic teams ahead of the rest of the field! Cunningham,
in a separate section. Most of this turnout Chan, Rumph, and Gaffagan all met Here is a crucial win that helped FBD
was slightly lower than in the past few years through playing at the Berkeley Chess defeat the pre-tournament favorites, Nor
when the tournament had been held in Club while Mackenzie was brought in as Cal House of Chess.
southern California, but still decent. Unfor- an alternate, who has been friends with
tunately, there werent nearly as many titled Cunningham for over 20 years. Here is (see game next page)
... Rg8 12. Kh1 Rg6! Freeing the queen to Black, if not outright winning. The posi-
0-0 d6 6. h3 a6 7. Bg5?!
The move Bg5 in the Giuoco Piano go to d7, and again Black will develop an tion has completely opened up and the
should be reserved for when Black has attack along the g-file). bishops have plenty of targets to attack.
already castled kingside. This is because Moreover, Whites knights lack outposts
now Black can still castle queenside and 10. Kh2
and are going to have trouble defending
gain time on the kingside attack with ... 10. Bh2 Nf4 followed by ... Qf6, ... h6-h5, the d5-pawn.
h7-h6 and ... g7-g5. (7. c3). and ... g5-g4, where Black is in command.
27. Nf3 Kf6 28. Rxe8 Rxe8 29. Rd1
7. ... h6 8. Bh4 10. ... Nxg3 11. fxg3 0-0!?
Here White really should have retreated Playing without prejudices, most play- -+-+r+-+
with Be3, admitting the mistake, but ers would try to find some way to get the +-zpl+-+-
thanks to the extra tempo Black would king over to the queenside, where it is
have no problems equalizing. However supposed to go, but the position has pvl-+-mk-zp
the text move leads to a very risky posi- now changed, and without a dark squared +p+P+pzp-
tion for White. bishop White has no way of exploiting
Black's kingside expansion. (11. ... Be6 -+-+-+-+
8. ... g5! 12. Bxe6 fxe6 13. c3 is unclear). +-+-+NzPP
r+lwqk+-tr 12. c3 PzPN+-+PmK
+pzp-+p+- 12. a3!? looks best to me, saving the +-+R+-+-
important light squared bishop.
p+nzp-sn-zp 12. ... Na5
After 29. Rd1
+-vl-zp-zp- Getting the light squared bishop, but 29. ... Bc5
-+L+P+-vL White is still OK as long as he can keep The immediate 29. ... Re2! was winning,
+-+P+N+P the position closed and find good squares after which Black can start collecting
for the knights. pawns 30. Nb4 g4 (30. ... Rxb2 31. Ne5
PzPP+-zPP+ Bc8 32. Nbc6 Bc5 is also good) 31. Nd2
gxh3 32. Kxh3 Be3 and Black has deci-
13. Nbd2 Nxc4 14. Nxc4 Be6 15. Ne1?!
After 8. ... g5 r+-wq-trk+ sive threats all over the board.
The correct reaction from Rumph, now +pzp-+p+- 30. Rd2 Re4 31. Ncd4
Black can castle queenside and the p+-zpl+-zp A blunder, but White was in lots of
attack against the white king will almost trouble anyways. (31. a3 Be8! followed by
play itself. +-vl-zp-zp- ... Bf7, and Black will soon win the d5-
-+N+P+-+ pawn with a commanding position).
9. Bg3
Now usually in this kind of position +-zPP+-zPP 31. ... g4 32. Nb3 Be3 33. Rd3 gxf3 34. gxf3
... Bg4 followed by ... Qd7 and ... 0-0-0 tR-+QsNR+- 42. Rd3 Bb7 43. g4 Bxd5 44. gxf5 Re1+ 45.
ferent way of taking advantage of Whites I think the idea behind this move is to
inaccurate opening play. play Nc2-e3, but Black simply refutes Overall I was quite happy with the organ-
this plan with his next move, and Whites ization and direction of the tournament.
9. ... Nh5 position becomes clearly worse (15. Qe2! The staff included: Senior TD Salman
A good move considering this was a with the idea Nc4-e3-f5 giving White a Azhar, Senior TD Tom Langland, National
team match. Rumph gets the two bishops playable position. White can then support TD John McCumiskey, and TD Richard
and doesnt have to force the issue imme- the knight with g3-g4 and keep the posi- Koepcke, as well as some volunteers. The
diately. Black can build up his advantage tion closed.). tournament definitely ran smoothly and
slowly and decide when to complicate without any major issues. The first round
matters based on whats happening on the
15. ... b5! 16. Nd2 f5 was delayed by about 15 minutes, but
other boards. The alternatives were quite Good move, trying to open up the posi- one thing I think the players appreciated
interesting though: (9. ... Qd7!? was a tion for the two bishops. was that the staff recognized that this
very interesting option to take advantage would push back the rest of the tourna-
of the move h2-h3 by White. Now Black
17. Qh5 Kg7 18. Nc2 Qe8 19. Qe2 Qg6 20. d4? ment and announced a schedule change
wants to play ... g5-g4 and recapture on This and the follow-up is just unprin- (where each subsequent round would start
cipled, as White is opening up the position 15 minutes later), which allowed every-
g4 with the queen: 10. Nh2 [10. Nc3 g4
11. hxg4 Qxg4 12. Ne2 {12. Nh2 Qxg3} 12.
... Nh5 and White is in trouble] 10. ... h5
for the Black pair of bishops (20. exf5
Bxf5 21. Ne4 was necessary, when White
one to plan accordingly. .
(see At a Glance next page)
The North division of the 2012 U.S. Alex Betaneli, David Jin, and Derek winner) prevailed on board two:
Amateur Team Championship was held in Sachs) faced each other in the last round,
Northbrook, Illinois from February 17-19. but the match was not relevant as neither Combine and conquer
Glenn Panner and Tim Just organized the team competed for top honors. Alexander Velikanov (2218)
tournament at the same playing site for the Some teams are formed months in Tenzing W. Shaw (2225)
second year in a row and were quite happy advance; others are created at the very U.S. Amateur Team North (4)
to see 38 teams attending. Although not last moment. Undoubtedly, the most
everyone was happy with their playing pleasant surprise was the team led by GM -+-+-+-+
performance, almost everyone enjoyed the Alex Shabalov. Allowed to Play with Con-
excellent playing conditions and fantastic cussion (GM Alex Shabalov, Bruce +-+-+-+-
room rate. Leverett, Ryan Milisits, and Robert Mil- -+-mk-zp-zp
Since there were many strong, well- isits) just appeared on Friday night,
balanced teams, no clear favorite stood strengthening the tournament and mak- zp-+l+-zp-
out at the beginning of the tournament. ing spectators wonder if anyone could P+-mK-+-zP
In fact, the top two seeds with an identi- compete with their top board. Alex Sha-
cal 2190 average rating TMCC Sicilian balov won all his games (winning board +-+-+-zP-
Poisoned Kings (IM Angelo Young, Gopal one individual prize), but the team fin- -+L+-+-+
Menon, Floren Inumerable, Robert Lon- ished with only 312/5.
carevic, and Virgilio Forro) and Well The winning team, Chess X-men +-+-+-+-
Knock Your Sachs Off (Erik Santarius, (Mariano Acosta, Tenzing Shaw, Fred White to play
gatskov) Indeed, the principle of two Instead, Ryba went in for 18. Qxe6only
Be8 f3 58. Ke3 Bd1 59. Bb5 Kc5 60. h5 Kb4
weaknesses is often used in the mid- the second-best move, but a loser. After 18.
61. Bc6 f2 62. Kxf2 Bxh5 63. Ke1 Kc3 64.
... Rd8 19. Bf4+ Kc8 20. Nf5 Nd5, Black con-
Bb5 Bf3 65. Kf2 Bd1 66. Ke1 Bb3 67. Be8
Kb4 68. Kd2 Bxa4 69. Bh5 Ka3 70. Kc1 Ka2
71. Bg6 Bb3 72. Bh5 a4 73. Bg6 a3 74. Bh5
dlegame. Black is clearly in charge of the
game, but it is still a long way to go before
the position can be considered easily
solidated and won at move 30. .
Bd5 75. Bg6 Bf3 76. Bf7+ Ka1 77. Kc2 h5 78.
Dubeck continued from page 23
Kc1 h4 79. Be6 Bg2 80. Bf5 h3 81. Bxh3
with Petrosian? The committee was dead-
Bxh3 82. Kc2 Bf5+ 83. Kc1 Bh7, White 25. Na4 b5 26. Nxc5 bxc4 27. bxc4
27. Nxa6 is not playable as Blacks locked over the venue. The two of them [Ed
attack crashes through: 27. ... Bxa6 28. and the Soviet hed met with] went off to
Davis Whaley played an inspired game dxc6 c3 29. Qxa6 Qxf3+ 30. Kg1 Nh3+ 31. the Russians hotel room and flipped a
against Fred Allsbrook and won a point Kh1 Nf2+ 32. Kg1 cxd2 33. Rxf2 d1=Q+. coin. And we won the toss.
for his team on board three. Davis fin- Was that the result of the secret deal in
ished 5-0, winning the board three 27. ... cxd5 28. cxd5 Ra7 29. Rc1 Rd8 30. Rc3 Siegen? The only thing I know is that
individual prize. Dmitri Sergatskovs vic- Bf8 31. Qc4 Qh4+ 32. Kf1 Nxf3 33. Rxf3 when Ed said we were going to settle the
tory allowed him to tie Mathew Leach of Bxg4 34. Be1 Qh5 35. Rb3 Bh3 36. d6+ Rf7 dispute with a coin toss, I said What if we
Hope and Change for the individual 37. Rxh3 Qxh3 38. Kg1 Rxd6 39. Nb7 Qe3+, lose? Dubeck remembered with a wry
board four prize while helping his team to White resigned. smile. And Ed just laughed.
preserve their perfect record:
their efforts. These two teams met in ners of the four regions, South, East, Pellows; Top Board Four, 5: Eric
round four, but the Gonzalez team, cap- West and North are currently scheduled Heerschap.
tained by Gil Luna, could only draw the to be held over the Internet on April 21st. Chief Tournament Director: Jon
match, leaving both teams -point behind We wish Yo Doy Clase success in this Haskel
Team Recio. Team Lunas last round endeavor. .
30 Chess Life May 2012 uschess.org
Chess Journalism Awards
As we approach our annual USCF U.S. Open, we at the Chess Journalists of Amer-
Best Chess Column
ica (CJA) once again send out a call for nominations to our annual Chess Journalists
Best State Magazine/Newsletter
of America chess journalism awards. The CJA awards honor the best in all facets
of chess journalism. From journalism in print to those written and published online,
the most excellent in chess articles, columns, photojournalism, infographics, lay- Best Tournament Report Article
out and online are honored within their respective categories. Recognized annually
by their peers, the public and members of CJA, the prestigious awards showcase EDITORIAL
work in the categories listed below which were published between June 1, 2011
and May 31, 2012. Submissions must be received by June 15, 2012.
Best Editorial
Best Chess Magazine/Newsletter Layout
Best Recognition in Chess Advertising
Excellence in Chess Writing, Mainstream Media
On left: The June Best Regular Newspaper Column
2011 Chess Life Best Regular Newspaper Article of Local Interest
cover, winner
of last years BOOK
Best Book
Best Chess Photojournalism
GM Robert Hess, named Best Features Article
the 2010 Samford Fellow,
heads to Yale this Fall
Best Instructive Lesson
Best Review
Best Humorous Contribution
Most Notable Achievement in
Correspondence Chess
Turning a draw into a win 53. ... Kxd8 Rxh5 and White regains his investment
with interest.
To outside observers, this game
GM Robert L. Hess (FIDE 2635, USA)
appeared to be heading towards a draw,
GM Henrik Danielsen (FIDE 2504, ISL)
but Hess uncorked a surprising posi-
57. ... Ke6 58. Nd4+ Kd7 59. Re2
Reykjavik Open 2012, Reykjavik (4.5),
Now the rook invasion doesnt work 59.
tional sacrifice.
Ra8 f5 but Hess finds another way in.
59. ... Bf8 60. Rf2 Be7 61. Rf5 Rc8 62. Rxh5 and
-+-tR-+-+ 54. d5!!
+-tr-mk-vl- A brilliant stroke to secure the d4- the h-pawn went on to decide the game.
square for his knight. Even strong chess Black resigned at move 75.
-+p+pzpp+ engines don't find this move immediately,
+pzP-+-+p if at all. While the tournament attracts a grow-
-zP-zP-zP-zP ing number of top grandmasters each
year, Reykjavik is still an open after all,
54. ... exd5 55. Nd4 Kd7 56. f5 gxf5 57. Nxf5
+K+-+NzP- Amazingly, even stronger was to give a rife with upsets, and the other American
R+-+-+-+ second pawn, temporarily! 57. Ra8! f4 grandmasters fared less well. Shulman
58. Rg8 Bh6 59. Rh8 Bg7 60. Rh7 Ke8 61. finished just a half point behind Hess, but
+-+-+-+- gxf4 f5! a hard move to make but the the score does not tell the story. It was
After 53. Rxd8 alternatives are worse. 62. Nxf5 Kf8 63. almost as if he played in a completely
different tournament. After being nicked training time, but at least in Reykjavik, 30. Qa2
for a point and a draw by much lower without active daddy duty to contend with,
Ashley was preparing to sacrifice his
rated players, he didnt manage to face Yury was getting enough sleep!
knight on d5, and intended to meet 30. ...
anyone over 2300 the rest of the week, let Maurice Ashleys hiatus from compet-
exd4 with 31. Ra7, to force the queen to c8.
alone a grandmaster. itive play was largely linked to the
He was walking around the spacious play-
It was really tough, but I made a demands of family life, but with his
ing hall awaiting his opponents move and
woman grandmaster norm, he chuckled, youngest son now ten years old, hes
realized that 31. Ra7 could be met not with
after the tournament. eager to revive his own game.
31. ... Qc8 as played in the game, but also
On his first day in Iceland, Yurys laptop Ashley came to Reykjavik a few days
31. ... Qxa7! when after 32. Qxa7 dxc3
crashed, so he was without his home analy- early to acclimate, since he has had dif-
White has no time to take the knight,
sis. This is never a pleasant experience at ficulty recovering from jet-lag, but even so,
because the c-pawn queens, and therefore
the start of an international tournament, it took a while to get the gears going. He
he loses the initiative, and may even be
even an open, where daily opening prepa- didnt prepare for the tournament at all,
losing with 31. ... Qxa7. But when his
ration is somewhat less important than in neither in terms of training games nor
opponent captured on d4, Ashley returned
a closed event. He was staying just across opening preparation.
to the board and absentmindedly played
the hall from me at the Fosshotel Baron, I just wanted to play, because the
31. Ra7 anyway, allowing the sacrifice!
and when I arrived, literally the first words most important thing is just getting the
When he realized what he had done, he
out of his mouth, after hello, were, do you feel in your fingers, and sometimes when
managed to keep a poker face, and Hob-
have MegaBase!? The five million game you try to do opening work at a tourna-
ber, assuming he was already busted,
database is a staple of opening research. ment, you get yourself tired studying too
also played 31. ... Qc8 quite quickly.
Things went awry starting in round much. Ashley wanted to stay fresh, but
two against Ukrainian WGM Svetlana he also observed how that can backfire in 32. Nxd5! cxd5 33. Qxd5+ Kh8 34. Rxd7
Cherednichenko. this day and age, with modern analysis
Now White is crushing and finishes in
engines and databases becoming wide-
No excuses My fifth round opponent [Einar Jens- 34. ... dxe3 35. g5 Bg7 36. Rxg7 Qxh3 37.
WGM Svetlana Cherednichenko son], he said to me after the gameafter Rg8+, Black resigned.
(FIDE 2279, UKR) he had tortured me a little bit and then
we drewhe said, you know, you're a
Ashleys best game, however, was in
GM Yury Shulman (FIDE 2594, USA)
really good player, but I noticed you play
the penultimate round, versus FM Robert
Reykjavik Open 2012, Reykjavik (2.11),
a lot of the same openings all the time, so
Lagerman. Finally in the last few rounds
I have this powerful new computer ...
it started to happen. In this round my
and it looked at your game the whole
-tr-vl-+k+ brain was as fresh as fresh ... I started to
night, and came up with this plan that I
see the board again, started to have some
zp-+-+pzp- played, and I was like, 'what the hell?
clarity, I started to be able to calculate on
Jensson, an Icelandic master who
-+-+pzPl+ longer lines.
scored an IM norm in Reykjavik
+q+-zP-+p befriended several of the American play-
ers, and even joined them in the Blue
-zp-+P+NvL Closed Sicilian (B23)
Lagoon on the last day [See sidebar, Ice-
+-tr-+-+P landic Wonders].
FM Robert Lagerman (FIDE 2315, ISL)
Despite a few draws with weaker play-
GM Maurice Ashley (FIDE 2452, USA)
ers, Ashley did face two of the three strong
Reykjavik Open, Reykjavik ISL (8.21),
+L+R+-+K Ukrainian GMs, Yuriy Kuzubov and
Vladimir Baklan, but lost to both of them.
Notes by Ashley
After 35. ... h5
Even some of the wins came with a
fair bit of luck, Ashley said. 1. e4 c5 2. Nc3 Nc6 3. f4 a6 4. Nf3 e6 5. d3
Its a nice feeling when your opponent
36. fxg7
In this messy position, in time trouble, avoids the preparation that you didnt
Black has about six different winning Just a bit o luck do! Naturally, 5. d4 would have asked
continuations, but Shulman unfortu- GM Maurice Ashley (FIDE 2452, USA) me what I knew about the Taimanov vari-
nately miscalculated and allowed White Anders Hobber (FIDE 2224, NOR) ation. Im wondering myself.
a miracle save after: Reykjavik Open 2012 Reykjavik (7.29),
03.11.2012 5. ... d5 6. Be2 Nf6 7. 0-0 b5
36. ... Qa4? 37. Rxd8+
The immediate 37. Nh6+ is more -+-+-trk+ r+lwqkvl-tr
+q+n+-+p +-+-+pzpp
37. ... Rxd8 38. Nh6+! Kxg7 39. Qf6+ Kxh6 40.
-+p+-vlp+ p+n+psn-+
Bg5+! and suddenly Black is mated next
Qxd8 Rc1+ 41. Kh2 Qd1 42. Qh8+ Bh7 43.
+pzPpzp-+- +pzpp+-+-
move. Black resigned.
-zP-zP-+P+ -+-+PzP-+
Shulman doesnt make any excuses, tR-sN-zP-vLP +-sNP+N+-
however, and said that he simply has to -+-+Q+-+ PzPP+L+PzP
find time to study, particularly leading up
to the U.S. Championship. His son Gabriel +-+-+-mK- tR-vLQ+RmK-
is just a year old, which inevitably cuts into After 29. ... e5 After 7. ... b5
exf6 Bxf6 its obvious Black is in the Played to prevent 14. Ne5.
drivers seat.
14. d4 Re8 tR-vL-wQR+K
The natural consequence of Whites
12. ... exd5 13. Na4
tenth move.
After 17. fxe5
a lot easier, especially after making an No better is 21. Qxf7+ Kh8 22. Qf4 (22. to move his queen to the b-file and invade
entire DVD about the idea! But since Bf4 Rf8 23. Qxd5 Ngf2+ 24. Kg1 Qxf4) 22. with Rb7, but the problem is the a6-
Gregory and Irina missed it as well, I ... g5 23. Qc7 Rac8. pawn. Arnold finds a creative solution: 44.
guess the title What Grandmasters Dont Rb6! (The direct 44. Qa5 is also winning,
See is appropriate. with Rb7 threatened at once. Black is in
21. ... Nd2!, White resigned.
Zugzwang, since the attempt to defend
For the international masters among with 44. ... Ke7 fails to 45. Qxc7+! Qxc7
18. Bxg4
Capitulation. 18. dxe5 Rxe5 19. Rf2 the American contingent, Reykjavik prom- 46. Rb7 Kd8 47. Rxc7 Kxc7 48. Kg5 and
ised at least a potential shot at a the h-pawn will fall.)
r+-wq-+k+ grandmaster norm. Like Bartholomew,
Marc Arnold is still looking for his first
44. ... g5+
+-+-+pzpp norm. He has already achieved the A desperate try for counterplay. Rela-
p+-+-sn-+ required 2500 rating, and had spent the tively best was 44. ... Re7 when Arnold
better part of the past year competing in would still need to find 45. Qa5.
+-+ptr-+- tournaments, both in the U.S. and
throughout Europe.
45. hxg5 Rg7 46. Qb4 Qd8 47. g6!
Nzp-+-+l+ Whites king is totally safe, and his
In Reykjavik, Arnold stumbled in round
+-zP-+-+- five which effectively put him out of con- rook is about to invade.
-zP-+LtRPzP tention for a norm, but he did bounce
back with a nice pair of wins, including
47. ... h4 48. Rb8 Qf6 49. Rxe8+ Kxe8 50.
tR-vL-wQ-+K a positional gem.
19. ... Ne4 (19. ... Qe7 20. Bf4 Rxe2 21. A positional gem -+-+k+-+
Rxe2 Qxe2 22. Qxe2 Bxe2 23. cxb4 d4 24.
Nc5 Nd5 25. Bd2 and though Black is up
IM Marc T. Arnold (FIDE 2502, USA) zpQ+-+-tr-
a pawn, I dont know that this is easy.) 20.
Eric Vaarala (FIDE 2241, SWE)
Bxg4 (20. Rf3 is the computers move. It
Reykjavik Open 2012, Reykjavik (6.23),
determined was 19. Qh4. Arnold gained the upper hand with:
Kg5 Kf8 54. h5 Rc7 55. h6, Black resigned.
19. ... Ne4! 25. Ne5! Bxe2 26. Nxd7 Qg6 27. Ne5 Qg5 28. Bartholomew finished with a half point
Its not often one gets to play a move like
Rfe1 less than Arnold, but actually posted a
this in a serious game. It felt good, and And White obtained a monster knight higher performance rating, due to much
even better knowing that I had seen it versus bad bishop. tougher pairings. He faced no less than
coming after 15. ... Bg4. Fast forward 15 moves. four grandmasters, including Womens
World Champion Hou Yifan.
20. Qf3 Qh4! 43. ... Kf8 We played a good game but she kind
of outclassed me towards the end in time
r+-+r+k+ -+q+lmk-+ pressure.
Bartholomew said he was able to ana-
lyze his games with nearly all his
+-+-+pzpp zp-tr-+-zp-
p+-+-+-+ P+p+p+-+ opponents, including Hou. She said that
I defended well at certain points, so I was
happy to hear that.
+-+p+-+- +-zPpsNp+p
Nzp-zPn+nwq -tR-zP-mK-zP
Closed Ruy Lopez (C91)
+-zP-+Q+- wQ-+-zP-zP-
-zP-+-+PzP -+-+-zP-+ GM Hou Yifan (FIDE 2639, CHN)
IM John Bartholomew (FIDE 2440, USA)
tR-vL-+R+K +-+-+-+- Reykjavik Open 2012, Reykjavik (5.7),
After 20. ... Qh4 After 43. ... Kf8 03.10.2012
White has maneuvered to gain space
Notes by Bartholomew
and provoke weaknesses. He would like Playing a world champion on equal
21. Bf4
lished. The knight has nothing to do back 25. ... Nh7 26. Nhf5 Bg5
on c6. It would not only fail to control the -tr-+r+k+
relatively weak d5-square but would also -tr-+r+k+ +-wq-+pzp-
be restricted in his actions by the c3-
pawn and his own e5-pawn. Therefore, +-wq-+pzpn -+-+l+-zp
the queen is better suited for winning -+-zpl+-zp snp+pzpN+-
the pawn back, while the knight can
dream of being recycled via c4-b6. I snp+-zpNvl- -+-+n+-zP
would only add that the maneuver ... -+-+P+-+ +PzP-+RsN-
Nc4-b6 very often fails to completely solve
Blacks problems with this knight, but the +PzP-+-sNP -+LwQ-zPP+
text does provide more interesting oppor- -+LvLQzPP+ +R+-+-mK-
tunities for counterplay.
+R+-tR-mK- After 30. ... Nxe4
14. Nbd2 Qxc6 15. Nf1 Nc4 16. Ng3 Re8 17.
After 26. ... Bg5
a4 Be6
This was my idea beginning with 24. ...
31. Nxe4?
I had this position against Julio Becerra Here the Zwischenzug 31. Nxh6+! is
in a U.S. Chess League game a couple Rab8. Exchanging dark-square bishops
and targeting c3 is a positionally well- very strong. We both thought I would
years back. There I preferred 17. ... Bb7, answer this with 31. ... Kf8, when I will
but after 18. Nf5 Bf8 19. Bg5!? d5 (19. ... founded plan, but its probably a bit
artificial with the dopey knight on h7 take the piece and evacuate my monarch
Nxb2 is critical) 20. axb5 axb5 21. Rxa8 to the queenside. Nevertheless, after (not
Bxa8 22. Bxf6 Qxf6 23. exd5 Rd8 24. b3 (matching its unhappy counterpart on
a5!?). 31. ... gxh6? 32. Qxh6 with a decisive
Nb6 25. c4! I failed to fully equalize. attack) 32. Bxe4! dxe4 33. Nxe4 Black is
27. h4!? in a precarious position, i.e. 33. ... Rbd8
34. Qg5 gxh6 35. Qxh6+ Ke7 36. Qg5+
18. Ng5 Bd7 19. b3 Na5
Played after prolonged thought. White
Per my comment on move 13, 19. ... Kd7 37. Nf6+ Kc6 38. Nxe8 Rxe8 when
had a couple of tempting alternatives:
Nb6 20. a5 Nc8 still leaves the knight in Whites chances are definitely higher (for
27. Nh5!? g6 28. Nhg7 gxf5 29. Nxe8
a bad way. instance, she may just start running the
Rxe8 30. exf5 Bd7 leads to complications
not unfavorable to White; The simple 27. h-pawn).
Bxg5 hxg5 (27. ... Nxg5? 28. Nh5 is very
20. Bd2
before committing to anything, though this Combining attack and defense. Defi- snp+q+-+-
does encourage Whites standard plan of nitely not 29. Nxd6? Red8, when the
Nf3-h4-f5. knight will be lost; 29. Qxd6?! Qxc3 is also
quite nice for Black. +PzP-tR-+-
21. axb5 axb5 22. Qe2 h6 23. Nf3 Be6 24.
Rab1 Rab8?! 29. ... d5?! Q+-+-zPP+
It wasnt yet necessary to protect the b- I didnt think I could afford to hesitate +R+-+-mK-
pawn. More accurate is 24. ... Bf8!, (e.g. 29. ... Red8 30. Rf3 sees White build-
intending to meet 25. Nh4 with 25. ... g6 ing up heavy threats against my king.
After 36. Bg4
With under a minute on her clock, Irina American. He noted that of course you planned to take a year to play as much as
blunders. Necessary was 37. Nxe2 Rf2 38. cant go by citizenship or else Maurice possible, before starting work. He already
Rfe1 when White can still try to hold. Ashley isnt Americanhe has Jamaican has a job lined up in asset management
citizenship. at BlackRock, where he will start in
37. ... Bxf8 38. Nxe2 Qf2 Several players noted that in Reyk- August.
javik, the players with Icelandic flags It definitely is an analytical job and Im
-+-+-vl-mk were quite likely to be underrated. In an sure that playing chess will help me out
island nation several hours away by plane ... Chess tournamentsespecially two-a-
to Europe or North America, the rating
+-zp-+-+- daysare brutal, he explained.
-+-+-+pzp pool becomes a bit isolated, which tends In Reykjavik Coleman managed to
to make them relatively less accurate. achieve his third IM norm, much to his
So, for instance, you find a fifteen-year- relief and delight. Its really hard not to
-+-+P+-+ old kid named Dagur Kjartansson with a think about it during the tournament, he
1500 FIDE rating, posting a performance said, especially so after starting with 312/4,
of nearly 2150.
+-zPQ+-+- including a win over Russian GM Vasily
-tr-+NwqPzP Papin. I really try to keep it out of my
Hess dislike of opening preparation is thoughts until the last round, because, if
matched only by his disdain for draws. He
tR-+-+-+K I play good chess, hopefully it works out
After 38. ... Qf2 never offered a single one in Reykjavik, fine, but its one of those things thats
and his sole half point came, begrudg- always in the back of your head.
The knight is fatally X-rayed. ingly, via a move repetition against It wasnt a clean tournament by any
perennial Reykjavik Open contender Ivan means, and most of his games were
Sokolov. They met in round seven, the extremely hard fought. Against Papin, he
39. Qg3 Rxe2, White resigned.
afternoon session of the only day with said, I was getting tortured for five hours
Caruana went on to win the tourna- two rounds. Sokolov had played a short and he just made a few mistakesfirst
ment with 712/9 and, it should be noted, 20-move draw with Cheparinov in the just to let me get back into the game and
he was technically the tenth American morning, so was well rested. have a draw, and then to let me win. It
playing in Reykjavik. The Florida-born Suspecting Hess might tire after his was very lucky.
American-Italian, raised in Brooklyn, has four-and-a-half-hour battle with Hjorvar Colemans fourth round draw with GM
had an impressive run lately, and after the Gretarsson, Sokolov opted for a double- Baklan, however, was the one that most
Reykjavik Open moved into the number six edged approach. satisfied him.
spot in the world rankings, ahead of Hikaru We both thought there was no way
Nakamura. the game was going to end in a draw, Schmid Benoni (A43)
In the chess world, however, its your Hess said. One of us was going to win,
federation that matters, and Caruana and most probably we both thought I
FM Teddy Coleman (FIDE 2356, USA)
has played under an Italian flag since was going to win, but he held pretty well
GM Vladimir Baklan (FIDE 2612, UKR)
2006. At Chess Life Online, one comment and it just ended in a draw.
Reykjavik Open 2012, Reykjavik (4.7)
to the March 12th post, Caruana Leads Rounding out the American field, were
Reykjavik Open pointed to this distinc- FMs Coleman, Kiewra and Langer. Cole-
Notes by Coleman
tion, so I asked Robert Hess whether he man has been devoting a lot of time to In the previous game, I came away with
thought it was fair to characterize his chess lately. He finished his undergrad- a win from a completely lost position. A
own result as the best in Reykjavik by an uate degree at Harvard last May, and little luck never hurts, and I got a little
FIDE SENIOR TRAINER (FST) Dowd Dunn Danny William Fraser Anthony Friemoth David Funston
TOP 50 CORRESPONDENCE PLAYERS GM Lev Alburt GM Boris Gulko Michael Khodarkovsky GM Zsuzsa Pol- Geoff Gawdun J.H. Ghoraghi Anatoly Goldberg Fletcher Gross Charles
(from International Correspondence Chess Federation). gar Boris Postovsky GM Yasser Seirawan Harnach Bruce Johnson Frederick Kagan Henryk Kalafut Edward
Knighton Thomas Langland Maurice Leysens Martin Lubell David P.
1. GM Alik Samulovich Zilberberg 2606
FIDE TRAINER (FT) Lynn Alex Markevitch Dan Maxwell Monte McClure Terry McManus
WIM Beatriz Marinello IM Vladimir Prosviriakov Ryan McCracken T. Louis Meaker Martin Moskowitz David Moulton
2. GM Stephen E. Ham 2580 Jacob Nemchenok Mario Pachajoa Jose Antonio Pagan Stanley Perlo
2. GM Dr. Jason Bokar 2578 FIDE INSTRUCTOR (FI) Joseph Rettegi David Robinson Thur Row Paul Salem Paul Sayre Her-
4. GM Daniel M. Fleetwood 2571
Chouchanik Airapetian Michael Ciamarra Elena Donaldson Ilye Figler bert Seidman Ricky Shepherd Jerry Slavich Alwin Sopungco William
5. SIM Tim Murray 2544
Anatoly Tonkonogy Sprague Dailon Stauvers Dr. David Steinberg Paul Steiner Hisham Sunna
6. GM Dr. Edward P. Duliba 2532
Harry Tamvakis Robin Taylor Donald Thompson Row Thur Yefim Treger
7. SIM Jon Edwards 2521 DEVELOPMENTAL INSTRUCTOR (DI) Gary Ware Dennis Williams Robert Williams Sidney Zarkin
7. GM Jon Ostriker 2521 Stacey Banks Derick Bryant Ivonne Mykytyn Medina Parrilla Jayashree
9. SIM Keith Holzmueller 2508 Sekar
10. SIM Michael C. Proof 2487
11. GM Vytas Victor Palciauskas 2479 INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZERS (IO) USCF Titles
12. IM Carl L. Siefring 2469 Michael Atkins Frank Berry James Berry Frank Brady Edward Doyle
13. SIM Dr. Michael Millstone 2468 William Goichberg Ankit Gupta Jon Haskel Steve Immitt Mikhail Koren-
13. SIM Jerry Weisskohl 2468 man Thomas Langland Sevan Muradian Semon Palatnik Tony Rich The Tournament Life section of Chess Life lists hundreds of tournaments
15. IM John R. Menke, Sr. 2467 L. Thad Rogers Sophia Rohde Lary Rust Luis Salinas Eric Schiller each month in varying formats quick chess, action chess some-
16. SIM Kenneth M. Reinhart 2466 Patricia Smith thing for everyone. If youre new to competitive chess, be sure to see
17. SIM Dan Perry 2463 Information for Organizers, TDs, and Affiliates and Information for Play-
18. Wieland Belka 2449 If you would like more info on FIDE, please check their website at FIDE.com.
ers online at main.uschess.org/go/tlainfo.
19. Wesley C. Green 2444
20. IM Hisham N. Sunna 2431
CORRESPONDENCE GRANDMASTERS Over-the-board (OTB) ratings are calculated by computer using a com-
Hans Berliner Jason Bokar Joseph DeMauro Edward Duliba Dan Fleet-
21. IM Mehran Divanbaigyzand 2422 plex formula. An explanation of the system is available through a link on
wood Stephen Ham Jon Ostriker Victor Palciauskas John Timm Alik
22. Gary Walters 2420 the USCF website. Players who earn OTB ratings over 2200 are issued
23. IM Dr. Martin Stengelin 2419 certificates to recognize their achievement. If you qualify for a certificate
24. SIM Thomas Biedermann 2416
CORRESPONDENCE INTERNATIONAL MASTERS but have not received one, please write us. Here are the ratings classes:
24. Thomas Diehl Jr. 2416
Gary Abram Tony Albano Wayne Ballantyne John Ballow Pavao Bjaze- Senior Master 2400 & above
26. IM William Boucher 2414
vic (Ecuador native, U.S. resident) William Boucher Joseph Callaway Frank Master 2200-2399
26. Bobby Johnson 2414
Camaratta Wayne Conover Robert Cross Karl Dehmelt Alfred Y. Deuel
28. Edward Kotlyanskiy 2411 Expert 2000-2199
Rene duCret Doug Eckert David Eisen Igor Foyel Bart Gibbons Isay
29. SIM David R. Myers 2408 Class A 1800-1999
Golyak Steven Grant Keith Hayward Herbert Hickman Robert Jacobs
30. Harry Ingersol 2406 Class B 1600-1799
31. IM John Ballow 2405 C. Bill Jones Craig W. Jones John Kalish Spencer Kell Edgardo V.
Limayo Marc Lonoff William Maillard R.A. McLellan Michael Melts Class C 1400-1599
31. Lawrence Coplin 2405 Class D 1200-1399
33. Dennis Michael 2401 John Menke Dave Myers John Mousessian Cesar Musitani Robert Rey-
nolds Robert Rizzo Keith Rodriguez Allan Savage Corky Schakel Carl Class E 1000-1199
34. Steve R. Douglas 2397
35. Frank Goebert 2394 Siefring James Skeels Dr. Martin Stengelin Hisham Sunna Eric Tang- Class F 800-999
36. Anthony Kain 2392 born Steve Tennant Paul L. Thompson Jeffrey Tilghman Chris Van Dyck Class G 600-799
37. IM Robert Rizzo 2390 Alan Watson Walter Wood Class H 400-599
38. Robert N. Fass 2381 Class I 200-399
39. Wilbur Tseng 2379 CORRESPONDENCE INTERNATIONAL Class J 199 & below
40. IM Keith A. Rodriguez 2378 WOMEN MASTERS Minimum Rating 100
41. Grayling V. Hill 2373 Gina Lo Sasso Christine Rosenfield
42. SIM Kristo S. Miettinen 2371 MASTERS EMERITI
43. Donald J. Harvey 2363 CORRESPONDENCE SENIOR INTERNATIONAL THE MASTER EMERITUS title is a special honor awarded to players, now for
44. Daniel M. Horwitz 2362
45. Peter Dessaules 2361
MASTERS the most part inactive, who led distinguished chess careers before the insti-
Jason Bokar Wesley Brandhorst Richard S. Callaghan Edward Duliba tution of the USCF rating system. Current ratings of masters emeriti are not
46. Humberto M. Cruz 2353 published if they are below 2200, in which case 2200 is the rating used for
Jon Edwards Kevin W. Embrey Daniel M. Fleetwood Keith Holzmueller
47. IM Cesar Musitani 2350 pairing and reporting purposes. Armando Bucelo, Sr.
Stephen L. Jones John Knudsen Gary L. Kubach Dave Meyers Jerry
48. Bobby G. Moore, Jr. 2349
Meyers Michael Millstone Tim Murray Ciaran OHare (Irish native, U.S.
49. Peter Cullen 2347
resident) Jon Ostriker Anotole Parnas Dan Perry N. Eric Pedersen
50. Edwin Meiners 2338
Ken Reinhart Christopher Sergel Jerry Weisskohl Max Zavanelli USCF Awards
David Adamson G. S. Benner Ted Bullockus J. Franklin Campbell Mau- 2010 Steve Shutt, Dr. Frank Brady
Lev Milman Rade Milovanovic Nikolay Minev Mackenzie Molner Wal-
ter Morris Stephen Muhammad Michael Mulyar Daniel Naroditsky* rice Carter Tom Dougherty Grayling Hill Alan A. Jones Ben Koppin Keith 2011 Judy Misner, Joan DuBois
Steven Odendahl Georgi Orlov William Paschall Jack Peters Vladimir Rodriguez James Skeels Wesley K. Underwood Allen Wright Max Zavanelli.
Prosviriakov David Pruess Stuart Rachels Vasik Rajlich Vivek Rao For more information on ICCF, write to ICCF-US, 16052 Quality Ct. S., Lake- OUTSTANDING CAREER ACHIEVEMENT AWARD
Kenneth Regan Larry Remlinger Daniel Rensch Guillermo Rey Bruce land, MN 55043, or e-mail schakels@comcast.net. 2010 Val Zemitis, Hal Terrie, Chuck Ensey, Mike Nagaran
Rind James Rizzitano Douglas Root Anthony Saidy Justin Sarkar 2011 Scott Parker, Frank Berry, Tom Martinak, Bob Smith,
Dmitry Schneider Jonathan Schroer Enrico Sevillano Gregory Shahade COMPOSITION Mike Zacate
James Sherwin Walter Shipman Igor Shliperman Mikhail Shur Jeremy Titles for composers of chess problems and endgame studies are overseen
Silman Bryan G. Smith Leonid Sokolin Alan Stein David Strauss Eric by FIDEs Permanent Commission for Chess Composition. The commission peri- SPECIAL SERVICES AWARD
Tangborn Emory Tate Timothy Taylor Rostislav Tsodikov David Vig- odically issues albums of composers best pieces. A composer receives 2010 Jay Stallings, John Blackstone
orito Mladen Vucic Joshua Waitzkin John Watson Norman Weinstein points for each problem and endgame chosen for an album. Twenty-five points 2011 Andy Ansel, Jeff Smith, Mark Herman
Elliott Winslow Darwin Yang Jonathan Yedidia Vitaly Zaltsman Anna are needed for an international master title, 70 for a grandmaster title.
Zatonskih Steven Zierk Dmitry Zilberstein Mikhail Zlotnikov Bernard
Toma Garai 2010 Jim Stallings, Dewain Barber, Richard Buchanan, Alan
WOMEN GRANDMASTERS Anderson, Danny Rensch
Tatev Abrahamyan Anna Akhsharumova Camilla Baginskaite Anjelina INTERNATIONAL MASTER FOR CHESS 2011 David Causey, Caesar Lawrence, Barbara Reed
Belakovskaia Elena Donaldson Sabina-Francesca Foisor Anna Gersh-
nik Alla Grinfeld Irina Levitina Katerina Rohonyan Jennifer Shahade
Pal Benko George Sphicas COMMITTEE OF THE YEAR
WOMEN INTERNATIONAL MASTERS 2010 Tournament Director Certification Committee
Tsagaan Battsetseg Sharon Burtman Rachel Crotto Vesna Dimitrijevic INTERNATIONAL JUDGE FOR CHESS 2011 Scholastic Committee
Esther Epstein Gina Finegold Elina Groberman Anna Hahn Ruth Har- COMPOSITION
ing Shernaz Kennedy Inna Koren Yuliya Levitan Beatriz Marinello Alisa David Brown Robert Burger Toma Garai Newman Guttman Mike Prcic CHESS CITY OF THE YEAR
Melekhina Elizabeth Neely Viktorija Ni Alexey Root Diane Savereide 2010 Nashville, Tennessee
Marulin Simmons Dorothy Teasley Cindy Tsai Julia Tverskaya SOLVERS 2011 St. Louis, Missouri
These titles are awarded by the Society of U.S. Chess Problemists.
INTERNATIONAL ARBITERS Master Solvers: Robert J. Bales Jr. Paul Birnbaum Ted Brandhorst David KOLTANOWSKI AWARD
Todd Barre Frank Berry Jerry Bibuld Christopher Bird Harold Bogner Dana-Bashian Kenneth Davenport Matthew Dickey Richard Fellrath 2010 Gold: Rex Sinquefield, Phil LeCornu
Leonid Bondar Frank Brady Walter Brown Jr. Wayne Clark Edward Barry Keith Eugene Levin William Longren Eloy Martinelli Stephanos
Doyle Eduard Duchovny Adam Gale William Goichberg Francisco
2011 Gold: Rex Sinquefield, Silver: Doyle Engelen, Booz
Pantazis Martin Rubin Peter Szusz Allen Hamilton, Inc.
Guadalupe Jon Haskel Randall Hough John Hudson Myron Lieber-
man William Lukowiak James Meyer Martin Morrison Sevan Muradian U.S. Expert Solvers: Walter Anthony Gabriel Balinth Todd Barre Ladislav
Glenn Petersen Boris Postovsky Tim Redman L. Thad Rogers Belcsak John Blood Albert Bobb Joseph Bohac Edward Boyle Brad U.S. CHESS HALL OF FAME Inductees
Sophia Rohde Eric Schiller Robert Singletary Bill Snead Harold Sten- Bradford Donald Burden Victor Burdick Renato Casalino Gennaro Coz- 2010 Diane Savereide, Herman Steiner, Jackson Showalter
zel Robert Sutter Jr. Robert Tanner zolino K.A. Czerniecki Rob deFonce Jerry De Gattis Karl Deibler Steven 2011 Boris Gulko, Andy Soltis
By GM Lev Alburt
When the combatants use their swords and battle-axes but not their shields.
