Child Intake Interview Form
Child Intake Interview Form
Child Intake Interview Form
Name: __________________________________________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________________________
Father’s Name:
Address: _____________________________________________________________________________
Parent’s Marital Status: ___ Married ___ Divorced ___ Separated ____ Widowed
Are there other relatives or adults living in the same household as you (i.e. stepparent, siblings,
grandparent)? ____Yes ____No
1. Were there any complications during the pregnancy or delivery of the client? _____Yes ___ No
4. Did you experience any kind of abuse (i.e., emotional, physical, or sexual)
_____Yes ____ No ____ Not sure
1. Have you ever received counseling, psychological, alcohol or drug treatment before?
____Yes _____ No
If yes, please indicate the following:
a. Name of clinic/organization the treatment was conducted: ___________________________
b. Approximate date of counselling/treatment: ______________________________________
c. Please provide us an insight on the results of the treatment:
Referral Source (if there’s any, indicate the following):
5. Indicate any other events happened in your life at the onset of the problem?
6. Overall, how would you rate the impact of the above-mentioned problems with your performance
at school, social interaction, and daily functioning?
Kindly describe:
Have you experienced any of the following concerns in the last 6 months? Indicate its severity on a
scale of 1-5 from never to always being experienced. Kindly check the column that refers to the
frequency of the symptom.
Are there any problems you are concern about? If yes, please indicate and describe below:
a. Biological Mother:
b. Biological Father:
c. Step-parents:
d. Legal guardians:
e. Siblings:
f. Extended family:
g. Classmates:
h. Friends:
Kindly describe any significant or stressful life events that you have been experiencing in terms of the
following, if applicable:
a. School Adjustments: ___ N/A ___ Yes (if yes, please describe):
d. Academic difficulties: ___ N/A ___ Yes (if yes, please describe):
f. Death or illness of a loved one/pet: ___ N/A ___ Yes (if yes, please describe):
g. Family problem: ___ N/A ___ Yes (if yes, please describe):
Others (Please Specify):
Other Information:
What are your positive attitudes and/or strengths? What attitude/s and activities helped you solved
problems in the past?
Do you or your family have any religious affiliations, spiritual belief system, or way of life that would be
helpful for us to know about? (if yes, please describe):
What are the possible goals that you would like to achieve in this therapy?
Do you have any concerns/problems that you want to mention? If there are any, feel free to mention
Here are some sentences. You can complete these sentences with your own words. You can cite
examples on how you feel and what you think. You can write anything. There are no wrong or right
answers here. Knowing what you think and feel will let me to get to know you more.
What I like best is
My mother thinks I am
My father thinks I am
I feel like I am