Excel 2016 Tables & Pivottables: Benefits of Using Tables
Excel 2016 Tables & Pivottables: Benefits of Using Tables
Excel 2016 Tables & Pivottables: Benefits of Using Tables
A PivotTable is a summary of data on a worksheet that is very useful when there is a lot of data to
analyze. Excel PivotTables offer the ability to gather and present data in a custom, dynamic display. In
addition to presenting information, sorting, filters, and graphs can be added to PivotTables to further
customize the data.
One of the best features of PivotTables is the ability of the data to be reorganized and redisplayed
dynamically, based on what the end result is to be. Even though PivotTables are dynamic, it is best to
plan out an end result for the data, before creating a PivotTable.
It is best practice to format the data as a table before creating a PivotTable. The reason for doing this is
if data ever has to be added to or subtracted from the PivotTable data, a table will automatically adjust
to allow for the newly added, or subtracted data to be displayed in a PivotTable, as long as the data is
Tables are very beneficial when working with large amounts of data, especially if that data is dynamic,
meaning data is being added to and subtracted from the original data. Tables give a nice visual layout of
the data so it is easier to search out individual rows within a table.
To convert data into a Table, make sure the cursor is placed within the data to be
converted into a table and then navigate to the Insert Tab and select Table.
Excel will display a Format As Table dialog box confirming the selection in which the
Table should be applied to. Click OK to create the table
To make any changes to a table, the cursor must be located within the table data. Any time the cursor is
within the table data, the Table Tools Design Tab will be displayed on the right side of the ribbon.
On the lower right corner of the table, there is a dark icon, called the Sizing Handle.
The sizing handle indicates the bottom and right sides of the table. It also users to
drag the table to add in more rows and columns, but this is not advised as this may
include blank data by increasing the table size this way.
By default, formatting will be applied to the Table text. To change the color scheme of the Table, make
sure the cursor is within the table and then navigate to the Design Tab within Table Tools. On the right
hand side will be some Table Styles options. To select a new color, simply click on the color option to
apply it to the table. There are more options that can be viewed by clicking on the dropdown menu on
the lower right corner of the Table Styles listed.
Tip: It is best practice to convert the data into a table before creating the PivotTable.
Recommended PivotTables
Recommended PivotTables is a feature introduced in Excel 2013, which will provide a
few PivotTable options based on the data in a worksheet. To use the Recommended
PivotTables feature, make sure the cursor is within the data. Navigate to the Insert
tab, and then select the Recommended PivotTables icon.
A new Recommended PivotTable window will appear showing the options that Excel is recommending
for the PivotTable.
Users are able to click on each option to see a preview of how the PivotTable will display. Remember,
every option that is presented may not be suitable for the data, and sometimes none of the options will
work. Recommended PivotTables can be a useful option to use for a starting point for a PivotTable, and
then users are able to alter the data if they so choose. If none of the options that are recommended
seem to work, click on the Blank PivotTable button to create a blank PivotTable and start from scratch.
Note: Users may also select the data on the worksheet that is to be in
the PivotTable, then navigate to the Insert tab, and click the PivotTable icon.
The Create PivotTable window appears with a couple of options to look at. In the Select a table or range
textbox, make sure the correct table, or data range, is selected. If the range is incorrect, move the
cursor into the Select a table or range textbox and highlight the contents. Now, navigate back to the
worksheet containing the data that is to be in the PivotTable. Highlight the correct data, by clicking,
holding and dragging to make a selection from the worksheet. This data range with automatically be put
into the Table/Range textbox.
On the bottom of the Create PivotTable window, there is an option to choose where the PivotTable is
placed. The default is to create a new worksheet to place the PivotTable in, which is typically the best
option. If there is a specific worksheet that was already created in the workbook for this new
PivotTable, select the Existing Worksheet and then navigate to the correct worksheet.
When all of the options have been selected, click on the OK button to create the PivotTable
The PivotTable consists of a blank PivotTable, which is located on the left side of the screen, and the
PivotTable Fields (column headings from the original data), on the top, right side of the screen.
Note: To make adjustments to a PivotTable the cursor must be within the PivotTable itself. Any time
the PivotTable is selected, the PivotTable Tools Tab will display on the ribbon. If this tab is not visible,
the cursor is not within the PivotTable.
PivotTable areas;
1. Filters Top-level report filters that are displayed above the PivotTable
3. Rows Display as row labels on the left side of the PivotTable. Rows may also have
several fields to nest the row labels.
If the PivotTable isnt displaying the information as intended, users are able to drag fields into
any of the other field areas on the fly by clicking and holding on a Field, and then dragging the
field name into a new area.