Standard Kings Indian moves. -wqpzp-+p+ (see diagram top of next column)
+-+Pzpp+n In my over-the-board analysis I saw
that both my queen and my rook are
6. Bg5
attacking the hanging f3-knight. How-
(see diagram top of next column)
This was a move to which I had no zP-+-+N+P ever, I failed to realize that 20. Rxc6 Nxa2
idea how to respond. I know now that 6. -zPQvLNzPP+ 21. Rc2 Rxf3 (stronger is 21. ... Be6
... e6 is common or even 6. ... h6 but at L.A.) 22. Rxc8+ Rf8 23. Rxf8+ Bxf8 and
this point in time I followed my normal tR-+-mKL+R now my knight on a2 looks stupid with no
ideas with the Kings Indian. After 12. ... f5 real square to go to. Im unsure if that was
Well playedif 32. Rxb7?, 32. ... Qa6+.
Send in your games!
If you are unrated or were rated
32. Rc4 d5 33. Rc8+ Bf8 34. Bh6 Ra2+
By GM Pal Benko
GM Barczas complete games are worth tactical means, but this gives only tem-
studying; it is not necessary to just focus porary relief. Looking better is 16. ... Rfc8
on his endings. He frequently transitioned 17. Nc6 Nd5 18. Rac1 Nab4.
Symmetrical English (A38)
from his favorite, characteristic and still
relevant English opening to favorable
17. Nc4 Rfd8 18. Ne5! Gedeon Barcza
endgames which were then played at an Note 18. a3? Rxd4. Bela Soos
artistic level. He almost hypnotized his
Varna (Ol), 1962
opponents as if a frightening hussar. (The
18. ... Kf8
knight is hussar in Hungarian. Interest- Here 18. ... Rxd4? 19. Rxd4 Nc2 20.
1. Nf3 Nf6 2. g3 g6 3. b3 Bg7 4. Bb2 c5 5. c4
15. ... Bb7 16. Ne1 Ndf6 17. Bxb7 Rxb7 18. 1. Nf3 d5 2. g3 g6 3. Bg2 Bg7 4. d4 Nf6 5. 0-0
-+l+-sn-+ Qf3 Qc8 19. Nc6 Re8 20. Nd3 Qf5 0-0 6. c4 dxc4 7. Na3 c5 8. dxc5 Qxd1?
+-sN-tr-mkp Black tries to escape into an endgame Voluntarily gives up the d-file. Better is
-zp-+pzpp+ but the strong c6-knight cripples any 8. ... Na6 9. Nxc4 Qxd1! 10. Rxd1 Be6 with
counterplay attempts. a more or less equal position. The queen
zp-zp-+n+- trade is always welcomed by Barcza.
21. Qxf5 gxf5 22. f3 Nh6 23. Bd2 Kf8 24.
-+P+N+-+ Rac1 Rc8 25. Rc3 Ke8 26. Rb3 Nd7 27. Rc1 9. Rxd1 c3 10. Nb5! Na6 11. Nxc3 Nxc5 12.
+P+-zP-zP- f6 28. Nf4 e5 29. Ne6 Bf8 Be3 Ne6?
would follow.
HUSSAR AMBUSH Rcc5, Black resigned.
Certainly GM Barcza should be given a
10. ... Bf5 11. Nc5 Bc8 12. e3 Nd7 13. Nd3 Fianchetto Grnfeld (D77) knighthood for his memorable achieve-
Rb8 14. Qe2 b6? 15. Nb4! Gedeon Barcza ments. I learned much from his play. As
Immediately lasers in on the weakened a memento I give two knight endgames in
Rudolf Teschner
Reggio Emilia, 1963 the Bafflers. .
uschess.org Chess Life May 2012 49
Trophies Plus awards $12,500 in cash prizes in the 2012 Grand Prix!
ANNUAL 2nd place $600 3rd place $400 4th place $300 5th place $200
Four-player, double round-robin with class-level pairings.
1st-place winner receives a trophy.
6th thru 10th place $100 each ENTRY FEE: $25 ENTRY FEE: $10.
These USCF Correspondence Chess events are rated and open to all USCF members who reside on the North American continent, Victor Palciauskas Prize Tournaments
islands, or Hawaii, as well as those USCF members with an APO or FPO address. USCF members who reside outside of the North Seven-player class-level pairings, one game with each
American continent are welcome to participate in e-mail events. Your USCF membership must remain current for the duration of of six opponents.
the event, and entry fees must be paid in U.S. dollars. Those new to USCF Correspondence Chess, please estimate your strength: 1st-place winner receives $130 cash prize and a certificate
Class A: 1800-1999 (very strong); Class B: 1600-1799 (strong); Class C: 1400-1599 (intermediate); Class D: 1399 and below signed by Victor Palciauskas.
(beginner level). Note: Prize fund based on 300 entries and may be decreased proportionately per number of entries assigned.
John W. Collins Memorial Class Tournaments
Four-player, double round-robin with class-level pairings
(unrateds welcome).
2012 E-mail Correspondence Chess Electronic Knights Championship 1st-place winner receives a John W. Collins certificate.
(Seven-player sections, one game with each of six opponents.)
USCF s 9
ANNUAL (plus title of USCFs Electronic Knights Champion and plaque)
Lightning Match
2nd place $400 3rd place $300 4th thru 10th place $100 each ENTRY FEE: $25 Two players with two or six-game option. ENTRY FEE: $5.
These USCF Correspondence Chess events are rated and open to all USCF members with e-mail access. Your USCF Swift Quads
membership must remain current for the duration of the event, and entry fees must be paid in U.S. dollars. Maximum Four-player, double round-robin format.
number of tournament entries allowed for the year for each player is ten. Note: Prize fund based on 200 entries 1st-place prize merchandise credit of $30.
and may be decreased proportionately per number of entries assigned. ENTRY FEE: $10.
Walter Muir E-Quads (webserver chess)
TO ENTER: 800-903-USCF(8723) OR FAX 931-787-1200 OR ONLINE AT WWW.USCHESS.ORG Four-player, double round-robin e-mail format tournament
with class-level pairings.
Name_________________________________________ USCF ID#_______________________________________ 1st-place receives a certificate.
Address _______________________________________ City___________________ State ___ ZIP ____________ ENTRY FEE: $7.
Phone __________________________ E-mail____________________________________ Est. Rating __________ Please circle event(s) selected.
Credit card # (VISA, MC, Disc., AMEX) _________________________________________ Exp. date ________________
If using VISA, need V-code ________________ q Check here if you do not wish to have an opponent who is incarcerated. NOTE: Except for Lightning Matches, Swift Quads, Walter
*Note: This may slow down your assignment. Muir E-Quads & Electronic Knights, players will use post
office mail, unless opponents agree to use e-mail.
The United States Chess Federation has partnered with R.V. Nuccio & Associates Insurance Brokers, Inc. to provide USCF affiliates with affordable annual
liability and short term event insurance. The liability coverage is available for approximately $265 per year for a $1,000,000 limit of insurance. Also avail-
able is contents property and bonding insurance. For more information, please go to www.rvnuccio.com/chess-federation.html.For event insurance, please
go to www.rvnuccio.com.
Rating supplements will be updated EACH MONTH on the USCF website, and each monthly rating supplement will be used for all tournaments beginning in
that month, unless otherwise announced in Chess Life. The USCF website at www.uschess.org also frequently lists unofficial ratings.The purpose of unoffi-
cial ratings is to inform you of your progress; however, most tournaments do not use them for pairing or prize purposes. If you would otherwise be unrated,
organizers may use your unofficial rating at their discretion, even without advance publicity of such a policy.
The TLA pages Information for Organizers, TDs, and Affiliates and Information for Players can now be found online at main.uschess.org/go/tlainfo.
The Tournament Announcements on the following pages are provided Prizes: ($$b/20) $75-$45, Top U1600 $30, Medallion to top K-12, K-8, K- other events. Many free extras and surprises! Free parking. Free raf-
for the convenience of USCF members and for informational pur- 6. ENTER: www.sazchess.org/store/store.php or mail to (make checks fle with great prizes. Free GM Lectures. Free GM analysis of your
poses only. Unless expressly indicated otherwise, neither the U.S. payable to SACA): SACA, Attn: U.S. Amateur West, PO Box 36149, Tuc- games. Grandmaster Chess Camp for all ages on Thursday. U.S.
Chess Federation nor Chess Life warrants the accuracy of anything son, AZ 85740 or at site. HR: $71 (single/double) or $86 (suite) if by 5/11, Game/10 and Grandmaster Simuls Thursday afternoon. Youth Tour-
contained in these Tournament Announcements. Those interested mention SACA. INFO: Karen Pennock, 520-261-6149, email: kpen naments Friday, Saturday & Sunday. Poker Tournament Monday
in additional information about or having questions concerning any nock_83@yahoo.com, web: www.sazchess.org. NC. NS. W. Chess Mag- morning. LOW room rates! HR: $59 single or double ($89 Friday and
of these tournaments are directed to contact the organizer listed. net School JGP for Championship and Reserve. Saturday nights). 1-800-634-6753 or (702) 734-5110. Don't be shut out;
Chess Life will exercise all due diligence in providing accurate make your reservations early and be sure to ask for the chess rates;
typesetting of non-camera-ready copy but assumes no responsibil- A Heritage Event!
May 26-28 or 27-28, New Jersey The Riviera sells out most weekends. Cutoff for special hotel rate is May
ity for errors made in such work. 28th. Rates may be as high as $150 a night later. RESERVE NOW!
68th Annual U.S. Amateur East Championship
6-SS, 50/2, SD/1. Somerset-Bridgewater Hotel (previously Crowne Plaza Credit card or one night room deposit will be required to hold reserva-
Effective with TLAs submitted after November 10, 2010, the fol- Hotel), 110 Davidson Ave., Somerset, NJ, Telephone 732-560-0500 (NYC tion, may be canceled 72 hours in advance for nominal fee. Tournament
lowing additional rules apply to Grand Prix tournaments: train to Bound Brook 1 miles away). In 3 Sections: Championship Registration: National Open, PO Box 90925, Henderson, NV 89009-
(U2200), Reserved (U1800), Booster (U1400). 2-day & 3-day schedules. 0925, on line at www.VegasChessFestival.com or by fax at (702)
1) The guaranteed first prize must be at least $150. 3-Day Registration: Saturday May 26, 9:30-10:45 am. Schedule: 933-9112. Info: (702) 560-0955 and leave a message. NS. W. FIDE.
Rounds 12-6, 11-5, 9-3. 2-Day Registration: Sunday May 27, 8:30-9:30 Chess Magnet School JGP.
2) No more than one prize under $100 may count towards the
Grand Prix point total. am. Schedule: First 3 games, 5/27, G/60. Rounds 10-12:15-2:30. All July 9-14, Texas
schedules merge in round four. Each Sections: Trophies to top five and 2012 U.S. Senior Open
3) Prizes below the maximum entry fee do not count towards top Senior 55/over and Jr's under ages 16 & 13. Championship: Tro- 6SS, 40/2, SD/1, d/5 (3-Day Option, Rounds 1-3 G/55, d/5). Marriott Hous-
the Grand Prix point total. phies to top U2000, U1900 and U1850. Reserve: Trophies to top U1600 ton South at Hobby Airport, 9100 Gulf Freeway, Houston, TX 77017,
and U1500. Booster: Trophies to top U1200, U1100, U1000, U900 and www.marriott.com/hotels/travel/houhh-houston-hobby-airport-mar-
U800. EF: $49 if postmarked by May 23, or paid online via EntryFeesRus. riott/. Free parking! $79 HR valid until 6/30 (includes free hot breakfast
SUBMISSIONS: If possible e-mail your tla to: tla@uschess.org com. EF: at site $60 cash. Byes: Three 1/2 point byes allowed in rounds buffet!), Reserve early! 713-943-7979, Group Code: CHESS. Eligibility: Open
(Joan DuBois). For tla deadline schedule, formatting help and Grand 1-5. Ent: Ken Thomas, 115 W. Moore St., Hackettstown, NJ 07840. to USCF members born on or before July 9, 1962. Prizes: $5,000 GTD!
Prix information see September 2011 Chess Life pg. 49 and 69 or Checks to NJSCF. Info: 908-619-8621 or acn@goes.com. NS. NC. W. 1st-$1250, 2nd-$800, 3rd-$500, 4th-$300, U2300: $500-300, U2000:
check http://main. uschess.org/ go/tlainfo. Payment can be done Chess Magnet School JGP. $300-150, U1800 $300-150, U1500/UNR $300-150. Awards: Commem-
online through the TD/Affiliate area or sent to: U.S. Chess, TLA Dept., orative Clocks for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd and plaques for each champion, ages
PO Box 3967, Crossville, TN 38557. June 9-10, Tennessee 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70-74 and over 75 (a player may win a place
2012 U.S. Amateur South Championship
award and an age award). World Senior Entrant: Top finisher born on or
University of Memphis, University Center, 499 University St., Memphis,
Nationals TN 38152. SECTIONS: Championship (U2200) & Reserve (U1600). SCHED-
ULE: 5/SS, G/90 td/5. Reg.: Sat. 9:00-9:45AM. Rds.: Sat. 10-2-6; Sun.
before January 1, 1952 receives: 1) official USCF entrant in the World Sen-
ior Championship, and 2) a $500.00 USCF stipend towards expenses at
May 11-13, Tennessee the WSC. EF: $95 if rec'd by 6/30, $115 after or on site. Registration until
9:30-1:30. PRIZES: $1000 of Gift Certificates and awards based on 60 6 pm on July 9 (or until 9am July 12 for 3-Day Schedule). Registrations
2012 National Elementary (K-6) Championship paid entries. (Championship): 1st- River Cup trophy + $150 GC, 2nd-
(May 10 Bughouse & Blitz) 7SS, G/120, K-1 G/90. Gaylord Opryland, after that time may require byes. Rounds: Monday to Friday one round
plaque +$100 GC, 3rd-plaque+$75 GC; U2000 1st-small trophy+$50 daily at 6:30 pm, Saturday one round at 11 a.m. 3-Day Schedule: Rounds
2800 Opryland Dr., Nashville, TN 37214. 615-889-1000 or 888-777-6779 GC. (Reserve): 1st-large plaque+$125 GC, 2nd-plaque+$75 GC, 3rd-
Chess Rate $139. 9 Sections: K-6 Championship, K-6 Under 1000, K- Thursday at 10m, 12:30pm, 3pm; Merges with 6-Day Schedule on Round
plaque+$50 GC; U1400 1st-small trophy+$50 GC; Unrated 1st-$50 GC. 4. Awards Banquet: Saturday at 7 p.m. Byes: Two 1/2 point byes avail-
6 Unrated, K-5 Championship, K-5 Under 900, K-3 Championship, EF: $40 ($10 less to Juniors under age 18 or Seniors over age 60), $50
K-3 U800, K-3 Unrated, K-1Championship. May Rating Supple- able if req. before end of rd 2. Entries: Mail to Francisco L. Guadalupe,
on-site. MISC: One requested half-point bye allowed, any round, must 305Willow Pointe Dr., League City,TX 77573. Info: flguadalupe@aol.com.
ment will be used. Unrated players may play in the Championship or request before the start of Round 3. SIDE EVENT: SATURDAY ONLY
Unrated sections only. One 1/2-point bye for any round, except Rd. 7, if Enter online: www.active.com/event_detail.cfm?event_id=2015413.
Scholastic (K-12) sections in a separate room from main tournament: Note: Active.com charges a small fee. Phone entries: (713) 530-7820. Add
requested in advance. EF: $50 if by April 22, $70 if by May 6, $85 by 6 U1000, U550, & Unrated. 4/SS, G/30 td/5. Reg. 11-11:45AM. Rd. 1 at
PM CDT on May 10 or $90 at site. Mailed entries must be p/m by May $5 (per player) for phone entries. Tournament website link at http://
12PM, rest ASAP. EF-$15 by two days before the event, $20 after & on- main.uschess.org/content/view/10014/95. FIDE.
6. $5 extra for all phone registrations, $20 change fee for roster or sec- site. Trophies or Medals for all Side Event players! ADDL. DETAILS:
tion changes after May 6. On-site registration: Thurs. 9am-10pm & Fri. www.shelbycountychess.org. ENTRY: Online entry at www.cajunchess.com July 13-15, Texas
8am-10am. Players registering after 10am will get 1/2-point for Round or mail registration to Shelby County Chess, ATTN: Amateur South, 1614 2012 U.S. Junior Open
1. Awards: A minimum of 1 individual trophy per 10 players and 1 team Vance Ave., Memphis, TN 38104. INFO: Arlene Kleiman, midsouthchess 6SS, G/120,d5. Marriott Houston South at Hobby Airport, 9100 Gulf
trophy per 15 players (average attendance in the past two years, not incl. @hotmail.com; Korey Kormick, kjkormick@hotmail.com. Chess Mag- Freeway, Houston, TX 77017. www.marriott.com/hotels/travel/houhh-
SN IV) plus plaques for 4 players and coach of top five teams in each sec- net School JGP for main event. houston-hobby-airport-marriott/. Free parking! $79 HR valid until 6/30
tion. Class trophies to the top three in the following classes: K-6 (includes free hot breakfast buffet!), Reserve early! 713-943-7979, Group
Championship: 1300-1399; 1200-1299; 1100-1199; 1000-1099; 900-999; June 14, Nevada Code: CHESS. 4 Sections based on age as of 1/1/2012: Under 21,
800-899; U800; UNR. K-5 Championship: 1300-1399; 1200-1299; 1100- Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 80 (Enhanced) Under 15, Under 11 and Under 8. July Rating Supplement. U21:
1199; 1000-1099; 900-999; 800-899; U800; UNR. K-3 Championship: 2012 U.S. Game/10 Championship (QC) $500+entry to 2013 US Junior Closed - $250-$125-$75-$50. Individual
1100-1199; 1000-1099; 900-999; 800-899; 700-799; 600-699; U600; 6SS, G/10. FIDE Rated. Riviera Hotel and Casino, 2901 Las Vegas Boule- plaques to top five overall, plaques for best player age 18, 17, 16, 15,
UNR. K-1 Championship: All players in this section receive a trophy. All vard South, Las Vegas 89109. $$G 5,000. 1500-800-500, U2300 450, Under 15, and for ratings U1600, U1400, U1200. U21 is also FIDE rated.
participants will receive a commemorative medal at the completion of the U2100 400, U1900 350, U1700 300, U1500 250, U1300 200, U1100 150, U15: Individual trophies to top ten overall, trophies for best player age
final round. Teams: A team must have at least two players, although no unrated 100. There must be 3 players eligible for each prize to be 14, 13, 12, 11, Under 11, and for ratings U1400, U1200, U1000. U11: Indi-
maximum number of players. The top four scores in any section will count awarded. EF: $69 by 5/28, $79 by 6/13 $100 on site. REG.: 2-4 p.m. Rds.: vidual trophies to top ten overall, trophies to best player age 10, 9, 8, 7,
for the team score. All on team must attend the same school. Open- 5-5:30-6-6:30-7-7:30. Higher of regular or quick rating used. Bring Under 7, and for ratings U1200, U1000, U800. U8: Individual trophies to
ing Ceremony: 12:30pm Friday. Main Event rounds: Friday 1pm, 7pm; clocks. 1/2 point bye available in any round (limit 2). HR: $59 single or
Saturday 9am, 2pm, 7pm; Sunday 9am, 2pm. Schedule for K-1: Friday double ($89 Friday and Saturday nights). 1-800-634-6753 or (702) 734-
1:30pm, 6:30pm; Saturday 9:30am, 1:30pm, 6:30pm; Sunday 9:30am, 5110. ENT: National Open, PO Box 90925, Henderson, NV 89009-0925,
1:30pm. Awards Ceremony: Approx 7pm Sunday. Awards Ceremony on line www.VegasChessFestival.com or fax at (702) 933-9112. NS.
for K-1: Approx 5:30pm Sunday. Special Events: National Elementary NC. W. USCF Membership Rates
Bughouse Championship: Thursday 11am; EF (on site only) $25 per
A Heritage Event! Premium (P) and Regular (R)
team. Bughouse registration ends at 10am Thurs. National Elementary
Blitz Championship: Two sections: K-6 and K-3. Thursday 5pm; EF $15
An American Classic! (U.S., CANADA, MEXICO)
June 15-17 or 16-17, Nevada
per player, $20 after May 6 or on site. Scholastic Meeting: 3pm Satur-
Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 200 (Enhanced) Type 1 yr 2yr 3yr
day. Saturday. Parents and Friends Tournament: 4SS, G/30, Saturday 2012 National Open
10:30am, 12:30pm, 2:30pm, 4:30pm. Trophies for Parents/Friends, par- 6-SS, 40/2, SD/1 (2 day option rds 1-3 G/45). Riviera Hotel and Casino, Adult P $46 $84 $122
ticipant and student combined results. Mail entries to: U.S. Chess 2901 Las Vegas Boulevard South, Las Vegas 89109. $80,000 Guaran-
Federation, Attn: Elementary, P.O. Box 3967, Crossville, TN 38557. Addi- Adult R $40 $72 $104
teed Prize Fund will not be reduced. Championship. $$: 6400-3200-
tional details, updates, corrections and on-line registration: www. 1600-800-500-300-300-300-300-300-200-200-200-200-200, under 2500 Senior (65+) $40 $72 $104
uschess.org/tournaments/2012/elem. Chess Magnet School JGP. 1600, under 2400 1200, under 2300 1000. $2,000 EXTRA for perfect score. Young Adult P (U25)* $33 $61 $88
May 26-28, Arizona The winner of the Championship section also receives a replica of the Ed-
2012 U.S. Amateur West Championship mondson Cup. Under 2200. $$: 3200-1600-800-500-400-250-250-250-250- Young Adult R (U25)* $26 $47 $67
Holiday Inn Palo Verde, 4550 S. Palo Verde Rd., Tucson, AZ 85714, 520- 250-200-200-200-200-200. Under 2000.$$:3200-1600-800-500-400-250- Youth P (U16)* $28 $51 $73
746-1161. SECTIONS: Championship (U2200), Reserve (U1600), Booster 250-250-250-250-200-200-200-200-200. Under 1800. $$: 3200-1600-800-
(U1200), Scholastic I (must be K-6 and U1000) and Scholastic II (must 500-400-250-250-250-250-250-200-200-200-200-200. Under 1600. $$: Youth R (U16)* $22 $40 $57
be K-6 and U600). Scholastic sections are 6 separate 1-day tourna- 3200-1600-800-500-400-250-250-250-250-250-200-200-200-200-200. Scholastic P (U13)* $24 $43 $61
ments. SCHEDULE: (Championship, Reserve, and Booster) 6/SS, 40/2, Under 1400. $$: 2000-1000-700-400-300-250-250-250-250-250. Under
25/1. Reg.: 5/26, 8:30 - 9:30 AM. Rds.: 10-4, 10-4, 9-3. (Scholastic I and 1200. $$: 1200-600-400-300-250-200-200-200-200. Unrated, $$: 500- Scholastic R (U13)* $17 $30 $42
II) 4/SS, G/40. Reg.: 8:30 - 9:30 AM each day. Rds.: Round 1 at 10 AM 300-200. Plus Score Bonus ($14,000 guaranteed) in addition to any other
Premium membership provides a printed copy
of Chess Life (monthly) or Chess Life for Kids
then as available for Rounds 2-4. PRIZES: (Championship) Digital prizes, every player who finishes with 3-1/2 points or better wins a $50
Clock + plaque to Top 3, Top 1900-1999, 1800-1899, 1700-1799, 1600- gift certificate. Plus score certificates will be awarded on site only. Play-
1699, and U1600; Plaque to top Senior 50+, Junior U20 and Junior U14. ers under age 15 are eligible for best game prizes including the Freddie (bimonthly) plus all other benefits of regular
(Reserve) Digital clock + plaque to Top 3, Top 1300-1399, 1200-1299, award plus $200 (donated by Fred Gruenberg). Top 2 sections FIDE membership. Regular membership provides
and U1200; Plaque to top Senior 50+ and Junior U14. (Booster) Digital rated. EF: $169 by 2/29, $199 by 5/28, $219 by 6/13, $240 on site. $40 online-only access to Chess Life and Chess Life
for Kids; a tournament life announcement
clock + trophy to 1st; Trophy to 2nd - 5th, Top Unrated and Junior U11. discount for seniors 65 and over. Add $120 for adults rated under 2100
(Scholastic I each day) Digital clock + trophy to 1st; Trophy to 2nd - or juniors under 2000 playing in the Championship Section. This is an open
5th. (Scholastic II each day) Trophy to 1st-5th. SPECIAL PRIZES: 1st tournament - you may play in any section at or above your rating level; newsletter will be mailed to adults bimonthly
and to scholastic members three times per
year. Youth provides bimonthy Chess Life,
Place in Championship and Reserve will receive a FREE ENTRY to the unrated players may play only in Unrated or Championship Section. Pro-
2012 National Open. Top 2 Family Pairs in the non-scholastic sections. visionally rated players may not win more than 3rd prize in any section
Scholastic bimonthly Chess Life for Kids, oth-
Biggest Upset of each round in the non-Scholastic sections. Digital clock except Championship. CCA minimum ratings or other ratings may be used
ers listed above monthly Chess Life. See
to Scholastic I player with the highest combined score over the three 1- if higher than USCF June Supplement. Reg.: 3 p.m.-10 p.m. Thursday, 8-
day tournaments. EF: (Championship & Reserve) $60 if rec'd by 5/23, $70 9:30 a.m. Friday. Rds.: 11-6, 10-5, 10-5. 2-day schedule: Reg.: 8-9 a.m.
if after 5/23. (Booster) $40 if rec'd by 5/23, $50 if after 5/23. (Scholas- Saturday. Rds.: 10-12-2-5: merge with 3-day in round 4. Half point byes www.uschess.org for other membership cat-
tic I and II) $15 each day or $40 for all three days if by 5/23, additional available in any round, but round 5 or 6 byes must be requested before egories. Dues are not refundable and may be
$10 if after 5/23. ALL: Half-point byes allowed for all rounds but must the start of round 2. Chess sets and boards provided for tournament play
be requested prior to start of Round 2. SIDE EVENT: Blitz tournament only, not for skittles. Please bring chess clocks! The LAS VEGAS INTER- changed without notice.
Friday 5/25; G/5, 5 Rounds, Double SS; Entry Fee: $10 ($15 to non-tour- NATIONAL CHESS FESTIVAL features the National Open, the U.S *Ages at expiration
nament players); Reg.: 6:006:45pm at site; Rounds: begin at 7:00pm Game/10 Championship, the International Youth Championship and
top ten overall, best player age 7, 6 & Under, and for ratings U1000, U800, Top places $8000-4000-2000-1500-1000-700-500-400, clear winner or $78, 2-day $77 mailed by 5/11, both $79 online at chesstour.com by 5/16,
U600; honorable mention trophies for all others U8. Commemorative playoff $200 bonus. If tie for first, top two on tiebreak play speed game $85 phoned to406-896-2038 by 5/16 (entry only, no questions), $90 at
medals for all participants. Teams: Trophies to top three school teams (White 5 minutes, Black 3 minutes and gets draw odds, 5 second delay) site. No checks at site, credit cards OK. Entry fee $50 less to all in U1310.
and top club team in each of the four sections. Top four scores, minimum for bonus and title. Class Prizes: Top Master (2200-2399) $2400-1200- Special 1 year USCF dues with magazine if paid with entry- online at
of three, count towards team score in each section. Byes: One half-point 600-300, Expert (2000-2199) $2400-1200-600-300, Class A (1800-1999) chesstour.com, Adult $30, Young Adult $20, Scholastic $15. Mailed,
bye, any round except Rd 6, if requested before Rd 1. EF: $35 postmarked $2400-1200-600-300, Class B (1600-1799) $2400-1200-600-300, Class C phoned or paid at site, Adult $40, Young Adult $30, Scholastic $20. Re-
or on line by 7/2, $50 after 7/2; no checks on site. Schedule: Onsite reg- (1400-1599) $2000-1000-500-300, Class D (1200-1399) $1500-700-400- entry $40, not available in Open Section. GMs free, $60 deducted from
istration, Fri 8:30 11:00am. Opening Ceremony, Fri 12:45pm. Rounds, 200, Class E or below (under 1200) $1200-600-400-200, Unrated prize. 3-day schedule: Reg ends Fri 6:30 pm, rds. Fri 7, Sat 12 & 6, Sun
Fri 1pm & 6pm; Sat 9:30am & 2:15pm; Sun 9am & 1:30pm. Awards Cer- $700-400-200. Special prizes for Life Titles: Top Life Senior Master Under 10 & 3:15. 2-day schedule: Reg ends Sat 11:30 am, rds Sat 12, 3 &, 6,
emony 6:00pm (approx). Side Events: Blitz, U21 & U11. Sat 6:30pm, EF: 2500: $600. Top Life Master, (or Original Life Master) Under 2300: Sun 10 & 3:15. Half point byes OK all, must commit before rd 2; limit 2
$15 by 7/2, $20 on site. Bughouse: One section, Sat ASAP after Blitz, $600. Top Candidate Master (or higher title) Under 2100: $500. Top First byes (limit 1 bye if under 1810/unr in Open). HR: 65-65 (poolside), 75-
EF: $25 per team, on site only. Parents and Friends Tournament (not Category (or higher title) Under 1900: $500. Top Second Category (or 75 (regular), call 518-668-5744 Mon-Fri 9 am-5pm, reserve by 5/4 or rate
rated): 3SS, G/30, Sat, Rds 10:30, 2:30 & 4:00pm. EF: $20, on site only. higher title) Under 1700: $500. Top Third Category (or higher) Under 1500: may increase. Car rental: Avis, 800-331-1600, use AWD #D657633, or
Prizes: Trophies to top three plus one USCF Premium membership for $400. Top Fourth Category (or higher) Under 1300: $300. Life Titles reserve car online through chesstour.com. Unofficial uschess.org ratings
each five participants. ENTRIES: Mail to Francisco L. Guadalupe, 305 Wil- must be established by August 1, 2012. Special life title prizes will be cal- usually used if otherwise unrated. Ent: Continental Chess, Box 249, Sal-
low Pointe Dr., League City, TX 77573. Info: flguadalupe@aol.com. Enter culated and awarded August 24, 2012. Half Point Byes: must commit isbury Mills, NY 12577. www.chesstour.com, DirectorAtChess.us, 845-496-
online at: www.active.com/event_detail.cfm?event_id=2015371. Note: before Round 4; up to 3 byes allowed for 2000/up, 2 byes for 1400-1999, 9658. $15 service charge for refunds. Advance entries posted atchess-
Active.com charges a small fee. Phone entries: (713) 530-7820. Add $3 one bye for Under 1400/Unr. Limit 1 bye in last two rounds. Zero point tour.com. Chess Magnet School JGP.
(per player) for phone entries. Tournament website link at http://main.us byes are always available in any round. Entry Fee: Online, $145 by
chess.org/content/view/10014/95. Chess Magnet School JGP. 6/17, $165 by 7/29, $185 after 7/29. By mail, $147 postmarked by May 19-20 or 20, New York
6/17, $167 postmarked by 7/29; do not mail after 7/29! By phone, $150 Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 10 (Enhanced)
Aug. 4-8, Washington Marshall May Grand Prix!
2012 Trophies Plus U.S. Girls Junior Open Championship by 6/17, $170 by 7/29, $185 after. No phone entries after 8/2 (close of
business at the Office)! At site, all $190; GMs free. All entries must be 4-SS, 30/85d5, SD/1d5. Marshall CC, 23 W. 10th St., NYC. 212 477-
6SS, G/90+30 seconds. Hilton Vancouver Washington (see U.S. Open). 3716. EF: $50, members $30. $$625 Gtd: 275-150, U2200/unr. $105,
Open to all females born after 7/30/90. Must be US resident to qualify made at least 2 hours prior to your first game. Current USCF member-
ship required. August official ratings used; unofficial ratings used if U2000 $95. Reg. ends 15 min. before round. Rds.: 2 schedules: 2-day,
for Scholarship money. EF: Free if playing in U.S. Open (must play in 6- Rds 12:30-5:30PM each day; 1-day, (Rds. 1-2 G/25d5) 10-11:15AM-
Day or 4-Day Schedule), otherwise $50 mailed by 7/24 or on line by 7/27, otherwise unrated. CCA ratings used if above USCF. Foreign player rat-
ings: usually 100 points added to FIDE or FQE, 200+ added to most 12:30-5:30PM Sun; both merge rd. 3. Limit 2 byes, request at entry. NO
$60 at site. Prizes: 1st Place: $500 Scholarship and Plaque; 2nd Place: RE-ENTRY. FIDE (G/30 not FIDE ratable). www.marshallchessclub.org.
$350 Scholarship and Plaque; 3rd Place: $150 Scholarship and Plaque; foreign national ratings, no points added to CFC. Highest of multiple rat-
ings generally used. Entries: USCF, ATTN: 2012 U.S. Open, PO Box 3967, Chess Magnet School JGP.
Plaques to Top A, B, C, D, E, Unr. Registration ends Sat 6:30 pm, Rds.
Sat 7 pm, Sun/Mon 12 noon & 7 pm, Tue 11 am. Ent: USCF (Girls Junior Crossville, TN 38557. Online entry: https://secure2.uschess.org/web- An American Classic!
Open), PO Box 3967, Crossville, TN 38557. Online entry: https://secure.us store/tournament.php?wkevent=2012USOPEN. Phone entry: 800-903- May 24-28, 25-28, 26-28 or 27-28, Illinois
chess.org/webstore/tournaments.php. Chess Magnet School JGP. 8723. FIDE rated, No cell phones. Bring a clock -- none supplied. Sets/ Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 200 (Enhanced)
boards supplied for tournament but not for skittles. Many meetings, work- 21st annual Chicago Open
A Heritage Event! shops and seminars, including: USCF Committee Meetings 8/8-10, USCF Open Section, May 24-28: 9SS, 40/90, SD/30, inc/30 GM & IM norms
Aug. 4-12, 7-12 or 9-12, Washington Awards Luncheon 8/11 noon, USCF Delegates Meeting 8/11-12. possible, all Open entry fees $100 more than below for US players never
Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 300 Many side events and other championships, including: Womens U.S. Open rated 2200/over by FIDE. Under 2300 to Under1300, May 25-28, 26-
113th annual U.S. Open (see separate TLA for the Womens event), U.S. Open Blitz Champi- 28 or 27-28: 7SS, 40/2, SD/1, d/5 (3-day option, rds 1-2 G/75, d/5; 2-day
Includes traditional one game per day schedule (9 days), also 6-day slow onship 7SS Double, 12noon 8/11; Weekend Swiss 5SS G/60, 10-1-3:30 option, rds. 1-4 G/40, d/5). Under 1100, (NOTE CHANGE), May 26-28
time control option, and 4-day option requiring only 3 nights hotel stay Sat 8/4, 10 & 1 Sun 8/5; U.S. Open Scholastic (see separate TLA for or 27-28: 7SS, G/90, d/5 (2-day option, rds 1-4 G/40, d/5). Under 900,
for most players. 9SS, 40/2, SD/1, D5 (4 day option, Rds. 1-6, G/60, D5). the Scholastic event); U.S. Open Quads G/30 12-1:30-2:30 Mon, Wed, May 27-28: 7SS, G/40, d/5. All: No 5 minute time deduction. At Westin
Hilton Vancouver Washington, 301 W. 6th Street, Vancouver, WA 98660. Thu, Fri; U.S. Open G/15 Championship 12-1-2-3-4 Wed 8/8; U.S. Chicago North Shore Hotel, 601 North Milwaukee Ave., Wheeling, IL
Self Parking $13.00, valet $17.00 per night. HR: $110 single/quad, 360- Open Bughouse Sun. 7:00 pm 8/6. 16th Annual Golf Tournament for 60090 (from Chicago, I-294 north to US-45 north; from Milwaukee, I-94
993-4500, reserve by July 12 or rate may increase. $50,000 in prizes based the U.S. Open Chess Players, (see tournament website for details). U.S. east to Lake Cook Rd to US-45 south.) Free parking. Free analysis of your
on 500 paid entries, else proportional, $40,000 (80% of each prize) min- Open Tennis Tournament (see tournament website for details). In games by GM John Fedorowicz, beginning two hours after the start of
imum guaranteed. A one section tournament with Class prizes. Top US addition, three other championships will also take place: the 2012 Denker each 4-day round. Free lectures by GM Fedorowicz 5pm Friday, 9 am each
player not otherwise qualified qualifies for 2013 US Championship. Tournament of HS Champions, the 2012 Barber Tournament of K- day Saturday, Sunday, Monday. $100,000 guaranteed prize fund. In 9
Choice of three schedules: Traditional: 40/2, SD/1, D5. One round daily 8 Champions, and the 2012 Trophies Plus U.S. Girls Junior Open (see sections. Open: $10000-5000-2500-1200-900-700-600-500-400-300,
at 7 pm, except Rd 9, 3 pm 8/12. 6-Day Option: 7 pm 8/7, 12 noon & 7 separate TLA for the Girls event). Please check the U.S. Open web- clear or tiebreak winner bonus $200, top FIDE Under 2500/Unr $2000-
pm 8/8-10, 7 pm 8/11, 3 pm 8/12. 4-Day Option: 1 pm, 4 pm & 7 pm site often for updates, new information and corrections! www.us 1000. FIDE rated, GM and IM norms possible. Under 2300: $5000-2500-
8/9; 10 am, 1 pm, 3:30 pm & 7 pm 8/10, 7 pm 8/11, 3 pm 8/12. All sched- chess.org/tournaments/2012/usopen/. FIDE. Chess Magnet School 1200-900-700-600-500-400-300-300. FIDE rated. Under 2100: $5000-
ules merge after Round 6 & compete for same prizes. Projected prizes: JGP for U.S. Open. 2500-1200-900-700-600-500-400-300-300. Under 1900: $5000-2500-
1200-900-700-600-500-400-300-300. Under 1700: $5000-2500-1200-
Aug. 8-12, Washington 900-700-600-500-400-300-300. Under 1500: $4000-2000-1000-800-600-
2012 Womens U.S. Open 500-400-400-300-300. Under 1300: $4000-2000-1000-800-600-500-400-
5SS, Game 90 + 30 Seconds. Hilton Vancouver Washington, 301 W 6th 400-300-300. Under 1100: $1500-700-400-300-200-200-100-100. Under
CONTINENTAL CHESS SCHEDULE Street, Vancouver, WA 98660. Self Parking $13.00, valet $17.00 per 900: $500-300-200, trophies to first 5, top U700, U500, U300, Unrated.
Visit www.chesstour.com for late news, night. HR: $110 single/quad, 360-993-4500, reserve by July 12 or rate Prize limits: 1) Players with under 26 lifetime games rated through 5/12
may increase. $2000 Guaranteed. EF: $50. One section with class prizes. list may not win over $800 U1100, $1500 U1300 or $2500 U1500. Games
results, games, minimum ratings, entries, etc. Prizes: $500 (+ trophy), $300, $200. Class Prizes: U2000, U1800, U1600, rated too late for 5/12 list not counted. 2) If official rating 5/11-4/12 or
Most tournaments have alternate schedules U1400, U1200: $200 each. Rounds: 8/8 to 8/11, 11:00 AM, 8/12, 10:00 unofficial post-event rating posted 5/24/11-5/24/12 was more than 30
playing less or more days than listed below. AM. Half point byes: Limit 1, must commit before Round 2. Entry Fee: points over section maximum, prize limit $1500. 3) Unrated (0-3 lifetime
Asterisk means full details in this issue- Online, $50 by August 7th. By mail, $50 postmarked by 7/29; do not mail games rated) cannot win over $200 inU900, $400 U1100, $700 U1300,
otherwise, see future issues or our website. after 7/29! By phone, $50 by 8/7. No phone entries after 8/7 (close of $1000 U1500, $1500 U1700, $2000 U1900 or $2500 U2100. Unofficial
business at the Office)! At site, all $50. Registration At site closes August uschess.org ratings usually used if otherwise unrated. 4) Balance of any
8 at 10:00 AM. August official ratings used; unofficial ratings used if limited prize goes to next player(s) in line. Top 7 sections Mailed EF:
5/18-20: N ew Y ork State O pen, Lake G eorge N Y *
otherwise unrated. CCA ratings used if above USCF. Foreign player rat- 5-day Open $205, 4-day $204, 3-day$203, 2-day $202 mailed by 3/29; 5-
5/24-28: C hicago O pen, W heeling IL*
ings: usually 100 points added to FIDE or FQE, 200+ added to most day $225, 4-day $224, 3-day $223, 2-day $222 mailed by 5/16; all $250
6/8-10: N ortheast O pen, Stamford C T* foreign national ratings, no points added to CFC. Highest of multiple rat- at site. No checks at site, credit cards OK. Top 7 sections online EF at
6/24: Schenectady O pen, Schenectady N Y * ings generally used. Entries: USCF, ATTN: 2012 U.S. Womens Open, PO chesstour.com: $207 by 3/29, $227 by 5/21, $250 after 5/21 until 2 hours
6/29-7/3: Philadelphia International, Philadelphia PA* Box 3967, Crossville, TN 38557. Online entry: www.uschess.org/tour- before rd 1. Top 7 sections phoned EF at 406-896-2038 (entry only, no
7/1-3: W orld O pen Senior Amateur, W omen, & U nder 13* naments/2012/womens/. Phone entry: 800-903-8723. No cell phones. questions): $230 by 5/21 (entry only, no questions). No phone entry
7/4-8: W orld O pen, Philadelphia PA* Bring a clock -- none supplied. Sets/boards supplied for tournament but after 5/21. GMs, IMs, WGMs, foreign FMs free in Open; $200 deducted
7/20-22: C hicago C lass, W heeling IL* not for skittles. Please see the US Open TLA for side events, com- from prize. All Open Section EF $100 more for US players never rated 2200
7/20-22: Pacific C oast O pen, Agoura Hills C A* mittee meetings, delegate meetings and other events held during or over by FIDE. EF $100 less to seniors age 65/over in top 7 sections.
7/27-29: Southern O pen, O rlando FL* the Open. Please check the U.S. Open website often for updates, Under 1100 EF: $85 mailed by 5/16, $87 online at chesstour.com by 5/21,
7/27-29: Bradley O pen, W indsor Locks C T* new information and corrections! www.uschess.org/tourna- $100 at site. Under 900 EF: $35 mailed by 5/16, $37 online at chess
8/3-5: C leveland O pen, C leveland O H* ments/2012/womens/. Chess Magnet School JGP. tour.com by 5/21, $50 at site. Online or mailed EF $5 less to ICA mem-
8/10-12: C ontinental O pen, Sturbridge M A* bers; join at il-chess.org. An ICA Tour Event. Special 1 yr USCF dues
with magazine if paid with entry: Online at chesstour.com, Adult $30, Young
8/17-19: Indianapolis O pen, Indianapolis IN *
8/17-19: M anhattan O pen, N ew Y ork N Y * Grand Prix Adult $20, Scholastic $15. Mailed, phoned or paid at site, Adult $40, Young
8/17-19: C entral C alifornia O pen, Fresno C A* Adult $30, Scholastic $20. Re-entry: $100, no re-entry from Open to Open.
