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Syllabus: Mastère Spécialisé

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Mastre Spcialis


Air-Ground Collaborative Systems Engineering

Air-Ground Collaborative
Systems Engineering


Spcialis MS
The purpose of the advanced master (Mastre Spcialis) in
Air-Ground Collaborative Systems Engineering (Postgraduate
Degree) is to provide to the students with in-depth and comprehen-
sive knowledge in systems engineering and applications dedica-
ted to aircraft, air traffic control and air - ground integration. This
is dedicated to air navigation service providers and airlines to
tackle the main challenges due to growth of air traffic, including
maintaining or even increasing flight safety, increasing airspace
capacity, improving flight punctuality, ensuring adequate return
on investment and developing higher cooperation between
aircraft, air navigation service providers and airlines through new
avionics systems. Industrial programs like SESAR in Europe or
NextGen in the USA are currently running in that field.

The training program is multidisciplinary and involves major

companies from the aeronautical sector. The ranges of topics
span aircraft operations, communication, navigation and surveil-
lance systems, avionics technology, certification, project mana-
gement, human factors and collaborative applications dedicated
to Airlines and Air Traffic Management.

As far as future employment of the students is concerned, the

aim is to train them so that they can become skilled aeronautical
managers, being able to actively take part in the development,
the certification or the maintenance of avionics systems, air traffic
control systems or systems dedicated to air-ground integration.
Professional prospects and career opportunities:
systems manufacturers
The advanced master in Air-Ground Collaborative Systems
Engineering is a postgraduate course for graduated engineers in
Air traffic management
Aeronautics, Electronics or Computer Science. It was approved
systems (ATM)
manufacturers as a Mastre Spcialis by Confrence des Grandes Ecoles
(CGE) in December 2006.
Aircraft manufacturers
System integrators The Mastre Spcialis in Air-Ground Collaborative Systems
Airlines Engineering trains students to integrate and manage interdis-
Aeronautical ciplinary teams with a view to taking up the position of systems
telecommunication engineer or project manager in the aeronautical field.
Services and
consulting companies

www.enac.fr 1
Air-Ground Collaborative
Systems Engineering

MS Air-Ground
Spcialis MS
Application forms are available from January 2014.
Applications must be filed before 6th of June 2014.

On the basis of the application, possibly with an interview.

Course fees:
The tuition fees for the Mastre Spcialis Air-Ground
Collaborative Systems Engineering are 12,500.

Information and contacts:



Course Director:
Mr. Thierry MIQUEL


Module Course Director
hours ECTS

AVI 01 The Aircraft Anne HENRIC ENAC 56h

AVI 02 Air Traffic Management Services Fabrice FABRE ENAC 62h

AVI 03 Regulatory Framework Muriel GIZARDIN ENAC 28h

AVI 04 Software Development and Networking
AVI 05 Avionics Architecture Christian LE ROUX ENAC 26h

AVI 06 Human Factors Fanny BENAM ENAC 27h

AVI 07 System Engineering Daniel PRUN ENAC 51h

AVI 08 Project Management France/ 29h
Fabrice FABRE

AVI 09 Avionics Certification Thierry MIQUEL ENAC 50h

AVI 10 Flight Control Systems Thierry MIQUEL ENAC 27h

AVI 11 Communication Systems Christophe GUERBER ENAC 52h

AVI 12 Navigation Systems Alain ROUGE ENAC 55h

Jean-Pierre DANIEL / ENAC /

AVI 13 Surveillance Systems 47h
Lars POMMERANCKE Technical
AVI 14 Collaborative Applications for Airlines 25h
Thierry MIQUEL Training
AVI 15 Collaborative Applications for Air Traffic Christelle PIANETTI
DSNA 25h
Management Thierry MIQUEL

Total 582h 45

Enterprise 4 to 6
Intership 30
ENAC Tutor months

www.enac.fr 3
AVI 01 The Aircraft

Pedagogical objectives:
After completing this course, the student will be able to:
MS Air-Ground understand the main physical phenomena involved in flight
Mastre identify the flight envelope limitations
Systems explain basic notions dealing with aircraft navigation around the earth
Spcialis MS describe the most important aviation meteorology phenomena
explain aircraft operational performances and limitations

Flight mechanics
physical phenomena relative to flight
aerodynamic characteristics
flight envelope limitations
main flight phases equations

