Student Music Guide
Student Music Guide
Student Music Guide
Find Your Fit—Detailed
Listings for 222 Schools
Getting the Big Scholarship
The Affordable 2-Step Degree
Real-World Experience at College
Innovations at University of
Miami’s Frost School of Music
hen trumpeter Ambrose Akinmusire musical skills, obviously. Professional behavior and mindsets. Nobody is going to ‘employ’ you.
Business of Jazz class for fourth-year under- marketplace for music,” Hedenstrom said. “And universities, Dyas offers students advice on how
grads and master’s students covers a variety of I think I’ve been well prepared for it. You have a to put together a strong presentation. “But some-
practical topics, such as how to put together an lot of courses that go into things like video edit- times he tells the students that a teaching position
effective EPK, how to write a résumé and how to ing, how to do research in a library and how to may not exist,” Seeff added. “He talks about volun-
apply for teaching positions. structure a syllabus in a college course. I took a teering yourself at every institution in your area.
Flagg described how young undergraduates class on performing arts management, where we You go to the administration and say, ‘I want to
at Juilliard are advised to focus on their pro- discussed how we can start our own nonprofit do this clinic for free this time, so you can come
fessional goals: “The first assignment is for stu- organization. In one of my courses last year, we and check out what I’m doing.’ That way, you
dents to write their own professional mission had a whole unit on how to do a good job inter- create interest. If you knock everybody’s socks
statement, which, as you can imagine, for fresh- view. We actually practiced Skype interviews: off, you have a better chance of being asked back
men is pretty weird. ‘What are your goals? What We practiced it twice and tried to see how we the next time for pay.”
is your purpose?’ We use what they write to could improve it the second time. One common Beyond applying for college or high school
check in with them every couple of months: ‘Are mistake was that we rambled too much. We faculty positions, some schools ensure that
you getting all you need from Juilliard to ful- talked about making sure the background on their students gain actual teaching experience
fill this mission? Is this still your mission state- your Skype screen is pleasant, without a lot of before they graduate. “Even before I started my
ment? Have things changed?’ Let’s treat your distractions. You frame with the proper light- freshman year, I was a teaching assistant along
career seriously.” ing. You don’t sit too close to the screen.” with other freshmen at one of the Juilliard Jazz
“Unless you want to be like Charles Ives, At the Thelonious Monk Institute at UCLA, Camps,” said Russell Hall, a bassist and jazz
who was a great classical composer but sold J.B. Dyas, the vice president for education and studies major at Juilliard. “It taught me a lot
insurance to survive, you’ll need to have a curriculum development, offers students spe- about what’s appropriate for different students.
career-goals profile,” said Rich DeRosa, direc- cifics on how to teach jazz pedagogy effective- You get students who are very eager but may not
tor of jazz composition and arranging at North ly. “If you walk into a room of beginner high understand some of the concepts you’re trying
Texas University. “And the first question should school students, how would you address each to relate to them. Other students maybe don’t
be, ‘Do you want to make a living solely in instrument, assuming these kids know noth- want to do a lot of work but they can grab con-
music?’ If so, I try to impart to these students ing about jazz?” Seeff explained. “Dr. Dyas cepts really easily. It varies, so you learn how to
that they’re never compromising themselves if has all these great methods in place for what vary what you do to reach each one of them.”
they do gigs with the utmost integrity, to take to do with the bass player, what to do with the Many institutions offer students the experi-
the 12 notes of music and provide what a client piano player and how to get them from zero to ence of working in a state-of-the-art record-
needs or what the situation requires.” sounding like they’re playing jazz by the end ing studio. This is especially true at The Herb
North Texas student Aaron Hedenstrom of the first session.” Alpert School of Music at California Institute
agrees with DeRosa. “It’s definitely a changing As for finding teaching gigs at high schools or of the Arts (CalArts) in Valencia. Each spring,
Stefon Harris (left) leads a class at New
York University (NYU Steinhardt)
prospective/humanities/music. Apply by: Visit Jazz Degrees: Jazz Studies Special
Info about our Contact: John Castellano, (212) 741-0091, Concentration (Minor in Jazz),
music faculty is at: Visit Music Major.
profiles/index.cfm?dept=music. Faculty: Chris Washburne, Don Sickler, Ole
Mathisen, Bruce Barth, Andy
The Collective School of Music Milne, Helen Sung, Vince Cherico,
New York, New York The College of Saint Rose
Tony Moreno, Victor Lin, Paul
Student Body: Approximately 75 full-time stu- Bollenback, Dave Gibson,
dents, 200-plus part-time Albany, New York Christine Correa, Leo Traversa,
students. Student Body: 200 music majors. Brad Jones, Ugonna Okegwo,
Tuition: $60,500 2-Year Diploma Program Tuition: $28,820. Amir ElSaffar, Sebastian Cruz,
(or $30,250 per year); $48,000 Jazz Degrees: B.A. in Music, B.S. in Music Adriano dos Santos, Steve Nelson.
Year-and-a-Half Diploma Program; Education, B.S. in Music Industry, Alumni: Bobby Porcelli, Armen Donelian,
$45,000 Year-and-a- minor in Jazz Performance, plus Cameron Brown, Peter Cincotti,
Half Certificate Program; $18,700 minors in Music, Liturgical Music, Sam Reider.
Two-Quarter Certificate Program; Music Technology or Music Jazz Bands: Jazz Ensembles, Free Jazz,
$14,300 Two-Quarter Prep Business. Afro-Colombian, Brazilian, Piano
Program; $8,300 Single-Quarter Faculty: Paul Evoskevich, Matthew Finck, Trio, Vocal Jazz, Big Band.
Elective Program: $10,000 Larry Ham, Andrew Lee, Sean Auditions: Held during the first week of
Advanced Performance Program. McClowry, Mary Anne Nelson, classes in the fall. For instrumental
Jazz Degrees: None offered. Marta Waterman. and vocal jazz, contact Beth Pratt,
Faculty: Ian Froman, Peter Retzlaff, Joe Jazz Bands: Big Band, Combos, Recording program coordinator, bp2413@
Fitzgerald, Hilliard Greene, Chris Musicians’ Ensembles, Vocal
Biesterfelldt, Fernando Hernadez, Jazz Ensemble. Financial Aid: Need-based availabile; (212) 854-
Steve Marks, Bob Quaranta, Auditions: Required. Dec. 12–13, Jan. 23–24, 3711,
Steve Count, Sheryl Bailey, Vince Jan. 30–31, March 18, April 16. Scholarships: None.
Cherico, Mark Flynn, Adriano Consult the New York State Apply by: Early November (early decision),
Santos, Kim Plainfield, Jason School Music Association early January (regular decision).
Gianni, Noriko Tomikawa, Sean (NYSSMA) manual, Levels V and Contact: Prof. Chris Washburne, director,
Conly, Irio O’Farrill, Leo Traversa, VI, or the equivalent manual from, or Beth Pratt,
Nate Radley, Fred Klatz. another state music education program coordinator, bp2413@
Alumni: Billy Martin, Will Calhoun, Zach association.
Danziger, Tal Bergman, Tony Financial Aid: Merit and talent scholarships.
Thompson, Anton Fig, Fred Curry. Scholarships: Application for scholarships is Duquesne University,
Jazz Bands: Student Performance group, automatically submitted upon Mary Pappert School of Music
Advanced Performance Program scheduling of the audition. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
group, Latin Jazz Ensemble. Apply by: Feb. 1, in order to be considered Student Body: 330 students.
Auditions: In-person, video or taped for a music talent scholarship. Tuition: $41,216 Undergraduate, $1,317/
auditions accepted. Contact: Justin Hadley, (518) 454-5186, credit; $21,225 Graduate, $1,415/
Financial Aid: Contact Financial Aid Specialist, credit.
Yahya Alkhansa, yahyaa@ Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music with jazz Columbia University emphasis and a Master of Music
Scholarships: Merit-based scholarships are New York, New York with jazz emphasis.
available for Drums, Guitar, Bass, Student Body: 8,600 undergraduate, 130 Faculty: Michael Tomaro, Joe Negri,
Keyboard and Vocal divi- students in the Louis Armstrong Ronald E. Bickel, Jeff Bush,
sions. Contact Admissions Jazz Performance Program. Kenneth Karsh, Mark Koch,
Director, John Castellano, johnc@ Tuition: $57,391 per year (does not include Jeffrey Mangone, Leonard room and board). Rodgers, R.J. Zimmerman.
Alumni: Marty Ashby, Jay Ashby, Tuition: Undergraduate, $47,770; Apply by: Dec. 1.
Sammy Nestico. Graduate, $1,490 per credit hour. Contact: Sheryle Charles, (585) 274-1440,
Jazz Bands: One big band and 10 combos. Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music–Jazz; visit
Auditions: Dec. 4, Jan. 15, Jan. 29, Feb. Performance or Writing; Master
12. Undergraduate applicants of Music–Jazz Performance,
must also complete the standard Writing or Contemporary Media Five Towns College
University application for admis- Composition; Doctorate of Dix Hills, New York
sion. Entrance to the Mary Music–Jazz Studies. Student Body: 700.
Pappert School of Music requires Faculty: Harold Danko, Bill Dobbins, Tuition: $20,000.
acceptance by both the University Jeff Campbell, Clay Jenkins, Mark Jazz Degrees: Mus.B., A.A.S.
Office of Admissions and the Kellogg, Charles Pillow, Dave Faculty: Visit
School of Music. Rivello, Bob Sneider, Dariusz Alumni: Tito Puente, Adam Levine.
Financial Aid: Available for undergraduate and Terefenko, Rich Thompson. Jazz Bands: Jazz Ensemble, Jazz Orchestra,
graduate students. Contact the Alumni: Ron Carter, Maria Schneider, Swing Band, Vocal Jazz,
University Office of Financial Aid at Steve Gadd, Tony Levin, Byron Barbershop Harmony (men and
(412) 396-6607, Stripling, John Fedchock, Tom women), Cabaret TV Workshop
Scholarships: Talent and academic scholarships Christensen, John Hollenbeck, and American Songbook.
Gary Versace, Ben Wendel, Auditions: Required.
