COM Department News: Speaking Of..
COM Department News: Speaking Of..
COM Department News: Speaking Of..
MAY 2011
COM D e partm en tOF...
New s
Department of Communication
Full-Time Faculty & Staff See what our faculty members
have been up to
Charleston Campus (Click on name to email that Page 3 & 4
person.) Meet our newest faculty
Cameron Basquiat, Professor members
Dr. Jennifer Basquiat, Professor Pages 5 & 6
Diana Clennan, Professor Meet our tutors and read
Kerry Ford, Professor about the success of our
Angela M. Holland, Professor, Lead Faculty
Page 7
Dr. Timothy James, Professor
Check out all the amazing
Debra Johnson, Administrative Assistant II things that our ASC students
Scott Ku, Instructor have been doing
Dr. Luke LeFebvre, Instructor, Communication Labs Pages 8 & 9
Coordinator Read the latest news on our
Jodie Mandel, Professor Journalism program
Rick Marks, Professor, Internship Coordinator Page 10
James McCoy, Professor, Department Chair Our alumni are busy too! See
Dr. Owen Pillion, Instructor, Sigma Chi Eta Advisor what they’re doing now; also
meet our department’s
Student of the Year
Page 11
Cheyenne Campus
Whether you’re a student,
Arnold Bell, Professor, Collegiate Review Advisor instructor, or just a curious
Tom Cowan, Professor bystander, you can learn
Steve Herro, Instructor, Cheyenne Campus COM Lab something new from our
GIFTS (Great Ideas for
Liaison Teaching Speech)!
Kevin Mitchell, Instructor
Page 12
Eric Moreau, Professor
COM Faculty have fun at the
William Neff, Instructor Orleans and donate their time
to a Day of Service
Page 13
Henderson Campus Spotlight on Sherri, our
Michele Fogg, Instructor, ASC Advisor Student Worker
April Hebert, Instructor, Henderson Campus COM Lab Page 14
MAY 2011
Cameron Basquiat Professor Basquiat presented “When Sin City Goes Back to School” at the November 2010 meeting of
the National Communication Association, where he also presented a competitively selected paper)
Anonymous Self-Disclosure: Exposing Secrets in a World. In January 2011, he and
Professor James McCoy presented a paper, “Utilizing the 'Competent Speaker' form to evaluate student
efficacy in oral presentations” at the meeting of the Hawaiian International Conference on Education in
Honolulu, Hawaii. He served as a reviewer for NCA 2011 convention submissions for the Community
College and GIFTS (Great Ideas for Teaching Students) sections. Professor Basquiat has also written book
reviews for “DK Guide to Public Speaking” (2012) author Lisa A. Ford-Brown, and “Public Speaking:
The Evolving Art,” 2/e authors Stephanie Coopman and James Lull.
Professor Basquiat is on sabbatical for the spring 2011 semester. He is working on generating a new course
exploring gender communication and also generating several short videos (2-7 minutes each) to be used in
his online Interpersonal Communication (COM 102) courses. The videos’ content will focus on reviewing
key components from the chapters and exploring a current topic or issue related to a key theory/concept
discussed in the course.
April Hebert April participated on a panel at the November 2010 National Communication Association convention
entitled “No $$$, Fame, or Status Would Lure Me Away From Teaching at a Community College:
Explaining Our Unique Mission to COM MAs/PhDs.” In February 2011, she attended the Western
States Communication Association conference in Monterey, California, where she presented “Helping
Students Avoid Plagiarism in the Public Speaking Course” as a member of a GIFTS (Great Ideas For
Teaching Speech) panel. She currently serves as the Henderson campus liaison for the Communication
Lab. She will be chairing a WSCA panel in 2012 on technology and plagiarism.
Steve Herro Steve published “Exploring the Concept of Equality: A Rhetorical Critique of Rutherford B. Hayes’s
1877 Inaugural Address” in the 2010 edition of The Carolinas Communication Annual. He was also
competitively selected by the Critical and Cultural Studies Division to present “Understanding Reality
Television in the Context of the Financial Crisis of 2008: How HGTV Defends Neoliberal Logic” at the
National Communication Association national convention in San Francisco, November 2010.
