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Flea Beetles On Vegetables: (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)

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Published by Utah State University Extension and Utah Plant Pest Diagnostic Laboratory ENT-174-15 April 2015

Flea Beetles on Vegetables

(Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)
Bonnie Bunn, IPM Vegetable Associate - Diane Alston, Entomologist - Marion Murray, IPM Project Leader

Do You Know? HOSTS

Most species of flea beetle attack only one plant group
There are many species of flea beetles; most or closely related groups. Common agricultural and
adults are small, darkly colored, sometimes shiny garden hosts include members of the brassica (mustard,
or metallic, and jump quickly when disturbed.
broccoli, kale, cabbage, collards, etc.) and solanaceous
Flea beetles attack foliage of brassica and (potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, etc.) families.
solanaceous crops, and some root crops In these crops, foliage injury from adults is common, and
including potato tubers. larval injury to potato tubers is of economic importance.
Other hosts include alder, currant, evening primrose, se-
Young vegetable seedlings are most sensitive dum, skunkbrush, sumac, willow, and a variety of weeds
to adult feeding injury, which often appears
and grasses.
as small shotholes and pitting in leaves and
Key management practices include early
monitoring for injury and using row covers, trap
Adult: Overwintering and damaging stage
crops, mulches, sanitation, and timely insecticide
applications. Typically range from 1/15 to 1/6 inch (1.7 to 4.2 mm)

Hind legs are enlarged for jumping

F lea beetles are common and problematic in Utah.

They are present in late spring and early summer on
many vegetable crops and ornamental plants. Adult
Range in color from brown, green, metallic-blue to
black; may have stripes or spots
flea beetles are small, shiny insects that have enlarged
Feed on foliage and can cause severe injury on
hind legs, allowing them to jump great distances when
some host plants (pitting and holes in leaves)
disturbed (Fig 1). They are strong fliers, moving into crops
from neighboring fields and weedy borders.
Egg: Laid in the soil at the base of host plants
Elliptical in shape, 1/64 inch (0.4 mm) long

White to yellowish-gray

Larva: Damaging stage, feeds on small roots

Minute, worm-like

White body with brown head (Fig. 2)

Usually does not cause significant plant injury, except

to potato tubers and possibly carrots (Fig. 2)

Pupa: Resting stage

Occurs several inches deep in the soil (Fig. 3)
Fig. 1. Flea beetles have enlarged femoral hind legs and jump
when disturbed.
Fig. 2. Tuber flea beetle larvae (left)1 create shallow tunnels on
potato tubers (right)2.
Fig. 4. Flea beetle injury appears as roundish holes
characteristically known as shotholes.

Fig. 3. Flea beetles pupate in the soil and emerge as adults in

mid-spring to mid-summer3.