Kavah Rastegar, David Glasser, Financial Aid: Financial Aid Office, (631)
Apply by: For undergraduate, contact Troy
Dan Willis, Bill Reichenbach, Walt 656-2164.
Centofanto, Director of Music
Weiskopf, Scott Healy, Shane Scholarships: Based on need, merit and
Admissions, (412) 396-5064,
Endsley, Ted Poor, Matt audition. April
Mitchell, Red Wierenga. Apply by: Rolling admissions.
1, 2016, for graduate applicants. Eastman Jazz Ensemble,
Jazz Bands: Contact: Admissions Office, (631) 656-
Contact: Troy Centofanto, Director of Music New Jazz Ensemble, Jazz 2110,
Admissions, (412) 396-5064, Lab Band, Chamber Jazz, Studio Orchestra, eight Jazz
Performance Workshops, Film
George Mason University
Eastman School of Music, Scoring Orchestra, Contemporary
Fairfax, Virginia
University of Rochester Media/Digital Media.
Auditions: Last Friday in January 2016 and Student Body: 33,000.
all Fridays in February 2016. Tuition: Undergraduate, full-time in-state,
Rochester, New York Financial Aid: (585) 274-1070. $5,091/semester; full-time out-of-
Student Body: 50 Scholarships: (585) 274-1070. state, $14,880/semester.
Princeton University
Princeton, New Jersey
Student Body: 35 jazz students.
Tuition: $60,000.
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Arts in Music,
Certificate in Jazz Studies,
Certificate in Musical Performance
(jazz concentration).
Faculty: Dr. Anthony Branker, Ralph
Bowen, Jim Ridl, Kenny
Davis, Michael Cochrane, Bruce
Arnold, Brian Glassman, Vince
Ector, Trineice Robinson-Martin.
Alumni: Stanley Jordan, Scott DeVeaux,
Barry Miles, Terry Silverlight, Jonny
King, Chuck Staab, Irwin Hall.
Alumni: Cyrille-Aimée, Spike Wilner, Bobby Jazz Bands: Advanced combo, repertoire Auditions:
Avey, Andrew Gould, Bruce Harris. ensemble, composer’s reading auditions.
Jazz Bands: Purchase Jazz Orchestra, band, Latin ensemble and several Financial Aid:
Purchase Latin Jazz Orchestra, smaller themed groups. Scholarships: Need- and merit-based. Contact
15 small combos. Auditions: Contact office coordinator,
Auditions: Prescreening auditions due by Thomas Lee, thomas.lee1@ Apply by: Contact Rowan University
Jan. 1. If the prescreening audition Undergraduate Admissions.
is successful, students will be Financial Aid: Inquire at Financial Aid Dept. Contact: Denis DiBlasio, Director of Jazz
notified for a live audition, which Scholarships: Limited due to low, public-assisted Studies, (856) 256-4500 ext. 3528,
takes place on campus in February. tuition cost, but some available
Financial Aid: Available. (914) 251-7000. for needed instrumentalists;
Scholarships: James Moody Scholars, Joe inquire when applying. Rutgers University, Mason
Williams “Everyday” Foundation, Apply by: Visit
both merit-based. Contact: Office coordinator, Thomas Lee,
Gross School of the Arts
Apply by: Pre-screening deadline is Jan. 1.
Contact: Pete Malinverni, peter.malinverni@ (718) 997-3800. New Brunswick, New Jersey; Visit Student Body: Rutgers, 65,000; Mason Gross
departments/academicprograms/ Rowan University School of the Arts, 1,100; Jazz
arts/music/jazz/default.aspx. Glassboro, New Jersey Studies, 60.
Student Body: 25 students. Tuition Cost: In-state, $13,800; out-of-state,
Queens College/CUNY Aaron Tuition: Undergraduate in-state: $355 per $28,200.
Copland School of Music credit hour; out-of-state: $669. Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Jazz Studies,
Queens, New York Jazz Degrees: Undergraduate in Jazz Bachelor of Music in Jazz Studies
Student Body: 80 jazz Graduate students. Performance, Undergraduate and Music Education, Bachelor
Tuition: In-state, $5,065; out-of-state, in Education with a Jazz Emphasis of Music in Jazz Studies and
$780 per credit. and Graduate Performance. Composition, Master of Music in
Jazz Degrees: Master of Music, Jazz Faculty: Denis DiBlasio, Brian Betz, George Jazz Studies.
Performance; Master of Music, Rabbai, Douglas Mapp, Tom Faculty: Robby Ameen, Ralph Bowen,
Jazz Composition. Giacabetti, Dean Schneider, Ed Kenny Davis, Mark Gross, Fred
Faculty: Michael Philip Mossman, Antonio Vezinho, Robert Rawlins. Hersch, Conrad Herwig, Vic Juris,
Hart, David Berkman, Dennis Mackrel. Alumni: Brian Betz. Victor Lewis, Joe Magnarelli, Bill
Alumni: Conrad Herwig, Antonio Hart, Jazz Bands: Jazz Band, Lab Band (non-tradi- O’Connell, Eddie Palmieri, Gary
Jeb Patton, Diego Urcola, Darren tional instrumentation), various Smulyan.
Barrett, Arturo O’Farrill. small groups. Alumni: Terence Blanchard, Terell Stafford,
Scholarships: Merit-based. Bill Cunliffe, Michael Dease, Jimmy Kercull, (518) 580-5546, wkercull@
Apply by: For institutional scholarship Greene, Antonio Hart, Sean Jones,
consideration, apply by Feb. 1. Vic Juris, Dennis Mackrel, Mike Apply by: March 15. Contact Wendy Kercull,
Contact: Dr. Kurtis Adams, (304) 876-5126, Rodriguez, Doug Weiss, David (518) 580-5546, wkercull@
or (800) 344-5231 ext. 5126, Wong, Todd Coolman (director). Alumni: Kendrick Scott, Jonathan Batiste, Contact: Wendy Kercull, (518) 580-5546,
Christian Scott, Troy “Trombone
Skidmore Jazz Institute Shorty” Andrews, Myron Walden.
Saratoga Springs, New York Jazz Bands: Combos. SUNY Fredonia
Student Body: 70–80 students. Auditions: Fredonia, New York
Tuition: Tuition, room and board is apply.php. Student Body: 40 students. 5,000
$2,687. Financial Aid: Contact Wendy Kercull, (518) 580- undergraduates for university.
Jazz Degrees: Undergraduate credit available. 5546, Tuition: In-state, $10,270 per semester;
Faculty: Paul Bollenback, James Burton III, Scholarships: Need-based. Contact Wendy $20,540 per year.
Jazz Degrees: Jazz studies are classified as
a secondary and are an at-
tachment to a Bachelor of Music
in Music Education degree.
Faculty: Bruce Johnstone, John Bacon,
Linda Phillips.
Alumni: Don Menza, Bob McChesney,
Gary Keller, Onaje Allen Gumbs,
Joe Magnarelli, Howie Shear,
Bill Heller.
Jazz Bands: Jazz ensembles and a vocal
jazz group.
Auditions: Jazz ensemble auditions held the
first week of the semester.
Financial Aid: Available. FAFSA required.
Scholarships: Available.
Apply by: March 1.
Contact: Dr. Barry Kilpatrick, (716) 673-
School of Music: (716) 673-3151.
SUNY New Paltz
New Paltz, New York
Student Body: 90 students in music major, 30
students in music minor.
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Arts in Music with a
concentration in Jazz
Performance, Bachelor of
Science in Music with a concen-
tration in Jazz Performance,
Bachelor of Science in Music
with a concentration in
Contemporary Music Studies.
Faculty: Mark Dziuba, Vincent Martucci,
John Menegon, Teri Roiger,
Jeff Siegel, Rebecca Coupe
Franks, David Savitsky.
Jazz Bands: Chamber Jazz Ensembles,
Vocal Jazz Ensembles.
Auditions: Required. Before auditioning for
the program, students must first
be accepted by the university. Visit Once
the application for admissions has
been received, apply for a music
audition at
Financial Aid: Visit
Scholarships: Visit
Apply by: Varies. For Admissions, visit For
Music, visit
Contact: Mark Dziuba, Director of
Jazz Bands: Temple University Big Band, Financial Aid: Available. Visit Financial Aid: Available. Student Financial
Jazz Lab Band, Jazz Brass Band, Scholarships: Merit-based scholarship auditions Services, (800) 616-ARTS,
Fusion Ensemble, Jazz Vocal in January and February. ext. 6170.
Ensemble, Jazz Percussion Apply by: Dec. 1. Scholarships: Available. Student Financial
Ensemble, Jazz Guitar Ensemble, Contact: Mary Ann Criss, Services, (800) 616-ARTS,
various small Jazz ensembles. ext. 6170.
Auditions: Visit
University of the Arts Apply by: Feb. 1 (for priority admission).
or call (215) 204-8598.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Contact: Amanda Melczer, School of Music,
Financial Aid: Available. Contact (215) 204-8598. Student Body: 340 students in the School of Music. (215) 717-6342,
Scholarships: Merit-based. Tuition: $39,908.
Apply by: March 1 deadline for Fall 2016. Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Jazz Studies University of Connecticut
Contact: James Short, Director of in Composition, Diploma in Storrs, Connecticut
Admissions, Composition, Bachelor of Music Student Body: 15 jazz students.
in Jazz Studies: Instrumental Tuition: In-state, $10,524; out-of-state:
Towson University Performance, Diploma in $32,066.
Towson, Maryland Instrumental Performance, Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Arts with Jazz
Student Body: 23,000. Bachelor of Music in Jazz Studies Emphasis.
Tuition: Undergraduate in-state, $9,182; Studies: Vocal Performance, Faculty: Earl MacDonald, Gregg August,
out-of-state $20,788. Diploma in Vocal Performance, Doug Maher, John Mastroianni.
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Jazz/ Master in Music in Jazz Studies. Alumni: Brian Charette, Matt Janiszewski,
Commercial Composition; Jazz/ Faculty: More than 90 faculty, including Bill Longo, Mark Small, Gary
Commercial Performance. Marc Dicciani, Micah Jones, Versace.