May 15, New York
5-day schedule (Open): Reg. ends Thu 6 pm, rds Thu 7 pm, Fri 12 & 7,
8/24-26: Atlantic O pen, W ashington D C * Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 15 (Enhanced)
9/1-3: N ew Y ork State C hampionship, Albany N Y * Marshall Masters! Sat 11 & 6, Sun 11 & 6, Mon 10 & 4:30. 4-day schedule (U2300 to U1300):
4-SS, G/25d5. Third Tuesday of every month. Marshall CC, 23 W. 10th St., Reg. ends Fri 6pm, Rds. Fri 7 pm, Sat 11 & 6, Sun 11 & 6, Mon 10 & 4:30.
9/14-16: N ew England Senior, W indsor Locks C T
NYC. 212-477-3716. Open to players rated over 2100 (plus all players scor- 3-day schedule (U2300 to U1300): Reg. ends Sat 10 am, Rds. Sat 11,
9/15-16: Hartford O pen, W indsor Locks C T
ing over 50% in any MCC Open or U2300 tournament since the prior 2:30 & 6, Sun 11 & 6, Mon 10 & 4:30. 2-day U2300 to U1300 sched-
9/21-23: Louisville O pen, Louisville KY ule: Reg. ends Sun 9 am, Rds. Sun 10, 12, 2, 3:45 & 6, Mon 10 & 4:30.
9/30: C apital R egion O pen, Schenectady N Y month's Masters). EF: $40, members $30, GMs free. $$G250-150-100.
4-day, 3-day & 2-day U2300 to U1300 schedules merge & compete for
10/4-8: C ontinental C lass, Arlimgton V A* Prizes to U2400, U2300 and biggest upset. Reg.: 6:15-6:45 pm. Rds.: 7-
same prizes. 3-day Under 1100 schedule: Reg. Ends Sat. 1 pm, Rds Sat
8:15-9:30-10:45. One bye available (Rd 1 or 4 only), request at entry.
10/5-7: Los Angeles O pen, Los Angeles C A 2 pm & 6 pm, Sun 10, 2 & 6, Mon 10 & 2. 2-day Under 1100 schedule:
10/12-14: M idw est C lass, W heeling IL Reg. ends Sun 9 am, Rds Sun 10, 12, 2, 3:45 & 6, Mon 10 & 2. 3-day &
10/19-21: Boardw alk O pen, Asbury Park N J May 18-20 or 19-20, New York 2-day U1100 schedules merge & compete for same prizes. Under 900
10/24-28: Bahamas International, N assau, Bahamas* Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 20 (Enhanced) schedule: Reg. ends Sun 9 am, rds Sun 10, 12, 2 & 3:45, Mon 10, 12, 2.
11/2-4: Eastern Team C hampionship, Stamford C T 20th annual New York State Open Byes: OK all, limit 4(limit 2 in last 4 rds), Open must commit before rd
11/9-11: Kings Island O pen, M ason O H 5SS, 30/90, SD/1, d/5 (2-day option, rds 1-2 G/60, d/5). Tiki Resort (for- 2, others before rd 4. Hotel rates: $103-103-103-103, 800-937-8461, 847-
11/23-25: N atiional C hess C ongress, Philadelphia PA merly Howard Johnson), 2 Canada St., Lake George, NY 12845. $$G 777-6500, reserve by 5/11 or rate may increase. Car rental: Avis, 800-
12/26-29: N orth American O pen, Las V egas N V 3000. In 4 sections. Open: $$ 400-200-150, top Under 2010 $230-120, 331-1600, AWD #D657633, or reserve car online through chesstour.com.
12/26-29: Empire C ity O pen, N ew Y ork N Y
top Under 1810/Unr $220-110. Senior, open to under 1910 or unrated Foreign player ratings: Usually 100 points added to FIDE, 100 to FQE,
1/11-13: C ontinental Amateur & M asters, Boston M A
born before 5/21/62. $$ 300-150-80, top Under 1710 $120-60. Under 200/more to most other foreign, no pts added to CFC or Jamaica. Some
1610: $$ 300-150-80, Under 1410 $120-60, unrated limit $150. Under foreign ratings not accepted for U1900 or below. Highest of multiple rat-
F or later events, see chesstour.com .
1310: $100-50, trophies to first 3, top U1000, U800, Unr. All: 1 year NYSCA ings usually used. Players who fail to disclose foreign or FIDE ratings may
membership prize to NY residents who are not members. EF: 3-day be expelled. US player ratings: May official ratings used; FIDE ratings
used for Open Section. Unofficial uschess.org ratings usually used if oth- by 5/18, $100 on-line thru 5/23 at www.chesscenter.cc, $110 by phone will be put in the 3 day. HR: $75/75/75/75, $75 rate includes full break-
erwise unrated. Special rules: 1) Players must submit to a search for thru 5/23, $120 at site; all EF $20 less to players rated U1400 in U1600 fast buffet, 972-661-3600 or 888-627-8436 reserve by 5/11/12 and ask
electronic devices if requested by Director. In round 3 or after, players Section, $60 less to unrated players in Under 1600 Section (only players for Dallas Chess Club rate. Free Parking. Up to two 1/2 pt byes available
with scores of 80% or over and their opponents may not use head- with 3 games or less are unrated), $60 less to all in Under 1200 Section, if requested before end of rd. 2, but byes for both rd. 6 AND 7 not per-
phones, earphones, cellphones, or go to a different floor of the hotel GMs free ($90 from prize). Re-entry $70 except from Open to Open. 4- mitted. K-12 Scholastic on Saturday, 5/26. 5-SS, Rds. G/30 d5, EF: $29
without Director permission. Ent: Continental Chess, Box 249, Salis- Day Schedule: reg. ends Fri 6 pm. Rds Fri. 7, Sat. 11 & 6, Sun.11 & 6, by 5/18, $44 after; Pre-reg. requires pre-payment. After 5/23/12 all reg-
bury Mills, NY 12577. Questions: DirectorAtChess.US, 845-496-9658, Mon. 10 & 4:30. 3-Day Schedule: Reg. ends Sat. 10 am. Rds. Sat. 11, istration and changes on site only; all changes $10 after 5/23/12. No
www.chesstour.com. You may request lowest possible section if May 2:30 & 6, Sun. 11 & 6, Mon. 10 & 4:30. 2-Day Schedule: Reg. ends Sun refunds after 5/23/12, $10 handling fee for refunds before 5/23/12.
rating unknown. $15 service charge for refunds. Advance entries will be 9:30 am. Rds. Sun. 10, 12, 2, 4, 6, Mon. 10 & 4:30. All schedules merge Entries do not count toward base in Championship and Amateur. Regis-
posted at chesstour.com. Chess Magnet School JGP. and compete for same prizes. Limit 3 byes, Open must commit before rd. tration 8:15-8:45 am, Rd. 1 at 9:30 am, rest ASAP with small lunch
May 25-27, South Carolina 2, others before rd. 4. Prize limit $450 for players with any post-tourna- break. Sections: K-12 Championship and K-12 U1000. 5/26. 5-SS, Rds.
Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 20 ment rating after 4/6/12 on uschess.org more than 30 points over G/30 d5. Prizes: Trophies to top 12 individuals, five teams in each sec-
South Carolina Open section limit. Balances of all limited prizes go to next eligible player(s). tion. K-12 U1000 also top three unrateds. Medals to those who do not
Hilton Garden Inn, 108 Carolina Point Parkway, Greenville, SC 29605. 5- Unofficial ratings at us.chess.org usually used if otherwise unrated. win a trophy. Ent: Dallas Chess Club, C/O Barbara Swafford, 2709 Long-
SS, 35/90/d5, SD/60/d5 (Rd 1 of 2 Day schedule is G/90/d5). Prize Fund: $15 charge for refunds. HR: 212-971-0101. Free Digital Clock Setting Sem- horn Trail, Crowley, TX 76036. Info: Barb Swafford, 214-632-9000, info@
$3700 Unconditionally Guaranteed! Open (Fide Rated) $600-$300-$100, inar by IA Carol Jarecki: 5pm Sat (for players too embarrassed to ask dallaschess.com, www.dallaschess.com. NS. NC. W. FIDE. Chess Mag-
U2200 $150-$100, U2000 $150-100, U1800 $500-$250-$100, U1600 the TD to set their clocks and for TDs too embarrassed to admit they can't). net School JGP.
$150-$100, U1400 $500-$250-$100, U1200 $150-$100. All prizes in all Questions, chesscentr@aol.com or 845-569-9969, credit card
phone entries (but no questions) thru 5/23: 406-896-2191. After May 26, Tennessee
sections unconditionally guaranteed! All: EF: $59 if received by May 19, Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 6
$70 by May 24, $75 on site. Re-entry $40. Advance entries should be sent 5/23, enter at site only (no checks, credit cards OK). CCA ratings may
be used. Ent: Chess Center of NY, PO Box 4615, New Windsor, NY Rutherford County Open
to: Walter High, 105 North Crabtree Knoll, Chapel Hill, NC 27514. Make 5-SS, rd.1 G/25d5, rd.2 G/55d5, Rds.3, 4, 5 G/70d5. Grace Lutheran
checks to CCI. GMs/IMs free. SCCA membership required. OSA. One 12553. Bring sets, clocks, boards! W. Chess Magnet School JGP.
Church, 811 E. Clark Blvd., Murfreesboro, TN. EF: $25 by 5/24, $30 at site.
bye allowed. Must be requested by 1:30PM on Saturday. Unr may not win A State Championship Event! $$ (1160, top 2 G, class prizes b/6 entries per class, else proportional):
prizes in U1800 and U1400 sections. Reg.: Friday 5PM to 7:30PM Sat- A Heritage Event! $200-120, X, A, B, C, D, E/below, Unr. each $120. Reg.: 8:00-8:45am. Rds.:
urday 8AM to 9:30AM. Rds.: Fri 8 PM or Sat 10AM, then Sat 2PM and 8PM, May 25-28 or 26-28, Texas 9:00-10:00-12:30-3:00-5:30. Ent: Rutherford County Chess Club, P.O.
Sun 9AM and 3PM. INFO: Gary Newsom (704) 618-1259, gary.newsom@ Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 30 (Enhanced) Box 1593, Murfreesboro, TN 37133. http://rccc.us/ (with map to site),
queencitychess.com or Walter High wmhigh@nc.rr.com. More info may Texas State and Amateur Championships rccc@rccc.us, 615-895-7989. NS. NC. W. Chess Magnet School JGP.
be available at: www.carlolinaschessinitiative.com. Special Saturday 7SS. Sheraton Dallas North Hotel, 4801 Lyndon B. Johnson Fwy, Dallas,
Only Scholastic Section 4-SS, G/45/d5. EF: $20. Rounds: 10:30AM, TX 75244. $$ 8,350 b/175, full entries in Championship and Amateur sec- May 26, Virginia
12:15PM, 2:00PM, 3:45PM. Sections determined by attendance. Tro- tions, 2 scholastic side events that do not count toward base. Cham- Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 10 (Enhanced)
phies to top 5 in each section. HR: $79 1-4. (864) 284-0111 Mention SC pionship: (This section is FIDE rated but uses USCF rules. Must be Sterling Chess May Open and RBO
Open Chess Tourney Group Code CT5. Chess Magnet School JGP. rated 2000 or above by either USCF or Fide to play in this section. Hilton Inn & Suites Dulles, 22700 Holiday Park Dr., Sterling, VA 20166.
Defending Amateur Champion may also play in this section. Texas Three sections: Open 4SS, G/61 T/D5, $$400 Gtd., 200/130/70.
May 25-28, 26-28 or 27-28, New York U1600 4SS, G/61 T/D5, medal to winner. U900 4SS, G/25 T/D5, medal
Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 60 Scholastic High School Champions may also play in this section. Foreign
unrateds may play in this section.) G/90 with 30 sec. increment: $$ 1,000- to winner. Rds.: Open and U1600 11:15, 2:00, 4:30, 7:00. U900 12:30, 1:45,
The 2nd Annual New Yorker Open! 3:00, 4:15. Doors open 10:30. EF: Open $30, U1600 $25, U900 $20.
7-SS, 40/2, SD/1 + d5 (3-Day Option, rds. 1-2 G/75 + d/5; 2-Day Option, 500-250, 2200-2399 $700, U2200 $800. Amateur: U2000 & unrated.
Rds. 1-7 30/90 d5, SD/1 d5, rd. 1 of three day is G/115 d5. $$ 800-400- Unrateds free. Entries limited: Register online at www.meetup.com/ster-
rds. 1-4 G/45 + d5). Chess Center of New York at the historic New Yorker ling-chess-tournaments. Pay on website. Info: news@serranoassociates.
Hotel, 481 Eighth Ave at 34th St., across from Penn Station, NY City. Free 200. B $$ 600-300-150, C 500-250-125, U1400 $500-250-125, U1200
$400, U1000 $300 Unrated $200. Both: TCA membership required. Other com. Bye: Half-point, any round. Players with more than one bye are not
analysis of your games by former US Open Champion GM Mike Rohde eligible for prizes. Chess Magnet School JGP for top two sections.
and USCF's Most Active Play IM Jay Bonin! $10,000 Guaranteed! In 5 states accepted. EF: $88 if received by 5/18, else $99. $80 Junior(U19)
sections. Open: $1,000-500-300-150, top U2450 $450-250. FIDE. Under if received by 5/18 else $90 (juniors count as 90% toward base), Sen- May 26-28 or 27-28, California, Northern
2300: $800-400-200-100, U2150 $350-150. FIDE. Under 2000: $800-400- ior (over 65)/Handicapped/ additional family participant $52 if receive Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 100 (Enhanced)
200-100, top U1800 $350-150. $300 limit to Unr. Under 1600: $700-350- by 5/18 else $65 (Senior/Handicap/ Additional family participant counts Best of the West Class Championship
200-100, top U1400 $250-150, $200 limit to Unr. Under 1200: $400-200- 60% toward base). Add $5 for CC phone entries; pre-reg requires pre- 6SS 30/90 sd/60 (2-day rds 1-3 G/60 merge in rd4). Marriott, 2700 Mis-
100, $100 limit to Unr., trophies to Top Under 1000, Top U800, Top U600, payment. After 5/23/12 all registration and changes on site only; all sion College Blvd., Santa Clara, CA. Hotel $89. Prize: $17,000 b/264
Top Unrated! NEW!! Mixed Doubles Bonus Prizes! Best male/female changes including withdrawals, $10 after 5/23/12. 4 day: Reg. Friday (2/3rd guaranteed). 6 sections. Open (2200+ FIDE rated 82% Gtd): 2500-
2-player team combined score in all sections: $500-250-150 (team- 5/25, 6:15 pm-7:15. Rds. Fri.: 7:45, Sat: 2:30 pm - 8:00, Sun.: 11:00 am 1200-600-200, top u2300 300-100. Expert/A/B/C: 1200-600-300-100-100-
mates average rating must be Under 2200, teammates may play in - 5:15 pm, Mon.: 9 am - 2:45 pm. 3 day: Reg. Sat. 5/26, 9-9:30 am, Rd. 100. D/E/unr: 1000-400-200-100, top u1200 600-300-100. Unr max $300
different sections; teammate pairings avoided but possible, teams must 1 at 10 am then merge with 4 day. Foreign Unrated must play in Cham- exc in Open. EF by 5/22: $99. Onsite +$25, Play-up +$20. r/e $40. Econ
declare by rd. 4). EF: 4-Day $104, 3-Day $103, 2-Day $102 if postmarked pionship section. Registrations that do not indicate 4 or 3 day schedule Opt: EF-20 & 2/3 calc prize (not avail in Open). GMs/IMs free: prize-EF.
May 2012 Supp, CCA min, & TD disc to place players. Sched: 3-day Reg 8-SS, G/90+30spm, (Reserve: 10-SS, G-50+15 spm dual rated). Reg.: cks at site, MC/Visa ok. DCC Mbrs $5 discount. 3-Day Reg: Fri 6pm -
Sa 10-11, Rds Sa/Su 11:30-5:30, Mo 10-3:30; 2-day Reg Su 9-9:30, Rds 9-9:45. $$G 1,900. Quality Inn-Stillwater, 2515 W. 6th Ave. (Hwy-51) Still- 7:30pm. 3 Day Rounds: Fri 8 pm R1, Sat 11-6 Rs 2&3, Sun 9-3:30 Rs 4&5.
Su 10-12:30-2:50-5:30, Mo 10-3:30. Max two 1/2-pt byes, commit bef rd water, OK 1-405-372-0800. HR: 68-68. Wi-Fi, EF: Open: $55, Reserve: $30 2-Day Reg: Fri nite & Sat 9am-1030am, 2 Day Rounds: Sat 11-2:30 Rs
3. Parking $5. Ent: Bay Area Chess, 1639A S. Main St., Milpitas, CA 95035. (deduct $10 only if ck postmarked before May 22): OCF $10 required 1&2, then 3 day schedule. Sun DCC Opens 8 a.m. Byes: 2 ok - must com-
Rfnd fee $20. Info: BayAreaChess.com/bestwest. E: ask@BayAreaChess. OSNA. Two Sections: Open (FIDE): Gtd 1st 500, 300, 200, X: $200 A: $200- mit by R2, 1 if R5. Hotel: Crown Plaza $92 (1-4), 937.229.9835. Ask for
com. T: 408.786.5515. NS, NC, W. Chess Magnet School JGP. 100, B: $200, C+UNR: $200, Rds at 10-2:30-7, 10-2:30-7, 9-1:15. 2 half the Gem City Open Group Rate. Register online at www.DaytonChessClub.
May 26-28 or 27-28, California, Southern pt byes rds 1-8, Reserve: U-1400 and Unrated 1st $100, Other class com or mail to Dayton Chess Club, 18 West 5th St., Dayton, OH 45402.
Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 40 (Enhanced) prizes per entrees; Rds at 10-1-4-7, 10-1-4-7, 9-Noon. 3 half pt byes rds Chess Magnet School JGP.
2012 Lina Grumette Memorial Day Classic 1-10 for Reserve, LS, W, Free Parking. Frank Berry, 402 S. Willis St., Still-
water, OK 74074. FKimBerry@AOL.com, 405 372-5758. Chess Magnet June 2, West Virginia
6-SS, 3-day 40/2, SD/1, 2-day rds. 1-3 G/1 then merges. Hilton Ontario
School JGP for Open Section. Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 30
Airport, 700 N. Haven Ave., Ontario, CA 91764. $10,000 b/200, 50% of each Peter Dupuy Memorial
prize guaranteed. In five sections: Open: $$T+1700- 750-400-300-200, May 27, New York 4 SS, Game/60 (No delay). Registration: 8:30 am to 9:45 am. Rounds:
U2400 400, U2200 700-300-200. Premier (under 2000): $$750- 300-200- Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 15 (Enhanced) 1-10 am/2-1 pm/3-3:30 pm/4-6 pm. Site: Cedar Lakes Conference Cen-
100. Amateur (Under 1800): $$750-300- 200-100. Reserve (Under 2nd Annual New Yorker Open Blitz Championship (QC)! ter, 82 FFA Dr., Ripley, WV 25271. Entry: $75 Adult, $50 Junior. Send
1600): $$750-300-200-100. Booster (Under 1400/unrated): $$400- 5-SS, G/5 + d/0 (5 double rounds, 10 games total). Chess Center at the Entries to: Ripley Chess Club, PO Box 501, Ripley, WV 25271. Make
200-100, U1200 150, Unr 150. (Unrated may win Unrated prizes only.) EF: New Yorker Hotel, 481 Eighth Ave at 34th St., across from Penn Station, Checks Payable to: Charles McCallister. Prizes (Gtd): 1st - $1000;
$88 by 5/24, $99 at door. Booster (U1400) section EF: $72 by 5/24, $85 NYC (see New Yorker Open, 5/25-28). EF at site only: $40, $20 if rated 2nd - $500; 3rd - $250. 1999 to 1800 - 1st - $200; 2nd - $100; 3rd - $50.
door. Reg.: ends 10:30am 5/26, 9:30 am 5/27. Rds.: 3-day: 11-6, 11- Under 1800, GMs free ($25 from prize), specified Greater NY Scholas- 1799 to 1600 - 1st - $200; 2nd - $100; 3rd - $50. 1599 to 1400 - 1st - $200;
6, 10-4:30. 2-day: 10-1-3:30 (G/1), then merges with 3-day at 6. All: SCCF tic prizewinners free. $$1,000 b/40 paid entries (U1800 count 1/2), top 2nd - $100; 3rd - $50. 1399 to 1200 - 1st - $200; 2nd - $100; 3rd - $50.
membership req. ($18 re, $10 jr), OSA. $25 Best Game prize, all sections 3 Gtd: $$ 300-200-100, Top U2400/unr $150, U2200 $130, U2000 $120. Under 1200 & UNR - 1st - $200; 2nd - $100; 3rd - $50. No Smoking, No
eligible. 1 half-point bye if requested at least 1 round in advance, rd. 6 Byes OK rds. 1-2 (1 bye for U2000). CCA ratings may be used. Reg 7-10 Computers. Directions/More information contact: Charles669@cas
must be requested with entry. HR: $89, (909) 980-0400, code CHS, pm. Rds. 10:15-11-11:30-12-12:30. Quick-rated (will not affect regular cable.net, jroush@wvsspa.org or www.ripleychessclub.blogspot.com.
reserve by 5/4. Parking free. Free wireless in public areas, 24-hour air- ratings) but prizes, pairings based on higher of Regular or Quick rating.
port shuttle. Info: randallhough@yahoo.com. Web site, On-line entry: June 2-3, New York
May 31, New York Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 6
www.scchess.com. Ent: SCCF, PO Box 205, Monterey Park, CA 91754. NS. Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 10 (Enhanced)
NC. F. State Championship Qualifier. Chess Magnet School JGP. 6th Annual Buffalo International Chess Championships 2012
Marshall Thursday Game 30 Grand Prix! Old First Ward Community Center, 62 Republic St., Buffalo, NY. Two day,
A State Championship Event! 4-SS, G/25d5. Marshall CC, 23 W. 10th St., NYC. 212-477-3716. EF: $40, World Chess Federation (FIDE) and USCF Open rated Championships, 5
A Heritage Event! members $20, GMs and IM's free (no deduction from prize!). ($$480 b/32 games, Swiss, Game 120 with 5 sec delay. Payments must be received
May 26-28 or 27-28, Massachusetts first two prizes guaranteed:) $200-100, U2200 $95, U2000 $85. Reg.: by May 19, 2012. Online Registrations with reply to: arcangel8chess@
Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 40 (Enhanced) 6:15-6:45 pm. Rds.: 7-8:15-9:30-10:45. One bye available, request at entry. yahoo.com. For more information, www.buffalochess.blogspot.com.
81st Massachusetts Open www.marshallchessclub.org. Canadians and FIDE rated players are Welcomed $10 less! Sat and Sun-
6SS, 40/2, SD/1, d/5 (2-day schedule, G/45, d/5 in rounds 1-3. No 2-day May 31, New York day, Sections are FIDE Open & FIDE Womens, games on Sat at 10am,
schedule in Open sect.) Best Western Royal Plaza Hotel, 181 Boston Post Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 20 (Enhanced) 2:30pm and 7pm, Sunday at 9:30am and 2pm. Cash Prizes based on
Road West, Marlboro (I-495, exit 24B, Rt. 20W, one mile from exit). 508- The New Yorker Masters!! 24 players, EF $55, $80 after. Canadians and FIDE rated players $10 less,
460-0700 or 888-543-9500. $$ 5,000 b/120 paid entries ($30 off EFs 4-SS, G/25 + d5 or G/30 + d/0. Chess Center of New York at the his- GMs & IMs are free entry. Cash Prizes are $260, $190, $130 and $70. One
count half), 75% G. Top 3 prizes in the Open sect. are 100% G. 6 sects. toric New Yorker Hotel!, 481 Eighth Ave at 34th St., across from Penn Byes are available! Saturday, June 2, 2012 Only! U1900, U1500 and
Open: $1000-400-200, U2300 $200-150. FIDE rated. 3-day schedule Station, NYC. 2 sections. Masters, open to players currently or formerly Scholastics K-12: U1900 and U1500, 5 games, Swiss, Game 60; d5,
only. U2200: $350-150-100. U2000: $350-150-100. U1800: $350-150-100. rated over 2200 USCF or FIDE, or any player scoring 2 1/2 or more points USCF rated, EF $40, $65 after! Games will start on Sat only at 10am, Noon,
U1600: $300-150-100. U1400: $250-125-100, U1200 125-100. State in any 4 Rated Games Tonight! Thursday Night Action tournament 2pm, 4pm and 6pm. One Byes Available! Cash Prizes are based on 24 play-
championship title to high scoring Mass. resident or student in each sect. since Jan. 2011. $1,500 Guaranteed Prizes! $400-200-100, top U2400 ers, $150, $90, $60, U1700 and U1200 - $55. Scholastic TEAM K-12
Unrated prize limits: $200 in U2000, $150 in U1800, $125 in U1600, $100 150. Under 2200: $200-100, top U1800 $100. NEW!! Mixed Doubles Championships, Saturday Only, 5 games, Swiss, Game 30, Teams con-
in U1400, can't win title except in Open. Prizes for most interesting Bonus Prizes: best male/female 2-player team combined score in sist of 4 players or more. Team EF $80 or $25 per player, $35 after. Sec-
games in each sect. (100% G): Open $300, U2200 $250, U2000 $200, either section: $150-100 (teammates average rating must be Under 2200; tions of play are K-2, 3-5, 6-8 and 9-12 grades, Team Trophies awarded
U1800 $150, U1600 $125, U1400 $100, plus books to each. EF: $69 for teammate pairings avoided but possible, teams must declare by 8:15). to the Top 4 and Top 5 winners, Medals awarded to players who score
3-day, $68 for 2-day if mailed by 5/22 or online by 5/24, $80 at site. GMs Choice of 2 schedules! 7:00 Schedule, rds. 7-8:15-9:30-10:45 pm. 7:30 2pts. Games start at 11am, Noon, 1pm, 2pm and 3pm. Buffalo FIDE
and IMs free. $30 discount to unrated and to players in U1400 sect. rated schedule, rd. 1 (G/15 + td/3) at 7:30 pm, score carries over into Championship Hotel: Comfort Inn and Suites, 475 Dingens St, Buffalo,
under 1000. Special EF: Under age 23 or age 60 and older: $30 in 3-day, round 2 of 7:00 schedule at 8:15 pm. EF: Masters Section $40, Under 2200 NY 14206, Phone 716-896-2800, HR: $119.99 per night. Chess Magnet
$29 in 2-day, $35 at site, no other discounts apply. 3-Day Schedule: Reg. Section $30, $5 less to anyone who played in 4 or more 4 Rated Games School JGP for main event.
Sat. 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. Rds. Sat. 10:30-5:30, Sun. 10-5, Mon. 9:30-4:30. Tonight! Thursday Night Action tournaments since Jan. 2011, GMs free
2-Day Schedule: Reg. Sun. 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. Rds. Sun. 10-12:30-2:45- ($25 from prize). Limit 2 byes (limit one bye towards class prize), must June 3, New Jersey
5, Mon. 9:30-4:30. Schedules merge in round 4. Byes: 1-5, limit 2, rds. commit by 8:15 pm. Re-entry: half-price. Reg. ends 10 min. before game. Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 15 (Enhanced)
4-5 must commit before rd. 2. Memb. req.: MACA $12 adult, $6 jr. U18, CCA ratings may be used. Dr. David Ostfeld Memorial ICA Summer 2012 Open Championship
add $8 for optional Chess Horizons subscription, OSA. Massachusetts 4SS, G/60. Bergen Academy, 200 Hackensack Ave., Hackensack, NJ
Blitz Championship: Sun. 5/27. Reg. ends 9:15 p.m. 5SS (dbl). 75% of A Heritage Event! 07601. Open To All Ages With Rating above 1400. U. S. Chess Federation
EFs returned as prizes. EF: $10 if playing in main tmnt, else $15. MACA June 1-3 or 2-3, Ohio Membership Required. Prize Fund ($$ b/40) 1st-3rd $300, $250, $200,
Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 40 U2200, U2000, U1800, U1600 each $100. Best Under 13 Years Old $75,
Annual Meeting: Mon. 5/28 at 9 a.m. HR: $92-92, reserve by 5/14 and 54th Gem City Open
mention chess tnmt. Ent: payable to MACA and mail to Robert Messen- Best Over 55 Years Old $75. Prize Fund Will Not Be Reduced Below 70
5SS at the Dayton Chess Club, 18 W. 5th St., Dayton, OH. Time Controls: %. Reg. Ends at 9 AM Only one requested 1/2-point bye allowed, if
ger, 4 Hamlett Dr. Apt. 12, Nashua, NH 03062, or enter online (PayPal) 3 day-G/150, td/5. 2 day option Rs 1&2 G/75, td/5 then merge in R3 with
at www.MassChess.org. Info: send email to info@masschess.org or requested before the start of round two. EF: Adv (pmk. By May 30th) $40,
3 day schedule and time controls. $$5,000 Gtd. 4 sections: OPEN AT Site $45. GMs Free Entry. INFO: 201 287 0250 or 201 833 1741, Email:
phone 603-891-2484. NS. NC. W. Chess Magnet School JGP. (FIDE Rated): $1000- $550- $350-$250, U2000: $500-$300-$150, U1700: Diana@icanj.net (Web Site Entries: www.icanj.net). Rds.: 9:30 AM,
A Heritage Event! $500- $300-$150, U1400: $500-$300-$150. Unrated prizes limited to 1/3 11:45 AM, 2:15 PM, 4:30 PM. ENT: Make EF and/or USCF Membership
May 26-28, Oklahoma except in OPEN w/bal to next player(s). EF: 3-day $67, 2-day $65 if checks payable to: International Chess Academy. Mail To: Diana Tulman,
Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 20 mailed or registered online or at Dayton Chess Club by 5/25, thereafter 28 Canterbury Ln., New Milford, NJ 07646. NS. NC. W.
31st NAO FIDE Open $77 for 2 or 3 day. Free to GMs or IMs who complete their schedule. No
June 7, New York
Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 10 (Enhanced)
Marshall Thursday Game 30 Grand Prix!
4-SS, G/25d5. Marshall CC, 23 W. 10th St., NYC. 212-477-3716. EF: $40,
The 2nd Annual New Yorker Open! members $20, GMs and IM's free (no deduction from prize!). ($$480 b/32
first two prizes guaranteed:) $200-100, U2200 $95, U2000 $85. Reg.:
6:15-6:45 pm. Rds.: 7-8:15-9:30-10:45. One bye available, request at entry.
May 25-28, 26-28 or 27-28: Memorial Day Weekend 2012 www.marshallchessclub.org.
The New Yorker Hotel, 34th Street and Eighth Avenue, New York City June 8-10 or 9-10, Connecticut
Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 50 (Enhanced)
(across the street from Penn Station and New York City subways in midtown Manhattan) 18th Annual Northeast Open
7 Rounds, your choice of 4-Day, 3-Day or 2-Day Schedules! 5SS, 40/2, SD/1 (2-day option, rds 1-2 G/75). Sheraton Hotel (formerly
Holiday Inn Select), 700 Main St., Stamford, CT 06901. Free parking.
$8,000 guaranteed prize fund. In 4 sections. Open: $1000-500-300-200,
$10,000 GUARANTEED PRIZES! In 5 sections. U2250 $600300. FIDE. Under 2050: $800-400-300-200, top U1850
Open Section: $1,000-500-300-150, Top U2450 $450-250. 60 Grand Prix Points! FIDE-Rated. $500-250. Under 1650: $700-400-250-150, top U1450 $400-200. Under
Under 2300 Section: $800-400-200-100, Top U2150 $350-150. FIDE-Rated.
1250: $300-150-100, trophy to top U1000, U800, U600, Unrated. Unrated
may not win over $150 in U1250 or $400 in U1650. Top 3 sections EF:
Under 2000 Section: $800-400-200-100, Top U1800 $350-150. 3-day $88.50, 2-day $87.50 if check mailed by 5/30, all $89 online at chess-
Under 1600 Section : $700-350-200-100, Top U1400 $250-100. tour.com by 6/6, $95 phoned to 406-896-2038 by 6/6 (entry only, no
Under 1200 Section: $400-200-100. questions), $100 at site. No mailed credit card entries. U1250 Section
NEW!! Mixed-Doubles Bonus Prizes! EF: all $40 less than above. No checks at site, credit cards OK. GMs free,
$80 deducted from prize. Mailed EF $3 less to CSCA members. Re-entry
Best 2-Player, Male/Female Team Combined Score (Average Rating Of 2-Players Under 2200): $50; not available in Open Section. Unofficial uschess.org ratings usu-
$500-250-150! ally used if otherwise unrated. Special 1 year USCF dues with paper
magazine if paid with entry. Online at chesstour.com, Adult $30, Young Adult
$20, Scholastic $15. Mailed, phoned or paid at site, Adult $40, Young Adult
$30, Scholastic $20. 3-day schedule: Reg ends Fri 6:30 pm, rds. Fri 7
pm, Sat 11 & 6, Sun 10 & 4:15. 2-day schedule: Reg ends Sat 10:30 am,
Free Digital Clock Setting Seminar by IA Carol Jarecki: 5 pm Sat (for players too embarrassed to ask the TD to set rds. Sat 11, 2:30 & 6, Sun 10 & 4:15. Bye: all, limit 2; must commit before
their clocks and for TDs too embarrassed to admit they can't). rd 2. HR: $94-94, 800-408-7640, 203-358-8400; reserve by 5/25 or rate
Separate Blitz Tournament: Sunday 10 pm-- $1,000 Prize Fund! may increase. Car rental: Avis, 800-331-1600, AWD D657633, or reserve
car online through chesstour.com. Ent: Continental Chess, Box 249, Sal-
isbury Mills, NY 12577. $15 service charge for refunds. Questions: www.
FULL DETAILS: see Grand Prix in this issue, or www.chesscenter.cc! chesstour.com, 845-496-9658. Advance entries posted at chesstour.com.
Chess Magnet School JGP.
June 8-10 or 9-10, Florida month's Masters). EF: $40, members $30, GMs free. $$G250-150-100. 12 Supp, CCA min & TD discr. Sched: Reg. F 6-6:30p, Rds. F 7, Sa 9 12:15
Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 20 Prizes to U2400, U2300 and biggest upset. Reg.: 6:15-6:45 pm. Rds.: 7- 3:30, Su 9 12:15 (2day Reg. Sa 8-8:30am rds Sa 9 10:35 merge rd3). Max
Sunshine Summer Open & Scholastic Chess Tournament (formerly 8:15-9:30-10:45. One bye available (Rd 1 or 4 only), request at entry. 2 1/2pt byes by rd 3. Info: BayAreaChess.com/summer12. E: ask@Bay
the After Memorial Open, now more sections) www.marshallchessclub.org. AreaChess.com, NS, NC. Chess Magnet School JGP.
DoubleTree Hilton Orlando Downtown, 60 South Ivanhoe Blvd., Orlando, June 20-24, 22-24 or 23-24, New York June 22-24 or 23-24, Georgia
FL 32804 (I-4 Exit 84). $7,000/b130 (Scholastic = 1/2 entry). 70% Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 200 (Enhanced) Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 80
Guaranteed. 5SS, G/120 (2-day. Rnd 1 G/60). 4 Sections: OPEN: $1000- 5th New York International 2012 Castle Chess Grand Prix
500-300, U2210 & U2010 $300-200 ea.; U1910: $700-300-150, U1710 Playing Site: St. Johns University, Manhattan Campus (in TRIBECA) 101 5-SS, G/120, d/5 (2 day schedule, rd 1 G/90, d/5). Cox Hall, Emory Uni-
$300-200; U1510: $700-300-150, U1310 $300-200; Scholastic U1310: Murray St., New York, NY 10007. In 5 sections: A) FIDE Norm Tourna- versity, 569 Asbury Cir., Atlanta, GA 30322. $8,675 G! Six sections:
$300-200-100, U1110 & U910 $150 ea. Trophy to top each age 7 & under ment, June 20-24: Open to all players rated 2200 or above (USCF or Premier (over 1999): $1,500-1000-500; U2400/Unr: $700-400; U2200:
thru 14 with at least 2 players. Unrateds limited to $100, unless Place FIDE) and special invitees. 9-SS, 40/90, SD/30, increment 30. $$12,500 $600-375; Class A: $550-325; Class B: $500-$300; Class C: $450-275;
prize in Open. Rated players can play-up if rated within 60 points of top unconditionally guaranteed: $5000-2500-1500-1000, U2500 FIDE Class D: $400-250; U1200: $350-200; U1000: Trophy. Non-campers
of their section. EF: 3-day $75, 2-day $74, Scholastic U1310: EF: $1,000, U 2400 $1000, U2300 $500. EF: $375 in advance, $425 on site. may play one section above current rating. Campers may play one sec-
$35; After May 31, EF: $80, ($45 for Scholastic). Reg.: ends 1/2 hr. Players with USCF ratings over 2200 with no FIDE rating: $325 tion above lifetime peak rating. All players are eligible for all prizes in
before 1st Rd. Scholastic (Sat & Sun only). Rnd 1: 7pm Fri (or 10am Sat advance/$375 at site, Players with USCF ratings over 2200 and FIDE rat- the section in which they play. EF: $69 if received by 6/21. $79 later or
at G/60). Re-entry $40. Rds 2 thru 5: Sat 1 & 6, Sun 9 & 2. 1/2-pt. byes ing U2200: $275 in advance/$325 at site. USA players with FIDE ratings at site. Free to GM, IM or USCF 2400. Unrated Players: $50; no discount
if req'd before Rnd 2 (max 2). HR: $79 (407) 425-4455; (Mention Chess) over 2200: $225 in advance, $275 at site. USA IMs, USA WGMs, and For- to Unrated in Premier Section. Unrated may enter any section, except need
or http://tinyurl.com/June2012Hotel. Reserve by May 15. Hot Break- eign FIDE rated players: $175 in advance/$225 at site. GMs, foreign IMs, TD's OK to enter Premier Section. Unrated may not win over $150 in
fast Buffet at $5/person/day with room at checkin. Complimentary and foreign WGMs free; no money deducted from prize fund. All $25 less U1200, $200 in D, $250 in C, $300 in B or $350 in A. Balance of any lim-
parking, Fitness Center, and Internet with sleeping rooms. Other covered for Marshall Chess Club Members. Rds.: 6/20: 7 pm 6/21-24: 11 am & ited prize goes to next player(s) in line. 3 day schedule: Reg.: 6:30-7:30
Day parking available at $7/day. Ent: CFCC, c/o Harvey Lerman, 921 N. 5 pm. Byes: Limit 2, must commit before round 3; limit 1 bye rounds 8- pm on 6/22. Rds.: 8; 1:30-6:30; 9-1:30. 2 day schedule: Reg.: 8:30-9:30
Thistle Lane, Maitland, FL 32751 or online at http://2012sunshine.event 9. FIDE IM/GM norms possible, must play all rounds. FIDE Rating used am on 6/23. Rd 1 at 10 am, then merges with 3 day schedule. HR: Uni-
brite.com (by 6/7). Info: call (407)629-6946 or www.centralflchess.org. for pairings. Prizes for all sections other than Top section based on versity Inn, 404-634-7327. Half point bye any round. Limit 2. Must commit
Chess Magnet School JGP. 175 entries (U1300 count as 1/2 entries) B) U2200: $1,500-800- before starting play. No changes. Ent: 5025 Antebellum Dr., Stone Mtn.,
June 9, Maine 500-200, Top U2100 $500, Top U2000 $500. FIDE rated, USCF ratings used GA 30087. Make check payable to: Castle Chess, Inc. Info: Scott Parker,
Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 6 for pairings and prizes. C) U1900: $1,500-800-500-200, Top U1800 $500, 770-939-5030 tournament@castlechess.org, on-line registration at
Saco Quickplay (QC) Top U1700 $500. D) U1600: $1,500-800-500-200, Top U1500 $500, Top www.castlechess.org NS, NC, W. Chess Magnet School JGP.
6SS, GAME/15, D/3. Hampton Inn Saco Biddeford, 48 Industrial Park Rd., U1400 $500. E) U1300: $1,000-400-200, Top U1200 $200, Top U1100 $200, A Heritage Event!
Saco, ME 04072. EF: $20 postmarked by 2 June, $25 at site. $$GTD: $200- Trophies to Top U1000, U900, U800, unrated. Sections B)-E): 5-SS, June 22-24, New Hampshire
100. U2000 $100 U1600 $100 U1200 $100 U800 $100. Registration: 30/90, SD/60, d5. EF: $129 if received by 6/13 (mail check or online), Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 20 (Enhanced)
10-10:45. Rds.: 11-1-1:45-2:30-3:15-4. One half point bye rounds 1-4. ENT: $149 if received after 6/13 or at site (credit or cash only). U1300 $50 62nd New Hampshire Open
Alex Relyea, 49 Technology Dr. #89, Bedford, NH 03110. INFO: Alex less! MCC members $25 ($10 in U1300) less. Reentry (counts 1/2) $80. 5-SS, Rd.1 40/100, SD/60, d5; Rds.2-5 40/120, SD/60, d5. Comfort Inn,
Relyea, relyea@operamail.com. HR: (207) 282-7222. www.relyeachess. 2 schedules: 3-day: Rds: 6/22: 7 pm 6/23-24: 11 & 5 pm. 2-day (Rd. exit 4 (Queen City Bridge) off I-293, Manchester, NH. 603-668-2600. $$
com. NS. W. 1 G/30;d5): Reg. ends Sat 9AM. Rds.: 6/23 9:30, 11am & 5pm, 6/24: 11 2,100 Gtd. 3 sects. Open: $$ 400-225-125, U2100 $200. NH Champion
& 5pm. Byes: Limit 2, commit before rd.2. USCF June rating used (unless title to top scoring NH resident. U1950: $180-120-80, U1800 $150.
A State Championship Event! FIDE or foreign rating is higher), unofficial USCF rating used if otherwise
A Heritage Event! U1650: $180-120-80, U1450 $100, U1250 $80, U1050 $60. All: EF $50
unrated. Foreign players: Usually 100 points added to FIDE or foreign if rcvd. by 6/20, $55 at site. GMs, IMs free. Special $5 EF discount to play-
June 9-10, Kentucky national ratings. No points added to CFC, PR, or Jamaica. Please bring
Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 15 ers 18/under who are U1250 or Unr, or 65/over. Reg.: 5:30-6:30 PM Fri.
clocks, boards, and sets. Reg.: Advance: must be received by 6/13. On 6/22 and 8:30-9:30 a.m. Sat. 6/23. Players entering Sat. receive 1/2 pt.