Most flea beetle species overwinter as adults in protected

places such as under leaf litter, dirt clods, or on weeds Fig. 5. Feeding by adult flea beetles can also cause pitting on
along field borders and ditch banks. Adults become plants that have thick waxy leaves such as on broccoli.
active in mid-to late spring and feed on weeds and
other available plants. When their preferred host plants
Leafy mustard greens are at high risk for unsightly shot-
become available, and/or when weeds dry up, the
holes and scars that can reduce marketability; however,
adult flea beetle will move to nearby fields or vegetable
for mature or less
sensitive plants,
After several weeks of feeding, adults of most species of more than 20%
flea beetles begin laying eggs in the soil at the base of of the leaf area
desirable host plants. Minute, worm-like larvae hatch and must typically
begin feeding on small roots and root hairs. For a few be damaged
species of flea beetles that develop above ground, eggs before yields are
are laid in masses on leaves or twigs and young larvae reduced. In con-
feed on leaves producing skeletonizing injury similar to trast, seedlings
other leaf beetles. The larval stage typically lasts about and small trans-
a month; then they pupate and emerge as the second plants are at high
generation of adults in late spring to mid-summer. A third risk for damage,
generation may occur for some flea beetle species. especially under Fig. 6. Flea beetles can be
heavy infesta- economically damaging to seedlings4.
tions (Fig. 6).
The larvae of most flea beetle species feed on small roots
Flea beetle adults use visual and chemical olfactory or root hairs which may slightly reduce plant health and
(smell) cues to find host plants. They chew holes or vigor, but typically does not result in substantial economic
pits into leaves and cotyledons. On plants with thin- loss. An exception is damage by the tuber flea beetle lar-
ner leaves, such as mustard and potato, adult feeding vae to potato tubers. When larvae feed on the surface
causes small, rounded holes characteristically described of potato tubers they cause winding, shallow grooves
as shotholes [1/16 to 1/8 inch (1.5 to 3.2 mm) in diam- (Fig. 2). They can also burrow into the tubers, leaving
eter] (Fig. 4). On plants with leaves that are waxy and tunnels filled with frass (excrement) that can stain potato
thick, such as broccoli, injury appears as pitting (Fig. 5). tubers. In California, flea beetle larvae were found feed-
ing on the roots of carrots and causing injury similar to the
fungal disease cavity spot. Flea beetle larvae damage

UPPDL, 5305 Old Main Hill, Logan UT 84322, utahpests.usu.edu Page 2

to carrots and other root vegetables are suspected in under protective covers and into soil-warming mulches,
Utah, but have not been confirmed. advances plant maturity before flight peaks and also
increases plant tolerance. In contrast, planting late may
Some flea beetle species can vector pathogens that avoid early-season larval injury and heavy feeding by
cause diseases. Stewarts bacterial wilt, caused by overwintering adults. Waiting to plant until late spring also
Erwinia stewartii, is one of the more serious flea beetle- allows soils to warm, providing better conditions for plants
vectored diseases, especially in the corn-producing to outgrow and compensate for flea beetle injury.
regions of eastern United States. The bacterium survives
in the gut of overwintering corn flea beetles. The disease Healthy Plants. Promote healthy, fast-growing plants by
is spread when adults begin feeding in the spring. ensuring the seedbed is well-prepared, and that essential
nutrients and water are available. Providing good
Other diseases in vegetables that are vectored by flea nutrition and favorable growing conditions will shorten
beetles include brown rot, spindle tuber disease, black the vulnerable early-growth stages and increase plant
rot, and Alternaria leaf spot. Most diseases are spread survival from flea beetle attack.
indirectly by flea beetles when they feed, creating
openings in plant tissue that allow pathogens carried on Trap Crops. Plants that are highly attractive to flea
their bodies or in their feces to enter. In general, these beetles can serve as a trap crop. Trap crops lure flea
diseases are not common in Utah. beetles away from the desired (cash) crop, and can be
destroyed or sprayed to decrease the flea beetle popu-
lation. Plant the trap crop about 2 to 4 weeks before
MANAGEMENT the cash crop so that the larger, well-maintained trap
crop will be more attractive to flea beetles (Fig. 7). Some
The high mobility of flea beetles can make management examples of successful trap crops for flea beetles include
more challenging. Understanding their biology and life Chinese southern giant mustard, radish, daikon, pac choi,
cycle will help identify effective strategies and optimal and pacific gold mustard.
timings to reduce their negative impacts. When man-
agement of flea beetles is warranted, a combination
of cultural, physical, biological, and chemical options Cash Crop Cash Crop
should be used.

Scout Plants. It is important to look for flea beetles on
susceptible plants, especially in the spring. Check
seedlings at least two times a week until they grow out of
their vulnerable stage (4 to 5 true leaves). Since injury to
seedlings can be severe, a treatment guideline is 1 to 5 Trap Crop
flea beetles per plant. In mature plants, treatment may
be necessary when flea beetle populations are high, or
on plants that are more susceptible to feeding, such as Fig. 7. Example of a mature mustard trap crop in between two
leafy greens and ornamentals. rows of broccoli seedlings (cash crop)5.

