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Lesson 20

Playing Tournament Level

Chess Games & Planning
Part 1: Finding High Level Plans and Critical Thinking in Chess

How to put it all together in chess!
Critical thinking skills and advanced planning!

Everything you have learned in this curriculum, from the basics of the game, how the
pieces move, the fundamental principles of development and Opening strategy, to tactics,
basic and advanced pawn play, and finally Endgame technique has prepared you for this
final lesson. You are almost an experienced scholastic chess player ready to take on the
world of high-level tournament chess and succeed!

But... how does it all come together? Learning to apply what you know is often much more
important than knowing everything (if that were even possible). Possessing the ability or
thinking tools to figure out something you don't know or a position you have never seen,
is far more important than your ability to memorize what you are taught.

Let's talk about planning and critical thinking skills. How can you transition from just
knowing things to actually applying things you learned in your own chess games? It
isn't always easy, but let's try to simplify a few important concepts...

Critical Thinking, Organzing Your Thoughts, and Finding a Plan: the Opening!
cuuuuuuuuC You now know there are many things, perhaps too many, to
(rhb1kgn4} think about even before your first move. Below is a guide of
70p0p0p0p} our recommended steps to success for putting together
6wdwdwdwd} what you know about the Opening stage of a chess game:
&wdwdwdwd} Don't just develop pieces, develop plans! How to:
3dwdwdwdw} 1) Start out by always attacking the center;
2P)P)P)P)} 2) As the pawn structure changes different paths
%$NGQIBHR} (diagonals, squares and files) will become available to
v,./9EFJMV your pieces. Be willing to change and relocate;
Follow the steps to 3) As the structure becomes clear, develop a plan first
Opening success. Use and then develop your pieces accordingly;
this section as practical 4) It is a wrong thought to say, OK, I will just develop
advice on how to apply and get castled and then find a plan. Think about
all the X's and O's you the plan from the beginning!
have learned so far!

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Lesson 20
Critical Thinking, Organzing Your Thoughts, and Finding a Plan: the Middlegame!
cuuuuuuuuC The Middlegame is the ultimate battlefield where you and
(wdr4wdkd} your opponent's armies collide, often in heaps of forks, pins,
70whw1pgp} skewers and other tactics. Knowing how to find and target
6b0wdpdpd} positional weaknesses is also essential:
&Pdw)wd*d} No hope chess! Always play what's best! Hope
3dw)wdwdP} chess is when you are playing for tactics or tricks that
2wdBGw)Pd} are based on your opponent missing your threat or
%$wdQ$wIw} not playing the best move. How to:
v,./9EFJMV Attack in the direction of your pawns, or in the center if
In this complicated it is open;
Middlegame, white Look for Big 3 opportunities: Can you check, can you
developed a plan of capture, can you attack the Queen?
20.Qg4 followed by h4-h5 Find and target positional weaknesses first and
for a Kingside attack. foremost, as they are the enduring features in the
Black couldn't stop this game.
idea because the Your opponent might find the best moves, but if you
structure supports are attacking something that is positional and can't be
white's Kingside attack! undone, his/her best moves can't stop you!

Critical Thinking, Organizing Your Thoughts, and Finding a Plan: the Endgame!
cuuuuuuuuC If an Endgame is reached where one side has a significant
(wdwdwdr8} material advantage, we will toss those games up to
70wdwdpd*} technique, because those positions should be winnable by
6windpdw8} keeping it simple (Lesson 16). Here we are going to talk
5dwdwdwd*} more about the critical thinking process of a roughly equal
&wdwdwdP8} Endgame:
2wdNdKdwd} Less pieces means less room for mistakes! How to:
%dwdwdwdw} Unfortunately, many players play Endgames like the
v,./9EFJMV opposite is true (meaning with less pieces, they move
In this game white played quickly and spend little effort); Don't do that!
1.Kf3!, protecting the g4- The correct approach to an Endgame is to think of it
pawn so that he might as less room for error and make every decision like it
advance the passed h- could be your last;
pawn. By recognizing that Take a moment to see what positional weaknesses
advantage, white was able have carried over from the Middlegame. Target the
to achieve a winning opponent's weaknesses and defend your own;
position because of the Do you have any passed pawns? If yes, develop a
outside passed h-pawn. plan of advancement. Do you have any pretending
The game ended in a passed pawns? If yes, develop a plan to trade.
draw due to later mistakes Prevent your opponent from doing the same.
by white.