The shape of the earth
Aircraft orientation: track, heading, bearing, Q code
Aircraft trajectories: rhumb line, great circle
Navigation charts
Triangle of velocities
Dead-reckoning navigation
Times: sidereal times, universal time, zone time, date
Critical points

The atmosphere and the International Standard Atmosphere.
Application to barometric altimetry
Significant weather for aviation
Meteorological observation and forecast applied to aeronautical
Duration: needs including codes for meteorology
56h Meteorological systems and products : interest for aviation

Date: Operations
from 29th of September climb, cruise and descent operational performances
to 10th of October, 2014 Take-off, en route and landing limitations
Fuel management
Course Director: flight preparation

AVI 02 Air Traffic
Management Services

Pedagogical objectives:
After completing this course, the student will be able to:
MS Air-Ground define the main terms related to ATM
Collaborative state the air regulation and describe the air traffic services
Systems describe the Air Traffic Control services and explain the interaction between
Spcialis MS
Engineering radar and control service.
describe the main ATM systems and explain the architecture trends
describe the air traffic flow management Principles
understand the aeronautical information service and the aeronautical
information management.
Introduction on ATM
Regulation text
Basic regulation
Air rules, IFR and VFR operating rules
Altimeter setting
Air traffic services
Airspace: Airspace classes
Alert services and urgency phases
Spacing norms
Radar use
Air Traffic Services description
Airfield control service
Approach control service
En-route control service
Aeronautical information service
Aeronautical information management
Air Traffic Management Technical Means
Duration: General architecture
62h Short term conflict alert (Safety nets)
Flight plan data process
Date: Human Machine Interface for controller
from 13th of October to
24th of October, 2014 Air Traffic Flow Management (ATFM)
ATFCM presentation
Course Director: Central Flow Management Unit (CFMU) architecture
Fabrice FABRE Flow management position (FMP) aims.

Demonstrations on Air Traffic Control

Airspace Control Center visit
Approach simulation initiation

www.enac.fr 5
AVI 03 Regulatory Framework

Pedagogical objectives:
After completing this course, the student will be able to:
MS Air-Ground state the air transport safety objectives, explain how these objectives are
Mastre implemented at the international level and explain the responsibilities of the
Systems different contracting states
Spcialis MS describe the main international and European regulatory bodies activities
and state the contents of the Chicago Convention
explain how the main technical regulations are structured, describe their
hierarchy and applicability and describe their structure
explain the airworthiness certificates specificities and describe TC holders
state the main Part 21 procedures
explain how users comply with the operational rules, describe operao-
tors responsibilities and state the main regulatory principles on aircraft
state the ANS safety regulations, describe their overall content, describe
their links and explain how some European countries have taken these
regulations into account

Safety objectives & ICAO
General introduction on safety objectives
International aviation safety programs
International Civil Aviation Organization
Main Principles of the Chicago Convention
Annexes to the convention - Standards implementation
Responsibilities of the contracting States

European Bodies And Regulations

History of European bodies
European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA)
Duration: Applicable regulations / specifications
28h Amendment process

Date: Operations regulations

from 3rd of November to Types of operations
7th of November, 2014 Air Operator Certificate: contents & delivery process
Implementing rule air operations
Course Director:
Muriel GIZARDIN Maintenance Regulations
Responsibilities of the airline regarding continuing airworthiness
Maintenance organizations approvals

Type Certificate Holder duties

Air Transport Safety level
ICAO Principles for Aircraft Airworthiness

AVI 03 Continuation

Type Certificate
Certificate of Airworthiness
EU regulations, EU tasks
EASA tasks for Type Certification and Continued Airworthiness
Mastre activities
Spcialis MS
Certification and Continued Airworthiness Procedures
Part 21 EU Certification Procedures
Design and Production Organization Approval
Type Certification Process
Continued Airworthiness

Standards In Aviation / ATM-ANS Regulations

The European ATM regulatory context
Eurocontrol SAfety Regulatory Requirements (ESARR)
Single European Sky rules
ESARR relation to ICAO
Extensions of EASA to aerodrome and ANS
European examples


www.enac.fr 7
AVI 04 Software Development and
Networking Basics

Pedagogical objectives:
After completing this course, the student will be able to:
MS Air-Ground define the major concepts involved in local area networks (LANs)
Mastre describe real time software technical features and implementations of real
Systems time systems
Spcialis MS present the fundamentals of the object-oriented paradigm in order to model
and design an software application

