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Circuit Breaker

testing guide

Circuit breaker function and test methods

Practical circuit breaker testing
Megger CB testing products overview

The word Megger is a registered trademark

Circuit Breaker testing guide 3
Introduction..................................................... 6 Main contacts............................................................ 16
Why test circuit breakers......................................... 6 Arcing contacts.......................................................... 16
Nozzle........................................................................ 16
Standards............................................................... 7
Absorbing material..................................................... 16
A vital part of the power network................ 8 Operating mechanism........................................... 17
The circuit breaker.................................................. 8 General functionality.................................................. 17
Diverse operating mechanisms................................... 17
Disconnectors and load switches............................. 8

General CB function........................................ 9 Failure modes................................................ 18

Definition of failure according to Cigr............... 18
Main and arcing contacts........................................ 9
Cigr CB survey 1981,1985........................................ 18
Solutions to handle the arc........................................... 9
Main results............................................................... 18
Resistor contacts................................................... 10
Cigr CB survey 2005................................................. 18
PIR............................................................................. 10
Mechanical aspects.................................................... 19
Opening resistors....................................................... 10
Maintenance aspects.................................................. 19
Capacitors............................................................ 10 Conclusions............................................................... 19
Grading capacitor...................................................... 10
Parallel capacitor........................................................ 10 Maintenance strategy................................... 20
Maintenance approaches...................................... 20
Application areas for CB............................... 11
Testing guide........................................................ 21
Generator CB....................................................... 11
Transformer CB..................................................... 11 How to test.................................................... 22
Capacitor bank CB..................................................... 11 Power utilities and instrument manufacturers practice.22
Reactor CB................................................................. 11 Step by step routines.................................................. 22
High Voltage DC breaker............................................ 12 DualGround testing.................................................... 22
Distribution circuit breakers................................... 12 Timing with both sides grounded............................... 24
Switch disconnector................................................... 12 Items to be tested / inspected .............................. 25
Traction CB................................................................ 12 Test methods and parameters............................... 25
Industrial CB.............................................................. 12 First trip test............................................................... 25
Contact timing........................................................... 26
Main types of CB........................................... 13
Primary injection test.................................................. 26
DCB...................................................................... 13 Motion....................................................................... 27
Live-tank............................................................... 13 Static resistance measurement (SRM)......................... 27
Dead-tank............................................................ 13 Dynamic resistance measurement (DRM).................... 28
Synchronized (Controlled) switching .......................... 28
Low voltage CB.................................................... 13
Coil test..................................................................... 29
CB technologies............................................. 14 Minimum voltage test................................................ 30
Air / Gas............................................................... 14 Minimum voltage required to operate breaker............ 30
Air circuit breakers (ACB)........................................... 14 Vibration testing........................................................ 30
Air blast..................................................................... 14 Vibration testing on circuit breaker............................. 30
SF6........................................................................................................................................15 Vacuum bottle test..................................................... 31
SF6 leakage................................................................ 31
Vacuum ............................................................... 15
Humidity test............................................................. 31
Oil........................................................................ 15
Air pressure test......................................................... 32
Bulk oil....................................................................... 15
Mounting of motion transducer............................ 32
Minimum oil ............................................................. 15
Test equipment.............................................. 33
Important CB parts........................................ 16
Product selection guide......................................... 33
Interrupter unit..................................................... 16

4 Contents Circuit Breaker testing guide

Good to know about error sources............. 34
Capacitive coupling.................................................... 34
Inductive coupling...................................................... 34
Disturbances.............................................................. 34
Temperature............................................................... 34
Voltage supply........................................................... 35
Connections, leads and clamps.................................. 35
Transducer and flex coupling tolerances..................... 35
Sampling frequency................................................... 35
Inaccuracy.................................................................. 35

Interpretation of the test results................. 36

Failure mode analysis............................................ 36

FAQ................................................................ 37

Megger CB testing products overview..... 38

Circuit breaker analyzers....................................... 38
TM1800..................................................................... 38
TM1700-series........................................................... 38
EGIL........................................................................... 38
Breaker Analyzer Program CABA Win......................... 39
VIDAR........................................................................ 39
Auxiliary equipment.............................................. 39
B10E.......................................................................... 39
SDRM202.................................................................. 39
Micro-ohmmeters................................................. 40
MJLNER 200 and MJLNER 600.............................. 40
MOM2....................................................................... 40
MOM200A and MOM600A....................................... 40
DLRO200................................................................... 41
DLRO 247000 Series.................................................. 41
Primary injection test sets...................................... 42
ODEN A and ODEN AT............................................... 42
INGVAR...................................................................... 43
CSU600A and CSU600AT.......................................... 43

Abbreviations and terms.............................. 44

Index.............................................................. 48

References..................................................... 50

Circuit Breaker testing guide Contents 5


Distribution substation

Circuit breakers are some of the most important compo-

nents in modern electric power systems. The circuit breaker
Why test circuit breakers
Some of the most important of the many reasons for test-
has to operate within extremely tight tolerances when a
ing circuit breakers are to ensure they:
disturbance is detected in the network to protect sensitive
and costly components such as transformers. They have to provide protection for expensive equipment
operate after months or in some cases years of inactivity.
prevent outages that lead to loss of income
To ensure proper function and optimize network reliabil-
ity, reliable and efficient test instruments and methods are ensure reliability of the electricity supply
needed. New developments have made it possible to im-
prevent downtime and darkness
prove and re-evaluate conventional methods that sometimes
involves time consuming and cumbersome process steps. verify breaker performance
The aim of this publication is to increase the understanding Substation breaker testing is an important task for any
of circuit breaker testing. power utility. The breakers are there to facilitate the flow of
current during normal operation and to interrupt current
flow in the event of a fault. However, all electrically oper-
ated devices are, sooner or later, likely to experience some
kind of failure. That failure can be caused by many factors,
including ageing and external faults. The power utility op-
erator has to be prepared and have a plan in place to handle
every situation.
This document will help readers to understand what is
involved with keeping circuit breakers operating at peak
performance. Breakers are mechanically sophisticated de-
vices requiring periodic adjustments. The need for some of
these adjustments can be determined visually and they can
be given the attention needed without testing. However, in
most cases, it will be necessary to carry out electrical testing
6 Introduction Circuit Breaker testing guide
to find out what is the cause of out-of-tolerance conditions. Standards
This guide primarily deals with electrical testing. High voltage circuit breaker design and operation as well as
HV Circuit Breakers in a transmission scheme can be type and routine tests are defined by international standards
viewed as forming a tree starting with the generating sta- such as:
tion, fanning out to the transmission grid, to the distribu-
IEC 62271-SER ed1.0 - High-voltage switchgear and
tion grid, and finally to the point of consumption.
The task for the utility is to generate power, transmit it and
distribute it with maximum availability. While doing this, it ANSI/IEEE C37 - Guides and Standards for Circuit
is imperative that losses are kept to a minimum, and accept- Breakers, Switchgear, Relays, Substations, and Fuses.
able levels of power quality and safety are maintained. All IEC/TR 62063 ed1.0 (1999-08) TC/SC 17A - High-voltage
of this must be done in an environmentally friendly man- switchgear and controlgear - The use of electronic
ner. Breakers play an important part in making this happen. and associated technologies in auxiliary equipment of
High voltage circuit breakers are extremely important for switchgear and controlgear.
the function of modern electric power supply systems. New standard for disconnecting circuit breakers
The breaker is the active link that ultimately has the role
of quickly opening the primary circuit when a fault occurs.
Often, the breaker has to perform its duty within some tens
of milliseconds, after months, perhaps years of idly being
in circuit. Since RCM (reliability centered maintenance) and
condition based maintenance have become the established
strategies for most owners and operators of electric power
delivery systems, the need for reliable and accurate test
instruments for field use is clear.
Protection systems are put in place to detect all electrical
faults or other abnormal operating conditions and they are
coordinated to disconnect the smallest possible part of a
power network in the event of a fault. With good system
design, it should be possible to quickly restore normal op-
eration. When a fault is detected by a protective relay and a
trip impulse is sent to the breaker operating mechanism, the
breaker has to function as specified and interrupt the cur-
rent as soon as possible or severe damage may occur. The
cost of damage caused by a malfunctioning circuit breaker
can sometimes reach large sums.
Proper functioning of a breaker is reliant on a number of
individual components that have to be calibrated and tested
at regular intervals. The trigger for maintenance intervals
differs greatly between power utilities but the intervals are
often based on time since last test, number of operations,
or severity of fault current operations. Environmental con-
siderations such as humidity and temperature, whether the
breaker is located in a desert or coastal region, also play into
the maintenance scheme.
Mechanical wear and lubrication often affects the perfor-
mance of breakers, so being able to trend mission critical
parameters and compare these with factory thresholds helps
to verify proper breaker function.

800 kV SF6 with four breaks per phase.

Circuit Breaker testing guide Introduction 7

A vital part of the power network
Power transmission networks mostly use three-phase AC.
High-voltage direct-current (HVDC) technology is used
only for very long distances, submarine power cables or for
connecting two AC networks that are not synchronized.
Electricity is transmitted at high voltages, 72 kV or above,
to reduce the energy loss. Usually power is transmitted
through overhead lines. Underground power transmission
has a significantly higher cost and operational limitations
but is sometimes used in urban areas or sensitive locations.

The circuit breaker

The general function of the circuit breaker (CB) is to close
and open the circuit to be able to remove faults and con-
nect/disconnect objects and parts of electricity network.
The circuit breaker is a part of the protection of the main
components in the network, transformers and lines. The
majority of the switching operations of a CB are normal-
load operations.
When a fault is detected by a protective relay and a trip
impulse is sent to the CBs operating mechanism, the CB
has to function as specified and interrupt the current as
soon as possible or severe damage may occur. The damage
caused by a malfunctioning breaker can often reach millions Transmission circuit breakers, 400 kV, 2 breaks/phase
of dollars.

Disconnectors and load

Disconnectors are used for physical isolation of the
switchgear from the power system during maintenance
work. They switch during no load conditions or only small
currents. Disconnectors can carry load and fault current but
not break a load. The function of a disconnector is to dis-
connect the network from objects in the substation and to
change the switching arrangement. When a disconnector is
open the disconnected object is accessible for service. The
opening and closing of disconnectors are slow compared
with CB.
Load switch (switch disconnector) is a type of switch that
can break a normal load but not break a fault current. Load
switches are only used on low and medium voltage and up
to 245 kV for special applications.

An overview of the components in a power grid system.

8 A vital part of the power network Circuit Breaker testing guide

General CB function
Besides conducting and interrupting operating currents, the The arc created when the arcing contact system separates is
CB is designed to break fault currents, e.g. short-circuit cur- extinguished at one of the next zero crossings of current.
rents, that can be 5 to 20 times the value of the rated cur- The convective and radiative heat from the arc causes a
rent, within about 50 milliseconds. There are big challenges sudden rise in pressure in the heating volume between the
for the CB designers, some circuit breakers must be able to arcing contact system and the piston . It is from here that
break currents up to 100 kA and others to handle voltages hot gas is blasted to extinguish the arc at the zero crossing.
up to 1150 kV.
Solutions to handle the arc
Main and arcing contacts Although the arcing contacts are made to withstand the
It is usual that SF6 circuit breakers have two contact heat from the arc they are exposed to high stress. To handle
systems, the main contact system and the arcing contact this, there are different solutions:
system. The main contacts conducts the normal operating
Synchronized / controlled functionality
currents and the arcing contacts are used to take the load
off the main contacts when the CB opens and closes. This Multiple breaks per phase to divide the high voltage
will protect the main contacts from getting burned.

CB Closed position Opening of the main Opening of the arcing CB in open position
Current flows through the contacts contacts The arc is quenched; the lower
main contacts The moving part goes down The current keeps flowing chamber reaches its minimum
thus separating the main due to the arc generated volume and its maximum
contacts. There is no arc between the fixed and moving pressure level, kept by the valve
striking as the current keeps contacts. The gas can not leak locked by the supersonic wave.
flowing from the upper from the nozzle as the hole is As the self-generated pressure
terminal to the moving parts blocked by the fixed contact of the dead volume decreases,
through the arcing contacts. or from the inside of the due to the outflow of the gas
moving contact because of through the moving contact,
During the downstroke, the
the arc clogging effect. the valve re-opens. From
moving part exerts a pressure
now on, a new jet of fresh
on the gas housed in the
gas flows in and makes the
lower chamber; the pressure
temperature of the contacts
increase generated in the
fall. At the same time, the
lower chamber opens the
gas flows through the nozzle,
connection valve of the upper
free from the fixed arcing
chamber. The compressed
contact. The cleaning of
gas flows from the lower
the arcing chamber by means
to the upper chamber thus
of fresh gas makes the device
equalising the pressures.
suitable for another reclosing
and the interruption up to the
maximum breaking capacity.

