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Student Music Guide

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Find Your Fit—Detailed
Listings for 222 Schools
Getting the Big Scholarship
The Affordable 2-Step Degree
Real-World Experience at College
Innovations at University of
Miami’s Frost School of Music

Nolan Schroeder performs at a reception following a Scholarship Benefit

Concert at the University of Northern Iowa. (Photo: UNI School of Music)


Professor John Daversa (left) prepares for a 2013 concert with members of
the Concert Jazz Band at the University of Miami’s Frost School of Music.


That’s the key question on the minds of aspiring jazz musicians who want to earn a degree.
DownBeat is here to help. Our annual Student Music Guide contains detailed information on hun- 74 ‘Real-World’ Jazz Education
dreds of schools, as well was in-depth, insightful articles that help students (and their parents)
decide which schools would be the best fit. These articles include practical tips as well as commen- How schools prepare students for
tary from the top educators in the field. life beyond the classroom
Educator JB Dyas’ essay “Getting the Big Scholarship” (page 140) is filled with valuable infor-
mation on how to prepare for the important audition process, as well as pointers on how to maxi- 100 Frost School of Music
mize scholarship awards. This article will help you impress the judges. The essay offers important
The University of Miami’s Frost
tips on developing your repertoire and securing your letters of recommendation.
“The 2-Step Degree” (page 164) offers advice on how to transfer to a second institution to com- School of Music provides students
plete your studies. Cost, of course, is a major factor in choosing to start your education at a commu- with a broad musical educaton
nity college or in-state school before transferring to a larger university or conservatory. This article
provides tips on what courses to take, and which credits can be carried from one school to the next. 140 Getting the Big Scholarship
On page 100, we present a profile of the Frost School of Music at the University of Miami. Frost
Tips for students seeking to land
is one of the many world-class degree-granting institutions that offer a range of scholarship and
financial aid options. a scholarship
Our “‘Real-World’ Jazz Education” piece (page 74) will guide you toward schools that provide
the kind of professional experience you need to get good-paying gigs after graduation—when it’s 164 The ‘2-Step Degree’
time to start paying off those student loans. Tips on how to transfer to a
At the heart of this guide are detailed listings of jazz programs at 222 schools. Our listings have
second institution to complete
been organized by region, including an International section. Throughout the listings, you’ll notice
that some schools’ names have a colored banner. Those schools have placed advertisements in this
your degree
issue of DownBeat, providing another source of information about a particular jazz program.
(To find the ad for a particular school, see the DB Buyers Guide on page 193.)
As you begin researching jazz studies programs, you’ll find that some schools are more expen- SCHOOL LISTINGS
sive than others. But don’t rule out a school solely on the basis of tuition. You might find that the
school offers scholarship opportunities and financial aid options that could make it affordable. 78 East
The most important thing to remember is this: Do your research. After you’ve read through this
guide, we encourage you to meet with a counselor or teacher to discuss your plans. Visit the web- 102 South
sites of any schools that interest you. We’ve compiled the most recent information we could gather
at press time, but some information may have changed; therefore, be sure to contact a school rep- 118 Midwest
resentative to get up-to-date guidelines on admissions, enrollment, scholarships and financial aid.
The process of selecting a program and applying to it can seem overwhelming. But remember, 144 West
there are plenty of people out there whose job is to help you earn a degree. We want you connect to
with them. We hope this guide inspires you to dream big and achieve your goals. DB
168 International


hen trumpeter Ambrose Akinmusire musical skills, obviously. Professional behavior and mindsets. Nobody is going to ‘employ’ you.

W was studying at the Thelonious Monk

Institute of Jazz, veteran bassist Ron
Carter, one of the program’s faculty members,
would be the second area: being on time, com-
ing prepared, being respectful.
“Then there’s the third, which is about the
You will embark on a career that is entrepre-
neurial, whether you understand that or not.
You will have to develop your own career.”
related a story to the class about helping a per- relationships you build. I’m not talking about “Musicians have to figure out their own way
son in a wheelchair who had tipped over the business-savvy networking. It’s about building of making it all work,” said Daniel Seeff, pro-
curb that morning. relationships that are based on sincerity. You’re gram director of the Thelonious Monk Institute
For Akinmusire, it was more than an account only going to be a student for so long, so this of Jazz Performance at UCLA. “Robert Glasper
of a random incident in Carter’s day. It was a les- comes first.” talks to our students a lot about that. He says,
son that, in retrospect, was as crucial as study- “Intro to Character Building” isn’t being ‘Graduating from school and making a record
ing theory and performance in preparing for a offered by America’s top jazz studies programs. where you play standards is much more difficult
professional career. But between visiting artists, faculty and stu- to pull off now. You have to take what you’ve
“The lesson is that these guys are beautiful dents, it is increasingly a matter for discussion learned and reimagine it as something else you
human beings,” the trumpeter said. “I remem- at educational institutions today. The reason can present to people.’ You have to be more
ber Herbie Hancock would always say to us, has everything to do with the changing land- creative than just playing jazz as you put your
‘I’m a human being first.’ You think of him just scape of professional jazz, where, essentially, career together.”
playing the piano 20 hours a day and that’s all every artist is on his or her own. Several institutions address this with their
he does. But the reason they play that way isn’t Panos Panay—founding managing director undergraduates by encouraging them to think
just because of technique or whatever. If you’re of Berklee College of Music’s Berklee Institute clearly and early about their aspirations. Seeff
not a great human being, that stuff is not going for Creative Entrepreneurship (BerkleeICE)— described how Karen Kennedy, president of 24
to reach people the way you intend it to. Those equates the situation with changes in practical- Seven Artist Management, approaches the topic
are the types of lessons I took away from the ly every job market. “In the late ’90s, perform- in the business course she teaches at the Monk
institute.” ing musicians had an industry with a structure Institute. “She gets very specific about what you
Aaron Flagg, recently appointed chair and that almost emulated corporate America,” he want to do: ‘How many days a year do you want
assistant director of Juilliard Jazz at The said. “You vied for a job, that job being to be to tour? How much money do you want to earn?
Juilliard School, gives this issue equal foot- signed to GRP or Concord or Blue Note or some What type of audience do you want to play for?
ing with traditional academics as a priority for other major label. By and large, these labels How many albums do you want to put out each
getting students ready to prepare their careers. employed you and gave you a long-term com- year?’ You make this list and then you work
“Our department is set up to make sure we help mitment. There were benefits that came with backward on how to get to this point.”
our students deal with this question of balance,” being a ‘long-term employee’ of that label. Kennedy also teaches at Juilliard, where a
Flagg said. “There are actually three areas where “Fast-forward 20 years, and that structure similar approach to career-mapping helps new
Juilliard prepares people to be working musi- doesn’t really exist anymore,” Panay continued. students think beyond their classroom instruc-
cians in the modern world. One of them is “You need to develop very different instincts tion toward their professional futures. Her


Bobby McFerrin performs with students
from the University of North Texas.

Business of Jazz class for fourth-year under- marketplace for music,” Hedenstrom said. “And universities, Dyas offers students advice on how
grads and master’s students covers a variety of I think I’ve been well prepared for it. You have a to put together a strong presentation. “But some-
practical topics, such as how to put together an lot of courses that go into things like video edit- times he tells the students that a teaching position
effective EPK, how to write a résumé and how to ing, how to do research in a library and how to may not exist,” Seeff added. “He talks about volun-
apply for teaching positions. structure a syllabus in a college course. I took a teering yourself at every institution in your area.
Flagg described how young undergraduates class on performing arts management, where we You go to the administration and say, ‘I want to
at Juilliard are advised to focus on their pro- discussed how we can start our own nonprofit do this clinic for free this time, so you can come
fessional goals: “The first assignment is for stu- organization. In one of my courses last year, we and check out what I’m doing.’ That way, you
dents to write their own professional mission had a whole unit on how to do a good job inter- create interest. If you knock everybody’s socks
statement, which, as you can imagine, for fresh- view. We actually practiced Skype interviews: off, you have a better chance of being asked back
men is pretty weird. ‘What are your goals? What We practiced it twice and tried to see how we the next time for pay.”
is your purpose?’ We use what they write to could improve it the second time. One common Beyond applying for college or high school
check in with them every couple of months: ‘Are mistake was that we rambled too much. We faculty positions, some schools ensure that
you getting all you need from Juilliard to ful- talked about making sure the background on their students gain actual teaching experience
fill this mission? Is this still your mission state- your Skype screen is pleasant, without a lot of before they graduate. “Even before I started my
ment? Have things changed?’ Let’s treat your distractions. You frame with the proper light- freshman year, I was a teaching assistant along
career seriously.” ing. You don’t sit too close to the screen.” with other freshmen at one of the Juilliard Jazz
“Unless you want to be like Charles Ives, At the Thelonious Monk Institute at UCLA, Camps,” said Russell Hall, a bassist and jazz
who was a great classical composer but sold J.B. Dyas, the vice president for education and studies major at Juilliard. “It taught me a lot
insurance to survive, you’ll need to have a curriculum development, offers students spe- about what’s appropriate for different students.
career-goals profile,” said Rich DeRosa, direc- cifics on how to teach jazz pedagogy effective- You get students who are very eager but may not
tor of jazz composition and arranging at North ly. “If you walk into a room of beginner high understand some of the concepts you’re trying
Texas University. “And the first question should school students, how would you address each to relate to them. Other students maybe don’t
be, ‘Do you want to make a living solely in instrument, assuming these kids know noth- want to do a lot of work but they can grab con-
music?’ If so, I try to impart to these students ing about jazz?” Seeff explained. “Dr. Dyas cepts really easily. It varies, so you learn how to
that they’re never compromising themselves if has all these great methods in place for what vary what you do to reach each one of them.”
they do gigs with the utmost integrity, to take to do with the bass player, what to do with the Many institutions offer students the experi-
the 12 notes of music and provide what a client piano player and how to get them from zero to ence of working in a state-of-the-art record-
needs or what the situation requires.” sounding like they’re playing jazz by the end ing studio. This is especially true at The Herb
North Texas student Aaron Hedenstrom of the first session.” Alpert School of Music at California Institute
agrees with DeRosa. “It’s definitely a changing As for finding teaching gigs at high schools or of the Arts (CalArts) in Valencia. Each spring,



their performance chops in public,

in venues ranging from the Blue
Note to Lincoln Center. Beyond
that, the school makes sure that
the young musicians learn other
skills essential to making a strong
impact onstage.
“A lot of times they put us in
leadership positions, like speak-
ing to the audience and teaching
them about the music, whether
on the serious side or more of a
humorous side,” Hall said. “That
lets me see that this works but
that might be kind of inappropri-
ate. It’s great because we don’t get
to learn how to present shows for
people when we spend so much
time by ourselves in practice


“Another benefit to playing at
these venues is that students learn
how to find their sound in each
room,” Flagg added. “If you’re in
Berklee College of Music a booming room, how do you fix
the acoustics with your amps and
your playing so you can main-
tain your identity? Because your
sound is your brand.”
Like many schools, Juilliard
provides a referral service to cli-
ents looking to hire student
musicians for gigs. But, as Flagg
pointed out, they inject anoth-
er dose of real-world education
into the process. “We don’t just
put a notice on a bulletin board
for anybody to grab. You have to
first apply to our Career Services
Office and go through a seminar
to be selected as a student group
leader. We show you the contract
that we use. We educate students
on how to manage the gig. How
do you talk to the client? What
parameters do you need to think
about? When should you receive
your check? What style of music

is required? You don’t treat it like

Juilliard Jazz
you’re just playing a gig; it’s about
how you make the best of this
jazz students record an original CalArts jazz the difference between playing with a lab band opportunity.”
album at the world-famous Capitol Studios in in a classroom and actually performing in pub- Of course, none of these efforts would
Hollywood. This production has been fund- lic. In some situations, these performances matter much if they didn’t increase the odds
ed by Capitol Records since 1990 in an unprec- involve international travel. The Monk Institute of starting and sustaining a career. And
edented long-term collaboration between a and UCLA have partnered with UNESCO to nobody denies that pickings are slim. That
major recording label and a music school. celebrate International Jazz Day with con- said, according to many, including Panay,
Prior to a celebration last year tied to the certs in far-flung destinations, including Paris, there is reason for realistic optimism about
25th anniversary of this tradition, CalArts Istanbul and Japan. “Students are in classrooms what the future holds for dedicated, talented
issued a press release with comments from all day, playing for each other,” Seeff pointed and well-informed young musicians.
David Roitstein, chair of jazz program, who out. “It can be very insular because the audience “I think there are actually more opportu-
described the program’s impact on students: is already on their side. To go out and keep peo- nities now than there were 20 years ago,”
“Once our students record their music in a ple engaged for an hour, they learn what does Panay said. “There’s greater demand for music
world-class professional setting, with world- and doesn’t strike that balance between doing than ever before. So the issue is not demand or
class engineers, they just can’t wait to return.” something that fulfills them and also engages relevance. It’s about looking for opportunities.
Performance opportunities in a public set- an audience.” And because jazz artists have always had to be
ting are also a key to a “real-world” jazz educa- New York City offers Russell Hall and other entrepreneurial, I believe that nobody is better
tion. Most schools strive to help students learn Juilliard students plenty of options for honing equipped to find those opportunities.” DB


University of Hartford, Jackie McLean Institute of Jazz


Berklee College of Music

Boston, Massachusetts
Student Body: 4,490 undergraduate.
Tuition: $19,455/semester.


Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music,
Professional Diploma.
Faculty: Terri Lyne Carrington, Joe Lovano,
Danilo Perez, John Patitucci.
Alumni: Quincy Jones, Esperanza
Spalding, Branford Marsalis, Gary
Burton, Roy Hargrove, Diana Krall.
Jazz Bands: Thelonious Monk Ensemble,
Wayne Shorter Ensemble,
Rainbow Big Band, Berklee admission, or search “Apply to Pittson, Ray Gallon. Part-time jazz
Concert Jazz Orchestra. the Cali School.” faculty includes Adam Cruz,
Auditions: All applicants must participate in a Contact: Dr. Jeffrey Kunkel, (973) 655- Jason Rigby, Aidan O’Donnell.
live audition and interview. Visit 7215, kunkelj@mail.montclair. Alumni: John Benitez, Arturo O’Farrill,
berklee.edu/admissions. edu; music@mail.montclair.edu. Eliot Zigmund, Tom Varner,
Financial Aid: Available. (617) 747-2274, Cali School: music@mail.mont Adam Nussbaum, Deanna
financialaid@berklee.edu. clair.edu, (973) 655-7212. Witkowski, Pedro Giraudo.
Scholarships: Need and merit-based available. Jazz Bands: Big Band, Latin Band, various
Castleton University small ensembles such as World
(617) 747-8681, scholarships@ Castleton, Vermont
berklee.edu. Music Ensemble, Hard Bop
Apply by: Early action: Nov. 1; regular Student Body: 2,000. Ensemble, Free Jazz Ensemble,
action: Jan. 15. Tuition: $10,200 annual in-state; 25,000 Brazilian Music Ensemble.
Contact: Berklee Office of Admissions, annual out-of-state. Auditions: October for spring admission,
(617) 747-2221, admissions@ Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Arts in Music. February and March for fall ad-
berklee.edu. Faculty: Kent Baker, Glenn Giles, Neil mission. Audition live or by CD.
Freebern, Paul Kafer, Robert Roth. Contact Scott Reeves, sreeves@
Alumni: Aaron Audet, Ryan Dempsey, ccny.cuny.edu. Audition applica-
Cali School of Music, Zach Hampton, Tim Haufe, Tom tion for Undergraduate Jazz
Montclair State University Neeson, Joe Plotts. Students: Scott Reeves, sreeves@
Jazz Bands: Castleton University Jazz ccny.cuny.edu. Audition appli-
Montclair, New Jersey Ensemble, Dance Band 10ths cation for Graduate Students:
Jazz Combo. Chadwick Jenkins, musicgrad@
Student Body: 15,885 undergraduate for the Auditions: DVD and on-campus auditions ccny.cuny.edu.
university. accepted. Contact Castleton Financial Aid: Pell and other grants available.
Tuition: Full-time, undergraduate, in-state, Admissions for details at (800) Contact Financial Aid.
$5,886.15/semester; out-of-state, 639-8521. Scholarships: Academic scholarships. CCNY
$10,159.65/semester. Financial Aid: Available. Honors College program offers
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music (Jazz Studies). Scholarships: Need and merit-based. free in-state tuition and half-price
Faculty: Dr. Jeffrey Kunkel, Stephen Apply by: Rolling admissions; March 1 for out-of-state tuition to incoming
Benson, Alan Ferber, Steve Johns, scholarship consideration. students with excellent high
Tony Kadleck, Mike Lee, Bill Contact: Sherrill Blodget, Music school grades. The Kaye
Moring, Oscar Perez, Holli Ross, Department Chair, sherrill. Scholarship provides help to
Dave Stryker. blodget@castleton.edu. currently enrolled U.S. and
Jazz Bands: Two jazz bands and a vocal international students. Visit ccny.
ensemble. City College of New York cuny.edu/scholarships and cuny.
Auditions: Dr. Jeffrey Kunkel, (973) 655-7215, (City University of New York) edu. Music scholarships are
kunkelj@mail.montclair.edu; New York, New York awarded at BFA auditions.
musauditions@mail.montclair.edu. Student Body: 12,000 students in the university. Ensemble coaching assistant-
Visit montclair.edu/arts/ Approximately 300 music majors. ships available for selected MA
cali-school-of-music/admission/ 150 jazz majors. graduate students.
jazzstudies. Tuition: Full-time undergraduate in-state: Apply by: U.S. citizens, Oct. 1 for spring
Financial Aid: Available. Visit: montclair.edu/ $3,015 per semester; undergrad admissions, Feb. 1 for fall admis-
financial-aid. uate out-of-state: $6,420 per sion: International students, rec-
Scholarships: Available. Visit: montclair. semester; graduate in-state: ommendation is to apply six to
edu/arts/cali-school-of- $4,825 per semester; graduate nine months prior to start of
music/about-us/ out-of-state: $8,940 per semester. semester.
financialaidandscholarships. Jazz Degrees: BFA in jazz studies; MA in jazz Contact: Applications to the university:
Apply by: Applicants must apply to the studies. cuny.edu/admissions/undergrad
University, and then apply to the Faculty: Full-time jazz faculty includes uate.html. Jazz website is
Cali School. Visit montclair.edu/ Steve Wilson, Dan Carillo, Scott jazz.ccnysites.cuny.edu. Music
arts/cali-school-of-music/ Reeves, Mike Holober, Suzanne department site is ccny.cuny.edu/



Johns Hopkins University Peabody

Institute Jazz Combo

Stefon Harris (left) leads a class at New
York University (NYU Steinhardt)

prospective/humanities/music. Apply by: Visit thecollective.edu. Jazz Degrees: Jazz Studies Special
Info about our Contact: John Castellano, (212) 741-0091, Concentration (Minor in Jazz),
music faculty is at: ccny.cuny.edu/ johnc@thecollective.edu. Visit Music Major.
profiles/index.cfm?dept=music. thecollective.edu. Faculty: Chris Washburne, Don Sickler, Ole
Mathisen, Bruce Barth, Andy
The Collective School of Music Milne, Helen Sung, Vince Cherico,
New York, New York The College of Saint Rose
Tony Moreno, Victor Lin, Paul
Student Body: Approximately 75 full-time stu- Bollenback, Dave Gibson,
dents, 200-plus part-time Albany, New York Christine Correa, Leo Traversa,
students. Student Body: 200 music majors. Brad Jones, Ugonna Okegwo,
Tuition: $60,500 2-Year Diploma Program Tuition: $28,820. Amir ElSaffar, Sebastian Cruz,
(or $30,250 per year); $48,000 Jazz Degrees: B.A. in Music, B.S. in Music Adriano dos Santos, Steve Nelson.
Year-and-a-Half Diploma Program; Education, B.S. in Music Industry, Alumni: Bobby Porcelli, Armen Donelian,
$45,000 Year-and-a- minor in Jazz Performance, plus Cameron Brown, Peter Cincotti,
Half Certificate Program; $18,700 minors in Music, Liturgical Music, Sam Reider.
Two-Quarter Certificate Program; Music Technology or Music Jazz Bands: Jazz Ensembles, Free Jazz,
$14,300 Two-Quarter Prep Business. Afro-Colombian, Brazilian, Piano
Program; $8,300 Single-Quarter Faculty: Paul Evoskevich, Matthew Finck, Trio, Vocal Jazz, Big Band.
Elective Program: $10,000 Larry Ham, Andrew Lee, Sean Auditions: Held during the first week of
Advanced Performance Program. McClowry, Mary Anne Nelson, classes in the fall. For instrumental
Jazz Degrees: None offered. Marta Waterman. and vocal jazz, contact Beth Pratt,
Faculty: Ian Froman, Peter Retzlaff, Joe Jazz Bands: Big Band, Combos, Recording program coordinator, bp2413@
Fitzgerald, Hilliard Greene, Chris Musicians’ Ensembles, Vocal columbia.edu
Biesterfelldt, Fernando Hernadez, Jazz Ensemble. Financial Aid: Need-based availabile; (212) 854-
Steve Marks, Bob Quaranta, Auditions: Required. Dec. 12–13, Jan. 23–24, 3711, ugrad-finaid@columbia.edu.
Steve Count, Sheryl Bailey, Vince Jan. 30–31, March 18, April 16. Scholarships: None.
Cherico, Mark Flynn, Adriano Consult the New York State Apply by: Early November (early decision),
Santos, Kim Plainfield, Jason School Music Association early January (regular decision).
Gianni, Noriko Tomikawa, Sean (NYSSMA) manual, Levels V and Contact: Prof. Chris Washburne, director,
Conly, Irio O’Farrill, Leo Traversa, VI, or the equivalent manual from cjw5@columbia.edu, or Beth Pratt,
Nate Radley, Fred Klatz. another state music education program coordinator, bp2413@
Alumni: Billy Martin, Will Calhoun, Zach association. columbia.edu.
Danziger, Tal Bergman, Tony Financial Aid: Merit and talent scholarships.
Thompson, Anton Fig, Fred Curry. Scholarships: Application for scholarships is Duquesne University,
Jazz Bands: Student Performance group, automatically submitted upon Mary Pappert School of Music
Advanced Performance Program scheduling of the audition. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
group, Latin Jazz Ensemble. Apply by: Feb. 1, in order to be considered Student Body: 330 students.
Auditions: In-person, video or taped for a music talent scholarship. Tuition: $41,216 Undergraduate, $1,317/
auditions accepted. Contact: Justin Hadley, (518) 454-5186, credit; $21,225 Graduate, $1,415/
Financial Aid: Contact Financial Aid Specialist, hadleyj@strose.edu. credit.
Yahya Alkhansa, yahyaa@ Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music with jazz
thecollective.edu. Columbia University emphasis and a Master of Music
Scholarships: Merit-based scholarships are New York, New York with jazz emphasis.
available for Drums, Guitar, Bass, Student Body: 8,600 undergraduate, 130 Faculty: Michael Tomaro, Joe Negri,
Keyboard and Vocal divi- students in the Louis Armstrong Ronald E. Bickel, Jeff Bush,
sions. Contact Admissions Jazz Performance Program. Kenneth Karsh, Mark Koch,
Director, John Castellano, johnc@ Tuition: $57,391 per year (does not include Jeffrey Mangone, Leonard
thecollective.edu. room and board). Rodgers, R.J. Zimmerman.



Alumni: Marty Ashby, Jay Ashby, Tuition: Undergraduate, $47,770; Apply by: Dec. 1.
Sammy Nestico. Graduate, $1,490 per credit hour. Contact: Sheryle Charles, (585) 274-1440,
Jazz Bands: One big band and 10 combos. Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music–Jazz scharles@esm.rochester.edu; visit
Auditions: Dec. 4, Jan. 15, Jan. 29, Feb. Performance or Writing; Master esm.rochester.edu/jazz.
12. Undergraduate applicants of Music–Jazz Performance,
must also complete the standard Writing or Contemporary Media Five Towns College
University application for admis- Composition; Doctorate of Dix Hills, New York
sion. Entrance to the Mary Music–Jazz Studies. Student Body: 700.
Pappert School of Music requires Faculty: Harold Danko, Bill Dobbins, Tuition: $20,000.
acceptance by both the University Jeff Campbell, Clay Jenkins, Mark Jazz Degrees: Mus.B., A.A.S.
Office of Admissions and the Kellogg, Charles Pillow, Dave Faculty: Visit ftc.edu.
School of Music. Rivello, Bob Sneider, Dariusz Alumni: Tito Puente, Adam Levine.
Financial Aid: Available for undergraduate and Terefenko, Rich Thompson. Jazz Bands: Jazz Ensemble, Jazz Orchestra,
graduate students. Contact the Alumni: Ron Carter, Maria Schneider, Swing Band, Vocal Jazz,
University Office of Financial Aid at Steve Gadd, Tony Levin, Byron Barbershop Harmony (men and
(412) 396-6607, faoffice@duq.edu. Stripling, John Fedchock, Tom women), Cabaret TV Workshop
Scholarships: Talent and academic scholarships Christensen, John Hollenbeck, and American Songbook.
Gary Versace, Ben Wendel, Auditions: Required.
Kavah Rastegar, David Glasser, Financial Aid: Financial Aid Office, (631)
Apply by: For undergraduate, contact Troy
Dan Willis, Bill Reichenbach, Walt 656-2164.
Centofanto, Director of Music
Weiskopf, Scott Healy, Shane Scholarships: Based on need, merit and
Admissions, (412) 396-5064,
Endsley, Ted Poor, Matt audition.
musicadmissions@duq.edu. April
Mitchell, Red Wierenga. Apply by: Rolling admissions.
1, 2016, for graduate applicants. Eastman Jazz Ensemble,
Jazz Bands: Contact: Admissions Office, (631) 656-
Contact: Troy Centofanto, Director of Music New Jazz Ensemble, Jazz 2110, ftc.edu.
Admissions, (412) 396-5064, Lab Band, Chamber Jazz,
musicadmissions@duq.edu. Studio Orchestra, eight Jazz
Performance Workshops, Film
George Mason University
Eastman School of Music, Scoring Orchestra, Contemporary
Fairfax, Virginia
University of Rochester Media/Digital Media.
Auditions: Last Friday in January 2016 and Student Body: 33,000.
all Fridays in February 2016. Tuition: Undergraduate, full-time in-state,
Rochester, New York Financial Aid: (585) 274-1070. $5,091/semester; full-time out-of-
Student Body: 50 Scholarships: (585) 274-1070. state, $14,880/semester.


Graduate: in-state: $517.25/credit; out-of-state,
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music, Master of Music, DMA (Jazz Emphasis).
Minor in Jazz Studies.
Faculty: Wade Beach, Regan Brough, Jim
Carroll, Glenn Dewey, Dr. Tyler
Kuebler, Joe McCarthy, Dr. Matt
Niess, Rick Parrell, Victor Provost,
Dr. Darden Purcell, Dr. Shawn
Purcell, Dave Robinson,
Kenny Rittenhouse, Harold
Summey, Rick Whitehead.
Alumni: Ricky Parrell, Dustin Mollick,
John Kocur, Cristian Perez.
Jazz Bands: Mason Jazz Ensemble, Mason Jazz Vocal Ensemble, Jazz
Workshop, Jazz Combos, Afro-Cuban Ensemble,Traditional
Jazz Ensemble and Steel Pan Ensemble.
Auditions: Visit music.gmu.edu for info.
Financial Aid: Available, contact financialaid.gmu.edu.
Scholarships: Merit-based, contact admissions.gmu.edu.
Apply by: Undergraduate, Nov. 1, early-action (non-binding),
scholarships, honors; Jan. 15 (regular decision). Graduate
application date is March 1.
Contact: Dr. Darden Purcell, Director of Jazz
Studies, dpurcel2@gmu.edu.

The Hartt School, University of Hartford

West Hartford, Connecticut
Student Body: 540 at Hartt; 4,700 undergraduate students at the
Tuition: $33,740 tuition; $14,358 room, board, fees;
total: $48,098.
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Jazz Studies; Jazz Studies/Music
Management; Jazz Studies/Music Production and
Technology; Jazz Studies/Music Composition.
Faculty: Javon Jackson, Steve Davis, Richard Goldstein, Freddie
Hendrix, Eric McPherson, Shawnn Monteiro, Nat Reeves.
Alumni: Wayne Escoffery, Steve Davis, “Sweet” Sue Terry, Jimmy Greene.
Jazz Bands: Concert Jazz Ensemble (Big Band), 10 jazz combos.
Auditions: Visit hartford.edu/hartt/audition.
Financial Aid: Available, hartford.edu/hartt.
Scholarships: Merit-based and need-based. harttadm@hartford.edu.
Apply by: Nov. 2; early notification; Dec. 21; Jan. 11, 2016.
Contact: Hartt Admissions, (860) 768-4465; harttadm@hartford.edu.
Howard University
Washington, D.C.
Student Body: 9,000.
Tuition: $19,000 annual.
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music: Jazz Studies; Jazz Studies/Music
Business; Jazz Studies/Music Therapy; Jazz Studies/Music
Technology; Master’s in Jazz Studies.
Faculty: Jessica Boykin-Settles, Cyrus Chestnut, Fred Irby, Sais
Kamalidiin, Gerry Kunkel, Connaitre Miller, Steve Novosel,
Chris Royal, Harold Summey, Charlie Young.
Alumni: Geri Allen, Benny Golson, Wallace Roney, Roberta Flack,
Carroll Dashiell Jr., Cora Dunham, Donnie Hathaway,
Andrew White.
Jazz Bands: Afro Blue (vocal jazz ensemble), Howard University Jazz
Ensemble, HU Jazztet, SaaSy (all female vocal jazz ensemble).
Auditions: Instrumental: Fred Irby, firby@howard.edu. Vocal: Connaitre
Miller, conmiller@howard.edu.
Financial Aid: Available, howard.edu.
Scholarships: Need- and merit-based. Instrumental: Fred Irby, firby@
howard.edu. Vocal: Connaitre Miller, conmiller@howard.
Apply by: Nov. 1, early action; Feb. 15.
Contact: Instrumental: Fred Irby, firby@howard.edu. Vocal: Connaitre
Miller, conmiller@howard.edu.
Ithaca College School of Music
Ithaca, New York
Student Body: 10–20 jazz studies majors.
Tuition: Undergraduate, $39,532/semester.
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Jazz Studies.
Faculty: Mike Titlebaum, Gregory Evans, Nicholas Walker,
Nicholas Weiser, Frank Campos, Hal Reynolds.
Alumni: David Berger, Nick Brignola, Les Brown.
Jazz Bands: Three big bands, multiple combos.
Auditions: Four dates on Saturdays, December–February.
Financial Aid: Available.
Scholarships: Available.
Apply by: Dec. 1.
Contact: Townsend Plant, (607) 274-3366, ithaca.edu/music.

The Johns Hopkins University,

Peabody Conservatory
Baltimore, Maryland
Student Body: 600.
Tuition: $42,630.
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music, Graduate Performance Diploma.
Faculty: Nasar Abadey, Paul Bollenback, Jay Clayton, Alan Ferber,
Michael Formanek, Blake Meister, Timothy Murphy,
Alexander Norris, Gary Thomas.
Alumni: Russell Kirk, Jacob Yoffee.
Jazz Bands: Peabody Jazz Orchestra, Peabody Improvisation &
Multimedia Ensemble, Peabody Latin Jazz Ensemble.
Auditions: peabody.jhu.edu/conservatory/admissions/auditions.
Financial Aid: peabody.jhu.edu/finaid, (410) 234-4900, finaid@peabody.
Scholarships: peabody.jhu.edu/finaid, (410) 234-4900, finaid@peabody.
Apply by: Dec. 1.
Contact: Ian Sims, (410) 234-4586, or David Lane, Director of
Admissions, admissions@peabody.jhu.edu.

The Juilliard School

New York, New York
Student Body: 41.
Tuition: $38,190.
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music, Master of Music, Artist Diploma.
Faculty: Wynton Marsalis, Andy Farber, Ben Wolfe, Billy Drummond,
Christian Jaudes, Eddie Henderson, Elio Villafranca, Frank
Kimbrough, Gregory Knowles, James Burton, Joseph
Magnarelli, Joe Temperley, Kenny Barron, Kenny
Washington, Mark Sherman, Mark Vinci, Ray Drummond,
Rodney Jones, Ron Blake, Ron Carter, Steve Turre, Steve
Wilson, Ted Rosenthal.
Alumni: Wynton Marsalis, Christian McBride, Jonathan Batiste,
Etienne Charles.
Jazz Bands: Jazz Orchestra, Jazz Ensembles, Artist Diploma Ensemble.
Auditions: Prescreening required. Live auditions in March.
Financial Aid: Available.
Scholarships: Need- and merit-based.
Apply by: Dec. 1.
Contact: Office of Admissions, (212) 799-5000 ext. 223.
Kutztown University
Kutztown, Pennsylvania
Student Body: 9,000.
Tuition: $3,530/semester, in-state; $8,825/semester, out-of-state.
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Arts in Music, Commercial Jazz Minor.
Faculty: Kevin Kjos, Scott Lee, Neal Kirkwood, Cathy Chemi,
Adam Kolker, Allison Miller.
Alumni: Marques Walls, Marybeth Kern, Kristin Grassi, Nimrod
Speaks, Matthew Cochran, AJ Merlino.

Jazz Bands: Three large ensembles, several combos.

Auditions: Auditions can be scheduled through the department
or individually.
Financial Aid: Contact KU Financial Aid Office.
Scholarships: Contact KU Financial Aid Office.
Apply by: Rolling admissions.
Contact: Dr. Kevin Kjos, (610) 683-1583, kjos@kutztown.edu.
Long Island University–Brooklyn Campus
Brooklyn, New York
Student Body: 8,597.
Tuition: $16,839.
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Fine Arts in Jazz Studies.
Faculty: Eddie Allen, Dwayne Broadnax, Gloria Cooper, Carlo
DeRosa, Greg Lewis, Sam Newsome, JC Sanford,
Kenney Wessel.
Auditions: Fall and Spring, recorded auditions accepted for students
outside of New York City.
Financial Aid: Contact Financial Aid Office, liu.edu/SFS/FinAid.
Scholarships: Available. liu.edu/SFS/Tuition/Tuition.
Apply by: (718) 488-1011 or bkln-admissions@liu.edu.
Contact: Dr. Gloria Cooper, (718) 488-1450, gloria.cooper@liu.edu;
Sam Newsome (718) 488-1000 ext. 1847, samuel.new

Manhattan School of Music

New York, New York
Student Body: 390 total undergraduate students; 100 Jazz students
(all degree levels).
Tuition: $42,000.
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music, Master of Music, Doctor of Musical Arts
in Jazz Arts Advancement.
Faculty: Dave Liebman, Justin DiCioccio, John Riley, Rich Perry,
Donny McCaslin, Gretchen Parlato, Phil Markowitz, Cecil
Bridgewater, Jay Anderson, Luis Bonilla.
Alumni: Stefon Harris, Jason Moran, Jane Monheit, Ambrose
Akinmusire, Chris Potter, Miguel Zenón.
Jazz Bands: MSM Jazz Philharmonic Orchestra, MSM Jazz Orchestra,
MSM Concert Jazz Band, MSM Afro-Cuban Jazz
Orchestra, MSM Chamber Jazz Ensemble, 23 combos
including Trad, Swing, Bop, Nu Music, Latin, Brazilian, Indian.
Auditions: Feb. 26–March 4, 2016.
Financial Aid: Available. finaid@msmnyc.edu.
Scholarships: Merit-based.
Apply by: Dec. 1.
Contact: Christan Cassidy, ccassidy@msmnyc.edu,
or admission@msmnyc.edu.

New England Conservatory

Boston, Massachusetts
Student Body: 750.
Tuition: $42,600.
Jazz Degrees: Jazz Performance, Jazz Composition.
Faculty: Ralph Alessi, Jerry Bergonzi, Ran Blake, Luis Bonilla, Frank
Carlberg, Dominique Eade, Billy Hart, Dave Holland,
Joe Hunt, Jerry Leake, Brian Levy, John Lockwood, Cecil
McBee, Donny McCaslin, John McNeil, Jason Moran, Joe
Morris, Rakalam Bob Moses, Hankus Netsky, Bob Nieske,
Nedelka Prescod, Ted Reichman, Ken Schaphorst, Ben
Schwendener, Bert Seager, Brad Shepik, Miguel Zenón,
Norman M.E. Zocher.
Alumni: Darcy James Argue, Anton Fig, Don Byron, John Medeski,
Luciana Souza, Cecil Taylor, Rachel Z.
Jazz Bands: NEC Jazz Orchestra, Jazz Composers, Workshop
Orchestra, 30-plus small ensembles.
Auditions: Pre-screening and live audition.
Visit necmusic.edu/apply-nec/
Financial Aid: Based on need as determined by
the FAFSA form. Contact Financial
Aid at (617) 585-1110, finaid@
Scholarships: Merit- and need-based available.
Apply by: Dec. 1.
Contact: Nick Gleason, (617) 585-1105, nick.
New Jersey City University
Jersey City, New Jersey
Student Body: 8,300.
Tuition: Undergraduate in-state: $3,986/
semester, Undergraduate out-of-
state: $8,382.60/semester.
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Jazz Studies,
Master of Music in Jazz Studies,
Master of Music in Woodwind
Faculty: Walter Weiskopf, Allen Farnham,
Bob Malach, Tim Horner,
Roseanne Vitro, Andy Eulau,
Richie Vitale, Mark Sherman, Bill
Kirchner, Jason Teborek, Joel
Weiskopf, Tim Sessions, Paul
Alumni: Richie DeRosa, Allen Farnham.
Jazz Bands: Yes.
Financial Aid: Available. njcu.edu/Financing_
Scholarships: njcu.edu/NJCU_Scholarships.
Apply by: Visit njcu.edu/Prospective_
Contact: Paul Robertson,
The New School for Jazz
and Contemporary Music
New York, New York
Student Body: 270.
Tuition: $42,080.
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Fine Arts in Jazz and
Contemporary Music.
Faculty: Ahmed Abdullah, Jane Ira Bloom,
Joanne Brackeen, Cecil
Bridgewater, George Cables,
Steve Cardenas, Samir Chatterjee,
Haim Cotton, Alexis Cuadrado,
Andrew Cyrille, Hal Galper, Dave
Glasser, Julie Hardy, Billy Harper,
Richard Harper, Christopher
Hoffman, Adam Holzman, Vic
Juris, Michael Karn, Scott Kettner,
Bill Kirchner, Jimmy Owens, Jim
Snidero, Yosvany Terry, Charles
Tolliver, Doug Weiss, Karl
Wenninger, Michael Wolff, Reggie
Workman, Peter Zak, Amir Ziv.
Alumni: Peter Bernstein, Sharel Cassity,
Robert Glasper, Larry Goldings,
Mary Halvorson, Alan Hampton,
Gilad Hekselman, Ali Jackson,
José James, Brad Mehldau,
Reggie Quinerly, Yotam Silberstein,
Becca Stevens, Loren Stillman,
Marcus Strickland, E.J. Strickland,

SUNY Potsdam Jazz Combo NYU Steinhardt Jazz Studies,

(212) 998-5446, ds38@nyu.edu,

Princeton University
Princeton, New Jersey
Student Body: 35 jazz students.
Tuition: $60,000.
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Arts in Music,
Certificate in Jazz Studies,
Certificate in Musical Performance
(jazz concentration).
Faculty: Dr. Anthony Branker, Ralph
Bowen, Jim Ridl, Kenny
Davis, Michael Cochrane, Bruce
Arnold, Brian Glassman, Vince
Ector, Trineice Robinson-Martin.
Alumni: Stanley Jordan, Scott DeVeaux,
Barry Miles, Terry Silverlight, Jonny
King, Chuck Staab, Irwin Hall.

Jazz Bands: Concert Jazz Ensemble (big

band), Jazz Composers Collective,
Jazz Vocal Collective, Crossing
Borders Improvisational Music
Ensemble, Free to Be Ensemble,
Chris Tordini, Burniss Earl Travis, Graduate: $1,538/credit. Standard Deviation Ensemble,
Manuel Valera, Sam Yahel. Jazz Degrees: Bachelor’s of Music in Music Monk/Mingus Ensemble,
Jazz Bands: More than 50. Performance: Jazz Studies, Herbie Hancock Ensemble, Joe
Auditions: Pre-screen and final auditions are Master’s of Music in Instrumental Henderson Ensemble, Sounds of
required. Visit newschool.edu/jazz/ Performance: Jazz Studies, Brazil Ensemble, Wayne Shorter
auditions. Doctorate in Music Performance Ensemble, Afro-Latin Ensemble,
Financial Aid: Yes. Contact jazzadm@new and Composition. Jazz Messengers Ensemble, Birth
school.edu. Faculty: Chris Potter, Joe Lovano, Mark of the Cool Ensemble.
Scholarships: Merit-based. Contact jazzadm@ Turner, Lenny Pickett, Rich Auditions: Supplemental CD in support of
newschool.edu. Perry, Ralph Lalama, Don application.
Apply by: Jan. 15. Friedman, Alan Broadbent, Gil Financial Aid: Available. (609) 258-3330.
Contact: Kevin Smith, Associate Director Goldstein, Andy Milne, Kenny Scholarships: Available. No separate audition or
of Admission, (212) 229-5150 ext. Werner, Rich Shemaria, Alex application. Contact financial aid
4589, jazzadm@newschool.edu. Sipiagin, Ralph Alessi, Michael office.
Visit newschool.edu/jazz. Rodriguez, Alan Ferber, Elliot Apply by: Jan. 1.
Mason, Stefon Harris, Lenny Contact: Greg Smith, (609) 258-6078,
White, Billy Drummond, Tony gsmith@princeton.edu.
New York Jazz Academy Moreno, Ari Hoenig, John
New York, New York Scofield, Adam Rogers, Peter Purchase College, State
Student Body: 600. Bernstein, Mike Richmond,
Tuition: $2,000–$10,000 per year. Martin Wind.
University of New York
Jazz Degrees: None. Alumni: Wayne Shorter, Brian Lynch, Todd
Faculty: Javier Arau, Carolyn Leonhart, Coolman, Ron Blake. Purchase, New York
Wayne Escoffery, Tom Dempsey, Jazz Bands: 40-plus small-group ensembles, Student Body: 80 jazz students (60 undergrad);
Aaron Scott, Michael Webster. NYU Jazz Orchestra, NYU 4,265 total students in the college.
Alumni: Carly Rose Sonenclar, Svetlana Repertoire Big Band, Brazilian Tuition: Undergraduate: in-state, $6,170;
Shmulyian. Ensemble, World Percussion out-of-state, $15,820; Graduate:
Jazz Band: Big bands, small ensembles, vocal Ensemble, NYU Jazz Composers in-state, $10,370; out-of-state,
programs and more. Ensemble. $20,190.
Auditions: Required for select programs. Auditions: In-person undergraduate Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music, Master of
Financial Aid: Available. auditions, online or video auditions Music. Performer’s (post-
Scholarships: Tuition subsidies are available. for undergraduate and graduate baccalaureate) Certificate and
Apply by: Rolling admissions. programs. Artist Diploma (post-Master’s).
Contact: Javier Arau, (718) 426-0633, nyja@ Financial Aid: (212) 998-4444, financial.aid Faculty: Pete Malinverni, Kevin Hays, David
nyjazzacademy.com. @nyu.edu. Hazeltine, Andy LaVerne, Todd
Scholarships: Office of Undergraduate Coolman, Doug Weiss, Richie
New York University Admissions, (212) 998-4500; Morales, John Riley, Kenny
(NYU Steinhardt) Office of Graduate Admissions, Washington, John Abercrombie,
(212) 998-5030. Doug Munro, Vic Juris, Jon
Apply by: Bachelor’s: Jan. 1 (early decision I: Faddis, Mike Rodriguez, Eric
New York, New York Nov. 1, early decision II: Jan. 1). Alexander, Ralph Lalama, Gary
Student Body: 140 jazz students. Master’s: Jan. 6. Ph.D.: Dec. 1. Smulyan, Tim Albright, Alexis Cole,
Tuition: Undergraduate: $46,170/year. Contact: Dr. David Schroeder, director of Charles Blenzig, David DeJesus.



Alumni: Cyrille-Aimée, Spike Wilner, Bobby Jazz Bands: Advanced combo, repertoire Auditions: rowan.edu/colleges/cpa/music/
Avey, Andrew Gould, Bruce Harris. ensemble, composer’s reading auditions.
Jazz Bands: Purchase Jazz Orchestra, band, Latin ensemble and several Financial Aid: rowan.edu/home/financial-aid.
Purchase Latin Jazz Orchestra, smaller themed groups. Scholarships: Need- and merit-based. Contact
15 small combos. Auditions: Contact office coordinator, applybywineberg@rowan.edu.
Auditions: Prescreening auditions due by Thomas Lee, thomas.lee1@ Apply by: Contact Rowan University
Jan. 1. If the prescreening audition qc.cuny.edu. Undergraduate Admissions.
is successful, students will be Financial Aid: Inquire at Financial Aid Dept. Contact: Denis DiBlasio, Director of Jazz
notified for a live audition, which Scholarships: Limited due to low, public-assisted Studies, (856) 256-4500 ext. 3528,
takes place on campus in February. tuition cost, but some available diblasio@rowan.edu.
Financial Aid: Available. (914) 251-7000. for needed instrumentalists;
Scholarships: James Moody Scholars, Joe inquire when applying. Rutgers University, Mason
Williams “Everyday” Foundation, Apply by: Visit queens.cuny.edu/music.
both merit-based. Contact: Office coordinator, Thomas Lee,
Gross School of the Arts
Apply by: Pre-screening deadline is Jan. 1. thomas.lee1@qc.cuny.edu.
Contact: Pete Malinverni, peter.malinverni@ (718) 997-3800. New Brunswick, New Jersey
purchase.edu; Visit purchase.edu/ Student Body: Rutgers, 65,000; Mason Gross
departments/academicprograms/ Rowan University School of the Arts, 1,100; Jazz
arts/music/jazz/default.aspx. Glassboro, New Jersey Studies, 60.
Student Body: 25 students. Tuition Cost: In-state, $13,800; out-of-state,
Queens College/CUNY Aaron Tuition: Undergraduate in-state: $355 per $28,200.
Copland School of Music credit hour; out-of-state: $669. Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Jazz Studies,
Queens, New York Jazz Degrees: Undergraduate in Jazz Bachelor of Music in Jazz Studies
Student Body: 80 jazz Graduate students. Performance, Undergraduate and Music Education, Bachelor
Tuition: In-state, $5,065; out-of-state, in Education with a Jazz Emphasis of Music in Jazz Studies and
$780 per credit. and Graduate Performance. Composition, Master of Music in
Jazz Degrees: Master of Music, Jazz Faculty: Denis DiBlasio, Brian Betz, George Jazz Studies.
Performance; Master of Music, Rabbai, Douglas Mapp, Tom Faculty: Robby Ameen, Ralph Bowen,
Jazz Composition. Giacabetti, Dean Schneider, Ed Kenny Davis, Mark Gross, Fred
Faculty: Michael Philip Mossman, Antonio Vezinho, Robert Rawlins. Hersch, Conrad Herwig, Vic Juris,
Hart, David Berkman, Dennis Mackrel. Alumni: Brian Betz. Victor Lewis, Joe Magnarelli, Bill
Alumni: Conrad Herwig, Antonio Hart, Jazz Bands: Jazz Band, Lab Band (non-tradi- O’Connell, Eddie Palmieri, Gary
Jeb Patton, Diego Urcola, Darren tional instrumentation), various Smulyan.
Barrett, Arturo O’Farrill. small groups. Alumni: Terence Blanchard, Terell Stafford,


Michael Mossman, Andy Hunter, credit; out-of-state: $900. Fraedrich.
Orrin Evans, Ralph Peterson Jr., Jazz Degrees: Master’s in Jazz History and Alumni: Corcoran Holt, Billy Drummond,
Yoron Israel, Adam Cruz, Mike Research. Alan Baylock, Cody Leavel, Ashlin
Baggetta, Kenny Davis, Steve Faculty: Lewis Porter, Henry Martin. Parker.
Nelson, Ku-umba Frank Lacy, Alumni: Vincent Gardner, Rhoda Scott, Jazz Bands: Jazz Ensemble, Little Big Band,
Jimmy Bosch, Tanya Darby, Melba Joyce. jazz combos.
Johnathon Blake, Rudy Royston. Jazz Bands: Enrollment in bands at nearby Auditions: Dec. 5, Jan. 23, Jan. 30, Feb. 20.
Jazz Bands: Three large ensembles, four schools. Visit su.edu/conservatory.
themed semi-large ensembles Auditions: No in-person auditions. Financial Aid: Available. Contact Erica Helm,
and nine chamber ensembles, MP3s required. ehelm@su.edu. Visit su.edu.
including Jazz Ensemble I, the RU Financial Aid: Loans and work-study available. Scholarships: Need and merit-based. Contact
Mingus Ensemble, the RU Afro gradstudy.rutgers.edu. Erica Helm, ehelm@su.edu.
Caribbean Ensemble, Chamber Scholarships: Scholarships and teaching Visit su.edu.
Jazz I, RU Scarlet Knight Jazz positions. Apply by: Rolling admissions. Visit su.edu/
Trombones, RU Jazz Guitars. Apply by: Rolling admissions. conservatory.
Auditions: Audition requirements can be Contact: Jennifer Nyeste, nyeste@ugadm. Contact: Robert Larson, (540) 665-4557,
found at masongross.rutgers. rutgers.edu. Professor Lewis rlarson@su.edu.
edu/admissions/auditions-and- Porter, lporter@andromeda.
portfolio-reviews/ rutgers.edu. Shepherd University
music-audition-requirements. Shepherdstown, West Virginia
Financial Aid: Rutgers Financial Aid, studentaid. Shenandoah Conservatory Student Body: 4,000.
rutgers.edu/contact.aspx. at Shenandoah University Tuition: Full-time, in-state, $3,415;
Scholarships: All students are considered for Winchester, Virginia out-of-state, $8,314.
merit-based scholarships. Student Body: 3,800 students. Jazz Degrees: None. Bachelor of Arts in music,
Apply by: Dec. 1. Tuition: $29,000. with concentrations in Music
Contact: Kara Golden, Director of Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Jazz Studies, Theater, Performance and
Admissions, (848) 932-5269, Bachelor of Music in Music Composition.
kgolden@masongross.rutgers.edu. Production and Recording Faculty: Dr. Kurtis Adams, Dr. Mark Andrew
Technology, Bachelor of Music in Cook, Kevin Pace, Anthony Pirog,
Rutgers University at Newark Music Therapy. (There is a Jazz Ronnie Shaw.
Newark, New Jersey track when pursuing a degree in Jazz Bands: Two big bands, three combos.
Student Body: 25 Jazz majors, undergraduate Music Education.) Auditions: shepherd.edu/musicweb/
and graduate. Faculty: Alan Baylock, Matt Niess, Robert prospective.html.
Tuition: Undergraduate in-state: $600 per Larson, Luis Hernandez, Craig Financial Aid: shepherd.edu/financialaid.



Scholarships: Merit-based. Bill Cunliffe, Michael Dease, Jimmy Kercull, (518) 580-5546, wkercull@
Apply by: For institutional scholarship Greene, Antonio Hart, Sean Jones, skidmore.edu.
consideration, apply by Feb. 1. Vic Juris, Dennis Mackrel, Mike Apply by: March 15. Contact Wendy Kercull,
Contact: Dr. Kurtis Adams, (304) 876-5126, Rodriguez, Doug Weiss, David (518) 580-5546, wkercull@
or (800) 344-5231 ext. 5126, Wong, Todd Coolman (director). skidmore.edu.
kadams02@shepherd.edu. Alumni: Kendrick Scott, Jonathan Batiste, Contact: Wendy Kercull, (518) 580-5546,
Christian Scott, Troy “Trombone wkercull@skidmore.edu.
Skidmore Jazz Institute Shorty” Andrews, Myron Walden.
Saratoga Springs, New York Jazz Bands: Combos. SUNY Fredonia
Student Body: 70–80 students. Auditions: skidmore.edu/summerjazz/ Fredonia, New York
Tuition: Tuition, room and board is apply.php. Student Body: 40 students. 5,000
$2,687. Financial Aid: Contact Wendy Kercull, (518) 580- undergraduates for university.
Jazz Degrees: Undergraduate credit available. 5546, wkercull@skidmore.edu. Tuition: In-state, $10,270 per semester;
Faculty: Paul Bollenback, James Burton III, Scholarships: Need-based. Contact Wendy $20,540 per year.
Jazz Degrees: Jazz studies are classified as
a secondary and are an at-
tachment to a Bachelor of Music
in Music Education degree.
Faculty: Bruce Johnstone, John Bacon,
Linda Phillips.
Alumni: Don Menza, Bob McChesney,
Gary Keller, Onaje Allen Gumbs,
Joe Magnarelli, Howie Shear,
Bill Heller.
Jazz Bands: Jazz ensembles and a vocal
jazz group.
Auditions: Jazz ensemble auditions held the
first week of the semester.
Financial Aid: Available. FAFSA required.
Scholarships: Available.
Apply by: March 1.
Contact: Dr. Barry Kilpatrick, (716) 673-
4635, kilpatrb@fredonia.edu.
School of Music: (716) 673-3151.
SUNY New Paltz
New Paltz, New York
Student Body: 90 students in music major, 30
students in music minor.
Tuition: newpaltz.edu/student_accounts/
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Arts in Music with a
concentration in Jazz
Performance, Bachelor of
Science in Music with a concen-
tration in Jazz Performance,
Bachelor of Science in Music
with a concentration in
Contemporary Music Studies.
Faculty: Mark Dziuba, Vincent Martucci,
John Menegon, Teri Roiger,
Jeff Siegel, Rebecca Coupe
Franks, David Savitsky.
Jazz Bands: Chamber Jazz Ensembles,
Vocal Jazz Ensembles.
Auditions: Required. Before auditioning for
the program, students must first
be accepted by the university. Visit
newpaltz.edu/admissions. Once
the application for admissions has
been received, apply for a music
audition at newpaltz.edu/music/
Financial Aid: Visit newpaltz.edu/financialaid.
Scholarships: Visit newpaltz.edu/financialaid/
Apply by: Varies. For Admissions, visit
newpaltz.edu/admissions. For
Music, visit newpaltz.edu/music/
Contact: Mark Dziuba, Director of


Jazz Studies, (845) 257-2711, Tuition: $41,000.
dziubam@newpaltz.edu. Jazz Degrees: Jazz minor, in conjunction with Temple University, Boyer
any music major (Bachelor of Art College of Music and Dance
Crane School of Music, in Music, Bachelor of Music
SUNY Potsdam in Composition, Bachelor of Music
Potsdam, New York Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Music Education, Bachelor of Student Body: 800 in Boyer College.
Student Body: 550 music majors; 4,000 at Music in Music Industry, Bachelor
SUNY Potsdam. Tuition: Undergraduate in-state, $17,500;
of Music in Performance, Bachelor out-of-state, $28,700. Graduate
Tuition: In-state: $6,470; out-of-state: of Music in Sound Recording
$16,610. in-state, $19,000; out-of-state,
Technology) or any non-music $24,000.
Jazz Degrees: Students in any music degree major on the Syracuse University
program can opt to include Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Jazz
campus. Instrumental Performance,
a Jazz Minor. Faculty: John Coggiola, Jeff Welcher,
Faculty: More than 70 music faculty. Bachelor of Music in Jazz
Steve Frank, Jeff Stockham, Mike Composition and Arranging,
Dr. Bret Zvacek, Professor of Dubaniewicz, Joe Columbo, Rick
Jazz Studies. Bachelor of Music in Music
Balestra, Rick Montalbano, Bill Education with Jazz Component,
Alumni: Larry Ham, Renée Fleming,
DiCosimo, Darryl Pugh, Josh Dekaney. Bachelor of Music in Music
Lisa Casalino, Stephanie Blythe,
Alumni: Joyce DiCamillo, Andy Fusco, Billy Therapy with Jazz Component,
Lisa Vroman.
VanDuzor, Allen Ward, Joe Bachelor of Music in Vocal
Jazz Bands: Jazz Ensemble, Jazz Band,
Small Jazz Groups. Columbo, Peter Mack. Jazz Performance, Master of
Auditions: Required. Visit potsdam.edu/ Jazz Bands: Various instrumental and vocal Music in Jazz Studies.
academics/crane/admissions. jazz ensembles and combos. Faculty: Terell Stafford, Dick Oatts, Bruce
Financial Aid: Available. Auditions: Visit vpa.syr.edu/ Barth, Tim Warfield, Nick
Scholarships: Merit-based and need-based. prospective-students. Marchione, David Wong, Mark
Apply by: Feb. 8. Financial Aid: Available. (315) 443-1513. Patterson, Louis Bonilla, John
Contact Name: Dr. David Heuser, Associate Dean; Scholarships: Available. (315) 443-1513. Swana, Carla Cook, Joanna
crane@potsdam.edu. Apply by: Nov. 15 (early decision); Jan. 1 Pascale, Steve Fidyk, Byron
(regular decision). Landham, Dan Monaghan, Greg
Syracuse University, Contact: Amy Mertz (Setnor Admissions); Kettinger, Craig Ebner, Tom
Setnor School of Music John Coggiola and Colleen Giacabetti, Mike Boone, Ben
Syracuse, New York Reynolds (Jazz Studies). Visit Schachter, Tony Miceli, Lucas
Student Body: 330 Setnor students, 75 Jazz music@syr.eduvpa.syr.edu/ Brown, Zach Brock, Sachal
students (music and non-music academics/setnor or email Vasandani, Mike Natale, Josh
majors). music@syr.edu. Richmond, others.



Jazz Bands: Temple University Big Band, Financial Aid: Available. Visit towson.edu/finaid. Financial Aid: Available. Student Financial
Jazz Lab Band, Jazz Brass Band, Scholarships: Merit-based scholarship auditions Services, (800) 616-ARTS,
Fusion Ensemble, Jazz Vocal in January and February. ext. 6170.
Ensemble, Jazz Percussion Apply by: Dec. 1. Scholarships: Available. Student Financial
Ensemble, Jazz Guitar Ensemble, Contact: Mary Ann Criss, mcriss@towson.edu. Services, (800) 616-ARTS,
various small Jazz ensembles. ext. 6170.
Auditions: Visit temple.edu/boyer/admissions
University of the Arts Apply by: Feb. 1 (for priority admission).
or call (215) 204-8598.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Contact: Amanda Melczer, School of Music,
Financial Aid: Available. Contact (215) 204-8598. Student Body: 340 students in the School of Music. (215) 717-6342, amelczer@uarts.edu.
Scholarships: Merit-based. Tuition: $39,908.
Apply by: March 1 deadline for Fall 2016. Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Jazz Studies University of Connecticut
Contact: James Short, Director of in Composition, Diploma in Storrs, Connecticut
Admissions, jshort@temple.edu. Composition, Bachelor of Music Student Body: 15 jazz students.
in Jazz Studies: Instrumental Tuition: In-state, $10,524; out-of-state:
Towson University Performance, Diploma in $32,066.
Towson, Maryland Instrumental Performance, Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Arts with Jazz
Student Body: 23,000. Bachelor of Music in Jazz Studies Emphasis.
Tuition: Undergraduate in-state, $9,182; Studies: Vocal Performance, Faculty: Earl MacDonald, Gregg August,
out-of-state $20,788. Diploma in Vocal Performance, Doug Maher, John Mastroianni.
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Jazz/ Master in Music in Jazz Studies. Alumni: Brian Charette, Matt Janiszewski,
Commercial Composition; Jazz/ Faculty: More than 90 faculty, including Bill Longo, Mark Small, Gary
Commercial Performance. Marc Dicciani, Micah Jones, Versace.
Faculty: Dave Ballou, Jim McFalls, Tim Jeff Kern, Mike Kennedy, Kevin Jazz Bands: UCONN Jazz 10tet, big band,
Murphy, Jeff Reed, Frank Russo, Hanson, Don Glanden, Rob Brosh, combos.
Shawn Purcell, Anthony Pirog, Chris Farr, Larry McKenna, Randy Auditions: Dec. 5, Jan. 22, Jan. 23, Jan.
John Dierker, Sara Jones, Darryl Kapralick, Matt Gallagher, Evan 28, Jan. 29, Feb. 6. Visit music.
Brenzel, Brian Simm, Brian Solot, Tony Miceli. uconn.edu/how-to-apply.
Brunsman. Alumni: Adam Blackstone, Stanley Clarke, Financial Aid: Visit financialaid.uconn.edu.
Alumni: Drew Gress, Ellery Eskelin, Doug Sumi Tonooka, Robin Eubanks. Scholarships: Available. Visit financialaid.uconn.
Purviance, Jordan Tice. Jazz Bands: “Z” Big Band, Rick Kerber edu/scholarships.
Jazz Bands: Jazz Combos, Jazz Orchestra, Tribute Big Band. Apply by: Jan. 15. (Apply by Dec. 1 for
Latin Ensemble, Jazz Vocal Choir, Auditions: Auditions will begin in November. full review for merit-based
Free Improvisation Ensemble, pop Visit uarts.edu/admissions/ scholarships and invitations to
music ensemble. college-performing-arts- special programs.)
Auditions: January, February and March. audition-requirements. Contact: Christina Quental, music@uconn.edu.


University of Maine at Augusta 35–40 jazz students. Catherine Jensen-Hole, Thomas
Augusta, Maine Tuition: In-state, $25,410 (tuition, fees, Giampietro, Salvatore Macchia,
room and board); out-of-state, Fumi Tomita, Bob Ferrier.
Student Body: 50 music students. $41,720; New England resident, Alumni: Avery Sharpe, Chris Merz, Tsidii Le
Tuition: $217 per credit hour in-state; $34,782. Loka, Dave Pope, Steve LaJoie,
$252 New England and Canada; Jazz Degrees: Undergraduate: Jazz Performance Chris Kozak, Kate McGarry.
$525 out-of-state. (Bachelor of Music, Bachelor of Jazz Bands: Jazz Ensemble I, Studio Orchestra,
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Jazz and
Arts), plus Music Education, Chapel Jazz Ensemble, Jazz Lab
Contemporary Music,
History, Theory, Composition. Ensemble, Vocal Jazz Ensemble
Concentrations in Music
Graduate: Jazz Composition and and six Chamber Jazz Ensembles.
Education, Music Performance
Arranging (Master of Music), plus Auditions: John Huling, Director of
and Sonic Arts: Composition
History, Music Educaiton, Admissions, (413) 545-6048,
and Audio Recording.
Performance, Conducting, Theory. jhuling@music.umass.edu. Early
Faculty: Dr. Richard Nelson, Steve Grover,
Faculty: Jeffrey W. Holmes, Felipe Salles, action for Spring and Fall: Nov. 21;
Pam Jenkins, Mark Polishook,
Anita Jerosch, Nicole Rabata,
Scott Hughes, Jeff Rojo, John
Mehrmann, Sean Morin,
Andres Espinosa.
Jazz Bands: Jazz on Tour, Sonic Explorations,
Jazz Combo, Latin Ensemble,
Vocal Ensemble, Progressive Rock
Band, Contemporary Ensemble.
Auditions: Visit uma.edu/jazz.
Financial Aid: Available. Contact (877) 862-1234.
Scholarships: Available. Contact (877) 862-1234.
Apply by: Visit uma.edu/jazz.
Contact: Anita Jerosch, Assistant Professor
of Music and Department
Coordinator, (207) 621-3179;
University of Maryland
School of Music
College Park, Maryland
Student Body: 500 music students; 40 jazz
majors; 100 students playing
in jazz groups.
Tuition: $9,400 in-state.
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Jazz,
Bachelor of Art in Jazz, Master
of Music in Jazz, Bachelor of
Music in Music Education, Master
of Music (instrumental only).
Faculty: Chris Vadala, Chuck Redd, Tom
Baldwin, Jon Ozment, Gerry
Kunkel, Chris Gekker, Ben
Patterson, Tim Powell, Leigh Pilzer,
Lena Seikaly.
Jazz Bands: Three Big Bands, four or
five combos.
Auditions: Auditions are usually in January.
Skype auditions are sometimes
possible. Visit music.umd.edu.
Financial Aid: Available. Contact the School
of Music Admissions office.
Scholarships: School of Music Admissions.
Apply by: Nov. 1 (undergraduate);
Dec. 1 (graduate).
Contact: Dr. Jenny Lang, School of
Music Admissions Director, (301)
405-5031, jenlang@umd.edu;
David Powell, (301) 405-8380,

University of Massachusetts,
Amherst, Massachusetts
Student Body: 350 music students;



The SUNY Purchase Latin Jazz Band at Birdland in New York City


regular action for Fall: Jan. 30 and (regular action).

Feb. 27. Visit umass.edu/ Contact: Amy Dinsmore, (978) 934-3850,
music/index.php#. amy_dinsmore@uml.edu; or
Financial Aid: Available. John Huling, Director of music_dept@uml.edu.
Admissions, (413) 545-6048,
jhuling@music.umass.edu, or University of Pittsburgh
Financial Aid Services, (413) 545- Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
0801, umass.edu/umfa. Student Body: 28,823.
Scholarships: Available. John Huling, Director of Tuition: Undergraduate, in-state: $16,872,
Admissions, (413) 545-6048, out-of-state: $27,268; Graduate,
jhuling@music.umass.edu. in-state: $20,742, out-of-state:
Apply by: Nov. 21 (early action). Jan. 30 and $33,960.
Feb. 27 (Fall regular action). Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Arts, Master of Arts
Contact Name: Prof. Jeffrey W. Holmes, Director, and Ph.D. with concentration in
Jazz & African-American Music Jazz Studies.
Studies, (413) 545-6046, Faculty: Geri Allen, Director of Jazz
jwholmes@music.umass.edu. Visit Studies.
umass.edu/music/jazz-studies.php. Jazz Bands: Pitt Jazz Ensemble.
Auditions: Auditions for performance
University of ensembles are held at the
Massachusetts, Lowell beginning of each semester.
Lowell, Massachusetts Financial Aid: Available. Visit music.pitt.edu.
Student Body: 17,000. Scholarships: Available. Visit music.pitt.edu.
Tuition: In-state, $12,447; out-of-state, Apply by: Rolling admissions.
$27,400. Contact: (412) 624-4187 or pittjazz@pitt.
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Sound edu. Visit music.pitt.edu.
Recording Technology, Bachelor of
Music in Music Business, Master University of Rhode Island
of Music in Sound Recording Kingston, Rhode Island
Technology. Student Body: 17,000.
Faculty: William Moylan, John Shirley, Tuition: Undergraduate in-state, $11,128;
Alex Case, Alan Williams, Charles out-of-state, $27,118.
Gabriel, Joe Casano, Meg Ruby, Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Jazz
Walt Platt. Performance, Bachelor of Arts in
Jazz Bands: Studio Orchestra, Jazz, Rock, Jazz Studies.
Big Band, Jazz Lab Ensemble, Faculty: Joe Parillo, Ben Griffin, Dr. Jared
Small Jazz Ensemble. Sims, John Monllos, Mark Berney,
Auditions: Required. Visit uml.edu/FAHSS/ Steve Langone, Dave Zinno,
music/Prospective-Students/ Ron Sanfilippo.
Prospective-Students.aspx. Jazz Bands: The URI Jazz Big Band.
Financial Aid: Available. uml.edu/admissions. Auditions: Visit uri.edu/music.
Scholarships: Need- and merit-based. Financial Aid: Available. Enrollment Services,
Apply by: Nov. 15 (early action); Feb. 15 (401) 874-9500.


Scholarships: Available. Admissions, (401) Master of Music in Jazz Pedagogy. Faculty: Jamie Begian, Jimmy Greene,
874-1000; Enrollment Services, Faculty: Paul Scea, Craig Fraedrich, Dave Scott, Andrew Beals,
(401) 874-9500. Paul Thompson. Deborah Weisz, Chris Morrison,
Apply by: Visit uri.edu/admission. Jazz Bands: 10 ensembles. Lee Metcalf, Kenny Wessel,
Contact: Amy Botello, (401) 874-2431, Auditions: In-person or electronically. Peter Tomlinson, David Ruffels,
abotello@uri.edu. Visit admissions.wvu.edu/ Jeff Siegel.
academics/areas-of-interest/ Alumni: Nicholas Biello, Martin Sather,
West Chester University music. Darren Litzie, Chris Morrison, Chris
of Pennsylvania Financial Aid: Available. Parker, Michael Godette.
West Chester, Pennsylvania Jazz Bands: Jazz Orchestra, Jazz Ensemble,
Scholarships: Merit-based available.
Student Body: 14,000 students. Apply by: Aug. 15. Frankensax, Jazz Guitar Ensemble
Tuition: $6,800 (in-state); $17,000 Contact: Paul Scea, Director of Jazz and 10 jazz combos each
(out-of state). Studies, (304) 293.4549, semester.
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Jazz Auditions: Auditions held December through
paul.scea@mail.wvu.edu. Visit
Performance, Jazz Minor. March. Visit wcsu.edu/music.
Faculty: David Cullen, Chris Hanning, Marc Financial Aid: Available. Contact Nancy Barton,
Jacoby, Terry Klinefelter, Peter (203) 837-8580, bartonn@wcsu.edu.
Paulsen, Greg Riley, John Swana. Scholarships: Available. Contact Jamie Begian,
Jazz Bands: Two big bands, Latin Jazz Western Connecticut (203) 837-8637, begianj@wcsu.edu.
Ensemble, four combos, Vocal State University Apply by: Dec. 10 for scholarship
Jazz Ensemble. Danbury, Connecticut consideration; March 15 for
Auditions: wcupa.edu/cvpa/music/ regular decision.
prospectivestu.aspx. Student Body: 4,500 undergraduates, 220 Contact: Debbie Pontelandolfo, Music
Financial Aid: Available. Visit wcupa.edu. music majors, 30 undergraduate Department, (203) 837-8350,
Scholarships: Available. Visit wcupa.edu. Jazz majors. pontelandolfod@wcsu.edu, or
Apply by: Rolling admissions. Tuition: In-state, $11,160; out-of-state, Jamie Begian, (203) 837-8637,
Contact: Dr. Marc Jacoby, (610) 738-0539, $23,050. begianj@wcsu.edu.
mjacoby@wcupa.edu. Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Jazz Studies,
Bachelor of Science in Music Westfield State University
West Virginia University Education with jazz concentration, Westfield, Massachusetts
Morgantown, West Virginia Bachelor of Music in Audio Student Body: 5,368.
Student Body: 30,000 total. and Music Production with jazz Tuition: Undergraduate, in-state: $970 plus
Tuition: tuition.wvu.edu. concentration, Bachelor of Arts in fees; New England regional
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Jazz Studies, Music with jazz concentration. student program: $1,455 plus fees;



out-of-state/international: $7,050. out-of-state (including fees): Tomoko Ohno, Sunna Gunnlaugs,

Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Arts in Music with a $18,486/year. Tom Brislin, Allen Farnham, Matt
concentration in Jazz Studies. Jazz Degrees: Undergraduate: Bachelor of King, Tedd Firth, Justin Kauflin,
Faculty: Dr. Edward Orgill, James Argiro, Music in Jazz Studies with
Dr. Peter Coutsourdidis, Ted concentrations in Performance, Alexis Cole.
Levine, Tim Atherton, Jeff Dostal, Sound Engineering Arts, Music Jazz Bands: 24 small jazz groups, from trios to
Joe LaCreta. Management, Music Education septets, Jazz Orchestra, Latin Jazz
Jazz Bands: WSU Big Band, Small Jazz and Jazz/Classical Performance. Ensemble, Jazz Vocal Workshop.
Ensemble, Vocal Jazz Ensemble. Graduate: Master of Music in Auditions: Online file upload only.
Auditions: westfield.ma.edu/dept/music/ Jazz Studies with tracks in
Requirements vary. Visit wpunj.
auditioninfo.htm. Performance and Composition/
Financial Aid: Available. (413) 572-5218, Arranging. edu/coac/departments/
financialaid@westfield.ma.edu. Faculty: Bill Charlap, David Demsey, Tim music/audition.
Scholarships: Available. Contact Brent Bean, Newman, Pete McGuinness, Jim Financial Aid: Available for undergrads. Visit
bbean@westfield.ma.edu. McNeely, Cecil Bridgewater, wpunj.edu/admissions or contact
Apply by: March 1. Harold Mabern, Armen Donelian,
(973) 720-2901. Full-tuition
Contact: Dr. Andrew Bonacci, Chair, Janet Reeves, James Weidman,
(413) 562-5358, abonacci@ Vincent Herring, Rich Perry, Gene graduate assistantships available
westfield.ma.edu. Bertoncini, Steve LaSpina, Marcus for graduate students.
McLaurine, Horacee Arnold, Bill Scholarships: Academic and talent scholarships
William Paterson University Goodwin, Kevin Norton, John available for undergraduates. Full-
Mosca, Bill Mobley, David Rogers,
tuition graduate assistantships
Nancy Marano, Chico Mendoza,
Wayne, New Jersey Joe LaCreta. available for graduate students.
Student Body: 65 undergraduate jazz students, Alumni: Carl Allen, Bill Stewart, Johnathan Apply by: Feb. 1.
18 graduate jazz students, Blake, Jameo Brown, Tyshawn Contact: Music Admissions, (973) 720-
250 music majors. Sorey, Joe Farnsworth, Mark 3466; musicadmissions@wpunj.
Tuition: Undergraduate: in-state Guiliana, Dana Hall, Ari Hoenig, edu; David Demsey, Coordinator
(including fees): $12,118/year; Tommy Igoe, Derrek Phillips,
out-of-state (including fees): Nathan Webb, Eric Alexander, Bill of Jazz Studies and Performance.
$19,794/year. Graduate: in-state Evans, Tony Malaby, John Hébert, Visit wpunj.edu/coac/deparments/
(including fees): $11,880/year; Joe Martin, Sean Conly, Anat Fort, music/undergraduate.





s Shelly Berg, dean of the University of uates approach their careers with the same level of

A Miami’s Frost School of Music, looks at

today’s jazz and popular music scene, he
sees a declining number of “pools” of opportunity.
inventiveness that they apply to their music.”
Beyond that, Berg said, the goal of the Frost
School is “to engender a culture of respect for all
“But I see an infinite number of puddles,” types of music.”
he said. How that plays out on a daily basis is that
Berg, a pianist who also is the Patricia L. Frost every student—whether his or her background
Professor of Music at the Coral Gables, Florida- is jazz trumpet or classical tympani—is taught
based university, believes young musicians need improvisational techniques. Those skills are
to find their own niche, and that a broad musi- honed in what Daversa called “experiential
cal education is the best preparation. That was the ensembles” where students from across musical
kind of thinking that led him to champion the res- genres play together.
urrection of the flagging Henry Mancini Institute “Those cross-genre performances are not
and relocate it from Los Angeles to Coral Gables, unusual here at all,” Berg said. “That proba-
where it thrives as a cross-disciplinary education- bly happens more at this school than anywhere
al facility for musicians from the worlds of film, else. We have jazz majors studying with classical
pop, jazz and classical music. instructors and classical players doing big band.”
That approach also led Berg to develop Frost’s In the past, that might have posed a challenge,
Studio Music and Jazz department—which but Daversa said two persistent stereotypes are
includes concentrations in performance, com- now finally fading: One is the classically trained
position/arranging, technology, conducting, musician who can’t swing or improvise, and the to take something from the influences they’ll be
research and production—and to facilitate move- second is the young jazzer who can’t play a clas- exposed to here, and to fit into the nurturing cul-
ment between the school’s classical, pop and jazz sical piece without injecting it with an excessive ture of this place.”
faculty and students. dose of individuality. “When we’re holding auditions and looking at
“We see our job as exposing students to the “Young musicians are more exposed to all applications, we really focus on students who are
broadest musical education possible,” said John types of music now, thanks to both technolo- good in all academic fields,” Daversa added. “We
Daversa, a trumpeter who chairs the department. gy and more open cultural boundaries,” Daversa want broad-minded people who can really play.
“We want to turn out informed musicians who explained. “Jazz has always been drawing from all The level of performance is very high. Even our
can contribute to the art wherever they go.” types of music, and now other genres are doing music industry students play at a high level.”
To that end, the department exposes students that as well. Our mixed ensembles are really For those students who make the cut, the stu-
to courses in the business of jazz and sound engi- all-encompassing.” dio music and jazz department provides a wide
neering. It’s a good fit with the overarching phi- Not surprisingly, Berg said there is a high range of academic and performance options. At
losophy of the 89-year-old Frost School, which demand for admission at all levels of the studio the undergraduate level, the department offers
was the first major U.S. music school to have a stu- music and jazz department, as well as the Frost degrees in instrumental and vocal performance—
dent-run record label—’Cane Records—and its School as a whole. He said he and other facul- both of which have an emphasis on working in
own publishing company. ty members look for intellectually inquisitive studio settings—as well as a degree in music edu-
“There’s a lot of focus on playing here,” musicians. cation. At the master’s degree level, there are con-
Daversa said, “but as musicians we have to be on “We want young people with a broad view,” centrations in instrumental and vocal perfor-
top of our entrepreneurial skills now, too. Our goal Berg said. “They might be great players, but we’re mance, studio jazz writing and jazz pedagogy.
is to find creativity in everything, so that our grad- not really looking for purists. They have to be able Doctoral degrees are offered in instrumental and


Professor John Daversa (second from right) conducts the Frost School of
Music’s Concert Jazz Band in 2013. Pianist Jake Shapiro is in the foreground.


vocal performance and jazz composition. was Frost’s setting within the 17,000-student Daversa said that the mentorship is a vital part
The studio music and jazz department has University of Miami. of the educational experience at Frost, where stu-
close to 40 ensembles, including the Frost Jazz “I describe Frost as a high-caliber conservato- dents develop important career skills in addition
Sextet, a salsa band, several vocal ensembles and ry inside a big university,” Saunders said. “The to improving their musical chops.
the Mancini Institute Orchestra, which was led by campus and the facilities are beautiful.” “The faculty really leads by example,” he said.
Terence Blanchard for the past five years. While some students, particularly those com- “I talk about how I balance the different facets
For Geoff Saunders, a Hartford, Connecticut, ing out of high school, might find the prospect of of my career with the rest of my life. Together,
native who plays bass and is a Doctor of Musical attending a large institution daunting, Berg said whether we come from a jazz background, a clas-
Arts candidate at Frost, the presence of the he has aimed to maintain the conservatory envi- sical background, whatever, we display all the
Mancini Institute and the opportunity to work ronment at Frost. options that are available to make a life in music.”
with top artists was a major draw. “Our student-to-faculty ratio is about seven- Saunders concurred on this point: “The facul-
“That was a big sell for me,” Saunders wrote in to-one,” Berg said, “and our faculty is very hands- ty show you that you can be a musician and make
an email. “It was both the performing experi- on. Students can get a lesson from anyone, even it work in so many ways—not just as a performer
ence and the scholarship. I’ve had the chance to the dean. I make time for that often.” or composer, but in business, publishing, writing
play ‘Autumn Leaves’ with Bobby McFerrin and “We take a lot of pride in the closeness of our and administration.”
‘Spain’ with Chick Corea. Those are memories I community,” Daversa added. “We know how “I want our graduates to experience as many
will not forget.” important it is, and how that helps to cultivate real-world situations as they can,” Berg said. “It’s
Saunders, who attended the Eastman School a creative culture. So, one night a week, we get all about collaboration and cross-fertilization. The
of Music in Rochester, New York, as an under- together, often with a guest musician in atten- next horizon for us at Frost is to build that ideal
graduate, said another thing that attracted him dance. We take care of each other very well here.” into more and more classes.” DB


Kurt Elling performs with the University of North Florida Jazz Ensemble I


Belmont University
Nashville, Tennessee
Student Body: University, 7,300; School of


Music, 700.
Tuition: $30,000 plus room and board
($10,000) for a total of $40,000.
Jazz Degrees: Commercial Music.
Faculty: Anthony Belfiglio, Bruce Bennett,
Bruce Dudley, Sandra Dudley,
Kelly Garner, Alex Graham, Jeff
Kirk, Kathryn Paradise, Roy Vogt. students.
Alumni: Josh Turner, Rayvon Owen, Ginny Elon University
Elon, North Carolina Tuition: Undergraduate, in-state: $6,592;
Owens, Cody Fry. out-of-state: $22,494; Graduate,
Jazz Bands: Jazz Band I, Jazz Band II, Jazz Student Body: 5,000 undergraduates. in-state: $11,830; out-of-state:
Small Group I, Jazz Small Group Tuition: $43,170. $27,288.
II, Bass Ensemble, Jazz Strings, Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Arts in Music or Music Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Arts in Jazz, Master
Jazzmin, vocal ensemble. Performance; Bachelor of of Music in Jazz Studies.
Auditions: Required. Visit: belmont.edu/ Science in Music Education or Faculty: Leon Anderson, William Kennedy,
music. Undergraduate auditions: Music Technology. Bachelor’s Rodney Jordan, William Peterson,
Nov. 14, Jan. 9, Jan. 23, Feb. 6, degree candidates can
Scotty Barnhart, Nick Finzer,
March. 19. pursue Jazz Studies as a field of
Marcus Roberts.
Financial Aid: Contact Student Financial minor concentration.
Alumni: Marcus Roberts.
Services, (615) 460-6403. Faculty: Jon Metzger, Matt Buckmaster,
Jazz Bands: Three full jazz bands, multiple
Scholarships: Contact Student Financial Chip Newton.
combos, vocal jazz ensemble.
Services, (615) 460-6403 or Office Alumni: Brad Linde, Kevin Pace,
Auditions: Jan. 23, Feb. 13, Feb. 27. Live
of Admissions, (615) 460-6785. Andrew Hendryx.
auditions preferred.
Apply by: Priority deadline for major merit Jazz Bands: One big band, two jazz combos,
scholarship consideration is Dec. 1. Financial Aid: Available. (850) 644-0539 or visit
one vocal jazz ensemble.
Maren Bishop, (615) 460-6408 or financialaid.fsu.edu.
Contact: Auditions: Auditions are for placement once
SOMauditions@belmont.edu. on campus. Scholarships: Merit-based and talent-based.
Financial Aid: Contact Financial Planning. (850) 644-6102 or visit musicad
East Carolina University Visit elon.edu/e/admissions/ missions@fsu.edu.
Greenville, North Carolina undergraduate/financial-aid/ Apply by: Dec. 1 (priority deadline); Jan. 13
Student Body: 27,000 in university, 350 in School index.html. (final deadline).
of Music, 40 in Jazz program. Scholarships: Contact Financial Planning. Visit Contact: Kristopher Watson, (850) 644-
Tuition: In-state, $6,300 plus fees; elon.edu/e/admissions/under 6102 or musicadmissions@fsu.
out-of-state, $22,000 plus fees. graduate/financial-aid/index.html. edu. Visit music.fsu.edu.
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Music Apply by: Jan. 15.
Performance with emphasis in
Furman University
Contact: Jon Metzger, Jazz Studies, (336) Greenville, South Carolina
Jazz (Instrumental and Vocal 278-5683, jmetzger@elon.edu.
tracks). Student Body: 2,600 in university, 175
Jazz Bands: ECU Jazz Ensemble A, Florida International University music majors.
Contemporary Jazz Ensemble. Miami, Florida Tuition: $45,632.
Faculty: Jeff Bair, Carroll V. Dashiell Jr., Student Body: Approximately 35 jazz majors. Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Music
Scott Sawyer, Dan Davis. Tuition: fiu.edu. Performance, Music Education,
Alumni: Chris Bullock, Mitch Butler. Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Jazz Music Composition, Music
Auditions: Dec. 5, Jan. 23, Feb. 13, Feb. 27, Performance, Master of Music in Theory.
March 19. A live audition is Jazz Performance. Faculty: Matt Olson, Steve Watson, Keith
strongly recommended. DVDs or Faculty: Gary Campbell, Michael Orta, Davis, Justin Watt, Ian Bracchitta.
CDs are accepted. Jamie Ousley, Rodolfo Zuniga, Jazz Bands: Furman University Jazz Ensemble;
Financial aid: Available. Visit ecu.edu/financial. Lisanne Lyons. several combos.
Scholarships: Available. Awarded on the basis of Jazz Bands: Big Band, Latin Jazz Ensemble, Auditions: Dec. 5, Jan. 16, Feb. 13. Visit
performance ability and potential Jazz Combos, Vocal Jazz musicatfurman.com.
displayed at the time of audition. Ensemble. Financial Aid: Available. Visit furman.edu.
Apply by: Separate applications with Auditions: fiu.edu/programs/jazz/index.html. Scholarships: Merit-based, available by audition.
the School of Music and the Financial Aid: Available. Visit fiu.edu Contact music@furman.edu.
University Admissions Office are Scholarships: Available. Visit fiu.edu. Apply by: Nov. 1 (early decision), Jan. 15
required. Freshman applicants are Apply by: Aug. 1. (regular decision).
strongly encouraged to apply to Contact: music@fui.edu or gary.campbell@ Contact: Matt Olson, (864) 294-3284,
the university by March 1. Transfer fiu.edu. Visit carta.fiu.edu/music/ matt.olson@furman.edu.
students must submit their academics/programs/jazz/.
university admissions materials by Georgia Regents University
April 1. Visit ecu.edu/admissions. Florida State University Augusta, Georgia
Contact: Dr. Jeffrey Ward, 252-328-6851, Tallahassee, Florida Student Body: 8,530.
wardj@ecu.edu; ecu.edu/music. Student Body: 41,000 total, 1,100 music Tuition: In-state (including fees), $4,141;


out of state, $11,495. jazz combos. Auditions: Held in February. Visit jsujazz.
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Performance. Auditions: Complete the application online. webs.com.
Faculty: Wycliffe Gordon, Robert Foster. Deadline for application is Financial Aid: Available. For info on music
Jazz Bands: GRU Jazz Ensemble and GRU four weeks prior to the given scholarships and financial aid, visit
Jazz Combo. audition day. Auditions: Nov. 6, jsu.edu/admissions/index.html.
Auditions: Visit gru.edu/music. Feb. 15, March 4 (vocal and Scholarships: Need- and merit-based. Visit jsu.
Financial Aid: Available. Visit gru.edu/finaid. piano); March 7 (all others). Call edu/music.
Scholarships: Merit-based available. Contact Dr. (404) 413-2500 or visit admissions. Apply by: March 1. Visit jsu.edu/music/
Angela Morgan (706) 737-1453, gsu.edu. index.html.
amorgan1@gru.edu. Financial Aid: Available. Visit gsu.edu. Visit sfs. Contact: Dr. Andy Nevala, (256) 782-5883,
Apply by: gru.edu/admissions. gsu.edu/files/2012/11/ anevala@jsu.edu.
Contact: Dr. Robert Foster, (706) 737-1453, FY16-Undergrad.pdf.
rfoster@gru.edu. Scholarships: Merit-based. All auditioning Jacksonville University
students are automatically Jacksonville, Florida
Georgia State University considered for merit-based Student Body: 4,100.
Atlanta, Georgia financial aid. Tuition: $32,620.
Student Body: 32,000. Contact: music@gsu.edu. Jazz Degrees: Bachelor in Music Performance
Tuition: Undergraduate (12 hours), in-state with a concentration in Jazz
tuition and fees, $4,487; Jacksonville State University Studies and Commercial Music.
out-of-state, $11,771. Jacksonville, Alabama Faculty: John Ricci, Gary Starling, Scott
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Jazz Studies, Student Body: 9,500. Giddens, Richard Kirkland.
Master of Music in Jazz Studies. Tuition: $3,000 per semester. Jazz Bands: Three combos and a big band.
Faculty: Gordon Vernick, Kevin Bales, Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Arts in Music (General Auditions: Required. Visit ju.edu/cfa/Music/
Mace Hibbard, Audrey Shakir, Music or Music Education Pages/Jazz-at-JU.aspx.
Justin Varnes, Robert Dickson, concentration), Master of Arts in Financial Aid: Available. Contact (904) 256-7000.
Dave Frackenpohl, Wes Music (General Music or Music Scholarships: Up to full-tuition available, merit
Funderburk. Education concentration). and talent combined. Call
Alumni: Sam Skelton, Sonny Emory, Joe Faculty: Dr. Andrew Nevala, Dr. Tony (904) 256-7000.
Gransden, Trey Wright, James McCutchen, Dr. Dave Lambert, Apply by: Open enrollment.
King, Wes Funderburk, Gary Dr. Chris Probst, Kenyan Carter, Contact: John Ricci, Director of Jazz
Motley, Tyrone Jackson, Matt Ben Weatherford, Chris Enghauser. Studies, (904) 256-7457, jricci@
Kaminski, Darren English. Jazz Bands: Four jazz ensembles, five combos, ju.edu. Visit ju.edu/cfa/Music/
Jazz Bands: Two big bands and 10 Latin Ensemble, Piano Trios. Pages/Jazz-at-JU.aspx.


Jason Marsalis (right) with students in the Miles Davis Jazz
STUDENT MUSIC GUIDE Studies Program at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro

Loyola University–New
New Orleans, Louisiana
Student Body: 4,600.
Tuition: $36,124.
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Jazz Studies,
Jazz Studies Minor.
Faculty: Tony Dagradi, Nick Volz, John
Mahoney, Matt Lemmler, Don

Vappie, Ed Wise, Wayne Maureau,
Johnny Vidacovich, Jason
Minglesdorf, Ray Moore,
Gordon Towell.
Alumni: Ellis Marsalis, Victor Goines,
Rick Margitza. Tuition: Undergraduate (12 credits) in- Commercial Music Ensembles,
Jazz Bands: Three large ensembles, five state: $1,418.64; out-of-state: Improv Ensemble. Visit mtsu.edu/
combos, jazz vocal ensemble, $4,830.12. music/pdf/ensemblebrochure.pdf.
Afro-Cuban ensemble. Jazz Degrees: Associate of Arts with an Auditions: Required. Visit mtsumusic.com.
Auditions: cmfa.loyno.edu/auditions. emphasis in Jazz Studies. Financial Aid: Available, academic- and need-
Financial Aid: Available. Contact ejdowney Faculty: Dr. Michael Di Liddo, Dr. Peter based. Visit mtsu.edu/financial-aid.
@loyno.edu. Francis, Mike Gerber, Aaron Scholarships: Music awards and graduate
Scholarships: Merit-based. Lebos, Sandy Poltarack, Gary assistantships are based on
Apply by: Contact admit@loyno.edu. Thomas, Rupert Ziawinski, auditions and are available for in-
Contact: Gordon Towell (504) 865-2164, Rodolfo Zuniga. state, out-of-state and interna-
gltowell@loyno.edu. Jazz Bands: Verve Ensemble, Horace Silver tional students. Visit mtsu.edu/
Ensemble, Blue Note Ensemble, music/scholarships.php.
Hard Bop Ensemble, Apply by: Dec. 1 (for academic awards);
Miami Dade College Contemporary Music Ensemble March 1 for School of Music
and Jazz Workshop. admission and audition. Visit mtsu.
Miami, Florida Auditions: Visit mdc.edu/wolfson. edu/how-to-apply/deadlines.php.
Student Body: More than 165,000 students Financial Aid: Available. Call (305) 237-3244. Contact: Jamey Simmons, Director of Jazz
on eight campuses. Scholarships: Merit-based fine arts grants Studies, (615) 898-2724, james.
Tuition: In-state, $6,000; out-of-state, available. simmons@mtsu.edu.
$20,000. Visit mdc.edu/main/ Apply by: Visit mdc.edu/wolfson.
flresidency/default.aspx. Contact: Dr. Michael Di Liddo, (305) North Carolina Central University
Jazz Degrees: Associate of Arts (Music or Music 237-3930, mdiliddo@mdc.edu. Durham, North Carolina
Education), Associate of Science Visit mdc.edu/wolfson and mdc. Student Body: 8,500.
(Music Business–Creative edu/main/jazzatwolfsonpresents. Tuition: Undergraduate in-state, $9,220/
Performance or Creative semester; out-of-state, $14,927;
Production). For concentration Middle Tennessee Graduate in-state, $3,967/semes-
in Jazz Studies, see listing below ter; out-of-state, $9,790.
for Miami Dade College–Wolfson
State University Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music, Jazz Studies,
Campus; visit mdc.edu/wolfson/ Jazz Studies/Music Education.
Arts/default.asp. Murfreesboro, Tennessee Master of Music in Jazz Studies
Faculty: Tim Brent, Mike Di Liddo, Matt Student Body: 20,262 in university, 385 music (Performance and Composition).
Bonelli, Jim Broderick. majors, 30 jazz majors. Faculty: Ira Wiggins, Baron Tymas, Robert
Alumni: Jon Secada, Gaby Vivas, Tuition: Undergraduate, in-state, $8,296, Trowers, Lenora Zenzali
Dionesio Martinez. out-of-state: $25,584. Helm, Arnold George, Damon
Jazz Bands: Two big bands, Studio Jazz Small Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Jazz Brown, Thomas Taylor, Albert
Group, Vocal Fusion vocal jazz Studies; Master of Music in Strong, Aaron Hill, Ed Paolantonio,
ensemble, R&B Ensemble, Jazz Studies; Bachelor of Artist-in-Residence Branford
Salsa Orchestra. Music in Music Industry with Marsalis, Artist-in-Residence
Auditions: There is no audition required to Jazz Concentration, with Joey Calderazzo.
major in music, only for specific minors in Recording Industry Alumni: Grady Tate, Leon Pendarvis,
ensembles. Studies or Entrepreneurship. Ameen Saleem, Jeremy Clemons,
Financial Aid: Call (305) 237-2325 or visit mdc. Faculty: Jamey Simmons, Don Aliquo, Albert “Chip” Crawford, Mavis
edu/main/financialaid. David Loucky, Jim Ferguson, Pat Poole, Brian Horton, Alvin
Scholarships: Visit mdc.edu/main/financialaid. Coil, Paul Abrams, Joe Davidian, Atkinson, Adia Ledbetter, Iajhi
Apply by: Call (305) 237-2325. Chip Henderson, Lalo Davila, Hampden, Brian Miller, James
Contact: Tim Brent, tbrent@mdc.edu. Derrek Phillips, Cedric Dent. Gates, Chris Hankins.
Alumni: Shawn Purcell, Jim White, Chris Jazz Bands: North Carolina Central University
Miami Dade College–Wolfson McDonald, Jonathan Wires, Jazz Ensembles I–II, Combos I–IV,
Campus Matt Lund, Elizabeth Johnson, Vocal Jazz Ensemble, Advanced
John Blount, Marcus Finnie, Vocal Jazz Ensemble.
Ryan Middagh. Auditions: Contact Ira Wiggins, iwiggins
Miami, Florida Jazz Bands: Jazz Ensembles I and II, numer- @nccu.edu.
Student Body: 27,000 on Wolfson Campus, 100 ous combos; Salsa Band, MTSU Financial Aid: Available.
music students, 27 jazz students. Singers (vocal jazz), Steel Bands, Scholarships: Merit-based, Special Talent,



Chancellors Scholars.
Instrumentalists, contact Ira
Wiggins, (919) 530-7214,
iwiggins@nccu.edu. Vocalists,
contact Lenora Zenzali Helm, (919)
530-6653, lhelm@nccu.edu.
Apply by: Nov. 1 (Spring 2016 admission);
March 15 (Fall 2016 admission).
Contact: Instrumentalists, contact Ira
Wiggins, (919) 530-7214,

iwiggins@nccu.edu. Vocalists,
contact Lenora Zenzali Helm, (919)
530-6653, lhelm@nccu.edu.
Furman University Jazz Ensemble
Northern Kentucky University
Highland Heights, Kentucky
Student Body: 15,000.
Tuition: Undergraduate, in-state, contact OSU Bands, (405) Vocal Jazz Ensemble, Jazz
$4,368/semester; out-of-state, 744-6135. Ensemble Combo.
$8,736/semester. Apply by: Call Dr. Tommy Poole, (405) 744- Auditions: Every August prior to the Fall
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Performance 2902, tommy.poole@okstate.edu. semester for participation during
with a Jazz Studies emphasis. Contact: Dr. Tommy Poole, (405) 744-2902, the school year. For out-of-state
Faculty: John Zappa, William Brian Hogg, tommy.poole@okstate.edu. applicants, auditions can be made
Phil DeGreg, Max Gise, Ted Karas, by appointment, or via DVD or
Bill Jackson, Mike Meloy. Texas Christian University Skype. Visit tsu.edu/academics/
Jazz Bands: Little Big Band, Jazz Combos, colleges-and-schools/colabs/
Vocal Jazz, Latin Jazz Combo; Fort Worth, Texas music/auditions.php.
R&B Combo.
Student Body: 300 Music majors. Financial Aid: Available. A FAFSA portfolio must
Auditions: Instrumentalists, contact William
Brian Hogg, (859) 572-5885, Tuition: $40,630 (based on 12–18 be on file. Visit em.tsu.edu/
hoggw1@nku.edu. Vocalists, hours of enrollment for fall and financialaid.
contact Randy Pennington, (859) spring semesters). Scholarships: Available. Visit em.tsu.edu/
572-5286, pennington@nku.edu. Jazz Degrees: None. financialaid/scholarships.
Financial Aid: Available. Visit nku.edu. Faculty: Joe Eckert, Thomas Burchill, Joey Apply by: July 15 (for Fall); Dec. 15
Scholarships: Need- and merit-based. Carter, Kyp Green, Brian West. (for Spring).
Jazz Bands: TCU Jazz Ensemble; Purple,
Instrumentalists, contact William Contact: Dr. Jason Oby, Department
White, and Blues (TCU vocal
Brian Hogg, (859) 572-5885, Chairman, (713) 313-7263,
jazz ensemble).
hoggw1@nku.edu. Vocalists, oby_jb@tsu.edu. Visit tsu.edu/
Auditions: Contact Joe Eckert, Director of
contact Randy Pennington, (859) academics/colleges-and-schools/
Jazz Studies, (817) 257-5576,
572-5286, pennington@nku.edu. colabs/music/jazzattsu.php.
Apply by: Jan. 15 for scholarships.
Financial Aid: Available. Visit financialaid.tcu.edu.
Contact: William Brian Hogg, (859) 572-
Scholarships: Need- and merit-based.
Texas State University
5885, hoggw1@nku.edu. San Marcos, Texas
Apply by: Nov. 1 (early action); Feb. 15
Oklahoma State University (regular decision). Student Body: 35,000 total, 750 music majors.
Stillwater, Oklahoma Contact: Joe Eckert, Director of Jazz Tuition: $4,500 for 14 credit hours per
Studies, (817) 257-5576, semester.
Student Body: 25,939. j.eckert@tcu.edu. Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in
Tuition: Undergraduate, in-state: $4,425,
out-of-state: $17,010. Texas Southern University Performance–Jazz Concentration;
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Arts in Music, Houston, Texas Master of Music, Concentration in
Bachelor of Music in Elective Jazz Performance.
Student Body: 9,700.
Studies in Business, Bachelor of Tuition: Undergraduate (16 hours), in-state Faculty: Butch Miles, Dr. Russell Haight,
Music in Performance, Bachelor (total charges, fixed rate plan plus Dr. Utah Hamrick, Hank
of Music in Music Education- fees): $4,852; out-of-state (16 Hehmsoth, Dr. Martin McCain,
Instrumental and Vocal. hours), non-resident/foreign total Russell Scanlon, Dr. Keith Winking,
Faculty: Dr. Tommy Poole, Dr. Ryan charges, fixed rate plan plus fees): Morris Nelms, Paul Deemer, David
Gardner, Paul Compton, Dr. Igor $11,092. Dawson, Dr. Bennett Wood.
Karaca, Dr. Jeffrey Loeffert. Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Arts in Music Alumni: Adam Schroeder, Dr. John Mills,
Alumni: Garth Brooks, Sarah Coburn. (Jazz Studies). Dr. Adam Booker, Elias Haslanger,
Jazz Bands: Three jazz ensembles, two jazz Faculty: Dr. Jason Oby, Dr. Howard C. Dr. James Polk, Dr. Armin
combos, one vocal jazz ensemble. Harris, Johnny Gonzalez, Roy Marmolejo.
Auditions: Admission auditions for majors Belfield, Richard Lee. Jazz Bands: Big Bands, Jazz Ensemble, Jazz
take place between January and Alumni: Joe Sample, Wilton Felder, Wayne
March 2016. Auditions for ensem- Orchestra, Jazz Lab Band Combo
Henderson, Nesbert “Stix”
ble placement occur in the fall. Hooper, Billy Harper, Kirk Whalum, and small groups including
Financial Aid: Available. Call (405) 744-6604. Yolanda Adams, Marsha Frazier, jazz trombone ensembles and jazz
Scholarships: Need- and merit-based. For need Bobbi Humphrey, Don Patterson, guitar ensemble.
and academic scholarship Horace Alexander Young, Ku- Auditions: For undergraduate, visit txstate.
questions, contact Financial Aid. umba Frank Lacy, Randy Kelly. edu/jazzstudies/auditions/under
For merit-based music auditions, Jazz Bands: The Jazz Experience Big Band, grad-auditions.html. For graduate



auditions, visit txstate.edu/jazz Christopher Kozak, Mark Lanter,

studies/auditions/grad-auditions.html. Jon Whitaker, Eric Yates, Andrew
Financial Aid: Available. Visit finaid.txstate.edu. Dewar, Rob Alley, Matt Wiley,
Scholarships: Contact Dr. Keith Winking, Tim Feeney.
kw09@txstate.edu. Jazz Bands: UA Jazz Ensemble, UA 2
Apply by: June. O’Clock Jazz Band, UA Chamber
Contact: Dr. Keith Winking, kw09 Jazz, UA Jazz Standards Combo,
@txstate.edu. Or email Crimson Slides, UA Jazz Combo.
jazzstudies@txstate.edu. Auditions: Call (205) 348-7112 or (205)
348-6333 or visit jazz.ua.edu,
Texas Tech University music.ua.edu or music.ua.edu/
Lubbock, Texas departments/jazz-studies/
Student Body: 34,000 for university, 440 students jazz-audition-info.
in the School of Music. Financial Aid: Contact Undergraduate Music
Tuition: Undergraduate in-state, $9,866; Administration at (205) 348-7112
out-of-state, $20,726. or Pam Woodard, pwoodard@ua.edu.
Jazz Degrees: Undergraduate Jazz Certificate, Scholarships: Merit-based.
Master’s in Jazz Performance. Contact Undergraduate Music
Faculty: More than 50 music faculty. Administration at (205) 348-7112
Jazz Bands: Jazz I, Jazz II, combos. or Pam Woodard, pwoodard@
Alumni: Arlington J. Jones II. ua.edu.
Auditions: music.ttu.edu. Apply by: Rolling admissions.
Financial Aid: Available. Contact (806) 742-2270. Contact: Chris Kozak, Associate Professor
Scholarships: Available. Contact (806) 742-2270. and Director of Jazz Studies, (205)
Apply by: Auditions in February. 348-6333, ckozak@ua.edu.
Contact: Visit music.ttu.edu.
Tulane University University of Central Florida
New Orleans, Louisiana
Student body: 8,353 undergrads, 13,500 total. Orlando, Florida
Tuition: $44,425 base yearly. Student Body: 62,000 in university,
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Fine Arts in Jazz 400 in music program.
Studies, Master of Fine Arts in Tuition: In-state, $212/credit hour;
Composition, Master of Arts in out-of-state, $748/credit hour.
Musicology with a specialization in Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Jazz Studies,
New Orleans music. Master of Arts in Jazz.
Faculty: Matt Sakakeeny, Courtney Bryan, Faculty: Jeff Rupert, Marty Morell, Richard
Jesse McBride, John Dobry, Drexler, Per Danielsson, Bobby
James Markway, Rex Gregory, Koelble, Michael Wilkinson.
Delfeayo Marsalis. Alumni: Richard Drexler, Rob Shaer, Travis
Jazz Bands: Tulane University Jazz Orchestra, Heath, James Navan, Greg Zabel,
Tulane University Traditional Jazz
Joe Young, Paolo Tursi.
Ensemble, five other jazz combos.
Jazz Bands: Two big bands, six jazz chamber
Auditions: Optional during application
groups, including organ trios.
process to Tulane; Bachelor of
Auditions: Visit music.cah.ucf.edu/admission
Fine Arts auditions held during
sophomore year after participation
Financial Aid: Available. Visit finaid.ucf.edu.
in the program. Classes, lessons
Scholarships: Available. Contact John Parker,
and combo auditions are open to
UCF Music, (407) 823-2869,
all Tulane students.
Financial Aid: Available.
Apply by: Jan. 15 (recommended
Scholarships: Available.
date is Oct. 1).
Apply by: Aug. 1 (early admission).
Contact: Jeff Rupert, (407) 823-5411,
Applications accepted
June 1–Dec. 15.
Contact: Matt Sakakeeny, mattsak@tulane.
edu, or James Markway, jmark University of
way@tulane.edu. Central Oklahoma
University of Alabama
Tuscaloosa, Alabama Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Student Body: Over 400 Music Majors, 20 Student body: 80–90 undergraduate jazz students,
Bachelor of Music in Jazz majors, 20–25 graduate jazz students.
one Master of Music in Tuition: Undergraduate, in-state, $193/
Arranging student. credit; out-of-state, $476/credit.
Tuition: Undergraduate in-state, $12,591; Graduate, in-state, $245/credit;
out-of-state, $20,153. Visit ua.edu/ out-of-state, $570/credit.
quickfacts/cost.html. Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Art in Performance,
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Jazz Studies, minor in jazz studies; Master
Master of Music in Arranging. of Music in Jazz Studies,
Faculty: Tom Wolfe, Jonathan Noffsinger, Performance or Music



Production emphasis. $29,832. Visit admissions.uga.edu/

Faculty: Brian Gorrell, Lee Rucker, Jeff prospective-students/tuition-fees. University of Louisville,
Kidwell, Danny Vaughan, Clint Jazz Degrees: Jazz Minor for non-music majors. Jamey Aebersold Jazz
Rohr, David Hardman, Michael Faculty: David D’Angelo, Tim Adams, Dr. Studies Program
Geib, Dennis Borycki, Aaron Milton Masciadri, Dr. Connie Frigo,
Tomasko, Ryan Sharp, Zachary Lee. Philip Smith, Dr. Cynthia
Alumni: Sharel Cassity, David Gibson, Johnson Turner.
Louisville, Kentucky
David Anderson, Vince Norman, Jazz Bands: Two big bands, multiple Student Body: 25,500.
Aidan Carroll. jazz combos. Tuition: Undergraduate, in-state, $10,542
Jazz Bands: Jazz Ensembles I, II, III and IV, Jazz Auditions: Visit music.uga.edu. per year; out-of-state, $24,848.
Guitar Ensemble, Chamber Financial Aid: Merit-based available. Visit osfa. Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Arts in Jazz Studies,
Swingers Vocal Jazz Ensemble, uga.edu/index.html. Bachelor of Music in Jazz
Jazz Composers Combo, 5th Scholarships: Available. Visit osfa.uga.edu/ Performance, Bachelor of Music
Street Strutters Dixieland Combo, index.html. in Music Education with a
Conjunto de Jazz Latin Combo, Apply by: Visit music.uga.edu. concentration in Jazz Studies,
Jazz Repertory Combos I, II and III. Contact: David D’Angelo, Jazz Studies, Bachelor of Music in Music
Auditions: Held first Saturday in February and (706) 542-2766, ddangelo Therapy with a concentration
March, and by appointment. @uga.edu. in Jazz Studies, Master of Music
Financial Aid: Available. Contact Financial Aid in Jazz Performance, Master of
Office, (405) 974-3334. University of Kentucky Music in Jazz Composition/
Scholarships: Available. Contact Brian Gorrell, Lexington, Kentucky Arranging.
(405) 359-7989, briangorrell@ Student Body: 25,000 total. Faculty: Mike Tracy, Jerry Tolson, Ansyn
ucojazzlab.com. Tuition: Undergrad, in-state: $5,546/ Banks, Chris Fitzgerald, Craig
Apply by: Aug. 1 (for Fall); Dec. 1 (for Spring). semester; out-of-state: $12,216/ Wagner, Mike Hyman, Tyrone
Contact: Brian Gorrell, Director of Jazz semester. Wheeler, John La Barbera.
Studies, (405) 359-7989, Jazz Degrees: None. Classes only. Alumni: Delfayeo Marsalis, Jim Lewis,
briangorrell@ucojazzlab.com. Faculty: Miles Osland, Raleigh Dailey. Jonathan Epley, Renato
Visit ucojazzlab.com. Jazz Bands: Two jazz bands, four combos. Vasconcellos, Anderson Pessoa,
Financial Aid: Miles Osland, (859) 257-8173. Pat Harbison, Chris Fitzgerald,
University of Georgia, Scholarships: Merit-based available. Miles Jim Walker, Mike Tracy.
Hodgson School of Music Osland, (859) 257-8173. Jazz Bands: Jazz Ensemble I, Jazz Ensemble
Athens, Georgia Apply by: Feb. 1. II, Jazz Repertoire Ensembles
Student body: 34,000 students. Contact: Miles Osland, (859) 257-8173, (Hard Bop, Contemporary,
Tuition: In-state: $11,622; out-of-state: miles.osland@uky.edu. Brazilian), International Jazz
Quartet, five to seven jazz Jazz Bands: Two big bands, vocal jazz I and II, Faculty: John Daversa, Shelly Berg,
combos. five to eight combos per semester. Chuck Bergeron, Martin Bejerano,
Auditions: Jan. 23, Feb. 13, Feb. 27. Auditions: Kay Yager, kayyager@memphis.edu. Don Coffman, John Hart, Gary
Visit louisville.edu/music/apply. Financial Aid: Available. Visit memphis.edu/ Keller, Gary Lindsay, Dante
Financial Aid: Available. Visit louisville.edu/ financialaid. Luciani, Brian Lynch, Kate Reid,
financialaid. Scholarships: Available. Contact Kay Yager, Gonzalo Rubalcaba, Steve Rucker.
Scholarships: Need-, merit- and talent-based. kayyager@memphis.edu. Alumni: Steve Aho, Jeff Babko, Steve
Visit louisville.edu/admissions/aid, Apply by: July 1 for the University of Bailey, Ed Calle, Mark Egan,
louisville.edu/music/apply/under Memphis. Last dates for scholar- Tom Garling, Danny Gotlieb,
graduate/scholarships, louisville. ships for the School of Music Euge Groove, John Hart, Bruce
edu/music/apply/graduate/ held in March. Hornsby, Randy Johnston,
scholarships. Contact: Jack Cooper, jcooper1@memphis. Jonathan Joseph, Jonathan
Apply by: Feb. 15 priority deadline. edu or Tim Goodwin, tgoodwn@ Kreisberg, Marco Marcinko,
Contact: Laura Angermeier, (502) 852-1623, memphis.edu. Pat Metheny, Kate Reid.
laura.angermeier@louisville.edu. Jazz Bands: Frost Concert Jazz Band, Studio
Jazz Band, Small Jazz Ensembles,
University of Memphis, University of Miami, Jazz Band II, Jazz Saxophone
Scheidt School of Music Frost School of Music Ensemble, Jazz Guitar Ensemble,
Memphis, Tennessee Monk/Mingus Ensemble, Bebop
Ensemble, Horace Silver
Student Body: 23,000 total, 500 music students. Coral Gables, Florida Ensemble, Jazz Vocal Ensemble I,
Tuition: Undergraduate in-state, $294/ Student Body: Approximately 250 undergrads, II and III.
credit; out-of-state, $488/credit. 280 grad students. Auditions: Prescreening required.
Graduate in-state, $461/credit; Tuition: Undergrad in-state/out- Visit music.miami.edu.
out-of-state $488/credit. Visit of-state: $44,400; Graduate: Financial Aid: Need-based financial aid available.
memphis.edu. $33,300. Scholarships: Merit-based available.
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Jazz Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Studio Apply by: Dec. 1.
Performance, Bachelor of Music Music and Jazz (instrumental and Contact: Karen Kerr, (305) 284-6168,
in Jazz Composition and vocal), Master of Music in Jazz admission.music@miami.edu.
Arranging, Master of Music in Performance (instrumental and
Jazz Performance, Master of vocal), Master of Music in Jazz
Music in Jazz Composition and Pedagogy, Master of Music
University of New Orleans
Arranging. in Studio Jazz Writing, DMA in
Faculty: Jack Cooper, Tim Goodwin, Tom Jazz Performance (instrumental New Orleans, Louisiana
Ledardo, Mike Assad, David and vocal), DMA in Jazz
Spencer, John Mueller. Student Body: 8,500.
Composition. Tuition: Visit uno.edu/bursar/TuitionFees.
Alumni: Mulgrew Miller, James Williams.

Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Arts in Music with

concentration in Jazz Studies,
Masters in Music with concentra-
tion in Jazz Studies.
Faculty: Victor Atkins, Yotam Haber, Steve
Masakowski, Ed Petersen, Brent
Rose, Brian Seeger, Chris Adkins,
Leah Chase-Kamata, Tom Fischer,
Roland Guerin, Peter Harris, Kelvin
Harrison, Herman LeBeaux, Hank
Mackie, Jason Marsalis, Delfeayo
Marsalis, Irvin Mayfield, Steve
Reynolds, Steve Orejudos, Ashlin
Parker, Matt Perrine, David Phy,
Matt Rhody, Bill Schettler, Ricky
Sebastian, Kris Tokarski.
Alumni: Brian Blade, Nicholas Payton,
Jason Mingledorff, Irvin Mayfield,
Jamison Ross, Jeremy Davenport,
Clarence Johnson III, Sasha
Masakowski, Calvin Johnson Jr.,
Davy Mooney, Glen Patscha.
Jazz Bands: Eight combos (including guitar,
world beat/percussion, Monk,
composer’s forum and New
Auditions: Materials are submitted online.
Visit music.uno.edu.
Financial Aid: Available. Out-of-state students
may be eligible for in-state tuition
rates. Visit uno.edu/admissions.
Scholarships: Merit-based available. Contact
UNO Music Office, (504)-280-6381.
Apply by: Rolling deadlines. Apply early for
scholarship consideration.
Contact: Ed Petersen, epetersen@uno.edu
or UNO Music Office, (504) 280-6381.
University of North Carolina
at Asheville
Asheville, North Carolina
Student Body: 3,700.
Tuition: Undergraduate in-state, $6,392;
out-of-state: $21,263.
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Fine Arts in Jazz and
Contemporary Music, Bachelor of
Science in Music Technology,
Bachelor of Arts in Music.
Faculty: William Bares, Christine Boone,
Brian Felix, Melodie G. Galloway,
Toby King, Wayne J. Kirby,
Matthew Richmond, Charles
Jude Weinberg.
Jazz Bands: Jazz Big Band, Jazz Quintet,
Antonio Carlos Jobim Ensemble,
Saxophone Quintet, Duke
Ellington Ensemble, ECM
Ensemble, Frank Zappa
Ensemble, Horace Silver
Ensemble, Beatles Ensemble,
Studio 18 Vocal Jazz Ensemble,
Thelonious Monk Ensemble,
Experimental Music Ensemble,
Bluegrass Ensemble, AfroPop
Ensemble, Steely Dan Ensemble,
Miles Davis Ensemble, Herbie
Hancock Ensemble.
Auditions: For Fall, Spring and Summer
applications, visit music.unca.
Financial Aid: Available. Visit music.unca.edu.


Scholarships: Available. Visit music.unca.edu.
Apply by: Oct. 15.
Contact: Dr. Brian Felix, (828) 250-2311.
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Student Body: 30,000.
Tuition: In-state tuition/fees, $8,562; out-of-state, $33,644.
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Art or Bachelor of Music, Jazz Concentration.
Faculty: Jim Ketch, Stephen Anderson, David Garcia, Juan Alamo,
Ed Paolantonio, Scott Sawyer, Jason Foureman, Dan
Davis, Dave Finucane.
Alumni: Andrew Van Tassell, Scott Routenberg, Will Caviness, Chris
Wright, Alex Stein, Brad Linde, Keith Ganz, Eric Hirsch.
Jazz Bands: One jazz band, five jazz combos, Charanga Carolina
(Latin/Salsa Ensemble).
Auditions: Visit music.unc.edu.
Financial Aid: Available. Contact Office of Undergraduate
Scholarships and Financial Aid.
Scholarships: Available. Contact Office of Undergraduate Scholarships
and Financial Aid.
Apply by: Oct. 1 (early decision); Jan. 15 (latest date to apply).
Contact: Jim Ketch, Director of Jazz Studies, (919) 962-7560,
jketch@email.unc.edu. Visit music.unc.edu or jimketch.com.

University of North Carolina at Greensboro,

Miles Davis Jazz Studies Program
Greensboro, North Carolina
Student Body: 18,000.
Tuition: In-state, $6,442; out-of-state, $21,304.
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Jazz Studies.
Faculty: Steve Haines, Chad Eby, Brandon Lee, Thomas Taylor,
John Salmon, Greg Hyslop.
Jazz Bands: Two big bands, six small jazz groups.
Auditions: Contact Steve Haines, (336) 256-0105, sjhaines@uncg.edu.
Financial Aid: Available. Visit fia.uncg.edu.
Scholarships: Merit-based available. Visit fia.uncg.edu.
Apply by: Feb. 27.
Contact: Steve Haines, Director, Miles
Davis Jazz Studies Program, (336)
256-0105, sjhaines@uncg.edu.
University of North Carolina at Wilmington
Wilmington, North Carolina
Student Body: 100 undergraduates in music department.
Tuition: In-state, $3,345; out-of-state, $10,128.
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Art in Music or Jazz Studies option.
Faculty: Frank Bongiorno, Jerald Shynett, Bob Russell, Michael
D’Angelo, Andy Whittington, Natalie Boeyink.
Alumni: Sean Higgins, John Fulkerson, Benny Hill.
Jazz Bands: Big bands, Jazz Guitar Ensemble, combos.
Auditions: uncw.edu/music/admissions/admissions-audition.html.
Financial Aid: Contact Financial Aid Office, (910) 962-3177,
or visit uncw.edu/finaid.
Scholarships: Available (Cape Fear Jazz Scholarships, Dept.
of Music Scholarships).
Apply by: March 15.
Contact: Jerald Shynett, (910) 962-3390, shynettj@uncw.edu.

University of North Florida

Jacksonville, Florida
Student Body: 16,252.
Tuition: Undergraduate, in-state, $6,353; out-of-state, $20,756.
For Graduate tuition info visit unf.edu/tuition.
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Jazz Studies, Master of Music in
Performance (Jazz Studies Concentration).



Faculty: Lynne Arriale, Todd DelGiudice,

Marc Dickman, Danny
Gottlieb, Barry Greene, Clarence
Hines, Dennis Marks, J.B.
Scott, Dave Steinmeyer.
Alumni: Kevin Bales, John Davis, Vincent
Gardner, Marcus Printup.
Jazz Bands: Three jazz ensembles and a
variety of combos.
Auditions: Contact UNF Music Flagship
Program office, (904) 620-2960,
to schedule an audition. Visit unf.
Financial Aid: Apply by Oct. 31 for optimal
financial aid. Visit unf.edu/
Scholarships: Merit-based music scholarships
are awarded by audition only.
Apply early for consideration.
Apply by: Applications are reviewed on a
rolling basis until June.
Contact: Lois Scott, (904) 620-2960,

University of North Texas

Denton, Texas
Student Body: 225 Jazz Studies majors
(180 undergraduate).
Tuition: Undergraduate, in-state, $10,000;
out-of-state, $21,800. Graduate,
in-state, $7,200; out-of-state,
$13,400. Visit essc.unt.edu/saucs/
tuition-and-fees.html and music.
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Jazz Studies,
Master of Music in Jazz Studies,
Doctor of Musical Arts in
Performance with local
concentration in Jazz Studies.
Faculty: Tony Baker, Jennifer Barnes,
Alan Baylock, Pat Coil, Tanya
Darby, Richard DeRosa, Fred
Hamilton, Brad Leali, John
Murphy, Lynn Seaton, Ed Soph,
Mike Steinel. Lecturers include
José Aponte, Rodney Booth,
Rosana Eckert, Jay Saunders.
Alumni: Michael League, Norah Jones,
Ari Hoenig, Jeff Coffin, Frank
Greene, Tony Scherr, Keith
Carlock, Jim Rotondi, Conrad
Herwig, Tim Miller, David Weiss.
Jazz Bands: Nine big bands, 25 small groups,
four vocal jazz ensembles,
two guitar ensembles, contem-
porary jazz ensemble, Latin Jazz
ensemble, trombone ensemble.
Auditions: On campus and by recording. Visit
jazz.unt.edu and music.unt.edu.
Financial Aid: Available. Visit jazz.unt.edu and
Scholarships: Available: Visit jazz.unt.edu and
music.unt.edu. With a UNT
scholarship (music or academic)
of $1,000 or more, out-of-state
students are eligible to pay
in-state tuition.
Apply by: For full consideration, first Monday


in December 2015; applications University of South Florida majors, 50 jazz majors.
accepted after that date. Visit Tuition: Undergraduate, in-state, $12,134;
Tampa, Florida out-of-state: $30,856. Graduate,
Contact: John Murphy, Chair, Division of Student Body: 40,000. in-state, $12,356, out-of-state,
Tuition: Visit usfweb2.usf.edu/uco/ $30,774.
Jazz Studies, (940) 565-3743,
studentaccounting/ Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Studio Music
jazz@unt.edu. Current_Tuition.asp. and Jazz, Master of Music in Jazz
University of South Carolina Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Jazz Studies, Studies.
Master of Music in Jazz Studies Faculty: Mark Boling, Donald Brown,
Columbia, South Carolina with concentrations in Jazz Gregory Tardy, Keith Brown, John
Student Body: 31,288. Performance and Jazz Hamar, Vance Thomson.
Tuition: In-state, $10,758; out-of-state, Composition. Alumni: Pamela York, Todd Parks, Timothy
$29,040. Faculty: Jack Wilkins, Tom Brantley, Jay L. Miller, Gabriel Osborne, Joseph
Jazz degrees: Bachelor of Music in Jazz Studies, Coble, Richard Craig, Valerie Patrick Moore.
Master of Music in Jazz Studies. Gillespie, Mark Neuenschwander, Jazz Bands: Big band, 12 small jazz ensembles.
Faculty: 66 faculty members. Visit sc.edu/ LaRue Nickelson, Chuck Owen, Auditions: Feb. 13 and Feb. 20 (undergradu-
study/colleges_schools/music/ Chris Rottmayer. ate); Feb. 6 (graduate). Register for
faculty-staff/index.php. Alumni: Corey Christiansen, Barry Greene. auditions online. Live audition
Alumni: Joseph Henson, Hans Teuber. Jazz Bands: Big bands, combos. required. To see requirements, visit
Jazz Bands: Big band, combos, jazz strings. Auditions: Visit music.arts.usf.edu. music.utk.edu/jazz/jazzaudition.html.
Auditions: Auditions run from December to Financial Aid: Call (813) 974-2311 or visit Financial Aid: Available. Visit finaid.utk.edu/
March. Visit sc.edu/music. unf.edu/onestop/finaid. apply/costs.shtml.
Financial Aid: Available. Visit: sc.edu/financialaid. Scholarships: Call (813) 974-2311 or visit Scholarships: Need- and merit-based. Graduate
Scholarships: Call (803) 777-6614 unf.edu/onestop/finaid. Teaching Assistantship in
(undergraduate scholarship Apply by: Call (813) 974-2311 or contact Jazz available. Visit music.utk.edu/
information) or (803) 777-4106 Jack Wilkins, (813) 974-2311, jazz/jazzscholarships.
(graduate information). wilkins@usf.edu. Apply by: Dec. 1.
Apply by: Dec. 1. Contact: Contact Jack Wilkins, Professor Contact: Lori Thomas Brown, School
Contact: Jennifer Jablonski, Director of and Director of Jazz Studies Jazz of Music, (865) 974-6134,
Music Admissions (undergrad- Ensembles, (813) 974-2311, lbrown@utk.edu.
uate), (803) 777-6614, jjablon wilkins@usf.edu. Visit music.arts.
ski@mozart.sc.edu, or Traci Hair, usf.edu. University of Texas at Arlington
Student Services Coordinator, Arlington, Texas
Graduate Studies, (803) 777-4106, University of Tennessee Student Body: 37,000.
thair@mozart.sc.edu. Knoxville, Tennessee Tuition: In-state, $4,500/semester.
Visit sc.edu/music. Student Body: 28,000 at university, 450 music Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Jazz Studies,



Master of Music in Jazz Saunders. Auditions: Blair applicants must complete

Performance. Alumni: Helen Sung, Paul McKee, Mace an application to Vanderbilt and
Faculty: Tim Ishii, Dan Cavanagh, Ken Hibbard, Hamilton Price, Justin a Blair Decision Desk application,
Edwards, Mike Drake, Brian Vasquez, Gabriel Santiago. which includes a prescreening
Mulholland, Chris McGuire, Jazz Bands: Jazz Orchestra, Jazz Ensemble, video. After review of these mate-
Sam Walker. Jazz Combos, Alternative rials, applicants are selected to
Alumni: Sam Garner, Brian Piper, Ken Improvisation Music come for an on-campus audition.
Edwards, Danny Mekonnen, Ensemble (AIME). Financial Aid: Applicants can apply for Financial
Caroline Davis. Auditions: Held in January and February. Aid through the FAFSA and CSS
Jazz Bands: Two big bands, six combos. In-person and video accepted. Profile. Email blair.admissions@
Auditions: Visit uta.edu/music/jazz. Register online. Visit music. vanderbilt.edu or visit admissions.
Financial Aid: Contact Office of Financial Aid. utexas.edu. vanderbilt.edu/financial-aid.
Scholarships: Merit-based. Contact (817) Financial Aid: Merit- and need-based. Scholarships: Merit-based.
272-3471. Visit finaid.utexas.edu. Apply by: Nov. 1 (early decision); Jan. 1
Contact: Tim Ishii, Jazz Studies, Scholarships: Merit-based. Graduate assistant- (regular decision).
(817) 272-1205, tishii@uta.edu. ships and fellowships available. Contact: Thomas Crespo, Director of
Apply by: Dec. 1. Admissions, (615) 322-7679,
University of Texas at Austin, Contact: Sarah Borshard, Admissions, thomas.r.crespo@vanderbilt.edu.
(512) 471-0504, sborshard@austin. Visit blair.vanderbilt.edu/admissions.
Butler School of Music utexas.edu.

Austin, Texas Vanderbilt University, Virginia Commonwealth

Blair School of Music University
Student Body: 640 music students, 30 jazz majors.
Tuition: Visit utexas.edu/tuition. Nashville, Tennessee
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Jazz Student Body: 200 music majors. Richmond, Virginia
(Performance or Composition), Tuition: $43,620. Student Body: 300 Music majors, 30 Jazz majors.
Master of Music in Jazz Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Performance, Tuition: In-state, $12,772; out-of-state,
Performance, Master of Music in Jazz concentration. $31,463.
Jazz Composition, Doctor of Faculty: Ryan Middagh, Jeff Coffin, Roger Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Jazz Studies,
Musical Arts in Jazz Performance, Spencer, Derrek Phillips, Liz Bachelor of Art in Music.
Doctor of Musical Arts in Jazz Johnson, Bruce Dudley, Jerry Faculty: Taylor Barnett, Victor Dvoskin,
Composition, Doctor of Musical Kimbrough. Michael Ess, Antonio García, Wells
Arts in Music & Human Learning. Alumni: Roy Agee, Michael Rinne, Benet Hanley, Darryl Harper, Bryan
Faculty: Dennis Dotson, John Fremgen, Braun, Sarah Williams. Hooten, J.C. Kuhl, Tony
Andre Hayward, Jeff Hellmer, John Jazz Bands: Blair Big Band, four jazz combos, Martucci, Randall Pharr, Doug
Mills, Wayne Salzmann II, Bruce Blair Jazz Choir. Richards, Rex Richardson, Marcus
Tenney, artist in residence
John D’earth.
Alumni: Steve Wilson, Alvester Garnett,
Al Waters, James Genus, Victor
Goines, Mark Shim, Alvin Walker,
Daniel Clarke, Emre Kartari.
Jazz Bands: Two jazz orchestras, six small
jazz ensembles.
Auditions: January and February dates are
available. For requirements, visit
Financial Aid: Available. Call (804) 828-6669.
Scholarships: Available. Call (804) 828-1167.
Apply by: Dec. 1.
Contact: Music Admissions, (804) 828-
1167; music@vcu.edu. Visit arts.
Xavier University of Louisiana
New Orleans, Louisiana
Student Body: 3,000.
Tuition: $19,800.
Jazz Degrees: None.
Faculty: Dr. Tim Turner, Dr. Marcus Ballard.
Jazz Bands: Jazz Ensemble, Traditional Jazz
Combo, Mainstream Jazz Combo,
Fusion Combo.
Auditions: Dr. Tim Turner, (504) 520-7597.
Financial Aid: Available. Call (504) 520-7835
or (877) XAVIERU.
Scholarships: Available upon audition.
Apply by: Dec. 1.
Contact: Dr. Tim Turner, (504) 520-7597 or
(504) 520-6738, kacharbo@xula.
edu or tturner5@xula.edu.



MIDWEST Oberlin Jazz Ensemble

Augustana College
Rock Island, Illinois
Student Body: 2,500.
Tuition: $38,466.
Jazz Degrees: Jazz minor.
Faculty: Joe Ott, Randall Hall, others.
Jazz Bands: Jazz Band and several jazz
Auditions: There is no audition for admission
to the music program or degrees.
There are scholarship auditions.
Contact Margaret Ellis, (309)
794-7333, margaretellis@
Financial Aid: Available.
Scholarships: Available.
Apply by: Rolling admissions.
Contact: Margaret Ellis, (309) 794-7333,
edu. Visit augustana.edu/
academics/ Graduate, March 1. Hamilton, Stan Smith, Erik Augis,
majors--areas-of-study/music. Contact: Undergraduate, Amanda Long, Doug Neel, Red Neinkerchen,
Coordinator of Music Admissions, Roger Hines, Chad Loughrige, Dr.
Benedictine University amlong@bgsu.edu. Graduate, Mark Lochstampfor.
Lisle, Illinois Sherri White, Graduate Secretary, Alumni: Matt Billingsley, Larry Spencer,
Student Body: 15 students. skwhite@bgsu.edu. Tom Wolfe, Pete Retzlaf, Wes
Tuition: Visit ben.edu. Orr, Michael Shirtz, Lee Hill, Brian
Butler University Fullen, Will Flynn, Vince Andrews.
Jazz Degrees: None. Indianapolis, Indiana
Faculty: John Moulder, Patrick Infusino. Jazz Bands: Big Band, conFusion Band,
Student Body: 4,126 undergraduates. Jazz Consort, Vanguard
Jazz Bands: One jazz band.
Tuition: Undergraduate, $36,050. Ensemble, Savoy Ensemble,
Auditions: Visit ben.edu.
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Jazz Studies, Birdland Ensemble, MIDI Band,
Financial Aid: Available.
Jazz Studies Emphasis, Rock Ensemble, Jazz Guitar
Scholarships: Available.
Jazz Studies Minor. Ensemble, Jazz Percussion
Apply by: Visit ben.edu.
Faculty: Matt Pivec, Gary Walters, Sandy Ensemble, Guitar Workshop,
Contact: Visit ben.edu.
Williams, Jesse Wittman, Jon World Music Ensemble.
Crabiel, Jared Rodin, Allen Miller, Auditions: Jan. 23, Feb. 6, Feb. 20, March
Bowling Green Steve Allee, Kenny Phelps. 12. Visit capital.edu/
State University Jazz Band: Jazz ensemble, vocal jazz conservatory-admission.
ensemble and several combos. Financial Aid: Available. Contact (614) 236-6101
Auditions: On-campus auditions. For jazz or createmusic@capital.edu.
Bowling Green, Ohio majors, a classical audition and Scholarships: Available.
Student Body: 19,000 total, 500 in the College jazz audition are required. Visit Contact (614) 236-6101 or
of Musical Arts. butler.edu/music. createmusic@capital.edu. Visit
Tuition: Undergraduate, in-state, $18,850; Financial Aid: Available. Contact (317) 940-8200 capital.edu/First-Year-
out-of-state, $26,158. Graduate, or finaid@butler.edu. Student-Scholarships.
in-state, $9,160; out-of-state, Scholarships: Merit- and audition-based. Apply by: Dec. 1. Visit capital.edu/
$14,650. Apply by: Nov. 1 (early action), Feb. 1 apply-now.
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Jazz (regular decision). Contact: Susanna Mayo (undergraduate)
Studies, Master of Music in Jazz Contact: Kristin Flodder, (317) 940-9065, or Anne Mikan (graduate), (614)
Performance. There is also a music@butler.edu. 236-6101, createmusic@capital.
jazz minor. edu.
Faculty: Visit bgsu.edu/colleges/music/ Capital University
directory. Columbus, Ohio Cardinal Stritch University
Alumni: Tim Hagans, Rich Perry. Student Body: 3,000. Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Jazz Bands: Two Lab Bands, small groups Tuition: $30,000. Student Body: 4,400.
formed to accommodate Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of American Music with Tuition: Undergraduate: $13,445/
interested students. a Jazz Studies emphasis; Master semester.
Auditions: Visit bgsu.edu/musicauditions. of Music in Music Education with Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Arts in Music.
Financial Aid: Available. Visit bgsu.edu/ Jazz Pedagogy emphasis Faculty: Salvatore L. Terrasi, Dennis W.
graduate/financial-aid.html. (three-summer program, five King, Jack W. Forbes.
Scholarships: Academic and music scholarships weeks each). Jazz Bands: One combo.
available. Visit bgsu.edu/music. Faculty: Dr. Lou Fischer, Robert Breithaupt, Auditions: Required for admission.
Apply by: Undergraduate, Feb. 26 (for music Eric Paton, Nate Anders, Rob Financial Aid: Available.
scholarship consideration); Parton, Dr. Michael Cox, Ryan Scholarships: Merit-based.



University of Michigan students Malcolm Dean (left), Stephen

Grady, Jordan Schug and Nicole Patrick perform at the Kennedy
Center Conservatory Project in Washington D.C. in February 2014.

Apply by: No Application deadline. Scholarships: Need- and merit-based.

Contact: Dennis King, (414) 410-4349, Apply by: Jan. 15. DePaul University
dwking@stritch.edu. Contact: Scott Hall, (312) 369-6322,
shall@colum.edu. Chicago, Illinois
Columbia College Chicago Student Body: 390.
Cuyahoga Community College Tuition: Undergraduate, $36,800;
Chicago, Illinois graduate, $19,200; performance
Cleveland, Ohio certificate, $14,400.
Student Body: 10,000. Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Jazz Studies,
Tuition: $23,640. Student Body: 35 full-time transfer students. Master of Music in Jazz
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor Tuition: In-state, $2,108; out-of-state, Performance or Composition.
of Music in Jazz Studies. $3,982. Faculty: Scott Burns, Dennis Carroll, Tim
Faculty: Scott Hall, Bill Boris, Peter Saxe, Jazz Degrees: Associate of Arts Degree with Coffman, Dana Hall, Bob Lark,
Jarrard Harris, Larry Kohut, Tom transfer/articulation with Berklee Thomas Matta, Chad McCullough,
Hipskind, Raphael Crawford, College of Music. Bob Palmieri, Ron Perrillo, Bob
Ruben Alvarez, Bobbi Wilsyn, Faculty: Demetrius Steinmetz, Steve Enos, Rummage, Justin Thomas,
Martez Rucker. Ernie Krivda, Dave Sterner, Sam Bradley Williams.
Alumni: Aaron Koppel, Sarah Marie Young, Blakeslee, Joe Hunter, Jackie Jazz Bands: Three large ensembles,
Larry Bowen, Martez Rucker, Sam Warren, Dan Wilson, Brian Kozak. 15 small ensembles.
Trump, Sam Cerniglia, Jonathan Alumni: Sean Jones, Jerome Jennings, Alumni: Marquis Hill, Jon Irabagon, Matt
McReynolds, Endre Rice. Dominick Farinacci, Curtis Taylor. Ulery, Orbert Davis, Rudresh
Jazz Bands: Jazz Combos, Jazz Guitar Jazz Bands: Afro-Latin Jazz Ensemble, Mahanthappa, Brian Culbertson.
Ensembles, Columbia College Afro-Caribbean Ensemble, Big Auditions: In-person auditions each weekend
Jazz Ensemble (big band), Band, Jazz Workshop, Progressive in February. Visit music.depaul.edu.
Chicago Vox (vocal jazz and Pop Rock Ensemble, Jazz Financial Aid: Contact Ross Beacraft, (773)
ensemble), Fusion Ensemble. Vocal. 325-7444, musicadmissions
Auditions: Auditions are by appointment Auditions: Steve Enos, stephen.enos @depaul.edu.
and through online portfolio @tri-c.edu. Scholarships: Contact Ross Beacraft, (773)
submissions. Visit colum. Financial Aid: Available. 325-7444, musicadmissions@
edu/music. Scholarships: Available. depaul.edu.
Financial Aid: Available. Contact (866) 705- Apply by: June 30. Apply by: Dec. 1.
0200 or visit colum.edu/Student_ Contact: Steve Enos, Director, Tri-C Jazz Contact: Contact Ross Beacraft, (773)
Financial_Services/contact-sfs/ Studies Program, (216) 987-4256, 325-7444, musicadmissions
index.php. stephen.enos@tri-c.edu. @depaul.edu.



Financial Aid: Available. Contact Office of

Elmhurst College Student Financial Assistance,
Elmhurst, Illinois Scholarships: Available. All undergraduate
Student Body: 2,500. applicants are automatically
Tuition: $34,200. considered for merit-based
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Jazz Studies. financial aid. Visit music.indiana.
Faculty: Doug Beach, Mark Colby, Tom edu/admissions/tuition. Limited
Garling, Kirk Garrison, Bob number of merit-based schol-
Rummage, Frank Portolese, arships and assistantships avail-
Mike Pinto, Ken Haebich, Susan able for graduate students.
Moninger, Gayle Bisesi, Gerhard Contact Office of Music
Guter, Frank Caruso, Carey Admissions, musicadm@
Deadman, Mark Streder. indiana.edu.
Alumni: Fred Gretsch, Kris Myers, Apply by: Nov. 1 (undergraduate);
Chris Siebold, Typhanie Monique. Dec. 1 (graduate).
Jazz Bands: Two big bands, 10 combos, Contact: Espen Jensen, Director of Music
two vocal jazz groups, two electric Admissions, (812) 855-7998,
guitar ensembles. musicadm@indiana.edu; or Jazz
Auditions: Scheduled dates or by Studies, (812) 855-7560, jazz@
appointment. indiana.edu. Visit music.indiana.
Financial Aid: Available. edu/jazz.
Scholarships: Available.
Apply by: May 1.
Kansas City Kansas
Contact: Gayle Bisesi, (630) 617-3524,
Community College
Kansas City, Kansas
Student Body: 6,000 students, 150 music
students, 50 jazz students.
Indiana University, Jacobs Tuition: $80/credit hour.
School of Music Jazz Degrees: Associates of Arts in Jazz Studies.
Faculty: Jim Mair, Rod Fleeman, Steve
Bloomington, Indiana Molloy, Brett Jackson, Jurgen
Welge, Mike Ning Bram Wijnands,
Student Body: 1,600 music students (850 John Stafford.
graduate, 750 undergraduate), Alumni: Bobby Watson, Lisa Henry, Tim
75 jazz students. Bailey, Mike Warren, Chris
Tuition: Undergraduate, in-state, $12,460; Hazelton, John Cushon.
out-of-state, $35,350. Graduate, Jazz Bands: One big band, a little big band,
in-state, $568/credit; out-of-state, Latin band and three combos.
$1,751/credit, in addition to Auditions: Contact Jim Mair, (913) 288-7149.
program fees. Visit music.indiana. Financial Aid: Full and half scholarships.
edu/admissions/tuition/index.shtml. Scholarships: Contact Jim Mair, (913) 288-7149.
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor and Master of Music in Apply by: Contact an Admissions Specialist
Jazz Studies, Bachelor of Science at (913) 288-7601, (913) 288-7602
in Music/Outside Field. or admiss@kckcc.edu.
Undergraduate and Graduate Contact: Jim Mair, (913) 288-7149,
minor in Jazz Studies. jmair@kckcc.edu.
Faculty: Jeremy Allen, David Baker, Luke
Gillespie, Pat Harbison, Steve
Houghton, Darmon Meader, Lawrence University
Michael Spiro, Dave Stryker, Joey
Tartell, Wayne Wallace, Brent Appleton, Wisconsin
Wallarab, Tom Walsh, Ly Wilder, Student Body: 1,500.
Duane Davis. Tuition: $43,440.
Alumni: Jamey Aebersold, Eric Alexander, Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Performance
Chris Botti, Randy Brecker, with emphasis in Jazz, Bachelor of
Peter Erskine, John Clayton, Music in Theory/Composition with
Robert Hurst, Shawn Pelton, emphasis in Jazz.
Jim Beard, Ralph Bowen, Jeff Faculty: José Encarnacion, Bill Carrothers,
Hamilton, Scott Wendholt, Mark Urness, Patty Darling, Dane
Alan Pasqua. Richeson, John Daniel, Nick
Jazz Bands: Three big bands; Latin Jazz Keelan, Marty Erickson, Steve
Ensemble; two vocal jazz Peplin, Janet Planet, Larry Darling,
ensembles, several combos. Alumni: John Harmon, Fred Strum, Patty
Auditions: Three annual audition weekends: Darling, Matt Turner, Kurt Dietrich,
Jan. 15–16, Feb. 5–6, March 4–5. John Carlson, Rob Hudson, Bruce
Recordings accepted by the Wermuth, Laura Caviani, Matt
application deadline. Pre- Buchman, Marty Robinson, Javier
screening audition may be Arau, Mary Louise Knutson.
necessary. Visit music.indiana.edu/ Jazz Bands: Lawrence University Jazz
admissions. Ensemble, Lawrence University


Jazz Band, Lawrence Jazz
Workshop, six Lawrence Jazz
small groups, Improvisation Group
of Lawrence University (IGLU).
Auditions: Classical and Jazz auditions
required for all students pursing a
Bachelor of Music major
with an emphasis in Jazz. Visit
Financial Aid: Available. Contact financial.aid@
Scholarships: Need- and merit-based. Automatic
consideration. Visit lawrence.
Apply by: Jan. 15 (regular decision). Music
Applicants can only apply for
regular decision.
Contact: José Encarnacion, (920) 832-6629,
McNally Smith College of Music
St. Paul, Minnesota
Student Body: 600.
Tuition: $25,740.
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Arts in Music
Performance, Master of Arts in
Music Performance, Associate of
Applied Science in Music
Performance, Music Performance
Faculty: Pete Whitman, Scott Agster, Dave
Jensen, Charles Lazarus, Randy
Sabien, Charlie Christenson, Judy
Donaghy, Gordy Knudtson, David
Stanoch, Sean Turner, Joe Elliott,
Bobby Stanton, Eva Beneke, Jeff
Bailey, Adi Yeshaya.
Alumni: Cory Wong, Petar Janjic, Dan
Comerchero, Brent Paschke.
Jazz Bands: Contemporary Vocal Ensemble,
Fusion Ensemble, X-Tet,
Advanced Jazz, Hornheads,
Jazz Beginning Jazz Two, Jazz
Three, New Orleans Brass Band.
Auditions: Visit mcnallysmith.edu/
Financial Aid: Scholarships, grants and student
employment available. Contact
Scholarships: Merit- and need-based. Contact
Apply by: Feb. 1.
Contact: Matt Edlund, Director of
Admissions, (651) 361-3456,

Michigan State University

East Lansing, Michigan
Student Body: 550.
Tuition: Undergraduate, in-state, $14,400;
out-of-state, $37,000.
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music and Master of Music.
Faculty: Rodney Whitaker, Etienne Charles,
Michael Dease, Randy Gelispie,
Diego Rivera, Randy Napolean,
Xavier Davis, Kenneth Prouty.
Alumni: William David Brohn, Tage Larsen,

Clare Fischer, David Maslanka.

Jazz Bands: Three jazz orchestras, four jazz
octets, several jazz combos.
Auditions: Visit music.msu.edu/admissions.
Financial Aid: Available. Contact admissions@
Scholarships: Available. Contact admissions@
Apply by: Dec. 1.
Contact: Benjamin Ebener, Director of
Admissions, (517) 355-2140,
Millikin University
Decatur, Illinois
Student Body: 1,900 total, 275 music students.
Tuition: $29,838.
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Music
Business, Commercial Music,
Music Education and
Faculty: Randall Reyman, Perry Rask,
Steve Widenhofer, Brian Justison,
Austin Seybert, Chris Nolte.
Jazz Bands: Two big bands, four combos, Latin
Jazz Ensemble, OneVoice
and BluBop (vocal jazz).
Auditions: Visit millikin.edu/music.
Financial Aid: Visit millikin.edu/admissions.
Scholarships: Merit- and talent-based.
Apply by: Floating admission.
Contact: For instrumentalists, Randall
Reyman, rreyman@millikin.edu.
For vocalists, Steve Widenhofer,
Minnesota State University Moorhead
Moorhead, Minnesota
Student Body: 7,500.
Tuition: Visit mnstate.edu/
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Jazz Studies.
Faculty: Dr. Allen Carter, Dr. Tom Strait, Dr.
Michael J. Krajewski, Dr. David
Ferreira, Julie Adams, Doug Neil,
Max Johnk.
Jazz Bands: Jazz Ensemble, Vocal Jazz
Ensemble, Jazz Combos, Vocal
Jazz Combo, Jazz Guitar
Ensemble, Commercial
Auditions: Visit mnstate.edu/apply.
Financial Aid: Available. Visit mnstate.edu/
Scholarships: Available. Visit mnstate.edu/
Apply by: Visit mnstate.edu/international/
Contact: Dr. Michael J. Krajewski, michael.
North Central College
Naperville, Illinois
Student Body: 3,000.
Tuition: $35,241.
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Arts in Jazz Studies,
Music or Music Education.
Faculty: Janice Borla, Mitch Paliga,
Art Davis, Bryant Scott, Brad
Stirtz, John McLean, Chris White,
Jim Cox, Jack Mouse.


Jazz Bands: Vocal Jazz Ensemble, Jazz Combos.
Auditions: Visit northcentralcollege.edu/
Financial Aid: Contact the Office of Admissions,
(630) 637-5800. Visit
Scholarships: Fine arts scholarships are available
for new, incoming students inter-
ested in music and theatre. For
audition dates, visit northcentral
Apply by: Rolling admission.
Contact: Ashley Chubirka, (630) 637-5816,
Northern Illinois University
DeKalb, Illinois
Student Body: 300 music majors.
Tuition: $11,900.
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Jazz Studies,
Master of Music in Jazz Studies.
Faculty: Reggie Thomas, Geof Bradfield,
Art Davis, Tom Garling, Fareed
Haque, Willie Pickens, Marlene
Rosenberg, Rodrigo Villanueva.
Alumni: Marquis Hill, Greg Ward, Nicole
Mitchell, Quentin Coaxum,
Juan Pastor.
Jazz Bands: NIU Jazz Orchestra, NIU Jazz
Ensemble, University Jazz Band,
multiple jazz combos.
Auditions: Held in February. Visit niu.edu/
Financial Aid: Available. Office of Financial Aid,
Scholarships: Talent-based. No application
necessary. Based on audition.
Apply by: Feb. 20.
Contact: Lynn Slater, Coordinator of
Admissions, (815) 753-1546,
lslater@niu.edu. Visit niu.edu/

Northwestern University,
Bienen School of Music
Evanston, Illinois
Student Body: 620 (410 undergraduate, 210
graduate in Bienen School of
Tuition: $48,624.
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Jazz Studies,
Master of Music in Jazz Studies.
Faculty: Victor Goines, Vincent Gardner,
Carlos Henriquez, Willie Jones III,
Jeremy Kahn, Brad Mason, John
Moulder, Marlene Rosenberg.
Alumni: David Sanborn, Kay Davis,
Andrew Bird, Charley Harrison.
Jazz Bands: Jazz Orchestra (big band), small
jazz ensembles, jazz combos.
Auditions: Prescreening required. Visit music.
Financial Aid: Need-based and merit-based.
Contact musiclife@northwestern.edu.
Scholarships: Contact musiclife@northwestern.edu.



Jazz students at Augustana College


Apply by: Prescreening due Dec. 1. conservatory. 3173 or financial.aid@oberlin.edu.

Contact: Marcus E. Turner, (847) 491-3141, Tuition: $49,928 plus room, board and Scholarships: Merit-based.
musiclife@northwestern.edu. fees. Apply by: Dec. 1.
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music degrees in Contact: Michael Manderen, Director of
Oakland University, Dept. of Music, Jazz Performance and Jazz Conservatory Admissions, (440)
Theatre and Dance Composition. 775-8413, conservatory.
Rochester, Michigan Faculty: Jay Ashby, Gary Bartz, Peter admissions@oberlin.edu.
Student Body: 20,519. Dominguez, Robin Eubanks,
Tuition: Lower division, in-state, $353/ Bobby Ferrazza, Jamey Haddad, The Ohio State University
credit; out-of-state, $795/credit. Billy Hart, Eddie Henderson, Columbus, Ohio
Upper division, in-state, $410/ Dennis Reynolds, Paul Samuels, Student Body: 58,000 in university, 600 in School
credit; out-of-state, $795/credit. Dan Wall. of Music (400 undergraduate, 200
Jazz Degrees: Jazz minor, World Music minor. Alumni: Paul Horn, Stanley Cowell, Jon graduate).
Faculty: Miles Brown, Sean Dobbins, Scott Jang, Ted Baker, Michael Tuition: Undergraduate, in state, $10,037;
Gwinnell, Mark Stone. Mossman, Neal Smith, Jason out-of-state, $27,365.
Alumni: Regina Carter, Walter Szymanski. Jackson, Allen Farnham, Lafayette Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Jazz
Jazz Bands: OU Jazz Band, jazz combos, OU Harris, Ben Jaffe, Theo Croker, Performance or Jazz Composition.
Jazz Singers. James McBride, Sullivan Fortner, Minor: Music, Media and
Auditions: Visit oakland.edu/mtd/ Kass Overall, Andy Hunter, Peter Enterprise.
music-auditions. Evans, Rafiq Bhatia. Faculty: Shawn Wallace, Kris Keith, Jim
Financial Aid: Available. Visit oakland.edu/ Jazz Bands: Oberlin Jazz Ensemble, small jazz Masters, Dave Powers, Jim Rupp,
financialservices. ensembles, PI (Performance & Michael Smith, Kevin Turner, Andy
Scholarships: Available. Visit oakland.edu/go. Improvisation) ensembles. Woodson.
Apply by: Visit oakland.edu/go. Auditions: Auditions may be recorded or live. Jazz Bands: Three big bands, six combos.
Contact: Miles Brown, brown239@ On-campus auditions require a Auditions: Dec. 10, Jan. 15, Feb. 6, Feb.
oakland.edu. prescreening audition recording, 13. Visit music.osu.edu/
due with application. On-campus admissions. Email music-ug@osu.
Oberlin College jazz auditions take place Dec. 4, edu.
& Conservatory Feb. 12 and Feb. 26. Visit Financial Aid: Available. Visit sfa.osu.edu.
new.oberlin.edu/conservatory/ Scholarships: Prospective students are
admissions/auditions/jazz-studies.dot. automatically considered for music
Oberlin, Ohio Financial Aid: Need-based. FAFSA and PROFILE scholarships based on audition.
Student Body: 2,900 total; 580 in the forms required. Contact (800) 693- Apply by: University Scholarship deadline,



Nov. 1 (early action); Feb. 1 Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Jazz & 40 music majors.
(regular decision). School of Music Contemporary Music. Tuition: $39,650 (includes room and board).
application due Jan. 30. Faculty: Ruben Alvarez, Paul Wertico, Neal Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Arts in Music,
Contact: (614) 292-6571, music-ug@osu.edu. Alger, Paulinho Garcia, Henry Music Industry, Music
Johnson, John McLean, John Performance, Music Education.
Ohio University Moulder, Scott Mason, Marlene Faculty: A. Eric Heukeshoven, Dr. John
Athens, Ohio Rosenberg, Jim Gailloreto, Paul Paulson, Brett Huus, James
Student Body: 250 in School of Music. Mertens, Mike Smith, Steve Berry, Knutson, Denny McGuire,
Tuition: Undergraduate in-state, $4,482/ Tom Garling, Victor Garcia, Roger Dan Driessen.
semester; out-of-state, $9,750/ Ingram, Corey Wilkes, Roger Jazz Bands: Jazz Ensemble, Jazz Combo One,
semester. Harris, Fred Simpson, Jim Workshop Jazz Combos.
Jazz Degrees: Minor in Jazz. Trompeter, Jeff Morrow, Yvonne Auditions: February and March. Visit smumn.
Faculty: Roger Braun, John Horne, Gage, Cheryl Wilson. edu/music.
Matthew James, Sean Parsons, Alumni: Hannah Ford, Max Benson, Financial Aid: Available. Call (507) 457-1437.
Richard Wetzel. Jonathan Schang. Scholarships: Available. Visit smumn.edu/music.
Jazz Bands: Jazz Ensembles I and II, two Jazz Bands: Avant-Garde Combo, Bebop Apply by: Rolling admissions.
jazz combos, Jazz Percussion Combo, Brazilian Combo, Contact: A. Eric Heukeshoven, M.S.
Ensemble. Contemporary Combo, ECM (Director Jazz Studies & Music
Auditions: Held in January and February. Combo, Fusion Combo, Hard Bob Industry), (507) 457-7292, eheu
Call (740) 593-4244. Combo, Latin Jazz Ensemble, kesh@smumn.edu. Visit smumn.
Financial Aid: Visit ohio.edu/finearts/music. Swing Combo, New Deal Vocal edu/music.
Scholarships: Available. Contact Jason Smith, Jazz Ensemble.
smithj10@ohio.edu. Auditions: On campus or by recording. Visit St. Olaf College
Apply by: Dec. 1. roosevelt.edu/CCPA. Northfield, Minnesota
Contact: Matthew James, (740) 593-4244, Financial Aid: Available. Visit roosevelt.edu. Student Body: 3,100.
jamesm1@ohio.edu. Scholarships: Talent-based. Tuition: $42,940.
Apply by: Jan. 15 (priority deadline). Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Arts in Music;
Roosevelt University, Chicago Contact: Patrick Zylka, Assistant Dean Bachelor of Music with majors
College of Performing Arts for Enrollment, (312) 341-6735, in Performance, theory/composi-
ccpaadmissions@roosevelt.edu. tion, education or church music.
Faculty: David Hagedorn, Sarah Burk,
Chicago, Illinois Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota Phil Hey.
Student Body: 6,000. Winona, Minnesota Alumni: Dan Cavanagh, Ben Baker.
Tuition: $34,625. Student Body: 1,200 undergraduate, Jazz Bands: Three big bands, multiple combos.


Auditions: Visit wp.stolaf.edu/musicadm.
Financial Aid: Available. Visit stolaf.edu/
Scholarships: Available. Visit stolaf.edu/
musicadm, or email music@
Apply by: Dec. 15.
Contact: Mary Hakes, Music Admissions
Coordinator, (507) 786-3297,
Saint Xavier University
Chicago, Illinois
Student Body: 3,000
Tuition: $30,020.
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Performance
with Instrumental Jazz Emphasis.
Faculty: Shawn Salmon, Stacy McMichael,
Lara Regan, Skyler Johnson, Brett
Jazz Bands: Jazz Ensemble, Jazz Combos
and Guitar Ensemble.
Auditions: Feb. 20, April 9, by appointment or
via online video submission.
Financial Aid: Available. Visit sxu.edu/
Scholarships: Need- and merit-based.
Apply by: Jan. 1.
Contact: Dr. Shawn Salmon, (773) 298-
3420, salmon@sxu.edu.
Southern Illinois University
Edwardsville, Illinois
Student Body: 14,000.
Tuition: Undergraduate in-state, $5,124/
semester; out-of-state: $10,870/
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Jazz
Performance, Master of Music in
Performance (jazz emphasis),
Bachelor of Arts in Music (jazz
emphasis), Bachelor of Music in
Music Business.
Faculty: Rick Haydon, Zeb Briskovich,
Jason Swagler, Miles Vandiver,
Cody Henry, Adaron Jackson,
Garret Schmidt.
Jazz Bands: Concert Jazz Band, Jazz Lab
Band, Guitar Ensemble, Vocal
Jazz Ensemble, Jazz Combos.
Auditions: Contact Rick Haydon, rhaydon
Financial Aid: Visit siue.edu/financialaid, or call
(618) 650-3880.
Scholarships: Available. Contact (618) 650-3900.
Apply by: Dec 1.
Contact: Contact Rick Haydon, rhaydon@
University of Akron
Akron, Ohio
Student Body: 26,000, 300 music majors.
Tuition: In-state, $10,946; out-of-state,
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music.
Faculty: Jack Schantz, Joe Augustine, Bob
Fraser, Dean Newton, Rock
Wehrmann, Mark Gonder.
Alumni: Mark Lopeman, Paul Ferguson,
Mark Vinci, John Orsini, David



Banks, Gary Davis, Paul Klontz, Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music, Jazz- out-of-state $27,540. Graduate,
Mike Forfia, Theron Brown. Commercial Music. in-state, $15,674; out-of-state,
Jazz Bands: Two jazz bands, multiple jazz Faculty: David Aaberg, Michael Sekelsky, $27,416.
combos. James Isaac. Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music, Bachelor of Art,
Auditions: Required. Contact Jack Schantz, Jazz Bands: Two big bands, jazz combos. Master of Music.
(330) 972-6919, jas62@uakron. Auditions: Nov. 13, Feb. 13, Feb. 15. Other Faculty: Visit ccm.uc.edu/about/directory.
edu, uakron.edu/music. dates available upon request. html#JazzStudiesFaculty.
Financial Aid: Available. Visit uakron.edu/finaid. Financial Aid: Contact (800) 729-2678 or finaid@ Jazz Bands: Jazz Ensemble, Jazz Lab Band,
Scholarships: Available. Visit uakron.edu/finaid. ucmo.edu. Jazz Combos.
Apply by: Rolling basis. Auditions for School Scholarships: For music, contact (660) 543-4530 Auditions: Jan. 16, Feb. 6, Feb. 20. Visit ccm.
of Music scholarship deadline is or ucmo.edu/musis/future/ uc.edu/admissions.
Feb. 29. scholarships.cfm. For academic, Financial Aid: Available. Contact Financial
Contact: Jack Schantz, Director of Jazz contact (800) 729-2678 or finaid@ Aid Office, (513) 556-2420,
Studies, (330) 972-6919, jas62@ ucmo.edu. financialaid.uc.edu.
uakron.edu, uakron.edu/music. Apply by: Rolling admission. Scholarships: Talent-based for all; academic
Contact: David Aaberg, (660) 543-4909, awards for undergraduates.
University of Central Missouri aaberg@ucmo.edu. Graduate assistantships
Warrensburg, Missouri available. Contact (513) 556-9479
Student Body: 12,000. University of Cincinnati or ccm.uc.edu/admissions.
Tuition: Undergraduate, in-state: $213.15/ Cincinnati, Ohio Apply by: Dec. 1.
credit; out-of-state, $426.30/credit. Student Body: 43,000 in university, 1,400 in Contact: CCM Admissions Office, (513)
Graduate, in-state, $276.25/credit; conservatory. 556-9479; ccmadmis@uc.edu.
out-of-state, $552.50/credit. Tuition: Undergraduate, in-state $12,206;
University of Illinois at
Urbana–Champaign, Illinois
Student Body: 43,000 total, 700 music majors
(350 undergraduate, 350
graduate), 70 jazz majors.
Tuition: Visit osfa.illinois.edu.
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music, Bachelor of
Music Education, Master of Music
in Jazz Studies, Artist
Diploma, Doctorate in Musical Arts
in Jazz Performance.
Faculty: Tito Carrillo, Larry Gray, Joan
Hickey, Chip McNeill, Jim Pugh,
Joel Spencer, Chip Stephens.
Alumni: Cecil Bridgewater, Jim McNeely.
Jazz Bands: Four Jazz Bands, 10 Combos,
Jazz Guitar Ensemble, Jazz
Saxophone Ensemble, Jazz
Trombone Ensemble, Latin Jazz
Ensemble, Student-Faculty
Ensemble, Jazz Vocal Ensembles.
Auditions: For undergraduate, visit go.illinois.
edu/musicundergrad. For gradu
ate, visit go.illinois.edu/musicgrad.
Financial Aid: Available. Visit osfa.illinois.edu.
Scholarships: Need- and merit-based. Visit
Apply by: Dec. 1.
Contact: Music Admissions Office, (217)
244-7899, musicadmissions@
University of Iowa
Iowa City, Iowa
Student Body: 30,000.
Tuition: In-state, $8,100;
out-of-state, $27,890.
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music (with Jazz
Studies emphasis), Master of Arts
in Jazz Studies.
Faculty: John Rapson, Damani Phillips,
James Dreier, Steve Grismore,
Courtney Jones.
Alumni: David Sanborn, Al Jarreau,
Patricia Barber.
Jazz Bands: Johnson County Landmark, Jazz




University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Repertory Ensemble, Hawkeye state, $25,376. Visit: registrar. (785) 864-9751, ecasey5@ku.edu.
Big Band, Latin Jazz Ensemble, ku.edu/tuition-and-fees.
World Beat Ensemble, Guitar Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Arts in Jazz Studies, University of Michigan
Ensemble, four to six jazz combos. Master of Music in Composition,
Audition: Includes prepared pieces, Jazz Emphasis.
sight-reading and improvisation. Faculty: Dan Gailey, Matt Otto, Danny Ann Arbor, Michigan
Contact John Rapson, (319) 335- Embrey, Jeff Harshbarger, Student Body: 1,094 in School of Music,
1662, ira-rapson@uiowa.edu. Brandon Draper, Steve Leisring, Theatre & Dance.
Financial Aid: Yes. Email admissions@uiowa. Michael Davidson, Vince Gnojek. Tuition: Undergraduate, in-state, $13,856;
edu. Jazz Bands: Three big bands, six combos. out-of-state, $43,476. Graduate,
Scholarships: Need and merit-based. There are Alumni: Gary Foster, Ron McCurdy, in-state, $20,966; out-of-state,
five teaching assistant positions Bill Bergman, Kerry Marsh, Paul $42,016.
for graduate students. Haar, Jeff Harshbarger. Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Fine Arts: Jazz
Apply by: Nov. 1 (early action); Feb. 15 Auditions: Held in February. Visit music. and Contemplative Studies,
(regular decision). ku.edu/applyaudition. Jazz and Contemporary
Contact: John Rapson, (319) 335-1662, Financial Aid: Available. Visit admissions.ku. Improvisation, Jazz Studies;
ira-rapson@uiowa.edu. edu/cs. Master of Music: Improvisation.
Scholarships: Available. All undergraduate Faculty: Ellen Rowe, Andrew Bishop,
applicants who audition are Michael Gould, Benny Green,
University of Kansas automatically considered for Robert Hurst, Bill Lucas, Miles
merit-based scholarships. Okazaki, Edward Sarath,
Lawrence, Kansas Apply by: Nov. 1 (priority deadline); Feb. 1 Dennis Wilson, Sean Dobbins,
Student Body: 500 music majors, 15 jazz majors. (scholarship deadline). Marion Hayden, Mark
Tuition: In-state, $10,376; out-of- Contact: Emma Casey, School of Music, Kirschenmann, Cary Kocher, Ed


Sarath, Martha Travers. Jazz Studies, (218) 726-6327, Scholarships: Available. Visit missouri.edu.
Alumni: Gerald Cleaver, Randy Napoleon, rfrane@d.umn.edu. Apply by: Dec. 1 (priority deadline); Dec. 15
David Cook, Vincent Chandler, Scholarships: Merit-based. Contact Ryan Frane, (scholarship applications due).
Sachal Vasandani, Jeremy Kittle. Director of Jazz Studies, (218) Jan. 15 (priority deadline for
Jazz Bands: Jazz Ensemble, Jazz Lab 726-6327, rfrane@d.umn.edu. graduate students). Potential
Ensemble, Creative Arts Apply by: May 1. graduate students need to apply
Orchestra, Small Jazz Ensembles, Contact: Dee Charles, (218)-726-7890, at getaccptd.com and at grad
Campus Jazz Ensemble. dcharles@d.umn.edu. studies.missouri.edu/admissions.
Auditions: In-person (strongly suggested) or Contact: Dr. Arthur White, Director of Jazz
via recorded audition. Visit music. University of Missouri at Columbia Studies, (573) 882-3430, whitear@
umich.edu. Columbia, Missouri
missouri.edu, mujazz.missouri.edu.
Financial Aid: Includes grant funds, work-study, Student Body: 34,000.
loan programs and scholarships. Tuition: In-state, $25,514; out-of-state,
Visit finaid.umich.edu. $40,126. University of
Scholarships: Merit- and need-based. Visit Jazz Degrees: Master of Music in Jazz Missouri–Kansas City
finaid.umich.edu. Performance and Pedagogy,
Apply by: Dec. 1. Undergraduate and Graduate Kansas City, Missouri
Contact: Julia Hoffert, Recruiting Minor/Certificate in Jazz Studies.
Coordinator, (734) 763-7558, Faculty: Dr. Arthur White, Allen Beeson, Student Body: 14,000.
jspanja@umich.edu. Michael Pagan, Sean Hennessy, Tuition: In-State, $10,000; Midwest
Dr. Michael Budds. Student Exchange, $14,000;
University of Minnesota Duluth Alumni: Mike Metheny, Alicia Olatuja, out-of-state, $23,000.
Duluth, Minnesota Jim Widner, Allen Beeson, Alan Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Jazz
Student Body: 11,093. Shinn, Tim Aubuchon, Sheryl Performance.
Tuition: In-state, $450.76/credit; out-of- Crow. Faculty: Bobby Watson, Dan Thomas,
state, $591.73/credit. Jazz Bands: Concert Jazz Band, Studio Jazz Doug Auwarter, Michael Warren,
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music, Jazz Studies. Band, Creative Improvisation Bob Bowman, Gerald Spaits,
Faculty: Ryan Frane, Dr. Adam Booker, Billy Ensemble, multiple combos. Roger Wilder, Bram Wijnands,
Barnard, Dr. Tina Thielen-Gaffey. Auditions: Contact Dr. Arthur White, Director Danny Embrey, Rod Fleeman,
Jazz Bands: Jazz Band, Combo I, Combo II, of Jazz Studies, (573) 882-3430, Stan Kessler, Steve Dekker,
Combo III, Combo IV, Jazz whitear@missouri.edu. To see a list Andrew Stinson, Beau Bledsoe.
Ensemble, Vocal Jazz. of audition days, visit music. Alumni: Bob Brookmeyer, Clint Aschlock,
Auditions: Contact umdmusic@d.umn.edu. missouri.edu. Kevin Cerovich, John Hadfield,
Financial Aid: Contact Ryan Frane, Director of Financial Aid: Available. Visit missouri.edu. Nate Jorgensen, Jim Mair, Hermon



The University of Northern Iowa’s UNI Jazz Band One performs at the
Gallagher-Bluedorn Performing Arts Center in Cedar Falls, Iowa.

Mehari, Eddie Moore, Nate Nall, of-state, $815/hour. Faculty: Peter Madsen, Dana Murray,
Mike Shults, Dan Thomas. Jazz Degrees: Master of Music, Doctorate of Andy Hall, Darren Pettit, Jason
Jazz Bands: Two big bands, 10 small groups, Musical Arts in Jazz Studies Johnson, Jeff Scheffler, Mark
World Percussion Ensemble, Jazz with performance or Misfeldt.
Guitar Ensemble, Jazz Bass composition emphases. Alumni: Karrin Allyson.
Ensemble, Jazz Sax/Trumpet/ Visit arts.unl.edu/music/ Jazz Bands: Two big bands and four jazz
Trombone Quartets. areas-study-and-degree-options. combos.
Apply by: Nov. 1 (for January entry): Dec. 15 Faculty: Paul Haar, Peter Bouffard, Anthony Auditions: Visit unomaha.edu/music/
(for Fall 2016 entry). Apply online Bushard, Hans Sturm, Dave Hall, audition.php.
at conservatory.umkc.edu. Tom Larson, Darryl White. Financial Aid: Available. Contact Peter Madsen,
Auditions are scheduled only after Alumni: Laurie Frink, Matt Wallace, Victor petermadsen@unomaha.edu.
completed UMKC and Decision Lewis, Peter Bob Krueger. Scholarships: Available. Contact Peter Madsen,
Desk applications are received. Jazz Bands: Jazz Combos, Graduate Jazz petermadsen@unomaha.edu.
Auditions: Dec. 12 (only for January appli Combos, UNL Jazz Orchestra, Apply by: Aug. 1.
cants); Feb. 6, Feb. 15, March 4 UNL Big Band. Contact: Peter Madsen, petermadsen@
(for Fall 2016 applicants). Auditions: For undergraduates: Jan. 22, Jan. unomaha.edu.
Financial Aid: Available. Visit sfa.umkc.edu/site2. 23, Feb. 19, Feb. 20. For graduate
Scholarships: Merit-based. Audition serves as students: Feb. 12, Feb. 13.
screening for Merit Awards. University of Northern Iowa
Financial Aid: Available. Contact Janet Sievert,
Conservatory also considers aca- (402) 472-6830, jsievert1@unl.edu.
demic record for scholarship Scholarships: Available. Contact Janet Sievert, Cedar Falls, Iowa
awards. (402) 472-6830, jsievert1@unl.edu. Student Body: 12,000.
Contact: Dan Thomas, thomasdanb@umkc. Apply by: Jan. 15 (undergraduate, in-state); Tuition: In-state, $6,648; out-of-state
edu; Bobby Watson, watsonR@ May 1 (undergraduate, out-of- $16,836.
umkc.edu; Jim Elswick, elswickj@ state). For all graduate students, Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Arts in Jazz Studies,
umkc.edu. Jan. 15. Bachelor of Music Education in
Contact: Paul Haar, Director of Jazz Jazz, Bachelor of Music in
University of Nebraska– Studies, (402) 472-5672, phaar2@ Performance, Jazz Studies minor.
Lincoln, Glenn Korff unl.edu. Visit music.unl.edu/ Master of Music in Jazz Pedagogy.
jazzstudies/jazz-studies. Christopher Merz, Robert Washut,
School of Music Faculty:
Robert Dunn, Jonathan Schwabe,
University of Nebraska Omaha Anthony Williams, Alexander
Lincoln, Nebraska Omaha, Nebraska Pershounin.
Student Body: 350 students. Student Body: 15,000. Alumni: Paul McKee, Jeff Helmer, JC
Tuition: Undergraduate, in-state, $216/ Tuition: Visit unomaha.edu. Sanford, James Miller, Tommy
hour; out-of-state, $680/hour. Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Arts with Jazz Giampietro, Ryan Middagh,
Graduate, in-state, $285/hour; out- Concentration. Michael Conrad.



Jazz Bands: Jazz Band One, Jazz Panthers, appointment. Contact Gunnar based. Contact Robert Baca,
Jazz Band III and combos. Mossblad, Director of Jazz bacarj@uwec.edu.
Auditions: Visit uni.edu/music/apply. Studies, jazz@utoledo.edu. Apply by: Nov. 17, April 1.
Financial Aid: Available. Visit uni.edu/finaid. Financial Aid: Available. Qualified out-of-state Contact: Robert Baca, bacarj@uwec.edu.
Scholarships: Need- and merit-based. students are eligible to pay in-state
Visit uni.edu/music/apply-audition/ tuition rates. University of Wisconsin–Green Bay
undergraduate-admissions/ Scholarships: Merit-based by audition. Green Bay, Wisconsin
scholarships. Apply by: Open enrollment. Student Body: 6,900.
Apply by: Rolling admissions. Audition Contact: Gunnar Mossblad, Director of Tuition: Undergraduate in-state,
required. For audition dates visit Jazz Studies, jazz@utoledo.edu. $7,824; out-of-state, $15,396.
uni.edu/music/apply. Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Arts with Jazz
Contact: Christopher Merz, (319) 273-3077, University of Wisconsin–Eau Claire Emphasis. Visit catalog.
chris.merz@uni.edu. Or contact Eau Claire, Wisconsin uwgb.edu/undergraduate/
(319) 273-2024 or music@uni.edu. Student Body: 11,000. programs/music/bachelorart/
Tuition: In-state, $8,800; out-of-state, jazz-studies.
University of Toledo $16,400. Faculty: John Salerno, Stefan Hall, Craig
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor’s in Music Performance, Hanke, Adam Gaines.
Music Education, Music Business, Alumni: Carl Allen, Todd Buffa, Ricardo
Toledo, Ohio Composition. Vogt, Woody Mankowski.
Student Body: 22,000. Faculty: Robert Baca, Jeffery Crowell, Jazz Bands: Two jazz ensembles and jazz
Tuition: In-state, $9,800; out-of-state, Michael Shults, Phil Ostrander, combos.
$15,600. Jerry Young, Richard Johnson, Auditions: Auditions take place the first week
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Jazz Studies, Jeremy Boettcher, Dean Granros. of classes and consist of blind
Bachelor of Music in Jazz Studies Alumni: John Raymond, Scott Pingel, Kyle auditions with sight-reading, jazz
with emphasis in Music Business Newmaster, Jamey Simmons, scales, prepared excerpts.
& Recording Arts; BED Music Larry Lelli, Tom Luer, Matt Pivec, Financial Aid: Available. Contact (920) 465-2075
Education with emphasis in Jazz; Jeremy Miloszewicz, Dan Urness, or finaids@uwgb.edu.
Master of Music in Jazz Studies. Keith Karns. Scholarships: Available. Determined when
Faculty: Jon Hendricks, Gunnar Mossblad, Jazz Bands: Jazz Ensembles I–V, Combos, applicant auditions for admission
Norm Damschroder, Tad Weed, Vocal Jazz Chamber Groups. into music program. Contact (920)
Olman Piedra, Jay Rinsen-Weik. Auditions: Contact Robert Baca, (715) 836- 465-2075 or finaids@uwgb.edu.
Jazz Bands: Jazz Ensemble, Jazz GuitaKistra, 4371, bacarj@uwec.edu. Visit Apply by: Visit uwgb.edu/admissions.
Jazz Vocalstra, Latin Jazz uwec.edu/mus-the/jazzstudies. Contact Kevin Collins, collinsk@
Ensemble, Combos. Financial Aid: Available. Visit uwec.edu. uwgb.edu.
Auditions: On published days or by Scholarships need- and merit- Contact: Kevin Collins, collinsk@uwgb.edu.


Contact: Johannes Wallmann, Director of students, 70 involved in jazz
University of Jazz Studies, (917) 992-9101, activities.
Wisconsin–Madison jazz@music.wisc.edu. Visit music. Tuition: Undergraduate in-state, $8,000;
wisc.edu. out-of-state, $14,000.
Madison, Wisconsin Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Performance,
University of Wisconsin– Music Industry (Recording
Student Body: 43,275. Milwaukee Technology, Music Business,
Tuition: In-state, $10,399; Minnesota Milwaukee, Wisconsin Music Business & Recording),
resident, $13,185; out-of-state, 300 undergraduate music
Student Body: Composition and Music
$29,650. students. Education. Bachelor of Arts in
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Jazz Studies, Tuition: In-state, $9,438; Minnesota Music, Bachelor of Science in
Bachelor of Arts in Jazz Studies. resident, $13,068; out-of-state, Music.
Jazz minor available in D.M.A. and $19,166. Faculty: Marty Robinson, Andy Sachen,
Ph.D. music degrees. Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Fine Arts in Music Drew Whiting, Eric Barnum,
Faculty: Johannes Wallmann, Richard Performance–Instrumental Jazz Alison Shaw.
Davis, Les Thimmig, others, plus Studies. Jazz Bands: Two big bands and three to
part-time jazz faculty. Faculty: Curt Hanrahan, Steve Nelson- five jazz small groups.
Alumni: Chris Washburne, Dave Cooper, Raney, Don Linke, Lou Cucunato, Financial Aid: Available. Call (920) 424-3377.
Tim Whalen, Hans Sturm, Jackie Gillian Rodger, Dave Bayles, Carl Scholarships: Available. Call (920) 424-4224.
Allen, Peter Dominguez. Storniolo, Tom McGirr, Jay Allison. Apply by: Feb. 1.
Jazz Bands: UW Jazz Orchestra, Blue Note Jazz Bands: Jazz ensemble, seven jazz lab Contact : Dr. Marty Robinson, (920)
Ensemble, Contemporary Jazz, combos. 424-4224.
Black Music Ensemble, Jazz Auditions: Five auditions annually.
Composers Septet, Latin Jazz Financial Aid: Available. Visit uwm.edu. Wayne State University
Ensemble, Jazz Standards Scholarships: Scholarship information given Detroit, Michigan
Ensemble. at time of audition. Student Body: 300.
Auditions: Nov. 21, Jan. 30, Feb. 27 (under- Apply by: Visit uwm.edu. Tuition: In-state, $8,120; out-of-state,
graduate); Jan. 16, Feb. 13 Contact: Curt Hanrahan, hanraha6@uwm. $16,630.
(graduate). Visit music.wisc.edu. edu (winds); Steve Nelson-Raney, Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Jazz Studies,
Financial Aid: Available. Visit finaid.wisc.edu. snraney@uwm.edu (rhythm). Master of Music in Jazz
Scholarships: Merit-based. Visit music.wisc.edu/ Performance.
student-support. University of Wisconsin–Oshkosh Faculty: Christopher Collins, Russell Miller,
Apply by: Oct. 31, Dec. 31 and Jan. 31 Oshkosh, Wisconsin Steven Carryer, Paul Keller, Ronald
(undergraduate). Visit wisc.edu. Student Body: 14,000 in university, 200 music Kischuk.