Communication Networks
General architecture
Local area networks architecture

Software Engineering for Real Time Systems

Real-time fundamentals
Hardware and software real-time systems technology
Programming basics
Introduction to design methodology

Fundamentals of the object-oriented paradigm

Objects and classes
UML static diagrams



from 10th of November
to 14th of November,

Course Director:

AVI 05 Avionics Architecture

Pedagogical objectives:
After completing this course, the student will be able to:
MS Air-Ground describe characteristics and purposes of electrical distribution on board
Collaborative airplanes
Systems explain how electrical buses are determined depending on the avionics
Spcialis MS
Engineering systems (using the example of A320)
describe the architectures of avionics computers and aeronautical data
buses and explain their evolution
describe cockpit integration and explain its objectives

Electrical systems
Electrical production
Electrical Distribution
Future of electricity on board
Criticity of avionics systems and electrical power supply
Constraints resulting for avionics
Improvements of electrical power supply systems and evolutions

Systems interfaces and data exchanges

Line Replaceable Unit (LRU) and Integrated Modular Avionics (IMA)
Avionics communications principles and ARINC 429 standard
Introduction to the AFDX technology
Presentation of the AFDX technology in the A380

Cockpit integration
Airbus aircraft
- Objectives of the cockpit integration
- Instruments systems
- Overall cockpit integration of the systems
Dassault Aviation Falcon bizjets - EASY cockpit design and
from 17th of November
- From Falcon 20 cockpit to Falcon 7X EASy cockpit
to 21th of November,
- EASy cockpit description
- EASy II in development
Course Director:
Hands-on based on fixed flight simulators
Christian LE-ROUX
Description of light aircraft cockpit integration
Description of Airbus A320 cockpit integration

Courses, hands-on

www.enac.fr 9
AVI 06 Human Factors

Pedagogical objectives:
After completing this course, the student will be able to:
MS Air-Ground To explain how Human Factors are applied to the engineering and operation
Mastre of cooperative avionics systems
Systems To understand how a model of the interactions between operators and their
Spcialis MS environment helps identifying potential system failures
To explain how operators process and memorize information and define
their physiological limits
To identify what causes stress and what are the consequences on operator
Identify what causes fatigue what are the consequences on operator
To define place and role of the operator within automatic systems
To define the impact of automation on operator performance and the impact
of technologies of communication on air-ground and air-air co-operation
To describe human factors approaches in representative industrial develop-
ment processes

Introduction to Human Factors
Human Factors objectives and examples
Safety figures
Operators (pilots and controllers) physiological functioning
Perception (Vision & hearing)

Operators (pilots and controllers) cognitive functioning

Duration: Memory
26 h Schema
SRK model
Date: Learning
from 24th of November Decision
to 28th of November, Attention
Operators (pilots and controllers) affective functioning
Course Director: Workload
Fanny BENAIM Stress
Circadian rhythms
Fatigue Risk Management System

AVI 06 Continuation

Impacts of automation
Levels and stages of automation
Breakdowns in human-automation interaction
Unintended consequences of automation on human performance
Mastre Concept of adaptive automation
Spcialis MS
Industrial case studies
Dassault Aviation Falcon 7X human factors activities
Airbus human factors activities for designing cockpits
ATM Human Factors activities by Thales ATM

case studies

www.enac.fr 11
AVI 07 System Engineering

Pedagogical objectives:
After completing this course, the student will be able to:
MS Air-Ground list the activities included in the system engineering processes explain the
Mastre contractual approach in connection with an industrial project
Systems describe the technical processes involved in System Engineering diffe-
Spcialis MS rentiate software life cycles and state links with quality and configuration
management processes
describe the hardware lifecycle from a system integrator point of view
differentiate quality approaches, explain project and organization quality
activities and define configuration management
explain constraints associated to critical function development and certifica-
tion and describe the Model Based Design approach
System Engineering Overview
System engineering definition and history
Essential concepts
System engineering processes
Examples of the use of System Engineering processes

Contract Process
Description of an industrial process from a contractual perspective
Description of a contract
Supplier(s) selection

Systems Engineering Technical Processes

Stakeholder needs analysis and participatory design
Requirements analysis and allocation
Architectural Design, Implementation
Integration, Validation, Verification, Qualification
Operation, maintenance and disposal