Pictures showing a schematic of the opening function for an SF6 autopuffer

Circuit Breaker testing guide General CB function 9

Synchronized / controlled function Opening resistors
Modern control systems attempt to exploit the ability to Opening resistors, or damper resistors are used to dampen
precisely and repetitively control the instant at which the the restriking voltage which can appear during opening op-
breaker contacts operate. Most commonly controlled or erations. They are mainly used on older types of CB, such
synchronized switching is applied to capacitor banks and as air-blast breakers.
shunt reactors as well as power transformers and trans-
mission lines. Since the behavior of loads is different
(capacitive and inductive) switching them requires adapted
solutions. Grading capacitor
Under ideal circumstances when switching in a capaci- Grading capacitors are sometimes used on circuit breakers
tor bank there will be no current transients created if the with two or more interrupters in series to obtain uniform
breaker poles close at the instant of zero voltage. The distribution of the voltage stresses across the open gaps.
optimal switching of a reactor on the other hand is differ- The grading capacitor is connected in parallel with each
ent and is managed by switching two phases at the maxi- interrupter unit and has a standard value in the range of a
mum voltage and third phase 90 degrees later, thus creating few nF/capacitor. The total capacitance across open gap is
symmetrical energization currents. Optimal disconnection calculated as follows:
of the reactor is performed in a manner which eliminates Ctot= Cgr/n
the reignition of the arc in interrupter chamber. All these Cgr is the capacitance of each grading capacitor.
operations require precise timing and control of the three n is number of making/breaking units connected in series.
individual poles.
Controlled switching of circuit breaker where each breaker Parallel capacitor
pole is synchronously actuated by a control unit based on Parallel capacitors are used to increase the short-circuit
the instantaneous values of the current or the phase to capability of circuit breakers.
earth voltage are becoming increasingly important. For
The additional capacitance increases the time delay for
single-pole operated circuit breakers this is accomplished
the initial transient recovery voltage and has therefore an
by sending individual control commands to each pole. In
impact mainly on the short-line fault performance.
case of three-pole operated circuit breakers, with one com-
mon operating mechanism, the circuit breaker has built-in Line-to-ground capacitors have a similar effect as parallel
mechanical delays between the poles. The controller then capacitors but are mainly used on dead tank circuit breakers.
sends the control command to the master pole and the
other poles are delayed mechanically to realize the correct
phase order

Multiple breaks per phase

To be able to break Extra High Voltage, EHV, many inter-
rupters are connected in series, up to twelve for air blast
breakers and up to four for modern breakers.
There were air blast breakers from the 1950s still in use in
the 2009 with 8 breakpoints and 10 disconnecting points in

Resistor contacts
Preinsertion resistor (PIR) contacts are mainly used at
higher voltages (362 kV and above). The main purpose of
PIR contacts is to limit the transients on the network when
reconnecting lines with no load. They are only used during
close and are connected in parallel with the main contacts.
The PIR contacts close about 8-12 ms before main con-
The pre-insertion resistor provides inrush limiting by the
momentary insertion of a resistive device into the circuit
before full energizing.

10 General CB function Circuit Breaker testing guide

Application areas for CB
Depending on its application in the network the CBs ers are operated via protective relays with sensing through
service life differs. For instance, line circuit breakers operate current and voltage transformers.
seldom and have a longer service life than e.g. capacitor
bank circuit breakers that operates normally twice a day. Capacitor bank CB
Capacitor bank circuit breakers are under more stress than
Generator CB
a normally incoming circuit breakers. They operates more
Transformer CB frequently and switch with higher transient voltages.
HV circuit breakers
Reactor CB
Capacitor bank CB
De-energization of the reactor results in very severe
Reactor CB transient recovery voltages across the contacts of the high
High Voltage DC CB voltage circuit breaker . The severe transient recovery volt-
Distribution circuit breakers
ages are caused by the high frequency oscillation between
the inductance of the reactor and its equivalent terminal-
Switch disconnector to-ground capacitance. Because of the relatively small
Traction CB reactive currents involved, circuit breakers tend to inter-
Industrial CB rupt the reactive load currents at very small contact gaps,
and usually while chopping the current. (Current chopping
Generator CB occurs when the current is prematurely forced to zero by
A generator circuit-breakers performance needs to be far the aggressive interrupting action of the circuit breaker).
better than that of a line CB. The positioning of the gen- When the dielectric strength of the interrupting medium
erator circuit breaker between the generator and the step-up in the small contact gap is exceeded by the severe transient
transformer, where its performance directly influences the recovery voltage, the circuit breaker will reignite and inter-
plant output, places very high demands on its reliability. rupt at the next current zero, usually at a current-chopping
level higher than that at initial interruption. Overvoltages
across the reactor, and the severity of the transient recov-
Transformer CB ery voltages across the circuit breaker contacts, increase as
In a substation there is a circuit breaker located on each the current-chopping level increases. Thus, conditions are
side of the transformers.

HV circuit breakers
Electrical power transmission networks are protected and
controlled by high-voltage circuit breakers. The definition
of high voltage varies but in power transmission context it
is usually said to be voltage over 72kV. High-voltage break-

Generator breaker HV Transmission circuit breaker

Circuit Breaker testing guide Application areas for CB 11

created that could result in insulation failure in the reactors, Distribution circuit breakers
and a failure of the circuit breaker to interrupt. Circuit breakers in distributing network up to a voltage level
Controlled opening of shunt reactors is mainly aimed to to about 70 kV.
avoid the reignition of arc in breaker interrupter and is
widely used. The application is rather straightforward and Switch disconnector
there are obvious economic benefits of having controlled A switch disconnector is a device capable of making, carry-
switching equipment to reduce expenses for maintenance ing and breaking rated current under normal service condi-
and possible failures. tions. It is also able to carry the rated short circuit current
and related peak current for limited time. A switch discon-
High Voltage DC breaker nector also satisfies requirement for an insulation distance
High voltage circuit breakers used for alternating current specified for a disconnector in the open position.
extinguishes the arc at the zero crossing of the current
when opening, and thereby opens the circuit. However, Traction CB
with HVDC (High Voltage Direct Current) there is no zero Nominal voltage varies from 600 to 25 kV and some with
crossing which means that the use of conventional circuit low frequency. Breakers operate frequently and have to ex-
breakers for line protection is not applicable. Line faults tinguish longer-burning arcs when in 16 2/3 Hz networks.
can be cleared by, instead of tripping a breaker, controlling This influences the service life and maintenance intervals.
the voltage to zero from the HVDC converter station. For
substation maintenance purposes, breakers are used as dis- Industrial CB
connectors, but only after reducing the current to zero. For
High voltage breakers are used for different industrial pur-
example, on a 500 kV DC line, three 245 kV breakers put in
poses e.g. big motors, ovens and melting furnaces.
series is only capable of breaking currents of approximately
50 A.

72 kV Distribution circuit breaker Primary distribution vacuum circuit-breaker (15 kV) with
integrated sensors and protection control unit.

12 Application areas for CB Circuit Breaker testing guide

Main types of CB
A Disconnecting Circuit Breaker (DCB), replaces the
conventional combination of circuit breaker and separate
disconnectors. The disconnecting function is integrated in
the breaking chamber. That means that the circuit breaker
fulfills all requirements for a circuit breaker as well as for a
The design of a DCB is usually the same as to a standard
circuit breaker except for that a higher voltage class is used
and that there is a device to mechanically lock the DCB in
open position. The advantage with the DCB is that it elimi-
nates a separate disconnector switch, which also reduces the
size of the substation. One disadvantage with the DCB is
that the whole bus bar has to be taken out of service when
performing maintenance on the DCB, since one side of the
DCB will always remain energized.
Disconnecting circuit-breaker. Same contacts for switching
Live-tank and disconnecting functions.
On live-tank circuit-breakers, the interrupter chamber is iso-
lated from the ground by an insulator which can be either of
porcelain or of a composite material, and is at high potential.
The voltage level determines the length of the insulators for
the interrupter chamber and the insulator column.
In live-tank circuit breakers no fault currents can occur
between the interrupter unit and the housing, therefore only
one current transformer per pole assembly is necessary.
A further feature of live-tank circuit breakers are the com-
paratively small gas compartments. The advantage of the low
gas volume is that there is a reduction in the amount of gas
maintenance work.

The distinguishing feature of dead-tank technology is that
the interrupter chamber is accommodated in an earthed
metal housing. With this design the SF6 gas filling the tank
insulates the high voltage live parts of the contact assembly
from the housing. Outdoor bushings connect the inter-
rupter chamber with the high-voltage terminals.
This construction means an increased risk of internal earth
fault or short circuit within the tank and the risk cannot be Live tank circuit breaker
neglected. To handle those situations the bushings on both
sides of the tank are normally equipped with current trans-
former further connected to protective relays.
The dead tank circuit breaker has an advantage in case of

Low voltage CB
Low voltage circuit breakers types are common in domestic,
commercial and industrial applications up to 1000 V AC.
A Molded Case Circuit Breaker (MCCB) can be rated up to
2500 A. They are thermal or thermal-magnetic operated.
These CBs are often installed in draw-out enclosures that
allow removal and interchange without dismantling the
switchgear. Some large MCCBs are remotely operated by
electrical motors, often part of an automatic transfer switch
Dead tank circuit breaker
system for standby power.
Circuit Breaker testing guide Main types of CB 13
CB technologies
Circuit breakers can mainly be divided into three groups rent and voltage transformers, and supplementary modules.
depending on medium that encloses (insulates) the breaker The major advantage with a GIS installation is the reduc-
contacts. In one group, it is air or other gas, in the second tion of space required compared to the air-insulated substa-
vacuum and in the third oil. tions. The maintenance and test interval for circuit breakers
installed in a GIS is also longer compared to AIS.
Air / Gas
Air / Gas
Air blast
Air circuit breakers (ACB)
ACBs can be used both as circuit breakers of low voltage
electrical distribution systems and for protection of electri-
Oil cal equipment in facilities and industries.
Bulk oil A common breaking principle is to use the magnetic field,
Minimum oil created by the current through the ACB, to force the arc to-
The SF6 insulated circuit breakers are more or less the only wards insulating lamells. As the arc goes further in between
installed type within transmission networks today, mainly the lamells eventually the distance to maintain the arc is
due to its relative high total rating and characteristic in exceeded and it is extinguished.
relation to its price. However, with new improvements
with vacuum breaker design they are also becoming more Air blast
common at the lower voltage ranges of the transmission The air blast circuit breakers came into use in the 1930s
networks. Today they can handle voltages up to 252 kV and became be the common circuit breaker on high voltage
but are still very expensive. The vacuum breakers are more and very high voltage applications. The robust designs were
commonly installed at system voltage levels of 70 kV and reliable and robust but noisy. Many breaks are needed for
below. Both the SF6 and vacuum circuit breakers are very high voltages and they are commonly found with opening
common in todays distribution networks. resistors.
Substations are often built as air-insulated switchgear (AIS), Air is compressed in a reservoir up to 14 bar. The contacts
using open air as insulating medium between the different are opened by air blast produced by opening a valve. The
phases and devices. compressed air is released and directed towards the arc at
high velocity. The air blast cools the arc and sweeps the arc-
Gas-insulated switchgears (GIS) are designed and assem-
ing products away. This increases the dielectric strength of
bled by a combination of standardized function modules
the medium between contacts and prevents re-establishing
such as circuit breakers, disconnectors, earth-switches, cur-
the arc. The arc is extinguished and the current is inter-
rupted. The short arcing time, compared with oil CB, gives
low impact on the main contacts.

Vacuum circuit breaker cut-away MCCB (Moulded Case Circuit Breaker) is one example of ACB
500 A / 600 V

14 CB technologies Circuit Breaker testing guide

SF6 The contact plates are formed to conduct the current
Sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) is an inert, heavy gas having in a way that creates a magnetic field that causes the arc
good dielectric and arc extinguishing properties. The di- to rotate and extinguish. A benefit with a rotating arc is
electric strength of the gas increases with pressure. It is an uniform heat distribution and that the contacts get more
electro-negative gas which means that the free electrons are evenly eroded. Other advantages with vacuum breakers are
attracted to the gas and are not free to move. The conse- their relatively long operational life time and their relatively
quence of this characteristic is a high dielectric strength. limited impact on the environment since they are designed
Arcing can produce a number of more or less toxic decom- without poisonous gases and relative few components.
position by-products that places high demands on recycling Vacuum circuit breakers also suffer less wear on the main
and disposal of the gas. contact than air and oil circuit breakers.
SF6 circuit breakers suffer less wear on the main contact Oil
than air and oil circuit breakers. The breaking principle is
to cool down the arc by blowing gas with high pressure Bulk oil
towards the arcing contacts. The current interruption takes place in oil tank. The oil
There are two main types; puffer and self-blast. The puffer cools and quenches the arc and is also insulating. This type
type creates the gas pressure using a piston pump whereas has mainly been used at the distribution level and demands
the self-blast takes advantage of the pressure created by a lot of maintenance on the main contacts.
the heat from the arc. The advantage of the puffer type is
that it has good breaking properties for all current levels. Minimum oil
The disadvantage is that it requires more mechanical force It is used in transmission and substation and require small
to operate, requiring a bigger operating mechanism. The amount of oil and it operates very fast.
advantage of the self-blast is that it requires up to 50% less
energy than the puffer breaker to operate but it has less
good breaking properties.

