Lab4 PDF
Lab4 PDF
Lab4 PDF
1 Introduction
The diffraction pattern of a single slit a barrier or obstacle cuts off a portion of a wave-
front. Interference refers to superposition of two or
The interference-diffraction pattern of multiple more waves that meet at one point in space.
Single-slit diffraction: When a collimated (paral-
Diffraction of light by a diffraction grating lel) beam of light is incident on an obstacle, or an aper-
ture, we normally expect to see nothing more than a
sharply defined shadow of the obstacle (or a bright
In the first part of the lab, you will use a Helium-Neon
spot that has the exact shape of the aperture). This
laser with a number of narrow slit arrangements to ob-
seems to hold true for macroscopic apertures. How-
serve and measure diffraction patterns. In the second
ever, there are a number of surprising effects that oc-
part, you will use an instrument called a spectrometer
cur when the dimensions of an obstacle become com-
to study the emission spectrum of Mercury gas from
parable with the wavelength of light. The diffraction
a high-voltage discharge tube. The spectrometer uses
pattern of a single slit is a good example.
a diffraction grating to separate spectral components
of light. A diffraction grating is a surface etched with
a large number of closely spaced parallel slits. To understand what a pattern produced by a single
slit looks like, we will first consider slits of different
size. If the slit width a is large, that is a >> , the
diffraction effects will not be noticeable and the size
of the bright spot that is produced, will be directly
proportional to the size of the slit.
tral maximum to the first diffraction minimum will
depend only on the width of the slit and the distance
between the slit and the screen. From figure 1, the
tangent of the angle is expressed as,
tan = (3)
d sin = n (6)
sin2 ( ay )
I= I0 ayD2 (2)
( D )
This condition corresponds to constructive interfer-
ence between the rays r1 and r2 in figure 3. In equa-
This equation is illustrated by the intensity curve tion 6 d is the spacing of the slits and n is the order
shown in figure 2. of the fringe (n is an integer). Similarly the positions
of the dark fringes (destructive interference between
Additionally, for a given , the distance from the cen- r1 and r2 ) is defined by the interference,
q r1 2
q O
Envelope wave Grating
Interference maxima
given by, 2nd order
dsin(q) = nl l1
1st order
Diffraction minima n=1 l1
given by, n=0
asin(q) = ml All l
n = -1 l1
l1 < l2
n = -2 l1
Equal mixture
of red and blue
l1 and l2
number (for example, 10,000 lines/inch). This means OPTICAL COMPONENTS SHOULD BE
that the diffraction gratings strongly separate the dif- BLOCKED BY USING PIECES OF CARD-
ferent wavelengths, and are therefore well suited for BOARD THAT ARE PROVIDED. BE PAR-
spectroscopy. From equation 15, we can express the TICULARLY CAREFUL WHEN YOU IN-
wavelength of a particular diffracted beam as, SERT OR REMOVE LENSES INTO A
d sin
3 Suggested Reading TA IMMEDIATELY.
D. Halliday, R. Resnick and K. S. Krane, Physics MAKE SURE ALL MOUNTS ARE SE-
(Volume 2, 5th Edition, John Wiley, 2002) CURELY FASTENED ON THE OPTICAL
4 Apparatus
5 Experiment I: Diffraction from
Helium - Neon laser on a stand, with power source Multiple Slits
Glass plate with single and multiple slits
Glass slide with single slits with different widths In the first experiment, you will determine the width
a and spacing d of a set of slits by observing their
Diffraction grating diffraction patterns using a He-Ne laser. The equip-
Mercury gas discharge tube ment for these experiments consists of a laser light
source on a stand and a holder with an opaque glass
Spectrometer plate marked Single and multiple slits. The plate
Black cloth to shield the spectrometer is etched with a number of slits. The number of slits
varies between N = 1 and N = 6. However the slit
Ruler width and slit spacing remain unchanged. Note the
single slit aperture is marked 1, the two-slit aper-
Meter stick ture is marked 2 and so on.
Magnifying glass to read the angular Vernier scale
Before proceeding with your measurements, remem-
ber to minimize error by choosing sensible parame-
WARNING!!: KEEP TRACK OF YOUR ter combinations. For example, set up the slit and
LASER BEAM AT ALL TIMES. NEVER the viewing screen as far apart as possible to increase
POINT THE BEAM AT PEOPLE, OR LOOK your precision, but without significantly diminishing
IN THE APERTURE OF THE LASER OR BE the brightness of the diffraction pattern.