2012 Kentucky Open Site: One hour before round. Accommodation: St. John's University Man-
5SS, G/90. $$3725 b/120. Registration: 9-9:45am. Rounds: June 9th: bye for Rd.1. Rds.: Fri. 7:00 PM, Sat. 10-4:30, Sun. 9:30-4:00. NHCA Annual
hattan Campus. Private rooms, shared bathrooms: $70 single, $90 Meeting Sun. at 9:00 a.m. NHCA memb. req. for rated NH residents: $8
rd 1-3 10am, 2pm, 5:30pm, June 10th: rd 4-5 9am, 2pm. 1 half point bye double (10% discount if reserved by May 15). Registration and room
available rd 1-4 if noted by rd 2. Entry Fee: $42 in advance, $50 on site. adult, $6 junior 18/under. Bye: 1-4 with entry, limit 1. Unrated may play
reservation, please contact: Marshall Chess Club, 23 West 10th St., New in any sect. but can't win 1st except in Open. HR: $80-80, reserve early
KCA dues ($8) required for all players. Prizes: Open: $800-400-200-100; York, NY 10011. 212-477-3716. www.marshallchessclub.org. E-mail:
X: 200-100; A: 200-100; U1800: 400-200-100-50; B: 100-50; C: 100-50; and mention tnmt. Ent: NHCA, c/o Alex Relyea, 49 Technology Dr. #89,
admin@marshallchessclub.org. Chess Magnet School JGP. Bedford, NH 03110. Info: 603-232-1373 or relyea@operamail.com. Cks.
U1400: 200-100-50-25; D: 50-25; E: 50-25; Top Jr. 50. Go to kcachess.org
for more info. Annual meeting of the KCA Board between rds 4 and 5. St. June 21, New York payable to NHCA. NS, W. FIDE. Chess Magnet School JGP.
Francis High School, 233 West Broadway (entrance is on 3rd Street), Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 10 (Enhanced) June 22-24 or 23-24, Ohio
Louisville, KY 40202. Contact: Steve Dillard stevedillard@hotmail.com, Marshall Thursday Game 30 Grand Prix!
Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 80 (Enhanced)
502-641-1948 or Daniel Brennan cyberdaniel82@hotmail.com, 502-645- 4-SS, G/25d5. Marshall CC, 23 W. 10th St., NYC. 212-477-3716. EF: $40, 2012 Columbus Open
4202. Chess Magnet School JGP. members $20, GMs and IM's free (no deduction from prize!). ($$480 b/32 5-SS, 30/90, SD/60 (2-day schedule, rd. 1 G/90), ALL PRIZES UNCON-
first two prizes guaranteed:) $200-100, U2200 $95, U2000 $85. Reg.: DITIONALLY GUARANTEED. 3 sections: Open, open to all. G $1200, 800,
June 14, New York 6:15-6:45 pm. Rds.: 7-8:15-9:30-10:45. One bye available, request at entry.
Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 10 (Enhanced) 500, 400, 300; U2000, $500, 300; Premier, open to 1799/below: $500,
www.marshallchessclub.org. 300; U1600: $500, 300; Reserve, open to 1399/below: $500, 300; U1200:
Marshall Thursday Game 30 Grand Prix!
4-SS, G/25d5. Marshall CC, 23 W. 10th St., NYC. 212-477-3716. EF: $40, June 22-24 or 23-24, California, Northern $500, 300. All EF: $85 if recd by 6/16/2011. $95 at site. Free to Sr. Mas-
members $20, GMs and IM's free (no deduction from prize!). ($$480 b/32 Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 15 (Enhanced) ter/above who complete their schedule. ($85 EF deducted from winnings.)
first two prizes guaranteed:) $200-100, U2200 $95, U2000 $85. Reg.: Summer Open 3-day schedule: Reg. Ends Fri. 6:30 p.m., Rds: Fri. 7 p.m.; Sat. 2 p.m.,
6:15-6:45 pm. Rds.: 7-8:15-9:30-10:45. One bye available, request at entry. 6SS, G/90 (2day rds 1-2 G/40). 1639A S. Main St., Milpitas, CA 95035. 7:30 p.m.; Sun. 9:30 a.m., 3 p.m. 2-day schedule: Reg. Ends Sat. 9:30
www.marshallchessclub.org. Park free. Prize $2,400b/55. 3 sects. 1900+: guar 85% $300 200 100 a.m. Rd 1 at 10 a.m., then merges with 3-day schedule. Re-entry: $20.
u2100: 100 80. 1500-1899: $300 200 70 u1700:100 70 70. U1500: $300 Any player who loses Fri. night may re-enter for $20 and loss will not count
June 14, Nevada 200 70 u1300: 100 70 70. Unr max $100 exc Open. EF: $67 by 6/20, Onsite in tournament standings! One 1/2-pt. Bye available in Rds 1-4 (request
Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 80 (Enhanced) +15 Playup +20. Econ: EF-20, 1/2 prize. GMs/IMs free: prize-EF. Jun required prior to Rd 1). Unrated players may play in any section. $25 upset
2012 U.S. Game/10 Championship (QC)
See Nationals.
A Heritage Event!
An American Classic!
June 15-17 or 16-17, Nevada
Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 200 (Enhanced)
2012 National Open
See Nationals.
A State Championship Event!
18th annual NORTHEAST OPEN
June 16, Pennsylvania
Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 6
June 8-10 or 9-10, Sheraton Hotel, Stamford CT
2012 PA State Game/45 Championship
4SS, G/45d5. Wm. Pitt Union, Univ. of Pitt., 5th & Bigelow, Pittsburgh, PA
15213. 3 Sections, $$ (695G): Championship: EF: $30 by 6/8, $40 later.
$200-100, U2000 $75, U1800 $50. Premier: U1600. EF: $25 by 6/8, $35
later. $90-60, U1400 $50, U1200 $40, U1000 $30; Trophies to Top 2, Top 5 rounds, $94 room rates, free parking, downtown location, trains
2 U1400, Top 2 U1200, Top 2 U1000. Scholastic: Grades K-12 U900. EF:
$15 by 6/8, $25 later. Trophies to Top 7, 1-3 U600. ALL: Teams of 4 to 7
from NYC run frequently. In 4 sections:
combined from all sections, Trophies 1st-2nd schools, clubs. PSCF $5, OSA.
Reg ends: Noon. Rds.: 12:30-2:15-4-6. Ent/Info: PSCF, c/o Tom Marti-
nak, 25 Freeport St., Pittsburgh, PA 15223, 412-908-0286, martinak_tom_
Open Section: Prizes $1000-500-300-200, top U2250 $600-300.
m@hotmail.com. W. FIDE rated, 50 GPP
June 16-17 or 17, New York
Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 10 (Enhanced)
Under 2050 Section: $800-400-300-200, top U1850 $500-250.
Marshall June Grand Prix!
4-SS, 30/85d5, SD/1d5. Marshall CC, 23 W. 10th St., NYC. 212 477-
Under 1650 Section: $700-400-250-150, top U1450 $400-200.
3716. EF: $50, members $30. $$625 Gtd: 275-150, U2200/unr. $105,
U2000 $95. Reg. ends 15 min. before round. Rds.: 2 schedules: 2-day,
Under 1250 Section: $300-150-100, trophy to top U1000, U800,
Rds. 12:30-5:30PM each day; 1-day, (Rds. 1-2 G/25d5) 10-11:15AM-12:30- U600, Unrated.
5:30PM Sun; both merge rd. 3. Limit 2 byes, request at entry. NO
RE-ENTRY. FIDE (G/30 not FIDE ratable). www.marshallchessclub.org. Unrated prize limit: $150 in U1250, $400 U1650.
Chess Magnet School JGP.
June 19, New York
Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 15 (Enhanced)
FULL DETAILS: see Grand Prix in this issue or chesstour.com.
Marshall Masters!
4-SS, G/25d5. Third Tuesday of every month. Marshall CC, 23 W. 10th St.,
NYC. 212-477-3716. Open to players rated over 2100 (plus all players scor-
ing over 50% in any MCC Open or U2300 tournament since the prior
prize each section. HOTELS: HOLIDAY INN DOWNTOWN CAPITAL A State Championship Event! OK. GMs free in Open; $200 deducted from prize. IMs, WGMs EF $100
SQUARE, 175 E. TOWN ST., COLUMBUS, 43215. (614)221-3281. ROOM A Heritage Event! less, $100 deducted from prize. All Open Section EF $100 more for US
RATE: $99.00 plus tax (includes parking). Hotel remodeled, with expanded June 30-July 1, Oklahoma players never rated 2200 or over by FIDE. Under 1200 Section EF: all
playing space, skittles room, many amenities. Chess rate available Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 10 $150 less. EF for U900 Section, or unrated in U1200 Section: $43
through June 1st, code CCC. (note: there is a large convention in Colum- 67th Oklahoma Open State Championship mailed by 6/20, $47 online at chesstour.com by 6/25, $60 online to 2 hours
bus this weekend; rooms scarce.) Alternative hotel: The German Village 5SS, Rds 1-2 G/90, Rds 3-5 G/2. $1000 Guaranteed. Trade Winds Cen- before round 1 or at site. Rated seniors 65/up in U1400 or over: all
Inn, one mile from playing site, 920 S. High St., (614) 443-6506, $59.00 tral Hotel, 3141 E. Skelly Dr., Tulsa, OK, 918-749-5561 (http://tradewinds $150 less. Senior Amateur or Womens Championship EF: $76 mailed
plus tax. Free parking: Bd. of Ed. Lot between 5th and 6th St., on Capi- tulsa.com/html/directions.html). 3 Sections: Open G$$ 400-200-100; by 6/20, $78 online by 6/25, $90 at site. Under 13 Championship or
tal St., 5 min. walk from site. ENT: C/O Lou Friscoe, 1645 Glenn Ave., Reserve (U1800) G$$ 150-100-50; Booster (U1400) $$ b/entries; Under 13 Novice EF: $39 mailed by 6/20, $41 online by 6/25, $50 at site.
Columbus, OH 43212. Inquires: (614) 486-6856 or (614) 228-8111. Entry Plaques & USCF recognized State Championship titles for OK resident sec- No checks at site; credit cards OK. Re-entry: $160, no re-entry from
forms available at our website: www.centralchessclub.com. Chess Mag- tion winners. EF: $40 if rec'd by 6/25, otherwise $45, OCA membership Open to Open. $20 fee for switching section after 7/3. Special 1 year
net School JGP. included. Reg.: 8:30-9:30am Saturday, must enter before Rd 2 pairings USCF dues with magazine if paid with entry: Online at chesstour.com,
are prepared to be prize eligible. One 1/2 point bye available in Rds 1- Adult $30, Young Adult $20, Scholastic $15. Mailed, phoned or paid at site,
June 24, New York 4 only, accelerated pairings may be used. Rds.: Saturday 10:00, 2:30 and
Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 10 (Enhanced) Adult $40, Young Adult $30, Scholastic $20. Open to U1200 5-day
7:00, Sunday 10:00 and 3:00. HR: $50 plus tax including breakfast buf- schedule: Wed 7 pm, Thu 11 am & 6 pm, Fri 11 am & 6 pm, Sat 11 am
2nd annual Schenectady Open fet; reserve by 6/25 for chess rate. OCA Annual Membership Meeting
4SS, G/40, d5. Studio of Bridge & Games, 1639 Eastern Pkwy, Schenec- & 6 pm, Sun 10 am & 5 pm. U2400 to U1200 4-day schedule: Thu 11,
& Election Sunday 8am. Voting Eligibility: Must be 16, Oklahoma resi- 2:30 & 6, Fri 11 & 6, Sat 11 & 6, Sun 10 & 5. U2400 to U1200 3-day
tady 12309. $$1000 guaranteed prizes and trophies. In 3 sections. dent and either OCA member 10 business days prior to 6/30 or play in
Open: $200-100-50, top U2000 $80-40, U1800/Unr $70-30. Under 1600 schedule: Fri 11, 1:30, 3:30, 6 & 8:30, Sat 11 & 6, Sun 10 & 5. Open to
Oklahoma Open by 2nd round. Contact: Chuck Unruh, PO Box 841, U1600 7-day schedule: Mon-Wed 7 pm, Thu-Fri 6 pm, Sat 11 & 6, Sun
Section: $120-60-30, top U1400 $70-30, U1200 $60-30, no unrated may Owasso, OK 74055, 918-371-2978 or 800-460-2794, chunruh@aol.com.
win over $80. Under 1000 Section: 1st prize $30, trophies to first 3, top 10 & 5. All above schedules merge & compete for same prizes. Under
More info: www.ochess.org. Chess Magnet School JGP. 900 schedule: Fri 11 am, 2 pm & 5 pm, Sat & Sun each 10 am, 1 pm, 4
U800, U600, Unrated. Open or U1600 EF: $33 online at chesstour.com
by 6/22 or mailed by 6/15, $40 at site. U1000 EF: $13 online at chess June 30-July 1, Virginia pm. Senior Amateur & Womens Championship schedule: Sun 11 am
tour.com by 6/22 or mailed by 6/15, $20 at site. All: Unofficial uschess.org Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 15 & 6 pm, Mon 10 & 5, Tue 10 & 4:30. Under 13 Championship sched-
ratings usually used if otherwise unrated. Special 1 year USCF dues with 3rd Annual Fairfax Open ule: Sun 11 am, 2 pm & 5 pm, Mon 10, 1 & 4, Tue 10, 1 & 4. Under 13
Chess Life if paid with entry: Online at chesstour.com, Adult $30, Young 4-SS, 40/2, SD/1. Best Western Fairfax City, 3535 Chain Bridge Rd., Booster schedule: Wed 11 am, 2 pm & 5 pm, Thu 10, 1 & 4. Half point
Adult $20, Scholastic $15. Mailed, phoned or paid at site, Adult $40, Young Fairfax, VA 22030 (I-66, Exit 60 to VA 123 South, left at first light, hotel byes OK all, limit 4 (limit 2 in last 4 rds), Open must commit before rd
Adult $30, Scholastic $20. No checks at site, credit cards OK. Late reg. on left). $$G 1800 UNCONDITIONALLY GUARANTEED in 3 sections. Open: 2, others before rd 4. Limit 1 half point bye in 6 round sections. Entries,
at site 9-9:30 am, rds. 10, 12, 2, 4. One half point bye available, must com- FIDE rated, 420-210-125, U2200 125, U2000 125. Reserve: Open to re-entries close 1 hour before your first game. Bring sets, boards,
mit before rd 2. $15 service charge for refunds. Ent: Continental Chess, U1900, 225-120, U1700 120. Booster: Open to U1400/UNR, 150-90, clocks if possible- none supplied. HR: $99-99, 215-448-2000, ask for chess
PO Box 249, Salisbury Mills, NY 12577. DirectorAtChess.US, www.chess- U1200 90. EF: $48 by PayPal or check if rcvd by 6/25; $60 cash or check rate, may sell out about May 31, two night minimum July 6-7. Special
tour.com, 845-496-9658. at site. Reg. 6/30: 7:30-9:15. Rds.: 9:30-4, 9:30-4. One half-point bye avail- car rental rates: Avis, 800-331-1600, AWD #D657633, or reserve car
able, must commit by beginning of rd 2. HR: $80, reserve at (703) 591- online through chesstour.com. Foreign player ratings: Usually 100 pts
June 28, New York 5500, mention chess tournament. ENT: PayPal to info@fairfaxopen.com, added to FIDE (except Open Section), 100 to FQE, 200 or more to most
Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 10 (Enhanced) or checks payable and addressed to Brennan Price, 3545 Chain Bridge foreign, no pts added to CFC, Puerto Rico or Jamaica. Some foreign rat-
Marshall Thursday Game 30 Grand Prix! Rd., Suite 209 (NOT the hotel address), Fairfax, VA 22030-2708. Info: info@ ings not accepted for U2000 or below. Highest of multiple ratings usually
4-SS, G/25d5. Marshall CC, 23 W. 10th St., NYC. 212-477-3716. EF: $40, fairfaxopen.com, www.fairfaxopen.com. Chess Magnet School JGP. used. Players who fail to disclose foreign or FIDE ratings may be expelled.
members $20, GMs and IM's free (no deduction from prize!). ($$480 b/32 US player ratings: Official July ratings used; FIDE ratings used for Open
first two prizes guaranteed:) $200-100, U2200 $95, U2000 $85. Reg.: A Heritage Event! Section only. Unofficial uschess.org ratings usually used if otherwise
6:15-6:45 pm. Rds.: 7-8:15-9:30-10:45. One bye available, request at entry. An American Classic! unrated. Special rules: 1) Players must submit to a search for electronic
www.marshallchessclub.org. July 4-8, 5-8, 6-8, 2-8, 1-3 or 4-5, Pennsylvania devices if requested by Director. In round3 or after, players with scores
Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 300 (Enhanced) of 80% or over and their opponents may not use headphones, ear-
A Heritage Event! 40th Annual World Open
June 28, New York phones, cell phones or go to a different floor of the hotel without Director
9SS (Senior Amateur, Womens Championship and Under 13 Booster
Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 40 (Enhanced) are 6SS). Sheraton Philadelphia City Center Hotel, 17th & Race Streets,
permission. Ent: Continental Chess, Box 249, Salisbury Mills, NY 12577.
25th Annual Thursday Night Action Championship Join Us In Cel- Questions: www.chesstour.com, DirectorAtChess.US, 845-496-9658.
Philadelphia, PA 19103. For shuttle info from Philadelphia Airport, call 800-
ebrating 25 Years Of The USCF's Longest-Running Action You may request lowest possible section if July rating unknown. $15
Tournament, Now At The New Yorker Hotel!! 559-2040 or 215-616-5370. Parking $10/day chess rate with guest room
service charge for refunds. Advance entries will be posted at chesstour.
4-SS, G/25 + d5 or G/30 + d/0. Chess Center of New York at the his- at Sheraton, $20/day chess rate without guest room, Gateway lot at 1540
com. Bring set, board, clock if possible- none supplied. Chess Magnet
toric NewYorker Hotel!, 481 8th Ave at 34th St., across from Penn Station, Vine, 1 block from hotel, is about $5/day Sat & Sun, $18/day other days.
School JGP.
NYC: 845-569-9969. $$ 2,500 Guaranteed! 2 sections. Open: $$ 400- In 13 sections with $250,000 projected prizes, $200,800 minimum. 80%
200-100-100-100-100-100-100-100-100-100. Under 2200: $$250-150, Top of each prize guaranteed based on 1180 paid entries total in first 9 July 4, Pennsylvania
U2000 $$100. NEW!! $500 Mixed Doubles Bonus Prizes! Best listed sections, all prizes guaranteed in Senior Amateur, Womens Cham- Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 10 (Enhanced)
pionship, Under 13 Championship, and Under 13 Booster. GMs, IMs, World Open 7-Minute Championship (QC)
male/female 2-player team combined score in either section: $$ 250-150-
WGMs, Under 1200, seniors count as 50% entries, Under 900 as 15% Sheraton Philadelphia City Center Hotel (see World Open). 5-SS, double
100 (teammates average rating must be Under 2200, teammates may
entries. Free analysis of your games by GM Sam Palatnik 7/4-8; free GM round (10 games), G/7, d/2. Prizes $1200 based on 40 entries, else in
play in different sections; teammate pairings avoided but possible,
lectures 9 am 7/6 & 7/7. Time controls: Open 40/90, SD/30, 30 sec- proportion except half each prize guaranteed. $300-200-100, U2100
teams must declare by 8:15 pm). EF: $40, GMs $35 from prize. Good Cus-
ond increment. U2400, U2200, U2000, U1800, U1600, U1400, U1200 $160-80, U1800 $130-70, U1500/Unr $110-50. EF: $40, at site only, no
tomer Loyalty Discounts: $5 less to those who played in at least 4 4
40/2, SD/1, d/5 (4-day option rds 1-2 G/75, d/5, 3-day option rds 1-5 checks. Reg. ends 12:30 pm, rds. 1:00, 2:00, 2:50, 3:40, 4:30. One pair
Rated Games Tonight! Thursday Night Actions since Jan. 2011, $10 less of 1/2 pt byes available, must commit before rd 2. Quick rated (will not
to those who played in at least 10 4RGTs since 1987Thank You So G/45, d/5). U900, Under 13 Championship, Under 13 Booster G/65,
d/5. Senior Amateur, Womens Championship 40/2, SD/1,d/5. Open, affect regular ratings), but higher of regular or quick used for pairings
Much For Your Support Of This Tournament These Past 25 Years!
9SS, July 4-8 or 2-8: $20000-10000-5000-2500-1200-1000-800-700-600- & prizes.
Choice of 2 schedules! 7:00 Schedule, rds. 7-8:15-9:30-10:45 pm.
7:30 schedule, rd. 1 (G/15 + td/3) at 7:30 pm, score carries over into 500, clear winner bonus $300, top FIDE U2500 $2000-1000. If tie for first, July 5, New York
round 2 of 7:00 schedule at 8:15 pm. Limit 2 byes, commit by 8:15. Re- top 2 on tiebreak play speed game 11:30 pm 7/8 for title & bonus prize. Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 10 (Enhanced)
entry $20. Reg. ends 15 min. before game. CCA Minimums may be used. GM & IM norms possible. FIDE rated. Under 2400/Unr, 9SS, July 4-8, Marshall Thursday Game 30 Grand Prix!
5-8, 6-8 or 2-8: $13000-7000-3000-1500-1000-900-800-700-600-500, top 4-SS, G/25d5. Marshall CC, 23 W. 10th St., NYC. 212-477-3716. EF: $40,
June 29-July 3 (New date), Pennsylvania U2300/Unr $2000-1000. FIDE rated. Under 2200/Unr, 9SS, July 4-8, members $20, GMs and IM's free (no deduction from prize!). ($$480 b/32
Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 150 (Enhanced) 5-8, 6-8 or 2-8: $13000-7000-3000-1500-1000-900-800-700-600-500, top first two prizes guaranteed:) $200-100, U2200 $95, U2000 $85. Reg.:
9th annual Philadelphia International U2100 (no unr) $2000-1000. FIDE rated. Under 2000/Unr, 9SS, July 4- 6:15-6:45 pm. Rds.: 7-8:15-9:30-10:45. One bye available, request at entry.
9SS, 40/90,SD/30, 30 second increment. Sheraton Philadelphia City 8, 5-8, 6-8 or 2-8: $13000-7000-3000-1500-1000-900-800-700-600-500, www.marshallchessclub.org.
Center Hotel, 17th & Race Sts., Philadelphia, PA 19103. Parking $10/day top U1900 (no unr) $2000-1000. Under 1800/Unr, 9SS, July 4-8, 5-8,
chess rate with guest room at Sheraton, $20/day chess rate without guest 6-8 or 2-8: $13000-7000-3000-1500-1000-900-800-700-600-500, top July 6-8 or 7-8, Texas
room, parking lot next to hotel may be much less than $20. $$G 8000: U1700 (no unr) $2000-1000. Under 1600/Unr, 9SS, July 4-8, 5-8, 6-8 Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 20
$2000-1200-800-700-600-500-400-300, top FIDE under 2300 or unrated or 2-8: $11000-6000-3000-1500-1000-900-800-700-600-500, top 1500 (no 1st Annual Austin Chess Club Summer Open
$1000-500. Minimum prize $800 to foreign GMs who complete all games unr) $2000-1000. Under 1400/Unr, 9SS, July 4-8, 5-8 or 6-8: $10000- 100% GUARANTEED Prize Fund! Bridge Center of Austin, 6700 Middle
with no byes (limited to first 5 foreign GMs to enter), $300 to US GMs, 5000-2500-1200-1000-800-700-600-500-400, top U1300 (no unr) Fiskville Rd., Austin, TX 78752. Total entries limited to first 140 registrants!
foreign IMs & foreign WGMs (all must complete all games with no byes.) $1600-800. Under 1200/Unr, 9SS, July 4-8, 5-8 or 6-8: $5000-2500- In 3 Sections, Championship: 5SS, G/90 w/60 sec increment per move.
IM& GM norms possible; FIDE rated. EF: Free to GMs, IMs, WGMs. For- 1200-1000-800-700-600-500-400-300, top U1100 (no Unr) $1200-600. Open to players 1800 and above. EF: $50 postmark or online by 6/15, $60
eign FIDE rated players: $125 mailed by 6/18, $127 online by 6/23, $150 Under 900/Unr, 9SS, July 6-8: $1000-700-500-400-300-300-300, tro- thereafter/site. $$: $600-400-200. U2200 - $250 $100, U2000 - $250 $100
at tmt. USA current or former FIDE 2200/up rated players: $225 mailed phies to first 10, top U700, U500, U300, Unrated. Senior Amateur, 6SS, (All under prizes Guaranteed). Reserve: 5SS, G/90 w/60 sec increment
by 6/18, $227 online by 6/23, $250 at tmt. Others: $325 mailed by 6/18, July 1-3: Open to Under 2010 or unrated born before 7/4/62. $$ 500- per move. Open to 1799 & under. Open to Ratings 1400-1799. EF: $45 post-
$327 online by 6/23, $350 at tmt. All: No checks at site, credit cards OK. 300-200, topU1810 $280-140, top U1610/Unr $250-130, top U1410 $200. mark or online by 6/15, $55 thereafter/site. $$GTD: $400-200. U1600 -
Special 1 year USCF dues with magazine: see World Open. Schedule: Womens Championship, 6SS, July 1-3: Open to all females. $$ 500- $200 $100 (All under prizes Guaranteed). Novice: 5SS, G/90 w/60 sec
Late reg. ends Fri 10 am, rds Fri through Mon 11 & 6, Tue 11. Two half 300-200, top U1800 $240, U1600 $220, U1400 $200, U1200 $180, U1000 increment per move. Open to 1399 & under. Open to Ratings under 1400.
point byes available (must commit before rd 2); norm not possible if tak- $160, trophy to top U800, U600, Unrated. FIDE rated. Under 13 Cham- EF: $40 postmark or online by 6/15, $50 thereafter/site. $$GTD: $250-
ing bye. HR: $99-99, 215-448-2000, reserve by 6/5 or rate may increase. pionship, 9SS, July 1-3: Open to all born after 7/3/99. Trophies to top 150. U1200 - $100 $50, U1000 - $50 (All under prizes Guaranteed). ALL:
Bring sets, boards, clocks if possible- none supplied. Ent: Continen- 10, 1st C, D, E, Unrated. Free entry to all CCA tournaments 7/15/12- Online Registration preferred. Credit Cards ok. Unrateds may only win place
tal Chess, PO Box 249, Salisbury Mills, NY 12577. $15 service charge for 12/31/12 to 1st. Under 13 Booster, 6SS, July 4-5: Open to all born after prizes. May play up one section. Unrateds placed at TD's discretion. One
refunds. Questions: 845-496-9658, www.chesstour.com. Advance entries 7/5/99 rated under 1000 or unrated. Trophies to top 10, 1st U800, U600, 1/2 pt. bye if requested before end of Rd 2. Rd 1 of 2/day schedule is
posted at chesstour.com. Invitations: GoAtChess.us (use @ instead of U400, U200; free entry to all CCA tournaments 7/15/12-10/31/12 to1st. G/90 with 5 second delay. ENT: AustinChessTournaments.com, P.O. Box
at). Chess Magnet School JGP. Prize limits: 1) Players with under 26 games played as of 7/12 official 1386, Round Rock, TX 78680, 512-417-9008, www.AustinChessTourna-
list may not win over $600 inU900, $1500 in U1200, $3000 in U1400 or ments.com. INFO: Lori Balkum Lori.Balkum@AustinChessTournaments.
June 30, Tennessee
com. www.AustinChessClub.com. Entries are limited to the first 140 par-
Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 6 U1600. Games rated too late for 7/12 list not counted. 2) If official rat-
John Hurt Memorial ing 7/11-6/12 or unofficial post-event rating posted 7/3/11-7/3/12 ticipants. NS. NC. W. Chess Magnet School JGP.
4SS, G/60. Greater Memphis Chess Center, 5796 Shelby Oaks Drive was more than 30 points over section maximum, prize limit $2000. 3) July 7, Pennsylvania
Suite 11, Memphis, TN 38134. $500 prizes GTD. 3 Sections: Open, Ama- Unrated (0-3 lifetime games rated) cannot win over $300 in U900, $800 Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 10 (Enhanced)
teur(U1600) and Scholastic(U1200). Prizes: Open: 1st $200, 2nd $100. U1200, $1200 U1400, $1600 U1600, $2000 U1800, or $2500 U2000. 4) World Open 10-Minute Championship (QC)
Amateur: $125, $75. Scholastic: Trophies to top 3. Open and Amateur Balance of any limited prize goes to next player(s) in line. Open, U2400, 5SS, G/10, d/2. Sheraton Philadelphia City Center Hotel (see World
EF: $30 ($25 for MCC and GMCC members). Scholastic EF: $15 ($12 for U2200, U2000, U1800, U1600, U1400 EF: Mailed by 2/15, all 5-day $305, Open). Prizes $2000 based on 67 entries, else in proportion except half
members). Rounds: 10-1-3-5. Registration 6/30: 8:30-9:30am. Fri- 4-day $304, 3-day $303, 7-day $307. Open has 5-day and 7-day only; no each prize guaranteed. In 2 sections. Open Section: $400-200-100,
day night side event: JHM Blitz. G/5, 5 rds, double-swiss. 1st round at 7-day in U1400 or U1200. Mailed by 5/15 all $10 more, mailed by 6/20 top U2300/Unr $220, U2100/Unr$200. Under 1900 Section: $280-140-
7:30pm. EF: $12 ($10 for members). Prizes: 1st 35%, 2nd 20%. Entries: all $20 move. Online at chesstour.com, all $307 by 2/15, $317 by 5/15, 70, top U1700 $160, U1500 $130, U1300 $100, no unrated may win over
Memphis Chess Club Inc., PO Box 17864, Memphis, TN 38187-0864. Mem $327 by 6/25, $350 6/26 to 2 hours before round 1 or at site. Phoned $150. Entry fee: $40, at site only, no checks. Reg: 7-10 pm, rounds 10:15
phisChess.com, gpylant@gmail.com. to 406-896-2038, all $330 by 6/25. At site, all $350; no checks, credit cards pm, 11pm, 11:35 pm, 12:10 am, 12:45 am. 1 half point bye available, must
commit before rd 2. Quick-rated (will not affect regular ratings), but higher Grades K-12 U900. EF: $15 by 7/6, $25 later. Trophies to Top 7, 1-3 U600. u2100 100. A/B/C: 800-400-200-100 ea. DE: 600-300-100, top u1200 300-
of regular or quick used for pairings & prizes. ALL: Trophies: 1-2 Schools, 1-2 Clubs. PSCF $5, OSA. Reg ends: Noon. 100. Unr max $300 exc in Open. EF by 7/17: $99. Onsite +25, Play-up
July 8, Pennsylvania Rds.: 12:30-1:45-3-4:15-5:45. Ent/Info: PSCF, c/o Tom Martinak, 25 +20. r/e 40. Econ Opt: EF-20 & 2/3 calc prize (not avail in Open). GMs/
Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 30 (Enhanced) Freeport St., Pittsburgh, PA 15223. 412-908-0286. martinak_tom_m@hot- IMs free: prize-EF. Jul 12 Supp,CCA min, TD disc to place players. Sched:
World Open Blitz Championship (QC) mail.com. W. 3-day Reg. F 6-6:30, Rds. F 7, Sa 11:30 5:15, Su 10 3:30; 2-day Reg.
5SS, G/5 (double round, 10 games). Sheraton PhiladelphiaCity Center July 19-22, 20-22 or 21-22, California, Southern Sa 9-9:30, Rds. Sa 10 1:30 5:15, Su 10 3:30. Max two 1/2-pt byes, com-
Hotel (see World Open). $2500 guaranteed prizes. In 2 sections: Open Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 100 (Enhanced) mit bef rd 3. Ent: BAC, 1639A S. Main St., Milpitas, CA 95035. Rfnd fee
Section: $500-300-200, top U2400 $220, U2200/Unr $200. Under 2000 17th annual Pacific Coast Open 20. E: ask@BayAreaChess.com. Info: BayAreaChess.com/peoples. NS,
Section: $300-150-80, top U1800$180, U1600 $160, U1400 $130, U1200 6SS, 40/2, SD/1, d/5 (2-day option, rds 1-3 G/45,d5). Under 900 Section, NC, W. Chess Magnet School JGP.
$80, no unrated may win over $150. Entry fee: $40, at site only, no checks. July 21-22 only, G/70, d/5. Sheraton Agoura Hills Hotel, 30100 Agoura July 20-22 or 21-22, Illinois
Reg.: 6-11 pm, rounds 11:15 pm, 12 midnight, 12:30 pm, 1 am, 1:30 am. Rd., Agoura Hills, CA 91301 (US-101 to Reyes Adobe Road exit). Adjacent Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 120 (Enhanced)
Bye: OK rd 1. Quick-rated (will not affect regular ratings); prizes based to the Santa Monica Mountains, 26 miles west of Burbank, 12 miles from 5th annual Chicago Class
on higher of regular or quick ratings. Malibu, 28 miles from Ventura. Free parking. Prizes $25,000 based on 5SS, 40/2, SD/1, d/5 (2-day option, rds 1-2 G/75, d/5). Westin Chicago
July 12, New York 230 paid entries (re-entries count half, Under 900 one-third), minimum North Shore Hotel, 601 North Milwaukee Ave., Wheeling, IL 60090 (from
Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 10 (Enhanced) $15,000 (60% each prize) guaranteed. In 7 sections. Open: $3000-1500- Chicago, I-294 north to US-45 north; from Milwaukee, I-94 to Lake Cook
Marshall Thursday Game 30 Grand Prix! 700-400, clear or tiebreak win $100 bonus, top U2300/Unr $1600-800. Rd to US-45 south). Free parking. $20,000 guaranteed prize fund. In
4-SS, G/25d5. Marshall CC, 23 W. 10th St., NYC. 212-477-3716. EF: $40, FIDE. Under 2100: $2000-1000-500-300. Under 1900: $2000-1000-500- 8 sections; no unrated allowed in Master or Expert. Master (2200/up):
members $20, GMs and IM's free (no deduction from prize!). ($$480 b/32 300. Under 1700: $1800-900-500-300. Under 1500: $1500-700-400-200. $2000-1000-600-400, clear win or 1st on tiebreak $100, top U2400 $800-
first two prizes guaranteed:) $200-100, U2200 $95, U2000 $85. Reg.: Under 1200: $1200-600-300-200. Under 900: $300-200-120-80, trophies 400. FIDE. Expert (2000-2199): $1400-700-400-200. Class A (1800-1999/
6:15-6:45 pm. Rds.: 7-8:15-9:30-10:45. One bye available, request at entry. to top 7. Unrated may enter any section, with prize limit U2100 $1000, Unr): $1400-700-400-200. Class B (1600-1799/Unr): $1400-700-400-200.
www.marshallchessclub.org. U1900 $800, U1700 $600, U1500 $400, U1200 $200, U900 $100; balance Class C (1400-1599/Unr): $1200-600-400-200. Class D (1200-1399/Unr):
goes to next player(s) in line. If any post-event rating posted at uschess. $1000-500-300-200. Class E (Under 1200/Unr): $1000-500-300-200.
A Heritage Event! org 7/18/11-7/18/12 is more than 30 points over section maximum, prize Under 1000 (Under 1000/Unr): $200-100-60-40, trophies to first 5, top
July 12, New York limit $600. Top 6 sections EF: 4-day $134, 3-day $133, 2-day $132 mailed Under 800, Under 600, Unrated. Rated players may play up one section.
Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 10 (Enhanced) by 7/10, all $135 online at chesstour.com by 7/15, $140 phoned by 7/15 Prize limits: Unrated may not win over $100 in U1000, $200 E, $300 D,
10 Grand Prix Points Tonight, Now At The New Yorker Hotel-USCF's (406-896-2038, entry only, no questions), $150 (no checks, credit cards $500 C, $700 B, or $900 A. If any post-event rating posted at uschess.org
Longest-Running Action Tournament! OK) at tmt. No mailed credit card entries. GMs free; $120 deducted from 7/19/11-7/19/12 is more than 30 points over section maximum, prize
4-SS, G/25 + d/5 or G/30 + d/0, Chess Center at the historic New Yorker prize. Under 900 Section EF: all $90 less than above. SCCF member- limit $500. Top 7 sections EF: 3-day $103, 2-day $102 mailed by 7/11,
Hotel!, 481 8th Ave at 34th St., across from Penn Station, NYC: 845-569- ship ($18, jrs $10) required for rated Southern CA residents. Re-entry all $104 online at chesstour.com by 7/16, $110 phoned to 406-896-2038
9969. EF: $30, GMs $25 from prize. Good Customer Loyalty Discounts: $70; not available in Open Section. Unofficial uschess.org ratings by 7/16 (entry only, no questions), $120 at site. Under 1000 Section EF:
$5 less to those who played in at least 4 4 Rated Games Tonight! Thurs- usually used if otherwise unrated. Special 1 year USCF dues with mag- all $70 less than above. All: No mailed credit card entries. No checks at
day Night Actions since Jan. 2011, $10 less to those who played in at least azine if paid with entry. Online at chesstour.com, Adult $30, Young Adult site, credit cards OK. Online or mailed EF $5 less to ICA members;
10 4RGTs since 1987Thank You So Much For Your Support Of $20, Scholastic $15. Mailed, phoned or paid at site, Adult $40, Young Adult join/renew at il-chess.org. An ICA Tour event. Unofficial uschess.org rat-
This Tournament These Past 25 Years! $$700 Guaranteed: 200- $30, Scholastic $20. 4-day schedule: Reg Thu to 6:30 pm, rds Thu 7 pm, ings usually used if otherwise unrated. Special 1 year USCF dues
110-50, Top U2200/unr $100, U2000 $90. NEW!! $150 Mixed Doubles Fri 7 pm, Sat 11 & 6, Sun 10 & 4:30. 3-day schedule: Reg. Fri to 11 am, with paper magazine if paid with entry. Online at chesstour.com, Adult $30,
Bonus Prizes! Best male/female 2-player team combined score: $100- rds Fri 12 & 7, Sat 11 & 6, Sun 10 & 4:30. 2-day schedule: Reg Sat to Young Adult $20, Scholastic $15. Mailed, phoned or paid at site, Adult $40,
50 (teammates' average rating must be Under 2200; teammate pairings 9 am, rds Sat 10,12:45, 3:15 & 6, Sun 10 & 4:30. Under 900 schedule: Young Adult $30, Scholastic $20. Re-entry $50; not available in Master
avoided but possible, teams must declare by 8:15). Choice of 2 sched- Reg Sat to 9 am, rds 10, 1:15, 4:30 each day. All schedules: Half point Section. GMs $80 from prize. 3-day schedule: Reg. ends Fri 6 pm, rds.
ules! 7:00 Schedule, rds. 7-8:15-9:30-10:45 pm. 7:30 schedule, rd. 1 byes OK all, limit 2, Open must commit before rd 2, other sections before Fri 7, Sat 11 & 6, Sun 10 & 4:30. 2-day schedule: Reg. ends Sat 10 am,
(G/15 + td/3) at 7:30 pm, score carries over into round 2 of 7:00 sched- rd 4. HR: $87-87, 818-707-1220, request chess rate, reserve by 7/5 or rds. Sat 11, 2:30 & 6, Sun 10 & 4:30. Bye: all, Master must commit before
ule at 8:15 pm. Limit 2 byes (1 bye if U2000), commit by 8:15. Re-entry $15, rate may increase. Car rental: Avis, 800-331-1600, use AWD #D657633. rd 2, others before rd 3. HR: $103-103-103-103, 800-937-8461, 847-777-
counts half. Reg. ends 10 min. before game. CCA Minimums may be used. Ent: Continental Chess, PO Box 249, Salisbury Mills, NY 12577. $15 serv- 6500, reserve by 7/6 or rate may increase. Car rental: Avis, 800-331-1600,
A State Championship Event! ice charge for refunds. Questions: www.chesstour.com, 845-496-9658. use AWD #D657633. Ent: Continental Chess, Box 249, Salisbury Mills,
July 14, Pennsylvania Advance entries posted at chesstour.com. Chess Magnet School JGP. NY 12577. $15 service charge for refunds. Questions: chesstour.com, 845-
Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 6 July 20-22 or 21-22, California, Northern 496-9658. Advance entries posted at chesstour.com. Chess Magnet
2012 PA State Action Championship Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 40 (Enhanced) School JGP.
5SS, G/30d5. Wm. Pitt Union, Univ. of Pitt., 5th & Bigelow, Pittsburgh, PA Peoples Tournament July 21-22, Louisiana
15213. 2 Sections: Championship: EF: $25 by 7/6, $35 later. $$ (690G): 5SS, 30/90 sd60, 2-day rds 1-2 g/90 merge rd3. Hilton, 7050 Johnson Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 6
$200-100, U2000 $90, U1800 $80, U1600 $70, U1400 $60, U1200 $50, Dr., Pleasanton. Hotel $79. Free parking. Prizes: $8,000 b/133 (75% guar). 2012 Paul Morphy Open
U1000 $40. Trophies: 1-3 U1400, 1-3 U1200, 1-3 U1000. Scholastic: 5 sections. MX (2000+ FIDE rated): 1000-500-200, top u2300 300, 5-SS, G/2 (Round 1: G/90). Site: Holiday Inn Metairie New Orleans Air-
port, 2261 N. Causeway Blvd., Metairie, LA 70001. EF: $50 if mailed by entry $60; not available in Open Section. 3-day schedule: Reg ends Fri Aug. 4-5, Washington
7/14, $60 at site. LCA Memb. req'd ($10 adult, $5 Schol.), OSA. Prizes: 6 pm, rds. Fri 7 pm, Sat 11 & 6, Sun 10 & 4:15. 2-day schedule: Reg ends Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 6
$1900 b/60, 50% Gtd. Two Sections: Open: $400-200; U2000 $200-100, Sat 10 am, rds. Sat 11, 2:30 & 6, Sun 10 & 4:15. All: Half point byes OK 2012 U.S. Open Weekend Swiss
U1800 $200-100. Reserve (U1600): $250-100; U1400 $200; U1200/UNR all, limit 2, Open must commit before rd 2, others before rd 3. HR: $71- 5-SS, G/60. $$1,000 guaranteed prizes. $200-100-50, U2200/Unr
$150. Reg.: 7/21, 8-9am. Rds.: Sat: 9:15-1-5:30, Sun: 9:30-2. HR: $99, 71 plus resort fee (currently 7.5%), 1-800-421-8001, 407-351-2420; $160, U1800 $140, U1600 $120, U1400 $100, U1200 $80, Unr $50. Entry
(504) 373-5946, reserve early. Ent/Info: Adam Caveney, 1301 Gen. Tay- reserve by 7/13 or rate may increase. Car rental: Avis, 800-331-1600, fee $40, Unr free if paying USCF dues. On-Site Registration 8:30-
lor St., New Orleans, LA 70115, cb20234@yahoo.com, (504) 895-4133 AWD D657633, or reserve car online through chesstour.com. Ent: Con- 9:30am 8/4. Rds.: Sat 10-1-3:30, Sun 10-1. See U.S. Open Side Events
(evenings), (504) 615-6730 (on day of tourney). NS. NC. Chess Magnet tinental Chess, Box 249, Salisbury Mills, NY 12577. $15 service charge display ad for more details on all 2012 U.S. Open Side Events.
School JGP. for refunds. Questions: www.chesstour.com, Director@Chess.US, 845- A Heritage Event!
