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RXPG - Normal Laboratory Values and Ranges For MRCP Question Papers

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7/8/2017 RxPG - Normal Laboratory Values and Ranges For MRCP Question Papers

Normal Laboratory Values and Ranges For MRCP Question Papers

Date: Monday, July 07 @ 04:27:45 IST
Topic: MRCP Part 1

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Full blood count

Haemoglobin (males) 13.0 18.0 g/dL

Haemoglobin (females) 11.5 16.5 g/dL

Haematocrit (males) 0.40 0.52

Haematocrit (females) 0.36 0.47

MCV 80 96 fL

MCH 28 32 pg

MCHC 32 35 g/dL

White cell count 4 11 x 109/L

White cell differential:

Neutrophils 1.5 7 x 109/L

Lymphocytes 1.5 4 x 109/L

Monocytes 0 0.8 x 109/L

Eosinophils 0.04 0.4 x 109/L

Basophils 0 0.1 x 109/L

Platelet count 150 400 x 109/L

Reticulocyte count 25 85 x 109/L OR 0.5 2.4%

Erythrocyte sedimentation rate


Under 50 years:

Males 0 15 mm/1st hr

Females 0 20 mm/1st hr

Over 50 years:

Males 0 20 mm/1st hr

Females 0 30 mm/1st hr

Plasma viscosity (25C) 1.50 1.72 mPa/s

Coagulation Screen

Prothrombin time 11.5 15.5s

International normalised ratio <1.4

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Activated partial thromboplastin time 30 40s

Fibrinogen 1.8 5.4 g/L

Bleeding time 3 8m

Coagulation Factors

Factors II, V, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII 50 150 IU/dL

Factor V Leiden

Von Willebrand factor 45 150 IU/dL

Von Willebrand factor antigen 50 150 IU/dL

Protein C 80 135 IU/dL

Protein S 80 120 IU/dL

Antithrombin III 80 120 IU/dL

Activated protein C resistance 2.12 4.0

Fibrin degradation products < 100 mg/L

D-Dimer screen < 0.5 mg/L


Serum iron 12 30 mol/L

Serum iron-binding capacity 45 75 mol/L

Serum ferritin 15 300 g/L

Serum transferrin 2.0 4.0 g/L

Serum B12 160 760 ng/L

Serum folate 2.0 11.0g/L

Red cell folate 160 640 g/L

Serum haptoglobin 0.13 1.63 g/L

Haemoglobin electrophoresis:

Haemoglobin A > 95%

Haemoglobin A2 2 3%

Haemoglobin F < 2 %


Serum sodium 137 144 mmol/L

Serum potassium 3.5 4.9 mmol/L

Serum chloride 95 107 mmol/L

Serum bicarbonate 20 28 mmol/L

Anion gap 12 16 mmol/L

Serum urea 2.5 7.5 mmol/L

Serum creatinine 60 110 mol/L

Serum corrected calcium 2.2 2.6 mmol/L

Serum phosphate 0.8 1.4 mmol/L

Serum total protein 61 76 g/L

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Serum total protein 61 76 g/L

Serum albumin 37 49 g/L

Serum total bilirubin 1 22 mol/L

Serum conjugated bilirubin 0 3.4 mol/L

Serum alanine aminotransferase 5 35 U/L

Serum aspartate aminotransferase 1 31 U/L

Serum alkaline phosphatase 45 105 U/L (over 14 years)

Serum gamma glutamyl transferase 4 35 U/L (< 50 U/L in males)

Serum lactate dehydrogenase 10 250 U/L

Serum creatine kinase (Males) 24 195 U/L

Serum creatine kinase (Females) 24 170 U/L

Creatine kinase MB fraction < 5%

Serum troponin I 0-0.4 g/L

Serum troponin T 0 0.1 g/L

Serum copper 12 26 mol/L

Serum caeruloplasmin 200 350 mg/L

Serum aluminium 0-10 g/L

Serum magnesium 0.75 1.05 mmol/L

Serum zinc 6 25 mol/L

Serum urate (males) 0.23 0.46 mmol/L

Serum urate (females) 0.19 0.36 mmol/L

Plasma lactate 0.6 1.8 mmol/L

Plasma ammonia 12 55 mol/L

Serum angiotensin-converting enzyme 25 82 U/L

Fasting plasma glucose 3.0 6.0 mmol/L

Haemoglobin A1 C 3.8 6.4%

Fructosamine < 285 mo/L

Serum amylase 60 180 U/L

Plasma osmolality 278 305 mosmol/Kg


Albumin/creatinine ratio (untimed specimen)

<3.5 mg/mmol (males)

<2.5 mg/mmol (females)

Lipids and Lipoproteins

The target levels will vary depending on the patients overall cardiovascular risk assessment.