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Lesson 20
Playing Tournament Level
Chess Games & Planning
Part 2: Prophylactic Thinking in Chess

What is prophylactic thinking?
Advanced critical thinking: Stopping your opponent's threats!

The bad news? Every checkmate attack and tactic you try to come up with for yourself,
every plan based on targeting a positional weakness, and every single thing we covered in
Part 1 that should be your thought process is also going to factor into your opponent's
plan! So what do we do?

Welcome to chess, the most difficult game in the world! That's what it's all about: Learning
as much as you can which you are doing by reading this curriculum learning how to
apply it which is what we worked on in Part 1 and now, realizing that stopping your
opponent from doing the same, while carrying out your own plans, is what makes chess
so hard.

Like most of the last few lessons, we're going to give the short and simple version of very
deep, and very advanced chess concepts so don't get frustrated if it is a lot to take in.
Instead, focus again on the fact that instilling these general concepts and critical thinking
skills in your games is better earlier rather than later.

The Definition of Prophylactic Thinking in Chess:

cuuuuuuuuC Prophylaxis or prophylactic thinking is the act of focusing not
(wdk4wgw4} only on stopping your opponent's immediate threats or
70p0n1pdw} tactics, but on preventing their overall plans and goals from
6wdwdbdw0} becoming reality. It is defined loosely as future defensive
5dQdpdwdw} mindedness or thinking defensively about the future.
3dwHwdw)w} As you improve, recognizing and stopping your opponent's
2P)Pdw)Pd} immediate threats isn't too hard, yet even among the best
%dwIRdBdR} players in the world, prophylactic thinking is a skill to be
v,./9EFJMV acquired and improved upon. It takes a lot of discipline to
No, Marshall did not miss think about your opponent first, and put your plans second
it: If 2.Nxd5 Bxd5 3.Qxd5 (doesn't sound fun does it?), but it is ultimately the road to
Qg5+! 4.Qxg5 hxg5, the chess success. In this game, Frank Marshall just played
h4-Knight is pinned! 1...0-0-0 against World Champion Emanuel Lasker. Did
Marshall miss 2.Nxd5? Think about your weaknesses!

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Lesson 20
Prophylactic Thinking, Example 2: Lautier, J. Kasparov, G. Tilburg 1997 1/2
cuuuuuuuuC In this famous game the first grandmaster failed to apply
(wdwdwdw4} prophylactic thinking when he played 20.Rc7?, and the
7$wdwgk0p} second (the reigning World Champion at the time no less)
6wdpdp0wd} failed to punish him. This example, like the previous, tells us
5dwdwdwdw} to always be aware of our potential weaknesses, even if we
&w)wdPdwd} don't see an immediate way for them to be attacked.
2wGwdw)P)} White's potential weakness we refer to is the back rank. After
%dwdwdwIw} 1.Rc7, a draw was agreed as both sides simply assumed the
v,./9EFJMV c-pawn would be traded for the b-pawn. However, 20...c5!!
Even if you don't see how would have won the game! If white plays 21.bxc5 then
your opponent can expose 21...Rb8 and suddenly white is losing either the b2-Bishop or
your weakness, always be getting back rank checkmated. If white does nothing after
aware of it! 20...c5, black will win the b-pawn.

Prophylactic Thinking, Example 3: Fischer, R. Bolbochan, J. Stockholm 1962 1-0

cuuuuuuuuC In this game the great American champion, Bobby Fischer,
(wdr1w4kd} has just established his Knight on the strong outpost at d5. He
7dwdwgp0p} now has the option to keep the Knight on this post and try to
6pdw0wdwd} develop an attack (likely on the Kingside) or consider trading
5dpdN0w)w} the Knight for the Bishop on e7, at the chance of winning the
&wdwdPdw)} d6-pawn. Prophylaxis?
2P)P!wdwd} 1.Nxe7+ would be a terrible move, not only because it gives
%dKdRdwdw} up the Knight for that Big Pawn on e7, but also because
v,./9EFJMV after 1...Qxe7 2.Qxd6 would lose immediately to 2...Rfd8!!.
When you calculate, either winning white's Queen or delivering back rank
always consider your checkmate after 3.Qxe7 Rxd1#. Did you recognize white's
opponent's ideas too! potential weakness as the back rank mate here?

Prophylactic Thinking, Example 4: Teschner, R. Portisch, L. Monaco 1969 1/2

cuuuuuuuuC In our final example, it is white to play. Teschner was down a
(kdrdrdwd} pawn and so played the move 29.Rxd5?? He clearly was not
70pdwdwdp} thinking prophylacticly about his weaknesses (or at least
6w1wdwdwd} not enough). Fortunately for him however, the great Portisch
5dwdpdN0w} wasn't aware of white's weakness either.
3dPdwdPdw} Portisch responded with 29...Qa6?, completely missing
2wdQdRdP)} 29...Qf2!!, threatening 30...Qf1 checkmate and winning the
%dwdRdwdK} game on the spot. 29...Qa6 was met by 30.Ng3, which
v,./9EFJMV defended everything. White went onto draw the game despite
One final example of making that horrific blunder on move 29. Note if after 29...Qf2
lack of prophylaxis! black plays 30.Rxf2 then 30...Re1+ and mate.

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Lesson 20
Playing Tournament Level
Chess Games & Planning
Part 3: Perpetual Check,Three-Fold Repetition & the 50-Move Draw

What is perpetual check?
What is Three-Fold Repetition?
The 50-Move Draw Rule!

Perpetual Check: The Never-Ending-On-Going-Eternity of Checks!

cuuuuuuuuC A perpetual check occurs when one side can force a draw
(khNdwdwd} by a never ending series of checks. These checks must
7dpdwdwdw} be unavoidable for it to truly be considered a perpetual.
6p8wdwdwd} Often, a perpetual check is used as a bail out when one
5dwdwdwdw} player is worse, perhaps even losing, without the perpetual.
3dwdwdwdw} Here, white is worse, and needs to use the perpetual check
2wdwdwdwd} (moves listed beneath the diagram) in order to save the
%dKdwdwdw} game. White would have decent drawing chances without
v,./9EFJMV it, but best play would surely lead to black capitalizing on
1.Nb6+ Ka7 2.Nc8+ Ka8 the two pawn advantage and winning the game.
3.Nb6+ etc. White draws
by perpetual check!

Perpetual Check Can Save Your Bad Position

cuuuuuuuuC Our second example shows a position where, unlike the
(kdwdwdwd} first, white would have no chance of saving the game
7dpdwdwdw} without a possible perpetual check against the open black
6wdpdw4wd} King. Often a situation like this might occur if white (or
5dwdQdwhw} either player depending on the game) has sacrificed some
&wdwgwdwd} material for an attack, yet when the attack comes up short
3dPdw1Bdw} white must look for a way to bail out with a perpetual.
%dwdwdwdK} White has to be careful here with which check to give first:
v,./9EFJMV 1.Qd8+ or 1.Qa5+ which do you think? 1.Qd8!+ is
White's attack came up necessary. After 1...Ka7 white achieves perpetual with
short, and so white must 2.Qa5+ Kb8 3.Qd8+ Ka7 4.Qa5+ Kb8 5.Qd8+, etc. 1.Qa5+
take the perpetual check first would lose as it allows black's Bishop to block on a7.
in order to hold a draw. After: 1...Ba7 2.Qd8+ Bb8 3.Qa5+ and 3...Qa7!, winning.