Recently he was voted chair-elect of the Western States Communication Association’s (WSCA) Rhetoric
and Public Address (RPA) Interest Group. As chair-elect, Steve will organize a pre-conference for the
2012 WSCA convention in Albuquerque, NM. As chair in 2013, Steve will organize the RPA Interest
Group’s slate of research presentations and will preside over the group’s business meeting in Reno, NV.
Angela Holland During the fall 2010 semester, Professor Angela Holland was granted sabbatical. She worked on a project
conjoining the public speaking course with the women's studies course she also teaches for social sciences.
Her work entails bringing together the Gender, Race, and Class course, with the Public Speaking course,
creating a cohort for students to participate in both courses, simultaneously. These joined courses will
occur for the first time during fall 2011 semester. If successful, Professor Holland expects that this project
will continue into future semesters; and, that it may even expand to cohort development between
instructors in various disciplines.
Tim James Dr. James just finished chairing a search committee; he also serves on the Travel Committee, and is the
secretary for ATAC (Academic Technology Advisory Committee). He has been approved for a sabbatical
for fall 2011, and will be working on a public speaking book.
MAY 2011
Luke Lefebvre Dr. Lefebvre has a chapter entitled entitled “Course Management Systems: Creating Alternative Avenues
for Student Access to the Communication Center” in The Communication Center Movement in Higher
Education, to be published next year (2012). He received Top Paper recognition from the Basic Course
Division, as first author, for a manuscript entitled “The Relationship between Self-generated Corrective
Feedback and Speaking Performance” at the National Communication Association held in San Francisco
in November 2010. While there he also participated on a panel for the Basic Course Division at the
National Communication Association entitled “Bridging the Communication Laboratory, Basic Course,
and Beyond” and presented at the National Association of Communication Centers in Richmond,
Virginia on March 18, 2011, for a panel entitled “Centrifugal Forces: Pushing the Boundaries of Research
on Communication Centers.”
Jodie D. Mandel Professor Mandel, who earned tenure in 2010, attended and presented at the National Communication
Association annual conference (NCA) in San Francisco in the fall of 2010. The first panel was titled:
“Service Learning Integrated into the Classroom: Building New Bridges Between Students and the
Community.” The other panel was titled: “Building Bridges to the Community: Service Learning in the
Basic Communication Courses.” She also attended and presented at the Western States Communication
Association annual conference (WSCA) in Monterey, CA in the spring of 2011. She participated in the
panel “Going Hybrid with the Basic Course: Creating Communities for Learning, Innovation and
Assessment in the Public Speaking Course.” Additionally, she attended the Society for Media and Cinema
Studies (SMCS) annual convention in New Orleans, LA in the spring of 2011. She hosted and developed
the first annual Green Tech Festival at CSN.
James McCoy Professor McCoy presented at the 2010 National Communication Association Conference held in San
Francisco. The title of his presentation was “Building Bridges During your Graduate Teaching
Experience: Teaching at the Community College Simultaneously to Completing your Graduate
Program.” He also presented at the HIC on Education in January of 2011. The title of his presentation
was, “Utilizing the Competent Speaker Form to Evaluate Student Efficacy in Oral Presentations. In
addition, he was one of only fifteen communication professors invited to participate in a national
symposium on “current trends in the public speaking classroom” held in New York in January 2011.
Bill Neff Professor Neff recently earned tenure and was appointed lead faculty for the coming year. He is
continuing his PhD studies at UNLV and has applied for official admission to the Public Affairs program
for fall 2011 semester.
Owen Pillion At the National Communication Association annual convention in San Francisco, November 2010, Dr.
Pillion served as the chair of the Religious Studies Pre-Conference Panel, and also served as a panel
member for “Building Bridges Through Engaged Ethnography: Exploring ‘Fringe’ Religious Identities
Within Dominant US Culture.” Dr. Pillion also attended the American Popular Culture Association
National Conference in San Antonio, April 2011, serving as both panel chair and presenter of a paper
(co-authored with Eric Moreau): “Queer Affection and Prime Time Television: A Critical Analysis of
‘Modern Family.’” He is also the recipient of two MLK Diversity Awards: one for Outstanding Faculty
Member; the other for Outstanding Organization (One Love)
MAY 2011
MAY 2011
Owen Pillion
Owen Pillion joined the department in the Spring of 2010. Prior to teaching at CSN, Dr.