Serum cholesterol: < 5.2 mmol/L

Serum LDL cholesterol: < 3.36 mmol/L

Serum HDL cholesterol: > 1.55 mmol/L

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Fasting serum triglyceride 0.45 1.69 mmol/L

Blood Gases (breathing air at sea level)

Blood H+ 35 45 nmol/L

pH 7.36 7.44

PaO2 11.3 12.6 kPa

PaCO2 4.7 6.0 kPa

Base excess 2 mmol/L


Non-smoker < 2%

Smoker 3 15%


Adrenal steroids


Serum aldosterone (normal diet)

Upright (4h) 330 830 pmol/L

Supine (30m) 135 400 pmol/L

Serum cortisol:

09.00h 200 700 nmol/L

22.00h 50 250 nmol/L

Overnight dexamethasone suppression test (after 1mg dexamethasone)

Serum cortisol < 50 nmol/l

Low dose dexamethasone suppression test (2 mg/day for 48h)

Serum cortisol < 50 nmol/L

After insulin-induced hypoglycaemia (blood glucose < 2.2 mmol/L)

Serum cortisol > 550 nmol/L and 200 nmol/L greater than baseline

Plasma 11 deoxycortisol 24 46 nmol/L

Serum dehydroepiandrosterone

(09.00) 7 31 nmol/L

Serum dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate:

(Males) 2 10 mol/L

(Females) 3 12 mol/L

Serum androstenedione (adults)

Males 1.6 8.4 nmol/L

Females 0.6 8.8 nmol/L

Post menopausal females 0.9 6.8 nmol/L

Serum 17-hydroxyprogesterone:

Males 1 10 nmol/L

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Follicular 1 10 nmol/L

Luteal 10 20 nmol/L

Serum oestradiol

Males < 180 pmol/L


Post-menopausal < 100 pmol/L

Follicular 200 400 pmol/L

Mid-cycle 400 1200 pmol/L

Luteal 400 1000 pmol/L

Serum progesterone

Males < 6 nmol/L


Follicular < 10 nmol/L

Luteal > 30 nmol/L

Serum testosterone

Males 9 35 nmol/L

Females 0.5 3 nmol/L

Serum dihydrotestosterone

Males 1- 2.6 nmol/L

Females 0.3 9.3 nmol/L

Serum sex hormone binding protein

Males 10 62 nmol/L

Females 40 137 nmol/L


Aldosterone 14 53 nmol/24h

Cortisol 55 250 nmol/24h

Plasma angiotensin II 5 35 pmol/L

Plasma renin activity

Recumbent 1.1 2.7 pmol/ml/h

Erect after 30m 3.0 4.3 pmol/ml/h

Pancreatic and gut hormones

Plasma gastrin < 55 pmol/L

Plasma or serum insulin:

Overnight fasting < 186 pmol/L

After hypoglycaemia

(Blood glucose < 2.2 mmol/L) < 21 pmol/L

Plasma vasoactive intestinal polypeptide < 30 pmol/L

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Plasma pancreatic polypeptide < 300 pmol/L

Plasma glucagon < 50 pmol/L

Anterior pituitary hormones

Plasma adrenocorticotrophic hormone

09.00 < 18 pmol/L

Plasma follicle stimulating hormone

Males 1 7 U/L


Follicular 2.5 10 U/L

Midcycle 25 70 U/L

Luteal 0.32 2.1 U/L

Post-menopausal > 30 U/L

Plasma growth hormone

Basal, fasting and between pulses < 1 mU/L

After hypoglycaemia > 40 mU/L

Plasma luteinizing hormone

Males 1 10 U/L


Follicular 2.5 10 U/L

Midcycle 25 70 U/L

Luteal 1 13 U/L

Post-menopausal > 30 U/L

Plasma prolactin < 360 mU/L

Plasma thyroid stimulating hormone 0.4 5 mU/L

Posterior pituitary hormones

Plasma antidiuretic hormone 0.9 4.6 pmol/L

Thyroid hormones

Plasma thyroid binding globulin 13 28 mg/L

Plasma thyroxine (T4) 58 174 nmol/L

Free T4 10 22 pmol/L

Tri-iodothyronine (T3) 1.07 3.18 nmol/L

Free T3 5 10 pmol/L

Serum TSH receptor antibodies < 7 U/L

Serum antithyroid peroxidase < 50 IU/mL

Serum thyroid receptor antibodies < 10 U/L


(Plasma recumbent with venous catheter in place for 30m prior to collection of sample)