Vacuum breakers are used up to 70 kV. Because there is no
gas to ionize to form the arc, the insulating gap is smaller
than an in other circuit breakers. An arc does form from
the vaporized contact material. The insulation distance
in a vacuum breaker is about 11-17 mm between plates.
Normally there is one break per phase but there can be two
interrupters in series.
Examples of bulk oil circuit breakers

Circuit breaker, 1000 kV

Circuit Breaker testing guide CB technologies 15

Important CB parts
Interrupter unit Nozzle
The nozzle is a part in a SF6 circuit breaker separating the
Main contacts main contact from the arc as well as guiding the gas the
The main contact in a circuit breaker is the current carrying correct way through the chamber in order to obtain an ef-
element between the stationary- and the moving part of the ficient quenching of the arc.
interrupter, and thus, a big surface with very low resistance
(less than 100 m) is vital for a long service lifetime. Absorbing material
Silver-coated copper is the most common material used for When severe arcing occurs in the breaker, the SF6 decom-
main contacts. poses and by-products such as sulfur dioxide and sulfur
fluorides are created. These by-products combine with any
Arcing contacts moisture in the gas resulting in sulfuric acid which is highly
The arcing contact is a contact in parallel with the main corrosive and can damage the inside of the breaker. By
contact and takes care of the arcing during separation. This using desiccants, which absorbs these by-products and any
type of contact is common on many types of circuit break- moisture, the breaker can be protected.
ers. The arcing contact releases later then the main contact .
A circuit breaker suffers arcing contact wear during normal
operation as well as when breaking short-circuit currents. If
Old design
the arcing contact is too short or otherwise in bad condi-
tion, the breaker becomes unreliable. The main contact
surfaces can be degraded by arcing, resulting in increased
resistance, excessive heating and in worst case explosion.
The arcing contacts are partly made of harder materials
such as. tungsten or graphite, to make them stronger


4 5
New design

1 Cap with bursting

2 Terminal
3 Insulating enclosure
4 Fixed main contact
5 Fixed arcing contact
9 6 Blasting nozzle
7 Moving main
8 Moving arcing
9 Insulating tie-rod
Cross section of a CB. Example of simplified design. Current conducting parts of
HV interrupter with integrated contact fingers

16 Important CB parts Circuit Breaker testing guide

Operating mechanism Diverse operating mechanisms
A large majority of operating mechanisms are designed
Spring loaded
to be trip-free. This means that the circuit breaker can
The spring operated mechanism is a mechanic actuating
perform a complete opening operation, even if the trip
system using a spring as energy storage . The spring is
command is activated during a closing operation and with
tensioned with an electric motor and held by a latch system.
the closing command maintained.
When the breaker trips the latch is released by magnetic
A problem is that circuit breakers are not operated often force. The spring energy moves the contacts by mechanic
enough. It may remain closed for days, weeks or even years power transmission. Commonly there are separate springs
on end. The static loading on bearings causes the lubrica- for the open and close functions.
tion to be displaced so that the bearing ultimately reaches a
state of zero lubrication. So friction will then be very high Hydraulic / Gas pressure
during the initial movement. Greases and oils also tend to The hydraulic operating mechanism has a nitrogen ac-
increase in viscosity at low temperature and they can also cumulator for storing the actuation energy. The hydraulic
solidify by time and lack of movement. fluid is pressurized by a compressed cushion of nitrogen. A
hydraulic piston transmits the power to actuate the breaker
General functionality contacts.
Auxiliary contacts and coil Hydraulic / Spring
Electromagnetic coils are used to control the operation of This mechanism is a combination of hydraulics and springs.
most types of circuit breakers. They are fast and reliable but Energy is stored in a spring set which is tensioned hydrauli-
a common cause of trouble of the circuit breaker as they cally. Power is transmitted hydraulically to operate the CB
can burn or get stuck in position. contacts.
The auxiliary contacts are contacts that follow or have an
opposite position to the main contact. One important task
for an auxiliary contact is to disconnect the coil when it has There are a number of different designs of pneumatic
operated. The coil is disconnected to prevent damage as it operating mechanisms. Common for most types are that
is designed to be temporarily energized. the energy is stored as compressed air in an air receiver (res-
ervoir) and that the air pressure is converted to mechanical
movement via a piston. Some types use a combination of
spring and air pressure where the spring usually manages
the closing operation and the air pressure the open opera-
tion. In these configurations it is common that the closing
Piston shaft spring is charged during the open operation. In SF6 and
Auxiliary oil circuit breakers the mechanical power is transferred
from the piston or spring to the moving contacts via a link
compressor system whereas on air blast circuit breakers the piston and
motor the moving contact, as well as the closing spring and air
blast ports, are integrated in the interrupting unit resulting
in very few moving parts.

On command, the required operations are executed ac-
cording to the stored contact travel program and the motor
Hydraulics is controlled to move the circuit breaker primary contacts
accordingly. Energy charging, buffering, release and trans-
mission are essentially electrical and as such the mechanical
system is reduced to a minimum of moving parts.

Thermal / Magnetic
Current flowing through the circuit heats the bimetal cur-
rent sensor, causing it to bend, this releases the armature
Disc spring
and a spring forces the contacts to open. The load current
also flows through a coil which creates a magnetic field
that will trip the armature faster than the bimetal strip can
respond when very large currents flow.

Hydraulic / spring loaded mechanism

Circuit Breaker testing guide Important CB parts 17

Failure modes
Definition of failure according the minor failure rates of spring, pneumatic and hydraulic
drive systems is 1:2:7 respectively.
to Cigr
Cigr CB survey 2005
Major failures sorted by originating component
Lack of performance by an item of its required function
1988 - 91 2004 - 05
or functions.
Note: The occurrence of a failure does not necessarily Component at service voltage 21% 26%
imply the presence of a defect if the stress or the stresses Electrical control and auxiliary 29% 22%
are beyond those specified. circuits
Operating mechanism, including 50% 52%
Major failure
kinematic chain
Failure of a switchgear or controlgear which causes the
cessation of one or more of its fundamental functions. Common faults
A major failure will result in an immediate change in the Does not close on command 34%
system operating conditions, e.g. the backup protective Does not open on command 14%
equipment being required to remove the fault, or will re- Breakdowns (poles, ground) 8%
sult in mandatory removal from service within 30 minutes Operates without command 7%
for unscheduled maintenance. Others <5%
Note: Or will result in unavailability for required service.
Minor failure Faults in components
Operating mechanism 70%
Failure of an equipment other than a major failure or any
Interrupters 14%
failure, even complete, of a constructional element or a
sub-assembly which does not cause a major failure of the Insulation 6%
equipment. Frame/foundation 5%
Others 5%
Cigr CB survey 1981,1985
Results from a Cigr survey published in Electra No 79, Major failures segmented by failure mode
1981 and additional Cigr studies from 1985 covers the
time interval 1974-77. All types of circuit breakers with
service voltage above 63kV are included.

Main results
70% of Major Failures (MF) were of mechanical origin
19% of MF were of electrical origin concerning the
auxiliary and control circuits
11% of MF were of electrical origin concerning the main
48% of MF were classified as Does not open or close on
CB year of
The operating mechanism was the part of the circuit manufacture
breaker responsible for the highest number of failures (37%
of MF).
Rated voltages 63-800 kV
Mechanism type Failures per 100 cb-years
Major failures Minor failures
Hydraulic 0.31 2.89
Pneumatic 0.27 0.80
Spring 0.27 0.40
Different types of operating mechanism have about the same major
failure rate.
Most of the minor failures of operating mechanisms are
either hydraulic oil or air leakages. The relationship between
18 Failure modes Circuit Breaker testing guide
Major failures segmented by failing sub-component Maintenance aspects
The average interval between scheduled overhaul is 8.3
years. This could in many cases be extended.
The number of failures caused by incorrect maintenance
has decreased compared to the first enquiry (85% decrease
for major failures, 26% for minor failures), but there is still
room for improvement
About a quarter of the failures are caused by inadequate
instructions and incorrect erection, operation and mainte-
The three important issues for breaker maintenance are:
CB year of
Contact adjustment
Neglect or lack of maintenance
Briefly, the most important thing for breaker maintenance
The operating mechanism remains the most unreliable part
is grease. All breakers use grease as lubricant, and grease
of the breaker.
tends to dry out over time due to the heat produced in the
Does not close/open on command and Locked in open breaker parts carrying the load.
or closed position remain the most frequently occurring
failure modes. Conclusions
The overall circuit breaker major failure rate appears to be The results from the latest survey is preliminar and the final
substantially lower than in the previous survey. report is soon going to be released. However, one can see
that the reliability surveys show positive trends; the HV
Mechanical aspects circuit breakers are getting better.
A large part of the major failures have mechanical origin. The reliability surveys have:
The operating mechanism and the electrical control and
auxiliary circuits are the components responsible for the Helped users to choose optimal equipment and
majority of both major and minor failures. maintenance procedures

The dominant major failure modes are Does not open or Helped manufacturers to improve their products
close on commandand Locked in open or closed posi- Contributed to improvement of international standards
tion. These modes add up to almost 70% of the major

Generator circuit breaker failure A distribution circuit breaker pole totally damaged by explosion.

Circuit Breaker testing guide Failure modes 19

Maintenance strategy
Maintenance approaches
Various power utilities, people and organizations have dif-
ferent viewpoints on and approaches to maintenance strate-
gies. Testing and maintenance methodologies have changed
over the years and in all likelihood they will continue to
evolve as new technologies become available. This section
is only intended to create awareness about some of the pos-
sible approaches. There are no correct or incorrect strate-
gies, but there is sometimes a better way of doing things.
Approaches to maintenance include but are not limited to
the following:
Reliability centered maintenance
predictive maintenance but with value/importance
priorities taken into consideration. The primary aim
here is to preserve system functions by determining the
Connection of cables and clamps on a distribution CB. criticality of individual components, etc.
Corrective maintenance
Whatever form of maintenance approach is selected, the
when something has already happened.
most important goal is to achieve maximum reliability at the
If a maintenance strategy that is strictly corrective
lowest possible life cycle cost.
is adopted, no attempts are made to deal with a
Since breaker testing many times is based on comparison developing circuit breaker fault before it becomes fatal.
and trend analysis it is important to strive to have the same This does not, however, ensure the reliable supply of
conditions from test to test. High precision signal acquisi- electric power that consumers are entitled to expect.
tion is also necessary, together with high measurement Short-term savings in maintenance costs will soon be
accuracy and a reliable means of storage for data. eaten up by the cost of the damage and the cost of
If the set up work required can be minimized and the con- correcting a fault.
nection from the test instrument to the apparatus can be Preventative maintenance
simplified, faster testing and evaluation of results can be based on time or number of operations. It includes
achieved. inspection, testing, overhauls and modifications. This
Testing can be done at various stages in the life of a CB strategy is encountered more frequently.
Periodic / time interval based maintenance
Development carried out at regular intervals.
Production In time interval-based maintenance, a number of
specific measures are taken at predetermined times,
Commissioning regardless of the conditions under which a circuit
Maintenance/fault tracing breaker operates. If this method is applied too
strictly, however, it may lead to needless intervention.
After service (re-commissioning) Disassembling a circuit breaker that has no faults entails
needless expense, and it does not improve reliability.
Condition based maintenance
a maintenance flag is set.
The breakers need for maintenance is based less on
time than on the conditions to which it is exposed, how
frequently it operates and its environment. Condition-
based maintenance provides excellent opportunities to
improve reliability and cut costs, but it requires effective
diagnostic methods. Many circuit breakers provide
longer service lives than expected.