Pillion taught Communication courses at the University of Missouri and California State
University, Stanislaus. At CSN he teaches Oral Communication, Small Group,
Interpersonal, and Survey of Communication Studies. Dr. Pillion is the faculty advisor for
two student organizations: Sigma Chi Eta (The National Communication Honor Society)
and One Love (CSN’s first GLTBQ and Straight Student Alliance). This semester the
college recognized Dr. Pillion and One Love as each received Martin Luther King Diversity
Awards. In April, Dr. Pillion will present an original research project that he has co-
authored with Professor Eric Moreau at American Popular Culture Association’s National
Conference in San Antonio, Texas. The research project is a critical analysis of the
popular television program “Modern Family.” When Dr. Pillion is not at school, he likes to
travel, exercise, and partake in the original shows and events that come through our city.
Also, he and his boyfriend love taking advantage of the Vegas culinary scene.
MAY 2011
Monica extremely diverse and they all have THIS GOAL WAS EXCEEDED. 60%
different reasons why they are in college. of the face-to-face 101 classes toured the
Munoz Tutoring for Com 101 is all-around labs; additionally, online advisement was
Year in School: rewarding--when a student grasps a given to distance education, hybrid, and
First Year concept and the "light bulb goes off", extension COM classes.
Communication here in the lab it is a gratifying
Lab Location: experience for both myself (as a tutor) GOAL 2. Provide a minimum of 800
West Charleston and the student (tutee). student consultations during the semester.
# of semesters employed at the CL: THIS GOAL WAS SURPASSED.
One Allison During the fall of 2010, 1102 total
student consultations took place at
Favorite part about working at the
Communication Lab:
Clark the communication labs, 87% were
Year in students who had visited the
The satisfaction I feel when I tutor School:
someone and they understand the communication labs during course
Sophomore/ section tours.
material. To know that with our little Junior
push as communication lab tutors, they
are doing better. Communication Lab Location: GOAL 3. Develop a systematic tracking
Cheyenne system for student consultations.
# of semesters employed at the CL:
Kalen D. One, going on two
The form is an interactive PDF used to
Patty Favorite part about working at the track and assess student consultations
Year in School: Communication Lab: Meeting new that take place at the communication
Freshman (1st people labs.
Communication Raymond GOAL 4. Solicit and obtain student
Lab Location:
West Charleston Miranda feedback about their experiences using
Year in School: the communication labs.
# of semesters employed at the CL: Third (almost) THIS GOAL WAS ACHIEVED.
One Communication Following a consultation, students who
Favorite part about working at the Lab Location: used the communication labs during the
Communication Lab: Knowing that I fall 2010 semester were emailed a student
have helped my peers become better Henderson
# of semesters survey. The response rate was a very
leaders for the future is gratifying, but employed at the respectable five percent.
watching the actual process of them CL:One
succeeding in their class is the best part Favorite part about working at the Perhaps the greatest indicator of the
of what I do. communication lab’s success can be
Communication Lab: Being able to
build relationships with students, and see found in the comments given by students:
Kathrina them succeed in a subject that involves so
Dycaico many personal, emotional, and physical “My tutor was wonderful she was such a
Year in School: barriers. There's no greater satisfaction great help that I did exceptionally well
First Year to see a student gain confidence in and was confident the night of my speech.
Communication themselves and change into a better I will be seeking her assistance with my
Lab Location: public speaker. next speech topic.”
West Charleston
# of semesters “My tutor was great. She was very
employed at the organized and efficient in helping me
CL: One structure my policy speech outline. Her
Favorite part about working at the STATE OF THE help was invaluable.”
Communication Lab: Helping the
students and sharing the skills I gained
COMMUNICATION “My overall experience with the
from my Communication 101 class. LABS Communication Lab was wonderful. My
tutor was extremely helpful, patient, and
accommodating. With his help, I was able
Cara Since 2005, the communication lab has
been an essential resource for students to achieve an “A” on my first two
Isikoff seeking assistance in all aspects of public speeches in COM 101. I will continue to
Year in School: speaking. use the COM LAB for the remainder of
Third year my semester in COM 101, as well
Communication Dr. Luke Lefebvre, who joined the as in the future classes. What a great
Lab Location: Department of Communication in 2010 resource!”
