Ex 8
Ex 8
Ex 8
*separation of pigments:
plant extract – contains chlorophyll and other pigments
- banana leaf extract (used for the experiment)
paper chromatography – technique used in separation of pigments
-importance of photosynthesis:
*converts light energy to chemical energy to “drive”
life processes
*maintains the CO2 : O2 ratio in the atmosphere
*energy from fossil fuels (petroleum and coal)
comes from the photosynthates stored in plants that
existed millions of years ago
- importance of transpiration
*speeds up movement of H2O from root to other
*mineral absorption – most minerals are dissolved in
water, the higher the rate of transpiration, the higher the
mineral absorption rate
*lowers leaf temperature – prevents leaf
temperature from rising too high as to injure cells
-POTOMETER set-up – movement of bubbles indicates that the
plant is taking up water
- measure how far the bubble moves per
minute (rate of transpiration)
- plant to be used: Gardenia jasminoides