Sticky Traps. Sticky traps are a monitoring tool that Once flea beetles start to feed on the trap crop, their
provide a guideline of when beetles are present and in populations can be managed. One option is to vacuum
what quantity, but are ineffective in reducing popula- them with a shop vac and dump the contents into a
tions. Either yellow or white sticky traps can be used. bucket of soapy water. Synthetic or organically ap-
They should be placed around susceptible host plants proved insecticides may also be sprayed on the trap
just after planting but before seedlings emerge. Replace crop to kill flea beetles present.
them when the adhesive is covered by insects or no
longer sticky. Sticky traps can be used until plants are Companion Plants. Companion plants can confuse, re-
well established or until harvest. They will also attract pel, or block insect pests from finding host plants. Bunch-
some beneficial insects, including pollinators, so consider ing green onions, dill, and marigolds are a few examples
this negative attribute when planning to use them. Refer of companion crops that have been used for flea beetle
to the list of trap sources at the end of this fact sheet for management (Fig. 8). Intercropping or planting compan-
further information. ion plants next to host plants will enhance plant diversity
and make the desired crop less apparent to the beetles.
Cultural and Physical Controls Companion plants can also be used in combination with
trap crops to increase success with pest control. The
Planting Schedule. Adjusting planting times to avoid companion plant repels flea beetles from host plants,
peak adult activity periods will lessen plant injury and im- while the trap crop attracts the flea beetles. This is called
prove tolerance to feeding injury. Planting early, such as a push-pull strategy.

UPPDL, 5305 Old Main Hill, Logan UT 84322, utahpests.usu.edu Page 3

Install the floating row cover over the crop before flea
beetles appear, and secure well on all sides. It is impor-
tant to remember that flea beetles can overwinter in
the garden (under soil clods and plant debris, and on
weeds), and they can emerge under row covers placed
where host crops grew the previous year. Therefore, row
covers should be used in conjunction with a planned
crop rotation in which the crop to be protected follows a
non-susceptible crop.

Biological Control
Parasites and Predators. Generalist predators such as
larvae of lacewing (Chrysopa spp.), adult big-eyed
Fig. 8. Example of spring onions (companion plant) being used bugs (Geocoris spp.) and damsel bugs (Nabis spp.) feed
to repel flea beetles away from broccoli6. on adult flea beetles. Additionally, a parasitoid wasp
(Microctonus vittatae) can kill some species of adult flea
Mulches. Living mulches are crops that can be inter- beetles. These beneficial insects are attracted to nectar
planted with or under-sown in a cash crop. These mulch- and pollenproducing plants such as anise, chamomile,
es can obscure host plants from flea beetles and provide clover, dill, and marigold.
habitats for ground-dwelling beneficial insects such as
Nematodes. Entomopathogenic nematodes are soil-
predatory ground beetles. Plants that are commonly
dwelling parasitic worms that kill insects that live in the
used as living mulches include legumes such as clover
soil, including flea beetle larvae. Entomopathogenic
and vetch. Non-living mulches such as barley straw,
nematodes (Steinernema spp. and Heterorhabditis spp.)
leaf mulch, and plastic mulches (e.g., weed barrier and
can attack the flea beetle larvae, reducing the subse-
landscape fabric), interfere with the root and soil stages
quent adult populations. They can be purchased from
of flea beetles, and may also inhibit adult egg-laying.
suppliers (see the end of this fact sheet) and watered into
Sanitation. Adults overwinter under soil clods and plant the soil according to directions.
debris; therefore, good sanitation practices are important
Fungal Pathogens. White muscadine, a disease that can
to reduce overwintering flea beetle populations. Re-
reduce flea beetle populations, is caused by the fungus
move or destroy refuge sites by plowing or rototilling crop
Beauvaria bassiana. When insects come into contact
residues and weeds in the fall. Weeds that are particu-
with the fungal spores, the spores attach to the insect,
larly troublesome include those in the mustard family.
germinate, and penetrate the insects body. The fungus
Mustard weeds that are common in the spring in Utah
releases toxins that liquefy the internal contents of the
include shepherdspurse, hoary cress, blue mustard, flix-
insect, creating a food source for the fungus and subse-
weed, dyers woad, perennial pepperweed, and tumble
quently killing the insect (Fig. 10). Since sunlight can dry
out and kill spores, applying commercially formulated B.
Floating Row Covers. Row covers are white, light-weight bassiana products in the evening and in humid conditions
fabrics made from spun-bonded polyester or polypropyl- will improve their efficacy.
ene. They are permeable to light, water, and air. Row
covers are used to cover plants to create a physical bar-
rier against pest insects, diseases, and some environmen-
tal stresses, such as frost (Fig. 9). In addition, row covers
can be used to extend the growing season by conserving