Faculty: Dave Ballou, Jim McFalls, Tim Jeff Kern, Mike Kennedy, Kevin Jazz Bands: UCONN Jazz 10tet, big band,
Murphy, Jeff Reed, Frank Russo, Hanson, Don Glanden, Rob Brosh, combos.
Shawn Purcell, Anthony Pirog, Chris Farr, Larry McKenna, Randy Auditions: Dec. 5, Jan. 22, Jan. 23, Jan.
John Dierker, Sara Jones, Darryl Kapralick, Matt Gallagher, Evan 28, Jan. 29, Feb. 6. Visit music.
Brenzel, Brian Simm, Brian Solot, Tony Miceli.
Brunsman. Alumni: Adam Blackstone, Stanley Clarke, Financial Aid: Visit
Alumni: Drew Gress, Ellery Eskelin, Doug Sumi Tonooka, Robin Eubanks. Scholarships: Available. Visit financialaid.uconn.
Purviance, Jordan Tice. Jazz Bands: “Z” Big Band, Rick Kerber edu/scholarships.
Jazz Bands: Jazz Combos, Jazz Orchestra, Tribute Big Band. Apply by: Jan. 15. (Apply by Dec. 1 for
Latin Ensemble, Jazz Vocal Choir, Auditions: Auditions will begin in November. full review for merit-based
Free Improvisation Ensemble, pop Visit scholarships and invitations to
music ensemble. college-performing-arts- special programs.)
Auditions: January, February and March. audition-requirements. Contact: Christina Quental,
University of Massachusetts,
Amherst, Massachusetts
Student Body: 350 music students;
The SUNY Purchase Latin Jazz Band at Birdland in New York City
s Shelly Berg, dean of the University of uates approach their careers with the same level of
Belmont University
Nashville, Tennessee
Student Body: University, 7,300; School of
Loyola University–New
New Orleans, Louisiana
Student Body: 4,600.
Tuition: $36,124.
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Jazz Studies,
Jazz Studies Minor.
Faculty: Tony Dagradi, Nick Volz, John
Mahoney, Matt Lemmler, Don
Vappie, Ed Wise, Wayne Maureau,
Johnny Vidacovich, Jason
Minglesdorf, Ray Moore,
Gordon Towell.
Alumni: Ellis Marsalis, Victor Goines,
Rick Margitza. Tuition: Undergraduate (12 credits) in- Commercial Music Ensembles,
Jazz Bands: Three large ensembles, five state: $1,418.64; out-of-state: Improv Ensemble. Visit
combos, jazz vocal ensemble, $4,830.12. music/pdf/ensemblebrochure.pdf.
Afro-Cuban ensemble. Jazz Degrees: Associate of Arts with an Auditions: Required. Visit
Auditions: emphasis in Jazz Studies. Financial Aid: Available, academic- and need-
Financial Aid: Available. Contact ejdowney Faculty: Dr. Michael Di Liddo, Dr. Peter based. Visit Francis, Mike Gerber, Aaron Scholarships: Music awards and graduate
Scholarships: Merit-based. Lebos, Sandy Poltarack, Gary assistantships are based on
Apply by: Contact Thomas, Rupert Ziawinski, auditions and are available for in-
Contact: Gordon Towell (504) 865-2164, Rodolfo Zuniga. state, out-of-state and interna- Jazz Bands: Verve Ensemble, Horace Silver tional students. Visit
Ensemble, Blue Note Ensemble, music/scholarships.php.
Hard Bop Ensemble, Apply by: Dec. 1 (for academic awards);
Miami Dade College Contemporary Music Ensemble March 1 for School of Music
and Jazz Workshop. admission and audition. Visit mtsu.
Miami, Florida Auditions: Visit edu/how-to-apply/deadlines.php.
Student Body: More than 165,000 students Financial Aid: Available. Call (305) 237-3244. Contact: Jamey Simmons, Director of Jazz
on eight campuses. Scholarships: Merit-based fine arts grants Studies, (615) 898-2724, james.
Tuition: In-state, $6,000; out-of-state, available.
$20,000. Visit Apply by: Visit
flresidency/default.aspx. Contact: Dr. Michael Di Liddo, (305) North Carolina Central University
Jazz Degrees: Associate of Arts (Music or Music 237-3930, Durham, North Carolina
Education), Associate of Science Visit and mdc. Student Body: 8,500.
(Music Business–Creative edu/main/jazzatwolfsonpresents. Tuition: Undergraduate in-state, $9,220/
Performance or Creative semester; out-of-state, $14,927;
Production). For concentration Middle Tennessee Graduate in-state, $3,967/semes-
in Jazz Studies, see listing below ter; out-of-state, $9,790.
for Miami Dade College–Wolfson
State University Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music, Jazz Studies,
Campus; visit Jazz Studies/Music Education.
Arts/default.asp. Murfreesboro, Tennessee Master of Music in Jazz Studies
Faculty: Tim Brent, Mike Di Liddo, Matt Student Body: 20,262 in university, 385 music (Performance and Composition).
Bonelli, Jim Broderick. majors, 30 jazz majors. Faculty: Ira Wiggins, Baron Tymas, Robert
Alumni: Jon Secada, Gaby Vivas, Tuition: Undergraduate, in-state, $8,296, Trowers, Lenora Zenzali
Dionesio Martinez. out-of-state: $25,584. Helm, Arnold George, Damon
Jazz Bands: Two big bands, Studio Jazz Small Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Jazz Brown, Thomas Taylor, Albert
Group, Vocal Fusion vocal jazz Studies; Master of Music in Strong, Aaron Hill, Ed Paolantonio,
ensemble, R&B Ensemble, Jazz Studies; Bachelor of Artist-in-Residence Branford
Salsa Orchestra. Music in Music Industry with Marsalis, Artist-in-Residence
Auditions: There is no audition required to Jazz Concentration, with Joey Calderazzo.
major in music, only for specific minors in Recording Industry Alumni: Grady Tate, Leon Pendarvis,
ensembles. Studies or Entrepreneurship. Ameen Saleem, Jeremy Clemons,
Financial Aid: Call (305) 237-2325 or visit mdc. Faculty: Jamey Simmons, Don Aliquo, Albert “Chip” Crawford, Mavis
edu/main/financialaid. David Loucky, Jim Ferguson, Pat Poole, Brian Horton, Alvin
Scholarships: Visit Coil, Paul Abrams, Joe Davidian, Atkinson, Adia Ledbetter, Iajhi
Apply by: Call (305) 237-2325. Chip Henderson, Lalo Davila, Hampden, Brian Miller, James
Contact: Tim Brent, Derrek Phillips, Cedric Dent. Gates, Chris Hankins.
Alumni: Shawn Purcell, Jim White, Chris Jazz Bands: North Carolina Central University
Miami Dade College–Wolfson McDonald, Jonathan Wires, Jazz Ensembles I–II, Combos I–IV,
Campus Matt Lund, Elizabeth Johnson, Vocal Jazz Ensemble, Advanced
John Blount, Marcus Finnie, Vocal Jazz Ensemble.
Ryan Middagh. Auditions: Contact Ira Wiggins, iwiggins
Miami, Florida Jazz Bands: Jazz Ensembles I and II, numer-
Student Body: 27,000 on Wolfson Campus, 100 ous combos; Salsa Band, MTSU Financial Aid: Available.
music students, 27 jazz students. Singers (vocal jazz), Steel Bands, Scholarships: Merit-based, Special Talent,
Chancellors Scholars.
Instrumentalists, contact Ira
Wiggins, (919) 530-7214, Vocalists,
contact Lenora Zenzali Helm, (919)
Apply by: Nov. 1 (Spring 2016 admission);
March 15 (Fall 2016 admission).
Contact: Instrumentalists, contact Ira
Wiggins, (919) 530-7214,
contact Lenora Zenzali Helm, (919)
Furman University Jazz Ensemble
Northern Kentucky University
Highland Heights, Kentucky
Student Body: 15,000.
Tuition: Undergraduate, in-state, contact OSU Bands, (405) Vocal Jazz Ensemble, Jazz
$4,368/semester; out-of-state, 744-6135. Ensemble Combo.
$8,736/semester. Apply by: Call Dr. Tommy Poole, (405) 744- Auditions: Every August prior to the Fall
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Performance 2902, semester for participation during
with a Jazz Studies emphasis. Contact: Dr. Tommy Poole, (405) 744-2902, the school year. For out-of-state
Faculty: John Zappa, William Brian Hogg, applicants, auditions can be made
Phil DeGreg, Max Gise, Ted Karas, by appointment, or via DVD or
Bill Jackson, Mike Meloy. Texas Christian University Skype. Visit
Jazz Bands: Little Big Band, Jazz Combos, colleges-and-schools/colabs/
Vocal Jazz, Latin Jazz Combo; Fort Worth, Texas music/auditions.php.
R&B Combo.
Student Body: 300 Music majors. Financial Aid: Available. A FAFSA portfolio must
Auditions: Instrumentalists, contact William
Brian Hogg, (859) 572-5885, Tuition: $40,630 (based on 12–18 be on file. Visit Vocalists, hours of enrollment for fall and financialaid.
contact Randy Pennington, (859) spring semesters). Scholarships: Available. Visit
572-5286, Jazz Degrees: None. financialaid/scholarships.
Financial Aid: Available. Visit Faculty: Joe Eckert, Thomas Burchill, Joey Apply by: July 15 (for Fall); Dec. 15
Scholarships: Need- and merit-based. Carter, Kyp Green, Brian West. (for Spring).
Jazz Bands: TCU Jazz Ensemble; Purple,
Instrumentalists, contact William Contact: Dr. Jason Oby, Department
White, and Blues (TCU vocal
Brian Hogg, (859) 572-5885, Chairman, (713) 313-7263,
jazz ensemble). Vocalists, Visit
Auditions: Contact Joe Eckert, Director of
contact Randy Pennington, (859) academics/colleges-and-schools/
Jazz Studies, (817) 257-5576,
572-5286, colabs/music/jazzattsu.php.
Apply by: Jan. 15 for scholarships.
Financial Aid: Available. Visit
Contact: William Brian Hogg, (859) 572-
Scholarships: Need- and merit-based.