Jazz Bands: Jazz Big Band I, II and III, Jazztet,

Combos, Jazz Guitar Ensemble I,
II and III.
Auditions: November, February and March.
Financial Aid: Available. Visit wayne.edu/
Scholarships: Merit-based. Visit wayne.edu/
Apply by: Feb. 1 for talent-based award
Contact: Danny DeRose, danny.derose@

Webster University
St. Louis, Missouri
Student Body: 2,200 at the home campus.
Tuition: $25,000.
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Jazz


Performance, Bachelor of Music
in Jazz Music Technology,
Bachelor of Music in Composition,
Master of Art in Music with an
emphasis in jazz, Master of Music
in Jazz Performance.
Faculty: Paul DeMarinis, Steve Schenkel, Butler University
Kim Portnoy, others.
Alumni: Butch Thomas, Erin Bode, Peter
Jazz Bands: WIU Jazz Studio Orchestra, WIU Scholarships: Need- and merit-based.
Mayor, Linda Presgrave.
Jazz Band, jazz combo program. Contact Julie Nemire, julie.
Jazz Bands: Program is primarily combo-
Auditions: Dec. 5, Jan. 16, Feb. 6 and Feb. nemire@wmich.edu.
focused, with the addition of a
15. Visit wiu.edu/cofac/music/ Apply by: Feb. 22 (undergraduate);
jazz collective interpreting big
admission_info.php. March (graduate).
band charts.
Financial Aid: Available. Contact Yvonne Oliver, Contact: Undergraduate students: Julie
Auditions: Live audition preferred; DVD or
(309) 298-1087, YL-Oliver@wiu.edu. Nemire, julie.nemire@wmich.edu.
online video accepted. Visit
Scholarships: Merit- and need-based. Contact Graduate students: David Code,
the Scholarship Office at (309) (269) 387 4672 or music-grad@
298-1823. wmich.edu.
Financial Aid: Performance scholarship
Apply by: March 15.
consideration by live audition only. Youngstown State University,
Contact: Contact Yvonne Oliver, (309)
Academic merit scholarships Dana School of Music
298-1087, YL-Oliver@wiu.edu.
based on standard admission Youngstown, Ohio
criteria; submit FAFSA for full
consideration. Contact Office of Western Michigan Student Body: 13,000.
Tuition Cost: In-state, $8,100; out-of-state,
Admissions, (314) 246-7800. University $14,100.
Scholarships: Performance scholarship
consideration by live audition only, Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Jazz
based on performance merit; no
Kalamazoo, Michigan Performance, BME Instrumental
separate application or deadline. Student Body: 450 in School of Music, Jazz Emphasis, Bachelor of Music
Apply by: March (for fullest consideration); 80 Jazz students. in Music Recording, Master of
final audition date is in May. Tuition: In-state, $12,000; out-of-state, Music in Jazz Studies.
Contact: Paul DeMarinis, Director of $26,00. Faculty: Kent Engelhardt, Dave Morgan,
Jazz Studies, (314) 968-7039, Faculty: Tom Knific, Andrew Rathbun, Glenn Schaft, Dave Kana.
demaripa@webster.edu. Jeremy Siskind, Greg Jasperse, Alumni: Sean Jones, Ralph Lalama,
Edward Simon, Keith Hall, Scott Harold Danko, James Weidman,
Western Illinois University Cowan, Peter Eldridge. Jason Rigby, Melissa Slocum, Jeff
Macomb, Illinois Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Jazz Studies, Bush, Glenn Wilson.
Student Body: 11,458 total, 9,645 undergraduate. Master of Music in Performance/ Jazz Bands: Four to five combos; two to three
Tuition: Undergraduate in-state, $293.50/ Jazz Studies, Artist Diploma. big bands; Contemporary
hour; out-of-state, $440.25/hour. Alumni: Xavier Davis, Quincy Davis, Ensemble.
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Jazz Kate Reid, Jennifer Barnes, Auditions: Feb. 6 or Feb. 20 to be considered
Studies, Master of Music in Jazz Greg Jasperse, Christine Guter, for a scholarship. Contact Kent
Studies in Performance and Lyman Medeiros. Engelhardt, kjengelhardt@ysu.edu.
Composition, jazz minor. Jazz Bands: Two Big Bands, Octet, Jazz Vocal Financial Aid: Available. Visit ysu.edu.
Faculty: John B. Cooper, Kevin Nichols, Ensembles (Gold Company; Gold Scholarships: Available. Contact Kent
Matthew Thomas, Michael Stryker, Company II, GC Sextet), Latin Engelhardt, kjengelhardt@ysu.edu.
Matt Hughes, Georger Turner, Ensemble; numerous combos. Apply by: Open admission.
John Vana. Auditions: Visit wmich.edu/jazz/ Contact: Kent Engelhardt, kjengelhardt@
Alumni: Reggie Thomas, Bruce Gates, Ben audition-information. ysu.edu, or Dave Morgan,
Willis, Tyler Ross, Stephen Hawk, Financial Aid: Available. Contact Julie Nemire, dsmorgan@ysu.edu. Visit web.ysu.
Corey Bell, Jennifer Wallis. julie.nemire@wmich.edu. edu/ccac/music.





f there were a category in the Guinness Book of extremely well and have been playing for months. won, prominent players with whom you’ve

I World Records for the person who has served

on the most jazz audition panels, I just might
be a contender. Throughout my career, I have
(Don’t make the mistake of trying out a new tune
at an audition.) Play mock auditions for your
teachers, family and friends so that you’ll be more
performed, honor ensembles with which you’ve
performed, tours you have taken and jazz camps
you’ve attended. Make sure that your CV looks
listened to myriad jazz auditions and juries and comfortable when it’s time for the actual audition. professional, with standard formatting and no
been part of and privy to the conversations of the Plan to audition for as many schools as typos or misspelled words.
panelists/jurors immediately following. And, I’ve possible, including all those within reasonable Provide your writers with specific instructions
subsequently seen which students receive the big driving distance from your home. The more you on how to submit their letters (e.g., online, via
scholarships or placements in the top groups, and audition, the better you get at it. regular mail, etc.) and the due date. Provide them
why. This has given me keen insight into how a For each school on your list, apply early but with the exact name, title, mailing address and
well-executed audition can reap big scholarship audition late. The later you audition within the email address of the person to whom the letter is
awards. Indeed, I’ve learned precisely what the acceptable time frame, the better. This gives you to be written (e.g., director of admissions) for each
panelists want to hear. more time to practice and prepare. school to which you are applying.
Based on these experiences, I offer my advice Think about the clothes you’re going to wear Ask your writers if they’d be willing to “cc” a
on how to prepare for and perform your auditions. to the audition. Don’t wait until the last minute copy of the letter to others who might have
I also provide pointers regarding letters of to select a proper outfit. Be sure to dress up: Men influence—each school’s dean of music, director
recommendation, how many schools to audition should wear a jacket and tie. Women should wear of jazz studies and primary instructor of your
for, repertoire and more. Follow these tips, a dress or pants with a nice top. instrument. Provide your writers with their email
and you just might be going to college for free. Work on your sight-reading. Do it daily. Two addresses as well.
excellent books are Melodic Rhythms for Guitar Have as many letters written as possible. For
Preparation by William Leavitt and Reading Contemporary example, let’s say a particular school requires
It’s impossible to overstate the importance of Guitar Rhythms by M.T. Szymczak. Both are three letters of recommendation or three
preparation. For all the schools you’re interested good for all treble clef instruments. For bass clef, recommendation forms completed online. In
in applying to, visit their websites right away I suggest Develop Sight Reading for All Bass Clef addition to those three official letters, you could
so that you know all the critical deadlines. Be Instruments, Volumes 1 & 2 by Gaston Dufresne. also ask other people to “put in a good word” on
sure to learn 1) the application requirements, 2) your behalf. You might ask a teacher or musician
recommendation letter procedures, 3) due dates, Letters of Recommendation to email the director of admissions, dean of music,
4) audition requirements, 5) audition procedures All scholarship-granting institutions will director of jazz studies and/or primary teacher
and 6) audition dates. require you to provide letters of recommendation of your instrument. An extra letter or two from
Start preparing now for your audition. Listen with your application. Be sure to request letters an accomplished artist or teacher can make a
to definitive recordings, memorize heads and from your band director and primary private difference.
changes, transcribe solos by the masters and lesson teacher, plus noted artists who know your Check with each college’s admissions office
practice with play-along recordings daily (just playing. (Often the more famous the name, the two weeks before the recommendation letter due
like you were playing a seven-night-per-week more clout the letter will have.) Ask for these date to see which letters have been received. For
gig). Learn as many standards and jazz classics letters at least six weeks before the due date. those not yet received, gently and respectfully
as possible, and play with a live rhythm section as Send your writers an updated copy of your remind your writers of the due date (via email).
often as you can. curriculum vitae (CV) that includes all your Do the same three days before the due date. If any
It’s crucial to select audition tunes you know school and professional experience, awards of your writers missed the deadlines, notify them


A student bassist auditions for combo placement at the Jamey
Aebersold Summer Jazz Workshop for bass faculty members David
Friesen (left), Tyrone Wheeler, John Goldsby, JB Dyas and Lynn Seaton.

by email that it’s not too late—a late letter is better

than no letter. Provide them again with the names
and email addresses of the recipients.
Send each writer a thank-you note once you
know their recommendation letters have been
Send an email update to your writers once
you’ve decided on which school you’ll be
attending to inform them of your decision and
thank them again for their help. If you’ve received
a scholarship, let them know and thank them for
their part in making that happen as well.

Audition Repertoire
When it comes to audition repertoire, the best
preparation is to memorize dozens of tunes.
Fortunately, most institutions help students
narrow things down a bit by specifying the type
of material they’ll be expected to play at their
audition. Visit the website for each school to
review the required audition repertoire.
When you arrive for your audition, bring very

readable lead sheets for piano, bass and drums, just

JB Dyas (right) leads a What Is Jazz “Informance” at the UCLA Herb Alpert
in case a house combo is there to accompany you. School of Music with two of the Monk Institute’s Jazz Performance
Have at least two tunes memorized in each graduate students, bassist Alex Boneham and drummer Christian Euman.

category for those schools that provide a choice

of styles (e.g., uptempo bebop tune, straight- “Rhythm” changes. Do not over-quote (i.e., quote panelists to ask you to execute some scales and
eighth contemporary tune, ballad, etc.). For those sparingly), but your playing should subtly let the arpeggios off the top of your head. With this in
schools that provide a specific tune list from audition panel hear that you know multiple blues mind, you should know and be able to play the
which to choose (e.g., two tunes from Column A, and “Rhythm” changes tunes and that you’ve most common jazz chord scales and their related
two from Column B, etc.), have at least two tunes studied solos by the masters. arpeggios in all keys.
memorized in each category. Keep in mind that playing well on easier tunes When playing scales, start on the root, then
Know at least three blues heads, and be able to trumps playing poorly on more difficult tunes, ascend to the highest practical scale tone on your
play them in both F and B-flat. Know at least three and playing well at a medium tempo trumps instrument, descend to the lowest practical scale tone
“Rhythm” changes tunes in the key of B-flat. playing poorly at a fast tempo. on your instrument, and ascend to and conclude on
Quote from other blues and “Rhythm” the root (the same note on which you started).
changes tunes (as well as from solos of the masters Scales & Arpeggios When playing arpeggios, start on the root,
playing on these tunes) when soloing on blues and During your audition, you can expect ascend the chord tones up to the ninth, then



playing that you’ve checked out the definitive a medium-tempo 32-bar standard, or five or six
recording: choruses on a 12-bar blues, is appropriate. Be sure
• Phrase at least a portion of the head as on the to listen to and respond to the rhythm section—
definitive recording. make this obvious. Be sure to play at a volume
• Quote a phrase or two from solos on the that is appropriate for the rhythm section and
definitive recording. the room in which you are playing. Play with
• Quote sparingly, but do quote, letting the quality sound, intonation, articulation, time
audition panel hear that you’ve done your due and technique. Don’t forget to swing, and, most
diligence vis-à-vis listening and transcribing. importantly, be clear.
Make sure you know the composers and
personnel of the definitive recordings of the tunes Recorded Auditions
you play so that if one of the panelists asks you Many institutions require applicants to
about it, you can answer intelligently. submit recorded auditions. Some schools offer this
Also, be sure to develop your solo (i.e., start as an option in lieu of appearing in person, often
somewhere and take it somewhere). Refer to the to accommodate students who live a considerable
melody of the tune you’re playing, dropping it in distance from campus.
from time to time organically (so it doesn’t sound Do not submit a flawed recording—record as
contrived) and developing it. Strive to climax your many takes as necessary in the studio to get it right.

solo on the penultimate bar of your last chorus, Record with the best rhythm section that you can
Visiting artist-in-residence Dick Oatts (left) conducts a
private lesson with Thelonious Monk Institute of winding it down for the last couple of measures, afford, and submit the best quality recording that
Jazz Performance fellowship recipient David Otis. you can afford.
and ending your solo on the first or second bar
of the next chorus on a color tone of the chord, Do not include other soloists on your audition
descend chord tones to and conclude on the
letting it sustain. recording (unless you are a rhythm section player
root—the same note on which you started. (For a
dominant 7 altered arpeggio, play 1–3–#5– 7–#9.)
Have your solos develop organically from demonstrating your accompaniment skills). If
bebop language to contemporary language (in you are working with an extant recording of a
that order). Strive to have your solos reflect not live performance and you’re not the first soloist,
Performing/Soloing only your knowledge of the language of the idiom, here’s how to edit it: Fade out after the head
Whatever repertoire you choose to play at but also the makings of your own unique voice. statement, then fade up four bars before your
your audition, make it obvious through your Don’t solo too long: Two or three choruses on solo begins so that there’s only a few seconds

Tips for Rhythm • Demonstrate the following techniques

when soloing: single-line soloing, octaves (à la
play an outro.
• Play with a good sound—this is of the
Section Players Wes Montgomery) and chordal. utmost importance. If using an amp, carefully
• Prepare at least one solo piece (i.e., a adjust the sound before you begin to play. Dig in.
I n addition to the audition pointers I’ve
provided for jazz students who are applying
for scholarships, here are some valuable tips
standard to be played as a chord solo). • Play with solid time, a good feel and
excellent intonation.
specifically for rhythm section players. Bassists
• Outline the harmony at hand clearly Drummers
Pianists when walking bass lines (e.g., play correct • Prepare to play the following grooves on
• Make sure you can comp chords to all of thirds, sevenths and alterations), landing on the the drum set at all tempos (in addition to
the tunes you’re playing. roots every time as the chords change during whatever snare drum and mallet requirements
• Be able to comp two-handed voicings the first chorus. You may land on other chord there are): swing (including both a 2 feel and
when accompanying others, and one-handed tones as the chords change on subsequent straightahead jazz 4 feel with both sticks and
voicings (left hand) when accompanying choruses; however, the root should still be brushes), bossa nova, samba, rock and funk.
yourself. attacked on the first beat of each chord most • Be able to trade fours with yourself
• When comping behind a soloist, make it of the time, especially at crucial points in the (alternating between four bars of time and
obvious that you are listening and responding. chorus (e.g., the first bar of each section), clearly four bars of soloing). Likewise, be able to trade
• Demonstrate the following techniques anchoring the form. eights with yourself.
when soloing: right hand soloing with left hand • Use skips, drops and triplets sparingly. • Be able to trade 12-bar blues choruses
comping, two-hand unison soloing (hands two Use a wide range of the instrument, from low with yourself (alternating between 12 bars of
octaves apart) and block chordal soloing. open E up to at least high G (sixth position/G time and 12 bars of soloing).
• Prepare at least one solo piece (i.e., a string). Construct lines that are linear (scalar • Be able to play a tune completely solo,
standard to be played unaccompanied). and chromatic) as well as chordal. Play long, stating the head (rhythmically) around the
• Be able to play the most common jazz connecting notes (legato). Be sure to swing. kit, playing time, trading fours or eights with
chord scales and their related arpeggios in • Make sure you can play the head and solo yourself, and playing the head out. Make sure
the right hand while sustaining the related on all tunes. Play at least a portion of your solo the form is clear.
chord in the left hand. in thumb position. Use vibrato sparingly. • When playing with a soloist and/or
• Be able to play each tune with a variety of rhythm section, make sure it is obvious that
Guitarists & Vibraphonists grooves, e.g., swing (be able to play in 2 as well you’re listening and responding to the other
• Make sure you can comp chords to all of as 4), Latin (e.g., bossa nova, samba), funk, rock, players. Delineate the form clearly (via fills,
the tunes you’re playing. etc. Make sure you can use the bow on at least playing the bridge differently, changing
• Comp four-note, rootless voicings for the one tune. cymbals for different soloists, etc.). Make it
most part. • Prepare at least one standard to be played obvious that you know the tune.
• When comping behind a soloist, make it completely unaccompanied. For example, play • Remember: “TGIF” (time, groove,
obvious that you are listening and responding. an intro, play the head, walk, solo, play the head, interaction, feel). —JB Dyas


Composition and Arranging artist-in-residence Billy Childs (right) works with the current
class of full scholarship recipients at the Thelonious Monk Institute of Jazz.

before the end of the head and the beginning addition to becoming an artist with your own voice. tunes, then a 50 percent scholarship is the norm.
of your solo; fade out after your solo is over. • perform, compose, arrange and teach. And I’ve never met a student who knew 200 tunes
• give back; promulgate and perpetuate the art who didn’t receive a full ride!
Piano for Non-Pianists form (teaching, conducting clinics). So start memorizing tunes now. It will pay off,
It’s a good idea for every instrumentalist and • serve the underserved (e.g., participate in literally. For a methodical procedure on how
vocalist to be able to play some piano. You don’t school outreach programs that teach young to memorize and retain tunes (and which ones
need Art Tatum-level chops—just enough ability students about jazz and its values, including to learn), see my two-part article “Methods for
to demonstrate your knowledge of harmony and teamwork, democracy and persistence). Fighting the Epidemic of Tune Illiteracy” in the
give a sense of your overall musicianship. Remember, your audition panelists are people, May 2010 and August 2010 issues of DownBeat.
So don’t be surprised if one of your audition too. Be personable, serious (but not stiff),
confident (but not arrogant), humble and
panelists asks you to play a little piano. Be sure Performance Clarity
you’re able to comp two-handed and one-handed deferential in the way you speak and carry
Finally, remember that clarity is paramount.
voicings for II–V–I progressions in all major and yourself. Do your best to enjoy the experience, and
Often, the final judgment as to the amount of your
make an earnest effort to learn something about
minor keys, blues in B-flat and F, and “Rhythm” scholarship award is based more on how clear
your panelists and the program they represent.
changes in B-flat. you are than anything else. This means that your
Also, I suggest you be able to play all the tunes playing should clearly demonstrate that you are in
in Volume 54 of the Jamey Aebersold Jazz Play-A-
Tune Learning
It has been my experience that, in general, the the know, that is, you know the tune, you know the
Long series (Maiden Voyage) as follows: head with changes, you know the language of the style and
more tunes a student knows, the better jazz player
the right hand, comp with the left hand; solo with you know the definitive recordings. “Skating” on
he or she is. Having a memorized repertoire
the right hand, comp with the left hand; and two- your solo doesn’t fool anyone. Now go for it! DB
of standards and jazz classics gives you more
handed comping.
breadth, depth and credibility as a musician.
Hence, the more tunes one knows, usually the Dr. JB Dyas is Vice President for Education and Curriculum
At the Interview higher the scholarship award. Development at the Thelonious Monk Institute of Jazz at
You’ll be expected to do more than just play UCLA, and he formerly served as the executive director for the
A bachelor’s degree at a top school can cost Brubeck Institute at University of the Pacific.
great at your audition. You’ll probably have to do about $200,000 nowadays, so you should aim to
some serious talking as well. Practice this. Get get as large a scholarship as you can. Although I Additional Resources
together with a teacher to practice talking about haven’t conducted an empirical research study on • “Prepare To Nail Your Auditions,” by Geoffrey Himes,
your goals as a musician—especially if you are the topic, anecdotal evidence I’ve accumulated DownBeat, October 2013
somewhat shy or quiet. over the past two decades points to a correlation • majoringinmusic.com
• jazzinamerica.org/jazzresources/jazzeducation/college
During the interview portion of your audition, of about $1,000 of scholarship money per tune • jazzstandards.com
be sure to speak loudly, clearly and definitively. learned. For example, I’ve found that if a student • hopestreetmusicstudios.com/articles/100-must-know-
When asked about your goals, mention (as knows 50 tunes, then he or she is likely to receive jazz-tunes
applicable) your desire to: a 25 percent scholarship (i.e., $50,000 toward the • jobsearch.about.com/od/
• be a well-rounded, thorough musician in total $200,000 cost). If the student knows 100



WEST Students in the University of Denver’s Lamont School of Music

American River College

Sacramento, California
Student Body: 40,000.
Tuition: $46/credit.
Jazz Degrees: Associate Degree in Jazz Studies.
Faculty: Dr. Dyne Eifertsen, Dr. Joe Gilman,
Dr. Art LaPierre.
Jazz Bands: Studio Jazz Ensemble, Latin
Jazz Ensemble, Jazz Combos,
Vocal Jazz Ensembles.
Auditions: Held in May and December.
Financial Aid: Available. Contact (916) 484-8437.
Scholarships: Available. Contact (916) 484-8437.
Apply by: August.
Contact: Dr. Dyne Eifertsen, (916) 484-8676,
Arizona State University

Tempe, Arizona
Student Body: 750 students in the School of
Music, 40 Jazz Studies majors.
Tuition: In-state, $9,000; out-of-state,
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree
of Music in Jazz Performance. California State University, Sacramento

Faculty: Christopher Creviston, Ben

Hedquist, Michael Kocour, Jeff
Libman, Steve McAllister, Dennis
Monce, Dom Moio, Clarke Rigsby,
Bryon Ruth.
Alumni: Lewis Nash, Tony Malaby, Joey
Sellers, Robert Washut, Allan
Chase, Ted Hogarth, Phil Strange.
Jazz Bands: Concert Jazz Band, Jazz
Repertory Band, Latin Jazz Band,
Percussion Jazz Band and nine
Auditions: Nov. 14, Jan. 16, Feb. 6
and Feb 13.
Financial Aid: Available. Visit students.asu.edu/
Scholarships: Available. Call (480) 965-5348.
Apply by: Jan. 15.
Contact: Michael Kocour, Director of Jazz
Studies, (480) 965-5348, michael.
Kocour@asu.edu. Visit music.asu.

Brigham Young University
Provo, Utah
Student Body: 33,500 total, 437 in school of
music, 52 in Commercial Music.
Tuition: Undergraduate: $2,575–fall
semester, $1,288–spring semester Singer/Songwriter and General Legacy Dixieland Band, Salsa
(LDS), $5,150–fall semester, Studies sub-tracks. Master of Arts Combo, five traditional jazz
$2,575–spring semester (non- and Master of Music, with areas of combos, Jazz Voices, Vocal
LDS); Graduate: $3,250–fall specialty offered within each. Jazz Ensemble.
semester, $1,625–spring semester Faculty: Raymond Smith, Mark Ammons, Auditions: Held on the last Saturday of
(LDS), $6,500–fall semester Ron Saltmarsh, Kirsten Bromley,
January. Visit cfac.byu.edu/music.
$3,250–spring semester Jay Lawrence, Ronald Brough,
Steven Call, Stephan Lindeman, Financial Aid: Visit financialaid.byu.edu.
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Commercial Michael Tobian, Aaron Merrill, Scholarships: Visit financialaid.byu.edu/
Music, with Jazz Studies, Sam Cardon. section/scholarships.
Film/Media Composer, Audio Jazz Bands: Synthesis (big band), Jazz Apply by: Jan. 15.
Engineering, Studio Performance, Ensemble, Jazz Lab Band, Jazz Contact: Visit cfac.byu.edu/music.


Brigham Young University–Idaho kissacson@calarts.edu. Jeff Denson, Kai Eckhardt, Mimi
Rexburg, Idaho Apply by: Dec. 1 (priority deadline). Fox, John Gove, Alan Hall, Peter
Contact:  David Roitstein, Jazz Program Horvath, Erik Jekabson, Jeff
Student Body: 16,000. Director, roit@calarts.edu. Marrs, Frank Martin, John Santos,
Tuition: LDS Members, $1,915/semester; Marcos Silva, Edward Simon,
Non-LDS, $3,830/semester.
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music Jazz California Jazz Conservatory Akira Tana, Mike Zilber.
Jazz Bands:  Instrumental ensembles (jazz,
Studies Emphasis.
Afro-Caribbean, South American,
Faculty: Bryce Mecham, Aaron Miller, Berkeley, California Indian and others); vocal
Ryan Nielsen, Mark Watkins.
Student Body: 60. performance.
Jazz Bands: Sound Alliance, Jazz Combos,
Tuition:  $550/credit, full-time; Auditions:  By appointment year-round.
Jazz Lab Band, Vocal Union.
$600/credit, part-time. Financial Aid: Federal financial aid
Auditions: Visit byui.edu/music.
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Jazz Studies. is available.
Financial Aid: Visit byui.edu/financial-aid.
Scholarships: Visit byui.edu/financial-aid and Faculty: Laurie Antonioli, Theo Bleckmann, Scholarships: Unsolicited merit- and need-based

byui.edu/music. Anthony Brown, Jeff Chambers, awards available on occasion.

Apply by: Visit byui.edu/admissions.
Contact: Visit music@byui.edu.

The Brubeck Institute at

University of the Pacific
Stockton, California
Student Body: 5.
Tuition: None.
Jazz Degrees: Certificate.
Faculty: Stefon Harris, Edward Simon,
Simon Rowe, Patrick Langham,
Brian Kendrick.
Alumni: Fabian Almazon, Joe Sanders,
Glenn Zaleski, Lucas Pino,
Justin Brown.
Jazz Bands: Brubeck Institute Jazz Quintet.
Auditions: Live auditions.
Financial Aid: None. Five fully funded
scholarships awarded.
Scholarships: Five fully funded
scholarships awarded.
Apply by: Feb. 16.
Contact: Melissa Riley, (209) 946-3196,
California Institute of
the Arts (CalArts)
Valencia, California
Student Body: 45 jazz majors.
Tuition: $43,400.
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Fine Arts, Master
of Fine Arts.
Faculty: Joe LaBarbera, Larry Koonse,
Alphonso Johnson, Darek Oles,
Vinny Golia, Paul Novros, John
Fumo, Alex Iles, David Roitstein.
Alumni:  Ralph Alessi, Adam Benjamin,
Scott Colley, Ravi Coltrane, Peter
Epstein, Michael Cain, John
Daversa, Pedro Eustache, Danny
Grissett, Barbara Gruska, Lorca
Hart, Willie Jones.
Jazz Bands: Advanced small ensembles. See
CD Archive website for CalArts
CDs recorded at Capitol Records.
Auditions: Recorded auditions only. Visit
Financial Aid: Available. Contact Kurt Isaacson,
Music Admissions Counselor,
Scholarships: Available. Contact Kurt Isaacson,
Music Admissions Counselor,



Apply by: June 30. csumentor.edu.

Contact: Susan Muscarella, info@cjc.edu. Contact: Mitch Butler, Director of Jazz
California State University–
Visit cjc.edu. Studies, mitch.butler@csueastbay. Long Beach, Bob Cole
California State University–East Bay edu. Conservatory of Music
Hayward, California
Student Body: 14,000. California State Long Beach, California
Tuition: Undergraduate, in-state, $6,600. University–Fullerton Student Body: 38,000 total, 650 music majors.
Graduate, in-state, $8,000. Tuition: Undergraduate, $6,452.
Degrees: Bachelor of Art in Music, Master Graduate, $7,718.
Fullerton, California Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music and Master of
of Arts in Music Jazz Emphasis.
(Starting in 2018 Bachelor of Art in Student Body: 38,000. Music in Jazz Studies.
Music Jazz Studies Option/ Tuition: $4,866. Total cost of living on Faculty: Jeff Jarvis, Christine Guter, Dr.
Concentration.) campus: $20,018. Ray Briggs, Jimmy Emerzian, John
Faculty: Mitch Butler, Alan Hall, Colin Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music, Concentration Proulx, Chad Wackerman, Bob
Hogan, Buddy James, Pat Klobas, in Jazz and Commercial Music. McChesney, Bill Riechenbach, Kye
Saul Sierra-Alonso, Nick Tocco, Faculty: Bill Cunliffe, Chuck Tumlinson, Palmer, Dan Fornero, Sal Lozano,
Dann Zinn. Ron Eschete, Luther Hughes, Paul Jay Mason, Eric Marienthal, Bruce
Alumni: Mic Gillette, Mike Olmos, Doug Kreibich, Francisco Torres, Kye Lett, Andy Langham, Mike
Beavers, Marvin McFadden. Palmer, Joey Sellers, T.K. Higgins, Ron Eschete.
Jazz Bands: CSUEB Jazz Orchestra, Jazz Gardner, Ryan Pryor, Eric Dries, Alumni: Mark Turner, John Patitucci, Tom
Ensemble (Big Band 2), Latin Jeff Ellwood, John Proulx, Charles Kubis, Eric Marienthal, Chad
Jazz Ensemble, Jazz Singers, Wackerman, Andy Martin, Cecelia
Sharp, Thom Sharp, Damon Zick.
Blue Note Ensemble, Standards Coleman, Jay Anderson, Jeff
Jazz Bands: Two bands, 11 combos.
Ensemble, Rhythm Section Kashiwa, Sal Lozano, Jay Mason.
Auditions: Held in the spring. Concert Jazz Orchestra, Studio
Concepts Combo, Electric Jazz Bands:
Combo, Composers Combo, Financial Aid: Visit csueastbay.edu/prospective/ Jazz Band, Jazz Lab Band, Pacific
Avante-Garde Ensemble, cost-and-financial-aid/ Standard Time (vocal jazz),
Contemporary Combo. financial-aid. Jazz ’n’ Tonic (vocal jazz ), 10
Auditions: Contact: mitch.butler@csueastbay. Scholarships: Need- and merit-based. combos.
edu or buddy.james@csueastbay. Apply by: Nov. 30. Auditions: Prescreening video deadline: Jan.
edu. Contact: Chuck Tumlinson, Director of 15; live audition by invitation, Feb.
Financial Aid: Visit csueastbay.edu. Jazz Studies, (657) 278-5523, 6. Contact the Music Department
Apply by: Apply at CSU Mentor: secure. ctumlinson@fullerton.edu. Office, (562) 985-4781.
Financial Aid: Available. Teaching Assistantships Tuition: Undergraduate, $3,301; graduate, Ensemble, Jazz Combos.
available for graduate students. $3,394. Auditions: Visit csus.edu/music/jazz.
Scholarships: Available. Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music Jazz Studies, Financial Aid: Contact mallen@csus.edu.
Apply by: Nov. 30. Bachelor of Arts Jazz Scholarships: Available. Contact Dr. Steve
Contact: Jeff Jarvis, Director of Jazz Studies, Master of Music Jazz Roach, (916) 278-7987, roach@
Studies, jeff.jarvis@csulb.edu. Studies Emphasis. csus.edu.
Visit csulb.edu/~music. Faculty: Dr. Steve Roach, Dr. Joe Gilman, Apply by: Nov. 30.
Rick Lotter, Phil Tulga, Mike Contact: Dr. Steve Roach, Director of Jazz
California State University, McMullen, Steve Homan, Gerry Studies, (916) 278-7987, roach@
Los Angeles Pineda, Gaw Vang Williams, csus.edu.
Los Angeles, California Carlos McCoy.
Student Body: 18,074 total, 30 undergraduate Alumni: Steve Turre, Bobby McFerrin. Contra Costa College
jazz majors. Jazz Bands: Two Jazz Ensembles, three Vocal San Pablo, California
Tuition: In-state, $6,344; out-of-state, Jazz Ensembles, Latin Jazz Student Body: 6,000.
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of
Music: Jazz Studies, Master of
Music with general concentra-
tions in commercial music,
composition and conducting.
Faculty: Jeffrey Benedict, Paul DeCastro,
James Ford.
Jazz Bands: Jazz Ensemble, Afro Latin
Ensemble, Jazz Combos, Vocal
Jazz Ensemble.
Auditions: DVD/CDs acceptable. Visit
Contact (323) 343-4060, mtd@
Financial Aid: Available. Visit calstatela.edu/
Scholarships: Need and merit-based. Visit
Apply by: Visit calstatela.edu/admissions/
Contact: Dr. James Ford, Director of CSULA
Jazz Orchestra, (323) 343-4081,
jford@calstatela.edu. Dr. Jeffrey
Benedict, Jazz Studies, (323) 343-
4099, jbenedict@calstatela.edu.
California State University,
Northridge, California
Student Body: 36,000 total, 500 music majors,
50–60 jazz students.
Tuition cost: $6,500 in-state (tuition only).
Visit csun.edu/stufin/tuition.
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music.
Faculty: Matt Harris, Josh Nelson, Wayne
Bergeron, Bob McChesney.
Alumni: Gordon Goodwin, George Stone,
Grant Geissman.
Jazz Bands: Two Big Bands, 10 combos.
Auditions: Prescreen audition through slide
room. Visit csunjazz.com .
Financial Aid: Available.
Scholarships: Need- and merit-based.
Apply by: Nov. 30 for the university (first-time
freshman); Jazz Application (video
pre-screen) due Jan. 1.
Contact: Matt Harris, Director of Jazz
Studies, (805) 405-9664,
California State University,
Sacramento (Sacramento State)
Sacramento, California
Student Body: 250 music majors, 30 jazz majors.



Tuition: $46 per unit. Dawn Clement, Mark Ivester, Jazz Bands: Three jazz bands and
Jazz Degrees: Associate of Art in Music–Jazz Eyvind Kang, Chris Spencer, Ben three combos.
Piano, Associate of Art in Music– Thomas, Jay Thomas, Tom Varner, Auditions: Call to schedule an audition or
Jazz Voice. Wayne Horvitz. attend open house auditions,
Faculty: Dr. Stephanie Austin, Roger Jazz Bands: Ensemble 1–4, Creative Ensemble which usually take place in
Letson, Fred Randolph, Eli (10–15 pieces), Jazz Vocal January. Visit ewu.edu/cale/
Wallace, Clinton Day. Ensemble. progams/music/prospective-
Alumni: Mac Esposito. Auditions: Prescreening due in December; student-information.xml.
Jazz Bands: JAZZ-ology, JazzaNova, live auditions in February. Financial Aid: Visit ewu.edu/undergrad/
Jazz Singers. Financial Aid: Available. Visit admission@ admissions/financial-aid.xml.
Auditions: Held by appointment. Visit cornish.edu. Scholarships: Honors- and merit-based
cccvocalandpiano.com. Scholarships: Available. Visit admission@ scholarships available, based on
Financial Aid: Available. Visit contracosta.edu/ cornish.edu. auditions.
home/student-services/ Apply by: Dec. 1 (early deadline—no Apply by: Feb. 15.
financial-aid. application fee); Feb. 1 (priority Contact: Colleen Hegney, Music
Apply by: Priority placement given to deadline). Rolling admission Department, (509) 359-2241,
students auditioned and accepted through Aug. 1. chegney@ewu.edu. Visit ewu.
by Feb. 28. Walk-in auditions Contact: Sharron Starling, Director of edu/cale/programs/music.
during first week of class. Admissions, (800) 726-2787,
Contact: Dr. Stephanie Austin, saustin@ admission@cornish.edu. Fullerton College
Eastern Washington University
Cheney, Washington Fullerton, California
Cornish College of the Arts Student Body: 13,453. Student Body: 35,335.
Tuition: In-state, $7,972; out-of-state, Tuition: Undergraduate, in-state,
Seattle, Washington $21,066. $1,138; out-of-state, $6,010.
Student Body: 750 total, 110 music majors. Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Art Jazz Degrees: None.
Tuition: $36,840. Education, Bachelor of Music and Faculty: Bruce Babad, Dr. Joe Jewell,
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Jazz Certificate in Jazz and Commercial Jamie Shew, Roger Shew, Mike
Instrumental, Jazz Vocal, Jazz Music, Master of Arts in Jazz Scott, Matt Johnson.
Composition. Pedagogy. Jazz Bands: Jazz Band, jazz combo, jazz guitar
Faculty: Jim Knapp, Jovino Santos-Neto, Faculty: Mellad Abeid, Jenny Kellogg, ensemble, alternative jazz lab
Johnaye Kendrick, Randy Scott Steed. ensemble. Total of 25 performance
Halberstadt, Chuck Deardorf, Alumni: Frank DeMiero, Jon Hamar. groups. (Big Band, Combo 1,


J-Train Vocal Jazz, Jazz Cadré will perform at 2016 festival.
Visit jazzfestival.fullcoll.edu.)
Financial Aid: Available. Call (714) 888-7588 or visit financialaid.
Scholarships: Available. Visit fullcollfoundation.org.
Apply by: Visit admissions.fullcoll.edu/application.html.
Contact: (714) 992-7000. For info on Jazz Band, contact Bruce
Babad bbabad@fullcoll.edu.

Metropolitan State
University of Denver
Denver Colorado
Student Body: 21,179.
Tuition: In-state, $3,035/semester; out-of-state: $10,028/semester.
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Jazz and American Improvised Music
Performance Concentration (also concentrations in
Composition, Instrumental Performance, Voice
Performance); Bachelor of Music Education; Bachelor of
Arts in Music.
Faculty: Ron Miles, Justin Adams, Adam Bartczak, Ron Bland, Don
Byron, Dave Devine, Shane Endsley, Matt Fuller, Greg
Garrison, Mark Harris, Keri Murphy, Carmen Sandim,
Ashlee Varner, Fred Hess.
Jazz Bands: Jazz Chamber Music, Jazz Ensemble, Vocal Jazz
Ensemble, others.
Auditions: Contact the Music Office, (303) 556-3180. Visit msudenver.
Financial Aid: Available. Visit msudenver.edu/finacialaid.
Scholarships: Need- and merit-based. Visit music.msudenver.edu. Call
(303) 556-3180 or email music@msudenver.edu.
Contact: Ron Miles, Director of Jazz Studies, (303) 556-2620,
milesr@msudenver.edu. Visit music.msudenver.edu. Call
(303) 556-3180 or email music@msudenver.edu.

MiraCosta College
Oceanside, California
Student Body: 12,000.
Tuition: In-state, $46/unit; out-of-state, $200/unit.
Jazz Degrees: Associate Degrees in Performance: Jazz and
Commercial Music, Audio Recording Production.
Faculty: Matt Falker, Dan Siegel, Steve Torok, Bob Boss, Justin
Grinnell, Jaeryoung Lee, Duncan Moore. Visiting artists
have included Benny Golson, Fred Wesley, Brian
Bromberg, Tom Scott, Ernie Watts, Karrin Allyson, M-Pact,
Wee Trio.
Jazz Bands: MiraCosta Oceanside Jazz Orchestra, MiraCosta Jazz
Collective, Frequency (vocal jazz ensemble), Spectrum
(vocal jazz ensemble).
Auditions: Instrumental: Steve Torok, storok@miracosta.edu; Vocal:
Matt Falker, mfalker@miracosta.edu.
Financial Aid: Available. Visit miracosta.edu.
Scholarships: Need- and merit-based.
Contact: Instrumental: Steve Torok, storok@miracosta.edu; Vocal:
Matt Falker, mfalker@miracosta.edu.

Portland State University

Portland, Oregon
Student Body: 100 Jazz students.
Tuition: Undergraduate, in-state, $9,450; out-of-state, $24,430.
Graduate, in-state, $13,600; out-of-State, $31,200.
Jazz Degrees: Master of Music in Jazz Studies, Bachelor of Music in
Jazz Studies, Minor in Jazz Studies, Bachelor of Arts/
Science in Performance, Theory or Musicology/



Students in the University of Idaho Jazz Band perform with

saxophonist Jeff Coffin (second from right)


Faculty: Darrell Grant, George Colligan, San Diego State University

Brad Hansen. San Diego, California
Alumni: Esperanza Spalding, Tom
Wakeling, Gordon Lee, Mel Brown. Student Body: 32,000.
Jazz Bands: One Large Ensemble, Sax Tuition: In-state: $6,866; out-of-state:
Ensemble, Trombone Ensemble, $17,738.
Advanced Nonet, five to seven Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Jazz Studies,
combos. Master of Music in Jazz Studies,
Artist Diploma, Jazz Minor.
Auditions: Required. In-person auditions
Faculty: Bill Yeager, Richard Thompson,
are held during finals week each
Karl Soukup, Bob Magnusson,
term. Scholarship auditions are
Bob John Rekevics, Mike Holguin,
held the first weekend in February.
Derek Cannon, Scott Kyle,
Financial Aid: Available. Visit pdx.edu/finaid.
Leonard Patton.
Scholarships: Available. Must audition by the first
Alumni: Joshua White, Danny Green,
weekend of February. Visit pdx.
Derek Cannon, Scott Kyle, Bill
MacPherson, Anthony Smith,
Apply by: April 15. Paul “The Trombonist” Nowell,
Contact: George Colligan, Jazz Area Dan Reagan.
Coordinator, (646) 620-8286, Jazz Bands: Two big bands, six combos.
ghc@pdx.edu. Auditions: Held in February. Visit jazz.
Saddleback College sdsu.edu.
Mission Viejo, California Financial Aid: Available. Contact Shirley
Gutierrez, (619) 594-6032,
Study Body: 26,000. svalenci@mail.sdsu.edu.
Tuition: In-state, $46/unit; out-of-state, Scholarships: Available. Contact Shirley
$193/unit. Gutierrez, (619) 594-6032,
Jazz Degrees: Music Associate Degree Program, svalenci@mail.sdsu.edu.
Applied Jazz Program. Apply by: Nov. 30.
Faculty: Joey Sellers, Jerry Pinter, Ron Contact: Bill Yeager, Director of Jazz
Stout, Jamie Rosenn, Adam Studies, (619) 594-4680,
Bravo, Luther Hughes, Paul yeager1@mail.sdsu.edu.
Johnson, Ariel Alexander.
Alumni: Paul Carman, Ron Stout. San Francisco State University
Jazz Band: Big Band, Jazz Lab Ensemble, San Francisco, California
Eight Jazz Combos. Student Body: 23,259.
Auditions: First week of each semester. Tuition: Undergraduate, $6,468;
Contact Joey Sellers, jsellers@ graduate, $7,734.
saddleback.edu. Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Arts Jazz Emphasis,
Financial Aid: Available for California residents. Bachelor of Music Jazz Studies,
Scholarships: Visit saddleback.edu/fao/ Master of Arts Jazz Emphasis.
scholarship-information. Faculty: Dee Spencer, Clifford Brown
Apply by: March 1. Jr., Andrew Speight, Akira Tana,
Contact: Joey Sellers, Director of Jazz Michael Zisman, John Calloway,
Studies, jsellers@saddleback.edu. Renée Lubin, Deszon Claiborne,


Henry Hung. Apply by: Aug. 17. Randy Vincent.
Alumni: John Handy, Johnny Mathis, Contact: Bennett Friedman, Director of Alumni: Julian Lage, Liberty Ellman, Elliot
George Duke. Jazz Studies, (707) 527-4255, Humberto Kavee, Tyler Blanton,
Jazz Bands: SFSU Big Band, SFSU Jazz/ bfriedman@santarosa.edu. Adam Theis, Jason Robinson.
World Combos, SFSU Vocal Jazz, Jazz Bands: SSU Jazz Orchestra, SSU Concert
Afro-Cuban Ensemble. Sonoma State University
Rohnert Park, California Jazz Ensembles, SSU Latin Band,
Auditions: Contact Dee Spencer, dspencer@
SSU Faculty Jazz Ensemble.
sfsu.edu. Visit music.sfsu.edu. Student Body: 9,297.
Financial Aid: Available. Contact Dee Spencer, Tuition: $7,276. Auditions: Nov. 7, Jan. 16 and April 2.
dspencer@sfsu.edu; music.sfsu. Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Jazz Studies. Financial Aid: Available. Visit sonoma.edu/
edu. Faculty: Dr. Brian Wilson, Dr. Doug music/apply. Contact Brian
Scholarships: Need- and merit-based. Contact Leibinger, Ken Cook, Wilson, Music Department Chair,
Dee Spencer, dspencer@sfsu.edu. Dave Len Scott, Cliff Hugo, (707) 664-2468, brian.wilson@
Apply by: Aug. 31. Kasey Knudsen, George Marsh, sonoma.edu.
Contact: Dee Spencer, Chair of Music and
Dance Department, (415) 405-
4109, dspencer@sfsu.edu.
San Jose State University
San Jose, California
Student Body: 30,000 total, 400 music majors.
Tuition: Undergraduate, $3,500/semester
(including fees). Graduate, $4,300/
semester (including fees).
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Jazz Studies,
Master of Art in Music with
Emphasis in Jazz Studies.
Faculty: Dr. Aaron Lington, Jeff Lewis,
Scott Whitfield, Rick Vandivier,
John Shifflett, Jason Lewis,
Dahveed Behroozi.
Alumni: Ed Neumesiter, Frank Sumares,
Hristo Vitchev, Matt Finders,
Jeff Cressman.
Jazz Bands: Two large jazz ensembles, one
Latin jazz band, numerous jazz
Auditions: Auditions may be live or by
recording. Contact Music
Recruitment at musicdance
Financial Aid: Available. Contact sjsu.edu/faso.
Scholarships: Need- and merit-based. Contact
Dr. Aaron Lington, (408) 924-4636,
Apply by: Nov. 30 (undergraduate students),
April 1 (graduate students).
Contact: Dr. Aaron Lington, Coordinator of
Jazz Studies, (408) 924-4636,

Santa Rosa Junior College

Santa Rosa, California
Student Body: 37,000.
Tuition: $46/unit.
Jazz Degrees: Associate of Arts in Jazz Studies.
Faculty: Mark Anderman, Jody Benecke,
Rudolf Budginas, Jerome Fleg,
Bennett Friedman, Chris Pimentel,
John Simon.
Alumni: David Balakrishnan, Jeff Carney,
Eric Crystal, Liberty Elman, Rob
Jazz Bands: Big band, three combos.
Auditions: Beginning of semester.
Financial Aid: Available. Call (707) 527-4471.
Scholarships: Available. Contact Jody Benecke,
Scholarship Chair, jbenecke@


Drummer Alex Acuña (left) with students
at California State University, Fullerton

Scholarships: Available. Contact Brian Wilson, through the Friends of Music Faculty: Kenny Burrell, Justo Almario,
Music Department Chair, (707) donor organization for students George Bohanon, Clayton
664-2468, brian.wilson@sonoma. enrolled in private lessons. No Cameron, Charley Harrison, Tamir
edu. tuition-based aid is available. Hendelman, Cheryl Keyes, Wolf
Apply by: Nov. 30. Apply by: Oct. 15 (early action with arts Marshall, Eddie Meadows,
Contact: Brian Wilson, Music Department supplement), Nov. 1 (early action Roberto Miranda, Barbara
Chair, (707) 664-2468, brian. with no arts supplement), Dec. 1 Morrison, James Newton, Charles
wilson@sonoma.edu. (regular decision with arts Owens, Ruth Price, Bobby
supplement), Jan. 1 (regular Rodriguez, Michele Weir, Jerry
Stanford University decision with no arts supplement). Bergonzi, Hal Crook.
Contact: Rowen Leigh, Undergraduate Alumni: Gretchen Parlato, Nick DePinna,
Student Services Officer, (650) Hitomi Oba, Keschia Potter.
Stanford, California
725-1932, musicinfo@stanford.edu. Jazz Bands: Jazz Orchestra, Latin Jazz Big
Student Body: 7,018 total, 500 music students, Band, Ellingtonia Orchestra,
50 music majors. University of California–Los Combo I, Combo II, Combo III,
Tuition: $45,729. Angeles, Herb Alpert School of Combo IV, Combo V, Combo VI,
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Arts in Music–jazz Music/Thelonious Monk Institute Combo VII.
Faculty: Frederick Berry, James Nadel,
of Jazz Performance Auditions: Auditions are required. Students
Murray Low.
Los Angeles, California must submit a general application
Jazz Bands: Stanford Jazz Orchestra, Stanford Student Body: 84 undergraduate to UCLA, along with a department
Afro Latin Jazz Ensemble, jazz Ethnomusicology majors, 39 supplement. Visit arts.ucla.
combo program. undergraduate students in the edu/ethno.
Auditions: No auditions required for Jazz Studies Concentration, 5–7 Financial Aid: Available. Visit financialaid.
admission. Ensemble and lesson graduate students in the ucla.edu.
auditions held first week of autumn Thelonious Monk Institute of Jazz Scholarships: Available. Department reviews
quarter. Visit music.stanford.edu, Performance. for merit-based scholarships occur
admission.stanford.edu. Tuition: Visit registrar.ucla.edu/fees/ during auditions. For all other
Financial Aid: No tuition-based financial aid is gradfee.htm. scholarships, visit financialaid.
available through the Department Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Arts in ucla.edu.
of Music. All financial aid Ethnomusicology–Jazz Apply by: Nov. 30.
questions should go to the Studies Concentration, Contact: Laura Young, Director of
University Financial Aid Office, Performance and Composition, Enrollment Management and
stanford.edu/dept/finaid. Master of Music in Jazz Outreach, (310) 825.9708,
Scholarships: The Department of Music offers via Thelonious Monk Institute of lyoung@arts.ucla.edu. For the
partial and full lesson scholarships Jazz Performance. Monk Institute, visit monkinstitute.org.




Washington State University Jazz Big Band

University of
Boulder, Colorado
Student Body: 600 music students, 35 jazz students.
Tuition: Undergraduate, in-state, $26,267; out-of-state, $49,301;
International $54,883. Includes housing, books and fees.
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Jazz Performance, Master of Music in
Jazz Pedagogy & Performance; DMA in Jazz Studies.
Faculty: Dr. John Gunther, Dr. John Davis, Brad Goode, Paul
McKee, Tom Myer, Dr. Douglas Walter, Bijoux Barbosa,
David Corbus, Jeff Jenkins, Joshua Quinlan, Paul Romaine.
Alumni: Tia Fuller, Damani Phillips, Josh Quinlan.
Jazz Bands: Three big bands, seven combos, Elecronic Music
Auditions: Held first three Saturdays of February. Recordings also
accepted. Pre-screening for undergraduate guitarists and
all graduate applicants.
Financial Aid: Available. Visit colorado.edu/finaid.
Scholarships: Merit-based scholarships and teaching assistants available.
Apply by: Dec. 1.
Contact: Dr. John Gunther, Director of Jazz Studies, john.gunther@

University of Colorado–Denver
Denver, Colorado
Student Body: 450.
Tuition: In-state, $6,768; out-of-state, $20,891.
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Science in Performance.
Faculty: Paul Musso, Peter Stoltzman, Gregory Walker, Pete
Ellingson, Greg Garrison, Drew Morell, Todd Reid, Leslie
Soich, Carmen Sandim, Eric Staffeldt, Erin Hackel, Owen
Kortz, Doug Krause.



Alumni: Isaac Slade, Jeanie Schroder,

Andy Guerrero, Brian Joseph,
Derek Vanderhorst.
Jazz Bands: Jazz Combo Ensemble, Claim
Jumpers Ensemble.
Auditions: Pre-screening audition video
through the website. Contact
Megan Sforzini, (303) 352-3833,
Financial Aid: Contact (303) 556-2400.
Scholarships: One-time audition based
scholarships for entering freshman
as based upon availability.
Apply by: Contact Megan Sforzini, (303)
352-3833, megan.sforzini@
ucdenver.edu. Application period
opens up from October–April.
Contact: Megan Sforzini, (303) 352-3833,

University of Denver,
Lamont School of Music
Denver, Colorado
Student Body: 11,800 total, 300 music students.
Tuition: $43,000.
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Jazz
Studies, Bachelor of Music in
Recording and Production, Master
of Music in Performance with
an emphasis in jazz, Master of
Music in Composition with an
emphasis in jazz.
Faculty: Lynn Baker, Scott Bean, Art
Bouton, Eric Gunnison, David
Hanson, Alan Hood, Mike Abbott,
Mike Marlier, Marc Sabatella,
Ken Walker, Donna Wickham,
Steve Wiest, Michael Schulze.
Alumni: Ramon Ricker, Jeff Benedict, Ron
Milies, Paul Romaine, Rudy
Royston, Nate Wooley.
Jazz Bands: Lamont Jazz Orchestra, Lamont
Jazz Ensemble, University Jazz
Ensemble, Contemporary Combo,
Fusion Combo, Vocal Jazz
Combo, Vocal Repertoire Combo,
Commercial Music Combo, Bebop
Combo, Standards Combo,
Modal Jazz Combo, Latin Combo,
Hard Bop Combo, Free
Improvisation Combo, Flex
Auditions: Feb. 6, Feb. 13 and Feb. 20.
Visit du.edu/ahss/lamont/
Financial Aid: Visit musicadmission@du.edu.
Scholarships: Available. Visit du.edu/ahss/
Apply by: Jan. 15.
Contact: Steve Wiest, Co-Chair of Jazz
Studies, steve.wiest@du.edu; Lynn
Baker, lynn.baker@du.edu. Visit
University of Idaho, Lionel
Hampton School of Music
Moscow, Idaho
Student Body: 250 music majors.


Tuition: In-state, $7,020; out-of-state:
Jazz Degrees: Minor in Jazz Studies attached to
any undergraduate degree.
Faculty: Vern Sielert, Vanessa Sielert, Alan
Gemberling, Dan Bukvich,
Spencer Martin, Dave Bjur,
Brian Ward.
Alumni: Pat Shook, Amy Shook, Chad
McCullough, Jenny Kellogg, Ed
Littlefield, Joe Covill, Gary
Gemberling, Robert Lewis,
Tina Richardson.
Jazz Band: Four big bands, several jazz
combos, two jazz choirs.
Auditions: Live audition preferred; recorded
auditions accepted.
Financial Aid: Available. Visit uidaho.edu/
Scholarships: Merit-based.
Application: Feb. 27 (scholarship priority
Contact: Vern Sielert, Director of Jazz
Studies, (208) 885-4955,
University of Montana
Missoula, Montana
Student Body: 15,000 total, 85 jazz students.
Tuition: In-state, $6,182; out-of-state,
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Art in Instrumental
Jazz Studies.
Faculty: Johan Eriksson, Rob Tapper,
Jim Smart, Bob LedBetter.
Alumni: Dee Daniels, Gary Herbig, Eden
Atwood, Clipper Anderson.
Jazz Bands: Jazz Ensemble I, Jazz Band II, Lab
Jazz Band III & Jazz Workshop IV
(Big Bands), seven small groups.
Auditions: Held in November, January and
February. Also by appointment.
Financial Aid: Contact Dr. James Smart, james.
smart@umontana.edu, or Rob
Tapper, (406) 243-6880, robert.
Scholarships: Need- and merit-based. Contact
Dr. James Smart, james.smart@
umontana.edu or Rob Tapper,
(406) 243-6880, robert.tapper@
Apply by: March 1.
Contact: Rob Tapper, Director of Jazz
Studies, (406) 243-6880, robert.

University of Nevada,
Las Vegas
Las Vegas, Nevada
Student Body: 22,000 total, 400 in music
department, 60 jazz majors.
Tuition: In-state, $9,000.
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Jazz
Studies, instrumental or vocal
performance or jazz composition,
Master of Music with a jazz
performance or jazz composition



Sonoma State University


Faculty: Dave Loeb, Nathan Tanouye, Uli participates in the Western

Geissendoerfer, JoBelle Yonely, Undergraduate Exchange:
Nate Kimball, Wayne De Silva, Students from AK, AZ, CA, CO,
Bernie Dresel, Jarret Myers, HI, ID, MT, NM, ND, OR, SD, UT,
Brian Murphy, Derek Jones, Gil WY and the Commonwealth of the
Kaupp, Alex Clements, Janet Tyler, Northern Mariana Islands pay 150
John Summers, Jake Yangley. percent of resident tuition.
Alumni: Dennis Mackrel, Kenny Rampton, Jazz Degress: Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of
Nathan Tanouye, Nathan Kimball, Music, Master of Arts, Master of
Otto Ehling, Paul Ringenbach, Music.
Julian Tanaka, Curt Miller, Vanessa Faculty: Peter Epstein, Adam Benjamin,
McGowan, Dave Perrico, Walfredo Larry Engstrom, Hans Halt,
Reyes Jr., Tony Branco, Rachel Andrew Heglund, Ed Corey.
and Mike Eckroth, Wayne De Silva, Alumni: Brian Landrus, Sam Minaie,
Marc Solis, Matt Taylor, Danny Warren Walker, Chris Clark.
Falcone, Glenn Colby. Jazz Bands: Jazz Lab Band I, jazz student
Jazz Bands: Jazz Ensemble I, Latin Jazz combos. Two large ensembles,
Ensemble, Joe Williams Every Day 6–8 small ensembles.
Foundation Jazz Septet, Jazz Auditions: Live auditions are held in Reno
Ensembles II & III, 10 and Las Vegas. For dates, visit
Jazz Combos, Jazz Vocal unrjazz.org. Remote auditions
Ensemble, Contemporary Jazz are accepted electronically via CD,
Ensemble, Honors Jazz Quartet. Dropbox, YouTube, Skype.
Auditions: Contact Dave Loeb, (702) 895- Financial aid: Available. Visit unr.edu/
3739, dave.loeb@unlv.edu. financial-aid.
Financial aid: Available. Visit unlv.edu/finaid. Scholarships: Need- and merit-based.
Scholarships: Available. Visit unlv.edu. Apply by: Feb. 1 for scholarship priority; July
Apply by: Feb. 1. 1 final application deadline.
Contact: Dave Loeb, Director of Jazz Contact: Peter Epstein, Director of Jazz
Studies, (702) 895-3739, dave. Studies, (775) 784-1501,
loeb@unlv.edu. pepstein@unr.edu.

University of Nevada, Reno University of

Reno, Nevada
Student Body: 25 undergraduate, 10 graduate.
Northern Colorado
Tuition: Undergraduate, in-state,
$199.55/hour; graduate, in- Greeley, Colorado
state, $264/hour, out-of-state Student Body: 500 Music majors, 65 Jazz majors.
fee: $6,955. The university Tuition: Undergraduate, in-state, $7,800;


out-of-state, $19,50. Graduate, Scholarships: Merit- and talent-based. UNC Auditions: Visit music.uoregon.edu. Live
in-state, $10,000; out-of-state, Foundation or UNC Universal auditions are preferred but
$19,000. Doctoral, in-state, Scholarship Application. Contact recorded auditions are acceptable
$11,000; out-of-state, $21,000. the Music Office, (970) 351-2679. for all instruments except drums.
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music, Jazz Emphasis; Visit unco.edu/ofa/scholarships. Graduate students: Preliminary
Bachelor of Music, Business Apply by: No deadline; preferred by March 1. screening audition (recorded) and
(Jazz Track); Master of Music, Contact: Kelsey Shiba, Associate Director standard live audition required.
Jazz Studies (Composition or of Jazz Studies, (970) 351-2577, Financial Aid: Available. Visit financialaid.
Performance); Doctorate of Arts, jazzstudies@unco.edu.uncjazz.com. uoregon.edu.
Jazz Studies. Scholarships: Available. Visit music.uoregon.edu/
Faculty: Dana Landry, Steve Kovalcheck, University of Oregon about/contact.
Erik Applegate, Jim White, Eugene, Oregon Apply by: Jan. 15 (undergraduate);
John Adler, Andy Dahlke, Gray Student Body: 75 in jazz studies program. Dec. 10 (graduate).
Barrier, Nat Wickham, Kerry Tuition: Undergraduate, in-state, $10,287 Contact: Steve Owen, Director of Jazz
Marsh, Amy Murphy, David Caffey, (15 credits); out-of-state, $32,022 Studies, sowen@uoregon.edu;
Socrates Garcia, Julia Dollison. (15 credits). Graduate, in-state, Sara Spicer or Bob Ponto (music
Alumni: Bob Washut, Bill Frisell, Steve $13,977; out-of-state, $21,723. admissions office), (541) 346-
Owen, Dan Gailey. Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Jazz Studies, 5268, somdadmit@uoregon.edu.
Jazz Bands: Five Big Bands, UNC Jazz Lab Master of Music in Jazz Studies– Visit music.uoregon.edu/about/
Band I, UNC Jazz Lab Band Composition, Master of Music contact.
II, UNC Jazz Lab Band III, UNC in Jazz Studies–Performance,
Jazz Lab Band IV, UNC Jazz Doctorate of Musical Arts
Lab Band V, Vanguard Combo, Supporting Area in Jazz Studies.
University of the Pacific
Birdland Combo, Smoke Combo, Faculty: Steve Owen, Mike Denny, Toby
Green Mill Combo, Blue Note Koenigsberg, Idit Shner, Tyler Stockton, California
Combo, Blue Room Combo, Abbot, Gary Hobbs Brian Student Body: 200 total, 15 Jazz Studies majors.
Knitting Factory Combo, Yoshi’s McWhorter. Tuition: $42,414.
Combo, Guitar Ensemble, Alumni: John Adler, Hashem Assadullahi, Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Jazz Studies.
Trombone Ensemble. Dan Cavanagh, Josh Deutsch, Faculty: Patrick Langham, Brian Kendrick,
Auditions: Feb. 6, Feb. 15 and Feb 20. Greg Goebel, James Miley, Jamie Dubberly, Gerry Pineda.
Visit arts.unco.edu. Jason Palmer. Alumni: Dave Brubeck.
Financial Aid: Available. Call (970) 351-2502 or Jazz Bands: Three Big Bands, 8–12 Combos, Jazz Bands: Big Band and five combos.
visit unco.edu/ofa. Latin Jazz Ensemble. Auditions: Jan. 23, Jan. 30, Feb. 6 and Feb.



Portland State University


13. On-campus auditions are Mason, Ronald McCurdy, Roy

encouraged but recording McCurdy, Vince Mendoza, Bob
submissions are also acceptable. Mintzer, Darek “Oles”
Visit pacific.edu/Academics/ Oleszkiewicz, Alan Pasqua,
Schools-and-Colleges/ Aaron Serfaty, Bob Sheppard,
Conservatory-of-Music.html. John Thomas.
Financial Aid: Available. Contact Jennifer Alumni: Ambrose Akinmusire, Alan Chang,
Goodwin, (209) 946-2418, Billy Childs, Gerald Clayton, Sara
jgoodwin@pacific.edu. Gazarek, Lionel Hampton,
Scholarships: Merit- and need-based. Contact Gretchen Parlato.
Jennifer Goodwin, (209) 946-2418, Jazz Bands: Jazz Orchestra, ALAJE (Afro
jgoodwin@pacific.edu. Latin American Jazz Ensemble),
Apply by: Feb. 15. Vocal Jazz Ensemble, Jazz
Contact: Patrick Langham, Director of Chamber Music.
Jazz Studies, (209) 946-3222, Auditions: Prescreen due Dec. 1. Visit music.
plangham@pacific.edu. usc.edu/admission/appreqs. For
live audition visit, music.usc.edu/
University of Southern Financial Aid: Available. Call (213) 740-1111 or
California, Thornton visit music.usc.edu/admission/
School of Music finaid.
Scholarships: Academic and merit-based. Visit
Los Angeles, California
Apply by: Dec. 1.
Student Body: 43,000 total, 1,000 Contact: For undergraduate studies,
Thornton students. Brittany Seits, (213) 740-8986,
Tuition: Undergraduate: $49,464 seits@thornton.usc.edu. For
(flat-rate tuition for 12–18 units); graduate studies, Kit Bellamy,
Graduate, $26,656 (based on (213) 740-8986, keb@thornton.
full-time status, 8 units). Visit usc.edu. Visit music.usc.edu/
music.usc.edu/admission/finaid. departments/jazz.
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music, Bachelor of
Arts, Master of Music, Graduate University of Utah
Certificate, Doctor of Musical Arts. Salt Lake City, Utah
Faculty: David Arnay, Gilbert Castellanos, Student Body: 32,000 total, 400 music majors,
Ndugu Chancler, Edwin 40 jazz majors.
Livingston, Peter Erskine, Tuition: Undergraduate, in-state, $8,240
Russell Ferrante, John Fumo, Sara (15 credits); out-of-state, $26,180
Gazarek, Jason Goldman, (15 credits). Graduate, in-state,
Kathleen Grace, Alphonso approx. $7,000 (9 credits); out-of-
Johnson, Andy Martin, Thom state, approx. $22,000 (9 credits).


Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Jazz (128 undergraduates, 132 for Admissions, (206) 685-9872,
Performance, Bachelor of Music graduate students). jtobiska@uw.edu, or somadmit@
in Jazz Composition, Master of Tuition: Undergraduate, in-state, $12,396; uw.edu.
Music in Jazz Studies. out-of-state, $33,516. Graduate,
Faculty: Kris Johnson, Donn Schaefer, in-state, $16,296; out-of-state, Utah State University
Denson Angulo, Randal Clark, $28,344. Logan, Utah
Brian Booth, David Halliday, Keven Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Jazz Student Body: 28,000 total, 400 music majors.
Johansen, Stephen Keen, Reed Studies; Master of Music in Jazz Tuition: Undergraduate, in-state, $3,331;
LeCheminant, Geoffrey Miller, Studies and Improvised Music. out-of-state, $9,566. Graduate,
Melanie Shore, Patrick Terry, Dan Faculty: Cuong Vu, Luke Bergman, Tom in-state, $3,837; out-of-state,
Waldis, Kelly Wallis. Collier, Bill Frisell, Ted Poor, Marc $12,122.
Alumni: Christoph Luty, Jeff Campbell, Seales, Greg Sinibaldi, Steve Korn, Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Arts with
Dave Chisholm, Matt Fillmore. Huck Hodge, Richard Karpen, Specialization in Jazz, Bachelor’s
Jazz Bands: Two big bands, six to eight jazz Fred Radke, Degree, Individualized Program
combos, two jazz guitar Alumni: Aaron Parks, Thomas Marriott, in Jazz Performance; Bachelor of
ensembles. Mike Cabe, Mark Taylor, Victor Lin, Music in Music Performance,
Auditions: Held in January and February. Neil Welch, Luke Bergman, Aaron Master of Music in Music
DVD submissions also acceptable. Otheim, Chris Icasiano. Performance.
Visit music.utah.edu/admissions/ Jazz Bands: Small ensembles, Modern Band, Faculty: Kate Skinner, Jon Gudmundson,
auditions.php. Big Band, Improvised Music Greg Wheeler, Max Matzen, Todd
Financial Aid: Visit financialaid.utah.edu. Project (IMP). Fallis, Kevin Olson, Corey
Scholarships: Need- and merit-based. Visit Auditions: Live auditions held in January Christiansen, Josh Skinner, Jason
music.utah.edu/admissions/ and February for admission the Nicholson.
scholarships.php. following autumn term. Visit music. Alumni: Corey Christiansen, Lynn Skinner,
Apply by: Dec. 1 (for primary consideration); washington.edu/audition-dates. Larry Smith, John Skinner, Sean
applications accepted through Financial Aid: Available. Visit washington.edu/ Halley, Jesse Schafer.
April 1. students/osfa. Jazz Bands: Jazz Orchestra, Jazz Ensemble,
Contact: Kris Johnson, Director of Jazz Scholarships: Merit-based scholarships and Caine Jazz Combo, other jazz
Studies, (801) 581-7366, assistantships. combos.
kristopher.johnson@utah.edu. Apply by: Undergraduate, Dec. 1; transfer Auditions: Jan. 30 and Feb. 13. Video
and postback, Feb. 15; graduate, auditions are acceptable for
University of Washington Dec. 15; international graduate, cases in which travel is an issue.
Seattle, Washington Nov. 1. To schedule an audition, visit
Student Body: 49,000 total, 260 music students Contact: Julia Tobiska, Assistant Director music.usu.edu/futureStudents/



USC Thornton Jazz Orchestra


scheduleAudition.cfm. Ensemble, Jazz Combos.

Contact Jon Gudmundson, Auditions: Jan. 23. Visit libarts.wsu.edu/
Director of Jazz Studies, (435) music/audition.
797-3003, jon.gudmundson@ Financial Aid: Available. Call (509) 335-9711 or
usu.edu. visit finaid.wsu.edu/email-us.
Financial Aid: Available. Visit usu.edu/finaid. Scholarships: Need- and merit-based. Contact
Scholarships: Merit-based scholarships are Kelly Jo Kegerreis, School of
available, as well as academic Music, (509) 335-3898, music@
scholarships and some wsu.edu.
graduate assistantships. Application: Jan. 31.
Apply by: Dec. 1 for priority consideration. Contact: Brian Ward, Coordinator of Jazz
Contact: Jon Gudmundson, Director of Jazz Studies, (509) 335-7934, brian.
Studies, (435) 797-3003, jon. ward@wsu.edu.
Williamette University
Washington State University Salem, Oregon
Pullman, Washington
Student Body: 2,000.
Student Body: 28,686. Tuition: $45,300.
Tuition: Undergraduate, in-state, $5,693;
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in
out-of-state, $12,234. Graduate,
Contemporary Improvisation.
in-state, $5,868; out-of-state,
Faculty: James Miley, Wallace Long, Mike
Nord, Tyler Abbott, Sean Flannery,
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Performance
Jazz Emphasis, Master of Arts in Ryan Biesack, Mike Horsfall, Julian
Music Emphasis Jazz Studies, Snow.
Jazz Studies Minor. Jazz Bands: Williamette Singers, Jazz
Faculty: Brad Ward, Dave Hagelganz, Collective, Several Combos.
David Jarvis, Dean Luethi, Dave Alumni: Jeff Baker, Georgina Philipson,
Snider, David Turnbull, Brian Ward, Vijay Singh, Matt Sazima.
Greg Yasinitsky. Auditions: Beginning of the Fall semester.
Alumni: Horace-Alexander Young, Gary Financial Aid: Available. Contact Patty Hoban,
Wittner, Brent Jensen, Brent phoban@williamette.edu.
Edstrom, Rob Tapper, Julie Silvera Scholarships: Need- and merit-based.
Jensen, Jamie Shew, Rober Contact Patty Hoban, phoban@
Shew, Zac Matthews, Gus williamette.edu.
Kambeitz, Tom Marko, John Apply by: Nov. 1 (early decision),
Gronberg, Tim Devine, Misha Nov. 15 (early action), Jan. 15
Stefanuk, Greg Duncan, Dave (regular decision).
Hagelganz, F. David Snider. Contact: Wallace Long, Director of Choral
Jazz Bands: Jazz Band I, Jazz Band II, VoJazz Studies, wlongjr@williamette.edu.



Indiana University Jacobs

School of Music





y the time James Clarke reached high school in his native undergraduate level. Doing it right requires a lot of focus, and

B Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, he had his sights set on a

career in music. A classical pianist since the age of
4, he gave his first festival recital at 10. Discovering Oscar
if you don’t approach it carefully it can elongate the process of
getting your degree.”
Cost, of course, is a major factor in choosing the two-step
Peterson’s 1962 album Night Train redirected the young path. This is why many students start their education at
prodigy into jazz. As a 17-year-old, he floored audiences with community college before transferring to a larger university.
his technique and enthusiasm. Similarly, some students begin at an in-state institution and
Clarke seemed like a natural to jump into a high- then transfer to a conservatory, which might be located in a
performance jazz program at a major university, yet he and his different state. These money-saving approaches are becoming
parents decided to delay that move by a couple of years. Instead, increasingly attractive to budding musicians (and their
he pursued a two-year diploma in jazz and contemporary families).
music performance at Edmonton’s MacEwan University before “About eight out of 10 students are dependent on financial
transferring to a larger post-secondary institution. aid of some kind,” said Paul Krueger, director of bands and jazz
Now, at 25 and having earned a bachelor of music in jazz studies at Lane Community College in Eugene, Oregon, which
performance at McGill University in Montreal, Clarke feeds a lot of young people to the University of Oregon’s popular
considers his path a wise decision. jazz studies program. “Student loans have become such a big
“I think that starting off at a smaller, more intimate discussion point, and the debt burden for graduates—and their
institution really helps you in your growth as an artist,” Clarke parents—keeps rising.”
wrote in an email. “Larger institutions can often feel cold and This approach is also an attractive option for administrators
overwhelming. In your first years, having a warm community at schools that are happy to accept transfer students. Ken
of people to play with and learn from does a lot toward building Schaphorst, chair of jazz studies at New England Conservatory
your confidence. Then, when you move on to the larger school (NEC), said that transfer students are a welcome addition.
you can focus on challenging yourself.” “They are some of our better students,” he said. “There are
One of Clarke’s former instructors at MacEwan, Ray Baril, various reasons for that, but generally, after a year or two,
says the number of students who are pursuing a two-step music students take their studies more seriously. We’re looking for a
education seems to be increasing throughout North America. solid foundation from our first-year students, and a lot of kids
“It’s definitely a trend,” Baril said. “Part of it is what you coming out of high school just aren’t prepared.”
could call the ‘channel changer’ mentality of young adults Shelly Berg, dean of the Frost School of Music at the
today. They think they’re going to get more than if they stayed University of Miami, said, “It is important for a transfer
in one place. Musically, that’s not always the case for those at the student to arrive with a deep frame of reference in jazz. I advise


Ken Schaphorst of New England Conservatory


Dean Shelly Berg rehearses with student musicians prior to the building
dedication ceremony for the Patricia Louise Frost Music Studios, North and
South Buildings, at the University of Miami’s Frost School of Music on Feb. 20.




will and what will not transfer. Music theory

credits won’t transfer, but students will have
the opportunity to test out of theory classes. If
they aren’t able to test out of any music theory
after transferring, their overall time to degree
completion may take more than four years.”
Steven Moore, Frost School of Music’s
associate dean for undergraduate studies, noted
that students seeking to transfer to Frost must
have a 3.0 grade point average. “They should have
a very strong background in theory and aural
skills classes,” he advised.
Baril said it’s not unusual for students to lose
some of the credits they’ve worked for. “There is
usually some kind of hitch,” he said. “Institutions
are somewhat protective of the educational
sequencing in a degree-based program. That’s just
the nature of specific programs, and students just


have to accept that. Some get frustrated, but they
have to know that it’s just business.”
What can make the transition more
Tenor saxophonist Mark Small (left) and fellow members of the Concert Jazz Band transparent and somewhat smoother is a
at the University of Miami’s Frost School of Music perform at a 2013 concert.
so-called articulation agreement between
institutions, which narrows the range of course
Students in Indiana University’s
Jacobs School of Music options by providing a checklist of courses that
must be taken to satisfy degree requirements
while attending a community college.
For example, Walsh said that Indiana
University has an articulation agreement with Ivy
Tech Community College of Indiana, which spells
out what credits—up to a total of 64—students
can transfer.
Lane Community College has an articulation
agreement in place with Southern Oregon
University in Ashland, and Krueger said it is close
to securing one with the University of Oregon.
The problem, Baril said, is that articulation
agreements can take years to negotiate, and
some institutions are just not interested in them.
Before it was granted a Canadian university
charter in 2009, MacEwan Community College

worked hard to put in place agreements with

sought-after institutions like the University
of Toronto, Berklee College of Music and the
Liverpool Institute of Performing Arts, which
collectively formed a powerful marketing tool
for its two-year diploma program.
immersion in a variety of jazz styles, and I think does not guarantee third-year academic status, Clarke said the articulation agreement in
reading skills and intuition should be top-notch. and second-year studio placement does not place between MacEwan and McGill let him know
For non-pianists, I think it is a big advantage to guarantee second-year academic status.” exactly what was expected of him.
have some fluency in jazz keyboard voicings.” NEC’s policy ends on this cautionary note: “That really made transferring an easy
Even if a student has the proper skills to “Students transferring into the Conservatory process,” Clarke said. “It’s very important for
potentially excel at another institution, she or he should expect to lose credits.” students who are planning to transfer to give
might discover that the process of switching from It’s not exactly the message a student who is themselves lots of time to investigate what will be
one school to another is not necessarily a straight- working hard to excel at a community college or required of them. It can be a real headache if you
forward one. At the core of the issue is the ques- state university wants to hear. It’s understandable don’t have all of your ducks in a row beforehand.”
tion of which credits a student can transfer from that students would immediately wonder, “But Even more important than an articulation
one institution to another. which credits will I lose? What should I be agreement, though, is what students do to make
Reading the transfer regulations on university taking instead of what I’m taking now?” So it’s their intentions to transfer known to their desired
websites can be an exercise in frustration, important to understand exactly what the rules destination and to form relationships with the faculty
with institutions couching their rules in and regulations are. Educators at both the current and administration at the degree-granting institution.
cautious language. institution and the future institution can assist “Making sure that the university faculty
NEC’s page of frequently asked questions with these questions. members—who generally spend more time
includes this query: The policy posted online by the Jacobs School recruiting high school students than community
Question: “If I have completed two years of of Music at Indiana University summarizes the college students—know who you are can make
study at another school, will I be a junior at NEC?” issue: “How credits transfer is a complicated a big difference when it comes time to transfer,”
Answer: “That depends. As explained above, question.” Krueger said. “Having a relationship with
your audition will determine your studio Tom Walsh, chair of jazz studies at the Jacobs university faculty increases the likelihood of
placement. However, third-year studio placement School, said, “Students should look into what admittance through your audition, and it might


Student musicians at Indiana
University’s Jacobs School of Music


even encourage the faculty member to seek out knowledge of the history,” he said. “Students need
scholarship money for you.” to develop excellent ability on their instrument
Walsh echoed that point. “It is very in terms of sound and style, and their ability to
beneficial for students to get to know faculty,” improvise over chord changes. They should also
he said. “Asking for a lesson is a great idea. If work on developing a strong music theory and
the faculty member will do it, you can find out ear-training foundation.”
exactly what you need to work on to be prepared While keeping your eye on the prize is import-
for your audition. If you can’t visit the school ant to making a successful transition, there is con-
in person to do this, ask about doing a lesson sensus that students shouldn’t focus so much on
through Skype or FaceTime.” the future that they forget to live in the moment.
Baril said students need to be proactive and Walsh said his one piece of advice for prospec-
remember that universities view each applicant as tive transfer students is to enjoy the entire process:
a unique case. “Work on [building] a strong foundation in terms
“You need to get to the chair of the department of jazz knowledge, your ability on your instru-
if you’re confused about the process in any way,” ment and music theory, but also connect with
Baril said. “Don’t go by word of mouth; asking people who are creating jazz at a high level,” he
questions is critical. And don’t depend on an said. “Jazz is a community and a culture—not just
email; most universities are still pretty old- an academic study.”
school when it comes to communication. If you “Take the time to develop your confidence
can connect directly with the person you want and your understanding of the jazz language,”
to study with, you can get them on your side. I’ve Schaphorst advised. “When we consider
seen that be the determining factor.” students, we look for some inkling of who the
Beyond the personal connection and the individual is, and the more you play, the more
official transcript, those at community colleges you develop that individuality.”
and universities agree that students hoping to Baril pointed out that students who are
transfer should document everything they pursue planning to transfer should not lose sight of the
at their first institution, create a strong portfolio unique advantages that their current institution
and collect letters of recommendation. offers. “Students who are too focused on getting to
“When a student is on top of things like that, the next place may run the risk of not connecting
the process generally goes well,” Baril said. with people at their first institution,” Baril said. “I
Krueger noted that patience is also very tell students to take the time to socialize, play as
important. “Students can be discouraged by much as possible and take the time to develop.”
the amount of work it takes to succeed as a Looking back on his two years at MacEwan,
transfer,” he said. “There is sometimes pressure to Clarke expressed no regrets: “I’m really glad I was
transfer after exactly two years, but every student able to start in a smaller program with a small
progresses at a different rate. Don’t let the two- number of students. We really got to enjoy the
year ‘time limit’ discourage you. Sometimes it learning and exploring of music as a group. We
takes longer to develop your musicianship to the practiced together, jammed together and grew
point where you’re ready for the big audition at the together. You really need to focus on enjoying
four-year school.” your time at the first institution and get as much
Walsh emphasizes the importance of technique under your fingers as possible so you
developing a musical foundation. “[Students can really concentrate on creative growth at your
should] listen to the jazz masters and develop second institution.” DB




Box Hill Institute

Melbourne, Australia


Student Body: 40,000 total, 450 music students.
Tuition: $15,000 AUD.
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Applied Music
(Performance), Bachelor of Applied
Music (Audio Production),
Bachelor of Applied Music
(Composition), Master of Music. Senzoku Gakuen College of Music
Faculty: Dr. Tim Weir, Frank DiSario,
Jeremy Alsop, James Sherlock,
Tony Floyd, Dave Beck, Gianni ensemble. Auditions: Visit humber.ca/scapa/programs/
Marinucci, Mario Lattuada, Simon Auditions: In person, or distance auditions music/bachelor-of-music/
Edwards, Ben Wiesner, Craig via Skype and recording. Visit auditions.
Schneider, Peter Satchell, Chris capilanou.ca/jazz-studies/ Financial Aid: Available. Call (416) 675-5000 and
Dickie, George Papanicolou, Neil Audition-Process. ask to speak with Financial Aid.
Kennedy, Rob Brattetich. Financial Aid: Visit capilanou.ca/financial-aid. Scholarships: Available. Tuition
Jazz Bands: Jazz Ensemble, Soul Lab, Rhythm Scholarships: Need- and merit-based. Visit scholarships granted at Music
Section Workshop, vocal capilanou.ca/financial-aid. Fest Canada; also, Renewable
ensembles, various small groups. Apply by: Auditions in February and again in Scholarships for high school
Auditions: Visit bhtafe.edu.au/courses/ May if seats are still available. music students entering the
study-areas/Pages/music.aspx Contact: Dr. Jared Burrows, Coordinator, Bachelor of Music Program.
Financial Aid: Available. (604) 984-4951, jazz@capilanou.ca. Contact (416) 675-6622, ext. 3205
Scholarships: Visit bhtafe.edu.au/students/ or jennifer.hannah@humber.ca.
scholarships. Conservatorium van Amsterdam Apply by: February.
Apply by: Rolling applications for both Amsterdam, The Netherlands Contact: Dr. Andrew Scott, Academic
February and July start dates. Student Body: 1,100 (including jazz, classical, Advisor (School of Music),
Contact: Dr. Tim Weir, Head of Music, +61 3 opera and pop). andrew.scott@humber.ca.
9286 9780, creativeindustries@ Tuition: Statutory fee: €1,906 if you are from
boxhill.edu.au. a country within the European Jazz Music Institute
Economic Area, Switzerland Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Capilano University 80 music students.
or Surinam. The rate also applies Student Body:
North Vancouver, British Columbia, to UAF refugee students. You Tuition: $12,600.
must also live in the Netherlands, Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Jazz
Student Body: 7,500 total, 175 jazz majors. Belgium, Luxembourg or parts of Performance, Diploma of Music
Tuition: $7,500 for Canadian residents; Germany. Other students pay (Jazz Performance).
$20,000 for international students. higher rates. Faculty: Ben Hauptmann, Brendan Clarke,
Jazz Degrees: Diploma in Jazz Studies, Jazz Degrees: Bachelor’s and Master’s. Dan Quigley, Steve Russell, James
Bachelor of Music in Jazz Studies Faculty: ahk.nl/en/conservatorium/ Sandon, Paula Girvan, Sharny
(Performance/Composition), teachers. Russell, David Theak, David
Bachelor of Music in Jazz Jazz Bands: Various settings. Sanders.
Studies (Education). Auditions: ahk.nl/en/conservatorium/ Jazz Bands: JMI Jazz Orchestra.
Faculty: Mary Jo Bischoff, Graham application/application- Auditions: Visit jazz.qld.edu.au.
Boyle, Jared Burrows, Bill and-admission/ Financial Aid: Available for
Coon, Kevin Elaschuk, Dennis entrance-examination. Australian citizens.
Esson, Kate Hammett- Financial Aid: cva-studadmin@ahk.nl. Apply by: January.
Vaughn, Steve Kaldestad, John Apply by: March 15. Contact: Nick Quigley, play@jazz.qld.edu.au.
Korsrud, Ihor Kukurudza, André Contact: cva-studadmin@ahk.nl.
Lachance, Steve Maddock, Leeds College of Music
Chad Makela, Réjean Marois, Humber College, School of Creative Leeds, England, United Kingdom
Lorne Kellett, Rob McKenzie, and Performing Arts Student Body: 1,000 full-time and 1,500
Lisa Miller, Laurence Mollerup,
Bradshaw Pack, Darren Radtke, Toronto, Ontario, Canada part-time students.
Dave Robbins, Ron Samworth, Student Body: 380 music students. Tuition: Foundation certificate, £7,500;
Craig Scott, Chris Sigerson, Brad Tuition: Domestic, $8,400; international, Undergraduate degree, £9,000.
Turner, Dylan Vanderschyff. $14,800 (Canadian dollars). Faculty: Al Cherry, Andrew Hickey, Anna
Guest artists have included Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music. Uhuru, Bhupinder Singh Chaggar,
Randy Brecker, Dave Liebman, Faculty: Pat LaBarbera, Brian Dickinson, Brian Morell, Dale Perkins, Dave
Bill Frisell, Kofi Gbolonyo, Mike Downes, Ted Quinlan, Walsh, Garry Jackson.
Kurt Elling, Phil Nimmons, John Al Kay, Denny Christianson, Brad Jazz Degrees: lcm.ac.uk/courses/
Abercrombie, Louis Hayes, Jason Klump, Lisa Martinelli, Mark Undergraduate/Jazz.
Marsalis, Jean-Michel Pilc, Promane, Mark Kelso, Shirantha Jazz Bands: Two jazz ensembles.
Bob Mintzer, Luciana de Souza, Beddage, Peter Cook, Alex Dean, Auditions: Visit lcm.ac.uk/courses/how-
Ernan Lopez-Nussa. Kirk MacDonald, Andrew Scott, to-apply/undergraduate.
Alumni: Bria Skonberg, Graeme Langager, Gord Sheard, Ian Terry and over Financial Aid: None.
Neelamjit Dhillon, Gord Grdina, 80 part-time teachers representing Scholarships: None.
Cat Toren, Amanda Tosoff, Evan the finest musicians in Canada. Apply by: Visit lcm.ac.uk/courses/
Arntzen, Sharon Minemoto, Alumni: Jeff Healey, Rik Emmett, Louise how-to-apply.
Cory Weeds. Petri, Dione Taylor, Al Kay, Brian Contact: Visit lcm.ac.uk.
Jazz Bands: Three big bands, three vocal Dickinson, Davide Virelles, Eli
jazz ensembles, 20 combos, Bennett, Jon Challoner, Andrew Lucerne School of Music
percussion ensemble, rhythmic Kesler. Lucerne, Switzerland
music ensemble, guitar/bass Jazz Bands: Over 50 student ensembles. Student Body: 262 undergraduate, 279 graduate.



Guido Basso (left) with the Humber College Studio Jazz Ensemble

Tuition: 1,100 CHF (Swiss Francs)/

Jazz Degrees: Bachelor, Master in Performance,
Master in Composition/
Arrangement, Master in
Music Pedagogy
Faculty: Gerry Hemingway, Nils Wogram,
Frank Möbus, Lauren Newton,
Susanne Abbuehl, others.
Jazz Bands: Big Band, 20–25 combos.
Auditions: Visit hslu.ch/en/lucerne-
Financial Aid: None.
Scholarships: None.
Apply by: Feb. 28.
Contact: Haemi Haemmerli, jazz@hslu.ch.
MacEwan University DON VICKERY
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Student Body: 160.
Tuition: $7,300 basic tuition
including books. $10,000; international, $21,000. Jan Voogd, Koos Wiltenburg,
Jazz Degrees: University transferable Music Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Jazz Steve Altenberg, Joost van Schaik.
Diploma. Includes majors in Performance, Bachelor of Music Alumni: Tarek Yamani, Sanem Kalfa,
performance, composition, in Jazz Faculty Program, Licentiate Francien van Tuinen.
recording arts and general and in Music Jazz Performance, Jazz Bands: Big Band, Fusion Ensemble,
Bachelor of Music in Jazz and Artist Diploma in Jazz Cubop Ensemble, Standards
Contemporary Popular Music. Performance, Master in Music in Ensembles, Brazilian Ensemble,
Faculty: Chris Andrew, Aaron Bailey, Jazz Performance, Doctorate in New York Comes To Groningen
Raymond Baril, Dr. Craig Brenan, Music in Jazz Performance. Ensemble.
Bruce Cable, Graham Caddel, Faculty: Remi Bolduc, Joe Sullivan, Kevin Auditions: May and June.
Jeff Campbell, Roxanne Classen, Dean, Andre White, Jean-Michel Financial Aid: Available.
Erin Craig, Sandro Dominelli, Pilc, John Hollenbeck. Scholarships: Available.
Jerrold Dubyk, Daniel Gervais, Dr. Alumni: Darcy James Argue, Sienna Apply by: May 1.
Allan Gilliland, Andrew Glover, Dahlen, Christine Jensen, Joel Contact: W. Kroonenberg, w.s.kroonen
Julie Golosky, Joel Gray, Marcel Miller, Donna Grantis. berg@pl.hanze.nl, or JG Krüger,
Hamel, Devin Hart, Sheril Hart, Jazz Bands: Jazz Orchestra I and II, Chamber j.kruger@pl.hanze.nl.
Jim Head, Jeff Johnson, Wilf Jazz Ensemble, Rhythm Section
Kozub, Mo Lefever, Dr. Michael Ensemble, Vocal Jazz Ensemble, Projazz Instituto Profesional
MacDonald, John Mahon, 25 combos. Santiago, Chile
Matthew Parsons, Jamie Philp, Auditions: Screening process for all Student Body: 480.
Dr. Bill Richards, Chandelle jazz instruments. Live, recorded Tuition: $5,200.
Rimmer, Kent Sangster, Dan and regional audition options. Jazz Degrees: Instrumental Performance in
Skakun, Dorothy Speers, John Visit mcgill.ca/music/ Jazz and Popular Music, Music
Taylor, Robert Thompson, Brian future-students/undergraduate/ Composition with emphasis in
Thurgood, Dr. Tom Van Seters, audition-requirements. Performance, or Music for Film
Robert Walsh, Rhonda Withnell. Financial Aid: Government aid and McGill and Audio-Visual Media.
Jazz Bands: One big band, two showcase student aid available. Visit mcgill. Faculty: Patricio Ramírez, Sebastián
bands, one jazz combo, one ca/studentaid/scholarships-aid. Vergara, Ana María Meza, Karen
jazz choir, one guitar band, one Scholarships: Entrance Music Scholarships Rodenas, Andrés Pérez,
percussion ensemble, 12 based on merit and Cristián Gallardo, Claudio Rubio,
contemporary combos, one in-course scholarships. Federico Dannemann, Andrés
contemporary lab band. Academic entrance scholarships. Baeza, Carl Hammond, Amelie
Auditions: Held in March/April and June if Apply by: Feb. 1. Wenborne, Cristóbal Orozco,
the program is not full. Applicants Contact: Rémi Bolduc, Jazz Area Chair, Miguel Pérez, Moncho Romero,
who meet the admission remi.bolduc@mcgill.ca ; Melanie Jazz Bands: Projazz Big Band, Colectivo Los
requirement are granted an Collins, Recruitment Officer, Musicantes, Ensamble Superior
audition. Qualified applicants melanie.collins@mcgill.ca. Projazz.
are accepted on a first-come, Auditions: On-campus auditions. Open from
first-served basis. Prince Claus Conservatory October 2015 to January 2016.
Financial Aid: Available. Contact (780) 497- Groningen, The Netherlands International students may send
4340 or (888) 497-4622 (ext. 4340). Student Body: 100. MP3s, CDs or DVDs.
Laurie Woldanski, woldanskiL@ Tuition: Approximately $2,500 for EU Financial Aid: None.
macewan.ca. students. Scholarships: Social scholarships, talent
Scholarship: Need- and merit-based. Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music, Master of scholarships, scholarship of
Contact (780) 497-5033. Music. academic excellence. Contact
Apply by: Open until program is full. Faculty: Michael Philip Mossman, Adam George Abufhele, geo@projazz.cl.
Last scheduled audition in June. Nussbaum, Tim Armacost, Apply by: International students should
Contact: Carolyn Graber, (780) 497-4436, Joe Locke, Paul Bollenback, apply by Jan. 15.
graberc@macewan.ca or music Adam Kolker, Wycliffe Gordon, Contact: George Abufhele, +56 2 2596
diploma@macewan.ca. Mike LeDonne and Matt Wilson. 8420, geo@projazz.cl.
Michael Moore, Miguel Martinez,
McGill University, Mark Haanstra, Jasper Soffers, Puerto Rico Conservatory of Music
Schulich School of Music Marc van Roon, Kurt Weiss, Jilt San Juan, Puerto Rico
Montreal, Quebec, Canada Jansma, Frank Wingold, Winfred Student Body: 400.
Student Body: 550 undergraduate, 300 graduate. Buma, Floor van Zutphen, Tuition: $5,000.
Tuition: Undergraduate, Canadians, Francien van Tuinen, Paul Berner, Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music and Artist



Diploma in Jazz and Caribbean Music. Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music (Honours),
Faculty: Elías Santos-Celpa, Luis Marín, Bachelor of Arts (Honours),
Julio Alvarado, Andrew Lázaro, Bachelor of Arts (Advanced Major),
Orlando Laureano, Fernando Bachelor of Arts.
Mattina, Fidel Morales, Norberto Faculty: Ryan Billington, Kevin Brunkhorst,
Ortíz, Emmanuel Navarro, Pedro Greg Carter, Tony Genge, Jake

Pérez, Javier Rodriguez Curet, Hanlon, Terry O’Mahoney, Gene
Gabriel Rodriguez, Charlie Sepúlveda. Smith, Paul Tynan.
Auditions: Feb. 12. Alumni: Ken Aldcroft, Ethan Ardelli,
Financial Aid: Contact Students Affairs Office, Ryan Davidson, Greg Gatien. Trumpeter Randy Brecker performs
(787) 751-0160 ext. 253, lconde@ with Capilano University students
Jazz Bands: Jazz combos (4–10, depending
cmpr.pr.gov. on class distribution), Vocal Jazz,
Apply by: Dec. 7. Guitar Ensemble. Te Koki New Zealand School of Music
Contact: Ana Marta Arraiza, Admissions Auditions: Vary for each studio; contact Wellington and Auckland, New Zealand
Coordinator, admisiones@cmpr.edu. university for details. Student Body: 550 EFT (equivalent full
Financial Aid: Available. Contact Rachel time students).
Royal Academy of Music MacFarlane, (902) 867-5458.
London, England, United Kingdom Tuition: International students: $27,515;
Scholarships: Limited, academic-based. New Zealand students: $6,200.
Student Body: 730 total, 35 jazz students. Apply by: June 1. Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music, Bachelor of
Tuition: Bachelor of Music in Jazz Contact: Kevin Brunkhorst, Chair, (902) 867- Music with Honors, Post-Graduate
Studies, £9000 (UK/EU 2467, kbrunkho@stfx.ca. Diploma in Music, Master of
students except ELQ), £20,700 Music, Master of Musical Arts,
(international); Master of Selkirk College Doctor of Musical Arts, Artist
Arts, £10,795 (UK/EU students British Columbia, Canada Diploma, Doctor of Philosophy.
except ELQ), £21,475 (internation- Student Body: 90. Faculty: Mark Donlon, Norman Meehan,
al); Master of Music, £10,865 (UK/ Tuition: $2,500/semester. Dr. Dave Lisik, Lance Philip,
EU students except ELQ), £21,630 Jazz Degrees: Performance, Production, Song others.
(international). Writing, Composition, Directed Jazz Bands: Three big bands (including a jazz
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Jazz Studies, guitar band), combos at all levels,
Master of Art, Master of Music. jazz choir.
Faculty: Nick Smart, Dave Liebman, Faculty: Visit selkirk.ca/program/
music/faculty. Auditions: Visit nzsm.ac.nz/study-here/
Larry Goldings, Pete Churchill, audition.
Tom Cawley, Barak Schmool, Jazz Bands: Jazz, funk, blues, r&b, world,
recording. Financial aid: Grants and awards
Keith Nichols, Alyn Shipton, available. Visit nzsm.ac.nz/
Norma Winstone, Gwilym Auditions: Visit selkirk.ca/program/music.
Financial Aid: Available. Visit selkirk.ca/ student-zone/
Simcock, Mike Walker, Phil scholarships-and-prizes.
Robson, Michael Janisch, Jeff program/music.
Scholarships: Available. Visit selkirk.ca/ Scholarships: Available. Contact jazz@
Williams, Ian Thomas, others. nzsm.ac.nz.
Alumni: John Escreet, Orlando le Fleming, program/music.
Apply by: Visit selkirk.ca/program/music. Apply by: Southern Hemisphere calendar,
Gwilym Simcock, Kwabs, Trish application for audition by Oct. for
Clowes, Joshua Blackmore, Kit Contact: Sue Hill, shill@selkirk.ca.
study from March.
Downes, Chris Montague, Reuben Berys Cuncannon, Jazz Program
Fowler, Freddie Gavita, Tom Senzoku Gakuen College of Music Contact:

Kawasaki City, Kanagawa, Japan Administrator, +644463 4762,

Green, Jasper Hoiby, Ivo Neame. jazz@nzsm.ac.nz.
Jazz Bands: Big band, numerous small Student Body: 1,800 total, 130 jazz students.
ensembles. Tuition: ¥995,000.
Financial Aid: Hardship awards available; Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Arts. Universidad San
bursaries on the basis of financial
Faculty: Yoshihiko Katori, Tomonao Hara, Francisco de Quito
Eric Miyashiro, Bob Zung, Kaori
Scholarships: Merit-based. Kobayashi, Dana Hanchard.
Apply by: Oct. 1. Jazz Bands: Four big bands, 30 ensemble Quito, Ecuador
Contact: Emily Mould, jazz@ram.ac.uk. classes. Student Body: 420 full-time students (310
Auditions: Entrance exams begin Aug. 8 performance majors, 110 music
St. Francis Xavier University and continue to March 13. production majors).
Antigonish, Nova Scotia, Canada Financial Aid: senzoku.ac.jp/music/en. Tuition: $8,900 (for local and international).
Student Body: 40–80 music majors. Scholarships: Available after entering. Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Art in Contemporary
Tuition: Undergraduate, Canadian Apply by: March 4. Music Performance, Bachelor
residents: $6,800. Contact: Admissions, entry@senzoku.ac.jp. of Art in Music Production and
Engineering. Students can also
attend two years at UFSQ and
finish at Berklee College of Music.
Faculty: Daniela Guzmán, Diego Celi,
Esteban Molina, Francisco Lara,
Gabriel Ferreyra, Gabriel Montúfar,
Guillermo Cepeda, Hazel Burns,
Horacio Valdivieso, Ignacio Azor,
Jorge Balladares, Jorge Luis Mora,
Michael Kihn, Paulina Alemán,
Ryan Hagler, Teresa Brauer,
Viktorija Pilatovic. Artists-in-
Residence include Jonathan
Kreisberg, Mike Moreno.
Jazz Bands: More than 20 ensembles,
including Jazz Big Band, Bebop
combo, Latin Jazz combo, Modal
Jazz combo, Contemporary
Brazilian combo, Traditional
Brazilian combo, Jazz-Fusion



combo, Blues combo, others. Scholarships: Visit adelaide.edu.au/degree- and permanent residents:
Auditions: On-campus or through video or finder/2015/bmus_bmusjazz.html. approximately $5,000;
audio recording. Contact Diego Apply by: September. international: approximately
Celi, Vice Dean, dceli@usfq.edu. Contact: Dusty Cox, dustan.cox@adelaide. $10,000. Graduate Continuing fee:
ec. Visit usfq.edu.ec/programas_ edu.au. approximately $1,500 per year
academicos/colegios/imc/ after first year.
aspirantes. Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Jazz Studies, Post-
Scholarships: Merit-based. University of Guelph Baccalaureate Diploma in
Apply by: May 15. Performance, Master of Music in
Contact: Esteban Molina, Dean, emolina@ Guelph, Ontario, Canada Jazz Performance.
usfq.edu.ec; Diego Celi, Vice Faculty: Steve Kirby, Derrick Gardner,
Dean, dceli@usfq.edu.ec; Patricia Student Body: 18,204 undergraduates.
Tuition: Undergraduate, Canadian student, Quincy Davis, Will Bonness,
Monge, Academic Coordinator, Jon Gordon, Larry Roy, Anna-Lisa Kirby.
pmonge@usfq.edu.ec; Cristina $3,099/semester; international
student, $9,654.58. Jazz Bands: Jazz Orchestra, small jazz ensembles.
Zambrano, Administrative Auditions: Held in mid-February. Audition
Assistant; czambranoz@usfq.edu. Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Arts in Music.
Faculty: Kimberly Francis, James Harley, and theory test required, in person
ec. (+593 2) 297-1761, (+593 2) or by DVD.
297-1769. Marta McCarthy, Howard Spring.
Jazz Bands: One jazz band, multiple ensembles. Financial Aid: Bursaries available by application
(Oct. 1 deadline), based on need.
University of Adelaide, Elder Auditions: No auditions for School of Music.
Scholarships: Based on audition. General
Conservatorium of Music Financial Aid: Available. Visit uoguelph.ca/
University of Manitoba scholar-
Adelaide, South Australia, Australia registrar/studentfinance/aid/index.
ships also available. Visit
Scholarship: Visit uoguelph.ca/registrar/
Student Body: 100. umanitoba.ca/student/
Tuition: Australian students, $6,150 (AUD), moneymatters_hub.html.
Apply: Jan. 14 (admissions round 1), mid-
international, $26,000 (AUD) Apply by: Jan. 15.
March (admissions round 2) and
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Jazz Contact: Shelley O’Leary, Admissions
mid-May (admissions round 3).
Performance. Coordinator, (204) 474-6728,
Contact: College of Arts, (519) 824-4120
Faculty: Dusty Cox, John Aue, Mark shelley.oleary@umanitoba.ca.
ext. 5330. Visit uoguelph.ca/
Ferguson, Derek Pascoe, Lyndon umanitoba.ca/music.
Gray, James Muller, Peter Dowdall,
Chris Soole, Adam Page, Dave University of Manitoba,
McEvoy. University of Music and
Jazz Bands: Big Band, Latin Ensemble, Vocal
Desautels Faculty of Music Performing Arts, Graz
Jazz Choir, 15-plus small Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
ensembles. Student Body: 40-45, including grad students.
Auditions: Sept. Visit adelaide.edu.au/de Tuition: Undergraduate, Canadians and Graz, Austria
gree-finder/2015/bmus_bmusjazz.html. permanent residents: Student Body: 1,600 total, 120 jazz students.
Financial Aid: Available. Visit adelaide.edu.au/ approximately $5,200; Tuition: No tuition for EU citizens; non-EU
degree-finder/2015/bmus_bmus international: approximately citizens, €1,490.84.
jazz.html. $15,000. Graduate, Canadians Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Arts in Jazz


Performance, Master of Arts in Jazz Performance,
Master of Arts in Jazz Composition/Arranging, Master of
Arts in Jazz Ensemble Conducting.
Jazz Bands: 16 combos, two big bands.
Faculty: Michael Abene, Julian Argüelles, Renato Chicco, Howard
Curtis, Dena DeRose, Guido Jeszenszky, Ed Neumeister,
Ed Partyka, Olaf Polziehn, Morten Ramsbøl, Jim Rotondi.
Auditions: Live auditions and theory test required. Visit jazz.kug.ac.at.
Apply by: March 1.
Contact: Benjamin Hrdina, jazz@kug.ac.at.
University of Sydney
Sydney, Australia
Student Body: 51,394.
Tuition: Undergraduate, local: $3,313–$4,200; international:
Jazz Degrees: Diploma of Music, Bachelor of Music in Music Education,
Bachelor of Music in Performance, Graduate Diploma in
Music Performance, Master of Music Studies–
Performance, Doctor of Musical Arts, Doctor of Philosophy.
Faculty: sydney.edu.au/arts.
Jazz Bands: Three big bands and 11 small ensembles.
Auditions: music.sydney.edu.au/study/audition-requirements.
Financial Aid: Available. Visit sydney.edu.au/future-students/
Scholarships: Visit sydney.edu.au/scholarships.
Apply by: Visit sydney.edu.au/future-students/international/
Contact: Visit sydney.edu.au.
University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Student Body: 600 undergraduates, 280 graduate.
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Performance, Master of Music and
Doctor of Musical Arts.
Faculty: Terry Promane, Gordon Foote, Chase Sanborn, Mike
Murley, Jim Lewis.
Jazz Bands: Four jazz orchestras, small jazz combos, vocal jazz ensemble.
Auditions: Visit music.utoronto.ca/ home.htm, uoftjazz.ca.
Financial Aid: Entrance scholarships available.
Scholarships: Merit- and need-based. Contact undergrad.music@utoronto.ca.
Apply by: Visit music.utoronto.ca/site5.aspx.
Contact: Jennifer Panasiuk or Terry Promane, Jazz Area Head,
(416) 978-3741, undergrad.music@utoronto.ca.
Vancouver Island University
Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada
Student Body: 80 music students.
Tuition: Visit www2.viu.ca/music.
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor Of Music In Jazz Performance.
Faculty: Pat Coleman, Ken Lister, Hans Verhoeven, Greg Bush, Ian Sinclair.
Jazz Bands: One big band and 20 combos.
Auditions: Video submissions accepted. Visit www2.viu.ca/music.
Financial Aid: Available. Visit www2.viu.ca/financialaid.
Scholarships: Various scholarships based on GPA, performance.
Apply by: Mid-August.
Contact: James Mark, Music Department Chair, James.Mark@viu.ca.
York University
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Student Body: 200 jazz students.
Tuition: Approximately $6,900 CDN for Canadian students;
$20,500 CDN for international students.
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Fine Arts, Master of Arts
with Concentration in Jazz Studies, Ph.D. with
Concentration in Jazz Studies.
Faculty: Barry Elmes, Al Henderson, Ron Westray, Sundar
Viswanathan, Kevin Turcotte, Lorne Lofsky, Kelly Jefferson,
Mark Eisenman, Richard Whiteman, Artie Roth, others.
Jazz Bands: 20 small jazz ensembles, Jazz Orchestra, Jazz Choir.
Auditions: On-campus evaluations take place February through April.
Online auditions are available for distance applicants.
Financial Aid: Visit futurestudents.yorku.ca/funding.
Scholarships: Visit futurestudents.yorku.ca/funding.
Apply by: Feb. 4 (undergraduate), Feb. 1 (graduate).
Contact: Bill Thomas, (416) 736-5186, musicprg@yorku.ca; Lindsey
Ostrosser, (416) 736-2100 ext. 58176, ampd@yorku.ca.

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