Chemis DPP 12 13
Chemis DPP 12 13
Chemis DPP 12 13
Q.1 Find the species / molecule is having maximum number of lone pair on the central atom. [3]
(A) ClOF4 (B) ClOF2+ (C) BH4 (D) XeOF2
Q.2 If y-axis is the approaching axis between two atoms, then which of the set of orbitals can not form the
bond between two atoms in general. [3]
(A) pz pz (B) px px (C) px py (D) None of these
Q.3 The maximum number of bond and -bond can be formed between two atoms are respectively.[3]
(A) 4, 3 (B) 3, 2 (C) 2, 3 (D) 3, 1
Q.4 Which of the following set of overlap can not provide -bond formation. [3]
(A) 3d and 2p (B) 2p and 3p (C) 2p and 2p (D) 3p and 1s
Q.5 The ratio of number of -bond to -bond in N2 and CO molecules are [3]
Q.6 Which of the following overlapping is involved in formation of only -bond. [5]
(A) s p overlapping (B) p d overlapping
(C) s s overlapping (D) p p overlapping
Q.7 Which of the following bond has highest bond energy? [9]
(A) -bond (B) -bond (C) Hydrogen bond (D) Metallic bond
Q.1 Explain type of hybridisation, shape, bond angle and geometry of the following compounds.
(1) XeF2 (11) IF7
(4) XeOF4
(14) ClO 4
(5) PCl3
(15) SF4
(6) PCl5
(16) I3
yP (17) ClO3
(18) OCl2
(9) IF3
(10) IF5
Q.2 What is hybridisation of central atom of anionic part of PBr5 in crystalline state. [3]
Q.3 What is the difference between bond angles in cationic species of PCl5 and PBr5 in solid state. [3]
Q.4 All possible bond angles in anionic part of PCl5 are. [3]
(A) 109 28 only (B) 90, 180 (C) 90, 120, 180 (D) 72, 90, 180
Q.9 Statement-1 : CH4 and CH2F2 are having regular tetrahedron geometry. [3]
Statement-2 : Both are having same hybridization.
(A) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is correct explanation for statement-1.
(B) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is NOT the correct explanation for statement-1.
(C) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is false.
(D) Statement-1 is false, statement-2 is true.
Q.12 "The hybrid orbitals are at angle of X to one another" this statement is not valid for which of the
following hybridisation.
(A) sp3 (B) sp2 (C) sp3d2 (D) sp