20 Maintenance strategy Circuit Breaker testing guide

On-line testing
Condition check w/o taking CB out of service. Gives
valuable information in relatively short time. Test
methods that are available for on-line testing are:
First trip / first close test with analysis of coil currents
Vibration test
Main contact timing through sensing of CT secondary
Auxiliary contact timing
Control voltage measurement
Motion measurement (under certain conditions)

Testing guide
Type of CB Vacuum Oil Minimum Oil SF6 Air-blast GIS
Voltage levels
(kV) 1 36 Any 6 145 145 400 6 40 72 245 >245 6 40 40 130 >130 Any
Timing x x x x x x x x x x (x)1)
Motion (x)2) x x x x x x (x)3) (x)3) (x)3) x
Coil current x x x x x x x (x)2) (x)2) (x)2) x
DRM n/a (x)2) (x)2) (x)2) x x x (x)2) (x)2) (x)2) (x)6)
SRM x x x x x x x x x x (x)1)
Vibration (x)2) (x)2) (x)2) x (x)2) x x (x)2) (x)2) (x)2) x
DCM (x)2) x x x x x x x x x (x)1)
Motor current x x (x)4) (x)4) (x)4) (x)4) (x)4) n/a n/a n/a (x)4)
Min. voltage to operate CB x x x x x x x x x x x
Minimum voltage x x x x x x x x x x x
Station voltage x x x x x x x x x x x
Gas density n/a n/a n/a x x x n/a n/a n/a n/a
Voltage integrity x n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Air pressure/flow n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a x x x n/a
PIR contacts n/a x (x)5) (x)5) (x)5) (x)5) (x)5) (x)5) (x)5) (x)5) (x)5)
Grading capacitors n/a n/a n/a (x)5) (x)5) (x)5) (x)5) (x)5) (x)5) (x)5) (x)5)
x Applicable
(x)1) If accessible
(x)2) Possible
(x)3) Optional if disconnector knife/contact is included in CB design.
(x)4) Motor current is only applicable on spring drives.
Applicability and presence of grading capacitors as well as PIR contacts are depending on network design and
(x)5) not related to CB design.
(x)6 If accessible and if not vacuum CB
n/a Not applicable
Motor current There are three different types of operating mechanisms; Spring, hydraulic and pneumatic. Motor current is
only applicable on spring drives.
PIR contacts Applicability and presence of grading capacitors as well as PIR contacts are depending on network design and
Grading capacitors not related to CB design. Usually not used in distribution networks.
Oil CBs Well defined travel trace and transducer attachment points. At higher voltages serial contacts per phase but
those cannot be accessed, thus only timed as single contacts per phase. If PIR contact those are often sliding
contacts in the main tank. No separation possible. Has to be timed as parallel contacts. PIR values can be down
to 10 . Coil current traces are essential. Always single operation mechanism if single tank design.
Minimum Oil CBs Coil currents are essential, as well as operating
1 contact / phase, single operating mechanism.
6 145 kV mechanism damping dash-pots. Travel is essential and
Minimum Oil CBs 2-6 contacts / phase. 400 kV always separate (3) it is usually relatively easy to find documentation on
145 400 kV operating mechanisms. transducer attachment points etc.

Circuit Breaker testing guide Maintenance strategy 21

How to test
The best way to improve personnel safety when working
in a substation is to increase the distance between personal
and devices with voltage. Regulations and laws require all
objects to be grounded on both sides before any mainte-
nance work. For circuit breaker maintenance the most basic
and important test, main contact timing, is performed with-
out this basic safety prerequisite. Conventional technology
does quite simply not permit a safe way of timing a circuit
breaker but now it is possible to test much safer using the
DualGround (DCM) technology, see next pages.

Power utilities and instrument manufac-

turers practice
Before connecting the instrument to mains outlet, connect the
separate ground lead to test/work ground and when disconnecting
the instrument, disconnect the instrument from mains outlet and
last disconnect the test/work ground.

Most substations have a common ground system and no

additional actions need to be taken. In substations having
separate ground systems, two alternatives are possible:
Temporary connect the two ground systems (E.g. ESA 99)
Use an isolating transformer powering the test instrument
(E.g. 1910.269(i)(2)(ii)C)
If none of these actions are performed the instrument
protective ground act as connection between the two
Circuit breaker grounded during preparation for timing test ground systems. This can lead to a high current through
the systems protective ground leads that the system is not
Tests shall be made according to applicable standards, local designed for and is a risk for personal safety.
regulations and best practice. The instruction material and
the name plate for the circuit breaker can also be useful to Step by step routines
assist the test. The safety aspect is of high importance be
careful to follow all safety instructions and regulations. Both sides grounded when connecting and if possible
when measuring (DualGround).
Before testing make a visual inspection to see if there are
any signs of damage. Ground instrument.

An important requirement for the CB is reliability. After a Short ground leads.

long time without being operated it shall function perfectly Dont leave circuit breaker open when grounded on one
when needed. To test this you have only one chance to side.
make a first trip test, described later in this chapter.
Remove connections in correct order.
The rated operating sequence (also known as standard
operating duty or standard duty cycle) is the specified op- DualGround testing
erating sequence, which the circuit breaker shall be able to
perform at specified ratings. Breaker manufacturer normally
specifies these sequences and corresponding rated times,
which are defined as per IEC 62271-100.
The main topics covered in this chapter are:
Items to be tested / inspected
Test methods and parameters Increased safety for field personnel
Mounting of motion transducer Suitable for all kinds of circuit breakers

22 How to test Circuit Breaker testing guide

Non-intrusive and does not require any beforehand
Interpretation and way of working is not changed. Only
made faster and easier
A technology from 2006 that makes main contact timing
of a circuit breaker possible with both sides grounded.
Therefore dangerous voltage can be kept at distance. A safe
area around the circuit breaker can be created and clearly
marked with security fencing. Accidents with electric arc
and electrocution can be avoided. The result of a main
contact timing based on this new technology is in no way
different for an interpreter and fully compatible with the
conventional main contact timing measurement. For the
field personnel the way of working becomes somewhat
faster but otherwise remains familiar.
Testing is much safer using DualGround.
Timing of main contacts can today be performed using the
DualGround method. This is a revolutionary method that Conventional vs. DualGround
allows for testing the circuit breaker accurately, more safely Site preparation (isolate work Site preparation (isolate work
and efficiently compared to conventional timing Safety area, apply safety ground, issue area, apply safety ground, issue
procedures dictate that both sides of a breaker should be permit to work) permit to work)
grounded when working on the breaker in field tests. Con- Hook up test equipment. Issue Hook up test equipment. Issue
sanction for test sanction for test
ventional timing methods require ground to be lifted on
Authorised person removes the Risky step left out
one side of the breaker to allow for the instrument to sense ground
the change in contact status. This procedure makes the test Perform testing Safe testing with both sides
cables and the instrument a part of the induced current grounded
path while the test is performed. The DualGround method Authorised person applies Risky step left out
allows for reliable measurements with both sides of the cir- ground
cuit breaker grounded thus making the test faster and easier. Cancel sanction for test. Cancel sanction for test.
This technique also makes it possible to test circuit break- Disconnect test equipment Disconnect test equipment
ers in configurations such as GIS applications, generator Site closing (cancel permit to Site closing (cancel permit to
work, disconnect ground) work, disconnect ground)
breakers, and transformer applications where conventional
timing methods requires removal of jumpers and bus-bar
connections which is difficult and cumbersome.

With only one side grounded the capacitive coupled current can
reach values high enough to be harmful or lethal for humans.

Circuit Breaker testing guide How to test 23

Timing with both sides grounded contact that counts as the breakers operation time, not the
Timing measurements are difficult to make with both main contact, and the difference between main and arcing
sides of a circuit breaker grounded. However, the Megger contact operation time can, depending of contact speed,
DualGround timing (DCM Dynamic Capacitance Mea- reach values approaching 10ms. A copper grounding cable
surement), patented, is outstanding when ground loop resis- 2 x 10 m with 95 mm2 cross section area has a resistance
tance is low. The solution has no lower limit in ground loop of about 3.6m (not counting transitional resistances in
resistance. The ground loop can even have lower resistance connector devices). An arcing contact is usually also in the
than the main contact/arcing contact path and it still works. milliohm range, from a couple of milliohms up to about
This is particularly crucial when testing GIS breakers and 10 m depending on the type of breaker but also on the
generator breakers but also for AIS breakers having decent condition of the arcing contact. All this together makes
grounding appliances. The reason for the superiority of us- it an arbitrary task to adjust thresholds as you dont know
ing DualGround with the DCM method is that it uses high what value to use. You will have to try different values until
frequency to achieve resonance in the test circuit. The fact you get a reasonable result.
that the resonance frequency varies when the circuit breaker Furthermore, if you cannot view the resistance graph,
changes state can easily be used for close/open detection. because it is not recorded by the used test instrument, the
There are other methods that use dynamic resistance threshold adjusting task becomes even more difficult.
measurement (DRM) as a means of timing a CB with Finally, a method built on evaluation against thresholds is
both sides grounded. A current is injected and the voltage more sensitive for induced AC currents through the test
drop across the CB is recorded, then the resistance can be object. When grounding the circuit breaker in both sides
calculated. The determination of breaker state is simply a loop is formed with big area exposed to magnetic fields
estimated by evaluating the resistance graph against an from surrounding live conductors. The alternating magnetic
adjustable threshold. If the resistance is below the thresh- field will induce a current in the circuit breaker/grounding
old the breaker is considered closed and if the resistance loop. This current can reach two digit Ampere values which
is above the threshold the breaker is considered open. The would, in case of e.g. 100 A test current, correspond to a
problems arise when it comes to setting this threshold reasonable part. If the evaluation threshold is on the limit
since it has to be below the ground loop resistance (which these current fluctuations would definitely affect the timing
is initially unknown) and above the resulting resistance of results.
the arcing contact (which also is unknown) and the ground The Megger DualGround DCM solution is completely
loop in parallel. The reason for this is that according to insensitive for 50/60 Hz interference.
the IEC standard it is the closing/opening of the arcing

According to the IEC standard it is the closing/opening of the arcing contact that counts as the breakers operation time, not the main contact.
Examples showing the problems finding threshold setting:
Threshold > 3 m Continuously closed
2 m < Threshold < 3 m Correct closing time (to set the threshold within these limits is a bit of a lottery)
50 < Threshold < 2 m Incorrect closing time (e.g. 1000 in the diagram)
Threshold < 50 Continuously open

24 How to test Circuit Breaker testing guide

Items to be tested / inspected First trip test
Operating mechanism / Electrical accessories A good and time effective way to check the condition of a
circuit breaker is to document its behavior at the first open
Arcing and main contacts operation after it has been idle for long time. The measure-
Arcing chambers ment and connections to the circuit breaker are carried out
while it is still in service. All of the connections are made
Main circuit - Busbars - Isolating contacts
inside the control cabinet.
Grounding pliers (only for draw out power circuit breaker) The biggest benefit of using first trip testing is to test real
Grounding connection (only for fixied power circuit world operating conditions. If the circuit breaker has not
breaker) operated for years, first trip testing will reveal if the circuit
breaker is slower due to problems in the mechanism link-
Auxiliary circuit power supply voltage ages or coil armatures caused by corrosion or dried grease.
With traditional methods, the testing is carried out after the
Test methods and parameters circuit breaker has been taken out of service and has been
First trip test operated once or even twice.
Contact Timing On a gang operated breaker, (breaker with a common
operating mechanism), one coil current is measured and
Primary injection test
on an IPO (Independent Pole Operated) breaker three coil
Motion currents are measured. Analyzing the coil current signature
gives information of the CB condition. Auxiliary contacts
Static resistance measurement (SRM)
timing can also be measured. Opening times can be mea-
Dynamic resistance measurement (DRM) sured by monitoring the protection CTs secondary current,
however, the arcing time will then be included. If there is
Synchronized switching
a parallel current path available the opening times can be
Coil test more accurately determined since the arcing is minimized.
A more advanced approach to first trip is to also measure
Minimum voltage test
vibration. This provides detailed information of the status
Minimum voltage required to operate breaker of the circuit breaker. These measurements during first trip
Vibration testing
are possible with TM1800 and TM1700.
Extra caution must be taken since there are live circuits in
Vacuum bottle test
the control cabinet and the mechanism is fully charged. The
Primary testing breaker can operate at any time a fault condition occurs.
Oil test
SF6 leakage
Humidity test
Air pressure test
Power factor / Tan Delta / Insulation

Circuit breaker hooked up for test and measurement.

Circuit Breaker testing guide How to test 25

Contact timing Phase synchronization (interrupters inside phase)
- < 1/8 cycle (IEC62271-100)
Main contacts

Definition of time measurements according to IEC Resistor contacts

The time interval from the opening release The resitor contacts can be of pre or post insertion type.
Opening Timing of resistor contacts are made simultaneously with
(e.g. coil) is activated to the instant when the
time the main contacts but the resistor contacts are only detected
arcing contacts have separated at all poles.
The time interval from the closing device while the main contact is open. The resistance value is a
Closing (e.g. closing coil) is activated to the instant good parameter for evaluation.
time when the arcing contacts touch each other
Auxiliary contact timing
in all poles
There are no generalized time limits for the time relation-
Simultaneity within a single phase is important in situa- ships between main and auxiliary contacts, but it is still
tions where a number of contacts are connected in series. important to understand and check their operation. The
Here, the breaker becomes a voltage divider when it opens purpose of an auxiliary contact is to close and open a
a circuit. If the time differences are too great, the voltage circuit. Such a circuit might enable a closing coil when a
becomes too high across one contact, and the tolerance breaker is about to perform a closing operation and then
for most types of breakers is less than 2 ms. The reason is open the circuit immediately after the operation starts,
that the multiple breaks together make a voltage divider (in thereby preventing coil burnout.
open position). If the time spread is too big it will result in
The auxiliary contacts are of three types; a (NO), b (NC)
over-voltage on a single contact. Serious damages on the
and Wiper (temporary). Type a is following the position of
breaking chamber might occur.
the main contacts and type b is in the opposite position.
The time tolerance for simultaneity between phases is The Wiper makes a temporary closure during both close
greater for a 3-phase power transmission system running at and open operation.
50Hz since there is always 3.33ms between zero crossovers.
Auxiliary contacts are sometimes also used to convey differ-
Still, the time tolerance is usually specified as less than 2ms, ent dynamic properties of the circuit breaker, such as speed
even for such systems. It should also be noted that break- and damping. The results from timing these contacts can be
ers that perform synchronized switching must meet more used to adjust the circuit breaker.
stringent requirements in both of the aforesaid situations.
There are also auxiliary contacts used for interlocking such
Breaker synchronization (phase vs. phase) as spring charge indication, hydraulic pressure, SF6 density
monitor, X/Y-relay, anti-pump relay etc.
< 1/4 cycle @ close operation (IEC62271-100)
< 1/6 cycle @ open operation (IEC62271-100) Timing of graphite breakers
Conventional timing test methods cannot be applied on
circuit breakers having graphite nozzles because they will
result in instable, non repeatable timing values. Instead a
DRM (Dynamic Resistance Measurement) has to be per-
formed and the resistance graphs are then evaluated with a
tailored algorithm to determine the time reference, which is
the transition between graphite/silver and silver/silver on
close and between silver/silver and silver/graphite on open-
ing. The software will also compensate for the time offset
created by the time it takes for the moving contact to travel
the length corresponding to the graphite nozzle length.