Duration: Software Life Cycle

51h Overview of the software development process for avionics
Introduction to Integrated Modular Avionics (IMA)
Date: Study case of the Bite function of IMA
from 1st of December to Study case of critical Flight control functions
12th of December, 2014
Hardware Life Cycle
Course Director: Equipment system integration
Daniel PRUN Going from prototype to serial definition
Certification process - Applicable standards

Quality and Configuration Management Process

Configuration Management

AVI 08 Project Management

Pedagogical objectives:
After completing this course, the student will be able to:
MS Air-Ground use the project management techniques and tools to plan, organize,
Collaborative secure, manage resources and, finally, complete successfully the original
Systems project goals and objectives
Spcialis MS
Engineering recognize the different cultural dimensions, improve their intercultural
efficiency, use intercultural management tools, improve your conflict resolu-
tion abilities, use active questioning and increase your adaptability
define your leadership and management style, improve your teamwork
abilities, make efficient use of delegation, use performance improvement
planning and adapt the management strategies to the situations
describe impacts of project management activities on real industrial

Techniques and tools
Overview of project management knowledge areas
Time management
Cost management
Risks management
Quality management
Communications and Human Resource management

Intercultural communication
Cultural dimensions
Intercultural efficiency
Intercultural management tools

Duration: Team-building
29h Introduction
General management skills
Date: Team management
from 15th of December
to 19th of December, Industrial feedbacks
2014 Rockwell Collins France success and crash stories
Thales Air Systems feedback
Course Director: Stakes of the Integrated Logistics Support
(Telespazio France) Methods:
Fabrice FABRE (ENAC) Courses, hands-on

www.enac.fr 13
AVI 09 Avionics Certification

Pedagogical objectives:
After completing this course, the student will be able to:
MS Air-Ground define the terms and challenges of cooperative avionics certification
Mastre explain the approval process of avionic systems
Systems present the ATM safety oversight function
Spcialis MS explain ESARR based regulation
explain the safety issues and architecture/design activities applicable to air
navigation services equipments

Introduction to certification
Airworthiness and operational approval processes
Specificities of cooperative avionics certification
Performance, safety and interoperability requirements
The role of aircraft approval documentation
Overview of avionics certification

Certification of Avionic Systems

Safety aspects of avionics
Software certification
Avionic hardware qualification

Air Navigation Services System Safety Oversight

Conformity/Assessment as per the SES
ESARR 4/EC Regulation N2098, applicability and means of
ESARR 6, applicability and means of compliance (incl. DO278)
Industrial study case: Thales Air Systems Safety Issues and
Architecture. Design activities

Cooperative Avionics Approval Process

Duration: Eurocontrol/EASA coordination for cooperative avionics end ti end
50h approval process
ED 78A methodology to certify data-link applications
from 5th of January to Methods:
16th of January, 2015 Courses

Course Director:

AVI 10 Flight Control Systems

Pedagogical objectives:
After completing this course, the student will be able to:
MS Air-Ground present handling qualities through stability and maneuverability notions
Collaborative describe the general architecture and the main components of flight control
Systems systems of various technologies, mechanical, hydro mechanical, fly by wire,
Spcialis MS
Engineering power by wire
define flight control systems and describe Airbus system architecture
evolutions, main design goals and constraints
describe the architecture of automatic flight control systems
describe the main principles of helicopter flight control

Global view of Flight Control Channels
Mechanical control system architecture and components (ATR)
Hydromechanical control system architecture and components
Fly by wire system architecture and components (A320/A330/A340)
New generation, hybrid power source system architecture and
components (A380/A400M/A350)
Flight parameters displays

Handling Qualities
From the pilot to the control surface
Longitudinal movement: Equations, Static stability, Dynamic
Transverse movement (Equations, Static stability, Dynamic stability
Pilot Flight controls
Flight Control Laws: from Stability augmentation to full authority

Automatic Flight Control Systems

Duration: Architectures and main certification rules
27h Selected modes, mode based autopilot control logic
Flight Director
Date: Automatic Landing Systems
from 9th of March to Roll out and taxiing systems
13th of March, 2015 Case studies: A320 to A380

Course Director: Trajectory based Guidance Systems

Thierry MIQUEL (ENAC) Guidance modes architecture
Need for trajectory based guidance
Current architectures and interfaces
Managed lateral guidance
Managed vertical guidance

www.enac.fr 15
AVI 10 Continuation

New guidance concepts: automatic separation/spacing, 4D trajec-

tory performance based guidance

Mastre Simulation session

Flight envelope protections
Spcialis MS Numerical simulation of flight control systems
Automatic landing sequence