Fig. 10. White muscadine, caused by the fungus Beauvaria

bassiana, can affect both larval and adult stages in many
insects. A healthy armyworm next to two dead armyworms
infected with B. bassiana (left)8. White muscadine on an adult
pecan weevil (right)9.

Fig. 9. Row covers are used to protect crops from insects and
can be placed directly over the crop and secured with soil (left)
or over hoops and secured with clips and rocks (right)7. Although foliar application of insecticides is the
most common management tactic for flea beetles,

UPPDL, 5305 Old Main Hill, Logan UT 84322, utahpests.usu.edu Page 4

insecticides should only be used if necessary. Since plants have to be applied more than once to cover the plants
produce continuous new growth and the highly mobile susceptible period.
beetles can rapidly reinvade plantings, insecticides may

Table 1. Examples of HOME USE insecticides registered in Utah that are effective for control of flea beetles.
Brand Name Active Ingredient Mode of Action* Residual (days)
Sevin carbaryl 1 7-10
Monterey Vegetable Garden Soil Insecticide; Ortho Bug-B- bifenthrin 3 7-10
Gone Lawn & Garden Insect Killer
Bayer Vegetable & Garden Insect Spray cyfluthrin 3 7-10
Monterey Bug Buster II esfenvalerate 3 7-10
Bonide Beetle Killer lamba-cyhalothrin 3 7-10
Bayer Advanced Complete Insect Killer, Bonide Eight permethrin 3 7-10
Bonide Pyrethrin Garden Insect Spray; Fertilome Triple Ac- pyrethrin 3 3
tion Plus; Ortho Garden Insect Killer; Worry Free Home Pest
Ortho Flower, Fruit, & Vegetable Insect Killer acetamiprid 4 5-14
Bayer Fruit, Citrus, & Vegetable Insect Control; Monterey imidacloprid 4 5-14
Fruit Tree & Vegetable Systemic Soil Drench
Bonide Captain Jack's Deadbug Brew; Green Light; spinosad 5 4-7
Monterey Garden Insect SprayO
Bonide; Desect; Garden Safe; Safer diatomaceous earth physical 1-3
(silicon dioxide)

Table 2. Examples of COMMERCIAL insecticides registered in Utah that are effective for control of flea beetles.

Brand Name Active Ingredient Mode of Action* Residual (days)

Malathion malathion 1 5-7
Brigade ; Capture ; Disci-
bifenthrin 3 7-14
plineR; HeroR; TundraR
HeroR bifenthrin/ zeta-cyperme- 3 7-14
RenounceR; TombstoneR cyfluthrin 3 7-14
Asana R
esfenvalerate 3 7-14
Ambush ; Pounce
permethrin 3 3-10
PyganicO pyrethrin 3 3
Assail acetamiprid 4 5-14
Admire Pro; Alias imidacloprid 4 5-14
Scorpion; Venom dinotefuran 4 7-14
Success; Entrust O
spinosad 5 4-7
diatomaceous earth diatomaceous earth physical 1-3
Azatrol ; Ecozin ; Molt
azadirachtin UN 7-10

*Insecticide mode-of-action (MOA) classification number based on guidelines from the Insecticide Resistance Action Committee. Rotate
among insecticide classes to reduce the development of resistance.
Organically certified insecticide products.
Restricted use products that require an applicator license.