Primary injection test

For primary injection testing, high current is injected on the
primary side of the current transformer. The entire chain
current transformer, conductors, connection points, relay
protection and sometimes circuit breakers as well is covered
by the test. The system being tested must be taken out of
service during primary injection testing. Testing is usually
conducted in connection with commissioning.
The only way to verify that a direct-acting low voltage cir-
cuit breaker operates properly is to inject a high current.
Auxiliary contacts. Accelerometer attached for
vibration measurement.

26 How to test Circuit Breaker testing guide

Motion the upper point or a time before the upper point. The time
A high-voltage breaker is designed to interrupt short-circuit that elapses between these two points ranges from 10 to 20
current in a controlled manner. This puts great demands on ms, which corresponds to 1-2 zero-crossovers.
the mechanical performance of all components in the inter- The single most important benefit derived from the instan-
rupter chamber as well as the operating mechanism. It has taneous velocity and acceleration curves is the insight that
to operate at a specific speed in order to build up adequate they provide into the forces involved during the operation
pressure to allow for cooling stream of air, oil or gas (de- of a circuit breaker.
pending on the type of breaker) to extinguish the arc that
is generated after the contact separation until the next zero- Acceleration
crossing. It is important to interrupt the current to prevent Average acceleration can be calculated from the velocity
a re-strike. This is accomplished by making sure that the trace.
contacts move apart far enough from each other before the
moving contact has entered the so-called damping zone. Damping
Damping is an important parameter to monitor and test
The distance throughout which the breakers electric arc as the stored energy an operating mechanism use to open
must be extinguished is usually called the arcing zone. From and close a circuit breaker is considerable. The powerful
the motion curve, a velocity or acceleration curve can be mechanical stress can easily damage the breaker and/or
calculated in order to reveal even marginal changes that may reduce the breakers useful life. The damping of opening
have taken place in the breaker mechanics. operations is usually measured as a second speed, but it can
The contact travel motion is captured by connecting a travel also be based on the time that elapses between two points
transducer on the moving part of the operating mechanism. just above the breakers open position.
The transducer provides an analogue voltage relative to the
movement of the contact. The motion is presented as a Static resistance measurement (SRM)
curve where distance vs. time allows for further analysis. Test is conducted by injecting DC current through the
From the motion curve, a velocity or acceleration curve breaker main contact system when circuit breaker is closed.
can be calculated in order to reveal changes in the breaker By measuring the voltage drop the resistance can be calcu-
mechanics that may affect the breakers operation. lated. The value of the main contact resistance reflects the
condition of the conducting parts.
A static resistance value provides a reference value for all
The travel trace indicates the instantaneous position of types of electrical contacts and joints. IEC56 states that
the circuit beaker contacts during an operation. This gives this type of resistance is to be measured using a current
important information such as total travel, overtravel, re- ranging between 50 A and the breakers nominal current.
bound, undertravel, contact wipe or penetration of moving- ANSIC37.09 specifies a minimum test current of 100A.
contact or operating-rod position at the time of close or Other international and national standards set forth similar
open, and anomalies which are evident from the trace. guidelines in order to eliminate the risk of obtaining er-
roneously high values if the test current is too low. In
some cases, heat generated by a high test current disperses
Speed is calculated between two points on this motion
any contact grease remnants or other impurities found on
curve. The upper point is defined as a distance in length,
contact surfaces (resulting from numerous high-current
degrees or percentage of movement from a) the breakers
breaking operations).
closed or open position, or b) the contact-closure or
contact-separation point. The lower point is determined When the circuit breaker is in bad shape the values will
based on the upper point. It can either be a distance below change dramatically from the values from factory. ANSI


Contact closure


Arcing zone

Speed calculation points Damping zone



Circuit breaker operating mechanism with rotary motion Motion diagram and timing graphs for a close-open operation
transducer and accelerometer (for vibration measurement).

Circuit Breaker testing guide How to test 27

writes about 200% increase of resistance over the max Synchronized (Controlled) switching
value specified from factory. In order to test function of a controlled switching device
one or more currents from current transformers and refer-
Dynamic resistance measurement (DRM) ence voltage from voltage transformer as well as controller
Tests are conducted by injecting DC current through the output signals are recorded during issuing Open or Close
breaker main contact and measuring the voltage drop and command. Specific setups depend on test instrumentation,
current while the breaker is operated. The breaker analyzer available current and voltage sources and installed switching
then calculates and plots resistance as a function of time. If controller. Typical controlled switching setup using control-
contact movement is recorded simultaneously, you can read ler where poles are controlled separately is shown below.
the resistance at each contact position. This method is used
for contact diagnosis, and in certain cases it is also used to
measure times.
With DRM measurement the arcing contact length can
be reliably estimated. The only real alternative in finding
the length of the arcing contact is dismantling the circuit
breaker. In SF6 breakers the arcing contact is commonly
made of Wolfram (tungsten). This contact is burned off
and becomes shorter for each interruption of load current.
A reliable DRM interpretation requires high test current
and a circuit breaker analyzer with good measurement

Cin Close command

Oin Open command
Uref Reference voltage
Cout Close commands individual for each phase
Oout Open commands individual for each phase

Movement starts
Motion curve

Length of arcing contact

Arcing contact opens, current drops

Main contact opens and resistance rises to infinite

Resistance curve
Slight increase in resistance when the
contacts start to slide

DRM is a reliable method to estimate the length/wear of the arcing contact. The SDRM202 provides high current and the TM1800 gives an
accurate measurement with very good resolution. Besides, it is possible to use DualGround testing.

28 How to test Circuit Breaker testing guide

rate of rise of current depends on the change in the induc-
tance of the coil.
The armature operates the trip latch [3-4], which in turn
collapses the trip mechanism [4-5]. The anomaly at [4] is
the point where the armature momentarily stops when
contact is made with the prop. More energy is required for
the armature to resume motion and overcome the addi-
tional loading of the prop. The anomaly may be caused by
degradation of the prop bearings, lubrication, changes in
temperature, excessive opening spring force or mechanism
adjustment. The armature completes its travel [4-5] and hits
a stop [5].
Of interest is the curve [4-5]. As the armature moves from
the point where the trip mechanism is unlatched [4] to the
stop [5] the inductance of the coil changes. The curve is an
An example of results from Open operation. indication of the speed of the armature. The steeper the
curve the faster the armature is moving.
Coil test After the armature has completed its travel and has hit the
stop [5], there is a change in current signature.
The magnitude of the current [7] is dependent on the DC
resistance of the coil.
The a contact opens [8] to de-energize the trip coil and the
current decays to zero.
The interpretation of circuit breaker operating coil signa-
tures may provide information about the condition of the
latching systems.

When you apply a voltage across a coil, the current curve
first shows a straight transition whose rate of rise depends
on the coils electrical characteristic and the supply voltage.
When the coil armature (which actuates the latch on the
operating mechanisms energy package) starts to move, the
1 Trip coil energized 6 Proportional to DC coil
resistance electrical relationship changes and the coil current drops.
2-5 Armature travel
3-4 Armature operates trip 7 Auxiliary contact opens The peak value of the first, lower current peak is related
latch 8 Current decay to the fully saturated coil current (max current), and this
4-5 Armature completes its relationship gives an indication of the spread to the lowest
travel tripping voltage. If the coil were to reach its maximum
5 Armature hits stop
current before the armature and latch start to move, the
Example of coil current on circuit breaker breaker would not be tripped. It is important to note, how-
ever, that the relationship between the two current peaks
When a trip coil is first energized [1], current flows through varies, particularly with temperature. This also applies to the
its windings. The magnetic lines of force in the coil magne- lowest tripping voltage.
tize the iron core of the armature, in effect inducing a force
Coil currents can be measured on a routine basis to detect
in the armature. The current flowing through the trip coil
potential mechanical and/or electrical problems in actuating
increases to the point where the force exerted on the arma-
coils well in advance of their emergence as actual faults.
ture is sufficient to overcome forces, combined gravitational
and friction, which may be exerted, pulling [2] it through Voltage
the trip coil core. In some cases it is also of interest to measure DC voltage
The magnitude of the initial current [1-2] is proportional sagging during coil operation. The voltage to the coil will
to the energy required to move the armature from its initial vary during operation. This change will influence the coil
rest position. The movement of the iron core through the current, the armature release time and finally the contact
trip coil generates an electromagnetic force in the coil that timing.
in turn has an effect on the current flowing through it. The

Circuit Breaker testing guide How to test 29

Minimum voltage test The easiest factor to measure is the total vibration level. If
This test is often neglected even though it is specified and it exceeds a given value, the equipment is deemed to be in
recommended in international standards. The test objec- the fault or risk zone.
tive is to make sure that the breaker can operate at the For all types of vibration testing, a reference level must
lowest voltage level provided by the station battery when have been previously measured on equipment known to
the breaker has to operate during a power outage. The test be fault free. All measurements on the equipment tested
is performed by applying the lowest specified operating are then related to this reference signature in order to
voltage and verify that the breaker operates within specified determine whether or not the measured vibration level is
operation parameters. Standard test voltage is 85% and 70% normal or that it indicates the presence of faults.
of nominal voltage for close and open respectively.
Vibration testing on circuit breaker
Minimum voltage required to operate Vibration analysis is a noninvasive method using an ac-
breaker celeration sensor without moving parts. The breaker can
This test should not be confused with the above described. stay in service during the test. An Open-Close operation is
In this test you determine the minimum voltage at which all that is required for the measurement. The first operation
the breaker is able to operate. It is a measure of how much can be different compared to the second and third because
force that is needed to move the coil armature. In this of corrosion and other metal to metal contact issues. Vibra-
test you are not interested in contact timing parameters, tion is an excellent method to capture the first operation
only whether the breaker operates or not. You start on a after long time in the same position.
low voltage sending a control pulse to the breaker. If not The analysis compares the vibration time series with earlier
operating you increase the voltage with say 5 V and try taken reference. The vibration method detects faults that
again, and so on. Once the breaker has operated you note can hardly be indicated with conventional methods. How-
the voltage at which operation occurred. Next time main- ever, if conventional data such as contact time, travel curve,
tenance is done you can compare your results with the old coil current and voltage are available in addition to the
test value to determine changes. vibration data even more precise condition assessment is
possible. The vibration data is stored together with available
Vibration testing conventional data.
Vibration testing is based on the premise that all mechani-
The vibration method is published in CIGR and IEEE
cal movements in an equipment produce sounds and/or
vibrations, and that by measuring them and comparing the
Since about 15 years is it utilized in the industry for testing
result with the results of previous tests (known data), the
all kind of breakers from transmission to industrial sites.
condition of the equipment in question can be evaluated.
The method was first established on the Scandinavian
market. Vibration can be performed under very safe man-
ners for the test technician as both sides can be grounded
throughout the test. Also less climbing is required since no
access to the breaker contact system is needed. The accel-
eration sensor is easily mounted on the breaker.
One or more accelerometers are attached to the breaker
poles and operating mechanism. Vibration signals from the
accelerometers proceed via a signal conditioning unit that
incorporates an amplifier and filter to the Breaker Analyzer
System TM1800 where they are recorded during breaker
operation. The directly recorded vibration signals can be
analyzed in the CABA Win software, together with time,
motion and coil current data.
A sophisticated procedure known as Dynamic Time Warp-
ing (DTW) is used for further analysis. DTW compares
vibration signals with reference signature obtained (pref-
erably) from a previous test conducted on the very same
breaker. Comparisons with the results of tests conducted
on other breakers of the same type can be used in the initial
phase of a series of tests. Comparison results are presented
The figure shows trip coil current and DC voltage sagging in an
open operation. The open circuit voltage is 128 V and the voltage on a time-time diagram that shows time deviations and also
sag is about 14 V at maximum trip current 11 A. These are normal on a deviation diagram that reveals differences in frequency
values and do not indicate any malfunctions in the DC operating content and amplitude.
voltage circuitry.