Texas State University
5885, San Marcos, Texas
Apply by: Nov. 1 (early action); Feb. 15
Oklahoma State University (regular decision). Student Body: 35,000 total, 750 music majors.
Stillwater, Oklahoma Contact: Joe Eckert, Director of Jazz Tuition: $4,500 for 14 credit hours per
Studies, (817) 257-5576, semester.
Student Body: 25,939. Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in
Tuition: Undergraduate, in-state: $4,425,
out-of-state: $17,010. Texas Southern University Performance–Jazz Concentration;
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Arts in Music, Houston, Texas Master of Music, Concentration in
Bachelor of Music in Elective Jazz Performance.
Student Body: 9,700.
Studies in Business, Bachelor of Tuition: Undergraduate (16 hours), in-state Faculty: Butch Miles, Dr. Russell Haight,
Music in Performance, Bachelor (total charges, fixed rate plan plus Dr. Utah Hamrick, Hank
of Music in Music Education- fees): $4,852; out-of-state (16 Hehmsoth, Dr. Martin McCain,
Instrumental and Vocal. hours), non-resident/foreign total Russell Scanlon, Dr. Keith Winking,
Faculty: Dr. Tommy Poole, Dr. Ryan charges, fixed rate plan plus fees): Morris Nelms, Paul Deemer, David
Gardner, Paul Compton, Dr. Igor $11,092. Dawson, Dr. Bennett Wood.
Karaca, Dr. Jeffrey Loeffert. Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Arts in Music Alumni: Adam Schroeder, Dr. John Mills,
Alumni: Garth Brooks, Sarah Coburn. (Jazz Studies). Dr. Adam Booker, Elias Haslanger,
Jazz Bands: Three jazz ensembles, two jazz Faculty: Dr. Jason Oby, Dr. Howard C. Dr. James Polk, Dr. Armin
combos, one vocal jazz ensemble. Harris, Johnny Gonzalez, Roy Marmolejo.
Auditions: Admission auditions for majors Belfield, Richard Lee. Jazz Bands: Big Bands, Jazz Ensemble, Jazz
take place between January and Alumni: Joe Sample, Wilton Felder, Wayne
March 2016. Auditions for ensem- Orchestra, Jazz Lab Band Combo
Henderson, Nesbert “Stix”
ble placement occur in the fall. Hooper, Billy Harper, Kirk Whalum, and small groups including
Financial Aid: Available. Call (405) 744-6604. Yolanda Adams, Marsha Frazier, jazz trombone ensembles and jazz
Scholarships: Need- and merit-based. For need Bobbi Humphrey, Don Patterson, guitar ensemble.
and academic scholarship Horace Alexander Young, Ku- Auditions: For undergraduate, visit txstate.
questions, contact Financial Aid. umba Frank Lacy, Randy Kelly. edu/jazzstudies/auditions/under
For merit-based music auditions, Jazz Bands: The Jazz Experience Big Band, grad-auditions.html. For graduate
Augustana College
Rock Island, Illinois
Student Body: 2,500.
Tuition: $38,466.
Jazz Degrees: Jazz minor.
Faculty: Joe Ott, Randall Hall, others.
Jazz Bands: Jazz Band and several jazz
Auditions: There is no audition for admission
to the music program or degrees.
There are scholarship auditions.
Contact Margaret Ellis, (309)
794-7333, margaretellis@
Financial Aid: Available.
Scholarships: Available.
Apply by: Rolling admissions.
Contact: Margaret Ellis, (309) 794-7333,
edu. Visit
academics/ Graduate, March 1. Hamilton, Stan Smith, Erik Augis,
majors--areas-of-study/music. Contact: Undergraduate, Amanda Long, Doug Neel, Red Neinkerchen,
Coordinator of Music Admissions, Roger Hines, Chad Loughrige, Dr.
Benedictine University Graduate, Mark Lochstampfor.
Lisle, Illinois Sherri White, Graduate Secretary, Alumni: Matt Billingsley, Larry Spencer,
Student Body: 15 students. Tom Wolfe, Pete Retzlaf, Wes
Tuition: Visit Orr, Michael Shirtz, Lee Hill, Brian
Butler University Fullen, Will Flynn, Vince Andrews.
Jazz Degrees: None. Indianapolis, Indiana
Faculty: John Moulder, Patrick Infusino. Jazz Bands: Big Band, conFusion Band,
Student Body: 4,126 undergraduates. Jazz Consort, Vanguard
Jazz Bands: One jazz band.
Tuition: Undergraduate, $36,050. Ensemble, Savoy Ensemble,
Auditions: Visit
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Jazz Studies, Birdland Ensemble, MIDI Band,
Financial Aid: Available.
Jazz Studies Emphasis, Rock Ensemble, Jazz Guitar
Scholarships: Available.
Jazz Studies Minor. Ensemble, Jazz Percussion
Apply by: Visit
Faculty: Matt Pivec, Gary Walters, Sandy Ensemble, Guitar Workshop,
Contact: Visit
Williams, Jesse Wittman, Jon World Music Ensemble.
Crabiel, Jared Rodin, Allen Miller, Auditions: Jan. 23, Feb. 6, Feb. 20, March
Bowling Green Steve Allee, Kenny Phelps. 12. Visit
State University Jazz Band: Jazz ensemble, vocal jazz conservatory-admission.
ensemble and several combos. Financial Aid: Available. Contact (614) 236-6101
Auditions: On-campus auditions. For jazz or
Bowling Green, Ohio majors, a classical audition and Scholarships: Available.
Student Body: 19,000 total, 500 in the College jazz audition are required. Visit Contact (614) 236-6101 or
of Musical Arts. Visit
Tuition: Undergraduate, in-state, $18,850; Financial Aid: Available. Contact (317) 940-8200
out-of-state, $26,158. Graduate, or Student-Scholarships.
in-state, $9,160; out-of-state, Scholarships: Merit- and audition-based. Apply by: Dec. 1. Visit
$14,650. Apply by: Nov. 1 (early action), Feb. 1 apply-now.
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Jazz (regular decision). Contact: Susanna Mayo (undergraduate)
Studies, Master of Music in Jazz Contact: Kristin Flodder, (317) 940-9065, or Anne Mikan (graduate), (614)
Performance. There is also a 236-6101, createmusic@capital.
jazz minor. edu.
Faculty: Visit Capital University
directory. Columbus, Ohio Cardinal Stritch University
Alumni: Tim Hagans, Rich Perry. Student Body: 3,000. Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Jazz Bands: Two Lab Bands, small groups Tuition: $30,000. Student Body: 4,400.
formed to accommodate Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of American Music with Tuition: Undergraduate: $13,445/
interested students. a Jazz Studies emphasis; Master semester.
Auditions: Visit of Music in Music Education with Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Arts in Music.
Financial Aid: Available. Visit Jazz Pedagogy emphasis Faculty: Salvatore L. Terrasi, Dennis W.
graduate/financial-aid.html. (three-summer program, five King, Jack W. Forbes.
Scholarships: Academic and music scholarships weeks each). Jazz Bands: One combo.
available. Visit Faculty: Dr. Lou Fischer, Robert Breithaupt, Auditions: Required for admission.
Apply by: Undergraduate, Feb. 26 (for music Eric Paton, Nate Anders, Rob Financial Aid: Available.
scholarship consideration); Parton, Dr. Michael Cox, Ryan Scholarships: Merit-based.
Northwestern University,
Bienen School of Music
Evanston, Illinois
Student Body: 620 (410 undergraduate, 210
graduate in Bienen School of
Tuition: $48,624.
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Jazz Studies,
Master of Music in Jazz Studies.
Faculty: Victor Goines, Vincent Gardner,
Carlos Henriquez, Willie Jones III,
Jeremy Kahn, Brad Mason, John
Moulder, Marlene Rosenberg.
Alumni: David Sanborn, Kay Davis,
Andrew Bird, Charley Harrison.
Jazz Bands: Jazz Orchestra (big band), small
jazz ensembles, jazz combos.
Auditions: Prescreening required. Visit music.
Financial Aid: Need-based and merit-based.
Scholarships: Contact
Nov. 1 (early action); Feb. 1 Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Jazz & 40 music majors.
(regular decision). School of Music Contemporary Music. Tuition: $39,650 (includes room and board).
application due Jan. 30. Faculty: Ruben Alvarez, Paul Wertico, Neal Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Arts in Music,
Contact: (614) 292-6571, Alger, Paulinho Garcia, Henry Music Industry, Music
Johnson, John McLean, John Performance, Music Education.
Ohio University Moulder, Scott Mason, Marlene Faculty: A. Eric Heukeshoven, Dr. John
Athens, Ohio Rosenberg, Jim Gailloreto, Paul Paulson, Brett Huus, James
Student Body: 250 in School of Music. Mertens, Mike Smith, Steve Berry, Knutson, Denny McGuire,
Tuition: Undergraduate in-state, $4,482/ Tom Garling, Victor Garcia, Roger Dan Driessen.
semester; out-of-state, $9,750/ Ingram, Corey Wilkes, Roger Jazz Bands: Jazz Ensemble, Jazz Combo One,
semester. Harris, Fred Simpson, Jim Workshop Jazz Combos.
Jazz Degrees: Minor in Jazz. Trompeter, Jeff Morrow, Yvonne Auditions: February and March. Visit smumn.
Faculty: Roger Braun, John Horne, Gage, Cheryl Wilson. edu/music.
Matthew James, Sean Parsons, Alumni: Hannah Ford, Max Benson, Financial Aid: Available. Call (507) 457-1437.
Richard Wetzel. Jonathan Schang. Scholarships: Available. Visit
Jazz Bands: Jazz Ensembles I and II, two Jazz Bands: Avant-Garde Combo, Bebop Apply by: Rolling admissions.
jazz combos, Jazz Percussion Combo, Brazilian Combo, Contact: A. Eric Heukeshoven, M.S.
Ensemble. Contemporary Combo, ECM (Director Jazz Studies & Music
Auditions: Held in January and February. Combo, Fusion Combo, Hard Bob Industry), (507) 457-7292, eheu
Call (740) 593-4244. Combo, Latin Jazz Ensemble, Visit smumn.