Adrenaline 0.03 1.31 nmol/L

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Adrenaline 0.03 1.31 nmol/L

Noradrenaline 0.47 4.14 nmol/L


Vanillyl mandelic acid 5 35 mol/24h

Dopamine < 3100 nmol/24h

Adrenaline < 144 nmol/24h

Noradrenaline < 570 nmol/24h

Hydroxyindole acetic acid < 70 mol/24h


Plasma parathyroid hormone 0.9 5.4 pmol/L

Plasma calcitonin < 27 pmol/L

Serum cholecalciferol (vitamin D3) 60 105 nmol/L

Serum 25 OH cholecalciferol 45 90 nmol/L

Age-related insulin like growth factor 1

13 15 yrs 9.3 56.0 nmol/L

16 18 yrs 9.3 56.0 nmol/L

20 40 yrs 7.5 37.3 nmol/L

40 60 yrs 5.6 23.3 nmol/L

>60 yrs 3.3 23.3 nmol/L

Immunology / Rheumatology

Complement C3 65 190 mg/dL

Complement C4 15 50 mg/dL

Total haemolytic (CH50) 150 250 U/L

Serum C-reactive protein < 10 mg/L

Serum immunoglobins

IgG 6.0 13.0 g/L

IgA 0.8 3.0 g/L

IgM 0.4 2.5 g/L

IgE <120 kU/L

Serum 2 micro globulin < 3 mg/L

Autoantibodies (all serum)

Adrenal Negative at 1:10 Dil.

Anticentromere antibodies Negative at 1:40 Dil.

Anticardiolipin antibody

IgG 0 23

IgM 0 - 11

Anti double-stranded DNA (ELISA) 0 73 U/mL

Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies

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Anti Proteinase 3 Negative

Anti MPO Negative

Antinuclear antibodies Negative at 1:20 Dil.

ENA Negative

Gastric parietal cells Negative at 1:20 Dil.

Interstitial cells of testis Negative at 1:10 Dil.

Jo-1 Negative

La Negative

Mitochondrial Negative at 1:20 Dil.

RNP Negative

Scl-70 Negative

Ro Negative

Skeletal muscle Negative at 1:60 Dil.

Sm Negative

Smooth muscle Negative at 1:20 Dil.

Thyroid colloid and microcosmal antigens Negative at 1:10 Dil.

Rheumatoid factor < 30 k IU/L

Tumour Markers

Serum alpha-fetoprotein <10 kU/L

Serum carcinoembryonic antigen < 10 g/L

Serum neurone specific enolase < 12 g/L

Serum prostate specific antigen

Males over 40 <4 g/L

Males under 40 <2 g/L

Serum human chorionic gonadotrophin < 5 U/L

Serum CA 125 < 35 U/mL

Serum CA 19 9 < 33 U/mL

Therapeutic Drug Levels

Plasma aminophylline 10 20 g/mL

Plasma carbamazepine 34 51 mol/L

Blood ciclosporin 100 150 nmol/L

Plasma digoxin (taken at least 6h post dose) 1 2 nmol/L

Plasma ethosuximide 280 710 mol/L

Blood gentamicin (peak) 5 7 g/ml

Serum lithium 0.5 1.5 mmol/L

Serum phenobarbital 65 172 mol/L

Serum phenytoin 40 80 mol/L

Serum primidone 23 55 mol/L

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Serum primidone 23 55 mol/L

Plasma theophylline 55 110 mol/L

Cerebro-spinal fluid

Opening pressure 50 180 mm H2O

Total protein 0.15 0.45 g/L

Albumin 0.066 0.442 g/L

Chloride 116 122 mmol/L

Glucose 3.3 4.4 mmol/L

Lactate 1 2 mmol/L

Cell count 5 mL-1


Lymphocytes 60 70%

Monocytes 30 50%

Neutrophils None

IgG/ALB 0.26

IgG index 0.88


Glomerular filtration rate 70 140 mL/min

Total protein < 0.2g/24h

Albumin < 30 mg/24 h

Calcium 2.5 7.5 mmol/24h

Urobilinogen 1.7 5.9 mol/24h

Coproporphyrin < 300 nmol/24h

Uroporphyrin 6 24 nmol/24h

Delta-aminolevulinate 8 53 mol/24h

5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid 10 47 mol/24h

Osmolality 350 1000 mosmol/Kg


Nitrogen 70 140 mmol/24h

Urobilinogen 50 500 mol/24h

Coproporphyrin 0.018 1.2 mol/24h

Coproporphyrin 0.46 mmol/g dry weight

Protoporphyrin 0 4 mol/24h

Protoporphyrin 0 220 nmol/g dry weight

Total porphyrin

(ether soluble) 10 200 nmol/g dry weight

(ether insoluble) 0 24 nmol/g dry weight

Fat (on normal diet) < 7g / 24h

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