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Opposition, Technique & Advanced King Play: Lesson 15

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Lesson 15

Opposition, Technique &

Advanced King Play
Part 1: Opposition Explained with Basic King and Pawn Endings

• Basic King and Pawn play!
• The goal of “every” King and Pawn ending: “King on the 6th, Pawn on the 5th”!
• What is opposition?
• “Defensive opposition” and other King and Pawn ending drawing methods!

Step 1, The Goal: King on the 6th, Pawn on the 5 th… Always Wins the Game
cuuuuuuuuC The most important thing about being a good endgame
(wdwdkdwd} player in chess is to always have a “goal” or a “long term
7dwd*d*dw} plan”. When it comes to King and Pawn endings, “King on
6wdwdKdwd} the 6th, Pawn on the 5th” is your ultimate goal because it is
5dwdw)wdw} a winning position regardless of whose turn it is to move!
3dwdwdwdw} A simple example has black to move. Here, black is “in
2wdwdwdwd} opposition” which means the King is being opposed and
%dwdwdwdw} must move – thus giving white the winning square for the
v,./9EFJMV King: 1...Kd8 allows 2.Kf7! Followed by 3.e6, 4.e7 and
The goal position: “King e8=Queen; 1...Kf8 allows 2.Kd7 and “the pawn goes
on the 6th, Pawn on the 5th marching on” along the e-file once again...
aways wins the game”!

Step 1, The Goal Continued: White Wins Even when Black has the Opposition
cuuuuuuuuC With white to play, black controls the opposition. Though
(wdw8k8wd} the position is slightly more complex, it is still a win. White
7dwdwdwdw} must sidestep to either f6 or d6, and black will move directly
6wdw8K8wd} in front of white, maintaining the opposition; therefore,
5dwdw)wdw} preventing the white King from leading the way.
3dwdwdwdw} Generally the King should lead the Pawn (as will be
2wdwdwdwd} explained in more detail later); however, that rule can be
%dwdwdwdw} broken in this position: 1.Kf6 Kf8 2.e6! Ke8 3.e7 Kd7 (only
v,./9EFJMV move – as black is in Zugzwang) and 4...Kf7 followed by
White wins, even with 5.e8=Queen, winning. The black King was “squeezed” out
black controlling the of the e8-square via Zugzwang. 1.Kd6 was also winning via
opposition... the same pattern of advancing the pawn and finally 4.Kd7...

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Lesson 15
Step 2, The Tool: Opposition is the Tool Used to Reach Your Ultimate Goal
cuuuuuuuuC The best “study method” to use when learning endgame
(wdwdwdwd} patterns is to start with the most basic example or “goal
7dwdwdwdw} position”, and then move “backwards in time” in order to
6wdwdkdwd} see how that position might actually be reached in a real
5dwdwdwdw} game. Here we see opposition in action as the tool used
&wdwd*dwd} to reach our goal position in Step 1!
2wdwdPdwd} After 1.Ke4, black is in opposition and must surrender
%dwdwdwdw} territory. Black is in Zugzwang because if the King could
v,./9EFJMV stay on the e-file forever, white would have no way to
White plays 1.Ke4! taking advance the pawn or make progress. However, after the
the opposition and forcing forced 1...Kd6 (or 1...Kf6) white continues 2.Kf5 Ke7
black to “lose ground”. 3.Ke5!, regaining the opposition. This pattern repeats...

Step 2, The Tool Continued: The King Must Lead His Pawn, Until the Right Time!
cuuuuuuuuC In keeping with our “ultimate goal”, the white King continues
(wdwdwdwd} to make progress along the e-file. White leads with the King
7dwdwdkdw} and needs not use the pawn until the King has reached its
6wdw8wdwd} goal square on e6. Please see Drawing Example 2 for
5dwdwIwdw} details on the consequences of moving the pawn too early
&wdwdwdwd} – returning the “defensive opposition” to black.
2wdwdPdwd} After 4.Kd6!, we see the “winning pattern” in action:
%dwdwdwdw} Oppose the enemy King along the e-file (the same file as
v,./9EFJMV the pawn) and then take whichever square the black King
Black played 3...Kf7, and gives up. After 4.Kd6!, black must once again move back to
white continues 4.Kd6! - the all important e-file – 4...Ke8 – and white reaches the
Gaining more ground. goal square with 5.Ke6...

Step 3, Finish the Job: The Pawn Goes Marching On...

cuuuuuuuuC Once the white King has reached its goal square (the 6th
(wdwdkdwd} rank on the same file as the pawn), the remaining moves
7dwdwdwdw} are an obvious and easy matter of technique! The pawn will
6wdwdKdwd} move from e2-e5, achieving “King on the 6th, Pawn on the
5dwdw8wdw} 5th“ – and the game is over.
3dwdw8wdw} The “three step approach” provided in this lesson – 1)
2wdwdPdwd} recognize your goal position, 2) use opposition as the tool
%dwdwdwdw} to achieve your goal, leading the way with the King, 3) and
v,./9EFJMV finally, follow with the pawn to the finish line – is a winning
White now moves the technique/pattern that works with every pawn excluding the
pawn to e5 – winning! corner or “Rook pawn” (see Drawing Example 3 for more
information on why the Rook pawn leads to a draw).

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Lesson 15
Drawing Example 1, The Basic Draw: Never Lead with the Pawn
cuuuuuuuuC As mentioned in the second diagram of Step 1 – the King
(wdw8k8wd} should always “lead the pawn” in this winning technique. As
7dwdwdwdw} they march up the board towards the ultimate goal of
6wdw8P8wd} promotion, the basic pattern referenced in Step 1 will not
5dwdwIwdw} work if the roles of the King and Pawn are reversed (i.e.
&wdwdwdwd} “Pawn on the 6th, and King on the 5th). Example:
2wdwdwdwd} After 1...Ke8, white has two attempts at progress. Either
%dwdwdwdw} choice will be met by the black King on the corresponding
v,./9EFJMV square (Part 2) and the game will end in a forced draw.
Black's last move: After 2.Kf6 Kf8! (2.Kd6 met by 2...Kd8) 3.e7+ (any other
1...Ke7-e8 – waiting to white move allows 3...Ke7 and black simply repeats the
gain opposition... pattern with Ke8 next move) 3... Ke8 and after 4.Ke6 (any
other move losses the pawn) black is stalemated...

Drawing Example 2, Defensive Opposition Continued...

cuuuuuuuuC Knowing that a defender can hold a draw by moving
(wdwdwdwd} straight back from the pawn and waiting for opposition
7dwdk8wdw} on the corresponding square (Drawing Example 1) – we
6wdwdwdwd} now see why the white King must lead his pawn. Because
5dwdwIwdw} of this, white must also prevent defensive opposition that
&wdwdPdwd} “blocks” the white King from doing so.
2wdwdwdwd} This diagram highlights what would happen if black were to
%dwdwdwdw} gain the opposition (note that if it were white's turn, 1.Kf6
v,./9EFJMV wins easily according to the winning method used in Steps
If black can force white's 2 and 3). Black plays 1...Ke7! And after 2.Kf5 Kf7! 3.e5
pawn to lead, the black (only move that makes progress) 3...Ke7! 4.e6 (if 4.Ke4
King can hold a draw! then 4...Ke6 holds the opposition) and 4...Ke8! - drawing...

Drawing Example 3, The Rook Pawn Draw – The Enemy King Holds the Corner
cuuuuuuuuC Our final example of the basic “King and Pawn ending
(wdwdwdwi} draws” is the study of Rook Pawns. The ultimate goal
7dwdwdwdw} position, “King on the 6th, Pawn on the 5th“ is ineffective
6wdwdwdwI} when advancing the corner pawn because the enemy King
5dwdwdwdP} (in this case black) is not forced to “make a choice” as he
&wdwdwdwd} normally is when faced with the opposition.
2wdwdwdwd} Here black can simply play 1...Kg8, and there is no “i” file
%dwdwdwdw} for white! After 2.Kg6 Kh8 3.h6 Kg8 4.h7+ Kh8 – white will
v,./9EFJMV stalemate black with 5.Kh6 or surrender the pawn with any
The King can't be forced other King move. In order to win with a “Rook Pawn”, white
away from the corner! must prevent the black King from ever reaching the corner!