Tip: Not every field has to be used when creating a PivotTable, there may be times when only 2 or three
fields are used, and there may be times when all fields are used. This is a major benefit of PivotTables,
they are dynamic so there is no right answer, it all depends on what information is to be displayed.
Technology Training Center 6
Colorado State University
Excel 2016 PivotTables
Removing Fields from a PivotTable
To remove a field name from the PivotTable, uncheck the
field name from Choose fields to add to report area, or click,
hold and drag the field name from the areas section back into
the Fields section.
To change the original data source, make sure the cursor is within the
PivotTable, navigate to the Analyze tab from the PivotTable tools tab and
then click on the Change Data Source button. On the change Data Source
window, identify and select the new data range, which may be on a
different worksheet, or workbook.
When the data source has been updated, or changed, click on the OK to reflect those changes in the
Tip: The Change Data Source option can be used to verify where the original data is located.
Note: If the new data is coming from an external data source, a new PivotTable will have to be created
and the option for External Data Source will have to be selected in the Create PivotTable dialog box.
All the PivotTable data and formatting will clear from the PivotTable and the
PivotTable tools will also be reset.
Note: If the Excel window is very narrow, the Clear button may not be visible.
If this is the case, the Clear button will be located under the Actions button.
The steps would be to navigate to the Analyze tab, Actions icon dropdown,
Clear dropdown, and selecting the Clear All option.
Another way to clear data from a PivotTable would be to deselect all of the
fields in the PivotTable task pane.
PivotTable Options
The settings for how a PivotTable will display by
default are located PivotTable options menu.
To get to the PivotTable options, make sure the
cursor is in the PivotTable data, navigate to the
PivotTable Tools Analyze Tab. On the far the
left side of the window, select Options, which is
located under the PivotTable name textbox.
Report Layout
By default, a PivotTable is shown in the
Compact Form layout which will have non-
descriptive names for column and row
labels, nor is there an indication of the top
line on a row being the total for that row.
Here is the same PivotTable above shown in Tabular Form. The rows and columns now have descriptive
names and the subtotals are now on the bottom of each Region as their own row, versus being a single
row with the totals shown.
Click on the appropriate icon to either show, or not show the totals. The Subtotals can be displayed at
the top of the group, or at the bottom of the group.
Grand totals are also located on the PivotTable Design tab. Grand
Totals can be turned on for Rows and/or columns together, or
separately. Grand Totals will only display at the bottom, or right side,
of the PivotTable.
Grand Totals are set to display by default. To not have the Grand Totals
display by default, right click within the PivotTable and select PivotTable
options. On the PivotTable options window, click on the Totals & Filters
tab and uncheck the option(s) for Grand Totals.
For example, If the data is showing Sales, it may be best to display the
blank data as a zero and not a blank cell if that is how the original data
was. To change the way blank data displays, go to PivotTable options as
from the PivotTable Tools, Analyze tab, or right click within the
PivotTable and select PivotTable Options.
From the PivotTable Options window, navigate to the Layout & Format
Tab. Within the Format section, make sure there is a checkmark in the
For empty cells show: option and then enter in a zero. By default, this
option is checked, but all cells will display as blank. When the textbox
has been changed to display as a zero, click the OK button on the bottom of the window. Now all blank
cells in the PivotTable display a zero, instead of being blank.
Depending on how wide the Excel window is, Options may not display immediately. If Options isnt
visible, click on the PivotTable icon on the left side of the screen and then select Options.
Note: This will only refresh the data when the file is reopened. There is no option to
automatically refresh the data any time there is a change.
5. On the Format Cells window, select the format for the cell(s)
6. Click OK to apply the changes to the cells.
From the PivotTable task pane, click on the drop-down of the field that is
currently in the Values section of the PivotTable and then select the Value
Field Settings option. On the Value Settings dialog box, select the
appropriate option. Average, Max, Min and hit the OK button. The data on
the PivotTable will update to reflect the changes.
For example, to show a breakdown of salary by department as well as the percentage of the total salary
for the entire company, we would add the Salary field to the Values area twice and change the display
for one of the fields. If a PivotTable only has Sum of Salary within the Values area, it will look like this;
The PivotTable now has two columns with a Sum of Salary. To change the display of the second Salary
value to percentage, right click on a cell in the PivotTable in the Sum of Salary2 column, choose Show
Values As, then choose % of Grant Total.
When looking at this data, the column headings need a more descriptive name, especially the Sum of
Salary2 column. To change a column heading name, simply click on the cell and type in a new name.
The extra space wont be noticeable to the end user, and Excel will accept the new name since it does
not match a PivotTable field name.