Courses, hands-on

AVI 11 Communication Systems

Pedagogical objectives:
This class covers the analysis of the aeronautical communication require-
MS Air-Ground ments (Air Traffic Management, Aircraft operation and passenger commu-
Collaborative nications), the current technical solutions and their evolutions requiring new
Systems innovative technical solutions.
Spcialis MS
Engineering After completing this course, the student will be able to:
present the air/ground voice communications, the current technologies (25
kHz, 8.33 kHz, HF voice, Satellite voice) and their evolutions and the future
role of voice communication in the context of a wide move toward data
describe the current Datalink technology based on ACARS (Airline
Communication, Addressing and Reporting System) protocols and the key
applications of the ATM domain
describe the ATN (Aeronautical Telecommunication Network) that makes up
the air/ground common data transport layer.
describe the various sub-networks that could be inter-connected through
the ATN : VDL mode 2 , Satellite D/L , HF D/L
describe the main air/ground data-link services (or applications) that have
been defined at ICAO level (CPDCL, ADS, ..) and their deployment foreseen
in Europe (Link 2000+ program)
present the status of the selection of new technologies to support the future
needs for air/ground data communication : new terrestrial cellular system,
new airport surface solution and new satellite solution
present the evolution of the key ground/ground data communications
services in the perspective of usage of native IP network service.

Introduction, history, context of the Aeronautical communications
Voice communications: case study, en route VHF coverage
VHF and HF physical characteristics
Operational constraints
52 hours
Data communications
ACARS, ARINC 622/623 evolution. Description and application
OSI model, X25, ISO protocols and IP Routing
from 19th of January to
Aeronautical Telecommunication Network , and ATN-Subnetwork
30th of January, 2015
(ATN Routing )
VHF sub-network (VDL 2 and VDL 4) and Hands-on
Course Director:
AMSS sub-network
Christophe GERBER
HF sub-network
SATCOM sub-network , future component sat-com in L Band ) and

Ground telecommunications Services over IP

Deployment of Internet Protocol (IP) : the future based networks in

www.enac.fr 17
AVI 11 Continuation

Data sharing information : System Wide Information Management

(SWIM Concept)

Mastre Spectrum management

Overall system certification, integration onboard/ground safety and
Spcialis MS performance requirements
Communication function, Safety aspects

Data-link security techniques

Information security overview
Aeronautical data-link security basics

Strategy Eurolink 2000 and programme; future

communication system
Future communication components (terrestrial, airport)

Lectures, hands on

Experts from French Civil Aviation Authority , from French A.N.S.P
(Air Navigation Service Provider) and from Space industry

AVI 12 Navigation Systems

Pedagogical objectives:
After completing this course, the student will be able to:
MS Air-Ground define the main navigation techniques (and associated terms)
Collaborative characterize signals structure, performances and limitations of conventional
Systems radio navigation systems
Spcialis MS
Engineering characterize signals structure, performances and limitations of Global
Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)
describe inertial measurement principles and explain how GNSS data may
be used to correct IRS estimates
characterize on board navigation systems architecture
describe approach and landing operations and associated airborne

Conventional radio navigation
General considerations on navigation
Navaids characteristics
Operational use by the crew

Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)

GPS positioning techniques
GNSS 1 characteristics
RAIM (Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring) principles and
GNSS 2 characteristics

Inertial systems
Inertial navigation principles and Kalman filtering
Study of the inertial navigation reference system
Hybridized GPS/IRS systems
IRS hands-on: illustration of inertial error sources onto position
Duration: estimation
On Board navigation systems architecture
Date: Overview of RNAV airborne architecture whatever the aircraft type
from 2nd of February to Airbus navigation architectures
13th of February, 2015 RNAV architectures on business jets
Flight management system overview
Course Director: Regulatory and safety aspects
Alain ROUGE (ENAC) Required navigation performance overview and operational benefits
Navigation Architecture evolutions to fit with the Performance Based
Navigation Concept

www.enac.fr 19
AVI 12 Continuation

Approach and landing challenges

Navigation systems supporting the approach and landing operations
Approach and landing operations
Mastre Procedures for approach and landing
Overview of airborne architectures for approach and landing
Spcialis MS whatever the aircraft type
Example of the airbus architecture for approach and landing