July 27-29 or 28-29, Connecticut 496-9658. Advance entries posted at chesstour.com. Chess Magnet Aug. 4-12, 7-12 or 9-12, Washington
Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 50 (Enhanced) School JGP. Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 300
17th Annual Bradley Open July 28-Aug. 1, Maryland 113th annual U.S. Open
5SS, 40/2, SD/1, d/5 (2-day option, rds 1-2 G/75, d/5). Sheraton Hotel, Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 150 See Nationals.
1 Bradley Airport (visible at airport entrance), Windsor Locks, CT 06096 2012 Washington International A Heritage Event!
(I-91 Exit 40 to Rt. 20). Free parking. $8000 guaranteed prize fund. In 9SS, 40/90, SD/30 inc/30. Rockville Hilton, 1750 Rockville Pike, Rockville, Aug. 9-12, 10-12 or 11-12, Massachusetts
5 sections. Open: $1000-500-300, U2300 $450. FIDE. Under 2100: MD 20852, 301-468-0308. Guaranteed Prizes: $5000-3000-2000-1000- Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 120 (Enhanced)
$800-400-200, top U1900 $450. Under 1800: $800-400-200, top U1600 900-800-700-600-500-500, top U2500 $700-300, top U2300 $700-300. 42nd annual Continental Open
$450. Under 1500: $700-400-200, top U1300 $300. Under 1200: $250- (minimum 2100 FIDE to play. FIDE ratings used for pairings and 6SS, 40/2, SD/1 (2-day option, rds 1-3 G/50). Host Hotel at Cedar Lake,
125-75, trophies to 1st place, top U1000, U800, U600, Unrated. Unrated prizes). Sets, board and clocks provided. GM and IM norms pos- 366 Main St (Rt 20 West), Sturbridge, MA 01566 (I-84 Exit 3, near I-90).
may not win over $150 in U1200, $300 in U1500 or $500 in U1800. Top sible. Free Continental breakfast every morning. Optionally, pairings Free parking. Experience early 19th century America at OldSturbridge Vil-
4 sections EF: 3-day $88, 2-day $87 if check mailed by 7/18, all $89 online can be texted to your phone. EF: GMs, non-US IMs, or FIDE over 2500 lage (see www.osv.org). Prizes $30,000 based on 250 paid entries (re-
at chesstour.com by 7/24, $95 phoned to 406-896-2038 by 7/24 (entry Free, US IMs, non-US FIDE rated, or FIDE over 2400 $200, FIDE over 2300 entries & $60 less EF count half), minimum $21,000 (70% of each prize)
only, no questions), $100 at site. No mailed credit card entries. U1200 $300, FIDE over 2200 $400, FIDE under 2200 $500. All $25 more after guaranteed. In 7 sections. Open: $3000-1500-700-400-300, clear or tie-
Section EF: all $40 less than above. No checks at site, credit cards OK. 6/1, $50 more after 6/29, $75 more after 7/24, $100 more at the door. break win $100 bonus, top U2400/Unr $1800-1000. FIDE. Under 2200:
GMs free, $80 deducted from prize. Mailed EF $3 less to CSCA or WMCA Special EFs: ALL EFs $50 less, if staying at the Hilton. Schedule: Reg $2000-1000-600-400-200. Under 2000: $2000-1000-600-400-200. Under
members. Re-entry $50; not available in Open Section. Unofficial ends Sat 10 am, rds 7/28-7/31:11&6, Wed 8/1 10am. HR: $98. Ent: MCA, 1800: $2000-1000-600-400-200. Under 1600: $1800-900-500-400-200.
uschess.org ratings usually used if otherwise unrated. Special 1 year c/o Michael Regan, 1827 Thornton Ridge Rd., Towson, MD 21204. More Under 1400: $1500-800-400-300-200. Under 1100: $700-400-250-150-
USCF dues with paper magazine if paid with entry. Online at information, link for hotel reservation & online entry at: http://washing- 100. Unrated may enter any section, with prize limit U2000 $1000,
chesstour.com, Adult $30, Young Adult $20, Scholastic $15. Mailed, toninternationalchess.com. Chess Magnet School JGP. U1800 $800, U1600 $600, U1400 $400, U1100 $250; balance goes to next
phoned or paid at site, Adult $40, Young Adult $30, Scholastic $20. 3-day Aug. 3-5 or 4-5, Ohio player(s) in line. Top 6 sections EF: 4-day $149, 3-day $148, 2-day $147
schedule: Reg ends Fri 6:30 pm, rds. Fri 7 pm, Sat 11 & 6, Sun 10 & 4:15. Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 100 (Enhanced) mailed by 7/31, all $149 online at chesstour.com by 8/6, $155 phoned
2-day schedule: Reg ends Sat 10:30 am, rds. Sat 11, 2:30 & 6, Sun 10 Cleveland Open by 8/6 (406-896-2038, entry only, no questions), $160 (no checks, credit
& 4:15. Bye: all, limit 2; must commit before rd 2. HR: $89-89, 860-627- 5SS, 40/2, SD/1, d5 (2-day option, rds 1-2 G/75, d5). Sheraton Cleveland cards OK) at tmt. No credit card mailed entries. GMs free; $140 deducted
5311; reserve by 7/13 or rate may increase. Car rental: Avis, 800-331- Airport Hotel, 5300 Riverside Drive (inside Cleveland Airport; free shut- from prize. EF for all in Under 1100 Section & unrated in Under 1400:
1600, AWD D657633, or reserve car online through chesstour.com. Ent: tle), Cleveland, OH 44135. Free parking, free airport shuttle. $16,000 all $60 less. All: Advance EF $5 less to MACA members; may join/renew
Continental Chess, Box 249, Salisbury Mills, NY 12577. $15 service guaranteed prize fund. In 6 sections. Open: $2000-1000-600-300, clear at masschess.org. Re-entry $80; not available in Open Section. Unoffi-
charge for refunds. Questions: www.chesstour.com, DirectorAtChess.US, or tiebreak winner $100 bonus, top Under2200/Unr $1200-600. FIDE. cial uschess.org ratings usually used if otherwise unrated. Special 1 year
845-496-9658. Advance entries posted at chesstour.com. Chess Mag- Under 2000: $1400-700-400-200. Under 1800: $1400-700-400-200. USCF dues with paper magazine if paid with entry. Online at chesstour.
net School JGP. Under 1600: $1200-600-300-200. Under 1300 (note change): $1000- com, Adult $30, Young Adult $20, Scholastic $15. Mailed, phoned or paid
July 27-29 or 28-29, Florida 500-250-150. Under 1000: $300-200-100, trophies to top U800, U600, at site, Adult $40, Young Adult $30, Scholastic $20. 4-day schedule: Reg
Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 80 (Enhanced) Unr. Unrated may not win over $150 in U1000, $300 U1300, $500 U1600, Thu to 6:30 pm, rds Thu7 pm, Fri 7 pm, Sat 11 & 6, Sun 10 & 4:30. 3-day
20th Annual Southern Open or $800 U1800. Top 5 sections EF: 3-day $103, 2-day $102 mailed by schedule: Reg. Fri to 11 am, rds Fri 12 & 7, Sat 11 & 6, Sun 10 & 4:30.
5SS, 40/2, SD/1, d/5 (2-day option, rds 1-2 G/75, d/5). Wyndham 7/25, all $105 online at chesstour.com by 7/31, $110 phoned to 406-896- 2-day schedule: Reg Sat to 9 am, rds Sat 10, 12:45, 3:15 & 6, Sun 10
Orlando Resort, 8001 International Dr., Orlando 32819. Free parking. 2038 by 7/31 (entry only, no questions), $120 (no checks, credit cards OK) & 4:30. All schedules: Bye all, limit 2, Open must commit before rd 2,
$$16,000 based on 200 paid entries (re-entries & $50 off entries count at site, or online until 2 hours before your first game. No mailed credit other sections before rd 4. HR: $89-89-99, 800-582-3232, 508-347-7393,
half), $12,000 (75% each prize) minimum guaranteed. In 5 sections. card entries. GMs, IMs & WGMs free; $90 deducted from prize. EF for request chess rate, reserve by 7/26 or rate may increase. Car rental:
Open: $2000-1000-500-300, clear or tiebreak winner $100 bonus, top all in U1000 or unrated in U1300: $70 less than above. Unofficial Avis, 800-331-1600, use AWD #D657633. Ent: Continental Chess, PO Box
Under 2300/Unr $800, Under 2200/Unr $700. FIDE. Under 2100: $1400- uschess.org ratings usually used if otherwise unrated. Special 1 year 249, Salisbury Mills, NY 12577. $15 service charge for refunds. Ques-
700-400-200, top Under 1900 (no unr) $500. Under 1800: $1400-700-400- USCF dues with paper magazine if paid with entry. Online at chesstour. tions: www.chesstour.com, DirectorAtChess.us, 845-496-9658. Advance
200, top Under 1600 (no unr) $500. Under 1500: $1200-600-300-200, top com, Adult $30, Young Adult $20, Scholastic $15. Mailed, phoned or paid entries posted at chesstour.com. Chess Magnet School JGP.
Under 1300 (no unr) $400. Under 1200: $800-400-200-100, trophies to at site, Adult $40, Young Adult $30, Scholastic $20. Re-entry $50; not Aug. 11, Washington
top Under 1000, Under 800, Under 600, Unrated. Unrated may not win available in Open Section. 3-day schedule: Reg ends Fri 6 pm, rds. Fri Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 15
over $150 in U1200, $300 U1500, or $500 U1800. Top 4 sections EF: 3- 7 pm, Sat 11 & 6, Sun 10 & 4:15. 2-day schedule: Reg ends Sat 10 am, 2012 U.S. Open Blitz Championship (QC)
day $103, 2-day $102 mailed by 7/18, all $105 online at chesstour.com rds. Sat 11, 2:30 & 6, Sun 10 & 4:15. All: Half point byes OK all, limit 2, 7-SS (double round, 14 games), 1 section, G/5. Quick rated, higher of reg-
by 7/24, $110 phoned to 406-896-2038 by 7/24 (entry only, no questions), Open must commit before rd 2, others before rd 3. HR: $85-85-85-85, ular or quick rating. Entry fee $40, free to Unrated if paying USCF dues.
$120 (no checks, credit cards OK) at site. GMs free; $100 deducted from 216-267-1500, request chess rate, reserve by 7/20 or rate may increase. Registration: 9am-11:30am, first round begins at noon. $2000 guar-
prize. EF for all in U1200 or unrated in U1500: all $50 less than above. Car rental: Avis, 800-331-1600, AWD D657633, or reserve car online anteed prizes! $$400-200-150, Expert $200-100, U2000 $200-100,
Unofficial uschess.org ratings usually used if otherwise unrated. Spe- through chesstour.com. Ent: Continental Chess, Box 249, Salisbury Mills, U1800 $180-90, U1600/Unr $140-70, U1400 $100, U1200 $70. See U.S.
cial 1 year USCF dues with paper magazine if paid with entry. Online NY 12577. $15 service charge for refunds. Questions: www.chesstour.com, Open Side Events display ad for more details on 2012 U.S. Open Side
at chesstour.com, Adult $30, Young Adult $20, Scholastic $15. Mailed, DirectorAtChess.US, 845-496-9658. Advance entries posted at chesstour. Events.
phoned or paid at site, Adult $40, Young Adult $30, Scholastic $20. Re- com. Chess Magnet School JGP.
Aug. 17-19 or 18-19, California, Northern
Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 50 (Enhanced)
4th annual Central California Open
5SS, 40/2, SD/1, d/5 (2-day option, rds 1-2 G/75, d/5). Radisson Hotel,
2233 Ventura St., Fresno, CA 93710. Free parking, free airport shuttle.
Cosponsored by Fresno Chess Club. $$ 10,000 based on 125 paid entries
(re-entries & $60 less EF count half), minimum $7,000 (70% of each prize)
National Championships guaranteed. In 4 sections: Open: $1500-700-400-300, clear or tiebreak
1st $100, top U2200 $600, U2100 $500. FIDE. Under 2000: $1200-600-
OPEN 400-200, top U1800 $500. Under 1700: $1000-500-300-200, top U1500
$400. Under 1400: $300-200-100, trophies to top U1200, U1000, U800,
U600. Unrated may enter any section, with prize limits: U1400 $150, U1700
$500. Balance goes to next player(s) in line. Top 3 sections EF: 3-day
JUNE 1517 OR 1617 $118, 2-day $117 mailed by 8/8, all $115 online at chesstour.com by 8/14,
$120 phoned to 406-896-2038 by 8/14 (entry only, no questions), $130
$80,000 GUARANTEED PRIZE FUND at site, or online until 2 hours before your first game. Under 1400 Sec-
tion EF: all $60 less than above. Mailed EF $15 less to Fresno Chess
6 Round Swiss in 8 Sections H USCF & FIDE Rated H 200 Grand Prix Points Club members. GMs, IMs & WGMs free, $100 deducted from prize. All:
Unofficial uschess.org ratings usually used if otherwise unrated. Special
U. S. GAME / 10
1 year USCF dues with Chess Life if paid with entry: Online at chesstour.
Special Guest com, Adult $30, Young Adult $20, Scholastic $15. Mailed, phoned or paid
Former World Champion
at site, Adult $40, Young Adult $30, Scholastic $20. Re-entry $60; not avail-
able in Open Section. No checks at site, credit cards OK. 3-day schedule:
Reg ends Fri 6:30 pm, rds Fri 7 pm, Sat 11 & 6, Sun 10 & 4:15. 2-day
JUNE 14 5:00 P.M. schedule: Reg ends Sat 10:30 am, rds Sat 11, 2:30 & 6, Sun 10 & 4:15.
Byes: OK all, limit 1 bye if eligible for class prizes; must commit before
rd 2. HR: $89-89, 800-241-0756, 559-268-1000, request chess rate,
reserve by 8/3 or rate may increase. Car rental: Avis, 800-331-1600, use
AWD #D657633, or reserve car online through chesstour.com. Ent: Con-
tinental Chess, Box 249, Salisbury Mills, NY 12577. Questions: chesstour.
com, DirectorAtChess.US, 845-496-9658. Advance entries posted at chess
tour.com. Chess Magnet School JGP.
June 14th 17th, 2012 Aug. 17-19 or 18-19, Indiana
Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 80 (Enhanced)
7th annual Indianapolis Open
5SS, 40/2, SD/1, d5 (2-day option, rds 1-2 G/75, d5), Crowne Plaza
Indianapolis Airport, 2051 S. High School Rd. (off I-465 & Airport Expwy),
SIMULS H SCHOLASTICS H GRANDMASTER CHESS CAMP Indianapolis, IN 46241. Free parking, free airport shuttle, free wireless,
HOTEL - CASINO - LAS VEGAS INTERNATIONAL YOUTH CHAMPIONSHIP H LECTURES H AND MORE indoor pool, game room, fitness center. $$16,000 based on 200 paid entries
(re-entries & $50 off entries count half), $12,000 (75% each prize) min-
imum guaranteed. In 5 sections. Open: $2000-1000-600-300, clear or tie- at chesstour.com by 8/13, $40 phoned to 406-896-2038 by 8/13, $50 at pm, rds. Fri 7 pm, Sat 11 & 6, Sun 10 & 4:30. 2-day schedule: Reg. ends
break winner $100 bonus, top Under 2300/Unr $800, Under 2200/Unr site. No phone entry after 8/13. Online late entry is available between Sat. 10 am, rds Sat 11, 2:30 & 6, Sun 10 & 4:30. Bye: all, limit 2, Open must
$700. FIDE. Under 2100: $1400-700-400-200, top Under 1900 (no unr) 8/14 and two hours before round 1, with same fee as at site. Unofficial commit before rd2, others before rd3. HR: $96-96, 202-429-1700, reserve
$500. Under 1800: $1400-700-400-200, top Under 1600 (no unr) $500. uschess.org ratings usually used if otherwise unrated. Special 1 year by 8/10 or rate may increase. Regular rate at this luxury hotel is about
Under 1500: $1200-600-300-200, top Under 1300 (no unr) $400. Under USCF membership with paper magazine if paid with entry: Online at chess $200! Car rental: 800-331-1600, use AWD D657633, or reserve car online
1200: $700-400-200-100, trophies to top Under 1000, Under 800, Under tour.com, Adult $30, Young Adult $20, Scholastic $15. Mailed, phoned or through chesstour.com. Parking: Valet parking $10/day to 2 am or $20/
600, Unrated. Unrated may not win over $150 in U1200, $300 U1500, or paid at site, Adult $40, Young Adult $30, Scholastic $20. No checks at day overnight; garage has limited space. Ent: Continental Chess, Box 249,
$500 U1800. Top 4 sections EF: 3-day $108, 2-day $107 if check mailed site, credit cards OK. No mailed credit card entries. Re-entry: $80, no Salisbury Mills, NY 12577. $15 service charge for refunds. Questions:
by 8/8, all $105 online at chesstour.com by 8/14, $110 phoned to 406- re-entry from Open Section to Open Section. 3-day schedule: Reg. ends www.chesstour.com, DirectorAtChess.US, 845-496-9658. Advance entries
896-2038 by 8/14 (entry only, no questions), $120 (no checks, credit cards Fri 11 am, rds Fri 12 & 7, Sat 11 & 6, Sun 10 & 4:30. 2-day schedule: posted at chesstour.com. Chess Magnet School JGP.
OK) at site. GMs, IMs or WGMs free; $100 deducted from prize. Under Reg. ends Sat. 9 am, rds Sat. 10, 12:45, 3:15 & 6, Sun 10 & 4:30. 3-day
1200 Section EF: all $50 less than above. Special 1 year USCF dues & 2-day merge & compete for same prizes. Under 900 & Under 700 A Heritage Event!
schedule: Reg. ends Sat. 9 am, rds 10, 12:45, 3:15 each day. Byes: all; Aug. 31-Sept. 3, Sept. 1-3 or 2-3, New York
with paper magazine if paid with entry. Online at chesstour.com, Adult $30,
Young Adult $20, Scholastic $15. Mailed, phoned or paid at site, Adult $40, limit 2, Open must commit before rd 2, others before rd 3. Bring sets, Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 100 (Enhanced)
Young Adult $30, Scholastic $20. Re-entry $60; not available in Open Sec- boards, clocks if possible- none supplied. HR: $175-175-195-210 (rates 134th annual NY State Championship
tion. 3-day schedule: Reg ends Fri 6:30 pm, rds. Fri 7 pm, Sat 11 & 6, for 3 or 4 in room are for 2 beds), 1-800-764-4680, 212-971-0101, Out of state welcome. 6SS, 40/2, SD/1, d5 (2-day option except in Open
Sun 10 & 4:15. 2-day schedule: Reg ends Sat 10:30 am, rds. Sat 11, 2:30 reserve by 7/27 or rate may increase, ask for Continental Chess Asso- Section, rds 1-3 G/45, d5). Albany Marriott, 189 Wolf Road, Albany 12205
& 6, Sun 10 & 4:15. All: Half point byes OK all, limit 2, Open must com- ciation rate. Car rentals: Avis, 800-331-1600, use AWD #D657633 or re- (Thruway Exit 24, I-87 north to Wolf Rd, Exit 4). Luxurious hotel with
mit before rd 2, others before rd 3. HR: $89-89, 1-877-361-4511, 317-248- serve car online at chesstour.com. Foreign player ratings: see www.chess indoor/outdoor pool, sauna, fitness center, free parking, free airport shut-
0187; reserve by 7/29 or rate may increase. Car rental: Avis, 800-331- tour.com/foreignratings.htm. US player ratings: August official ratings tle, many restaurants in area. $$G 12,000. In 5 sections. Open: $2000-
1600, AWD D657633, or reserve car online through chesstour.com. Ent: used; FIDE ratings not used. Ent: Continental Chess, Box 249, Salisbury 1000-500-300, top U2300/Unr $700, U2200/Unr $600. State title and $100
Continental Chess, Box 249, Salisbury Mills, NY 12577. $15 service Mills, NY 12577. Questions: 845-496-9658, www.chesstour.com. $15 bonus to top NYS resident. FIDE. Under 2100: $1000-500-300-150, top
charge for refunds. Questions: www.chesstour.com, DirectorAtChess.us, service charge for refunds. Advance entries will be posted at chesstour. Under 1900 $400. Under 1800: $1000-500-300-150, top Under 1600 $400.
845-496-9658. Advance entries posted at chesstour.com. Chess Mag- com. Chess Magnet School JGP. Under 1500: $800-400-200-100, top Under 1300 $300. Under 1200: $200-
net School JGP. 100, trophy to first 5, top Under 1000, Under 800, Under 600, Unrated.
A Heritage Event! Unrated may not win over $150 in U1200, $300 U1500 or $600 U1800.
Aug. 17-19 or 18-19, New York Aug. 24-26 or 25-26, District of Columbia All: 1 year NYSCA membership to NY residents who list name and address
Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 150 (Enhanced) Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 120 (Enhanced) on signup sheet posted at tournament. Top 3 sections EF: 4-day $99,
11th annual Manhattan Open 44th annual Atlantic Open
5SS, 40/2, SD/1, d5 (2-day option, rds 1-2 G/75, d5). Washington Westin 3-day $98, 2-day $97 if check mailed by 8/22, all $95 online at chesstour.
NOTE 2-DAY, U900 & U700 SCHEDULE CHANGES. 6SS, 40/2, SD/1, d5
Hotel, 1400 M St NW at Thomas Circle, Washington, DC 20005. $$G com by 8/29, $105 phoned to 406-896-2038 by 8/29 (entry only, no ques-
(2-day option, rds 1-3 G/50, d5). Under 900 and Under 700 Sections
play 8/18-19 only, G/50, d/5. New Yorker Hotel, 481 Eighth Ave at 34th 20,000 guaranteed prizes. In 7 sections. Open: $2000-1000-500-300, tions), $120 at site. No mailed credit card entries. Under 1500 Section
St. across from Penn Station, NY 10001. $35,000 guaranteed prizes. clear or tiebreak 1st $100 bonus, top U2300/Unr $1200-600. FIDE. Under EF: All $20 less than top 3 sections EF. Under 1200 Section EF: All $50
Open & U2300 Sections are FIDE rated, except G/50 games. In 10 sec- 2100: $1500-700-400-200. Under 1900: $1500-700-400-200. Under less than top 3 sections EF. All: Unofficial uschess.org ratings usually used
tions: Open: $2500-1500-1000-700-500-400, clear or tiebreak first $200 1700: $1500-700-400-200. Under 1500: $1300-700-400-200. Under if otherwise unrated. Special 1 year USCF dues with paper magazine if
bonus, top Under 2500/Unr $1200. Under 2300, Under 2100, Under 1900, 1300: $1200-600-300-200. Under 1000: $400-300-200-100, trophies paid with entry. Online at chesstour.com, Adult $30, Young Adult $20, Schol-
Under 1700: each $1500-1000-700-500-400-300. Under 1500, Under to top 3, first U800, U600, Unrated. Unrated may not win over $150 in astic $15. Mailed, phoned or paid at site, Adult $40, Young Adult $30,
1300: each $1200-800-600-500-400-300. Under 1100: $700-400-300-200- U1000, $300 U1300, $500 U1500, $700 U1700, or $900 U1900. If any post- Scholastic $20. Re-entry $60, all sections but Open. GMs, IMs & WGMs
100-100.Under900:Trophies to first 10, top Unrated. Under 700:Trophies event rating posted at uschess.org 8/21/11-8/21/12 is more than 30 free, $80 deducted from prize. No checks at site, credit cards OK. 3-day
to first 10, top Under 500, Under 300, Unrated. Prize limits: 1) If any post- points over section maximum, prize limit $700. Top 6 sections EF: 3-day schedule: Reg. ends Sat 10:30 am, rds. Sat 11 & 6, Sun 11 & 6, Mon 10
event rating posted at uschess.org 8/13/11-8/13/12 is more than 30 $108, 2-day $107 if check mailed by 8/15, all $105 online at chesstour.com & 4:15. 4-day schedule: Reg. ends Fri 6:30 pm, rds. Fri 7 pm, Sat 6 pm,
points over section maximum, prize limit $800. 2) Unrated (0-3 lifetime by 8/21, $110 phoned to 406-896-2038 by 8/21 (entry only, no questions), Sun 11 & 6, Mon 10 & 4:15. 2-day schedule: Reg. ends Sun. 10:30 am,
games rated) cannot win over $200 in U1100, $400 U1300, $600 U1500, $120 at site, or online until 2 hours before your first game. Under 1000 rds Sun 11, 1:30, 3:30, 6, Mon 10 & 4:15, no 2-day schedule in Open. Bye:
$800 U1700 or $1000 U1900. 3) Balance of limited prize goes to next Section EF: All $60 less than above. No mailed credit card entries. No all, limit 2, Open must commit before rd 2, others before rd 4. HR: $97-
player(s) in line. Top 7 sections EF: 3-day $163, 2-day $162 if check mailed checks at site, credit cards OK. GMs free, $90 deducted from prize. Re- 97, 800-443-8952, 518-458-8444, reserve by 8/23 or rate may increase.
by 8/8, all $165 online at chesstour.com by 8/13, $170 phoned to 406- entry $60, not available in Open Section. All: Unofficial uschess.org NYSCA meeting 9 am Sun. Car rental: 800-331-1600, use AWD D657633,
896-2038 by 8/13, $180 at site. Under 1100 Section EF: 3-day $83, 2-day ratings usually used if otherwise unrated. Special 1 year USCF dues or reserve car online through chesstour.com. Ent: Continental Chess, Box
$82 if check mailed by 8/8, all $85 online at chesstour.com by 8/13, $90 with paper magazine if paid with entry- Online at chesstour.com, Adult 249, Salisbury Mills, NY 12577. Questions: www.chesstour.com, Direc-
phoned to 406-896-2038 by 8/13, $100 at site. Under 900 or Under 700 $30, Young Adult $20, Scholastic $15. Mailed, phoned or paid at site, Adult torAtChess.US, 845-496-9658. Advance entries posted at chesstour.com.
Section EF: 3-day $33, 2-day $32 if check mailed by 8/8, all $35 online $40, Young Adult $30, Scholastic $20. 3-day schedule: Reg. ends Fri 6 Chess Magnet School JGP.
A State Championship Event! WGMs free; $130 EF deduction from prize (GMs who have a $700 min- 1999/1200-1599/U1200. ASCF: U1000; G/60 for the top 4 sections.
A Heritage Event! imum prize will not be reduced to below $700 by the deduction). FMs: G/30 for U1000; ROUND TIMES: 4 top sections: 9am/11:15am/1:30pm/
Sept. 1-3, Ohio $130 mailed by 10/12 or online by 10/22, $150 at tmt. FIDE 2200/up rated 3:30pm. 5:30pm Ceremony. U1000: 9am/10:15am/12:00pm/1:15pm.
Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 40 players: $230 mailed by 10/12 or online by 10/22, $250 at tmt. FIDE 2100- 2:30pm Ceremony. PRIZES: $200 1st, $100 2nd 2000 & up/ Top 3 trophies
68th Ohio Chess Congress 2199: $330 mailed by 10/12 or online by 10/22, $350 at tmt. Others: $430 in 1600-1999, 1200-1599, and U1200/ Top 5 U1000 plus best U800 and
6/SS, 40/120;d5, SD/60;d5. Days Inn, 4742 Brecksville Rd., Richfield, OH. mailed by 10/12 or online by 10/22, $450 at tmt. Amateur: 6SS, 40/2, U600. ENTRY FEE: $20 by 5/23, $23 by 5/24, $26 by 5/25, $30 at site.
Prizes: $7,000 (b/125). In 4 Sections. Open: (FIDE rated) $1,000-700- SD/1, d5, open to under 2200 or unrated. $$G 1200-600-300-200, top $10 to play up. TO REGISTER: chessemporium.com, call 602-482-4867.
400 All Guaranteed, U2200 $400-$200, 1st Guaranteed. U2000: $800-500- Under 1900 (no unr) $700-400. EF: $128 mailed by 10/12 or online by SITE: 1835 E Elliot Rd., Tempe, AZ.
300. U1700: $750-450-300. U1400: $600-400, U1100 $200. EF: $80 by 10/22, $150 at tmt. Reserve: 6SS, 40/2, SD/1, d5, open to under 1600 May 26, Metro Phoenix Chess Club Heat Wave Swiss #1
Aug 28 then $90, Free to GM/IM who complete schedule, $80 deducted or unrated. $700-400-200-100, top Under 1300 (no unr) $350-150; no Format: 3-SS (G/40, d/5), Regular and Quick Rated. Two rating-equiva-
from prize. OCA Membership required of all Ohio residents - $15, $10 jun- unrated may win over $300. EF: $78 mailed by 10/12 or online by 10/22, lent sections if 18+ players otherwise one open section. Registration:
ior. Online payment: www.progresswithchess.org. Reg.: Saturday $100 at tmt. All: No checks at site, credit cards OK. Unofficial uschess.org 9am-10am (onsite). Rounds: 10:15, 11:45, 1:15pm. EF: $5. No prizes-
9-11:30 am. Rds.: Saturday 12:00 (noon) & 6:30, Sunday 9:30 & 4:00, Mon- ratings usually used if otherwise unrated. Special 1 year USCF dues with just the satisfaction of playing well. One 1/2 point bye available. Must
day 9:30 & 4:00. Byes (1/2 point), must commit before start of round 3, paper magazine if paid with entry. Online at chesstour.com, Adult $30, declare at registration. USCF membership required and available on site.
limit 2 in rds. 1-5 or 1 rd. 6. Hotel: Day's Inn, 330-659-6151, $72/night, Young Adult $20, Scholastic $15. Mailed, phoned or paid at site, Adult $40, Location: InnPlace Hotel Phoenix, 10220 N. Metro Parkway East,
mention chess. Entries, checks payable to: Progress with Chess, 12200 Young Adult $30, Scholastic $20. Extra charge for magazine if not Phoenix, AZ 85051, 2nd Floor Cottonwood Room. Skittles room available
Fairhill Rd. E 293, Cleveland, OH 44120. Info: 216-321-7000, mdjoelson@ US/Canada/Mexico. Special USCF dues for Bahamas residents: see for analysis of games. Hotel has a lounge, outside patio and full service
progresswithchess.org. Chess Magnet School JGP. www.chesstour.com/bi12.htm. Ratings: FIDE ratings used in International restaurant. Please bring your own sets for analysis of games. Club sets
Oct. 4-8, 5-8, 6-8 or 6-7, Virginia Section, USCF in others; if multiple ratings, usually highest rating used, cannot be removed from the tournament room. Phone: 602-850-1515.
Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 150 (Enhanced) plus possible adjustment points. No adjustment points added to Bahamas, Info: www.phoenixchess.org or phoenixchess@inbox.com.
3rd annual Continental Class Championships Jamaica, most Caribbean ratings or CFC, 50 added to FIDE or FQE,
100/more added to many other countries. International schedule: May 26-28, 2012 U.S. Amateur West Championship
Master Section, 9SS, Oct 4-8, 40/90, SD/30, inc/30. Expert through See Nationals.
Class D Sections, 7SS, Oct 5-8 or 6-8, 40/2, SD/1, d5 (3-day option, rounds Late reg. ends Wed 6 pm, rds Wed 7, Thu 11 & 6, Fri 11 & 6, Sat 11 & 6,
1-2 G/75, d5). Class E Section, 7SS, Oct 6-7, G/40, d5 (Class E does not Sun 10 & 4:30. Two half point byes available (must commit before rd 2); July 19-22, 20-22 or 21-22, 17th annual Pacific Coast Open (CA-S)
play on Columbus Day, Monday, Oct 8). Hyatt Regency Crystal City, 2799 norm not possible if taking bye. Amateur & Reserve schedule: Late reg. See Grand Prix.
Jefferson Davis Highway, Arlington, VA 22202. Free shuttle to/from ends Fri 10 am, rds Fri 11 & 6, Sat 11 & 6, Sun 10 & 4:30. HR: $109-109-
Reagan International Airport and Crystal City Metro station (contact 129 plus $18 resort fee, 954-903-2800, 242-327-6200, reserve by 10/10
or rate may increase. Resort fee includes bellmen & maid gratuities, pool
California, Northern
hotel for schedule). Prizes $50,000 based on 300 paid entries (seniors, Capital City C. C. Sundays Chess for Kids
re-entries, Class D Section, GMs, IMs, WGMs, foreign FIDE rated play- & beach amenities, fitness room, admission to cocktail party, use of
computers/wifi in lobby, access to Crystal Palace Casino Members Club Round Table Pizza, 3005 Freeport Blvd., Sacramento. Quads (3/RR). T/C:
ers in Master count as half entries, Class E Section players count as 1/4 G/30 w/5 Second Delay. RDS.: 12pm/Ongoing. PRIZES: 1st - Trophy or
entries), else proportional, except minimum $30,000 (60% each prize) & free play, resort activities, use of facilities at adjacent Sheraton Hotel,
Wyndham coupon value pack, etc. Bring sets, boards, clocks if possi- Inscribed Chess Clock, 1st thru 4th - Medals or Pins. TIE-BREAK: G/7 w/3
guaranteed. In 7 sections: Master: Open to US players currently or for- Second Delay. EF: $20 (Includes $5 Food Gift Certificate). REG.: 11am at
merly rated at least 2200 USCF or 2100 FIDE, foreign players currently ble- none supplied. Ent: Continental Chess, PO Box 249, Salisbury Mills,
NY 12577. $15 service charge for refunds. Questions: DirectorAtChess.US, Site Only. DIRECTOR: John C. Barnard 209-450-6133. JohnCharlesBar
or formerly rated at least 2000 USCF or 1800 FIDE, and invitees. $5000- nard@gmail.com, capitalcitychessclub.com.
2500-1500-1000-700-500-400-400-300-300, clear or tiebreak first bonus www.chesstour.com, 845-496-9658. Advance entries posted at chesstour.
$200, FIDE Under 2400/Unr $2000-1000. Minimum prize $500 to first 5 com. Invitations: GoAtChess.us (use @ instead of at). Chess Magnet May 12, June 9, July 21, Pleasanton Grand Prix Quads
foreign GMs to enter who play all 9 rounds (no byes), $300 to first 5 for- School JGP. Hilton, 7050 Johnson Dr., Pleasanton, CA 94588. Trophies: Players
eign IMs to enter who play all 9 rounds (no byes). GM & IM norms w/winning record. Sched: Check-in 4p, Games 4:30-6:30p. 3xG/30. EF:
possible, FIDE rated. Expert, open to USCF 1800-2199. $3000-1500-1000-
700-500-400-300-300. FIDE rated. Class A, open to USCF 1600-1999 or Regional $25, Onsite +$15. Big Trophies to top 10 players in May-July tourneys.
More Info: BayAreaChess.com/tacobell12. NS. NC. W.
unrated. $3000-1500-1000-700-500-400-300-300. Class B, open to USCF
1400-1799 or unrated. $3000-1500-1000-700-500-400-300-300. Class C, Alabama May 12, June 9, July 21, Pleasanton Grand Prix Swiss
Hilton, 7050 Johnson Dr., Pleasanton, CA 94588. Trophies: Players
open to USCF 1200-1599 or unrated. $2500-1300-900-600-500-400-300- May 19, Summer Scholastic w/winning record, teams w/2+ players. Sched: Reg. 9-9:30a. Games
300. Class D, open to USCF under 1400 or unrated. $1000-700-400-300- 5SS, TC: G/30. Sun Valley Elementary School, 1010 18th Ave. NW, Birm- 10a-2p. EF: $33, Onsite +$15. Big Trophies to top 10 players in May-July
300-200-200-200. Class E, open to USCF under 1200 or unrated. $500- ingham, AL 35215. Open (K-12): EF: $20; Middle (K-8), Elementary (K-4): tourneys. More Info: BayAreaChess.com/tacobell12. NS. NC.
300-200, trophies to first 5, top Under 1000, Under 800, Under 600, EF: $10, if mailed by MAY 12th. Trophy: Top 3 Individual, Medals 4th-
Unrated. Prize limits: 1) Unrated (0-3 lifetime games rated) cannot win 6th. Late REG.: MAY 19th at 8AM. Rds.: 9-10-11-1-2. Checks payable to: May 19, CalNorth Youth Chess Quads
over $200 in E, $500 D, $900 C, $1200 B or $1500 A. 2) If any post-event Caesar Chess. ENT: Caesar Chess LLC, 5184 Caldwell Mill Road, Suite Weibel Elementary School, 45135 S. Grimmer Blvd., Fremont, CA. Info
rating posted at uschess.org 10/2/11-10/2/12 is more than 30 points 204-202, Birmingham, AL 35244. Info: CaesarChess@yahoo.com, www. & Entry Form at: www.calnorthyouthchess.org/WeibelChess/SpringTour-
over section maximum, prize limit $1200. 3) Balance of limited prize goes AlabamaChess.com. naments2012. Open to all scholastic players who are USCF members.
to next player(s) in line. Master Section EF: GMs, IMs, WGMs: free; $150 Trophies to winners of each Quad. Chess medals to all who do not win
May 26, Birmingham Open a trophy. Info: Alan M. Kirshner, Ph.D., Alan@CalNorthYouthChess.org,
deducted from prize (no deduction from minimum prize). Foreign FIDE 4SS, TC: G/75. Birmingham Bridge Club, 2112 Columbiana Road,
rated players: $75 online at chesstour.com by 10/1, $100 online or at site (510) 659-0358.
Vestavia Hills, AL 35216. Open (PF: $$b/15): $200-125-U1900:100-
until 6 pm 10/4. Others: $225 if check mailed by 9/25 or online by 10/1, U1700:75; Reserve (PF: $$b/15): $175-100U1300:75-U1100:75; Rds.: May 26-28 or 27-28, Best of the West Class Championship
$250 until 6 pm 10/4 online or at site. Expert through Class C Sections 9, 11:30, 2:30; 5. EF: $30; if mailed by MAY 19th; $40 at site. Late REG: See Grand Prix.
EF: 4-day $179, 3-day $178 if check mailed by 9/25, all $175 online at MAY 26th: 8-8:40am. Checks payable to: Caesar Chess. ENT: Caesar
chesstour.com by 10/1, $185 if phoned to 406-896-2038 by 10/1 (entry May 27, Azhar Memorial NorCal Grade Level Champ
Chess LLC, 5184 Caldwell Mill Rd., Suite 204-202, Birmingham, AL 35244. Marriott, 2700 Mission College Blvd., Santa Clara, CA. Hotel $89. Trophies:
only, no questions), $200 at site. Class D EF: $4-day $99, 3-day $98 if Info: CaesarChess@yahoo.com; website www.CaesarChess.com/
check mailed by 9/25, all $95 online at chesstour.com by 10/1, $105 if Top 20 players & Top 10 teams in ea section. 8 sections: KG 1 2 3 4 5 6
blog or www.AlabamaChess.com. Chess Magnet School JGP. 7-12. Sched: Reg. 8:30-9a. K-3: 5xG/30 games 9:30 11 12:30 1:50
phoned to 406-896-2038 (entry only, no questions), $120 at site. Class
E EF: $47 if check mailed by 9/25, $45 online at chesstour.com by 10/1, A State Championship Event! 3:15. Gr 4-12: 4xG4/5 games 9:30 11:20 1:15 3:15. EF by 5/22: $39. Info:
$55 if phoned to 406-896-2038 (no questions), $70 at site. All: No phone June 16, 2012 Alabama Quick Chess Championship BayAreaChess.com/grade12. NS, NC, W.
entry after 10/1. Online late entry (same price as at site) available until Birmingham Bridge Club, 2112 Columbiana Rd., Vestavia Hills, AL 35216. June 22-24 or 23-24, Summer Open
2 hours before rd 1. EF $100 less to rated seniors 65 or over in Expert From I-65 take exit #252, go north on Columbiana Road 2 miles, on the See Grand Prix.
through Class C. Special 1 yr USCF dues with paper magazine if paid left near Charter. In 4 Sections- 5SS, Time control G/25 T/D3. Prizes 80%
Guaranteed: Open $$b/15: 1st: $180, 2nd: $140, U1700: $80. Reserve July 19-22, 20-22 or 21-22, 17th annual Pacific Coast Open (CA-S)
with entry: Online at chesstour.com, Adult $30, Young Adult $20, Scholas- See Grand Prix.
tic $15. Mailed, phoned or paid at site, Adult $40, Young Adult $30, Schol- $$/15: U1500: 1st: $140, 2nd: $100, U1300: 60. EF: $30; Onsite: $35.
astic $20. No checks at site, credit cards OK. No mailed credit card Scholastic K-12 Rated and Unrated sections. 3 trophies for each section July 20-22 or 21-22, People's Tournament
entries. Re-entry: $100, no re-entry from Master Section to Master Sec- for Alabama residents. EF: $10; onsite $15. Rated events require USCF See Grand Prix.
tion. Master schedule: Reg. ends Thu 6 pm, rds. Thu 7 pm, Fri 12 & 7, & ACF memberships. OSA. Postmarked entry form and fee payment by
June 9. Entry form on www.alabamachess.com on Calendar at June 16. Aug. 17-19 or 18-19, 4th annual Central California Open
Sat 11 & 6, Sun 11 & 6, Mon 10 & 4:30. 4-day Expert through Class D See Grand Prix.
schedule: Reg. ends Fri 6 pm, rds. Fri 7 pm, Sat 11 & 6, Sun 11 & 6, Mon Reg Onsite 9-9:30 Rds.: 10-11:15-1:00-2:15-3:30 pm. Byes must be
requested before start of round 2. No round 5 byes. ENT: Birmingham
10 & 4:30. 3-day Expert through Class D schedule: Reg. ends Sat 10 California, Southern
Los Angeles CHESS CLUB
am, rds Sat 11, 2:30 & 6, Sun 11 & 6, Mon 10 & 4:30. Class E sched- Chess Club; Attn: Balagee Govindan, 5564 Colony Ln., Hoover, Al 35226.
EF: $30 ($20 memb). Reg.: 5-6 pm. Rds.: 6, 7, 8 pm. Prizes: 75% EFs; a.m. Rds.: 10:15-11:30-12:45-2:30-3:45. Ent: SCCF, PO Box 205, Monterey July 4-8, 5-8, 6-8, 2-8, 1-3 or 4-5, 40th Annual World Open (PA)
Parking: Free at BoA ($3 bsmnt). Info: 310/795-5710 or www.LAChess Park, CA 91754. On-line entry: www.scchess.com. See Grand Prix.
Club.com. May 27, MDC Scholastics July 3-4, World Open U2100 Warmup (PA)
May 5, 12, 19, 26, LACC - Sat Nite Blitz (G/5) (QC) 5-SS, G/30. Hilton Ontario Airport, 700 N. Haven Ave., Ontario, CA 91764 See Pennsylvania.
5DSS, (10 Games). 11514 Santa Monica Blvd., LA, 90025, 2nd fl. 4 blks Open to gr. 12-below. In two sections: Open: Trophies to top 5, top 3 July 4, World Open 7-Minute Championship (QC) (PA)
W 405. EF: $10. Q-rated. Reg.: 8-9 pm. Rds.: 9, 9:20, 9:40, 10, 10:20. U1200, top 2 Unrated. Grade 6/below U1000: Trophies to top 5, top 3 See Grand Prix.