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Lesson 15


Sidestepping the Opposition – The “Walking the Pawn-Dog” Winning Technique!

cuuuuuuuuC Not discussed in the diagrams of Step 2 is what happens
(wdwdwdwd} when the defending King chooses to “sidestep” the e-file,
7dwdwdwdw} thus avoiding giving white direct opposition. Our current
6wdwdwdwd} position could have occurred if black chose 2...Kd5 instead
5dwdkdKdw} of 2...Ke7 in the first diagram of Step 2. As long as white
&wdwd*dwd} maintains to the rule of keeping the pawn behind the
3dwdwdwdw} King (mentioned in Drawing Example 1 and explained
2wdwdPdwd} further in Part 2) white should be able to advance the Pawn
%dwdwdwdw} alongside the King, up the e-file, eventually promoting.
Sidestepping the pawn's The white King leads the pawn - “walking the pawn like a
file, in an attempt to avoid dog” - toward the promotion square e8. After 1.e4+! Kd6
the tool used in Step 2, 2.Kf6! (not 2.e5+ as after 2...Ke7, black is again blocking
does not help black's the e-file and white will be forced to advance the pawn,
cause to draw the ending. eventually leading to the draw position discussed in
White wins by leading Drawing Example 1) 2...Kd7 3.e5! Kd8 - if 3...Ke8 then
and protecting the pawn 4.Ke6 and we have reached “King on the 6th, Pawn on the
as it moves up the board! 5th“– 4.Kf7 Kd7 5.e6+ Kd8 6.e7+ Kd7 7.e8=Queen, winning!
Did you notice how the King used his clear path on the f-file
to “walk the pawn” up the e-file? This is a key pattern!

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Lesson 15
Opposition, Technique &
Advanced King Play
Part 2: Distant Opposition

• More King and Pawn Play!
• More examples of defensive opposition!
• Making waiting moves in King and Pawn endings!
• What are “corresponding” squares?

Distant Opposition, Example 1: Maintaining Enough Distance to Hold Opposition

cuuuuuuuuC In our first example the result is a draw with best play,
(wdkdwdwd} regardless of whose turn it is to move. Though there exists
7dwdwdwdw} three ranks (5th, 6th, and 7th) between the white and black
6wdwdwdwd} Kings, black is already in control of the “Distant
5dwdwdwdw} Opposition”.
3dwdwdwdw} Black's move 1...Kd8! maintains enough distance, and the
2wdwdwdwd} King is prepared to meet both 2.Kc5 and 2.Kd5 with the
%dwdwdwdw} opposition (see next diagram). 2.d5 would allow 2...Kd7,
v,./9EFJMV and we are now on familiar territory where white's pawn
White must attempt to has moved in front of the King. After: 3.Kc5 Kc7 4.d6+ Kd7
make progress with the 5.Kd5 and 5...Kd8 - where black is ready to meet white on
King first, not the pawn! either 6.Ke6 with 6...Ke8! or 6.Kc6 with 6...Kc8!, drawing.

Distant Opposition, Example 1 - Part 2: “Meeting” on the Corresponding Square

cuuuuuuuuC As mentioned in the first diagram, the black King is
(wdwiwdwd} prepared to meet both 2.Kc5 and 2.Kd5 on the correct
7dw8*dwdw} “corresponding square”. This will prevent white from ever
6wdwdwdwd} gaining the opposition on the black King, therefore forcing
5dw8*dwdw} white's pawn to lead the way, inevitably ending in a draw!
3dwdwdwdw} 2.Kc5 is met by 2...Kc7, if then 3.Kd5 Kd7 4.Ke5 Ke7, etc. If
2wdwdwdwd} 2.Kd5 immediately, then 2...Kd7 and black is maintaining
%dwdwdwdw} the opposition with the white King. If then 3.Ke5 Ke7 4.d5
v,./9EFJMV (only other try) Kd7 5.d6 Kd8! (the defending King must
Black must “wait” to gain always retreat straight back from the pawn) and once
the opposition after again, black is ready to meet 6.Ke6 with Ke8 and after
white's King advances! 7.d7+ Kd8 8.Kd6 stalemates the black King for a draw...

