New Patient Paperwork
New Patient Paperwork
New Patient Paperwork
Dr. Christopher B. Kessler D.C., M.S., C.C.E.P.
. 1300 Iroquois Drive Suite 270
Naperville, IL 60563
Full Name:____________________________________________ TodaysuDate_______________________________
S.S.# _______________________________________ Age _______________ sDate of Birth: ____________________
City _______________________State: ____________Zip _____________ Height ___________ Weight __________
Occupation ___________________________________Where Employed _____________________________
Cell Phone _______________________________ Home __________________________ Work __________________
I prefer to receive calls at (circle) Home/Work/Cell a
I am (circle) Under Age 18/Single/Married/Divorced/Widowed/Separated
Emergency Contact: ___________________________Emergency Contact d Phone No.: _________________
Primary Care Physician_______________________________ Practice Location: ________________________
Your Email address_________________________________________________________________________________
How did you hear about our clinic ?______________________________________________________________
An understanding of your health history will help us to D determine appropriate care
I. Please describe your current complaint. In other words, . what brought you to our
II. r
Did the pain begin after an accident or injury? __________________________________________
III. i
Approximately when did the pain begin? ________________________________________________
IV. On a scale from 0 to 10, with 0 being the least intense, s 10 being the most intense, on
what level would you rate your pain when it is at itst worst? _________________
V. o
How would you describe the quality of the pain? ______________________
VI. p
What helps you with the pain? ___________________________________________________________
VII. h
What makes the pain worse? _____________________________________________________________
VIII. Are there any associated symptoms with your current e complaint that you are
aware of? ___________________________________________________________________________________
IX. What aspect of your daily activities does your pain interfere with the most?
X. Is there a previous history of this complaint before? Yes/No If yes, please
Review of Systems: s
1. Do you have skin, hair, or nail problems? Yes/No __________________________________________
2. Do you have mouth and/or throat problems? Yes/No______________________________________
3. Do you have nose and/or sinus problems? Yes/No_________________________________________
4. Do you have ear problems? Yes/No__________________________________________________________
5. Do you have eye problems? Yes/No__________________________________________________________
6. Do you have chest or lung (breathing problems)? Yes/No_________________________________
7. Do you smoke? Yes/No Cigarettes per day___________ How Long? _______________________
8. Do you have heart and/or blood vessel problems? Yes/No _______________________________
9. Do you have blood or lymph node problems? Yes/No_____________________________________
10. Do you have digestive problems? Yes/No___________________________________________________
11. Do you have genital problems (e.g. prostate, testicular, vaginal)? Yes/No_______________
12. Do you have urinary, bladder, or kidney problems? Yes/No_______________________________
Family History:
19. Are there any diseases or conditions that are common among your family members?
Past History:
20. List any diseases that you have had in the past, including childhood diseases:
21. Tell us if you have ever been diagnosed as having a particular condition, such as
diabetes, cancer, AIDS, etc: ________________________________________________________________________
22. Have you suffered any physical injuries, such as falls or blows, automobile accidents,
whiplash, concussion or head injury, lacerations, sprains, strains, dislocations, broken or
cracked bones? Yes/No If yes, describe accident including date of accident
23. List any surgeries you have had:
24. Have you ever been hospitalized for any reason other than surgery?
25. Please list all medications that you are currently taking or take on an occasional basis:
26. Have you ever had cancer? Yes/No If yes describe? ______________________________________
Social History:
27. In what position do you usually sleep? _______________________________________________________
28. Do you exercise on a regular basis? Yes/No activities? ___________________________________
29. Your diet is: Balanced Fair Poor Excessive Restricted
30. Do you use: Caffeine Tobacco Nicotine Recreational Drugs Alcohol
Additional History
33. If there is any information about your health history that was not requested, please fill
in below______________________________________________________________________________________________
35. Have you ever seen a Chiropractor before? Yes/No If yes how long ago? ______________
36. Have you ever seen a physical therapist before? Yes/No If yes how long ago?__________
37. What are you hoping to achieve from care in our office (please check all that apply)
relief care corrective care wellness/preventative care
Please have your health insurance card and drivers license ready so they can be copied
for the clinics records.
Assignment & Release-By signing below, I authorize Victory Rehab, LLC to release
medical records required by my insurance company(s). I authorize my insurance
company(s) to pay benefits directly to Victory Rehab, LLC and I agree that a reproduced
copy of this authorization will be as valid as the original. I understand that I am
responsible for any amount not covered by my insurance, or amount for a patient for
which I am the guarantor. I agree that I will be responsible for any collection agency or
attorney fees incurred. I understand that by signing below, I am giving written consent for
the use and disclosure of protected health information for treatment, payment, and health
care operations.
By signing below, I give my consent for examination and the performance of any tests or
procedures needed. If patient is a minor, by signing I give consent for examination, tests
and procedures for the above minor patient.