Flight Simulation session

Light aircraft simulation session (TB20 like)
Commercial aircraft simulation session (A320 like)

Courses, simulations

AVI 13 Surveillance Systems

Pedagogical objectives:
This class presents an Overview of all the Sensor of surveillance which are
MS Air-Ground used and spread in ATM context of surveillance.
Collaborative After completing this course, the student will be able to:
Systems present the surveillance needs and requirements of the civil aeronautics
Spcialis MS
Engineering to describe the global integration in a more comprehensive ATM/CNS
surveillance strategy

Operational requirements
Radar based surveillance techniques
Multilateration : LAM-WAM
Automatic Dependent Surveillance
Surveillance processing and application
European normalized digital format of messages for Surveillance(
European Standard radar assessments and radar processing
assessment (SACC)
Anti-collision system

Study cases
Practical works.

Experts from DGAC, Air France and Airbus

47 hours

from 16th of February to
27th of February, 2015

Course Director:
Jean-Pierre DANIEL

www.enac.fr 21
AVI 14 Collaborative Applications
for Airlines

Pedagogical objectives:
After completing this course, the student will be able to:
MS Air-Ground explain the needs of an airline in terms of collaborative applications for its
Mastre operations and passengers
Systems describe representative ACARS applications for airlines operations control
Spcialis MS and explain their development process
describe current and future airborne applications implemented for airlines
operations and passengers
describe main on-board information system and in-flight entertainment

Airline needs in terms of data link communication
The airline operations centre
Development requirements of airlines collaborative applications
Description of Airline services
Data-link traffic for Airline Operations Control

ACARS Airline Operating Control Communications

Description of representative applications
Simulation of the ACARS traffic for airline operations control
Example of Rockwell Collins airlines operations control applications

On-Board Information Systems and In-Flight Entertainment

Airline oriented on-board information system (Types of applications,
Architecture, Example of Flysmart, Security and safety objectives)
In-flight entertainment systems (IFE)
New passengers connectivity systems (Internet, On board cell
Duration: phones)
Date: Courses, simulations
from 16th of March to
20th of March, 2015

Course Director:
(Lufthansa Technical

AVI 15 Collaborative Applications
for ATM

Pedagogical objectives:
After completing this course, the student will be able to:
MS Air-Ground describe the future of ATM where air-ground cooperative applications will
Collaborative operate
Systems present the analysis of aircraft noise in operation
Spcialis MS
Engineering characterize technical and operational features of Advanced-Surface
Movement Guidance and Control System (A-SMGCS)
describe the implementation of Future Air Navigation System (FANS)
characterize both ground and air oriented ADS applications

Introduction to future ATM applications
New concepts for ATM: definitions
Some issues in ATM
SESAR and its Operational Concept (Conops)
Analysis of aircraft noise in operation

Future Air Navigation System (FANS)

FANS Principles
From ICAO concept to FANS 1/A
FANS 1/A & FANS A+ Applications
FANS implementation on AIRBUS aircraft: FANS A / FANS A+ /
Elements on FANS implementation on Boeing aircraft
Future steps

Airborne surveillance applications

Introduction on ADS-B applications
ATSAW (Air Traffic Situational Awareness) implementation on Airbus
French Air Navigation Service Provider (DSNA) R&D activities on
ASAS (Airborne Separation Assistance System)
Rockwell Collins ADS applications
Thales Avionics ADS applications
from 23th of March to
Trajectory negotiations applied to business jets
27th of March, 2015
Ground surveillance applications
Course Director:
Use of ADS-B in non radar area (ADS-B NRA), in complement to
Christelle PIANETTI
radar (ADS-B RAD) and on airport surface (ADS-B APT)
Advanced Surface Movement Guidance & Control System

Courses, simulations

www.enac.fr 23
Industrial sequence
(April to September)

The course is completed with a 4 to 6-month internship in a professional

environment either in France or abroad. The subject of the internship is
MS Air-Ground dealing with system engineering applied to air traffic control, avionic s or
Mastre air-ground integration.
Systems The internship is supervised by a tutor from the host organization and by a
Spcialis MS scholarship tutor from ENAC.
The student is required to produce a professional thesis which he/she
defends before a combined jury made of professors and professionals.


from 29thtof September
to 10th of October, 2014

Course Director:


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