Single slit diffraction: Set up the laser and the glass
KEEP EYES AWAY FROM DIRECT OR plate containing the slits on their respective mounts.
REFLECTED LASER BEAMS. OTHERWISE Make sure that the glass plate is horizontal and that
SERIOUS EYE DAMAGE WILL OCCUR. the laser beam is perpendicular (normal) to the glass
plate by sending the reflected part of the beam close to
YOU SHOULD BE AWARE OF WHERE the laser cavity. Direct the beam through the center
THE LASER BEAMS STRIKE OPTICAL of the vertical aperture marked 1 (the single slit) to-
COMPONENTS. REFLECTIONS FROM wards the viewing screen, located at the opposite side
of the table. Fine-adjust the position of the slit to getExercise 5: Slide each slit into the laser beam, and
a clear picture of the diffraction pattern. Normally, measure the width of the central intensity maximum.
the position of maximum brightness will be optimal How does the single slit diffraction pattern change as
for observing the pattern. the width of the slit increases? Calculate the aver-
age value of the wavelength of the laser using your
Exercise 1: Sketch the pattern that you observe on measurements and the known slit widths.
the screen, and its intensity profile. Attach a sheet of
graph paper to the viewing screen, and mark the po- Exercise 6: Describe the effects of varying a, d, n
sition of the intensity minima and maxima. Find the and on the pattern observed.
width of the central intensity maximum by measuring
the distance between two minima closest to the cen- Exercise 7: Insert the 15000 lines/inch grating into
ter. One half of that number will give you the distance the holder and position it so that it is normal to the
between the center of the pattern and the first diffrac- laser beam. Sketch and describe the diffraction pat-
tion minimum. Measure the distance D between the tern. Calculate the angle by which the first order
glass plate and the screen. Using equation 5, calcu- beam is diffracted. Is your measurement consistent
late the width of the slit. Propagate the errors in the with the angle that you expect based on equation 15?
measured quantities to find the error in the slit width. Repeat using the 7500 lines/inch grating.
Assume that the wavelength of the Laser is 632.8 nm.
Note: Once you have completed the experi-
Interference pattern of two and more slits: Slide ment, please remove all optical elements from
the glass plate on the holder so that the laser beam their mounts and place them on the table.
passes through the aperture labeled 2. The pattern
you observe will be more complicated than in the pre-
vious case. It corresponds to a superposition of two
single-slit diffraction patterns. 6 Experiment II: Spectroscopy of
Exercise 2: Sketch the pattern that you observe
Mercury Using a Diffraction Grat-
on the screen. Measure the spacing y between the ing
bright spots on the screen. A good technique is to
count off as many as you can see in row, and mea-
sure the total length of the group. This is possible In the second part, you will perform spectroscopy of
because the screen is far away from the slits, and so mercury vapor by setting up and aligning the spec-
the maxima are evenly spaced. Find the spacing be- trometer, and then measuring the angles at which the
tween the two slits, d, by adapting the formulae given mercury spectral lines are observed.
in the background section.
The spectrometer and the diffraction grating:
Exercise 3: Repeat the measurements for slits 3, For this part of the experiment, you will set up and use
4 and 5 by simply sliding each slit in front a diffraction grating spectrometer. The spectrometer
of the laser beam. Tabulate your results in a table. collimates the light from the mercury gas discharge
tube. The collimated beam passes through a diffrac-
Exercise 4: What are the similarities and differences tion grating. A telescope is used to observe the spec-
between patterns for the different number of slits? tral lines at various angular positions. These angular
State your observations based on your sketches of the positions correspond to the locations of the intensity
patterns. As the number of slits is increased, does the maxima given by equation 15. The angular positions
position of the interference maxima change? can be noted on a Vernier scale.
Interference pattern of different slit widths: In Your objective is to measure the angles at which the
this part you will be using a set of single slits with diffracted beams leave the diffraction grating. Due to
different widths. With help from the TA, replace the symmetry, the pattern of lines is going to be repeated
glass plate containing the slits with the glass slide con- on both sides of the central maximum. You can use
taining the set of single slits. this fact to simplify the measurement and reduce the
error: measure the angles between pairs of lines of the
same color and order (see figure 7). One-half of each
Mercury Lamp
Table 1:
Order (n) Color (o ) error nm error
Diffraction Collimator
Wavelength in Angstroms
q 5770
First Order Lines 4046
Second Order Lines
Figure 7. A diffraction grating spectrometer
Use the translation screws on the collimator and Refer to Appendix C for Maple worksheets.
the telescope to make the image of the illuminated
slit as sharp as possible.