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Lesson 15
Distant Opposition, Example 2 - Part 1: Recognizing the Corresponding Square
cuuuuuuuuC In this position black is using the knowledge of
(wdwdwdwd} corresponding squares to his/her advantage in order to
7dw8k8wdw} maintain the Distant Opposition. Black found that the
6wdwdwdwd} corresponding square to e3 is e7, and c3 is c7. This means
5dwdwdwdw} that black will only move to one of these squares, after
&wdwdwdwd} white has chosen a path and moved to the square first.
2wdwIwdwd} With the last move, 1...Kd7! - black recognizes that even at
%dwdwdwdw} these far distances, he can wait and maintain the
v,./9EFJMV opposition! 2.Ke3 is met by 2...Ke7!, while 2.Kc3 is met by
Even at further distances, 2...Kc7! One example line is: 2.Ke3 Ke7 3.Ke4 (if 3.d4 then
the white Pawn should simply 3...Kd6 and white has lost winning chances by
NEVER lead! advancing the pawn ahead) 3...Ke6 4.Kd4 Kd6! - drawing!

Distant Opposition, Example 2 - Part 2: Finding the Corresponding Square

cuuuuuuuuC Our next position shows the white pawn on d3, yet the
(wdwdwdkd} King's have changed position. Here we see that if white
7dwdw8wdw} tries to make progress along the e-file, the King will
6wdwdwdwd} eventually be met on e3 by the enemy King on the
5dwdwdwdw} corresponding square e7. If 1.Ke2 Kf8 2.Ke3 Ke7, and
&wdwdwdwd} white is once again being held back by Distant Opposition.
2wdwdwdwd} Unless a Passed-Pawn can “out run” the enemy King
%dwdwIwdw} (which the d-pawn obviously cannot here), white must find
v,./9EFJMV a way to improve the King's position to “lead his pawn” to
“Finding” the promotion. White must find and recognize what the
corresponding square can opponent's corresponding squares are and avoid them.
help you draw a game! White will then have avoided Distant Opposition...

Distant Opposition, White Wins by Avoiding the Corresponding Square

cuuuuuuuuC In many cases, the defending King will already be too close
(wdwdwdkd} to the pawn for the following idea to be possible (as in
7dw8wdwdw} Example 2, Part 1 where the black King was already on the
6wdwdwdwd} d-file, and therefore in the best position to wait and
5dwdwdwdw} maintain the opposition). However in this instance with the
&wdwdwdwd} black King is a few files away, and so white has a small
3dw8Pdwdw} window to make the right choice and win the endgame!
%dwdwIwdw} 1.Kd2!, headed for the Queen-side where the enemy King
v,./9EFJMV cannot reach the corresponding square c7. After: 1...Kf7
Avoid the “Distant 2.Kc3 Ke6 (or 2...Ke7) 3.Kc4 Kd6 4.Kd4! - and the
Opposition” and opposition is won for white – 4...Kc6 5.Ke5 Kd7 6.Kd5 Ke7
win the game! 7.Kc6 Ke6 8.d4 Ke7 9.d5 Kd8 10.Kd6!, easily winning.

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Lesson 15
Opposition, Technique &
Advanced King Play
Part 3: Irregular Opposition

• More King and Pawn Play, with further examples of “corresponding squares”!
• What is irregular opposition?
• The famous “King Dance” position!
• Introduction to advanced King and Pawn ending ideas?

Irregular Opposition: The King Makes Progress Without “Directly” Opposing

cuuuuuuuuC The name of this technique is “irregular”, yet it is arguably
(wdwdwdwd} the most practical (which means commonly reached)
7dwdwdkdw} method of opposition in King and Pawn endings. Because
6wdw8wdpd} most endgames will not reach positions where the King's
5dwdwIw)w} line up directly, knowing how to make progress and outplay
&wdwdwdwd} the enemy when their positions are “irregular” is key!
2wdwdwdwd} Here white starts off with the move 1.Kd6! – and though the
%dwdwdwdw} Kings are not directly opposing each other on a rank or
v,./9EFJMV file, the black King is still in Zugzwang and must move,
The goal position: “King giving up the e6 square. The game continues: 1...Kf8 (best)
on the 6th, Pawn on the 5th 2.Ke6 Kg7 3.Ke7! Kg8 4.Kf6 and 4...Kh7. Because black
can be reached here! must guard the g-pawn, the King is forced toward the edge.

Irregular Opposition, Example 1 Diagram 2

cuuuuuuuuC White now makes the final obvious move, 5.Kf7: black is in
(wdwdwdwd} opposition; forced to move to the h8-square; and the g-
7dwdwd*dk} pawn falls. White has achieved “King on the 6th, Pawn on
6wdwdwIpd} the 5th”, and is easily winning after 5...Kh8 6.Kxg6 Kg8
5dwdwdw)w} 7.Kh6 Kh8 8.g6 Kg8 9.g7 Kf7 10.Kh7 and 11.g8=Queen!
3dwdwdwdw} White's ability to make progress, despite never directly
2wdwdwdwd} opposing the enemy King, was based on the fact that black
%dwdwdwdw} had to guard certain key squares (like e6, f6, and
v,./9EFJMV eventually the pawn on g6). Because black's King was “tied
“Irregular Opposition” down” to those squares, white was able to move around
leads to direct opposition the King, forcing black to lose ground and allow white's
- winning the g6-pawn! King to make progress towards the precious pawn on g6.

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Lesson 15
Famous Irregular Opposition Example: The King Dance, Diagram 1
cuuuuuuuuC This position brings together all the ideas of basic, distant
(wdwdwdwd} (with the kings being 3 files apart), and irregular opposition.
7dwdwdwdw} Even if this position never occurs in your own game, the
6wdwdwdwd} concept is very important and extremely useful. Here the
5dwdwdwdw} squares e3 and g4 are corresponding squares, commonly
&wdwiw0*d} referred to as “don't touch me first” squares...
2wdwdwdwd} This means that whoever moves to the e3 (black) or g4
%dwdwdwdw} (white) first will lose after the enemy immediately moves to
v,./9EFJMV the corresponding square. Example: 1...Ke3 is met by
Whomever moves first 2.Kg4, guarding the f3-pawn and placing the black King in
wins in this famous Zugzwang (the f4-pawn falls). On the other hand, 1.Kg4 by
“King Dance” position! white is met by 1...Ke3, returning the favor and winning...

Famous Irregular Opposition Example: The King Dance, Diagram 2

cuuuuuuuuC The question then becomes: Who can force their opponent
(wdwdwdwd} to the “don't touch me” square first, and how? Both sides
7dwdwdwdw} must strive to reach a square that attacks the enemy pawn
6wdwdwdwd} but isn't a “don't touch me” square. The most obvious
5dwdwdwdw} squares are g5 for white and e2 for black. Typically, the
&wdwdw0*I} more active King – so in this case, the King who moves first
3dwdwdPdw} – will win the “King Dance” by reaching the key square first!
%dwdwdwdw} Assuming it is black to play, 1...Kd3 is the correct move.
v,./9EFJMV White is now forced to “dance” away from the g4-square
White is forced to g4 and (as 1.Kg4 obviously losses immediately to 2...Ke3). 2.Kh4
black delivers the final is the only move (2.Kg2 would allow 2...Ke3 easily winning
blow: 3...Ke3, winning! the f3-pawn and the game) and after 2...Ke2! white must
play 3.Kg4, and black retreats with 3...Ke3, winning...

Irregular Opposition Still Works – But Fails Because of the Rook Pawn (Corner)
cuuuuuuuuC Also important are cases when using irregular opposition is
(wdwdwdw8} effective in making progress and forcing the enemy King to
7dwdwdwiw} lose ground, but nonetheless leads to drawn positions due
6wdwdKdw0} to other important factors in the position. For example, here
5dwdwdwdP} white has a Rook Pawn.
3dwdwdwdw} After 1.Ke7, white forces the black King to lose ground,
2wdwdwdwd} surrendering the f6 square. After 1...Kg8 2.Kf6 Kh7 3.Kf7
%dwdwdwdw} Kh8 4.Kg6 Kg8 5.Kxh6 – white has used the irregular
v,./9EFJMV opposition technique successfully; however, the endgame
After obvious moves, the is still a draw after 5...Kh8 – as white is left with a Rook
above position is drawn. Pawn, and the black King will easily “hold the corner.”