Financial Aid: Visit Swing Combo, New Deal Vocal edu/music.
Scholarships: Available. Contact Jason Smith, Jazz Ensemble. Auditions: On campus or by recording. Visit St. Olaf College
Apply by: Dec. 1. Northfield, Minnesota
Contact: Matthew James, (740) 593-4244, Financial Aid: Available. Visit Student Body: 3,100. Scholarships: Talent-based. Tuition: $42,940.
Apply by: Jan. 15 (priority deadline). Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Arts in Music;
Roosevelt University, Chicago Contact: Patrick Zylka, Assistant Dean Bachelor of Music with majors
College of Performing Arts for Enrollment, (312) 341-6735, in Performance, theory/composi- tion, education or church music.
Faculty: David Hagedorn, Sarah Burk,
Chicago, Illinois Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota Phil Hey.
Student Body: 6,000. Winona, Minnesota Alumni: Dan Cavanagh, Ben Baker.
Tuition: $34,625. Student Body: 1,200 undergraduate, Jazz Bands: Three big bands, multiple combos.
Banks, Gary Davis, Paul Klontz, Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music, Jazz- out-of-state $27,540. Graduate,
Mike Forfia, Theron Brown. Commercial Music. in-state, $15,674; out-of-state,
Jazz Bands: Two jazz bands, multiple jazz Faculty: David Aaberg, Michael Sekelsky, $27,416.
combos. James Isaac. Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music, Bachelor of Art,
Auditions: Required. Contact Jack Schantz, Jazz Bands: Two big bands, jazz combos. Master of Music.
(330) 972-6919, jas62@uakron. Auditions: Nov. 13, Feb. 13, Feb. 15. Other Faculty: Visit
edu, dates available upon request. html#JazzStudiesFaculty.
Financial Aid: Available. Visit Financial Aid: Contact (800) 729-2678 or finaid@ Jazz Bands: Jazz Ensemble, Jazz Lab Band,
Scholarships: Available. Visit Jazz Combos.
Apply by: Rolling basis. Auditions for School Scholarships: For music, contact (660) 543-4530 Auditions: Jan. 16, Feb. 6, Feb. 20. Visit ccm.
of Music scholarship deadline is or
Feb. 29. scholarships.cfm. For academic, Financial Aid: Available. Contact Financial
Contact: Jack Schantz, Director of Jazz contact (800) 729-2678 or finaid@ Aid Office, (513) 556-2420,
Studies, (330) 972-6919, jas62@, Apply by: Rolling admission. Scholarships: Talent-based for all; academic
Contact: David Aaberg, (660) 543-4909, awards for undergraduates.
University of Central Missouri Graduate assistantships
Warrensburg, Missouri available. Contact (513) 556-9479
Student Body: 12,000. University of Cincinnati or
Tuition: Undergraduate, in-state: $213.15/ Cincinnati, Ohio Apply by: Dec. 1.
credit; out-of-state, $426.30/credit. Student Body: 43,000 in university, 1,400 in Contact: CCM Admissions Office, (513)
Graduate, in-state, $276.25/credit; conservatory. 556-9479;
out-of-state, $552.50/credit. Tuition: Undergraduate, in-state $12,206;
University of Illinois at
Urbana–Champaign, Illinois
Student Body: 43,000 total, 700 music majors
(350 undergraduate, 350
graduate), 70 jazz majors.
Tuition: Visit
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music, Bachelor of
Music Education, Master of Music
in Jazz Studies, Artist
Diploma, Doctorate in Musical Arts
in Jazz Performance.
Faculty: Tito Carrillo, Larry Gray, Joan
Hickey, Chip McNeill, Jim Pugh,
Joel Spencer, Chip Stephens.
Alumni: Cecil Bridgewater, Jim McNeely.
Jazz Bands: Four Jazz Bands, 10 Combos,
Jazz Guitar Ensemble, Jazz
Saxophone Ensemble, Jazz
Trombone Ensemble, Latin Jazz
Ensemble, Student-Faculty
Ensemble, Jazz Vocal Ensembles.
Auditions: For undergraduate, visit go.illinois.
edu/musicundergrad. For gradu
ate, visit
Financial Aid: Available. Visit
Scholarships: Need- and merit-based. Visit
Apply by: Dec. 1.
Contact: Music Admissions Office, (217)
244-7899, musicadmissions@
University of Iowa
Iowa City, Iowa
Student Body: 30,000.
Tuition: In-state, $8,100;
out-of-state, $27,890.
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music (with Jazz
Studies emphasis), Master of Arts
in Jazz Studies.
Faculty: John Rapson, Damani Phillips,
James Dreier, Steve Grismore,
Courtney Jones.
Alumni: David Sanborn, Al Jarreau,
Patricia Barber.
Jazz Bands: Johnson County Landmark, Jazz
Repertory Ensemble, Hawkeye state, $25,376. Visit: registrar. (785) 864-9751,
Big Band, Latin Jazz Ensemble,
World Beat Ensemble, Guitar Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Arts in Jazz Studies, University of Michigan
Ensemble, four to six jazz combos. Master of Music in Composition,
Audition: Includes prepared pieces, Jazz Emphasis.
sight-reading and improvisation. Faculty: Dan Gailey, Matt Otto, Danny Ann Arbor, Michigan
Contact John Rapson, (319) 335- Embrey, Jeff Harshbarger, Student Body: 1,094 in School of Music,
1662, Brandon Draper, Steve Leisring, Theatre & Dance.
Financial Aid: Yes. Email admissions@uiowa. Michael Davidson, Vince Gnojek. Tuition: Undergraduate, in-state, $13,856;
edu. Jazz Bands: Three big bands, six combos. out-of-state, $43,476. Graduate,
Scholarships: Need and merit-based. There are Alumni: Gary Foster, Ron McCurdy, in-state, $20,966; out-of-state,
five teaching assistant positions Bill Bergman, Kerry Marsh, Paul $42,016.
for graduate students. Haar, Jeff Harshbarger. Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Fine Arts: Jazz
Apply by: Nov. 1 (early action); Feb. 15 Auditions: Held in February. Visit music. and Contemplative Studies,
(regular decision). Jazz and Contemporary
Contact: John Rapson, (319) 335-1662, Financial Aid: Available. Visit admissions.ku. Improvisation, Jazz Studies; edu/cs. Master of Music: Improvisation.
Scholarships: Available. All undergraduate Faculty: Ellen Rowe, Andrew Bishop,
applicants who audition are Michael Gould, Benny Green,
University of Kansas automatically considered for Robert Hurst, Bill Lucas, Miles
merit-based scholarships. Okazaki, Edward Sarath,
Lawrence, Kansas Apply by: Nov. 1 (priority deadline); Feb. 1 Dennis Wilson, Sean Dobbins,
Student Body: 500 music majors, 15 jazz majors. (scholarship deadline). Marion Hayden, Mark
Tuition: In-state, $10,376; out-of- Contact: Emma Casey, School of Music, Kirschenmann, Cary Kocher, Ed
The University of Northern Iowa’s UNI Jazz Band One performs at the
Gallagher-Bluedorn Performing Arts Center in Cedar Falls, Iowa.
Mehari, Eddie Moore, Nate Nall, of-state, $815/hour. Faculty: Peter Madsen, Dana Murray,
Mike Shults, Dan Thomas. Jazz Degrees: Master of Music, Doctorate of Andy Hall, Darren Pettit, Jason
Jazz Bands: Two big bands, 10 small groups, Musical Arts in Jazz Studies Johnson, Jeff Scheffler, Mark
World Percussion Ensemble, Jazz with performance or Misfeldt.
Guitar Ensemble, Jazz Bass composition emphases. Alumni: Karrin Allyson.
Ensemble, Jazz Sax/Trumpet/ Visit Jazz Bands: Two big bands and four jazz
Trombone Quartets. areas-study-and-degree-options. combos.
Apply by: Nov. 1 (for January entry): Dec. 15 Faculty: Paul Haar, Peter Bouffard, Anthony Auditions: Visit
(for Fall 2016 entry). Apply online Bushard, Hans Sturm, Dave Hall, audition.php.
at Tom Larson, Darryl White. Financial Aid: Available. Contact Peter Madsen,
Auditions are scheduled only after Alumni: Laurie Frink, Matt Wallace, Victor
completed UMKC and Decision Lewis, Peter Bob Krueger. Scholarships: Available. Contact Peter Madsen,
Desk applications are received. Jazz Bands: Jazz Combos, Graduate Jazz
Auditions: Dec. 12 (only for January appli Combos, UNL Jazz Orchestra, Apply by: Aug. 1.
cants); Feb. 6, Feb. 15, March 4 UNL Big Band. Contact: Peter Madsen, petermadsen@
(for Fall 2016 applicants). Auditions: For undergraduates: Jan. 22, Jan.
Financial Aid: Available. Visit 23, Feb. 19, Feb. 20. For graduate
Scholarships: Merit-based. Audition serves as students: Feb. 12, Feb. 13.
screening for Merit Awards. University of Northern Iowa
Financial Aid: Available. Contact Janet Sievert,
Conservatory also considers aca- (402) 472-6830,
demic record for scholarship Scholarships: Available. Contact Janet Sievert, Cedar Falls, Iowa
awards. (402) 472-6830, Student Body: 12,000.
Contact: Dan Thomas, thomasdanb@umkc. Apply by: Jan. 15 (undergraduate, in-state); Tuition: In-state, $6,648; out-of-state
edu; Bobby Watson, watsonR@ May 1 (undergraduate, out-of- $16,836.; Jim Elswick, elswickj@ state). For all graduate students, Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Arts in Jazz Studies, Jan. 15. Bachelor of Music Education in
Contact: Paul Haar, Director of Jazz Jazz, Bachelor of Music in
University of Nebraska– Studies, (402) 472-5672, phaar2@ Performance, Jazz Studies minor.
Lincoln, Glenn Korff Visit Master of Music in Jazz Pedagogy.
jazzstudies/jazz-studies. Christopher Merz, Robert Washut,
School of Music Faculty:
Robert Dunn, Jonathan Schwabe,
University of Nebraska Omaha Anthony Williams, Alexander
Lincoln, Nebraska Omaha, Nebraska Pershounin.