30 How to test Circuit Breaker testing guide

All test data and analysis data can be reported along with
other data such as motion and speed. The overall results
provide a more detailed picture of breaker condition than
has heretofore been available.
DTW vibration analysis is available in a separate program
module that can be purchased as an optional add-on for
CABA Win. This type of measurement requires a high
sampling rate and a broad dynamic range. The TM1800
uses 16-bit resolution and 40 kHz sampling rate. Together
with a specially designed Signal Conditioning Amplifier
SCA600, the TM1800 enables you to measure vibrations
with frequencies ranging up to 15 kHz.

Vacuum bottle test

Deviation between test and reference signatures. In this picture
The vacuum bottle in the vacuum circuit breaker is tested you can easily discern deviations that are beginning to appear and
with high voltage AC or DC to check that the integrity trace their origins
of the vacuum is intact. The electrical resistance of the breaker where two parts are joined together such as valve
vacuum in a breaker is identical in behavior for AC and fittings, bushings and flanges but in rare cases it can leak
DC. The main difference in using DC vs. AC is that AC straight through the aluminum as a result of poor casting.
also is sensitive to the capacitance of the breaker. The DC
These leaks can be found by using gas leak detectors (sniff-
(resistive) current component is 100 to 1000 times lower in
ers) or thermal imaging.
magnitude than the AC (capacitive) current component, de-
pending on the individual bottle capacitance and therefore
Humidity test
difficult to distinguish when testing using AC. As a result
AC requires much heavier equipment for testing compared As humidity can cause corrosion and flashovers inside a
to DC test instruments. breaker, it is important to verify that the moisture content
inside a SF6 breaker is kept to a minimum. This can be done
Both the DC and the AC methods are detailed in standards; by venting a small amount of SF6 gas from the breaker
ANSI/IEEE 37.20.2-1987, IEC 694 or ANSI C37.06. through a moisture analyzer which will tell you the moisture
of the gas.
SF6 leakage
SF6 leakage is one of the most common problems with
circuit breakers. The leakage can occur in any part of the

a) Impulse to energize oper-

ating coil.
b) Closing coil electro mag-
net is operating.
c) The big latch is released
e. and the cam disc starts its
c. movement.
d) The increasing friction
b. from the increasing size
of the cam disc shows as
a. j. e) Damping starts.
h. i.
f) The arm passes the latch
when it is released and
extra movement is made.
g) The arm stops at the
latch device and the
movement of contact
h, i, j) Cam disc turns to
locking position
A characteristic vibration signal recorded at the operating mechanism at a close operation

Circuit Breaker testing guide How to test 31

Air pressure test Mounting of motion transducer
Air pressure testing is carried out on air-blast breakers. For many years, breaker contact motion (travel) has been
Pressure level, pressure drop rate and air flow are measured considered one of the most important parameters for
during various operations. The blocking pressure that will checking a breakers interrupting capacity. Some types of
block the breaker in the event of very low pressure can also breakers are accompanied by instructions that explain how
be measured. to mount a motion transducer and some are not. There is,
therefore, a need for a few simple guidelines for selecting
the right type of transducer and the location on the breaker
where measurements are to be taken.
The relation between the mechanical movement of the
main contact and the transducer data output can be
proportional 1:1, 1:x or non-linear. Ideally, a linear trans-
ducer should be used when the main contact moves along
a straight path. The transducer should be attached firmly
enough to eliminate play and aligned in the direction taken
by the operating mechanism rod.
Another option is to use a rotary transducer connected to a
shaft end on the gearing located beneath the breaking pole.
Using a transducer fitting is by far the fastest way to attach
a motion transducer. The movement in the point selected
for attaching the sensor may not be proportional to the
movement of the main contact. To solve this problem, a
conversion table can be prepared. This conversion table will
enable the PC software to present the contacts motion and
speed. Two options are available:
1. Find out the geometrical transfer function between the
transducer attachment point and the moving contact.
A table, with degrees in the left column and distance
in the right column, can then be generated from this
2. Perform a measurement with one linear transducer
attached to the moving contact and one rotary transducer
attached to the most practical point. The position of the
linear transducers, at each degree turned on the rotary
transducer, is preferable read during a slow close
operation. However, if this is not possible a normal
operation can be used and then the most critical one
should be selected, e.g. open.
If it proves impossible to obtain verified limit and calcula-
tion points for the breakers closing and opening speeds,
an alternative is to select a suitable attachment point and
produce a footprint that can be used as a reference for
the breaker in question.
At the very least, this will enable any departures from pres-
ent conditions to be detected. Good universal attachment
fittings are available for transducers. One is designated as a
rotary transducer kit. If a particular type of breaker is test-
ed frequently, it may be advisable to obtain a made-to-order
tool that can be used to attach the transducer at the selected
point. Dont forget to use a flexible coupling between the
rotary transducer and the breaker shaft since any change in
the position of the shaft that occurs over time can damage
the transducer.

32 How to test Circuit Breaker testing guide

Test equipment
Test equipment for CB-testing includes one ore more of
the following:
Breaker analyzers
Power supplies
Vacuum testers
High current sources
Software including capability to do the following
Set user defined parameters
Create databases
Generate reports
Analyze data
Create graphical presentations

Product selection guide

Below is a selection guide for the Megger circuit breaker

Measurement entity Circuit breaker EGIL TM1700 TM1800
configuration Model / Config Model Modules / Configuration

Main contact 1 break / phase EGIL Basic All TM1700 1 Timing M/R
timing 2 break / phase All TM1700 1 Timing M/R
4 break / phase All TM1700 4) 2 - 7 Timing M/R
Main and PIR 1 break / phase EGIL Basic All TM1700 1 Timing M/R
contact timing 2 break / phase All TM1700 1 Timing M/R
4 break / phase All TM1700 4) 2 -7 Timing M/R
Coil current 1 operating mech. EGIL Basic All TM1700 1 Control
3 operating mech. TM1720/50/60 2 Control or 1 Control + 1 Analog + 3 ext. current clamps
Motion 1 operating mech. EGIL Motion All TM1700 5) 1 Analog or 1 Digital
3 operating mech.
Auxiliary contact 1 operating mech. EGIL Basic TM1710 1) 1 Control 1) or 1 Timing AUX
timing TM1720/50/60
3 operating mech. TM1720/50/60 2 Control 1) or 1 Control + 1 Timing AUX
3 aux / phase TM1720/50/60 1 Control 1) and 1 Timing AUX or 2 timing aux
SRM 3) Any EGIL SDRM All TM1700 1 Timing M/R + 1 Analog
DRM 3) Any EGIL SDRM 1 Timing M/R + 1 Analog + 1 Digital 2)
52a/b timing only
If digital motion transducer
SDRM201/202 accessory required
Phase by phase and max 6 breaks / phase
With 6 digital transducers or option with 3 analog channels.

Circuit Breaker testing guide Test equipment 33

Good to know about error sources
Capacitive coupling and if single ground is applied. For DualGround capacitive
Capacitive coupled current is the current that leaks through coupled current is not a problem.
the stray capacitances formed by overhead live lines as one TM1800 uses a patented active interference suppression
electrode, air or other insulation medium as dielectricum that neglects the influence of the interference current.
and a device under test or ground as the other electrode. If
the device under test is floating, i.e. not connected to earth, Inductive coupling
the voltage level of the device could reach double digit val- Inductive coupled currents are created by the alternating
ues in kV due to capacitive voltage division, live line/device, magnetic field that a conductive loop is exposed to. Ex-
device/ground. amples of such a loop could be test cables or a test object
Capacitive coupled currents can in worst case reach values grounded in both ends. The area of the loop, the magnetic
up to 20 mA AC in HV substations. The current level field and the resistance in the loop determines the value of
depends on the distance from the device under test to the induced current. The voltages created by induction is
overhead live lines, the length of the live line that the device normally very low, partitions of a Volt, but the current can
under test is exposed to and air humidity. The capacitive reach double digit values in Amperes AC.
coupled current can be seen as a constant current source. This current can interfere with Static and Dynamic resis-
When timing a circuit breaker in a conventional way (not tance measurement and affect the measurement value. As
DualGround) the capacitive coupled current will pass the inductive coupled current is and AC it will contribute
through the breakers main contacts and resistor contacts (if to the test current during one half of a period and the
existing) and interfere with the test current generated by the opposite during the other half introducing an error in the
test equipment. This is particularly crucial when timing re- voltage drop reading. To minimize the influence of induced
sistor contacts and measuring the value of the pre-insertion currents cable loops should be minimized e.g. by twisting
resistors, since the interference current could be in the same cables together as far as possible.
range as the test current therefore making big impact of the
result. The interference current is an AC that will contribute Disturbances
to the test current half of the period and the opposite the Instruments used in switchgear environment are in general
other half making it difficult to compensate for even if you well protected against disturbances but have of course
would know the value. limitations of what they can withstand. They need to have
Not considering the effect of the interference current could proper supply from AC system or batteries.
result in resistor contact timing errors up to plus minus a To avoid unnecessary disturbances instruments should in
half period. general be grounded and object should be disconnected and
When measuring pre-insertion resistor values the capacitive also grounded on at least one side.
coupled current passing through the test object superim- When the auxiliary contact breaks up the coil circuit a volt-
poses an interference current resulting in erroneous reading age spike is created over the contact. The spike has high
of voltage drop. Since resistor contacts usually are engaged frequency contents that quite easily can be propagated to
only for a short time (a couple of milliseconds) there is no measurement circuits resulting in disturbances of the test
possibility to determine the amount of interference current result. To avoid cross talk between control circuits and mea-
by looking on the periodical changes (50/60Hz). Suppress- surement circuits, cables for corresponding purpose should
ing these frequencies by means of filters is not feasibly due be separated from each other.
to the propagation delays the filters would introduce. Mea-
suring without interference suppression will subsequently Temperature
result in inaccurate, non-repeatable results depending on Temperature can affect both the measuring instruments and
where in the cycle the AC interference current happen to be the measured object and hence the result. Especially low
at the instant of PIR value measurement. The measurement temperatures may cause the mechanical parts move more
error will be proportional as: Peak interference current slowly because the oil and grease becomes more viscous.
divided by Test current. Example: If the test current is 50
At low temperatures the pressure of the interrupting
mA through the PIR and the interference current is 10 mA
medium (SF6, SF6/N2 or SF6/CF4 blend) decreases, which
peak the error will be 10 / 50 = 20%. (The test current
could affect the contact timing and operation speed of the
should be calculated as the test voltage divided with the PIR
moving contact.
One should therefore make measurements at times with
To minimize the size of the capacitive coupled current, the
very similar temperature as possible if you want to compare
side of the test object that has the longest exposed part to
the readings. If this is not possible at least a temperature
live overhead lines should be grounded, if there is a choice
note should be made and stored along with the test data.

34 Good to know about error sources Circuit Breaker testing guide

Voltage supply The electrical angular span of a rotary analogue transducer
When supplying the breaker operating coils you need a is usually less than 360 causing a gap of approximately 3
stable voltage supply that is capable of delivering the cur- giving undefined values. This gap should be avoided during
rent that the coils require. If you use a DC supply it should measurement.
be one with low ripple.
Sampling frequency
It is also important that the supply has a floating output,
Sampling frequency is the number of samples the measure-
isolated from ground, not only for personal safety reasons,
ment channel makes per second. Measuring with too low
but also because the stations auxiliary voltage circuitry
sampling frequency can result in that important informa-
might be equipped with a ground fault indication system.
tion e.g. contact bounces, never gets recorded. It is recom-
Measurement of control voltage mended to use at least 10 kHz for timing measurements,
It is of big importance to measure the control voltage at 20kHz for Dynamic Resistance Measurements and 40kHz
each recording since both timing results and coil current for vibration measurements.
traces are depending on the voltage that is applied. In order
to make a fair comparison between two tests it is crucial to
verify that the control voltages are equal. The test should be made with instrument with low inac-
curacy. The total fault depends not only on instruments
Excluding the control voltage parameter could complicate channels specifications, but also on transducers, cabling
the backtracking of the reason for an outlier when making and accessories. During motion measurements the faults
trend analysis. are influenced by cabling, flex couplers, transducer inac-
curacy, mounting of transducer and (if used) conversion
Connections, leads and clamps
tables. Current readings are influenced by disturbance in
Make sure of a good electrical contact to the test object. the current clamp, cabling, transducer offset and current
When there is paint or corrosion on the object, you must transformer specification.
remove this to get good connection. Make sure you connect
as close as possible to the measurement point, especially Temperature can influence instruments and accessories
during resistance measurements. specifications.

Circuit breaker operation is very powerful and vibrations To minimize the error caused by the test instrument the
can cause clamps to lose connection with object dur- calibration intervals recommended by the manufacturer
ing measurement. This can cause odd results and false should be obeyed.
bounces caused by the bad connection.
When using incremental transducers avoid long cables; the
signal can be damped.
Generally, keep cables short and when needed twist them to
avoid induction from magnetic fields.
Keep different types of test cables away from each other.
Make sure to use the right cable intended for the specific
Some cables have grounded screens to reduce disturbances.
These shall be used for measurements of analog entities
whereas unshielded cables is to be used for contact timing.
At DualGround testing with DCM the test cables shall not
be moved after tuning the circuit. If the position of the
cables are changed a new tuning has to be performed when
the circuit breaker is in closed position.