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Lesson 15
Opposition, Technique &
Advanced King Play
Instructor's Guide

The importance of understanding King and Pawn endings, from the most basic examples of
“King on the 6th, Pawn on the 5th“ - to the advanced positions of Distant and Irregular
Opposition, should never be underestimated. Players who skip these important steps will
find themselves ill equipped when trying to solve (and play) more complicated endgames with
minor pieces and Rooks.

Essentially, a chess player's ability to make the right decision in many other types of
endgames is based on their King and Pawn ending knowledge. This is because all pieces
(besides the King) can be lost or exchanged for one another; therefore, there is always the
potential for a King and Pawn ending to occur in a game.The only way for a beginning chess
player, especially a child, to master King and Pawn endings is deliberate and repeated
practice of the basics, as well as experience in solving the more complex examples.

Because there truly is no easy transition from the basic concepts of opposition to the more
advanced, make sure your students genuinely understand all the fundamentals of Part 1
before moving onto the Distant (Part 2) and eventually Irregular (Part 3) examples of
opposition and advanced King play. Use the worksheets for practice during this process.

Practical Notes and Advice – Lesson 15:

• Have your student(s) practice the three-step pattern explained in Part 1 – trying
the pawn on different files so that the child can realize for him/herself that this
technique - culminating in King on the 6 th, Pawn on the 5th - works with every
pawn (except the Rook Pawn).

• Let them try on their own, offering very little feedback at first. They will often
make the mistake of advancing the pawn too early – either allowing the enemy
King to take defensive opposition, or advancing the pawn in front of their King,
thus allowing the drawing methods explained in Parts 1 and 2 to occur.

• Let them learn from experience that advancing the pawn carelessly, neglecting
their ultimate goal position, doesn't work. Then remind them of the winning
technique, asking them to try and keep to the rules/principles. The defender
should eventually try moving to the side file (see the “Bonus Position” of Part 1).

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Lesson 15
Lesson 15: King and Pawn Endings
In the following diagrams black is drawing with defensive opposition only if the black King is
placed on the right square(s). Draw a star on the square(s) that would give a draw to black
regardless of whose turn it is to move. If there is no way to draw, circle the white King.
cuuuuuuuuC cuuuuuuuuC
(wdwdwdwd} (wdwdwdwd}
7dwdwdwdw} 7dwdwdwdw}
6wdwdKdwd} 6wdwdwdwd}
5dwdw)wdw} 5dwdwdwdw}
&wdwdwdwd} &wdw)Kdwd}
3dwdwdwdw} 3dwdwdwdw}
2wdwdwdwd} 2wdwdwdwd}
%dwdwdwdw} %dwdwdwdw}
v,./9EFJMV v,./9EFJMV
Are there any “drawing” squares for the Are there any “drawing” squares for the
black King regardless of whose turn it is? black King regardless of whose turn it is?
cuuuuuuuuC cuuuuuuuuC
(wdwdwdwd} (wdwdwdwd}
7dwdwdwdw} 7dwdwdwdw}
6Kdwdwdwd} 6wdwdwdwd}
5)wdwdwdw} 5dwIwdwdw}
&wdwdwdwd} &wdPdwdwd}
3dwdwdwdw} 3dwdwdwdw}
2wdwdwdwd} 2wdwdwdwd}
%dwdwdwdw} %dwdwdwdw}
v,./9EFJMV v,./9EFJMV
Are there any “drawing” squares for the Are there any “drawing” squares for the
black King regardless of whose turn it is? black King regardless of whose turn it is?