Student Body: 350 students. Student Body: 15,000. Alumni: Paul McKee, Jeff Helmer, JC
Tuition: Undergraduate, in-state, $216/ Tuition: Visit Sanford, James Miller, Tommy
hour; out-of-state, $680/hour. Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Arts with Jazz Giampietro, Ryan Middagh,
Graduate, in-state, $285/hour; out- Concentration. Michael Conrad.
Jazz Bands: Jazz Band One, Jazz Panthers, appointment. Contact Gunnar based. Contact Robert Baca,
Jazz Band III and combos. Mossblad, Director of Jazz
Auditions: Visit Studies, Apply by: Nov. 17, April 1.
Financial Aid: Available. Visit Financial Aid: Available. Qualified out-of-state Contact: Robert Baca,
Scholarships: Need- and merit-based. students are eligible to pay in-state
Visit tuition rates. University of Wisconsin–Green Bay
undergraduate-admissions/ Scholarships: Merit-based by audition. Green Bay, Wisconsin
scholarships. Apply by: Open enrollment. Student Body: 6,900.
Apply by: Rolling admissions. Audition Contact: Gunnar Mossblad, Director of Tuition: Undergraduate in-state,
required. For audition dates visit Jazz Studies, $7,824; out-of-state, $15,396. Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Arts with Jazz
Contact: Christopher Merz, (319) 273-3077, University of Wisconsin–Eau Claire Emphasis. Visit catalog. Or contact Eau Claire, Wisconsin
(319) 273-2024 or Student Body: 11,000. programs/music/bachelorart/
Tuition: In-state, $8,800; out-of-state, jazz-studies.
University of Toledo $16,400. Faculty: John Salerno, Stefan Hall, Craig
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor’s in Music Performance, Hanke, Adam Gaines.
Music Education, Music Business, Alumni: Carl Allen, Todd Buffa, Ricardo
Toledo, Ohio Composition. Vogt, Woody Mankowski.
Student Body: 22,000. Faculty: Robert Baca, Jeffery Crowell, Jazz Bands: Two jazz ensembles and jazz
Tuition: In-state, $9,800; out-of-state, Michael Shults, Phil Ostrander, combos.
$15,600. Jerry Young, Richard Johnson, Auditions: Auditions take place the first week
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Jazz Studies, Jeremy Boettcher, Dean Granros. of classes and consist of blind
Bachelor of Music in Jazz Studies Alumni: John Raymond, Scott Pingel, Kyle auditions with sight-reading, jazz
with emphasis in Music Business Newmaster, Jamey Simmons, scales, prepared excerpts.
& Recording Arts; BED Music Larry Lelli, Tom Luer, Matt Pivec, Financial Aid: Available. Contact (920) 465-2075
Education with emphasis in Jazz; Jeremy Miloszewicz, Dan Urness, or
Master of Music in Jazz Studies. Keith Karns. Scholarships: Available. Determined when
Faculty: Jon Hendricks, Gunnar Mossblad, Jazz Bands: Jazz Ensembles I–V, Combos, applicant auditions for admission
Norm Damschroder, Tad Weed, Vocal Jazz Chamber Groups. into music program. Contact (920)
Olman Piedra, Jay Rinsen-Weik. Auditions: Contact Robert Baca, (715) 836- 465-2075 or
Jazz Bands: Jazz Ensemble, Jazz GuitaKistra, 4371, Visit Apply by: Visit
Jazz Vocalstra, Latin Jazz Contact Kevin Collins, collinsk@
Ensemble, Combos. Financial Aid: Available. Visit
Auditions: On published days or by Scholarships need- and merit- Contact: Kevin Collins,
Webster University
St. Louis, Missouri
Student Body: 2,200 at the home campus.
Tuition: $25,000.
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Jazz
f there were a category in the Guinness Book of extremely well and have been playing for months. won, prominent players with whom you’ve
Audition Repertoire
When it comes to audition repertoire, the best
preparation is to memorize dozens of tunes.
Fortunately, most institutions help students
narrow things down a bit by specifying the type
of material they’ll be expected to play at their
audition. Visit the website for each school to
review the required audition repertoire.
When you arrive for your audition, bring very
playing that you’ve checked out the definitive a medium-tempo 32-bar standard, or five or six
recording: choruses on a 12-bar blues, is appropriate. Be sure
• Phrase at least a portion of the head as on the to listen to and respond to the rhythm section—
definitive recording. make this obvious. Be sure to play at a volume
• Quote a phrase or two from solos on the that is appropriate for the rhythm section and
definitive recording. the room in which you are playing. Play with
• Quote sparingly, but do quote, letting the quality sound, intonation, articulation, time
audition panel hear that you’ve done your due and technique. Don’t forget to swing, and, most
diligence vis-à-vis listening and transcribing. importantly, be clear.
Make sure you know the composers and
personnel of the definitive recordings of the tunes Recorded Auditions
you play so that if one of the panelists asks you Many institutions require applicants to
about it, you can answer intelligently. submit recorded auditions. Some schools offer this
Also, be sure to develop your solo (i.e., start as an option in lieu of appearing in person, often
somewhere and take it somewhere). Refer to the to accommodate students who live a considerable
melody of the tune you’re playing, dropping it in distance from campus.
from time to time organically (so it doesn’t sound Do not submit a flawed recording—record as
contrived) and developing it. Strive to climax your many takes as necessary in the studio to get it right.
solo on the penultimate bar of your last chorus, Record with the best rhythm section that you can
Visiting artist-in-residence Dick Oatts (left) conducts a
private lesson with Thelonious Monk Institute of winding it down for the last couple of measures, afford, and submit the best quality recording that
Jazz Performance fellowship recipient David Otis. you can afford.
and ending your solo on the first or second bar
of the next chorus on a color tone of the chord, Do not include other soloists on your audition
descend chord tones to and conclude on the
letting it sustain. recording (unless you are a rhythm section player
root—the same note on which you started. (For a
dominant 7 altered arpeggio, play 1–3–#5– 7–#9.)
Have your solos develop organically from demonstrating your accompaniment skills). If
bebop language to contemporary language (in you are working with an extant recording of a
that order). Strive to have your solos reflect not live performance and you’re not the first soloist,
Performing/Soloing only your knowledge of the language of the idiom, here’s how to edit it: Fade out after the head
Whatever repertoire you choose to play at but also the makings of your own unique voice. statement, then fade up four bars before your
your audition, make it obvious through your Don’t solo too long: Two or three choruses on solo begins so that there’s only a few seconds
before the end of the head and the beginning addition to becoming an artist with your own voice. tunes, then a 50 percent scholarship is the norm.
of your solo; fade out after your solo is over. • perform, compose, arrange and teach. And I’ve never met a student who knew 200 tunes
• give back; promulgate and perpetuate the art who didn’t receive a full ride!
Piano for Non-Pianists form (teaching, conducting clinics). So start memorizing tunes now. It will pay off,
It’s a good idea for every instrumentalist and • serve the underserved (e.g., participate in literally. For a methodical procedure on how
vocalist to be able to play some piano. You don’t school outreach programs that teach young to memorize and retain tunes (and which ones
need Art Tatum-level chops—just enough ability students about jazz and its values, including to learn), see my two-part article “Methods for
to demonstrate your knowledge of harmony and teamwork, democracy and persistence). Fighting the Epidemic of Tune Illiteracy” in the
give a sense of your overall musicianship. Remember, your audition panelists are people, May 2010 and August 2010 issues of DownBeat.
So don’t be surprised if one of your audition too. Be personable, serious (but not stiff),
confident (but not arrogant), humble and
panelists asks you to play a little piano. Be sure Performance Clarity
you’re able to comp two-handed and one-handed deferential in the way you speak and carry
Finally, remember that clarity is paramount.
voicings for II–V–I progressions in all major and yourself. Do your best to enjoy the experience, and
Often, the final judgment as to the amount of your
make an earnest effort to learn something about
minor keys, blues in B-flat and F, and “Rhythm” scholarship award is based more on how clear
your panelists and the program they represent.
changes in B-flat. you are than anything else. This means that your
Also, I suggest you be able to play all the tunes playing should clearly demonstrate that you are in
in Volume 54 of the Jamey Aebersold Jazz Play-A-
Tune Learning
It has been my experience that, in general, the the know, that is, you know the tune, you know the
Long series (Maiden Voyage) as follows: head with changes, you know the language of the style and
more tunes a student knows, the better jazz player
the right hand, comp with the left hand; solo with you know the definitive recordings. “Skating” on
he or she is. Having a memorized repertoire
the right hand, comp with the left hand; and two- your solo doesn’t fool anyone. Now go for it! DB
of standards and jazz classics gives you more
handed comping.
breadth, depth and credibility as a musician.
Hence, the more tunes one knows, usually the Dr. JB Dyas is Vice President for Education and Curriculum
At the Interview higher the scholarship award. Development at the Thelonious Monk Institute of Jazz at
You’ll be expected to do more than just play UCLA, and he formerly served as the executive director for the
A bachelor’s degree at a top school can cost Brubeck Institute at University of the Pacific.
great at your audition. You’ll probably have to do about $200,000 nowadays, so you should aim to
some serious talking as well. Practice this. Get get as large a scholarship as you can. Although I Additional Resources
together with a teacher to practice talking about haven’t conducted an empirical research study on • “Prepare To Nail Your Auditions,” by Geoffrey Himes,
your goals as a musician—especially if you are the topic, anecdotal evidence I’ve accumulated DownBeat, October 2013
somewhat shy or quiet. over the past two decades points to a correlation •
During the interview portion of your audition, of about $1,000 of scholarship money per tune •
be sure to speak loudly, clearly and definitively. learned. For example, I’ve found that if a student •
When asked about your goals, mention (as knows 50 tunes, then he or she is likely to receive jazz-tunes
applicable) your desire to: a 25 percent scholarship (i.e., $50,000 toward the •
• be a well-rounded, thorough musician in total $200,000 cost). If the student knows 100
Tempe, Arizona
Student Body: 750 students in the School of
Music, 40 Jazz Studies majors.