Transducer and flex coupling tolerances

Avoid endpoints at linear transducers since the electrical
stroke might be shorter than the mechanical stroke. Trans-
ducer accuracy is influencing the result of motion, hence
it is important to use a transducer with good linearity and
dynamic properties.
A flex coupling of good quality that protects the transducer
from mechanical damage and transfers the motion without
distorting it is highly recommended.

Circuit Breaker testing guide Good to know about error sources 35

Interpretation of the test results
Effective circuit breaker maintenance requires well-orga- Failure mode analysis
nized, accurate testing. The ability to accurately compare The charts below indicates some typical failure modes of
circuit breaker tests with previous test results is essential. It timing, voltage and current measurements on HV Breakers
is, therefore, imperative to conduct tests in exactly the same and looks at the various mechanical areas that could cause
way and under the same conditions as those conducted an out-of-tolerance condition.
earlier. Comparison can then provide a clear picture of any
deviations and changes, thereby indicating whether or not
the circuit breaker should be kept in operation or taken out
of service for further investigation.
Comprehensive, accurate testing also requires analytical
tools and efficient reporting. It must be possible to validate
test results in detail and then easily compare them with
other test results.
The test data are valuable information that must be safely
stored, including data backup on media that can be used for
years to come.

Timing measurements
Close Open Damping Charging Possible cause of failure condition
Time Time Time Motor
Faster/ Normal Normal Normal Change in characteristic of the closing system. Latching system is binding.
Faster Normal Normal Normal Spring charging system used for closing is defective.

Slower Normal Normal Normal

Normal Slower Normal Normal Change in characteristic of the closing system. Latching system is binding.
Faster Slower Normal/ Normal/ Reduced force exerted by opening springs. One of the opening springs is
Slower Slower broken.
Slower Slower Normal/ Normal/ Increased friction throughout the entire breaker caused by (for example)
Slower Slower corrosion in the linkage system.
Normal Faster Normal Normal Malfunctioning puffer system or extremely low SF6- pressure.
Normal Normal Faster Faster Damaged opening damper. Not enough oil in the dashpot.
Normal Normal Slower Slower Damaged opening damper. Increased friction in the dashpot

CB operating system
Tested parameter Result
Coil current Varies with coil resistance and control voltage
Control voltage Increased voltage drop indicates increased resistance of the coil supply cables.
Must be measured in order to obtain traceability of coil current measurements and

timing measurements
Coil resistance A change could indicate a burned coil or a short circuit between winding turns.
Can be calculated from control voltage and peak current

Armature stop time Increased time indicates increased mechanical resistance in latch system or coil armature
Armature start current Increased current indicates increased mechanical resistance in coil armature
Gives an indication of the lowest operation voltage (coil pick up).

Max motor current Varies with winding resistance, supply voltage and applied force.
Start current not considered.

Motor voltage Increased voltage drop indicates increased resistance in the motor supply cables
Spring charge motor start time Closing time of auxiliary contact for the spring charge motor
Spring charge motor stop time Increased time shows e.g. higher mechanical friction

36 Interpretation of the test results Circuit Breaker testing guide

How can I get more current out of my primary Twist the cables to reduce inductance
injection test set?
Keep the cables as short as possible
Use thicker cables or more cables in parallel
Make sure that the contact surfaces are clean
Confirm that binding posts and connection clamps are firmly

What kind of motion transducer should I use Follow the CB manufacturers recommendations
for a circuit breaker?
The general recommendation is to use rotary transducer
attach and to attach it to a rotating point in mechanism.
For live tank breakers you generally use a rotary transducer
but for dead tank breakers and bulk oil circuit breakers you
generally use a linear transducer.

Where should I attach the motion transducer? Follow the CB manufacturers recommendations
If the above is missing you should choose a point in which
the motion of the moving contact, as close as possible, is
reflected. This point could have a linear or a rotary movement
and it could be located in the operating mechanism or in a
gear case close to the breaker pole

Why should I test the CB with both sides When the CB is grounded just in one side, the opposite side
grounded? will become ungrounded when the CB is opened. This will
expose the test engineer to danger caused by capacitive
coupled currents, lightning or unintentional energizing of the
test object.
National, international and local standards and regulations
states that all metallic parts in a substation should be
connected to ground.

How do a get conversion tables for my circuit - Contact manufacturer of your circuit breaker
- Find out the geometric transfer function between the point
of transducer attachment and the moving contact and create
your own table.
- Make a reference measurement with one transducer
attached on the moving contact and one in the desired
transducer attachment point. From the result of the reference
measurement a table can be created.

I dont have data from manufacturer on my - Make a reference measurement (footprint) of the CB when
circuit breaker. How can I analyze my object? it is new and use this to compare with for the succeeding
- Use default settings for speed calculation points
- Compare results with other circuit breakers of the same type

Circuit Breaker testing guide FAQ 37

Megger CB testing products overview
Circuit breaker analyzers
The TM1800 is the instrument platform for circuit
breaker maintenance, based on more than 20 years experi-
ence of over 4,000 delivered breaker analyzers. The modu-
lar construction makes it possible to configure the TM1800
for measurements on all known types of circuit breakers in
operation on the world market.
The robust design contains powerful technology that
streamlines circuit breaker testing. Sophisticated measure-
ment modules enable great time savings as many param-
eters can be measured simultaneously, eliminating the need
for new setup each time.
The patented DualGround testing using the new DCM
module makes the testing safe and time saving, by keeping
the circuit breaker grounded on both sides throughout the
test. The DCM module uses a measuring technology called
Dynamic Capacitive Measurement.
The Timing of Main and Resistance contacts uses patented
active interference suppression to obtain correct timing and
accurate PIR (Pre-Insertion Resistor) values in high voltage
The latest instrument in the TM-family have used much of
the technology from the top of the line version TM1800.
TM1700 comes in four models starting from PC-remote
controlled to fully stand-alone. One important news is the
test wizard that quickly guides the operator through the test

EGIL is designed specifically for medium-voltage break-
ers having one main contact per phase. Main contacts and
parallel contacts having pre-insertion resistors are recorded
and displayed simultaneously. Coil currents and two auxil-
iary contacts are also measured as standard. EGIL can be
equipped with an analog channel e.g. for motion measure-
ment and a USB port for communication with the CABA
computer program. EGIL with the SDRM option together
with the SDRM accessory enables static and dynamic resis-
tance measurements.

38 Megger CB testing products overview Circuit Breaker testing guide

Breaker Analyzer Program CABA Win
After connecting your breaker analyzer to a personal
computer (PC), you can use CABA to speed up testing and
improve reliability. CABA can be used with the TM1800,
TM1700 and EGIL series of instruments. Results are
presented on the display both graphically and in table form
after each breaker operation so that you can make com-
parisons with limit values and previous test results. Simple
procedures enable you to create individual test plans tai-
lored to individual breakers. Time-saving conversion tables
simplify the task of connecting and linking transducers to
the breaker. Reports created in your own format can be
obtained easily using standard field linking functions.

VIDAR tests vacuum in circuit breaker chambers using DC
voltage. When AC is used, the capacitive component of
the current flowing through the chamber must be tested.
With DC, this is eliminated. The resistive component of the
leakage current is very small compared with the capacitive
component, because of the high dielectric strength of the
chamber. The DC flashover voltage is equal to the peak AC
voltage. Testing can be completed in a few minutes

Auxiliary equipment
Supplies power conveniently to breaker coils and spring-
charging motors. Since this power is unaffected by load and
virtually ripple-free, its ideal for minimum trip-voltage tests.

The SDRM202 is an accessory for TM1800, TM1700 and
EGIL with SDRM option.
The SDRM202 is intended to use for both static and dynam-
ic resistance measurements (SRM and DRM) on high voltage
circuit breakers or other low resistive devices. Used together
with TM1800, TM1700 or EGIL the current and also the
voltage-drop across the circuit breaker contacts are measured.
The measuring unit can thus calculate the resistance as a
function of time.

Circuit Breaker testing guide Megger CB testing products overview 39

The extensive range of products is designed to use high cur-
rents for both static and dynamic resistance measurement.
Here is a part of the portfolio of micro-ohmmeters.
MJLNER 200 and MJLNER 600
MJLNER 600 is designed to measure the resistance of
circuit breaker contacts, bus-bar joints, contact elements
in bus-bars and other high-current links. The product has
been designed with safety, ease of use and versatility in
mind. With MJLNER 600 it is possible to make mea-
surements according to the DualGround method. This
means that the test object will be grounded on both sides
throughout the test giving a safer, faster and easier work-

The ruggedness and lightweight, 1 kg (2.2 lbs), makes
MOM2 a handheld instrument very suitable for field work,
such as in substations.
MOM2 test system is designed to serve a number of appli-
cations. The most common are contact resistance measure-
ments of low-, medium- and high-voltage breakers and also
at bus-bar joints, and other high current links.
With MOM2 it is possible to make measurements accord-
ing to the DualGround method. This means that the test
object will be grounded on both sides throughout the test
giving a safer, faster and easier workflow.
MOM200A and MOM600A
MOM200A is designed to check and measure contact
resistances in high-voltage circuit breakers, disconnecting
switches (isolators) and bus-bar joints. The MOM200A is
an excellent choice when 200 amperes or less are needed
for measurement. The MOM600A is suitable when there is
a need for higher currents.

40 Megger CB testing products overview Circuit Breaker testing guide

DLRO200 measures resistances between 0.1 and 1,
at high currents. This versatile instrument can provide
test currents from 10 A up to 200 A subject to the load
resistance and supply voltage. A large liquid crystal display
provides all the information needed to perform a test; all
test parameters and measurement results are displayed.

DLRO 247000 Series

Digital Low Resistance Ohmmeters (DLRO) are a family of
highly accurate instruments that provide a simple, practi-
cal and reliable means of making low-resistance tests in
the field. They also are ideal for production quality control.
They operate on the four-wire measurement principle, thus
eliminating lead and contact resistances. With basic accura-
cies of 0.25% and resolution down to 0.1 , they are
nonetheless designed to be rugged and portable for use at
the job site.

Circuit Breaker testing guide Megger CB testing products overview 41

Primary injection test sets
Created to test low-voltage and primary breakers, ODEN
is designed to generate extraordinarily high power with-
out sacrificing portability. Outputs can range up to many
thousand amperes, and thanks to a highly sophisticated
measurement section, ODEN has a very broad range of

This powerful test system is designed for primary injection
testing of protective relay equipment and circuit breakers.
The system consists of a control unit and a current unit.
The two parts are portable, and INGVAR can be quickly
assembled and connected.

42 Megger CB testing products overview Circuit Breaker testing guide

CSU600A and CSU600AT
CSU600A and CSU600AT supply units have two main
fields of application. The first is to conduct primary tests
on protective relays. A primary test shows whether all parts
of the protection system are functioning together properly
within the specified time limits under operating conditions.
The second field of application involves conducting cur-
rent tests on low-voltage circuit breakers and overcurrent

