Butler + Goffman
Butler + Goffman
Butler + Goffman
Smith 2006
Gender distinctions are socially constructed through everyday beliefs and practices including those found in
household divisions of labour, the gendered division of toilet arrangements in public places, and a system of
personal identification by first name and title that biases categorisation of persons in gendered terms
in his later writings Goffman moved away from this conception to- wards a more sociologically consistent view
of self as encoded in conduct
Manning 1992
Two selves view (about Goffmans first book, Presentation1959)
Gonos 1977
picks up on the many ways that Goffman slights individual agency and acknowledges the determinative effects
of situations, occasions, frames and their semiotic codes
Auslander 2003
It seems that the gender analyses offered by Goffman and by Butler are not so different from one another
As if he talked about universalistic human subjectivity
Auslander, Philip (2003): General Introduction, in Performance (Critical Concepts in Literary and Cultural
Studies, 4 Volumes). London: Routledge.
Brickell, Chris (2005): Masculinities, Performativity and Subversion. Men and Masculinities, 8 (1):2443.
Butler, Judith (1988): Performative Acts and Gender Constitution: An Essay in Phenomenology and Feminist
Theory. Theatre Journal, 40 (4):519531. (1990): Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity.
Lon- don: Routledge.
GOFFMAN (1977): The Arrangement Between the Sexes. Theory and Society, 4:301332.
Gonos, George (l977): Situation vs. Frame: The Interactionist and the Structuralist Analyses of
Everyday Life. American Sociological Review, 42:854 867.
Green, Adam Isaiah (2007): Queer Theory and Sociology: Locating the Subject and the Self in Sexuality
Studies. Sociological Theory, 25 (1):2645.
Hood-Williams, John and Wendy Cealey Harrison (1998): Trouble with Gender. The Sociological Review, 46
Jagger, Gill (2008): Judith Butler: Sexual Politics, Social Change and the Power of the Performative. London:
Longhurst, Brian (2007): Cultural Change and Ordinary Life. Maidenhead: Open University Press.
Manning, Philip (1992): Erving Goffman and Modern Sociology. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Poggio, Barbara (2006): Editorial: Outline of a Theory of Gender Practices. Gender, Work and Organization,
13 (3):225233.
Turner, Jonathan H. (2003): The Structure of Sociological Theory (Seventh Edition). Belmont, CA: