Cardiac Interpretation of Pediatric Chest X-Ray: Key Facts
Cardiac Interpretation of Pediatric Chest X-Ray: Key Facts
Cardiac Interpretation of Pediatric Chest X-Ray: Key Facts
Key Facts
The cardiac silhouette occupies 5055% of the chest width on an
anteriorposterior chest X-ray
When assessing the cardiovascular system on a chest X-ray, the following
must be noted:
The size of the heart (small, normal, or large)
The contours of the heart reflecting various cardiovascular components
which can be enlarged, absent, or displaced
The Pulmonary vascularity which can be diminished, normal, or increased
Many newborn children appear to have cardiomegaly when in fact the
thymus is contributing to the cardio-thymic shadow. The lateral view of
CXR can separate this from true cardiomegaly.
An enlarged heart coupled with an increase in pulmonary vascular
markings can be indicative of left to right shunting such as with ASD,
VSD, and PDA.
Ra-id Abdulla(*)
Center for Congenital and Structural Heart Diseases, Rush University Medical Center,
1653 West Congress Parkway, Room 763 Jones, Chicago, IL 60612, USA
diagnostic procedures is significant making their routine use difficult. Chest X-ray
on the other hand is easy to perform, economical, and provides important informa-
tion including heart size, pulmonary blood flow, and any associated lung disease.
History of present illness coupled with physical examination provides the treating
physician with a reasonable list of differential diagnoses which can be further
focused with the aid of chest X-ray and electrocardiography making it possible to
select a management plan or make a decision to refer the child for further evalua-
tion and treatment by a specialist.
Table2.2 (continued)
Pulmonary atresia-intact ventricular septum No tricuspid regurgitation: right ventricular
Severe tricuspid regurgitation: right atrial
enlargement, right ventricular enlargement
Truncus arteriosus Right ventricular enlargement, pulmonary artery
Total anomalous pulmonary venous return Dilation of veins draining anomalous pulmonary
veins, such as vertical vein, innominent vein,
superior vena cava, Snowman sign
Hypoplastic left heart syndrome Left ventricular hypoplasia, ascending aorta and
aortic arch hypoplasia
Transposition of the Great Arteries Narrowed mediastinum, egg on a string
Normal CXR
Anteroposterior View
The cardiac silhouette occupies 5055% of the chest width. Cardiomegaly is present
when the cardiothoracic (CT) ratio is more than 55%. The right border of the
cardiac silhouette consists of the following structures from top to bottom: superior
vena cava, ascending aorta, right atrial appendage, and right atrium (Fig.2.1). The
left border of the cardiac silhouette is formed from top to bottom by the aortic arch
(aortic knob), pulmonary trunk, left atrial appendage, and the left ventricle. Of note
is that the right ventricle does not contribute to either heart border.
In the normal chest X-ray only the larger, more proximal pulmonary arteries can
be visualized in the hilar regions of the lungs and the lung parenchyma should be
clear with no evidence of pleural effusion (Fig.2.2).
Lateral View
The cardiac silhouette in this view is oval in shape and occupies the anterior half
of the thoracic cage. Lung tissue occupies the dorsal half of the chest cavity.
Fig.2.1 Heart border: The cardiac silhouette is formed by a variety of cardiovascular structures.
In an AP view, the right heart border is formed from top to bottom by superior vena cava, ascending
aorta, right atrial appendage, and the right atrium. On the left side, the heart border is formed from
top to bottom by the aortic arch (knob), main pulmonary artery, left atrial appendage, and the left
ventricle. AA ascending aorta, AoA aortic arch, LAA left atrial appendage, RAA right atrial appendage,
RA right atrium, SVC superior vena cava
Fig. 2.2 Normal chest X-ray: The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and contour. A normal
pulmonary blood flow pattern is present with no evidence of pleural disease
22 Ra-id Abdulla and D.M. Luxenberg
Fig. 2.3 (a) The superior vena cava forms from the union of the innominate veins. The right
atrium occupies the right border of the cardiac silhouette. The right ventricle is the anterior most
part of the heart and occupies the middle region within the cardiac silhouette. The main pulmonary
artery is to the left of the ascending aorta and forms a small portion of the middle of the left car-
diac silhouette border as it courses posteriorly and bifurcates into right and left pulmonary arteries.
(b) The left atrium lies behind the left ventricle, the ascending aorta courses to the right of the
pulmonary artery and then arches at the superior aspect of the mediastinum. The mediastinum is
formed by the crossing of the aorta and pulmonary artery. Ao aorta, LA left atrium, LV left ventricle,
PA pulmonary artery, RA right atrium, RV right ventricle, SVC superior vena cava
The ascending aorta and right ventricle form the anterior border, while the left
atrium and left ventricle form the posterior border.
The various cardiovascular components cannot be visualized by chest X-ray,
however, knowledge of cardiac and vascular anatomy within the cardiac silhouette
is helpful in understanding both normal and abnormal findings on chest X-ray
(Fig.2.3a, b).
Change in the shape of the cardiac silhouette may point to specific cardiac
structural abnormalities; for example, an uplifted cardiac apex points to right
ventricular hypertrophy due to displacement of the left ventricular apex upward and
laterally. We will now discuss some specific congenital cardiac lesions and their
associated chest X-ray findings.
Shunt Lesions
AP View
Fig.2.4 Atrial septal defect. An atrial septal defect causes an increase in heart size with fullness
of the right heart border due to right atrial enlargement. The pulmonary arteries are full and may
be well visualized even in the peripheral lung fields indicating an increase in pulmonary blood
flow. PAs pulmonary arteries, RA right atrium
Lateral View
AP View
Left to right shunting at the ventricular level will cause an increase in pulmonary
blood flow. The increase in pulmonary blood flow will manifest as engorged
pulmonary vasculature. The increase in return of blood to the left atrium and
ventricle may cause left atrial and left ventricular dilation (Fig.2.5).
24 Ra-id Abdulla and D.M. Luxenberg
Fig.2.5 Ventricular septal defect (VSD). Cardiomegaly is noted in most moderate to large VSDs.
An increase in pulmonary blood flow results in prominent pulmonary vasculature which may be
noted in the peripheral lung fields. PAs pulmonary arteries
Lateral View
The lateral view shows a posteriorly deviated esophagus reflective of a dilated left
AP View
Left to right shunting at the arterial level causes dilation of the pulmonary vascula-
ture. The main pulmonary artery is dilated which may be noted by prominence of
the main pulmonary artery segment at the left heart border just below the aortic arch
on the AP view. The left atrium and ventricle become dilated due to increased
2 Cardiac Interpretation of Pediatric Chest X-Ray 25
Fig. 2.6 Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA). In addition to the PDA itself, the dilated main and
branch pulmonary arteries cause the middle segment of the left heart silhouette to be prominent.
PA pulmonary artery
pulmonary venous blood return to the left atrium resulting in cardiomegaly. Left
atrial dilation may cause widening of carina angle (Fig.2.6).
Lateral View
Prominent pulmonary vasculature and a dilated left atrium are noted. Left atrial
dilation may cause posterior deviation of the esophagus.
AP View
Large atrial and ventricular septal defects (VSDs) are common with this lesion. The
resultant significant increase in pulmonary blood flow results in prominent pulmo-
nary vasculature. This, coupled with regurgitation of the atrioventricular valve,
results in cardiomegaly due to dilation of all cardiac chambers. Left atrial dilation
may cause a widening of the carina angle as well (Fig.2.7).
26 Ra-id Abdulla and D.M. Luxenberg
Fig.2.7 Atrioventricular canal defect. The heart is enlarged due to dilation of all cardiac cham-
bers from to left to right shunting and atrioventricular valve regurgitation. The pulmonary arteries
are very prominent. This patient also has right upper lobe atelectasis which may be seen in patients
with a significant increase in pulmonary blood flow and heart failure. RA right atrium
Prominent pulmonary vasculature and cardiomegaly are noted. Left atrial dilation
may cause posterior deviation of the esophagus.
Obstructive Lesions
Pulmonary Stenosis
AP View
The jet-like flow across the narrowed pulmonary valve orifice causes the main
pulmonary artery to dilate. This manifests as prominence of the pulmonary artery
2 Cardiac Interpretation of Pediatric Chest X-Ray 27
Fig.2.8 Pulmonary stenosis. The main pulmonary artery is dilated (seen in the mid left border of
the cardiac silhouette) and the left ventricular apex is uplifted secondary to right ventricular
enlargement. LV left ventricle, PA pulmonary artery
segment in the midleft border of the cardiac silhouette, just below the aortic arch
prominence. Right ventricular dilation and hypertrophy are present in cases of
severe and prolonged pulmonary stenosis (PS). Right ventricular enlargement will
manifest as uplifting of the cardiac apex (Fig.2.8).
Lateral View
A dilated main pulmonary artery may be seen as fullness of the upper retrosternal
portion of the cardiac silhouette. Right ventricular enlargement will cause fullness
of the lower retrosternal portion of the cardiac silhouette.
Aortic Stenosis
AP View
The jet-like flow across the narrowed aortic valve orifice will result in the dilation of
the ascending aorta which will be noted in the mid region of the right heart border.
28 Ra-id Abdulla and D.M. Luxenberg
Fig.2.9 Aortic stenosis. The aortic arch (upper left border of the cardiac silhouette) is prominent
with the evidence of left ventricular dilation. Note the down and outward displacement of the
cardiac apex. The heart is enlarged as well. AOA aortic arch, LV left ventricle
In severe cases, the aortic knob (the upper portion of left border of cardiac
silhouette) will be prominent.
Prolonged AS will cause left ventricular failure and dilation which will
manifest as a downward and lateral displacement of the cardiac apex
Lateral View
This is typically normal except in cases of congestive heart failure where cardio-
megaly is seen.
2 Cardiac Interpretation of Pediatric Chest X-Ray 29
Fig.2.10 Coarctation of the aorta. The aortic arch is hypoplastic in this patient resulting in the
absence of aortic knob prominence at the upper left border of the cardiac silhouette. Cardiomegaly
is present due to left ventricular failure and dilation. AOA aortic arch, LV left ventricle
AP View
While coarctation of the aorta (CoA) is most often not initially detectable by CXR,
prolonged and severe disease may lead to left ventricular hypertrophy, and dilation,
manifesting as cardiomegaly. Long standing CoA may cause a reverse 3 sign
noted in the aortic knob (the upper portion of left cardiac silhouette border) and rib
notching which is a deformation of the inferior surface of the ribs (Fig.2.10).
Lateral View
Fig. 2.11 Tetralogy of Fallot. The mediastinum is narrow due to hypoplasia of the pulmonary
valve. The left ventricular apex is displaced laterally and upward due to right ventricular hyper-
trophy. The lungs appear anemic due to reduced pulmonary blood flow secondary to severe
pulmonary stenosis and right to left shunting at the ventricular septal defect. LV left ventricle
Tetralogy of Fallot
AP View
Lateral View
Right ventricular hypertrophy will cause fullness of the cardiac silhouette in the
retrosternal region. An anemic lung appearance due to reduced pulmonary blood
flow will be noted.
2 Cardiac Interpretation of Pediatric Chest X-Ray 31
Fig.2.12 Pulmonary atresia. Reduced pulmonary blood flow gives the appearance of anemic
lungs; this may be seen in tricuspid as well as in pulmonary atresia when the patent ductus
arteriosus is small. AOA aortic arch, asterisk (*) indicates the absence of pulmonary artery
segment due to hypoplasia of the main pulmonary artery
Tricuspid Atresia
AP View
In patients with tricuspid atresia (TrA) and intact ventricular septum, the right
ventricle will be hypoplastic, rendering the heart size small on chest X-ray. This can
be subtle and the chest X-ray may appear normal. Because patients with TrA must
have a patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) or systemic-to-pulmonary arterial collaterals
to survive, the pulmonary blood flow is typically increased with resultant prominent
pulmonary vasculature (Fig.2.12).
32 Ra-id Abdulla and D.M. Luxenberg
Lateral View
AP View
Patients with pulmonary atresia-intact ventricular septum (PA-IVS) and severe tri-
cuspid regurgitation develop dilation of the right atrium and ventricle manifesting
as cardiomegaly with fullness of the right heart border. On the other hand, patients
with mild or no tricuspid regurgitation will have small right ventricles and no
changes on CXR. The extent of pulmonary blood flow depends upon the size of
PDA or systemic-to-pulmonary arterial collaterals. Large shunts will cause an
increase in pulmonary blood flow manifesting as prominent pulmonary vasculature
on chest X-ray, while those with small shunts will have reduced pulmonary vascu-
lar markings (Fig.2.12).
Lateral View
Cardiomegaly due to right atrial and ventricular enlargement may be noted with
severe tricuspid regurgitation. Prominent pulmonary vasculature is noted
with large shunts due to a large PDA or significant systemic-to-pulmonary arterial
Truncus Arteriosus
AP View
Fig. 2.13 Truncus arteriosus. Narrowed mediastinum and cardiomegaly due to biventricular
enlargement as a result of increased pulmonary blood flow
Lateral View
The thymus gland is seen as soft tissue in the high retrosternal region of lateral
chest X-ray. An absent thymus suggests DiGeorge syndrome.
AP View
Fig.2.14 Total anomalous pulmonary venous return to the superior vena cava. Cardiac silhouette
has a snowman appearance formed by two round structures; the heart forms the round structure
below and the dilated vertical vein, innominate vein and the superior vena cava forming the round
structure above that of the heart. IV innominate vein, VV vertical vein
Lateral View
This view may demonstrate the congested pulmonary vasculature but is not
otherwise helpful.
AP View
Lateral View