Sorting is done based on the location of the cursor within a PivotTable. To do a multi-level sort, each
field within a field section will have to be sorted individually.
If a PivotTable has a column that is displaying a Sum of what makes up the total for the items within that
column. The field that makes up the sum can be easily added to the PivotTable by dragging the field
from the PivotTable field list and adding in the Rows area, or users can use the drill down feature. To
use the drill down feature, simply double click on one of the cells that contains a total.
Excel will create a new sheet to the right of the currently selected sheet. The new sheet will display the
data that makes up the total of the cell that was clicked on.
Note: If the data in the PivotTable ever changes, the drill down sheets will never update, even if the
Refresh all button on the PivotTable Tools, Analyze tab is selected.
The plus or minus buttons indicate if the data is collapsed (plus) or expanded(minus).
To expand or collapse a field, click on the plus or minus button to the left of the field names in
the PivotTable.
Another way to expand or collapse the data is to navigate to the PivotTable Analyze tab, the
then click on the Expand or Collapse icons that are located in the Active Field group, on the left
side of the ribbon.
Note: The cursor must be in the area where multi levels of text exist.
Verify that the Start and End dates are correct in the Grouping window.
Select the date items to use in the grouping. Click on the OK button
when the category has been selected.
Tip: To select two options to group by, left click on the first item and
then press and hold the Ctrl key while left clicking on any other items to
group by.
To turn off grouping, navigate to the PivotTables Design tab and select the Ungroup Data button.
Tip: Grouping options are also located in the context sensitive menu when
you right click your mouse on the date data.
Place the cursor within the PivotTable that contains dates. Navigate to the PivotTable Analyze Tab, and
then click on the Insert Timeline icon.
Excel will show all timelines that are available based on the data within the PivotTable. Make sure to
place a checkmark in the box next to the field name to display, and then click OK.
The timeline will appear and based on the type of data that is in the PivotTable. To change the size of
the timeline, make sure the timeline is selected and then click, hold and drag on one of the placeholders
to resize the timeline.
On the upper right side, the timeline will display how the data is broken out. To
change this, click on the drop down and selecting the appropriate option.
When the timeline is displayed, users are able to click on the blue bar in order to separate out various
months, years, days, all dependent on how the timeline is displayed. As options are selected on the
timeline, the data in the PivotTable updates to reflect the times that are selected.
To create a calculated field, make sure the cursor is within the PivotTable. Navigate to the PivotTable
Analyze tab, click on the Fields, Items & Sets drop down and then select Calculated Fields.
A new column will be added to the right of the PivotTable, with the calculated display.
From the Insert Calculated Field window, select any calculated field that is within the PivotTable by
clicking on the dropdown in the Name field. The Formula will appear in the Formula text box where any
edits can be made to the fields, type of calculation, etc.
Tip: Static Numbers into the formula as well. To add $10,000 to each Total, add a + 10000 to the
To add a page break, right click the mouse on a column label and then select Field settings from the
Context Sensitive Menu.
Tip: The Field Settings tool is also location on the PivotTable Design tab.
From the Field Settings dialog box, select the Print and Layout tab. Select the check box to insert a page
break after each item. This will mean that any time a new column label appears, there will be a new
page printed.
To print the column headings every page that is printed, right click
within the PivotTable and select PivotTable Options from the Menu.
From the PivotTables Options dialog box, select the Print tab. Select the check box next to Set Print
titles and then Click OK. This will make the first row repeat on each page that is printed.
The Insert Chart window appears giving which will display all of the chart options that are available. To
get a preview of a chart, click on the chart type on the left hand side. The preview of the chart will
display in the Preview window.
When the correct chart is selected, click the OK button to add the chart to the worksheet.
To insert a Slicer, make sure the cursor is within the PivotTable. Navigate to the PivotTable Analyze tab
and then click on the Insert Slicer button.
The Insert Slicers window will appear which will display all fields that are in the PivotTable. Place a
checkmark next to the field(s) to add a slicer. When the selections have been made, click OK.
Excel will not add each item selected as its own window.
The slicer tool behaves as a visual filter where users simply click on the option(s) to be displayed in the
PivotTable or PivotChart.
To use the slicers, simply click on the item to display. When an item is selected (highlighted) the
PivotTable will update to reflect what was selected.
To remove a slicer filter, click on the Clear Filter icon in the upper right of the slicer to reset the
To add a new slicer, go back to the Insert Slicer icon and place a checkmark next to the field to be added
as a slicer.
To change the color of the slicers, make sure the slicer is selected. From the Slicer Tools, Options tab,
you are able to select different color options for your slicer.