Circuit Breaker testing guide Megger CB testing products overview 43

Abbreviations and terms
ABCB Air-blast circuit breaker
Antipump relay The relay is there to stop coil from unintentional operating of CB due to remaining close pulse after CO operation.
A device that prevents the CB from unintentional operation caused by standing or too long operation command
pulses. There are two types:
a. Prevents the CB to re-close after a CO when the close command is too long or continuous. The anti-pump relay is
reset by releasing the close command pulse. After this the CB can be closed again.
b. Prevents the CB to close when a continuous opening command is applied. To reset the anti-pump relay the
opening command has to be removed. When performing a trip-free operation (CO without delay) the open
command pulse has to be slightly delayed (10-20 ms) to prevent the anti-pump relay to pick up.
Arc An electric arc is an electrical breakdown of a gas which produces an ongoing plasma discharge, resulting from a
current flowing through circuit breaker medium
Arching contact Arching contact can be a separate contact or an integral part of the main contact. The purpose of the arching
contact is to withstand the energy during switching and protect the main contact from getting burned during
arching. Often a material like graphite or tungsten carbide is used in the design.
Auto-reclosing Auto-reclosing is a short-time interruption of overhead line systems to eliminate transient faults or short-circuits,
such as those caused by thunderstorms, lightning or animals. This is simulated at test by performing an Open-
delay-Close operation. The delay is normally 300 ms.
Break / Breaking Describes a subcomponent of a circuit breaker that includes at least one main contact. Can also be denoted
unit / Interrupter interrupter. A circuit breaker always includes at least one break per phase and can include up to 6 breaks per phase
in extreme cases. The voltage level and application for the specific circuit breaker decides the numbers of breaks.
DCM Dynamic Capacitance Measurement is a patented method used for resistance measurement with test object grounded
on both sides (DualGround). The DCM method is uses high frequency to achieve resonance in the test circuit. The fact
that the resonance frequency varies when the circuit breaker changes state can easily be used for close/open detection
DRM Dynamic Resistance Measurement is a recognized and well-proven method for assessing the condition of circuit
breakers. The contact resistance is measured while the circuit breaker operates. From the dynamic behavior of the
main- and arcing contact resistance important parameters such as arcing contact wear can be determined.
EHV Extra High Voltage, 345 kV
Load switch / Load switch / Switch disconnector ANSI/IEEE
Switch disconnector Switch IEC
Main contact The main contact is the mechanical part within the interrupter that carries the load when closed and provides the
electrical isolation in the open position. The main contact can by design have arching contacts. The typical resistance
of the main contact in closed position is 30-50 m.
Microohm SRM, Static Resistance Measurement, also called micro ohm measurement or ducter test, is a recognized and well-
measurement / SRM proven method for assessing the condition of circuit breakers. Resistance is measured while the breaker closed.
/ Ducter test According to ANSI should be measured with at least 100 A.
Nozzle Part on top of the circuit breaker pole which is protecting the main contacts from the arc between the arcing
contacts and also making the gas quench efficiently.
OCB Oil Circuit Breaker
On line testing Measurements done when CB is in service and energized. Connections at live parts can not be done. A rough
timing measurement can be performed by sensing the presence and absence of current on the secondary side of
the current transformers.
Moreover, most measurements, in which the operating mechanism is involved can be performed. Examples of such
measurements are; coil current, auxiliary contact timing, control voltage, motion and vibration.
Operating The operating mechanism includes the energy storage medium, actuating circuit and interlocking systems. Common
mechanism energy storing mediums are spring, air and hydraulic devices. Depending on the force needed to operate the
breaker the circuit breaker is equipped with one operating mechanism per phase (Separate or Independent Pole
Operated (IPO)) or one for all three phases (Common or Ganged).
PIR, Post Insertion Resistors mounted in parallel with the interrupter as an integral part of the circuit breaker to limit the magnitude of
resistor (opening the transient over-voltages. Resistors are mounted on circuit breakers where the over voltages during an opening
resistor) operation must be controlled or minimized. Post-PIR is in the range of 1010k.
PIR, Pre Insertion Resistors mounted in parallel with the interrupter as an integral part of the circuit breaker to limit the magnitude
Resistor (closing of the in-rush current and the transient over-voltages. Resistors are mounted on circuit breakers where the over
resistor) voltages during a closing operation must be controlled or minimized. By the mechanical design the resistor is
switched in before the main contact closes which also short-circuits the resistor when closed. Pre-PIR is in the range
of 1010k.

44 Abbreviations and terms Circuit Breaker testing guide

S/G, Silver/Graphite Siemens patented design of HV Circuit breakers where the arcing contact is made out of a graphite material.
Traditional arcing contact designs use tungsten carbide. Graphite withstands the energy of the arc generated better
but from a measuring perspective it is difficult to detect the open and close time due to high resistance of the
SF6 Gas used in CB and switchgear for its excellent dielectric and arc extinguishing properties as well as for its stability
also in high temperatures.
UHV Ultra High Voltage, 800 kV

Circuit Breaker testing guide Abbreviations and terms 45

46 Contents Circuit Breaker testing guide
Circuit Breaker testing guide Contents 47
Abbreviations and terms ................................ 44 Error sources ................................................. 34
Absorbing material ........................................ 16
ACB ............................................................... 14
Failure mode analysis ................................... 36
Acceleration ................................................... 27
Failure modes ................................................ 18
Air blast ......................................................... 14
FAQ ............................................................... 37
Air pressure test ............................................ 32
First trip test ................................................... 25
Application areas for CB ................................ 11
Arc ................................................................... 9 G
Arcing contacts .......................................... 9, 16 General CB function ........................................ 9
Auxiliary contacts and coil ............................. 17 Generator breaker ......................................... 11
Auxiliary equipment ....................................... 39 Grading capacitor .......................................... 10
Bulk oil ........................................................... 15 How to test .................................................... 22
C Humidity test .................................................. 31
HV circuit breakers ........................................ 11
Capacitive coupling ....................................... 34
Hydraulic ....................................................... 17
Capacitor bank breaker ................................. 11
Hydraulic / Spring .......................................... 17
Capacitors ..................................................... 10
CB parts ........................................................ 16 I
CB technologies ............................................ 14 Inaccuracy ..................................................... 35
Cigr .............................................................. 18 Inductive coupling .......................................... 34
Circuit breaker analyzers ............................... 38 Industrial breaker ........................................... 12
Connections, leads and clamps .................... 35 Interrupter unit ............................................... 16
Contact timing ............................................... 26 Items to be tested .......................................... 25
Controlled functionality .................................. 10
Controlled switching ...................................... 28
Control voltage .............................................. 35 Live tank ........................................................ 13
Current .......................................................... 29 Load switches .................................................. 8
Low voltage CB ............................................. 13
Damping ........................................................ 27
DCB / DTC ..................................................... 13 Main and arcing contacts ................................ 9
DC breaker .................................................... 12 Main contacts ................................................ 16
Dead tank ...................................................... 13 Maintenance approaches .............................. 20
Disconnectors .................................................. 8 Maintenance strategy .................................... 20
Distribution breakers ..................................... 12 Main types of CB ........................................... 13
Disturbances ................................................. 34 Microhmmeters .............................................. 40
DRM .............................................................. 28 Minimum oil ................................................... 15
DualGround ................................................... 22 Minimum voltage test .................................... 30
Dynamic resistance measurement ................ 28 Motion ............................................................ 27

48 Index Circuit Breaker testing guide

Motor ............................................................. 17 Test results .................................................... 36
Mounting of motion transducer ...................... 32 Thermal / Magnetic ........................................ 17
Multiple breaks per phase ............................. 10 Timing of graphite breakers ........................... 26
Traction CB .................................................... 12
Transducer and flex coupling tolerances ....... 35
Nozzle ........................................................... 16
Travel ............................................................. 27
Oil test ........................................................... 31
Vacuum .......................................................... 15
Operating mechanism ................................... 17
Vacuum bottle test ......................................... 31
P Vibration testing ............................................. 30
Parallel capacitor ........................................... 10 Voltage .......................................................... 29
PIR ................................................................ 10 Voltage supply ............................................... 35
Pneumatic ..................................................... 17 W
Power network ................................................. 8
Why test circuit breakers ................................. 6
Primary injection test ..................................... 26
Primary injection test sets ............................. 42
Product selection guide ................................. 33

Reactor breaker ............................................. 11
References .................................................... 50
Resistor contacts ........................................... 10

Safety ............................................................ 22
Sampling frequency ....................................... 35
SDRM202 ...................................................... 39
SF6 ................................................................ 15
SF6 leakage .................................................. 31
Solutions to reduce the arc .............................. 9
Speed ............................................................ 27
Spring loaded ................................................ 17
SRM ............................................................... 27
Standards ........................................................ 7
Static resistance measurement ..................... 27
Switch disconnector ...................................... 12
Synchronized functionality ............................. 10
Synchronized switching ................................. 28

Temperature .................................................. 34
Test equipment .............................................. 33
Testing guide ................................................. 21
Test methods ................................................. 25

Circuit Breaker testing guide Index 49

1. Colloquium on Monitors and condition assessment equipment. IEE 1996.
2. H.V. Stephandes et al, Modern Methods for the Reduction of the Operating Energy for SF Circuit Breakers. CIGRE
13-12 1993.
3. H. Aeschbach et al, Maintenance of SF High Voltage Circuit Breakers. CIGRE 23- 105 199
4. Interpretation of Circuit Breaker Operating Coil Signatures
5. W. E. Dueck Programma Electric AB
6. Ferrography and Electrical Switching Apparatus Mike Munroe Leslie Morovek Bill Dueck MUNROE EQUIPMENT
7. Anderson, D. P. / Wear Particle Atlas (Revised) / 1982 / page 7
8. Anderson, D. P. / Wear Particle Atlas (Revised) / 1982 / page 8
9. Scott, D. and Mills, G. H. / Spherical Debris- Its Occurrence, Formation, and Significance in Rolling Contact Fatigue /
Wear, 24 / 1973 / pages 235-242
10. Anderson, D. P. / Wear Particle Atlas (Revised) /1982 / page 34
11. Lockwood, F. E. , Dalley, R. /Lubricant Analysis/Friction, Lubrication, and Wear Technology/1995 /page 30
12. Hogmark, S. , Jacobson, S., Vingsbo, O. , / Technology / 1995 / page 176
13. Oerilikon Engineering Company / Service Publication H 401620 / 1969 / Pages 5 and 6
14. Imperial Oil / Product Information / Ninth Edition / 1996 / page 138
15. Stadnyk, N. M. , Tandon, K. N. / Industrial Technology Center / Project #01340 / 1984 / page 1
16. Stadnyk, N. M. , Tandon, K. N. / Industrial Technology Center / Project #01340 / 1984 / page 3
17. Michael Beanland, P.E., TriAxis Engineering, Corvallis, OR Thomas Speas, Southern States LLC, Hampton, GA
18. Joe Rostron, P.E., Southern States LLC, Hampton, GA Prepared for Western Protective Relay Conference October
19-21, 2004 Spokane, WA
19. Mirsad Kapetanovich, High voltage circuit breakers
20. Live Tank Circuit Breaker, Buyers Guide, Edition 3, 2004-06, ABB
21. Roberto Pilenga, Jornadas Tcnicas Medium Voltage Service Retrofit & Revamping, ABB
22. CE Slver, ABB Ludvika

50 References Circuit Breaker testing guide

Whats in the name...?
For over 100 years, Megger has been a premier provider One recent addition to the Megger product line is an in-
of test equipment and measuring instruments for electrical novative range of instruments for testing data and telecom-
power applications. The Megger trademark was first regis- munication installations. Working with both copper and
tered in May 1903 and is closely guarded by the company. optical technologies, and collaborating closely with the
Although Megger is best known for its world-famous range major industry players, Megger has developed easy-to-use
of insulation testers, the company provides a full service products to keep the costs of test and measurement down
solution to meet all electrical test and measurement needs. and productivity up.
Megger products provide testing solutions for the most Megger also operates the renowned AVO Training Institute,
critical maintenance areas, including cable fault location, which offers top rated training for electrical maintenance
protective relay and circuit breaker testing, and power qual- and safety through the network of Megger offices. In
ity testing. With such a diverse product offering, Megger is addition, the company manufactures STATES terminal
the single source for electrical test and measuring instru- blocks and test switches, which are specified by many major
ments. electric utilities. For over 65 years, test technicians and
The Megger product offering spans 30 distinct product engineers have depended on STATES products to provide
groups with over 1,000 specific products. Circuit breaker easy access to wiring on panel boards and switchboards, to
test sets, watt-hour meter test equipment and protective eliminate wiring reconnection errors and to save operator
relay test instruments, instruments used for testing and time.
maintaining transformers, batteries and underground cables Megger manufactures and markets products on a global
and other products designed for the power industry were scale. Its principal manufacturing sites are in College Sta-
formerly supplied under the Biddle, Multi-Amp, PAX Di- tion and Dallas, Texas; Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, Dover,
agnostics and Programma brands. As a few examples of its England, Danderyd, Sweden and Baunach and Radeburg,
many innovations, Megger developed the first completely Germany. Sales and technical support offices are main-
automatic, software driven protective relay test system in tained at each manufacturing site as well as in Sydney, Aus-
1984 as well as the first microprocessor based breaker test tralia; Toronto, Canada; Paris, France; Oberursel, Germany;
system in 1984. Mumbai, India, Johannesburg, South Africa; Oberkulm,
Manufacturing insulation testers from 1 kV to 10 kV is Switzerland, Chonburi, Thailand and Bahrain, UAE. With
where Megger started, and the Megger brand name is so a global network of hundreds of sales representatives,
well known today that maintenance professionals often in- product literature and user manuals in eight languages, and
correctly use it as a verb when they refer to insulation test- multilingual product software, Megger is a local supplier for
ing on wiring. This famous name dates back to 1889, when customers anywhere in the world.
the first portable insulation tester was introduced with the All Megger products meet the highest standards for quality,
MEGGER brand. reliability and safety. All of the companys facilities are certi-
Megger acquired PAX diagnostics in 2008, adding sweep fied as meeting the requirements of the ISO 9001 quality
frequency diagnostic test equipment to its portfolio. Megger standard, and the Dover and Danderyd sites are also certi-
enjoys an outstanding reputation in the areas of ground fied to ISO14001, the international environmental standard.
testing, oil testing and as a supplier of electrical contractor Megger is constantly striving to maximize quality, thereby
maintenance tools such as multimeters, portable appliance ensuring that the experience of its customers is always
testers and clamp-on meters. world class
In June 2012, Megger acquired SebaKMT, the world leader
in cable test equipment. While Megger invented dc insula-
tion resistance testing in the 19th century, it was Seba that
pioneered cable fault location equipment in the early 1950s.

Postal address Visiting address

Megger Sweden AB Megger Sweden AB
Box 724 Rinkebyvgen 19
T +46 8 510 195 00 seinfo@megger.com
F +46 8 510 195 95 www.megger.com
Printed matter:
Art.No. ZP-AB01E Doc. AB0066CE 2014
Subject to change without notice.

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