Note: All brand names are registered trademarks. Examples of brands may not be all-inclusive, but are meant to provide examples of
insecticides registered on vegetables in Utah. The availability of insecticides and active ingredients in brands can change. Always check
the label for active ingredient(s), registered uses, application and safety information, and protection and pre-harvest intervals.

UPPDL, 5305 Old Main Hill, Logan UT 84322, utahpests.usu.edu Page 5

Table 3. Flea beetle species that occur in Utah.

Common Name Scientific Name Host Plants, Comments

Sumac Flea Beetle Blepharida rhois Currant, sumac, skunkbrush
Toothed Flea Beetle Chaetocnema Corn and other grasses
Desert Corn Flea Beetle Chaetocnema ectypa Principally corn, but also other grass crops such as barley, sor-
ghum, sudangrass, sugarcane, and wheat
Threespotted Flea Beetle Disonycha triangularis Principally weeds such as chickweed, purslane, lambsquarters
and pigweed; also beet, spinach, Swiss chard, sugarbeet, cab-
bage, canola, horseradish, lettuce, and radish. It has an orange
colored thorax with three prominent dark spots
Tobacco Flea Beetle Epitrix hirtipennis Eggplant and some other nightshade family plants
Western Potato Flea Beetle Epitrix Subcrinita Potato, tomato, and other plants in nightshade family
Tuber Flea Beetle Epitrix tuberis Potato, tomato, and other plants in nightshade family; larvae
produce shallow scars in potato tubers
Crucifer Flea Beetle Phyllotreta cruciferae Wide host range, primarily of cabbage and mustard family
plants (Brassicaeae)
Western Black Flea Beetle Phyllotreta pusilla Occurs throughout much of the northwestern U. S. and injurious
to members of the brassica family and other vegetables such as
beet, potato, and lettuce
Hop Flea Beetle Psylliodes punctulata Wide host range including cabbage, cucumber, hops, straw-
berry, tomato, and beet. One of the first flea beetles to appear
in the spring
Palestriped Flea Beetle Systena blanda Has the widest host range of all flea beetles which includes
squash, beans, corn, sunflowers, lettuce, potatoes and many
Elongate Flea Beetle Systena elongate Closely resembles the palestriped flea beetle and considerably
overlaps its geographic and host range

Western black flea beetle (Phyllotreta pusilla) is a small, shiny Palestriped flea beetle (Sestena blanda) is not only one of the
black species. It occurs throughout much of the western half of most widely distributed flea beetles of North America, but also
the northern U. S. and southern Canada. It has a considerably has the broadest host range. The palestriped flea beetle is one
wider host range than other members of this genus. of the larger species (1/8 inch long).

UPPDL, 5305 Old Main Hill, Logan UT 84322, utahpests.usu.edu Page 6

Tobacco flea beetle (Epitrix hirtipennis) commonly feeds on Sumac flea beetle (Blepharida rhois) is a moderate sized beetle.
eggplant, tobacco, and potato. It has bronze coloration and is It has cream colored wing covers with irregular, wavy reddish
predominant in the southern half of the U. S. markings and an orange prothorax. Overwintered adult beetles
move to sumac in the spring shortly after bud break and feed on
the emerging growth10.

Sumac flea beetle egg masses laid on a skunkbrush twig. Unlike Larvae of sumac flea beetles are grayish, with a cylindrical body
most species of flea beetles, sumac flea beetle females lay eggs form. They are slightly shiny and carry frass (insect feces) con-
in small masses on the twigs and leaves of their host instead of in taining toxins derived from their sumac host on their back. The
the soil11. larvae use the frass as a shield to protect themselves from ants
and other predators12.