Prizes: 1/2 EF. Parking: Free on Butler ($3 basement). Info: 310/795- U700, top 2 Unrated. Reg.: 8:30-9. Rds.: 9:30-11-12:15-1:45-3. EF: $16
5710 or www.LAChessClub.com. if received by 5/25, $20 door. Info: randallhough@yahoo.com. On-line July 7, World Open 10-Minute Championship (QC) (PA)
ent: www.scchess.com. Ent: SCCF, PO Box 205, Monterey Park, CA See Grand Prix.
May 5, 12, 19, 26, LACC - Saturday G/61
3SS, G/61. 11514 Santa Monica Blvd., LA, 90025, 2nd fl. EF: $25 ($20 91754. July 8, World Open Blitz Championship (QC) (PA)
memb, $10 no prizes). Reg.: 11-12 pm. Rds.: 12, 2, 4 pm. Prizes: 50% EFs. May 28, MDC Hexes See Grand Prix.
Parking: basement ($3). Info: 310/795-5710 or www.LAChessClub.com. 3-SS, G/90. Hilton Ontario Airport, 700 N. Haven Ave., Ontario, CA 91764 July 27-29 or 28-29, 17th Annual Bradley Open
May 6, 13, 20, 27, LACC - Every Sunday Chess 4 Jrs. 8-player sections by rating. EF: $21 if received by 5/25, $24 door. $$ 40- See Grand Prix.
4 separate events 3 Sections: K-1, K-3, K-6, 5SS, G/30. 11514 Santa 20-10 each section. Reg.: 9:30-10:15 a.m. Rds.: 10:30-1:30-4:30. Ent:
SCCF, PO Box 205, Monterey Park, CA 91754. On-line entry: www.scchess. Aug. 9-12, 10-12 or 11-12, 42nd annual Continental Open (MA)
Monica Blvd., LA, 90025, 2nd fl. 4 blocks W 405. EF: $25 ($20 LACC memb, See Grand Prix.
$10 off siblings, Free new LACC memb). Reg.: 12-1 pm. Rds.: 1pm & asap; com.
Prizes: Trophy (Top) & Medals; each player receives a prize! Parking: July 19-22, 20-22 or 21-22, 17th annual Pacific Coast Open Aug. 17-19 or 18-19, 11th annual Manhattan Open (NY)
Free at BoA and streets. Free snacks & free class (12-1). Info: (310) 795- See Grand Prix. See Grand Prix.
5710 or www.LAChessClub.com or Mick@LAChessClub.com.
May 6, 13, 20, 27, LACC - Sunday G/61
Aug. 17-19 or 18-19, 4th annual Central California Open (CA-N)
See Grand Prix. Delaware
3SS, G/61. 11514 Santa Monica Blvd., LA, 90025, 2nd fl. EF: $25 ($20 Newark Chess Club
memb, $10 no prizes). Reg.: 11-12 pm. Rds.: 12, 2, 4 pm. Prizes: 50% Connecticut 4-SS, G/75. USCF-rated games every Thursday 7-10 PM. 345 School
EFs, Parking: Free at BoA and streets or basement ($3). Info: 310/795- May 18-20 or 19-20, 20th annual New York State Open (NY) Bell Rd., Bear, DE 19701. For a full year of weekly games $22 for in-state
5710 or www.LAChessClub.com. See Grand Prix. players, $15 out-of-state! www.newarkchessclub.blogspot.com, newark
chess@gmail.com. Chess Magnet School JGP.
May 12-13, LACC - Sat & Sun G/90 May 25-28, 26-28 or 27-28, The 2nd Annual New Yorker Open! (NY)
4SS, G/90. 11514 Santa Monica Blvd., LA 90025, 2nd fl. EF: $45 ($35 LACC See Grand Prix. June 9-10, 2012 Delaware Capital Open
memb). Reg.: 11-12 pm. Rds.: 12, 3 pm each day. Prizes: 1/2 collections. Residence Inn Dover, 600 Jefferic Blvd., Dover, DE 19901. In 2 Sections,
Parking: Free on Butler ($3 basement). Info: 310/795-5710 or www.LA June 8-10 or 9-10, 18th Annual Northeast Open Open: 5SS, G/90, $$b/25: 1st $200, 2nd $125, 3rd $75, U2000 $75, U1800
See Grand Prix. $75. Reserve: 5SS, G/90, Open to 1600 & under. $$b/15: 1st $140, 2nd
ChessClub.com. Chess Magnet School JGP.
June 9-10, Rhode Island State Championship (RI) $90, 3rd $50, U1400 $50, U1200 $50. ALL: EF: $35 before June 1st, $40
May 26-28 or 27-28, 2012 Lina Grumette Memorial Day Classic See Rhode Island. after. Memb. Req'd: DCA $10($5 under 18). OSA. Reg.: 8:45-9:45 AM.
See Grand Prix. Rds.: Sat 10, 2, 5:30 Sun 10, 2. Byes: limit one 1/2pt bye, must commit
May 27, MDC Action Swiss June 30, World Open U2300 Warmup (PA) by start of round 3. ENT: Kevin Pytel, 604 N. Walnut St., Newport, DE 19804-
5-SS, G/30. Hilton Ontario Airport, 700 N. Haven Ave., Ontario, CA 91764. See Pennsylvania. 2624 KevinJPytel@aol.com. INFO: Kevin Pytel (KevinJPytel@aol.com).
$$500 b/40, else proportional: $150-70-40, U2100/ Unr $80, U1800 $80, July 1-2, World Open U2200 Warmup (PA) HR: ask for the $119 Chess Rate 302-677-0777. Skittles Room and res-
Under 1500 $80. EF: $20 if received by 5/25, $25 at door. Reg.: 9:30-10 See Pennsylvania. taurant on premises, many fine restaurants and points of interest
nearby. Lots of door prizes and give-aways! NS. W. Chess Magnet If you are coming in from out of state special rates available at the Hol- Springfield. Reg.: 9-9:45. Rds.: 10-12:30-3:15-6. Lunch break at noon.
School JGP. iday Inn Express 870 Buford Hwy (Ga Hwy 20) Cumming, GA 30041 EF: $17 by 5/16, $20 at site, $2 less to SCC members. Prizes: $$400 b/30.
please mention that you are in town for North Georgia Chess Center the 140-80, 1600-1999 60, 1200-1599 50, Under 1200 40, Unrated 30. Ent/
District of Columbia rates are $95.00 per night. Exit 14 off Ga 400 Next to Lowes On Market Info: David Long, 401 S. Illinois St., Springfield 62704. 217-726-2584. Infor-
Place Blvd. 678-845-7100 Hotel Directions Only! Prize Fund: 50% of Entry mation and directions available at our new web site www.springfield
Aug. 24-26 or 25-26, 44th annual Atlantic Open
Fee ($60.00) (not including additional non-member price or additional late chessclub.com. Chess Magnet School JGP.
See Grand Prix.
registration price) Sections: Open Section Only. 1st: 33%, 2nd: 20%, 3rd:
Oct. 4-8, 5-8, 6-8 or 6-7, 3rd annual Continental Class Champi- May 24-28, 25-28, 26-28 or 27-28, 21st annual Chicago Open
10%, u2000: 10%, u1600: 8.3%, u1200: 6.7%. Highest Rating Increase
onships (VA) See Grand Prix.
for Tournament: 6.7%. Upset Prize: 5% (This is approximate prize dis-
See Grand Prix. bursement) EF: $60.00 (North Georgia Chess Center Members) $65.00 May 27, Chicago Open Action Quads
(Non-North Georgia Chess Center Members); Late Registration Entry Fee: 3RR, G/25, d/5, dual rated. Westin North Shore Hotel (see Chicago
Florida $70.00 (North Georgia Chess Center Members) $75.00 (Non-North Geor- Open). EF: $20, at site only. $$ 50 1st each section. Reg. ends 1:45 pm,
Boca Raton Chess Club gia Chess Center Members) Must pay in cash or by check. Reg.: rds. 2, 3, 4.
Friday nights, Game 90Tournament, one game a week for 4 weeks. www. Received by Thursday May 24th. Round Times: 1st-10:00am, 2nd-12:15, May 27, Chicago Open G/15 (QC)
bocachess.com, 561-479-0351. Chess Magnet School JGP. 3rd-2:30pm, 4th-4:45pm, 5th-7:00pm. Information: 770-844-9204, north- 4SS, G/15, d/3. Westin North Shore Hotel (see Chicago Open). Prizes $300
gachesscenter@gmail.com, northgachesscenter.com. based on 20 entries, else in proportion: $100-50, U2100 $60, U1800 $50,
South Florida Chess Club
Wednesday's 6:30-10:30pm. Rated G/90 Tournaments and skittles. Most June 22-24 or 23-24, 2012 Castle Chess Grand Prix U1500/Unr $40. EF: $20, at site only. Reg. ends 9:45 pm, rds. 10, 11, 11:45,
tournaments are 4+ rounds Call 561-573-3677 or 954-304-0928 or See Grand Prix. 12:30. One half pt bye available, must commit before rd 2. Quick rated,
email southfloridachessclub@gmail.com or visit www.SouthFloridaChess- but higher of regular or quick used for pairings & prizes.
July 8, North Georgia Chess Center Open - Game 45 Rated Tour-
Club.com. Chess Magnet School JGP. nament May 28, Chicago Open Blitz & Game/7 (QC)
May 12, May OCG Open 5-SS. G/45 + 16 Second Delay. Bye: One 1/2 point available: Must be 2 separate tournaments at Westin North Shore Hotel (see Chicago
Orlando Chess and Games Center. 4SS, G/75. EF: $30. PF: $650 b/30 submitted before 1st Round. (Accelerated Pairings May Be Used) North Open). Blitz: G/5, no delay. Game/7: G/7, d/2. Each is a 4-SS, double
$250-$150-$100 best U-1600, U-1200, $75 each. Reg.: 9:15-9:45 am. RDS.: Georgia Chess Center, 2450 Atlanta Hwy., Suite 201, Cumming, GA 30040. round (8 games) with prizes $300 based on 20 entries, else in propor-
10am-12:30pm-3pm-6pm, www.orlandochess.com. Info: call 407-248-0818 If you are coming in from out of state special rates available at the Hol- tion: $100-50, U2100 $60, U1800 $50, U1500/Unr $40. EF: $20, at site
or email alex@orlandochess.com. Chess Magnet School JGP. iday Inn Express 870 Buford Hwy (Ga Hwy 20) Cumming, GA 30041 only. Blitz: reg. ends 12:45 pm, rds. 1, 1:30, 2, 2:30. Game/7: reg. ends
please mention that you are in town for North Georgia Chess Center the 10:15 pm, rds. 10:30, 11:15, 12, 12:45. Both: One pair of 1/2 pt byes avail-
May 19, Central FL Tornado rates are $95.00 per night. Exit 14 off Ga 400 Next to Lowes On Market able, must commit before rd 2. Quick rated, but higher of regular or quick
4SS, G/75. Casselberry CC, Wirz Park, 806 Mark David Blvd., Casselberry, Place Blvd. 678-845-7100 Hotel Directions Only! Prize Fund: 50% of Entry used for pairings & prizes.
FL 32707. EF: $30, CFCC/CCC mbr $25, Masters free (EF deducted from Fee ($60.00) (not including additional non-member price or additional late
any prize). $$480 b/25, 160-80-60, U1800, U1600, U1400 $60 ea. Reg.: June 10, 78th Knights Quest
registration price) Sections: Open Section Only. 1st: 33%, 2nd: 20%, 3rd: 4SS, G/25, d5. Hilton Hotel, 2855 N. Milwaukee Ave., Northbrook. Pre-
9:30am. Rds.: 10, 1, 3:30, 6. Info: (407) 629-6946 or www.centralflchess. 10%, u2000: 10%, u1600: 8.3%, u1200: 6.7%. Highest Rating Increase
org. Chess Magnet School JGP. sented by Renaissance Knights Chess Foundation. USCF Rated Sections:
for Tournament: 6.7%. Upset Prize: 5% (This is approximate prize dis- Open (K-12 & Adults), U1400 (K-12 & Adults), U1000 (K-8) & U600 (K-
May 19, May Scholastic Tournament bursement) EF: $60.00 (North Georgia Chess Center Members) $65.00 8). Awards: Top 5 each section, medals all others, Team Awards: Top 2
Orlando Chess and Games Center. 5SS, G/30. EF: $30. Trophies and (Non-North Georgia Chess Center Members); Late Registration Entry Fee: teams in U600 & U1000. On-site Reg.: 12:00-12:30 pm. Rds.: 1 at 1:00
medals to all players, awards at 3:30 pm. Reg.: 9:15-9:55 am. RDS.: 10- $70.00 (North Georgia Chess Center Members) $75.00 (Non-North Geor- pm, rest ASAP. EF: $30 by 6/4, $35 after, $40 on-site. Registration/Info
11-12-1:30-2:30, www.orlandochess.com. Info: call 407-248-0818 or gia Chess Center Members) Must pay in cash or by check. Reg.: at: www.rknights.org.
email alex@orlandochess.com. Received by Thursday July 5th. Round Times: 1st-10:00am, 2nd-12:15,
3rd-2:30pm, 4th-4:45pm, 5th-7:00pm. Information: 770-844-9204, north- July 20-22 or 21-22, 5th annual Chicago Class
June 2, June Scholastic Tournament gachesscenter@gmail.com, northgachesscenter.com. See Grand Prix.
Orlando Chess and Games Center. 5SS, G/30. EF: $30. Trophies and
medals to all players, awards at 3:30 pm. Reg.: 9:15-9:55 am. RDS.: 10- July 27-29 or 28-29, 20th Annual Southern Open (FL) Aug. 17-19 or 18-19, 7th annual Indianapolis Open (IN)
11-12-1:30-2:30, www.orlandochess.com. Info: call 407-248-0818 or See Grand Prix. See Grand Prix.
email alex@orlandochess.com. Aug. 3-5, North Georgia Chess Center Championship
5-SS. G/90 + 30 Second Delay. Bye: One 1/2 point available: Must be
June 8-10 or 9-10, Sunshine Summer Open & Scholastic Chess
Tournament (formerly the After Memorial Open, now more sections) submitted before 1st Round. North Georgia Chess Center, 2450 Atlanta Every Second Saturday of the Month
See Grand Prix. Hwy., Suite 201, Cumming, GA 30040. For those coming in from out 4SS, G/61d5. Donatos Pizza, 825 W. 10th St., Indianapolis. Reg.: 11-
of state or long distances, the Holiday Inn Express & Suites 870 11:30AM, Rd 1, 11:40AM. $$:b/20 1st $200; 2nd $100; Class (A, B,) (C,
June 23, Central FL Tornado Buford Hwy (Ga Hwy 20) Cumming, GA 30041, is offering our cus- D, E, Unr) $70 each. Prizes increased if + 20. EF: $27 - $5.00 BD month,
4SS, G/75. Casselberry CC, Wirz Park, 806 Mark David Blvd., Casselberry, tomers discounted rates Exit 14 off Ga 400 Next to Lowes On - $5.00 for any state association (except ISCA), OCCC Memb.req'd Memb.
FL 32707. EF: $30, CFCC/CCC mbr $25, Masters free (EF deducted from Market Place Blvd. For Directions or reservations Only: 678-845- includes magazine+. FIDE Titled Players Free. Ent: Donald Urquhart, 501
any prize). $$480 b/25, 160-80-60, U1800, U1600, U1400 $60 ea. Reg.: 7100. Prize Fund: 50% of Entry Fee ($60.00) (not including additional N. East St. # 802, Indianapolis, IN 46204. Info: at 317-634-6259 or e-
9:30am. Rds.: 10, 1, 3:30, 6. Info: (407) 629-6946 or www.centralflchess. non-member price or additional late registration price). Sections: Open mail akakarpov@att.net. 3 entries in a class req'd for that class prize
org. Chess Magnet School JGP. Section Only. (Accelerated Pairings possibly used for 1st Two Rounds). to be awarded. Chess Magnet School JGP.
July 27-29 or 28-29, 20th Annual Southern Open Prizes: 1st: 33%, 2nd: 20%, 3rd: 10%, u2000: 10%, u1600: 8.3%, u1200: Orange Crush Chess Club Friday Night Blitz (QC)
See Grand Prix. 6.7%. Highest Rating Increase: 6.7%. Upset Prize: 5%. Entry Fee: Burger King, 410 E Morris St. (E Morris St and S East St). Show your OCCC
$60.00 (North Georgia Chess Center Members); $65.00 (Non-North card for free upsize. Reg.: 6-6:25pm, starts at 6:30pm. Type: 3 RR Quad,
Oct. 24-28 or 26-28, Bahamas International & Amateur (Bahamas) Georgia Chess Center Members). Late Registration Entry Fee; $70.00
See Grand Prix. G/5d2, QC. EF: $8.00, $$4-Quad 1st $25.00. Ent: Donald Urquhart, 501
(North Georgia Chess Center Members); $75.00 (Non-North Georgia N. East St., #802, Indianapolis, IN 46204. Info: Don at 317-634-6259 or
Chess Center Members). Must pay in cash or by check. Registration:
Georgia Must be Received by Thursday August 2nd to avoid late registration
email akakarpov@att.net.
May 19, North Georgia Chess Center Scholastic Tournament fees. Round Times: 1st - 7:30pm (Friday 3 day Schedule) or (9:30am Sat May 12, Southern Indiana Open
5-SS, G/30. Holiday Inn Express & Suites, 870 Buford Hwy (Ga Hwy 20), 2 day schedule) 2nd - 2:30pm, 3rd - 7:30pm, 4th - 11:00 am, 5th - 4SS, G/75, d/5. Noble Romans, 2403 Washington Ave., Evansville IN
Cumming, GA 30041. Exit 14 off Ga 400 Next to Lowes On Market 4:00pm. Tournament Info: 770-844-9204, northgachesscenter@gmail. 47714, 812-477-5347. EF: $30. Reg.: 10:15- 10:45. 1st Rd. 11:00, oth-
Place Blvd. 678-845-7100, For Directions Only! Sections: Open and com, northgachesscenter.com. Chess Magnet School JGP. ers ASAP. PF (based on 12): 1st $105, 2nd $55, B,C,D/E/Unr. Each $60.
U800. EF: $22.00 (NGCC Members) $24.00 (Online Registration). $27.00 1 bye if before Rd.1. ENTRIES: Craig Hines, 613 North Park Dr., Evans-
(Non NGCC Members) $29.00 (Online Registration). Entry For Late Reg- Idaho ville, IN 47710, Mrsci2740@hotmail.com. NS, NC, W. Chess Magnet
istration: $27.00 (NGCC Members). $32.00 (Non NGCC Members). Reg.: School JGP.
May 19-20, 2nd Annual ICA Players Memorial
Sat. 8:30am - 9:30am. Rounds: 1st-10am, 2nd-11:30am, 3rd-1pm, 4th- 5SS, Time Control: G/90,d5 Rd 1, G/120,d5 Rds 2-5. 2 Sections: Open A State Championship Event!
2:30pm, 5th-4pm. Tnmt. Info: 770-844-9204, northgachesscenter@gmail. and Reserve (U1400). Site: Boise State University (BSU) Student Union May 19, Indiana State Blitz Championship (QC)
com, northgachesscenter.com. Bldg., 1910 University Dr., Boise, ID. USCF mem req., EF by 5/14 $30 (U18 Clarion Hotel & Conference Center, 2930 Waterfront Pkwy., West Dr., Indi-
May 27, North Georgia Chess Center Open G/45 Rated Tourna- & 60+ $25) (Special $10 for BSU Club Members), Special Family Rate anapolis, IN 46214. In 2 Sections, Championship: Rounds 4-6 Rd. DRR,
ment of $60. $5 more for all if received after 5/14. Email entries OK. North- $$: $130-65-55-40-40-40. Finals: Top 4-6 from Prelims. Consolation:
5-SS. G/45 + 16 Second Delay. Bye: One 1/2 point available: Must be west Chess Grand Prix points available! Register & check in: 8-8:30am Rounds TBA SS, G/5 d/0, $$: $40. u1900 - 20, u1700 - 20, u1500 - 20,
submitted before 1st Round. (Accelerated Pairings May Be Used) North 5/19. Rd times: Sat 9am, 1pm, 6pm; Sun 9am, 2pm. 1/2 pt byes: Max u1300 - 20. ALL: EF: $20 rcvd by 5/15, $25 at site. Memb. Req'd: ISCA.
Georgia Chess Center, 2450 Atlanta Hwy., Suite 201, Cumming, GA 30040. 1, Rds 1-4 only, must commit by end of Rd 2. Prizes: $$ b/30 non-BSU OSA. Reg.: Ends: 5:30pm. Rds.: Round 1: Preliminaries 6pm (Finals &
entries; Open: $200-100-75; Reserve: $100-75-50. HR/ENT/INFO: ICA, Consolation 8pm). ENT: ISCA, C/o Gary Fox, P. O. 114, Logansport, IN
www.idahochessassociation.org. Contact: Jeff Roland, 1514 S. Longmont 46947. 574-722-4965. INFO: info@indianachess.org. www.indianachess.
Ave., Boise, ID 83706-3732. jroland@cableone.net. NC, NS, W. Chess org. NS. NC. W.
Magnet School JGP. A State Championship Event!
May 19, Indiana State Quick Championship (QC)
North Shore Chess Center
Clarion Hotel & Conference Center, 2930 Waterfront Pkwy, West Dr.,
IN THE TOURNAMENT ROOM IS masters. Private & Group lessons for all ages and
by 4/15, $30 at site. Memb. Req'd: ISCA. OSA. 1st, 2nd medals for Champ,
NS. NC. W.
AT MOST TOURNAMENTS! May 24-28, 25-28, 26-28 or 27-28, 21st annual Chicago Open (IL)
May 5, June 2, July 7, Aug. 4, Warriors Open & Reserve See Grand Prix.
G/60+5(sec.delay), 3R-SS. Lincoln-Way West HS, 21701 S. Gouger Rd., May 27, Chicago Open Action Quads (IL)
New Lenox, IL 60451. Reg.: 8:15-8:45 am. Rds.: 9, 11:30, & 2. 2 Sec- See Illinois.
tions: Open & Reserve (U1000). EF: $5. No concession on site (bring sack
PENALIZED, MAYBE EVEN FORFEITED! lunch). USCF membership required. Contact: Coach Miller 815-463- May 27, Chicago Open G/15 (QC) (IL)
0104 or stevencraigmiller@comcast.net with questions. See Illinois.
TURN IT OFF! May 19, Ninth Annual David Mote Memorial Open
4SS, G/75 (1st round G/60). First Congregational Church, 2100 Bates Ave.,
May 28, Chicago Open Blitz & Game/7 (QC) (IL)
See Illinois.
July 20-22 or 21-22, 5th annual Chicago Class (IL) bon Insectarium); Sat: Blitz Tournament (at World War II Museum) &
See Grand Prix. Susan Polgar Simul; Sun: Breakfast/Q & A Session with GM Polgar (at
Brennan's Restaurant), Aquatic Simul with GM Andre Diamant. 8 Sects A State Championship Event!
Aug. 17-19 or 18-19, 7th annual Indianapolis Open with each sect. separately for Boys and Girls: Primary (K-2); Ele- May 12-13, 2012 Maryland Senior Championship
See Grand Prix. mentary (K-5); Middle School (K-8); High School (K-12). PRIZES: Bloomsbury Community Center, 106 Bloomsbury Ave., Catonsville, MD
Over $100,000 in scholarships to Texas Tech University! Trophies guar- 21228. Format: 4SS, G/115; d5. Open to USCF members born before May
Iowa anteed to top 10 ind. and top 3 school teams in each sect. and top club 12, 1962. EF: $40 if Rec'd by 5/9, $50 at site. Free entries to GM's, $40
May 24-28, 25-28, 26-28 or 27-28, 21st annual Chicago Open (IL) team in separate boys and girls overall. Every non-trophy winner receives deducted from prizes. Top Maryland resident receives title of MD Sen-
See Grand Prix. a souvenir chess medal. Special award to out-of-state team with most ior Champion 2012, trophy, free entry, plus $250 expenses to US Senior
participants and to team (or individual) who travels farthest to tourn. Team Open, July 9-14, 2012 at the Hilton Hobby Airport, Houston, TX 77061.
Kansas Info: Teams may have as many players as they wish from the same Reg.: 9-9:45 AM. Rds.: Sat. 10 AM, 3PM, Sunday 9:30 AM, 2:30PM. 1/2
school or home school district and team players must register in the same point bye available if requested before rd. 2. Prizes: $$1000 Gtd: $300-
July 20-22, Kansas Open section. Club teams are allowed and a 1st place trophy will be awarded $175-$150, Top U2000 $130, U1700 $125, U1400 $120. Plaques to Top
Check website for details www.kansaschess.org, Kansas Open ad. to top club team overall (not based on sections) for boys and girls sep- Age 60-69 and Top Age 70 +. Standard USCF tiebreak's used for
arately (no co-ed teams). A player must declare whether he/she is on a titles/plaques. Make checks payable to: Maryland Chess Assoc. Mail
Kentucky school team or a club team but may not be on both. Must have a mini- to: Joseph Summers, 1201 Daniels Ave., Baltimore, MD 21207. Please put
June 9-10, 2012 Kentucky Open mum of 2 players to be considered a team; the top 3 player scores will date of birth and USCF id number with entry. Info: Wilbert A. Brown 410-
See Grand Prix. count for final team score. USCF-recommended computer tiebreaks will 327-9191, Joe Summers 410-788-1009.
decide trophy and medal placements for winners of all sections. RDS.:
Aug. 17-19 or 18-19, 7th annual Indianapolis Open (IN) Sat: 8:30-10:30-12:30; Sun: 12-2-4. Awards ceremony at 6pm. EF: $40 May 18 & June 8, Catonsville Friday Knight Quick #140 & #141 (QC)
See Grand Prix. by 4/30; $50 by 5/15; $60 at site; Byes: One 1/2-pt. bye allowed for any 5SS, G/12, d3. EF: $8, club members $5. Reg.: 7:30pm. Rds.: 8, 8:30, 9,
Rd if requested before Rd 2. Pre-registration required by 10pm June 1 9:30, 10. $$b/24 1st=$50, 2nd=$25, U1850 $12. Website: http://mysite.
Louisiana in order to play in first round of main event. Later on-site registrations verizon.net/vze12d59q/. Bloomsbury Community Center, 106 Bloomsbury
accepted until 9:30am on June 2 will receive 1/2-pt. bye for Rd 1. HR: Ave., Catonsville, MD 21228. Info: Joe Summers 410-788-1009, joseph
May 26-27, Louisiana Open 2012 as2@verizon.net.
5SS, G/150, except for RDS. 1, which is G/75. Web: Complete details at $99 (with 2-night min. on June 1 & 2) for single, double, triple or quad
www.lafayettechess.org. Site: Hilton Garden Inn, 2350 W. Congress St., (800-535-7830), reserve by May 1 and mention Polgar Chess Tournament May 19, Cecil County Chess Club Quads
Lafayette, LA 70506. Reg.: Sat. 8:30-9:45am. Rounds: Sat. 10am, 1:30pm to assure group rate, which will also be avail. 2 nights before and after All levels welcome! 3 Rd. Quads. Fairgreen Senior Community Apartments,
& 6pm. Sun 9am, 1pm. Byes: One 1/2 pt bye available if requested before event. ENT: On-line registration and printable entry form at www.cajun 100 Greenway, Perryville, MD 21903. Game 90. EF: $20. $$GTD: $50. Reg.:
rd 2, except for last round. Prizes: 70% returned; 1st 200 2nd 150 MXA chess.com, or mail entry form to Cajun Chess, 7230 Chadbourne Dr., New 9-9:45 AM. Rds.: 10 AM, 1:30 PM, 5 PM. ENT: 302-740-3442, KevinJPy
1st 200 2d 150 B 1st 200, 2d 150, C 1st 200, 2d 150 D 1st 200, 2d 150 E Orleans, LA 70126. Info: More information on tournament events and tel@aol.com. INFO: Free coffee and light refreshments! NS. W.
below and UNR: 1st 200 2d 150. 3 persons in each class or combined. optional tours avail. at www.polgarevents.com or www.cajunchess.com
(click on Tournaments and then on Upcoming Tournaments & Chess June 2-3, 3rd Annual Catonsville-Fells Point Open
EF: $70. Free parking. To reserve by phone, call 337-291-1977, and ref- 5SS, G/85, d/5. EF: $30 before May 30, $35 until June 1, $40 at door.
erence Lafayette Chess Club. Entry/Info: www.lafayettechess.org. Checks Events). Phone Ent: 504-208-9596 or 504-905-2971. Major credit cards
accepted (no checks at site). Bloomsbury Community Center, 106 Bloomsbury Ave., Catonsville, MD
payable to, James MacManus, 225 W. Main St., Lafayette, LA 70501. 21228. 3 Sections: Open: $$600b/24 $250-$120-$80, Top X, A $75.
(337)234-1720. NS, NC. Chess Magnet School JGP. July 21-22, 2012 Paul Morphy Open Amateur/U1900: $$550b/24 $200-$120-$80; Top U1700, U1550, $75.
June 1-3, Susan Polgar Open for Boys & Girls (K-12; Team & Indi- See Grand Prix. Reserve/U1400: $$450b/20 $175-$90-$65, Top U1200, U1000 $60 b/4.
vidual) Reg.: 9:45-10:50am Rds.: Sat 11:00-3:00-7:00 Sun 10:00-2:00. Bye: 1-
6SS, G/45. Holiday Inn Downtown Superdome, 330 Loyola Ave., New Maine 5, max 2. Must commit before Rd 3. Upset: Top upset in each round in
Orleans, LA 70112 (800-535-7830). SIDE EVENTS: Fri: Susan Polgar June 9, Saco Quickplay (QC) all sections: =book prize. Info: josephas2@verizon.net, Online Reg:
Chess Camp, Chess Puzzle Competition, Bughouse Tournament (at Audu- See Grand Prix. http://mysite.verizon.net/vze12d59q. Ent: Joe Summers, 1201 Daniels
Ave., Balt., MD 21207. Include USCF ID and section: Open, U1900 or June 23, Super Team Championship Mates Corporation, 1531 Irving St., Rahway, NJ. (760)583-8429/(732)499-
U1400. PH: 410-788-1009. Chess Magnet School JGP. 4SS, G/65. Chess Club & Scholastic Center of Saint Louis, 4657 Maryland 0118. www.chessmatesnj.com.
June 9-10, 2012 Delaware Capital Open (DE) Ave., Saint Louis, MO 63108. Free entries for GMs and IMs. EF: $75 for May 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, Chess Lessons & Wednesday G/90 (4SS,
See Delaware. 3 person team, $60 for 3 person team that are all annual members of Monthly)
the club if registered by 6/22. MCA membership req'd from $5. PF: Lessons: 5pm-6:30pm, Under 1600 USCF. Fees: Monthly: $95 (Monday
July 4-8, 5-8, 6-8, 2-8, 1-3 or 4-5, 40th Annual World Open (PA) $750 Unconditionally Guaranteed!! Championship Team-$450, Top Team and Wednesday)/Daily: $15. Monthly 4SS, Rd starts at 7pm. EF: $30/$25
See Grand Prix. U4800-$300. 1st Place team members qualify for 2013 Club Championship. Prizes: 70% of EF. Prizes: 1st, 2nd & Class Prizes (based on the # of par-
July 28-Aug. 1, 2012 Washington International Reg.: 9-9:45. Rds.: 10, 12:30, 3, 5:30. No Half-point byes available. ticipants). 1 bye available, commit at least two days before the next round.
See Grand Prix. Unrateds will be considered 1200 for prize and pairing purposes. MCA No re-entry. GMs free entry ($20 deducted from prizes). Chess Mates Cor-
Membership required from $5. OSA. Ent: 4657 Maryland Ave., Saint Louis, poration, 1531 Irving St., Rahway, NJ 07065. (732)499-0118/(760)583-
Aug. 24-26 or 25-26, 44th annual Atlantic Open (DC) MO 63108, or online at saintlouischessclub.org Info: 314-361-CHESS,
See Grand Prix. 8429. www.chessmatesnj.com. Chess Magnet School JGP.
info@saintlouischessclub.org. Chess Magnet School JGP.
Oct. 4-8, 5-8, 6-8 or 6-7, 3rd annual Continental Class Champi- May 5, 12, 19, 26, Saturday Camp and Quad G/45
June 30, 1st Annual Win Cash No Entry Fee Championship Saturday Chess Camp: 9am-1pm. Fees: $55/ $60. Snacks and lunch
onships (VA) The Kansas City Chess Club, 7667 NW Prairie View Rd., Suites 200 & 201,
See Grand Prix. included. Quad: G/45. EF: $20/$15. Prizes: $60 to first in each section.
Kansas City, MO 64151 4SS, G/60 5 Second Delay. Reg.: 11:30. Rds.: Rds.: 1:30pm, 3:15pm, 5pm. GMs - Free entry. ($15 deducted from prizes).
Sat.12/2:15/4:30/6:45. EF: Free for KCCA Members. $27 Non-Mem-
Massachusetts bers. Prizes: $400 Guaranteed, Open 1st $100/ U1950 1st $100/U1700
Chess Mates Corporation, 1531 Irving St., Rahway, NJ 07065. (732)499-
0118/(760)583-8429, www.chessmatesnj.com.
May 9, North Berkshire Chess Club Quads (QC) 1st $100/U1400 1st $100. Ent: Kenneth Fee, 1537 Baker St., Liberty, MO
MASS MoCA, 87 Marshall St., North Adams, MA 01247. 3 Round Quads 64068. Questions: 816-399-3703. Req. Memb: USCF & KC Chess Asso- May 6, 13, 20, 27, Sunday Advance Lesson & Open Blitz (G/5/RR)
GAME 15 w/ 5 sec delay $5 entry ~ winner of Quad gets $15. Will run mul- ciation. Sold onsite. Register online at: www.kansascitychessclub.com. (QC)
tiple Quads if get numbers. 6:00 Reg and start Rounds to start as we Advance Lesson (Above 1600 USCF Rating): 6:15pm-7:15pm, $15. Blitz
June 30, 2012 Kansas City Open start: 7:30pm. EF: $20/$15. Prizes: 80% of EF 1st, 2nd, & Class Prizes:
go. USCF membership required will be Quick Rated. INFO: Vincent 4SS, G/75/5td. Noland Rd Baptist Church, 4505 S. Noland Rd., Independ-
Bradley Bradley, Chess@gmail.com, http://NorthBerkshireChessClub. based on the # of participants. GMs - Free entry ($15 deducted from
ence, MO 64055. Reg.: 8-8:45. Rds.: 9, 12, 3, 6. USCF & MCA required, prizes). Chess Mates Corporation, 1531 Irving St., Rahway, NJ. (732) 499-
co.cc. OSA. EF: $20 by 6/23, $30 onsite. Sections: Open & Reserve (U1600) 0118. www.chessmatesnj.com.
May 18-20 or 19-20, 20th annual New York State Open (NY) b/40: 1st $150, 2nd $100, 3rd $50 each section. Entries to: CJ Armenta,
See Grand Prix. 12734 Richmond, Grandview, MO 64030. Cash only onsite. Chess Mag- May 6, 13, 20, 27, Sunday Camp and Quad G/30
net School JGP. Sunday Chess Camp: 10am-6pm. Fees: $80/$90. Snacks and lunch
May 26-28 or 27-28, 81st Massachusetts Open included. Quad: G/30: Starts at 3pm. EF: $15/ $10, camp participants
See Grand Prix. Montana are free. Prize per Quad: 1st Place: Trophy or $35. Chess Mates Corpo-
June 8-10 or 9-10, 18th Annual Northeast Open (CT) ration, 1531 Irving St., Rahway, NJ. (760)583-8429/(732)499-0118.
June 9-10, Hellgate Open www.chessmatesnj.com.
See Grand Prix. Open, 5SS, Rds. 1-2 G/90, Rds. 3-4-5 G/120. Site: Doubletree-Edgewa-
June 9-10, Rhode Island State Championship (RI) ter Inn, 100 Madison St., Missoula, MT 59802. EF: $25 by June 8, $5 more May 7, 14, 21, 28, Chess Lessons & Monday Quad G/30
See Rhode Island. at site, jrs 1/2, free entry to 1st time USCF. Reg.: 9-9:40, phone/email Chess Lessons: 5pm-6:30pm, Under 1600 USCF. Fees: Monthly: $95
entries must be paid by 9:40. Rds.: 10-1:30-7, 9am-1:30 or ASAP. (Monday and Wednesday) and Daily: $15. Quad: 3RR, Rds.: 7pm, 8:15pm,
June 24, 2nd annual Schenectady Open (NY) $$based on 20: $80, $50, $25 top upset, both non-prov. $25 each to 1700- 9:30pm. EF: $20/$15. Prizes: $60 to first in each section. GMs - Free entry.
See Grand Prix. 1899, 1500-1699, 1300-1499, U/1300. Info and entries: Dan McCourt, ($15 deducted from prizes). Chess Mates Corporation, 1531 Irving St.,
June 27-Aug. 1, Harlow B. Daly Memorial 608 West Central, Missoula, MT 59801, (406)-721-0254, mccourtdj@msn. Rahway, NJ. (760)583-8429/(732)499-0118. www.chessmatesnj.com.
5SS, G/110, d/5. Wachusett CC, McKay Campus School, Room C159, Fitch- com. Checks to UCCC. Memb. req'd, $12, OSA. Byes: Ok but rd 5 by close
of 1st day. Bonus: Highwater Blitz: Game/5, format by acclamation, 95% May 12, Central Jersey Chess Tournament
burg State University, 67 Rindge Rd., Fitchburg, MA 01420. EF: $1 per game 4SS, G/30. All Saints Church, 16 All Saints Rd., Princeton. 3 rated sec-
played; free to Wachusett CC members. Reg.: 7-7:10 p.m. Rds.: 7:15 p.m. returned, $8 fee, jrs 1/2, no byes, rds: 5:15 then ASAP. USCF member-
ship to 1st timers with plus scores. Enter same as Hellgate Open. W. NC. tions (all K-8): Open (above 900), Reserve (600-900), Experienced
Byes: 1-4, limit two. Prizes: chess books. Info: George Mirijanian, 176 (below 600). 2 unrated sections: K-1, Novice (2nd-8th). Trophies to 1st-
Oak Hill Rd., Fitchburg, MA 01420, miriling@aol.com, 978-345-5011. Web- Chess Magnet School JGP for Main event.
3rd & top school/club team per section. EF: $30 at njchess.com by 5/10,
site: www.wachusettchess.org. Online ratings as of June 27 will be $40 on-site. On-site reg ends 1:15, pre-reg check-in ends 1:30, first round
used. W. Chess Magnet School JGP. Nevada at 2. Questions: newjerseychess@gmail.com.
July 4-8, 5-8, 6-8, 2-8, 1-3 or 4-5, 40th Annual World Open (PA) June 14, 2012 U.S. Game/10 Championship (QC) May 18-20 or 19-20, 20th annual New York State Open (NY)
See Grand Prix. See Nationals. See Grand Prix.
July 27-29 or 28-29, 17th Annual Bradley Open (CT) June 15, National Open Scholastic Trophy Tournament
May 19, Hamilton Chess Club Quads
See Grand Prix. 5-SS, Game/30. Riviera Hotel and Casino, 2901 Las Vegas Boulevard
3RR, 40/80 15/30 15/30. Full K. Ray Dwier Recreation Center, Bldg. 392,
South, Las Vegas 89109. Open to players 18 and under. In 3 sections:
Aug. 9-12, 10-12 or 11-12, 42nd annual Continental Open Groveville, NJ 08620. Quads open to all. EF: $10. Prizes: $25 per Quad.
U1800, U1200, and U800. Unrateds in the U1200 section and all players
See Grand Prix. Reg.: 9-10:30/am. Rds.: 10:30/am-1:30/pm-4:30/pm. NJ State Chess
in the U800 section must be age 11 or under. Trophies to top 5 in each
Federation, no dues magazine Subscription per year, OSA. NS, NC, W.
section, top 2 in each odd 200 point rating group and unrated. EF: $33
Michigan by 5/28, $39 by 6/13, $45 on site. REG.: 9-9:30 a.m. RDS.: 10-11:30-1- May 19, Princeton Day School
May 24-28, 25-28, 26-28 or 27-28, 21st annual Chicago Open (IL) 2:30-4. Blitz 6:30 p.m. ($15 by 5/28 $20 on site) HR: $59 single or double 650 The Great Road. Plaques to top 3 school teams and top 6 in each sec-
See Grand Prix. ($89 Friday and Saturday nights). 1-800-634-6753 or (702) 734-5110. ENT: tion. Medals to all players. Four sections for OVER 1000 begin at 10:15
Aug. 3-5 or 4-5, Cleveland Open (OH) National Open, PO Box 90925, Henderson, NV 89009-0925, on line and must preregister: OVER 1600 (K-12), NEAR MASTERS (K-12 over
See Grand Prix. www.VegasChessFestival.com or fax at (702) 933-9112. NS. NC. W. 1400) and FUTURE MASTERS (Players K-12 over 1200) G/55/d5, 3
June 15-17 or 16-17, 2012 National Open rds. CLOSED (K-12 1000-1200) G/40/d5 4 rds. ALL OTHER SECTIONS.
Minnesota See Nationals. G/25/d5 4 rds. Beginning at 12:00 noon. (round times will be acceler-
ated if possible): OPEN (Players K-12 U-1000), RESERVE (K-12 U-800),
May 24-28, 25-28, 26-28 or 27-28, 21st annual Chicago Open (IL) June 16-17, International Youth Championship NOVICE II (K-8 U-600), NOVICE I (unrated K-6), K-1 (unrated) NO
See Grand Prix. 5SS, Game/60. Riviera Hotel and Casino, 2901 Las Vegas Boulevard SCORE K-1 (unrated). PARENTS OF PLAYERS rated G/25/d5 3 rounds.
South, Las Vegas 89109. In 4 Sections by age: 14 and Under, 14 and Pre-registration online, pay at the door $35. Parents play free. On-site
Missouri Under Reserve (rated below 1100), 9 and Under, 9 and Under Reserve 11-12 noon $45. Info and register online: www.pds.org/chess. Inquires
May 24-28, 25-28, 26-28 or 27-28, 21st annual Chicago Open (IL) (rated below 900). Trophies to top 10 in each section plus class trophies to Bonnie Waitzkin Chessteach@gmail.com.