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Lesson 20
Our final lessons involve two very important rules that every chess player, scholastic or
otherwise, needs to know. Other than a draw reached from perpetual check, a draw
reached by mutual agreement meaning one player offers and the other accepts or
the classical King vs King draw, there are two other ways a chess game can arrive at a
draw, both of them applied in international tournament play.

Three-Fold Repetition Also Known as Repetition of Position

cuuuuuuuuC Because this rule can be slightly confusing, we will first
(wdw8w8wd} quote the exact language from the FIDE (International
7dwdwdpiw} Chess Federation) handbook: The game is drawn, upon a
6wdwdwdwd} correct claim by the player having the move, when the
5dwdwdw!p} same position, for at least the third time (not necessarily by
&wdwdwdnd} sequential repetition of moves):
2P1wdwdwd} a. is about to appear, if he/she first writes his/her move on
%dBdwdwIw} his/her scoresheet and declares his/her intention to make
v,./9EFJMV this move that repeats the position, or
Note that three-fold
repetition does not b. has just appeared, and the player claiming the draw has
necessariliy have to be the move.
reached by checks (not
the same as perpetual) What this means is that when a position has occurred three
though this game was times in the game, either player can claim a draw on their
agreed to a draw by move. It must be the exact position however, not a single
checks as neither player pawn changed! (But it doesn't have to be repeated in three
wanted to risk losing. consecutive moves, which is what many believe.)

The 50-Move Draw Rule The Enforced Draw Due To of Lack of Progress!
cuuuuuuuuC The fifty-move draw rule was put in place to prevent players
(wdwdwdwd} from playing forever in drawn positions. Basically, the rule
7dwdwdwdw} prevents one side from trying to win solely on time or by
6wdwdw$wd} causing his/her opponent fatigue (make them tired). The
5dwIwdwdw} rule states that a draw can be claimed by either player if
&wdwdwdwd} fifty moves have been made (by each player) with no
3dwdwdwiw} captures or pawn moves on either side.
%dwdwdwdw} Making a capture and/or moving a pawn are two things that
v,./9EFJMV suggest progress in chess, so if too much time goes by
One example of a dead without either, the game is deemed, or can be claimed, a
drawn ending would be draw. Fifty moves is considered more than enough time to
Rook vs Rook the fifty checkmate the opponent in any of the basic checkmate
move rule prevents this patterns (Lesson 4 for example). This is why it is important
game from going forever! to learn and memorize the basic checkmate patterns!

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Lesson 20
Playing Tournament Level
Chess Games & Planning
Instructor's Guide

The key points of lesson 20 are clearly practical, and in many ways, the beginning of chess
psychology. Players can learn the X's and O's of basic strategy and tactics in self-taught
methods (books, curriculums such as this one, etc), but without guidance or some level of
psychological advice, they never truly develop the ability to apply their knowledge in games.

This was one of our main goals in this lesson: Attempt to give something that many books
offering a technical approach do not: A user's guide to critical thinking skills in chess!
It is likely obvious to those reading this lesson that many of the concepts recommended in
regards to a players' thought process could have been expanded upon (some in great detail).
However, in keeping it relatively simple, we hope that beginning chess players whether they
be coaches or students themselves will have a chance at immediately instilling the basics
of critical thinking into their games.

Prophylactic thinking is much easier said than done. We did not provide worksheets on this as
we intend for a coach to use the positions given within Part 2 in an open classroom question
and answer format. The basics of why did my opponent go there were already discussed in
Lesson 6, so going any deeper into prophylactic exercises would prove too abstract for
children to follow at this level. The general thought process behind prophylaxis is key here.

Practical Notes and Advice Lesson 20:

When teaching the practical pieces of advice offered in Lesson 20, try to refer
back to different lessons:

Example: In lesson 6 we learned Openings, right everyone? So this is what our

thought process might be during the Opening while we try to follow the basic
rules of development, etc. In this way the abstract concepts of thinking attach
themselves to something concrete that the students learned.

Review the rules of Part 3 and make sure you fully understand the technicalities
of each claim a player might make during a game before explaining them to
your students. Otherwise, a first inaccurate impression of the rule might be a
lasting one.

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