Tuition: In-state, $9,000; out-of-state,
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree
of Music in Jazz Performance. California State University, Sacramento
Brigham Young University
Provo, Utah
Student Body: 33,500 total, 437 in school of
music, 52 in Commercial Music.
Tuition: Undergraduate: $2,575–fall
semester, $1,288–spring semester Singer/Songwriter and General Legacy Dixieland Band, Salsa
(LDS), $5,150–fall semester, Studies sub-tracks. Master of Arts Combo, five traditional jazz
$2,575–spring semester (non- and Master of Music, with areas of combos, Jazz Voices, Vocal
LDS); Graduate: $3,250–fall specialty offered within each. Jazz Ensemble.
semester, $1,625–spring semester Faculty: Raymond Smith, Mark Ammons, Auditions: Held on the last Saturday of
(LDS), $6,500–fall semester Ron Saltmarsh, Kirsten Bromley,
January. Visit
$3,250–spring semester Jay Lawrence, Ronald Brough,
Steven Call, Stephan Lindeman, Financial Aid: Visit
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Commercial Michael Tobian, Aaron Merrill, Scholarships: Visit
Music, with Jazz Studies, Sam Cardon. section/scholarships.
Film/Media Composer, Audio Jazz Bands: Synthesis (big band), Jazz Apply by: Jan. 15.
Engineering, Studio Performance, Ensemble, Jazz Lab Band, Jazz Contact: Visit
Tuition: $46 per unit. Dawn Clement, Mark Ivester, Jazz Bands: Three jazz bands and
Jazz Degrees: Associate of Art in Music–Jazz Eyvind Kang, Chris Spencer, Ben three combos.
Piano, Associate of Art in Music– Thomas, Jay Thomas, Tom Varner, Auditions: Call to schedule an audition or
Jazz Voice. Wayne Horvitz. attend open house auditions,
Faculty: Dr. Stephanie Austin, Roger Jazz Bands: Ensemble 1–4, Creative Ensemble which usually take place in
Letson, Fred Randolph, Eli (10–15 pieces), Jazz Vocal January. Visit
Wallace, Clinton Day. Ensemble. progams/music/prospective-
Alumni: Mac Esposito. Auditions: Prescreening due in December; student-information.xml.
Jazz Bands: JAZZ-ology, JazzaNova, live auditions in February. Financial Aid: Visit
Jazz Singers. Financial Aid: Available. Visit admission@ admissions/financial-aid.xml.
Auditions: Held by appointment. Visit Scholarships: Honors- and merit-based Scholarships: Available. Visit admission@ scholarships available, based on
Financial Aid: Available. Visit auditions.
home/student-services/ Apply by: Dec. 1 (early deadline—no Apply by: Feb. 15.
financial-aid. application fee); Feb. 1 (priority Contact: Colleen Hegney, Music
Apply by: Priority placement given to deadline). Rolling admission Department, (509) 359-2241,
students auditioned and accepted through Aug. 1. Visit ewu.
by Feb. 28. Walk-in auditions Contact: Sharron Starling, Director of edu/cale/programs/music.
during first week of class. Admissions, (800) 726-2787,
Contact: Dr. Stephanie Austin, saustin@ Fullerton College
Eastern Washington University
Cheney, Washington Fullerton, California
Cornish College of the Arts Student Body: 13,453. Student Body: 35,335.
Tuition: In-state, $7,972; out-of-state, Tuition: Undergraduate, in-state,
Seattle, Washington $21,066. $1,138; out-of-state, $6,010.
Student Body: 750 total, 110 music majors. Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Art Jazz Degrees: None.
Tuition: $36,840. Education, Bachelor of Music and Faculty: Bruce Babad, Dr. Joe Jewell,
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Jazz Certificate in Jazz and Commercial Jamie Shew, Roger Shew, Mike
Instrumental, Jazz Vocal, Jazz Music, Master of Arts in Jazz Scott, Matt Johnson.
Composition. Pedagogy. Jazz Bands: Jazz Band, jazz combo, jazz guitar
Faculty: Jim Knapp, Jovino Santos-Neto, Faculty: Mellad Abeid, Jenny Kellogg, ensemble, alternative jazz lab
Johnaye Kendrick, Randy Scott Steed. ensemble. Total of 25 performance
Halberstadt, Chuck Deardorf, Alumni: Frank DeMiero, Jon Hamar. groups. (Big Band, Combo 1,
Metropolitan State
University of Denver
Denver Colorado
Student Body: 21,179.
Tuition: In-state, $3,035/semester; out-of-state: $10,028/semester.
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Jazz and American Improvised Music
Performance Concentration (also concentrations in
Composition, Instrumental Performance, Voice
Performance); Bachelor of Music Education; Bachelor of
Arts in Music.
Faculty: Ron Miles, Justin Adams, Adam Bartczak, Ron Bland, Don
Byron, Dave Devine, Shane Endsley, Matt Fuller, Greg
Garrison, Mark Harris, Keri Murphy, Carmen Sandim,
Ashlee Varner, Fred Hess.
Jazz Bands: Jazz Chamber Music, Jazz Ensemble, Vocal Jazz
Ensemble, others.
Auditions: Contact the Music Office, (303) 556-3180. Visit msudenver.
Financial Aid: Available. Visit
Scholarships: Need- and merit-based. Visit Call
(303) 556-3180 or email
Contact: Ron Miles, Director of Jazz Studies, (303) 556-2620, Visit Call
(303) 556-3180 or email
MiraCosta College
Oceanside, California
Student Body: 12,000.
Tuition: In-state, $46/unit; out-of-state, $200/unit.
Jazz Degrees: Associate Degrees in Performance: Jazz and
Commercial Music, Audio Recording Production.
Faculty: Matt Falker, Dan Siegel, Steve Torok, Bob Boss, Justin
Grinnell, Jaeryoung Lee, Duncan Moore. Visiting artists
have included Benny Golson, Fred Wesley, Brian
Bromberg, Tom Scott, Ernie Watts, Karrin Allyson, M-Pact,
Wee Trio.
Jazz Bands: MiraCosta Oceanside Jazz Orchestra, MiraCosta Jazz
Collective, Frequency (vocal jazz ensemble), Spectrum
(vocal jazz ensemble).
Auditions: Instrumental: Steve Torok,; Vocal:
Matt Falker,
Financial Aid: Available. Visit
Scholarships: Need- and merit-based.
Contact: Instrumental: Steve Torok,; Vocal:
Matt Falker,
Scholarships: Available. Contact Brian Wilson, through the Friends of Music Faculty: Kenny Burrell, Justo Almario,
Music Department Chair, (707) donor organization for students George Bohanon, Clayton
664-2468, brian.wilson@sonoma. enrolled in private lessons. No Cameron, Charley Harrison, Tamir
edu. tuition-based aid is available. Hendelman, Cheryl Keyes, Wolf
Apply by: Nov. 30. Apply by: Oct. 15 (early action with arts Marshall, Eddie Meadows,
Contact: Brian Wilson, Music Department supplement), Nov. 1 (early action Roberto Miranda, Barbara
Chair, (707) 664-2468, brian. with no arts supplement), Dec. 1 Morrison, James Newton, Charles (regular decision with arts Owens, Ruth Price, Bobby
supplement), Jan. 1 (regular Rodriguez, Michele Weir, Jerry
Stanford University decision with no arts supplement). Bergonzi, Hal Crook.
Contact: Rowen Leigh, Undergraduate Alumni: Gretchen Parlato, Nick DePinna,
Student Services Officer, (650) Hitomi Oba, Keschia Potter.
Stanford, California
725-1932, Jazz Bands: Jazz Orchestra, Latin Jazz Big
Student Body: 7,018 total, 500 music students, Band, Ellingtonia Orchestra,
50 music majors. University of California–Los Combo I, Combo II, Combo III,
Tuition: $45,729. Angeles, Herb Alpert School of Combo IV, Combo V, Combo VI,
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Arts in Music–jazz Music/Thelonious Monk Institute Combo VII.
Faculty: Frederick Berry, James Nadel,
of Jazz Performance Auditions: Auditions are required. Students
Murray Low.
Los Angeles, California must submit a general application
Jazz Bands: Stanford Jazz Orchestra, Stanford Student Body: 84 undergraduate to UCLA, along with a department
Afro Latin Jazz Ensemble, jazz Ethnomusicology majors, 39 supplement. Visit arts.ucla.
combo program. undergraduate students in the edu/ethno.
Auditions: No auditions required for Jazz Studies Concentration, 5–7 Financial Aid: Available. Visit financialaid.
admission. Ensemble and lesson graduate students in the
auditions held first week of autumn Thelonious Monk Institute of Jazz Scholarships: Available. Department reviews
quarter. Visit, Performance. for merit-based scholarships occur Tuition: Visit during auditions. For all other
Financial Aid: No tuition-based financial aid is gradfee.htm. scholarships, visit financialaid.
available through the Department Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Arts in
of Music. All financial aid Ethnomusicology–Jazz Apply by: Nov. 30.
questions should go to the Studies Concentration, Contact: Laura Young, Director of
University Financial Aid Office, Performance and Composition, Enrollment Management and Master of Music in Jazz Outreach, (310) 825.9708,
Scholarships: The Department of Music offers via Thelonious Monk Institute of For the
partial and full lesson scholarships Jazz Performance. Monk Institute, visit
University of
Boulder, Colorado
Student Body: 600 music students, 35 jazz students.
Tuition: Undergraduate, in-state, $26,267; out-of-state, $49,301;
International $54,883. Includes housing, books and fees.
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Jazz Performance, Master of Music in
Jazz Pedagogy & Performance; DMA in Jazz Studies.
Faculty: Dr. John Gunther, Dr. John Davis, Brad Goode, Paul
McKee, Tom Myer, Dr. Douglas Walter, Bijoux Barbosa,
David Corbus, Jeff Jenkins, Joshua Quinlan, Paul Romaine.
Alumni: Tia Fuller, Damani Phillips, Josh Quinlan.