Cheyenne as the communication lab coordinator,
# of semesters identified four goals to accomplish during Congratulations to Dr. Lefebvre
employed at the CL: Three the FAll 2010 Semester:
Favorite part about working at the and all the wonderful tutors
Communication Lab: What I like best GOAL 1. Expose 50% of the
who make such a positive
about working at the Communication Lab Communication 101 course sections at difference in students’
is interacting with the students. At the each campus to the communication labs educational experiences here at
Cheyenne Campus the student's are via a course section tour. CSN!
MAY 2011
MAY 2011
MAY 2011
The Journalism/Media Studies program has received significant
funding to improve and update equipment so students can be
trained on the latest equipment and technology. Under the
direction of Rick Marks, the program continues to keep students
and the department on the forefront.
Finally, the program also received funding from ATAC for two Avid
Media Composer editing computers. These will be used to teach
our new JOUR 202 Media Production I course. The JOUR 202
course will be offer this fall for the first time and covers Electronic
News Gathering with editing. Basically, students will shoot, edit
Students type on computers in the talent booth
and create self-contained news packages, similar to what is seen
on local and national TV news programs.
MAY 2011
Alumni News
What are they doing with their COM degrees?
Since graduating from CSN in May, annual Adam and Eve Charity Love Fling Bachelor/Bachelorette
Monique Makhlouf has been Auction. Molly moved to the Muscular Dystrophy Association
attending UNLV full time as a (MDA) as fundraising coordinator in 2009 where she stayed for a
Communication Major concentrating short period of time before taking her current position as the
in rhetorical theory on a full community director for the March of Dimes. When Molly isn’t
scholarship from CSN. She earned working she enjoys spending time with her husband and their first
straight A’s last semester and has been child, Lexie who will be one in June. Molly is a diehard Disney
very active on campus as a UNLV fan, and can’t wait to take her daughter on her first trip to
ambassador for which she volunteers Disneyland.
her time to spread the word about the
pending budget cuts and helps the
community get involved in the Since graduating last May
political process. She was public and being awarded the
relations coordinator for Rebelation communication department’s
Media, the student-run public Outstanding Student of the
relations firm, but she put that commitment aside to assume the Year 2010, Noel Justin Lee
role of president for the Association of Students in Gomez transferred to the
Communication. She has been serving as Interim Secretary for University of California-
the International Association of Business Communicators and Merced. Noel has recently
was recently offered a permanent position on the board as been selected to participate in
Director of Education. After graduation in December of this year, the 2011 Latino Leadership
Monique hopes to pursue a master’s degree in Communication. Initiative (LLI) this summer
at the Center for Public
Leadership at Harvard
Since receiving the Regents’ University’s John F. Kennedy
Scholar Award in 2006 and School of Government, in
graduating with her A.A. in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Communication from the Noel is also one of three
department in the spring of CSN nominees for the 2011
2007, Molly Marks went on Jack Kent Cooke Scholarship which provide financial assistance to
to UNLV where she graduated community college students who are completing their bachelor’s
with her B.A. in degree. At UC-Merced, Noel continues to be active as a tutor, and
Communication Studies in the serving in elected positions as fundraising coordinator for the
spring of 2009. After interning Latino Associated Students de UC Merced and media/advertising
with New Vista Community, a coordinator for the Cinco de Mayo Celebration. He is also the
local non-profit, Molly was hired entertainment chairperson for the 2012 Western Regional
and was shortly promoted to LGBTQIA Conference, and was recently selected from a field of
event coordinator. During her 3 20 students to serve as orientation leader for new students. This
½ years with New Vista summer he will also participate in the UC Merced Summer
Community, the charity had Bridge Program serving as a mentor and tutor for at-risk
their most successful years with their Wine Walk Series and their freshman.
Aimee Riley
"I am honored to announce that I was just elected to serve as the new President for ASCSN Student
Government! I have a 4.0 GPA and was selected as 2011 Communications Student of the Year at
CSN. I am also a single mother and a very active education advocate. I am the Vice President of the
CSN Capitol Club, a nonpartisan organization focused on encouraging and empowering students to
participate in their democracy. I serve as the Vice President of Sigma Chi Eta, the honors society for
Communications and Journalism majors. I also actively participate in numerous organizations across
the valley and state. I pledge to serve all students in the coming year as our official representative and
voice. Thank you for all of your support. I could not have succeeded without everyone's help and
--Aimee Riley
MAY 2011
MAY 2010
COM faculty spent the weeks leading up to the event soliciting donated items from their
students. On Saturday morning, everyone brought bags and boxes full of desperately needed
items for the troops in Afghanistan. Faculty, family members, and students spent the morning
separating and counting items such as earplugs, baby wipes, toothpaste, toothbrushes, and
many other personal items. These were then boxed, labeled, and transported to the USO.