See Grand Prix. and team trophies. 1st Place in each section wins a Computer loaded
with Chess Software, 2nd-4th win chess prizes valued at 250-150-100. May 19-20, New Jersey Junior Championship
May 26, Show Me Classic Unrated players may not win 1st in Reserve sections. EF: $59 by 5/27, OPEN: (K-12) 4SS, G/90 +30sec incr. ICA ,9-10 Saddle River Rd., Fair
4SS, G/70. Chess Club & Scholastic Center of Saint Louis, 4657 Maryland $69 by 6/13, $80 on site. 1/2 point bye in any round (limit 2) if requested Lawn, NJ 07410 Phone: 201 797-0330. Trophies to top 10. Top High
Ave., Saint Louis, MO 63108. Free entries for GMs and IMs. EF: $25, $20 in advance. REG.: 8-9 a.m. RDS.: 10-1-4, 10-1. Blitz 6/15 at 6:30 p.m. ($15 School player from NJ awarded entry to Denker Tournament of HS Cham-
for annual members of the club if registered by 5/25. MCA membership by 5/28 $20 on site) HR: $59 single or double ($89 Friday and Saturday pions. Top K-8 from NJ awarded entry to Dewain Barber Tournament of
req'd from $5. OSA. PF: $750 UNCONDITIONALLY GUARANTEED!! 1st nights). 1-800-634-6753 or (702) 734-5110. ENT: National Open, PO Box K-8 State Champions. Open section is FIDE rated. Reg.: Sat. 8-9:30am.
Place-$145, 2nd Place-$105. $100 for 1st in each class: A, B, C, D, 90925, Henderson, NV 89009-0925, on line www.VegasChessFestival.com Rds.: 10-3: Sat, 10-3 Sun. Game 15 playoff if ties. RESERVE: (K-12 &
U1200/UNR. Winner qualifies for 2013 Club Championship. Reg.: 9- or fax at (702) 933-9112. NS. NC. W. U1400) 4SS, G/60. Trophies to top 10, U1300, U1200, U1000, Unr. ALL:
9:45. Rds.: 10, 12:30, 3:30, 6:15. One 1/2 point bye if declared before Entry fee $35 if received by 5/12, $50 at site. Reg.: Sun. 8-9:30am. Rds.:
round 1. MCA Membership required from $5. OSA. Ent: 4657 Maryland July 19-22, 20-22 or 21-22, 17th annual Pacific Coast Open (CA-S) 10-1-3-5:30 Sun. ENT: NJSCF, P.O. Box 1511, Jackson, NJ 08527. Make
Ave., Saint Louis, MO 63108, or online at saintlouischessclub.org. Info: See Grand Prix. checks payable to NJSCF or online at www.characterkings.org. Info:
314-361-CHESS, info@saintlouischessclub.org. Chess Magnet School Aug. 17-19 or 18-19, 4th annual Central California Open (CA-N) Hal Sprechman, 732-259-3881, hsprechman@characterkings.org. FIDE.
JGP. See Grand Prix. Chess Magnet School JGP.
May 20, Westfield Quads
New Hampshire Note changes to reg & rds. 3 RR, G/40 T/D 5s, G/45. Westfield Y, 220
June 22-24, 62nd New Hampshire Open Clark St., Westfield, NJ 07090. Prizes: $50 to first in each section. EF:
DROPPING OUT? See Grand Prix.
New Jersey
$20, $15 Members. Reg.: 1:30-2:00 p.m. Rds.: 2:15-4:05-5:55 p.m. Info:
Please present identification on entering the building. Todd Lunna 732-
526-7163, lunnaco@aol.com, www.westfieldchessclub.com.
Have to miss a round? Fair Lawn Saturday Quads May 25-28, 26-28 or 27-28, The 2nd Annual New Yorker Open! (NY)
Schedule through June 30, 2012. 3RR, G/60 for quads with rating above See Grand Prix.
It is very important that you 1000; G/30 for quads with rating below 1000 or unrated ICA. 9 - 10 SAD- May 26, U.S. Amateur K-8 East U1200
DLE RIVER RD., FAIR LAWN, NJ 07410. EF: $25 Prizes: $50 to 1st place 5-SS, G/30. Somerset-Bridgewater Hotel (previously Crowne Plaza
NOTIFY THE DIRECTOR in each quad. Reg.: 1-1:15 PM. Rds.: 1:15 PM-3:30-5:40 (rating above
1000). Rds.: 1:10 PM-2:20-3:30 (rating below 1000 or unrated). Info: Diana
Hotel), 110 Davidson Ave., Somerset, NJ, Telephone 732-560-0500. In 3
Sections (U1200, U900, & U600). Trophies to Top 10, Others win chess
before pairings are made, so no one 201-797-0330, diana@icanj.net; www.icanj.net. EVERY SATURDAY. ALL: medallions. Unrated may not win first. Registration: Saturday May 26,
ICA provides breakfast & lunch. 11am-12pm. Rounds: 12:30pm, then ASAP with lunch break after round
is deprived of a game! If you forfeit
May 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, Girls Chess Lessons & Tuesday G/15 (U2000) #2. EF: $29 if mailed by May 25 or paid online via EntryFeesRus.com,
without notice, you may be FINED (QC) EF: $40 cash at site. One 1/2 point bye allowed if requested with EF. April
up to the amount of the entry fee! Chess Lessons: 5pm-6:30pm, Under 1600 USCF. Fees: Monthly/daily: Rating supplement used. Ent: Ken Thomas, 115 W. Moore St., Hacketts
$50/$15. 4SS, Rds.: 7pm, 7:40pm, 8:20pm, & 9pm. EF: $20/$15. Prizes: town, NJ 07840. Checks to NJSCF. Indicate grade level. Info: 908-619-
80% of EF 1st, 2nd, & Class Prizes: based on the # of participants. Chess 8621 or acn@goes.com. NS. NC. W.
May 26-28 or 27-28, 68th Annual U.S. Amateur East Championship June 24, Westfield Quads to MCC members only. EF: $30. ($450 b/20): $200-100, U2100 $90,
See Nationals. 3 RR, G/40 T/D 5s, G/45. Westfield Y, 220 Clark St., Westfield, NJ 07090. U1800 $60. Reg.: 6:15-6:45. Rds.: 7PM each Thursday. Limit 2 byes,
June 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, Fair Lawn Saturday Quads Prizes: $50 to first in each section. EF: $20, $15 Members. Reg.: 1:30- request by rd. 3. www.marshallchessclub.org. Chess Magnet School JGP.
3RR, G/60 for quads with rating above 1000; G/30 for quads with rat- 2:00 p.m. Rds.: 2:15-4:05-5:55 p.m. Info: Please present identification
on entering the building. Todd Lunna 732-526-7163, lunnaco@aol.com, May 25, New Yorker Rated Beginners Tournament! (RBO)
ing below 1000 or unrated. Site: 9-10 SADDLE RIVER RD., FAIR LAWN, 4-SS, G/25 + d5 or G/30 + d/0. Chess Center at the New Yorker Hotel,
NJ 07410. EF: $25. Prizes: $50 to 1st place in each quad. Reg.: 1-1:15 481 Eighth Ave at 34th St., across from Penn Station, NYC, for Under 1200
PM. Rds.: 1:15 PM, 3:30, 5:40 (rating above 1000). Rds.: 1:10 PM, 2:20, June 29-July 3 (New date), 9th annual Philadelphia International or those not rated in any country. EF: $30, free to players who join or re-
3:30 (rating below 1000 or unrated). Info: Diana 201 797 0330, diana@ (PA) join USCF with magazine, free to players also entering New Yorker
icanj.net; www.icanj.net. EVERY SATURDAY. ALL: ICA provides break- See Grand Prix. Open, 5/25-28 (3-Day or 2-Day schedule), specified Greater NY prizewin-
fast & lunch. June 30, World Open U2300 Warmup (PA) ners free! $$220 b/20 paid: $120-60-40. 2 byes OK, commit by 8:15. Reg.
June 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, Saturday Camp and Quad G/45 See Pennsylvania. ends 6:30 pm. Rds. 7-8:15-9:30-10:45 pm. No advance entries.
Saturday Chess Camp: 9am-1pm. Fees: $55/ $60. Snacks and lunch July 1-2, World Open U2200 Warmup (PA) May 25, Point Me To The New Yorker!
included. Quad: G/45. EF: $20/$15. Prizes: $60 to first in each section. See Pennsylvania. 3-SS, G/25 + d5 or G/30 + d/0. Chess Center at New Yorker Hotel, 481
Rds.: 1:30pm, 3:15pm, 5pm. GMs - Free entry. ($15 deducted from prizes). Eighth Ave at 34th St, across from Penn Station, NYC. EF: $20. 3-0 wins
Chess Mates Corporation, 1531 Irving St., Rahway, NJ 07065. (732)499- July 3-4, World Open U2100 Warmup (PA) $40, 2.5 wins $20, 2 wins $10. Reg. ends 7:15 pm. Rds. 7:30-8:30-9:30.
0118/(760)583-8429, www.chessmatesnj.com. See Pennsylvania.
May 25-28, 26-28 or 27-28, The 2nd Annual New Yorker Open!
June 3, Dr. David Ostfeld Memorial ICA Summer 2012 Open Cham- July 4, World Open 7-Minute Championship (QC) (PA) See Grand Prix.
pionship See Grand Prix.
May 26, Marshall Saturday G/60!
See Grand Prix. July 4-8, 5-8, 6-8, 2-8, 1-3 or 4-5, 40th Annual World Open (PA) 4-SS, G/55d5. Marshall CC, 23 W. 10th St., NYC. 212-477-3716. ($360/24):
June 3, Dr. David Ostfeld Memorial ICA Summer 2012 Scholastic See Grand Prix. $160-80, U2000 $65, U1700 $55. EF: $40, members $20. Reg.: 11:15-11:45
Championship in 5 sections July 5-8, World Open Daily 2pm Blitz (QC) (PA) am. Rds.: 12-2:30-4:45-7. One bye available, request at entry. www.mar-
4SS, EVERYONE PLAYS 4 GAMES, ALL PLAYERS WITH 2.5 PTS OR MORE See Pennsylvania. shallchessclub.org.
WILL RECEIVE A TROPHY! USCF Memb Req'd. For Sections 3, 4 AND 5. May 27, 2nd Annual New Yorker Open Blitz Championship (QC)!
Info: 201 287 0250 or 201 833 1741 www.icanj.net Email: Diana@icanj. July 7, World Open 10-Minute Championship (QC) (PA)
See Grand Prix. See Grand Prix.
net ADV EF (pmk by May 30th) $25 At Site $30 Reg. ends 1/2 hr before
1st rd Late entrants will receive a 1/2 pt bye for rd 1 BERGEN ACADEMY, July 8, World Open Blitz Championship (QC) (PA) May 27, Marshall Open & U1500 Sunday Game/45!
200 HACKENSACK AVE., HACKENSACK, NJ 07601. In 5 Sections, Section See Grand Prix. 5-SS, G/40d5. Marshall CC, 23 W. 10th St., NYC. 212-477-3716. Two sec-
1 Junior Novice (not USCF rated): Open to unr players K thru 2nd grade. tions-you play only those in your section: A. Open ($360/24): $160-80,
July 27-29 or 28-29, 17th Annual Bradley Open (CT) U2100 $65, U1800 $55. B. U1500 ($240/16): $120-65, U1200 $55. EF:
Rds.: First Round 10:15 AM then ASAP. Section 2 Novice: Open to unr See Grand Prix.
players K thru 4th grade. Rds.: First Round 10:00 AM then ASAP. Section $40, members $20. Reg.: 11:15-11:45 pm. Rds.: 12-1:45-4:00-5:45.
3 G/45 Reserve: Open to players rated below 800 and unr players K thru July 28-Aug. 1, 2012 Washington International (MD) One bye available, request at entry. www.marshallchessclub.org.
12th grade. Rds.: 9:45 AM, 11:30, 1:15, 3:00 PM. Section 4 G/45: Open See Grand Prix. May 28, Memorial Day Madness!
to players rated below 1200 and unr players K thru 12th grade. Rds.: 9:45 Aug. 9-12, 10-12 or 11-12, 42nd annual Continental Open (MA) 6-SS, G/25d5. Marshall CC, 23 W. 10th St., NYC. 212-477-3716. EF: $45,
AM, 11:30, 1:15, 3:00 PM. Section 5 G/60: Open to players rated below See Grand Prix. members $25. ($480/24): $200-100, U2000 $70, U1700 $60, U1400
1700 and unr players K thru 12th grade. Rds.: 9:45 AM, 12:00, 2:15, 4:30 $50. Reg.: 10:15-10:45. Rds.: 11-12:15-1:30-3:00-4:15-5:30. Two byes
PM. ENT: Make EF and/or USCF Memb chks payable To: International Aug. 17-19 or 18-19, 11th annual Manhattan Open (NY)
available, request at entry. www.marshallchessclub.org.
Chess Academy. Mail To: Diana Tulman, 28 Canterbury Ln., New Milford, See Grand Prix.
NJ 07646. May 31, Marshall Thursday Game 30 Grand Prix!
New York See Grand Prix.
June 3, Westfield Quads
Note changes to reg & rds. 3 RR, G/40 T/D 5s, G/45. Westfield Y, 220 May 12, Utica Four Seasons - Spring May 31, The New Yorker Masters!!
Clark St., Westfield, NJ 07090. Prizes: $50 to first in each section. EF: 4SS, Rds. 1-2 G/60; Rds. 3-4 G/90. Mohawk Valley Community College, See Grand Prix.
$20, $15 Members. Reg.: 1:30-2:00 p.m. Rds.: 2:15-4:05-5:55 p.m. Info: Exit 31, I-90, bear left, South on E. Genesee, (2.6 miles), left on Memo- May 31-June 28, 5th Long Island CC Spring Open
Please present identification on entering the building. Todd Lunna 732- rial Highway (2.3 miles, left Sherman, right into MVCC, Payne Building 5SS, G/90 (d/5). United Methodist Church, 470 East Meadow Ave., East
526-7163, lunnaco@aol.com, www.westfieldchessclub.com. 3rd Floor). EF: $30. Prizes b/20: $200, 125, 75, Class 100. Reg.: 8:30- Meadow, NY 11554. Open to all. $(b/20): $150-100. Top U-2000, U-
9:15. Rds.: 9:30-12:00-2:15-5:30. Ent: Joe Ball, 310 Helfer Ln., Minoa, 1500/unr. $95 ea. Best upset $10. Random pairings used (within ea.
June 3, 10, 17, 24, Sunday Advance Lesson & Open Blitz (G/5/RR) NY 13116. 315-436-9008. Chess Magnet School JGP.
(QC) scoregrp.) EF: $35. Non-LICC members +$10. Reg.: 6:40-7:10 PM, no
Advance Lesson (Above 1600 USCF Rating): 6:15pm-7:15pm, $15. Blitz May 15, Marshall Masters! adv. ent., Rds.: 7:15 PM SHARP ea. Thursday. 2 byes 1-5. Info: www.lichess
start: 7:30pm. EF: $20/$15. Prizes: 80% of EF 1st, 2nd, & Class Prizes: See Grand Prix. club.com. NS. Chess Magnet School JGP.
based on the # of participants. GMs - Free entry ($15 deducted from May 16-June 13, Marshall Wednesday U1400! June 2, Marshall Saturday U1600!
prizes). Chess Mates Corporation, 1531 Irving St., Rahway, NJ. (732) 499- 5-SS, G/85d5. Marshall CC, 23 W. 10th St., NYC. 212-477-3716. EF: $50, 4-SS, G/40d5. Marshall CC, 23 W. 10th St., NYC. 212 477-3716. ($300
0118. www.chessmatesnj.com. members $30. ($450/20): $240-120, U1100 $90. Reg.: 6:15-6:45pm. Rds.: b/20): $160-80, U1300 $60. EF: $40, members $20. Reg.: 12:15-12:45.
7 pm each Wednesday. Limit 2 byes, request by Rd 3. www.marshallchess Rds.: 1-2:45-4:30-6:15PM. One bye available, request at entry. www.mar
June 3, 10, 17, 24, Sunday Camp and Quad G/30
club.org. Chess Magnet School JGP. shallchessclub.org.
Sunday Chess Camp: 10am-6pm. Fees: $80/$90. Snacks and lunch
included. Quad: G/30: Starts at 3pm. EF: $15/ $10, camp participants are May 16-June 13, Marshall Wednesday U2000! June 2-3, 6th Annual Buffalo International Chess Championships
free. Prize per Quad: 1st Place: Trophy or $35. Chess Mates Corpora- 5-SS, 30/85d5, SD/1d5. Marshall CC, 23 W. 10th St., NYC. 212-477- 2012
tion, 1531 Irving St., Rahway, NJ. (760)583-8429/(732)499-0118. www. 3716. EF: $50, members $30. ($450/20): $240-120, U1700 $90. Reg.: See Grand Prix.
chessmatesnj.com. 6:15-6:45 pm. Rds.: 7 pm each Wednesday. Limit 2 byes, request by Rd
3. www.marshallchessclub.org. Chess Magnet School JGP. June 2-3 or 3, Marshall June U2300!
June 4, 11, 18, 25, Chess Lessons & Monday Quad G/30 4SS, 30/85d5, SD/1d5. Marshall CC, 23 W. 10th St., NYC. 212 477-3716.
Chess Lessons: 5pm-6:30pm, Under 1600 USCF. Fees: Monthly: $95 May 17, Get Ready For Next Thursday!! EF: $45, Members $25. ($540 b/36): $240-120, U2000/unr $95, U1700
(Monday and Wednesday) and Daily: $15. 3RR, Rds.: 7pm, 8:15pm, 4-SS, G/25 + td/5 or G/30 + td/0. Chess Center at Marshall Club, 23 $85. Reg.: ends 12:15PM. Rds.: 2 schedules: 2 day, Rds 12:30-5:30 PM
9:30pm. EF: $20/$15. Prizes: $60 to first in each section. GMs - Free W. 10th St, bet 5-6 Ave., NYC: 212-477-3716. May be limited to 1st 36 each day; 1 day, (Rds 1-2 G/25d5) 10-11:15AM-12:30-5:30 PM Sun; both
entry. ($15 deducted from prizes). Chess Mates Corporation, 1531 Irv- entries. EF $35, Club membs $25, GMs $20 from prize. $$ (480 b/32 paid): merge rd.3. Limit 2 byes, request at entry. NO RE-ENTRY. www.marshall
ing St., Rahway, NJ. (760)583-8429/(732)499-0118. www.chessmates 150-100-50, Top U2200/unr $95, U2000 $85. Limit 2 byes (1 bye if chessclub.org. Chess Magnet School JGP.
nj.com. U2000), commit by 8:15. Re-entry $15, counts half. Reg. ends 10 min.
before game. Rds. 7-8:15-9:30-10:45 pm. Phone entry often impossi- June 4-25, 30th Nassau Class
June 5, 12, 19, 23, Girls Chess Lessons & Tuesday G/15 (U2000) (QC) ble! $5 extra if entering under 10 min. before game. 40/80, 1st Presbyterian Church, 1st & Main Sts., Mineola. 4-SS. 6 sec-
Chess Lessons: 5pm- 6:30pm, Under 1600 USCF. Fees: Monthly/daily: tions. Master-Expert, EF: $36 by 6/2. $$ (256 b/8) 176, U2200 80.
$50/$15. 4SS, Rds.: 7pm, 7:40pm, 8:20pm, & 9pm. EF: $20/$15. Prizes: May 18-20 or 19-20, 20th annual New York State Open Class A, U2000/UR. EF: $31 by 6/2. $$ (216 b/8) 144-72. Class B,
80% of EF 1st, 2nd, & Class Prizes: based on the # of participants. See Grand Prix. U1800/UR. EF: $26 by 6/2. $$ (176 b/8) 112-64. Class C, U1600/UR. EF:
Chess Mates Corporation, 1531 Irving St., Rahway, NJ. (760)583- May 19, Marshall Saturday U1800! $21 by 6/2. $$ (136 b/8) 88-48. Class D, U1400/UR. EF: $16 by 6/2. $$
8429/(732)499-0118. www.chessmatesnj.com. 4-SS, G/40d5. Marshall CC, 23 W. 10th St., NYC. 212 477-3716. ($300 (96 b/8) 64-32. Class E/UR: U1200/UR, EF: $11 by 6/2. $$ (56 b/8) 56.
b/20): $160-80, U1500 $60. EF: $40, members $20. Reg.: 12:15-12:45. All, EF: $7 more at site. Non-mem $10 more. 2 byes 1-4. Rds.: 7:15 Mons.
June 6, 13, 20, 27, Chess Mates Club Championship (G/90, 4SS) captnhal@optonline.net. Reg.: 7-7:15 PM. Ent: Harold Stenzel, 80 Amy
4SS, Rd starts at 7pm. EF: $25(Member). Guaranteed Prizes: 1st - $150 Rds.: 1-2:45-4:30-6:15PM. One bye available, request at entry. www.mar
shallchessclub.org. Dr., Sayville, NY 11782.
& Trophy, U2200 - $75 & Trophy, U1600 - $75 & Trophy. Lessons: 5pm-
6:30pm, Under 1600 USCF. Fees: Monthly: $95 (Monday and Wednes- May 19-20 or 20, Marshall May Grand Prix! June 4-July 9, FIDE Mondays!!
day)/Daily: $15. Chess Mates Corporation, 1531 Irving St., Rahway, NJ See Grand Prix. 6-SS, G/120d5. Marshall CC, 23 W. 10th St., NYC. 212 477-3716. Open
07065. (732)499-0118/(760)583-8429. www.chessmatesnj.com. Chess to all players rated 1600 or above. EF: $50, $30 members. $$500 b/24:
May 20, 39th Binghamton Monthly Tournament $175-125-100, U2000 $100; 2 byes OK, commit before Round 4. Reg.:
Magnet School JGP. 4SS, G/65 d/5. Prizes: $500 b/26. Open-$150-$100-$50; Reserve- 6:15-6:45, Rds.: 7PM each Monday; FIDE rated. www.marshallchess
June 8-10 or 9-10, 18th Annual Northeast Open (CT) $100-$75-$25 (U1700). Trophies: 1-3 both sections. Advance Entry: club.org. Chess Magnet School JGP.
See Grand Prix. Open-$35 Reserve-$25 (U1700) $5 more on site-cash only on site. Sched-
ule: Registration on site 8:459:15 AM. Rounds: 9:30-12Noon-2:30-4:45. A Heritage Event!
June 9-10, 2012 Delaware Capital Open (DE) Free USCF 90-day membership (call for details) Mail Entry: checks pay- June 7, 4 Rated Games Tonight, Now At The New York Hotel-
See Delaware. able to: Cordiscos Corner Store, 308 Chenango St., Binghamton, NY USCF's Longest-Running Action Tournament!
June 10, Westfield Quads 13901 (607) 772-8782, cordiscos@stny.rr.com. Chess Magnet School 4-SS, G/25 + d/5 or G/30 + d/0. Chess Center at the New Yorker Hotel!,
3 RR, G/40 T/D 5s, G/45. Westfield Y, 220 Clark St., Westfield, NJ 07090. JGP. 481 Eighth Ave at 34th St., across from Penn Station, NYC: 845-569-9969.
Prizes: $50 to first in each section. EF: $20, $15 Members. Reg.: 1:30- EF $30, GMs $25 from prize, free to specified Greater NY Scholastic
May 24, The LAST 4 Rated Games Tonight! At The Marshall Prizewinners! Good Customer Loyalty Discounts: $5 less to those who
2:00 p.m. Rds.: 2:15-4:05-5:55 p.m. Info: Please present identification Chess Club-What A Long, Strange Trip It's Been!
on entering the building. Todd Lunna 732-526-7163, lunnaco@aol.com, played in at least 4 4 Rated Games Tonight! Thursday Night Actions since
4-SS, G/25 + td/5 or G/30 + td/0. Chess Center of New York leaves Jan. 2011, $10 less to those who played in at least 10 4RGTs since 1987
www.westfieldchessclub.com. the Marshall Chess Club, 23 W. 10th St., bet 5-6 Ave, NYC: 212-477-3716. Thank You So Much For Your Support Of This Tournament These
June 16, King's Chess Club Quads EF $35, Club membs $25, GMs $20 from prize, free to specified Greater Past 25 Years! $$ (480 b/32 paid): 150-100-50, Top U2200/unr $95,
Morning quads and afternoon quads, G/30, Kindergarten-undergradu- NY Scholastic Prizewinners! $$(480 b/32 paid): 150-100-50, Top U2000 $85. NEW!! $150 GUARANTEED In Mixed Doubles Bonus
ate (scholastic, youth, and young adult memberships). Bethlehem Church, U2200/unr $95, U2000 $85. Limit 2 byes (1 bye if U2000), commit by 8:15. Prizes! Best male/female 2-player team combined score: $100-50
758 Route 10, Randolph, NJ 07869. EF: None. Reg.: 9-9:20 am., 1st rd. Re-entry $15, counts half. Reg. ends 10 min. before game. Rds. 7-8:15- (teammates' average rating must be Under 2200; teammate pairings
9:40. Arr. by noon to reg. only for afternoon quads. Medal to each quad 9:30-10:45 pm. avoided but possible, teams must declare by 8:15). Choice of 2 sched-
winner. Info: Bethlehem Church 973-366-3434 or Bob McAdams 973-694- May 24-June 21, Marshall Thursday Members-Only Swiss! ules! 7:00 Schedule, rds. 7-8:15-9:30-10:45 pm. 7:30 schedule, rd. 1
3988, rwm@fambright.com. 5-SS, G/115d5. Marshall CC, 23 W. 10th St., NYC. 212 477-3716. Open (G/15 + td/3) at 7:30 pm, score carries over into round 2 of 7:00 sched-
ule at 8:15 pm. Limit 2 byes (1 bye if U2000), commit by 8:15. Re-entry June 21, Marshall Thursday Game 30 Grand Prix! July 14-15 or 15, Marshall June U2100!
$15, counts half. Reg. ends 10 min. before game. See Grand Prix. 4SS, 30/85d5, SD/1d5. Marshall CC, 23 W. 10th St., NYC. 212 477-3716.
June 7, Marshall Thursday Game 30 Grand Prix! June 24, 2nd annual Schenectady Open EF: $45, Members $25. ($540 b/36): $240-120, U1850 $95, U1600 $85.
See Grand Prix. See Grand Prix. Reg.: ends 12:15PM. Rds.: 2 schedules: 2 day, Rds. 12:30-5:30 PM each
day; 1 day, (Rds 1-2 G/35) 9:40-11:05AM-12:30-5:30 PM Sun; both merge
June 8, Marshall Friday Quads! June 28, Marshall Thursday Game 30 Grand Prix! rd.3. Limit 2 byes, request at entry. NO RE-ENTRY www.marshallchess
3-RR, G/40d5. Open to all levels; Quads formed by rating. Marshall CC, See Grand Prix. club.org. Chess Magnet School JGP.
23 W. 10th St., NYC. 212 477-3716. EF: $25, members $20. Prize: $50 for
June 28, 25th Annual Thursday Night Action Championship Join July 27-29 or 28-29, 17th Annual Bradley Open (CT)
each winner. Reg.: 5:15-5:45; Rds.: 6-7:30-9PM. www.marshallchessclub. Us In Celebrating 25 Years Of The USCF's Longest-Running Action
org. See Grand Prix.
Tournament, Now At The New Yorker Hotel!!
June 8-10 or 9-10, 18th Annual Northeast Open (CT) See Grand Prix. July 28-Aug. 1, 2012 Washington International (MD)
See Grand Prix. See Grand Prix.
June 29-July 3 (New date), 9th annual Philadelphia International
June 9, Marshall Saturday U1400! (PA) Aug. 9-12, 10-12 or 11-12, 42nd annual Continental Open (MA)
4-SS, G/40d5. Marshall CC, 23 W. 10th St., NYC. 212 477-3716. ($300 See Grand Prix. See Grand Prix.
b/20): $160-80, U1100 $60. EF: $40, members $20. Reg.: 12:15-12:45. June 30, Marshall Saturday U1600! Aug. 17-19 or 18-19, 11th annual Manhattan Open
Rds.: 1-2:45-4:30-6:15PM. One bye available, request at entry. www.mar 4-SS, G/40d5. Marshall CC, 23 W. 10th St., NYC. 212 477-3716. ($300 See Grand Prix.
shallchessclub.org. b/20): $160-80, U1300 $60. EF: $40, members $20. Reg.: 12:15-12:45. Aug. 31-Sept. 3, Sept. 1-3 or 2-3, 134th annual NY State Champi-
June 9-10 or 10, Marshall June U2100! Rds.: 1-2:45-4:30-6:15PM. One bye available, request at entry. www.mar onship
4SS, 30/85d5, SD/1d5. Marshall CC, 23 W. 10th St., NYC. 212 477-3716. shallchessclub.org. See Grand Prix.
EF: $45, Members $25. ($540 b/36): $240-120, U1850 $95, U1600 $85. June 30, World Open U2300 Warmup (PA) Oct. 24-28 or 26-28, Bahamas International & Amateur (Bahamas)
Reg: ends 12:15PM. Rds.: 2 schedules: 2 day, Rds. 12:30-5:30 PM each See Pennsylvania. See Grand Prix.
day; 1 day, (Rds 1-2 G/35) 9:40-11:05AM-12:30-5:30 PM Sun; both merge
rd.3. Limit 2 byes, request at entry. NO RE-ENTRY. www.marshallchess June 30-July 1 or July 1, Marshall U2300!
club.org. Chess Magnet School JGP. 4SS, 30/85d5, SD/1d5. Marshall CC, 23 W. 10th St., NYC. 212 477-3716. Ohio
EF: $45, Members $25. ($540 b/36): $240-120, U2000/unr $95, U1700 May 12, Pawn Storm VII
June 11-July 9, Marshall Monday U1600! $85. Reg: ends 12:15PM. Rds.: 2 schedules: 2 day, Rds 12:30-5:30 PM
5-SS, G/85d5. Marshall CC, 23 W. 10th St., NYC. 212-477-3716. EF: $50, 5SS, G/45, td/5. Dayton Chess Club. 18 W. 5th St., Dayton, OH. Rds.: 11-
each day; 1 day, (Rds 1-2 G/25d5) 10-11:15AM-12:30-5:30 PM Sun; both 1-3-5-7. Two byes only 1 if in rd 5. Prizes (b/25 paid): Open: $200-101,
members $30. ($675/30): $250-150-100, U1400 $100, U1200 $75. Reg.: merge rd.3. Limit 2 byes, request at entry. NO RE-ENTRY. www.mar
6:15-6:45pm. Rds. 7 pm each Monday. Limit 2 byes, request by Rd 3. www. U1900: $100, U1600: $99. EF: $25 until 5 May then $35. EF refunded 2200
shallchessclub.org. Chess Magnet School JGP. or higher players who complete their schedule. Info: DCC.18W5@sbc
marshallchessclub.org. Chess Magnet School JGP.
July 1-2, World Open U2200 Warmup (PA) global.net or 937-461-6283.
A Heritage Event! See Pennsylvania.
June 14, 4 Rated Games Tonight, Now At The New Yorker Hotel- May 18, DCC Friday Nite Quick 2012 (QC)
USCF's Longest-Running Action Tournament! July 3-4, World Open U2100 Warmup (PA) 4SS, G/24, td5. Dayton Chess Club, 18 W. 5th St., Dayton, OH. Rds.:
4-SS, G/25 + d/5 or G/30 + d/0. Chess Center at the New Yorker Hotel!, See Pennsylvania. 7:30/8:30/9:30/10:30. One bye. Prizes based on entries. EF: $10 ($8 DCC
481 Eighth Ave at 34th St, across from Penn Station, NYC: 845-569- mbrs). Info: DCC.18W5@sbcglobal.net or 937-461-6283.
July 4, Independence Day Madness:
9969. EF $30, GMs $25 from prize, free to specified Greater NY Scholastic 6-SS, G/25d5. Marshall CC, 23 W. 10th St., NYC. 212-477-3716. EF: $45, May 24-28, 25-28, 26-28 or 27-28, 21st annual Chicago Open (IL)
Prizewinners! Good Customer Loyalty Discounts: $5 less to those who members $25. ($480/24): $200-100, U2000 $70, U1700 $60, U1400 See Grand Prix.
played in at least 4 4 Rated Games Tonight! Thursday Night Actions since $50. Reg.: 10:15-10:45. Rds.: 11-12:15-1:30-3:00-4:15-5:30. Two byes
Jan. 2011, $10 less to those who played in at least 10 4RGTs since 1987 May 25, DCC Friday Nite Quick 2012 (QC)
available, request at entry. www.marshallchessclub.org. 4SS, G/24, td5. Dayton Chess Club, 18 W. 5th St., Dayton, OH. Rds.:
Thank You So Much For Your Support Of This Tournament These
Past 25 Years! $$ (480 b/32 paid): 150-100-50, Top U2200/unr $95, July 4, World Open 7-Minute Championship (QC) (PA) 7:30/8:30/9:30/10:30. One bye. Prizes based on entries. EF: $10 ($8 DCC
U2000 $85. NEW!! $150 GUARANTEED In Mixed Doubles Bonus See Grand Prix. mbrs). Info: DCC.18W5@sbcglobal.net or 937-461-6283.
Prizes! Best male/female 2-player team combined score: $100-50 (team- July 4-8, 5-8, 6-8, 2-8, 1-3 or 4-5, 40th Annual World Open (PA) May 26, Progress with Chess Monthly Open
mates average rating must be Under 2200; teammate pairings avoided See Grand Prix. 4SS, G/30;d5. Mustard Seed Market, 2nd Floor 6025 Kruse Dr., Solon, OH
but possible, teams must declare by 8:15). Choice of 2 schedules! 7:00 44139. EF: $20. USCF membership required, available at site. Sections:
Schedule, rds. 7-8:15-9:30-10:45 pm. 7:30 schedule, rd. 1 (G/15 + td/3) A Heritage Event! Open, Scholastic K-12 U1100, Scholastic K-12 U800, Scholastic K-
at 7:30 pm, score carries over into round 2 of 7:00 schedule at 8:15 pm. July 5, 4 Rated Games Tonight, Now At The New Yorker Hotel - 5 U500. Pairings in Open may be accelerated at TDs discretion. Reg-
Limit 2 byes (1 bye if U2000), commit by 8:15. Re-entry $15, counts half. USCF's Longest-Running Action Tournament! istration: 9-9:45 at site. Rds.: Open, 10, 11:30, 1, 2:30, Scholastic ASAP.
Reg. ends 10 min. before game. 4-SS, G/25 + d/5 or G/30 + d/0. Chess Center at the historic New Yorker Prizes: Open: $250 Guaranteed. 1st $100, 2nd $50, U-1900 $50, U-
Hotel!, 481 8th Ave at 34th St., across from Penn Station, NYC: 845-569- 1500 $50. Scholastic Sections:Trophies to top 3 each section. Special
June 14, Marshall Thursday Game 30 Grand Prix! 9969. EF: $30, GMs $25 from prize, free to specified Greater NY Scholastic
See Grand Prix. Offer: Free healthy box lunch ($10 value) to players in scholastic sections!
Prizewinners! Good Customer Loyalty Discounts: $5 less to those who Info: www.progresswithchess.org. Contact: Mike Joelson 216-321-
June 16, Marshall Saturday U1800! played in at least 4 4 Rated Games Tonight! Thursday Night Actions since 7000.
4-SS, G/40d5. Marshall CC, 23 W. 10th St., NYC. 212 477-3716. ($300 Jan. 2011, $10 less to those who played in at least 10 4RGTs since 1987
b/20): $160-80, U1500 $60. EF: $40, members $20. Reg.: 12:15-12:45. Thank You So Much For Your Support Of This Tournament These June 1-3 or 2-3, 54th Gem City Open
Rds.: 1-2:45-4:30-6:15PM. One bye available, request at entry. www.mar Past 25 Years! $$ (480 b/32 paid): 150-100-50, Top U2200/unr $95, See Grand Prix.
shallchessclub.org. U2000 $85. NEW!! $150 GUARANTEED In Mixed Doubles Bonus Prizes! June 8, DCC Friday Nite Quick 2012 (QC)
Best male/female 2-player team combined score: $100-50 (teammates 4SS, G/24, td5. Dayton Chess Club, 18 W 5th St., Dayton, OH. Rds.:
June 16, Syracuse-Minoa June Open average rating must be Under 2200; teammate pairings avoided but pos-
4SS. Rds.: 1&2 G/60, Rds.: 3&4 G/90. Minoa Muncipal Bldg., 240 N. Main 7:30/8:30/9:30/10:30. One bye. Prizes based on entries. EF: $10 ($8 DCC
sible, teams must declare by 8:15). Choice of 2 schedules! 7:00 mbrs). Info: DCC.18W5@sbcglobal.net or 937-461-6283.
St., Minoa, NY (Exit Kirkville Rd. E. from I 481, R. at second light). EF: $30. Schedule, rds. 7-8:15-9:30-10:45 pm. 7:30 schedule, rd. 1 (G/15 + td/3)
Prizes: b/20) $200, 125, Class 100. Reg.: 8:30-9:15. Rds.: 9:30, 12:00, at 7:30 pm, score carries over into round 2 of 7:00 schedule at 8:15 pm. June 9, House of Chess Open
2:15, 5:30. Contact: Joe Ball 315-436-9008. Chess Magnet School JGP. Limit 2 byes (1 bye if U2000), commit by 8:15. Re-entry $15, counts half. 4SS, G/45. House of Chess, Great Northern Mall, North Olmsted, OH (W
June 16-17 or 17, Marshall June Grand Prix! Reg. ends 10 min. before game. CCA Minimums may be used. of JC Penny). Sections: Open, U1600. Reg.: 11-11:25 AM. Rds.: 11:30-
See Grand Prix. 1:15-3:30-5:15. Prizes (b/25): Open 1st $200, 2nd $100; U1900 1st
July 5, Marshall Thursday Game 30 Grand Prix!
$100; Reserve(U1600): 1st $100. Ent: $25, Club members $20. Info &
June 19, Marshall Masters! See Grand Prix.
entries: House of Chess, Great Northern Mall, North Olmsted, OH 44070.
See Grand Prix. July 5-Aug. 2, Marshall Thursday Members-Only Swiss! Phone: (440) 979-1133. E-mail: info@houseofchess.com. Web: www.the-
June 20-24, 22-24 or 23-24, 5th New York International 5-SS, G/115d5. Marshall CC, 23 W. 10th St., NYC. 212 477-3716. Open houseofchess.com/.
See Grand Prix. to MCC members only. EF: $30. ($450 b/20): $200-100, U2100 $90,
U1800 $60. Reg.: 6:15-6:45. Rds.: 7PM each Thursday. Limit 2 byes, June 9, Toledo June Swiss
June 20-July 18, Marshall Wednesday U1400! request by rd. 3. www.marshallchessclub.org. Chess Magnet School JGP. Open, 4SS, Rnd 1 G/75, Rnds 2-4 G/90. The University of Toledo Health
5-SS, G/85d5. Marshall CC, 23 W. 10th St., NYC. 212-477-3716. EF: $50, Science Campus, Mulford Library Basement Caf, 3000 Arlington Ave.,
members $30. ($450/20): $240-120, U1100 $90. Reg.: 6:15-6:45pm. Rds.: July 7, Marshall Saturday G/60! Toledo, OH 43614. Can split into 2 sections if enough players. EF: $20 by
7 pm each Wednesday. Limit 2 byes, request by Rd 3. www.marshallchess 4-SS, G/55d5. Marshall CC, 23 W. 10th St., NYC. 212-477-3716. ($360/24): 6/7, $25 at site. Reg.: 9-10 a.m., Rds.: 10, 1, 4, & 7. Prizes: $360 b/20,
club.org. Chess Magnet School JGP. $160-80, U2000 $65, U1700 $55. EF: $40, members $20. Reg.: 11:15-11:45 $100-50, 1st Class A ,B,C,D/Under $40, 1st U1600 $50. Ent: James
June 20-July 18, Marshall Wednesday U2000! am. Rds.: 12-2:30-4:45-7. One bye available, request at entry. www.mar Jagodzinski, 7031 Willowyck Rd., Maumee, OH 43537. 419-367-9450.
5-SS, 30/85d5, SD/1d5. Marshall CC, 23 W. 10th St., NYC. 212-477- shallchessclub.org. Chess Magnet School JGP.
3716. EF: $50, members $30. ($450/20): $240-120, U1700 $90. Reg.: July 7, World Open 10-Minute Championship (QC) (PA) June 15, DCC Friday Nite Quick 2012 (QC)
6:15-6:45 pm. Rds.: 7 pm each Wednesday. Limit 2 byes, request by Rd See Grand Prix. 4SS, G/24, td5. Dayton Chess Club, 18 W. 5th St., Dayton, OH. Rds.:
3. www.marshallchessclub.org. Chess Magnet School JGP. July 8, Marshall Open & U1500 Sunday G/45! 7:30/8:30/9:30/10:30. One bye. Prizes based on entries. EF: $10 ($8 DCC
A Heritage Event! 5-SS, G/40d5. Marshall CC, 23 W. 10th St., NYC. 212-477-3716. Two sec- mbrs). Info: DCC.18W5@sbcglobal.net or 937-461-6283.
June 21, 4 Rated Games Tonight, Now At The New Yorker Hotel - tions-you play only those in your section: A. Open ($360/24): June 22-24 or 23-24, 2012 Columbus Open
USCF's Longest-Running Action Tournament! $160-80, U2100 $65, U1800 $55. B. U1500 ($240/16): $120-65, U1200 See Grand Prix.
4-SS, G/25 + d/5 or G/30 + d/0, Chess Center at the historic New Yorker $55. EF: $40, members $20. Reg.: 11:15-11:45 pm. Rds.: 12-1:45-4:00-
Hotel!, 481 8th Ave at 34th St., across from Penn Station, NYC: 845-569- 5:45. One bye available, request at entry. www.marshallchessclub.org. July 14, Toledo July Swiss
9969. EF: $30, GMs $25 from prize, free to specified Greater NY Scholastic Open, 4SS, Rnd 1 G/75, Rnds 2-4 G/90. The University of Toledo Health
Prizewinners! Good Customer Loyalty Discounts: $5 less to those who July 8, World Open Blitz Championship (QC) (PA) Science Campus, Mulford Library Basement Caf, 3000 Arlington Ave.,
played in at least 4 4 Rated Games Tonight! Thursday Night Actions since See Grand Prix. Toledo, OH 43614. Can split into 2 sections if enough players. EF: $20 by
Jan. 2011, $10 less to those who played in at least 10 4RGTs since 1987 July 12, Marshall Thursday Game 30 Grand Prix! 7/12, $25 at site. Reg.: 9-10 a.m., Rds.: 10, 1, 4, & 7. Prizes: $360 b/20,
Thank You So Much For Your Support Of This Tournament These See Grand Prix. $100-50, 1st Class A ,B,C,D/Under $40, 1st U1600 $50. Ent: James
Past 25 Years! $$ (480 b/32 paid): 150-100-50, Top U2200/unr $95, Jagodzinski, 7031 Willowyck Rd., Maumee, OH 43537. 419-367-9450.
July 12, 10 Grand Prix Points Tonight, Now At The New Yorker Hotel- Chess Magnet School JGP.
U2000 $85. NEW!! $150 GUARANTEED In Mixed Doubles Bonus Prizes! USCF's Longest-Running Action Tournament!
Best male/female 2-player team combined score: $100-50 (teammates See Grand Prix. Aug. 3-5 or 4-5, Cleveland Open
average rating must be Under 2200; teammate pairings avoided but pos- See Grand Prix.
sible, teams must declare by 8:15). Choice of 2 schedules! 7:00 July 14, Marshall Saturday U1400!