Jazz Bands: Three big bands, seven combos, Elecronic Music
Auditions: Held first three Saturdays of February. Recordings also
accepted. Pre-screening for undergraduate guitarists and
all graduate applicants.
Financial Aid: Available. Visit
Scholarships: Merit-based scholarships and teaching assistants available.
Apply by: Dec. 1.
Contact: Dr. John Gunther, Director of Jazz Studies, john.gunther@
University of Colorado–Denver
Denver, Colorado
Student Body: 450.
Tuition: In-state, $6,768; out-of-state, $20,891.
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Science in Performance.
Faculty: Paul Musso, Peter Stoltzman, Gregory Walker, Pete
Ellingson, Greg Garrison, Drew Morell, Todd Reid, Leslie
Soich, Carmen Sandim, Eric Staffeldt, Erin Hackel, Owen
Kortz, Doug Krause.
University of Denver,
Lamont School of Music
Denver, Colorado
Student Body: 11,800 total, 300 music students.
Tuition: $43,000.
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Jazz
Studies, Bachelor of Music in
Recording and Production, Master
of Music in Performance with
an emphasis in jazz, Master of
Music in Composition with an
emphasis in jazz.
Faculty: Lynn Baker, Scott Bean, Art
Bouton, Eric Gunnison, David
Hanson, Alan Hood, Mike Abbott,
Mike Marlier, Marc Sabatella,
Ken Walker, Donna Wickham,
Steve Wiest, Michael Schulze.
Alumni: Ramon Ricker, Jeff Benedict, Ron
Milies, Paul Romaine, Rudy
Royston, Nate Wooley.
Jazz Bands: Lamont Jazz Orchestra, Lamont
Jazz Ensemble, University Jazz
Ensemble, Contemporary Combo,
Fusion Combo, Vocal Jazz
Combo, Vocal Repertoire Combo,
Commercial Music Combo, Bebop
Combo, Standards Combo,
Modal Jazz Combo, Latin Combo,
Hard Bop Combo, Free
Improvisation Combo, Flex
Auditions: Feb. 6, Feb. 13 and Feb. 20.
Financial Aid: Visit
Scholarships: Available. Visit
Apply by: Jan. 15.
Contact: Steve Wiest, Co-Chair of Jazz
Studies,; Lynn
Baker, Visit
University of Idaho, Lionel
Hampton School of Music
Moscow, Idaho
Student Body: 250 music majors.
University of Nevada,
Las Vegas
Las Vegas, Nevada
Student Body: 22,000 total, 400 in music
department, 60 jazz majors.
Tuition: In-state, $9,000.
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Jazz
Studies, instrumental or vocal
performance or jazz composition,
Master of Music with a jazz
performance or jazz composition
y the time James Clarke reached high school in his native undergraduate level. Doing it right requires a lot of focus, and
Dean Shelly Berg rehearses with student musicians prior to the building
dedication ceremony for the Patricia Louise Frost Music Studios, North and
South Buildings, at the University of Miami’s Frost School of Music on Feb. 20.
Guido Basso (left) with the Humber College Studio Jazz Ensemble
Diploma in Jazz and Caribbean Music. Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music (Honours),
Faculty: Elías Santos-Celpa, Luis Marín, Bachelor of Arts (Honours),
Julio Alvarado, Andrew Lázaro, Bachelor of Arts (Advanced Major),
Orlando Laureano, Fernando Bachelor of Arts.
Mattina, Fidel Morales, Norberto Faculty: Ryan Billington, Kevin Brunkhorst,
Ortíz, Emmanuel Navarro, Pedro Greg Carter, Tony Genge, Jake
Pérez, Javier Rodriguez Curet, Hanlon, Terry O’Mahoney, Gene
Gabriel Rodriguez, Charlie Sepúlveda. Smith, Paul Tynan.
Auditions: Feb. 12. Alumni: Ken Aldcroft, Ethan Ardelli,
Financial Aid: Contact Students Affairs Office, Ryan Davidson, Greg Gatien. Trumpeter Randy Brecker performs
(787) 751-0160 ext. 253, lconde@ with Capilano University students
Jazz Bands: Jazz combos (4–10, depending on class distribution), Vocal Jazz,
Apply by: Dec. 7. Guitar Ensemble. Te Koki New Zealand School of Music
Contact: Ana Marta Arraiza, Admissions Auditions: Vary for each studio; contact Wellington and Auckland, New Zealand
Coordinator, university for details. Student Body: 550 EFT (equivalent full
Financial Aid: Available. Contact Rachel time students).
Royal Academy of Music MacFarlane, (902) 867-5458.
London, England, United Kingdom Tuition: International students: $27,515;
Scholarships: Limited, academic-based. New Zealand students: $6,200.
Student Body: 730 total, 35 jazz students. Apply by: June 1. Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music, Bachelor of
Tuition: Bachelor of Music in Jazz Contact: Kevin Brunkhorst, Chair, (902) 867- Music with Honors, Post-Graduate
Studies, £9000 (UK/EU 2467, Diploma in Music, Master of
students except ELQ), £20,700 Music, Master of Musical Arts,
(international); Master of Selkirk College Doctor of Musical Arts, Artist
Arts, £10,795 (UK/EU students British Columbia, Canada Diploma, Doctor of Philosophy.
except ELQ), £21,475 (internation- Student Body: 90. Faculty: Mark Donlon, Norman Meehan,
al); Master of Music, £10,865 (UK/ Tuition: $2,500/semester. Dr. Dave Lisik, Lance Philip,
EU students except ELQ), £21,630 Jazz Degrees: Performance, Production, Song others.
(international). Writing, Composition, Directed Jazz Bands: Three big bands (including a jazz
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Jazz Studies, guitar band), combos at all levels,
Master of Art, Master of Music. jazz choir.
Faculty: Nick Smart, Dave Liebman, Faculty: Visit
music/faculty. Auditions: Visit
Larry Goldings, Pete Churchill, audition.
Tom Cawley, Barak Schmool, Jazz Bands: Jazz, funk, blues, r&b, world,
recording. Financial aid: Grants and awards
Keith Nichols, Alyn Shipton, available. Visit
Norma Winstone, Gwilym Auditions: Visit
Financial Aid: Available. Visit student-zone/
Simcock, Mike Walker, Phil scholarships-and-prizes.
Robson, Michael Janisch, Jeff program/music.
Scholarships: Available. Visit Scholarships: Available. Contact jazz@
Williams, Ian Thomas, others.
Alumni: John Escreet, Orlando le Fleming, program/music.
Apply by: Visit Apply by: Southern Hemisphere calendar,
Gwilym Simcock, Kwabs, Trish application for audition by Oct. for
Clowes, Joshua Blackmore, Kit Contact: Sue Hill,
study from March.
Downes, Chris Montague, Reuben Berys Cuncannon, Jazz Program
Fowler, Freddie Gavita, Tom Senzoku Gakuen College of Music Contact:
combo, Blues combo, others. Scholarships: Visit and permanent residents:
Auditions: On-campus or through video or finder/2015/bmus_bmusjazz.html. approximately $5,000;
audio recording. Contact Diego Apply by: September. international: approximately
Celi, Vice Dean, Contact: Dusty Cox, dustan.cox@adelaide. $10,000. Graduate Continuing fee:
ec. Visit approximately $1,500 per year
academicos/colegios/imc/ after first year.
aspirantes. Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Jazz Studies, Post-
Scholarships: Merit-based. University of Guelph Baccalaureate Diploma in
Apply by: May 15. Performance, Master of Music in
Contact: Esteban Molina, Dean, emolina@ Guelph, Ontario, Canada Jazz Performance.; Diego Celi, Vice Faculty: Steve Kirby, Derrick Gardner,
Dean,; Patricia Student Body: 18,204 undergraduates.
Tuition: Undergraduate, Canadian student, Quincy Davis, Will Bonness,
Monge, Academic Coordinator, Jon Gordon, Larry Roy, Anna-Lisa Kirby.; Cristina $3,099/semester; international
student, $9,654.58. Jazz Bands: Jazz Orchestra, small jazz ensembles.
Zambrano, Administrative Auditions: Held in mid-February. Audition
Assistant; Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Arts in Music.
Faculty: Kimberly Francis, James Harley, and theory test required, in person
ec. (+593 2) 297-1761, (+593 2) or by DVD.
297-1769. Marta McCarthy, Howard Spring.
Jazz Bands: One jazz band, multiple ensembles. Financial Aid: Bursaries available by application
(Oct. 1 deadline), based on need.
University of Adelaide, Elder Auditions: No auditions for School of Music.
Scholarships: Based on audition. General
Conservatorium of Music Financial Aid: Available. Visit
University of Manitoba scholar-
Adelaide, South Australia, Australia registrar/studentfinance/aid/index.
ships also available. Visit
Scholarship: Visit
Student Body: 100.
Tuition: Australian students, $6,150 (AUD), moneymatters_hub.html.
Apply: Jan. 14 (admissions round 1), mid-
international, $26,000 (AUD) Apply by: Jan. 15.
March (admissions round 2) and
Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Music in Jazz Contact: Shelley O’Leary, Admissions
mid-May (admissions round 3).
Performance. Coordinator, (204) 474-6728,
Contact: College of Arts, (519) 824-4120
Faculty: Dusty Cox, John Aue, Mark
ext. 5330. Visit
Ferguson, Derek Pascoe, Lyndon
Gray, James Muller, Peter Dowdall,
Chris Soole, Adam Page, Dave University of Manitoba,
McEvoy. University of Music and
Jazz Bands: Big Band, Latin Ensemble, Vocal
Desautels Faculty of Music Performing Arts, Graz
Jazz Choir, 15-plus small Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
ensembles. Student Body: 40-45, including grad students.
Auditions: Sept. Visit Tuition: Undergraduate, Canadians and Graz, Austria
gree-finder/2015/bmus_bmusjazz.html. permanent residents: Student Body: 1,600 total, 120 jazz students.
Financial Aid: Available. Visit approximately $5,200; Tuition: No tuition for EU citizens; non-EU
degree-finder/2015/bmus_bmus international: approximately citizens, €1,490.84.
jazz.html. $15,000. Graduate, Canadians Jazz Degrees: Bachelor of Arts in Jazz