The Department would like to thank Professor Arnold Bell for organizing this event, and all
the students who donated items. Soon, soldiers in Afghanistan will be the grateful beneficiary
of this outpouring of generosity.
MAY 2011
Tell us about your past do love the rewards I gain from wearing each hat every day.
professional experience: Maybe I’ll just take a vacation first then conquer the world.
In my other life I am the What are your guilty pleasures?
President/CEO of Xtravaganza My guilty pleasures are reading mystery novels while eating
Upscale Event Planners. We chocolate, and checking on my kid’s lives on Facebook (they made
started with a Business me make a page) and playing Farmville, I had to get the pink cow.
Networking Gala at the Bellagio
in 1998 that sold out. Two weeks What do you do when you’re not at work or school?
later I was on a plane to Detroit When I’m not at work or school I like to travel. I hate the airport
to do my part to help plan the so I love to drive to California and hang out in Santa Monica or
“Chrysler Camp Jeep” annual the Valley with my friends in the entertainment industry. I miss
event in Arrington, VA. the beach.
Xtravaganza is a full service event
production house. Meaning, we What surprises you most about working in the
take care of everything in terms of Communication office with DJ?
putting a lot of people in one place During my first introduction to CSN as a new student navigating
for a reason. Xtravaganza handles venue negotiations, my way through grey areas of higher learning it was a little scary
entertainment, food & beverage, sponsorships, security, A/V tech and time consuming. What struck me the most about being a
issues, licensing and research, budgeting and much more. student worker was how focused everyone is when it comes to the
Everything a client would need for a successful event, from A– Z, COM students ,in terms of their needs, whatever they may be,
that way they are free to do what they do. I am also the Founder and students in general who wander in with a question. Working
& Executive Producer of Women of Entertainment, Fashion, with DJ is a blast. She is knowledgeable and steadfast in her focus
Music and Media, a networking group of industry insiders. on whatever project she is working on at the moment. It’s got to
Tell us something about your family: be done and done right. She is very thorough in regards to
department business. We have great conversations on just about
I am the proud parent of six children and six grandchildren. We everything.
are originally from Los Angeles, CA by way of Monterey, CA. As
a military family we have moved seven times. I have lived in Anything else you would like to share about yourself ?
Virginia, South Carolina, Monterey, CA, and Kitzingen As a returning student I had some trepidation about interactions
Germany. Germany was fun, the people, the language, cobble with my younger classmates. I needn’t have felt that way. I am
stone streets and castles, loved it. enjoying my time at CSN as both a student and student worker
What do you want to be when you grow up? which puts me in touch with source information for my major,
communication. One of my rewards has been the invitation to
When I grow up I want to get some sleep. Being a returning Phi Theta Kappa of which I am now a member. That makes the
student trying to maintain a 4.0, a business owner in this sleepless nights and the “why did the professor do that” questions
economy, a student worker and a mom is hard work. However, I worth it.
Trivia Tidbits
Can you match the communication department faculty with their trivial tidbit?
A. Whose dog is named after a character in a popular short story by Herman Melville (Bartleby).
B. What professor is from the title-starved sports town Cleveland, Ohio?
C. Who lived in New York City and worked in the World Trade Center?
D. Which professor shares the same exact birthday as Bruce Willis?
E. Who has traveled to 26 different countries?
F. What professor worked as a bilingual Santa for one Christmas season in San Diego?
G. Which professor claims Judge Judy and Teen Mom as their guilty TV pleasures?
H. Who has never seen a Star Wars movie?
I. Which professor can eat an entire box of Kraft Mac & Cheese in under a minute?
J. Who painted themselves blue for a living for several years?
K. Which professor played William Hung in the movie Akelah and the Bee?
Answers: A. Holland B. Marks C. Fogg D. Clennan E. Ku F. C. Basquait G. Ford H. Pillion I. Moreau J. Hebert K. McCoy