Schedule, rds. 7-8:15-9:30-10:45 pm. 7:30 schedule, rd. 1 (G/15 + td/3) 4-SS, G/40d5. Marshall CC, 23 W. 10th St., NYC. 212 477-3716. ($300 Aug. 17-19 or 18-19, 7th annual Indianapolis Open (IN)
at 7:30 pm, score carries over into round 2 of 7:00 schedule at 8:15 pm. b/20): $160-80, U1100 $60. EF: $40, members $20. Reg.: 12:15-12:45. See Grand Prix.
Limit 2 byes (1 bye if U2000), commit by 8:15. Re-entry $15, counts half. Rds.: 1-2:45-4:30-6:15PM. One bye available, request at entry. www.mar- Sept. 1-3, 68th Ohio Chess Congress
Reg. ends 10 min. before game. CCA Minimums may be used. shallchessclub.org. See Grand Prix.
Oklahoma Wed 10, 2. One half point bye allowed if U1600/Unr, otherwise two byes
allowed, must commit before rd 2. Chess Magnet School JGP.
EF: $20/25 at site. Rds.: 9:00, 11:15, 2:15, 4:30 Eastern. Ent/Info at:
www.entries@chattanoogachess.org or contact Malcolm Estrada, P.
May 26-28, 31st NAO FIDE Open O. Box 1102, Chattanooga, TN 37401, 423-280-9526, mrestrada111@com-
July 4, World Open 7-Minute Championship (QC)
See Grand Prix. cast.net.
See Grand Prix.
June 30-July 1, 67th Oklahoma Open State Championship June 9-10, 2012 U.S. Amateur South Championship
July 4-8, 5-8, 6-8, 2-8, 1-3 or 4-5, 40th Annual World Open
See Grand Prix. See Nationals.
See Grand Prix.
Pennsylvania July 5-8, World Open Daily 2pm Blitz (QC) June 30, John Hurt Memorial
See Grand Prix.
4 separate tournaments at Sheraton Philadelphia City Center Hotel (see
Every Saturday - Lehigh Valley Super Quads
World Open). Each is a 4-SS, double round (8 games), G/5. Prizes $300
based on 20 entries, else in proportion: $100-50, U2100 $60, U1800 $50, Texas
7 for WO), G/40 Quads, 3-RR. Reg.: 1-1:45, Rds.: 2 pm, then asap, Site:
U1500/Unr $40. EF: $20, at site only, no checks. Reg. ends 1:45 pm, rds. May 19, Many Springs Quad
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, 514 3rd Ave., Bethlehem, PA 18018. EF: $10,
2, 2:45, 3:15, 3:45. One pair of 1/2 pt byes available, must commit before North Richland Hills Public Library, 9015 Grand Ave., North Richland
$30 for 3-0 score, else $25 for 1st., Ph: 484-866-3045, Info: bdavis@
rd 2. Quick rated (will not affect regular ratings), but higher of regular Hills, TX 76180. 3 Round Quad, G/75; 5d. EF: $15, 80% of EF returned as
lehighvalleychess.org, www.lehighvalleychess.org/.
or quick used for pairings & prizes. prizes. Registration on-site 8:45-8:55. First Round 9:00AM. Additional
May 4, 1st Friday of the Month LVCA $$100% GTD (QC) informationTom Crane at either 817-296-4287, tcrane5000@yahoo.com
July 7, World Open 10-Minute Championship (QC)
4SS, G/25, d3. St. Timothys Lutheran Church, 140 So. Ott St., Allentown, or www.tarrantcountychessclub.org/.
See Grand Prix.
PA 18104. EF: $15, $10-21 & under/College Student Id, $$200 100% GRD.,
$70-35, Top U20 $35, top U16/unrated $30, Top Junior/College $30. July 8, World Open Blitz Championship (QC) May 25-28 or 26-28, Texas State and Amateur Championships
One 1/2 pt byes if reg.d after 6:45 pm. REG.: Ends 6:45pm, Cash on site See Grand Prix. See Grand Prix.
only. RDS.: 7 pm, then ASAP. Ent/Info: By May 2, Check payable: Bruce July 14, 2012 PA State Action Championship June 23-24, San Antonio City Championship
Davis, 1208 Linden St., Fl. 1, Bethlehem, PA 18018, 484-866-3045 or See Grand Prix. Hornbeak Bldg, 4450 Medical Dr., San Antonio, 2nd floor, San Antonio, TX
bdavis@lehighvalleychess.org, www.lehighvalleychess.org. 78229. 5SS, Rds. 1 and 2 G/90; others 40/2 SD/1, $$ (1075 b/40,
July 28-Aug. 1, 2012 Washington International (MD) 2/3gtd) $300-150, U2200 $125,U 2000 $125, U1800 $125, U1600 $100,
May 25-28, 26-28 or 27-28, The 2nd Annual New Yorker Open! (NY) See Grand Prix.
See Grand Prix. U1400/unr ea $75. EF: $45 if rec'd by 6/20, $50 at site. Trophy to Top Bexar
Aug. 3-5 or 4-5, Cleveland Open (OH) City Resident. Option play for 1/2 prizes: $23 by 6/20, $28.00 later and
May 26, 6th Annual May LVCA Scholastic K-12 Championship See Grand Prix. at site: EF: Jr U19 entry $20 if rec'd by 6/20 or $25 at site. Option play
5-SS, G/30. EF: $30, $35 CASH ONLY after 5/23/12 AT SITE. Trophy's to and U19 entries count 2/3 toward based on. Reg.: 8:30-9:30 am.
1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, Top U1400, U1200, U1000,U800, UNR, FREE ENTRY TO Aug. 17-19 or 18-19, 11th annual Manhattan Open (NY) Rds.: 10-2-6, 9-3.half pt. Bye any 1 rd, notice before Rd 2 is paired, Swap
UNRATEDS, if paying 1 year USCF Dues, Drawings for $100 in Door See Grand Prix. and shop used books, equip. 8:30-9:30. Ent. SACC, PO BOX 690576,
Prizes. Rds.: 1:10 pm then ASAP. Reg.: Ends 1 pm. Site: Holy Trinity Church, Aug. 24-26 or 25-26, 44th annual Atlantic Open (DC) San Antonio, TX 78269-0576. Info: sanantoniochess.com, 210-384-4797,
514 3rd Ave., Bethlehem, PA 18102. Ent: Bruce Davis, 1208 Linden St, Beth- See Grand Prix. louis.Rimpel@att.net. NS. NC. W. Chess Magnet School JGP.
lehem, PA 18018, Ph. 484-866-3045, Email: bdavis@lehighvalleychess.org.
Info: www.lehighvalleychess.org/. Aug. 31-Sept. 3, Sept. 1-3 or 2-3, 134th annual NY State Champi- July 6-8 or 7-8, 1st Annual Austin Chess Club Summer Open
onship (NY) See Grand Prix.
June 1, 1st Friday of the Month LVCA $$100% GTD (QC) See Grand Prix.
4SS, G/25;d3. St .Timothy's Lutheran Church, 140 So. Ott St., Allentown, July 9-14, 2012 U.S. Senior Open
PA 18104. EF: $15, $10-21 & under/College Student Id, $$200 100% Gtd., See Nationals.
$70-$35, Top U20 $35, top U16/unrated $30, Top Junior/College $30. One Rhode Island July 13-15, 2012 U.S. Junior Open
1/2 pt byes if reg.'d after 6:45 pm. REG.: Ends 6:45pm, Cash on site only. Cranston Chess Club Monthly See Nationals.
RDS.: 7 pm, then ASAP. Adv Ent: By May 30, Check payable: Bruce Every Tuesday. 4SS, 40/70, SD/30. Garden City Center, Cranston. EF:
Davis, 1208 Linden St., Fl. 1, Bethlehem, PA 18018 or 484-866-3045 or $5/game (club mbrs: $3/game). Reg.: 6:30-6:50pm; RDS.: 1st 4 Tuesdays July 21-22, Summer Open
bdavis@lehighvalleychess.org, www.lehighvalleychess.org. of the month, 7pm sharp! 5th Tuesday extra rated games and events. One Hornbeak Bldg, 4450 Medical Dr, 2nd floor, San Antonio, TX 78229, 4 SS,
bye rd 1-3; if notified in advance. Prizes based on entries. Info: www.cran 30/90, SD/60, $$ 1100 b/40, 2 sections. Open: $250-150, U2100
A Heritage Event! $100, U1900 $100. Reserve (1800): $150-100, U1700 $100, U1500 $75,
June 2, 42nd Fred Thompson Memorial stonchess.org, 401-575-1520. Chess Magnet School JGP.
U1300/Unr. EF: $40 if rec'd by 7/18, $45 at site. Option play for 1/2 prizes:
4SS, G/60, d/5. Pittsburgh Chess Club, 5604 Solway St., Pittsburgh, PA A State Championship Event! $20 by 7/18, $25 at site: EF: Jr U19 entry $20 if rec'd by 7/18 or $25 at
15217. EF: $28 postmarked by 5/29, $38 thereafter, $3 discount to PCC June 9-10, Rhode Island State Championship site. Option play and U19 entries count 2/3 toward based on. Reg.:
members. 2 Sections: Open and Reserve (U1600). Prizes: $$500 b/30. 5SS, G/75, delay 5. Sheraton Providence Hotel and Conference Center, 9:00-10:00am. Rds.: 10-3, 10-3. Bye any 1 rd, notice before Rd 2 is
Open: $120 - 80, U2000 $60, U1800 $40. Reserve: $80 - 50, U1400 $40, 1850 Post Rd., Warwick, RI 02886. Open to out of state players. $1500 paired. Ent: SACC, PO BOX 690576, San Antonio, TX 78269-0576. Info:
U1200/Unr $30. Reg.: 9-9:45. Requests for half-point byes must be based on 55, Trophies- top RI finishers. 4 Sections: OPEN $350-200, sanantoniochess.com, 210-384-4797, louis.Rimpel@att.net. NS. NC. W.
made by the start of Round 2. Rds.: 10AM-12:30PM-3:30PM-6PM. Info: U2200 $200 U2000 $250-150. SAT RDS 1-3, SUN RDS 4-5. EF: $45 by 6/6, Chess Magnet School JGP.
412-421-1881, www.pittsburghcc.org. Entries: Pittsburgh Chess Club, Attn: then $55. REG. Ends 10:30 AM. Rds.: SAT 11, 2:30 and 5:30. SUN 10 and
Mike Holsinger, 5604 Solway St., Pittsburgh, PA 15217. Make checks
payable to Pittsburgh Chess Club. NC. W.
1:30. Byes- limit 1, must commit before RD3. U1600 4SS Sunday ONLY Vermont
G/60 d5. $225-125; U1200 4SS Sunday ONLY G/30 d5. Trophies 1st, 2nd,
3rd. EF: U1600 and U1200 $35 by 6/6, then $45. REG.: Ends 9:30AM, RD1 May 18-20 or 19-20, 20th annual New York State Open (NY)
June 2, W.Chester 1st Sat. Quads See Grand Prix.
Our 23rd year! 3RR, 40/75, sd/30, td/5sec. United Methodist Church, 129 start at 10 then ASAP. HR: $99 (401) 738-4000 ask for chess rates. ALL
S. High St., West Chester, PA. EF: $20; $40, $50 for 3-0. Reg.: 9am; Rds.: EF: online www.richess.org or mail P.O Box 40604, Providence, RI 02940. June 24, 2nd annual Schenectady Open (NY)
9:30, 1, 4:30. Info: WCCC1975@gmail.com. INFO: Frank Vogel 401-837-1302. Chess Magnet School JGP. See Grand Prix.
June 9, MasterMinds CC Summer Quads July 27-29 or 28-29, 17th Annual Bradley Open (CT) Aug. 31-Sept. 3, Sept. 1-3 or 2-3, 134th annual NY State Champi-
Blair Christian Academy, 220 W. Upsal St., Philadelphia, PA. Quads: 3RR, See Grand Prix. onship (NY)
40/75, SD/30 TD/5. EF: $20 Perfect score winner $50 else $40. Rd. 1 See Grand Prix.
10AM then asap. Reg. ends 9:30am. Info: Bradley Crable, 215-844- South Carolina
3881, www.mastermindschess.org. May 25-27, South Carolina Open Virginia
June 9-10, 2012 Delaware Capital Open (DE) See Grand Prix. Arlington Chess Club's Friday Action Tournament
See Delaware. July 27-29 or 28-29, 20th Annual Southern Open (FL) 3SS, G/30. Once a month we run a Friday night event - dates are on the
See Grand Prix. club website: www.arlingtonchessclub.com. Prizes b/entries: 80%
June 10, Chess In Jasper Park and Picnic (3 events) returned as prizes. Reg.: 7:00-8:15pm. Rd. 1: 8:20. EF: $15 ($10 for ACC
(3) - 5SS events, G/7d3. Jasper Park Pavillion, 4960 Vera Cruz Rd. North, Members), no advance entries, cash only. Arlington Forest United
Emmaus, 18049. EF: $10 Cash each event, FREE ENTRY TO UNR. if pay- Tennessee Methodist Church, 4701 Arlington Blvd., Arlington, VA 22202. Contact for
ing 1 year USCF Dues, No adv ent. Prizes: Min. 50% Rtd. based on pd May 11-13, 2012 National Elementary (K-6) Championship info only: chrisney2@gmail.com. W, NS.
entries. 1st-60%, 2nd-30%, 3rd-10% AND ADD if 12 or more players Top See Nationals.
U1600- $15, Top U1000 - $15, more based on pd. Picnic:11am-dusk. Reg Arlington Chess Club's Friday Ladder
Ends: 1, 3, 5 pm for each event. Event #1: Rd-1:1pm, #2: Rd-1:3pm, #3: May 18-20, Pawn Power Open 9 30/90, SD/1. Most monthly game points: $50; most total points Jan. to
Rd-1:5pm. Info: 484-866-3045, davis@lehighvalleychess.org, www.lehigh- 5SS, G/120. $750 prizes based on 40 entries. Greater Memphis Chess Dec.: $100. Must join club to play. Yearly dues: $50 adults, $40 seniors/
valleychess.org/. Center, 5796 Shelby Oaks Dr., Suite 11, Memphis, TN 38134. Accelerated U18. Cash or check. Reg.: weekly sign-up from 7:00-8:00pm, games
pairings. Prizes: 1st $300, $200, $100. Top U1600 and U1400: $100 start by 8:10, no advance entries. Arlington Forest United Methodist
June 16, 2012 PA State Game/45 Championship each. EF: $40 ($35 for MCC and GMCC members). Rounds: 3-day option: Church, 4701 Arlington Blvd., Arlington, VA 22203. Contact for info only:
See Grand Prix. Fri 7pm, Sat 2pm & 7pm, Sun 9am & 2pm. 2-day option: Sat 9am, 2pm chrisney2@gmail.com. W, NS. Chess Magnet School JGP (if 4
June 29-July 3 (New date), 9th annual Philadelphia International & 7pm; Sun 9am & 2pm. On-site registration: Fri: 5:30-6:30pm or Sat: rounds/games played in that one month).
See Grand Prix. 7:30-8:30am. Saturday side event: U1200 Scholastic, 5SS, G/45. 1st May 5, Kingstowne Quad #83
June 30, World Open U2300 Warmup round at 9am, next rounds ASAP. Trophies for top 3 finishers. EF: $15. 3RR, G/100 d/5. Kingstowne Thompson Center, 6090 Kingstowne Village
5SS, G/30, d/5. Sheraton Philadelphia City Center Hotel (see World Entries: Memphis Chess Club Inc., PO Box 17864, Memphis, TN 38187- Pkwy., Alexandria, VA 22315. EF: $10 if received by 5/2, $15 at site. Prizes:
Open). Open to under 2300 or unrated. Prizes $500 based on 30 entries, 0864. Chess Magnet School JGP for Main Event. Medals to 1st and 2nd in each quad: gold to 1st if 3-0 score, else silver;
else in proportion: $150-70-40, U2050 $90, U1800 $80, U1550/Unr $70. May 18-20 or 19-20, 2012 Tennessee Senior Open bronze to 2nd. Reg.: 9-10:30. Rds.: 11-3-7. Ent (checks payable to): Don
EF: $20, at site only, no checks. Reg. ends 9:30 am 6/30, rds. 10, 12, 1:30, 5SS, G/120. Fair Park Senior Center, 1433 Livingston Rd., Crossville, TN W. Millican, P.O. Box 2902, Springfield, VA 22152. E-mail (info only):
3, 4:30. One half point bye allowed if U1800/Unr, otherwise two byes 38555. EF: $25 if mailed by 5/11/2012 $35 at site. 3-Day: Reg. Fri 2:00- dm407_92@hotmail.com. W (please give 48-hour notice if needed).
allowed, must commit before rd 2. 3:30 PM. Rds.: 4, 10-4, 9-2. 2 Day: Reg Sat 8:00-9:30. Rds: 10-1-4, 9-2 May 19, Third Saturday Swiss
July 1-2, World Open U2200 Warmup (2 Day R 1 & 2 at G/60). Memb. Req'd:TCA $10, TN residents only. $$GTD: Ashburn Chess Center, 44927 George Washington Blvd. #120, Ashburn,
5SS, G/90, d/5. Sheraton Philadelphia City Center Hotel (see World $150-100. 50-B/C,D/E,B1000,Unr, Age 60-69, Age-70 & Older. Plaques to VA 20147. 4SS, G/61. Open & U1200 sections. Prizes: 50% back to top
Open). Open to under 2200 or unrated. Prizes $500 based on 20 entries, top 3, B1400, Age 70+ (plaques to TN residents only). Medals to all par- 3 per section. EF: $18 Preregistered. $20 at site. Members discounted.
else in proportion: $150-70-40, U1950 $90, U1700 $80, U1450/Unr $70: ticipants. ENT: Harry D Sabine, PO Box 381, Crossville, TN 38557 or Reg.: 9-9:30AM. Rd. 1 10AM. Halfpt Bye 1-3. Preregistration and more
EF: $30, at site only, no checks. Reg. ends 10 am 7/1, rds. Sun 10, 2, 6, register on line at www.tnchess.org. HR: $60 + tax 931-484-1551 or 1- info at www.loudounchess.org/reg/accregister.htm. Chess Magnet
Mon. 10, 2. One half point bye allowed if U1700/Unr, otherwise two byes 866-707-8408, Crossville Best Western Leisure Inn, 4035 Highway 127 School JGP.
allowed; must commit before rd 2. Chess Magnet School JGP. N, Crossville, TN 38571. NS.
May 26, Rutherford County Open May 26, 2012 Richmond Spring Open!
July 3-4, World Open U2100 Warmup See Grand Prix. 4SS, G/65. Atlee High School, 9414 Atlee Station Rd., Mechanicsville VA,
5SS, G/90, d/5. Sheraton Philadelphia City Center Hotel (see World 23116. Reg.: 9:00-9:30. Rds.: 9:45-12:15-3:00-5:30. 2 Sections: OPEN:
Open). Open to under 2100 or unrated. Prizes $500 based on 20 entries, June 2, Rea Hayes Open Chess Tournament EF: $32 pd by 5/23, $36 at site, $140-83, Top X/A/B $64 ea.; PREMIER
else in proportion: $150-70-40, U1850 $90, U1600/Unr $80, U1350 $70. 4SS, G/60. Bethel Bible Village, 3001 Hamill Rd., Chattanooga, TN 37342. (under1700) EF: $29 pd by 5/23, $33 at site, $128-72, Top C/D/E-unr $57
EF: $30, at site only, no checks. Reg. ends 10 am 7/3, rds. Tue 10, 2, 6, $900 Unconditionally Guaranteed. Open EF: $25/30 at site. Reserve ea. Prizes GUARANTEED, increased if more than 50 players total. NS,
no credit cards. A VCF Cup event. Mail entries to: Andrew Rea, 6102 Lundy
Pl., Burke VA 22015. Info: www.vachess.org or andrerea2@yahoo.com.
One 1/2 pt bye available at reg. or at site before Rd2. Chess Magnet
plied. Sets/boards sup- plied for tournament but not for skittles. Please
see the US Open TLA for side events, committee meetings, delegate meet-
ings and other events held during the Open. Please check the U.S. Open
School JGP. website often for updates, new information and corrections!
Chess Life accepts classified advertising in these categories:
www.uschess.org/tournaments/2012/scholastic/. Chess Magnet
May 26, Sterling Chess May Open and RBO Activities, For Rent, For Sale, Games, Instruction, Miscellaneous,
School JGP for U.S. Open Scholastic Championship section.
See Grand Prix. Services, Tournaments, Wanted. Only typed or e-mailed copy is
Aug. 4-8, 2012 Trophies Plus U.S. Girls Junior Open Championship accepted. Absolutely no telephone orders. Rates (per word, per
June 2, Kingstowne Action-Plus #54
See Nationals.
5SS, G/45 d/5. Kingstowne Thompson Center, 6090 Kingstowne Village insertion): 1-2 insertions $1.50, 3-6 insertions $1.25, 7 + inser-
Pkwy., Alexandria, VA 22315. EF: $15 if received by 5/31, $20 at site. Aug. 4-12, 7-12 or 9-12, 113th annual U.S. Open tions $1.00. Affiliates pay $1.00 per word regardless of insertion
Prizes $250 b/32: $100-60, U1800-U1400-Unr. each $30. Rds.: 11-1-3- See Nationals. frequency. No other discounts available. Advertisements with
5-7. Reg.: 8-10:30. Ent (checks payable to): Don W. Millican, P.O. Box Aug. 8-12, 2012 Women's U.S. Open less than 15 words will cost a minimum of $15 per issue. Post
2902, Springfield, VA 22152. W (please give 48 hour notice if needed). See Nationals. office boxes count as two words, telephone numbers as one,
June 9-10, 2012 Delaware Capital Open (DE) Aug. 11, 2012 U.S. Open Blitz Championship (QC) ZIP code is free. Full payment must accompany all advertising.
See Delaware. See Grand Prix. All advertising published in Chess Life is subject to the applica-
A State Championship Event! ble rate card, available from the Advertising Department. Chess
June 9-10, 2012 Virginia Senior Championship West Virginia Life reserves the right not to accept an advertisers order. Only
4SS, G/120 d5. Lincolnia Senior Center, 4710 North Chambliss St., Alexan- June 2, Peter Dupuy Memorial publication of an advertisement constitutes final acceptance.
dria, VA 22312. Open to all USCF members born before June 9, 1962 See Grand Prix. For a copy of these complete set of regulations & a schedule of
(50+). VCF membership Req for VA Residents. Prizes $$1000: 1st - $300, deadlines, send a stamped, self-addressed envelope to: Chess Life
2nd - $175, 3rd - $150, Top U2000-$130, Top U1700-$125, U1400-$120. A State Championship Event!
Top Age 60-69 and Top Age 70+ plaques. Site: Dining Room. EF: $35 if June 30, 2012 West Virginia Action Championship Classifieds, PO Box 3967, Crossville, TN 38557.
received by 6/4, $45 at site. Reg.: 6/11 8:45-9:45 am. Rds.: Sat 10-4pm 6 SS, Game/30 (No delay). Registration: 9 am-9:45 am. Rounds: 10-
Sun 9-2:30 pm. Byes: One 1/2 point bye available if requested before 11:15-1-2:15-3:30-4:45. Entry Fee: $25. WVCA Membership Required for For Sale
Rd 2. Standard USCF tiebreaks for title if needed. Hotel: Comfort Inn Land- State Residents. Prizes: (Based on 20 entrants) 1st - $125; 2nd $75 U1900
- $50; U1500/UNR - $50. Trophy & Title to top State Resident. Site: * WORLDS FINEST CHESS SETS *
mark, 6253 Duke St., Alexandria, VA 22312 (703) 642-3422, $75/day rates
available Fri-Sun (hotel .33 mi from site). Info: eschlich@verizon.net, WVSSPA Building; 1610 Washington Street East; Charleston, WV 25311. *The House of Staunton, produces unquestionably the finest Staunton
www.vachess.org/senior.htm. Entry: checks to Virginia Chess and No smoking, No Computers. Entries: John Roush, 114 Chloe Dr., Ripley, Chess sets. *Pay-Pal and all Major Credit Cards accepted. The
mail to Ernest Schlich, 1370 S. Braden Cres., Norfolk, VA 23502. Free entry WV 25271. Info: jroush@wvsspa.org. House of Staunton, Inc.; 1021 Production Court; Suite 100; Madison, AL
to 2011 Champ. 35758.
June 29-July 3 (New date), 9th annual Philadelphia International
Wisconsin *Website: www.houseofstaunton.com; phone: (256) 858-8070; email:
(PA) May 19-20, Arpad Elo Open
See Grand Prix. Wyndham Milwaukee Airport Hotel, 4747 S. Howell Ave., Milwaukee, WI Instruction
53207. In 2 Sections, Open: 5SS, 45/2; SD/1; TD/5, EF: $37 (Jr $35) if
June 30, World Open U2300 Warmup (PA) received by 5/15; $3 more later or at site. $$b/30: $325-175. X 125; A TOP-QUALITY BARGAIN CHESS LESSONS BY PHONE
See Pennsylvania. 110; U1800: 75. Top Female $100. Reserve: 5SS, 45/2; SD/1; TD/5, Open With more than 40 years of experience teaching chess, the Mid-Atlantic
June 30-July 1, 3rd Annual Fairfax Open to Under 1700. EF: $25 (Jr $23) if received by 5/15; $3 more later or at Chess Instruction Center is the best in the business. We specialize in adult
See Grand Prix. site. $$b/30: $110-80. Trophies to 1st, 2nd, 1st D, 1st E, 1st U1000, Top students. We offer 32 different courses as well as individual game
Female. ALL: Reg.: 8:30-9:30 am 5/19/12. Rds.: 10-2:30-7:30; 10-3:30. analysis. Center Director: Life Master Russell Potter. Tel.: (540) 344-4446.
July 1-2, World Open U2200 Warmup (PA) If we are out when you call, please leave your name & tel. #. Our Web-
See Pennsylvania. ENT: Dennis Kosterman, 28 Singleton Ct., Madison, WI 53711 608-770-
3133. INFO: dennisk@tds.net. HR: $82 414-481-8000 (mention Chess). page is at: chessinstructor.org. NEW FOR 2012: Two additional courses
July 3-4, World Open U2100 Warmup (PA) www.wischess.org. WCA Tour Event! Chess Magnet School JGP. + FREE powerful analysis engines + FREE screen-sharing!
See Pennsylvania. LEARN CHESS BY MAIL:
May 24-28, 25-28, 26-28 or 27-28, 21st annual Chicago Open (IL)
July 4, World Open 7-Minute Championship (QC) (PA) See Grand Prix. Any Strength: Inquire about individual programs. Alex Dunne, 324 West
See Grand Prix. Lockhart Street, Sayre, PA 18840. adunne@stny.rr.com.
May 27, Chicago Open Action Quads (IL)
July 4-8, 5-8, 6-8, 2-8, 1-3 or 4-5, 40th Annual World Open (PA) See Illinois. YOULL SEE REAL PROGRESS by Studying with 3-
See Grand Prix. Time U.S. Champ GM Lev Alburt!
May 27, Chicago Open G/15 (QC) (IL) Private lessons (incl. by mail and phone) from $80/hr. Autographed
July 7, World Open 10-Minute Championship (QC) (PA) See Illinois. seven-volume, self-study Comprehensive Chess Course-only $134 post-
See Grand Prix.
May 28, Chicago Open Blitz & Game/7 (QC) (IL) paid! P.O. Box 534, Gracie Station, NY, NY 10028. (212) 794-8706.
July 8, World Open Blitz Championship (QC) (PA) See Illinois.
See Grand Prix.
July 20-22 or 21-22, 5th annual Chicago Class (IL)
July 28-Aug. 1, 2012 Washington International (MD) See Grand Prix. Chess Gazette Monthly FREE. Reviews, stories, sales. PDF
See Grand Prix. download. Send email address and name: bob@thinkerspressinc.com
Aug. 24-26 or 25-26, 44th annual Atlantic Open (DC) Foreign Wanted
See Grand Prix. Oct. 24-28 or 26-28, Bahamas International & Amateur * CHESS-PLAYER SCHOLARS *
Oct.4-8,5-8,6-8 or 6-7, 3rd annual Continental Class Championships See Grand Prix. in top 10% of high school class with USCF > 2000 and SAT (math + crit-
See Grand Prix. ical reading) > 1400 for possible college scholarships to UMBC. Prof. Alan
Sherman, Dept. of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, Univ. of
Washington Maryland, Baltimore County, 21250. 410-455-2666, sherman@umbc.edu
July 19-22, 20-22 or 21-22, 17th annual Pacific Coast Open (CA- FOREIGN RATING? Want to buy and sell chess books. Bruce Kopet, 856 W. El
S) Camino, Suite D, Mountain View, CA 94040.
See Grand Prix. NOT UNRATED!
Aug. 4-5, 2012 U.S. Open Weekend Swiss
See Grand Prix. If you have no USCF rating, but do have ChessMate Pocket & Travel Sets
Aug. 4-5, 2012 U.S. Open Scholastic Tournament a rating or category from any other coun-
5SS, Game 90, d/5 in Championship Sections, Game 30, d/5 in under sec- try, no matter how many years ago, you are Perfect chess gifts for the chess lover in your life:
tions. Hilton Vancouver Washington, 301 W. 6th St., Vancouver, WA The finest magnetic chess sets available.
98660. Self Parking $13.00, valet $17.00 per night. HR: $110 single/quad, not unrated.
360-993-4500, reserve by July 12 or rate may increase. Four sections: Handmade in the USA
High School/Junior High Championship Section and U1200 Section, Ele- If you have a FIDE rating, you are also not 30-DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE!
mentary Championship Section and U1000 Section. Elementary is unrated. WWW.CHESSMATE.COM Phone: 425.697.4513
considered Grade 6 or under, Junior High, grades 7 to 9 and High School
grades 10 to 12. Your grade is considered as of the school year just com- Tell the Director of any event you enter
pleted. Please note: If High School/Junior High section are larger than
expected, sections may be split to make two sections instead of one. EF: about your foreign rating or category or
$25 before 7/29, $35 after or on site. Prizes: At least 5 trophies in each your FIDE rating, so that you can be paired
section: High School Championship, High School Under 1200, Junior High appropriately.
Championship, Junior High Under 1200, Elementary Championship, Ele-
mentary Under 1000, Elementary top grade 4 to 6, Elementary top
grades 3 and under. Trophies may increase based on entries. Rounds:
Please note that the Championship sections play both the 4th and 5th and
the under sections play only on the 4th. Championship Sections: 8/4 at
9:30 AM, 2:30 PM and 7:00 PM, 8/5 at 9:00 AM and 1:30 PM. Awards 8/5
at 5:30 PM. Under sections: 8/4 at 9:30 and 11:00 AM, 1:00, 2:30 and
4:00 PM. Awards: 8/4 at 6:00 PM. Half point byes: Limit 1, must com-
Clubs Committee
mit before Round 2. Entry Fee: Online, $25 by July 29th, $35 after or on The USCF is appointing a Clubs Commit-
site. By mail, $25 postmarked by 7/29; do not mail after 7/29! By phone,
$25 by 7/29, $35 by 8/3. No phone entries after 8/3 (close of business tee with Bob Rasmussen, President of
at the Office)! Registration At site closes August 4 at 8:30 AM. August the Fresno Chess Club, as chair. Anyone
official ratings used; unofficial ratings used if otherwise unrated. CCA
ratings used if above USCF. Foreign player ratings: usually 100 points interested in discussing how to build a
added to FIDE or FQE, 200+ added to most foreign national ratings, no chess club or joining the committee is
points added to CFC. Highest of multiple ratings generally used. Entries:
USCF, ATTN: 2012 US Open Scholastic, PO Box 3967, Crossville, TN 38557. welcome to call Bob at 559-708-8100.
Online entry: www. uschess.org/tournaments/2012/scholastic/.
Phone entry: 800-903-8723. No cell phones. Bring a clock -- none sup-
National Championship
CHESS TO ENJOY Ke6 3. Kd8 Kf5 4. Nf7 Kg6 5. Ke7 wins.
(page 17) 2. Ng6+!
Not effective is 2. Kd7? Kg7 3. Ke6 h6! (3. ... Kxh8?
Problem I.
4. Kf7) 4. g6 h5.
29. Qxh6!, Black resigned (29. ... gxh6 30. gxf7+ Kf8 2. ... Kf7
[or 30. ... Kh8 31. Rg8+ Kh7 32. f8=N mate] Rg8 OR 1617
No better is 2. ... hxg6 3. Kd8 Kf7 4. Kd7 Kf8 5. Ke6
Problem II.
$80,000 GUARANTEED Kg7 6. Ke7 PRIZE
Kg8 7. Kf6 FUND
Now you can donate online
3. Nf4!
41. Qh6+ Kg8 42. Qxg7+! and 43. gxf3. 3. Nh4? Ke8! (3. ... Ke6? 4. Kd8 Ke5 5. Ke7 Kf4 6.
Problem III. Kf6) 4. Ng2 Ke7 5. Nf4 Kd6 6. Nh5 Ke6 allows Black
through a secure website at
94. Re1+! Kf8 95. Rg1!, threatening Rg8 mate. to draw.
June 14th 17th, 2012 3. ... h6! 4. g6+
Problem IV. www.uschesstrust.org
29. Nd2! and Ra1 traps the queen, e.g. 29. ... Nc5 Too materialistic is 4. gxh6? Kg8.
30. Bxc5 bxc5 (30. ... Bg5 31. Bb4 and 32. Ra1) 31. 4. ... Kf6 5. Kd7 h5 6. Ke8 Kg7
Ra1. White keeps his pawn and stops Blacks with 6. ...
h4 7. Kf8 h3 8. g7 h2 9. Nh5+.
Problem V.
7. Ke7 h4 8. Ke6 h3 9. Kf5 h2 10. Nh5+ Kf8 11.
24. ... Rfd8! 25. Qe4 Re8! wins the bishop (26. Qd5
National just in time wins.
Re5 27. Qd7 Re7). But also take credit for 24. ... Qe7
45. Qg3! unpins the rook and threatens 46. Rxe8 Paradox (1. b6? Ng4 2. b7 Ne5 3. Kb6 Nd7+ 4. Kc7
mate. After 45. ... Qxh6+ 46. Qh3 Black has nothingJUNE 1517Nc5). OR 1617
better than 46. ... Qd6, which loses to 47. Kh1! Kg8
48. Rxe8+ Kf7 49. Rh8.
$80,000 GUARANTEED 1. ... Ng4 PRIZE FUND
6 Round Swiss in 8 Sections H USCF White & FIDE winsRated
even quicker
H 200 after 1. ... Nf3
Grand Prix2.Points
Kc7 Nd4 JUNE 1517 OR 1617
Simply click on
3. b6 Nb3 4. Kd6 Na5 5. Ke6 Nc6 6. f6.
U. S. GAME / 10 Laass
Special Guest 2. Kc7 Ne3
ABCs of Chess (page 19)
Former World Champion The following transposes to the previous note: 2. ...
Problem I. Nf6 3. Kd6 Ne4+ 4. Kc6 Nd2 5. Kd5 Nb3 6. b6 Na5
Make a Donation
Mating net: Black mates with 1. ... Bh2+ 2. Kh1 7. Ke6 Nc6 8. f6.JUNE 14 5:00 P.M.
3. Kd7 Nc4$5,000
Nb6 5. f6 Kg6 6. PRIZE
Nd5+ 7.
Bg3+ 3. Kg1 Qh2+ 4. Kf1 Qxf2.
Problem II. Kd6! Nb6 8. Ke6
Mating net: The end ends with 1. ... Nf3+ 2. Kh1 After triangulation it is Black who has to move.
Qxh2 mate. 8. ... Kh7 9. Ke7
The alternatives are worse: 9. f7? Kg7, and 9. Kf7?
Problem III. June 14th
Nd5. 17th, 2012
Mating net: Its a one-mover: 1. ... Qxe1 mate. 9. ... Nd5+
Problem IV. Also losing is 9. ... Nc8+ 10. Kd7 Nb6+ 11. Ke8 National Championships
Mating attack: Black settlesSmatters H S1.
a bit, but thats it.
10. Kd6 Nb6 11. LECTURES
H Kc6! Nc4 12.H Kd7ANDKg6M13.ORE
Problem V. wins.
Mating net: Black mates with 1. ... Qg4+ 2. Kh1
Qxf3+ 3. Kg1 Qg4+ 4. Kh1 Qh3+ 5. Kg1 Qh2 mate.
Pin: White has no satisfactory answer to 1. ... Nh4. JUNE 1517 OR 1617
National Championships
To stop mate
NAT White must sac his queen.
Many Grand Prix tournament organizers will
contribute $1 per player to the Professional
Special Guest
Former World Champion
Benkos Bafflers (page 49) Health & Benefits Fund. All Grand Prix
JUNE 1517 OR 1617which participate in this pro-
Problem I.
U. S. GAME / 10
gram are entitled to be promoted to the
1. Kc8 Zugzwang $80,000 GUARANTEED PRIZE
next higher Grand FUND
Prix categoryfor exam-
Nothing is6accomplished
Round Swiss afterin1.8Kc7?
Ke7 2. H Kc6USCF & FIDE Rated Htournament
ple, a six-point 200 Grand Prix become
would Points
a 10-point tournament. Points in the top CHAMPIONSHIP
1. ... Kf8 Special Guest category are promoted 50%. U. S. GAME / 10 JUNE 14
Black goes for the World
trapped Champion
knight. If 1. ... Ke7 2. Kc7
JUNE 14 5:00 P.M. IVIERA
formerly Chess LifePRIZE
& Review,FUND
CHESS LIFE USPS# 102-840 (ISSN 0197-260X). Volume 67 No. 5. PRINTED IN THE USA. Chess Life, is published
monthly by the United States Chess Federation, 137 Obrien Dr., Crossville, TN 38557-3967. Chess Life & Review and Chess Life remain the property
of USCF. Annual subscription (without membership): $50. Periodical postage paid at Crossville, TN 38557-3967 and additional mailing offices. POST-
MASTER: Send address changes to Chess Life (USCF), PO Box 3967, Crossville, Tennessee 38557-3967. Entire contents 2012 by the United States
Chess Federation. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any
means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, or otherwise without the prior written permission of USCF. Note: Unsolicited materials are submitted at the
sender's risk and Chess Life accepts no responsibility for them. Materials 14th
will not 17th,
be returned 2012 by appropriate postage and packag-
unless accompanied
ing. Address all submissions to Chess Life, PO Box 3967, Crossville, TN 38557-3967. The opinions expressed are strictly those of the contributors and
do not necessarily reflect the views of the United States Chess Federation. Send all address changes to: U.S. Chess, Membership Services, PO Box 3967, June 14th 17th, 2012
Crossville, Tennessee 38557-3967. Include your USCF I.D. number and a recent mailing label if possible. This information may be e-mailed to address-
change@ uschess.org. Please give us eight weeks advance notice.
BOX - 25058
40th Annual
Sheraton Philadelphia City Center Hotel
Mostly 9 rounds, July 4-8, 5-8, 6-8, 2-8, 1-3 or 4-5, 2012
$250,000 projected prizes, $200,800 minimum guaranteed!
In 13 sections- some can play in more than one section. Free GM lectures & analysis!
A HISTORIC SITE! SPECIAL FEATURES! 5) New sections for seniors, women, and
The World Open returns to the 1) Schedule options. 5-day is popular, two under 13 sections- and you can play in
Sheraton Philadelphia Hotel, near many 7-day leisurely, others save time and money. both these and the main overall 9 round
historic landmarks including Independence 2) GM & IM norms possible in Open. sections, without a long delay in between!
Hall, the Franklin Institute, Philadelphia Open, U2400, and U2200 are FIDE rated. 6) International 6/29-7/3: many foreign
Museum of Art, and the Liberty Bell, as well 3) Anti-sandbagging rule: $2000 prize GMs already entered; see chesstour.com
as restaurants, theaters, museums and limit if rated more than 30 points over the 7) Unique- big money U2400 Section!
shopping. Special room rate $97. class maximum on any list 7/11-6/12. 8) Many side events; see chesstour.com
Parking $10 with guest room, $20 4) Above rule now also applies if any or April Chess Life.
without; public lot a block away is about $18 post-event rating posted 7/3/11-7/3/12 was 9) Free analysis by GM Sam Palatnik
weekday and only $5 on weekend. more than 30 points over class maximum! 7/4-7/8. Free GM lectures 7/6 & 7/7, 9 am.
Reserve early! Chess rate $99-99, 215- 448- 5-day schedule: Wed 7 pm, Thu 11 am & 6 U2400 to U1200 schedules merge & play
2000, may sell out by 5/31, 2 night min. 7/6-7. pm, Fri 11 & 6, Sat 11 & 6, Sun 10 & 5.. for same prizes. No 4-day or 3-day Open
Time limit: Open 40/90, SD/30, inc/30. 7-day schedule: Mon-Wed each 7 pm, Thu Section, no 7-day U1400 or U1200.
U2400 to U1200 40/2, SD/1 (4-day option, 6 pm, Fri 6 pm, Sat 11 am & 6 pm, Sun 10 & 5. Late entries end 1 hour before rd 1.
rounds 1-2 G/75, 3-day option, rds 1-5 G/45). 4-day schedule: Thu 11 am, 2:30 pm & 6 Half point byes: see chesstour.com or
U900, July 6-8 only, G/65. Women & Senior pm, Fri 11 am & 6 pm, Sat 11 & 6, Sun 10 & 5. Tournament Life.
40/2, SD/1. Under 13 sections G/65. For all 3-day schedule: Fri 11 am, 1:30 pm, 3:30 Bring sets, boards, clocks- none supplied.
sections but Open, 5 second delay used. For all pm, 6 pm & 8:30 pm, Sat 11 & 6, Sun 10 & 5. U2000 & higher prizes paid 7/8, others mailed
sections, no 5 minute deduction from clocks. Under 900 schedule: Fri 11 am, 2 pm & 5 by 7/23. $15 service charge for refunds.
Entry fees: see chesstour.com or pm, Sat 10 am, 1 pm & 4 pm, Sun 10, 1 & 4. Special 1 year USCF dues with paper
Tournament Life. Most fees are lowest if paid Women, Senior, Under 13 sections: see magazine if paid with entry: see Tournament
by May 15. chesstour.com or Tournament Life. Life. USCF membership required.
by ChessBase
This new release ensures that Fritz remains the most popular chess
playing program worldwide, a super-strong chess playing oppo-
nent with functions and features you'll want by your side!
Recommended: PC Intel Core 2 Duo, 2.4 GHz, 3 GB RAM, Windows 7, 1.5 million chess games.
DirectX10 graphics card (or compatible)with 512 MB RAM or more, 100%
DirectX10 compatible soundcard, Windows Media Player 11, DVD ROM
drive and Internet connection required for Internet-based features
(playchess.com, lets check etc.). Program activation via Internet require! WIN0001CB $59.95
88.KING (5464)