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Lesson 15
Lesson 15: King and Pawn Endings
In the following diagrams black is drawing with defensive opposition only if the black King is
placed on the right square(s). Draw a star on the square(s) that would give a draw to black
regardless of whose turn it is to move. If there is no way to draw, circle the white King.
cuuuuuuuuC cuuuuuuuuC
(wdwdwdwd} (wdwdwdwd}
7dwdwdwdw} 7dwdwdwIw}
6wdwdwdwd} 6wdwdwdwd}
5dwdwdwdw} 5dwdwdwdP}
&wdwdwdPI} &wdwdwdwd}
3dwdwdwdw} 3dwdwdwdw}
2wdwdwdwd} 2wdwdwdwd}
%dwdwdwdw} %dwdwdwdw}
v,./9EFJMV v,./9EFJMV
Are there any “drawing” squares for the Are there any “drawing” squares for the
black King regardless of whose turn it is? black King regardless of whose turn it is?
cuuuuuuuuC cuuuuuuuuC
(wdwdwdwd} (wdwdwdwd}
7dwdwdwdw} 7dwdwdwdw}
6wdwdwdwd} 6wdwdwdwd}
5dwdwdKdw} 5dwdwdwdw}
&wdwdPdwd} &wdwdwdwd}
3dwdwdwdw} 3dw)wdwdw}
2wdwdwdwd} 2wdKdwdwd}
%dwdwdwdw} %dwdwdwdw}
v,./9EFJMV v,./9EFJMV
Are there any “drawing” squares for the Are there any “drawing” squares for the
black King regardless of whose turn it is? black King regardless of whose turn it is?

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Lesson 15
Opposition, Technique &
Advanced King Play
Answer Key

Worksheet Page – “King and Pawn Endings”:

Diagram #1 – Circle the white King: White has achieved King on the 6th, Pawn on the 5th and
is winning regardless of the position of the black King or whose turn it is to move.

Diagram #2 – Stars on a8, b8, c8, c7 and c6 – four squares total: Obviously a8 and b8 “hold
the corner”, but black can also trap the white King to the Rook file from the c-file. For example
if the black King was to start on c6: 1.Ka7 Kc7 2.a6 Kc8 3.Ka8 (if 3. Kb6 then 3...Kb8) 3... Kc7
4.a7 Kc8 stalemates white in the corner.

Diagram #3 – Stars on e6, d6, e8 and d8 – four squares total: e6 an d6 obviously maintain a
direct opposition on the white King and force the e5-pawn to lead the way, therefore drawing.
E8 and d8 hold the “distant opposition” and prepare to meet any advance of the King (f5, e5,
or d5) with direct opposition. NOTE: c7, d7, e7 and f7 would draw if black were to move, but if
it were white's turn to move the white King can gain the opposition by coming forward to the
correct corresponding square. C8 and f8 would also draw on black's turn by “waiting for the
opposition” on the correct corresponding square (either d8 or e8 respectively).

Diagram #4 – Circle the white King: Though there are several squares that might draw if it
were black to move, and maybe even a few that would draw on white to move – There are no
squares that draw regardless of whose turn it is to move.

Diagram #5 – Stars on g6, h6, g8 and h8 – four squares total: g6 an h6 obviously maintain a
direct opposition on the white King and force the g5-pawn to lead the way, therefore drawing.
G8 and h8 hold the “distant opposition” and prepare to meet any advance of the King (g5 or
h5) with direct opposition. NOTE: f7, g7 and h7 would draw if black were to move, but if it
were white's turn to move the white King can gain the opposition by coming forward to the
correct corresponding square. F8 would also draw on black's turn by “waiting for the
opposition” on g8.

Diagram #6 – Circle the white King

Diagram #7 – Circle the white King

Diagram #8 – Every safe square along the b, c and d files would lead to a forced draw
regardless of whose turn it is to play: This position is designed to show the severe

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Lesson 15
disability of having the pawn in front of the King when trying to win King and Pawn
Endings. Even on d8 and b8 the black King can wait to meet both 1.Kd3 or 1.Kb3 with
1...Kc7! and black is ready to meet any advance by the white King with opposition. There
exists a total of 13 forced drawing squares: c4, b5, c5, d5, b6, c6, d6, b7, c7, d7, b8, c8 and

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