UPPDL, 5305 Old Main Hill, Logan UT 84322, utahpests.usu.edu Page 7

Ambrosino, M. 2008. Flea Beetle Pest Management for Organic Potatoes. Oregon State University Extension Service EM
8947-E. https://catalog.extension.oregonstate.edu/sites/catalog.extension.oregonstate.edu/files/project/pdf/em8947.pdf

Capinera, J. J. 2001. Handbook of Vegetable Pests. Academic Press. San Diego, California, 76 pp.

Cranshaw, W. S. 2014. Flea Beetles. Colorado State University Extension Fact Sheet No. 5.592. http://www.ext.colostate.edu/

Cranshaw, W. S. 2004. Garden Insects of North America: The Ultimate Guide to Backyard Bugs. Princeton University Press.
Princeton, New Jersey, 200 pp.

Kuepper, G. 2003. Flea Beetle: Organic Control Options. Appropriate Technology Transfer for Rural Areas (ATTRA) publica-
tion. https://attra.ncat.org/attra-pub/download.php?id=135

Parker, J., C. Miles, T. Murray, and W. Snyder. 2012. How to Install a Floating Row Cover. Washington State University Exten-
sion Publication FS089E. http://cru.cahe.wsu.edu/CEPublications/FS089E/FS089E.pdf

Parker, J., C. Miles, T. Murray, W. Snyder. 2012. Organic Management of Flea Beetles. A Pacific Northwest Extension Publica-
tion PNW640. http://cru.cahe.wsu.edu/CEPublications/PNW640/PNW640.pdf

Parker, J. E., W. E. Snyder, G. C. Hamilton, and C. Rodriguez-Saona. 2013. Companion Planting and Insect Pest Control,
Weed and Pest Control - Conventional and New Challenges, Dr. Sonia Soloneski (Ed.), InTech, DOI: 10.5772/55044. http://

Sources of Sticky Traps and Biologicals Photo Credits

ARBICO Organics (both) 1, 3
Agriculture Canada, Ottawa Archive, Bugwood.org
G.H. Spitler, Washington State University
Golden Harvest Organics (both)
http://www.ghorganics.com/ Whitney Cranshaw, Colorado State University, Bug-
4, 11, 12

Gardens Alive (both)
5, 6
Joyce Parker, Washington State University

Great Lakes IPM Inc. (both)

Carol Miles, Washington State University
http://www.greatlakesipm.com/ 8
Keith Weller, USDA Agricultural Research Service, Bug-
Peaceful Valley Farm and Garden Supply (both) wood.org
http://www.groworganic.com/ 9
Louis Tedders, USDA Agricultural Research Service, Bug-
Trece (traps) wood.org
http://www.trece.com/ 10
Joseph Berger, Bugwood.org

Precautionary Statement: Utah State University Extension and its employees are not responsible for the use, misuse, or damage caused by application or misapplication of products
or information mentioned in this document. All pesticides are labeled with ingredients, instructions, and risks. The pesticide applicator is legally responsible for proper use. USU makes
no endorsement of the products listed herein.

Utah State University is committed to providing an environment free from harassment and other forms of illegal discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age (40
and older), disability, and veterans status. USUs policy also prohibits discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation in employment and academic related practices and decisions. USU
employees and students cannot, because of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, or veterans status, refuse to hire; discharge; promote; demote; terminate; discriminate
in compensation; or discriminate regarding terms, privileges, or conditions of employment, against any person otherwise qualified. Employees and students also cannot discriminate in the
classroom, residence halls, or in on/off campus, USU-sponsored events and activities. This publication is issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, acts of May 8 and June 30,
1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Kenneth L. White, Vice President for Extension and Agriculture, USU.

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